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2023-07-30 08:18:43
TAG: 英语 作文


Milky white as the dominant hue is almost everywhere, like carpet, sofa, hold pillow, curtain and wall.

1、列举事物应该用 such as;

2、为呼应上文的 Milky white,所列举的应该是 colours,即 such as the colours of …;


As soon as you enter the room, the most predominant piece of furniture is a fancy velvet sectional sofa, paralleled to the left wall.

1、组合沙发有多个组成,应该用 a set of sectional sofas 表示一套;

2、主句和从句所表达的意思在逻辑上不太合理,改为倒装句“greeting you is a set of …(一进入房间,一套组合沙发就映入眼帘)”

3、most predominant piece of furniture 调整为定语从句 which is the most predominant furniture of the all

On the sofa, lied several matched hold pillows and two smaller brown ones with white bars.

1、On the sofa, lied … 是倒装句,不能用逗号;

2、靠垫应该是 cushion for leaning,简称为 cushion,靠垫是成对的,最好 several pairs of cushions;

3、后面改为非限制性定语从句 among which there are two smaller brown ones with white bars.

At the center of the room is a wooden mental-leg tea table surrounded by the sectional sofa, with a moss green bowl and two remote controls on top of it.

1、金属腿木器茶几改为 a wooden tea table with metal legs

2、on the top of it 添加定冠词。

In front of the tea table is a two-grilled glass cabinet where TV and DVD player located.

1、双层似乎是 a two-double

2、定语从句缺少助动词,改为 where TV and DVD player are located.

There are four transparent French windows on each Wall, and when you look outside, you will see a set of table and chairs for rest on the Western balcony and a lush sago cycas swing in the wind on the Southern balcony.

1、Windows 不能贴在墙上,而是镶在墙壁里面,改为 in each Wall,

2、树木应该在超过房子顶得上面摆动,改为above the Southern balcony.

During the afternoon, it"s a perfect place for you to have a cup of tea, accompany with suns reflecting.

——accompany with 应该改为分词作陪衬性状语 accompanying with


The living room has a concise and neutral style, simple without losing the gorgeous. Milky white as the dominant hue is almost everywhere, such as the colours of the carpet, the sofa, the cushion for leaning on, the curtain and the wall. As soon as you enter the room, greeting you is a set of fancy velvet sectional sofas paralleled to the left wall, which is the most predominant furniture of the all. On the sofa lied several pairs of cushions, among which there are two smaller brown ones with white bars. At the center of the room is a wooden tea table with metal legs surrounded by the sectional sofas, with a moss green bowl and two remote controls on the top of it. In front of the tea table is a two-double glass cabinet where TV and DVD player are located. There are four transparent French windows in each Wall, and when you look outside, you will see a set of table and chairs for rest on the Western balcony and an emerald green sago cycas swing in the wind above the Southern balcony. During the afternoon, it"s a perfect place for you to have a cup of tea accompanying with the sun"s reflecting.


The living room has a concise and neutral style, and is simple without losing gorgeous attire. MIlky white as the dominant hue is almost everywhere, such as carpet, sofa, hold pillow, curtain and wall. As soon as you enter the room, the most predominant piece of furniture is a fancy velvet sectional sofa, paralleled to the left wall. On the sofa, lied several matched hold pillows and two smaller brown ones with white bars. At the center of the room is a wooden mental-leg tea table surrounded by the sectional sofa, with a moss green bowl and two remote controls on top of it. In front of the tea table is a two-grilled glass cabinet where TV and DVD player are located. There are four transparent French windows in each Wall, and when you look outside, you will see a set of table and chairs for rest on the Western balcony and a lush sago cycas swing in the wind on the Southern balcony. During the afternoon, it"s a perfect place for you to have a cup of tea, accompanied with sunshine reflecting.



