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2023-07-30 20:48:32
* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!


import ldap

from auth_ldap.config import LDAPSearch,PosixGroupType,ActiveDirectoryGroupType

AUTH_LDAP_SERVER_URI = "ldap://gfacser020.x**.com:389"

AUTH_LDAP_BIND_DN = "cn=test,ou=ldpusers,dc=xxx,dc=com"


AUTH_LDAP_USER_SEARCH = LDAPSearch("DC=xxxx,DC=com", ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, "(sAMAccountName=%(user)s)",)

# Populate the Django user from the LDAP directory.


"first_name": "mailNickname",#mailNickname givenName

"email": "mail",


# This is the default


# Cache group memberships for 5 minutes to reduce LDAP traffic





ldap.OPT_REFERRALS: False,


# Keep ModexampleBackend around for per-user permissions and maybe a local superuser.







referral转诊双语对照词典结果:referral[英][ru026au02c8fu025c:ru0259l][美][ru026a"fu025c:ru0259l]n.介绍,指引; 受指点者,被介绍者; 转诊病人; 参照; 复数:referrals以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Employee referral schemes are a popular way for organisations torecruit new blood. 对于企业而言,员工推荐计划是一个非常受欢迎的招聘方式。
2023-07-30 16:24:311


先不说有无该单词,你首先拼错了,是referal, 抱歉,没有该单词,你应该想说的是referent 或reference 或referential
2023-07-30 16:24:402

seo中Referrals 是什么意思

意思是 搜索引擎优化推荐 的意思。
2023-07-30 16:25:092


CLIENTS REFERRALS客户推荐例句筛选1.Most of my clients come from referrals and word of mouth.我的很多客户都是由介绍人推荐或是冲着我的口碑来的。2.Past, happy clients can be your biggest source of new work, both with repeatbusiness and referrals.老客户,满意的客户能成为新业务的最大来源,既有回头客,又有客户推荐。
2023-07-30 16:25:161


问题一:推荐用英语怎么说 1、mend:推荐合格的或令人满意的事物 【例如】I can mend it to him as a realistic courseof action. 我可以把这作为一个切实可行的处理方法推荐给他。 2、nominate:提名为候选人 【例如】The public will be able to nominatecandidates for awards such as the MBE. 公众将可以推荐诸如英帝国勋章之类的奖项的候选人。 3、remend:公开介绍给别人【例如】I have just spent a holiday there and wouldremend it to anyone... 我刚刚在那里度过假,很想把它推荐给每一个人。 4、indroduce:首次引荐给别人 【例如】Someone introduced me to him and I sat nextto him... 有人向他引荐了我,我就挨着他坐下了。问题二:“热门推荐”英文怎么说 只是做标题的话用 what"s hot? 如果是音乐电影热门推恭可以用the best hit! 这都是国外网站的用法问题三:人气推荐英语怎么说 Remended popular English. 问题四:介绍、推荐的英语是什么 介绍 Introduced 推荐 Remended Please find enclosed my CV and a letter of remendation from my school principal. 请查收我附件里的CV,和我学校推荐人的介绍信。 write, give *** a remendation 为某人写推荐信、 给某人一封介绍信. Smart bosses know that employee referrals, whereby an employee remends somebody for an available position, can be the best source of good applicants. 聪明的老板懂得运用员工介绍──即员工推荐能补缺的人选,这可能是优秀应征者的最佳来源。 This idiom means to remend oneself. 毛遂自荐”这个成语用来比喻自己推荐自己,不必别人介绍。问题五:请问“经典电影推荐”用英文怎么说 请问“经典电影推荐”用英文怎么说 Classic movies remendation 或是: Classic films remendation 都可以。 很希望会对你有帮助。问题六:好书推荐用英文怎么说 好书推荐 Remended books问题七:推荐的英文怎么说 remend, suggest, vouch 问题八:朋友推荐英文怎么说 句子:(It"s/they"re/he is) ...remended by a friend 短语: A friend"s remendation问题九:“推荐信”英文要怎么说? Remendation Letter Reference(Letter) 其实都可以,写在信封的背面,正面要写上收信人地址,封口出记得签名啊。 这些都不是那么重要,关键是信的内容,PS和GPA,GT成绩。 满意吗?祝你好运哦!
2023-07-30 16:25:241

office disciplinary referrals 是什么意思

Human resource management (HRM) is the strategic and coherent approach to the management of an organization"s most valued assets - the people working there who individually and collectively contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the business.[1] The terms "human resource management" and "human resources" (HR) have largely replaced the term "personnel management" as a description of the processes involved in managing people in organizations.[1] Human Resource management is evolving rapidly. Human resource management is both an academic theory and a business practice that addresses the theoretical and practical techniques of managing a workforce.FeaturesIts features include:Personnel administration Personnel management Manpower management Industrial management[2][3] But these traditional expressions are becoming less common for the theoretical discipline. Sometimes even industrial relations and employee relations are confusingly listed as synonyms,[4] although these normally refer to the relationship between management and workers and the behavior of workers in companies.The theoretical discipline is based primarily on the assumption that employees are individuals with varying goals and needs, and as such should not be thought of as basic business resources, such as trucks and filing cabinets. The field takes a positive view of workers, assuming that virtually all wish to contribute to the enterprise productively, and that the main obstacles to their endeavors are lack of knowledge, insufficient training, and failures of process.HRM is seen by practitioners in the field as a more innovative view of workplace management than the traditional approach. Its techniques force the managers of an enterprise to express their goals with specificity so that they can be understood and undertaken by the workforce, and to provide the resources needed for them to successfully accomplish their assignments. As such, HRM techniques, when properly practiced, are expressive of the goals and operating practices of the enterprise overall. HRM is also seen by many to have a key role in risk reduction within organisations.[5]Synonyms such as personnel management are often used in a more restricted sense to describe activities that are necessary in the recruiting of a workforce, providing its members with payroll and benefits, and administrating their work-life needs. So if we move to actual definitions, Torrington and Hall (1987) define personnel management as being:“a series of activities which: first enable working people and their employing organisations to agree about the objectives and nature of their working relationship and, secondly, ensures that the agreement is fulfilled" (p. 49).While Miller (1987) suggests that HRM relates to:".......those decisions and actions which concern the management of employees at all levels in the business and which are related to the implementation of strategies directed towards creating and sustaining competitive advantage" (p. 352).Academic theoryThe goal of human resource management is to help an organization to meet strategic goals by attracting, and maintaining employees and also to manage them effectively. The key word here perhaps is "fit", i.e. a HRM approach seeks to ensure a fit between the management of an organization"s employees, and the overall strategic direction of the company (Miller, 1989).The basic premise of the academic theory of HRM is that humans are not machines, therefore we need to have an interdisciplinary examination of people in the workplace. Fields such as psychology, industrial engineering, industrial and organizational psychology, industrial relations, sociology, and critical theories: postmodernism, post-structuralism play a major role. Many colleges and universities offer bachelor and master degrees in Human Resources Management.One widely used scheme to describe the role of HRM, developed by Dave Ulrich, defines 4 fields for the HRM function:[6]Strategic business partner Change agent Employee champion Administration However, many HR functions these days struggle to get beyond the roles of administration and employee champion, and are seen rather as reactive than strategically proactive partners for the top management. In addition, HR organizations also have the difficulty in proving how their activities and processes add value to the company. Only in the recent years HR scholars and HR professionals are focusing to develop models that can measure if HR adds value.[7]Critical Academic TheoryPostmodernism plays an important part in Academic Theory and particularly in Critical Theory. Indeed Karen Legge in "Human Resource Management: Rhetorics and Realities" possess the debate of whether HRM is a modernist project or a postmodern discourse (Legge 2004). In many ways, critically or not, many writers contend that HRM itself is an attempt to move away from the modernist traditions of personnel (man as machine) towards a postmodernist view of HRM (man as individuals). Critiques include the notion that because "Human" is the subject we should recognize that people are complex and that it is only through various discourses that we understand the world. Man is not Machine, no matter what attempts are made to change it i.e. Fordism / Taylorism, McDonaldisation (Modernism).Critical Theory also questions whether HRM is the pursuit of "attitudinal shaping" (Wilkinson 1998), particularly when considering empowerment, or perhaps more precisely pseudo-empowerment - as the critical perspective notes. Many critics note the move away from Man as Machine is often in many ways, more a Linguistic (discursive) move away than a real attempt to recognise the Human in Human Resource Management.Critical Theory, in particular postmodernism (poststructualism), recognises that because the subject is people in the workplace, the subject is a complex one, and therefore simplistic notions of "the best way" or a unitary perspectives on the subject are too simplistic. It also considers the complex subject of power, power games, and office politics. Power in the workplace is a vast and complex subject that cannot be easily defined. This leaves many critics to suggest that Management "Gurus", consultants, "best practice" and HR models are often overly simplistic, but in order to sell an idea, they are simplified, and often lead Management as a whole to fall into the trap of oversimplifying the relationship.Business practiceHuman resources management comprises several processes. Together they are supposed to achieve the above mentioned goal. These processes can be performed in an HR department, but some tasks can also be outsourced or performed by line-managers or other departments.Workforce planning Recruitment (sometimes separated into attraction and selection) Induction and Orientation Skills management Training and development Personnel administration Compensation in wage or salary Time management Travel management (sometimes assigned to accounting rather than HRM) Payroll (sometimes assigned to accounting rather than HRM) Employee benefits administration Personnel cost planning Performance appraisal CareersThe sort of careers available in HRM are varied. There are generalist HRM jobs such as human resource assistant. There are careers involved with employment, recruitment and placement and these are usually conducted by interviewers, EOE (Equal Opportunity Employment) specialists or college recruiters. Training and development specialism is often conducted by trainers and orientation specialists. Compensation and benefits tasks are handled by compensation analysts, salary administrators, and benefits administrators.Professional organizationsProfessional organizations in HRM include the Society for Human Resource Management, the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), the International Public Management Association for HR (IPMA-HR) and the International Personnel Management Association of Canada (IPMA-Canada).Management Association of Nepal [MAN]人力资源管理,是指为了完成管理工作中涉及人或人事方面的任务所进行的管理工作。人力资源管理工作包括:工作分析;制定人力需求计划以及人员招募;培训及开发;薪酬及福利管理、绩效评估;劳动关系管理等。人力资源管理愈来愈被重视。在经济发展成熟的体系下,人力资源管理必须配合以争取最佳的资源效益,若将不适当的人力配对不适当的职位,资源效益不但全无,或可能有损耗。现代经济讲求平衡及配合,提升管理效能和质素,就要人力资源配合以作平衡,个中的内容是设立人力资源架构框架,用最适合的人做最适合的工作。建立人力资源平台,作为沟通及搜集资讯渠道,将各方意见综合,舍短取长,以处理薪酬、福利等事宜。人力资源最重要是培训及发展,人力资源发展必须投资在培训方面,以发挥各阶层的人力资源潜能。发展简史在现实世界不同的国家人力资源的发展情况以及历史都不同。一般说来,人力资源的学术界发展经历了:人事管理(Personnel Management),人力资源管理(Human Resource Management)到现在新近兴起的人力资本管理(Human Capital Management)。其只要不同即在于公司和企业对待职员的理念的变化和发展。在人事管理阶段,人事经理们的工作是管理职工福利,以及和工会的法律程序方面。公司的上层管理部门将人事部门的各种活动以及公司职员皆看作公司的大笔纯支出,而尽可能的削减这部分的开支。公司对人事部的活动持不积极的支持态度。 在人力资源管理阶段,企业员工被看成企业的可以增值的资产而被发展以期充分利用潜能。人力资源部门充分利用职位分析,工作分析,职位概述,人员选择和招聘,员工培训等等活动来提高企业员工的效率,从而增加企业的管理和运营更加有效。当一个公司实行人力资源管理战略的时候,人力资源部门将被纳入公司战略计划的一个重要组成部分。公司的未来发展,市场拓展,新产品研发等等都要牵扯到人力资源部门的支持,协调与合作。人力资源被作为提高公司竞争力的战略手段而被重视。除此之外,人力资源管理就是协助公司去激励员工,透过一些物质上的满足和一些财务奖励,从而增加员工的对公司归属感、增加员工士气和减低对工作的不满等¨。有高昂的士气会使工作更加有效率和使工作更加顺利,最终公司和员工也各有得益。 在人力资本管理阶段,人力部门的基本职责仍与人力资源管理时期相似,但是企业员工不再被看作有发展潜力的资产,而是公司可以利用的资本。人力资源部门的各项活动被量化与公司的利润率挂钩,并且这也是衡量职工和各部门是否有效工作的主要手段。 主要职能人力资源管理的主要职能包括:人员招募;培训及开发;薪酬及福利管理。人员招募:人员招募又称为人员招聘。主要是基于组织(公司,政府,非盈利组织等)的近期及远期的业务需要,来制定人员需求的计划,并通过各种招聘手段来完成组织的人员需求。人员招募主要涉及人员规划,简历收集,选聘,录用及员工入职培训。培训及开发:培训及开发主要是通过一些培训及开发的技术及手段,提高员工的技能,以适应公司所处经营环境中的技术及知识的变化。主要的技术及手段有:培训 在岗培训 轮岗 员工继续教育计划 辅导,训导薪酬;福利管理:人力资源管理的内外部条件人力资源管理的外部条件劳动法规 劳动力市场 当地文化 人力资源管理的内部条件企业经营战略 国际化程度 人力资源部的组织设置有以下三种方式:职能型组织设置 人力规划 人力购得 培训与进修 工资和薪水 社会事业 对象型组织设置 技术类员工 管理类员工 领导层 受培训者 混合模式
2023-07-30 16:25:312


2023-07-30 16:25:513


In business contacts, people and people see the face on the first to introduce, the introduction of rules and regulations, the right to give each other a good first impression, to facilitate the smooth development of communication. There are two types of etiquette: self introduction and introduction of others.自我介绍一般有四点需要注意。第一、先递名片再介绍。交换名片要讲究时机,双方一见面就应该把名片递上,对方的头衔、职务都一目了然,顶多再把名字重复一遍,防止对方念错了;第二、自我介绍的时间要简短,要直截了当,时间控制在半分钟以内。第三、介绍的内容要全面。自我介绍内容包含四个要素:单位、部门、职务、姓名。比如正规场合,我就要这么介绍自己:我是北京大学国际关系学院外交学系的教授,我叫张金华。单位、部门、职务、姓名这些信息要一气呵成,显得非常训练有素。第四、如果你的单位和部门头衔名称比较长,第一次介绍的时候一定要使用全称,第二次才可以改用简称。所以,在商务交往中,用字母或者中文来做简称,一定要先讲全称,再说简称,否则就会给对方造成理解上的歧义。Self introduction generally has four points to pay attention. First, the first delivery of business cards and then introduced. Exchange business cards to pay attention to timing, a meeting of both should be the pass card, other titles, duties are clear, again at the name again, to prevent the other side mispronounced; second, self introduction should be brief, be direct and time control in less than half a minute. Third, the introduction of the content should be comprehensive. The content of self introduction includes four elements: unit, Department, position, name. For example, I would like to introduce myself: I am a professor at University of International Relations"s Department of foreign affairs, Peking University, and my name is Zhang Jinhua. Unit, Department, position, name of the information to make smooth reading very, be trained with regularity. Fourth, if your units and departments title name is relatively long, the first time to introduce the use of the full name, the second can be used for short. So, in business contacts, with letters or Chinese to do short, be sure to talk about the full name, and short, otherwise it will give the other side to understand the ambiguity.介绍别人有一点要特别注意:谁当介绍人?按照社交场合的惯例,介绍人一般由女主人来担当。在国际交往中,介绍人一般是三种人,第一种我们称为专业技术人员。第二种是公关礼仪人员。第三种是在场人里面职务最高的,这种情形一般出现在有贵宾到场的情况下,礼仪上讲究身份对等,需要职务最高的人充当介绍人。The others have a: who should pay special attention to when references? According to the practice of social occasions, referrals generally served by the hostess. In international exchanges, the introducer is generally three kinds of people, first we call professional technical personnel. Second kinds of public relations etiquette personnel. The third is present inside post the highest, this situation generally appear in scene VIP, etiquette, pay attention to identity equivalence and need to duty of the highest act as references.
2023-07-30 16:26:001


