barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-30 20:49:42









2023-07-30 16:41:482

托盘 英文

托盘英文:tray。一、拓展资料tray,英语单词,主要作为名词,译为“托盘;文件盒;隔底匣;(无线电的)发射箱”。单词用法:柯林斯英汉双解大词典:tray /treu026a/ CET4 TEM4 ( trays )N-COUNT A tray is a flat piece of wood, plastic, or metal, which usually has raised edges and which is used for carrying things, especially food and drinks. 托盘短语搭配:candy tray 糖果盘 ; 糖因盘 ; 果盘 ; 皮糖盘。cable tray 电缆槽 ; 电缆盘 ; 电缆桥架 ; 电缆托架。component tray 组件栏 ; 组件匣 ; 组件托盘 ; 元件匣二、双语例句:1、What do I do with the tray afterwards? 这个托盘用来做什么?2、It"s not important because you have only one tray icon. 它并不是很重要,因为你只有一个托盘图标。3、It has not only everything what you need, but it loads fast, sits quietly in the system tray until needed. 它不仅有你所需要的一切,并且但它加载快,静静地坐落在系统托盘中,直到需要。
2023-07-30 16:41:581


tray 英[treu026a] 美[tre] n. 托盘; 盘子; 浅盘; 满盘; [例句]A waiter entered with a tray侍者端着托盘进来了。[其他] 复数:trays
2023-07-30 16:42:253


  托盘用于集装、堆放、搬运和运输的放置作为单元负荷的货物和制品的水平平台装置。作为与集装箱类似的一种集装设备,托盘现已广泛应用于生产、运输、仓储和流通等领域,被认为是20世纪物流产业中两大关键性创新之一。那么你知道托盘用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。   托盘的英语说法1:   tray    托盘的英语说法2:   salver    托盘的英语说法3:   pallet    托盘的相关短语:   托盘包装 palletizing ; Pallet package ; palletizing package   网箱托盘 Grille Box Pallets   运输托盘 Pallet   竹托盘 bamboopallets ; bamboo tray   标准托盘 Standard pallet   托盘吊索 pallet sling    托盘的英语例句:   1. Use shells to decorate boxes, trays, mirrors or even pots.   用贝壳来装点盒子、托盘、镜子甚至是花盆。   2. I watched as he got a tray and joined the queue.   我看着他拿了个托盘排起了队。   3. A man came round with a tray of chocolates.   一名男子端着一托盘巧克力走过来。   4. She deposited the loaded tray.   她把满满的托盘放下。   5. A waiter entered with a tray.   侍者端着托盘进来了。   6. She set a tray down on the table.   她把托盘放到桌上。   7. He brought her breakfast in bed on a tray.   他把早餐用托盘给她送到床上。   8. There were two glasses of champagne on the tray.   托盘里有两杯香槟酒.   9. A waitress came in, carrying tea on a tray.   一名女侍者走进来, 手端放着茶的托盘.   10. A broken salver can be cemented.   碎托盘能被粘起来.   11. A maid came to take away the tray.   一个女仆进来拿走了托盘.   12. After a while their mother was back, holding a tray of glasses that fizzed.   过了一会儿他们的母亲回来了,用托盘端着一杯杯嘶嘶冒泡的饮料。   13. Winston and Syme pushed their trays beneath the grille.   温斯顿跟赛姆便把托盘推到铁栅下.   14. A crane was already unloading crates and pallets.   起重机已经开始卸载板条箱和托盘了。   15. During the party there was always a grog tray in the library.   在聚会期间,图书室里总放着一托盘的兑了水的烈性酒.
2023-07-30 16:42:331


2023-07-30 16:42:511


2023-07-30 16:43:131

帮忙英译汉~产品的保管说明 急在线等

2023-07-30 16:43:336

pallets和tray 的区别

palletsn.托盘( pallet的名词复数 );平台; 运货板; 草垫子; tray[英][treu026a][美][tre]n.盘子; 托盘; 浅盘; 满盘; She served coffee in a silver tray. 她用银色的托盘端来了咖啡
2023-07-30 16:43:582

push in trays

2023-07-30 16:44:254

baking tray是什么意思

baking tray 英[u02c8beikiu014b trei]美[u02c8beku026au014b tre]n. 焙烤浅盘名词复数:baking trays[例句]Lay them out on greaseproof paper in a baking tray and put them in the freezer.把草莓放在焙烤浅盘中的不透油的纸上,放入冰箱中。
2023-07-30 16:44:481


