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Jamie Scott & The Town的《Shadows》 歌词

2023-07-30 14:55:46
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歌手:Jamie Scott & The Town
专辑:I-Tunes Festival Ep

Raining and OK - Shadows
I"m an old soul in a complex mind
I"m a young heart that"s been compromised
When I felt alone in the bitter cold
You were there right by my side
And you told me
You are, you are a work of art
You"re a masterpiece
You"re hiding in the dark (Whoa, whoa)
You are, you are a work of art
The shadows cover up and hide your weary heart
I"m a caged bird that has lost its voice
I"m a soldier with a paper sword
When I gave up to the other side
You were there to rescue me
And you told me
You are, you are a work of art
You"re a masterpiece
You"re hiding in the dark (Whoa, whoa)
You are, you are a work of art
The shadows cover up and hide your weary heart
You are, you are a work of art
You"re a masterpiece
You"re hiding in the dark (Whoa, whoa)
You are, you are a work of art
The shadows cover up and hide your weary heart
You"re weary heart,




2023-07-30 11:55:092


compromised的意思:妥协的。妥协,拼音:tuǒ xié,汉语词语,意思是敌对的双方,彼此退让部分的意见、原则等,以消除争端,谋求融洽的行为或稳妥适当。敌对的双方,彼此退让部分的意见、原则等,以消除争端,谋求融洽的行为。稳妥适当。清曹雪芹《红楼梦第一七、一八回》:纵拟了出来,不免迂腐古板,反不能使花柳园亭生色,似不妥协,反没意思。清蒋良骥《东华录》卷三一:“朕览高其倬等所奏太平峪吉地事宜,甚属妥协。”《老残游记》第八回:“桌椅几案,布置极为妥协。”《老残游记》第九回:“苍头一一答应说:‘都齐备妥协了。"”老舍《的哲学》第三六:“老张又坐了半天,把已定的事,一一从新估计一番,诸事妥协,老张告辞回家。”用让步的方法避免冲突或争执。邹韬奋《民众的要求》:“中途决不妥协,那才是真为着抗敌救国而迈进,否则便表示另有其他的动机。”丹溪草《人类命运:变迁与规则》:不同族群部落间的征战和妥协,促进社会阶层的出现。
2023-07-30 11:55:181

急!求英翻中At no point is the cargo care compromised.要怎麼翻?

2023-07-30 11:55:511


自动取款机 - ATM取钱 - Withdraw money 或是 draw money存钱 - Deposit取钱/存钱 - Withdraw / Deposit至于存钱和取钱的过程,找个附英文的银行卡来取钱和存钱,全程截屏就好了~
2023-07-30 11:56:163


  学习英语是一件需要耐心的事情,有耐心才会成功,缺乏耐心只会徒劳无获。那么不耐心的英文是什么呢?下面是我为你整理的不耐心的英文,希望大家喜欢!   不耐心的英文   impatience   impatience常见例句   1. There is a certain impatience among some of the soldiers.   有些士兵有点儿不耐烦。   2. Impatience is growing after three days in which nothing has been achieved.   3天没有任何进展,烦躁情绪见长。   3. There was a hint of impatience in his tone.   他的语气中透出些不耐烦。   4. She showed impatience to continue the climb.   她迫不及待地想要继续攀登。   5. He kicked the chair in a spasm of impatience.   他突然变得不耐烦,一脚踢向椅子.   6. He expressed impatience at the slow rate of progress.   进展缓慢,他显得不耐烦.   7. He was trying hard not to show his impatience.   他竭力掩饰自己的不耐烦.   8. Some impatience was exhibited owing to the non - arrival of the speaker.   由于讲演人未到,听众显得有些不耐烦.   9. He gave a stamp of impatience.   他不耐烦地跺脚.   10. He waited with barely concealed impatience.   他等待着,几乎无法掩饰不耐烦的心情.   关于不耐心的英文短语   不耐心的 impatient   不耐心的否定 impatient disapproval   你不需要耐心 you don"t have patience   最不耐心地 Most honest ; most impatiently   有点儿不耐心地 a little impatiently   他对这样一个人不耐心 He is not patient with such a man   最诚实的;最不耐心地 Most honest; most impatiently.   不可以没有耐心 Have a little patience   耐心不被破坏 Patience is not compromised
2023-07-30 11:56:231


compromise是妥协 postc ompromise是最后组
2023-07-30 11:56:371

歌词找歌名 再靠近一点点 就让你牵手 再勇敢一点点 我就跟你走

2023-07-30 11:57:1013


In accordance with our major database relocation, we are currently having major adjustments and updates of user accounts to verify that the informations you have provided with us during the sign-up process are true and correct. However, we have noticed some discrepancies regarding your account at Paypal. Possible causes are inaccurate contact information and invalid logout process.We have limited access to your account until this issue has been resolved. This is a fraud prevention measure meant to ensure that your account is not compromised. In order to secure your account and quickly restore full access, we require some specific information from you. 按照我们的大型数据库再定位, 我们目前将对用户帐户作重大的调整和更新,以确定您在注册过程中提供的信息都是正确和真实的. 但是,我们注意到你的paypal帐户有一些出入. 可能原因是联系信息不准确和无效的注销过程.我们已限制你帐户的访问,直到这个问题得到解决为止. 这是一项预防欺骗的措施,以确保你的帐户不会被泄密. 为了保证您的帐户和尽快恢复完整访问,我们需要你的一些具体资料. 1. Login follow our secure site and update all necessary informations to your account. 登录我们的安全网站并更新你帐户所有必要的资料.2. Review your recent account history for any unauthorized payments sent or received, and check your account profile to make sure not changes have been made. 检查你帐户新近所有未经批准的发送和接收的历史,检查你的帐户文件以确保没有变动.To get started, please go directly to log in to your PayPal account and perform the steps necessary to restore your account access as soon as possible. 开始前,请直接到注册你的帐户,执行必要的步骤以尽快恢复你的帐户的访问.If you are the rightful holder of the account you must click the link below and then complete all steps from the following page as we try to verify your identity. 如果你是合法的帐户持有者,你必须点击以下链接,完成下一页的所有步骤以便我们证实你的身份.Click here to activate your account 点这击活你的帐户We recently noted one or more attempts to log in to your account from a foreign country. If you accessed your account while traveling, the attempt(s) may have been initiated by you. 近来我们发现几个海外的试图登入你的帐户,如果你在旅行中访问过你的帐户,这些偿试也可能是你启动的IP Address Time Country IP地址 时间 国家218.111.190.231 Feb 20, 2007 14:21:34PDT New Zealand Feb 22, 2007 00:32:56PDT United Kingdom Feb 22, 2007 01:07:29PDT United States Choosing to ignore this message will result in a temporary suspension of your account within 24 hours, until you will choose to solve this unpleasant situation.选择忽略这些信息将会导致你的帐户24小时被封,直到你选择解决这个不愉快的情形为止.
2023-07-30 11:58:092


