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2023-05-19 18:38:34

couple n.对,夫妇,数个v.结合,成婚,连接,连合

coupling n.结合,联结 v.连接(couple的ing形式)




couple的意思是:对;夫妇;数个。couple,英语单词,名词、动词。作名词时译为“对;夫妇;数个”,作动词时译为“结合;成婚;连接;连合”。couple的例句:1. It"s only a couple blocks away.那地方离这里只有几个街区。2. The couple have no children.这对夫妇没有孩子。3. They were an odd-looking couple.这对夫妇长相奇特。4. He dashed off a couple of novels.他匆匆地完成了几本小说。5. The couple met at a party.这对夫妇相识于一个派对。
2023-01-08 05:19:581

couple是什么意思 couple的意思

1、couple,英语单词,名词、动词,作名词时译为“对;夫妇;数个”,作动词时译为“结合;成婚;连接;连合”。 2、couple的读音:英[ˈkʌpl]美[ˈkʌpl] 3、Fantasy Couple 幻想情侣 ; 梦幻的情侣 ; 梦幻情侣 ; 幻想的情侣 4、The couple 两口子 ; 两夫妻 ; 小两口 ; 结婚新人
2023-01-08 05:20:071

couple是什么意思中文翻译 couple中文翻译

1、couple的中文意思是:两人;两件事物。 2、例句: I saw a couple of men get out.我看见有两个男人出去了。 Ill be with you in a minute. There are a couple of things I have to do first.我一会儿就到你那里去。我有几件事情得先处理一下。 They are a couple in the real world as well as in the movie.他们在电影和现实生活中都是一对夫妇。
2023-01-08 05:20:121


couple作名词时译为“对;夫妇;数个”,作动词时译为“结合;成婚;连接;连合”。couple,英语单词,名词、动词,作名词时译为“对;夫妇;数个”,作动词时译为“结合;成婚;连接;连合”。单词发音:英[ˈkʌpl];美[ˈkʌpl]。短语搭配:1、working couple:(劳经)双职工;双工;指在一个家庭中;工质对。2、Fantasy Couple:幻想情侣;梦幻的情侣;梦幻情侣;幻想的情侣。3、The couple:两口子;两夫妻;小两口;结婚新人。双语例句:1、In picking the right one for you and yours, you should take into consideration what kind of couple you are and what kind of relationship you have. 在为你和你的爱人选择一个合适的地点时,你要考虑到你们是哪种类型的情侣以及你们的关系属于哪种类型。2、Not only do a couple of your programs use it, but some of your coworkers in your department like it and start invoking it from their programs. 不仅您的多个程序可以使用它,您的部门同时也很喜欢这个小东西,开始从他们自己的程序对其进行调用。
2023-01-08 05:20:181


couple[英][ˈkʌpl][美][ˈkʌpəl]n.对,双; 配偶,夫妻; <口>几个,两三个; vt.&vi.连在一起,连接; 成双,结婚; 性交,交配; 第三人称单数:couples过去分词:coupled复数:couples现在进行时:coupling过去式:coupled例句1.The couple married in the Caribbean to avoid a media circus.为了摆脱媒体的关注,这对新人在加勒比喜结连理。2.Dave, the pianist, played it over a couple of times.演奏钢琴的戴夫将这支曲子反复弹了两三遍。3.She had hoped the couple would put on a show of unity.她曾经希望那对夫妇会表现出和睦相处的样子。
2023-01-08 05:20:376


couple 英[ˈkʌpl] 美[ˈkʌpəl] 过去式:coupled 过去分词:coupled 现在分词:coupling 复数:couples n. 1.一对, 一双, 两人, 两件事物 2.一些, 几个 3.夫妻, 情侣 vt. 1.连接, 联结, 联系 2.性交;交配 名词 n.1.一对, 一双, 两人, 两件事物 He presented us with a couple of jade lions.他送给我们一对玉狮子。2.一些, 几个3.夫妻, 情侣 The old couple is never fed up with going to the same park every day.这对老夫妻每天都去同一个公园, 从不厌烦。The young couple are quarreling with each other.这对年轻夫妇总是相互争吵。及物动词 vt.1.连接, 联结, 联系 They coupled two railway coaches.他们把两节火车车厢连接起来。2.性交;交配
2023-01-08 05:21:052


