barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-05-19 18:38:40




1. 一般的名词词尾直接加-s 。如:

book → books room → rooms

house → houses day → days

2. 以s, x, ch, sh结尾的名词,在词尾加-es 。如:

bus → buses box → boxes

watch → watches dish → dishes

3. 以"辅音字母+y"结尾的名词,要先将y改为i再加-es。如:

city → cities body → bodies

factory → factories

4. 以o结尾的名词,通常有生命的加es无生命的加s。如:

Negroes and heroes like eating tomatoes and potatoes.黑人英雄爱吃土豆西红柿。

piano→ pianos radio→radios photos

5.以f 或fe 结尾的名词,要将f或fe改为v再加-es。如:

half → halves leaf → leaves

knife → knives wife → wives


男人女人a变e, man→men woman→women

鹅足牙oo变ee, goose→geese foot→feet tooth→teeth

老鼠虱子也好记,ous变ic, mouse→mice louse→lice

孩子加上ren,鱼鹿绵羊不用变。 child→children fish→fish deer→deer sheep→sheep


[1] 1.不可数名词没有复数,当它作句子的主语时,谓语动词要用单数形式。

如:The food is very fresh. 食品很新鲜。

2. 有的不可数名词也可以作可数名词,有复数形式,但他们的意义往往发生变化。

如:water (水) → waters (水域)

orange (橘汁) → oranges (橘子)

3. 很多的不可数名词表示泛指时为不可数,表示种类时就可数,但意义大多不发生变化。

如:fruit → fruits food → foods

fish → fishes hair → hairs

最常见的不可数名词有:baggage, change(零钱), furniture, hair, homework, information, knowledge, luggage, money, news, progress, traffic ,beef,mutton,broccoli,orange(橘子,橘子汁,橙色)

其它不可数名词还有:absence, age, anger, courage, energy, equipment, experience, failure, fear, food, fun, health, ice, industry, kindness, labour, luck, marriage, music, nature, paper, peace, pleasure, power, pride, rain, research, respect, safety, salt, sand, silence, sleep, strength, snow, technology, time, trade, transport, travel, trust, truth, waste, water, wealth, weather, wind, work(工作)









2023-01-08 05:28:306


  equipment通常用作名词,有设备;装备;器材的意思。那么你知道equipment是否可数名词吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    equipment词语用法:   equipment是不可数名词,不能说equipments或an equipment,“一件设备”应说a piece of equipment。   equipment的意思是“设备,装备”,指的是用于某种特殊〔专门〕用途或特殊目的(研究、工作、战争等)所需要的全套设备,如装备、器械、仪表等,尤用来指实用或技术性的装备、设备。   equipment用于比喻是“知识,才能”的意思,其后面可接动词不定式,不接介词和 v -ing。    equipment英语例句:   1. I get very nervous because I"m using a lot of expensive equipment.   因为正在使用很多昂贵的设备,所以我非常紧张。   2. Customs officials have made a series of contradictory statements about theequipment.   海关官员们对这种设备作出了一系列互相矛盾的陈述。   3. Having the right equipment at hand will be enormously helpful.   手头上有合适的设备将会帮上大忙。   4. Police keep track of the kidnapper using electronic surveillance equipment.   警方利用电子监视设备跟踪绑架者。   5. As the equipment was unpacked, I led Lee around the overgrown garden.   取出设备后,我带着李在花草蔓生的花园里转了一圈。   6. Equipment must be supervised if children are in the house.   如果孩子们在屋里,必须有人监管设备。   7. Within five hours, the equipment will be humming away again.   用不了5小时,设备就又能嗡嗡地运转了。   8. He was found by a police helicopter using thermal imaging equipment.   一架警用直升机借助热成像设备找到了他。   9. Their health-care system suffers from queues, shortages and ropeyequipment.   他们的医疗体系有很多不足:要排队等候,资源短缺,设备陈旧。   10. Suppliers add computer consumables, office equipment and furniture to their product range.   供货商在其产品范围中增加了计算机耗材、办公设备和家具。   11. They emphasised that their equipment was for peaceful and not military purposes.   他们强调他们的设备用于和平而非战争目的。   12. Better driv-ing equipment will improve track adhesion in slippery conditions.   较好的驾驶设备能够提升在湿滑路面上的抓地力。   13. This led Zagreb"s twin town, Mainz, to donate £70,000-worth of high-qualityequipment.   这使得萨格勒布的友好城市美因茨捐赠了价值7万英镑的高品质装备。   14. The equipment was taken down the shaft in pieces.   该设备被拆卸成几部分送下了井。   15. Every second her equipment was off line cost the company money.   她的设备每停产一秒钟,公司都要损失钱。
2023-01-08 05:29:191