2023-07-30 11:58:215


2023-07-30 11:58:415


  约定:商量并确定;一般指和某人许下诺言在一定的时间去实现。下面就由我为大家带来关于约定的英语短语集锦,希望大家能有所收获。   关于约定的相关短   约定定义 stipulative definition;   约定呼叫(电话) appointment call;   约定货载 booking cargo;   约定剂量当量 committed dose equivalent;   约定价值 agreed value; commitment value;   约定交货期 period stipulated for delivery;   约定利率 contract rate of interest;   约定论 conventionalism;   约定面谈时间 appointment for interview;   约定皮重 computed tare;   约定全损 compromised total loss;   约定时限 agree on a time frame;   约定授信额度 agree on the ceiling of credit;   约定税率 conventional tariff;   约定效率 conventional efficiency;   约定真值 conventional true value   关于约定的相关单词   Promise   Commitment   appoint   Agreement   关于约定的相关短句或解释   expiration of the agreed term;   约定的期限届满   agree on a meeting place;   约定会晤地点   fix a time for the meeting;   约定开会时间   by a preconcerted arrangement;   按事先约定的安排   He appointed to meet us at the entrance of the theatre.   他约定在剧院门口和我们碰头。   We made arrangements with them to meet in a week.   我们和他们约定一星期后见面。   关于约定的相关例句   1. Poor Dr Pegler got terribly behindhand with his appointments.   可怜的佩格勒博士大大落后于当初的约定。   2. You cannot ask for your money back before the agreed date.   约定的日期没到,你不能把钱要回去。   3. She made an appointment for her son to see the doctor.   她为儿子约定了看医生的时间。   4. We arranged to meet in reception at 6.30.   我们约定6:30在接待处会面。   5. The platoon made its way to the pre - arranged rendezvous in the desert.   这个排向事先约定的沙漠中的会合点进发.   6. It"s past the appointed time . Maybe he isn"t coming.   约定的时间都过了,别是他不来了吧?   7. He appointed to meet us at the entrance of the theatre.   他约定在剧院门口和我们碰头.   8. We made arrangements with them to meet in a week.   我们和他们约定一星期后见面.   9. The time appointed for the meeting was ten o"clock.   约定的开会时间是十点.   10. I have arranged to meet her at ten o"clock.   我约定在十点钟会见她.   11. We must appoint a day to meet again.   我们要约定好下次会面的日期.   12. They went into action at a given signal.   在约定的信号发出时,他们投入了战斗.   13. They met at the agreed time.   他们按约定时间见面.   14. They arranged to meet in Riverside Park at the unearthly hour of seven in the morning.   他们约定一大清早7点在河滨公园见面。   15. Murray and Alison came to some sort of loose arrangement before he went home.   默里在回家前和艾莉森达成了大致的约定。   关于约定的双语例句   他们约定不久见面。   They made a date to meet soon.   在约定的时间她不在那里。   She wasn"t there at the appointed time.   本文档使用了以下命名约定和格式约定。   This documentation makes use of the following naming and formatting conventions.   严格遵守包和类的命名约定和大小写约定。   Rigorously follow package and class naming and capitalization conventions.   如果有任何服务正在引用某个约定,则不能删除该约定。   You cannot drop a contract if any services refer to the contract.   视图的索引命名约定与表的索引命名约定相同。   The naming conventions for indexes on views are the same as for indexes on tables.   你照约定回到我的身边了么?   Are you back for me as you promised?   能不能更改我们约定时间?   Can we reschedule our appointment?   以上是我整理所得,欢迎大家阅读和收藏。
2023-07-30 11:58:571


这个月我们班有三个同学过生日。为了给他们庆祝生日,我们买了一些礼物给他们每一个人。简喜欢音乐,所以我们打算买CD给她,特里非常喜欢看书, 书应该是他的最爱。玛丽喜欢徒步旅游,她应该喜欢旅行帽。
2023-07-30 11:59:084


compromisecompromise 英 [u02c8ku0252mpru0259mau026az] 美 [u02c8kɑ:mpru0259mau026az] n. 妥协; (名誉等的) 损害; 妥协(或折中)方案; 折中物; vi. 折中解决; 妥协,退让; vt. 违背(原则); 连累; (尤指因行为不很明智) 使陷入危险; [例句]Encourage your child to reach a compromise between what he wants and what you want鼓励孩子在他的愿望和你的愿望之间找到一个折中点。[其他] 第三人称单数:compromises 复数:compromises 现在分词:compromising 过去式:compromised 过去分词:compromised
2023-07-30 11:59:361

be compromised by是什么意思

be compromised by [词典] 被…危害[连累]; [例句]But this status and unique financing access would be compromised by a lower rating.但是,美国国债的这一地位与独一无二的融资能力,将因评级被下调而受到损害。
2023-07-30 11:59:561