  couple有对;夫妇;数个等意思,那么你知道couple的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习couple的用法及相关知识吧,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!   couple的用法    couple的用法1: couple的基本意思是“一对,一双”,指在一起或互有关系的两个人或物,但并不一定是同样的,其关系可分可合,是可数名词,常与of连用。    couple的用法2: couple作“夫妻”解是可数名词,其谓语动词可用单数,也可用复数形式。    couple的用法3: couple在非正式语体中还可作“一些,几个”解,用作单数名词,常与of连用。接复数名词作主语时,谓语动词侧重整体用单数形式,侧重个体用复数形式。    couple的用法4: 英美在使用couple上,习惯不同:美式英语有时把couple直接放在名词前面; 英式英语则用a couple of,只有在more, less, too many等表示多寡或程度的词前才可省略of。例如:   He lived here for a couple of months.他在这儿住了几个月。(BrE)Bring me a couple more chairs.再给我拿两把椅子来。(BrE)He lived here for a couple months.他在这儿住了几个月。(AmE)   couple,pair的词汇辨析   这两个名词均有“一对,一双”之意。   couple 多指在一起或彼此有关系的两个人或两个同样的事物。   pair 含义广泛,可指人或物。用于物时,指两个互属的事物,缺此或失彼都会失去使用价值,或指由相对称的两部分构成的一件东西。   couple的网络释义   couple   力偶; 数个; 电偶; 一对,连接;   shaking couple   振动力矩;   thermoelectric couple   热电偶; 温差热偶; 热曳偶; 温差电池;   address couple   地址对;   geosynclinal couple   地槽对偶; 地槽偶;   couple的英英解释   n.   1. a small indefinite number   2. a pair of people who live together   3. a pair who associate with one another   4. two items of the same kind   5. (physics) something joined by two equal and opposite forces that act along parallel lines   v.   1. bring two objects, ideas, or people together   2. link together   3. form a pair or pairs   4. make love    couple的用法例句   1. The couple married in the Caribbean to avoid a media circus.   为了摆脱媒体的关注,这对新人在加勒比喜结连理。   2. Dave, the pianist, played it over a couple of times.   演奏钢琴的戴夫将这支曲子反复弹了两三遍。   3. She had hoped the couple would put on a show of unity.   她曾经希望那对夫妇会表现出和睦相处的样子。   4. The couple had helped in the hunt for the toddlers.   这对夫妇曾帮着搜寻那些幼童。   5. She had written him a note a couple of weeks earlier.   她几周前给他写过一个便条。   6. I"m broke, Livy, and I owe a couple of million dollars.   我破产了,莉薇,而且我欠了几百万美元的债。   7. The runaway car careered into a bench, hitting an elderly couple.   那辆失控的车猛冲到一条长椅上,撞伤了一对老夫妇。   8. He thumbed through a couple of pages, feigning just a slight interest.   他随手翻了几页,假装兴趣不大。   9. She even claimed the couple"s daughter was possessed by the devil.   她甚至宣称那对夫妇的女儿被魔鬼附了体。   10. He placed the ball and tried a couple of feints.   他把球放好,试着虚打了几下。   11. The couple hold the unfashionable view that marriage is a sacred union.   夫妇俩对婚姻的看法很传统,认为婚姻是神圣的结合。   12. A couple of inches of dry, powdery snow had fallen.   下了数英寸厚的粉状干雪。   13. The giggling couple loaded up their red sports car and drove off.   笑咧咧的夫妻把东西装上他们的红色跑车后疾驰而去。   14. The couple laughed off rumours that their marriage was in trouble.   夫妻两人对他们婚姻出现问题的谣言一笑置之。   15. He managed to rustle up a couple of blankets.   他很快想办法弄到了几张毯子。 猜你喜欢: 1. 关于turn的常见短语用法 2. interest的用法和短语例句 3. occupy的用法和短语例句 4. hope的过去式和用法例句 5. show的过去式和用法例句 6. help的过去式和用法例句
2023-01-08 05:21:131


2023-01-08 05:21:193


2023-01-08 05:21:303


n.[C]1. (一)对,(一)双[(+of)]2. 夫妇;未婚夫妻;一对舞伴[G]The young couple decided to start their tour immediately.那对年轻夫妇决定立即开始旅游。3. 【口】几个,三两个[S][(+of)]They walked a couple of miles.他们步行了几英里。vt.1. 连接;结合;把...拴在一起[(+to/together/with)]2. 联想;与...联系起来[H][(+with)]His intelligence, coupled with her patience, overcame all difficulties.他的智慧,配上她的耐心,克服了重重困难。His name was coupled with hers.他的名字与她的连在了一起。3. 使成夫妇vi.1. 结合;成婚[(+with)]2. 【动】交配[(+with)]
2023-01-08 05:21:417

couple有女朋友的意思吗? 为什么我在日本动漫中听到couple是女朋友的意思?

