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2023-07-30 14:26:26
TAG: 英文
常用:任务完成 mission complete. 任务失败mission failed.
mission finished 语法上没有错误 实际上mission completed 也对 因为complete 既作形容词 又作动词 不常用 大家最熟悉的mission这种用法应该是mission impossible(碟中谍)吧



2023-07-30 10:32:533


"Finish"这个单词的读音是 /u02c8fu026anu026au0283/,它是一个动词,意思是完成、结束或终止某个活动或任务。该词的用法:1. “Finish”作为动词,表示完成、结束或终止某个活动或任务。例如:- I need to finish my homework before I can go out to play.- She finished the race in first place.- We need to finish the project by Friday.2. “Finish”还可以表示把某物表面处理得光滑或漂亮。例如:- He spent hours finishing the woodwork on the table.- The car has a shiny finish.3. “Finish”也可以作为名词,表示完成或结束的状态。例如:- The finish line is just ahead!- The finish of the project was delayed due to unforeseen circumstances.4. “Finish”还可以用作形容词,表示最终的或最后的。例如:- The finish date for the project is next month.- The finish line is the final goal of the race.下面是一些常见的固定搭配:1. finish up:完成、结束。例如:- Let"s finish up this project by the end of the week.- I need to finish up some paperwork before I can leave.2. finish off:结束、完成某事。例如:- She finished off the last of the cookies.- The team finished off the season with a win.3. finish line:终点线。例如:- The runners crossed the finish line one by one.- The finish line of the race was marked with a banner.4. finish school:毕业。例如:- I"m excited to finish school and start my career.- She plans to finish school next year.5. finish strong:以强劲的势头结束。例如:- The team finished strong with a series of impressive wins.- She finished strong in the last leg of the race.
2023-07-30 10:33:161


问题一:已完成 用英语怎么说 I have finished. 问题二:谁更快完成 英文怎么说? 谁更快完成 Who is faster to finish it? 问题三:完成目标用英语怎么说 呃,什么叫级别高一点的。不带这么歧视懒人啊。级别不高有时候是因为懒啊参加百度比较晚啊。 完成目标很多种说法啊 acplish (achieve/ realize/ attain/ plete/ reach) one"s goal (objective / target/ aspiration/ mission/ task) 端看上下文啦。如果是商业目标、学习目标,那么用goal(s) 或objective(s) 或 target都行 如果是小的行动目标,大目标下面的分项,那么用mission 或task(s) 都行, mission 用单数,task可以单复数 aspiration 就有点像hope, 有点 *** 而且酝酿很久的目标了 至于动词,选择更多了,上面随便一个都行,当然,acplish 和attain 的级别比较高,尤其后者多出现在书面语里 例句 My goal for 2011 is to land an administrator position in a Top-100 panies. My professional expertise and extensive experience in the past decade assure that I will attain this goal. 我2011年的目标就是在供100强公司找到一份管理工作。我过去十年所接受的培训和广泛的经验确保我能实现这个目标。 问题四:部分完成 英语怎么说? Partly pleted 问题五:工作已经完成了 用英语怎么说 The work has been finished. 问题六:完成情况 英语怎么说 完成况(plete status) 完成情况 pletion descriptiion 问题七:英语怎么说:我已经完成了 I have finished I have already finished 都可以 现在完成时的形式:have/has +过去分词 already仅仅是修饰词,强调一下已经完成 问题八:完成任务用英语怎么说 plete the task 问题九:你什么时候能完成? 用英语怎么说 When can you have finished it? 问题十:最快今天完成 用英语怎么说? it will be finished fastest today . 望采纳 呵呵
2023-07-30 10:33:351


英文已完成怎么写参考答案:have finished,have complete,have accomplished,英文 已完成
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2023-07-30 10:35:201


你好,用过去完成时,表示在过去的一个时间点已完成某事。I had finished my meal just now.
2023-07-30 10:36:022


完毕,英语怎么说 over finish terminate plete“收到”拿英语怎么说 收到. 对应的英语: received.例如: Your message was received yesterday. I have received your present. 已完成 用英语怎么说 I have finished. 完成英语怎么说呢? 常用的完成英语 finish plete 英语:通话完毕 怎么说? Roger that 收到 over 完毕 repeat 重复 我方期待收到你方的尽早回复!用英文翻译怎么翻译 We are looking forward to your reply/answer. We are looking forward to receiving your reply/answer. 这两种都可以,但个人感觉第一种就可以了,也比第二种要地道些。 回答完毕,望采纳,谢谢。 结束 英语翻译 end 兄弟字典是个好东西
2023-07-30 10:36:191


