barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-30 09:38:15

On July 14, 1889, the countries of the marxist called socialist congress, the grand opening in Paris, France. The conference, French representative pull the proposal: put on May 1, 1886 American workers to push for eight hours a day, the struggle, as international proletarian common festival. The delegates agreed to, through the historic resolution. From then on, "51" international labor day was born. Why do you bring this day as the international labor day? This from the 1880 s the United States workers" movement to start. At that time, the United States and in many European countries, gradually by the development of capitalism to imperialism stage, in order to stimulate the high speed development of economy, the surplus value squeeze more, in order to maintain the high-speed operation of the capitalist machine, constantly take increase labor time capitalists and labor intensity way to cruel to exploit the workers. In the United States, the workers to work every day 14 to 16 hours, some even for 18 hours,


Labor"s Day is on May 1st. Labor"s Day is an international day for workers. Working is glorious, and we should respect workers. The Labor"s Day is workers" holiday and workers can enjoy themselves to their heart"s content. Many people choose to travel. And some others will go to the cinema. Some will go to parks. And others will stay at home.


Labor"s Day is on May 1st. Labor"s Day is an international day for workers. Working is glorious, and we should respect workers. The Labor"s Day is workers" holiday and workers can enjoy themselves to their heart"s content. Many people choose to travel. And some others will go to the cinema. Some will go to parks. And others will stay at home


Labor"s Day is on May 1st. Labor"s Day is an international day for workers. Working is glorious, and we should respect workers. The Labor"s Day is workers" holiday and workers can enjoy themselves to their heart"s content. Many people choose to travel. And some others will go to the cinema. Some will go to parks. And others will stay at home.


五一劳动节is one节日


Labor"s Day is on May 1st. Labor"s Day is an international day for workers. Working is glorious, and we should respect workers. The Labor"s Day is workers" holiday and workers can enjoy themselves to their heart"s content. Many people choose to travel. And some others will go to the cinema. Some will go to parks. And others will stay at home.





2023-07-30 06:41:3713


2023-07-30 06:42:124

“内容”的英文 “连种制”的意思?

2023-07-30 06:42:214

主要内容 用英语怎么说

main idea-------------
2023-07-30 06:42:335


问题一:主要内容 用英语怎么说 main idea------------- 问题二:主要内容用英语怎么说 main idea 同学你好 有帮助请点采纳或者右上角好评~ 祝你新的一年学习进步,马到成功!!! 问题三:“内容”的英文怎么说? 一般用 content [kEn5tent] n. 内容, 容量, 目录, 满足 adj. 满足的, 满意的, 愿意 vt. 使满足 content content 1 AHD:[k?n“tμnt”] D.J.[6kKn7tent] K.K.[6k$n7tWnt] n.(名词) Often contents Something contained, as in a receptacle: 常作 contents 容纳物:(如容器中)所容纳的东西: the contents of my desk drawer; the contents of an aerosol can. 我书桌抽屉里的所有东西;喷雾罐的内容物 Often contents The subject matter of a written work, such as a book or magazine. 常作 contents 内容:文字作品的主题内容,如著作或杂志 The substantive or meaningful part: 意旨:实质性的或有意义的部分: “The brain is hungry not for method but for content, especially content which contains generalizations that are powerful, precise, and explicit”(Frederick Turner) “大脑迫切需要的不是方法,而是意义,尤其是包含了有力、准确及明晰的通则”(弗雷德里克u30fb特纳) he meaning or significance of a literary or artistic work. 含义:文学或艺品作品中的含义或意义 The proportion of a specified substance: 比例:某种特定物质的比例: Eggs have a high protein content. 鸡蛋含有很高的蛋白质 问题四:“内容简介”用英文怎么说? 内容简介:Introductionofthiscourse|jieshao 问题五:“主要内容”用英语怎么说? main idea 问题六:电影的内容包括以下几点 用英文怎么翻译 the film tells us something as the followings: 问题七:后面的内容更精彩英文怎么说 The res梗 content are more brilliant ! 余下的内容更加精彩!! 问题八:"故事情节"用英文怎么说 两位前辈答得不错,给些例句,希望对你有所帮助: 1. the storyline is wildly unrealistic. 故事情节完全不符合现实。 2. I can not say the plot of the story is so very intriguing. 这说不上这故事情节有多大吸引力。 3. I can"t say the plot of the story is so very intriguing. 我说不上这故事情节有多大吸引力。 4. The story unfolds as the film goes on. 随着电影的继续,故事情节展开了。 5. the series of events that form a plot. 系列发生的构成一个故事情节的事件。 6. a basic story line; a canonical syllable pattern. 基本的故事情节;规范的音节模式。 7. The book is remended for its interesting story. 这本书由于其故事情节生动有趣而受推荐。 8. The story hangs on the relationship between the two sisters. 故事情节以这两姐妹之间的关系为转移。 9. Well the scenery is marvelous but I think the story is a bit weak. 嗯,场景美极了,但我觉得故事情节差点儿。 10.He fuzzed up the plot line with a lot of emotional nonsense. 他用许多无聊的感情描述把故事情节弄乱了。 问题九:“具体内容如下……”这句话用英语怎么翻译? the specifics as follow : 问题十:这部电影主要内容 用英语怎么说 The main story/content of this film/movie is...
2023-07-30 06:42:471


Brief Introduction
2023-07-30 06:43:091


问题一:通俗易懂用英语怎么说 understand 问题二:流行用英语怎么说 最普通的就是popular丁prevalent,也可以说fashionable或in,这些都是形容词 问题三:流行和通俗用英文怎么说 流行Prevalence 通俗Popular 问题四:流行的英语怎么说名词性 Popular 英[] ?p?pj?l?(r) 美[] ?p:pj?l?(r) 词典释义 popularadj.流行的,大众化的;民众的,大众的,公众的;通俗的,普通的,平易的;〈美俚〉自以为了不得的,骄傲的 prevalentadj.流行的,盛行的;普遍存在的,普遍发生的 fashionableadj.流行的;时髦的,符合时尚的;时髦人物使用的;(尤指)有钱人常光顾的 ragen.愤怒;激烈,猛烈;渴望,疯狂;〈口〉战争狂 be the ragev.流行,风靡一时 问题五:2014年十大流行语,用英语怎么说 2014年十大流行语(the top ten catchwords of 2014) 1.有钱就是任性(rich and bitch) 2.也是醉了。(Are you kidding me?或 I bee crazy) 3.那画面太美我不敢看(That"s such a beautiful scene that I dare not have my eyes fixed on it.) 4.且行且珍惜( It is to be cherished) 5. 挖掘机技术哪家强?(Which excavator school tops the list?) 6.蛮拼的(Pretty strenuous) 7.保证不打死你(I promise you won"t get killed.) 8.萌萌哒(cutie) 9.时间都去哪了(Where did the time go?) 10.我读书少,你别骗我(I don"t have much education, don"t try to fool me.) 除此之外,其他一些人气颇高的流行语: 11.不作死不会死(No zuo no die.) 12.我只想安安静静地做个美男子(Let me be a quiet and handsome boy.) 问题六:求英语高手!这句话怎么翻译成英文? "第一、主要内容以个人的抒情为主,描述普遍的现象,使内容通俗易 英语翻译:First, the main content is given priority to with personal lyric, describe the mon phenomenon, make the content easy to understand, can arouse people"s resonance.
2023-07-30 06:43:241


microeconomics, cameralistics /finance, the accounting principle, international trade, the logistics learns, international shipping economy, all rate theory and Mathematical Statistics, macroscopic economics, statistics principle, the finance study, international finance(English version), bank management business and management, the company chrematistics, the insurance , economic law, China tax system, bank accountant, paper investment , international balance (English version), futures market, financial professional English, financial report analysis, company chrematistics case analysis, trend for business enterprise change , electronics information resources searches
2023-07-30 06:43:341


