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2023-07-30 09:02:23
TAG: ate fa te fat fate
* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!
百度下就有的东西= =
I am the bone of my sword.(吾为所持剑之骨)
Steel is my body, and fire is my blood.(钢铁为身 而火焰为血)
血潮は鉄で 心は硝子.(血潮如铁 心如琉璃)
I have created over a thousand blades.(手制之剑已达千余)
Unknown to Death.(不为死所知。【即未曾败退之意】)
Nor known to Life.(亦不为生所知。【即未被人理解之意】)
Have withstood pain to create many weapons.(曾承受痛苦创造诸多武器)
彼の者は常に独り 剣の丘で胜利に酔う.(其常立于剑丘之巅,独醉于胜利之中)
Yet, those hands will never hold anything.(然而,留下的只有虚无。)
So as I pray, Unlimited Blade Works.(故如我祈求,无限之剑制)

"I am the bone of my sword.Steel is my body, and fire is my blood.I have created over a thousand blades.Unknown to death.Nor known to life.Have withstood pain to create many weapons.Yet, those hands will never hold anything.So as I pray, "Unlimited Blade Works"."



血潮如铁, 心如琉璃。








weapon[英]["wepu0259n] [美][u02c8wu025bpu0259n] 生词本简明释义n.武器,兵器vi.武装,提供武器复数:weapons第三人称单数:weapons过去式:weaponed过去分词:weaponed现在分词:weaponing以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 百科释义 同反义词1.N-COUNT武器;兵器A weapon is an object such as a gun, a knife, or a missile, which is used to kill or hurt people in a fight or a war....nuclear weapons.核武器2.N-COUNT(用于应付困境的)工具,手段A weapon is something such as knowledge about a particular subject, which you can use to protect yourself or to get what you want in a difficult situation.I attack politicians with the one weapon they don"t have, a sense of humor.我运用一种政客不具备的武器攻击他们,那就是幽默感。
2023-07-30 05:01:092


2023-07-30 05:02:1514


I walked along the road todayand saw myself in the tired faceand a thousand more look back at meI could almost feel the unityAnd the sun rose high above the treesand the birds were singing over mebut beneath my feet I felt the stingthat was the earth rememberingLay down, lay down your weapons boyRight now, right now you should"ve changed the worldUnder it all, you"re not so toughEveryone, everyone just wants to fall in loveAnd I used to think we"re just the samefrom a different town and with different namesDo you remember what we said?“We"ll never change,” oh did we forget?Lay down, lay down your weapons boyRight now, right now you should"ve changed the worldUnder it all, you"re not so toughEveryone, everyone just wants to fall in loveAnd I walked along to the edge of townand there I threw my burdens downLooking up, at last I foundYou"re never loved if you protect yourselfLay down, lay down your weapons boyRight now, right nowUnder it all, you"re not so toughEveryone, everyone just wants to fall, to fall in loveLay down, lay down your weapons boyRight now, right now you should"ve changed the worldUnder it all, you"re not so toughEveryone, every one of us, just wants to fallLay down, lay down your weapons boyLay down, lay down your weapons boy
2023-07-30 05:02:371


Soldier例句] 士兵列队站好。 The soldiers were lined up.
2023-07-30 05:02:472


The enemy were pelled to lay down their arms .. 敌人被迫 放下武器 。 If i were an american, as i am an engpshman, while a foreign troop was landed in my country, i never would lay down my arms ! 倘如我是北美人,正如我现在为英国人一样,当外国军队侵入我国国境,我绝对不会 放下武器 。 Put down your arms . repeat , put down your arms 立刻 放下武器 重复,立刻放下武器 [ man ] holdit right there ! dropyour *** in " weapons right now 都别动, 放下武器 ! They declared they would never lay down their arms 他们宣布他们绝不 放下武器 。 Man holdit right there ! dropyour *** in " weapons right now 都别动, 放下武器 ! Gundars ! tell your men to put down their weapons Gundars !让你的人 放下武器 Lennox : take him to his car ! drop you weapon 告诉他,他的车在哪? 放下武器 ! Drop the weapon ! - i " ll kill that son of a bitch - 放下武器 ! -我要杀了那个 *** 养的 - drop the weapon ! - i " ll kill that son of a bitch - 放下武器 ! -我要杀了那个 *** 养的 Drop your weapon and put your hands in the air . - ooh 放下武器 ,手都举起来 - drop your weapon and put your hands in the air . - ooh 放下武器 ,手都举起来 The general told the troops to lay down their arms 将军命令部队 放下武器 。 The soldiers forced their prisoners to give up their arms 士兵们强迫俘虏们 放下武器 。 Only one alternative - - you put that gun down , 你只有一个选择: 放下武器 。 It is difficult to persuade them to disarm 要说服他们 放下武器 是很难的。 The general told the troops to lay down their arms 将军命令部队 放下武器 Only one alternative - you put that gun down , 你只有一个选择: 放下武器 。 Snake : drop your weapon . ( no response ) drop your weapon 放下武器 。 (没有反应)放下武器! Drop your weapons ! now move away from the door 放下武器 ,离开门那边 The surrounded enemy troops were forced to lay down their arms 被包围的敌军被迫 放下武器 。 - hey , grab somebody . - drop yourweapons and step out ofthe car -嘿,抓个人来- 放下武器 ,下车 Put your weapon down . hands behind your head 放下武器 .手放在脑后 Hey , grab somebody . - drop yourweapons and step out ofthe car 嘿,抓个人来- 放下武器 ,下车 Tell them to drop their *** ing weapons now 告诉他们立刻 放下武器 Put down your weapons and put your hands up 放下武器 ,举起手来 Drop your weapons . i said drop " em 放下武器 !我叫你们放下武器 To accept truce and lay down his arms . 接受休战并且 放下武器 ” Stand down , men . *** oke " em if you got " em 放下武器 ,立刻消失 Hey , *** ing gringo . drop the gun 嘿,他妈的外国佬. 放下武器 - legal immunity . mutual disarmament . - i must disarm ? i -法律豁免权,共同裁军-我必须 放下武器 ?我? Legal immunity . mutual disarmament . - i must disarm ? i 法律豁免权,共同裁军-我必须 放下武器 ?我? I said drop your weapon , sloane 我说了 放下武器 , sloane ! Lay down your arms , or we " ll fire 放下武器 ,交枪不杀! At ease , son . put away the taser 稍息,年轻人, 放下武器 Weapons down . let it down , now 放下武器 !马上放下武器! Drop the gun . you are under arrest 放下武器 ,你被捕了。 Drop your weapons ! i said drop " em 放下武器 !快放下! Everybody ! put your weapons down 所有人! 放下武器 ! Federal agent . drop the weapon 联邦特工, 放下武器 ! If he " ll tell his men to lay their weapons down and assemble peacefully , 要是他让他的人 放下武器 和平地集中 If he " ll tell his men to lay their weapons down and assemble peacefully , 要是他让他的人 放下武器 和平地集中 You have lost the battle , throw down your arms , and we will show mercy 你们打败了, 放下武器 ,我们就饶了你们! Tell them to drop their guns 告诉他们 放下武器 You loweryourweapons , gentlemen , we can end this on a happy note 放下武器 ,先生们我们可以找到一个圆满的解决方法 You loweryourweapons , gentlemen , we can end this on a happy note 放下武器 ,先生们我们可以找到一个圆满的解决方法
2023-07-30 05:03:061

arm和weapon 在“武器”这层涵义上有什么区别?