finish 表达完成某项工作或任务有时achieve可以表达完成某项目标
2023-07-30 10:36:291


问题一:任务完成用英语怎么说 Mission pleted 或 Task finished 问题二:完成任务用英语怎么说 plete the task 问题三:是什么东西 让人产生那么多的烦恼?除了死以外,有什么方法可以让人永远美烦恼? 一切烦恼都来源于有过多的欲望,有期望,则烦恼自来,佛说无一念则妄念无,既无念何来烦恼,是否知道什么叫道生一,一生二,人之烦恼也是如此也, 然而佛虽如此说,却是一家之言,人生而无烦恼,不如未尝为人,可知人若无烦恼和死有何分别,人之生来在于体会百态,人之存在在于包容万象,无论生老病死,皆为人之体验,若能坦然待之,苦又何哀,悲、苦皆人生之乐也。 人生而感天时,与天地周期同,是故身有七情六欲,有时悲有时喜,虽和天地同,也会为众多事情而改变,此为变数,何不如前复者之言。人若无法调节自己,不去找人发泄,不去用别人的好心情影响自己的心情,当然就会在一种状况长久了,你想长久如此吗?人生在众人中,你看看人字就知道了 。 只是现在的社会,很多人已经不懂这些了,你可以明白吗? 问题四:绝对能很好的完成任务,英文怎么说? can plete the task absolutely 问题五:今天的任务 用英语怎么说呢? today"s work 求采纳*^_^* 问题六:用英语如何翻译“你手上的任务完成百分之多少了”? What percentage of your tasks have been finished? 问题七:很好的完成了交给他的任务 用英语怎么说? the task given to him wa供 perfectly fulfilled. he has fulfilled the task given to him perfectly. 问题八:我们才能够完成这项任务。用英语怎么翻译 个人觉得这不是完整的一句话,前面应该还有半句条件句。 所以这样的句子是有固定的表达方法的,是一个倒装句。 “Only by ..., can we acplish this task eventually. 比如:“只有我们努力工作,我们才能完成这项任务。” “Only by working hard, can we acplish this task eventually. 【公益慈善翻译团】真诚为你解答! 问题九:任务完成用英语怎么说 Mission pleted 或 Task finished 问题十:完成任务用英语怎么说 plete the task
2023-07-30 10:36:361

完毕的英文是什么 p打头

我想到的只有 complete,你是不是没听到前面com的发音?
2023-07-30 10:37:003


fulfil the task
2023-07-30 10:37:125

现在分词完成 和完成有什么区别have down和 being down

2023-07-30 10:37:304


问题一:终于做完了的英语怎么说 说的不太清楚哈,要具体一点呀。大概先给你说一下,finally done或者是把finally 加在句子最后,比如说I finish the work,finally其实这样说好像更地道呀 问题二:好了吗?(事情完成了吗)英文怎么说 好了吗?(事情完成了吗) Okay? (is it done? 好了吗?(事情完成了吗) Okay? (is it done? 问题三:英语怎么说:我已经完成了 I have finished I have already finished 都可以 现在完成时的形式:have/has +过去分词 already仅仅是修饰词,强调一下已经完成 问题四:口语中,完成了吗?用英语怎么说 have you finished? 问题五:你做到了吗?用英语怎么说? Can you do it ? Have you done it ? 望采纳!谢谢! 问题六:工作已经完成了 用英语怎么说 The work has been finished.
2023-07-30 10:37:371


问题一:表示刚刚完成(英语怎么说) 我刚吃过饭 I"ve just had meal 我刚完成作业 I"ve just finishe唬 my homework 我刚到这里 I"ve just arrived/been here 问题二:贴吧怎么进不去了??2005-6-23/16:16 什么贴吧?是百度的你就查一下名字是不是打错了。不是百度的你就要看一下是不是管理员给删了。 问题三:我只是才刚刚完成我的工作 用英语怎么说? I have finish my work不用个个单词都翻译出来的,中文跟英文是不一样的,我们中文词汇比较丰富多样,而英文一个单词表示N种意思 问题四:我刚刚做完用英语怎么说? I have just finished 问题五:做一个新的文件用英语怎么说 做一个新的文件 英文:Make a new file 问题六:你刚才做什么了?用英语怎么说 What have you done just now?或者what did you do just now? 问题七:“我刚才有事”用英文怎么说? I"m busy just now 我刚才在忙
2023-07-30 10:37:441