sectional and auxiliary views are also commonly

辅助分视图一般是基于主视图部分区域的图的集合。sectional[英][ˈsekʃənl][美][ˈsɛkʃənəl]adj.断面的; 拼合而成的; 局部的; 部分(地区)的;auxiliary[英][ɔ:gˈzɪliəri][美][ɔɡˈzɪljəri, -ˈzɪləri]adj.辅助的; 备用的,补充的; 附加的; 副的; n.助动词; 辅助者,辅助人员; 附属机构,附属团体; 辅助设备; 复数:auxiliariesviews[英][v"ju:z][美][v"ju:z]n.看( view的名词复数 ); [建筑学]视图; 概观; 视力commonly[英][ˈkɒmənli][美][ˈkɑ:mənli]adv.通常地; 一般地; 平凡地; 粗俗地; sed 基于Design of a Compound Device B a sed on USB基于USB总线复合设备的设计present[英][ˈpreznt][美][ˈprɛznt]adj.目前的; 现在的; 出席的; [语法学]现在时的; part[英][pɑ:t][美][pɑ:rt]n.部分; 零件; 参加; 地区; vt.使分裂; 拆移; 使分开; vi.分开; 分离; 分岔; adv.不完全地,部分地; adj.不完全的,部分的; 第三人称单数:parts复数:parts现在进行时:parting过去式:parted过去分词:parteddetabbr.determine 决定; detach 分开; detachment 分开; detection 探测;Building the data det for WEKA为WEKA构建数据集
2023-07-30 02:58:421

sectional drawing是什么意思

sectional drawing英 [u02c8seku0283u0259nu0259l u02c8dru0254:u026au014b] 美 [u02c8su025bku0283u0259nu0259l u02c8dru0254u026au014b] 词典剖面图; 断面图; 截面图; 剖视图
2023-07-30 02:58:532


问题一:“总平面图”用英文怎么说 总平面图,标准英文名称为General Layout 亦称“总体布置图”,按一般规定比例绘制,表示建筑物,构筑物的方位、间距以及道路网、绿化、竖向布置和基地临界情况等。图上有指北针,有的还有风玫瑰图。 问题二:“平面图”的英文怎么说 floor plan [简明英汉词典] n.建筑的平面图 house plan 房屋平面图 house ichnography 房屋平面图 问题三:如果舒马赫有一天真的退休了,大家还会看F1吗 废话~我看的是莱科宁 问题四:平面图 立面图 首层平面图 剖面图 总平面图等 英语翻译 平面图 (Floor) Layout 立面图 Elevation 首层平面图 (1st FL / Ground FL) Layout 剖面图 Sectional Drawing 总平面图 Master Plan Layout 问题五:平面图,立面图,剖面图,效果图这些术语用英语怎么说 平面图plan ,立面图elevation 剖面图section 效果图renderring 问题六:我们社区的平面图用英语怎么说? 我觉得谈的时候要有所保留,你太急了一些。你第一次接待客户应该只给客户看平面图,讲你的设计,边讲边和客户进一步沟通,看人家是否接受你的设计,客户真正有什么想法。谈的时候也不要一味光强调设计,还要了解客户他自己想要装修的一个标准。沟通完以后设计方面多少肯定都会有所改动,然后安排在第二次见面看改后的设计平面图,在进一步与客户沟通,这时客户他也不只看了你一家的设计,客户会有很多新的想法和要求。这时客户对他以后把家真正装什么样,达到一个什么效果,什么用途,会比较真实的说出来。第一次谈客户都会有所保留,因为他心里其实也不是很有底。这时设计师要和客户约第三次见面的时间,第三次把最终修改的方案再与客户沟通,这时预算要提前做好,当客户对设计满意后再给客户看一下大体的预算。三次见面后,设计师与客户彼此都有了好感与信任,成功的就一半了,以后基本上会在预算方面沟通多次,客户不用说心理上都是想用最好的材料,花最少钱,还想要最好的效果。在确少沟通的情况就看了平面,说预算,一个是平面设计不成熟,客户心理不太满意,一个是早早的说预算少了和客户再见面的机会,并且一个客户还没有最终满意的设计说了预算也是白说,还会把客户吓跑。
2023-07-30 02:59:001


