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2023-07-31 11:13:40
TAG: 英文 单词


Personal credit record


personal 英 [u02c8pu025c:su0259nl] 美 [u02c8pu025c:rsu0259nl]

.adj. 个人的,私人的; 身体的; 亲自的; 人身攻击的;

n. (报刊上的) 人事栏,分类人事广告版; 人称代名词; 关于个人的简讯;

[例句]He learned this lesson the hard way — from his own personal experience.



个人信用记录即personal credit records,

国家旅游局拟将涉事游客的不良行为(misbehavior)信息通过省旅游协会纳入个人信用记录,有了个人信用不良记录(bad records),今后想跟团出游就“悬”了。



2023-07-31 05:08:145


你好!记录record 英[u02c8reku0254:d] 美[u02c8reku0259rd] n. 唱片; 记录,记载; 档案,履历; 最高纪录; vt. 记录,记载; 标明; 录音; adj. 创纪录的; [例句]Keep a record of all the payments所有付款都要作记录。
2023-07-31 05:08:301


您好! 爸爸:daddy 妈妈:mami 哥哥弟弟:brother 姐姐妹妹: sister 爷爷,外公: grandpa 奶奶,外婆: grandma , 叔叔,伯伯和舅舅,英语全部叫:uncle 阿姨,婶婶和舅妈,英语全部叫: auntie father 父亲 papa, dad 爸爸 daddy 爸 father-in-law 岳父,公公 mother 母亲 mama, mum, ma 妈妈 mummy 妈 mother-in-law 岳母,婆母 son 儿子 daughter 女儿 son-in-law 女婿 daughter-in-law 儿媳 only child 独生子 youngest, youngest child 最小的儿子 eldest child 大儿子
2023-07-31 05:08:492


记录record; mark; register; account; memorize; report; take notes【计】 design development record; posting; REC; record【医】 protocol; reading; register; registration【经】 entry; keeping of record; mark; record; record keeping; records
2023-07-31 05:09:067


记录的英文短语:take notes; keep the minutes; keep an account of; take notes 做记录; keep the minutes 保持会议记录; keep an account of 记录,记载 扩展资料   He drew out his notebook and began to take notes.   他掏出笔记本开始记笔记。   Did you take notes in the class?   你在课堂上做了笔记吗?   Take notes during the consultation as the final written report is very concise.   磋商的时候要作记录,因为最终的书面报告非常简洁。   Take notes by drawing charts and connecting ideas instead of just copying down a list.   通过流程图和思维导图来做笔记,而不是仅仅抄写一个列表。
2023-07-31 05:09:231

记录下 用英语怎么说

回答和翻译如下 :write down记录下 。
2023-07-31 05:09:464


record 英[u02c8reku0254:d] 美[u02c8reku0259rd]vt. 记录,记载; 标明; 录音;例如:can you record my email address你可以记一下我的邮箱地址么?
2023-07-31 05:10:484


记录一下英文:Take note;Record it;notedown。例句:Wait for me to keep a record.等我记录一下 。 扩展资料 英文一般指英语。英语是一种西日耳曼语,在中世纪早期的英国最早被使用,并因其广阔的"殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言。
2023-07-31 05:11:021


打卡记录Punch card records
2023-07-31 05:11:255

"聊天记录" 用英文怎么说?

2023-07-31 05:11:5310


I the most unforgettable thing is the skateboarding.That day, the weather is sunny, I will put up the skateboard to practice. I practice place is a green trees, colorful place as soon as I find the place I ever got a telephone pole, put down the skateboard, practice. Practice for a while, the sky suddenly began to rain, I"ll pack up skateboarding, and his father went to shelter from the rain. After a while, the rain has stopped, I grab pole to practice again, I practice and thought, just is the day of June, doll face -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- change it!This is my most memorable things. 我最难忘的一件事就是练滑板了. 那天,天气晴朗,我就拿出滑板来练.我练习的地方是个绿树成阴的地方我一找到那个地方就从那找了个电线杆,放下滑板,练了起来.练了一会,天上突然下起了雨,我马上收起滑板,和爸爸一起躲雨去了.过了一会,雨停了,我又抓住电线杆练了起来,我边练边想:刚真是六月的天,娃娃的脸----------说变就变! 这就是我最难忘的事.
2023-07-31 05:12:521


take notes
2023-07-31 05:13:154


你的朋友收集了你的记录吗?翻译成英文可以是这样: has your friend collected the record about you ?
2023-07-31 05:14:133