完成工作英文:finish the work; complete task;He would work overtime, without pay, to finish a job. 他会为了完成工作无偿加班。I prefer to work to a deadline . 我喜欢按规定的期限完成工作。We worked round the clock to finish the job. 我们为了完成工作,而夜以继日地工作.
2023-07-30 10:38:072


1、结束的英文是end,finish。2、end音标:英 [end] 美 [u025bnd] ,释义:结束;目标;尽头;末端;死亡。3、finish音标:英 ["fu026anu026au0283] 美 ["fu026anu026au0283] ,释义:完成;结束;用完,结束,终止;终结,结束;完美;回味(葡萄酒)。拓展资料end1、The meeting quickly ended and Steve and I left the room会议很快结束了,我和史蒂夫离开了房间。2、The French government today called for an end to the violence今天法国政府呼吁结束暴力行为。3、The markets ended the week on a quiet note全球股市波澜不惊地结束了一周的交易。4、Its monthly reports on program trading usually come out about three weeks after each month ends程式交易月度报告通常在每月结束3周后出来。5、His statement ended with the words: "Pray for me."他的声明以“为我祈祷”结束。finish1、As soon as he"d finished eating, he excused himself他一吃完就告辞离开了。2、The consultants had been working to finish a report this week.顾问们一直在为要于本周内完成一份报告而工作。3、The teaching day finishes at around 4pm一天的教学在下午4点左右结束。4、The two of them finished by kissing each other goodbye他们两人最后互相吻别。5、He finished second in the championship four years in a row.他连续4年获得锦标赛亚军
2023-07-30 10:38:241

作业都做好了吗? 都完成了 这两句话的英文怎么说

Have you finished all your homework?Have you done all your homework?
2023-07-30 10:38:323

已经完成 英文书面

This week I had two basketball lesson
2023-07-30 10:38:391

任务完成的英文是什么啊 叫什么mission什么的

mission accomplished mission completed mission finished不常用,但还说得过去
2023-07-30 10:38:462


the planned consummation time the actual consummation time as planned/scheduled the actual/concrete personal points of view,hehe~
2023-07-30 10:38:551


问题一:“现在完成时”等用英语怎么说 现在完成时和过去完成时英语 现在完成时(The Present Perfect Tense) 过去完成式(The past perfect tense) 问题二:“现在完成时” 用英文怎么说 “现在完成时” 翻译: At the time of pletion 问题三:我去那里去了好几次用英语怎么说现在完成时 英文原文: I have been there a few times .英式音标: [a?] [h?v] [bi?n] [ee?; e?] [?; e?] [fju?] [ta?mz] . 美式音标: [a?] [h?v] [bin] [e?r] [e] [fju] [ta?mz] . 问题四:他们待在这里10天用英语现在完成时怎么说 They have been here for 10 days. It has been ten days since they came here. 问题五:你有什么打算呢?用英语现在完成时怎么说? 英文原文: Have you got any plans? 英式音标: [h?v] [ju?] [?t] [?en?] [pl?nz] ? 美式音标: [h?v] [ju] [t] [??ni] [pl?nz] ?
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2023-07-30 10:39:371


啥叫完成一个成就,完成一个项目,取得成就还差不多。finish / complete the project 完成项目 achieve success/ make great achievement:取得成就
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问题一:下课用英语怎么说 Class is over 问题二:下课之后用英语怎么说 after class 问题三:是时候下课了的英语怎么说 要三种哦! There"s the bell. It"s time to stop。铃响了,是时候下课了 Finished class the time to arrive。下课时间到了 Time is up. It"s time for class。时间到了,该下课了 Ti穿e is up .Class is over. It"s time to di *** iss class.是时候下课了 问题四:下课用英语怎么说 class is over 问题五:下课了吗?用英语怎么说 Is the class over? 问题六:请问当第二节课下课之后用英语怎么说 after the second class 问题七:下课后你经常做什么?用英语怎么说 What do you often do after class 问题八:"下课"用英语怎么说? Class is over. That"s all for today. So much for today. Class di *** issed. It盯9;s time to finish class. 问题九:我们马上就下课了 用英语怎么说 We are about to get福out of class. 【希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~ 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)】
2023-07-30 10:38:261