酒吧器具的相关知识   酒吧器具的相关知识   一、酒杯(Glasses)   酒杯是用来盛放酒水的容器,是直接供客人使用的。   酒杯有一般平光 玻 璃杯、刻花 玻 璃杯和水晶 玻 璃杯等。根据酒杯的档次每一种杯都有许多不同的样式。   酒杯的容量习惯用盎司(OZ)来计算,现在又统一按毫升(ml)来计算,1盎司=28毫升。   酒杯的主要类型有:   烈酒杯(shot glass)。其容量规格一般为56毫升,用于各种烈性酒。只限于在净饮(不加冰)的时候使用(喝白兰地除外)。   古典杯(old fashioned or rock glass)。其容量规格一般为224~280毫升,大多用于喝加冰块的酒和净饮威士忌酒,有些鸡尾酒也使用这种酒杯。   果汁杯(juice glass)。容量规格一般为168毫升,喝各种果汁时使用。   高杯(highball glass)。容量规格一般为224毫升,用于特定的鸡尾酒或混合饮料,有时果汁也用高球杯。   柯林杯(collins)。容量规格一般为280毫升,用于各种烈酒加汽水等软饮料、各类汽水、矿泉水和一些特定的`鸡尾酒(如各种长饮)。   浅碟型香槟杯(champagne saucer)。容量规格一般为126毫升,用于喝香槟和某些鸡尾酒。   郁金香型香槟杯(champagne tulip)。容量规格为126毫升,只用于喝香槟酒。   白兰地杯(brandy snifter)。容量规格为224~336毫升,净饮白兰地酒时使用。   水杯(water glass)。容量规格为280毫升,喝冰水和一般汽水时使用。   啤酒杯(pilsner)。容量规格为280毫升,餐厅里喝啤酒用。在酒吧中,女士们常用这种杯喝啤酒。   扎啤杯(beer mug)。在酒吧中一般喝生啤酒用。   鸡尾酒杯(cocktail glass)。容量规格为98毫升,调制鸡尾酒以及喝鸡尾酒时使用。   餐后甜酒杯(liqueur glass或cordial glass)。容量规格为35毫升,用于喝各种餐后甜酒、鸡尾酒、天使之吻鸡尾酒等。   白葡萄酒杯(white wine glass)。容量规格为98毫升,喝白葡萄酒时使用。   红葡萄酒杯(red wine glass)。容量规格为224毫升,喝红葡萄酒时使用。   些厘酒杯(sherry glass)。容量规格为56毫升或112毫升,专门用于喝雪利酒。   波特酒杯(port wine glass)。容量规格为56毫升,专门用于喝波特酒。   特饮杯(hurricane)。容量规格为336毫升,喝各种特色鸡尾酒。   酸酒杯(whisky sour)。容量规格为112毫升,喝酸威士忌鸡尾酒时使用。   爱尔兰咖啡杯(Irish coffee)。容量规格为210毫升,喝爱尔兰咖啡时使用。   果冻杯(sherbert)。容量规格为98毫升,吃果冻、冰淇淋时使用。   苏打杯(soda glass)。常用容量规格为448毫升,用于吃冰淇淋。   水罐(water pitcher)。容量规格为1000毫升,装冰水、果汁用。   滤酒器(decanter)。有好几种规格,如168毫升、500毫升、1000毫升等,用于过滤红葡萄酒或出售散装红、白葡萄酒。   二、其他调酒用具   酒吧用具很多,应根据酒吧的需要选用。   酒吧开刀(waiter"s knife,俗称waiter"s friend)。用于开起红、白葡萄酒的木塞,也可用于开汽水瓶、果汁罐头。   开塞钻(cork screw)。用于开起红、白葡萄酒酒瓶的木塞。   量杯(量酒器)(jigger)。用于度量酒水的分量。   滤冰器(strainer)。调酒时用于过滤冰块。   开瓶器(bottle opener)。用于开启汽水、啤酒瓶盖。   开罐器(can opener)。用于开启各种果汁、淡奶等罐头。   酒吧匙(bar spoon)。分大、小两种,用于调制鸡尾酒或混合饮料。   调酒壶(shaker)。用于调制鸡尾酒,按容量分大、中、小3种型号。   调酒杯(mixing glass):用于调制鸡尾酒。    砧 板(cutting board):用于切水果等装饰物。   果刀(fruit knife):切水果等装饰物。   叉子(relish fork):用来叉洋葱或水 橄 榄等装饰物。   剥皮器(zest):。   倒酒器(pourer):用于倒酒。   鸡尾酒签(cocktail pick):穿装饰物用。   挤柠 檬 器(lemon squeezer):挤新鲜柠 檬 汁用。   吸管(straw):客人喝饮料时用。   杯垫(coaster):垫杯用。   冰夹(ice tong):夹冰块用。   柠 檬 夹(lemon tongs):夹柠 檬 片用。   冰铲(ice container):装冰块用。   宾治盆(punch bowl):装什锦水果宾治或冰块用。   酒桶(ice bucket或wine cooler):客人饮用白葡萄酒或香槟酒时作冰镇用。   漏斗(funnel):倒果汁、饮料用。   倒酒器(pourer):用于倒酒,以控制倒酒量。   香槟塞(champagne bottle shutter):打开香槟后,用作瓶塞。   托盘及收费盘(cork-lined serving trays):托盘用于酒吧服务员对顾客的服务,有lo英寸和14英寸两种。收费盘供服务员收费之用。 ;
2023-07-30 16:44:581


2023-07-30 16:45:061


在垂直耕作的一个变化,已发展为在堆叠的托盘,在轨道上移动的植物。 不知道翻译是否正确!如果合适的话你就采纳!!
2023-07-30 16:45:162


ice-cube trays
2023-07-30 16:45:393

谁能帮我有语法的翻译这篇文章! 速度一点啊。

2023-07-30 16:45:493


2023-07-30 16:45:583


我第一天在monk"s house 工作时,发现了一件相当奇怪的事情。这座房子的地板特别薄,浴室恰好在厨房的正上方,当伍尔夫夫人早餐前正在洗澡的时候,我可以听到她的自言自语。她一直在不停地说,不停地说,不断地自己问自己问题,又自己回答问题。我认为肯定有两三个人跟她在一起。后来,伍尔夫先生解释说伍尔夫太太总是会大声说出她在夜晚写了些什么。她需要知道她所写的东西听起来是否正确,而浴室正是这样一个检验其正确性的的好地方。在这里他们不允许我煮咖啡---伍尔夫夫妇每天早上八点钟进厨房煮咖啡。当我们把早餐盘端到伍尔夫夫人的房间时我注意到在她的床旁边有笔和纸,这样在她醒来的时候可以创作,而且有她看起来似乎没睡过多少觉。伍尔夫夫人的卧室在房子外的花园里。我常常想在下雨天,去睡觉肯定要往外走,这该有多么不便啊。她的卧室在房子的后面,门对着花园,窗户外对着的是田地。由于这间写作室比较小,伍尔夫先生就为她在花园的尽头靠着教堂的墙的地方建了一间更大点儿的。我总能记得她只是在每天的午饭时间才走出那间写作室:她常常沿着花园走,吸一根她喜欢的香烟。她又高又瘦,很优雅,有一双大大的深陷下去的眼睛。她穿着时下流行的长裙,同样颜色的丝质夹克衫。
2023-07-30 16:46:093

the loaded trays i carried felt heavier and heavier怎么分析

the loaded trays 主语i carried 修饰主语的宾语从句felt 谓语动词heavier and heavier 表语
2023-07-30 16:46:171