记载的英文是record。记(记)jìㄐㄧˋ ◎把印象保持在脑子里。载 (载) zài 装,用交通工具装:载客。载货。载重。载体。装载。满载而归。 充满:怨声载道。 乃。意思是指把事情记录下来,也指记录事情的文字。记载是一个汉语词语,读音是jìzǎi,意思是指把事情记录下来,也指记录事情的文字,详细解释:记事于书册。示例:管桦《怕水的人》:“趁着夜深人静,我在灯下把它记载下来,便是这个短篇”。记载是一个汉语词语,读音是jì zǎi,意思是指把事情记录下来,也指记录事情的文字。该词语在《书·洛诰》和《容斋三笔·周世宗好杀》等文献均有记载。
2023-07-31 05:14:201

”会议记录”,”记录人员” 用英语怎么说?在线等!

meeting recap/minutestypist
2023-07-31 05:16:104

看记录 英文怎么说

Look at the record卢克啊者瑞而的
2023-07-31 05:17:003


1000 data records
2023-07-31 05:17:103


Talk Time
2023-07-31 05:17:326


英文是:note英[nu0259u028at]释义:n.笔记;音符;票据;注解;纸币;便笺;照会;调子vt.注意;记录;注解n.(Note)(美、法)诺特(人名)[复数:notes;第三人称单数:notes;现在分词:noting;过去式:noted;过去分词:noted]短语:Death Note死亡笔记;死亡笔记本;死亡笔记真人电影版;死亡笔记前篇词语辨析:notice,note,mind,attend这些动词均含“注意”之意。1、notice指对所见、所闻、所感的人或事作出的反应,侧重结果。2、note语气比notice强,指不仅注意到,而且记录下来,侧重注意的认真与仔细。3、mind指用心地去观察,了解某人或某物以达到某一目的,常用于命令句中。4、attend一般用词,侧重专心于某事。
2023-07-31 05:17:471