对于名字,中文跟韩文是一一对应的。也就是说,中文的一个字,对应韩文的一个字。具体的翻译方法是去翻译网站,把汉字输入,然后会显示相应的韩文出来。中文:孔兰韩文:공란发音:gong lan参考网站:
2023-07-30 16:26:102

keep touch with还是keep in touch with

keep in touch with
2023-07-30 16:26:182

“dormant tie”是什麽意思?有没有比较贴切的翻译?不要翻译机直翻的,因为套在文章里,语意

Dormant ties are the people we used to know. Think about the people with whom you"ve lost touch for a few years: a childhood neighbor, a college roommate, or a colleague from your first job. In groundbreaking research, Daniel Levin, Jorge Walter, and Keith Murnighan asked hundreds of executives to seek advice on a major work project from two dormant ties. When they compared the value of these conversations to the advice from current contacts, the dormant ties were actually more useful. The executives actually received more valuable solutions, referrals, and problem-solving assistance from people they used to know than their current friends, colleagues, and acquaintances. Why?
2023-07-30 16:26:251


2023-07-30 16:26:345


LDAP (or Lightweight Directory Access Protocol )轻量级目录访问协议已经为一般的标准 邮件服务器所支持的协议。LDAP 是更复杂的目录访问协议X.500 Directory Access Protocol 的一个子集.。作为Windows NT 的服务程序,LDAP 服务可以完全的在后台运 行或者是有部分交互的得运行。在你登出Windows NT 系统以后,LDAP 服务将会继续运 行。想了解更多的有关于LDAP 的信息,请参考Internet Requests for Comments (RFCs)。IMail 服务器是依据RFC-2251 实现LDAP 服务。 Imail 的LDAP 的实现 IMail 服务器为IMail 用户数据库提供了一个LDAP 借口。IMail 用户数据库已经被扩 展包含了标准的LDAP属性(例如名字,地址,组织名字,电话号码)和其他的自定义的属 性。用户数据库不支持树状结构的组织形式。每一个Imail 系统中的用户有一个LDAP 纪录。当一个用户被加入到Imail 用户数据库中以后,LDAP 的属性有以下得属性: ObjectClass 记录类型。该值应该是“Person.” CN CommonName 用户的全名。 Mail 该用户的Imail 服务器上的邮件地址。该;邮件地址由用户账号和主机名构成。 UID Imail 服务器中的用户的帐号。 利用LDAP 客户端, 用户可以在他自己的LDAP 记录中增加,删除,修改信息。用户不可 以修改其它的用户的LDAP 信息。下面描述了用户可以增加的一些属性。 在LDAP 记录中这些属性实最常用的。其他的一些属性可以由系统管理员或者用户自己定 义。 系统管理员可以增加,删除用户,增加LDAP 属性,修改LDAP 属性: • IMail Administrator — 想了解更多的相关信息,请参考第四章。 • A web browser. 想了解更多的相关得信息,请参考第六章。 注意 你可以用LDAP 客户端增加/修改属性(但不能增加/删除用户)。 SurName 用户名字的最后一个名字。 Organization 用户所在的公司的名字。 OrgUnit 用户所在的公司部门。 Street 用户的地址信息。 City 用户所在得城市。 ST 用户所在的省市。 Postal 用户所在区域的邮政编码。 C 用户的国籍。 Telephone 用户的联络电话号码。 对LDAP 目录服务的完整的支持 IMail 服务器支持LDAP 版本3, 该版本有以下得性能: • 允许用户使用LDAP 客户端比如Netscape Communicator to: • 确定LDAP 目录信息包括名字,电话号码,邮件地址,组织名称,部门和地址。 • 列出一台主机上的所有的用户。 • 根据给定的条件搜索用户。 • 在LDAP 目录中修改用户自己的信息。 • 主机管理员和系统管理员可以利用LDAP 客户端增加,删除,修改用户账号,包括 LDAP 目录信息. • 你可以监视LDAP 服务器的运行状况.在服务器当机的时候可以收到警告.更具体得信 息可以参考第16章. 为没有登记的用户提供LDAP 信息 LDAP 的用户必须同时是Imail 邮件服务器中的用户.必须在邮件主机中有相应得邮件账 号.如果你想为没有邮件账号的用户提供LDAP 信息,你必须为他们创建账号然后在账号 的属性中选择Account Access Disabled . 从Microsoft 的邮件客户端访问LDAP 信息 如果你有客户使用Outlook Express 作为邮件客户端,无法从Imail 邮件服务器上访问 LDAP 信息, 用户可以更改Outlook Express 的设置. 如果该用户还没有建立IMail LDAP 记录, 需要以下得步骤创建: 1 在Outlook Express 中, 在Tools 菜单中选择Accounts --> Directory Service - ->Add --> Directory Service . 2 在文本框Internet directory (LDAP) server 中,输入Imail 服务器的名字或者是 IP 地址和其他的信息. 3 完成以后单击按钮Finish . 一旦用户建立了LDAP 记录,用户必须编辑以下得LDAP 属性: 1 在Outlook Express 中, 选择Accounts -> Directory Service. 2 选择LDAP account. 3 选择Properties, 然后单击Advanced 标签. 4 在文本框Search Base 中, 输入: objectclass=Person. 5 单击Apply, 然后单击OK, 接着单击Close. Populating the LDAP Database 如果你需要一次加入大量的用户,你可能希望能够批处理的完成.请参考 “Populating the LDAP Database (ldaper.exe)”. 登入 缺省的,LDAP 服务用系统账号登入。你可以在用Windows NT/2000 控制面板中的 Services applet小程序更改这个设定。 1 在控制面板中,双击小程序Services 。 2 选择IMail LDAP Server 然后单击Startup. 3 (可选)选择希望的Startup Type. 4 在Log On As 下,选择正确的账号: System Account. 如果您有邮件主机使用Windows NT 用户数据库作为主机用户数据库, 请采用该账号。 Allow Service to Interact with Desktop.选在该方式在服务启动以后将会在桌面上创 建一个Imail 的图标。任何帐号都可以看到该图标。 This Account. Select如果你没有邮件主机采用Windows NT 用户数据库作为主机数据 库,你可以指定一个用户账号登入。请确认,该账号是某一邮件主机的管理员。 注意 如果你有某个邮件主机的用户数据库是基于外部数据库的,请确认该用户账号有权限访问 外部数据库。 配置LDAP 服务器 1 在IMail Administrator 中, 在左边的面板中选择“localhost”. 2 选择目录“Services”, 然后单击按钮LDAP. LDAP 标签出现. 3 输入在后面描述的选项配置LDAP 服务器. 4 单击按钮Apply 保存你得设置. 5 更改设置以后,停止服务,等待5-10 秒然后重新启动服务以确保设置生效.设置将会 被自动的保留. 日志选项 在框Log To 中,选择你希望使用得日志记录方式。 • sysMMDD.TXT .改选项会把事件信息记录到一个纯文本文件中。mm 代表月份, dd 代表日 期。改文件存在于目录Spool . • No Log. 该选项关闭日志功能。 • App Log . 该选项利用Windows NT 应用程序日志记录事件日志。 • Log Server . 该选项利用日志服务器文件记录日志。文件由标签Log Files 中指定,存 在于目录Spool 中。 Allow queries only. 当选中该选项时,LDAP 客户端向LDAP 服务器查询LDAP 信息, 得到查询结果。但是不能输入或者修改LDAP 信息。 Allow “Search All” requests. 你可以关闭该选项以强迫LDAP 客户端在进行查询时 提供查询的条件。 Maximum number of matches returned per request. 设置该数值为一个较低的数字,以 限制因为LDAP 请求产生的服务数目。 Referrals. 设置对其他的LDAP 数据库的引用. 该功能可以在LDAP 客户端无法在本地 的LDAP 服务器上找到需要的信息时,可以在其它的哪些LDAP 服务器寻找: Mode. 决定了对于LDAP 客户端的查询的反馈。 • Send data only 只反馈Imail LDAP 服务器上的数据,不返回引用。 • Send referral only 只反馈其他的LDAP 服务器的主机名的引用。 • Send both 反馈Imail LDAP 服务器上的数据,同时也反馈其他的LDAP 服务器的主机 名的引用。 Hosts. 输入其他的远端的LDAP 服务器的主机名。你可以输入多个主机名,之间用逗号 隔开。 Server Status. 在按钮Start/Stop 左边出现的显示当前服务器状态的信息。包括版本 信息,服务是否正在运行。 Start/Stop Service. 该按钮用来启动/停止服务
2023-07-30 16:27:027


4P营销理论(The Marketing Theory of 4Ps),4P理论产生于20世纪60年代的美国,随着营销组合理论的提出而出现的。1953年,尼尔·博登(NeilBorden)在美国市场营销学会的就职演说中创造了“市场营销组合”(Marketingmix)这一术语,其意是指市场需求或多或少的在某种程度上受到所谓“营销变量”或“营销要素”的影响。1967年,菲利普·科特勒在其畅销书《营销管理:分析、规划与控制》第一版进一步确认了以4Ps为核心的营销组合方法,即:1、产品(Product)注重开发的功能,要求产品有独特的卖点,把产品的功能诉求放在第一位。2、价格 (Price)根据不同的市场定位,制定不同的价格策略,产品的定价依据是企业的品牌战略,注重品牌的含金量。3、渠道 (Place)企业并不直接面对消费者,而是注重经销商的培育和销售网络的建立,企业与消费者的联系是通过分销商来进行的。4、宣传(Promotion)很多人将Promotion狭义地理解为“促销”,其实是很片面的。Promotion应当是包括品牌宣传(广告)、公关、促销等一系列的营销行为。发展从4P到10P6P理论进入20世纪80年代,市场营销学在理论研究的深度上和学科体系的完善上得到了极大的发展,市场营销学的概念有了新的突破。1986年,菲利普·科特勒在《哈佛商业评论》(3~4月号)发表了《论大市场营销》。他提出了“大市场营销”概念,即在原来的4P组合的基础上,增加两个P:“政治力量”(Political Power)、“公共关系”(Public Relations),他认为21世纪的公司还必须掌握另外两种技能,一是政治权力(Political Power),就是说,公司必须懂得怎样与其他国家打交道,必须了解其他国家的政治状况,才能有效地向其他国家推销产品。二是公共关系(Public Relations),营销人员必须懂得公共关系,知道如何在公众中树立产品的良好形象。这一概念的提出,是80年代市场营销战略思想的新发展。用菲利普·科特勒自己的话说,这是“第四次浪潮”。1984年夏,他在美国西北大学说:“我目前正在研究一种新观念,我称之为‘大市场营销":第四次浪潮。我想我们学科的导向,已经从分配演变到销售,继而演变到市场营销,现在演变到‘大市场营销"”。10P理论随即,菲利普·科特勒又提出为了精通“4P"s”(他称之为战术上的),你必须先做好另一个“4P"s”(他称之为战略上的):第一个“P”是“探查”(Probing)。这是一个医学用语。医生检查病人时就是在探查,即深入检查。因此,战略4P"s的第一个“P”就是要探查市场,市场由哪些人组成,市场是如何细分的,都需要些什么,竞争对手是谁以及怎样才能使竞争更有成效。真正的市场营销人员所采取的第一个步骤,就是要调查研究,即市场营销调研(Marketing Research)。第二“P”是“细分”(partitioning),即把市场分成若干部分。每一个市场上都有各种不同的人(顾客群体),人们有许多不同的生活方式。比如:有些顾客要买汽车,有的要买机床,有的希望质量高,有的希望服务好,有的希望价格低。分割的含义就是要区分不同类型的买主,即进行市场细分,识别差异性顾客群。第三个“P”是“优先”(Prioritizing),当你不能满足所有买主的需要,必须选择那些你能在最大程度上满足其需要的买主,哪些顾客对你最重要?哪些顾客应成为你推销产品的目标?假定你到美国去推销丝绸女装,你必须了解美国市场,必须分出各种不同类型的买主,即各类女顾客,必须优先考虑或选择你能够满足其需要的那类顾客。第四个“P”是定位(Positioning)。定位就是,你必须在顾客心目中树立某种形象。大家都知道某些产品的声誉。如果你认为“奔驰”牌汽车声誉极好,那就是说,这个牌子的市场地位很高;而另一种汽车声誉不好,就是说它的市场地位较低。因此,公司都必须决定,你打算在顾客心目中为自己的产品树立什么样的形象。产品一旦经过定位后,便可以运用上面提到的战术4P"s。如果某公司想生产出世界市场上最好的机床,那么该公司就应该知道,他的产品的质量要最高,价格也要高,他的渠道应该是最好的经销商,促销要在最适当的媒体上作广告,还要印制最精美的产品目录等等。如果我不把这种机床定在最佳机床的位置上,而只是定为一种经济型机床,那么我就采用与此不同的营销组合。因此,关键是怎样决定你的产品在国内或国际上的地位。在科特勒的理解中,应该还有第11个“P”,他称之为“人”(People)。这个P贯穿于市场营销活动的全过程,是实现前面10个P的成功保证。该P将企业内部营销理论纳入市场营销组合理论之中,主张经营管理者了解和掌握职工需求动向和规律,解决职工的实际困难,适当满足职工物质和精神需求,以此来激励职工的工作积极性。“大市场营销”理论将市场营销组合从战术营销转向战略营销,意义十分重大,被称为市场营销学的“第二次革命”。7P理论与有形产品的营销一样,在确定了合适的目标市场后,服务营销工作的重点同样是采用正确的营销组合策略,满足目标市场顾客的需求,占领目标市场。但是,服务及服务市场具有若干特殊性,从而决定了服务营销组合策略的特殊性。在制定服务营销组合策略的过程中,学者们又根据外部营销环境的变化在传统的4P基础上又增加了3P。它们分别是人员(Participant)、有形展示(Physical Evidence)和过程管理(Process Management)。人员(Participant)在营销组合里,意指人为元素,扮演着传递与接受服务的角色。换言之,也就是公司的服务人员与顾客。在现代营销实践中,公司的服务人员极为关键,他(她)们可以完全影响顾客对服务质量的认知与喜好。尤其是服务业,人员素质参差不齐,服务表现的质量就无法达到一致的要求。人员也包括未购买及已购买服务的顾客。营销经理人不仅要处理公司与已购顾客之间的互动关系,还得兼顾未购顾客的行为与态度。有形展示(Physical Evidence)可以解释为“商品与服务本身的展示亦即使所促销的东西更加贴近顾客”。有形展示的重要性,在于顾客能从中得到可触及的线索,去体认你所提供的服务质量。因此,最好的服务是将无法触及的东西变成有形的服务。过程管理(Process Management)的过程是指“顾客获得服务前所必经的过程”。进一步说,如果顾客在获得服务前必须排队等待,那么这项服务传递到顾客手中的过程,时间的耗费即为重要的考虑因素。4Ps与7P之间的差别主要体现在7P的后三个P上,从总体上来看,4Ps侧重于早期营销对产品的关注上,是实物营销的基础,而7P则侧重于后来所提倡的服务营销对于除了产品之外服务的关注上,是服务营销的基础。从营销过程上来讲,4Ps注重的是宏观层面上的过程,它从产品的诞生到价格的制定,然后通过营销渠道和促销手段使产品最终到达消费者手中,这样的过程是粗略的,并没有考虑到营销过程中的细节。相比较而言,7P则是在这些宏观的层面上,增加了微观的元素,它开始注重营销过程中的一些细节,因此它比4Ps更加细致,也更加具体。它考虑到了顾客在购买时的等待、顾客本身的消费知识,以及顾客对于消费过程中所接触的人员的要求。从所站立的立场来说,4Ps可以说是站在了企业者的角度所提出的,而7P则更倾向于消费者的一面。站在企业者的这一面,往往会忽略掉顾客的一些需求,有时候这种忽略是致命的。7P完善了企业者的这种忽略,虽然不是完整的,起码给企业者一个提醒:顾客的需求是不容忽视的。从营销对象来讲,4P组合侧重于对产品的推销,而7P组合则侧重于对顾客的说服。4P讲究推的营销策略,而7P则更加注重拉的策略。4P+3R理论1980年代以来人们开始认识到以顾客忠诚度为标志的市场份额的质量比市场份额的规模对利润有更大的影响,因此使公司的营销重点放在如何保留顾客,如何使他们购买相关产品,如何让他们向亲友推荐公司的产品。所有的一切最终落实到如何提高顾客的满意和忠诚,这就产生了3Rs+4Ps的新的营销组合理论,其中的3Rs即顾客保留(Retention)、相关销售(Related Sales)和顾客推荐(Referrals)。“顾客永远是对的”这一哲学应被“顾客不全是忠诚”的思想所替代。营销努力更侧重于为消费者提供服务,依靠人际传播媒介传播公司的信息,而减少巨额的促销与广告的投入。新的营销组合更强调公司各部门之间的协调与合作,并充分利用最先进的电子媒介。如图1展现了4Ps+3Rs重新定义的营销组合。⑴顾客保留(Retention)。顾客保留是指通过持续地、积极地与顾客建立长期关系以维持和与保留现有顾客,并取得稳定收入。据研究发现,顾客的保留率每上升5%,公司的利润率将上升75%,而吸引一位新的消费者所花的费用是保留一位老顾客的5倍以上。随着老顾客对公司产品的熟悉,将降低对这类顾客的营销费用,因而,从长期来看,将提高公司在这类顾客产品销售的利润率。⑵相关销售(Related Sales)。由于老顾客对公司的产品建立了信心,因此在新产品销售的时候的广告与推销费用会大大降低,同时,老顾客在购买公司的新产品时,对价格不是很敏感。因此,相关销售的利润率往往比较高。英奥特公司提供免费顾客服务的重要原因是公司期望在未来向这些顾客销售相关产品,并获取可观利润。事实上英奥特公司的成长主要来自于产品的升级换代和相关产品的销售。⑶顾客推荐(Referrals)是指老顾客通过对产品的了解和使用以及和其它产品的对比,对公司产品产生了发自内心的喜爱,并由此而导致了对公司产品的品牌忠诚。老顾客会非常热心地向自己的亲戚朋友推荐自己使用过或者正在使用的产品,所谓好东西要和大家分享描述的就是这样的境界。顾客的宣传要比企业自身的广告可信度和效果要强的多。4C的出现在以消费者为核心的商业世界中,厂商所面临的最大挑战之一便是:这是一个充满“个性化”的社会,消费者的形态差异太大,随着这一“以消费者为中心”时代的来临,传统的营销组合4P似乎已无法完全顺应时代的要求,于是营销学者提出了新的营销要素。劳特朗先生1990年在《广告时代》上面,对应传统的4P提出了新的观点:“营销的4C。”它强调企业首先应该把追求顾客满意放在第一位,产品必须满足顾客需求,同时降低顾客的购买成本,产品和服务在研发时就要充分考虑客户的购买力,然后要充分注意到顾客购买过程中的便利性,最后还应以消费者为中心实施有效的营销沟通。4C即:1)消费者的需要与欲望(Customer"s needs and wants);2)消费者获取满足的成本(Cost and Value to satisfy consumer"s needs and wants);3)用户购买的方便性(Convenience to buy);4)与用户沟通(Communication with consumer)。有人甚至认为在新时期的营销活动中,应当用“4C”来取代“4P”。但许多学者仍然认为,“4C”的提出只是进一步明确了企业营销策略的基本前提和指导思想,从操作层面上讲,仍然必须通过“4P”为代表的营销活动来具体运作。所以“4C”只是深化了“4P”,而不是取代“4P”。“4Ps”仍然是目前为止对营销策略组合最为简洁明了的诠释。其实,4Ps与4Cs是互补的而非替代关系。如:Customer,是指用“客户”取代“产品”,要先研究顾客的需求与欲望,然后再去设计、生产和销售顾客确定想要买的服务产品;Cost,是指用“成本”取代“价格”,了解顾客要满足其需要与欲求所愿意付出的成本,再去制定定价策略。Convenience,是指用“便利”取代“地点”,意味着制定分销策略时要尽可能让顾客方便;Communication,是指用“沟通”取代“促销”,“沟通”是双向的,“促销”无论是推动策略还是拉动战略,都是线性传播方式。扩展资料历史从企业营销职能的角度对市场营销学进行研究集中于二十世纪30年代之前。肖(Arch Shaw)1912年在《经济学季刊》中第一次提出了职能研究的思想,当时他将中间商在产品分销活动中的职能归结为五个方面:⑴风险分担。⑵商品运输。⑶资金筹措。⑷沟通与销售。⑸装配、分类与转载。韦尔德在1917年对营销职能也进行了研究,提出了:装配、储存、风险承担、重新整理、销售和运输等职能分类。至1935年,有一位叫弗兰克林(FranklinRyan)的学者撰文指出,已有的职能研究已经提出了52种不同的营销职能,但并未对分销过程中两大隐含的问题作出解释:一是哪些职能能使商品实体增加时间、地点、所有权、占有权等效用?二是企业经营者在分销过程中应当主要承担哪些职能?弗兰克林认为:在第一个问题上,主要有装配、储存、标准化、运输和销售等五项职能;在第二个问题上,企业经营者则主要应履行承担风险和筹集营销资本等两项职能。从职能角度对市场营销学的研究直接导致了对营销策略组合的研究。尼尔.博登(Neil Borden)在1950年提出的“营销策略组合”,强调了从企业整体营销目标的实现出发,对各种营销要素的统筹和协调,而企业的经理就是“各种要素的组合者”,这是从管理的角度提高营销效率的重要思想,他将企业的营销活动的相关因素归结为12个方面。包括:产品、品牌、包装、定价、调研分析、分销渠道、人员推销、广告、营业推广、售点展示、售后服务以及物流等;之后,弗利又将这些因素归纳为同提供物有关的“基本因素”和同销售活动有关的“工具因素”。以后又有一些营销学者对营销策略提出过不同的组合方式,如:佛利(Albert.W.Frey)的二元组合:一为供应物因素,即同购买者关系较为密切的因素,如产品、包装、品牌、价格、服务等;二为方法与工具,即同企业关系较为密切的因素。如分销渠道、人员推销、广告、营业推广和公共关系等;拉扎和柯利(Lazer & Kelly)的三元组合:一为产品和服务的组合;二为分销渠道的组合;三为信息和促销手段的组合等等。直至1960年杰罗姆.麦卡锡(Jerome McCarthy)提出著名的“4P"s”组合。参考资料来源:百度百科-4P营销理论
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Job Posting For Employee Referrals/Internal Job Application,这句是什么意思