“总平面图”用英文怎么说 总平面图,标准英文名称为General Layout 亦称“总体布置图”,按一般规定比例绘制,表示建筑物,构筑物的方位、间距以及道路网、绿化、竖向布置和基地临界情况等。图上有指北针,有的还有风玫瑰图。 “平面图”的英文怎么说 floor plan [简明英汉词典] n.建筑的平面图house plan 房屋平面图 house ichnography 房屋平面图 平面图的英语翻译 平面图用英语怎么说 Layout 平面图 立面图 首层平面图 剖面图 总平面图等 英语翻译 平面图 (Floor) Layout 立面图 Elevation 首层平面图 (1st FL / Ground FL) Layout 剖面图 Sectional Drawing 总平面图 Master Plan Layout 如果舒马赫有一天真的退休了,大家还会看F1吗 废话~我看的是莱科宁 各种平面图形用英语都怎么说 常见平面图形英语翻译 正方形 square圆形 circle 长方形 rectangle 三角形 triangle 椭圆形 oval 半圆形 half-circle 菱形 diamond 梯形 trapezium 平行四边parallelogram 平面图,立面图,剖面图,效果图这些术语用英语怎么说 平面图plan ,立面图elevation 剖面图section 效果图renderring
2023-07-30 02:59:071


2023-07-30 02:59:141

cross-sectional area是什么意思

cross-sectional area横截面积双语对照词典结果:cross-sectional area断面面积,横截面积; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.His design does two things. First, by putting the rider in a prone position the cross-sectional area is decreased. 他这么设计主要有两个原因:第一,人成俯卧姿势,这样有助于减少截面积。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-07-30 02:59:221

分段函数 用英语怎么说?

sectional function
2023-07-30 02:59:361


Cross-sectional截面的,断面的,剖面的涉及一个断面的;具有代表性的,典型性的These relationships between social and financial performance can be rationalizedby multi-factor models for explaining the cross-sectional variation in returns, butnot by industry effects. 社会绩效与金融业绩间的这些关系,可以通过解释回报中代表性变量的多因子模型进行合理化,却难以通过产业效应起到同样效果。请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助
2023-07-30 02:59:561


  Cross-Sectional_Study中文翻译为:横断面研究。横断面研究(cross-sectionalstudy)是在某一特定时间对某一定范围内的人群,以个人为单位收集和描述人群的特征以及疾病或健康状况。它是描述流行病学中应用最为广泛的方法。  横断面研究又称横断面调查,因为所获得的描述性资料是在某一时点或在一个较短时间区间内收集的,所以它客观地反映了这一时点的疾病分布以及人们的某些特征与疾病之间的关联。由于所收集的资料是调查当时所得到的现况资料,故又称现况研究或现况调查(prevalencesurvey);又因横断面研究所用的指标主要是患病率,又称患病率调查。
2023-07-30 03:00:041

cold forming sectional steel是什么意思

cold forming sectional steel 冷弯型钢  冷弯型钢指用钢板或带钢在冷状态下弯曲成的各种断面形状的成品钢材。冷弯型钢是一种经济的截面轻型薄壁钢材,也称为钢制冷弯型材或冷弯型材。 冷弯型钢是制作轻型钢结构的主要材料。它具有热轧所不能生产的各种特薄、形状合理而复杂的截面。与热轧型钢相比较,在相同截面面积的情况下,回转半径可增大50~60%,截面惯性矩可增大0.5~3.0倍,因而能较合理地利用材料强度;与普通钢结构(即由传统的工字钢、槽钢、角钢和钢板制作的钢结构)相比较,可节约钢材30~50%左右。  例句筛选1.Technical requirements of cold forming sectional steel冷弯型钢技术条件2.Cold forming sectional steel--Hollow sectional steel for general structure--Demension, form, weight and permissible deviations结构用冷弯空心型钢尺寸、外形、重量及允许偏差
2023-07-30 03:00:121