  会议记录是指在会议过程中,由记录人员把会议的组织情况和具体内容记录下来,就形成了会议记录。英语会议记录要怎么写?本文是我整理的,希望能帮到你。   1   Meeting record   Project name: talk about the PowerPoint   Date of meeting: May 18, 2012   Minutes prepared by: Zhang Huizhuan   Charge time to: 20 minutes   1. Purpose of the meeting   Make the PowerPoint for the topic of business results, and definite the role of the whole presentation   2. Attendance at meeting   Zhang Huizhuan Li Gaojie Qiu Min Li Yajun Zhen Peipei Chen Na Liu Dan Niu Pu   3. Meeting agenda   1 Talk about the member"s order of giving the presentation   2 Definite the part of every member   3 Rehearse the presentation and control the time and order of the whole presentation   4. Meeting notes, decision, issues   Everyone has her task.   Give the prefect logo of the pany;   Zhang Huizhuan are the first spokeswoman,who is prepared for the first part of introduction,   Niu Pu will introduce the pany;   Qiu Min and other three members give a *** all talk;   Li Yajun shows the product and Chen Na shows the sales chart.   Group:dream sky   2   Meeting record   Project name: make the report   Date of meeting: May 13, 2012   Minutes prepared by: Zhang Huizhuan   Charge time to: 20 minutes   1. Purpose of the meeting   Finish the topic of business results and give the report   2. Attendance at meeting   Zhang Huizhuan Li Gaojie Qiu Min Li Yajun Zhen Peipei Chen Na Liu Dan Niu Pu   3. Meeting agenda   1 Definite the responsibility of every member   2 Talk about how to write the report   3 Make the report to the whole one   4. Meeting notes, decision, issues   Niu Pu is in charge for the introduction;   Chen Na and Li Yajun is in charge for ananlysis the chart for sales and market;   The others of the group are responsible for the talk about how to describe the business results   Zhang Huizhuan makes the conclusion; give the chart for the topic and the whole order of the report.   Group: dream sky   3   PANY   Meeting of the Board of Directors to be held on Wednesday, April 3, 2009 at 10:15 A.M. in the The pany   Boardroom   AGENDA   1. Apologies for absence   2. Minutes of the meetings held on March 2, 2009 3. Points arising from minutes as read   4. Report by the Chairman a copy of the report is attached to this agenda 5. Resolution or Motion   6. Date of next meeting   7. To transact any other business that may e before the meeting uf06c Minutes of the monthly meeting of a board of directors   Minutes of the Board of Directors of the XYZ pany held on Wednesday, april3, 2009, at 10:15 A.M. in the pany boardroom. Chairman John Brown presided.   PRESENT: Brad Schaffner Harvard, Cathy Zeljak George Washington, Brian Baird H. F. Group, Diana Brooking Washington, Adam Burling ACRL, Jackie Byrd Indiana, Jared Ingersoll Columbia, Sandra Levy Chicago, Dan Pennell Pitt *** urgh, Janice Pilch Illinois, Emily Ray Yale, Kay Sinnema Library of Congress, Andy Spencer Wisconsin, David Woodruff Getty Research Institute.   APOLOGIES: Apologies for absence were received from Rina Dollinger and Alfred Kessel.   MINUTES: The minutes of the March 2, 2009, meeting were read by the secretary and approved.   REPORT BY CHAIRMAN: The Chairman reported that he had met Mr. Nathan Rosenberg concerning XYZ"s interests in puter software development and the services Mr. Rosenberg is prepared to extend to aid XYZ in developing these interests. For the information of the Chairman, Mr. Rosenberg outlined the growth of the software industry from the time he launched ABC Software pany in 1987 until today.   REPORT BY GENERAL MANAGER:   Thomas Kilroy summarized his detailed discussions with Jay Jefferson, Chief Executive Officer of Hudson Audiovisual Productions “Hudson” and BZN"s interests in audiovisual instructional materials. The classroom use of audiovisual instructional materials in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and other countries of the European Union has been a major educational trend and has had phenomenal growth. A trend that educators in North America and Western Europe predicting is likely to continue.   Since there are many ways that Hudson can help BZN develop an international audiovisual program for use in English-speaking countries and with translation for other parts of the world, Mr. Kilroy made the following proposal, seconded by Nichols Raines, to authorize a feasibility study to cover the following:   a The present educational audiovisual marketplace in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom, and   its potential for expansion. b Present panies operating in this marketplace and their share.   c Growth patterns of different types of audiovisual materials and their potential for continued growth and   change.   REPORT BY MARKETING MANAGER:   Thomas Kilroy gave a summary of a study on the feasibility of acquiring an audiovisual instructional materials pany in North America and the United Kingdom. Results indicate more investigation is needed. - To select the panies that seem to offer the best opportunities to BZN and to investigate the possibility of acquiring them.   - To inquire about the terms of sales from the owners of the panies selected by BZN and report these terms to BZN.   MOTION: Chairman Brown proposed a motion, seconded by Sharon Moretti, that an ad hoc mittee of directors should be instituted to study Mr. Rosenberg"s involvement in greater detail. The board agreed to vote on this motion at the next meeting.   RESOLUTION: A resolution authorizing the pany"s transfer agent to issue new shares was unanimously adopted by all members.   NEXT MEETING: It was agreed that the next meeting will be held on May 2, 2009, at 10:30 A.M., in the pany boardroom.   There being no further business, the meeting closed at 11:45 A.M.
2023-07-31 05:18:071


记日记 [词典] diarize; [例句]埃莉诺开始记日记了。Eleanor began to keep a diary.
2023-07-31 05:18:161


sales record
2023-07-31 05:18:386


write down the trifles of life
2023-07-31 05:18:554

文件发放记录 怎么翻成英文?

