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2023-07-30 10:03:31
TAG: wi wild



2023-07-30 07:51:533


2023-07-30 07:52:014


野外的 野生的
2023-07-30 07:52:154


wild美 [wa_ld]英 [wa_ld]。adj.狂热;自然生长的;野的;野生的,n.自然环境,野生状态,偏远地区,人烟稀少的地区adv.狂暴地,猛烈地,胡乱地,网络狂野,野性的,野蛮的,1.When the cat looked around, the wild boar moved it ear. The cat thought it was a rat moving, it jumped at it and bit it bitterly.正当猫仔细地四处查看时,野猪动了一下耳朵,猫以为那是只耗子在动,猛扑上去狠狠咬了一口。2.William got so excited when making his speech that he went completely over the top. He made some wild statements which were simply untrue.威廉作演讲时非常激动,致使他说话过了头,讲了些虚假的狂言。3.However, Naoto Kan, said he did not know the details after the wild things secret visit to China.不过,菅直人之后表示他并不知道细野秘密访华之事。4."We had quite a bit of money doing absolutely nothing in the portfolio during a wild bull market, " McDermott says.麦克德莫特说,在牛市疯狂时期,我们的投资组合中有相当一部分资金闲置。
2023-07-30 07:52:231


wild是英语辞汇,读音英[waild] 美[waild],解释为野生的,未驯化的。 基本介绍 中文名 :wild 类别 :英文单词 读音 :英[waild]美[waild] 释义 :野生的,未驯化的 基本释义,形容词,名词,相关内容,参考例句,常用短语,作形容词,基本要点,词语搭配,常用短语,词语辨析, 基本释义 英[waild]美[waild] 形容词 1.野生的,未驯化的 2.未开化的;野蛮的 3.无居民的,荒凉的 4.强烈的,狂暴的 5.狂热的,发怒的,疯狂的 6.对…狂热(着魔)的 7.缺乏管教的;无法无天的;放荡的 8.感情炽烈的 9.盲目的;瞎抓的 10.很棒的;高兴的;令人激动的 11.失去控制的 12.狂野又美好的 名词 1.自然环境;野生状态 2.偏远地区;人烟稀少的地区 相关内容 比较级:wilder,wildest 时 态:wilded,wilding,wilds 名 词:wild"ness 副 词:wild"ly 参考例句 The rebel! How dare a slave run wild like this? I"ll have a word with your master. 反了!奴才小子都敢如此,我只和你主子说。A wild variety of Mediterranean fig(Ficus carica var.sylvestris)used in the caprification of certain edible figs. 野无花果一种地中海野生无花果(榕属无花果变种。野生无花果),用用于给某些可食无花果进行人工授粉Sometimes a tame elephant is tethered nearby to give the wild one confidence. 有时把一头驯服的象拴在附近以取得野象的信任。Ecstatic or wild ;Dionysian. 狂欢的;戴奥尼索斯That evil influence which carried me first away from my father"s house, that hurried me into the wild and indigested notion of raising my fortune 不久之前,那种邪恶的力量驱使我离家出走。我年幼无知,想入非非,妄想发财。 常用短语 sow one"s wild oats 放荡,胡闹,干荒唐事 wild flower n. 野花 wild man n. 未开化的人,极端分子 wild oats n.<俚>(年轻人的)轻率,放荡不羁 wild duck n.[动] 野鸭 wild apple 野苹果 wild boar n.[动]野猪 wild carrot 野胡萝卜 wild cherry 野樱 wild emmer 野生二粒小麦 wild ginger 杜衡 wild goat 野山羊 wlid animai 野生动物 作形容词 基本要点 1.wild的基本意思“野生的,野性的,野蛮的”,指在自然条件下生活,有自然的特性或指未开化的,作此解时,没有比较级和最高级。wild还可表示“凶猛的,不驯服的”“易受惊的,不易接近的”等,用于指地方,可表示“荒芜的,荒凉的”。 2.wild还可表示“强烈的,狂暴的”,指自然力的强烈,用于比喻可指“狂热的,发怒的,疯狂的,热衷于…的”,指人的感情强烈。 3.wild还可作“极急切的”解,后面可接动词不定式,用于非正式场合。 4.wild在句中多用作定语,有时也可用作表语。 词语搭配 ~+名词 wild animals 野兽 wild fellow 放荡之徒 wild flowers 野花 wild horses 野马 wild mountain 荒山 wild price fluctuations 行市的狂涨暴跌 wild scenery 荒凉的景色 wild scheme 草率的计画 wild tribes 野蛮的部落 动词+~ drive *** wild 激怒某人 get wild with rage 狂怒 get wild with wine 发酒疯 grow wild 荒芜了 run wild 荒芜了 ~+介词 wild about 对…狂热的 wild about music 酷爱音乐 wild over 对…狂热的 wild with 因…而发怒的 wild with anger 狂怒的 wild with anxiety 焦急万分 wild with delight 欣喜若狂 wild with enthusia *** 热情奔放 wild with excitement 欣喜若狂 wild with joy 欣喜若狂 常用短语 be wildabout 1.对…感到恼火 be angry with *** I do feel wild about misplacing that ring.我很恼火忘了把戒指放在什么地方了。 2.热衷于 be extremely enthusiastic The boy is wild about music.那孩子热衷于音乐。 He is wild about soer stars.他极为迷恋足球明星。 He is wild about sports.他热衷于体育运动。 I"m not wild about the wall-paper.我对壁纸并无多大兴趣。 be wildwith 1.…得发狂,处于因…而发狂的状态 be full of strong unrestrained feeling for sth He was wild with excitement at the news.他听到这个讯息后激动得发狂。 He was wild with hunger.他饿得要命。 She was wild with anxiety.她焦急万分。 2.因…对某人生气、恼怒 be very angry to *** for sth She was wild with him for being late.他的迟到使她大为恼怒。 The teacher was wild with his students for their mischief.这位教师因为他的学生恶作剧而大为恼怒。 run wild 自由生长,不受控制 grow or stray freely without any control The weeds are running wild in his garden.他的花园里杂草丛生。 The students ran wild during spring vacation.学生们度春假时都玩野了。 They let their children run wild.他们允许孩子们胡闹。 When he was a child he ran wild.他小的时候很不守规矩。 Bob was runing wild again.鲍勃又发牛脾气了。 词语辨析 go wild, run wild 这两个短语意思上不同:run wild的意思是“放肆”或“撒野”; go wild的意思是“感慨”。例如: Dolf is like a dog which has run wild. 道尔夫就像一条撒野的疯狗。 People went wild over his attitude. 大家对于他的态度无不感慨系之。 turbulent,stormy,violent,wild,fierce 这些形容词均含“剧烈的,凶猛的,狂暴的”之意。 turbulent正式用词,多用描写风和水,也可指心神不定或控制不住的感情波动。 stormy指风雨大作,也指人很激动的感情。 violent普通用词,指人时侧重极为不安,异常激,暗含有达或暴力行为;也指破坏性的或不可控制的自然力量。 wild普通用词,既可指自然界的荒芜,未被驯化状态,又指人的无法无天,不文明的野蛮行为。 fierce普通用词,指人或兽的凶猛残酷。
2023-07-30 07:52:301