arm指“武器”时,往往要用复数。它特指为战争而制造的枪炮之类的武器,也可指一个国家的整修军事能力和兵种。例如: Lay down arms!放下武器! Take up arms=rise in arms!拿起武器准备应战。 另外,还可作动词,表示“使武装”,“给予武器”。例如: He is armed with a pistol.他佩带一把手枪。 weapon指“武器”时,也需用复数,它和arm经常可以互换。但weapon含义较广,它可指作战中来打击敌人的任何东西。拳头、石头、直至核武器等都用weapon.例如: convertioneal weapons常规武器 a chemical weapon化学武器 a nuclear weapon核武器 The laser can be very use ful ,but it could also be a killing weapon. 激光可以有很多用处,但也可能成为一种杀人的武器。
2023-07-30 05:03:142


2023-07-30 05:03:211

我的世界Weapons+Mod里怎么造核弹头 还有提炼的铀杆怎么制造

  我的世界Weapons+Mod制作弹头步骤如下:  1.进入弹头制作页面;  2.在周围8个格子中,各放入1-64个工业TNT;  3.在中心格子中放入1-64金属块(铀矿威力最大),即可制作弹头。  我的世界游戏中,弹头的威力根据制作材料的多少决定,周围8个格子放置64个工业TNT,中间格子放入64块铀矿,即可到达最大威力。
2023-07-30 05:03:471


mass destructive weapons 我猜的 就是那位说的那样
2023-07-30 05:04:109


2023-07-30 05:04:255


快捷方式属性-目标后面加上+set ui_console 1 +set cheats 1 +set thereisnomonkey 1注意后来输得命令要和原先的目标用空格隔开进入游戏中按lt:wuss 加满弹药和武器dog 上帝模式(死不了)不过游戏最好还是自己拼搏才有意思;键输入kill先自杀一次才可以用秘籍常用秘籍;~
2023-07-30 05:04:402

辐射新维加斯 技能代码,不要武器零件的,只要 幸运 力量 修理 医疗这样的代码。武器的别发给我。我有。

player.setAV Science 100player.setAV Sneak 100player.setAV Medicine 100player.setAV Repair 100player.setAV Explosives 100player.setAV Melee Weapons 100player.setAV Guns 100player.setAV Speech 100player.setAV Energy Weapons 100player.setAV Unarmed 100player.setAV Barter 100player.setAV Survival 100player.setAV Lockpick 100player.setAV meleeweapons 100player.setAV Strength 10player.setAV Perception 10player.setAV Endurance 10player.setAV Charisma 10player.setAV Intelligence 10player.setAV Agility 10player.setAV Luck 10
2023-07-30 05:04:484


防御型的兵器英语为Defensive weapons防御型的兵器简介:信德盔甲:信德是古代一个地名,也就是现在的巴基斯坦,因该冷兵器诞生于信德这个地方,而得名于此。该盔甲的制作材料是当时随处可见的钢和铜紧密的结合制造,该冷兵器最早时候是诞生于十八世纪后期的印度,后来传到信德,根据士兵作战需求进行优化升级,该盔甲防御力极强,比锁子甲还要牢固,一般的制止兵器刀剑都砍不断它,不过就是造型有点怪异,颠覆了我们对于常规铠甲的认知度。波西米亚步兵盾:如图所示,该防御武器历史悠久,最早可追溯到1451的中欧时期,该冷兵器的制造的材料也是很普通,仅仅靠着木头、皮革、银箔、石膏等材料制成。可能很多人觉得这些材料铸造的东西不牢固。但实则不是这样的,当年波西米兰步兵在战场上使用的时候,这类高110厘米的盾能够抵御敌军的凶猛的箭矢,持续推进的时候有着极强的防御能力,备受士兵喜爱。虎头木牌:该盾牌产自于中国明朝,是明朝时期最强大的士兵防御武器,并且功能非常的全面,首先士兵会在盾牌内藏有箭矢,在进攻的时候射向迎面而来的敌人,其次在虎头木牌的眼睛部位藏有燃油火药,在推进的时候,可发挥出极高的威力。如果用现代一种武器来比喻的话,那无疑就是坦克才最接近了。而且就防守方面而言也是极强的,俗话说进攻就是最好的防守,敌人都打败了,害怕防不住吗?盾牌:古代作战时一种手持格挡,用以掩蔽身体,抵御敌方兵刃、矢石等兵器进攻的防御性兵械,呈长方形或圆形,其尺寸不等。盾的中央向外凸出,形似龟背,内面有数根系带,称为"挽手",以便使用时抓握。
2023-07-30 05:05:091


2023-07-30 05:05:433

alllight weapons这是什么意思

all light weapons所有轻武器
2023-07-30 05:05:512


2023-07-30 05:05:593

Drop Your weapons!翻译成中文是什么意思?

2023-07-30 05:06:075


这个... ...我怎么记得是一个武器修改的MOD,游戏文件本身没有的。
2023-07-30 05:06:213


I am the bone of my sword.Steel is my body, and fire is my blood.I have created over a thousand blades.Unknown to Death.Nor known to Life.Have withstood pain to create many weaponsYet, those hands will never hold anything.So as I pray, Unlimited Blade Works士郎I am the bone of my sword.Steel is my body, and fire is my blood.I have created over a thousand bladesUnaware of lossNor aware of gain.ithstood pain to create many weapons, waiting for one"s arrival.I have no regrets.This is the only pathMy whole life was "unlimited blade works"
2023-07-30 05:06:295


侠盗猎车手秘籍翻译成中文是什么:all right weapons轻武器。all medium weapons中型武器。all heavy weapons重型机械。full health 满血。full armor 护甲。commit suicide 自杀。raise wanted level增加星星。。decrease wanted level减少星星。fast boats can fly船会飞。ladies man,womem少妇杀手。foll low you追随者make you smoke a cigarette抽烟。。makes Tommy fatter变胖。give Tommy girly arms/legs变成少女。change skin /clothes改变衣服皮肤。play as… 此为角色。spawn a ……获得某车辆。blow up near by cars汽车爆炸。aggressive drivers所有驱动。all car are pink 车粉红色。car can fly飞车。perfect handling 完善处理。ll traffic lights are green绿灯。cars can drive/hover over watet水上开。only the wheels of a car are visible车只有轮子。sports cars have big wheel大轮胎。peds get in you car行人到你车。speed up game clock时间飞快。makes everything fatter事物变得飞快。makes everything slower事物变得缓慢。reds riot贫民暴动。reds hats you红色帽子。peds carry guns行人带枪。girls carry guns女孩带。shows media level显示媒体。《侠盗猎车手》是由Rockstar Games开发的以犯罪为主题的世界著名游戏,别名有《侠盗飞车》、《横行霸道》等,于1997年发行第一部作品。《侠盗猎车手》在黑帮的背景下混合了驾驶、枪战、格斗、养成乃至经营的元素。这款游戏自《侠盗猎车手:罪恶都市》发行以后便迅速占领玩家们的视野,大多数中国玩家从这里开始认识《侠盗猎车手》。
2023-07-30 05:06:451


首先下载的武器包里会有模型model文件夹(里面是.wtd和.wdr文件)还会有sound文件夹(里面是.wav文件)修改武器的模型和贴图大家都应该会了吧,我就不多说了。下面讲一下修改武器的声音,修改武器的声音文件需要两个软件,一个是SparkIV;一个是GTAIVAUD(( 。首先打开SparkIV,点击Browse,找到audio/sfx/resident.rpf/ ,然后双击resident.rpf。出现一个窗口,点击窗口左侧的RESIDENT,找到WEAPONS.ivaud ,之后点击上方菜单栏的Export,把这个文件保存到你想保存的地方,随后打开GTAIVAUD,用这个软件打开你刚刚保存好的WEAPONS.ivaud,找到你要替换的声音文件(一般下载的武器包里会有说明需要替换哪一个),替换好以后保存,然后SparkIV从新导入WEAPONS.ivaud ,保存后就可以了。祝大家玩的愉快!
2023-07-30 05:07:053