compromise 在这句话里的意思

2023-07-30 12:00:052


上传个人资料 到BLZ的战网投诉中心进行申请恢复账号
2023-07-30 12:00:413

警察故事2013的片尾曲是什么 歌词有“当爱覆水难收”这句话 谁唱的

2023-07-30 12:00:493


2023-07-30 12:01:113

The Hell Song中文歌词

the hell song 地狱之歌 Everybody"s got their problems 每个人都有他们的问题 Everybody says the same things to you 每个人都对你说同样的事 It"s just a matter how you solve them 这只是你如何应付他们的问题, And knowing how to change the things you"ve been through 并且得知道如何改变你所面对的这些事 I feel I"ve come to realize 我感到我已经开始了解 How fast life can be compromised 生活能够如此快的陷入危境 Step back to see what"s going on 回身看发生了什么 I can"t believe this happened to you 我不能相信这发生在你身上 This happened to you 这发生在你身上 It"s just a problem that I"m faced with am I 这只是一个我所面对的问题,不是吗? Not the only one who hates to stand by 并不只一个人憎恨袖手旁观 Complications that are first in this line 这段开始的错综复杂的情况 With all these pictures running through my mind 和所有的画面一起闯进我思绪 Knowing endless consequences 了解到无尽的影响 I feel so useless in this 我感到在这方面一无是处 Can"t back, stand back, can"t ask 无法回头,站在后头,无法提问 For me I can"t believe 对于我我无法相信 Part of me, won"t agree 我的一部分,不会赞同 Cause I don"t know if this for sure 因为我不知道这是否确定 Suddenly, suddenly 突然,突然之间 I don"t feel so insecure 我并不感到如此不安 Part of me, won"t agree 我的一部分,不会赞同 Cause I don"t know if this for sure 因为我不知道这是否确定 Suddenly, suddenly 突然,突然之间 I don"t feel so insecure 我并不感到如此不安 Anymore 再也不 Everybody"s got their problems 每个人都有他们的问题 Everybody says the same things to you 每个人都对你说同样的事 It"s just a matter how you solve them 这只是你如何应付他们的问题 But what else are we supposed to do 但另外我们被期望做什么? Part of me, won"t agree 我的一部分,不会赞同 Cause I don"t know if this for sure 因为我因为我不知道这是否确定 Suddenly, suddenly 突然,突然之间 I don"t feel so insecure 我并不感到如此不安 Part of me, won"t agree 我的一部分,不会赞同 Cause I don"t know if this for sure 因为我因为我不知道这是否确定 Suddenly, suddenly 突然,突然之间 I don"t feel so insecure 我并不感到如此不安 Anymore 再也不 Why do things that matter the most 为什么最至关重要的事情 Never end up being our choice 从不成为我们的选择而结束? Now that I find no way so bad 如今我发现没有如此糟糕的道路了 I don"t think I knew what I had 我不认为我知道我拥有了什么 Why do things that matter the most 为什么最至关重要的事情 Never end up being our choice 从不成为我们的选择而结束? Now that I find no way so bad 如今我发现没有如此糟糕的道路了 I don"t think I knew what I had 我不认为我知道我拥有了什么
2023-07-30 12:01:181

真命天女brown eyes中文歌词

Remember the first day when I saw your face还记得第一次见你的那天 Remember the first day when you smiled at me 还记得第一次你对我微笑的那天 You stepped to me and then you said to me你走过来对我说 I was the woman you dreamed about 我就是那个你梦寐以求的女孩 Remember the first day when you called my house 还记得第一次你拜访我家的那天 Remember the first day when you took me out还记得第一次你带我出去的那天 we had butterflies although we tried to hide it 我们都很紧张,尽管我们都尝试掩饰它 and we both had a beautiful night我们俩都度过了美妙的夜晚 The way we held each others hand, 我们牵手的那天 the way we talked, the way we laughed 我们携手共进的那天,我们一路欢声笑语 it felt so good to find true love遇到真爱的感觉真得很好 I knew right then and there you were the one 我知道你就是我一直寻找的那个人 o-oo-oooooo I know that he loves me cause he told me so我知道他爱我,因为他告诉了我 I know that he loves me cause his feelings show我知道他爱我,因为他的感觉表现出来 When he stares at me you see he cares for me当他注视着我,我知道他在乎我 You see how he is so deep in love你能感觉到他正陷入热恋 I know that he loves me cause its obvious 我知道他爱我,因为这很明显 I know that he loves me cause its me he trusts 我知道他爱我,因为他信任我 and he"s missing me if he"s not kissing me并且,如果他不亲吻我他会一直想念我 and when he looks at me his brown eyes tell me so当他注视我的时候,他褐色的眼睛告诉我一切 Remember the first day, the first day we kissed 请记住那一天,我们第一次亲吻 Remember the first day we had an argument请记住那一天,我们第一次争吵 we apologized and then we compromised 我们相互道歉,相互妥协 and we"ve haven"t argued since 从那以后,我们在没有争吵过 Remember the first day we stopped playing games 请记住那一天,我们都停止玩恋爱游戏 Remember the first day you fell in love with me请记住那一天,你和我坠入爱河 it felt so good for you to say those words当你说这些话的时候感觉很好 cause I felt the same way too因为我也有同感 I"m so happy, so happy that your in my life 我很高兴,高兴在我生命中遇到了你 and baby now that your apart of me现在,宝贝,你就是我的一部分 you"ve shown me 你已经向我展现 shown me the true meaning of love(the true meaning of love)展现真爱的意义
2023-07-30 12:01:261