Document Service Record
2023-07-31 05:19:068


记录捕捉的英文为record capture。英语(英语:English)是一种西日耳曼语支,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言。英国人的祖先盎格鲁部落是后来迁移到大不列颠岛地区的日耳曼部落之一,称为英格兰。这两个名字都来自波罗的海半岛的Anglia。该语言与弗里斯兰语和下撒克森语密切相关,其词汇受到其他日耳曼语系语言的影响,尤其是北欧语(北日耳曼语),并在很大程度上由拉丁文和法文撰写。英语已经发展了1400多年。英语的最早形式是由盎格鲁-撒克逊人移民于5世纪带到英国的一组西日耳曼语支(Ingvaeonic)方言,被统称为古英语。中古英语始于11世纪末,诺曼征服英格兰;1476年,威廉·卡克斯顿将印刷机介绍给英国,并开始在伦敦出版第一本印刷书籍,扩大了英语的影响力。自17世纪以来,现代英语在英国和美国的广泛影响下在世界各地传播。通过各类这些国家的印刷和电子媒体,英语已成为国际主导语言之一,在许多地区和专业的环境下的语言也有主导地位,例如科学、导航和法律。英语是按照分布面积而言最流行的语言,但母语者数量是世界第三,仅次于汉语、西班牙语。它是学习最广泛的第二语言,是近60个主权国家的官方语言或官方语言之一。与英语为母语的人相比,将其作为第二语言学习的人更多。它是英国、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰等国家的母语,在加勒比海、非洲和南亚被广泛使用。它是联合国、欧洲联盟以及许多其他世界和区域国际组织的官方语言之一。
2023-07-31 05:19:261


问题一:记录下 用英语怎么说 write(record) down。。record本来就有“记录”的意思。 望采纳~~~ 问题二:可以记录一些事情 用英语怎么说? Can record some things 问题三:记录英文怎么写 动词名词都可以是 record 问题四:个人最好记录用英语怎么说 personal best 问题五:检查记录用英文怎么说? checking record 问题六:记录生活英文翻译是什么 记录生活英文翻译 Take a record of life. 问题七:消息记录英文怎么翻译? 如果是消息记录就是news record,但如果是记录消息,就是record news
2023-07-31 05:20:171

数据库中的记录的英文是record 还是 entry?

2023-07-31 05:20:242


2023-07-31 05:20:353


Growth Record成长记录
2023-07-31 05:20:442


问题一:"聊天记录" 用英文怎么说? 聊天记录 :Chat log 问题二:聊天记录的英语怎么说 Chatting records/history. 问题三:聊天记录 的英文是什么 chat record 问题四:请问"qq聊天记录"翻译为英语是什么? 20分 QQ聊天记录 翻译:QQ chat 希望采纳! 问题五:"聊天记录" 用英文怎么说? 聊天记录 :Chat log 问题六:电脑里的聊天记录用英文是怎么写的 The chatting records in the puter. 问题七:聊天记录的英语怎么说 Chatting records/history. 问题八:聊天记录 的英文是什么 chat record 问题九:请问"qq聊天记录"翻译为英语是什么? 20分 QQ聊天记录 翻译:QQ chat 希望采纳!
2023-07-31 05:22:191

记录生活 英文翻译record life正确吗?

2023-07-31 05:22:281


2023-07-31 05:22:363


问题一:会议记录用英语怎么说 Meeting record 问题二:“会议纪要”的英语怎么说? meeting/conference summary 问题三:记录会议纪要 英语怎么说? 记录会议纪要 record minutes of meeting问题四:会议记录用英语怎么说 会议记录meeting memo 会议名称:meeting name 记录人员:recorder 会议时间:meeting time会议场所:meeting location 参加人员:meeting participants 抄送人员:copy to问题五:记录会议记录 短语 英语怎么翻译? 会议的记录是 minutes (名词); 但 minute 也可作为动词, 比如:他为这个会议作记录 - He minutes the proceeding of this meeting. 作为名词:会议开始之前,先宣读了上次的会议记录。 The minutes of the last meeting are read out before the meeting starts. 【英语牛人团】问题六:求问”会议记录”和“记录人员” 用英语怎么说 会议记录: meeting minutes 记录人员:minuted by问题七:会议内容 英语怎么说 meeting content 问题八:“会议纪要”用英文怎么说 顺手采纳答案 会议纪要 的英语是meeting summary 例句: 会议纪要应分发至业主、承包商和监理方。 Meeting summary shall be distributed to the employer, contractor and engine问题九:”会议记录”,”记录人员” 用英语怎么说?在线等! 会议记录meeting memo 会议名称:meeting name 记录人员:recorder 会议时间:meeting time 会议场所:meeting location 参加人员:meeting participants 抄送人员:copy to
2023-07-31 05:22:501