您好!请仔细看我复制的!:-D首先,一般皮肤下载回来里面有四个文件夹: √【materials】->材质, √【models】->动作, 【sound】->声音, 【scripts】->脚本..... 备注: weapons:武器 v_models:第一人称枪模的材质 w_models:地上枪模的材质 枪支英文;awp:重狙 ak47:ak47 aug:CT的小瞄 deagle:银鹰 elite:双枪 famas:CT的B41 fiveseven:一把手枪。 g3sg1:T的连狙 galil:T的B41,好像是火药枪... glock:T的手枪,(一出生就有的,20发子弹,可以3连发的手枪) knife:刀 m3:单发散弹 m4a1:m4a1 m249:机关枪,B51 p90:50发子弹的那把 p228:一把手枪 scout:轻狙 sg550:CT的连狙 sg552:T的小瞄 usp:CT的手枪,(一出生就有的,可装消烟) xm1014:连发散弹其中:》》》√【materials】(重要的):里面是放枪的材质,就是枪外表的图案,如果里面的东西不对,在起源里,拿着的枪就会是紫黑格子的;materials里面有models,再进去有Weapons(武器),再进去有v_models和w_models,v_models是第一人称,拿在手上的枪模材质;w_models是掉在地上枪模的材质。v_models和w_models,有些枪模没有w_models,只有v_models,因为,你想想,是拿在手上的材质重要还是地上的材质重要?再进去其中一个,里面就有枪模的文件夹,文件夹的名字可能不是那把枪的名,可能会是作者自己写的名。文件夹是什么名,很重要,随便改了,起源就找不到枪模的材质,所以,它枪模的某个文件里,绑定了枪的材质在v_models里的那个枪模文件夹里,因为,你想想,是拿在手上的材质重要还是地上的材质重要?再进去,所以,切勿轻易改动名字,否则,会影响到枪模的。(这个文件夹是重要的)》》》√【models】(重要的):这个里面就是放第一人称的,第一人称知道是什么吧?就是你在起源里面控制人开枪,换子弹的那个视角,换枪的动作啊,切枪的动作啊,换子弹的动作,就是这个文件夹里的东西...人肉一下:cstrike_schinesemodelsweapons源头在里面,里面就是根源,是动作文件了...v_开头的是第一人称的,动作错了,就是这些文件搞的鬼;w_开头的是地上的东西,我就觉得奇怪,地上的东西有动作吗?可能有吧...没研究,呵呵..~(这个文件夹是重要的)》》》【scripts】:这个,翻译:脚本,控制游戏里枪模的声音,开枪声,换子弹,切枪的声音...里面可能有game_sounds_manifest记事本,用来指引所控制枪模声音的文件,scripts里面可能会有weapons文件夹,里面就是控制那个枪模声音的记事本了...(【scripts】这个文件夹可有可无)》》》【sound】:翻译过来,就声音,里面就是枪模的声音了...根源:cstrike_schinesesoundweapons里面,有枪模的文件夹。(【sound】这个文件夹可有可无)然后,其中,materials和models是重要的文件夹,可以没有其他的,就是不能没有这两个。假如只有materials,那就是枪的外表换了,动作还是原版的,原来的动作...如果只有models,那就切枪,换子弹什么的,新动作,原版的,原来的样子(只有models文件夹的枪模,这个我没有遇到过...)有人就会说了,那没有sound和scripts呢?scripts是脚本,看前面的说明嘛...控制声音的,如果枪模用的是原版的声音,那没有这个文件夹和sound没关系的;sound这个前面也说了,声音文件,没有的话就用原版枪模的声音咯... 【安装方法】:把需要的文件夹,下载回来,可能有4个文件夹,也可能只有一两个,不过前面提了,重要的是materials和models,拉进cstrike_schinese文件夹里,试一下效果先。有人会问了,为什么不拉进cstrike里呢?因为cstrike里是原版的,假如覆盖了,有错误,导致游戏进不去,那不是要重下了?cstrike_schinese这个文件夹就是给你装枪模皮肤的。错误了,直接删了cstrike_schinese文件夹就行了。
2023-07-30 05:07:451


防御性的兵器英语:Defensive weapons。在人类历史的长河中,防御性的兵器一直扮演着重要的角色。这些兵器的发展与演变,反映了人类智慧和技术的不断进步。以下是一些常见的防御性兵器,并探讨其在历史和文化中的地位。首先,我们要讲的是盾牌。作为最早的防御性兵器之一,盾牌在古代战争中起到了重要的作用。它通常由木材、金属或皮革制成,可以保护士兵不受敌人的攻击。在古代文明中,如埃及、希腊和罗马等,盾牌被广泛应用于战争和防御。除了盾牌,还有剑、长矛、弓箭等常见的防御性兵器。这些兵器在不同时期和地区都有其发展和演变。例如,剑在古代埃及、希腊和罗马都被视为非常重要的兵器。在中国,剑更是被赋予了特殊的文化意义,被视为武士精神的象征。防御性兵器在历史和文化中占据着重要的地位。它们不仅在战争和防御中起到了重要作用,还反映了人类智慧和技术的发展。通过对这些兵器的研究,我们可以更好地理解历史和文化,并思考人类在未来的发展中如何更好地运用技术和智慧来保护自己。兵器的发展兵器的发展经历了多个阶段,从最早的石兵器到后来的青铜兵器、铁兵器、火器等。石兵器最早出现在旧石器时代,当时的人们用石头制作简单的工具和武器。在新石器时代,人们开始制造更加精良的石兵器,如石刀、石刃、石匕首、石刺刀、石枪、石矛头、石戈、石镞等。青铜兵器出现在距今四千多年的夏朝,并在商周时期达到了使用的鼎盛时期。铁兵器的出现较晚,大约在公元前1000年左右,而火器的出现则是在公元10世纪左右。在兵器的发展过程中,技术的进步和战争的需要是两个重要的推动力。技术的进步使得兵器变得更加精良和高效,如青铜兵器的出现是因为青铜比石头和木头更加坚硬和耐用,而铁兵器的出现则是因为铁比青铜更加坚韧和耐腐蚀。
2023-07-30 05:07:521


weapons的英音【"wepu0259nz】;美音【"wepu0259nz】。weapons的意思是武器;兵器;;凶器;手段,工具(指用作攻击或斗争的知识、言语、行动等)。含有weapons的双语例句1、A ban was imposed on the use of chemical weapons。化学武器已被禁止使用。2、The country has not forsworn the use of chemical weapons。该国并未保证禁用化学武器。3、Guilt is the secret weapon for the control of children。愧疚是控制儿童的秘密武器。4、Education is the only weapon to fight the spread of the disease。教育是战胜这一疾病蔓延的唯一手段。5、The police still haven"t found the murder weapon。警方仍未找到谋杀的凶器。6、Exactly what can be called an offensive weapon is still a grey area。究竟什么可称作进攻性武器仍然难以界定。
2023-07-30 05:08:281