  Cross-Sectional_Study中文翻译为:横断面研究。横断面研究(cross-sectionalstudy)是在某一特定时间对某一定范围内的人群,以个人为单位收集和描述人群的特征以及疾病或健康状况。它是描述流行病学中应用最为广泛的方法。  横断面研究又称横断面调查,因为所获得的描述性资料是在某一时点或在一个较短时间区间内收集的,所以它客观地反映了这一时点的疾病分布以及人们的某些特征与疾病之间的关联。由于所收集的资料是调查当时所得到的现况资料,故又称现况研究或现况调查(prevalencesurvey);又因横断面研究所用的指标主要是患病率,又称患病率调查。
2023-07-30 03:00:225

cross-sectional area是什么意思

cross-sectional area翻译不正确取消cross-sectional area断面面积,横截面积;
2023-07-30 03:00:582


  个人利益包括个人物质生活和精神生活需要的满足,个人身体的保存和健康,个人才能的利用和发展等。那么你知道个人利益用英文怎么说吗?下面我为大家带来个人利益的英文说法和相关英文表达,希望对你有所帮助。   个人利益的英文说法:   personal interests   个人利益相关英文表达:   正当个人利益 the proper self-interest   牺牲个人利益 sacrifice one"s personal interests   个人利益观 personal interests view   获得个人利益 make personal gain   个人利益最大化 maximum personal interest   追求个人利益 pursuing personal interests   个人利益英文说法例句:   1. My duty to my family lies before my own interests.   我的家庭责任比我的个人利益更重要.   2. The interest of individuals is indissolubly linked with that of the country.   个人利益同国家利益不可分割地联系在一起.   3. She always thinks of others and never of self.   她总是为他人着想,从不考虑个人利益.   4. He cares only for his own interests.   他只顾个人利益.   5. A communist by no means goes after individual interests.   一个共产主义者决不追求个人利益.   6. We should subordinate our personal interest to that of the collective.   我们应该让个人利益服从集体利益.   7. As for him, his life was sacred to himself and his family and his personal interests.   至于他自己, 他的生命对他本人、他的家庭、他的个人利益都是神圣的.   8. The pursuit of self - interest is a form of thought that is going out.   追求个人利益的思想方式已经快过时了.   9. The interests of the individual must be subordinated to the interests of the collective.   个人利益必须服从集体利益.   10. One must never violate these loyalties to serve one"s own interests.   任何人都不应该为了个人利益而不履行这些应尽的忠诚责任.   11. A good leader must look beyond personal interest or aversion.   一个优秀的领导人必须眼光放远,超越个人利益或嫌恶.   12. You see, it is aimed only at the personal interest.   你看, 它只瞄准个人利益.   13. And though it requires sacrifice, it brings a deeper fulfillment.   虽然承担责任意味着牺牲个人利益, 但是你能从中体会到一种更加深刻的成就感.   14. The New Nationalism puts the national need before sectional or personal advantage.   新国家主义将国家需要置于派系或个人利益之前.   15. He always puts the interests of the people before his own.
2023-07-30 03:01:061


2023-07-30 03:01:225


sectional data
2023-07-30 03:01:394


2023-07-30 03:01:474

cross-sectional differences什么意思?

