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这是朋友从法国带回来送我的一款香水,只写了Miss Dior deodorant parfume

2023-07-30 16:34:31







perfume 香水
2023-07-30 16:21:142


2023-07-30 16:21:255


perfume [英]u02c8pu025c:fju:m[美]pu0259ru02c8fju:mn. 香水;香料;香味,香气vt. 使…充满香气;喷香水于…[例句]Did you buy any perfume for your wife?你给你妻子买了任何香水吗?
2023-07-30 16:22:013


2023-07-30 16:22:303

perfume oll是什么意思

2023-07-30 16:22:393


toilet water
2023-07-30 16:22:5010


2023-07-30 16:23:152


  你知道香味用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。    香味的英语说法1:   aroma    香味的英语说法2:   spiciness    香味的英语说法3:   Fragrance    香味的相关 短语 :   香味浓郁 fragrant flavour ; aromatic flavour ;   桂香味 Cinnamon Flavor   香味剂 odorant ; Flavouring ; Flavouring Additites   香味料 spices   增加香味 tart up   香味油 fragrance oil   香水香味 Perfume fragrance   香味的英语例句:   1. The savoury smell greeted them as they went through the door.   他们进门时一阵香味扑鼻而来。   2. A tantalising aroma of roast beef fills the air.   空气中充满诱人的烤牛肉香味。   3. The heady aroma of wood fires emanated from the stove.   炉子里散发出木柴燃烧时的浓烈香味。   4. A smell of bread drifted from some distant bakery.   一阵面包的香味从远处的面包房飘来。   5. She"d baked some bread which made the air smell sweet.   她刚烤制了一些面包,空气里都弥漫着一股香味。   6. Scent your drawers and wardrobe with your favourite aromas.   用你最喜欢的香味熏香你的抽屉和衣柜。   7. The smells of delicious foods floated all around him.   美食的香味弥漫在他的四周。   8. Amy thought she caught the faintest drift of Isabel"s flowery perfume.   埃米觉得她闻到了伊莎贝尔身上飘出的一丝极微弱的花香味香水的味道。   9. He was conscious of the faint, musky aroma of after-shave.   他注意到了须后水淡淡的麝香味。   10. She opened the perfumed envelope.   她打开了带有香味的信封。   11. Her hair smelt of lilac.   她的头发散发出丁香花的香味。   12. A faint aroma of coffee attracted his attention.   淡淡的咖啡香味一下子吸引了他。   13. Champenois wines can be particularly fragrant and perfumed.   香槟酒的香味会特别浓郁。   14. the aroma of fresh coffee   新鲜咖啡的香味   15. the delectable smell of freshly baked bread   新烤面包的香味
2023-07-30 16:23:221


区别一 词性不同fragrance英 ["freu026aɡru0259ns]     美 ["freu026aɡru0259ns]    n.香味perfume英 ["pu025cu02d0fjuu02d0m]     美 [pu0259r"fjuu02d0m]    n.香水;香气vt.洒香水于;使香气弥漫区别二 常用搭配carry fragrance 带有香气send forth fragrance 散发芳香delicate〔faint〕 fragrance 幽香strong fragrance 浓郁的香味sweet fragrance 芳香perfume with (v.+prep.)充满着香味 fill with fragrant smellperfume sth with sth用于 be ~ed 结构The air was perfumed with the scent of subtropical vegetation.空气中弥漫着亚热带植物的香气。The garden was perfumed with roses.那个花园充满了玫瑰花香。区别三 常用句型This flower gives out fragrance. 这花散发香味。This furniture polish comes in three new fragrances. 这种家具的上光剂有三种新的芳香气味。This small bottle of perfume cost me one hundred dollars. 这一小瓶香水花了我100美元。What perfume are you wearing? 你搽什么香水?用法fragrance的复数形式可表示不同种类的“香味”。perfume用作名词的意思是“香水”,转化为动词时意思是“使…变香”“擦〔洒〕香水于”,引申表示“充满着香味”,perfume是及物动词,其后接名词或代词作宾语。
2023-07-30 16:23:431

有几句英文不懂 请大家有懂的帮忙翻译一下

芳香沐浴, 芳香的保湿露,芳香乳液 , 活肤水 ,5周年给贵宾的礼物 。
2023-07-30 16:23:533

perfumed mud

这是虚拟语气 表示与将来事实相反 从句:did/were to /should do 主句:would /could/should/might do
2023-07-30 16:24:021

The roses grow in great perfumed解释一下原因?

对,正常的陈述语序应该是make sb….这里是被动语态,相当是把sb 提前了,变成sb be made
2023-07-30 16:24:233


2023-07-30 16:24:425

perfumed body spray什么意思?

2023-07-30 16:24:563

a new perfumed shampoo是什么意思

a new perfumed shampoo新出的洗发水
2023-07-30 16:25:062


2023-07-30 16:25:162

the roses grew in great (perfuming,perfumed)选哪个,

2023-07-30 16:25:231


2023-07-30 16:25:344


楼上翻译的…………晕 Woods of Windsor foam1),滋润沐浴乳(请把它放在远离儿童的地方)2),身体乳液
2023-07-30 16:25:439

(gel douche parfume perfumed Shower gel)什么意思??拜托了各位 谢谢

2023-07-30 16:26:102


If you were ……………, he would tell ………………这是虚拟语气的结构。perfumed mud 在这里是个名词contained是个动词,it contained perfumed mud 是个宾语从句,充当 tell 的宾语。tell someone sth.tell you that it contained perfumed mud.
2023-07-30 16:26:194