2023-07-30 07:53:244

wild是什么意思 英语wild是什么意思

1、wild,英文单词,主要用作形容词、副词、名词,作形容词译为“野生的;野蛮的;狂热的;荒凉的”;作副词译为“疯狂地;胡乱地”;作名词译为“荒野;人名;(英)怀尔德;(法、德、葡、捷、匈)维尔德”。 2、双语例句:If the girl you like is wild, then act just like her.如果你喜欢野蛮的女孩子,那么行为就要像她。
2023-07-30 07:53:571


adj.急切的;热衷于…的;盛怒的;疯狂的野的;野生的;非人工栽培的无人烟的;荒凉的;荒芜的;未开垦的未开化的;野蛮的任性的;无法无天的放荡的;为非作歹的;狂欢痛饮的狂暴的;暴风雨的极度兴奋的;具体指:紊乱的;混乱的狂妄的;不切实际的;异想天开的;不合常理的轻率的;鲁莽的;放肆的未中目标的;远离靶的(马、猎鸟等)易受惊的;难以接近的[美国俚语]非凡的;不寻常的;令人激动的【纸牌】百搭的;(手上牌)点数可自由决定的adv.疯狂地;轻率地胡乱地;漫无目的地n.[通常作复数]荒地;荒野;未开垦的土地[常作 the w-]野生(状态);天然[美国英语]打劫闹事事件;合伙抢劫事件,团伙抢劫案短语:蓬勃地滋蔓;(花草等)繁茂地生长;长的像野生的一样没有管束地长大;没有教养;(人)变得野蛮无理放肆;放荡;荒唐be wild about [口语]热衷于(某事);对…极为狂热;狂热地迷恋(某人)go wild (喜得或气得)发狂(out) in the wilds [口语]偏僻的,远离城镇的run wildthe wild 荒野,户外the wild men (资本主义国家党派中的)激进分子wild and whirling words 考虑欠周到的话;鲁莽的言语wild and woolly [美国英语](尤指19世纪美国西部的人)粗野的;不文明的,没教养的;乱闹的【《21世纪大英汉词典》】
2023-07-30 07:54:051


The wolf或者Wild wolf
2023-07-30 07:54:263

wild 的英语翻译

2023-07-30 07:54:454


wild英语翻译成中文是狂野。双语例句:1、The house is in a mess after awild party.一次疯狂的聚会之后,房子里一片狼藉。2、There are many types ofwild mushrooms.有许多种野生蘑菇。3、His eyes had awild hungry look in them.他的目光里有一种强烈的渴望神情。4、We all exploded intowild laughter.我们都一下子大笑起来。5、Her eyes werewild with terror.她的眼睛里充满了恐惧。6、They lit a fire to keep offwild animals.他们点燃篝火防止野兽靠近。7、wild flowers such as primroses are becoming rare.报春花之类的野花越来越稀罕了。8、The forest floor was carpeted withwild flowers.森林的地面上开满了野花。9、The ivy has runwild.常春藤长疯了。10、They went camping in thewild.他们在野外露营。狂野的含义:狂野意思是:形容人到了一种歇斯底里的疯狂状态。词语:狂野。拼音:【kuáng,yě】。一、狂野基本释义。指的是非常疯狂,带点野蛮,一般当人们兴奋到极致的时候所做出的行动被称之为狂野。二、狂野引证解释。形容人到了一种歇斯底里的疯狂状态。雷加 《命名的传说》:“岩石上溅起的浪花,就像它的闪光的眼睛,泄露了它的狂野的本性。”三、狂野用法示例。1、曾有诗人与你同样狂野。2、吉娜,我对你这种狂野的想象力太佩服了。狂野近义词:疯狂、狂热。
2023-07-30 07:54:531


wild 是英语单词读音音标:英[wau026ald] 美[wau026ald] 词义:adj. 野生的; 野蛮的; 狂热的; 荒凉的; n. 荒野; 未开化的地方; 偏远地区; 人烟稀少的地区; adv. 疯狂地; 胡乱地;
2023-07-30 07:55:181

nine muses的gun和wild的歌词分配

2023-07-30 07:55:263

wild怎么读 英语wild怎么读

1、wild英[wau026ald]美[wau026ald],adj.自然生长的; 野的; 野生的; 天然的; 荒凉的; 荒芜的; 缺乏管教的; 无法无天的; 放荡的; 感情炽烈的; 盲目的; 很棒的; 热衷于…; 狂暴的;n.自然环境; 野生状态; 偏远地区; 人烟稀少的地区;adv.狂暴地; 猛烈地; 胡乱地。 2、[例句]We were doing wild things all night.一整晚都在作很野的事情。
2023-07-30 07:55:341