2023-01-08 05:22:212

闺蜜 couple什么意思

2023-01-08 05:22:294


2023-01-08 05:23:328


2023-01-08 05:23:583


一般指“夫妻俩”金山的解释是:couple[5kQp(E)l]n.(一)对, (一)双, 夫妇vt.连合, 连接, 结合vi.结合, 结婚join pair team coupleAHD:[k绯搮l]D.J.:[6k(p*l]K.K.:[6k(p*l] n.Two items of the same kind; a pair.Something that joins or connects two things together; a link.usage: used with a sing. or pl. verbTwo people united, as by betrothal or marriage.Two people together. InformalA few; several:a couple of days. PhysicsA pair of forces of equal magnitude acting in parallel but opposite directions, capable of causing rotation but not translation.couple v. cou.pled; cou.pling; cou.ples;couple link together; connect:coupled her refusal with an explanation.To join as spouses; marry.To join in sexual union. ElectricityTo link (two circuits or currents) as by magnetic induction.couple v.intr.To form pairs; join.To unite sexually; copulate.To join chemically.couple adj. InformalTwo or few:揈very couple years the urge strikes, to . . . haul off to a new site?Garrison Keillor)Middle EnglishfromOld FrenchfromLatin c絧ula[ bond, pair ] couple pair brace yokeThese nouns denote two individuals of the same kind together. <SKW> Coupledoes not necessarily imply more than association: a square dance performed by four couples. The term may also mean simply 揻ew? a couple of minutes; a couple of books. <SKW>Pair stresses close association and often reciprocal dependence of things (a pair of gloves; a pair of pajamas); sometimes it denotes a single thing with interdependent parts (a pair of scissors; a pair of spectacles). <SKW> Brace refers principally to certain animals or game birds (a brace of hounds; a brace of partridges), and yoke to two joined draft animals (a yoke of oxen).When used to refer to two people who function socially as a unit, as in a married couple, the word couple may take either a singular or a plural verb, depending on whether the members are considered individually or collectively: The couple were married last week. Only one couple was unaccounted for. When a pronoun follows, they and their are more common than it and its: The couple decided to spend their (less commonly its) vacation in Italy. Care should be taken that the verb and the pronoun agree in number: The couple have their (less commonly has its) primary residence in New York. ?Although the phrase a couple of has been well established in English since before the Renaissance, it has been criticized on several grounds. Grammarians used to insist that a couple of should be used only to refer to things closely linked to one another and so was improperly used in phrases such as a couple of years ago. This objection has not been heard in some time and was never well supported. Modern critics have sometimes maintained that a couple of is too inexact to be appropriate in formal writing. But the inexactitude of a couple of may serve a useful communicative purpose, suggesting that the writer is indifferent to the precise number of items involved. Thus the sentence She lives only a couple of miles away implies not only that the distance is short but that its exact measure is unimportant. Furthermore, a couple of is different from a few in that it does not imply that the relevant amount is relatively small. One might say admiringly of an exceptional center fielder that he can throw the ball a couple of hundred feet, but not, except ironically, a few hundred feet, which would suggest that such a throw was unremarkable. The usage should be considered unobjectionable on all levels of style.coupleAHD:[k绯搮l]D.J.:[6k(p*l]K.K.:[6k(p*l] n.Two items of the same kind; a pair. 