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  3R 营销  根据传统的营销学理论,企业营销活动的主要目的是扩大市场份额,企业应围绕4P(产品、价格、促销、渠道)营销因素组合,开展营销活动,尽力扩大市场份额。企业应采用3R营销策略,尽力留住顾客(Retention),向顾客销售相关的产品和服务(Relation Sales),鼓励顾客向亲友介绍他们满意的消费经历(Referrals)。  根据传统的营销学理论,企业营销活动的主要目的是扩大市场份额,企业应围绕4P(产品、价格、促销、渠道)营销因素组合,开展营销活动,尽力扩大市场份额。  九十年代初,美国哈佛大学商学院教授赛塞与雷奇汉的研究结果表明服务性企业的市场份额对利润并没有什么影响。他们发现:顾客忠诚感较高的服务性企业更能赢利,忠诚的顾客可使服务性企业逐年获得更大利润。  在雷奇汉和赛塞的研究基础上,哈佛大学商学院教授赫斯凯特、赛塞、施策辛格等人于1994年提出了服务利润链管理理论。他们认为企业不应追求最大市场份额,而应尽力提高市场份额质量(主要指忠诚的顾客比率)。因此,企业应采用3R营销策略,尽力留住顾客(Retention),向顾客销售相关的产品和服务(Relation Sales),鼓励顾客向亲友介绍他们满意的消费经历(Referrals)。  一、估计终身顾客的价值  美国直觉公司(Intuit)年营业额达到3000万美元时,该公司只有两名推销员。但是,该公司却拥有成千上万“兼职”推销员———满意的用户。这些满意的用户向亲友大力推介“加速”软件,为直觉公司招徕大批新顾客,而直觉公司却不必向这些“兼职”推销员支付工资和奖金。直觉公司采用3R营销策略,将顾客转化为终身顾客,向他们销售相关产品和服务,并通过满意的顾客的口头宣传,不断地增加新顾客。充分理解终身的重要性,是直觉公司能不断地提高经济收益的主要原因。至1995年年底,该公司“加速”软件的年营业额已超过1亿美元,年税前利润已超过4千万美元。  (一)留住老顾客  留住老顾客指企业与顾客保持持久的、密切的关系,不断地向顾客销售他们原先购买的产品和服务。企业较易为老顾客服务,不必花费大量时间和营销费用,吸引老顾客购买。因此,企业为老顾客服务,可不断地提高经济收益。  老顾客对企业的产品和服务已形成正确的期望,了解企业的服务程序,企业为老顾客服务,可逐渐降低服务成本和费用。  MBNA是美国最大的信用卡公司之一。为了留住每一位持卡者,该公司采取了一系列增强持卡者忠诚感的措施。该公司深入了解“跳槽者”的意见,改进服务程序,开发新服务项目。该公司尽力留住每一位持卡者,持卡者“跳槽”率明显降低。1990年,该公司持卡者“跳槽”率已比竞争对手低一半左右。在8年时间里,该公司的利润增加了16倍,在美国信用卡公司中的排名也从第38位上升到第4位。  (二)销售相关的新产品和新服务企业向老顾客销售新产品和新服务,可节省大量销售费用。买卖双方早已相互了解,企业不必花费大量和营销费用,向老顾客介绍自己的情况,审查老顾客的信用情况。因此,与新顾客相比,向老顾客销售产品和服务,企业更能赢利。有些老顾客会讨价还价,要求企业降低他们经常购买的某种产品或服务的售价。但是,这些老顾客对新产品和新服务的售价却往往并不敏感。总的说来,企业与这些老顾客保持关系,也可提高经济收益。  许多工业企业的服务部门与客户保持关系,从售后服务获得的利润往往比这些企业从产品销售获得的利润高得多。例如,在激烈价格的竞争中,为了争取客户,电梯生产厂家出售高建筑中安装的电梯,几乎无利可图。电梯生产厂家主要通过售后服务获取利润。
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 游戏当初制作的本意是侦探类AVG,但是巧舟在考虑到这样游戏就没有新颖性,经过多番构想,成为了今天集法庭和调查元素于一身的逆转。但实际上,现有的逆转裁判内仍有侦探游戏的影子,游戏者将扮演一位初登法律界的辩护律师成步堂龙一(NARUHODOU RYUUICHI,通称原来如此君)(逆转裁判4中改为新人王泥喜 法介),进行一系列的搜证和推理,并在法庭上与证人对峙,与罪犯周旋,从各种证词中找出案件的关键矛盾。由于其新颖的游戏方式和游戏带来的紧张刺激的投入感,受到了许多游戏玩家的好评。    系列在2001年推出初代后即受到了多方好评,2002年10月推出了第二作《逆转裁判2》,在2004年1月推出了《逆转裁判3》,并且还在2005年9月推出了第一作的的复刻加强版《逆转裁判 复苏的逆转》,无论哪一作都是人气爆棚。至此,游戏第一世代”成步堂篇“告一段落,之后2-3代也在NDS上利用《复苏》的新系统进行复刻,而更换主角的”王泥喜篇“的系列第四作《逆转裁判4》在2007年04月12日发售,平台仍然是NDS The game originally produced purported Detective AVG clever boat, taking into account so that the game is no novelty After much idea became the court and investigation elements in a reversal today. But in fact, the existing Ace Attorney the detective game still in shadow, the player will play a debut for the defense counsel of the legal profession into step together Ryuichi (Gyakuten Saiban 4 (NARUHODOU RYUUICHI, commonly known as the original CP) to change rookie mud hi law referrals), carried out a series of gathering evidence and reasoning, and confrontation with the witnesses in court, and the offender deal to identify key contradictions of the case, from the various testimonies. Due to its innovative gameplay and game exciting sense of involvement by the praise of many gamers. Series soon introduced the first generation in 2001 by multi praise, launched in October 2002 as "Ace Attorney", launched in January 2004 "Ace Attorney" and also launched in September 2005 Xtreme Edition "for the reversal of the reversal of the referee recovery, no matter which are bursting with popularity. At this point, the first generation of the game into a step-by-step Church papers "come to an end, after 2-3 generation NDS is also on the use of the" recovery "of the new system, engraved, and replace the protagonist of" mud hi articles series for Ace Attorney 4 on sale on April 12, 2007, the platform is still NDS撤消修改 在冒险部分之中,玩家要前往各种场所,并且搜集证据,与现场的目击者聊天等等,满足了一定的条件之后就会结束这个场景,相当的传统。故事本身只有一个真相,所以玩家还是抓紧时间不分男女老幼都问一通会比较好。   而在裁判部分,玩家就要将冒险部分收集的证据作为武器,来询问检察方面的证人,窥探出证言之间的矛盾,提出异议,从而引出新的情报。如果法官被错误的证据引导。不过,在游戏过程之中随时可以存档,所以玩家只要在这方面稍微辛苦一点,也还是不会留下太多的遗憾的——即使判断失误而导致游戏结束,你也可以重新来过。   游戏中的人物也是各有特色的,相信这也是该作大人气的原因之一。成步堂君所在的绫里法律事务所的所长绫里千寻(AYASATO CHIHIRO),其妹妹灵媒师绫里真宵,第一章之中的被告人矢张政志(YAHARI MASASHI),游戏中与成步堂是敌对关检察官御剑怜侍(MITSURUGI REIJI),捜査担当刑事糸锯圭介(ITONOKOGIRI KEISUKE)等等,这些登场人物全部都是有着极强的个性或者是特异功能的人。再加上错综复杂的情节以及精彩丰富的角色演出,背景音乐,效果音等等,往往都让玩家流连忘返,欲罢不能。 Into the adventure part, the players have to go to various places, and the gathering of evidence, and chat with live witnesses, etc., to meet certain conditions will be the end of this scene, quite traditional. The story itself is only one truth, so players seize the moment of all ages have asked a better. And in the part of the referee, the player will have the adventure part of the collection of evidence as a weapon, to ask the Attorney witnesses, pry out the contradictions between the testimony of the challenge, which leads to new intelligence. If the judge is wrong evidence to guide. However, in the course of the game, being ready to be archived, so as long as the players in this regard slightly hard, or do not leave too much regret - even misjudgments lead to the end of the game, you can start over. The characters in the game also has its own characteristics, I believe this is one of the reasons for the large popular. Into step Tong Jun Aya inside the law firm where director Aya inside Spirited Away (AYASATO CHIHIRO), the psychic division Aya of his sister really night, the first chapter of the defendant vector Zhang Zheng Zhi (YAHARI MASASHI), game in step Church is hostile Off prosecutors Sword pity the paternity (MITSURUGI REIJI) Dissatisfied investigation play criminal the Shito saw Keisuke (ITONOKOGIRI KEISUKE), these characters debut all has a very strong personality or a specific function. Plus on the intricacies of the plot, and a wonderful role performances, background music, sound effects, and so on, often allowing the player to linger, let them go.
2023-07-30 16:29:082