野兽,野生的以及野性的意思 答案补充 adj.1. 野的;野生的,未被人驯养的2. 荒凉的,无人烟的3. 难驾驭的;任性的,无法无天的;粗野的4. 猛烈的,狂风暴雨的5. 疯狂的,狂怒的6. 荒唐的,离奇的,古怪的7. 【口】极好的,愉快的8. 热衷的,急切的,渴望的[F][(+about)]n.1. 荒野,荒地2. 未开发的地方adv.1. 狂暴地;无法控制地2. 胡乱地
2023-07-30 07:55:541

Pitbull - Wild Wild Love 中文歌词,求翻译

All this wild wild love of usIt can"t be tamed, noAll this wild wild love of usIt can"t be tamed, noFor better or worseA blessing or a curseLong live this wild wild love of usLong live this wild wild love[Pitbull]Ladies and gentlemanYou"re looking at the next play boyWho you?That"s right, Armando Christian PerezAnd when it comes to that pretty little beauty cutieDon"t stop get it get it baby let me pay itI got that wild loveLove to get wild dirty freaky nasty, yeah I said itI"ll make you lose your heart and your mind at the same tiimeDon"t believe, bet itI"m obsessed with that wild love for sureEven though it"s a kiss one to twoIt"s a gift and curse for sureBut baby you know that you love it too, that"s whyYou need it, you want itAll over your bodyThis loving I"m givingIt"s worth more moneyYou need it, you want itAll over your bodyI know that you want thisWild, wild, loveAll this wild wild love of usIt can"t be tamed, noAll this wild wild love of usIt can"t be tamed, noFor better or worseA blessing or a curseLong live this wild wild love of usFor better or worseA blessing or a curseLong live this wild wild love of usNot only my crown in the player presidentThe globe is my backyard, baby seven dayWhen it comes to Miami, I always representRead all about, ladies and gentsI"m the chico for the gameI like my women yangI like my women yangI like my women fanI like them off the chainTake ‘em all the world cup, Brazil for the bangYou know I"ll meet ‘em, greet ‘em, read ‘emTreat ‘em, always keep them feeling rightI don"t know if I can handle all if fabBut baby we can try tonight, daleYou need it, you want itAll over your bodyThis loving I"m givingIt"s worth more moneyYou need it, you want itAll over your bodyI know that you want thisWild, wild, loveAll this wild wild love of usIt can"t be tamed, noAll this wild wild love of usIt can"t be tamed, noFor better or worseA blessing or a curseLong live this wild wild love of usAll this wild wild love of usIt can"t be tamed, noAll this wild wild love of usIt can"t be tamed, noFor better or worseA blessing or a curseLong live this wild wild love of usMr worldwideGRLWhat better than five beautiful womenLong live this wild wild love of us
2023-07-30 07:56:092

易烊千玺17岁生日上跳的wild 是谁唱的

2023-07-30 07:56:173


2023-07-30 07:57:053


wild共有三个词性,名词 副词 形容词,没有动词词性所以要结合语句分析时态adj. 野生的;野蛮的;狂热的;荒凉的n. 荒野adv. 疯狂地;胡乱地n. (Wild)人名;(英)怀尔德;(法、德、葡、捷、匈)维尔德[ 复数 wilds 第三人称单数 wilds 现在分词 wilding 过去式 wilded 过去分词 wilded 比较级 wilder 最高级 wildest ]扩展资料:请点击输入图片描述
2023-07-30 07:57:201


Trying hard not to fallOn the way homeYou were trying to wear me downKissing up on fencesAnd up on wallsOn the way home I guess it"s all working out,nowCause there"s still too long to the weekendToo long till drown in your handsToo long since I"ve been a fool oh yeah~Leave this blue neighbourhoodNever knew loving could hurt this goodAnd it drives me wildCause when you look like thatI"ve never ever wanted to be so badIt drives me wild You"re driving me wild,wild,wildWhite noise in my mind Won"t calm downYou"re all I think aboutRunning on the musicAnd night highsBut when the light"s outIt"s me and you nowCause there"s still too long to the weekendToo long till I drown in your handsToo long since I"ve been a foolLeave this blue neighbourhoodNever knew loving could hurt this goodAnd it drives me wildCause when you look like thatYou make my heart shakeBend and breakBut I can"t turn awayAnd it"s driving me wildYou"re driving me wildYou make my heart shakeBend and breakBut I can"t turn awayAnd it"s driving me wildYou"re driving me wildLeave this blue neighbourhoodNever knew loving could hurt this goodAnd it drives me wildCause when you look like thatI"ve never ever wanted to be so badIt drives me wild
2023-07-30 07:57:341


特洛耶·希凡·梅莱,南非裔澳大利亚人,1995年6月5日,出生于南非约翰内斯堡。2007年开启了他的歌唱事业,在YouTube个人频道上上传第一个翻唱视频Declan Galbraith的Tell Me Why,之后并不断上传音乐作品。作为网络社交达人,截止2014年10月其YouTube频道订阅已经突破280万,成为澳洲订阅量第二大的个人频道,推特粉丝突破260万。而作为演员,2009年首次出演电影《X战警前传:金刚狼》扮演小James Howlett。2010年~2013年主演电影Spud系列(1~3)2012年首次来华,参与湖南电视台《天天向上》录制。2013年06月05日签约EMI Music Australia。2014年08月15日,个人首张厂牌主流EP——TRXYE上架并且首周空降美国第5位及加拿大Billboard Hot 200以及新西兰专辑销量第二位,首单Happy Little Pill澳洲认证黄金销量。2014年10月,入选时代杂志“2014年网络最具有影响力青少年25位”。2014年11月28日主演电影Spud3:Learn to fly(马铃薯毕业季:学会高飞)上映。 2015年9月4日,个人第二张厂牌主流录音室EP——WILD 上架
2023-07-30 07:57:481