我的工作内容是用英语怎么说 My job is... 我的工作内容是 我的工作内容是对采购回来的材料进行检验,报检。 The first step of my responsibilities were inspecting purchased materials.工作内容:英语怎么写 我会用 Main responsibility: 主要负责。。。然后条列工作内容。 "请问你的工作内容是什么"用英语怎么说 EXCUSE,WHAT ARE YOU WORKING FOR ? 你的具体工作是什么!用英语怎么说? Does your work pay well? 你的工作报酬高吗? What do you do? 你是做什么工作的? Whatue10bis your job? 你的工作是什么? 1. 你是做什么工作的或干哪一行的? What do you make of that? I"d make peanut butter, I guess. 2. 你是做什么工作的?我是个工程师。 What"s your job? I"m an engineer. 3. 我知道了。那你是做什么工作的呢? Meilan: I see and what do you do for a living? 我的工作内容是......用英语怎么说 My work is +动名词 ... My work is弗to +动词... 都可以。 My job is anwering the phone in the office.(我的工作是在办公室接听电话) My job is to answer the phone in the office. "工作流程"用英语怎么说 第一杰:西府赵王李元霸,李元霸胯下千里一盏灯,手中一对擂鼓瓮金锤谁也惹不起,为头一条好汉; 第二杰:天宝大将宇文成都,胯下赛龙五斑驹,掌中凤翅镏金镗,勇贯三军,是大隋朝的顶梁柱; 第三杰:银锤太保裴元庆裴三公子,胯下一字没角癞麒麟,掌中一对八棱梅花亮银锤,是以后瓦岗山头号猛将; 第四杰:紫面天王雄阔海,一根熟铜棍,压盖武林; 第五杰:双镗无敌伍天锡,胯下青龙马,掌中一对短把凤翅镏金镗,英勇无比; 第六杰:南阳太守伍云召,跨下踏乌白雪马,掌中凤翅镏金镗,曾经大战过宇文成都; 第七杰:少保罗成,又叫罗神枪,胯下一匹西方小白龙,掌中五钩神飞亮银枪!从没打过败仗,人称“常胜将军”; 第八杰:花刀大将魏文通,跨下花斑马,一把花刀是隋营数一数二的大将; 第九杰:靠山王杨林,胯下金睛兽,掌中一对囚龙双棒,老当益壮; 第十杰:银面韦托秦用,秦琼的干儿子,胯下赤炭火龙驹,掌中八棱紫金降魔杵,年轻人中的佼佼者!; 第十一杰:呼罗国王,胯下青鬃马,掌中单锤,乃突厥第一战将; 第十二杰:四宝大将尚师徒,胯下宝马呼雷豹,掌中乌龙提泸枪,山马关大帅; 第十三杰:马踏黄河两岸,鐗打三州六府,威震山东半边天,神拳太保秦琼秦叔宝,跨下一匹黄骠马,掌中一对虎头锫棱金装鐗,擅使一把虎头造金枪,是本套书的书胆! 第十四杰:皁袍大将尉迟恭,武艺和秦琼不分上下,胯下一匹乌骓马,掌中单鞭,擅使丈八蛇矛枪; 第十五杰:赤发灵官单雄信,单二员外,江湖总瓢把子,胯下枣红马,掌中一把金钉枣阳槊,是未来瓦岗五虎上将的头一员; 第十六杰:银枪将苏定芳,胯下银龙马,掌中亮银枪。连罗成都死在了他的手上;第十七杰:勇三郎王伯当,胯下黄斑马,掌中花枪,一上战场就玩命; 第十八杰:大刀王君可,胯下一匹赤兔马,掌中青龙郾月刀,真好比关公在世。 "整体工作流程"用英文怎么说 你好! 整体工作流程 Overall workflow 工作单 用英文怎么说 工作单 gōngzuòdān 成本会计对于工人,所作记录的卡片,记载此工人分别为各种产品曾作工若干小时。 shop order; job cards
2023-07-30 06:43:411


