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2023-07-30 16:03:01
TAG: 英语 公司



XX compliments,


compliments 英["ku0252mplu026amu0259nts] 美["ku0252mplu026amu0259nts]

n. 致意; 问候; 问候,道贺,致意; 赞美(话)( compliment的名词复数 ); 向…送礼以表示敬意;

v. 表扬,恭维( compliment的第三人称单数 );

[例句]Please give this to your boss with my compliments


[其他] 原型: compliment



compliment英[u02c8ku0252mplu026amu0259nt]美[u02c8kɑ:mplu026amu0259nt]n.恭维; 敬意; 道贺,贺词; 致意vt.称赞; 向…道贺; 向…致意网络赞美; 赞扬; 恭维话第三人称单数:compliments复数:compliments现在分词:complimenting过去式:complimented过去分词:complimented
2023-07-30 15:05:252


2023-07-30 15:05:342


谢谢你的夸奖英文:Thank you for your compliment。
2023-07-30 15:06:001


动词 v. 称赞;祝贺 say that you think well of something or someone · She was complimented on her success. 她的成就为人们所赞赏。 · May I compliment you on winning the race? 你在赛跑中获胜了,我祝贺你。 · He was complimented on being a grand old man. 他因为高龄而受到人们的尊敬。 名词 n. 赞辞;恭维 something good said about a person; something said in praise of a person · The village changed its name in compliment to him. 这村庄为表示对他的敬意而改名。 · Give my compliments to your father. 请问候你的父亲。 · We called the yacht London,out of compliment to our capital. 我们出于对首都的热爱,把游艇命名为“伦敦号”。
2023-07-30 15:07:162


that后面从句应该是直接宾语his bride是间接宾语
2023-07-30 15:07:456


2023-07-30 15:08:071

complimentary 和complimental有有什么区别

这种区别,要看【英英】解释的complimentary英 [u02ccku0252mplu026au02c8mentri]美 [u02cckɑu02d0mplu026au02c8mentri]词形变化:complimentarily基本释义adj.问候的;称赞的;免费赠送的英英释义Adjective:conveying or resembling a compliment;costing nothing; complimentaladj.恭维的【问】:complimentary 和complimental有有什么区别【答】:在正规场合,应该用 complimental ,因为没有【歧义】而 complimentary 有不值钱的意思,不能用在正规场合
2023-07-30 15:08:321


compliment ["kɔmplimənt] n. 称赞,恭维,致意 vt. 称赞,褒扬,恭维 v.免费赠送; a.表示钦佩的,赞美的 praise [preiz] n. 赞美,称赞,崇拜vt. 称赞,归荣誉于,赞美,吹捧vi. 赞扬,表扬
2023-07-30 15:10:182

恭维 英文怎么说

flatter.如果是贬义口语里可以直接说kiss sb"s ass.
2023-07-30 15:10:465

i take it as complement什么意思

2023-07-30 15:11:069


with compliment与赞美
2023-07-30 15:11:253


2023-07-30 15:11:322


complimentary D.J.[u02ccku0254mpliu02c8mentu0259ri] K.K.[u02cckɑmplu0259u02c8mu025bntu0259ri, -tri] adj.表示崇敬、赞美、赞许等的 新牛津英汉双解大词典complimentary adjective expressing a compliment; praising or approving 问候的;祝贺的;表示敬意的;恭维的;赞美的,称赞的 Jennie was very complimentary about Kath"s riding.詹妮对凯思的骑术赞不绝口。complimentary remarks.赞美之辞。
2023-07-30 15:11:422


compliment恭维双语对照词典结果:compliment[英][u02c8ku0252mplu026amu0259nt][美][u02c8kɑ:mplu026amu0259nt]n.恭维; 敬意; 道贺,贺词; 致意; vt.向…道贺; 称赞; 向…致意; 第三人称单数:compliments过去分词:complimented复数:compliments现在进行时:complimenting过去式:complimented以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Is that really a compliment? 这真的是一种恭维吗?-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-07-30 15:12:041


2023-07-30 15:12:133


翻译赞美词典名词 1. 恭维话,赞辞;敬意,礼仪。2. (pl.)道贺,贺词,问候。3. (古、美)礼物,慰劳品。及物动词 1. 向…问候[致敬]。2. 恭维,夸奖;祝贺。3. 赠呈。
2023-07-30 15:12:231


