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有 be willing doing吗?

2023-07-30 09:37:45


1、愿意去做某事(willing 作形容词):be willing to do sth.

They are very willing to give her the chance she needs.

2、乐意于做某事(willingly 作副词):be willingly doing sth.

They are willingly giving her the chance she needs.

3、两个皆为 will 动词的变形:前者是现在分词作形容词,后者是其副词变形。





没有 be willing doing,只有be willing to do 愿意做某事,乐意做某事。


He cherishes friendship and is willing to do anything for his friends.




乐意做某事:be willing to do sth.





be doing 进行时 (构成)

be willing to do sth 愿意做某事。

will do sth 将来时 (构成)



“愿意做某事”的英文单词为willing,常用的短语为Willing to do something 。willing英 ["wu026alu026au014b]     美 ["wu026alu026au014b]    adj. 愿意的;心甘情愿的willing aid 志愿的援助willing faculty 决断能力willing gift 自愿赠送的礼物willing helper 热心的帮助者Are you willing to help?你愿意帮忙吗?I don"t know whether he is willing to come.我不知道他是否愿意来。扩展资料词汇用法——willing的意思是“愿意的,心甘情愿的”“乐意的,自愿的”“主动的”。willing作“愿意的,心甘情愿的”解时在句中只用作表语; 作“主动的,乐意的”解时在句中只用作定语; 作“乐意的,自愿的”解时在句中用作定语,也可用作表语。willing作表语时后常接动词不定式或that从句,表示“愿意〔乐意〕干某事”, that从句的谓语动词须用虚拟语气。
2023-07-30 06:54:541


一句Bite me !完美解决
2023-07-30 06:55:497

willing 什么意思

a. 愿意的
2023-07-30 06:56:525


ready 愿意的,乐意的[[(+with)][+to-v] I am always ready to work for you. 我愿意随时为你效劳. willing They are willing to come. 他们愿意来. 所以,willing是从心里的意愿,而ready更强调于实际行动.
2023-07-30 06:57:281


2023-07-30 06:57:461


是主系表结构,根据be确定时态,是am is are就是一般现在时,是was were就是一般过去时,因为willing此处是形容词,意思是乐意的。
2023-07-30 06:57:561


willing 是愿意干某事的意思,want 是想做某事的意思,愿意做和想做还是有点区别的。
2023-07-30 06:58:031

will 和willingness区别

will 助词 将要,表示将来式willingness是willing的名词形式,表示意愿
2023-07-30 06:58:303

Will 这个英文名的含义,要全面。

Will[wIl; wil]名词威尔(男子名; William 的匿称)Will(wIl)源自法国威尔 (男子名)涵意 : "a powerful warrior or protector" 一位强而有力的战士或保护者
2023-07-30 06:58:463

你愿意吗 用英语怎么说

do you?
2023-07-30 06:59:016


区别就是前面是正确的句型结构,后面是错误的句型结构。willing adj. be willing to do sth.willingness n. show a willingness to do sth.
2023-07-30 06:59:241

voluntary 和willing的区别

2023-07-30 06:59:321


will 英[wu026al] 美[wu026al]n. 愿意; (力) 意志; [法] 遗嘱;vt. 决心要; 将(财产等)遗赠某人; (某事发生) 用意志力驱使;vi. 愿意, 希望, 想要;例句:I will kill you!我会杀了你!will 与be going to的区别be going to与will两者都可表示将要发生的事、将要去做某事,但它们有如下几点差别:1. be going to 表示近期、眼下就要发生的事情,will 表示的将来时间则较远一些,如:He is going to write a letter tonight.He will write a book one day.2. be going to表示根据主观判断将来绝对发生的事情,will表示客观上将来势必发生的事情。 如:He is seriously ill.He is going to die.He will be twenty years old.3. be going to含有“打算,准备”的意思,而will则没有这个意思,如:She is going to lend us her book.He will be here in half an hour.4.在有条件从句的主句中,一般不用 be going to,而多用will。如:If any beast comes at you, I"ll stay with you and help you.5. will可以表示主动为他人做某事或是给出一个承诺,可以翻译为u201e为u201f和u201e会u201f。It is very cold. I will make you some hot coffee.If you take part in the election, I will support you.
2023-07-30 06:59:545


willing 愿意的祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)
2023-07-30 07:00:242