一对,一双同一种类的两件;一对Something that joins or connects two things together; a link. 连接物把两件东西连接在一起的东西;连接物usage: used with a sing. or pl. verbusage: 与单数或复数动词连用Two people united, as by betrothal or marriage. 夫妻,情侣通过订婚或婚姻结合在一起的两个人Two people together. 一对在一起的两个人 Informal 【非正式用语】A few; several:数个;几个:a couple of days.几天 Physics 【物理学】A pair of forces of equal magnitude acting in parallel but opposite directions, capable of causing rotation but not translation. 力偶具有相等磁性的两个力,平衡作用但反向,能导致旋转但不能造成平移couple v. cou.pled; cou.pling; cou.ples;couple link together; connect:连在一起;连接:coupled her refusal with an explanation.她的带有解释的拒绝To join as spouses; marry. 成双,结婚作为配偶结合;结婚To join in sexual union.性交,交配 Electricity 【电学】To link (two circuits or currents) as by magnetic induction. 连接如通过电磁感应连接(两条线路或电流)couple v.intr.To form pairs; join.形成对;连接To unite sexually; copulate.性交;交配To join chemically.化学上结合couple adj. InformalTwo or few:两个的,几个的:揈very couple years the urge strikes, to . . . haul off to a new site?Garrison Keillor)“每几年,想撤离去一个新地点的冲动就来了”(加里森·谢勒)Middle English中古英语fromOld French源自古法语fromLatin c絧ula[ bond, pair ]源自拉丁语 c絧ula[ 绳索,对 ] couple pair brace yokeThese nouns denote two individuals of the same kind together. Coupledoes not necessarily imply more than association: a square dance performed by four couples. The term may also mean simply 揻ew? 由四对表演的四方舞。这个名词也可以指简单的“几个”:a couple of minutes; 几分钟;a couple of books. Pair stresses close association and often reciprocal dependence of things (几本书。<SKW>Pair强调亲密的联系和事物相互依赖:(a pair of gloves; 一副手套;a pair of pajamas); sometimes it denotes a single thing with interdependent parts (一套睡衣裤);有时它表示具有两个相互依赖部分的一件东西(a pair of scissors; 一把剪刀;a pair of spectacles). Brace refers principally to certain animals or game birds (一副眼镜)。<SKW> Brace主要指某种动物或驯鸟(a brace of hounds; 一对猎狗;a brace of partridges), and yoke to two joined draft animals (一双鹧鸪), yoke主要指两个连在一起的役用动物(a yoke of oxen).一对牛)When used to refer to two people who function socially as a unit, as in a married couple, the word couple may take either a singular or a plural verb, depending on whether the members are considered individually or collectively: 当用来表示作为一个单位来行使社会功能的两个人时,如在 一对已婚夫妇中,单词 couple既可以带单数动词也可以带复数动词,这取决于两个人是被单个或集体地看待的:The couple were married last week. 这一对夫妇是上星期结的婚。Only one couple was unaccounted for. When a pronoun follows, they and their are more common than it and its: 只有一对夫妇没被算在内。如果后面跟有代词, they和 their比 it和 its要常用一些:The couple decided to spend their (less commonly its) vacation in Italy. Care should be taken that the verb and the pronoun agree in number: 这对夫妇决定在意大利度过他们的(很少用 its) 假期。应当注意动词和代词在数上要一致:The couple have their (less commonly has its) primary residence in New York. ?Although the phrase a couple of has been well established in English since before the Renaissance, it has been criticized on several grounds. Grammarians used to insist that a couple of should be used only to refer to things closely linked to one another and so was improperly used in phrases such as a couple of years ago. This objection has not been heard in some time and was never well supported. Modern critics have