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2023-07-30 08:33:46


be good for learning



Is conducive to learning



Conducive to learning


Conducive to learning



For this news, I am very happy
2023-07-30 03:46:514

conducive 是几级词汇?词义及背法?

conducive 英音:[kən"dju:siv]美音:[kən"djusɪv] 形容词 a. 有助的,有益的,促成的[F][(+to)]Exercise is conducive to good health. 运动有助于健康。 来自于动词conduce 英音:[kən"dju:s]美音:[kən"djus] 不及物动词 vi. 1.有益;有贡献于;导致背法很简答:-ive结尾的都是形容词,conduce是贡献,导致,他的形容词就是有利于,有益于,后接介词to顺便说几个完形填空常考的1conduce2induce3deduce4seduce5produce6introduce
2023-07-30 03:47:171


2023-07-30 03:47:254

conducive environment是什么意思

有利环境。conducive 有利的adj.environment 环境n.
2023-07-30 03:47:344

be conducive to do还是doing

通常是be conducive to do sth. 其实主要有两种用法,因为conducive是形容词(有益的):1. be conducive to sth. 比如The environment is more conducive to innovation.(环境对创新有利)2. be conducive to do sth. 比如The climate here is conducive to grow rice.(这里的气候对粮食生长有利)
2023-07-30 03:47:442


Rephrase 过这两句 not that wordy. 1. My father threatened to withhold my pocket money until I improve on my academic work. 2. Students can enjoy reading quietly in a library which provides an atmosphere conducive to learning. Comment: "improvement" can be countable or uncountable noun any improvement ~ improvement (进步) 当 abstract noun 使用 Are you making some improvements to your house? (多方面改善 countable noun) withhold (tritive verb) = to deliberately not give something to someone AdsfeAsf 你说得对 .... withhold giving pocket money ...是多余 (redundant) First Conditional This is also known as likely or possible conditional. If ... present simple ......... ...will/won"t + infinitive..... If I don"t make any improvement on my academic work my father will withhold my pocket money. (暗示父亲已经 threatened 过) conducive (adjective) = 有益于的 有助于 Teachers need to create an atmosphere that is conducive to learning. 首先单加入to me是错写的句子结构,可能由于你用中文思考的组织来写,感觉上withhold(不发)…to me(给我)很合文法,好像动词是withhold而pocket money是object加to me才完整。但在这句表达时英文的结构刚好不能这样,因为动词是threatened,假如要详细表示那些pocket money是给你(是否要指明不是给其他人)可以有很多写法,最简单是写…to withhold my pocket money。这里犹如你主观地告诉读者那些pocket money其实是你的。当然客观点看那些pocket money仍未是你的,仍需由父亲给的话,则要写明「给」(give)这个词,加上「扣起」(withhold)才能成为意思和结构完整的object clause:My father threatened to withhold giving pocket money to me if … improvement 前加any是可以的,不过你这句用是negative terms 即是写cannot,cannot make any improvement 意思便是「不能/不成功地有任何进步」就算用中文讲也不合理,你意思应该是「不成功地/没有(cannot)做到(make)一点点(some)进步(improvement)…」或是「没有(do not)做到(make)任何(any)进步(improvement)…」。当中意思表达微妙的细节无法详解,但记住当你用any这个词时要小心它代表的是没有的东西还是要有的东西(英文这个词配合不同的动词和副词可以是相反的意思。 I can be anyone I want to. = 我能自创一片天(达到我理想的成就)I do not have anyone to trust = 我不能信任任何一个人。
2023-07-30 03:48:031


2023-07-30 03:48:237

be conductive to后面为什么是doing接to do行不行

2023-07-30 03:48:402

英文翻译 劳逸结合

基本解释劳逸结合alternate work and rest ;combine exertin with rest例句They struck a proper balance between work and leisure.他们做到劳逸结合。If a proper balance is struck between work and rest, the quality of education will go up, not down. 搞好劳逸结合,不仅不会降低而且有助于提高教学质量。In drawing up a plan for your vacation, be sure to strike a balance between your work and your rest.在特定假期计划时,务必要注意劳逸结合。
2023-07-30 03:48:581

对我们有好处 用英语怎么说

be helpful to benifit from
2023-07-30 03:49:187

英语翻译 ”有利于构建和谐社会”怎么翻译?急求!!