⑴ 英语课程标准的内容简介 《义教抄高中英语课程标准》(实验稿)为袭2007年6月第18次印刷。社会生活的信息化和经济的全球化,使英语的重要性日益突出。英语作为最重要的信息载体之一,已成为人类生活各个领域中使用最广泛的语言。许多国家在基础教育发展战略中,都把英语教育作为公民素质教育的重要组成部分,并将其摆在突出的地位。 ⑵ “内容简介”用英文怎么说 “内容简介”英语是:content validity。 详细解释: 1、content 英 ["ku0252ntent] 美 [u02c8kɑ:ntent] n.内容;满足;(书等的)目录;容量。 adj.满足的,满意的;愿意的;心甘情愿的。 vt.使满足,使满意。 例句:。 将锅里的东西倒到筛子上。 2、validity 英 [vu0259u02c8lu026adu0259ti] 美 [vu0259u02c8lu026adu0259ti] n.效力;正确性;有效,合法性;正确,正当。 例句:Somepeople,ofcourse,。 当然,一些人否定了此类说法的合理性。 (2)课程内容英语扩展阅读: 相关词汇介绍: 1、contented 英 [ku0259nu02c8tentu026ad] 美 [ku0259nu02c8tu025bntu026ad] adj.满意的,满足的。 v.使满足(content的过去式和过去分词)。 例句:He was a contented man。 他是个心满意足的人。 2、effectiveness 英 [u026au02ccfek"tu026avnu026as] 美 [u0259u02c8fu025bktu026avnu026as] n.有效性;效益;效用;有效,有力。 例句:,however,ledtotheirmisuse。 不过,此类药品的显著疗效已经导致对其的滥用。 ⑶ 请问哪里有大学课程内容的英文介绍 大学课程内容的英文介绍你开业用英语表达关键词,然后在GOOGLE和BAIDU里面搜索,应该有的! 以下:、 (1)大学课程学科词汇英文表达方式 //mrwrong.blogchina/mrwrong/5627793 (2)大学课程学科(农科类)词汇英文表达方式 // 供你参考! ⑷ 大学英语(一)课程讲什么内容 本课程主要是针对大学初级阶段的学生而设置的。它既是一门基础课,又是一门综合课回。通过该课程的学习旨在帮助答学生掌握一定的词汇量和语法,达到相应的阅读水平,并具有一定的写作和翻译能力,使学生的英语语言能力得到全面的提高,为更高阶段的英语学习打下良好的基础。 本课程是包括词汇、语法、阅读、练习的综合课程。每个单元以课文为基础,将词汇积累、语法学习结合起来,并且配有单元练习,从而巩固和检测学习效果。此外还通过讲授一些丰富的文化知识来帮助学生在语言学习的同时拓展语言使用的文化背景。 ⑸ 英语文体学的课程内容 本课程总学时:32学时 A. 理论文体学:24学时 1 引论:2学时 (1) 文体,风格和style (2) style的词源 (3) 风格的特征与生成 2 高吉亚斯修辞学与柏拉图真修辞学:2学时 (1) 高吉亚斯修辞学 (2) 柏拉图真修辞学 3 亚里士多德:修辞与文体风格:2学时 (1) 修辞学 (2) 文体风格 (3) 演讲与模拟 (4) 悲剧的文体 4 三风格说,崇高体和基督风格:2学时 (1) 西塞罗:雄辩与三风格说 (2) 朗加纳斯;论文字体 (3) 圣奥古斯丁:基督风格 5 作家决定论:2学时 (1) 布封:文体就是人本力 (2) 斯皮彻:语文文体学 6 结构主义文体学:2学时 (1) 雅各布森:投射学 (2) 奥曼:结构的转换 7 读者的反应论:2学时 (1) 里法特尔的读者反应论 (2) 里查兹:诗歌的意义与文学分析 8 偏离与突出:2学时 (1) 肖克洛夫斯基:非熟悉化 (2) 穆卡洛夫斯基:突出论 (3) 利奇:偏离的种类 9 功能主义文体学: 2学时 (1) 布拉格学派:功能语体 (2) 韩礼德:阶与范畴语法 (3) 巴赫金的言语体裁与风格 10 语境: 2学时 (1) 语言环境 (2) 情景语境 (3) 语境分析 11 文体与统计:2学时 (1) 文体统计学 (2) 计算文体学 12 语言学,文学批评和文体学:2学时 (1) 语言学和文体学 (2) 文学批评和文体学 B.实用文体学:8学时 13 诗歌 的意义:4学时 (1) 诠释的程序:指称与代表 (2) 脱离语境:诗歌本力 (3) 词语模式与表达语法 (4) 审美效果与关系价值 14 诗歌教学:4学时 (1) 诗歌的核心意义 (2) 教学相关性 (3) 教学方法 (4) 比较不同的诗歌写作形式 ⑹ 大家说英语的课程内容
2023-07-30 06:43:501


2023-07-30 06:43:582


That is all above.
2023-07-30 06:44:073

请帮我把以下内容翻译成英文 谢谢

2023-07-30 06:44:222


2023-07-30 06:44:596


一 大学英语(二)课程讲什么内容 《大学英语(二)》 主要是针对大学初级阶段的学生而设置的。它既是一门基础课内,又是一门综容合课。本课程旨在 培养学生具有较强的阅读能力和一定的听、说、写、译能力,能用英语进行必要的交流;帮助学生打下扎实的语言基础,掌握良好的语言学习方法,提高文化素养,适应社会发展和经济建设的需要。 本课程是包括词汇、语法、阅读、练习的综合课程。每个单元以课文为基础,将词汇积累、语法学习结合起来,并且配有单元练习,从而巩固和检测学习效果。此外还通过讲授一些丰富的文化知识来帮助学生在语言学习的同时拓展语言使用的文化背景。 二 大学课程英文简介!!急!!真的很急!! 高等数学2A - High Level Mathematics 2A 建筑环境与能源应用工程概论 - Construction Environment and Energy Engineering Technology(省去”概论“用”技术“取代。概论这种东西翻译成英文听起来很像初学者) 大学化学 - Chemistry (省去大学,因为对方已经知道你是大学) 画法几何与工程制图 - Geometry and Technical Drawing 大学英语读写译,大学英语听力,大学英语口语 - Professional English Study (合并这三个科目,并改为”专业英语“,因为国外听力,读书这种事情是小学生做的,你那样写人家反而会觉得很好笑) 这些是你的课程标题,至于详细简洁这些还不够(虽然我是学设计的,我知道你的课程大致内容,但美方不一定知道)。如果你能用中文介绍你的科目,我还能帮你翻译一次。 三 贝乐学科英语的课程内容有哪些 语文,数学,自然科学,社会科学,健康,音乐,美术,同步于美国幼儿园及小学 四 洛基英语的课程内容 开设课程:招聘求职,电话会议,商务谈判,日常工作,计算机等课程 适合人群:外企员工、外贸从业人员、在校英语/外贸专业学生 洛基商务英语的材料涵盖了日常工作、招聘求职、公司文化、电话沟通、会议、谈判等商务情景的方方面面。适合已具备一定商务英语基础,希望进一步提高和外籍人士在商务口语方面的交流能力的在校生和上班族。 开设课程:新概念少儿英语,朗文少儿英语,剑桥少儿英语,加州英语等课程 适合人群:中小学生 课程特点:针对青少年的性格特点,精心选择与他们生活、学习密切相关的语言材料,力争建立以沟通为主的英语学习环境。即解决学生在学习英语中碰到的难题,为其升学提供良好的英语基础铺垫,同时,使其实现脱口而出的英语交流。 开设课程:雅思课程,托福课程 适合人群:准备出国留学人员 课程特点:针对实际的雅思/剑桥口试情景准备教材,学生可以和老师模拟真实的考试进行练习。我们的老师会针对学生的表现提出意见,讲解不足。适合雅思/托福的备考者。 开设课程:中考英语听力,高考英语听力,四六级听力,专业四级,八级听力等课程 适合人群:面临升学考试或者等级考试人员 洛基英语按英语级别和话题准备听力材料。由外教给会员1对1阅读听力材料,然后外教老师会给出问题来确认会员的听力水平。外教老师会引导如何抓住关键词听懂文章的意思,提高听力水平。 开设课程:英语作文,书信,报告等课程 适合人群:在校学生,职场人士 外教注重引导学生如何完成一个话题或题目的写作。适合解决会员有东西要写,但是却不知道从哪里下笔的难题。外教注重指导英文写作的套路和技巧。 开设课程:日常生活口语,出国旅游口语等课程 适合人群:日常需要跟外籍人士交流,或者即将出国旅游的学员 口语会话课程提高学生的英语口语表达能力。以洛基英语提供的话题材料为基础,有学习有练习,互动性的老师完成教材,提高口语表达能力。 通过和洛基英语外教反复的模仿和练习,掌握地道、流利、准确的美式发音。会员可以自如自信地拿英语与别人交流。 五 新东方里面有什么课程内容呢 您好,电信ITV的新东方课程内容如下: 中小学课程:语文、数学、物理、化学、英语、历史、地理。 英语课程:托福、雅思、新概念、GRE、GMAT、SAT、AP、四六级、考研、考博、多语种。 职业课程:职业医师、职业药师、卫生职称、职称英语、职称日语、司法考试。 六 幼儿英语培训课程内容有哪些 英文绘本、英文动画片、磨耳朵 七 大学英语专业课程有哪些 1、主干学科:外国语言文学 2、主要课程:基础英语、高级英语、报刊选读、视听、口语、英语写作、翻译理论与实践、语言理论、语言学概论、主要英语国家文学史及文学作品选读、主要英语国家国情。 3、修业年限:四年 4、授予学位:文学学士 5、培养目标:本专业培养具有扎实的英语语言基础和比较广泛的科学文化知识,能在外事、经贸、文化、新闻出版、教育、科研、旅游等部门从事翻译、研究、教学、管理工作的英语高级专门人才。 6、培养要求:本专业学生主要学习英语语言、文学、历史、政治、经济、外交、社会文化等方面基本理论和基本知识,受到英语听、说、读、写、译等方面的良好的技巧训练,掌握-定的科研方法,具有从事翻译、研究、教学、管理工作的水平及较好的素质和较强能力。 (7)课程内容英文扩展阅读: 英语专业考试 1、英语专业四级 英语专业四级考试(TEM-4,Test for English Majors-4),全称为全国高校英语专业四级考试。自1991年起由中国大陆教育部实行,考察全国综合性大学英语专业学生,旨在检查各校执行英语专业基础阶段教学大纲的情况,促进各校之间的交流和合作,以及为教育管理部门、教师和学生提供有关信息反馈。考试内容涵盖英语听、读、写、译各方面。总分100,笔试形式考核,另有口试。 2、英语专业八级 英语专业八级考试是由高等学校外语专业教学指导委员会主办的(非教育部主办),对英语专业高年级学生英语水平进行衡量的一种外语水平考试。是目前我国体现最高英语水平的等级考试。它在每年的三月份举办一次,考试分为听力、阅读、改错 、翻译和写作。对时间的要求比较严格。随着考试的日益正规化,参考人数的不断增加,专业八级考试(TEM-8)的权威性及社会影响也在不断地提高。考试已得到越来越多的人的认可。 八 大学英语(一)课程讲什么内容 本课程主要是针对大学初级阶段的学生而设置的。它既是一门基础课,又是一门综合课回。通过该课程的学习旨在帮助答学生掌握一定的词汇量和语法,达到相应的阅读水平,并具有一定的写作和翻译能力,使学生的英语语言能力得到全面的提高,为更高阶段的英语学习打下良好的基础。 本课程是包括词汇、语法、阅读、练习的综合课程。每个单元以课文为基础,将词汇积累、语法学习结合起来,并且配有单元练习,从而巩固和检测学习效果。此外还通过讲授一些丰富的文化知识来帮助学生在语言学习的同时拓展语言使用的文化背景。 九 实用英语写作课程主要内容是什么 字面意思,教授英语写作有关的知识,如写作语言,写作结构,篇章等等。
2023-07-30 06:45:131