2023-07-30 16:46:591


  马上就要过年啦!小伙伴们开心吗?英语栏目为您带来“盘子的英语说法及例句”,祝大家身体健康,合家欢乐~!   盘子英语说法1   plate   盘子英语说法2   dish   盘子英语说法3   tray   盘子的相关短语:   洗盘子 wash dishes ; Just Wash Some Dishes ; Dish Washing ; do the dishes   木盘子 WOODEN TRAY   打破盘子 Plate break ; Broken dishes ; break the plate ; Broken plate   面包盘子 Bread plate   收拾盘子 Clean plate ; Put away dishes   椭圆盘子 oval plate   盘子的英语例句:   1. I drain the pasta, then I share it out between two plates.   我将意大利面滤干,然后平分到两个盘子里。   2. Garnish the plate with whipped cream rosettes and fresh fruits.   用玫瑰花形的掼奶油和新鲜的水果作配菜点缀盘子。   3. She was bent over the sink washing the dishes.   她俯在水槽边洗盘子。   4. On the table beside an empty plate was a pile of books.   桌上空盘子的旁边是一堆书。   5. My waitress whipped the plate away and put down my bill.   我的服务员麻利地撤走盘子并搁下我的账单。   6. Prepare the souffle dish before making up the souffle mixture.   在搅拌做蛋奶酥的各种原料之前先要把盘子准备好。   7. In a large microwave-proof dish, melt butter for 20 seconds.   让黄油在微波适用的大盘子里熔化20秒钟。   8. Leftover food and unwashed dishes cover the dirty counters.   台面上又脏又乱,尽是残羹剩菜和未洗的盘子。   9. Combine the remaining ingredients and put them into a dish.   把剩下的配料调和好,放到一个盘子里。   10. Anita pushed her plate away; she had eaten virtually nothing.   安妮塔把自己的盘子推开;她几乎什么都没吃。   11. She brought in a tray heavy with elegant sandwiches, scones and cakes.   她端进来一只盘子,里面盛满了精美的三明治、烤饼和蛋糕。   12. The waitress whipped the plate away and put down my bill.   服务员把盘子撤走,放下了我的账单。   13. Put the eggplants side by side in a serving dish.   将茄子码齐放在上菜用的盘子里。   14. Remove the wafers with a spoon and transfer them to a plate.   用勺子抄起薄饼,把它们转盛到盘子里。   15. I was spacing out the seedlings into divided trays.   我正在把那些小嫩苗分装进有分格的盘子里。
2023-07-30 16:47:061


Pot racks, fire cover, firearms, drip pan
2023-07-30 16:47:252

外贸英语Pallet Trays , corner post, Stacking Tray,pallet shipper分别是什么意思?

Pallet Trays 托盘 corner post 角柱 Stacking Tray 分层架 Pallet Shipper 托盘发货人
2023-07-30 16:47:351

empty trays什么意思

empty trays的中文翻译_百度翻译empty trays 空托盘
2023-07-30 16:47:531


才50分啊 只能用机器给你翻得
2023-07-30 16:48:033

out ofcup

out of the cup的意思是“从那个共享的杯里”.全句的意思是:我喝了一口那个公共杯里的水. trays were handed round的意思是:盘子被递了一圈.
2023-07-30 16:48:111


用的英语:use英:[juu02d0z , juu02d0s]美:[juu02d0z , juu02d0s]v.使用; 利用; 运用; 消耗; 说,写,使用(词语或语言); n.用; 使用; 得到利用; 用途; 功能; 用法; 使用权; 使用的机会。
2023-07-30 16:48:382