2023-07-30 16:26:303

a new perfumed shampoo是什么意思

2023-07-30 16:27:051


2023-07-30 16:27:1613


问题一:香水用英文怎么说 perfume 问题二:香水翻译成英文怎么说 香水 [词典] perfume; fragrance; cologne; toilet water; [电影] Perfume; [例句]妈妈在手帕上洒香水,使手帕闻起来很舒服。 Mother puts perfume on her handkerchief to make it *** ell pleasant 问题三:喷香水 英文怎么说 中文意思直译就是spray perfume 但英文表达地道是wear perfume 问题四:香水英文怎么读 perfume [英][?p?:fju:m][美][?p??fjum, p??fjum] n.香水; 香料; 香味,香气; vt.使……充满香气; 喷香水于……; fragrance [英][?freir?ns][美][?frer?ns] n.芳香,芬芳; 浓馥,香气; 香水,常用于广告语; cologne [英][k??l?un][美][k??lon] n.古龙水; 科隆; 科隆香水; 花露水; toilet water [电影]Perfume 花露水[电影]香水 问题五:香水的英语单词? 香水的英文单词是:perfume 【基本释义】 perfume英 ["p??fju?m] 美 [p?"fjum] n. 香水;香味 vt. 洒香水于…;使…带香味 vi. 散发香气 [ 过去式 perfumed 过去分词 perfumed 现在分词 perfuming ] 【其他释义、习语】 perfume [p?"fju:m] vt. 1、[常用被动语态]使充满香气;使散发香味: The air is perfumed with the rose flowers. 空气中充满着玫瑰香味。 2、把…弄香;撒香水于: Those lotuses perfume the whole park. 荷花使整个公园变得很香。 3、使形成气氛;使充满气息 vi. 散发香气 n. /"p?:fju:m/ 香味;芳香 香料;香水(尤指从花中提取的挥发性油类) (独特的、令人愉快的)气息;气氛 美名;名声 近义词: scent 短语: a perfumed talk [美国英语]坏话;骂人话 变形: vt. perfumed . perfuming 【短语词组】 perfume bottle 香水瓶 【例句】 1、Who"s wearing that spicy perfume? 是谁身上有那么浓的香味? 2、Those lotuses perfume the whole park. 荷花使整个公园变得很香。 3、He sashayed to the gate of the shop after stealing two bottles of perfume in his pockets. 他把两瓶香水放进口袋里之后,大摇大摆地向商店门口走去。 问题六:香水英语怎么说怎么读谁会读书会说,香水英语。 准确说是法语。 男香是POUR HOMME, 女香是POUR FEMME。 问题七:你的香水味是什么牌子的很好闻,用英文怎么说 Your perfume *** ells good is what brand 问题八:你身上是不是喷了香水啊?英语怎么说? Have you sprayed perfume? 或者Did you spray perfume around yourself? 问题九:香水英文怎么写 perfume
2023-07-30 16:28:371


perfume、fragrance这两种说法都很常用。Fragrance是“香氛”,它的范围比较广,包括香水,香膏,香体喷雾,止汗露等。Perfume是“香水”,是个比较通俗的称呼,其中按照浓度分类,又包括古龙水EDC,淡香水EDT,淡香精EDP,和香精Parfum。口语中Fragrance与Perfume二词的区别不大,都代表了通俗意义上的香水。但Fragrance稍微比Perfume更加正式一些,更适合用于书面语以及较专业的语境。香水最常用的英文单词是:perfume【基本释义】perfume英 ["pu025cu02d0fjuu02d0m] 美 [pu025a"fjum]【其他释义、习语】perfume [pu0259"fju:m]近义词:scent短语:a perfumed talk [美国英语]坏话;骂人话变形:vt. perfumed . perfuming【短语词组】perfume bottle 香水瓶【例句】1、Who"s wearing that spicy perfume?是谁身上有那么浓的香味?2、Those lotuses perfume the whole park.荷花使整个公园变得很香。3、He sashayed to the gate of the shop after stealing two bottles of perfume in his pockets.他把两瓶香水放进口袋里之后,大摇大摆地向商店门口走去。
2023-07-30 16:28:471