2023-07-30 07:58:011


2023-07-30 07:58:321


可以把读音拆分为中文汉字进行记忆,读“外哦的”。wild [wa_ld] adj.野生的;野性的;荒野的。也有其他的记忆方法:联想方式:wild-mild 一个w(蚊),一个m(蛮)记忆方法:野生的蚊,性格蛮温和。较长的英语单词从构成上无非就分成前缀,词根和后缀三个部分。用上次我们学习的manufacture为例作简单的介绍,该单词可以划分为三部分,前缀manu表示用手的意思,词根fac表示制造,后缀ture表示单词是名词属性。三部分合起来的意思是用手制造出来的东西,表达名词制造,生产。
2023-07-30 07:58:391


2023-07-30 07:58:505


2023-07-30 07:59:081


[英] [waild] [美] [wau026ald]adj. 野生的;野蛮的;狂热的;荒凉的;n. 荒野;未开化的地方;偏远地区;人烟稀少的地区;adv. 疯狂地;胡乱地;因为外国人的习惯不像我们国家那样生硬,他们对wild的翻译也不只是野性还有其他的意思的。但是,都是有那个意思延伸出来的。比如:ADJ-GRADED (土地)天然的,荒芜的,荒凉的 Wild land is natural and is not used by people. 例句: Elmley is one of the few wild areas remaining in the South East. 埃尔姆利是东南部仅存的几块荒地之一。望采纳====
2023-07-30 07:59:151


可以的.wild既是表语形容词也是定语形容词.记得有句话是这样的:We cant use my car because I was in an accident with this wild man driving this BMW,so I have already checked the bus schedule.
2023-07-30 07:59:231


美国嘻哈歌手Big Sean(原名Sean Michael Leonard Anderson),1988年3月25日出生于加州的圣莫妮卡,不过出生两个月后就搬去了密歇根州的底特律居住。2007年Big Sean签约Kanye West的GOOD Music唱片公司,并于2008年签约Island Def Jam唱片公司。2005年,来自芝加哥的说唱明星Kanye West恰好来到底特律的102.7FM做客接受采访,而Big Sean 自然不会放过这次机会,由于和电台保持着良好的关系,他得到了会见Kanye West的机会,而他也给Kanye West留下了深刻的印象。2年之后,Big Sean终于签约了Kanye West的GOOD Music唱片公司。2007年Big Sean发行了他的个人第一张官方混音辑《Finally Famous: The Mixtape》,主打歌“Getcha Some”为他获得了很大的关注,也让他登上了著名的嘻哈杂志《The Source》和《底特律地铁时报》。而公司还为他邀请到了嘻哈大导演Hype Williams拍摄“Getcha Some”的音乐录影带。2009年4月,他的第二张混音辑,由Mick Boogie主持的《U Know Big Sean》发行。2010年8月,其第三张混音辑《Finally Famous VOL.3》由他本人和Don Cannon共同发行并取得了不俗的反响。 Dizzee Rascal从标准的不良少年到后来被音乐老师引导去学习音乐制作,改变了他的人生。首张专辑《Boy In Da Corner》甫於美国发行,东西岸的MC只能用惊为天人来形容Dizzee Rascal,那类似Busta Rhymes的跳跃唱腔,在无数英国嘻哈歌手折腰的美国,创下亮眼销售佳绩。2007年的专辑《Maths & English》更是在保持英国说唱特色的同时,融合更多的音乐风格,使得自己的音乐兼容并包,隐有抵达大成境界的迹象。Dizzee Rascal也被视为英伦黑人文化的新偶像,他的音乐风格混合了garage(车库) MCing, 传统的rap, Grime, Ragga,电子和hip-hop, 但却不拘一格并带有更多的异域风情。《Bonkers》并不是Dizzee Rascal的第一首冠军歌曲,去年他和英国新锐制作人&DJ卡尔文哈里斯(Calvin Harris)合作的大热之作《Dance Wiv Me》曾荣获四周英国流行音乐单曲榜冠军,并为他赢得了NME的大奖。《Maths & English》包容著多样音乐类型与潮流,可说完美展现了嘻哈音乐无国界的气度,同时不忘其本身的英式纯正血统。Dizzee Rascal用他的复古知新,与所有嘻哈乐迷一齐向世界的黑暗与不平等,发出能量激昂的抗争!
2023-07-30 07:59:301


wild常见释义野生的英:[wau026ald]美:[wau026ald]adj.自然生长的;野的;野生的;天然的;荒凉的;荒芜的;缺乏管教的;无法无天的;放荡的;n.自然环境;野生状态;偏远地区;人烟稀少的地区;例句:They want the males to mate with wild females他们希望这些雄性动物可以和野生的雌性动物交配。词组:wild animal野生动物wild beasts/creatures野兽/野生生物wild game野味比较级:wilder最高级:wildest复数:wilds
2023-07-30 08:00:491