纸杯蛋糕的英文怎么说 纸杯蛋糕 Cup Cake 杯子蛋糕英 *** 法 Basic cupcakes Ingredients250g (8oz) unsalted butter, softened 250g (8oz) caster sugar 250g (8oz) self-raising flour Pinch of salt 4 medium eggs 4 tablespoons milk Ice-cream scoop (optional) 2 x 12-hole muffin tins, lined with paper cases Method Set the oven to 190C, gas 5. Tip the butter into a bowl and beat it until softened. Add the sugar, flour, salt, eggs and milk and whisk until the mixture is *** ooth. Use a traditional-style ice-cream scoop, or spoon, to divide the mixture between all the paper cases. Place both muffin tins in the oven and bake for 15 minutes, then swap over the position of the tins over and bake for a further 3-7 minutes, until both trays of cupcakes are a light golden colour. Remove the tins from the oven. Leave the cupcakes to cool in the tins for a few minutes, then transfer them to a wire rack to cool. Freezing: The cakes are best eaten on the day that they"re baked, but if necessary, once cooled, they can be wrapped in freezer bags and frozen for up to 1 month. They will defrost in about 1 hour. 英语作文纸杯蛋糕 Cupcake Last night, when I saw the TV series, I find a new food,that is the cupcake. The show shows me that the cupcake is just like the cake, but it is a little different. It is *** aller and has many favors. So I go to the cake shop, but I can"t find the cupcake, then I learn that it is special. Only few shops sell it. I want to taste it. 破产姐妹里的,麦克斯自制纸杯蛋糕,写成英文 Max Homemade Cupcake 英语作文纸杯蛋糕 Last night, when I saw the TV series, I find a new food,that is the cupcake. The show shows me that the cupcake is just like the cake, but it is a little different. It is *** aller and has many favors. So I go to the cake shop, but I can"t find the cupcake, then I learn that it is special. Only few shops sell it. I want to taste it. 纸杯蛋糕怎么做 用料 主料鸡蛋4个低筋面粉50克 调料食盐1克白砂糖50克橄榄油50克 纸杯蛋糕的做法 1.取三个蛋白用打蛋器打至粗泡 2.已打粗泡的蛋白加盐和糖打至干性发泡 纸杯蛋糕aE.jpg 3.取一个全蛋和三个蛋黄和橄榄油倒入容器 4.用打蛋器低速打均匀 纸杯蛋糕OR.jpg 5.筛入低粉,用打蛋器低速打20秒(切勿时间过长) 纸杯蛋糕Lh.jpg 6.将蛋白霜分三次加入蛋黄糊 7.搅拌均匀 8.倒入纸杯,进烤箱15分钟(我的烤箱不恒温)
2023-07-30 16:48:541


1。月饼保鲜袋Moon Cake preserving bags2。纸袋paper bags3。塑料叉plastic forks4。塑料托plastic trays5。床上用品bedding 6。茶叶tea
2023-07-30 16:49:132


在我第二个孩子出世后,我得到了一份在餐馆的工作。在我和一位经验丰富的女服务员一起工作了一段时间后,我被允许服务于单个餐桌的客人。第一个星期我做的很好。当周六的傍晚来临的时候,我很幸运的被分配到了一个离厨房很近的饭桌。但是,我依然感觉到端那些沉重的托盘是非常困难的。在我发现到这些困难以前,餐馆里面已经坐满了许多客人了,我小心翼翼移动着步伐,甚至是每一小步。我记得每当我看到那些托盘在客人的桌子上时,我是多么的高兴,因为那些盘子和我平时训练中所用的不同。它有可以让我自如移动的手柄。我对所有的一切感到满意,似乎我很自然的就能把这个工作做好。就在那时,一个老人向我走来,并跟我说:"你好,亲爱的,我和我的妻子非常欣赏你的工作,站在你的立场上,你的盘子是非常有用的,但是我们准备走了,我的妻子需要拿回她的助步器。 最初我不理解他在说什么。“他到底在说什么”!突然,我意思到了。我把托盘放在了他妻子的助步器上,我当时就像全身结了冰一样站在那里,但是我的脸却害羞的像着了火。 我当时恨不得找个洞装进去。 自从那时起,我从错误中学到了很多东西,比如我刚刚说的这个。我学会了认真的去做每一件事情,并且不要对自己的所做的一切过于骄傲。 我花了10分钟帮你搞定了,楼上的做你自己的吧,我不在乎分数的。
2023-07-30 16:49:503

be firm with中文翻译,

Parents must be firm with their children . 父母对孩子一定要严格。 I " m sorry ? ? but the u . n . must be firm with you 抱歉,但是联合国必须确认你没问题 I " m sorry but the u . n . must be firm with you 抱歉,但是联合国必须确认你没问题 The oil market is firm with a upward trend 石油市场坚挺趋势上涨。 I prefer for you to be firm with me . it makes me feel more secure 我情愿您对我严谨些,这会使我有安全感 Thank you for being firm with me while i went through my rebelpon stage 谢谢你在我成长中的逆反阶段时对我严加管教。 Don " t be afraid to be firm with me . i prefer it . . . it makes me feel more secure 别害怕对我要求严格。我宁愿那样… …那样反而让我更有安全感。 If you are determined to estabpsh a bedtime routine to help him fall asleep independently , you have to be firm with him 如果你决心要让孩子培养好独自去睡的习惯,就要抱著坚定一致的态度。 " robinho is doing well at real madrid , he is a great player , but we must be firm with our plans and not get carried away by media rumours . "罗比尼奥在皇马很出色,他是个伟大的球员,但我们必须坚定我们的计划不能给媒体传闻搞乱阵脚. The reactor is adopted dry - type air - cored structure and its coil is made of high quapty naked copper wire . the epoxy bakepte block is used as underlay beeen coil trays , entire coil is firmed with unmagized clamps and the bare metal part of reactor is covered by anti - corrosive material 电抗器为干式空心简式结构,线圈用优质裸铜线制作,线盤间垫环氧酚醛布板块,整个线圈用无磁性夹件紧固,电抗器外露金属部分有良好的防腐蚀层。
2023-07-30 16:49:571