Is conducive to building a harmonious society
2023-07-30 03:49:484

I hope you would find the above proposals conducive

我希望你会觉得上述提议有所裨益/帮助。would:(表示设想、推测、可能性)也许, 大概
2023-07-30 03:49:572

求翻译Rogers’s person-centered approach assumes that individuals have within themselves vast reso

2023-07-30 03:50:064

这句如何翻译理解?To what extent are the conditions under which nursing care is given conducive to

到哪种程度 to what extent
2023-07-30 03:50:165


"These rules are good for us
2023-07-30 03:50:354


“这一传统不仅有利于弘扬孝道亲情、唤醒家族,共同记忆,还可促进家族成员乃至民族的凝聚力和认同感。”翻译成英文是"This tradition is not only conducive to carry forward filial piety and family affection, awaken the family and common memory, but also promote the cohesion and identity of family members and even the nation."
2023-07-30 03:50:559


Questioner: Somebody said that when a baby is born, it does not come with an instruction manual. If, hypothetically, one had to write a manual of how a human being should be, from birth to death, what would such a thing be? 提问者: 有人说,孩子出生的时候,并没有带着人生指南来。假设一定要写一本关于人从生到死的指导手册,它会是什么样子的呢? Sadhguru: Empty book would be great. Now you are trying to turn everything into machinery. There are other dimensions to a human being than just “operating” him in some way that you think is useful. A human being need not be useful to anybody. It is just that the bullocks which are yoked to a cart look at the wild deer romping about in the forest and think, “Oh, how they are wasting their lives, not useful to anybody. No good.” But there is joy in the deer. You are yoked, and there is no joy in you. Sadhguru(萨古鲁): 无字之书就很好。现在你正试图把一切都变成机械系统。人除了以你觉得有用的某种方式来运转以外,其实还有其它的维度。一个人不需要对任何人有用,这就像被拴在犊车上的小牛看着在森林里玩耍的野鹿,想:“哦,他们是在浪费他们的生命,对任何人都没有用,没用!”但是,野鹿们很快乐,而你则被牵着鼻子走,你不快乐! If you become a joyless human being by just trying to be useful, then all the purposes of life are defeated. What you are doing will not mean anything. Socially, maybe they will give you an award for the miserable face that you carried and the things that you did in the world, but in life it does not mean anything. 如果你只是为了让自己有用而变成一个不快乐的人,那么人生所有的意义都落空了。你正在做的事情不会有任何意义,在 社会 层面上,也许他们会为了你悲惨的面容和你所做的事情给你颁一个奖,但在生命层面上,它并没有意义。 Drop the Instruction Manuals 丢掉人生指南 Stop looking at life through someone else"s intelligence. Learn to look at your life with more intelligence. Everyone has the necessary intelligence to look at their life sensibly if other influences are taken away. The problem is, you are too influenced by past and present heroes. In the end, your mentality is just that of a fan club. Fan club is a very rudimentary mentality. 不要再用别人的眼光来看待生命。学会以更大的智慧来看待你自己的生命。若排除其它影响,每个人都有足够的智慧来理智地看待自己的生命。问题是,你受了过多过去的和现在“英雄”们的影响。最后,你的心智就像一个粉丝俱乐部。粉丝俱乐部是非常不成熟的心智。 Any normal child has come as a complete being. You can only nurture the child to his or her full potential. You cannot make something else out of them. If your ideal tree is a coconut tree, and a mango tree sprouts in your garden, what would you do? Because it does not look like a coconut tree, you will chop off all the branches and just leave one. That would be a very poor mango tree. The only thing you can do is nurture the child to its fullest intelligence, physical well-being and emotional well-being. This will happen only when you just nurture it, not tamper with it. 任何一个正常孩子的降生都是一个完整的存在。你只能滋养孩子让他实现自己的全部潜能,你不能将他们塑造为其它东西。如果你理想的树是一颗椰子树,而一株芒果树在你的花园中萌芽了,你怎么办?因为它看起来不像一颗椰子树,你会砍掉所有的旁枝只留下一根主干。那将是一株非常可怜的芒果树。你唯一能做的,就是滋养这个孩子,让他在智慧、身体 健康 和心理 健康 方面都全然绽放。而这,只有当你仅仅去滋养他,而不是改造他时才会发生。 Creating a Conducive Atmosphere 创造一个有益的氛围 Children have come through you, they do not come from you. Do not ever think they are yours. It is a privilege they have happened through you. Your business is just to provide them a loving and supportive atmosphere. Do not try to impose your thoughts and emotions, your philosophies, your belief systems and nonsense upon the child. He has enough of his own intelligence to find his way. If you create the necessary conducive atmosphere for his intelligence to grow fully, he will handle it the way he knows. 孩子只是经由你而来,但他们并不来自于你。千万不要以为他们是你的。他们经由你而来,这是你的荣幸。你的任务仅仅是给他们提供一个充满爱和支持的环境。不要试图把你的思想、情绪、你的哲学、你的信仰或无稽之谈强加给孩子,他有足够的智慧去找到他自己的道路。如果你创造了所需的有益氛围让他的智慧得以充分地发展,他会以他所知的方式处事。 “Will everything go right?” It may go right, it may go wrong – that is not the point. But the chances of it going wrong are minimal. When the child grows up exercising his own intelligence, if he makes one mistake, he has the intelligence to correct it. As long as they are working towards their wellbeing and they are not doing something negative against their own life, you must wait. For the entire time until the child becomes twenty-one, you must feel like you are still pregnant. Just wait. When the child was inside, you did nothing, right? Just nourished yourself well and waited. Just like that – provide the atmosphere and wait. “一切都会好吗?”它可能会好,也可能不好,这不是关键。但是出问题的几率极小。当孩子在成长过程中锻炼了他自己的智慧,即使他犯错,他也有能力纠正自己。只要他们是在为了自己的幸福而努力,而不是在做与自己的生命对抗的事情。你就要等待。直到他们21岁的这整个时间里,你要觉得自己还在怀孕,只是静静等待。当孩子还在肚子里面时,你什么也没做,对吗?只是把自己滋养好,然后等待着。就像那样,营造环境,然后等待! 原文链接:
2023-07-30 03:51:501