谢谢你的夸奖。英语:Thank you for your compliment.。
2023-07-30 15:12:321


2023-07-30 15:13:246


compliment词组搭配:add one"s compliments 加上某人的问候;exchange compliments 互相问候;say a compliment 说恭维话;best compliment 最高的赞扬;courteous compliment 有礼貌的问候;delightful compliment 令人高兴的恭维。 扩展资料 add one"s compliments 加上某人的问候;exchange compliments 互相问候;say a compliment 说恭维话;best compliment 最高的`赞扬;courteous compliment 有礼貌的问候。
2023-07-30 15:13:571

compliment 的动词形式

compliment 还是这个
2023-07-30 15:14:322


compliment做称赞可数。N-COUNT 赞美;恭维(话)A compliment is a polite remark that you say to someone to show that you like their appearance, appreciate their qualities, or approve of what they have done.You can do no harm by paying a woman compliments... 对女人说些恭维话没有坏处。"Well done, Cassandra," Crook said. She blushed, but accepted the complimentwith good grace. “干得好,卡桑德拉。”克鲁克说。她脸一下子红了,但还是很有风度地接受了恭维。
2023-07-30 15:14:541

thank you for your compliment的翻译是什么?

2023-07-30 15:15:311


commendation英[u02ccku0252menu02c8deu026au0283n]美[u02cckɑ:menu02c8deu026au0283n]n. 表扬; 推荐; 奖; 嘉奖状;compliment 英[u02c8ku0252mplu026amu0259nt]美[u02c8kɑ:mplu026amu0259nt]n. 恭维; 敬意; 道贺,贺词; 致意;vt. 称赞; 向…道贺; 向…致意;
2023-07-30 15:15:451


名词 n.[C] 可数 1.赞美的话;恭维;敬意[(+on)] It"s the nicest compliment I"ve ever had. 这是我听到的最好的恭维话. 2.问候;致意;道贺[P] My compliments to your father! 向你父亲代为致意!
2023-07-30 15:15:521

谢谢你的夸奖! 用英语怎么说!!

Thank you for your compliment
2023-07-30 15:16:014

英语名词解释 注意要用英语解释。认真的来。来高手。回答好再送分

verbal communication
2023-07-30 15:16:492

I take it as a copliment 中compliment 是什么成分

2023-07-30 15:16:583

以compliment others为题写作文120字

How To Compliment othersThere"s nothing like a warm, sincere compliment to make your day. you can say some worde to compliment others , make your thumb up, hug othres or even a smile.In order to give a good compliment,there are some advice for you. 1) Make your compliment specific.“That necklace looks really good on you” makes a bigger impact compared to “you look really good today”. The more specific the better, it makes the person feel like you notice them.2) Back up your compliment.Don"t just stop at “that necklace looks really good on you”. Your compliment becomes stronger when you say why you think so; “that necklace looks really good on you because it matches your eyes”.You"ll find when you start noticing good things about people, you"ll notice more good things about you too! And the more you do, the more your own self-esteem will grow.
2023-07-30 15:17:081

conpliment sb on造句

注意拼写complimentHe compliments her on her last exam results.The mother complimented her son on his good behaviour.
2023-07-30 15:17:281