欲界诸天即欲界六天,也称六欲天。此界的众生因为有淫欲、食欲两大欲,因此成为欲界天。此六欲天即四大王天(持国天、增长天、广目天、多闻天)、忉利天(又称三十三天)、夜摩天、兜率天、化乐天、他化自在天。 1.四天王天(梵名Catur—maharajika—devah):又作四大王天、四王天,指居住于须弥山腰的持国天(东)、增长天(南)、广目天(西)、多闻天(北)等四天王及其所率领的天众。须弥山是所以在欲界天之中,此天最广。 其所居之处离大海四万由旬,距山顶的忉利天亦四万由旬。由旬是印度计算里程之单位,据《大唐西域记》中记载,佛经中一由旬约可换算为十六里。此天的寿命,人间五十年相当于其一昼夜,寿命皆为五百岁,因此他们的寿命约为人间的九百多万岁。此天天人身长四分之一俱卢舍,衣长一由旬。以身形交媾成淫事,与人间无异,但是没有人间各种不净。 2.忉利天(梵名Traysatrimsat—deva):“忉利”为梵名Trayastrimsat的音译,意思是“三十三”,此天又译为“三十三天”,是指住在须弥山顶上的三十三天。帝释天住于中央(善见城),其四方各有八天(八城),合计三十三天。山顶四隅各有一山峰,高五百由旬,由金刚手、药叉于中守护诸天。帝释天所居住的善见城,城外四面有四苑,是诸天众游戏的地方。此天离大海八万由旬,离上方的夜摩天亦相距八万由旬。例如寿命,以人间百年为一昼夜,寿命长千岁。身高长四分之二俱卢舍,衣服长二由旬。他们行欲之相,亦以身形交媾成淫,与人间无异,但是没有诸不净。 3.夜摩天(梵名Suyama—deva):又译“善时天”或“时分天”。此天依于虚空而住,常受持快乐的果报。此天离大海十六万由旬,距上方的兜率天亦十六万由旬。夜摩天以人间二百年为一昼夜,寿命长二千岁。身长四分之三俱卢舍,衣长四由旬。此天天众以相抱而成淫事。 4.兜率天(梵名Tusita—deva):又译为“知足天”。此天依于虚空而住,对于色、声、香、味、触、法等五欲的境界,能有所节制满足。《弥勒上生经》说此天富有牢度跋提大神,当其发誓为弥勒菩萨造善法堂时,其额上现出五百亿宝珠,此摩尼光回旋于空中,形成四十大重微妙宝宫。此天距离大海三十二万由旬,距上方的化乐天亦三十二万由旬。其寿命,以人间四百年为一昼夜,寿命长约四千岁。此天众生身长一俱卢舍,衣长八由旬。行欲之相,执手即成淫事。 5.化乐天(梵名Nirmanarati—deva):此天依于虚空而住,经常自在度化五尘之欲而娱乐,所以称为化乐天。此天离大海六十四万由旬,距上方的他化自在天亦六十四万由旬。其寿命,以人间八百年为一昼夜,定寿为八千岁。身长一又四分之一俱卢舍,衣长十六由旬。男女之间的欲望,只要双方微笑便满足了。 6.他化自在天(梵名Paranirmitavasavatin-deva):即魔王天,依于虚空而居住,常假借他所化的爱欲境界而自在受乐,故称为他化自在天。此天距离大海一百二十八万由旬。其寿命,以人间一千六百年为一昼夜,定寿为一千六百岁。身长一又四分之二俱卢舍,衣长三十二由旬。男女之间的欲望,只要双方相视,欲望即得满足。
2023-07-30 16:50:211


some people are infavor of idea that For one thing, For another
2023-07-30 16:50:324


乐府杜甫丽人行三月三日天气新, 长安水边多丽人。 态浓意远淑且真, 肌理细腻骨肉匀。 绣罗衣裳照暮春, 蹙金孔雀银麒麟。 头上何所有? 翠微盍叶垂鬓唇。 背后何所见? 珠压腰衱稳称身。 就中云幕椒房亲, 赐名大国虢与秦。 紫驼之峰出翠釜, 水精之盘行素鳞。 犀箸餍饫久未下, 鸾刀缕切空纷纶。 黄门飞鞚不动尘, 御厨络绎送八珍。 箫鼓哀吟感鬼神, 宾从杂遝实要津。 后来鞍马何逡巡? 当轩下马入锦茵。 杨花雪落覆白苹, 青鸟飞去衔红巾。 炙手可热势绝伦, 慎莫近前丞相嗔。 Folk-song-styled-verseDu FuA SONG OF FAIR WOMENOn the third day of the Third-month in the freshening weather Many beauties take the air by the Changan waterfront, Receptive, aloof, sweet-mannered, sincere, With soft fine skin and well-balanced bone. Their embroidered silk robes in the spring sun are gleaming -- With a mass of golden peacocks and silver unicorns. And hanging far down from their temples Are blue leaves of delicate kingfisher feathers. And following behind them Is a pearl-laden train, rhythmic with bearers. Some of them are kindred to the Royal House -- The titled Princesses Guo and Qin. Red camel-humps are brought them from jade broilers, And sweet fish is ordered them on crystal trays. Though their food-sticks of unicorn-horn are lifted languidly And the finely wrought phoenix carving-knife is very little used, Fleet horses from the Yellow Gate, stirring no dust, Bring precious dishes constantly from the imperial kitchen. ...While a solemn sound of flutes and drums invokes gods and spirits, Guests and courtiers gather, all of high rank; And finally, riding slow, a dignified horseman Dismounts at the pavilion on an embroidered rug. In a snow of flying willow-cotton whitening the duckweed, Bluebirds find their way with vermilion handkerchiefs -- But power can be as hot as flame and burn people"s fingers. Be wary of the Premier, watch for his frown.
2023-07-30 16:50:491