问题一:书香味英语怎么说 scent更好 The scent of something is the pleasant *** ell that it has. 这个词本来就有香的含义,而 *** e弗l就没有。 问题二:花的香味用英语怎么表达 How sweet! 问题三:木质香味用英语如何表达 木质香味 woodiness fragrance 问题四:花的香味用英语怎么说 花的香味用: “fragrance” 如果你走进这个花园,你就会闻到花的香味. You"ll *** ell the fragrance of the flowers if you walk into this garden. 问题五:咖啡浓郁的香味 英语怎么说 咖啡浓郁的香味 A rich aroma of coffee 注: aroma 英 [??r??m?] 美 [??ro?m?] n. 芳香,香味; 气派,风格; [例句]As they bake, they perfume the whole house with the aroma of apples and spices. 他们烤蛋糕的时候,整幢房子都飘着苹果和香料的香气。 问题六:香用英语怎么说 形容花香: fragrant [5frei^rEnt] adj. 芬芳的, 香的 aromatic [7ArEu5mAtik] adj. 芬芳的 形容饭菜香: savory [5seivEri]adj. 风味极佳的, 可口的, 味美的 n. 使人开胃的菜肴 问题七:“一阵香味扑鼻而来”用英语怎么说 A fragrance greets the nostrils 问题八:香味的英文是什么 potpourri n. 花香, fragrance [5freI^rEns] n. 芬芳, 香气, 香味 fragrance fra.grance AHD:[fr3“gr…ns] D.J.[6freigr*ns] K.K.[6fregr*ns] n.(名词) The state or quality of having a pleasant odor. 香气:有悦人的味道的状态或性质 A sweet or pleasant odor; a scent. 芳香:甜甜的或悦人的味道;香味 问题九:香的英文是什么 菜香=delicious 美味的, good *** ell The apple pie and custard are delicious. 苹果饼和软冻的味道好极了。 Delicious *** ells were emanating from the kitchen. 香味从厨房飘了出来。 The hunter entertained us with venison which was very delicious. 猎人拿出了非常美味的鹿肉招待我们。 She can produce delicious meal from very simple ingredients. 她能用简单配料烹调出美味的饭菜。 If I may sit so, the crispy fried duck is delicious. 如果我可以这么说的话,这香酥鸭味道很好。 I like the delicious salad of crisp lettuce and tomatos. 我喜欢这种脆莴苣和番茄做的沙拉,很好吃。 房间,服装,香皂香味=perfumed The air is perfumed with the rose flowers. 空气中充满着玫瑰香味。 We have perfumed and unscented soap. 我们有香皂和不加香水的肥皂。 Sheltered by lush foliage and perfumed gardens. 放眼四周,到处都是蓊郁的树木,散发着醉人的清香。 Flowers perfumed the air. 空气中弥漫着花香。 She perfumed her bath with fragrant oils. 她沐浴时在浴缸内洒了些芳香油。 The garden was perfumed with the *** ell of roses. 花园里弥漫着玫瑰的芳香。 She was fashionably dressed and perfumed. 她服装入时,洒了香水。 The room was perfumed with the scent of flowers. 这个房间充满花的芳香。 花香=fragrant The air in the garden was warm and fragrant. 花园里的空气一片温馨。 The flowers gave off a fragrant odor. 花发出一阵幽香。 Any of several other fragrant plant resins, such as Canada balsam. 芳香脂植物其他几种芳香植物脂中的一种,如加拿大香脂 The kitchen was filled with the warm, fragrant odor of her baking. 厨房里弥漫著热呼呼的烘烤香味。 The flowers gave off a fragrant perfume. 花儿散发出芳香。 ...>> 问题十:口感很嫩并且很香用英语怎么说 Taste very tender and very fragrant 或者:they look very nice, *** ell very fragrant, and taste very delicious!
2023-07-30 16:28:541


2023-07-30 16:29:055


意思就是香水英文解释n.1.A substance that emits and diffuses a fragrant odor, especially a volatile liquid distilled from flowers or prepared synthetically.2.A pleasing, agreeable scent or odor.
2023-07-30 16:29:526


frangrance香味 the fragrance of flowers花香味perfume香水 what perfume is she wearing? 她使用什么香水
2023-07-30 16:30:074

perfume 可数吗?

perfumen.[C][U]1. 香味,芳香A faint perfume of jasmine came through the window.从窗户外飘进一阵淡淡的茉莉花香。2. 香水;香料She bought a small bottle of French perfume.她买了一小瓶法国香水。perfumevt.1. 使充满香气[H][(+with)]Flowers perfumed the air.空气里充满了鲜花的香气。2. 洒香水于She perfumed herself with Eau de Cologne.她身上洒着古龙水。
2023-07-30 16:30:242


母鸡啊 。母鸡啊
2023-07-30 16:30:374

《The Perfumed Sleeve A Novel》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《The Perfumed Sleeve》(Laura Joh Rowland)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: g2wn书名:The Perfumed Sleeve作者:Laura Joh Rowland出版社:St. Martin"s Paperbacks出版年份:2005-04-05页数:384内容简介:Sano Ichiro, Most Honorable Investigator of Events, Situations, and People is faced with his most challenging case when he investigates the death of Senior Elder Makino, the shogun"s most trusted adviser. There is only one puzzling clue-a torn, perfumed sleeve of a kimono. Under the watchful eyes of the shogun"s cousin, Lord Matsudaira, and the shogun"s second-in-command, Chamberlain Yanagisaw, Sano moves with caution. For each is eager to implicate the other in Makino"s death. But Sano must determine whether the death was indeed murder, and if so, whether it was motivated by politics, love, or sex.When a second violent death occurs, Sano is faced with several suspects, each with a compelling motive. Was it Agemaki, Makino"s stone-faced second wife; Okitsu, his beautiful young concubine; Koheiji, his handsome male houseguest; or Tamura, his faithful retainer? Or was it a political assassination? With the help of his wife, Reiko, Sano must solve the murder as he discovers just how intertwined desire and danger really are...
2023-07-30 16:30:441

The roses grow in great perfumed masses all over

2023-07-30 16:30:571


Embarassed over having let herself be caught on the verge of such a native untruth,she coughed two or three times,in order to put the little prince in the wrong. 尴尬超过了让自己陷入的边缘,这种本地谎言,她咳嗽两次或三次,为了使小王子在错觉的。Embarassed over having let herself be caught 尴尬超过了让自己陷入one never ought to listen to the should simply loook at them and breathe their fragrance.Mine perfumed all my planet. 人不应该听花说了什么,只要看着它们呼吸它们的芳香就行了.我的花让我的世界溢满芳香. Mine perfumed all my planet我的所有矿井芳香星球Mine是名词性物主代词,相当于名词
2023-07-30 16:31:163