产品下线 翻译成英文

product referral
2023-07-30 16:29:313


The Charity Organization Societies also called the Associated Charities was a private charity that existed in the late 1800s and early 1900s as a clearing house for information on the poor.[1] The society was mainly concerned with distinction between the deserving poor and undeserving poor.[2] The society believed that giving out charity without investigating the problems behind poverty created a class of citizens that would always be dependent on alms giving.[3] The society originated in Elberfeld, Germany and spread to Buffalo, New York around 1877.[4] The conviction that relief promoted dependency was the basis for forming the Societies. Instead of offering direct relief, the societies addressed the cycle of poverty. Neighborhood charity visitors taught the values of hard work and thrift to individuals and families. The COS set up centralized records and administrative services and emphasized objective investigations and professional training. There was a strong scientific emphasis as the charity visitors organized their activities and learned principles of practice and techniques of intervention from one another. The result led to the origin of social casework. Gradually, over the ensuing years, volunteer visitors began to be supplanted by paid staff.Charity Organization Societies were made up of charitable groups that used scientific philanthropy to help poor, distressed or deviant persons. The Societies considered themselves more than just alms givers. Their ultimate goal was to restore as much self-sufficiency and responsibility as an individual could manage. Through their activities, the Societies tended to be aware of the range of social services available in their communities. They thus became the primary source of information and referral for all services. Through these referrals, a Society often became the central agency in the social services of its community. For instance, the Charity Organization Society of Denver, Colorado, the forerunner of the modern United Way of America, coordinated the charitable activities of local Jewish, Congregational and Catholic groups. Its work under the leadership of Frances Wisebart Jacobs ranged from work with tuberculosis patients[5] to the care and education of young children[6], and was funded in part by direct assistance from the city itself[7].The Charity Organization Society movement can be compared to the settlement house movement which emphasized social reform rather than personal problems as the proper focus of charity.
2023-07-30 16:29:391


irectory Access Protocol )轻量级目录访问协议已经为一般的标准 邮件服务器所支持的协议。LDAP 是更复杂的目录访问协议X.500 Directory Access Protocol 的一个子集.。作为Windows NT 的服务程序,LDAP 服务可以完全的在后台运 行或者是有部分交互的得运行。在你登出Windows NT 系统以后,LDAP 服务将会继续运 行。想了解更多的有关于LDAP 的信息,请参考Internet Requests for Comments (RFCs)。IMail 服务器是依据RFC-2251 实现LDAP 服务。 Imail 的LDAP 的实现 IMail 服务器为IMail 用户数据库提供了一个LDAP 借口。IMail 用户数据库已经被扩 展包含了标准的LDAP属性(例如名字,地址,组织名字,电话号码)和其他的自定义的属 性。用户数据库不支持树状结构的组织形式。每一个Imail 系统中的用户有一个LDAP 纪录。当一个用户被加入到Imail 用户数据库中以后,LDAP 的属性有以下得属性: ObjectClass 记录类型。该值应该是“Person.” CN CommonName 用户的全名。 Mail 该用户的Imail 服务器上的邮件地址。该;邮件地址由用户账号和主机名构成。 UID Imail 服务器中的用户的帐号。 利用LDAP 客户端, 用户可以在他自己的LDAP 记录中增加,删除,修改信息。用户不可 以修改其它的用户的LDAP 信息。下面描述了用户可以增加的一些属性。 在LDAP 记录中这些属性实最常用的。其他的一些属性可以由系统管理员或者用户自己定 义。 系统管理员可以增加,删除用户,增加LDAP 属性,修改LDAP 属性: u2022 IMail Administrator — 想了解更多的相关信息,请参考第四章。 u2022 A web browser. 想了解更多的相关得信息,请参考第六章。 注意 你可以用LDAP 客户端增加/修改属性(但不能增加/删除用户)。 SurName 用户名字的最后一个名字。 Organization 用户所在的公司的名字。 OrgUnit 用户所在的公司部门。 Street 用户的地址信息。 City 用户所在得城市。 ST 用户所在的省市。 Postal 用户所在区域的邮政编码。 C 用户的国籍。 Telephone 用户的联络电话号码。 对LDAP 目录服务的完整的支持 IMail 服务器支持LDAP 版本3, 该版本有以下得性能: u2022 允许用户使用LDAP 客户端比如Netscape Communicator to: u2022 确定LDAP 目录信息包括名字,电话号码,邮件地址,组织名称,部门和地址。 u2022 列出一台主机上的所有的用户。 u2022 根据给定的条件搜索用户。 u2022 在LDAP 目录中修改用户自己的信息。 u2022 主机管理员和系统管理员可以利用LDAP 客户端增加,删除,修改用户账号,包括 LDAP 目录信息. u2022 你可以监视LDAP 服务器的运行状况.在服务器当机的时候可以收到警告.更具体得信 息可以参考第16章. 为没有登记的用户提供LDAP 信息 LDAP 的用户必须同时是Imail 邮件服务器中的用户.必须在邮件主机中有相应得邮件账 号.如果你想为没有邮件账号的用户提供LDAP 信息,你必须为他们创建账号然后在账号 的属性中选择Account Access Disabled . 从Microsoft 的邮件客户端访问LDAP 信息 如果你有客户使用Outlook Express 作为邮件客户端,无法从Imail 邮件服务器上访问 LDAP 信息, 用户可以更改Outlook Express 的设置. 如果该用户还没有建立IMail LDAP 记录, 需要以下得步骤创建: 1 在Outlook Express 中, 在Tools 菜单中选择Accounts --> Directory Service - ->Add --> Directory Service . 2 在文本框Internet directory (LDAP) server 中,输入Imail 服务器的名字或者是 IP 地址和其他的信息. 3 完成以后单击按钮Finish . 一旦用户建立了LDAP 记录,用户必须编辑以下得LDAP 属性: 1 在Outlook Express 中, 选择Accounts -> Directory Service. 2 选择LDAP account. 3 选择Properties, 然后单击Advanced 标签. 4 在文本框Search Base 中, 输入: objectclass=Person. 5 单击Apply, 然后单击OK, 接着单击Close. Populating the LDAP Database 如果你需要一次加入大量的用户,你可能希望能够批处理的完成.请参考 “Populating the LDAP Database (ldaper.exe)”. 登入 缺省的,LDAP 服务用系统账号登入。你可以在用Windows NT/2000 控制面板中的 Services applet小程序更改这个设定。 1 在控制面板中,双击小程序Services 。 2 选择IMail LDAP Server 然后单击Startup. 3 (可选)选择希望的Startup Type. 4 在Log On As 下,选择正确的账号: System Account. 如果您有邮件主机使用Windows NT 用户数据库作为主机用户数据库, 请采用该账号。 Allow Service to Interact with Desktop.选在该方式在服务启动以后将会在桌面上创 建一个Imail 的图标。任何帐号都可以看到该图标。 This Account. Select如果你没有邮件主机采用Windows NT 用户数据库作为主机数据 库,你可以指定一个用户账号登入。请确认,该账号是某一邮件主机的管理员。 注意 如果你有某个邮件主机的用户数据库是基于外部数据库的,请确认该用户账号有权限访问 外部数据库。 配置LDAP 服务器 1 在IMail Administrator 中, 在左边的面板中选择“localhost”. 2 选择目录“Services”, 然后单击按钮LDAP. LDAP 标签出现. 3 输入在后面描述的选项配置LDAP 服务器. 4 单击按钮Apply 保存你得设置. 5 更改设置以后,停止服务,等待5-10 秒然后重新启动服务以确保设置生效.设置将会 被自动的保留. 日志选项 在框Log To 中,选择你希望使用得日志记录方式。 u2022 sysMMDD.TXT .改选项会把事件信息记录到一个纯文本文件中。mm 代表月份, dd 代表日 期。改文件存在于目录Spool . u2022 No Log. 该选项关闭日志功能。 u2022 App Log . 该选项利用Windows NT 应用程序日志记录事件日志。 u2022 Log Server . 该选项利用日志服务器文件记录日志。文件由标签Log Files 中指定,存 在于目录Spool 中。 Allow queries only. 当选中该选项时,LDAP 客户端向LDAP 服务器查询LDAP 信息, 得到查询结果。但是不能输入或者修改LDAP 信息。 Allow “Search All” requests. 你可以关闭该选项以强迫LDAP 客户端在进行查询时 提供查询的条件。 Maximum number of matches returned per request. 设置该数值为一个较低的数字,以 限制因为LDAP 请求产生的服务数目。 Referrals. 设置对其他的LDAP 数据库的引用. 该功能可以在LDAP 客户端无法在本地 的LDAP 服务器上找到需要的信息时,可以在其它的哪些LDAP 服务器寻找: Mode. 决定了对于LDAP 客户端的查询的反馈。 u2022 Send data only 只反馈Imail LDAP 服务器上的数据,不返回引用。 u2022 Send referral only 只反馈其他的LDAP 服务器的主机名的引用。 u2022 Send both 反馈Imail LDAP 服务器上的数据,同时也反馈其他的LDAP 服务器的主机 名的引用。 Hosts. 输入其他的远端的LDAP 服务器的主机名。你可以输入多个主机名,之间用逗号 隔开。 Server Status. 在按钮Start/Stop 左边出现的显示当前服务器状态的信息。包括版本 信息,服务是否正在运行。 Start/Stop Service. 该按钮用来启动/停止服务
2023-07-30 16:29:561


  英文简历留学生介绍自己、推销自己的重要工具。下面是由我分享的留学英文简历范文,希望对你有用。   留学英文简历范文(一)   Name:xuexila   Nationality:China (Mainland)   Current Place:Tianhe   Height/Weight:157 cm 50 kg   Marital Status:Single   Age:31 years   Career Objective   Application type:Jobseeker   Preferred job title:Accountant: accounting 、   Working life:5Title:Senior title   Job type:Full timeExpected Start date:In a month   Expected salary:¥3500~¥5499Preferred working place:Tianhe Yuexiu   Work experience   Company"s name:WATTONE CONSULTING &SERVICES CHINA LTD.Begin and end date: 20xx-06-20xx-08   Enterprise nature:Soly foreign funded enterprisesIndustry: Trading/Imports & Exports   Job Title: Accounting   Job description: Routine   1.reimbursement of costs, mainly refers to the expenses for the period   Business communication with foreign customers   Reasons for leaving: Self-improvement   Company"s name:Fo shan City Shun de District Jun An Zhi Li Textile Co., Ltd.Begin and end date: 20xx-10-20xx-06   Enterprise nature:Industry: Garment/Textile/Leather/Shoes   Job Title: Accountant   Job description: Routine   1.reimbursement of costs, mainly refers to the expenses for the period   2.Accounting of inventory, including procurement of materials, goods into the sales;   3 monthly provision for depreciation of fixed assets;   4. Accounting wages, wage rates calculation of social insurance, employee benefits, education funds and union funds;   5.Clean up the current accounts, including receivables, payables, and is responsible for the reconciliation of accounts receivable, clearing;   6. Accounting, carry-over costs;   7.Calculate the tax declaration to pay on time;   8.Profits. The end of carry-over of reckoning;   9.Preparation of accounting statements, do the financial analysis   Monthly   1 internally to employees to Information external to go to the Inland Revenue Department tax.   (2) to deal with the accounts: do vouchers, registration books, summary of the certificate, registration ledger.   Reasons for leaving: Get married   Company"s name:Fo shan city shun de District Jun An town Magnetic Power GroupBegin and end date: 20xx-01-20xx-10   Enterprise nature:Private enterprisesIndustry: Other Industries   Job Title: Finance/Accounting Assistant   Job description: 1, responsible for daily financial cashier of the company division, including cash bank inflow, outflow, income, payment matters;   Reasons for leaving: to do accounting   Company"s name:Fo shan city shun de District Jun An town Kim Young Metal Plating Co., Ltd.Begin and end date: 20xx-04-20xx-12   Enterprise nature:Private enterprisesIndustry: Garment/Textile/Leather/Shoes   Job Title: Cashier   Job description: (A) the balance of payments and records of the monetary funds   Cashier monetary funds management includes two aspects: First, the processing of daily currency receipt and expenditure of funds business; accounts of accounting for the balance of payments business.   Specifically, this work include the following six areas:   (1) do a cash basis accounting   Auditors audit signature of proof of payment in strict accordance with the provisions of the cash management system, review and handle collections and payments.   (2) do the bank deposits of cash basis accounting   Reasons for leaving: to do Finance/Accounting Assistant   Company"s name:Fo shan City Shun de District Jun An town Hong Chun Textile Co., Ltd.Begin and end date: 20xx-10-20xx-04   Enterprise nature:Private enterprisesIndustry: Garment/Textile/Leather/Shoes   Job Title: Statistician   Job description: Statistical work duties:   1, and resolutely obey the command of superiors, conscientiously perform their work orders;   2, in strict compliance with company rules and regulations, to conscientiously fulfill their duties;   Reasons for leaving: to do Cashier   Educational Background   Name of School:shunde polytechnic   Highest Degree:Associate   Date of Graduation:20xx-01-01   Name of Major 1:accountingName of Major 2:   Education experience:Start dateEnd dateEducation organizationMajorsCertificateCertificate No   20xx-0320xx-01shunde polytechniceconomygraduation certificate10831520xx06000564   Language Ability   Foreign Language:EnglishLevel:good   Language ability:Have a good command of both spoken and written English   Chinese level:excellentCantonese Level:perfect   Relevant skills and abilities   I have strong organizational ability, good resource analysis, and full use of all resources, there is a strong independence, strong analytical skills, able to adapt to the fast-paced, with strong experience and practical ability, able to workindependently.   Self-recommendation letter   I am cheerful and lively, like to make friends, and good at communicating with others, friends, have good interpersonal skills   Seriously study and work, careful, pragmatic, responsible, motivated, and more patience in dealing with people.   留学英文简历范文(二)   RESPONSIBILITIES & ACHIEVEMENTS:   Event Team Manager of Innovation Society   Responsible for organizing the Society"s 2008-2009 social programme ; managed team to meet strict deadline and goals,managed events with in budget and preparatioin,recruited membership through Fresher"s Fair,liaise with Students Union and departments across the college.   Volunteer of the YOUNG VOLUNTEER in Guangzhou,P.R.CHINA   Organised to visit the children in orphanage who has speaking difficulties and mental handicap and soci activities with elderly and people who have Hansen"s disease and moving difficulties;responsible for planning routes,appointment booking,scheduling activities.   SKILLS   Technical Skills   My degree course is both technically demanding and rewarding,involving high levels of training in numeracy computing and engineering skills. My third year project, Flowsheeting,was to design a chemical plant to meet specific requirements,which involved considerations of a whole range of issues,such as separation processes economic potential and environmental considerations .I have dealt with huge quantity of data and have managed to turn them into meaningful information in the project. The project also provides me a considerable experience of using professional software to solve problems.   Comunication Skills:   Through all academic projects, I have developed strong communication skills and enjoyed working with people with diverse backgrounds. In additon,I am a good listener in a team and I am able to coordinate all the arguments to produce constructive decision. In my spare time, I have taken a part-time job in the student union shop in Imperial College London and my interpersonal skills are further improved.   Organisational Skills   Currently as a fourth year undergraduate student, I have a demanding schedule of elective lectures coursework ,job hunting and part-time job. Under such tremendous pressure, I am well-organized and manage to excel in all the different tasks. In addition, I love travelling in Europe and all the previous trip were planned properly by myself.   Information Technology   I am a frequent user of two operation systems,Microsoft Windows and Mac OS. During my academic years, I have been extensively trained to perform technical modeling and data analysis with professional softwares such as Maple, Matlab and Aspen. Moreover , I am very familiar with the commercial software package Microsoft Office and I am proficient in using the advanced model drawing software , Solid Works.   Language Skills   I am fluent in English and I am a native speaker of Chinese, including Mandarin,Cantonese and Taiwanese. In addition, I have mastered junior-level Japanese in both conversation as well as writing, and I am currently taking courses to improve it.   留学英文简历范文(三)   WORK EXPERIENCE   1987 to Present   Human Service Relief Worker:Temporary Resources,Columbus,IN   Work as a temporary substitute in a variety of human service programs including specializing clients in hospital,direct care of developmentally delayed clients,counseling and supervising adolescents in group homes and substitute teaching at institutions such as the Stafford School for the Deaf.   1984 to 1986   Residential Manager:Allied Group Homes,Columbus,IN   Worked in several residential programs for all levels of development delayed clients.Taught skills in daily living,cooking,hygiene,and community awareness.Provided emotional support to clients.Interacted with clients families.Implemented behavioral programs.   1982 to 1983   Residential Counselor:Harrison House,Mooresville,IN   Staffed community residence for five developmentally delayed clients.Implemented behavioral programs.Taught activities of daily living skills directed toward independent living and community integration.   1981 to 1982   Nurses Aide:Center Street Nursing Home,Franklin,IN   1980   Mental Health Assistant:Bethany School,Bethany,IN   1979   Employment Counselor:Job Plus,Franklin,IN   Interviewed and counseled clients for the purpose of placement in jobs or training programs.Made referrals for employment or training programs.   1978 Social Worker:State of Indiana-Division of Child Welfare   1972 to 1977 Social Worker:State of Indiana   EDUCATION   1975 to Present Franklin College   Graduate-level courses in psychology,education,and counseling   1971 Bachelor of Arts in Social Science   Job descriptions are clear and to the point.   Use of bold type calls attention to key information.
2023-07-30 16:30:051