dear American friends:i have so much homework to do that I probably can"t contact with you ,but i will write emails to you on each weekend. some American classmates didn"t write emails back to me, so i wonder if i made their email address wrong. Would you pls tell them about it, thank you!some chinese students are trying really hard to learn English and there is possiblity that we will visit your school this summer.
2023-07-30 06:45:216


2023-07-30 06:45:386


Dear Uncle, as soon as possible and hope you apart. Miss you and jake! Love your written 写中文,让他自己找人翻译
2023-07-30 06:45:542


2023-07-30 06:46:033


to focus on
2023-07-30 06:46:114


Please excuse me, I cannot understand the professional words because my English is limited. Maybe I can get the point and try my best to help you. Anyway, could you speak Chinese ?
2023-07-30 06:46:194


My school is very big. Go to school, you will see many flowers around the four yellow house building, that is our teaching building. There are some open spaces around us. It"s our playground. We have a flag and carry out activities in the playground.I like this campus.
2023-07-30 06:46:472


一.Capital structure of state-owned enterprises and the characteristics of the problems(一).High leverage ratio of state-owned enterprises, creditors of a single asset-liability ratio of state-owned enterprises have been increasing, from 8.7% in 1980 to 67.5% in 1993, from 1994 to 1998 followed by asset-liability ratio was 79%, 65.8% , 61.5%, 54% and 65.5%.According to the National Bureau of Statistics of the 493 survey of state-owned large and medium enterprises, the end of 1997 the average rate of 65% of assets and liabilities; even though the state established in 1994, the 100 pilot enterprises of modern enterprise system debt rate of 65%. Asset-liability ratio increased year by year, for many reasons, including institutional factors, when the row first.Since the mid-80s of the 20th century, the introduction of "Bo Gaidai" After the reform, the state"s financial injection is almost not increasing the capital of state-owned enterprises, some of the new state-owned enterprises built entirely by bank loans, as non-capital enterprises, resulting in extremely high debt ratio. According to "China Statistical Yearbook" data, from 1999 to 2003 the state-owned and state holding industrial enterprises were 17948.9,17019.3,18636.7,20190.5,22756.0 billion industrial loans in 2003 than in 1999, an increase of 26.8%.Business-to-bank lending has over irrationality demand, resulting in extremely high debt ratio. Countries was designed to reform the debt through the bank-enterprise relationships to strengthen the constraints on business, but it did not, since the main creditor is the state-owned banks, while state-owned enterprises and state-owned banks were owned by the state, the special relationship between banks and enterprises, so that the creditor banks soft constraints on enterprises, companies can not debt service, banks can not force the companies to recover debt auction,, Plus some local governments for performance considerations, insolvency and bankruptcy of state-owned enterprises actually difficult to achieve. Thus, modern capital structure theory to the constraints to achieve corporate creditors to maximize the value is not possible in our country play a role under current conditions.
2023-07-30 06:46:542


2023-07-30 06:47:011


Moral education in primary school the status of implementation of quality school education is an important part. moral education throughout the whole process of school education and students in all aspects of daily life, permeating intellectual, physical and aesthetic education and labor education. Moral Basic education, to promote the overall development of students played a leading and decisive role. Therefore, our school to moral education in an important position, and consciously work to strengthen moral education, moral education policy document carefully to learn and continuously improve knowledge, foster teaching, Management and Education, providing services in the school of thought. In order to ensure the smooth progress of moral education in schools, I will continue to strengthen the management of moral education, the main approach is to: First, a sound organizational structure, improve the school moral education management system. Second, clear job responsibilities, to mobilize the enthusiasm of every moral education. Third, strengthen the campus environment, educating people give full play to the role of the environment. Fourth, moral activity sequence and diversified. Five arrested ethics and professional ethics of teachers. Six students habits of grasping education.
2023-07-30 06:47:093