2023-07-30 05:09:102


问题一:设备英语怎么说 名词 2.device 3.facilities 亥.apparatus 5.installation 6.implement 问题二:武器装备的英文怎么说 武器装备 [名] military hardware; [例句]今后核武器在北约武器装备中所起的作用将不那么显著。 Nuclear weapons will play a less prominent part in NATO"s armoury in the future 问题三:武器用英文怎么说 武器 weapon 问题四:设备齐全用英语怎么说 well-appointed well-found well-appointed [welE5pCIntId] adj. 设备完善的, 配备齐全的 well-appointed well-ap.point.ed AHD:[wμl“…-poin“t1d] D.J.[6wel*6p%intid] K.K.[6wWl*6p%!nt!d] adj.(形容词) Having a full array of suitable equipment or furnishings:设备完善的:有一整套合适的装备或设备的: a well-appointed kitchen; a well-appointed suite. 设施齐全的厨房;陈设齐全的套间 well-found [`wel`faJnd] adj. 设备完善的, 装备齐全的 well-found well-found AHD:[wμl“found“] D.J.[6wel6faund] K.K.[6wWl6fa&nd] adj.(形容词) Properly furnished or equipped. 设备或装备齐全的 问题五:装备成套部,用英语怎么说呢。请注意成套的准确翻译。谢谢高手们! 装备成套部 Equipment plete Set Deparment 问题六:武器用英语怎么说 武器 [wu3 qi4] weapon arms 参考例句 战略武器存在的理由就是要制止。 The raison d"etre for a strategic weapon is to deter. 他们在谋取杀武器上发现他的指纹。 They find his fingerprint on the murder weapon. 步兵部队装备了新武器。 The infantry is equipped ith new weapons. 我们必须使武器现代化。 We must keep our weapons up to date. 中国在任何时候决不首先使用核武器。 At no time will China be the first to use nuclear weapons. 逐步改进武器装备 Gradually upgrade weapons and other equipment. 士兵们拿起武器准备战斗。 The soldiers armed for battle. 轿车天线被十几岁的少年们改成了致命的武器。 Teenagers into lethal weapons modify car aerials 问题七:可译为设施设备的英文单词都有哪些 1.facility 英 [f?"s?l?ti] 美 [f?"s?l?ti] n. 设施;设备;容易;灵巧 英 [?"kw?pm(?)nt] 美 [?"kw?pm?nt] n. 设备,装备;器材 3.establishment 英 [?"st?bl??m(?)nt; e-] 美 [?"st?bl??m?nt] n. 确立,制定;公司;设施 4.institution 英 [?nst?"tju??(?)n] 美 [,?nst?"tu??n] n. 制度;建立;(社会或宗教等)公共机构;习俗 5.installation 英 [?nst?"le??(?)n] 美 ["?nst?"le??n] n. 安装,(军用)装置;就职 问题八:武器用英语怎么说?谢了。 weapon
2023-07-30 05:09:171

weapons free什么意思

由形容词 free 构成的合成词指“无人使用…的”或“免除…的”,weapons-free 就是指“无人使用武器的”。另如 a nuclear-weapon-free 无核武器的 duty-free免关税的 interest-free无息的 tax-free免税的
2023-07-30 05:09:271


正手用GMBOW(大院长)做的faith DAM 最高,副手MBBOW(女族长)做的harmony跑路快
2023-07-30 05:09:522


1.All light weapons,开启所有轻武器。2.All medium weapons,开启所有中等武器。3.All heavy weapons,开启所有重武器。THUGSTOOLS得到所有初级武器[球棒火焰放射器等等..]。PROFESSIONALTOOLS得到所有中级武器[武士刀火箭筒M4A1等等..]。NUTTERTOOLSAll得到所有高级武器[电锯MP-5PSG-1等等..]。PRECIOUSPROTECTION护甲全满。ASPIRINE生命全满。
2023-07-30 05:10:022


侠盗猎车手秘籍翻译成中文是什么:all right weapons轻武器。all medium weapons中型武器。all heavy weapons重型机械。full health 满血。full armor 护甲。commit suicide 自杀。raise wanted level增加星星。。decrease wanted level减少星星。fast boats can fly船会飞。ladies man,womem少妇杀手。foll low you追随者make you smoke a cigarette抽烟。。makes Tommy fatter变胖。give Tommy girly arms/legs变成少女。change skin /clothes改变衣服皮肤。play as? 此为角色。spawn a ??获得某车辆。blow up near by cars汽车爆炸。aggressive drivers所有驱动。all car are pink 车粉红色。car can fly飞车。perfect handling 完善处理。ll traffic lights are green绿灯。cars can drive/hover over watet水上开。only the wheels of a car are visible车只有轮子。sports cars have big wheel大轮胎。peds get in you car行人到你车。speed up game clock时间飞快。makes everything fatter事物变得飞快。makes everything slower事物变得缓慢。reds riot贫民暴动。reds hats you红色帽子。peds carry guns行人带枪。girls carry guns女孩带。shows media level显示媒体。《侠盗猎车手》是由Rockstar Games开发的以犯罪为主题的世界著名游戏,别名有《侠盗飞车》、《横行霸道》等,于1997年发行第一部作品。《侠盗猎车手》在黑帮的背景下混合了驾驶、枪战、格斗、养成乃至经营的元素。这款游戏自《侠盗猎车手:罪恶都市》发行以后便迅速占领玩家们的视野,大多数中国玩家从这里开始认识《侠盗猎车手》。
2023-07-30 05:10:101

辐射避难所 scrap 3weapons or outfits,神马意思

2023-07-30 05:10:193


2023-07-30 05:10:294


1.All light weapons,开启所有轻武器。2.All medium weapons,开启所有中等武器。3.All heavy weapons,开启所有重武器。THUGSTOOLS得到所有初级武器[球棒火焰放射器]。PROFESSIONALTOOLS得到所有中级武器[武士刀火箭筒M4A1]。NUTTERTOOLSAll得到所有高级武器[电锯MP-5PSG-1]。PRECIOUSPROTECTION护甲全满。ASPIRINE生命全满。
2023-07-30 05:10:471


2023-07-30 05:11:011

英语高手进 帮修改下~

第一句:didn"t最后一句:Except for hunting,their lives depended wholly upon fishing.中间是现在式,though most of them live. 但结尾又用了“lived”还是用一种时态的好
2023-07-30 05:11:213