willing to do 的用法

willing to do是指乐意、愿意去做某事,willing是形容词,用法是作表语to do sth是动词不定式,是非谓语动词,后面长跟动词原形,willing to do sth是willing做形容词的固定用法。 扩展资料 例句:Your confidence will show that you are able and willing to do any job. 你的.自信表明你能做而且愿意做任何工作。We always believe that we should contribute to our society, if we are willing to do so. 我们一向来都认为如果我们愿意的话,我们应该为社会作出贡献。Morizo love me, if allowed to escape the death of Grandpa, let me willing to do anything! 爷爷最爱我了,如果能让爷爷逃脱死亡,让我做什么都愿意!
2023-07-30 07:00:311


2023-07-30 07:00:407

be willing to do 和 be willingness to有什么区别

willingness是名词,不会出现be willingness to的用法,会是have the willingness to或with the willingness to
2023-07-30 07:01:113


2023-07-30 07:01:191


he是主语 tries是谓语 try to do sth.是固定词组搭配 不定式是to work
2023-07-30 07:01:311

有 be willing doing吗?

没有,但有以下两种正确形式:1、愿意去做某事(willing 作形容词):be willing to do sth.They are very willing to give her the chance she needs.2、乐意于做某事(willingly 作副词):be willingly doing sth.They are willingly giving her the chance she needs.3、两个皆为 will 动词的变形:前者是现在分词作形容词,后者是其副词变形。
2023-07-30 07:01:412

be willing to do还是be willing to doing

2023-07-30 07:02:043

are willing

be willing to do sth是固定词组,意思是乐意做某事,这里willing是形容词哦 所以这里是他们乐意给予.
2023-07-30 07:02:211


  愿意,指情愿;同意、应允。下面就由我为大家带来关于愿意的英语短语集锦,希望大家能有所收获。   关于愿意的相关短语   愿意 be willing to   我愿意 I Do ; I am willing to   表示愿意 Expressing Willingness ;   非常愿意 be willing/ready to do   愿意要 care for   十分愿意 with pleasure   一向愿意 Always ready to   愿意放弃 willing to give up   关于愿意的相关单词   Willingness   Willing   Yes   关于愿意的相关短句或解释   be willing to make any sacrifice;   愿意作出任何牺牲   express one"s willingness;   表示愿意   He"s quite willing to pay the price I ask.   他很愿意照我的要价付钱。   关于愿意的相关例句   1. He is always eager for new experiences and ever-willing to experiment.   他总是渴望拥有新的经历,而且永远愿意尝试。   2. Who wants to buy a computer from a failing company?   谁愿意从一家要倒闭的公司买计算机呢?   3. They could interpret it that way if they"d a mind to.   如果他们愿意的话,可以那样理解。   4. She also stimulated his curiosity and opened his mind to other cultures.   她还激发了他的好奇心,使他愿意了解其他文化。   5. They are not prepared to gamble their careers on this matter.   他们不愿意把自己的事业押在这件事上。   6. Social scientists have grown extremely unwilling to make value judgments about cultures.   社会科学家们已经变得十分不愿意对文化作出价值判断。   7. Initially the government was unwilling to accept the defeat.   最初政府不愿意承认失败。   8. None of these people will admit responsibility for their actions.   这些人都不会愿意为自己的行为负责。   9. They prefer to bargain with individual clients, for cash.   在现款方面,他们更愿意同散户打交道。   10. They are open to suggestions on how working conditions might be improved.   他们愿意就如何改善工作条件听取各种意见。   11. The Government cannot expect graduates to twiddle their thumbs on the dole.   政府不愿意看到毕业生领着救济金却什么也不干。   12. Both mother and daughter, who have requested anonymity, are doing fine.   这对不愿意透露姓名的母女俩目前情况良好。   13. He was willing to make any sacrifice for peace.   他愿意为和平作出任何牺牲。   14. Nobody was prepared to risk prosecution by actually naming names.   没有人愿意冒着被起诉的风险去真正指认别人。   15. Britain was signalling its readiness to have the embargo lifted.   英国表示愿意取消贸易禁令。   关于愿意的双语例句   游完泳后你愿意放松一下吗?   Would you like to have some relaxation after swimming?   要是不给你添太多麻烦的话,我倒是愿意留下来。   I"d like to stay if it"s not too much of an imposition on you.   他向每一个愿意听的人抱怨他的不幸。   He moaned about his misfortunes to anyone who would listen.   你愿意在这场比赛上下个小赌注吗?   Would you care to have a small wager on the game?   你愿意住在城里还是乡下?   Would you rather live in a town, or in the country?   我宁愿考不及格,也不愿意考试作弊。   I would rather fail than cheat in the examination.   你愿意推车还是愿意拉车?   Would you rather push the cart or pull it?   你愿意跟我一起走,还是愿意呆在这里?   Would you like to come with me or would you prefer to stay here?   愿意的人,命运领着走;不愿意的人,命运拖着走......   Fate leads the willing and drags along the unwilling.   以上是我整理所得,欢迎大家阅读和收藏。
2023-07-30 07:02:301