2023-07-30 16:30:267


1. 英语周记15句带翻译关于暑假 五年级 July 6 2014It was the first day of our summer holiday. All of us were very happy. Why? Because we have one months to do things we love to do. We are free.Although we have some homework. But we can finish them in several days. And the rest time we can make good use of. My god! We have been very tired after hard studying. In winter holidays, I want to have full sleepand eat good food in order to replenish myself. Last but not the least, I will have a good rest.这是第一天,我们的暑假。 我们大家都非常高兴。为什么?因为我们有一个月的事我们都爱做的事。 我们很空闲.虽然我们有一些功课。但是,我们可以完成他们的若干天。 其余的时间我们可以好好利用。我的上帝!我们已经很疲惫后很难学习。 在冬季假期,我希望能有充分的很好吃的食物,以补充自己。最后但并非最不重要,我会好好休息。 July 7 2014It was the second day of our summer holiday. I felt good. I felt I am free. I had a lot of time to do things I like. My parents are in Zhongshan. So I live alone but I don"t feel lonely. But I didn"t do something special. I stayed at home and watched TV. Oh! I wrote an Englishdaily position. It was my homework. Today, I have slept for 14 hours.I thought I was very tired. It was time for dinner. I must go! I am very hungry. 这是我们第二天的暑假。我感觉很好。 我觉得我很自由。我有很多时间做我喜欢。 我的父母都在中山。所以,我独自生活,但我并不感到孤独。 但是,我没有做什么特别。我住在家里看电视。 噢!我写了英语日记组成。这是我的功课。 今天,我睡了14 小时.我以为我很疲惫。现在是吃晚饭。 我必须去!我非常渴望。July 10 2014I am planning to spend my summer holiday on sports this year. Playing basketball is always my favourite, so some of my clas *** ates and I will form a *** all team and play basketball together. Sometimes we may have a match against some other teams and I do enjoy the sense when we win the game. 我计划花费我暑假体育今年。 打篮球是我最喜欢的,所以我的一些同学和我将组建一个小团队,一起打篮球。有时,我们可能有一些其他的比赛队伍和我喜欢的感觉,当我们赢了这场比赛。 July 14 2014Today I found time was a cruel thing. Whatever man is, time always goes on. It won"t stay to wait for somebody. You can"t use anything to exchange time. Time is also a fair thing. Although you have a lot of money or you enjoy high reputation, time won"t leave them more. Today I found I hadn"t enough time. Although I have more than a-month holiday, but I found I had a lot of things to do. I had a lot of homework to do and I am essential to plete the homework as soon as I have time. 今天,我发现时间是一个残忍的事情。无论男人,总是对的时间。 它不会留下来等待某人。您不能使用任何交流时间。 时间也是一个公平的事情。虽然你有很多钱,或者您享有很高的声誉,时间不会离开他们更多。 今天,我发现我已经没有足够的时间。虽然我已经超过一个月假期,但我发现我有很多事情要做。 我有很多功课要做,我必须完成的功课只要我有时间。July 15 2014I have rested for 10 days. In these days, I felt very bored. I didn"t know to do what. Although I had a lot of things to do, I felt unfortable. I was ill because of the hot weather. I was tired, sleepy and had no strength. My parents are worried about my health. in fact, it didn"t matter. I was always in the room with air-conditioner and opened it in a low temperature. So when I went out, the high temperature disagreed to me.At last, I was ill. 我已经休息了10天。 在这些日子里,我觉得很无聊。我不知道做什么。 虽然我有很多事情要做,我觉得不舒服。我生病是因为炎热的天气。 我累了,困,也没有力量。我的父母担心我的健康。 事实上,这并不重要。我总是在房间空调打开了它在低温。 因此,当我走了出去,高温不给我.在最后,我被虐待。July 16 2014It was sunny today. I was excited. I got up at a quarter to seven. I made a appointment to meet at nine o"clock. After I had my breakfast, I went to the Wanjia Market . It was hot outside. When I arrived, my friends didn"t arrive. I waited for him in front of the KFC"s door. I haven"t seen them for a year. And in a year, we didn"t e into contact with others frequently. About ten minutes left, my friends arrived one by one. After we greeted,we went to play basketball in Liwan Gymnasium. The match last for tow hours.Oh!I fill very happy today! 这是今天阳光明媚。 我很兴奋。我得到了在六时四十五分。 我的任命,以满足九点钟。之后,我有我的早餐,我去了万家市场。 这是热外面。当我到达,我的朋友们并没有达成。 我等待着他前面的肯德基的大门。我还没有看到他们为一年。 并在一年内,我们没有接触到其他人频繁。约10分钟离开,我的朋友们来到一个又一个。 在我们迎接,我们去打球荔湾体育馆。这场比赛。 2. 求初一英语日记15篇 (五句话 要暑假的 ) July 6 2007 It was the first day of our summer holiday. All of us were very happy. Why? Because we have one months to do things we love to do. We are free.Although we have some homework. But we can finish them in several days. And the rest time we can make good use of. My god! We have been very tired after hard studying. In winter holidays, I want to have full sleepand eat good food in order to replenish myself. Last but not the least, I will have a good rest.这是第一天,我们的暑假。 我们大家都非常高兴。为什么?因为我们有一个月的事我们都爱做的事。 我们很空闲.虽然我们有一些功课。但是,我们可以完成他们的若干天。 其余的时间我们可以好好利用。我的上帝!我们已经很疲惫后很难学习。 在冬季假期,我希望能有充分的很好吃的食物,以补充自己。最后但并非最不重要,我会好好休息。 July 7 2007 It was the second day of our summer holiday. I felt good. I felt I am free. I had a lot of time to do things I like. My parents are in Zhongshan. So I live alone but I don"t feel lonely. But I didn"t do something special. I stayed at home and watched TV. Oh! I wrote an Englishdaily position. It was my homework. Today, I have slept for 14 hours.I thought I was very tired. It was time for dinner. I must go! I am very hungry. 这是我们第二天的暑假。我感觉很好。 我觉得我很自由。我有很多时间做我喜欢。 我的父母都在中山。所以,我独自生活,但我并不感到孤独。 但是,我没有做什么特别。我住在家里看电视。 噢!我写了英语日记组成。这是我的功课。 今天,我睡了14 小时.我以为我很疲惫。现在是吃晚饭。 我必须去!我非常渴望。July 10 2007 I am planning to spend my summer holiday on sports this year. Playing basketball is always my favourite, so some of my clas *** ates and I will form a *** all team and play basketball together. Sometimes we may have a match against some other teams and I do enjoy the sense when we win the game. 我计划花费我暑假体育今年。 打篮球是我最喜欢的,所以我的一些同学和我将组建一个小团队,一起打篮球。有时,我们可能有一些其他的比赛队伍和我喜欢的感觉,当我们赢了这场比赛。 July 14 2007 Today I found time was a cruel thing. Whatever man is, time always goes on. It won"t stay to wait for somebody. You can"t use anything to exchange time. Time is also a fair thing. Although you have a lot of money or you enjoy high reputation, time won"t leave them more. Today I found I hadn"t enough time. Although I have more than a-month holiday, but I found I had a lot of things to do. I had a lot of homework to do and I am essential to plete the homework as soon as I have time. 今天,我发现时间是一个残忍的事情。无论男人,总是对的时间。 它不会留下来等待某人。您不能使用任何交流时间。 时间也是一个公平的事情。虽然你有很多钱,或者您享有很高的声誉,时间不会离开他们更多。 今天,我发现我已经没有足够的时间。虽然我已经超过一个月假期,但我发现我有很多事情要做。 我有很多功课要做,我必须完成的功课只要我有时间。July 15 2007 I have rested for 10 days. In these days, I felt very bored. I didn"t know to do what. Although I had a lot of things to do, I felt unfortable. I was ill because of the hot weather. I was tired, sleepy and had no strength. My parents are worried about my health. in fact, it didn"t matter. I was always in the room with air-conditioner and opened it in a low temperature. So when I went out, the high temperature disagreed to me.At last, I was ill. 我已经休息了10天。 在这些日子里,我觉得很无聊。我不知道做什么。 虽然我有很多事情要做,我觉得不舒服。我生病是因为炎热的天气。 我累了,困,也没有力量。我的父母担心我的健康。 事实上,这并不重要。我总是在房间空调打开了它在低温。 因此,当我走了出去,高温不给我.在最后,我被虐待。July 16 2007 It was sunny today. I was excited. I got up at a quarter to seven. I made a appointment to meet at nine o"clock. After I had my breakfast, I went to the Wanjia Market . It was hot outside. When I arrived, my friends didn"t arrive. I waited for him in front of the KFC"s door. I haven"t seen them for a year. And in a year, we didn"t e into contact with others frequently. About ten minutes left, my friends arrived one by one. After we greeted,we went to play basketball in Liwan Gymnasium. The match last for tow hours.Oh!I fill very happy today! 这是今天阳光明媚。 我很兴奋。我得到了在六时四十五分。 我的任命,以满足九点钟。之后,我有我的早餐,我去了万家市场。 这是热外面。当我到达,我的朋友们并没有达成。 我等待着他前面的肯德基的大门。我还没有看到他们为一年。 并在一年内,我们没有接触到其他人频繁。约10分钟离开,我的朋友们来到一个又一个。 在我们迎接,我们去打球荔湾体育馆。这场。 3. 小学五年级寒假生活英语作文15句话 From the sixteenth of January to the seventh of February is our Winter Holiday. I think everybody did a lot of things in the Winter Holiday. But I didn"t. Let you to listen to my story of Winter Holiday.I spend a lot of time on the homework… Every day in my Winter Holiday,I always got up late. Then I listened to the tape,it was nine o"clock. Then I ate breakfast and then I did my homework during the daytime!I"m not very slow but the homework was too heavy!But most important,I have gone to Shanghai Ocean Aquarium,I want to go there very much because I want to see the horse,the monkey…in the sea. Now I"ve done it . It is a bright dot in my Winter Holiday。 4. 五年级关于暑假的英语作文 We are looking forward to(期盼) this summer holiday. Now it is ing ,so l am very happy . l like summer holiday ,because it is a long holiday in summer . l can do my homework ,go swimming and play puter games during this time .l can also lose weight and play with my friends .so l would like to have a fantastic(极好的) holiday! 5. 描写小学五年级暑假生活的英语作文 I had a fantastic and meaningful summer vacation. I did my homework every day . I also played table tennis and basketball with my friends. I sometimes went to movies and went to the parks with my friends. I surfed the inter, read books and watched TV every evening. I helped my parents clean the room and cook meals. My parents and I went to Hannan Island and spent a week there. I really had a happy summer vacation。 6. 小学五年级寒假生活英语作文15句话 From the sixteenth of January to the seventh of February is our Winter Holiday. I think everybody did a lot of things in the Winter Holiday. But I didn"t. Let you to listen to my story of Winter Holiday. I spend a lot of time on the homework… Every day in my Winter Holiday,I always got up late. Then I listened to the tape,it was nine o"clock. Then I ate breakfast and then I did my homework during the daytime!I"m not very slow but the homework was too heavy! But most important,I have gone to Shanghai Ocean Aquarium,I want to go there very much because I want to see the horse,the monkey…in the sea. Now I"ve done it . It is a bright dot in my Winter Holiday. 7. 五年级英语作文15句简单点的1 my daytoday is monday.i get up at 6:00.i have my breakfast at about 6:30.then i clean my room,wash my face and brush my teeth.i have noodles for breakfast.i go to school at 7:00.i do morning exercises at 7:50.we have four classes in 11:30,i"m very hungry.i have lunch at school.i go to bed at 12:00 in the noon.we have three classes in the afternoon.i have puter class and art classes.i like them very much.i go home at 5:30.i do homework after sister、brother and i watch tv at 8:00 in the evening.then i wash my face and brush my teeth.i go to bed at 10:00.i"m happy today!。 8. 五年级英文作文,写假期计划的,带翻译15个词左右 I will finish doing my homework . I will listen to English programs and read English books every day.I am going to help my parents do some housework, making the bed, cleaning the room.I am going to visit my grandparents .I am going to visit my friends and play table tennis with them.I will go to the park with my friends.。 9. 暑假英语作文 5句以上 I did not think that my elementary school life was very interesting, from Monday to Friday, I referred to four classes every morning, afternoon classes three referrals. Chinese mathematics and English, sports, art, etc., at 8:00 every morning, we had to make a morning exercise, I liked for morning calisthenics, It made us who had strong health. My favorite classes was sports, we often ran in PE class,it was very interesting. We had a week of reading, we could read their books from school, we had too little time to read. We would like to find out more information. My elementary life was colorful, and I miss my primary school life.。
2023-07-30 16:31:271


It is estimated that the Sydney Olympic Games in 2000 attracted 3.7 billion global viewers, and it was Australia was a great display of "Brand Australia" media platform, the propaganda value of 61 billion Australian dollars (4.2 billion US dollars / 3.5 billion euros / 2.4 billion pounds). Large-scale publicity campaign and the Olympics itself makes Australia the tourism industry not only go into its traditional tourism markets, such as the United States also developed the Australia tourism market; Olympic publicity and propaganda effects of the Olympic Games to promote the tourism industry Otis forward 10. Participating in the Olympic Games and major tourist market from Australia tourists investigation proved these views. Australia Tourist Association (Tourism Australia) pointed out that the 111,000 watched the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games sports tourists up to 88 percent (97,680 people) will again travel to Australia. One pair of the Japanese market to do an independent tourist market survey showed that the people understand that the Olympic Games in Australia as a tourist destination and the charm of advantages, 60 percent of the respondents said that the Olympic Games directly help them a deeper understanding of Australia, 75% of the respondents said that the Olympics increased their interest in travel to Australia.
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For centuries, emphasis has been placed on academiclearning, qualifications and how intelligent a person was,ie: their IQ. Anything emotional was encouraged to stayhidden behind the “stiff upper lip” rather than beingacknowledged and expressed. Attending “the school of hardknocks” was character forming. When employee training wasintroduced in the business world, the programmes focused onareas relating to reason and logic – anything to do withinterpersonal relationships was wishy-washy and classed assoft skills. However all this is changing and not before time. Theadvances in neuroscience and brain imaging techniques haveenabled scientists to confirm what we all suspected – thatwhen we are confronted by situations that are lifethreatening or that we “perceive” are so, reason and logicfly out the window and what emerges is a primitive, ready-to-fight Neanderthal in modern day attire. The section ofthe brain responsible for this instant bypass is theamygdala, hence the new term “the amygdala hijack”.So for the first time, the importance of emotions has beenacknowledged. What we need to ensure is that those emotionsare appropriate to the circumstances and to do this we needto develop emotional intelligence, which researchers nowconsider to be far more important than traditional IQ. Take, for example, a group of senior managers applying for atop position. They might all have MBAs but who will makethe most successful leader? The answer: the person with thehighest level of EI – the person able to create resonancewith others, to display empathy and be an inspiring leaderwithout being a traditional autocrat. Conversely, inresearch undertaken by Hay/McBer and Goleman, the two mainreasons found for key executive failure were:Rigidity (unable to adapt or take on board feedback andlearn) Poor relationships (alienating others) Daniel Goleman, who has pioneered much of the informationabout Emotional Intelligence, categorises EI into four mainheadings: Self-Awareness, Self- Management, RelationshipManagement and Social Awareness. These are then subdividedinto a total of 18 competencies, with each competencycontaining a number of checklist criteria. For example thecompetencies within Self-Awareness are Emotional self-awareness, Accurate self assessment and Self-confidence. Thechecklist criteria under Emotional self-awareness being:- Are attuned to their inner signals- Recognise how their feelings affect themand their job performance- Are attuned to their guiding values- Can often intuit the best course of action becausein a complex situation, they see bigger picture- Tend to be candid and authentic, speaking openlyabout their emotions or with conviction about theirguiding visionAn effective business leader will display strengths from atleast one of each of the sub categories. So a good starting point is to become more self-aware. Thiswill mean that we can manage our emotions more effectively,learn to communicate more authentically, take ownership ofwhat we think and say, develop empathy and respectdifference. The end result is that we feel more empoweredand the knock-on effect of that can only be positive.
2023-07-30 16:32:003