一、修改子弹数量(以M95为例)   在WeaponsHandheld底下打开USSNI_M95_Barret这个文件夹,把ussni_m95_barret.tweak随便复制到硬盘的一个地方(因为属性是唯读,没办法直接在winrar里修改),先在内容里取消勾选唯读之后用Notepad打开。   找到以下这段   rem ---BeginComp:DefaultAmmoComp ---   ObjectTemplate.createComponent DefaultAmmoComp   ObjectTemplate.ammo.magSize 5(一个弹匣有多少颗子弹,不想换弹匣就改这个数字)   ObjectTemplate.ammo.nrOfMags 7(这是弹匣数量,怕弹匣用完就改这个数字)   ObjectTemplate.ammo.reloadTime 6   rem ---EndComp ---   改完后,按储存,然后再把属性改回唯读,再用winrar打开,把ussni_m95_barret.tweak拉回WeaponsHandheldUSSNI_M95_Barret底下覆盖原来的档案就行啦!   二、狙击枪连射,不退弹壳(以M95为例)   同样是修改ussni_m95_barret.tweak,开启的方式就不再重覆说了   找到以下这段   rem ---BeginComp:DefaultAnimationComp ---   ObjectTemplate.createComponent DefaultAnimationComp   ObjectTemplate.animation.useShiftAnimation 1   ObjectTemplate.animation.shiftDelay 1.8   rem ---EndComp ---   把ObjectTemplate.animation.useShiftAnimation 1跟ObjectTemplate.animation.shiftDelay 1.8这两行删掉   接下来找到这段   ObjectTemplate.activeSafe Sound S_ussni_m95_barret_Reload1P   ObjectTemplate.modifiedByUser dsu   ObjectTemplate.soundFilename "objects/weapons/handheld/ussni_m95_barret/sounds/barrett_1p_reload.wav,objects/weapons/handheld/ussni_m95_barret/sounds/barrett_shift_1p.wav"   ObjectTemplate.loopCount 1   ObjectTemplate.is3dSound 0   ObjectTemplate.stopType 1   ObjectTemplate.volume 0.75   ObjectTemplate.pitch 1   ObjectTemplate.pan 0.5   ObjectTemplate.reverbLevel 1   把,objects/weapons/handheld/ussni_m95_barret/sounds/barrett_shift_1p.wav删掉,只留下"objects/weapons/handheld/ussni_m95_barret/sounds/barrett_1p_reload.wav"   接下来一样储存,把ussni_m95_barret.tweak拉回WeaponsHandheldUSSNI_M95_Barret底下覆盖原来的档案就行啦!   三.射击之后不会自动关掉狙击镜(还是以M95为例)   同样是修改ussni_m95_barret.tweak,开启的方式就不再重覆   找到以下这段   rem ---BeginComp:DefaultZoomComp ---   ObjectTemplate.createComponent DefaultZoomComp   ObjectTemplate.zoom.zoomDelay 0.09   ObjectTemplate.zoom.zoomLod 1   ObjectTemplate.zoom.addZoomFactor 0   ObjectTemplate.zoom.addZoomFactor 0.2   ObjectTemplate.zoom.changeFovDelay 0.1   ObjectTemplate.zoom.zoomOutAfterFire 0   ObjectTemplate.zoom.disableMuzzleWhenZoomed 1   rem ---EndComp ---   把ObjectTemplate.zoom.zoomOutAfterFire 0改成1就成了,接下来一样储存,把ussni_m95_barret.tweak拉回WeaponsHandheldUSSNI_M95_Barret底下覆盖原来的档案。   四.不开狙击镜,一样有准星(当然还是以M95为例)   其实这个意思就是把原来没准星的狙击枪改成像步枪一样有准星。   先找到这段   ObjectTemplate.weaponHud.guiIndex 0,把0改成4   再找到底下这段   rem ---BeginComp:SoldierDeviationComp ---   ObjectTemplate.createComponent SoldierDeviationComp   ObjectTemplate.deviation.setFireDev 3.5 2 0.5   ObjectTemplate.deviation.minDev 5   ObjectTemplate.deviation.setTurnDev 0 0 0 0   ObjectTemplate.deviation.setSpeedDev 3 1.5 1.5 1   ObjectTemplate.deviation.setMiscDev 2.5 5 0.2   ObjectTemplate.deviation.devModStand 2   ObjectTemplate.deviation.devModCrouch 1.5   ObjectTemplate.deviation.devModLie 0.8   ObjectTemplate.deviation.devModZoom 0.02   rem ---EndComp ---   改成以下这样(这个是参考步枪的准星模式,有兴趣的可以自己研究)   rem ---BeginComp:SoldierDeviationComp ---   ObjectTemplate.createComponent SoldierDeviationComp   ObjectTemplate.deviation.setFireDev 2 0.2 0.05   ObjectTemplate.deviation.minDev 0.3   ObjectTemplate.deviation.setTurnDev 0 0 0 0   ObjectTemplate.deviation.setSpeedDev 1.2 0.2 0.2 0.1   ObjectTemplate.deviation.setMiscDev 2.5 1.5 0.02   ObjectTemplate.deviation.devModStand 2   ObjectTemplate.deviation.devModCrouch 1.5   ObjectTemplate.deviation.devModLie 0.8   ObjectTemplate.deviation.devModZoom 0.02   rem ---EndComp ---   接下来一样储存,把ussni_m95_barret.tweak拉回WeaponsHandheldUSSNI_M95_Barret底下覆盖原来的档案就成了!哈哈,这下狙击枪就远近皆宜啦,狂杀BOT。   5.改枪的威力(最后同样以M95为例)   找到以下这行   ObjectTemplate.damage 190   把190改成任何你想要的数字,大概改成250左右就可以一枪毙命了。   其它把狙击枪也是差不多这个模式修改,只是要注意一
2023-07-30 05:11:291