打印机xps是XML的组件。有一些网页使用了这些代码,需要这个组件才能运行,而打印网页的话,你可以改写为文档,就不会有这样的问题了。XPS,XML Paper Specification(XML文件规格书),是一种电子文件格式,使用者不需拥有制造该文件的软件就可以浏览或打印该文件,为微软对抗AdobePDF格式的利器。微软的办公室软件Office 2007将提供XPS可携式文件格式的文件储存功能,包括Word、Excel、PowerPoint、Access、Publisher、Visio、OneNote、及InfoPath等应用程序所保存的档案都可以存成XPS 。如果你装Office 2007你的打印机就会多出一台虚拟的打印机,你打印任何文件都是先保存为XPS文件再打印出来的,是因为您使用了虚拟打印机,您可以这样设置,选择“打印”--》在出现的“打印”对话框里--》“名称”选择为你要的打印机即可。
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2023-07-30 10:38:285

which的用法 which的用法是什么

1、which的用法,主要用作代词、限定词、形容词,作代词时意为“ 哪一个,哪一些;(指明事物)……的那个,……的那些;(进一步提供有关某事物的信息)那个,那些”,作限定词时意为“ 哪一个,哪一些;(指明事物)……的那个,……的那些;(进一步提供有关某事物的信息)那个,那些”,作形容词时意为“哪一个,哪一些;无论哪个;(进一步提供有关某事物的信息)那个,那些”。 2、You love that but I love which.你喜欢这个,而我喜欢这个。 3、Which do you prefer, this or that?你更喜欢哪个,这个还是那个?
2023-07-30 10:38:291

soda 的意思

分类: 外语/出国 问题描述: 英语中soda的意思 解析: soda: [ "su0259udu0259 ] n. 汽水,苏打 例句与用法: 1. He ordered o lime sodas. 他要了两杯酸橙苏打汽水。 2. He gave me a bottle of orange soda. 他递给我一瓶桔子汽水。 3. Please add some soda to the whisky. 请在威士忌中加些苏打水。 4. A chocolate soda, please. 请给我一客巧克力冰淇淋苏打。 5. Two brandies and soda, please. 劳驾,来两杯白兰地加苏打水。 6. I won"t have any wine; I"ll just have (a) soda water. 我不喝酒, 给我来杯汽水吧. 7. We ordered 3 cases of soda for the party. 我们为晚会定购了三箱苏打水。 8. Some of my friends like soda crackers. 我的一些朋友喜欢苏打饼干。 英英解释: 名词soda: 1. a sodium salt of carbonic acid; used in making soap powders and glass and paper 同义词:sodium carbonate, washing soda, sal soda, soda ash 2. a sweet drink containing carbonated water and flavoring 同义词:pop, soda pop, soda water, tonic
2023-07-30 10:38:351


after the supperu3002
2023-07-30 10:38:379


which可引导非限制性定语从句,可直接放在介词后作宾语。which在问句中作为疑问代词,在名词从句中作为连接代词用。1、在后置的非限制性定语从句中代替上文出现的事物或情况(单数或复数)。 2、在问句中作为疑问代词,在名词从句中作为连接代词用,其含义为“哪个、哪些”。 3、如果非限制性定语从句的先行词不是指主句内容,而是指具体的人、时间、地点,则不用which。 4、关系代词that 和which 在定语从句中作主语和宾语,放在先行词和定语从句之间,起联系作用。 5、which 在从句中作主语时,不能省略。作宾语时在口语中和非正式问题中经常省略。 6、关系代词在主语从句中作主语时,从句的谓语动词的人称和数须和先行词一致。 Wheat is a plant that/which is grown in the north of China. 7、引导非限制性定语从句时,通常要用which。 She received an invitation from her boss, which came as a surprise. 她收到了老板的邀请,这是她意想不到的。 8、直接放在介词后作宾语时,通常要用which。 The tool with which he is working is called a hammer. 他干活用的那个工具叫做锤子。
2023-07-30 10:38:391

求玻璃生产方面的英文资料,非常感谢 !