sometimes maintained that a couple of is too inexact to be appropriate in formal writing. But the inexactitude of a couple of may serve a useful communicative purpose, suggesting that the writer is indifferent to the precise number of items involved. Thus the sentence She lives only a couple of miles away implies not only that the distance is short but that its exact measure is unimportant. Furthermore, a couple of is different from a few in that it does not imply that the relevant amount is relatively small. One might say admiringly of an exceptional center fielder that he can throw the ball a couple of hundred feet, but not, except ironically, a few hundred feet, which would suggest that such a throw was unremarkable. The usage should be considered unobjectionable on all levels of style.这对夫妇(很少用 has its ) 最初的住处在纽约。 尽管 a couple of 这个短语在文艺复兴之前就已在英语中形成,它仍受到多方面批评。语法学家过去坚持认为 a couple of 应该只用于指互相之间紧密相连的东西,所以在 a couple of years ago这样的短语中用是不适当的。这样的反对意见长时间没有人提起了,也从未受到太多支持。现代批评家有时也认为 a couple of 太不精确,不能很恰当地用于正式的写作中。但 a couple of的不精确性也有一种很有用的传达交流的意图,表明作者对于所涉及的事物的精确数目并不太关心。因此 她住的只有几英里远这个句子不仅表明距离很远,同时也表明精确测量是不重要的。另外 a couple of与 a few 的不同还表现在它不表示有关的数量是相对来说小的。如果夸赞一个优秀的中外野球手,可以说 他能把球抛几百英尺远,若非如此的话,排除反意的可能, a few hundred feet指抛这么远并没什么稀奇之处。这种用法在各种文体上都是无可辩驳的couple[5kQp(E)l]n(一)对;(一)双a couple of socks 一双袜子 夫妻My brother and his wife are a happy couple. 我弟弟和他的妻子是一对幸福的夫妻。 几个;三两个I have a couple of things to do. 我有几件事情要办。I waited a couple of hours. 我等了几个小时。 couplevt-pled, -pling 连接;结合 (动物的)交配,配对,交媾,交合join pair team couple[5kQpl]n.夫妻, 配偶两个(人或物); 一对〔口〕交配〔口〕(少数)几个, 两三个【物】力偶; 力矩; 电偶, 热偶【天】联星联接器两只猎犬a newly married couple新婚夫妇arrange the chairs in couple一对对地排放椅子Ten couples took the floor.场上有十对舞伴。I have a couple of things to do.我有几件事要做。couplevi.成对拥抱, 交媾vt.连在一起, 配合, 连接; 组合, 耦合加倍由...联想到; 把...同联系起来Her name was coupled with his.她的名字与他的连在一起。a couple of两三个, (少数)几个be coupled with和...联合, 结合go [hunt, run] in couples总是成双成对; 协力coupled with加上, 外加in a couple of shakes刹那间, 马上It is not every couple that is a pair (=Every couple is not a pair.)成双未必能配对。couple in耦合, 接入couple ...to把...结合到couple up把...耦联起来antimony bismuth couple锑铋热电偶astatic couple无定向的磁〔针〕偶base metal couple基金属热电偶bigraded exact couple双重分次正合偶centrifugal couple离心力偶chromel-alumel couple铬-铝热电偶concentrated couple集中力偶controlling couple控制力偶copper-constantan couple铜-康铜热电偶deflecting couple转矩, 偏转力偶exact couple正合偶flame couple热电偶galvanic couple电耦合geosynclinal couple【地质】偶地槽gyroscopic couple陀螺力矩heater bridge wall couple加热炉隔墙测温热电偶heater flue couple加热炉废气(或出气口)的热电偶heater outlet couple炉出口处热电偶inertia couple惯性力偶instantaneous couple瞬时力偶junction couple结式热偶magnesium couple镁电偶magnetic couple磁偶main couple【建】主桁架nichrome alumino-copper couple镍铬-铝铜热电偶nichrome alumino-nickel couple镍铬-镍铝热电偶nursing couple哺乳的母子(心理分析用语)ordered couple有序数偶prime couple素数偶reducing couple还原偶restoring couple回复力偶resultant couple合成力偶righting couple正位力矩rocking couple摆动力偶roll couple(轧机机架的)倾翻力偶semi-exact couple半正合偶standard couple标准热电偶stress couple应力偶thermal couple热偶thermoelectric couple热电偶torsion couple扭转耦合turning couple扭转力偶twisting couple扭力偶unit couple单位力偶volta couple伏打电偶zinc couple锌半电池, 锌电偶zinc copper couple套淀积铜的锌片; 锌铜偶couple of forces力偶英汉电力大词典couplen.力偶,偶,连接新英汉法学大词典couplen.夫妇 ,夫妻,配偶英汉环境大词典couplen.偶,偶联,力电偶新英汉石油技术词典couple耦,力偶,电偶,力矩;〔一〕双,〔一〕对英汉能源大词典couplen.偶,对,力偶英汉石油大词典couplen.偶英汉冶金大词典couplen.偶,对英汉医学大词典couplen.力偶,联结英汉中医大词典couplen.配合,配偶
2023-01-08 05:24:227