2023-07-30 03:02:122

一般厂家应该提供的图纸范围?业主总是问我们要sectional drawings with part numbers 带有部件号的设备分

2023-07-30 03:02:211


1. 文言文(载竿进城) 截竿进城 鲁国有个人扛着根又粗又长的毛竹进城。到了城门口,他把毛竹竖起来拿,被城门卡住了,他把毛竹横着拿,又被两边的城墙卡住了。他折腾了半天,累得气喘吁吁,还是进不了城。旁边有个老头儿边看边乐:“你可真是个大草包!脑袋瓜里就只有一根弦!我这一大把年纪,过的桥比你走的路还多,你怎么不请教请教我呢?”卖毛竹的人连忙向他打躬作揖:“您老多指教吧!”老头儿捋(lǚ)着白胡子说:“这事儿简单。你把毛竹锯为两段, 不就进去了吗?”“毛竹锯断了就不顶用了。”“那总比你卡在城外强吧!”卖毛竹的人就借了把锯子,把毛竹锯断,拿进城去了。 [提示] 如果说卖毛竹的人愚蠢可笑的话,那么,那个喜欢摆老资格、教训人的白胡子老头儿更加蠢笨。有些“老资格”总是喜欢按老经验、老规矩办事,他们不善于根据实际情况,灵活地考虑极简单的、甚至是一般常识范围内的问题,结果,出了很多馊主意。 [原文] 鲁有执长竿入城门者①,初坚执之,不可入;横执之,亦不可入。计无所出。俄有老父至②,曰:“吾非圣人,但见事多矣!何不以锯中截而入?”遂依而截之③。 ——《笑林》 [注释] ①执——拿。 ②俄——一会儿。老父(fǔ)——对老年人的尊称。 ③遂——于是。 2. 扛竹竿进城这则寓言告诉我们什么 1)【执竿入城】选自【笑林(三国魏)】 2)【执竿入城】寓意 【A】有些事情,不是无法解决,只是解决的不那么完美。 【B】有些时候,看似无法解决的问题,其实分而治之是可以解决的,也就是把大问题化为小问题。老父的方法用现在的语言来讲就是非均匀分段。 【C】这虽然是一则笑话,但这则笑话告诉人们一个道理:思维要灵活,不要片面与固执。 【D】自作聪明的人是愚蠢的。 3)【执竿入城】故事简介 鲁国有个拿着长长的竿子进入城门的人,起初竖立起来拿着它,不能进入城门,横过来拿着它,也不能进入城门,实在想不出办法来了。一会儿,有个老人来到这里说:“我并不是圣贤,只不过是见到的事情多了,为什么不用锯子将长竿从中截断后进入城门呢?”那个鲁国人于是依照老人的办法将长竿子截断了. 3. 古文截竿进城的原文以及翻译 截竿进城 [原文] 鲁有执①长竿入城门者,初竖执之,不可入;横执之,亦不可入.计无所出.俄②有老父③至,曰:“吾非圣人,但见事多矣!何不以锯中截而入?”遂④依而截之.——《笑林》 [注释] ①执——拿.②俄——一会儿.③ 老父(fǔ)——对老年人的尊称.③遂——于是. 【翻译】 鲁国有个拿着长长的竿子进入城门的人,起初竖立起来拿着它,不能进入城门,横过来拿着它,也不能进入城门,实在想不出办法来了.一会儿,有个老人来到这里说:“我并不是圣贤,只不过是见到的事情多了,为什么不用锯子将长竿从中截断后进入城门呢?”那个鲁国人于是依从了老人的办法将长竿子截断了.【启示】 如果说卖毛竹的人愚蠢可笑的话,那么,那个喜欢摆老资格、教训人的白胡子老头儿更加蠢笨.有些“老资格”总是喜欢按老经验、老规矩办事,他们不善于根据实际情况,灵活地考虑极简单的、甚至是一般常识范围内的问题,结果,出了很多馊主意.道理-------- “执长竿入城门者”蠢人,做事不会思考,死板的循规蹈矩,不知变通 .“老父”还不如蠢人,自作聪明,乱指挥,弄巧成拙 ,但乐于助人. 这个故事说明了两点: 1,把三维欧式变换限制在二维,会导致有些事情,即使不是无法解决,也是解决的不那么完美. 2,有些时候,看似无法解决的问题,其实分而治之是可以解决的,也就是把大问题化为小问题.老父的方法用现在的cagd语言来讲就是piecewise.。 