My reason for your school reasons are three:1: I like legal professional, hopefully I will make a difference in legal field.2: xx university of legal education in the national college is the best, and here I can enjoy the best quality education resources.3: xx city of political culture atmosphere is very good, in xx city, especially in xx university such a good learning hello teacherI"m from xx middle school, my name is xxMy bag is physics discipline, own to physical strong interest and autonomous learning spirit, physical result has been age front-runner. I like sport game is playing basketball.
2023-07-30 03:51:596


2023-07-30 03:52:144


First, be polite to people who disagree with you. If you can treat him or her politely and listen to their opinions, you will have the opportunity to express your opinions with him or her. Second, respect other people"s views and affirm what you agree with, which is conducive to communication with people with different views. Third, we should express our views correctly. Don"t impose your own opinions on others. If you can do the above, then there is no big problem in communicating with people with different views.中文:首先,彬彬有礼的对待与你观点不一致的人。如果你能够礼貌地对待他或者她,倾听他们的观点与看法,你就能够有机会跟他表达并阐述你的观点。第二,尊重他人的观点并对自己也认同的地方加以肯定,这有利于和与你观点不同的人交流和沟通。第三,正确表达自己的观点与看法。不把自己的观点和看法强加在他人身上。如果你能够做到以上几点,那么和与你观点不同的人沟通就没有什么大的问题了望采纳,谢谢
2023-07-30 03:52:361


Experts point out that outdoor sports benefits and more conducive to the healthy growth of children. Sunshine Health Vitamin Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamins, also be seen as a role in calcium and phosphorus metabolism of hormone precursors, it is closely related with sunlight, so called sunshine vitamins. It can promote the body to absorb food calcium and phosphorus, promote bone growth, prevent rickets, while UV also has a strong bactericidal effect, can improve the body"s immune system, stimulate bone marrow hematopoietic function. In addition, outdoor activities are also conducive to maintaining a healthy weight value. The UK Center for Sustainability Research found that children who often take part in outdoor activities are not obese because outdoor activities can burn more calories. Outdoor activities are also conducive to the development of children"s right brain. In 1981, Sperry, a Nobel Prize-winning neuropsychologist in the United States, found that people"s left brain is mainly responsible for human reason, language, writing, analysis, etc. The right brain is mainly responsible for recognizing music, image, experience and intuition . Human imagination, creativity, inspiration and hyper-speed response and other functions are derived from the right brain. Scientific research found that children only participate in outdoor sports, more feel the nature, more to contact with the physical, in order to allow the right brain to get more exercise and development. In fact, many traditional games can play a role in promoting the development of children in all aspects. For example, jogging, sandbags and other exercise children"s physical coordination and adaptability to promote the brain left and right hemispheres of communication integration, and thus promote the child"s intellectual development; Pinball, smashed almond nucleus exercise children"s fine movement and hand-eye coordination, and thus promote Children"s reading, writing and numeracy skills. Promoting Social Cognition Outdoor activities can help children improve their sports, social skills and cognitive skills
2023-07-30 03:52:461

有助于是be conductive to还是conducive

be conductive to有助于……的 例如Team-based learning may also be conductive to this effort. 团队为基础的学习也可能有助于这方面的努力。
2023-07-30 03:53:302

exercise is healthy for the mind and the body同义句转换

Exercise is the healthy body and spirit
2023-07-30 03:53:492

有助于是be conductive to还是conducive 在这个短语中两个都是同样的意思?