Coping with the Compliment 文章翻译成中文 语句通顺

我 看不懂呀 晕死
2023-07-30 15:17:374


Pay a compliment to someone赞美某人   1. I must say it is really good.   我不得不承认它非常棒。   2. I admire you for your bravery.   我敬佩你的勇气。   3. You"re looking fine/nice.   你看上去很好/很美。   4. You don"t look your age.   你看上去比实际年龄年轻。   5. You"ve lost some weight.   你瘦了。   6. I can"t believe my eyes!   我真不敢相信我的眼睛。   7. How nice!   太好了!   8. Wonderful!   妙极了!   9. Your tie looks great on you.   你戴的领带很适合你。   10. You look great in that new dress.   那衣服你穿很棒。   11. That"s a smart car.   那是辆很棒的车。   12. I really must express my admiration for his courage.   我必须得说我很羡慕他的勇气。   13. I think you deserve the highest praise.   我想你应该得到的赞美。   Responding回答   1. I"m very glad you like it.   我非常高兴你喜欢它。   2. I"m very glad you think so.   我非常高兴你这样认为。   3. Thank you. It"s very nice of you to say so.   谢谢,你这样说真是太好了。   4. Thank you very much for saying so.   非常谢谢你这样说。   5. You flatter me./I"m flattered.   你恭维我。   6. How very kind of you to say so.   你这样说太好了。   Dialogue对话   1. A:What do you think of my new hat?   你认为我的新帽子怎么样?   B: It"s very nice. It goes beautifully with your dress.   很好,配你的衣服很好看。   A: Thank you. It"s very nice of you to say so.   谢谢,你这样说真是太好了。   B: You"re welcome.   别客气。   A: My sister gave me this for my birthday.   我过生日时我姐姐送我的这顶帽子。   B: She has excellent taste.   她的品味很好。   2. A: I really like your flat. It"s so neat and attractive.   我真的喜欢你的房间。它是这样的干净和讨人喜欢。   B: Thank you.   谢谢。   C: Yes.It"s one of the nicest flats I"ve ever seen.   是的,这是我见过的的房间之一。   B: Well, thanks for saying so.   呃,谢谢你能这么说。   Note:   在受到赞美时,中西方人的表现往往不同。中国人喜欢讲究谦虚谨慎,常常回答极为中庸,而西方人仅在少数情况之下这么做,他们常常用“Thank you”来回答以示他们已接受赞美。所以讲英语时应遵循西方的用语习惯,尤其是与西方国家的人打交道时,不然他们就会被搞得一头雾水。
2023-07-30 15:17:591

一外国客户送的礼物上写有“With compliments”两个单词。请问如何翻译为妙?高手要捧场啊。

2023-07-30 15:18:107


This table is four times as heavy as that chair.If you need me, I am always ready to help you.Because of the poor weather, I rode the bus to school.I complimented her on her cooking.I didn"t know who those closes belonged to.
2023-07-30 15:18:433


委员会同意这个提议,在春节后召开下一次会议(motion)The committee agreed to the proposal, the next meeting be held after the Spring Festival (motion)很多妇女还成功地经营着家庭,所以她们肩上负着双重负担(manage,burden)Many women also succeeded in a family business, so they shoulder the burden of negative double (manage, burden)如果你赞扬他的行为,他就会对自己更有信心(compliment)If you praise his behavior, he will be more confident in themselves (compliment)大家建议这个问题在下一次会议上再讨论(propose)We suggested that the problem to be discussed at the next meeting (propose)人们认为他完全能够照顾好自己(capable)People think he"s perfectly able to take good care of yourself (capable)
2023-07-30 15:19:021

Most of us are flattered when we receive a compliment.什么意思?请解释

我们大部分人被表扬时都觉得受到了恭维。flatter是奉承、恭维的意思,be flattered就是指人受到了称赞等,经常翻译成受宠若惊。这句话的意思就是大部分人被称赞了都觉得心里面很爽。
2023-07-30 15:19:092

急求“How to compliment others ”为题英语作文

How To Compliment others---------------------------------------------There"s nothing like a warm, sincere compliment to make your day. you can say some worde to compliment others , make your thumb up, hug othres or even a smile. In order to give a good compliment,there are some advice for you. 1) Make your compliment specific.“That necklace looks really good on you” makes a bigger impact compared to “you look really good today”. The more specific the better, it makes the person feel like you notice them.2) Back up your compliment.Don"t just stop at “that necklace looks really good on you”. Your compliment becomes stronger when you say why you think so; “that necklace looks really good on you because it matches your eyes”.You"ll find when you start noticing good things about people, you"ll notice more good things about you too! And the more you do, the more your own self-esteem will grow.
2023-07-30 15:19:171

用 compliment sb for sth造句

My teacher complimented me for my good grade from the exam.
2023-07-30 15:19:271

Thank you for your compliment.是什么意思

Thank you for your compliment 谢谢你的夸奖 双语对照 词典结果: 网络释义 1. 谢谢你的夸奖。 2. 谢谢您的赞扬。 3. 谢谢您的赞美。 例句: 1. To thank you for your compliment. 为了谢谢你的恭维。
2023-07-30 15:19:351

With the compliments of the season是什么意思

2023-07-30 15:19:434

Extend my compliment to you什么意思?