(一) 用智慧探讨人生真义, 用毅力安排人生时间。 Use wisdom to contemplate the meaning of life Use resolve to organize the time you are given.(二) 未来的是妄想,过去的是杂念 保护好此时此刻的爱心, 谨守住自己当下的本分。 The future is an illusion the past is a memory. Hold on to the goodness that is in our heart at this present moment and take care to fulfill the duties that we have at hand.(三) 最幸福的人生, 是能宽容与悲悯一切众生的人生。 A person with a generous heart and compassion for all beings leads the most blessed life.(四) 看淡自己是般若, 看重自己是执着。 To regard ourself lightly is prajna(wisdom). To regard ourself highly is attachment.(五) 要以理来转事, 不是拿事来转理。 We must carry out our tasks according to principles and not let our principles be compromised by our tadks(六) 处理事情,感情蕴藏在理智中; 与人相处,感情表现在理智上。 In handling matters let your mind influence your heart. In dealing with people let your heart influence your mind.
2023-07-30 12:01:341


2023-07-30 12:01:534


1、The bus service is very good. there is a bus __3__10 minutes 1)all,2)whole,3)every,4)few,5)each. 2、Could I have a ___1_of ice cream? 1)chunk,2)spatula,3)widget,4)piece,5)scoop. 3、I have been studying _3____I can to learn English. 1)too hard as,2)so hard as,3)as hard as,4)so hard so,5)too hard so. 4、The story was over and the children were told _3__go to bed. 1) they must to,2)they shall to,3)they had to,4)they were,5)they had 5、Most countries have strong _3___on owning handguns. 1) restrict, 2)restrictions,3)restriction,4)restrictively,5)restrictive. 6、After the accident the police _3___me from going home. 1)spoke to ,2)made,3)prevented,4)insisted,5)took 7、Her death was _1__natural causes. 1)due to,2)reason of,3)because,4)due of,5)result of. 8、There is a ___1__risk the violence on television encourages people to act violently 1)distinct,2)chance,3)fear,4)choice,5)panic. 9、Talks are to be held__3__ Downing Street, chaired by the Prime Minister. 1)opposite,2)on,3)in,4)between,5)at. 10、__2___, they slept soundly. 1) hot though was the night air,2)hot although the night air was,3)hot though the night air was,4)the night air was hot although,5)the night air was hot though. 11、This movie has been highly __2__by critics. 1) recompromised ,2)recommended,3)recommendation,4)recommend,5)reconciled 12、When __4_ Peter last ___ to you? 1)did/writing,2)did/wrote,3)does/write,4)did/write,5)does/wrote
2023-07-30 12:02:223

写篇作文lectures and Discussion

With the development of society, some new form of Education has continually appeared in our study。Different student like different form of Education,and now the following is two main points. Firstly,Some students are in favour of lecture Teaching,maybe they lJust like to accept it but not change it.Secondly,Some students prefer discussion Teaching.In all ,above to all I like the scond viewpoint.In university education, teaching can be conducted in different forms. Two very popular ways of teaching are lecture and discussion. Normally in lecture, more students can be accommodated in one lecture room. However,individual care is seriously compromised. Hence, many students do not have lecture as it lacks lecture-student interaction. In contrast, discussion can solve the problem of passive listening that happens so often in lecuture rooms. In dicussion section, there is always a discussion leader, who leads the discussion. Less students participate in discussion than in lecture so that everyone can voice their opinions on the topic. Ideas can be exchanged and improved though discussion section. Thus, discusion facilitates active learning. Nonetheless, in many universities, lecutre is still the main way to conduct lessons.This is because discussion requires large amount of capital input which cannot fit the current situation in china. Thus, in my opinion, a combination of some lectures and some discussion would be a wonderful way of learning provided that there is enough education resources.不好意思我这也是借鉴的···(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……
2023-07-30 12:02:471


password needs at least one number and has been compromised in a third party data breach密码需要至少一个号码,并且在第三方数据泄露中已被破坏。为防止隐私受损,我们将仅限于上锁你的帐户相关电子邮件这句话只有在电脑被劫持,或中毒时出现,建议用杀毒软件杀毒,并且删去密码
2023-07-30 12:02:561


  今天我为大家整理的是大学英语四级写作的固定搭配词组,对大家的英语学习很有帮助哦,希望大家可以好好利用起来,下面就让我们一起来看一下吧。   1 重视   attach great importance tou2026 /priority should be given tou2026   2 把某事考虑在内   take sth. into account /consideration   3 某事值得做   be worth doing   4 第二大经济体   the second largest economy   5 取决于某事   Sth. depends on sth.   6 社会地位   social status   7 把时间和精力放在u2026上   spend time and energy / focus onu2026   8 身心两方面   both physically and mentally   9 提出折中提议   set forth a compromised proposal   10 社会进步的反映   A mirror of social progress   11 充分利用   make full use of /take advantage of...   12 承受更大的u2026压力   suffer from heavier pressure of u2026 / heavier burden of u2026   13 保障社会的稳定和繁荣   guarantee the stability and prosperity of the society   14 更多地强调   put more emphasis onu2026   15 适应社会发展   adapt oneself to the development of society   16 从u2026到u2026;在u2026范围内变动   range fromu2026 tou2026   17主要理由列举如下   the main reasons are listed as follows:   18 u2026必然趋势   an irresistible trend ofu2026   19 日益激烈的社会竞争   the increasingly fierce / keen social competition   20 眼前利益   immediate interest/ short-term interest   21 长远利益   interest in the long run   22 u2026有其自身的优缺点   u2026 has its merits and demerits/ advantages and disadvantages   23 扬长避短   exploit to the full oneu2019s favorable conditions and avoid unfavorable ones   24 取其精华,去其糟粕   take the essence and discard the dross   25 对u2026有害   do harm to / be harmful to/ be detrimental to   26 交流思想/ 情感/ 信息   exchange ideas/emotions/ information   27 采取有效措施来u2026   take effective measures to do sth.   28 u2026的健康发展   the healthy development of u2026   29更不要说   not to speak of/not to mention/let alone   30 u2026有利有弊   every coin has two sides.   31 在u2026之前   prior to   32 经济/心理负担   financial burden /psychological burden   33 考虑到诸多因素   take many factors into account/ consideration   34 从另一个角度   from another perspective   35 做出共同努力   make joint efforts   36对u2026有益   be beneficial /conducive tou2026   37为社会做贡献   make contributions to the society   38 打下坚实的基础   lay a solid foundation foru2026   39 综合素质   comprehensive quality   40 致力于/ 投身于   be committed /devoted tou2026   41 不可推卸的义务   an indispensable duty   42 满足需求   satisfy/ meet the needs / requirements ofu2026   43 宝贵的自然资源   valuable natural resources   44 方便快捷   convenient and efficient   45 在人类生活的方方面面   in all aspects of human life   46 社会进步的体现   a symbol of social progress   47 科技的飞速更新   the accelerated updating of science and technology   48 有/提供如下理由/ 证据   have/ provide the following reasons/ evidence   49 在一定程度上   to some extent/degree / in some way   50 理论和实践相结合   integrate theory with practice / apply theory to practice   51发挥着日益重要的作用   play an increasingly important / vital role inu2026   52 对u2026必不可少   be indispensable to u2026   53 正如谚语所说 / 如图所示   as the proverb goes: / as can be seen from the picture   54 u2026也不例外   u2026be no exception   55 对u2026产生有利/不利的影响   exert positive/negative effects onu2026   56 利远远大于弊   the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.   57 导致,引起   lead to/ give rise to/ contribute to/ result in   58 复杂的社会现象   a complicated social phenomenon   59 责任感 / 成就感   sense of responsibility/ sense of achievement   60 竞争与合作精神   sense of competition and cooperation   61 开阔眼界   widen oneu2019s horizon/ broaden oneu2019s vision   62 学习知识和技能   acquire knowledge and skills   63 禁不住做某事   can"t help doing sth.   64 做u2026有困难   have difficulty(trouble) (in) doing sth.   65 做某事毫无用处   Itu2019s no use doing sth.   66 没必要做某事   There"s no point in doing sth.   67 对某事/某人有影响   have an influence on sth. /sb.   68 把u2026强加于某人   impose sth. on sb.   69 不比任何人差,首屈一指   be second to none   70 同意做某事   have no objection to doing sth.
2023-07-30 12:03:071