Filling Date: 2009 on 14 day 4 years Department (Dept.): Automotive Department Name: *** Main Responsibility: is mainly responsible for logistics operations of Mitsubishi vehicles imported goods vehicles POE, as well as testing and monitoring equipment to assist the industry financial system network in Tokyo, Shanghai Lian cargo loading and unloading operations, such as coordination and supervision of the scene. Division of Duty: 1, Mitsubishi vehicle business operation at the scene POE 2, loading of goods vehicles at the scene supervisor 3, finishing POE manuals, vehicle related costs and Statistics 4, Tokyo Gang 5, Shanghai Lian 6, Beijing special line of wells 7,巡洋strapping, packing 楼上的,十五分还嫌少啊!
2023-07-30 06:47:174


Dear Eallan Hirshfelduff0cThank you for your reply, from the information I have a general idea of product. About prices and transport costs, but also need to consult.Now I try to take a little back. The following three Flitemate10 each, are mainly medium (M).Unblistered pair of Earplugs - $2.65 (with container).Blistered pair of Earplugs - $3.40Clamshell packing 1pair - $3.60 (new container)The price is how calculated, transportation cost is calculated how, transport to China, to help the list please. Thank youGive me a payment information, I give you the payment. Now I try to take a little back, have a look at the various kind of products
2023-07-30 06:47:242


英语角活动内容如下:首先可以将俱乐部成员分成几组来搞活动,组织内部可以表演节目带动气氛.人多了可以分成小组来参加活动。比如,在分完小组后,每组人数控制在十人以内,要给大家时间互相认识,当然要用英语交流,第一个节目就可以是"说名字",先把气氛调动起来.然后在外教的带领下进行其他活动.通过外教的参与,再加上各小组成员间的荣誉感,使同学们无论在交流上还是各个活动的参与上都能有所得。在紧张的游戏过后,可以以外教带领大家学唱些好听的外文歌曲。小游戏可以像用肢体语言表达猜英语句子含义.放英文歌曲让大家猜歌名,还可以通过提问题来教授一些常识。猜谜语(这个小幼稚),说绕口令(这个可以提高语音,难度越大越好)读书和电影交流,大家都是文化人。话剧表演,可以截取电影片段让大家演一下,配音也可以,可以让大家更自信的开口讲英语。做一些presentation,可以轮流演讲一下,增加自信。选取若干美剧中的片段进行配音。邀请外教、高校英语教师给大家介绍一些日常英语的应用,小知识,学习方法或者是表演他们自备的节目(如:学跳外国风情舞蹈)。活动内容英语是Activity content.问题一:活动用英文怎么简写活动词典activity; campaign; exercise; flexible问题二:活动专区用英语怎么说如果场是商家,活动专区是指促销专区,那就是promotion area如果指学校活动区,那就是playground或者activityarea问题三:活动用英语怎么说activity问题四:活动翻译成英文怎么说?大家说的都很全了Activity多用于一般的集体活动,比如春游Event多用于表示社交活动,比如酒会Ex埂rcise是名动词,运动-活动通用Promotion指的是商场搞的促销活动问题五:活动价格用英语怎么说活动价格的英文翻译_百度翻译活动价格Activity priceprice_百度翻译price英[pra?s]美[pra?s]n.代价;价格,价钱;价值;赏金;vt.定价;标价;问…的价格;给…定价;[例句]Theyexpectedhouseprices to rise他们盼望着房价上升。[其他]第三人称单数:prices复数:prices现在分词:pricing过去式:priced过去分词:priced问题六:“参加各种英语活动”用英语怎么说to joiin all kinds of activities问题七:活动内容的英文怎么说the content of the activity(活动的内容)the content of the pr处ject(计划的内容)。
2023-07-30 06:47:341


简历 ResumeName姓名: Gender性别:1、出生地 Place of Birth2、广东省广州市广东商学院新东楼105室,510320 Address: Rm 105 New East Building, Guandong Business College, Guanzhou, Guandong PC:5103203、2006年7月—2006年9月:于广东梅州市欢乐天地(大型娱乐游戏场所)担任销售员 From July 2006 - Sep. 2006, worked as a salesman with Meizhou Happy Land, a large recreational playground;4、2007年7月—2007年9月:于广东梅州市时代溜冰场担任溜冰鞋助理教练以及销售助理 From July 2007 - Sep. 2007, worked as assistant to skating coach and sales rep. with Meizhou Era Skating Ground;5、广东商学院校分团委干事。率领团队策划校园大型活动 As a cardre of Youth Committee of Guandong Business College, planned with a team a large campus activity;6、多次以负责人或主要成员参与班级活动策划 Being engaged in planning for class activities as the person in charge or the main member;7、广东商学院军训优秀标兵,2005年9月 Sep. 2005, the Excellent Sample for military training in Guandong Business College;8、广东商学院学习进步奖,2006年9月 Sep. 2006, got an award for study progress in Guandong Business College;9、能够独立思考,并通过学习迅速融入工作环境 Think independently and get into working environment quickly through my study;10、具备团队精神,能和他人合作 with teamwork spirit and cooperation with others11、相关荣誉及证书、备注、校园经历 relating honors and certificates, remarks, campus experiences12、渴望加盟贵公司really hope to join your company
2023-07-30 06:48:179


你好!内容content 英["ku0252ntent] 美[u02c8kɑ:ntent] n. 内容; 满足; (书等的) 目录; 容量; adj. 满足的,满意的; 愿意的; 心甘情愿的; vt. 使满足,使满意; [例句]Empty the contents of the pan into the sieve将锅里的东西倒到筛子上。
2023-07-30 06:48:441

内容如下 用英语怎么说?

不一定是the content is as follows的read as follows和as follows都可以的as为同样地,当作,随着,因为等等解释
2023-07-30 06:48:554

“这篇文章的主要内容是…”用英语怎么翻译 急!