1.关于端午节的英语作文 写一句翻译一句 1.端午节 Dragon Boat Festival, often known as Tuen Ng Festival or Duan Wu Festival, is a traditional Chinese festival held on the fifth day of the fifth month of the Chinese calendar. 龙舟节,又名为端午节 是中国的一个传统节日, 他在农历第五个月份的第五天。 Dragon Boat festival memorializes the Chinese poet Qu Yuan. 端午节是为了纪念中国诗人屈原所设立的节日 He committed suicide by drowning himself in a river because he was disgusted by the corruption of the Chu government. 他由于厌恶古代朝廷的贪腐而投江自杀 People sat on dragon boats, and tried to scare the fishes away by the thundering sound of drums. 人们坐在船头,击鼓以吓走鱼虾 Hence, toady we sail the dragon boats to celebrate this festival. 所以我们现在用赛龙舟来庆祝这个节日 Also, people eat zongzi (the food originally intended to feed the fishes) in memory of Qu"s dramatic death. 人们也吃粽子来怀念屈原之死 希望能帮到你! 2.有关端午节的英语诗句 Clothing is also the official name, the Dragon Boat Festival is Enrong. Wind of Ge with fine, light snow, Hong Luo stack. - Tang Du Fu"s "Dragon Boat Festival Day gift clothes " 官衣亦有名,端午被恩荣。 细葛含风软,香罗叠雪轻。 ——唐 杜甫《端午日赐衣》 3.急求有关端午节诗句的英文版 诗词作品 五月五日 (宋·梅尧臣) 屈氏已沉死,楚人哀不容。 何尝奈谗谤,徒欲却蛟龙。 未泯生前恨,而追没后踪。 沅湘碧潭水,应自照千峰。 端午 (唐·文秀) 节分端午自谁言,万古传闻为屈原 堪笑楚江空渺渺,不能洗得直臣冤。 和端午 (张耒) 竞渡深悲千载冤,忠魂一去讵能还。 国亡身殒今何有,只留离骚在世间。 已酉端午 (贝琼) 风雨端阳生晦冥,汨罗无处吊英灵。 海榴花发应相笑,无酒渊明亦独醒。 端午 (唐·李隆基) 端午临中夏,时清日复长。 盐梅已佐鼎,曲糵且传觞。 事古人留迹,年深缕积长。 当轩知槿茂,向水觉芦香。 亿兆同归寿,群公共保昌。 忠贞如不替,贻厥后昆芳。 竞渡诗 (唐·卢肇) 石溪久住思端午,馆驿楼前看发机。 鼙鼓动时雷隐隐,兽头凌处雪微微。 冲波突出人齐譀,跃浪争先鸟退飞。 向道是龙刚不信,果然夺得锦标归。 乙卯重五诗(南宋·陆游)重五山村好,榴花忽已繁。 粽包分两髻,艾束著危冠。 旧俗方储药,羸躯亦点丹。 日斜吾事毕,一笑向杯盘。 七律 端午 (老舍)端午偏逢风雨狂,村童仍着旧衣裳 相邀情重携蓑笠,敢为泥深恋草堂; 有客同心当骨肉,无钱买酒卖文章 当年此会鱼三尺,不似今朝豆味香。 浣溪沙 (宋·苏轼)轻汗微微透碧纨。明朝端午浴芳兰。 流香涨腻满晴川。彩线轻缠红玉臂, 小符斜挂绿云鬟。佳人相见一千年。 端阳采撷(许文通)玉粽袭香千舸竞, 艾叶黄酒可驱邪。 骑父稚子香囊佩, 粉俏媳妇把景撷。 六幺令·天中节 (宋·苏轼) 端午 虎符缠臂,佳节又端午。 门前艾蒲青翠,天淡纸鸢舞。 粽叶香飘十里,对酒携樽俎。 龙舟争渡,助威呐喊,凭吊祭江诵君赋。 感叹怀王昏聩,悲戚秦吞楚。 异客垂涕淫淫,鬓白知几许? 朝夕新亭对泣,泪竭陵阳处。 汨罗江渚,湘累已逝,惟有万千断肠句。 满江红·端阳前作(不详)千载悠悠,成习俗,天中端午。 逢佳节,粼粼波上,百舟争渡。 万户家中缠米粽,三闾庙外吟君赋。 祭圣贤,忠义荡乾坤,伤君去。 奸当道,谣言布;遭放逐,悲难诉。 叹家亡国破,汨罗归处。 志洁行廉争日月,辞微文约传千古。 子沉江,鹤驾泪淫淫,何其苦。 菩萨蛮(宋·陈与义) 包中香黍分边角。彩丝剪就交绒索。樽俎泛菖蒲。年年五月初。主人恩义重。对景承欢宠。何日玩山家。葵蒿三四花。 渔家傲 (宋·欧阳修) 五月榴花妖艳烘。绿杨带雨垂垂重。五色新丝缠角粽。金盘送。生绡画扇盘双凤。正是浴兰时节动。菖蒲酒美清尊共。叶里黄骊时一弄。犹松等闲惊破纱窗梦。 4.关于端午节的英文资料,要中文翻译 关于端午节的英文资料 A Chinese holiday is gaining worldwide popularity 一个逐渐受到全球欢迎的中国节日 Some holidays are so much fun that they catch on outside of their culture. The most obvious example is probably Christmas, which is celebrated around the world by people who aren"t even Christian. Similarly, in recent years, the Dragon Boat Festival has moved beyond China to become an international holiday celebrated by people who may know little about the holiday"s origins。 有些节日实在是很有趣,所以在本土文化以外的地方也很受欢迎。最明显的例子可能就是圣诞节,世界各地的人都会庆祝圣诞节,即使是非基督徒。同样,最近几年端午节已经不局限于中国,成为国际性节日,而庆祝的人可能对节日的由来并不太了解。 The Dragon Boat Festival is one of three major Chinese holidays, along with the Spring and Moon Festivals. Of the three, it is possibly the oldest, dating back to the Warring States Period in 227 B.C. The festival commemorates Qu Yuan, a minister in the service of the Chu Emperor. Despairing over corruption at court, Qu threw himself into a river. Townspeople jumped into their boats and tried in vain to save him. Then, hoping to distract hungry fish from his body, the people scattered rice on the water。端午节与春节和中秋节并列为中国三大节日。这三个节日中,它可能是最古老的一个,可以追溯到公元前227年的战国时代。这个节日是为了纪念楚国的大夫屈原,他因为对朝廷的贪污腐败感到绝望而投河自尽。镇上的人纷纷冲上船去救他,却没有成功。后来大家把米撒到水里,希望把饥饿的鱼群从他的躯体边引开。 Over the years, the story of Qu"s demise transformed into the traditions of racing dragon boats and eating zongzi – a kind of rice wrapped in bamboo leaves. The races have certainly captured the imagination of people from all over the world. Every spring there are nearly 60 dragon boat races held outside of China in cities from Vancouver to Sydney, from Gdańsk, Poland to Cape Town, South Africa. Canada alone has nearly 50 dragon boat teams and Germany has nearly 30。 多年以后,屈原逝世的故事逐渐演变成赛龙舟和吃粽子(一种包在竹叶中的米食)的传统。这些竞赛显然激起了世界各地人们的想像,每年春天有将近60场龙舟赛在中国境外的城市举办,从温哥华到悉尼,从波兰的格但斯克到南非的开普敦。单单字加拿大就有将近50支龙舟队伍,德国则有近30个。 5.谁有关于端午节的英语古诗 Festival Song (excerpt) (Tang) Zhang Jian closure on May 5 that the weather was fine, tellurium Xiao Yang Hua Jiang around Eagle; Shijun not a vegetarian County, on the morning Jiang Wen-Harmony; Shijun, they are both accurate, MA Reply was before the red flag; cross-strait Luoyipubi incense, silver hairpin, as Rushuang blade; drum three times a red flag, the two-Yuechu to float; Zhao Ying Wo-million-sword, drum split wave Lei-ming 1000; Drum gradually radical superscript nearly two headings such as Wang Lung blink; slopes were called Thunderbolt panic, linked to success Choi Jung halo;抢water before the ship has been winning, losing ground after the ship air play torsion.。 6.关于端午节的英语作文加翻译 端午节在中国的民间节日中可以算得上隆重,粽子、茶鸡蛋、插艾蒿等都是端午节的特色。 小时候过端午节我足足能提前兴奋上一周,因为可以吃上香喷喷的粽子了,那个时候生活比较单调,也很苦,不是过节平常是什么也吃不到的。说起粽子,它不仅好吃,最主要的是在包粽子的过程中,体现着乐趣。 每年端午一到,母亲在头一天晚上跑上一盆糯米,第二天早上便是我和母亲一起包,绿绿的粽叶里加上糯米和大枣,包成三棱形的粽子,包好后放在大锅里足足煮上3、4个钟头,之后母亲把粽子泡在备好的两水桶内,凉了以后细细地拨开竹叶,咬上一口白嫩的糯米,紫红的大枣就露出头来,蘸白糖再吃,那时吃起来是那么的香甜可口,耐人回味。端午节前夕,家家把在山上采的艾蒿插在门上,说是为了避邪,我们小孩只是效仿着做,不懂其中的含义。 端午节早晨,起床后,母亲在我们的手腕和脚踝上缠上五彩的丝线,今后一直带着,据说可以去病除邪。其实在我心里,这些五彩的丝线在我心里是那些精美手镯的替代品。 有些人家也会花些钱给自己的小孩买香荷包带在身上,我的母亲是自己亲手用些小布头做的,里面塞些棉花,放些香草,即便是这样我们也很高兴。回忆儿时过节是快乐的,节日的气氛也比现在浓。 7.