高分求一篇英文文章。主题是《 if I ruled the world》,大学水平,大概四分钟长就行

你自己没有一点想法吗?这是一个非常好的题目,每个人都有自己的看法吧?不同人有不同经历,想改变的,想得到的都应该很不一样吧。我从出生写到死亡,就写写我自己的看法吧。我是按照演讲稿写的,不合适自己改改。I know I wasn"t born in a perfect world. I read from the news that there are children dying everyday from hunger and disease because of their poor living condition. I see those pretty and innocent eyes filled with helpless tears. If I ruled the world, all children on the earth would have free shelters and hospitals. No matter who their parents are, all children would live safe in this world.I know I didn"t grow in a perfect world. I didn"t have a dream except the dream that my parents drew me. I didn"t have a chance to explore the world except that little fraction of the world between my home and school. I didn"t have time to look for my talents because I spent almost all my time to look for answers. If I ruled the world, I would make schools more open and flexible. I would let the high school students design their own schedule and choose their classes according to their own interest.I know I wasn"t given an equal opportunity. The job market ranks the colleges and the colleges rank the students. Graduating from a top university means putting on an advantageous brand. The rich kids can even have an opportunity to go oversea and crown themselves with a foreign degree. If I ruled the world, I would destroy all the different names of universities and I would pool all knowledge together as an open resource for everyone. I know I will not work in a perfect world. Some of my friends will have a job even before they start looking for one and some will have to endure the stress for months before they can find one. If I ruled the world, I would give tax benefit for the employers who accept the applicants without referrals.I know this world isn"t governed by the perfect people. Corruption and bribery can be found anywhere on earth. 我累了我去睡觉了,还要写的话说一声。
2023-07-30 16:32:121


In the 1990s, Michael Randolph to borrow the stock market itself as a successful manager in his capacity as set up an asset management company. Michael Randolph, through their own social networks for the fund for financing, he through the Palm Beach Country Club, or other charitable organizations of the occasion, make friends, and make use of some investments had fallen into the trap off to do his introducer to introduce more Multi-client to him, those who collect commission from referrals can be naturally happy to do a middleman, so there is a snowball effect.In the face of it, Jimmy Randolph"s Fund is a low risk investment behavior. His huge profits of the fund has a stable rate of return. Month of growth may reach 1-2 percent growth rate. The reasons behind the growth of the fund continued to buy large-cap growth funds and doing the fixed stock options and so on business. This comprehensive portfolio has long been thought to generate a stable return on investment.1. The use of luxurious places to establish a network of contacts networkMichael, now 70-year-old Adolf working capital management for many years. Over the years, Michael"s investment in securities companies by Bonademai Astoria Capital Management, a subsidiary of a secret branch, using a broad network of contacts and investment fraud. Michael Randolph in Dallas, Chicago, Boston and Minneapolis and other cities knit network of relationships, access to investors, using a variety of luxury establishments.■ 2. Establish the "investment will make a" word of mouthMak"s only in the city of Hopkins, Minnesota, Peak Golf Club and Oak Ridge Club on the "financing" more than 100 million U.S. dollars. "When you play in the golf club or a meal, everyone talking about how to help them make money Mai-Astoria, everyone wants to join the Mai-Astoria project."■ 3. Development "pyramid downline"Jimmy Adolf use of friends, family and business partners in development "off the assembly line," and some people were successful "foreign capital" and gets a commission. A number of "downline" Also the development of new "off the assembly line."■ 4. A reasonable rate of return fool everyoneMai-Astoria to the customer to submit a monthly investment report showed that he was very aggressive, customers can also be redeemed at any time invest in a few days. But also with the general fraud unreasonably high returns compared to wheat Randolph guaranteed return each year to customers that only about 12% -13%, this will make many customers do not worry there are suspicions lie
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EOS中文名字叫做柚子币,全称Enterprise Operation System,早期上线中币交易,项目是由block.one的CTO DanLarimer(Bts、Graphene、Steem创始人)主导开发的类似操作系统的区块链架构平台,旨在实现分布式应用的性能扩展。EOS 提供帐户、身份验证、数据库、异步通信以及在数以百计的CPU或群集上的程序调度。该技术的最终形式是一个区块链体系架构,该区块链每秒可以支持数百万个交易,同时普通用户无需支付使用费用。
2023-07-30 16:32:3711

谁能帮我写一篇名为“point of view " 的论文,450字。

论秘书意识与气质的修养 古时君王视秘书为股肱之臣。当今领导人用秘书如左膀右臂。秘书是领导人的智囊和助手。他辅助领导人从事各项管理工作,负有参政设谋,协调综合,督促检查,拾遗补缺等重大责任。秘书素质的强弱直接关系到工作质量与效率的高低,关系到党和国家方针政策的正确贯彻与各项事业的兴衰成败。因此,秘书人员必须具备较高的政治、思想、品德、智能、身心等方面的素质。但是,仅仅具备这些基本的素质,还不是合格的秘书人才,还不能说是一个精明能干的秘书。秘书要在领会贯彻领导意图的过程中与领导配合默契,使领导得心应手,并达到心领神会,挥洒自如的境界,仅有其基本素质显然是不行的,欲达到完成秘书使命的优化标准,还必须具备和培养良好的秘书意识和气质。 自我意识与角色意识的对立统一 唯物主义认为,存在决定意识。人们的自我意识是在社会实践中产生的发展的,它表现愿望、意向、兴趣、理想、信念等。自我意识的高层次表现为一种丰富性动机,就是在社会生活中不断推进提高的自我实现的精神支柱,每个人在进入自我实现的某个阶段以后,又会出现新的更高的自我实现的追求。这种时时更新的自我意识总呈膨胀之势。秘书是人在社会组织中担当的一种角色。其角色意识又必须控制在社会组织为他规定的规范之内。也就是说,他不是在自己选定的环境下创造,而是在他直接碰到的环境下创造。因为秘书在社会组织中不是领导者、指挥者、决策者,仅仅是领导者、指挥者、决策者的参谋和助手。他仅仅服务于领导工作,活动于幕后。作为处于从属辅助地位的秘书,必须听命于人,只能在受控的前提下施控。这种受规范控制的角色意识制约着呈膨胀状态的自我意识,而强烈的自我意识能在一定条件下促进、推动角色意识,这就是自我意识与角色意识的对立统一。在这种对立统一的发展过程中,自我意识与角色意识始终是互相渗透、互为因果的。秘书要实现自我,首先必须冲出自我,在“无我”中实现自我并达到“超我”。 融自我于角色,角色中见自我。任何自我实现不可能在角色之外达到,一个人必须全力塑造丰满的角色形象,才能真正达到自我实现。在戏剧舞台上,锣鼓一响 、音乐声起,演员就各自完全进入自己的角色。演员所塑的声情并茂,维妙维肖的角色形象就是他在戏剧舞台上的一种自我实现。在秘书岗位上扮演秘书角色,就要像演员塑造角色一样,把追求、跨越更高阶段的自我意识不断调整转移到塑造完美丰满的秘书形象上来。要彻底摈弃“身在曹营心在汉”或“这山望见那山高”的心态,使强烈的自我实现的丰富性动机完全融汇在角色意识之中。在角色意识中溶化了强烈的自我意识,那么从属性的被动工作就会出现创造性、主动性态势。在规范的角色位置上塑造出了鲜明的角色形象,其自我实现也就达到了新的境界,也就是在角色形象中展现了崭新的独特的自我。 隐个性于共性,共性中显个性。个性,是指一个人在他内在生理素质的基础上,在一定的社会条件下,通过社会生活的实践锻炼与陶冶,逐步形成的观念、态度、气质与习惯等,它是一个人比较稳定的生理、心理素质和社会行为特征的总和。是一个人在人与人相互接触中表现出来的性格倾向。共性,是人在社会生活中能够配合他人的行为,适应群体生活的共同要求,符合群体行为规范的性格倾向。心理学家认为,只要不是病态,任何个性都是可爱的。这是从宏观角度对社会构成与发展而言。而从微观角度,对适应某种社会规范而言,个性是要服从于共性的。作为秘书,不仅要个性服从于共性,而且还要使自己的个性巧妙地溶合于共性,具有最大限度的可压缩性,刚柔相济,富有弹性。在任何情况下,在任何环境中,不但能顺应群体共性,尤其还要顺应其服务对象的独特个性。 能使个性泯消于微观而显现于宏观,是运用掌握个性维度的上乘境界。人们生活中看不到有什么个性的人,往往是最有个性的人。对秘书来说,自负清高,目中无人是狭隘危险的个性;点头哈腰,奴颜卑膝是令人恶心、没有出息的个性;而有礼有节、不亢不卑、自信自谦、能屈能伸,才是一个正派秘书所应该具有的个性。一个有作为的秘书,有志献身于与自己的服务对象共同为之奋斗的事业,他在工作中为了事业和工作的需要,为了适应所在群体的共性和服务对象的个性而压抑个性、牺牲自我,任劳任怨、埋头苦干,不计名利,委屈求全,这种没有“个性”的个性,不正是一种高尚可贵的“个性”么? 以角色建自我,无形中求有形。不论是默默无闻还是惊天动地,人总是表现自我,总是在建造一种自我。有人认为,秘书只是桥、舟、烛,只能渡送他人淹没自己;只能照亮他人,毁灭自己,不能实现辉煌的自我。认为“秘书是艘破渡船,只把别人送上岸。渡了一船又一船,自己还在河这边”,怀着自我实现难以满足的满腹怨屈,生出怀才不遇、有志难展的种种牢骚,这是一种狭隘的“唯我”之见。 自古以来的秘书虽然一般都名不见于经传,利不显于俸禄,但其中胸怀大志而成大业者大有人在。舍远而观近、避古而论今,毛泽东同志在党的第三次代表大会以后曾担任党中央秘书,邓小平同志则在党的八、七会议时任过党中央的政治秘书。他们后来都成为叱咤风云、扭转乾坤的一代英杰。田家英作为毛主席的秘书,虽没有在政治舞台上抛头露面,而其秘书的铮铮风骨却万人敬仰,流传千古。以此观之,他们是在扮演的角色中,一步一步地实现自我,是在冲出自我时达到“超我”,堪称我们秘书工作者的楷模。 内在思想与外在行为的逆向调节 秘书是领导者的“辅弼之臣”,其智囊作用主要表现在以“谋”助 “断”、以“谋”促“断”、以“谋”执“断”。因此,在内在思维上,必须站在领导者的角度去思考问题,要具有领导思维。但是,处于从属地位的秘书只是领导者、指挥者、决策者的参谋和助手,他没有也不应当具有领导、指挥、决策的权力。所以,在外在行为上他只能不折不扣地执行领导意图,而不能自行其是。在某种意义上,秘书是思维的“巨人”,行为的“矮子”!秘书内在思维与外在行为的要求的不一致,是秘书工作的一个显著的独特性,秘书要充分注重自我把握这种内外有别的逆向调节。 主导思维,辅助施行。一个勇敢的士兵要有将军的气慨,一个能干的秘书要有领导的思维。有些人行动上习惯于唯唯诺诺、畏首畏尾,思想上满足于做“桐油灯芯”——拨一下动一下。凡事不敢主动去想,不会超前去想,总是要等领导有所指示或暗示后才去慢慢地揣摸领会其意图,自己美其名曰“谦虚谨慎”,其实这种人不是庸材便是奴才。 也有许多人确实才高八斗、聪明卓绝。他们的思想往往高于或先于领导者,对领导的意图一揣即透。可是不善于把这种高明的内在思想恰如其份地表现在外在行为上,而好先声夺人,卖弄聪明,以致令人生厌或惹下大祸。《三国演义》中曹操的主薄杨修,从曹操发布的口令“鸡肋”中,揣摸出了其撤军的意图,但他不经曹操允许就先行散播了撤退的舆论,结果被曹操以动摇军心之罪而杀之。他的思维脉络不可谓不佳,而其越轨行为则不可谓不蠢也。在现代,有些好表现自己的秘书也常常出现这种愚蠢的行为。 主导思维,是秘书在内在思维上以领导者的思想高度、站在领导者的角度去考虑问题。在思维上完全可以高于或先于领导者,以促进和协助完善领导意图,但必须善于巧思妙导、不伤领导之自尊。秘书主导思维的出发点在于高效率地领会、执行或协助完善领导意图,不是卖弄聪明,表现自己。因此,在行为上绝不能先于领导的决断。 秘书的内在思维与外在行为,完全是逆向发展的。以高的角度去思维,从低的位置去执行。或者说,思在其前,行在其后。如果这个“度”调节把握不准,秘书不是越权僭位,就会无所作为。 同步思维,从属施行。秘书与领导在知识才干上旗鼓相当,平分秋色,而且历来配合很好,在许多情况下,“英雄所见略同”,这种与领导一拍即合,心领神会的思维即是同步思维。秘书具有与领导同步思维的能力时,如果不加调节控制,会出现我行我素,自作主张的行为,这正是秘书之大忌。 秘书在主动、积极、创造性地工作中,要十分注重尊重领导,及时请示汇报。在原则问题上,即使与领导观点一致,也不能自作聪明,信口开河,或“替天行道”,而要站在从属性位置有程序,有分寸、有节制地施行。 全局思维,局部施行。秘书所属领导,对下而言是全局,对上而言是局部;领导集体是全局,领导者个人是局部。秘书有责任协助所属领导顾全大局,因而必须具有全局思维。 社会主义的新型秘书不同于封建社会的师爷、门客,他是为国家机关和领导集体服务 ,不是为领导者个人的私利服务;是拿国家薪金,不是食“君”之禄。因此,不能在人身上依附于领导者,对领导者的个人意志唯唯喏喏,曲意奉迎,为领导者的个人私利不遗余力,奔波效劳。秘书只从属于自己所在的领导机关。他为领导者提供各种职能性服务是为了保证整个领导工作的顺利进行。他的思维幅射点应从全局出发,在领导决策过程中,以全局的思维的意见、建议供领导参考,并有责任巧妙帮助和引导领导者克服一时的偶然的局部意识。 如果一个秘书没有全局思维,不能及时为领导提供严谨、正确的意见和建议,而只会随声附和,或站在局部利益乱出歪点子,他就失去了秘书的正常职能。秘书内在思维时,应从全局的高度和角度出发,向领导者提供可行性意见、建议供其参考决断,而在执行过程中则又必须以局部的角度,从属的地位为出发点。一旦领导作出决断,秘书就只能坚决无条件地执行,而不能有丝毫游移,更不能自以为是,与领导分庭抗礼或另搞一套。 秘书内在思维能力是与其学识才干胆略相对应的。不具备相当的才干能力,无所谓发达的内在思维,内在思维发达而又有胆有识的秘书,则尤其要在外在行为上谦虚谨慎。 秘书气质与志向风操的自我修持 气质的含义一般是指人的个性特点,如直爽、沉静、浮躁等,也指其风格、气度。秘书气质则此二者皆兼而共有,主见于风格气度。志向风操是一个人的主观价值取向及实现这种价值取向的自我操持。秘书气质即其志向风操的特殊外延,自我之志向风操是秘书气质的丰富内涵。 社会上不乏偏见和误解,总以为古往今来的秘书,似乎都是点头哈腰的软壳蛋、看风使舵的应声虫,是毫无风骨、气度的附属品。这是“一叶障山,不见泰山”。在浩渺无涯的历史长河中,正直无私的秘书一般隐性埋名而很少见于经传,但光照日月的辉煌业绩中无不包含渗透了他们无声无形的大智大勇之奉献。常言道,一个事业的成功者后面往往站着一位贤惠的妻子。而每个英明卓越的领导者后面无不拥有一群聪敏能干的秘书。在日益壮大的秘书队伍中,许许多多的秘书人员都具有着令人叹服的才华、令人倾倒的风度、令人钦佩的骨气、令人赞美的精神。气质发源于风操、风操立足于志向。这种才华、风度、骨气、精神汇集凝结为独特的秘书气质,它是与志向风操的自我修持密切相关、互为因果的。 绝顶为峰的恢弘志气,始终如一的中心意志。志气是一个人实现其理想、目标的内动力。追求的目标愈远,理想愈高,志气就愈大。秘书工作是培养、锻炼和造就人才的摇篮,秘书虽处于辅助地位,在现时协同领导通观全局、运筹帷幄,而随着时代和事业发展的需要则存在着位移的可能。因此,要站得高、望得远,为共产主义理想奋斗,为社会主义事业献身,要具备一种“海到无边天作岸,山登绝顶我为峰”的恢弘志气。秘书的志气是为国家为社会献身尽责的志气,是忧国忧民的志气,是励精图治,振兴中华的志气。封建时代的范仲淹尚能“居庙堂之高则忧其君,处江湖之远则忧其民”,作为社会主义时代的秘书当然应该比他的胸怀更开阔、眼光更远大。秘书有了为国家、为民族、为社会主义“四化”大业尽责的恢弘之志,其奉献精神必会油然而生,就会在被动的岗位上神清气爽地主动地去工作,就可以不论在民主型、开拓型、超脱型、事务型、业务型,还是平庸型、放任型、专断型、世故型、权势型领导者的手下,都能应变自如,自觉做好份内工作。秘书工作的难度不仅仅在于其从属性、政治性,主要的、直接的难度还是在于它的综合性、事务性和群众性。它的这种职能决定了其具体工作的琐碎性、突发性、严密性和连续性。这种“没分没晓,没完没了”的工作特性,是足以窒息理想、压抑志气的。那么,秘书靠什么从这样的困难之海到达理想追求的自由彼岸?光有志气是不够的,还要有始终如一的中心意志。 远大的目标,坚韧的意志是秘书人员心灵的护卫和保障。一种披荆斩棘、破釜沉舟、不惜任何代价、任何牺牲都要达到其目标的决心、恒心、信心,就是坚韧的中心意志。它是秘书用以克服、解除一切困难的钥匙。具有坚韧的意志,不但是一切成就大事业的人们的心理特征,而且也是平凡岗位上默默无闻,不是“红花”而甘为“绿叶”者的一种典型心理特征。做一件事,完成某项工作,能否有不达目的不肯放手的劲头和毅力,是评判秘书是否具备坚韧的意志力的一个标准。一般情况下,许多人都能随众而向前,顺利时也肯努力奋斗。可是,在别人都已退出,或者都已向后转的情况下,对于一个既要参与政务,又要管理事务的秘书,如果不具有这种始终如一的中心意志,他的工作就会虎头蛇尾,有始无终,难以令人满意。有了这种贯穿始终的中心意志,他就能兢兢业业,满怀信心,胜利到达理想的彼岸。 自重自爱的人格操守,张弛自如的容忍度量。人格、操守是基本的、最可靠的事业之本。一个人能够知道尊重自己的人格,不把自己当作一件买卖品,不肯为了金钱、权势、地位而出卖自己的灵魂和人格、降落自己的操守,则他一定能成为社会中备受尊敬的人。每个人都应认识到,在自己的生命中是应该具有宝贵的人格的。这种人格非富贵之所能淫,贫贱之所能移,威武之所能屈,这种人格为任何代价所不能购买,“宁为玉碎,不为瓦全”。这种人格之基石就是克已奉公,诚实公正,言而有信,行而有义。在社会生活中是否受人尊重,主要决定于一 个人的人格,不是一个人的职位。毋庸置疑,党和国家机关的秘书必须首先具有这种基本的人格,然后才谈得上党性、国格。 秘书与服务对象的关系,在封建社会是人身依附关系;在资本主义社会是雇佣关系;在社会主义社会则是平等的同志关系。他与自己的服务对象只有职能分工的不同,就更应自己尊重自己的人格。领导与秘书在人际关系上并没有天然的鸿沟,相互之间往往是相互制约、相互影响的。秘书的高尚人格也可以对领导起一定的潜移默化的影响,甚至制约作用。秘书失去了人格比一般人没有人格为害尤甚,就会由国家机关的秘书沦为领导者个人的门客和奴仆,就会与搞不正之风的领导者同流合污,以权谋私、为虎作伥,这是非常危险的。秘书工作的从属性是工作职能方面的从属,不是人格、操守上的从属,秘书有自己独立的人格,绝对不应盲从。秘书在人格操守上能够自重自爱,可以说是国家之福、领导之幸。 容忍的度量,就是一种广阔的胸怀。对国家、民族、共产党和人民的根本利益受到损害,即危害四项基本原则问题,对一切违法乱纪的行为理所当然不能容忍。容忍的前提,是从党和国家及人民的根本利益出发。秘书为了协调工作的需要,对下要容,对上要忍,委屈求全,经得起敲打。容则能合众,忍则能抗压。俗话说:人上一百,形形色色。秘书面对庞大的社会网络,身处复杂微妙的地位,不可持个人之性,不能逞一时之气,而要从非我的角度,谨言慎行,能容能忍。虚怀若谷,委屈求全就是善于容忍即听得起批评,受得起委屈,耐得了刺激,“不以物喜,不以已悲”,骤然临之而不惊、无故加之而不怒,我行我素正常工作,这就是秘书气质的基本要素。为秘书者应有“草不谢荣于春风,木不怨落于秋灭”的心态和境界。 满腔热忱的工作精神,尽善尽美的办事态度。测验秘书气质还有一个标准,那就是看他工作时所具的精神。假使他对于工作是被动的而非自动的;假使他对于自己的工作感到厌恶、毫无热诚和爱好之心,不能使工作成为自己的一种喜悦,而觉得像是在被迫服一种苦役的话,那他是绝难取得工作成效,做得有声有色的。一个秘书工作时所具的精神,不但对于工作的效率与质量大有影响,而且与造就培养他本人的品格和气质也大有关系。秘书的工作就是秘书的人格之表现,是秘书的志趣、理想能力、气质之外部写真。看到了他所做工作的品质,也就“如见其为人”了。秘书的工作,是秘书的自我塑像,为美为丑,可爱可憎全操于他自己之手。因此,秘书应对自己的工作临之以一种艺术家的精神,持以乐观、满腔热忱的心理,才能变被动为主动,变消极为积极,使自己的工作成果放出光彩。 除了对工作具有满腔热忱的精神状态,还要有一丝不苟,尽善尽美的办事态度。如果做秘书工作养成了轻视与忽略的坏习惯,时时抱着一种马马虎虎、敷衍苟且的应付态度,那么,即使他有满腔热忱,冲天干劲,其效果也会被这种惰性所抵销。做秘书工作,事无大小、事无巨细,每做一事都要竭其心力、求其完美,这也是秘书气质反映在事业上的一个标记。秘书以尽力为本,以奉献为荣,他在每做完一件工作时,应当可以扪心自问,可以有勇气这样说:对于这件工作,我问心无愧,我尽到了自己的最大努力,已经做到了力所能及范围内的“最好”。许多人最常见的毛病就在于办事不彻底,缺乏贯穿始终、尽善尽美的工作态度。他们对工作、对事业不想求其完美,而在个人利益上则企望有最理想的收获,这是秘书人员不可取的。秘书工作不仅有辅助性、服务性、全面性的特点,而且具有很强的机密性、政策性,它环环相扣,关系密切,“牵一发而动全身”,往往涉及一个全局和整体,尤其需要一丝不苟,尽善尽美的办事态度。 在建设有中国特色社会主义宏图大业中,各行各业、各级党政机关需要有大批精明能干的秘书,才能适应现代社会高效率的管理。尽管秘书人员级别不同,行业各异,“闻道有先后,术业有专攻”,其秘书意识与气质不能不具备,不能不深化。有较高的秘书意识与气质的修养,秘书功能才能得到最佳发挥,秘书职能才会高效运转。因此,秘书人员在不断扩充理论、应用知识、提高各种办事能力的同时,必须自觉加强秘书意识与气质的修养。
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How to estabish business relationship的文章 3000字全英文?