be conductive to 有助于……的 例如Team-based learning may also be conductive to this effort. 团队为基础的学习也可能有助于这方面的努力.
2023-07-30 03:54:041

be conducive to是什么意思

be conducive to英[bi: ku0259nu02c8dju:siv tu:]美[bi ku0259nu02c8dusu026av tu]有助于
2023-07-30 03:54:142

be conductive to后面为什么是doing接to do行不行

be conductive to[英] [bi: ku0259nu02c8du028cktiv tu:] [美] [bi ku0259nu02c8du028cktu026av tu] 有利于,有助于;to在这是介词, 所以后面的动词用ing形式, 不能用to do
2023-07-30 03:54:232

is conducive to是什么意思

2023-07-30 03:55:092

conducive to 后可以加doing吗

2023-07-30 03:55:162

be conductive to后面为什么是doing接to do行不行

首先,没有看到有关这样的要求。应该是约定俗成的用法。因为:conductive的英文和中文解释分别为:英文解释:able to conduct electricity, heat, etc汉语解释:导电(或者热能)等;能传导(电、热等)的这样,后面加doing,就可以理解了,这是一种性质或者性能,而不强调与动作,所以需用doing,而不用 to do。
2023-07-30 03:55:381


一、“更少的使用地铁”的英语有“use the subway less”,“less use of subway”,“less likely to use the subway”等多种表达形式。二、造句:1.With the rise of private cars, people will use the subway less often.随着私家车的兴起,人们将更少地使用地铁。2.Less use of the subway is not conducive to the rational use of resources.更少地使用地铁不利于资源的合理利用。
2023-07-30 03:55:531


Distinguished judges, the other party estimated participant, good evening. it is my honor to present our team have a speech here.Our point is that opening is advantage for learn and life.First,as a 21th century college student must understand the world is becoming smaller and smaller.The reason is
2023-07-30 03:56:274


Good learning environment can make us happier, more conducive to learning
2023-07-30 03:56:526


1.Eat bananas on an empty stomach can make magnesium lifts abruptly in the body and destroys human blood calcium magnesium balance, on cardiovascular inhibition, is not conducive to health2.Eat bananas on an empty stomach is bad, because on an empty stomach, intestine almost do not have to digest food, if eat bananas, at this time will speed up the movement of intestines and stomach, promote the blood circulation, increase cardiac load, easily lead to myocardial infarction
2023-07-30 03:57:082


Phase separation dynamics analyzer is designed for laboratory immersion precipitation polymer membrane system during the design of sedimentation velocity measurements of optical instruments, use of high-quality, high-precision optical design, high sensitivity of the measurement apparatus, showing the value of visual stability, operation simple, easy to maintain. Immersion precipitation phase inversion in the membrane process, use of phase separation kinetics measured transmission through the membrane of the light intensity changes over time can be separated from the starting time and completion time, so different membrane system under the conditions of precipitation speed film-forming process in favor of kinetics. Experimental transmission of the principle is that when the casting film immersion coagulation bath, the casting solution phase due to liquid or liquid to solid phase precipitation occurred, so the transmission through the film of light with the intensity of the precipitation casting solution weakened. Light intensity began to decrease the separation time for the beginning of time, light intensity dropped to a stable value of the view that the completion of phase separation. Specific light source to direct transmission of the polymer in the coagulation bath liquid, the detector in the vertical axis in the direction of incident light to receive the transmitted light through the membrane, and then by the amplifier, the signal into data, and finally by the computer data acquisition, data acquisition rate of 100 / s, and data into the worksheet at the same time given the intensity of light transmission (transmission rate) changes over time curve, that is, the formation of membrane permeability curve light. In the film formation process, the light transmission rate with the time gradually weakened. Including measurement of some of the major light source, settling ponds, testing components. Specially designed light source is a specific light source, sedimentation tank including the coagulation bath, inlet, outlet and overflow pipes, test components including the probe, amplifier signal. Characteristics: 1, apparatus, using 90 ° transmitted light measurement; 2, equipment used streamline appearance design, beautiful generous; 3, equipment is simple, intuitive graphics, high precision and good stability; 4, coagulator heating apparatus equipped with a device, can be different when the coagulation bath temperature during the film formation speed of the changes in precipitation; 5, coagulation bath using corrosion-resistant material, can solve the coagulation bath in this issue containing corrosive solvents; 6, apparatus membrane by scraping with glass of cold by the optical (grinding, polishing), to ensure the accuracy of the measurement apparatus; 7, apparatus maintenance simple reliability. Usage: 1, the installation of data-processing Software This software is suitable for installation in the WIN98 or XP or later system, run the installation program will automatically install to your computer system. After installation database must be set up BDE, BDE buffer zone will be set to 4096K, see details in the installation directory "BDE buffer zone set up that" paper. 2, parameter setting Run the software click the "Settings and Maintenance" to enter setup menu. Serial port settings: Please set up the computer and devices connected to serial number; Error adjustment: general is set to 1; Test time: up to 15 minutes, set up after the completion of the "Save" button; 3, test Test Method 1: Membrane after testing devices in place of the "Acquisition" button, then click the main interface of the "immediate test" button, system will be tested immediately, when the inlet valve should be open water, set time, the systems will automatically stop the test and save the data. Save the data again after the equipment must be the "Acquisition" button, cutting off communications, the end of the test. If you would like to suspend the test half-way to the main interface click "stop test" button, system will automatically stop the test and save the data. Save the data again after the equipment must be the "Acquisition" button, cutting off communications, the end of the test. Test Method 2: Membrane ready to test the main interface click "Start Monitoring" button, when the main interface at the bottom right corner of the indicator light flashes red and green, press the device"s "collect" button and open the water inlet valve automatically into the test. End with the stop method with the test method 1. 4, data-processing records In the main interface click on "Show History" to view each test data entry. Naming test records: In the "total record test" to be named to select the records, and then in the following Remarks box, enter the file name and then "√". To delete records: To delete a record selected in accordance with "-" button. Export TXT file: To export records selected by the "Export TXT file," prompted to enter the file name, after the export completed return. Export format: first column is the time unit of seconds, as No. 2-ray flux.
2023-07-30 03:57:183