n.设备,装备; 器材,配件; (工作必需的)知识,素养;equipment是不可数名词,作“装备”,“设备”解.不能说equipments或an equipment例如:The building is supplied with modern office equipment.这幢楼配备了现代化的办公设备.You will be satisfied with the kitchen equipment here.你一定会对这里的厨卫设备感到满意.I need three pieces of equipment.我需要三件设备.We have lots of factories with modern equipment.我们拥有许多设备现代化的工厂.Radar equipment helps us a lot in our daily life.雷达装置在日常生活中颇有用处.下列名词常用作不可数名词:accommodation,advice,baggage,behavior,bread,cash,cloth,clothing,coal,equipment,fun,furniture,grass,harm,information,ink,knowledge,labour,laughter,leisure,luck,lightning,living,luggage,machinery,meat,money,news,paper,permission,popularity,progress,rice,scenery,soap,sugar,tea,traffic,travel,trouble,thunder,weather,work等.
2023-01-08 05:29:251


2023-01-08 05:29:318


2023-01-08 05:30:053

equipment 可数吗

[说明]equipment是不可数名词,作“装备”,“设备”解.不能说equipments或an equipment.例如:The building is supplied with modern office equipment.这幢楼配备了现代化的办公设备.You will be satisfied with the...
2023-01-08 05:30:231

equipment 是不可数名词,为什么还有复数形式equipments?

2023-01-08 05:30:293


equipment意思是:设备。英 [ɪ"kwɪpmənt]     美 [ɪ"kwɪpmənt]    n. 设备;装备;器材。The government has an interest in importing scientific equipment.政府对引进科学设备非常感兴趣。We should make a better use of the existing equipment.我们应该更好地利用现有设备。语法:equipment的意思是“设备,装备”,指的是用于某种特殊〔专门〕用途或特殊目的(研究、工作、战争等)所需要的全套设备,如装备、器械、仪表等,尤用来指实用或技术性的装备、设备。equipment是不可数名词,不能说equipments或an equipment,“一件设备”应说a piece of equipment。equipment用于比喻是“知识,才能”的意思,其后面可接动词不定式,不接介词和 v -ing。
2023-01-08 05:30:411

equipment 不可数名词,为什么还有复数形式equipments?

2023-01-08 05:30:541


electrical appliance 和 electrical equipment都可以
2023-01-08 05:31:003


Equipment 是不可数名词,表示个体时,要用名词或者量词来表数量概念,应该是否 a piece of equipment
2023-01-08 05:31:131


2023-01-08 05:31:202


2023-01-08 05:31:285


equipment 和 facility 都可译作“设备”,“器材”,但equipment 是不可熟名词,指用于某一特殊目的的东西,供给品,装备等.如: a completer of equipment an important piece of equipment basic kitchen equipment stereo equipment facility 是可数名词,常用复数形式.facilities指为一特殊活动或目的所提供的种种便利,包括设备、建筑物和服务等等.如: production facilities facilities for study facilities for travel sports facilities
2023-01-08 05:31:491

apparatus 和 equipment 这两个单词有什么区别(用法啊意思啊之类的)