Glass is a combination of sand, flint, spar, or some other silicious substances, with one or other of the fixed alkalies, and in some cases with a metallic oxide. Of the alkalies, soda is commonly preferred; and of the silicious substances, white sand is most in repute at present, as it requires no preparation for coarse goods, while mere washing in water is sufficient for those of a finer quality. The metallic oxide usually employed, is litharge, or some other preparation of lead. Iron is used in bottle-glass. The silicious matter should be fused in contact with something called a flux. The substances proper for this purpose are lead, borax, arsenic, nitre, or any alkaline matter. The lead is used in the state of red-lead; and the alkalies are soda, pearlash, sea-salt, and wood-ashes. When red-lead is used alone, it gives the glass a yellow cast and requires the addition of nitre to correct it. Arsenic, in the same manner, if used in excess, is apt to render the glass milky. For a perfectly transparent glass, the pearlash is found much superior to lead; perhaps better than any other flux, except it be borax, which is too expensive to be used, except for experiments, or for the best looking-glasses. The materials for making glass must first be reduced to powder, which is done in mortars or by horse mills. After sifting out the coarse parts, the proper proportions of silex and flux are mixed together, and put into the calcining furnace, where they are kept in a moderate heat for 5 or 6 hours, being frequently stirred about during the process. When taken out the matter is called frit. Frit is easily converted into glass by only pounding it, and vitrifying it in the melting pots of the glass furnace; but in making fine glass, it will sometimes require a small addition of flux to the frit to correct any fault. For, as the flux is the most expensive article, the manufacturer will rather put too little at first than otherwise, as he can remedy this defect in the melting pot. The heat in the furnace must be kept up until the glass is brought to a state of perfect fusion; and during this process any scum which arises must be removed by ladles. When the glass is perfectly melted, the glass-blowers commence their operations. For the best flint-glass, 120 lbs. of white sand, 50 lbs. of red-lead, 40 lbs. of the best pearlash, 20 lbs. of nitre, and 5 oz. of manganese; if a pound or two of arsenic be added, the composition will fuse much quicker, and with a lower temperature. For a cheaper flint-glass, take 120 lbs. of white sand, 35 lbs. of pearlash, 40 lbs. of red-lead, 13 lbs. of nitre, 6 lbs. of arsenic, and 4 oz. of magnesia. This requires a long heating to make clear glass, and the heat should be brought on gradually, or the arsenic is in danger of subliming before the fusion commences. A still cheaper composition is made by omitting the arsenic in the foregoing, and substituting common sea-salt. For the best German crystal-glass, take 120 lbs. of calcined flints or white sand, the best pearlash, 70 lbs, saltpetre, 10 lbs.; arsenic, 1/2 lb., and 5 oz. of manganese. Or, a cheaper composition for the same purpose is 120 lbs. of sand or flints, 46 lbs. of pearlash, 7 lbs of nitre, 6 lbs. of arsenic, and 5 oz. of manganese. This will require a long continuance in the furnace; as do all others where much of the arsenic is employed. For looking-glass plates washed white sand, 60 lbs.; purified pearlash, 25 lbs.; nitre, 15 lbs.; and 7 lbs. of borax. If properly managed, this glass will be colorless. But if it should be tinged by accident, a trifling quantity of arsenic, and an equal quantity of manganese, will correct it; an ounce of each may be tried first, and the quantity increased if necessary.The ingredients for the best crown-glass must be prepared in the same manner as for looking-glasses, and mixed in the following proportions: 60 lbs. of white sand, 30 lbs. of pearlash, and 15 lbs. of nitre, 1 lb. of borax, and 1/2 lb. of arsenic. The composition for common green window-glass is, 120 lbs. of white sand, 30 lbs. of unpurified pearlash; woodashes, well burnt and sifted, 60 lbs.; common salt, 20 lbs.; and 5 lbs. of arsenic. Common green bottle-glass is made from 200 lbs. of wood-ashes and 100 lbs. of sand, or 170 lbs. of ashes, 100 lbs. of sand, and 50 lbs. of the slag of an iron furnace; these materials must be well mixed. The materials employed in the manufacture of glass, are by chemists reduced to three classes, namely, alkalies, earths, and metallic oxides. The fixed alkalies may be employed indifferently; but soda is preferred in this country. The soda of commerce is usually mixed with common salt, and combining with carbonic acid. It is proper to purify it from both of these foreign bodies before using it. This, however, is seldom done. The earths are silica (the basis of flints), lime, and sometimes a little alumina (the basis of clay). Silica constitutes the basis of glass. It is employed in the state of fine sand or flints; and sometimes for making very fine glass, rock crystal is employed. When sand is used, it ought, if possible, to be perfectly white, for when it is colored with metallic oxides, the transparency of the glass is injured. Such sand can only be employed for very coarse glasses. It is necessary to free the sand from all the loose earthy particles with which it may be mixed, which is done by washing it well with water. Lime renders glass less brittle, and enables it to withstand better the action of the atmosphere. It ought in no case to exceed the 20th part of the silica employed, otherwise it corrodes the glass pots. This indeed may be prevented by throwing a little clay into the melted glass; but in that case a green glass only is obtained. The metallic oxides employed are the red oxide of lead or litharge, and the white oxide of arsenic. The red oxide of lead, when added in sufficient quantity, enters into fusion with silica, and forms a milky hue like the dial-plate of a watch. When any combustible body is present, it is usual, in some manufactories, to add a little white oxide of arsenic. This supplying oxygen, the combustible is burnt, and flies off, while the revived arsenic is at the same time volatized. There are several kinds of glass adapted to different uses. The best and most beautiful are the flint and the plateglass. These, when well made, are perfectly transparent and colorless, heavy and brilliant. They are composed of fixed alkali, pure siliceous sand, calcined flints and litharge, in different proportions. The flint glass contains a large quantity of oxide of lead, which by certain processes is easily separated. The plate glass is poured in the melted state upon a table covered with copper. The plate is cast 1/2 an inch thick or more, and is ground down to a proper degree of thickness, and then polished. Crown-glass, that used for windows, is made without lead, chiefly of fixed alkali fused with silicious sand, to which is added some black oxide of manganese, which is apt to give the glass a tinge of purple. Bottle-glass is the coarsest and cheapest kind, in this little or no fixed alkali enters the composition. It consists of alkaline earth and oxide of iron combined with alumina and silica. In this country it is composed of sand and the refuse of the soap-boiler, which consists of the lime employed in rendering this alkali caustic, and of the earthy matters with which the alkali was contaminated. The most fusible is flint-glass, and the least fusible is bottleglass.
2023-07-30 10:38:431