productive adj.生产的;有成效的;多产的Adjective:producing or capable of producing (especially abundantly);"productive farmland""his productive years""a productive collaboration"having the ability to produce or originate;"generative power""generative forces"yielding positive resultsmarked by great fruitfulness;"fertile farmland""a fat land""a productive vineyard""rich soil"。Adjective:productive or conducive to producing in abundance;"be fruitful and multiply"可以说差别细微。如果非要区别的话 前者多指产品 生产能力方面。后者含充足的意思 多指土地富饶 农作物等等
2023-07-30 03:57:261


Why do we study English? Why we study English? many people say that wo just have our chinese . now i think wo bccome to join the WTO ,and we will meet many foreigners so I have four reason: First of all, English has become the national language,as there are many people speak English in the world. Secondly,English appears in our life as introductions of products ,web ,bbc and so on. The thind reason is that China join in the WTO, develop import and export trade need English. Finally,English is useful. If you are good at English, you will have more opportunity than any other people to win word 。 i hope this will be helped to you,can you give the mark
2023-07-30 03:57:361


下面这些机制中,翻译成英文之后,它就是:Chen Lin Junior Middle School, first-third English translation topic: The following is the learning method of the 2002 senior high school entrance examination champion Chen Yangxin students, before going to bed, first review today, especially the liberal arts.Experiments show that the knowledge is particularly effective before going to bed at night.Second, pay attention to the foundation, especially the science textbooks, often see, the concept, principle, formula should be eaten, and the experiment process has to look few more.Time, because the experiment process represents the verification process of knowledge, the source process, so it must take more time to understand.Third, work and rest, learn is tired, play basketball, run the run.The pointed born is to keep moving like this.Fourth, please ask some questions.V. Combine the common sense of daily life to answer questions.Sixth, sometimes it is appropriate to do some Olympic topics to improve yourself, but don"t have too,It is necessary to pay attention to the method, step by step, pay attention to the foundation, and can not see the course of the course.Also pay attention to rest and work and rest, there is enough sleep time, learning and exercise, it is more effective.In addition, I think I can step on the middle school of Jinshan Middle School, and I have a more people who have more people and good psychological qualities, that is, the mentality of normal heart looks at the experiment of the exam.
2023-07-30 03:57:5810


Faithful words grate upon the ear
2023-07-30 03:58:214


It is colorful, sweet and cute will always attract people"s attention. This is a fantastic feeling naturally became the girl"s favorite. I am more fond of it. However, while it gave rise to a wonderful mood, but it is not conducive to our bodies. We just enjoy it brought us a brief happiness. With the heart, will share the sweet and elegant belongs to everyone. I like summer, more like my sweetheart - ice cream.
2023-07-30 03:58:442