2023-01-08 05:24:492

a couple of years是什么意思?

几年a couple of [简明英汉词典]两个, 几个
2023-01-08 05:24:566


2023-01-08 05:26:381


couplen.对,双; 配偶,夫妻; <口>几个,两三个vt.&vi.连在一起,连接; 成双,结婚; 性交,交配
2023-01-08 05:26:467


couple n. 一对, 一双 一些, 几个 夫妻, 情侣 vt. 连接, 联结, 联系
2023-01-08 05:27:102


英语单词couple和pair都可以表示“一双、一对”;但它们的用法存在着区别:couple——指任何两件同类的东西。eg:a couple of cats两只猫。pair——指两件不能分开使用的东西;它们可以相连,也可以构成一件东西的两个部分。eg:a pair of shoes一双鞋。pair 指一对,两个;couple 指对,数个,夫妇。做夫妻时只能用couple不能用pair。单看单词的话couple本身还能指代情侣,一对人的意思,作名词。pair就有配对的意思,作动词。a couple 就像是中文里的"一些",其实是个虚词。a pair 就是“一双”,很明确的要一对才行。a couple of指在一起或互有关系的两个人或物,但并不意味是同样的,也并不一定是合在一起的;a pair of指由两个一样的东西组成的“一对”“一双”“一副”,缺一不可。例如:He bought a couple of tires for his bicycle. 他买了两个自行车的轮胎。On the end of his nose was a pair of thick spectacles. 他的鼻尖上架着一副厚厚的眼镜。a pair of something做主语时谓语用单数。例如:This pair of shoes fits me well.这双鞋非常的适合我。a pair of soebody 作主语时谓语用复数。例如:This pair were matched with ages.这组人是根据年纪匹配的。couple作“夫妻”当主语时谓语可用单数。例如:Not every couple is a pair.成双未必成对。也可以用复数。例如:This couple were married last week.这对夫妻上周结的婚。couple表示“几个,两三个”做主语时谓语用复数。例如:There are a couple of girls waiting for you.有几个女孩在等你。
2023-01-08 05:27:181


a couple of 一对作为名词时为夫妇vi. 结合;成婚vt. 结合;连接;连合
2023-01-08 05:27:271

网络用语受是什么意思? cp是什么意思?

2023-01-08 05:27:321


你好!couple 英[ˈkʌpl] 美[ˈkʌpəl] n. 对,双; 配偶,夫妻; <口>几个,两三个; vt. 连在一起,连接; 成双,结婚; 性交,交配; [例句]Across the street from me there are a couple of police officers standing guard我对面的街上有几名警官在站岗。
2023-01-08 05:27:401


几个(a couple of days)一双,一对(情侣 a couple)
2023-01-08 05:27:463


couple可以指朋友的意思,但使用极少。重点词汇解释:couplen. 对;夫妇;数个;朋友vi. 结合;成婚vt. 结合;连接;连合双语例句:Burglars ransacked an elderly couple"s home.窃贼们洗劫了一对老夫妇的家。扩展资料:couple的用法:couple的基本意思是一对,一双,指在一起或互有关系的两个人或物,但并不一定是同样的,其关系可分可合,是可数名词,常与of连用。couple作夫妻的意思是可数名词,其谓语动词可用单数,也可用复数形式。couple在非正式语体中还可作一些,几个的意思,用作单数名词,常与of连用。接复数名词作主语时,谓语动词侧重整体用单数形式,侧重个体用复数形式。英美在使用couple上,习惯不同:美式英语有时把couple直接放在名词前面;英式英语则用a couple of,只有在more,less,too many等表示多寡或程度的词前才可省略of。
2023-01-08 05:28:271


2023-01-08 05:28:499


【CP】 是couple的缩写,英文原指夫妇、情侣这类。 夫妇,一对的意思,是fans(粉丝)们YY的看起来赏心悦目的配对情侣。 如在漫画中或者综艺节目(一般是韩国的)里看到CP两个字,一般是不正式的,大多都是假想的情侣或者假想的夫妇。可以在很多的漫画和一些韩国节目中看到CP,在这种情况下CP的释义应该为情侣或者假想夫妇,比如说有一档节目《偶像的帝国》里,多次出现“CP”,这里的CP由于是做节目所以应解释为假想情侣,而韩国有一档综艺节目《我们结婚了》里,CP就应释义为“假想夫妇”。例如萦云离夜,““亚当夫妇”、“红薯夫妇 、灿白 、夫妇。”“周一情侣”等。再比如一些经典的荧屏情侣,比如周润发和钟楚红,郑少秋与汪明荃等。 另外,有一些明星的粉丝口中的CP,往往是寄托了粉丝对这两个明星的喜爱,但不排除俩个明星有真爱。网上别的地方看到“西皮”的说法,指的也是couple(音译)。例如:“XX是我喜欢的CP。”
2023-01-08 05:29:206