歌曲: Dry Land 歌手: Moljebka Pvlse 专辑: 《Tamon》复制歌词 下载LRC歌词from the album Theyre All Gonna Laugh At You"This is a song...""This is uhh, This is a new song...""Its through the eyes of one of the greatest people alive, I feel...""The Lunchlady"Woke up in the morningPut on my new plastic gloveServed some reheated salisbury steakWith a little slice of loveGot no clue what the chicken pot pie is made ofJust know everythings doing fineDown here in Lunchlady LandWell I wear this net on my headCause my red hair is fallin outI wear these brown orthopedic shoesCause I got a bad case of the goutI know you want seconds on the corndogsBut theres no reason to shoutEverybody gets enough foodDown here in Lunchlady LandWell yesterdays meatloaf is todays sloppy joesAnd my breath reeks of tunaAnd theres lots of black hairs coming out of my noseIn Lunchlady Land your dreams come trueClouds made of carrots and peasMountains built of shepherds pieAnd rivers made of macaroni and cheeseBut dont forget to return your traysAnd try to ignore my gum diseaseNo student can escape the magic of Lunchlady LandHoagies & grinders, hoagies & grindersHoagies & grinders, hoagies & grindersNavy beans, navy beans, navy beans
2023-07-30 16:50:591


Basic cupcakesIngredients250g (8oz) unsalted butter, softened250g (8oz) caster sugar250g (8oz) self-raising flourPinch of salt4 medium eggs4 tablespoons milkIce-cream scoop (optional)2 x 12-hole muffin tins, lined with paper casesMethodSet the oven to 190C, gas 5. Tip the butter into a bowl and beat it until softened. Add the sugar, flour, salt, eggs and milk and whisk until the mixture is smooth. Use a traditional-style ice-cream scoop, or spoon, to divide the mixture between all the paper cases.Place both muffin tins in the oven and bake for 15 minutes, then swap over the position of the tins over and bake for a further 3-7 minutes, until both trays of cupcakes are a light golden colour. Remove the tins from the oven. Leave the cupcakes to cool in the tins for a few minutes, then transfer them to a wire rack to cool.Freezing: The cakes are best eaten on the day that they"re baked, but if necessary, once cooled, they can be wrapped in freezer bags and frozen for up to 1 month. They will defrost in about 1 hour.
2023-07-30 16:51:061


History of pizza The originof the word "pizza" is unclear, but by 997 it had appeared in MedievalLatin, and in 16th century Naples a galetteflatbreadwas referred to as a pizza. The pizza was a baker"s tool: a dough used toverify the temperature of the oven.[citation needed] A dish of the poorpeople, it was sold in the street and was not considered a kitchen recipe for along time.[citation needed] Before the 17thcentury, the pizza was covered with white sauce.[citation needed] This was laterreplaced by oil, cheese, tomatoes or fish. In 1843, Alexandre Dumas, père described thediversity of pizza toppings. In June 1889, to honor the Queen consort of Italy, Margherita of Savoy, the Neapolitan chefRaffaele Esposito created the "Pizza Margherita," a pizza garnishedwith tomatoes, mozzarella cheese, and basil, to represent the colors ofthe Italian flag. He was the first to add cheese.[1] Thesequence through which flavored flatbreads of the ancient and medievalMediterranean became the dish popularized in the 20th century is not fullyunderstood. 、Origins Pizza isone of the oldest prepared foods and dates to the Neolithic age.Records of people adding other ingredients to bread to make it more flavorfulcan be found throughout ancient history. In Sardinia,French and Italian archeologists have found a kind of bread baked over 3,000years ago.[citation needed] According toProfessor Philippe Marinval, the local islanders knew and used the leaven.[2]The AncientGreeks had a flat bread called plakous (πλακο6009, gen. πλακο60ντο09 - plakountos)[3] whichwas flavored with toppings like herbs, onion, and garlic.It is said that soldiers of the Persian King, Darius theGreat (521-486 B.C.) baked a flat bread on their shields andthen covered it with cheese and dates.[citation needed] In the 1st centuryBC, the Latin poet Virgil refers to the ancient idea of bread as an edibleplate or trencher for other foods in this extractfrom his Latin poem, the Aeneid: These flatbreads, like pizza, arefrom the Mediterranean area and other examples offlat breads that survive to this day from the ancient Mediterranean worldare focaccia (whichmay date back as far as the Ancient Etruscans), coca (whichhas sweet and savory varieties) from Catalonia, Valencia and the BalearicIslands, the Greek Pita or Pide in Turkish or Piadina inthe Romagna part of Emilia-Romagan in Italy.[4]Similar flat breads in other parts of theworld include the Indian Paratha, the South Asian Naan, the Sardinian Carasau, Spianata,Guttiau, Pistoccu, theAlsatian Flammkuchen and Finnish Rieska.InnovationThe innovation that gave us the flat breadwe call pizza was the use of tomato as a topping. For some time after the tomato wasbrought to Europe fromthe Americas in the 16th century, it was believed by many Europeansto be poisonous (as are some other fruits of the nightshade family).However, by the late 18th century it was common for the poor ofthe area around Naples to add tomato to their yeast-based flat bread, andso the pizza was born. The dish gained in popularity, and soon pizza became atourist attraction as visitors to Naples ventured into the poorer areas of thecity to try the local specialty.A description of pizza in Naples around1830 is given by the French writer and food expert Alexandre Dumas, père in hiswork Le Corricolo, Chapter VIII.[6] Hewrites that pizza was the only food of the humble people in Naples duringwinter and that "in Naples pizza is flavored with oil, lard, tallow,cheese, tomato, or anchovies."Until about 1830, pizza was sold fromopen-air stands and out of pizza bakeries. Pizzerias keep this age-oldtradition alive today. It is possible to enjoy pizza wrapped in paper and adrink sold from open-air stands outside the premises. Antica Pizzeria Port"Albain Naples is widely regarded as the city"s first pizzeria.[5] Theystarted producing pizzas for peddlers in1738 but expanded toa pizza restaurant with chairs and tables in 1830. They still servepizza from the same premises today.Purists, like the famous pizzeria “DaMichele” in Via C. Sersale (founded: 1870),[8] considerthere to be only two true pizzas — the Marinara and the Margherita — and thatis all they serve. These two "pure" pizzas are the ones preferred bymany Italians today.The Marinara is the older of the two andhas a topping of tomato, oregano, garlic andextra virgin olive oil. It is named“Marinara” not because it has seafood on it (it doesn"t) but because it was thefood prepared by "la marinara", the seaman"s wife, for her sea faringhusband when he returned from fishing trips in the Bay of Naples.The Margherita, topped with modest amountsof tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese and fresh basil is widely attributed tobaker Raffaele Esposito. Esposito worked at thepizzeria "Pietro... e basta così" (literally "Peter... andthat"s enough") which was established in 1880 and is stilloperating under the name "Pizzeria Brandi." In 1889, he baked threedifferent pizzas for the visit of KingUmberto I and Queen Margherita of Savoy. The Queen"s favorite was apizza evoking the colors of the Italian flag — green (basil leaves), white(mozzarella),and red (tomatoes).[1] Thiscombination was named Pizza Margherita in her honor.There are many famous pizzerias in Napleswhere these traditional pizzas can be found like Da Michele, Port"Alba, Brandi,Di Matteo, Sorbillo, Trianon and Umberto (founded: 1916).[9] Mostof them are in the ancient historical centre of Naples. These pizzerias will goeven further than the specified rules by, for example, only using "SanMarzano" tomatoes grown on the slopes of MountVesuvius and only drizzling the olive oil and adding tomatotopping in a clockwise direction.The pizza bases in Naples are soft andpliable. In Rome they prefer a thin and crispy base. Another popular form ofpizza in Italy is "pizza al taglio" which is pizza baked inrectangular trays with a wide variety of toppings and sold by weight.In December 2009, the pizza napoletana wasgranted Traditional Speciality Guaranteed statusby the European Union.[10]
2023-07-30 16:51:161