This article is primarily about...
2023-07-30 06:49:263


what are you responsible for in your job?
2023-07-30 06:50:011

故事的内容 英文怎么说

The content of the story
2023-07-30 06:50:161


活动内容英语是Activity content.问题一:活动 用英文怎么简写 活动词典activity; campaign; exercise; flexible问题二:活动专区用英语怎么说 如果场是商家,活动专区是指促销专区,那就是promotion area如果指学校活动区,那就是play ground 或者 activity area问题三:活动用英语怎么说 activity问题四:活动翻译成英文怎么说? 大家说的都很全了Activity多用于一般的集体活动,比如春游Event多用于表示社交活动,比如酒会Ex埂rcise是名动词,运动-活动通用Promotion指的是商场搞的促销活动问题五:活动价格用英语怎么说 活动价格的英文翻译_百度翻译活动价格Activity priceprice_百度翻译price 英[pra?s] 美[pra?s]n. 代价; 价格,价钱; 价值; 赏金;vt. 定价; 标价; 问…的价格; 给…定价;[例句]They expected house prices to rise他们盼望着房价上升。[其他] 第三人称单数:prices 复数:prices 现在分词:pricing 过去式:priced过去分词:priced问题六:“参加各种英语活动”用英语怎么说 to joiin all kinds of activities问题七:活动内容的英文怎么说 the content of the activity(活动的内容)the content of the pr处ject(计划的内容)。
2023-07-30 06:50:241


问题一:以上是我全部的内容用英语怎么说 英文原文: That is all above. That"s all 英式音标: [e?t; e?t] [?z] [u0254?l] [??b?v] . [e?ts] [??l] 美式音标: [e?t] [?z] [?l] [??b?v] . [e?ts] [?l] 问题二:“以上就是我报告的全部内容”用英语怎么说 The above is all of my report 这是书面语标准口语翻译是That is all of my report 问题三:"请记住以上内容"用英语怎么说? Please remember the content弗above 对的,就是please remember 开头的 问题四:以上内容来自网络 英文怎么说 The information above es from the Internet.
2023-07-30 06:50:531


Content vaⅠidity
2023-07-30 06:51:103

请帮忙把以下内容翻译成英文 (急)

刚刚收到10月2日至6日的帐单 为何这个月总共收到3次帐单呢? 以往都是每月发两次帐单给我司的。下月是否会变回一个月发两次呢?请尽快回复 谢谢! We have received your bill for the period of October 2 to 6. We are baffled as to why you have sent us the bills three times this month as it is different from your usual practice of sending us o bills in a month. We are eager to know if you will reinstate your normal practice next month. We look forward to your prompt reply. Thank you. 2014-11-06 07:27:30 补充: Note: I put the focus on making it a more formal business letter instead of a straight-forward trlation. Just received a bill October 2 to 6 and why this month received a total of three times bills it? Past are issued ice monthly bill to my Division. Next month whether it changes back to ice a month? Please reply as soon as possible thank you! Just received a bill October 2 to 6 and why this month received a total of three times bills it? Past are issued ice monthly bill to my Division. Next month whether it changes back ice a month? Please reply as soon as possible thank you! 刚刚收到10月2日至6日的帐单 为何这个月总共收到3次帐单呢? 以往都是每月发两次帐单给我司的。下月是否会变回一个月发两次呢?请尽快回复 谢谢! Having received the invoice for the period from second to sixth of October and I would like to know why there were three invoices delivered this month. As far as monthly invoice being concerned the routine way of doing was only ice a month; then for the sake of reducing the papework would you be kind enough to deliver ice as beginning next month. If you agree please inform me at the earliest. 参考: Partly according to Dictionary 翻译英文 刚刚收到10月2日至6日的帐单 为何这个月总共收到3次帐单呢? 以往都是每月发两次帐单给我司的。下月是否会变回一个月发两次呢?请尽快回复 谢谢! 翻译:Why are we sent a total of three bills this month including the one for 2nd to 6th October we just received? As there were always only o bills for our pany each month in the past please let us have your reply asap as to whether the number of bills in a month will be back to o next month. Thank you! 2014-11-05 17:32:02 补充: asap=as soon as possible I just received the bill of 2/10 to 6/10 i don"t understand why i received a total number of 3 bills in this month? in past i usually received 2 bills every month. just wondering if the bills for next month will be back to ice a month? please reply ASAP. Thank you! 参考: me Just received from October 2 to 6th Bill received a total of 3 times why this month bills? Always the firm"s billing to our ice monthly. Next month whether it will change back to it ice a month? please reply as soon as possible thank you! 希望帮刭你
2023-07-30 06:51:171


the content of this activity
2023-07-30 06:51:253

服务内容 的英文?

serving items
2023-07-30 06:52:233


2023-07-30 06:52:331


I myself had arranged and presited over the annual meetings for years and recognized the importance of team work and mutual co-operation. Suess was the foremost aim of our team work and that required all of us to realize its goal and meanings of the annual meeting. During the period of its preparation, it was necessary for us to understand the importance of participation which would affect our progression. In view of that we would like to request the participants to express their ideas so as to mingle together to achieve the co-ordinate efforts and to improve the relationships among one another and the anization. In addition to facilitate the co-operation, it was necessary for all participants to know one another that would be done by me of several meetings to be held in the retaurants so that they could gather information and to gain friendships as well. Being the anizer of the annual meeting, it was important to group the participants aording to their backgrounds, abilities, degree of responsibilities and to assist those without confidence to do the work and developing their abilities. At length, no matter the annual meeting was either suessful or not, it was important to encourage the good performance and to improve the shortings in order to give the participants the confidence to continue and do with all their mights for the works in the ing annual meeting.,I was responsible for co-ordinating anniversary dinner activities on several oasions, I fully appreciate the importance of establishing a good team. Unity of purpose is the first condition of suess, it is first of all to all team members a clear approach and theme of the anniversary of the institution. In the preparatory process, participation of team members directly affect the implementation of the activities and, therefore, I will invite them to ment, then led other members in the consultations consensus, to enhance the input of members and a sense of belonging.In addition, to facilitate cooperation, need to increase mutual understanding beeen team members, including the number of meetings would be arranged in the restaurant, while for dinner activities to collect data, temporary leave of absence aside for members arrested in tight Office to enable them to establish trust relationships in a relaxed environment.As a co-ordinating must have a keen sense of touch, and one"s fellows, so I will try to press members from different backgrounds and abilities, the length of service as a division of base, experiencing lack confidence in their team, will provide more support to assist members to plete work, from which the team can be grown.Whether or not suess or suessful pletion of the final event, in a review meeting will encourage all members to improve deficiencies, mended the good behavior, so that they maintain confidence, continue to next work effort.,
2023-07-30 06:52:501