八大口译技巧   今天我给大家带来八大口译技巧,分别是增词法、减词法、转性法、转句法、分句法、合句法、转序法、同主句及枝形结构,下面就一起来看看详细内容吧!    一、增词法   增词法是指在翻译时按照意思或语法上的需要增加一些词, 以便更忠实、 通顺地表达原文思想内容。恰当地使用增词法技巧, 会使翻译出来的句子更加通顺自然, 符合目标语言习惯。   例句: In the evening, after the banquets, the concerts and the table tennis exhibitions, he would work on the drafting of the final communique.   译文: 晚上, 在参加宴会、 出席音乐会、 观看乒乓球表演之后, 他还得起草最后公报。   二、减词法   减词法是指在不影响原意的情况下省略无关紧要的词语, 避免拖泥带水。特别适用于长句结构的简化处理。   例句: 我深信, 我们两国的互访不仅有利于两国之间关系的改善, 而且有利于亚太地区的和平与稳定, 乃至整个世界的和平与稳定。   译文: I am fully convinced that the exchanges of visits between our two nations are conducive not only to the improvement of our relations, but also to the peace and stability of Asia-Pacific region and the world as a whole.   三、转性法   转性法是指在翻译过程中, 根据目标语言的习惯进行词性转换。常见的转性有名动、 介动、 形名、 形副等。从语义认知角度来看, 词性的转变作为语法变化, 是由语义结构中的变化引起的。   例句: Vancouver is largely British in character with some Chinese influence.   译文: 温哥华主要以英国文化为特色, 同时也受到中国文化的影响。   四、转句法   英语中的某些用作状语或定语的词组, 或者名词词组, 往往包含丰富的寓意。有时, 把原文词组的内容连同其形式一起翻译成地道的汉语几乎是不可能的, 因此, 我们需要把这类词组(有时甚至是单词)转译成一个句子。汉语中也有这样短小精悍、 含义丰富的词组, 因此, 在汉译英时也要用到这种翻译技巧。   例句: “一国两制”就是在中国保持统一的前提下, 内地实行社会主义制度, 香港保持原有的资本主义制度和生活方式, 50年不变。   译文: “One country, two systems” refers to the fact that in China, a unified country, the mainland practices the socialist system, and Hong Kongu2019s existing capitalist system and way of life will remain unchanged for 50 years.   五、分句法   有时英语长句中主语或主句与修饰词的关系并不十分密切,翻译时可以按照汉语多用短句的习惯,把长句的从句或短语转化成句子,分开来叙述。   有时为了使语意连贯, 需要适当增加词语。   例句: 我们的展示内容包括中国在教育、 文化、 建筑和科技方面所取得的成就, 并介绍首都北京和被誉为东方明珠的上海的新貌。   译文: Our exhibits involve the achievements of Chinau2019s education, culture, architecture, science and technology. We will show you the new outlook of Beijing, the capital city, and Shanghai, which is crowned as the “Oriental Pearl”.   六、合句法   英汉两种语言的句子结构不完全相同,尽管英语句子日趋简洁,但是从句套从句,短语含短语的句型也经常出现。   一般而言,一个英语句子的信息包含量要大于一个汉语句子,因此, 我们在做汉译英的`时候,常常把汉语的两个甚至更多句子,合译成一个英语句子。   当然,使用合句法还可以使译文紧凑、 简练。   例句: 他用辛辛苦苦攒了五年的钱买了一架照相机。然后, 他带着它走遍全国, 拍摄了许多山水风光、 亭台楼阁的照片。   译文: After saving hard for 5 years, he bought a camera, with which he then travelled around the country and took numerous pictures of landscapes, pavilions, mansions and terraces.   七、转序法   转序法是指翻译长句时,在掌握句型结构及逻辑结构的基础上,适当地转换句子顺序。   一般而言, 笔译中用转序法更为常见。   口译中只有针对特定模板结构时才可使用转序法,否则会和笔记符号顺序相反,造成译文无序或乱序。   例句: Shenzhen is a 20-year-old high-tech city of four million people opposite Hong Kong.   译文: 深圳与香港遥遥相望, 是一座有着20年历史以及400万人口的高科技城市。   八、同主句及枝形结构   同主句是新东方的独创,主要针对长句,是指主语相同的句子或可译为相同主语的句子。   处理这种句子的主要方法是进行从句、分词结构和介词结构的切分。 ;
2023-07-30 03:58:531