push in tray 1:检查纸匣是否推到底;纸匣面板的纸张格式旋钮是否正确。close A&B:前盖是否正常关闭。
2023-07-30 16:51:371


An attractive theater Very many fruits and basket How many How much money Several years old A good chef Teacher"s name Plays the soccer A snack bar Cup of coffee A chocolate Massive soft drinks Box of candies Three bottles of pineapples juice Bowl rice Pair of chopsticks Nearby refrigerator Opens brown the box On bookcase A small office Several big blackboards Also greatly also is bright Some songbooks and a piano Box of biscuits Box of milks Very many trays 47 Yuan
2023-07-30 16:51:503


1.在我第二个孩子出生后 2.曾经与一个有经验的女服务员一起工作过几天 3.不知道。。有词错了吧 4.看起来你的立场对你很有用,不过我们已经准备走了,而且我妻子需要走回去 5.我已经把盘子安装在他太太矫形助步器上了6.我要学着更细心并且不要太自我肯定
2023-07-30 16:52:163


以下分别为罗马数字,拉丁读法,因为读法。I unus (oo-nus) one II duo (du-oh) two III tres (trays) three IV quattuor (kwuht-tu-ohr) four V quinque (kween-kweh) five VI sex (sehks) six VII septem (sehp-tehm) seven VIII octo (ohk-to) eight IX novem (noh-wehm) nine X decem (deh-kehm) ten
2023-07-30 16:52:321

He had an__________habit of emptying ash trays out of his upstairs window.