Microsoft Office不同版本包含的组件也有所不同。office2019包括:WORD(文档)、PowerPoint(演示文稿)、Excel(表格)、OneNote(电子笔记)、FrontPage(网页设计)、Access(数据库管理系统)、OutLooK(个人信息管理程序和电子邮件通信软件)、InfoPath(XML形式表单)Publisher(页面布局软件)
2023-07-30 10:38:444


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想用mstsc在家控制公司的电脑,需要如下几个步骤:1 记住公司那台电脑的IP,进入公司路由器,设置路由映射,把3389端口映射到电脑的IP地址上。2 在公司的电脑桌面上,右键单击“我的电脑”,选择“属性”,选择“远程”,远程协助和远程桌面全部勾选。3 给公司电脑administrator用户加上密码,也就是开机密码。4 在家里输入公司的外网IP,外网IP可以在公司的主路由器上的WAN口状态看到,然后用户名输入administrator,密码输入开机密码,就可以控制了。如果有不懂的地方,您再咨询我!
2023-07-30 10:38:141


after that 之后;在那之后;然后; 例句: Not long after that he resigned. 那以后不久他就辞职了。 I think we could all use a drink after that! 我想我们在事情办完之后都得痛快地喝一杯。 扩展资料   After that my career just seemed to hit a brick wall.   从那以后我的`事业似乎碰了壁。   The funny thing is it never happened again after that.   奇怪的是从那以后这事再也没有发生过。   She was in the hospital for a week and laid up for a month after that.   她住院一星期后又卧床一个月。   After that, food shipments to the port could begin in a matter of weeks.   之后,到该港口的食物运送可能在几周之内开始。
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词形变化:副词:seriously;名词:seriousness。 同义词:dangerous,grave,grievous,life-threatening,severe;good;sober,unplayful。 反义词:frivolous;playful。
2023-07-30 10:38:071