2023-07-30 12:03:172

without me的音标是什么?

Eminem - Without Me Refrain 1 Two trailer park girls go round the outside/ round the outside,round the outside (Repeat Refrain 1) 两个拖车女孩在外面绕圈圈,在外面绕,在外面绕 Refrain 2 Guess who is back, back again/ Shadys back, tell a friend/ Guesswho"s back, guess who"s back, gruess who"s back/ Guess who"sback... 猜谁回来了,谁又回来了 /shady回来了,跟朋友说/猜谁回来了。。。 Verse 1 I"ve created a monster, cuz nobody wants to 我造了一个怪物,因为没有人希望 see Marshall no more they want Shady I"m chopped liver 再次看到Marshall,他们想要Shady我是被砍碎的肝脏 well if you want Shady, this is what I"ll give ya 好吧如果你想要Shady,这就是我给你的 a little bit of me mixed with some hard liquor 一些我跟烈酒的混合物 some vodka that"ll jump start my heart quicker then a shock when I get shocked at the hospital by the Dr. when I"m not cooperating,when I"m rocking the table while he"s operating 一些伏特加酒可以让我的心跳加速,所以在我震惊的时候,在我不合作的时候,在我在手术台上打滚的时候,我被医生来了一个电击 you waited this long now stop debating cuz I"m back, I"m on the rag and ovulating 你想让这继续现在停下因为我回来了,我穿着破衣服在排卵 I know that you got a job Mrs. Cheney but your husband"s heart problem"s complicating 我知道你就业了Cheney(切尼, 美国副总统)太太,不过你老公心脏病发作了 So the FCC wont let me be or let me be me so let me see 所以FCC(美国通信委员会)不听我的或着让我听我的所以让我看看 they tried to shut me down on MTV but it feels so empty without me 他们想要封掉我的MTV,但是没有我的存在就会感到饥饿 So come on and dip, bum on your lips fuck that, cum on your lips and some on your tits 所以来吧沾上它,屁股放在嘴唇上,操,来嘴唇,放点在你咪咪上 and get ready cuz this shit"s about to get heavy 并准备好因为这些东西要变得沉重了 I just settled all my lawsuits Fuck YOU DEBBIE_! 我只需要准备好我那些诉讼,Fuck YOU DEBBIE_! Chorus X2 Now this looks like a job for me so everybody just follow me 现在这就像是我的一个工作,因而所有人都在跟随我 cuz we need a little controversy, cuz it feels so empty without me 因为我们需要一点辩论,因为没有我的存在就会感到饥饿 Verse 2 Little hellions kids feeling rebellious 小鬼难缠 embarrassed, their parents still listen to Elvis 麻烦,他们父母还在听猫王 they start feeling the prisoners helpless, "til someone comes along on a mission and yells"bitch" 他们感觉囚犯都很没用,直到有人带着使命出现并大叫“婊子” A visionary, vision is scary, could start a revolution,pollutin the airwaves 一个幻想家,幻想的很可怕,要开始一场革命,电视广播投票 a rebel so let me just revel an bask, in the fact that I got everyone kissing my ass 一个造反者,所以让我晒着太阳狂欢,实际上我让所有人亲我屁屁 and it"s a disaster such a catastrophe for you to see so damn much of my ass you ask for me? 并且这是个灾祸,你要求的让你看到我屁屁这么多的对于你如此大的一个灾祸 Well I"m back (batman sound)fix your bent antennae tune it in and then I"m gonna enter in 好我回来了(蝙蝠侠的声音)调整固定好你的天线收听,他们要进来了 and up under your skin like a splinter 在你内心深处的像是一个碎片 The center of attention back for the winter 焦点回到冬天 I"m interesting, the best thing since wrestling 我很有趣,除了摔跤之外最好的东西 Infesting in your kids ears and nesting 在你孩子们耳朵和窝里 Testing "Attention Please" feel the tension soon as someone mentions me 测试“请注意”当有人提到我的时候感到紧张 here"s my 10 cents my 2cents is free 这是我的10分钱和我的2分钱小费 A nuisance, who sent, you sent for me? 讨厌的东西,谁送的,是你送我的吗?
2023-07-30 12:00:351