你舍得吗 英文怎么说

楼上的不准确,舍得和愿意不是一个概念。你舍得么,潜在含义是你忍心吗?可以换做bear这个单词护着直白点Do you have the heart to {hurt me}?括号里面的词是你潜意思
2023-07-30 07:02:413


2023-07-30 07:02:511

【英语】【翻译】这个be willing to是表现在还是将来?

2023-07-30 07:03:263


可以通过构词法理解这个词汇。  willingness是动词will(愿意)的派生词,先在词根will后加形容词后缀-ing变成willing(乐意的),然后再加名词后缀-ness变成willingness,意思就成了是“自觉自愿或积极肯干的态度”
2023-07-30 07:03:351


willing作为名词意愿不是可数的。willing[英] [u02c8wu026alu026au014b][美] [u02c8wu026alu026au014b]adj.乐意的,愿意的; 自愿的,心甘情愿的;v.will的现在分词; 决心; 用意志力驱使;[例句]The military now say they"re willing to hold talks with the political parties军方现在说,他们愿意与政党进行谈判。[原型]will
2023-07-30 07:03:551


willing的名词和形容词都是:willing。短语搭配willing horse 自愿工作的人 ; 驯服的马 ; 孺子牛be willing 甘愿 ; 乐意 ; 愿意 ; 因符合心愿而同意willing investor 有意向投资者willing divorce 自愿离婚willing subject 有意的主体willing obedience 心甘情愿的服从artistic willing 艺术意志willing crystal 名称相关例句:1、I"m willing to give it a shot.我愿意试试。2、Are you willing to vouch for him?你愿意为他担保吗?3、I"m willing to help, within limits.我愿意帮忙,可有一定的限度。4、I am willing to make a trade with you.我愿意和你做个交易。5、We are willing to advance the money to you.我们愿意预付款给你。
2023-07-30 07:05:001


就是词性的不同willing (形容词)adj. 乐意的, 心甘情愿的, 自愿的willingness (名词)n. 自愿; 乐意willingly (副词)adv. 愿意地; 乐意地
2023-07-30 07:05:531

willing to do sth愿意做某事吗?

“愿意做某事”的英文单词为willing,常用的短语为Willing to do something 。willing英 ["wu026alu026au014b]     美 ["wu026alu026au014b]    adj. 愿意的;心甘情愿的willing aid 志愿的援助willing faculty 决断能力willing gift 自愿赠送的礼物willing helper 热心的帮助者Are you willing to help?你愿意帮忙吗?I don"t know whether he is willing to come.我不知道他是否愿意来。扩展资料词汇用法——willing的意思是“愿意的,心甘情愿的”“乐意的,自愿的”“主动的”。willing作“愿意的,心甘情愿的”解时在句中只用作表语; 作“主动的,乐意的”解时在句中只用作定语; 作“乐意的,自愿的”解时在句中用作定语,也可用作表语。willing作表语时后常接动词不定式或that从句,表示“愿意〔乐意〕干某事”, that从句的谓语动词须用虚拟语气。
2023-07-30 07:06:111