1. 请问你是xx先生吗? Are you Mr xx please? 2. 我想用一分钟的时间跟你做一个有关售后服务质量的问卷调查。 方不方便呢? Is it convenient for you to spend a minute to help us plete a questionnaire about the quality of after-sales service now? 方便,我现在有空。请说吧。 It"s alright. Please go ahead. 3. 你满意我们职员的服务态度吗?(你觉得我们职员的服务态度好不 好呢?) Were you satisfied with the attitude of our staff? 我很满意你们职员的服务态度。 Yes I was. 4. 他解释注册的程序讲得清楚吗? Did he clearly explain the procedure of registration? 他解释得很清楚。他解释得不太清楚。 Yes he did / No he didn"t. 5. 他有没有介绍其它的后续服务呢? Did he introduce other renewal services? 他有介绍的。 Yes he did. 6. 你访问过我们的办公室吗? Had you visited our office? 有,我有到访你们的办公室。 Yes I had. 7. 当你来到我们办公室签合约的时候,需要等很久吗? When you visited our office did you wait for a long time before signing the contract? 不需要等很久的,很快的。 No it"s quick. 8. 你觉得我们办公室的环境舒不舒服(好不好)呢? How did you feel about the environment of our office? Was it fortable? 你们办公室的环境不错,但是比较小。 It"s quite good only that it"s a bit *** all. 9. 你有一些可以提高我们服务质量的建议可以提供给我们呢? Could you give us some suggestions for the improvement of our service standard? 暂时没有,公司还没有正式运作。 Not for now as the pany"s not operated officially. 10.如果以后你有甚么不满的或有甚么建议,可以跟我们反映的。 Please feel free to let us know if you have any ments or suggestions in future. 11.我希望你可以把我们的服务介绍给你的朋友。 We also appreciate your remendation of our services to your friends. 我已经介绍了。 It"s already done. 12.谢谢你的支持,祝你生意兴隆!再见。 Thank you for your support and wish you a prosperous business! Goodbye. 1. 请问你是xx先生吗? Excuse me would you like to tell me if you are Mr XX ? 2. 我想用一分钟的时间跟你做一个有关售后服务质量的问卷调查。 方不方便呢? I would like to use a min to ask you about the questionary of quality of service after sale. Are you free now? 方便,我现在有空。请说吧。 Yes I am free now . Please ask . 3. 你满意我们职员的服务态度吗?(你觉得我们职员的服务态度好不 好呢?) Do you satisfy about our staff"s service manner? 我很满意你们职员的服务态度。 I am satisfied on your staff"s service manner. 4. 他解释注册的程序讲得清楚吗? Did he explain the order of register clearly? 他解释得很清楚。他解释得不太清楚。 He explained it very clearly. He didn"t explained it very clearly. 5. 他有没有介绍其它的后续服务呢? Did he introduce the other follow up service ? 他有介绍的。 Yes he did . 6. 你访问过我们的办公室吗? Did you visit our office ? 有,我有到访你们的办公室。 Yes I did . 7. 当你来到我们办公室签合约的时候,需要等很久吗? Do you wait for a long time when you e to our office for signing a contract? 不需要等很久的,很快的。 No it doesn"t take me too much time. It is very fast. 8. 你觉得我们办公室的环境舒不舒服(好不好)呢? Do you feel our office is very fortable? 你们办公室的环境不错,但是比较小。 Your office is very nice but it is too *** all. 9. 你有一些可以提高我们服务质量的建议可以提供给我们呢? 暂时没有,公司还没有正式运作。 Do you have any opinion which can rise our quality of service? I haven"t got any now the office hasn"t started yet. 10.如果以后你有甚么不满的或有甚么建议,可以跟我们反映的。 If you had any ill feeling of any opinion you could tell us. 11.我希望你可以把我们的服务介绍给你的朋友。 I hope you will introduce our service to your friend. 我已经介绍了。 I have done it aleady. 12.谢谢你的支持,祝你生意兴隆!再见。 Thanks you a lot have a nice business! Good bye. 参考: 自己 >
2023-07-30 06:53:101


2023-07-30 06:53:201


1, staff recruitment / training; 2, the social security process, to update the management of labor contracts; 3, temporary residence permits, health certificates and other documents processing; 4, human resources daily, weekly, monthly and annual reporting; 5, dormitory management (allocation, monitoring of fire safety, etc.); 6, new staff, separation, transferred to the processing and logistical arrangements; 7, the establishment of a sound personnel files and related data management; 8, notice, notice of the implementation and management; 9, the fire safety work and oversee the implementation of information management; 10, payroll accounting; 11, other relevant administrative personnel of the day-to-day work and deal with unexpected incidents.
2023-07-30 06:53:271