1、wild英[wa?ld]美[wa?ld],adj.自然生长的; 野的; 野生的; 天然的; 荒凉的; 荒芜的; 缺乏管教的; 无法无天的; 放荡的; 感情炽烈的; 盲目的; 很棒的; 热衷于?; 狂暴的;n.自然环境; 野生状态; 偏远地区; 人烟稀少的地区;adv.狂暴地; 猛烈地; 胡乱地。2、[例句]We were doing wild things all night.一整晚都在作很野的事情。
2023-07-30 08:01:061


adj.急切的;热衷于…的;盛怒的;疯狂的野的;野生的;非人工栽培的无人烟的;荒凉的;荒芜的;未开垦的未开化的;野蛮的任性的;无法无天的放荡的;为非作歹的;狂欢痛饮的狂暴的;暴风雨的极度兴奋的;具体指:紊乱的;混乱的狂妄的;不切实际的;异想天开的;不合常理的轻率的;鲁莽的;放肆的未中目标的;远离靶的(马、猎鸟等)易受惊的;难以接近的[美国俚语]非凡的;不寻常的;令人激动的【纸牌】百搭的;(手上牌)点数可自由决定的adv.疯狂地;轻率地胡乱地;漫无目的地n.[通常作复数]荒地;荒野;未开垦的土地[常作 the w-]野生(状态);天然[美国英语]打劫闹事事件;合伙抢劫事件,团伙抢劫案短语:蓬勃地滋蔓;(花草等)繁茂地生长;长的像野生的一样没有管束地长大;没有教养;(人)变得野蛮无理放肆;放荡;荒唐be wild about [口语]热衷于(某事);对…极为狂热;狂热地迷恋(某人)go wild (喜得或气得)发狂(out) in the wilds [口语]偏僻的,远离城镇的run wildthe wild 荒野,户外the wild men (资本主义国家党派中的)激进分子wild and whirling words 考虑欠周到的话;鲁莽的言语wild and woolly [美国英语](尤指19世纪美国西部的人)粗野的;不文明的,没教养的;乱闹的【《21世纪大英汉词典》】
2023-07-30 08:02:461

英语wild是什么意思 wild是什么意思

1、wild,英文单词,主要用作形容词、副词、名词,作形容词译为“野生的;野蛮的;狂热的;荒凉的”;作副词译为“疯狂地;胡乱地”;作名词译为“荒野;人名;(英)怀尔德;(法、德、葡、捷、匈)维尔德”。2、双语例句:If the girl you like is wild, then act just like her.如果你喜欢野蛮的女孩子,那么行为就要像她。
2023-07-30 08:02:531


1、wild,英文单词,主要用作形容词、副词、名词,作形容词译为“野生的;野蛮的;狂热的;荒凉的”;作副词译为“疯狂地;胡乱地”;作名词译为“荒野;人名;(英)怀尔德;(法、德、葡、捷、匈)维尔德”。 2、双语例句:If the girl you like is wild, then act just like her.如果你喜欢野蛮的女孩子,那么行为就要像她。
2023-07-30 08:03:001


【wild】adj.(动植物)自然生长的,野生的;(土地)无人烟的,未开垦的;(人)未开化的,野蛮的;不受控制的,放荡的;暴风雨的;狂暴的adv.自然地,不受控制地n.偏远地区,人烟稀少的地方v.野蛮对待,残酷对待偏远地区【例句】(1)They went camping in the wild.他们在野外露营。(2)I counted 34 wild goats grazing.我数了有34只野山羊在吃草。(3)He was attacked by wild animals.他被野兽袭击了。野外露营
2023-07-30 08:03:261


wild这个英语单词的形容词含义是野生的,野蛮的,狂热的,荒凉的,wild作为名词使用时,它的意思是荒野,wild的副词形式含义是疯狂地,胡乱地。 扩展资料   wild的`比较级和最高级分别是什么   wild的比较级形式是wilder,最高级形式是wildest。
2023-07-30 08:03:491


狂野的。 mild
2023-07-30 08:03:584


2023-07-30 08:04:071


1.wild的基本意思“野生的,野性的,野蛮的”,指在自然条件下生活,有自然的特性或指未开化的,作此解时,没有比较级和最高级。wild还可表示“凶猛的,不驯服的”“易受惊的,不易接近的”等,用于指地方,可表示“荒芜的,荒凉的”。2.wild还可表示“强烈的,狂暴的”,指自然力的强烈,用于比喻可指“狂热的,发怒的,疯狂的,热衷于…的”,指人的感情强烈。3.wild还可作“极急切的”解,后面可接动词不定式,用于非正式场合。4.wild在句中多用作定语,有时也可用作表语。 ~+名词wild animals 野兽wild fellow 放荡之徒wild flowers 野花wild horses 野马wild mountain 荒山wild price fluctuations 行市的狂涨暴跌wild scenery 荒凉的景色wild scheme 草率的计划wild tribes 野蛮的部落动词+~drive sb wild 激怒某人get wild with rage 狂怒get wild with wine 发酒疯grow wild 荒芜了run wild 荒芜了~+介词wild about 对…狂热的wild about music 酷爱音乐wild over 对…狂热的wild with 因…而发怒的wild with anger 狂怒的wild with anxiety 焦急万分wild with delight 欣喜若狂wild with enthusiasm 热情奔放wild with excitement 欣喜若狂wild with joy 欣喜若狂 be wildabout1.对…感到恼火 be angry with sbI do feel wild about misplacing that ring.我很恼火忘了把戒指放在什么地方了。2.热衷于 be extremely enthusiasticThe boy is wild about music.那孩子热衷于音乐。He is wild about soccer stars.他极为迷恋足球明星。He is wild about sports.他热衷于体育运动。I"m not wild about the wall-paper.我对壁纸并无多大兴趣。be wildwith1.…得发狂,处于因…而发狂的状态 be full of strong unrestrained feeling for sthHe was wild with excitement at the news.他听到这个消息后激动得发狂。He was wild with hunger.他饿得要命。She was wild with anxiety.她焦急万分。2.因…对某人生气、恼怒 be very angry to sb for sthShe was wild with him for being late.他的迟到使她大为恼怒。The teacher was wild with his students for their mischief.这位教师因为他的学生恶作剧而大为恼怒。run wild自由生长,不受控制 grow or stray freely without any controlThe weeds are running wild in his garden.他的花园里杂草丛生。The students ran wild during spring vacation.学生们度春假时都玩野了。They let their children run wild.他们允许孩子们胡闹。When he was a child he ran wild.他小的时候很不守规矩。Bob was runing wild again.鲍勃又发牛脾气了。 go wild, run wild这两个短语意思上不同:run wild的意思是“放肆”或“撒野”; go wild的意思是“感慨”。例如:Dolf is like a dog which has run wild.道尔夫就像一条撒野的疯狗。People went wild over his attitude.大家对于他的态度无不感慨系之。turbulent,stormy,violent,wild,fierce这些形容词均含“剧烈的,凶猛的,狂暴的”之意。turbulent正式用词,多用描写风和水,也可指心神不定或控制不住的感情波动。stormy指风雨大作,也指人很激动的感情。violent普通用词,指人时侧重极为不安,异常激,暗含有达或暴力行为;也指破坏性的或不可控制的自然力量。wild普通用词,既可指自然界的荒芜,未被驯化状态,又指人的无法无天,不文明的野蛮行为。fierce普通用词,指人或兽的凶猛残酷。
2023-07-30 08:04:171