windows用mstsc 远程访问linux

可以参考下面的方法,配置一下,就可以了:windows mstsc利用XRDP远程登陆linux系统一般情况下我们用ssh客户端远程登陆inux系统,至于图形界面下的linux远程登陆工具,我们一般都会想到vnc,但它的安全性不够,在这里,我将介绍XRDP的安装配置方法。xrdp安装配置方法1、如果是debian系发行版,可以设置好源后直接apt-get install xrdp 如果是redhat系发行版,可以到http://xrdp.sourceforge.net下载安装包 xrdp依赖于pam和openssl-del,编译前需要先安装pam-devel和openssl-devel这两个包(不同发行版的包名称有一点不同) 如果是redhat系,设置好源直接yum install pam-devel openssl-devel2、下载好xrdp的安装包后,用tar -xvvzf 解压 进入解压出来的目录用root帐号执行make ,然后执行make install3、xrdp需要vncserver,所以还要安装vncserver4、准备好后,可以通过解压出来的目录下的instfiles目录下的xrdp-control.sh脚本启动xrdp start 可以把此脚本添加到/etc/rc.d/init.d/中,让它开机自动运行。5、启动好xrdp,就可以通过客户端的rdp client 连接到服务器上,win下可以用mstsc,linux下可以用rdesktop或者krdp。 module 选择为:sesman-Xvnc6、xrdp的配置文档在/etc/xrdp目录下的xrdp.ini和sesman.inixrdp.ini 关键部分在globals[globals]bitmap_cache=yes 位图缓存bitmap_compression=yes 位图压缩port=3389 监听端口crypt_level=low 加密程度(low为40位,high为128位,medium为双40位)channel_code=1 不知道是什么sesman.ini[Globals]ListenAddress= 监听ip地址(默认即可)ListenPort=3350 监听端口(默认即可)EnableUserWindowManager=1 1为开启,可让用户自定义自己的启动脚本[Security]AllowRootLogin=1 允许root登陆MaxLoginRetry=4 最大重试次数TerminalServerUsers=tsusers 允许连接的用户组(如果不存在则默认全部用户允许连接)TerminalServerAdmins=tsadmins 允许连接的超级用户(如果不存在则默认全部用户允许连接)[Sessions]MaxSessions=10 最大会话数KillDisconnected=0 是否立即关闭断开的连接(如果为1,则断开连接后会自动注销)IdleTimeLimit=0 空闲会话时间限制(0为没有限制)DisconnectedTimeLimit=0 断开连接的存活时间(0为没有限制)[Logging]LogFile=./sesman.log 登陆日志文件LogLevel=DEBUG 登陆日志记录等级(级别分别为,core,error,warn,info,debug)EnableSyslog=0 是否开启日志SyslogLevel=DEBUG 系统日志记录等级装好后,我们就可以直接从win系统下利用mstsc直接进行登陆,相当方便,如果是linux,可以用rdesktop。
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serious所有形式如下:1、比较级more serious。2、最高级most serious。3、副词seriously。4、名词seriousness。所有形式都表示严重的、严肃的、庄重的、认真的、诚恳的、严重的、重要的、令人担心的。相关例句:Seriously though, it could be really dangerous不过说实在的,这事说不好真的很危险。
2023-07-30 10:37:581


运行输入 mstsc 打开远程连接对话框 输入需要远程连接的电脑IP 或者完全主机名FQDN!能连上的前提条件:1.该远程主机开启了远程连接2.该远程主机 与你本机能ping通(能通信)3.你有足够的权限连接该主机!(需要验证) 4.连接上之后 你就可以用有权限的账户登录该主机 个本地登录一样!之后就可以操作了。
2023-07-30 10:37:572

求 易经完整版 百度云资源,谢谢

链接: 提取码:89mx易经,是阐述天地世间万象变化的古老经典,是博大精深的辩证法哲学书。包括《连山》《归藏》《周易》三部易书,其中《连山》《归藏》已经失传,现存于世的只有《周易》。《易经》蕴涵着朴素深刻的自然法则和和谐辩证思想,是中华民族五千年智慧的结晶。[1]其从整体的角度去认识和把握世界,把人与自然看做是一个互相感应的有机整体,即“天人合一”。
2023-07-30 10:37:541


后用英语是after。after,英文单词,介词、连词、副词、形容词,作介词时意为“在……之后;在……身后;反复;跟随;追求;以……命名”,作连词时意为“在……之后”,作副词时意为“后来,以后”,作形容词时意为“后来的,以后的;后部的”。短语搭配:take after与相像;仿效;相像;像、after sight见票后;见票后兑付;见票后照付;见票即付、After image残象;后像;余像;负后像、after cooler后冷却器;二次冷却器;后部冷却器;后置冷却器、after service售后服务;产品售后服务;销售后的服务。双语例句:1、I think we could all use a drink after that!我想我们在事情办完之后都得痛快地喝一杯。2、I need time to get my wind back after that run.我跑过之后需要时间喘口气。3、I"ve told you time after time not to do that.我一再告诉过你不要干那件事。学习英语的重要性:1、学习英语可以提高自己的语言技能,增加一项语言能力。2、学习英语有利于和外国人交朋友,聊天或者一起工作。3、学习英语有利于了解其他国家的习俗文化等。4、学习英语有利于找工作枯樱,例如很多外企,英语都是必修需要。
2023-07-30 10:37:521


云南师范大学调剂录取名单如下:考研调剂学校名单如下:云南师范大学、北京邮电大学、温州大学、中华女子学院、中央民族大学、中国海洋大学、北京科技大学、天津科技大学等院校。教育部规定,考生如果符合复试条件而不能在第一志愿院校参加复试的,考生档案应送至第二志愿院校或在省、自治区、直辖市内调剂。 在研究生招生工作中,由于招生计划的限制,有些考生虽然达到分数线,但并不能被安排复试或复试后并不能被录取,对这些考生,招生单位将负责把其全部材料及时转至第二志愿单位,这个过程即称为考研调剂。初试成绩符合复试调剂基本分数要求但在原报考单位没有复试资格,可以申请调剂。调剂复试的具体要求均以初试结束后教育部发出的当年硕士研究生录取工作通知的规定为准。原则上要求考生所选择调剂单位招生考试科目与原报考单位招生考试科目相同或相近。考研调剂是一门艺术,并不会因为分数高,最后就能调剂到好的院校和专业。考生们要清楚自己心仪的专业和未来的职业发展。调剂不能只为了读研,也要斟酌自己的理想职业。各大网站有很多关于调剂的指导,对于调剂迷茫的考生可以作为参考。考生可以咨询想调剂的院校,查询是否有调剂名额。也可咨询一下过来人的经验。对于调剂,不是只能选择一个院校,可以选择多个院校,为了防止万一调剂失败,考生最好能够多投几个调剂院校。
2023-07-30 10:37:511