Ours的《Willing》 歌词

歌曲名:Willing歌手:Ours专辑:Mercy... Dancing For The Death Of An Imaginary Enemy朝日を切りきざんで物语のベル鸣りひびくはじめる瞬间(とき)が来たよ自由という时刻に合わせていた胸がふるえて今度こそ风のようにはばたけ もっと伤つく予感も越えて手放せば消えてゆく未来なら抱きしめてこの梦の最後まで駆け抜けてゆくよ明日を学びすぎてひらめきが逃げ出す前に踏み出せば见えてくる素直になれた时の気持だけ覚えておこういつだってこの胸に爱せる きっと见知らぬ世界で会える自由への近道は谁だって探せないはみ出した勇気だけ信じればいいよ悲しい想いはこのままであきらめてしまうことさ手放せば消えてゆく未来なら抱きしめてこの梦の最後まで駆け抜けてゆくよ自由への近道は谁だって探せないはみ出した勇気だけ信じればいいよ
2023-07-30 07:06:231

managers have been more than willing to do .... 这里 willing是动名,还是adj,

在此句中为形容词willingadj. 乐意的;自愿的;心甘情愿的
2023-07-30 07:06:343


Would you like…会更礼貌些
2023-07-30 07:06:435


2023-07-30 07:07:061


2023-07-30 07:07:161

有 be willing doing吗?

2023-07-30 07:07:321

be willing to do 和 be willingness to有什么区别

前者是形容词作表语,后者是名词作表语。如 i am willing to do it =it is my willingness to do it。
2023-07-30 07:07:404

be willing to do还是doing?

be willing to do愿意做某事,乐意做某事。比如:He cherishes friendship and is willing to do anything for his friends。他珍视友谊,为朋友他什么事情都肯做。willing[英] [u02c8wu026alu026au014b][美] [u02c8wu026alu026au014b]adj.乐意的,愿意的; 自愿的,心甘情愿的;v.will的现在分词; 决心; 用意志力驱使;[例句]The military now say they"re willing to hold talks with the political parties军方现在说,他们愿意与政党进行谈判。
2023-07-30 07:08:121

be willing to do 和 be willingness to有什么区别

2023-07-30 07:08:382

be willing翻译成中文是什么意思

2023-07-30 07:08:471


willingnessn. 自愿,乐意例句:1、Given their willingness, it is our duty sincerely to help them study; we must help them in an appropriate way and must not resort to compulsion and force them to study.我们的任务是,在他们自愿学习的基础上,好心地帮助他们学习,通过适当的方式来帮助他们学习,而不要用强制的方法勉强他们学习。2、I love her sense of joy and optimism. And her ever-ready willingness to share it.Throughout my childhood and over the course of my adult year when I met with succes my mother presented me with a bouquet of lilacs.我爱她那积极乐观的心态,爱她总是乐意与他人分享这种乐观心态的品质。在我的童年时期以及我长大以后的日子里,每当我取得成功时,母亲都会给我送上一束紫丁香。
2023-07-30 07:09:074

willing to do是什么短语?它是正确的吗 ?

be willing to do乐意做某事,当成固定搭配记就行。
2023-07-30 07:09:373


意愿,will 的名词
2023-07-30 07:09:553

she is always willing to help others 句子成分?

主语:shebe willing to do 频度副词:always
2023-07-30 07:10:036

willing heart是什么意思

Willing heart愿的一人心
2023-07-30 07:10:463

be willing to do 和 be willingness to有什么区别

没有 be willingness to 这种表达方式。
2023-07-30 07:10:533

1. she is willing to share things with her friends. 请问willing能换成happy ?

2023-07-30 07:11:001

英语问题 in terms of being willing

一般来说in terms of 后面都是跟名词、动名词或是名词性结构的,如:eg1:There is a substantial payback in terms of employee and union relations 雇员和工会关系大有改观。eg2:United should be thinking in terms of winning the European Cup 联队应该在考虑要赢得欧洲杯。eg3:A grammar school"s success was measured in terms of the number of pupils who got into university 一所文法学校成功与否是以考上大学的学生人数为衡量依据的。要是跟句子,也大多是eg3这种
2023-07-30 07:11:082

I am willing to do sth 中不定式做什么成分?(关于一些句法)

be willing to 是助动词短语,可以理解为程度状语,不能分开说 ,表“愿意做某事”,后面句子可以理解为“to read the book is easy.”,“to read the book”做主语,is作系动词,easy形容词作表语,主系表结构,你给的句子与此同意,是为了句式好看句子成分不要弄得那么死,考试并不会单独考句子成分,只是为了更好理解句子,自己能理解就行了、望采纳,谢谢
2023-07-30 07:11:183