wild的副词形式 wildly 野生地;野蛮地;狂暴地;鲁莽地; wild adj. 野生的;野蛮的;狂热的;荒凉的; n. 荒野; adv. 疯狂地;胡乱地 扩展资料   Life in the wild is vastly overrated.   野外生活被大大地高估了。   Wild boar are numerous in the valleys.   这些山谷里有无数的野猪。   There are many types of wild mushrooms.   有许多种野生蘑菇。   They lit a fire to keep off wild animals.   他们点燃篝火防止野兽靠近。   The house is in a mess after a wild party.   一次疯狂的聚会之后,房子里一片狼藉。
2023-07-30 08:04:321


sow one"s wild oats放荡,胡闹,干荒唐事wild flowern. 野花wild mann. 未开化的人,极端分子wild oatsn.<俚>(年轻人的)轻率,放荡不羁wild duckn.[动] 野鸭wild apple野苹果wild boarn.[动]野猪wild carrot野胡萝卜wild cherry野樱wild emmer野生二粒小麦wild ginger杜衡wild goat野山羊wlid animai野生动物
2023-07-30 08:04:391


"Wild"是一个形容词,其比较级是"wilder",最高级是"wildest"。下面是一些关于"wild"的拓展用法:野生动物1. 形容词用法:- 野生的(wild animals):指自然环境中生活的动物,与人类驯养的动物相对。- 狂野的(wild party):指疯狂、放纵的派对或聚会。- 荒芜的(wilderness):指没有人类居住或开发的地区,通常是草原、森林或沙漠等。- 疯狂的(wild imagination):形容一个人有丰富、非常活跃的想象力。2. 名词用法:- 野外(in the wild):指动物或植物在自然环境中的生存状态。- 野性(the wild):指野生动物的本性或特征,也可以表示狂野、原始的状态。3. 动词用法:- 追逐(wild pursuit):指追逐或追捕某人或某物。- 狂乱(wild with excitement):形容某人因兴奋、激动而失去控制。4. 短语和固定搭配:- go wild:表示兴奋、狂喜或放纵自己。- run wild:指植物或动物在没有人类管理或控制的情况下自由生长或行动。- wild guess:指没有依据或根据的猜测。- wild goose chase:指没有实际意义、徒劳无功的追逐。
2023-07-30 08:04:551


wild形容女孩是褒义。wild形容女孩厉害。wild 英 [wau026ald]   美 [wau026ald]    adj. 野生的;野蛮的;未开发的;狂热的adv. 胡乱地;失去控制地n. 荒野;荒地In nature, all animals are wild and free.在自然界,一切动物都是野生的,自由自在的。短语1、wild animals 野兽2、wild fellow 放荡之徒3、wild flowers 野花4、wild horses 野马
2023-07-30 08:05:251


If I go hard, let me tell you that is worth itPlay the right cards, I ain"t afraid to work itBrushing right off, when they say I dont deserve itHands on my heart, you keep my fire burningOoh it feels so crazy when you scream my nameLove it when you rock me over every dayWhen I think about it I can go insaneHere we are as beautiful, im blown awayIf this is a dream, won"t open my eyes,Am I asleep? No, I"m aliveI just can"t believe that this is my lifeIn my fantasy we"re running wildIf this is a dream, won"t open my eyes,Am I asleep? No, I"m aliveI just can"t believe that this is my lifeIn my fantasy we"re running wildWhen it get wet, then the rain starts pouringI turn up the heat cuz the drama ain"t importantLet em all talk talk, I"mma just ignore itHands on my heart, you you keep me moving forwardOoh it Feel so crazy when they scream my nameB.I.G. Sean Dun?. OKNow I woke up feeling like a mirrorI spend about an hour looking in the mirrorAs I should, as much as I"ve been throughIs no wonder, I look this damn goodI"ll probably make it out any situation, that you try to put me intoIf I spoil myself around its guaranteed that i"ll probably have a fish dinnerI meet a young girl with a sex shapeLike Jessie J we escapadeWhere its extra shapeShe make me want to give in not take like collection platesWoahAll these wars, bras, cars, wall to wallIs all a mirageAnd I could lose it all tonightJust to show the world I could do it twiceWith my lifeIf this is a dream, won"t open my eyes,Am I asleep? No, I"m aliveI just can"t believe that this is my lifeIn my fantasy we"re running wildIf this is a dream, won"t open my eyes,Am I asleep? No, I"m aliveI just can"t believe that this is my lifeIn my fantasy we"re running wildDi-Di-Di-DIZZEE![DIZZEE RASCAL]Rass Collar Double the dollarIm a jetsetter, brother more hitched on the white collarBut I can"t be boxedFlow tighter like Bob Marley locks,I can"t be droppedIm at a P, cuz I can"t be touchedIm wilding outLost ah bloodI can"t be stoppedPull up in a Narley Warri, buy me what?Opposite, I can"t believeIf i"ll ever get the party what? I can"t be blocked10 years plus running the gameYou brothers just come in the gameBut now im coming againTo get the people from going fuming insane100 fives and people going vocals in the mother marineWomen on shoulders, tops off, shouting my nameIm all in dey brainWhy would I complain?I thought I was the boy in the cornerBut now im in a penthouseN-gga where is the water?Im livingIf this is a dream, won"t open my eyes,Am I asleep? No, I"m aliveI just can"t believe that this is my lifeIn my fantasy we"re running wildIf this is a dream, won"t open my eyes,Am I asleep? No, I"m aliveI just can"t believe that this is my lifeIn my fantasy we"re running wild[Outro]Wild Wild Wi-WildWoohooohWild Wild Wi-WildWoohooohWild Wild Wi-WildWoohooohWild Wild Wi-WildWoohoooh oh
2023-07-30 08:05:401