克隆人表现为利弊两面性,具体到中国国情,提出了中国政府对克隆人应持的态度和对策,包括判断克隆技术的首要原则是有利于个人和人类整体的生存和发展;克隆技术行为应与生命伦理学的四个基本原则一致;采取区别于西方的态度等。(克隆人技术的伦理原则)克隆技术伦理判断的首要原则。马克思主义伦理观实质上是利益最大化和公正分配论[1],要求最大限度地满足人类的生存发展,主张生存发展是人的根本意义,因此是否有利于个人、种族和人类的生存和发展则是判断克隆技术是否正当的首要原则。这个原则在生命伦理学上表现为扬善抑恶、趋利避害和优胜劣汰三条伦理判断和权衡的标准。克隆人的伦理问题,按康德的绝对命令的说法,可以转化为:是否应该克隆人。进行这样的伦理判断需要一个深层的伦理依据,即人类的基本目标是追求个人和社会整体的最佳生存状态。由此推出三个审查性…而且据《中国青年报》报道:中国卫生部官员表示,在任何情况、任何场合、任何条件下,都不赞成、不允许、不支持、不接受生殖性克隆人的试验。The performance of the pros and cons of human cloning for the two sides, the specific national conditions of China, the Chinese government on human cloning should be the attitude and response, including the cloning technique to determine the first principles is conducive to personal and human survival and development of a whole; acts of cloning technology should be consistent with Bioethics of the four basic principles; taken from the western attitude.(Human cloning technology, ethical principles) cloning techniques to determine the first principles of ethics. Marxist ethics is essentially to maximize the benefits and the fair distribution of [1], to meet the requirements of human survival and development, and advocate the survival and development are the fundamental significance of people, so whether it is conducive to personal, racial and human survival and development is the cloning technique to determine the validity of first principles. This principle in bioethics on the performance for the good and restrain evil, WTO and the survival of the fittest three ethical judgments and weigh the criteria. People question the ethics of cloning, according to Kant"s categorical imperative that can be translated into: Should human cloning. Such ethical judgments required a deeper ethical basis, that is, mankind"s basic objective is the pursuit of individuals and society as a whole, the best survival status. This review of the introduction of the three ...Moreover, according to "China Youth Daily" reported: Chinese Ministry of Health officials said that in any case, any occasion, any conditions, they are not in favor, does not allow, do not support, does not accept the Human reproductive cloning experiment.不满意说声,谢谢!
2023-07-30 03:59:031


Reporter: Hello, Jeremy Lin, nice to see you today, and to interview you, I want to ask you a few questions about sports and health, can?Jeremy Lin: of courseReporter: now you are NBA superstar, for basketball, how do you know? What makes you go on playing basketball this way?Jeremy Lin: basketball is a competitive sport, and is a very promising effect of exercise movement, in the course of running, jumping, these give us the body brought the results are very obvious.Reporter: the effect of specific now where? Can give us specific say?Jeremy Lin: sports bring us benefits are mainly on the physiological, physical performance in: physical exercise is conducive to human bone, muscle growth, improve heart and lung function, improve blood circulation system, respiratory system, function of the digestive system, conducive to human growth and development, improve the disease-resistant ability, strengthens the organism adaptation ability, etc....Reporter: good, it is Jeremy Lin to tell us the sports bring us physical benefits, then in the sports we must pay attention to what the problem? Let"s ask Jeremy Lin.Reporter: Jeremy Lin, just you have already said sports bring us benefits, it can give us a talk in our daily sports activities need to pay attention to what?Jeremy Lin: of course, first movement must choose the right time, in the early morning and day best, second is to pay attention to the amount of movement, movement to moderate, not excessive, third points to note is the movement after the rest and diet nutrition, have a plan.Reporter: OK, listen to the interview with Jeremy Lin us. We must have the harvest, here we thank Jeremy Lin for the interview, we actively cooperate to thank him, hope that next time there are opportunities to ask him about sports knowledge, good, today"s interview, do this goodbye Jeremy Lin!Jeremy Lin: goodbye!Reporter: good, below the cut back to studio, everybody
2023-07-30 03:59:263


There are some differences between China education and Western education. First in our country children are demanded to study many subjects from a young age . And they are often forced to accept their parents" opinions about education. While in western countries, children are taught in a natural environment and they can learn some life skills from their environment . But they don"t need to finish any work by their parents. instead, they can develop interest of their own. They have more chances to take some activities and develop their character. But they can not learn so much basic knowledge as Chinese children.
2023-07-30 03:59:362