求把下列会计工作内容翻译成英文 1 management fund ine and expenditure 2. Responsible for expense reimbursement signature, amount, invoice and attachment audit. 3. Prepare aounting vouchers aording to the unerring original vouchers. 4. Manage contract ledger, contract payment aount 5. Prepare monthly, annual financial statements, bank balance reconciliation table 6. Monthly online tax returns, annual corporate ine tax returns and settlement 7. Annual cost and profit budget aording to the targets issued by the higher authorities 求把下列内容翻译成英文 China"s state-owned enterprise"s assets have been rising from 8.7% in 1980, rose to 1993, 1994 and the 65.6 in 1998 asset-liability ratio for 79%, 65.8 percent up by 65.5%over 61.5%, 54,. Aording to the state bureau of large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises for 493 home by the end of 1997, the survey, the average asset-liability ratio 65%; Even countries 1994 certain 100 pilot enterprise ratio of modern enterprise system for 65%. Asset-liability ratio is increasing year by year, the reason is various, including system factors when row first. Since the middle of 1980s China began to implement a "after the reform BoGaiDai", national finance almost no state-owned enterprises, some new increasing capital injection principal pletely dependent on bank loan state-owned enterprises built, be without capital enterprise, cause liabilities excessively high proportion. Aording to the China statistical yearbook data shows, from 1999 to 2003 state-owned and state holding industrial enterprises 17948.9 industrial loans 17019.3, respectively, 18636.7, 20190.5, 22756.0 billion yuan in 1999, 2003 up 26.8% than. Enterprise on bank lending has the irrational demand, causing excessive excessively high debt ratio. National reform purpose is to pass argues for strengthening the enterprise debt relations, but somewhere along the line, the constraints of main creditor is due to the state-owned Banks, and the state-owned enterprises and state-owned Banks altogether is state of all, special relationship and make the Banks as the fact that the creditor of enterprise constraint partial soft, the enterprise cannot repay captital with interest, the bank also can"t auction enterprise forced back, plus some claims for the consideration of local government performance, state-owned enterprises insolvency and bankruptcy actually difficult to implement. So, in the theory of modern capital structure by creditors to implement the constraints of the maximization of enterprise value method can not in our existing conditions play a role. 请把下列内容翻译成英文,急! Prove I have my students apply for countries xxx students xxx million student loans to pay first-year undergraduate tuition fees and acmodation xxx million yuan xx. Hereby proved. 希望楼主满意! 帮忙把工作内容翻译成英文 1. To participate in the development and improvement of pany management system and regulations, implementation and monitoring at the same time; 2. Recruitment and training of staff; 3. Notice, circular implementation and management; 4. To establish the relationship beeen the staff, coordinating the relationship beeen employees and management, anizational activities of employees; 5. The purchase of social security, contract management and for other related documents; 6. Responsible for injury pensation managers and labor disputes; 7. To assist the managers on behalf of the implementation of ISO system; 8. Day-to-day affairs and to deal with unexpected incidents; 帮忙把工作内容翻译成英文2 1, staff recruitment / training; 2, the social security process, to update the management of labor contracts; 3, temporary residence permits, health certificates and other documents processing; 4, human resources daily, weekly, monthly and annual reporting; 5, dormitory management (allocation, monitoring of fire safety, etc.); 6, new staff, separation, transferred to the processing and logistical arrangements; 7, the establishment of a sound personnel files and related data management; 8, notice, notice of the implementation and management; 9, the fire safety work and oversee the implementation of information management; 10, payroll aounting; 11, other relevant administrative personnel of the day-to-day work and deal with unexpected incidents. 请帮忙把下面的工作内容翻译成英文 1. HOPP and antistatic agent, resisting adhesive, etc. Various kinds of auxiliary agent inspection. 2. BOPP film production process quality control and various pounding agent for BOPP film to carry on the effect tracking. 3. New product formulations development and testing and the subsequent effect of tracking. 4. Product performance test of packaging material. 5. For various testing data processing and prepare a report. 希望对你有帮助! 求把下列翻译成英文 Second, the state-owned capital structure optimization strategy (a) to vigorously develop the capital bond market, expand debt financing, implement debt-to-equity ratio. (2) solve problems of large state-owned proportion, implement of state-owned shares. (3) to preferred stock into state-owned shares. In short, the state-owned enterprise"s optimal capital structure, only in the development of the reform continuously optimize implemented, macro to changes in countries as owners, the state-owned Banks as a creditor of state-owned enterprises, the present situation of partial soft constraint that make all the creditors and enterprises to form of marketization, implement hard constraint relationship; The microscopic state-owned enterprises should take prehensive measures to establish a reasonable bond, equity structure. Only in this way can we make capital structure of the state-owned enterprise to optimization. This paper *** yzes the existence of state-owned enterprise capital structure and the reasons of these problems, and puts forward the state-owned enterprise capital structure optimization countermeasures. Keywords: state-owned capital structure optimization Capital structure is to show enterprise various capital formation and its proportional relations. It includes not only liabilities and rights form with proportional relations in debt, and includes all current liabilities and long-term liabilities position proportion, and the position of equity capital internal ratio. Capital involving enterprise financing, management, distribution of interests each aspect, is a reflection of the important index of financial strength, it is to measure enterprise solvency important yardstick, also inspection of the financial risks of enterprise important indexes. China"s state-owned enterprise reform has more than 20 years of history, although has made great progress, but state-owned enterprise capital structure optimization problem was still the current reform of the important problem facing. Current situation of nationalized business capital structure has bee a soe reform and the obstacles, obstruct the institution is the establishment of modern enterprise system and the perfection of corporate governance structure. Its basic characteristics of the enterprise is high property debt and equity structure and ownership is not reasonable. The specific performance "three-high" and "three low", namely the exogenous financing a high proportion, endogenous ratio is low; Indirect financing ratio is high, low ratios direct financing; Debt financing a high proportion, capital financing ratio is low. Appear this kind of circumstance of reason is various, this paper carries on the *** ysis, and further elaborates the nationalized business capital structure optimization measures. 把下列内容翻译成英文 带。。。。参观。。。。。______________ 结束_________ 把下列内容翻译成英文 带。。。。参观。。。。。__With.... Visit.....__ 结束_end_ 认为_think_ 把下面内容翻译成英文 Sketch teaching is an important part of art education, but also an important ponent of quality education is one. In basic education and the new curriculum reform today, we teachers are facing new challenges. New ideas, new methods of exploration, the traditional concepts of education innovation, improvement of teaching methods are worth thinking about ... ..., This article is a specialty art classes in high school teaching sketch a "non-model" of teaching, using inspiration, guide and encourage innovation, and a reasonable evaluation principles, pointing out that "no model" method of teaching in the sketch, advantages ... ...
2023-07-30 06:53:361

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2023-07-30 06:53:461


Many kind of
2023-07-30 06:53:552


据海关总署此前发布的数据,2019年,我国货物贸易进出口总值31.54万亿元人民币,比2018年增长3.4%。其中,出口17.23万亿元,增长5%;进口14.31万亿元,增长1.6%;贸易顺差2.92万亿元,扩大25.4%。海关总署副署长邹志武指出,2019年中国外贸、进口、出口规模均刷新了历史新高。全年中国进出口规模逐季攀升:2019年一季度进出口值为7.03万亿元、二季度7.68万亿元、三季度8.26万亿元、四季度则达到8.59万亿元。2019年中国对欧盟、东盟等主要贸易伙伴增长的同时,对“一带一路”沿线国家,以及非洲、拉丁美洲等新兴经济市场进出口分别增长了10.8%、6.8%和8%。 一项项数据,一件件事例充分表明,中国外贸与全球经济已经高度关联,中国好,世界才更好。中国外贸多元发展,不仅为中国经济带来了活力,也为贸易伙伴注入一针“强心剂”,坚定了全球经济发展的信心。贸易全球化的今天,中国已经成为世界经济不可或缺的一部分,在对外贸易中国外机构和个人通常会对中国公司的资质进行认证,营业执照作为国家工商行政管理机关发给工商企业、个体经营者的准许从事某项生产经营活动的凭证是最权威的证明材料之一,通常会要求提供营业执照复印件和英文翻译件。营业执照翻译件用途广泛,不仅可以用于外贸资质查验还是旅游签证、商务签证、投资移民签证申请的重要材料,建议找有经验的正规翻译公司进行翻译。英文营业执照翻译注意事项:1. 营业执照作为国家工商行政管理机关颁发给企业、个人从事某项生产经营活动的凭证,是具有法律效力的文件,且具有统一的格式。营业执照翻译件在翻译过程中应交由相关资质的专业译员进行翻译,以免因错译漏译造成损失。2. 营业执照英文翻译件排版需遵循原件格式,二维码需截图保留、保留印章信息并附英文说明。3. 国外海关、移民管理局、签证中心等政府行政机关会要求提供提供的翻译件加盖正规翻译公司的翻译专用章和涉外专用章,英属联邦制国家要求翻译件文件附译者声明和译员个人信息(译员签名、译员所在单位地址、译员证书编号、译员联系方式、翻译日期)。英文营业执照部分英文对照词汇:企业法人营业执照 (副本):Business license of legal entity( duplicate)注册号:Registration Number/Registered Number名称:Name of Business/Enterprise住所:Address法定代表人姓名:Legal Representative/Person in Charge注册资本:Registered Capital实收资本:Paid-up Capital公司类型:有限责任公司 Character of Economy/Scope of Business: Co., Ltd经营范围:Business Scope成立日期:Founded Date/Date of Set-up营业期限:Business Term中国国际贸易促进委员会证书中国国际贸易促进委员会China Council for the Promotion of International Trade,简称:CCPIT认证,是一种证明货物原产地或制造地的证件,主要用途是提供给进口国海关凭此确定货物的生产国别,从而核定进口货物应征收的税率,有的国家限制从某些国家或地区进口货物,也要求以产地证明书来证明货物的来源。即拿中方公司的“营业执照”去中国国际贸易促进委员会认证,一式三份(贸易证书+营业执照+营业执照“英文翻译件”)都要盖公章。
2023-07-30 06:54:062


内容提要 [词典] indicative abstract; informative abstract;
2023-07-30 06:54:241