mstsc /console是什么意思?

当我们的windows2003服务器上超出最大连接数以后,我们除了重启服务器外,还有一个最好的方法就是使用/console(控制台方式mstsc /console /v:IP:终端端口)进行登录。当我们加了这个参数以后,会自动的踢掉其中一个用户,并允许你登录。当远程服务器并没有超出最大连接时,它判断服务器本地是否登陆在桌面,如果登录,则锁定本地登录,桌面被console占用,如果没有登录就开启个本地登录一样的窗口。 使用 /console 和不使用/console的区别 结论:/console 模式等同于本地终端显示器登录,/console不会去占用非/console远程桌面。远程桌面允许两个正常连接和一个控制台/console方式连接,并且正常连接和/console连接的桌面操作不能相互看见。 实验过程: 1.使用2个正常连接远程服务器,再使用一个/console方式连接,一台服务器打开3个远程桌面,并且打开的窗口相互都看不见。 2.当使用/console打开远程桌面以后,自动锁定本地终端连接,本地终端登录以后会自动断开远程/console方式,相互冲突,并且开启的窗口可以相互看得见 3.当已经有一个/console远程连接以后,再使用一个/console方式就会自动断开已经的连接,并占有他的桌面。 4.正常连接和/console连接除了后台服务一样以外,桌面窗口不会有任何相互干扰。 另外如果系统是WINXP SP3,是不支持 /console这个参数的,需要使用mstsc /admin。 经测试,vista 也不支持 mstsc /console模式,看了一下帮助,是没有/console这个参数的。 windows xp升级到sp3后,命令换成mstsc /admin即可实现winXp2中MSTSC /console的功能 在windows xp/2003下,当你从网络上访问其他机器,还是使用远程桌面功能登录系统,遇到类似“由于帐户限制你无法登录”的提示时,一般是由于你所使用的登录帐号的密码为空,并且所要登录的远程计算机中的“组策略”禁止空密码用户通过网络登录引起的。只要修改该配置即可。   方法是:在远程计算机上启动“组策略编辑器”(开始-运行-GPEDIT.MSC),在“WINDOWS设置-安全设置-本地策略-安全选项”中找到“使用空白密码的本地帐户只允许进行控制台登录”,将其设置为“已停用”就可以了,另一种方法则是把你所使用的登录账号设置为非空密码。 Mstsc 命令参数具体说明 mstsc.exe {ConnectionFile | /v:ServerName[:Port]} [/console] [/f] [/w:Width/h:Height] mstsc.exe /edit"ConnectionFile" mstsc.exe /migrate 参数 ConnectionFile 指定用于连接的 .rdp 文件的名称。 /v: ServerName[ :Port] 指定要连接的远程计算机和(可选)端口号。 /console 连接到指定的 Windows Server 2003 家族操作系统的控制台会话。 /f 在全屏模式下启动“远程桌面”连接。 /w:Width /h:Height 指定“远程桌面”屏幕的尺寸。 /edit " ConnectionFile " 打开指定的 .rdp 文件进行编辑。 /migrate 将使用“客户端连接管理器”创建的旧的连接文件迁移到新的 .rdp 连接文件中。 注释 -必须是要连接的服务器上的管理员才能创建远程控制台连接。 -对于每个用户来说,默认的 .rdp 都作为隐藏文件存储在“我的文档”中。默认情况下,用户创建的 .rdp 文件存储在“我的文档”中,但可移至任何位置。 示例 要连接到服务器的控制台会话,请键入: mstsc /console 要打开名为 filename.rdp 的文件进行编辑,请键入: mstsc /edit filename.rdp 控制台方式登录 mstsc /console /v:注:在远程服务器异常时,比如C盘满无空间或中毒了屏幕一闪一闪,MSTSC登录后无法正常操作时,都可以使用mstsc /console /v:来登录操作。
2023-07-30 10:37:491