2023-07-30 03:59:574

面试,公司问 why you?怎么回答呀

2023-07-30 04:00:1010

请大家帮个忙 ,帮我写一篇怎样教育孩子的英语作文 一百五十个词就行 简单点 嘿嘿 先谢谢了

Method 1: performance tolerant attitudeMaybe some bad habits children themselves don"t like, but he couldn"t control myself not to do things have been accustomed. Therefore, parents should take child with tolerant attitude, in helping him overcome shortcomings of time, will patiently pointed out time and time again to his problems. Encourage forever, even if the child than criticizing only a bit of progress, also don"t save your praise, their parents a praise smile, a sly eyes will let children are encouraging. Had better not take his compared with their peers, important is child child past performance and his action now. For the occasional backward you also don"t show disappointment, believe that children can win over his bad habit. The child has a bad habit, even if is "committed", repeatedly repeatedly teach adults also do not cherish prejudices, feel their kids not to enlightenment. Because this attitude will hurt the child"s motivation, this is not conducive to cure the child of bad habits, but also to other aspects of the development of children and growth. Don"t give children in psychological pressure. Although a child looks sweet and innocent, but he and we as adults can feel the environment or other people to give his psychological pressure, the pressure can"t effectively help children realize his mistakes behavior and correct, so try to keep lighten for children.Method 2: good at holding the opportunityGuide and education child getting rid of a bad habit should be paid. For many kids bad habit is an unconscious behavior. Normally, parents can appear in children immediately after the bad habits correction. For example found the child not the hands and eat to timely give children the mouth "confidently" the truth, and urge him washing their hands. When a child again eat could remembered the last time mom (dad) teaching. For a child"s progress, you also want timely praise him.Method 3: play the role modelAlthough lingling is a girl, but she has a bad habit of the male untidy, love to collect. : Although mom and dad never know how many times, criticised her little room or persist one"s old ways, lingling is still in a great mess. During the summer vacation, mother put lingling"s cousin all up. All is a neat little girl, lingling little room always be all cousin apple-pie order. Summers past, mom and dad surprised to discover the untidy girl disappeared, lingling become and all the same love neatness. As the saying goes: "example of power is infinite." Sometimes parents to help children to correct bad habits, might as well in peacetime life for he set an example, after a considerable period of time, bad habits in unconsciously center is corrected.Methods four: the story changed shortcomingsCriticism is not correct, teaching children the only way bad habit, because the child self-awareness ability is not perfect, sometimes parents critically, and don"t give them confidently why, for example, the child will produce a rebellious attitude and not willing to listen to their parents taught, it will strengthen their own bad habits. In such cases, parents might as well through the give children stories, read a chant etc, let the children their moral form of consciousness to them shortcomings.Method 5: gradual effect is goodParents need to understand is the child of bad habits formed is not a day for two days, so correct existing bad habits, children parents cannot too tall, to request practical and also want to have patience. Don"t expect the child in the short term corrected the bad habit entirely. Parents should be more tolerance heart, give the child a little more time, as long as children every time some corrections. In some cases, the former bad habits may again in children appeared again and again, actually this is normal, parents not to come on too strongly.Methods 6: distractingWhen you find the child of bad habits always "remains untamed", don"t think that was a child, perhaps in deliberately defy your children themselves haven"t been aware of and make mistakes. Parents can according to the child"s characteristics and be fond of, transfer the child"s attention, for example, when you discover the child again in bite their fingernails, you can let her to help you clean the clean room, such child will forget oneself just action. If you are a careful parents, still can be in a prominent place, post some simple tips pictures, reminds children. Time grew, the child naturally into what has ever forget his bad habits. Correct child bad habit is not accomplished overnight, need parents perseverance and family members to cooperate, and parents also might as well in yourself look for reason, if found himself is children"s "bad example", that need you together with the child corrected.
2023-07-30 04:00:381


good advice is harsh to the ear网络释义:1. 忠言逆耳: Good advice is harsh to the ear., Advice when most needed is least heeded., Honest advice is unpleasant to the ear., Cold counsel:2. 忠言逆耳利于行: Unpleasant advice is a good medicine., Unpleasnt advice is a good medicine, Unpleasant advice is g good medicine, Honest advice, though unpleasant to the ear, benefits conduct.例句与用法:1. 良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳利于心.Good medicine for health tastes bitter to the mouth.2. 忠言逆耳利于行,良药苦口利于病.Zhongyannier help line, good medicine tastes bitter conducive to disease.
2023-07-30 04:00:581

kind 名词是复数还是单数

2023-07-30 04:01:086


大学生校外租房的利弊(Advantages and Disadvantages of Living Off Campus) More and more students like to live off campus rather than on campus nowadays. There have been two opposing views about living off campus. One view states that renting a house outside campus is better. Another view, in contrast to the first one, believes that it is more harm than good to live off campus. I would like to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of renting a house off campus. The advantages could be as follows. First of all, time management is easier if living off campus, because students can make their own plan of when to get up, when to sleep, when to have meal and when to study. Students can also burn the midnight oil when the study is very busy. Secondly, students can have a free living style. They can cook for themselves in their house. They can play games, watch movies, and do whatever they want in the house, and these are not possible, or at least not convenient when living on campus. Finally, renting a house could help students learn how to live by themselves, and help them learn to control their behaviours. The disadvantages are also obvious. In the first place, it may be not safe for a student living outside the campus without the supervision or help from the staff of the university. When emergencies happen, students have no one to ask for help. In the second place, some students may not be able to control themselves very well. They may addict to computer games, or even gambling, because nobody would control them. Last but not least, it should be more expensive to rent a house and live outside the campus. To sum up, it is hard to say living off campus is good or bad. It is reasonable to say that it depends on the characteristics of the student. If he/she can control himself/herself well enough, it may be a good idea to live off campus. Otherwise, living on campus may be a suitable way of living.
2023-07-30 04:01:263


2023-07-30 03:53:412