4. 《执竿入城》的文言文翻译 翻译如下:鲁国有个拿着长长的竿子进入城门的人,起初竖着拿杆子,不能进入城门,横过来拿杆子,也不能进入城门,实在没有办法了。一会儿,有个老人到这里说:“我并不是圣贤,只是见到的事情多了而已,为什么不用锯子将长竿从中截断后进入城门呢?”于是那个鲁国人依从了老人的办法将长竿子截断了。 字词注释: 鲁:鲁国,在山东。 执:拿。 有。。者:代词,可以译为“有一个……的人” 初:开始时。 之:代词,指长竿 不可入:不能进入(城门)。 亦:也 计无所出:计:办法。指想不出办法。 俄:不久,一会儿。 老夫(第三声):老人。夫,古代对老年男子的尊称。 至:来到。 非:不是。 圣人:最完善,最有学识的人。 何:疑问代词,怎么,为什么。 中截:从中间截断,“中”名词作状语,在这里作“截”的状语。截:截断 但:只,只是。 何:为什么。 以锯:以:用,用锯子。 中:从中间。 截:截断。 而:连词,表顺接,然后。 遂:于是,就。 之:代词,指竹竿 。 依:依照。 入:进入。 5. 戴竿入城 古文理解 截竿入城>;原文--------- 鲁有执长竿入城门者,初竖执之,不可入,横执之,亦不可入,计无所出.俄有老父至曰;"吾非圣人,但见事多,何不以锯中截而入?"遂依而截之. <;截竿入城>;译文--------- 鲁国有个拿着长长的竿子进入城门的人,起初竖立起来拿着它,不能进入城门,横过来拿着它,也不能进入城门,实在想不出办法来了。一会儿,有个老人来到这里说:“我并不是圣贤,只不过是见到的事情多了,为什么不用锯子将长竿从中截断后进入城门呢?”那个鲁国人于是依照老人的办法将长竿子截断了。 <;截竿入城>;道理-------- “执长竿入城门者”蠢人,做事不会思考,死板的循规蹈矩,不知变通 。 “老父”还不如蠢人,自作聪明,乱指挥,弄巧成拙 ,但乐于助人。 这个故事说明了两点: 1, 把三维欧式变换限制在二维,会导致有些事情,即使不是无法解决,也是解决的不那么完美。 2, 有些时候,看似无法解决的问题,其实分而治之是可以解决的,也就是把大问题化为小问题。老父的方法用现在的cagd语言来讲就是piecewise. 字词理解 初:起始 执:握,持,拿 亦:也 俄:一会儿,不久 矣:了,承接 遂:就 计:计谋,策略 而:连词,表承接,然后 老父:年长的男人 遂:就 6. 戴竿进城文言文翻译 有个类似的。没看到戴竿进城。 截竿入城 原文:鲁有执长竿入城门者,初竖执之,不可入;横执之,亦不可入。计无所出。俄有老父至,曰:“吾非圣人,但见事多矣!何不以锯中截而入?"遂依而截之 作品名称 《截竿入城》 外文名称 Sectional rod into the city 作品别名 《鲁人锯竿入城》 创作年代 魏晋时期 作品出处 《笑林》 译文 听语音 鲁国有个拿着长竿子进城门的人,起初竖立起来拿着它,但不能进入城门,横过来拿着它,也不能进入城门,他实在是想不出什么办法来了。不久,有个老人来到这里说:“我虽然不是圣贤,只不过见到的事情多了,为什么不用锯子将长竿从中间截断后进入城门呢?”于是那个鲁国人依从了老人的办法将长竿子截断了。 7. 执竿人城文言文 执竿入城 鲁有执长竿入城门者,初竖执之,不可入,横执之,亦不可入,计无所出·俄有老夫至曰:“吾非圣人,但见事多矣!何不以锯中截而入?"遂依而截之。 译文 鲁国有个拿着长长的竿子进入城门的人,起初竖立起来拿着它,不能进入城门,横过来拿着它,也不能进入城门,实在想不出办法来了。一会儿,有个老人来到这里说:“我并不是圣贤,只不过是见到的事情多了,为什么不用锯子将长竿从中截断后进入城门呢?”那个鲁国人于是依照老人的办法将长竿子截断了.
2023-07-30 03:02:281