2023-07-30 05:11:398


武器附魔教程:这种毁游戏性的东东大家慎重修改。还有坚决不用控制台的就不用进来了。双蛋匕首镇楼没人来吗等一会,楼主正在编辑翻译Legendary weapons are basic weapons that have special prefix modifiers that cannot be obtained elsewhere. They cannot be scrapped, but can be modified. They will appear on screen when picked up, and are marked with a star. Though unlike unique weapons, they are randomized and are never named.Legendary weapons are only found on the bodies of "Legendary" variants of enemies. They can spawn at random locations throughout the Commonwealth. They are much more difficult to defeat than regular enemies, as each one has a chance to "mutate" after their health is depleted, restoring it to full. They will always have a legendary piece of equipment in their inventory.Legendary effects can be added to items by dropping them on the ground and using the console command "attachmod" while having them selected, followed by the mod ID. You can"t stack several mods on a single item, but you can stack over multiple pieces (armor). You can also replace a mod with another one via console.WeaponsEditName StatForm IDAssassin"s Does 50% more damage against humans. 000e6846Automatic Automatic fire mode. 000a4739Berserker"s Does more damage the lower your Armor Resistance. (Up to 200% at 0 resistance) 001ef5d7Bloodied Does more damage the lower your health is. 001ec036Crippling 50% more limb damage. 001e6d6bEnragingCritical hits cause target to frenzy. 001f6ad4Explosive Bullets explode on impact doing 15 points area-of-effect damage. 001e73bdExterminator"s Does 50% more damage against Mirelurks and bugs. 001f81ebFreezing Does 10 points cryo damage and will freeze targets on critical hits. 001f5479Furious Increased damage after each consecutive hit on the same target. 001ef481Ghoul Slayer"s Does 50% more damage against ghouls. 001e6847Hunter"s Does 50% more damage against animals. 001e6845Incendiary Sets target on fire for 15 points of damage. 001e7173Instigating Does double damage if the target is at full health. 001f04b8Irradiated Does 50 points additional radiation damage. 001cc469Junkie"s Does increased amounts of damage the more withdrawal effects you are suffering. 001eb99aKneecapper 20% chance to cripple the target"s leg. 001f1048Lucky Weapon Critical shots do double damage and the critical meter fills 15% faster. 001cc2a6Medic"s Heals target instead of hurting them. 001f109cMutant Slayer"s Does 50% more damage against Super Mutants. 001e6848Never Ending Sets ammo capacity equal to the amount you are carrying. 001cc2acNimble Provides 75% faster movement while aiming. 001ebabdNocturnal Does increasing amounts of damage as the night grows longer and less damage during the day. 001e8174Penetrating Ignores 30% of the target"s damage and energy resistance. 001f4426Plasma Infused Adds 10 points of energy damage and can turn enemies into goo. 001f9b4dPoisoner"s Target is poisoned for 10 seconds. 001f31b9Powerful Provides 25% more damage. 001cc2abQuickdraw Costs 25% fewer Action Points. 001f1026Rapid 25% faster fire rate, 15% faster reload. 001ec56dRelentless Refills your Action Points on a critical hit. 001ed37eSentinel"s Take 15% less damage while standing and not moving. 001f5995Staggering Chance to stagger on hit. 001e81abStalker"s If you are not yet in combat, increases V.A.T.S. accuracy but costs more AP. 001f04bdTroubleshooter"s Does 50% more damage against robots. 001f81ecTwo Shot Fires an additional projectile. Decrease in accuracy. 001cc2adVATS enhanced Improved V.A.T.S. hit chance, 25% less Action Point cost. 001cc2aaVATS enhanced 40% less Action Point cost. 00000000Violent Deals +25% damage and limb damage, but has more recoil. 001f7b8aWounding Targets bleed for 25 points of additional damage. 001e7c20ArmorEditName StatForm IDAcrobat"s Reduces falling damage by 50%. 001f1df9Almost Unbreakable Quadruples durability. 001f1e0cAssassin"s Reduces damage from humans by 15%. 001f1df3Bolstering Grants increasing energy and damage resistance the lower your Health (up to +35). 001f8165Cavalier"s Reduces damage while blocking or sprinting by 15%. 001f579dChameleon Enemies have a harder time detecting you while you"re sneaking and not moving. 001f4d18Cunning +1 Agility and +1 Perception 001cf57cDuelist"s 10% chance to disarm melee attacker on hit. 001f3a49Exterminator"s Reduces damage from Mirelurks and bugs by 15%. 001f81edFortifying +1 Strength and +1 Endurance 001cf57fFreefall Prevents falling damage. 00093bbdGhoul slayer"s Reduces damage from Ghouls by 15%. 001f1deeHerbalist"s +25 poison resistance. 001f3072Hunter"s Reduces damage from animals by 15%. 001f1debLow Weight Low carry weight. 00000000Lucky +2 Luck. 001cf57eMartyr"s Temporarily slows time down during combat when you are at 20% or less Health. 00000000Mutant Slayer"s Reduces damage from Super Mutants by 15%. 00000000Powered Increases Action Point refresh speed. 001f7a75Punishing Reflects 10% of melee damage back on attacker. 00000000Safecracker"s Increases size of sweet spot while picking locks. 00000000Sharp +1 Charisma and +1 Intelligence. 00000000Sprinter"s Increases movement speed by 10%. 001f1c2fTitan"s Reduces damage while standing and not moving by 15%. 001f57e4Troubleshooter"s Reduces damage from robots by 15%. 00000000VATS Enhanced 10% reduction in Action Point cost in V.A.T.S. 00000000看不懂的小伙伴不用急,楼主正在翻译中传奇武器是基本武器加特殊效果前缀,并且在其他获得不了。他们不能被废弃,但是可以被定制。当你拾起它的时候会显示屏幕中央并且有星号标记。但是不像特殊武器。他们是随机的并且不能改名。传说武器只能在传说敌人身上发现。这些传说敌人在随机地点刷出。他们更难被击败而且每个都有机会爆种当生命值降低时。他们身上总有一件传说级装备(所以说杀了传奇没爆出装备的那是碰上了BUG或者你脸黑拾得时候系统没有及时分配传说装备,等你扒光后等一会才会有传说装备刷出来,这时候你要重新去翻尸体)传奇效果前缀可以添加到普通装备上去。你可以把普通装备仍在地上然后利用控制台命令“attachmod“附魔(比如点中装备出现装备ID后,控制台输入“attachmod 你想要的前缀代码”)。你不能在同一件装备上加上多个前缀,但是你可以加在护甲上(护甲的传奇特效是叠加的,比如降低10%V消耗,五件都是这个前缀则可以降低50%的消耗)。并且你可以替换传奇装备的前缀。PS:根据楼主的测试,如果你拿一件白板装备或者买的抢的偷得,你放在地上都不会显示。这个时候你需要将这件武器进行改装之后才能有自己的特殊代码,在控制台界面才能被点选中。改装过的武器代码一般前面会带有ff,比较好辨认。还有个别装备即使改了我也选不中,不知道为什么。目前已知的是镭射机关枪WeaponsEditName StatForm IDAssassin"s 对人类造成50%额外伤害. 000e6846Automatic 自动武器. 000a4739(不是传说前缀)Berserker"s 你的护甲越低伤害越高. (护甲0时两倍伤害) 001ef5d7Bloodied 生命越低伤害越高. 001ec036Crippling 对四肢50%额外伤害. 001e6d6bEnraging 暴击使敌人狂暴. 001f6ad4Explosive 子弹爆炸并造成15点范围伤害. 001e73bdExterminator"s 对螃蟹和虫子造成50%额外伤害. 001f81ebFreezing 10点冷冻伤害并且暴击时冻结目标. 001f5479Furious 每次命中同一目标都会增加伤害. 001ef481Ghoul Slayer"s 50%额外伤害对尸鬼. 001e6847Hunter"s Does 50%额外伤害对动物. 001e6845Incendiary 使目标着火造成15点伤害. 001e7173Instigating 目标生命全满时双倍伤害. 001f04b8Irradiated 50点额外辐射伤害. 001cc469Junkie"s 上瘾效果越多伤害越高. 001eb99aKneecapper 20% 几率断腿. 001f1048Lucky Weapon 暴击双倍伤害并且暴击条充能加快15%. 001cc2a6Medic"s 治愈目标. 001f109cMutant Slayer"s 50%额外伤害对超级变种人. 001e6848Never Ending 无限弹夹. 001cc2acNimble 瞄准时移动加快75%. 001ebabdNocturnal 晚上伤害增加白天减少001e8174Penetrating 忽略30%双抗. 001f4426Plasma Infused 增加10点能量伤害并使敌人化成绿渣. 001f9b4dPoisoner"s 目标中毒10秒 001f31b9Powerful 25%额外伤害. 001cc2abQuickdraw 减少25%AP消耗. 001f1026Rapid 加快25%射速和15%换单. 001ec56dRelentless 暴击补充AP. 001ed37eSentinel"s 站着和不动时加15%抗性. 001f5995Staggering 可能命中时使目标踉跄. 001e81abStalker"s假如没被发现,增加V命中但消耗更多AP. 001f04bdTroubleshooter"s 额外50%伤害对机器人. 001f81ecTwo Shot 双蛋,降低命中 001cc2adVATS enhanced 增加V命中率并且降低25%AP消耗 001cc2aaVATS enhanced 降低40%V消耗. 00000000Violent Deals +25%伤害和四肢伤害但后坐力更大. 001f7b8aWounding 目标流血造成25点额外伤害. 001e7c20ArmorEditName StatForm IDAcrobat"s 降低50%跌落伤害. 001f1df9Almost Unbreakable 四倍耐久. 001f1e0c(没见过,也许是废弃不用的,有兴趣的可以试试)Assassin"s 降低来自人类伤害15%. 001f1df3Bolstering 获得双抗当生命越低时 (最高 +35). 001f8165Cavalier"s 格挡或者冲刺时降低伤害15%. 001f579dChameleon当你潜行和不动时敌人更难发现你(变色龙). 001f4d18Cunning +1 敏捷和感知 001cf57cDuelist"s 10% 对近战敌人缴械. 001f3a49Exterminator"s 降低来自螃蟹和虫子的伤害15%. 001f81edFortifying +1力量和耐力 001cf57fFreefall 免疫跌落伤害(信仰之跃?) 00093bbdGhoul slayer"s 降低来自尸鬼伤害15%. 001f1deeHerbalist"s +25毒抗. 001f3072Hunter"s 降低来自动物伤害15%. 001f1debLow Weight 更低负重. 00000000Lucky +2幸运. 001cf57eMartyr"s 当战斗中生命低于25%会进入子弹时间. 00000000Mutant Slayer"s 降低来自绿皮伤害15%. 00000000Powered 增加AP恢复速度. 001f7a75Punishing 反弹10%近战伤害. 00000000Safecracker"s增加解锁时判断区域. 00000000Sharp +1魅力和智力e. 00000000Sprinter"s 增加10%移动速度. 001f1c2fTitan"s 站立和不动时减少15%伤害. 001f57e4Troubleshooter"s 降低来自机器人伤害15%. 00000000VATS 降低10%AP消耗. 00000000代码是转的,楼主实验了几个比如双蛋和无限是有用的,其余的没测试,大家如果总是不对那换个装备或者可能代码错了,还有代码00000是没找到的发现漏了再补充几个更新代码,楼主原先看的是有错误的代码。现在更新全的。001F1DF9 Acrobat"s 50% reduced damage from falling001F1E0C Almost Unbreakable Quadruples durability001F1DF3 Assassin"s 15% reduced damage from humans001F8165 Bolstering Increases energy and damage resistance as HP diminishes (up to +35)001F579D Cavalier"s 15% reduced damage while blocking or sprinting001F4D18 Chameleon Hard to detect while sneaking and not moving001CF57C Cunning +1 Agility, +1 Perception001F3A49 Duelist"s 10% chance to disarm melee attacker on hit001F81EB Exterminator"s 15% reduced damage from Mirelurks and bugs001CF57F Fortifying +1 Strength, +1 Endurance00093BBD Freefall No falling damage001F1DEE Ghoul Slayer"s 15% reduced damage from Ghouls001F3072 Herbalist"s +25 poison resistance001F1DEB Hunter"s 15% reduced damage from animals001F1E0B Low Weight Low carry weight001CF57E Lucky +2 Luck001F2D3D Martyr"s Temporarily slows time during combat below 20% HP001F1DF4 Mutant Slayer"s 15% reduced damage from Super Mutants001F7A75 Powered Increases AP refresh speed001F1E47 Punishing Reflects 10% of melee damage back on attacker001F3CA9 Safecracker"s Increases size of sweet spot while picking locks001F5995 Sentinel"s 15% less damage while standing and not
2023-07-30 05:11:551