2023-07-30 15:19:545

compliments make people happy make为什么不加s?

compliments make people happy make为什么不加s? 【答】正确的句子应该是:Compliments make people happy. 句首单词的首字母必须大写。这个句子的结构(句型)是:主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语。 Compliments 是复数名词作主语,所以谓语动词 make 后不能加s。
2023-07-30 15:20:102


2023-07-30 15:20:193


  笑话作为一种城市化的民间口头创作体裁,是一种重要的交际手段。本文是有关经典英语笑话及翻译,希望对大家有帮助!   有关经典英语笑话及翻译:第一次与最后一次   My First and My Last   When George was thirty-five, he bought a small plane and learned to fly it. He soon became very good and made his plane do all kinds of tricks.   乔治35岁时买了架小型飞机,并开始学习驾驶。不久,他就能很娴熟地驾机做各种各样的特技飞行了。   George had a friend. His name was Mark. One day George offered to take Mark up in his plane. Mark thought, "I"ve travelled in a big plane several times, but I"ve never been in a small one, so I"ll go."   乔治有个朋友名叫马克。一天,乔治主动邀请马克乘他的飞机上天兜一圈。马克心想,“我乘大客机飞行过好几次,还从来没有乘过小飞机,我不妨试一试。”   They went up, and George flew around for half an hour and did all kinds of tricks in the air.   升空后,乔治飞了有半个小时,在空中做了各种各样的飞行特技。   When they came down again, Mark was very glad to be back safely, and he said to his friend in a shaking voice, "Well, George, thank you very much for those two trips in your plane."   后来他们着陆了。马克很高兴能够安全返回地面。他用颤抖的声音对他的朋友说:“乔治,非常感谢你让我乘小飞机做了两次飞行。”   Gerogy was very surprised and said, "Two trips?"   乔治非常吃惊地问:“两次飞行?”   "Yes, my first and my last," answered Mark.   “是的,我的第一次和最后一次。”马克答道。   有关经典英语笑话及翻译:Compliment   恭维话   "Larry! Come here!" said his furious mother, putting the telephone down, " Iu2019ve just had a callfrom Mrs. Harrison about your behavior to her Doris at the school dance last night. Youwretched, rude boy!"   “拉里,你过来!”妈妈放下电话后生气地说,“我刚才接到哈里森夫人地电话,她告诉我你在昨晚的学校舞会上对多丽丝行为不好,你可耻,粗鲁!”   "I was nice to her, Mum, really I was!" protested the youth."I even paid her a compliment whenwe had a dance."   “妈妈,我对她很好,真的!”小伙子不服气地说。“当我和她跳舞时我还说了一句恭维她的话。”   "Did you, indeed?" said his mother grimly, "And what exactly did you say?"   “你真的这么做的吗?”妈妈严厉地问。“你的原话是怎么说的?”   "I said, Gosh, Doris, you sweat less than any fat girl Iu2019ve ever danced with!"   “我说,啊呀,多丽丝,你比我跳过舞的任何胖姑娘出汗都少!”   有关经典英语笑话及翻译:其余的事由我负责   A guard was about to signal his train to start when he saw an attractive girl standing on theplatform by an open door, talking to another pretty girl inside the carriage.   一位车上的列车员刚发出信号让火车启动,这时他看见一位很漂亮的姑娘站在站台上一节打开的车厢门旁边,跟车厢里另一位漂亮姑娘在说话。   "Come on, miss!" he shouted. "Shut the door, please!"   “快点,小姐!”他喊道:“请把门关上。”   "Oh, I just want to kiss my sister goodbye," she called back.   “噢,我还没有和妹妹吻别呢。”她回答道。   "You just shut that door, please," called the guard, "and I"ll see to the rest."   “请把门关上好了,”列车员说:“其余的事由我负责。”
2023-07-30 15:20:371


One of the nicest things you can do in any language is to compliment someone. You might want to compliment someone on what they did, how they look or what they have. Here are forms and phrases to compliment others in English. The examples below are arranged into complimenting ability, complimenting looks, and complimenting possessions in both formal and informal situations.你能用任何语言做的最好的事情之一就是赞美某人。你可能想称赞某人的所作所为、外表如何或拥有什么。以下是用英语恭维他人的方式和短语。下面的例子被分为在正式和非正式的情况下赞美能力,赞美容貌,恭维财产。一起来看看在英语口语中如何用英语夸赞被别人吧!
2023-07-30 15:20:501

关于I can live for two months on a good compliment 英语六级作文

To give praise costs the giver nothing but a moment"s thought and a moment"s effort - perhaps a quick phone call to pass on a compliment, or five minutes spent writing an appreciative letter. It is such a small investment - and yet consider the results it may produce. "I can live for two months on a good compliment," said Mark Twain.So, let"s be alert to the small excellences around us - and comment on them. We will not only bring joy into other people"s lives, but also, very often, added happiness into our own. uff5euff5euff5euff5euff5euff5e
2023-07-30 15:21:001

tribute 是什么意思?