谁有关于端午节的英语古诗 The Dragon Boat Festival The Dragon Boat Festival, also called Double Fifth Festival, is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth moon of the lunar calendar. It is one of the most important Chinese festivals, the other two being the Autumn Moon Festival and Chinese New Year. The origin of this summer festival centers around a scholarly government official named Chu Yuan. He was a good and respected man, but because of the misdeeds of jealous rivals he eventually fell into disfavor in the emperor"s court. Unable to regain the respect of the emperor, in his sorrow Chu Yuan threw himself into the Mi Low river. Because of their admiration for Chu Yuan, the local people living adjacent to the Mi Lo River rushed into their boats to search for him while throwing rice into the waters to appease the river dragons. Although they were unable to find Chu Yuan, their efforts are still commemorated today during the Dragon Boat Festival. ■ 风俗习惯 Dragon Boat race Traditions At the center of this festival are the dragon boat races. Competing teams drive their colorful dragon boats forward to the rhythm of beating drums. These exciting races were inspired by the villager"s valiant attempts to rescue Chu Yuan from the Mi Lo river. This tradition has remained unbroken for centuries. Tzung Tzu A very popular dish during the Dragon Boat festival is tzung tzu. This tasty dish consists of rice dumplings with meat, peanut, egg yolk, or other fillings wrapped in bamboo leaves. The tradition of tzung tzu is meant to remind us of the village fishermen scattering rice across the water of the Mi Low river in order to appease the river dragons so that they would not devour Chu Yuan. Ay Taso The time of year of the Dragon Boat Festival, the fifth lunar moon, has more significance than just the story of Chu Yuan. Many Chinese consider this time of year an especially dangerous time when extra efforts must be made to protect their family from illness. Families will hang various herbs, called Ay Tsao, on their door for protection. The drinking of realgar wine is thought to remove poisons from the body. Hsiang Bao are also worn. These sachets contain various fragrant medicinal herbs thought to protect the wearer from illness.。 8.急求有关端午节诗句的英文版 Insummer,.ThedragonboatWuCheng-"4,.Thedragonboat--,Officerdressisfamous,thedragon-boatfestivalandgrace.Thesoft,.Dufu,thedragon-boatfestival-tanggivenclothing",.,dear.,turbulenceinhetian"svoicecrashing.Therain鬐Liedragon,.Qiancuiweiemissary-systeminflow,JieGanlifejenn-airpoints.First,.Liuyuxitanginto"-"Afterdeath,.Colourofpolitics,.Nowadays,.Inthesummer,,butaround.Addwhite-headed,,.,tang,",.ChuJiangemptylaugh,.--5longJiaovirtualasked,.--Colorednewsilktie,goldplate,.Abram"sseason,.Thefish"ssong,ouyangxiu,proud(baked),,.Floating,elderemptyspiritSOB.Now,.ChuShantabbies,heritageintointo.Inthesongdynasty,,isawine,song.Inthesongdynasty,-boatfestivalYoujun,Lightcolorline,..Inthesongdynasty,"Don"tbreakintodust,.Inthesongdynasty,sushiUSESdragonboat"Smallgroupofice,.ZhangLei-song"disorder",.,.ZhangLei-song"anddragon-boatfestival"Thegroupofprosperity,nordrink,calamus,carvedpersonal.Thedisorder--boatfestivalsuffered。 9.端午节英文诗词 醉花荫李清照薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑销金兽.佳节又重阳,玉枕纱橱,半夜凉初透.东篱把酒黄昏后,有暗香盈袖.莫道不销魂,帘卷西风,人比黄花瘦!To the Tune of Intoxicated Under the Shadow of FlowersLi QingzhaoLight mists and heavy clouds,melancholy the long dreary day.In the golden censerthe burning incense is dying away.It is again timefor the lovely Double-Ninth Festival;The coolness of midnightpenetrates my screen of sheer silkand chills my pillow of jade.After drinking wine at twilightunder the chrysanthemum hedge,My sleeves are perfumedby the fragrance of the plants.Oh,I cannot say it is not endearing,Only,when the west wind stir the curtain,I see that I am more gracilethan the yellow flowers.。
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洒的英文:sprinkle;spill;spray; shed; spatter扩展知识——双语例句1、给蛋糕洒上巧克力。Sprinkle chocolate on top of the cake.《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》2、洒上葱粒、辣椒丝,趁热上桌Sprinkle with scallions and sliced chilies and served hot.3、有人不小心轻轻碰了一下她的胳膊肘儿,把咖啡弄洒了。Someone jogged her elbow, making her spill her coffee.《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》4、桶里的水洒出来了,洒了一地。Water had spilled out of the bucket onto the floor.《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》5、把干酪弄成碎屑洒在色拉上。Crumble the cheese over the salad.《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》6、把瓶子装在塑料袋里,以免洒得到处都是。Put the bottle in a plastic bag in case of spillage.《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》7、尽管我倒这东西很小心,还是洒了一些。Although I poured it carefully, I still managed to spill some.《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》8、她沐浴时在浴缸内洒了些芳香油。 She perfumed her bath with fragrant oils.《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》
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  美体小铺的产品经过逐步的配置和发现已生产出了600多种身体和皮肤的绿色美容美体保养品。下面我给大家介绍美体小铺明星产品,希望对你有用!   美体小铺明星产品1:Drops of Youthtm Eye Concentrate(植物干细胞眼部精华)   这款是2014年The Body Shop明星产品之一,植物干细胞系列的新品,属于他们家的高端货,滚珠按摩头设计,方便好用。   优点:设计新颖,使用方便卫生,抗氧化、缓解黑眼圈效果好;   缺点:稍微用力过猛就会造成精华液的过量溢出;价格偏贵;   适用年龄:25岁以上   推荐指数:★★★★   美体小铺明星产品2:Elderflower Unperfumed Eye Gel(接骨木眼霜)   相信很多人认识The Body Shop都是从这款大名鼎鼎的接骨木眼霜开始的,没错,邦利也是被网络忽悠得失去了辨别能力,什么戴安娜王妃超爱的一款云云u2026u2026   优点:清爽不油腻,夏天用很舒服;   缺点:只适合25岁以下的年轻肌肤使用,几乎没有抗皱、提拉的效果;   适用年龄:18-25岁   推荐指数:★★   美体小铺明星产品3:Vitamin E Eye Cream(维他命E眼霜)   万用型眼霜,维他命E系列中的明星产品,含有丰富维他命E的天然成份,具有高效的抗氧化功能,性价比高。   优点:保湿滋润效果显著,尤其是秋冬季节使用很棒;   缺点:抗皱提拉效果相对较弱;   适用年龄:所有年龄阶段皆可使用   推荐指数:★★★   美体小铺明星产品4:Vitamin E Hydrating Toner(维他命E保湿爽肤水)   性价比很高的一款单品,没有特殊功效,但是作为洁面后护肤非常舒服,很适合买回国送闺蜜们u2026u2026比起其他The Body shop爽肤水,维他命E这款水有粘稠度,不是单纯的水,而是有精华液的哦。   优点:简单的再次清洁、润肤效果好;   缺点:没有其他特殊功效;   适用年龄:所有年龄阶段皆可使用   推荐指数:★★★   美体小铺明星产品5:Drops of Youthu2122 Concentrate(植物干细胞活肌祛皱精华)   植物干细胞系列中的翘楚,掐指一算,这款应该算是The Body shop精华液中单价最高的一款了。浓缩型精华液,抗氧化作用强,有削减肌肤细纹和皱纹的作用。   优点:抗皱、抗氧化效果好;   缺点:单价高,不好涂抹,最好配合霜或者乳液使用;   适用年龄:30岁以上   推荐指数:★★★   美体小铺明星产品6:Rainforest Balance Conditioner(荨麻叶控油护发素)   Rainforest这一系列的护发产品很畅销,针对不同发质的都有,修复、烫染发、顺滑等等,洗发水效果大同小异,没有惊艳的地方,护发素倒是不错,用完很顺滑。   优点:很滋润,用完头发有光泽、顺滑;   缺点:官方建议配套使用,但洗发水有待提升;   适用年龄:所有年龄阶段皆可使用   推荐指数:★★   美体小铺明星产品7:Drops Of Youthu2122 Bouncy Sleeping Mask(植物干细胞活肌睡眠面膜)   植物干细胞活肌系列是The Body Shop 2015年新品之一,成品一上市就备受大家喜爱,常常卖断货,供不应求。不得不说今年The Body Shop的产品真的有个质的飞跃,每一次出品都能让人眼前一亮。   优点:性价比高,滋润保湿效果好,用完肌肤非常光滑有弹性;   缺点:有点像草药的味道;   适用年龄:所有年龄阶段皆可使用   推荐指数:★★★★ 美体小铺明星产品相关 文章 : 1. 纯天然护肤品牌 2. 英国平价化妆品 3. 去痘印痘坑的护肤品 4. 去痘印好的护肤品 5. 美白去黄护肤品排行
2023-07-30 16:33:211