转载的,仅供学习查考. How to Establish Long Term Relationships in Business Posted: Jan 21, 2009 Copyright (c) 2009 Alan Gillies The escalation of globalization and the intense petition have suddenly made *** all business possibilities much more desirable. With quite a few large organizations being unable to rapidly restructure in our evolving market, a higher percentage of *** all businesses with their inherent flexibility and capacity to change are taking hold of a sizeable slice of the market share. The methods of *** all business expansion are very different from their large organization counterparts. Large organizations have the financial resources to rapidly expand, improving their existing facilities, buying new facilities, and widely distributing all of their products. On the other hand, *** all businesses rarely have any of these options, therefore they need to search for other possibilities which are cost effective yet still ensure an increase in revenue. Small businesses can ensure their success - and their future, by continuously strengthening their relationship with their customers. Although this process is a gradual one, with time it will ensure long term relationships, profitable for the *** all business while useful and fulfilling for the customers - thereby distributing benefits to all. - When you make promises, always keep them - Businesses which haven"t yet made their mark in their industry can"t afford to make suppliers wait for the money nor can they make customers wait for the products. The key is to not allow such situations to occur and affect your business, therefore "Make Promises and Keep Them". This will build trust among partners and customers, ensuring long term relationships with everyone involved. - Prudent use of money - Instead of spending money on expensive PR activities or other image building affairs, spend it on cost effective activities like direct response marketing. With this system you can clearly see the relationship between the expenses and the benefits that have been achieved. - Define the ground you wish to build on, e.g. service, quality or price - Don"t attempt to apply an approach used by larger businesses, choose your own way and specialize - without promise. This will make all the difference in keeping your *** all business on track and focused toward its objectives. - Hard work has always been necessary, but if you"re really looking for an edge to get ahead, "work *** arter, not harder". - Try to get more business cards than you give - Attend seminars and conferences to keep yourself updated with the latest trends in your industry. Be excited about your work and be really positive in your munication - this will result in very valuable referrals. - Only accept deals which you can fulfill to the highest standard, on time and at your agreed cost - Small businesses should avoid risky contracts for big payouts. If the final product doesn"t meet the necessary standards, it can be a disaster for everyone involved, causing havoc with your pany image. (ArticlesBase SC #731178) Read more: ***/business-articles/how-to-establish-long-term-relationships-in-business-731178#ixzz0on4OVpwC Under Creative mons License: Attribution,2,How to estabish business relationship的文章 3000字全英文 急
2023-07-30 16:33:591

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2023-07-30 16:34:2110

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2023-07-30 16:35:043


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根据传统的营销学理论,企业营销活动的主要目的是扩大市场份额,企业应围绕4P(产品、价格、促销、渠道)营销因素组合,开展营销活动,尽力扩大市场份额。企业应采用3R营销策略,尽力留住顾客(Retention),向顾客销售相关的产品和服务(Relation Sales),鼓励顾客向亲友介绍他们满意的消费经历(Referrals)。根据传统的营销学理论,企业营销活动的主要目的是扩大市场份额,企业应围绕4P(产品、价格、促销、渠道)营销因素组合,开展营销活动,尽力扩大市场份额。九十年代初,美国哈佛大学商学院教授赛塞与雷奇汉的研究结果表明服务性企业的市场份额对利润并没有什么影响。他们发现:顾客忠诚感较高的服务性企业更能赢利,忠诚的顾客可使服务性企业逐年获得更大利润。在雷奇汉和赛塞的研究基础上,哈佛大学商学院教授赫斯凯特、赛塞、施策辛格等人于1994年提出了服务利润链管理理论。他们认为企业不应追求最大市场份额,而应尽力提高市场份额质量(主要指忠诚的顾客比率)。因此,企业应采用3R营销策略,尽力留住顾客(Retention),向顾客销售相关的产品和服务(Relation Sales),鼓励顾客向亲友介绍他们满意的消费经历(Referrals)。一、估计终身顾客的价值美国直觉公司(Intuit)年营业额达到3000万美元时,该公司只有两名推销员。但是,该公司却拥有成千上万“兼职”推销员———满意的用户。这些满意的用户向亲友大力推介“加速”软件,为直觉公司招徕大批新顾客,而直觉公司却不必向这些“兼职”推销员支付工资和奖金。直觉公司采用3R营销策略,将顾客转化为终身顾客,向他们销售相关产品和服务,并通过满意的顾客的口头宣传,不断地增加新顾客。充分理解终身的重要性,是直觉公司能不断地提高经济收益的主要原因。至1995年年底,该公司“加速”软件的年营业额已超过1亿美元,年税前利润已超过4千万美元。(一)留住老顾客留住老顾客指企业与顾客保持持久的、密切的关系,不断地向顾客销售他们原先购买的产品和服务。企业较易为老顾客服务,不必花费大量时间和营销费用,吸引老顾客购买。因此,企业为老顾客服务,可不断地提高经济收益。老顾客对企业的产品和服务已形成正确的期望,了解企业的服务程序,企业为老顾客服务,可逐渐降低服务成本和费用。MBNA是美国最大的信用卡公司之一。为了留住每一位持卡者,该公司采取了一系列增强持卡者忠诚感的措施。该公司深入了解“跳槽者”的意见,改进服务程序,开发新服务项目。该公司尽力留住每一位持卡者,持卡者“跳槽”率明显降低。1990年,该公司持卡者“跳槽”率已比竞争对手低一半左右。在8年时间里,该公司的利润增加了16倍,在美国信用卡公司中的排名也从第38位上升到第4位。(二)销售相关的新产品和新服务企业向老顾客销售新产品和新服务,可节省大量销售费用。买卖双方早已相互了解,企业不必花费大量和营销费用,向老顾客介绍自己的情况,审查老顾客的信用情况。因此,与新顾客相比,向老顾客销售产品和服务,企业更能赢利。有些老顾客会讨价还价,要求企业降低他们经常购买的某种产品或服务的售价。但是,这些老顾客对新产品和新服务的售价却往往并不敏感。总的说来,企业与这些老顾客保持关系,也可提高经济收益。许多工业企业的服务部门与客户保持关系,从售后服务获得的利润往往比这些企业从产品销售获得的利润高得多。例如,在激烈价格的竞争中,为了争取客户,电梯生产厂家出售高建筑中安装的电梯,几乎无利可图。电梯生产厂家主要通过售后服务获取利润。
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个案管理是一种服务理念,一种服务体系,也是一种服务过程。它的工作流程包括: (1)个案发掘与转介 一般而言,服务对象通常都是通过各种转介(referrals)以及外展(也称主动接触,outreach)等方式成为服务对象的。个案管理者发现个案的途径有两种:一是个案可能会通过各种转介的渠道接触服务机构(如其他机构转介、家庭、社区组织、警察、学校和自我转介等);二是有些机构可能会通过外展的方式深入社区,寻找或鼓励潜在的服务对象进入服务机构,让他们有机会获得服务机构提供的各类服务。 这里需要注意的是,不是每位求助者都能够成为个案管理服务的服务对象。社会工作者在开始接触服务对象时,应尽可能协助服务对象表达自己的需求,以确认服务对象面临的问题,并且判定问题是否复杂到需要运用个案管理的方式。 (2)评估与选择 评估(assessment)也称为“预估”,指的是对问题的界定和测评过程。个案管理评估的目的是确认服务对象的真实需要,以便能够有效运用资源满足服务对象独特的要求。与传统个案工作评估不同,个案管理的评估采用的是在短时间内准确诊断的方式。接案后,服务对象与机构建立了合作关系,但这并不意味着每位服务对象都需要个案管理,只有那些问题或需要较为复杂的服务对象才能成为个案管理的服务对象。因此,个案管理需要适当的评估,以确定服务对象是否需要整合性服务。评估内容涉及很多方面,包括服务对象个人状况,如服务对象的健康、心理、认知、社交、经济、家庭、社会环境以及社会支持等。 (3)个案管理服务计划与执行 个案管理的主要任务之一是为服务对象设计一个包裹式的服务,这套服务方案主要包括服务计划和治疗计划两部分。个案管理者在制订服务计划的阶段,有两个方面需要特别注意:一是需要确保有适当的资源,以满足服务对象的需要:二是需要负责管理珍贵而稀少的资源。 个案管理服务计划的执行就是提供服务,满足服务对象的需要过程,也是开展专业服务的过程。 (4)监督和评估 在服务过程中个案管理需要不断地监督和评估,以便及时调整服务,保证服务的适当性和有效性;在服务结束后,也需要通过追踪来确认服务的效果。服务结束后的评估主要包括以下几项指标:一是服务是否符合服务对象的需要;二是服务对象对整个服务是否满意;三是服务提供的目标是否实现。 (5)结案 个案管理工作随着合同的终止而结束服务。在结案阶段,个案管理者要为结束服务做好充分准备,包括征求服务对象对服务结束时间的建议、处理服务关系结束后所带来的情感反应、检查结束工作的安排以及转介工作的安排情况等。
2023-07-30 16:36:181