辐射新维加斯 player.setAV # 设置技能等级为 #(最大100) 技能名代码多少啊 我打英文也不对啊

先试个 player.setAV carryweight 5000 看下负重有没有改,有的话就是你之前打错了
2023-07-30 05:12:053


您好,具体方法如下: 第一步:打开 Objects和Objects_client.zip中要移植装备以及载具的路径,将相应的文件移到所要移植到的MOD的相应目录下。 第二步:打开移植装备以及载具的tweak文件查看其他对应文件的路径,我们以USRIF_M4.tweak为例子,首先打开,然后寻找以下代码段: rem ---BeginComp:WeaponHud --- ObjectTemplate.createComponent WeaponHud ObjectTemplate.weaponHud.weaponIcon IngameWeaponsIconsHudUSRIF_M4.tga ObjectTemplate.weaponHud.altWeaponIcon IngameWeaponsIconsHudUSRIF_M4_mini.tga ObjectTemplate.weaponHud.selectIcon IngameWeaponsIconsHudSelectionUSRIF_M4.tga ObjectTemplate.weaponHud.hudName "KILLMESSAGE_WEAPON_m4" ObjectTemplate.weaponHud.guiIndex 4 ObjectTemplate.weaponHud.altGuiIndex 53 ObjectTemplate.weaponHud.deviationFactor 5 ObjectTemplate.weaponHud.maxVisualDeviation 23 ObjectTemplate.weaponHud.minVisualDeviation 2 ObjectTemplate.weaponHud.disableOnSprint 1 其中的: ObjectTemplate.weaponHud.weaponIcon IngameWeaponsIconsHudUSRIF_M4.tga ObjectTemplate.weaponHud.altWeaponIcon IngameWeaponsIconsHudUSRIF_M4_mini.tga ObjectTemplate.weaponHud.selectIcon IngameWeaponsIconsHudSelectionUSRIF_M4.tga 为我们所要移植的目标文件,路径前一部分是省略的,全路径因当为 Menu_client.zipHUDTextureIngameWeaponsIconsHudUSRIF_M4.tga Menu_client.zipHUDTextureIngameWeaponsIconsHudUSRIF_M4_mini.tga Menu_client.zipHUDTextureIngameWeaponsIconsHudSelectionUSRIF_M4.tga 将这路径下的对应文件也就是我们所谓的HUD,移植到所要移植到的MOD的相应目录下即可(此方法只适合BF2个相应MOD间的移植) 第三步:找到音效文件段代码:例子中M4的如下…………………………………… bjectTemplate.activeSafe Sound S_usrif_m4_Fire1P ObjectTemplate.modifiedByUser jsa ObjectTemplate.soundFilename "objects/weapons/handheld/usrif_m4/sounds/stereo/m4_fire_outdoor.wav" ObjectTemplate.loopCount 0 ObjectTemplate.is3dSound 0 ObjectTemplate.stopType 1 ObjectTemplate.volume 0.71 ObjectTemplate.pitch 1 ObjectTemplate.pan 0.5 ObjectTemplate.reverbLevel 0 ObjectTemplate.pitchEnvelope 0/1/0.9/1.1/1/1/0/0.98/1.05/ ObjectTemplate.volumeEnvelope 0/1/0/1/1/1/0/0.9/1/ ObjectTemplate.position -0.000946715/0.0175849/0.474557 ObjectTemplate.activeSafe Sound S_usrif_m4_Fire3P ObjectTemplate.modifiedByUser jsa ObjectTemplate.soundFilename "objects/weapons/handheld/usrif_m4/sounds/mono/m4_fire.wav" ObjectTemplate.loopCount 0 ObjectTemplate.is3dSound 1 ObjectTemplate.stopType 1 ObjectTemplate.volume 1 ObjectTemplate.pitch 1 ObjectTemplate.reverbLevel 1 ObjectTemplate.pitchEnvelope 0/1/0.9/1.1/1/1/0/0.96/1.05/ ObjectTemplate.volumeEnvelope 0/1/0/1/1/1/0/0.9/1/ ObjectTemplate.position -0.00107837/0.0164062/0.474377 ObjectTemplate.minDistance 2 ObjectTemplate.halfVolumeDistance 4 ObjectTemplate.soundRadius 0.5 .... ........ ............ 太长了 ,下面省略 代码中的"objects/weapons/handheld/usrif_m4/sounds/stereo/m4_fire_outdoor.wav"等都为对应音效文件的路径,应当移植到所要移植到的MOD的相同位置。 但有些武器的音效是共用的,换句话说就是音效文件在同MOD的枪的目录下,可仿照此路径在 你所移植的武器和载具的中创建一文件夹(如果有就不用了),再把引用的其他枪音效文件放到此文件下,再把引用语句,即"objects/weapons/handheld/XXXXX/sounds/stereo/m4_fire_outdoor.wav"中的XXXXX改为现移植的武器的名字。 注释:我们拿M4中引用其他枪的语句做例子:"objects/weapons/handheld/rurif_bizon/sounds/zoom_generic.wav"引用了rurif_bizon的音效,就把把其中rurif_bizon改成usrif_m4 然后在文件下创建sounds文件夹 再在此文件夹下把"objects/weapons/handheld/rurif_bizon/sounds/zoom_generic.wav"后的zoom_generic.wav音效文件移植放入既可! 第四步:移植完成
2023-07-30 05:12:261