2023-01-08 05:31:551


  equipment我们都知道是一个名词,其所具有的可数性与用法我们一起来看看。以下是我给大家带来equipment的可数性与用法详解,以供大家参阅。   equipment的可数性以及相关用法搭配   1. 表示“装备”“设备”“配备”,为表总称的不可数名词。如:   We have all the equipment we need now. 我们需要的设备现在都有了。   His firm supplied kitchen equipment. 他的公司供应厨房设备。   若要表示一件或几件设备,可借助单位词 piece或item。如:   He carried a number of pieces of equipment with him. 他带有许多件设备。   This is a very useful item of equipment. 这是一件非常有用的设备。   若表示“一套设备”,则用a set of equipment。   2. 表示做某事的设备,其后通常接for doing sth。如:   It"s a set of equipment for playing a game. 这是一套玩游戏的设备。   We need an item of high-tech equipment for keeping the temperature steady. 我们需要一件保持温度稳定的高科技设备。   A fire-engine is a special vehicle carrying equipment for fighting large fires. 消防车是一种装载有消灭大火灾设备的特殊交通工具。   3. 注意以下有用搭配:   sports equipment 体育器材 farm equipment 农用设备   heating equipment 供暖设备 radar equipment 雷达装置   office equipment 办公设备 safety equipment 安全设备   equipment的英语例句   1. I get very nervous because I"m using a lot of expensive equipment.   因为正在使用很多昂贵的设备,所以我非常紧张。   2. Customs officials have made a series of contradictory statements about the equipment.   海关官员们对这种设备作出了一系列互相矛盾的陈述。   3. Having the right equipment at hand will be enormously helpful.   手头上有合适的设备将会帮上大忙。   4. Police keep track of the kidnapper using electronic surveillance equipment.   警方利用电子监视设备跟踪绑架者。   5. As the equipment was unpacked, I led Lee around the overgrown garden.   取出设备后,我带着李在花草蔓生的花园里转了一圈。   6. Equipment must be supervised if children are in the house.   如果孩子们在屋里,必须有人监管设备。   7. Within five hours, the equipment will be humming away again.   用不了5小时,设备就又能嗡嗡地运转了。   8. He was found by a police helicopter using thermal imaging equipment.   一架警用直升机借助热成像设备找到了他。   9. Their health-care system suffers from queues, shortages and ropey equipment.   他们的医疗体系有很多不足:要排队等候,资源短缺,设备陈旧。   10. Suppliers add computer consumables, office equipment and furniture to their product range.   供货商在其产品范围中增加了计算机耗材、办公设备和家具。   11. They emphasised that their equipment was for peaceful and not military purposes.   他们强调他们的设备用于和平而非战争目的。   12. Better driv-ing equipment will improve track adhesion in slippery conditions.   较好的驾驶设备能够提升在湿滑路面上的抓地力。   13. This led Zagreb"s twin town, Mainz, to donate £70,000-worth of high-quality equipment.   这使得萨格勒布的友好城市美因茨捐赠了价值7万英镑的高品质装备。   14. The equipment was taken down the shaft in pieces.   该设备被拆卸成几部分送下了井。   15. Every second her equipment was off line cost the company money.
2023-01-08 05:32:021


2023-01-08 05:32:082


2023-01-08 05:32:176


equipment的意思是:设备; 器材; 配备; 装备;音标:英[ɪˈkwɪpmənt]美[ɪˈkwɪpmənt][例句]The plant was dismantled of all its equipment and furniture.这家工厂的设备和家具全被拆除了。1、equipment,装备。读音:美/ɪˈkwɪpmənt/;英/ɪˈkwɪpmənt/。2、释义:n.设备,装备;器材。3、例句:This electrical equipment was donated by the sponsor.这台电器设备是赞助商捐赠的。equipment和facilities的区别是:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、意思不同1、equipment的意思是:设备;器材;配备;装备例句:he equipment is of our own manufacture. 这设备是我们自己制造的。2、facilities 的意思是:设施;设备;(机器等的) 特别装置; (服务等的) 特色; (供特定用途的) 场所例句:These facilities have benefited the whole town.这些设施使全城受益。二、用法不同1、equipment:不可数名词,“一件设备”应说a piece of equipment。用于比喻是“知识,才能”的意思,其后面可接动词不定式,不接介词和 v -ing。2、facilities:名词facility的复数形式,是可数名词,常用复数形式。
2023-01-08 05:32:441

equipment 可数吗

不能说equipments或an equipment。 例如:The building is supplied with modern office equipment. 这幢楼配备了现代化的办公设备。 You will be satisfied with the kitchen equipment here. 你一定会对这里的厨卫设备感到满意。 I need three pieces of equipment. 我需要三件设备。We have lots of factories with modern equipment.我们拥有许多设备现代化的工厂。Radar equipment helps us a lot in our daily life.雷达装置在日常生活中颇有用处。 下列名词常用作不可数名词:accommodation, advice, baggage, behavior, bread, cash, cloth, clothing, coal, equipment, fun, furniture, grass, harm, information, ink, knowledge, labour, laughter, leisure, luck, lightning, living, luggage, machinery, meat, money, news, paper, permission, popularity, progress, rice, scenery, soap, sugar, tea, traffic, travel, trouble, thunder, weather, work等。
2023-01-08 05:32:561


不知道,反正网上有复数equipments,但牛津上说是[U],不可数名词信权威的吧,应该是不可数的,至于用法,楼下说的对,就是a piece of equipment。
2023-01-08 05:33:012


2023-01-08 05:33:101


2023-01-08 05:33:164

equipment可数还是不可数? 本人没时间查字典了!似乎记得EQUIPMENT是不可数?