  年产量太少这款酒在国内很少见~其品质不输于拉菲~因知名度的问题其价格不到拉菲的2分之1~是一款非常值得收藏的好酒~这是我从意大利官方网站整理的一些资料~希望对你有用~  坎帕尼亚(Campania)地区是意大利南部著名的葡萄酒产区这个产区的酿酒历史可以追溯到13世纪,过去以酿造新鲜即饮的葡萄酒闻名1990年,Burton Anderson在“Wine Atlas of Italy”中指出,当地一些酒庄已经位列顶级庄园。  Campania的DOCG为Taurasi,以纯手工酿造的当地葡萄酒已经获得了全世界的认可。  二次世界大战後,南义CAMPANIA产区酒业复兴运动的标竿之作~庞贝之城 重生之果!  义大利品酒师协会评选第一名的好酒!  Gambero Rosso评分:100分  Vini d"Italia Espresso:全义大利七大顶级红酒之一  Mastroberardino是义大利一间成立於1750年左右的悠久名园,它位於南部Campania,由於邻近维蘇威火山,所种植的葡萄受惠於异常 肥沃的火山区泥土,所酿出来的酒除了保留传统风味,矿物质丰富亦是特色之一。此外,它们种植的葡萄品种,如Aglianico、Greco、Fiano、 Falanghina等,均有二千多年历史,尤其是Aglianico古葡萄复植重生,更是震撼酒市,是百年难得一见的原生品种,每年限量生产,仅8000瓶而已。此酒使用100% Aglianico,桶陈30个月、瓶陈18个月,符合48个月的Riserva标准。  酒厂:Mastroberardino马斯特罗贝拉尔迪诺(Mastroberardino)  年份:2006  产区:Taurasi DOCG  暱称:兰蒂奇  品种:100% Aglianico阿里亚尼考(属于上古葡萄品种)  RADICI Taurasi Riserva DOCG 2006  强烈建议收藏品项  产量稀少,分数高 帕克:95+(超高分),Gamb ero Rosso评分:100分  winemaker"s notes:  Deep ruby red in color. Full, complex, intense and redolent of violet and berries. Elegant and persistent with flavors of black pepper, strawberry jam and plum.  Pairs well with roasted meats, spiced dishes and truffle.  酿酒师笔记: 2006深宝石红色的颜色。充分的,复杂的,强烈紫罗兰和浆果。优雅和持续与黑胡椒味、草莓酱、李子  适与烤肉、香的菜肴和松露  critical acclaim:  "The 2006 Taurasi Radici hits the palate with masses of blueberries, black berries, flowers and spices. The 2006 is a big, explosive wine in need of considerable cellaring. That said, it is remarkably accessible for a young Taurasi from this historic property. Layers of fruit continue to build towards the exotic, concentrated finish. This is a marvelous wine in the making. The 2006 spent two years in a combination of casks and smaller French oak barrels. Anticipated maturity: 2016-2046. "  95 Points  The Wine Advocate  "Bright ruby-red. Perfumed, terroir-driven aromas and flavors of blackcurrant, licorice, iron, woodsmoke and minerals. At once dense and suave, with herbal and peppery nuances complicating the wine"s aromatic flavors of red cherry, plum, tobacco and flinty minerals. Finishes with building tannins and a juicy freshness."  91 Points  International Wine Cellar
2023-07-30 16:33:291