2023-07-30 08:05:531

安室奈美惠 wild 中文歌词

这是我一个字一个字打出来的“WILD”歌∶安室奈美惠Work the middle like I do烦恼之神乃本能之神只需任其摆布Legs, arms, shoulders, knees,Fingers, toes, hips & belly毋需犹豫Let"s get WILDBe wild我加上爱加上你就是说不出这三个字的各位日本同胞Don"t think HARD,让每一寸紧扣无间不留空隙让每一段缠绵交织出生命Work the middle like I do烦恼之神乃本能之神只需任其摆布Legs, arms, shoulders, knees,Fingers, toes, hips & belly毋需犹豫Let"s get WILDBe wild其实我并不排斥羞人的文化情欲的拷打室内绮旎幕天席地场所不限Go another round 时间还早倘若尚嫌不足 还多的是 Work the middle like I do烦恼之神乃本能之神只需任其摆布Legs, arms, shoulders, knees,Fingers, toes, hips & belly毋需犹豫Let"s get WILD让每一寸紧扣无间不留空隙让每一段缠绵交织出生命Go another round 时间还早倘若尚嫌不足 还多的是 Work the middle like I do烦恼之神乃本能之神只需任其摆布Legs, arms, shoulders, knees,Fingers, toes, hips & belly毋需犹豫Let"s get WILDWork the middle like I do烦恼之神乃本能之神只需任其摆布Legs, arms, shoulders, knees。
2023-07-30 08:06:022

wild wild web中文歌词看这里,我以前回答过的
2023-07-30 08:06:104

安室奈美恵的《WILD》 歌词

歌曲名:WILD歌手:安室奈美恵专辑:Wild / Dr.「WILD」作词∶MICHICO作曲∶T.Kura/MICHICO歌∶安室奈美恵Work the middle like I do烦悩の神は本能の神操らせればいいLegs, arms, shoulders, knees,Fingers, toes, hips & bellyはばかる事なくLet"s get WILD!Be wildアとイとシとテとルを言うのが苦手なジャパニーズ ピープルDon"t think HARD!ピースを繋げて隙间を埋めよパーツを交わして命を生めよWork the middle like I do烦悩の神は本能の神操らせればいいLegs, arms, shoulders, knees,Fingers, toes, hips & bellyはばかる事なくLet"s get WILD!Be wild嫌いじゃない筈本当は耻じらいのカルチャー欲情へのトーチャーインドアーアウトドアーところ构わずGo another round まだまだ…足りないならば またまた…Work the middle like I do烦悩の神は本能の神操らせればいいLegs, arms, shoulders, knees,Fingers, toes, hips & bellyはばかる事なくLet"s get WILD!ピースを繋げて隙间を埋めよパーツを交わして命を生めよGo another round まだまだ…足りないならば またまた…Work the middle like I do烦悩の神は本能の神操らせればいいLegs, arms, shoulders, knees,Fingers, toes, hips & bellyはばかる事なくLet"s get WILD!Work the middle like I do烦悩の神は本能の神操らせればいいLegs, arms, shoulders, knees,Fingers, toes, hips & bellyはばかる事なくLet"s get WILD!収録:WILD/Dr.発売日: 2009/03/18
2023-07-30 08:06:171

安室奈美惠的《Wild》 歌词

歌曲名:Wild歌手:安室奈美惠专辑:Past < Future「WILD」作词∶MICHICO作曲∶T.Kura/MICHICO歌∶安室奈美恵Work the middle like I do烦悩の神は本能の神操らせればいいLegs, arms, shoulders, knees,Fingers, toes, hips & bellyはばかる事なくLet"s get WILD!Be wildアとイとシとテとルを言うのが苦手なジャパニーズ ピープルDon"t think HARD!ピースを繋げて隙间を埋めよパーツを交わして命を生めよWork the middle like I do烦悩の神は本能の神操らせればいいLegs, arms, shoulders, knees,Fingers, toes, hips & bellyはばかる事なくLet"s get WILD!Be wild嫌いじゃない筈本当は耻じらいのカルチャー欲情へのトーチャーインドアーアウトドアーところ构わずGo another round まだまだ…足りないならば またまた…Work the middle like I do烦悩の神は本能の神操らせればいいLegs, arms, shoulders, knees,Fingers, toes, hips & bellyはばかる事なくLet"s get WILD!ピースを繋げて隙间を埋めよパーツを交わして命を生めよGo another round まだまだ…足りないならば またまた…Work the middle like I do烦悩の神は本能の神操らせればいいLegs, arms, shoulders, knees,Fingers, toes, hips & bellyはばかる事なくLet"s get WILD!Work the middle like I do烦悩の神は本能の神操らせればいいLegs, arms, shoulders, knees,Fingers, toes, hips & bellyはばかる事なくLet"s get WILD!収録:WILD/Dr.発売日: 2009/03/18
2023-07-30 08:06:251