我成功地通过考试并得到了这份工作. equipment [说明]equipment是不可数名词,作“装备”,“设备”解.不能说equipments或an equipment. 例如:The building is supplied with modern office equipment. ...
2023-01-08 05:33:311


equipment和facilities的区别是:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、意思不同1、equipment的意思是:设备;器材;配备;装备例句:he equipment is of our own manufacture. 这设备是我们自己制造的。2、facilities 的意思是:设施;设备;(机器等的) 特别装置; (服务等的) 特色; (供特定用途的) 场所例句:These facilities have benefited the whole town.这些设施使全城受益。二、用法不同1、equipment:不可数名词,“一件设备”应说a piece of equipment。用于比喻是“知识,才能”的意思,其后面可接动词不定式,不接介词和 v -ing。2、facilities:名词facility的复数形式,是可数名词,常用复数形式。三、侧重点不同1、equipment:多指成套的或重型的设备或装备。2、facilities:侧重于指可供使用的设备或设施。
2023-01-08 05:34:031

equipment intrusment分别可数么?

2023-01-08 05:34:402


equipment和facilities的区别是:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、意思不同1、equipment的意思是:设备;器材;配备;装备例句:he equipment is of our own manufacture. 这设备是我们自己制造的。2、facilities 的意思是:设施;设备;(机器等的) 特别装置; (服务等的) 特色; (供特定用途的) 场所例句:These facilities have benefited the whole town.这些设施使全城受益。二、用法不同1、equipment:不可数名词,“一件设备”应说a piece of equipment。用于比喻是“知识,才能”的意思,其后面可接动词不定式,不接介词和 v -ing。2、facilities:名词facility的复数形式,是可数名词,常用复数形式。三、侧重点不同1、equipment:多指成套的或重型的设备或装备。2、facilities:侧重于指可供使用的设备或设施。
2023-01-08 05:34:496


英汉翻译 英英翻译 gear [gi�0�5] n. 齿轮,传动装置,工具,用具v. 以齿轮连起,配搭活动,安排[ 过去式geared 过去分词geared 现在分词gearing 第三人称单数gears ] 英汉翻译 英英翻译 equipment [i"kwipm�0�5nt] n. 设备,装备
2023-01-08 05:35:242


2023-01-08 05:35:332


我觉得是is,equipment是不可数名词,分数或百分数+名词 要看of后面的名词选择谓语动词. population是集合名词,所以还要看具体情况哦.
2023-01-08 05:35:421

facility / equipment / device 的区别

facility设施 equipment设备 device装置 我才刚上初二,我只知道意思,不知道怎么区分
2023-01-08 05:35:483


equipment usually means tools for a particular purpose: for example, "sports equipment."A device is something that has been invented.A facility is usually a place where some activity takes place: for example, a hospital is a "medical facility" and a prison can be called a "correctional facility."A machine is anything that human beings construct that uses energy to accomplish a task: for example, a water wheel, an internal combustion engine, or a computer.An installment is one of several parts of something that becomes complete in time: for example, paying a loan on an installment plan, or publishing a story in weekly installments. An appliance is usually a piece of equipment used around the house, like a vacuum cleaner or a clothes dryer.
2023-01-08 05:36:013

apparatus 和 equipment 这两个单词有什么区别(用法啊意思啊之类的)

2023-01-08 05:36:161

all the equipment is 还是 are

2023-01-08 05:36:311

facility 和equipment的比较

facility是公共基础设备,提供方便的一般是公有的(可数) equipment是指装备, 设备, 器材, 装置, (一般用作不可数名词,但表示各种各样装备又是可数的)
2023-01-08 05:36:411


equipment ,device
2023-01-08 05:36:474


C equipment为不可数名词,表示复数要在前面加上数量词。
2023-01-08 05:37:051


2023-01-08 05:37:112


架子鼓的英文:Drum Kitkit 读法  英 [kɪt] 美 [kɪt] 1、n(名词). 工具箱;成套工具2、v(动词). 装备短语1、carpenter"s kit 木工用具2、cosmetic  kit  化妆用品盒3、first-aid kit 急救箱4、beauty kit 化妆用品5、tool kit 工具箱扩展资料kit 近义词 equipment词语用法1、equipment的意思是“设备,装备”,指的是用于某种特殊〔专门〕用途或特殊目的(研究、工作、战争等)所需要的全套设备,如装备、器械、仪表等,尤用来指实用或技术性的装备、设备。2、equipment是不可数名词,不能说equipments或an equipment,“一件设备”应说a piece of equipment。3、equipment用于比喻是“知识,才能”的意思,其后面可接动词不定式,不接介词和 v -ing。词汇搭配1、destroy equipment 毁坏设备2、improve the equipment 改善设备3、install equipment 安装设备4、modernize equipment 使设备现代化5、repair equipment 修理设备6、standardize equipment 使设备标准化
2023-01-08 05:37:2111