英文辩论,我们持这方every country should be allowed to have nuclear weapons

should be aloud nukes however because there are such weapons so many wars have been prevented i mean look rlistically you could fit the UK lets say into texas 13 times however america would never risk a war with the Uk becoz even there tiny lil island would wipe evrymajor city america has clean off the face of the earth and knock out evry defence satilate teh americans have basically making them defense less the russians coudl just walk in and take it so even tho the whole uk wud be gone also america woudl be gone so these weapons basically say you fire we fire we both loose there is no point but you are right there are just some insane people who given these weapons would use them as pawns in a world chest games they woudl just fire and how can u fire a nuke back at mumgabe just to kill him think of the innocent lives u woudl take with it and the damge to the world so in a way they have both saved lives but will one day take all of us nothign lasts forever.Just as some should not be allowed to drive on the public streets as they are too irresponsible there are many nations that should not have the ability to destroy other nations a perfect example is Che the Argentinian who was all over south American doing what he could to destroy others form of government Too some he was and his a hero He said if he could have got nukes he would have used that on the U S to some that is a very pleasing thought But the U S could never had allowed him to have themSome how don"t think this one well ever get them
2023-07-30 05:12:371


复合物器收起复合物器箭和镖子弹羽毛起源凭证起源召唤物第5阶召唤物国王/皇后物品血液麻醉剂饲料原始兴奋剂饥饿药药水时装武器经验药水手枪子弹治疗药水建筑召唤师元素监察者召唤混沌/精神驯服球灵魂收割者物品原始泰克模块泰坦召唤物泰坦奖章原始火箭弹药兽皮原始蛋护甲鞍蓝图路径方舟生存进化原始恐惧MOD全物品代码。本文为大家带来的是2021年最新版本下的原始恐惧模组全部物品代码,供各位玩家们参考查阅。原始恐惧全物品代码原始复合弓箭 PRIMAL COMPOUND BOW ARROWS原始复合箭 Primal Compound Arrow cheat giveitem "Blueprint"/Game/Mods/Primal_Fear/Weapons/Primal_CompBow/Ammo/PrimalMetalArrow/PrimalItemAmmo_PrimalCompoundBowArrow.PrimalItemAmmo_PrimalCompoundBowArrow"" 1 0 0火焰复合箭 Flame Compound Arrow cheat giveitem "Blueprint"/Game/Mods/Primal_Fear/Weapons/Primal_CompBow/Ammo/FlameMetalArrow/PrimalItemAmmo_PrimalFlameCompoundBowArrow.PrimalItemAmmo_PrimalFlameCompoundBowArrow"" 1 0 0脆弱复合箭 Frag Compound Arrow cheat giveitem "Blueprint"/Game/Mods/Primal_Fear/Weapons/Primal_CompBow/Ammo/ExplosivePrimalArrow/PrimalItemAmmo_EPrimalCompoundBowArrow.PrimalItemAmmo_EPrimalCompoundBowArrow"" 1 0 0强力复合箭 Potent Compound Arrow cheat giveitem "Blueprint"/Game/Mods/Primal_Fear/Weapons/Primal_CompBow/Ammo/Tranq/Potent/PrimalItemAmmo_PotentPrimalCompoundBowArrow.PrimalItemAmmo_PotentPrimalCompoundBowArrow"" 1 0 0剧毒复合箭 Toxic Compound Arrow cheat giveitem "Blueprint"/Game/Mods/Primal_Fear/Weapons/Primal_CompBow/Ammo/Tranq/Toxic/PrimalItemAmmo_ToxicPrimalCompoundBowArrow.PrimalItemAmmo_ToxicPrimalCompoundBowArrow"" 1 0 0阿尔法复合箭 Alpha Compound Arrow cheat giveitem "Blueprint"/Game/Mods/Primal_Fear/Weapons/Primal_CompBow/Ammo/Tranq/Alpha/PrimalItemAmmo_AlphaPrimalCompoundBowArrow.PrimalItemAmmo_AlphaPrimalCompoundBowArrow"" 1 0 0顶尖复合箭 Apex Compound Arrow cheat giveitem "Blueprint"/Game/Mods/Primal_Fear/Weapons/Primal_CompBow/Ammo/Tranq/Apex/PrimalItemAmmo_ApexPrimalCompoundBowArrow.PrimalItemAmmo_ApexPrimalCompoundBowArrow"" 1 0 0原始复合箭 Primal Compound Arrow cheat giveitem "Blueprint"/Game/Mods/Primal_Fear/Weapons/Primal_CompBow/Ammo/Tranq/Primal/PrimalItemAmmo_PrimalPrimalCompoundBowArrow.PrimalItemAmmo_PrimalPrimalCompoundBowArrow"" 1 0 0
2023-07-30 05:12:441


首先要开sv_cheat 1,所以最好是单机打bot或者自己开的服。开好以后控制台输入mp_ct_default_melee ""(非就t改成c,以及不要忘记打双引号) 这个指令是设置出生后不拿刀。然后是得刀指令:give weapon_knife_karambitgive weapon_knife_flipgive weapon_knife_gutgive weapon_bayonetgive weapon_knife_m9_bayonet步骤:首先,打开你的CSGO安装目录,找到items文件夹,它看起来像这样:C:Program Files (x86)SteamSteamAppscommonCounter-Strike Global Offensivecsgoscriptsitems"你会发现一个文件的名字叫做“items_game“,不过,再打开之前先做备份,比如备份到桌面上,文件夹或者其他。接着,通过编辑器打开原文件,按下你的Ctrl+F;拷贝这条命令"weapon_knife"(包括符号"")到查找内容,点击3下查找下一个,他会带你到一个列表,向上一点滚动,找到"model_player" 和"model_world"。在"model_player"中,你应该会发现: "models/weapons/v_knife_default_ct.mdl",你要删除这些文字(不包括引号),并用皮肤刀模型之一替换掉v_knife_default_ct.mdl:Bayonet - models/weapons/v_knife_bayonet.mdlFlip Knife - models/weapons/v_knife_flip.mdlGut Knife - models/weapons/v_knife_gut.mdlKarambit - models/weapons/v_knife_karam.mdlM9 Bayonet - models/weapons/v_knife_m9_bay.mdlHuntsman Knife - models/weapons/v_knife_tactical.mdl同样的,也要对"model_world"进行同样的更改,只不过,把V_改为W_(就是把V模代码改为W模代码)举个例子,加入一把爪子刀:"model_player" "models/weapons/v_knife_karam.mdl""model_world" "models/weapons/w_knife_karam.mdl"当然这只对CT的团队生效,你可以把T的默认刀换成一样的,或者其他的好了,我们已经更换了CT团队的刀,现在,我们要更换T的了做同样的事:通过编辑器打开原文件,按下你的Ctrl+F(你也可以使用查找功能)拷贝这条命令"weapon_knife_t"(包括"")点击“查找下一个”一次接下来,做之前做过的事,我们如何对待CT,就如何对待T举个例子,还是爪子刀:"model_player" "models/weapons/v_knife_karam""model_world" "models/weapons/v_knife_karam"记住,这样只针对T,如果你只想更改一个团队的,改好后就不要做任何事了千万不要忘了把“V"改为”w"如果都做好了后,保存不要删掉你的备份,我们会有用得到它的时候(比如你想使用原版刀或者联机对战)接下来,进入游戏,与BOT对战,选择CT或者T,使用你的刀子
2023-07-30 05:13:261


2023-07-30 05:14:226


2023-07-30 05:14:392

关于中秋节的英文单词,20个!! 急~~~

Happy mid-autumn day
2023-07-30 05:14:482


2023-07-30 05:14:514

any question加s吗

2023-07-30 05:14:533


2023-07-30 05:14:423


2023-07-30 05:14:407