安室奈美惠 WILD 歌词

日文middle do, middle do, middle do, like I too.Work the middle, work the middle, work the middle, like I do.烦恼の神は本能の神操らせればいいLegs, arms, shoulder, knees, finger, toes, hips, and bellyはばかることなく Let"s get WILDBe WILD Be WILDアとイとシとテとルを言うのが苦手なJapanese people don"t think hardピースを系げて隙间を埋めようパーツを坏して命を埋めようWork the middle work the middle work the middle like I do烦恼の神は本能の神操らせればいいLegs, arms, shoulder, knees, finger, toes, hips, and bellyはばかることなく Let"s get WILDBe WILD嫌いじゃないはず本当は耻じらいのculture欲情へのtortureIn door Out doorところ构わずGo another roundまだまだまだまだまだ足りないなら BangまたまたまたまたWork the middle, work the middle, work the middle, like I do.烦恼の神は本能の神操らせればいいLegs, arms, shoulder, knees, finger, toes, hips, and bellyはばかることなく Let"s get WILDGet WILDLet"s Get WILDピースを系げて隙间を埋めようパーツを坏して命を埋めようGo another roundまだまだまだまだまだ足りないなら BangまたまたまたまたWork the middle, work the middle, work the middle, like I do.烦恼の神は本能の神操らせればいいLegs, arms, shoulder, knees, finger, toes, hips, and bellyはばかることなく Let"s get WILDWork the middle, work the middle, work the middle, like I do.烦恼の神は本能の神操らせればいいLegs, arms, shoulder, knees, finger, toes, hips, and bellyはばかることなく Let"s get WILDGet WILDLet"s Get WILD中译歌词middle do, middle do, middle do, like I too.Work the middle, work the middle, work the middle, like I do.烦恼之神乃本能之神只需任其摆布Legs, arms, shoulder, knees, finger, toes, hips, and belly毋须犹豫 Let"s get WILDBe WILD Be WILD我加上爱加上你就是说不出这三个字的Japanese people don"t think hard让每一吋紧扣无间不留空隙让每一段缠绵交织出生命Work the middle, work the middle, work the middle, like I do.烦恼之神乃本能之神只需任其摆布Legs, arms, shoulder, knees, finger, toes, hips, and belly毋须犹豫 Let"s get WILDBe WILD其实我并不排斥羞人的culture情欲的tortureIn door Out door场所不限Go another round时间还早...倘若上嫌不足还多的是...Work the middle, work the middle, work the middle, like I do.烦恼之神乃本能之神只需任其摆布Legs, arms, shoulder, knees, finger, toes, hips, and belly毋须犹豫 Let"s get WILDGet WILDLet"s Get WILD让每一吋紧扣无间不留空隙让每一段缠绵交织出生命Go another round时间还早...倘若上嫌不足还多的是...Work the middle, work the middle, work the middle, like I do.烦恼之神乃本能之神只需任其摆布Legs, arms, shoulder, knees, finger, toes, hips, and belly毋须犹豫 Let"s get WILDWork the middle, work the middle, work the middle, like I do.烦恼之神乃本能之神只需任其摆布Legs, arms, shoulder, knees, finger, toes, hips, and belly毋须犹豫 Let"s get WILDGet WILDLet"s Get WILD罗马Yume no, yume no kutsu Work the middle, work the middle, work the middle like I do Oh boy, look at me, oh boy, look at me Aise sureba ii, legs, arms, shoulders, knees, fingers, toes, hips and belly Haruba kara koto naku let"s get WILD Be WILD, be be be WILD Haato biito shiito etto Do you know that even the Japanese people don"t think hard Peesu wo tsunagete, sukiima wo umeyou Batsu wo kowashite, inochi wo umeyou Work the middle, work the middle, work the middle like I do Oh boy, look at me, oh boy, look at me Aise sureba ii, legs, arms, shoulders, knees, fingers, toes, hips and belly Haruba kara koto naku let"s get WILD Be wild, kirai Janai hazu hontou wa Hajirai no culture, yobujou e no torture In to wa, outto to wa, dokoroka mawazu Go another round, mada mada mada mada mada Futari na nara, ba mata mata mata mata Work the middle, work the middle, work the middle like I do Oh boy, look at me, oh boy, look at me Aise sureba ii, legs, arms, shoulders, knees, fingers, toes, hips and belly Haruba kara koto naku let"s get WILD Get wild, get wild, get, get, get wild, get wild, get wild, get, get, let"s get wild Peesu wo tsunagete, sukiima wo umeyou Batsu wo kowashite, inochi wo umeyou Go another round, mada mada mada mada mada Futari na nara, ba mata mata mata mata Work the middle, work the middle, work the middle like I do Oh boy, look at me, oh boy, look at me Aise sureba ii, legs, arms, shoulders, knees, fingers, toes, hips and belly Haruba kara koto naku let"s get WILD Work the middle, work the middle, work the middle like I do Oh boy, look at me, oh boy, look at me Aise sureba ii, legs, arms, shoulders, knees, fingers, toes, hips and belly Haruba kara koto naku let"s get WILD Get wild, get wild, get, get, get wild, get wild, get wild, get, get, let"s get wild
2023-07-30 08:06:321