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2023-07-30 12:00:421


微信头像用英语怎么说? Wechat Profile Picture 微信头像用英文怎么说 微信头像 WeChat Avatar 重点词汇释义头像head sculpture; head portrait 你的微信头像实在太⋯⋯ *** ,能换一个吗?用英语怎么说 Your profile picture for wechat is too coquettish; could you please change it? 你微信上怎么不放头像呢 英语翻译 Why don"t you put a profile pic on wechat? 微信头像用哪些好?要有英文字的。求图,不要 *** ,唯美一点的。发的多的,好看的采纳(我是女的,别给我 帮忙想个微信名,要英语的,在下喜欢猫,头像如下↓ lively kitty 分手了,她换了微信头像一颗心带英文,什么意思 英文大概的意思是我的心告诉我放弃,但我要学这现在的心情。她可能想学的去放下现在的心情,但内心在告诉自己只有放弃才有的办法,自己一直在对自己说都已成过去了。 最近微信很火的动物头像有中文字英文字的,出自哪里? 动物头像有中文字英文字的 WeChat recently very hot animal picture with Chinese characters in the English word 微信好友发来的图片怎样作为自己的头像图片 保存图片到手机内存。。。 然后进微信设置个人信息。。。。换头像 有个女生,我微信换成英文名字,她又换;我头像换成人像,她又换.她想怎样? 越和她较劲越没意思别理她
2023-07-30 12:00:441

SHADY LTD这个牌子的衣服贵不贵啊?

SHADY LTD是由著名说唱歌手Eminem (痞子阿姆)独立发行的服装品牌,在美洲和欧洲的白人嘻哈族中有很大号召力。在日本韩国也是当红嘻哈大牌.品牌代言人为Eminem和他的说唱团体D12。不知道你对贵不贵的定义是什么,给你EBAY上的链接,供你参考一下吧。
2023-07-30 12:00:441


2023-07-30 12:00:461


  《权力的游戏》   《权力的游戏第六季》   9月10日星期六创意艾美奖的第一个夜晚,被HBO和FX抢尽了风头。HBO共抱回十一尊艾美奖,其中九项是颁给《权力的游戏》(Game of Thrones),比去年多了一项,其中主要包括剧情类最佳卡司、最佳化妆、最佳服装和最佳视觉效果等。而早些时候以56项提名打破自己纪录的FX有线台,捧走了十尊艾美奖,获得最佳剧情剧集提名的《美国谍梦》(s)中的女星玛格马丁戴尔(Margo Martindale),凭借同一角色连续第二次被授予剧情类最佳客串女演员奖。FX的另一部剧集《美国罪案故事:民诉辛普森》(The People v. O.J. Simpson)获四项艾美奖。   此外,获得第十七次提名的艾米波勒(Amy Poehler)终于因为与蒂娜菲(Tina Fey)共同主持的《周六夜现场》(Saturday Night Live)首次荣获艾美奖。这也是两人第一次并列获得剧情类最佳客串女演员提名,也是她们第一次双双获奖。获得最佳客串男演员的分别是《清道夫》(Ray Donovan)的汉克阿扎利亚(Hank Azaria)和《衰姐们》(Girls)的彼特斯科拉里(Peter Scolari)。斯科拉里是作为替补取代彼特麦尼科(Peter MacNicol)入围,后者因为(Veep)中戏份太多而被撤销客串提名。   第二轮创意艾美奖定于周日晚颁出。9月17日星期六,颁奖礼会在ABC主要颁奖礼的前一天在FXX播出。   创意艾美奖主要获奖名单:   剧情类最佳客串男演员 汉克阿扎利亚,《清道夫》   喜剧类最佳客串男演员 彼特斯科拉里,《衰姐们》   剧情类最佳客串女演员 玛格马丁戴尔,《美国谍梦》   喜剧类最佳客串女演员 艾米波勒 蒂娜菲,《周六夜现场》   限定剧、电视电影或特别节目最卡司 《美国罪案故事:民诉辛普森》   喜剧类最佳卡司 《副总统》   剧情类最佳卡司 《权力的游戏》
2023-07-30 12:00:491

What 的用法

2023-07-30 12:00:492


2023-07-30 12:00:521


2023-07-30 12:00:558


2023-07-30 12:00:551


抱歉,我无法提供关于黑吃黑是否有第五季的信息。不过,我可以提供一些关于黑吃黑的信息:黑吃黑是一部美国犯罪电视剧,由Anthony Hemingway执导,Antony Starr、伍德·哈里斯、卡门·艾乔戈、安东尼·麦凯、克里斯托弗·鲍尔、朱利安·山德斯等主演。它于2013年1月11日在Cinemax首播,共播出四季,每季的集数不等。如果你想了解黑吃黑第五季的情况,我建议你去官方网站或者社交媒体上查询,或者联系相关人士获取更准确的信息。
2023-07-30 12:00:562

“slim shady”到底是什么意思?