贡品, 礼物, 颂词, 殷勤, 贡物
2023-07-30 15:21:097

a referral is the greatest compliment you can give什么意思

a referral is the greatest compliment you can give推荐是你能给予的最大的赞美。重点词汇referral介绍,指引; 受指点者,被介绍者; 转诊病人; 参照greatest伟大的; 最好的,最伟大的; 大的( great的最高级 ); 重要的; 极大的compliment恭维; 敬意; 道贺,贺词; 致意; 称赞; 向…道贺; 向…致意give给予; 赠送; 作出; 供给; 产生; 举办; 支付; 塌下; 让步; 伸展性,弹性
2023-07-30 15:21:411


2023-07-30 15:21:532

I can live for two months on a good compliment 写一篇英语作文,100字

To give praise costs the giver nothing but a moment"s thought and a moment"s effort - perhaps a quick phone call to pass on a compliment, or five minutes spent writing an appreciative letter. It is such a small investment - and yet consider the results it may produce. "I can live for two months on a good compliment," said Mark Twain.So, let"s be alert to the small excellences around us - and comment on them. We will not only bring joy into other people"s lives, but also, very often, added happiness into our own. ~~~~~~
2023-07-30 15:22:021


  刚出生的婴儿拥有着最稚嫩的皮肤,抵抗能力也比较弱,对外界的刺激产品很容易过敏,特别是直接与身体接触的家纺。家长们在选购的时候一定要注意选好品牌,有保障的产品使用起来才会更加的放心。婴儿床上用品什么牌子好呢?一起来看一下婴儿床上用品品牌排行榜吧!   一、picci   picci源于意大利的婴童家居品牌,专业从事系列婴儿床、床上用品等的研发、设计、生产、销售的企业,以安全、高品质著称。   二、好孩子   好孩子是目前中国规模的儿童用品生产的企业。"好孩子"产品涵盖了童车、童床、餐椅、儿童服饰、哺育用品等几千种儿童用品,为每个家庭提供全系列的母婴用品。   三、小硕士SAORS   小硕士SAORS是一家专业集设计、生产、销售木制婴(幼)儿童床、餐椅系列产品的企业,以新颖的造型、优良的品质、合理的价格而深受用户青睐。   四、Geuther(红蛙)   Geuther起源于德国,具有悠久历史的婴儿床品牌,其致力于以纯手工打造婴儿床在业内享有盛名。是一家在中国注册的外商独资企业,始终将"对孩子的爱"作为产品生产和设计的动力和永恒信念。   五、呵宝HOPE   呵宝HOPE是一家专业从事儿童推车、婴儿伞车、婴幼儿针织用品、塑胶用品、实木婴儿床、儿童高椅及儿童实木家具等系列产品研发、生产、销售为一体的股份制企业。   六、小龙哈彼   小龙哈彼由小小恐龙更名而来,是好孩子集团的品牌之一,坚持时尚、色彩缤纷的设计风格研发产品,产品的种类覆盖婴儿推车、婴儿床、儿童自行车、电动车等十多个品类、数千款产品。   七、宜家   宜家始于1943年的瑞典,是一家全球性的家具和家居用品零售商,主要提供种类繁多、美观实用、老百姓买得起的家居用品。   八、芙儿优   芙儿优是婴儿床十,提出"婴童睡眠中心"理念,集婴儿床、婴儿睡幔、婴儿睡袋、儿童床、儿童家具等婴童床上用品研发/设计/生产/销售于一体的大型企业。   九、STOKKE思多嘉儿   STOKKE思多嘉儿创立1932年挪威,婴儿餐椅十,全球知名婴儿推车品牌,是一家专业生产婴儿产品的品牌。   十、GRACO葛莱   美国葛莱成立于1942年,作为全球婴儿用品生产商之一,葛莱的产品种类丰富,从婴儿手推车、汽车安全座椅到轻便睡床、婴儿摇椅及游戏床等,应有尽有。
2023-07-30 15:10:291