How to estabish business relationship的文章 3000字全英文

转载的,仅供学习查考。 How to Establish Long Term Relationships in Business Posted: Jan 21, 2009 Copyright (c) 2009 Alan Gillies The escalation of globalization and the intense competition have suddenly made small business possibilities much more desirable. With quite a few large organizations being unable to rapidly restructure in our evolving market, a higher percentage of small businesses with their inherent flexibility and capacity to change are taking hold of a sizeable slice of the market share. The methods of small business expansion are very different from their large organization counterparts. Large organizations have the financial resources to rapidly expand, improving their existing facilities, buying new facilities, and widely distributing all of their products. On the other hand, small businesses rarely have any of these options, therefore they need to search for other possibilities which are cost effective yet still ensure an increase in revenue. Small businesses can ensure their success - and their future, by continuously strengthening their relationship with their customers. Although this process is a gradual one, with time it will ensure long term relationships, profitable for the small business while useful and fulfilling for the customers - thereby distributing benefits to all. - When you make promises, always keep them - Businesses which haven"t yet made their mark in their industry can"t afford to make suppliers wait for the money nor can they make customers wait for the products. The key is to not allow such situations to occur and affect your business, therefore "Make Promises and Keep Them". This will build trust among partners and customers, ensuring long term relationships with everyone involved. - Prudent use of money - Instead of spending money on expensive PR activities or other image building affairs, spend it on cost effective activities like direct response marketing. With this system you can clearly see the relationship between the expenses and the benefits that have been achieved. - Define the ground you wish to build on, e.g. service, quality or price - Don"t attempt to apply an approach used by larger businesses, choose your own way and specialize - without compromise. This will make all the difference in keeping your small business on track and focused toward its objectives. - Hard work has always been necessary, but if you"re really looking for an edge to get ahead, "work smarter, not harder". - Try to get more business cards than you give - Attend seminars and conferences to keep yourself updated with the latest trends in your industry. Be excited about your work and be really positive in your communication - this will result in very valuable referrals. - Only accept deals which you can fulfill to the highest standard, on time and at your agreed cost - Small businesses should avoid risky contracts for big payouts. If the final product doesn"t meet the necessary standards, it can be a disaster for everyone involved, causing havoc with your company image. (ArticlesBase SC #731178) Read more: Under Creative Commons License: Attributio
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2023-07-30 16:37:182


nd referrals fro
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关于英文面试,需要注意哪些技巧,文末还有模板对话哦~小美 烟台芝罘区扬格外语 Job Interviews: Breaking the Ice工作面试:破冰You"ll notice a few questions in the beginning of the interview that concerns how the job applicant arrived and the weather. This is commonly referred to as "breaking the ice". "Breaking the ice" is an important way to begin the job interview, but it shouldn"t take too long. Generally, job interviewers will break the ice to help you feel comfortable. Make sure to give positive, but not too detailed answers to these "ice breakers".在面试开始时,你需要注意到一些问题,这些问题关系到求职者是如何到达的以及当天天气。这通常被称为“破冰”。“破冰”是开始面试的一个重要方式,但不应花太长时间。一般来说,面试官会使用破冰的方式,让你感到舒适。一定要对这些“破冰者”给出积极但不太详细的答案。Job Interview Tips: Breaking the Ice面试技巧:破冰Give short, positive answers to questions.对问题给出简短、肯定的回答。Don"t go into too much detail.不要讲太多细节。Expect questions about the weather or how you arrived at the job interview.提前预估关于天气或你是如何到达面试现场的问题。It"s a good idea to make a pleasant comment yourself to break the ice. Keep it short, positive and simple.你自己做一个愉快的评论来破冰是个好主意。保持简短、积极和简洁。Job Interviews: Referrals工作面试:推荐人Sometimes, you may have found about a job opportunity through a referral. If this is the case, make sure to use the referral to your best advantage by mentioning it at the beginning of the interview.有时候,你可能通过推荐找到了一个工作机会。如果是这样的话,一定要在面试开始时提到这一点,以此来利用推荐给你的最佳优势。Job Interview Tips: Referrals工作面试提示:推荐Mention the name of the referral at the beginning of the interview. Ideally, this should be done when asked about how you found the job opening.在面试开始时提到推荐人的名字。理想情况下,当被问及你是如何找到空缺职位时,你应该这么说。Provide the name of the referral, Don"t go into too much detail about the relationship, unless asked.Give the name of the referral only once. Don"t continue to repeat the name during the interview.只说一次推荐人的名字。面试时不要再重复这个名字。Don"t assume the job interviewer knows the person you are mentioning.不要以为面试官认识你提到的人。Job Interviews: Language工作面试:语言Relating your job experience and how it relates to the specific job for which you are applying are the two most important tasks during any job interview. Make sure to use lots of descriptive verbs and adjectives to describe your responsibilities. For example, instead of the following job description:在任何一次面试中,将你的工作经历与你申请的具体工作联系起来是两个最重要的任务。一定要用大量的描述性动词和形容词来描述你的责任。例如,要避免以下这样的工作描述:I talked to customers about their problems.我和客户谈过他们的问题。A more descriptive phrase with better vocabulary might be:更好的描述性短语应该是:I counseled customers documenting their concerns, and coordinating our response to their individual needs.我建议客户记录他们的问题,并协调我们对他们个人需求的响应。Remember to use the correct tenses when speaking about your experience. Here"s a quick review on which verbs are appropriate for specific situations. In the listening selection, you will hear the present perfect, present perfect continuous and present simple used because the person is speaking about his current projects.在谈论你的经历时,记得使用正确的时态。下面简要回顾一下哪些动词适合特定情况。在听力选择中,你会听到现在完成时、现在完成进行时、一般现在时的简单用法,因为这个人正在谈论他的当前项目。Job Interview Tips: Language面试提示:语言Take some time to prepare descriptive sentences concerning your responsibilities.花些时间准备一些关于描述你职责的句子。Use a dictionary, or this handy job interview vocabulary page to improve your vocabulary selection.使用字典或方便的求职面试词汇页面来提高词汇选择。Make sure to connect your past experience to the position by using lots of present perfect.一定要用大量的现在完成时把你过去的经验和职位联系起来。Quickly review appropriate job interviewing tenses for describing experiences on this page.快速回顾合适的面试时态,以描述此页面上的经验。Here is a wonderful example of a job interview, please notice how the words and phrases are used and the tenses in the sentences. Keep them in mind if you can.下面是一个面试的模板对话,请注意单词和短语的用法以及句子中的时态。如果可以的话,记住它们。模板对话Interviewer (Ms Hanford): (opens door, shakes hands) Good morning…面试者(汉福德女士):(开门,握手)早上好……Job Applicant (Mr. Anderson): Good morning, Joe Anderson, it"s a pleasure to meet you Ms Hanford.求职者(安德森先生):早上好,乔·安德森,很高兴见到你,汉福德女士。Hanford: How do you do? Please take a seat. (Joe sits) It"s quite the rainy day outside, isn"t it?汉福德:你好!请坐。(乔坐下)外面的雨天真是太多了,不是吗?Anderson: Yes, luckily, you have a nice underground parking lot that helped me avoid the worst of it. I must say this is an impressive building.安德森:是的,幸运的是,这儿有一个很好的地下停车场,帮助我避免了最坏的情况。我得说这是一座令人印象深刻的建筑。Hanford: Thank you, we like working here... Now, let"s see. You"ve come to interview for the position of e-commerce manager, haven"t you?汉福德:谢谢,我们喜欢在这里工作……现在,让我们看看。你是来面试电子商务经理的吧?Anderson: Yes, Peter Smith encouraged me to apply, and I think I"d be ideal for the position.安德森:是的,彼得·史密斯鼓励我申请这个职位,我认为我很适合这个职位。Hanford: Oh. Peter… he"s a great sysadmin, we like him a lot … Let"s go over your resume. Could you begin by telling me about your qualifications?汉福德:哦。彼得……他是个很棒的系统管理员,我们非常喜欢他……让我们看一下你的简历。你能先告诉我你的资历吗?Anderson: Certainly. I"ve been working as the regional assistant director of marketing at Simpco Northwest for the past year.安德森:当然。在过去的一年里,我一直在辛普科西北部担任区域营销助理总监。Hanford: And what did you do before that?汉福德:在那之前你做过什么?Anderson: Before that, I was a Simpco local branch manager in Tacoma.安德森:在那之前,我是塔科马的辛普科当地分公司经理。Hanford: Well, I see you have done well at Simpco. Can you give me some more detail about your responsibilities as assistant director?汉福德:嗯,我看你在辛普科干得很好。你能详细介绍一下你作为副主任的职责吗?Anderson: Yes, I"ve been in charge of in-house personnel training for our Internet customer service reps over the past six months.安德森:是的,在过去的六个月里,我一直负责我们的互联网客户服务代表的内部人员培训。Hanford: Can you tell me a little bit about what you"ve been doing in your training?汉福德:你能告诉我你在培训中做了些什么吗?Anderson: We"ve been working on improving customer satisfaction through an innovative e-commerce solution which provides real-time chat service help to visitors to the site.安德森:我们一直致力于通过一个创新的电子商务解决方案来提高客户满意度,该解决方案为网站访问者提供实时聊天服务。Hanford: Interesting. Is there anything in particular you feel would be useful here at Sanders Co.?汉福德:很有趣。你觉得在桑德斯公司有什么特别难忘的吗?Anderson: I understand that you have been expanding your e-commerce to include social networking features.安德森:我知道你们一直在扩展电子商务,以包括社交网络功能。Hanford: Yes, that"s correct.汉福德:是的,没错。Anderson: I think that my experience in customer relations via the Internet in real-time puts me in the unique position of understanding what works and what doesn"t.安德森:我认为我通过互联网实时处理客户关系的经验使我处于一个独特的位置,那就是了解什么起作用,什么不起作用。Hanford: Yes, that does sound useful. What difficulties and challenges do you think we might run into?汉福德:是的,听起来确实有用。你认为我们会遇到什么困难和挑战?Anderson: Well, I think we"ll continue to see consumers spend more of the shopping dollars online. I"ve been studying how sales directly relates to customer satisfaction with online services.安德森:嗯,我想我们会继续看到消费者在网上花更多的钱。我一直在研究如何把销售与在线服务的客户满意度联系起来。Hanford: Would you mind giving me a bit more detail on that?汉福德:你能详细介绍一下吗?Anderson: Sure ... if customers aren"t satisfied with the service they receive online, they won"t come back. It"s much easier to lose customers online. That"s why you need to make sure that you get it right the first time round.安德森:当然……如果客户对在线服务不满意,他们就不会回来了。在网上失去顾客要容易得多。这就是为什么你需要确保第一轮就把它做好。Hanford: I can see you"ve learnt quite a lot in the short time you"ve been working in e-commerce.汉福德:我看你在电子商务工作的这段时间里学到了很多东西。Anderson: Yes, it"s an exciting field to be working in …安德森:是的,这是一个令人兴奋的领域...
2023-07-30 16:37:481


The beatles public (Volkswagen Beetle)Official name for the mass Type 1 (Volkswagen Type 1), is by the Volkswagen (Hong Kong translation of luck gentleman depot) in 1938 to 2003 years of a compact car production. Although the name is called "the beatles" have been accepted by the public, but until August 1967, the public bus was formally USES the name in the market. And in this before this, the European market sales of this car is with "Type I" or "1200", "1300", "1500" the engine displacement for names. In 1998, at the beginning of the beetles referrals many years later, vw officially launched the appearance and are very similar to the original new beetles (in the public Golf (Golf) as a platform), and is the beatles in Mexico and a few other countries have been production to 2003 years. 中文大众甲壳虫(Volkswagen Beetle)  正式名称为大众1型(Volkswagen Type 1),是由大众汽车(香港译福士车厂)在1938年至2003年间生产的一款紧凑型轿车。虽然“甲壳虫”这个名称很早就被公众所接受,但直到1967年8月,大众汽车才正式在市场上使用这个名字。而在此这前,欧洲市场销售的该款车都是以“Type I”或“1200”、“1300”、“1500”这些发动机排气量来命名的。1998年,在最初的甲壳虫下线许多年以后,大众汽车正式推出了外形与原先非常相似的新甲壳虫(以大众高尔夫(Golf)为平台),而甲壳虫则在墨西哥和其他少数一些国家一直生产到2003年。   在一项评选最具世界影响力的“20世纪汽车”的国际投票中,甲壳虫排名第四,仅次于福特T型车、迷你和雪铁龙DS。“人民的汽车”  甲壳虫 大众甲壳虫的历史渊源可以追溯到1930年代的纳粹德国。阿道夫·希特勒希望能够生产一款可以广泛使用的大众化汽车,于是委任工程师费迪南德·波尔舍来完成这项任务。希特勒对这款车的要求是:可以载两个成人和三个儿童、最高时速100公里/小时、售价不超过1000马克。同时还推出了一项储蓄计划以使普通群众也可以买到汽车。然而,随后到来的第二次世界大战使得这些参加了该计划的民众再也没能得到他们购买的汽车,除了一小部分的纳粹高官。   费迪南德·波尔舍在接受这项任务之前几年就已经简明叙述了这款车的最初技术参数,但一直未能形成产品,直到他得到了第三帝国的支持。   1933年 大众甲壳虫1月,阿道夫·希特勒当选德国总理,这个矮小的前奥地利人非常清楚汽车在国家政治、经济和军事上的重要价值,也知道轿车对人民大众的巨大诱惑力。希特勒在竞选纲领中就有一条:让每个德国家庭都拥有一辆轿车。他把人民轿车概括为:“最高时速100公里,百公里耗油应少于7升,可乘载一家两名成人和三名儿童,售价不超过1000马克,可以停放在露天地,发动机冬季要防冻,容易起动。”   不久,德国汽车协会接到元首决定开发小轿车的通知,并指定该协会代表德国政府与波尔舍公司签定协议,由波尔舍公司设计试制大众车
2023-07-30 16:37:581


2023-07-30 16:38:187


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