电子设备如手机平板可以用equipmentequipment 可译作“设备”,“器材”,是不可数名词,指用于某一特殊目的的东西,供给品,装备等。如: a completer of equipment an important piece of equipmentdevice 装置,设计,策略,设备 这个既可以是抽象的,也可以是具体的 They use television advertising as a device for stimulating demand. 他们利用电视广告作为刺激需求的方法。
2023-01-08 05:38:121

ten pieces of equipment 是不可数名词,所以不能选A, 2.two black coffees 和下文three green teas 在形式上对应.
2023-01-08 05:38:181


device名词 n. [C]可数1.设备,仪器,装置The television receiver is an electronic device. 电视接收器是一种电子装置。 2.手段;谋略;诡计She got the information by some device. 她运用某种手段获取了情报。 3.(贵族用)纹章,图案语法标注解释 appliance英音:[ə"plaiəns]美音:[ə"plaɪəns] appliance名词 n. [C]1.器具,用具;装置,设备The kitchen is equipped with modern appliances. 这间厨房里安装了各种现代化设备。 2.【罕】使用,应用[the S][(+of)]3.救火车名词 n. [U]equipment1.配备,装备The complete equipment of the new hospital will take a year. 把这个新医院的设备配齐要化一年时间。 2.设备;器械;用具The store sells tents and other camping equipment. 这家商店出售帐篷和其他野营用具。 3.才能,知识;素养We never doubted his equipment for this important position. 我们对他担任这一要职的能力从未怀疑过。
2023-01-08 05:38:241


含义区别: equipment 指设备,装备;器材,如: processing equipment 工艺设备;electrical equipment 电气设备,电力设备,电器设备。 facility 是可数名词,常用复数形式。facilities指为一特殊活动或目的所提供的种种便利,包括设备、建筑物和服务。 扩展资料   用法区别:   1、 equipment 多指成套的或重型的设备或装备,不光包括电子设备,还包含相关的工具。如 :   cycling and diving equipment, 指自行车和潜水装备,其中可能包括服装、自行车灯、潜水眼镜、呼吸器等物品。   2、facilities常用复数形式,指可供使用的.设备或设施。   是否可数名词区别:   1、equipment 表示 “特定活动所需的设备、器械”,是不可数名词。 “Equipment” 通常指 “成套的,不只一件的设备”。   a piece of equipment一件设备;   The plant was dismantled of all its equipment and furniture.这家工厂的设备和家具全被拆除了。   2、facilities,可数名词,常用复数形式,指可供使用的设备或设施。   Medical facilities are being reorganized and upgraded.正在对医疗设施进行重组和升级。
2023-01-08 05:38:301

some electrical equipments have been turned off。谓语为什么要用复数。equipment不是不可数名词吗?

2023-01-08 05:38:362


furniture不可数名词 一件家具:a piece of furniture 一套家具:a set of furniture 英语中象这样的词有:information,equipment,news等 a piece of equipment(一件设备)
2023-01-08 05:39:011


我成功地通过考试并得到了这份工作。 equipment [说明]equipment是不可数名词,作“装备”,“设备”解。不能说equipments或an equipment。 例如:The building is supplied with modern office equipment. 这幢楼配备了现代化的办公设备。 You will be satisfied with the kitchen equipment here. 你一定会对这里的厨卫设备感到满意。 I need three pieces of equipment. 我需要三件设备。
2023-01-08 05:39:111

sport equipments和sports equipment 的区别

sport equipments和sports equipment 的区别:答案:equipment是不可数名词,第一种表达错误!第二个正确!————————————————希望给你一个满意的回答!
2023-01-08 05:39:231

“设备维护”的英文应该是“equipment maintenance”还是“equipments maintenance”?

2023-01-08 05:39:295

apparatus equipment 有什么区别

2023-01-08 05:39:513


2023-01-08 05:40:021