2023-07-30 12:00:271

求亚当兰伯特(adam lambert)Shady的英文歌词,有中文翻译更好…

Baby, I"m on the hunt 宝贝,我在找乐子baby, I got my target on you 宝贝,我看上你了Trouble, that"s what I want 我就是想找麻烦and I"m gonna do just what I have to 我要做点我不得不做的事了Get your ass down to the front 你给我下来,到前面来Go on and roll it out, I dare you 过来,玩一把,敢不敢?sorry I"m kinda drink but 对不起我有点喝高了,但是Did you just say your game was brand new? 你刚刚儿是不是说要玩个新花样?No I ain"t broken but I, I need a fix 没我没崩溃但我需要治疗That satisfaction when I, I get my kicks 找到乐子的那种满足感I"m up all night 我整晚不睡I"m out of sight 我玩失踪了Don"t turn on the light 别开灯cause I"m feeling so shady lately 因为我最近觉得好不爽Come on and take me underground 来吧,带我去地下酒吧deep under the street 街道隐蔽处的come on and take me, take me down 来吧,带我带我走freaks like us can meet 我们这样的变态们应该聚一聚Turn it up turn it up turn it up turn it way up 音量开大开大开大开到最最大don"t stop the beat 别停下音乐come on and turn me, turn me out 来吧,点燃,点燃我激情cause I"m feeling so shady lately 因为我最近觉得好不爽Gonna go and get me a shot 要去,给我一个机会gonna knock it back forget all my blues 狂饮一通,忘掉所有沮丧yeah that really hits the spot 耶,真过瘾I"m feeling pretty fierce in my dancin" shoes 穿上舞鞋,我感到了疯狂No I ain"t broken but I, I need a fix 没我没崩溃但我需要治疗That satisfaction when I, I get my kicks 找到乐子的那种满足感I"m up all night 我整晚不睡I"m out of sight 我玩失踪Don"t turn on the light 别开灯cause I"m feeling so shady lately 因为我最近觉得好不爽Come on and take me underground 来吧,带我去地下酒吧deep under the street 街道隐蔽处的come on and take me, take me down 来吧,带我带我走freaks like us can meet 我们这样的变态们应该聚一聚Turn it up turn it up turn it up turn it way up 音量开大开大开大开到最最大 don"t stop the beat 别停下音乐come on and turn me, turn me out 来吧,点燃,点燃我激情cause I"m feeling so shady lately 因为我最近觉得好不爽I throw more shade than a cloudy day 我要抛开阴霾the brakes don"t work I"m just a runaway train 刹车没用了,我是一列脱缰的列车Somebody come and help me out 来个人帮帮我All I wanna be is free 我只想要自由I was trying to get down now I can"t out 我试着下车但出不I"m shady lately 最近好不爽Come on and take me underground 来吧,带我去地下酒吧deep under the street 街道隐蔽处的come on and take me, take me down 来吧,带我带我走freaks like us can meet 我们这样的变态们应该聚一聚Turn it up turn it up turn it up turn it way up 音量开大开大开大开到最最大don"t stop the beat 别停下音乐come on and turn me, turn me out 来吧,点燃,点燃我激情cause I"m feeling so shady lately 因为我最近觉得好不爽Shady lately, that"s how I play 最近不爽,这就是我的表现they say maybe it"s just a phase 他们说也许过一阵儿就没事了shady lately, runaway train 最近不爽,列车脱缰blame the game, quit blaming the gays 怪这个游戏,别怪同性恋cause I"m feeling so shady lately 因为我最近觉得好不爽
2023-07-30 12:00:181


1. 《我们这一天》 This Is Us 豆瓣9.6分不浪费时间关键词:家庭这部剧在中国的口碑真的是好到炸裂。豆瓣评分9.6分。不同于《权力的游戏》和《西部世界》,这是一部以普通人家庭生活为主题的美剧,讲述亲情、死亡、现在和过去,以及生命的延续。为人父母,为人伴侣,为人子女,都是一次到头,无法预先练习。第一次都没有什么经验,做了也可能没做到最好,留下许多的遗憾。“看完之后想有伴侣、想成家、想有小孩。”“有了小孩的想再生一个。”“想嫁给剧中的爸爸Jack/想娶妈妈Rebecca那样的女人。”“想跟自己的爸爸妈妈说一声感谢。”2. 《请回答1988》豆瓣9.6分不浪费时间关键词:回忆尤其是80年代生人看此剧是满满的回忆,各种细节的处理也是达到了令人发指的程度。没有噱头、没有偶像、没有堕胎、没有打架、没有狗血、没有兄弟反目、没有睡了兄弟的女友、没有白血病、没有车祸、没有讨厌的女二号……只有真情的青春剧本,不像是凭空而编的电视剧,更像是真实生活的演绎,只不过演绎的是1988年前后的生活。“每每看到88的画册感觉很温暖,仿佛他们五个是我童年的伙伴,仿佛自己曾参与过他们的生活。”“欲罢不能 回味无穷 真想同时拥有阿泽和狗焕,真想像他们一样有这么好的发小”“回忆崔泽童年那段哗哗哭,想起了一起玩耍的小伙伴。看完结局的我只能说。。。编剧答应我们,以后不要再写爱情戏了ok?”3. 《1公升的眼泪》 豆瓣8.9分不浪费时间关键词:感动这部电视剧讲述了一个普通而又不平凡的女孩和病魔抗争的故事。催人泪下的情节,感人至深的内涵,使这部电视剧变得那样的特别,深深吸引了我。“看着这些台词眼泪就不自觉的又留下来... ”“不能这样的,11集我花了11天才看完,哭了11天,一天不能多看,限量一集,不然……会心碎”“重新思考和定义活着的意义让爱你和你爱的人能够互相触摸不论生命有多残缺都是值得期待的”4. 《老友记》豆瓣9.6分不浪费时间关键词:练听力练听力是在开玩笑啦,此剧作为压轴推荐,是因为它永恒的经典。《老友记》已播出了20多年,这是我的第一部美剧,也是我反复用来练听力的美剧,至今是我的情绪低落时候的百忧解。除了人们念念不忘的“搞笑”,这部剧能保持20年经典的根本原因是,我们正是从《老友记》开始,接受来自彼此价值观的无形灌输。“他们从友情最终走向了爱情,同时相互之间又维系着类似亲情的东西,好奇妙的六人行~~”“每次看都会很开心.”“我喜欢Chandler,我喜欢Phoebe,喜欢Rachel,喜欢Joey,喜欢Monica,喜欢Ross。。。喜欢有老友记陪伴的日子
2023-07-30 12:00:172