访问记录用英文怎么说 谢谢啦!~~

Visitor Logs 访问记录 Referrer Logs 来源记录 Trip recorder 访问记录 access record 访问记录
2023-07-31 05:22:571


2023-07-31 05:23:072


打卡记录:punching card recordpunch 英 [pu028cn(t)u0283] n. 冲压机;打洞器;钻孔机vt. 开洞;以拳重击
2023-07-31 05:23:141


2023-07-31 05:23:476


I the most unforgettable thing is the skateboarding. That day, the weather is sunny, I will put up the skateboard to practice. I practice place is a green trees, colorful place as soon as I find the place I ever got a telephone pole, put down the skateboard, practice. Practice for a while, the sky suddenly began to rain, I"ll pack up skateboarding, and his father went to shelter from the rain. After a while, the rain has stopped, I grab pole to practice again, I practice and thought, just is the day of June, doll face -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- change it! This is my most memorable things. 我最难忘的一件事就是练滑板了. 那天,天气晴朗,我就拿出滑板来练.我练习的地方是个绿树成阴的地方我一找到那个地方就从那找了个电线杆,放下滑板,练了起来.练了一会,天上突然下起了雨,我马上收起滑板,和爸爸一起躲雨去了.过了一会,雨停了,我又抓住电线杆练了起来,我边练边想:刚真是六月的天,娃娃的脸----------说变就变! 这就是我最难忘的事.
2023-07-31 05:24:031


break the record
2023-07-31 05:24:113

想记录每一个有你的瞬间,这是我的梦想 英文翻译?

This is my real dream to record every moment with you.
2023-07-31 05:24:192


I went to Shanghai with my friends in summer.We visited a lot of places of interest.We also went to the She Mountain.Although it isn"t tall,it is one of the tallest mountain in Shanghai.There were a lot of flowers there.In the south of the area,there was a river.I saw some fishes in the river.The view was very beautiful and the air was fresh.We took a lot of pictures.I had a very good time. 我暑假和朋友去了上海.我们去了很多旅游胜地.我们还去了佘山.虽然他不高,但是他是上海的高山之一.那里有很多花.在南面,还有一条河.我还在河里看到了鱼.风景很美而且空气很新鲜.我们拍了很多照片.我玩的很开心.
2023-07-31 05:24:261


拆除记录的英文短语:Demolition of record demolition n. 拆除(等于demolishment);破坏;毁坏 record n. 记录,记载;唱片;(过去的)经历,履历;纪录,最佳成绩;前科,犯罪记录 v. 记录,记载;录制;发表正式声明;(仪器)标明,显示;取得(成就) 扩展资料   例句:   You can"t deny that the density of the area would make a demolition too risky.   不可否认这个地区的人口密度过大使得拆除工作风险很大。   Many are bereft at the mall"s demolition, as though suffering the death of a pet.   随着商场的.拆毁,好多随之失去,如同痛失爱宠。   This usually requires multiple attempts as you try different demolition strategies.   一般而言你需要尝试多种不同的破坏策略,试上个几遍才能过关。   The record was a bootleg.   这张唱片是私货。   Last summer was the wettest on record.   去年夏天是有记录以来降雨量最大的。   She set out to break the world record.   她一心努力要打破世界纪录。
2023-07-31 05:24:331


2023-07-31 05:25:021

聊天记录翻译成英文是什么 ?

2023-07-31 05:25:161


we look from our window and see, as we say
2023-07-31 05:25:242


2023-07-31 05:25:431


2023-07-31 05:25:546

历史的见证,永恒的记录 用英文怎么翻译急!!

a witness of history, a record of eternity.
2023-07-31 05:26:114

使用记录表。 使用记录。 翻译成英文

operating listoperating record
2023-07-31 05:26:212


2023-07-31 05:26:313