  端午节   Duanwu Festival/Tuen Ng Festival   端午节是中国传统节日(traditional holiday),也是法定节日(statutory holiday)。中国大陆在2008年将端午节列为法定节日。目前在大陆、香港、澳门与台湾它都是公共假日(public holiday)。在英文中,它的常见名称是龙舟节(Dragon Boat Festival),这是根据(after)节日的一项主要活动来命名的。按照历法精确译法应该是Solar Maximus Festival。指夏至(summer solstice)或北半球(northern hemisphere)一年中最长的一天。端午节在中国农历的五月初五(the fifth day of the fifth month of the Chinese calendar),所以也叫重五节(Double Fifth Festival)。   主要庆祝活动(celebration)包括吃粽子(zongzi/sticky rice wrap/sticky rice dumpling with red bean filling/sticky rice ball)、喝雄黄酒(realgar wine)与赛(racing)龙舟。粽子用苇叶(reed leaf)或竹叶(bamboo leaf)包裹糯米(sticky rice)制成带棱角(angular)的形状。其它活动还有悬挂(hang)钟馗像(icon of Zhong Kui)【神话中的保护神(mythical guardian figure)】、佩戴(wear)香囊(perfumed medicine bag)、悬挂艾蒿(mugwort)与菖蒲(calamus)、画符(writing spell)等。主要目的是驱邪(ward off evil)或祛病(ward off disease)。    世界上普遍认为端午节起源于(originate)于古代中国。   中国有很多民间传统(folk tradition)、信仰(belief)或解释说法(explanatory myth)与庆祝这个节日(observance)有关。最常见的是把该节日与周朝(Zhou Dynasty)战国时期(Warring States period)楚王(King of Chu)的学者(scholar)兼大臣(minister)——屈原(Qu Yuan)之死联系在一起。他也是诗人(poet)与政治家(statesman)。因此在民国时期(Republic of China),它也叫诗人节(Poet"s Day)。大陆目前叫他u2018爱国诗人(patriotic poet)u2019。端午节在日本叫Tango no Sekku (端午の节句)。在日本改用公历(Georgoriian calendar)后日期改为五月五日(May 5)。日本也叫Kodomo no Hi,即儿童节(Children"s Day)。历史上也叫男孩节(Boy"s Day)或旗节(Feast of Banners)。   在朝鲜端午节是法定节日。它也是韩国主要传统节日之一,叫Dano/Surit-nal。联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)确定韩国端午节活动之一的江陵端午祭(Gangneung Dano Festival )为人类口头与非物质文化遗产杰作(Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity)。   端午节在越南叫Tet Doan Ngo。
2023-07-30 16:33:351