名词 n. [C]1.(一)对,(一)双[(+of)]2.夫妇;未婚夫妻;一对舞伴[G]The young couple decided to start their tour immediately. 那对年轻夫妇决定立即开始旅游。 3.【口】几个,三两个[S][(+of)]They walked a couple of miles. 他们步行了几英里。
2023-01-08 05:29:421


2023-01-08 05:29:482


【CP】是couple的缩写,英文原指夫妇、情侣这类。夫妇,一对的意思,是fans(粉丝)们YY的看起来赏心悦目的配对情侣。如在漫画中或者综艺节目(一般是韩国的)里看到CP两个字,一般是不正式的,大多都是假想的情侣或者假想的夫妇。可以在很多的漫画和一些韩国节目中看到CP,在这种情况下CP的释义应该为情侣或者假想夫妇,比如说有一档节目《偶像的帝国》里,多次出现“CP”,这里的CP由于是做节目所以应解释为假想情侣,而韩国有一档综艺节目《我们结婚了》里,CP就应释义为“假想夫妇”。例如萦云离夜,““亚当夫妇”、“红薯夫妇 、灿白 、夫妇。”“周一情侣”等。再比如一些经典的荧屏情侣,比如周润发和钟楚红,郑少秋与汪明荃等。另外,有一些明星的粉丝口中的CP,往往是寄托了粉丝对这两个明星的喜爱,但不排除俩个明星有真爱。网上别的地方看到“西皮”的说法,指的也是couple(音译)。例如:“XX是我喜欢的CP。”
2023-01-08 05:29:561


2023-01-08 05:30:021


2023-01-08 05:30:191


2023-01-08 05:30:251


几小时(后)。 e.g. I will meet you in a couple of hours. 我们几小时之后再碰头。
2023-01-08 05:30:313


2023-01-08 05:30:422


2023-01-08 05:30:512


2023-01-08 05:31:113


是Coupe吧~ 双门硬顶跑车 couple 是 连接耦合的 意思
2023-01-08 05:31:321


2023-01-08 05:31:383

a couple是什么意思

2023-01-08 05:31:574


2023-01-08 05:32:1211

an american couple中文什么意思?

根据我在百度翻译查询的情况:an american couple 一对美国夫妇
2023-01-08 05:32:514


CP是英文Coupling的缩写,日文为カップリング 或者カプ,表示人物配对关系。本意是指有恋爱关系的同人配对,主要运用于二次元ACGN同人圈,近年来在三次元等其他场合也开始广泛使用。这种称呼最早起始于日本腐文化圈,在描写男男间同性爱(也就是耽美/BL向)的同人创作中最早出现,然后在描写女女间同性爱(即百合/GL向)的同人创作中也开始使用。后来不只是同性爱作品,在描写一般男女间异性恋爱的同人作品中也引用此说法。很自然地,CP之说在中文同人圈中也流行开来,其含义也越来越广泛,并且不仅限于二次元同人,在三次元的多种场合中也开始频繁出现。但需要说明的是,CP一词从根本上讲只是一种同人用语。在日本,CP使用场合也基本最多地只出现在同人创作活动中。谁和谁配CP仅是同人创作者的个人喜好与想象,属于二次创作。虽然我们经常会看到有人说谁谁是官方CP(官配),但这也只算是同人爱好者的私下交流罢了,官方是不会使用CP这种表达用语的。
2023-01-08 05:33:0610


2023-01-08 05:33:431

couple shoes什么意思

2023-01-08 05:34:033


2023-01-08 05:34:153

couple of是什么意思

2023-01-08 05:34:271


2023-01-08 05:34:374


couple译为一对,一双,夫妇,几个,两三个.如a couple of players译为一对选手 in a couple of days译为在两三天内.而double则译为两倍的,双的,如a double bed 译为双人床a double room in a hotel译为旅馆中的双人间 His wife lose her job and he had to do double work.译为他妻子失业了,她必须做双倍的工作.
2023-01-08 05:34:531