2023-07-30 16:52:411

英语 情景剧

2023-07-30 16:52:512


2023-07-30 16:53:001


stack trays
2023-07-30 16:53:214


2023-07-30 16:53:401

咖啡机cleam maching、empty tyay、empty grounds 三个词组是什么意思呀,谢谢

拼写有错误:clean是清洗机器empty tray是把滴水盘的水倒掉empty grounds是把接咖啡渣的容器倒掉
2023-07-30 16:53:501


  许多学生认为,动辄900-1000字的阅读文章对于只有150和250字的雅思作文借鉴意义不大,事实上,两者在主题、构思、句式、用词等方面有着很大的相似性。下面来为你介绍托福写作技巧。  1. 主题性   阅读文章和雅思写作题目涵盖的范围比较广,具有极强的主题性,其重合话题有:环境、社会、教育三大方面。阅读文章的内容能帮**生更好地理解题目的文化背景,积累观点素材,在备考过程中,考生可以将这两项结合起来。   剑四test 2的reading passage 1“Lost for Words”极好的回答了雅思一道较难的文化类考题:what are the reasons for the loss of many cultures and languages? How to solve this problem?”   许多学生因为缺少对这一背景的了解而无从下手,我们完全可以看看这篇阅读文章提供了哪些素材:   1 “What makes a language endangered is not just the number of speakers, but how old they are. If it is spoken by children, it is relatively safe。”   2 “…people reject the language of their parents… It begins with a crisis of confidence, when a small community finds itself alongside a larger, wealthier society…”   3 “Quite often, governments try to kill off a minority language by banning its use in public or discouraging its use in schools, all to promote national unity。”   4 “… They cannot refuse to speak English if most commercial activity is in English…”   这些都是十分准确而又全面的回答,说明了许多语言丧失的原因,甚至连语言丧失对于文化的连带影响也有所涉及:“Language is also intimately bound with culture, so it may be difficult to preserve one without the other。”   这篇文章在后文也对如何解决这一问题做出了回答:“ …a growing interest in cultural identity may prevent the direst prediction from coming true…."apprentice" programs have provided life support t several indigenous languages。”   值得注意的是,这篇阅读文章的结构是遵循“背景—原因—解决方式”的架构来安排的,对于写作结构也有很好的架构作用。   2.流程图的描述   2010年雅思写作Task I图画题频现,许多学生不太熟悉流程图,对于如何描述其过程极为担心。其实分析发现,这样的句式在说明型的阅读文章中屡见不鲜,这类阅读文章常常涉及某个事物的发展过程或者制作方式,其遣词造句都是可以进行学习和利用。   剑五Test 2 Reading passage 1是一篇关于对现代塑料的说明文章,其中有一段就是对塑料制作过程的描述,很多句式都可以“拿来我用”。   首先是对这一流程的总体概括“The original patent outlined a three-stage process, in which phenol and formaldehyde were initially combined under vacuum inside a large egg-shaped kettle。” 我们可以根据这个句式来描写2009年9月一道关于玻璃瓶子回收过程的题目,   如:“A three-stage process is outlined, in which the used bottles are collected and re-produced in the plant. “   接着,制作过程中的细节按照先后顺序铺开,并结合被动语态与准确的动词选择:“The resin was allowed to cool in shallow trays until it hardened, and then broken up and ground into powder. Other substances were then introduced, including…. . In the last stage, the heated Bakelite was poured into a hollow mould of the required shape …”,其中的”cool, break, grind, pour”等动词都是在工作流程中的高频词汇。“then, in the last stage”也可以作为极好的连接过渡词。   剑五Test 4 Reading passage 2关于强化玻璃的说明文中也有类似的描述句式:“… used to make glass, and nickel can also be introduced by fragments of nickel alloys falling into the molten glass. As the glass is heated, these atoms react to form …”   其中的“be used to, introduce, melt, heat”也都可以用在描述中。   3.图表的描述   由于阅读文章中也不乏对于数据的说明,我们也很容易找到可以在雅思图表作文中使用的句式。   剑四 Test 2 Reading passage 2中的一段“According to…, 18% of patients…; 12% suffer from…, which is only 1% more than those…. . Those suffering from… represents 7% of their patients, and candida sufferers represent an equal percentage. … represent 6% and 5% respectively, and a further 4% see… “   这是一段很好的排序段范例,在描写数据的同时也比较了大小,句式变化多样,考生也不妨学习一下。   4.辩论文章观点的表述   尽管没有与雅思写作辩论文章完全对应的形式,阅读文章中也有很多可以效仿的观点表述句式,与学生动辄“some people think…”的单调表述相比,其表达生动多样。在此进行了一些总结:   如“… reject this, pointing out that… ”, “When it comes to…,…”, “… believe the main reason for… is…”, “there is a widespread belief that…”, “It was once assumed that…. . However,…”, “There is an abundance of evidence to support the belief that…” , “the answer to… depends on…”,等。   总之,作为较为正式的英文表达,雅思阅读是极好的写作模仿对象。考生可以从阅读文章里汲取许多好的句式,以克服在日常写作中“中式英语”的问题。   5. 用词   雅思写作对词汇的要求主要是准确性和多样性,许多学生对这一标准没有明确的认识和把握,而在阅读文章中可以很清楚地了解到什么样的词汇更适合书面表达。   1) 开头:   剑四Test1Reading passage1: “Adults and children are frequently confronted with statements about the alarming rate of loss of tropical rainforests.”   这是一个很好的联系实际的开头模式,“be confronted with”这一词组可以应用于很多主题,当下的热点问题如犯罪、环境、教育、工作甚至科技所带来的变化等,如:   “Modern people are confronted with drastic changes brought about by high technology …”   再如剑六G类Section A Reading passage 3的开头:“Per capita water usage has been on an upward trend for many years.” 可以用来代替在学生中过于“流行”的一种开头模式“more and more…”,如:   “The number of people who choose distance-learning has been on an upward trend…”   由于阅读文章和写作文章有许多相似的背景和主题,在思路枯竭时,不妨学习一下阅读文章尽快切入主题。   2) 主体部分   阅读文章在提及同一意思时,常会用同义词来表达,这点很值得考生学习,如提及环境脆弱时,会用到“fragile, vulnerable”等不同的词语进行说明,以下是对于一些阅读中常见同义词的总结,这些都可以在写作中有所运用:   incorporate… into… / integrate… with…/ combine … with… 将……与……结合   consistent with/ comply with/ in accordance with/ correspond with/ conform to/compatible with 与……一致,相符   comprise/ include/ involve/ consist of 包括   trigger/ ignite/ give birth to/breed 产生   cope with/ tackle/ combat/ address 解决   object to/ disapprove/ oppose 反对   independent of/ regardless of/ free from 不管,不受……干扰   ascribe … to…/ attribute… to…/blame…on/for 把……归咎于……   当然这只是众多同义替换词中很少的一部分,考生可以在阅读文章及做题时留心这些单词,并予以模仿,更好地满足写作的需要。   3) 结尾部分   文章进行到这里,许多学生自觉捉襟见肘,江郎才尽,难以下笔,阅读文章再次给了我们一些新的思路和启示。   如09.7.23的一道写作题目“Many people are optimistic about the 21st century and see it as an opportunity to make positive changes to the world. To what extent do you agree or disagree with their optimism? What changes would you like to see in the new century?”   巧合的是,剑五Test 1 Reading Passage 3 的结尾与这道题目契合度很高,“It is crucial that we look at the facts if we want to make the best possible solutions for the future. It may be costly to be overly optimistic – but more costly still to be too pessimistic.”   曾有学生回忆自己写作高分心得时提到有些观点和句式都是来自于雅思阅读文章,而且在模仿过程中,自己的文章也越来越地道;另外写作的构思和对句法的把握,也有利于对阅读文章的理解。
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