特别的英文是particularly。短语:be held in particularly high非常受器重;not particularly不怎么、不够特别、不见得;problem is already particularly acute问题已经很严重了;Particularly recommended特别推荐;particularly urgent尤为迫切。particularly Cats特别的猫;particularly ad特别,尤其、特别格外尤其、非凡的;One particularly many ability一专多能。同根词:particular特别的、详细的、独有的、挑剔的;particular详细说明、个别项目;particularity特质、个性、讲究;particularism特殊神宠论、完全忠于一种理论;particularization详细列明;particularize详细说明、大书特书;particularize列举、使特殊。particularly的例句:1、Champenois wines can be particularly fragrant and perfumed.香槟酒会特别浓郁芬芳。2、2003 was a particularly fine vintage.2003年是特别好的酿酒年份。3、The plant flourishes particularly well in slightly harsher climes.这种植物在较为恶劣一点的气候中长得特别茂盛。4、These plants are particularly useful for brightening up shady areas.这些植物特别有助于让背光的地方明亮起来。
2023-07-30 16:33:581

If you were to ask Harry what was in the bottle, he would tell you that it contained perfumed mud

2023-07-30 16:35:012


柠檬奶油卷 Lemon Roulade 蓝莓起士蛋糕 Blueberry Cheese Cake 巧克力起士蛋糕 Chocolate Cheese Cake 五壳核果糕 Banana Oatmel Mousse Cake 香草泡芙酥 Vanilla `Eclair 醇酒三色糕 Ligueur Perfumed Triplet Cake> 绿仙香茶糕 Green Tea Cake 金黄芒果糕 Mango Mousse 草莓多姿糕 Strawberry Mousse 千层酥 Napoleons 红豆杏仁卷 Almond Roulade 千层咖啡包 Curry Cake 黑森林 Black Forest Cake 巧克力富奇 Chocolate Fudge 茅屋乳酪 Cottage Cheese Cake 法式乳酪 French Cheese Cake 大理石乳酪 White Chocolate Cheese Cake 樱桃乳酪 Cherry Cheese Cake 欧香咖啡幕斯 Espresso Mousse 香草摩卡幕斯 Vanilla Mocha Mousse 芒果夏绿地 Mango Charlotte 起士蛋糕 ~~~ 经典蛋糕 Cheese Cake 海绵蛋糕Sponge Cake 戚风蛋糕Chiffon Cake 香草奶油蛋糕 Vanilla Cream Cake 巧克力口味 Marbled Chocolate 大理石蛋糕 Cheese Cake 巧克力蛋糕 Chocolate Cake 瑞士巧克力蛋糕 Swiss Chocolate 白巧克力蛋糕 White Chocolate Cake
2023-07-30 16:35:134

美国朋友带回的LANCOME化装品不知道什么意思 怎么用

2023-07-30 16:35:564

How to relax yourself?求写一篇英语作文

In today"s fast-paced world, stress and anxiety are common challenges that many people face. However, it is important to find ways to relax and unwind to prevent burnout and maintain good mental health. Here are some effective ways to relax yourself:Firstly, practicing mindfulness meditation can help you to calm your mind and reduce stress. Find a quiet place, sit down, and focus on your breath. Take slow, deep breaths and let your thoughts come and go without judgment.Secondly, physical exercise is a great way to release tension and boost your mood. You don"t have to go to the gym or run a marathon, even a short walk outdoors can do wonders for your mental health.Thirdly, connecting with nature can be incredibly therapeutic. Take a hike, have a picnic in the park, or simply sit outside and enjoy the fresh air and sunshine.Fourthly, engaging in a creative activity such as painting, writing, or playing music can help you to express yourself and relieve stress.Finally, spending quality time with loved ones can be a great source of relaxation and happiness. Whether it"s having a fun game night or simply enjoying a cup of tea with a friend, socializing can help you to feel connected and supported.In conclusion, finding ways to relax yourself is essential for your mental and physical well-being. By incorporating mindfulness, exercise, nature, creativity, and socializing into your routine, you can reduce stress and lead a happier, healthier life.
2023-07-30 16:36:153

《青玉案 元夕 》的英文翻译

THE LANTERN FESTIVAL In the east wind tonight a thousand trees burst into bloom And starts are blown down like rains; The whole perfumed road is througed With fine carriages and horses bright with gems; Phoenix flutes make music, The moon flashes, Fish and dragon lanterns whirl the whole night long. Golden willow and butterfly trinkets in her hair, Laughing and chatting she leaves a faint fragrance behind. A thousand times I search for her in the crowd Discover her where the lantern lights are dim.
2023-07-30 16:36:262