avatarhead show
2023-07-30 12:00:165


手机里有imei1和imei2,说明支持双卡双待。因为中国工信部规定一个手机只能申报登记一个IMEI号,而双卡手机都是申报主SIM卡槽的IMEI号,所以查询,都只能查询到一个。需要用到的时候,填写第一个就可以了。移动和联通的双卡双待手机就有两个IMEI号,因为它们的两个卡槽除了有一个可以装3G卡外,还可以装GSM卡。电信版的双卡双模双待手机只有一个IMEI号,因为它的两个卡槽中,有一个只能装一张GSM卡。手机IMEI码组成第一部分TAC,Type Allocation Code,类型分配码,由8位数字组成(早期是6位),是区分手机品牌和型号的编码,该代码由GSMA及其授权机构分配。其中TAC码前两位又是分配机构标识(Reporting Body Identifier),是授权IMEI码分配机构的代码,如01为美国CTIA,35为英国BABT,86为中国TAF。第二部分FAC,Final Assembly Code,最终装配地代码,由2位数字构成,仅在早期TAC码为6位的手机中存在,所以TAC和FAC码合计一共8位数字。FAC码用于生产商内部区分生产地代码。第三部分SNR,Serial Number,序列号,由第9位开始的6位数字组成,区分每部手机的生产序列号。第四部分CD,Check Digit,验证码,由前14位数字通过Luhn算法计算得出。第五部分SVN,Software Version Number,软件版本号,区分同型号手机出厂时使用的不同软件版本,仅在部分品牌的部分机型中存在。
2023-07-30 12:00:162


2023-07-30 12:00:1014


剧情挺不错,可以点我的看 我简介 送你找到你要的美剧副总统 Veep
2023-07-30 12:00:083


IMEI即International Mobile Equipment Identity(国际移动设备身份)的简称,也被称为串号,它的最大功能是用来协助辨别手机身份真伪。IMEI码一般由15位数字组成,绝大多数的GSM手机只要按下“*#06#”,IMEI码就会显示出来。其格式是如下:TAC即Type Approval Code,为设备型号核准号码。
2023-07-30 12:00:082


其实没什么区别,有CMA标记的检验报告可用于产品质量评价、成果及司法鉴定,具有法律效力。具备CMA认证的检测单位都是经省级以上人民政府计量行政部门对其计量检定、测试的能力和可靠性考核合格的。CMA是“China Metrology Accreditation”的缩写;中文含义为“计量认证”。它是根据人民共和国计量法的规定,由省级以上人民政府计量行政部门对检测机构的检测能力及可靠性进行的一种全面的认证及评价。中国计量认证CMA(China Metrology Accreditation),只有取得计量认证合格证书的第三方检测机构,才允许在检验报告上使用CMA章,盖有CMA章的检验报告可用于产品质量评价、成果及司法鉴定,具有法律效力。计量认证不仅是诸多行业,尤其是关系到百姓切身利益的行业评价检测机构检测能力的一种有效手段;同时也是第三方检测机构进入市场的准入证。如我们日常生活中经常接触的机动车尾气检测,所有从事该项目检测的机动车检测场所都必须通过计量认证,在报告上使用CMA标记;从事室内空气质量检测的实验室也必须通过计量认证;对“非典”进行防范及控制的北京市疾病预防控制中心及各区县疾病预防控制中心也都是取得计量认证合格证书的检测机构。
2023-07-30 12:00:081


问题一:社交网站上的头像的英文怎么说? display photo / display picture 实际上在使用的时候,都会简写成 “dp” 比如,你换了个新头像,下面可能会有人回复: nice dp! 那个说head sculture的实在是不懂装懂,head sculpture绝对会被老外理解为头部的雕像 问题二:头像,用英语怎么说 head show 我跟外国朋友在msn聊天时他们这么说 问题三:微信头像用英文怎么说 微信头像 WeChat Avatar 重点词汇释义 头像head sculpture; head portrait 问题四:论坛里面,人物的头像,用英语叫什么? avatar “Avatar”源自印度梵语,本意是指“分身、化身”。互联网时代,Avatar成为网络虚拟角色――网络用户在以图像为主的虚拟世界中的虚拟形象――的代名词。这类虚拟角色通常为卡通形象,他/她可以出现在论坛上,可以出现在聊天室中,也可以出现在游戏里。用户可以根据自己的喜好,更换虚拟角色的造型,如发型、服饰、表情、场景等。在与其他虚拟角色交往的过程中,还可以使用各种虚拟商品,如鲜花、礼品等。 问题五:你可以改个头像吗?不然我觉得我在和企鹅交谈的英语怎么说 can you change your head portrait ? outherwise I will think that I"m talking with a penguin 问题六:你微信上怎么不放头像呢 英语翻译 Why don"t you put a profile pic on wechat? 问题七:电脑QQ群聊的时候,对话框上只显示说话人名字和号,怎样把头像显示在名字前面呢? 额,这个貌似不能设置的,不过如果版本更新了话,在会话框最上面那个群的名字前面会有这个群的头像~~不过如果你拉上去看上面的聊天记录,然后正好有人说话就会出现那个人的头像~~【哥哥啊!!你看在我打了这么多字的份上,采纳了好不好
2023-07-30 12:00:071


Shady 有好多解释 太部份系负面 如有: 狡猾的 可疑的 鬼鬼祟祟的 不喜欢告诉别人自己的事 喜欢吹水 令人难以明白的人 在英国俚语 解释为下流的 刻薄的 如果听rap,有时是指Slim Shady即Eminem又称Marshall Mathers 系d 黑人男仔叫d女仔既. 好似我地叫另一半honey咁. 但个意思又唔一定系叫另一半 通常d歌叫佢shawty 都系好似亲密d叫个女仔咁.比较暧昧.
2023-07-30 12:00:031