2023-07-30 03:02:362

英语翻译:句中 across ...and ... 是对levels和ratio 的要求,还是只对ratios 的要求?

……both是俩,那哪俩?不就是level和appropriate ratio这俩么?
2023-07-30 03:02:454

英文翻译高手请进,三节棍真正的英文是什么?Three-section cudgel Three-jointed pike

我认为 Triple Cudgel 最为贴切。triple 意为三个一组的,Cudgel 意为(习武的)棍棒,短棍。
2023-07-30 03:03:153


2023-07-30 03:03:262

一个英文物理题 (急求 英语好的进)

2023-07-30 03:03:422


Sectional examination
2023-07-30 03:04:193


2023-07-30 03:04:401

cross-sectional study

横断面研究(cross-sectional study)是通过对特定时点和特定范围内人群中的疾病或健康状况和有关因素的分布状况的资料收集、描述,从而为进一步的研究提供病因线索。它是描述流行病学中应用最为广泛的方法。它客观地反映了这一时点的疾病分布以及人们的某些特征与疾病之间的关联。由于所收集的资料是调查当时所得到的现况资料,故又称现况研究或现况调查(prevalence survey);又因横断面研究所用的指标主要是患病率,又称患病率调查。扩展资料目的1、描述疾病或健康状况的三间分布情况 通过对某一地区或人群的调查,获得某种疾病在时间、地区和人群中的分布,从而发现高危人群或发现有关的病因线索,为疾病的防治提供依据。2、描述某些因素或特征与疾病的关联,确定危险因素 如通过对冠心病及其危险因素的调查,发现高血压、高血脂、超重、吸烟及有关职业与冠心病的关系,从而为降低危险因素、减少冠心病发生提供依据。3、为评价防治措施及效果提供有价值的信息 如在采取措施若干时期后,重复进行横断面研究,根据患病率差别的比较,可以考核前段时期所施行措施的效果。4、为疾病监测或其他类型流行病学研究提供基础资料。参考资料来源:百度百科-横断面研究
2023-07-30 03:04:481


2023-07-30 03:05:047


单位工程,Unit project,分部分项工程Sub project
2023-07-30 03:05:503

剖面图 用英语怎么说啊?

section drawing
2023-07-30 03:06:083

“cross-sectional designs是什么”

2023-07-30 03:06:171


2023-07-30 03:06:253

Cross-Sectional dependence什么意思?

2023-07-30 03:06:343


大脑的英文:brain中中释义:大脑[dà nǎo]生理学名词。中枢神经系统中最重要的部分,正中有一道纵沟,分左右两个半球,表面有很多皱襞。大脑表层稍带灰色。叫大脑皮层,也叫灰质。内部白色,叫白质。例句1.大脑横断面解剖与MRI对照研究。Comparative study between the transverse sectional anatomy and MRI of cerebrum.2.腔镜甲状腺手术中CO2充气对大脑影响的实验研究。Effects of CO_2 Insufflation on Cerebrum during Endoscopic Thyroidectomy in a Porcine Model.3.他们对大脑功能的了解有进展吗?Are they any closer to understanding how the brain works?4.我们不完全了解大脑是怎样构成的。We do not fully understand how the brain is organized.5.这种急性大脑传染病几乎总是导致死亡。This acute infection of the brain is almost invariably fatal.6.大脑同身体一样需要锻炼。The mind needs exercise as well as the body.7.眼睛开始是从大脑长出,呈杯状。The eye first appears as a cup-shaped outgrowth from the brain.8.和它的身体相比,它的大脑很小。Its brain is small in relation to its body.9.听着,我们在这儿做的事又不像大脑开刀那么难。Look, this isn"t brain surgery we"re doing here.10.信息瞬间便可传递到大脑。The message arrives in your brain in a fraction of a second.11.缺氧可能阻碍胎儿的大脑发育。A lack of oxygen may inhibit brain development in the unborn child.12.现在已有可能了解大脑的各种功能。It is now possible to map the different functions of the brain.13.信息从神经末梢沿脊柱传送到大脑。Messages travel along the spine from the nerve endings to the brain.
2023-07-30 03:06:411

横截面用英语怎么说 请问横截面或横断面用英语怎么说啊?

cross section 横断面 cross section 横截面 顺便在加两个 cross sectional area 横剖面积 cross sectional view 横剖面视图
2023-07-30 03:07:021


( 1) The number of water molecules attached to a cation is determined by the size of the cation.( 2) A confined aquifer can be drained in the form of a spring either through a pervious fault reaching the ground surface or w here it becomes exposed at the surface.( 3) For a multiaquifer system with several pumping wells,the land subsidence as a function of time is the summation of all the aquitard and aquifer compactions.( 4) The purpose of the cross-sectional simulations was to gain a conceptual understanding of the flow system and to assess the importance of various boundary conditions and aquifer parameters.( 5) Optimal annual operation of a coastal aquifer is determined by using a multiple objective linear programming model based on a multicell model of the aquifer and a netw ork representation of the hydraulic distribution system.( 6) Water drops suspended from the ceiling of limestone caves lose a small quantity of CO2and a trace of calcium carbonate is deposited on the ceiling as a ring about the same size as the drop.
2023-07-30 03:07:201

桥梁毕业设计 摘要翻译

你好:Zhuzhou Shifeng the preliminary design of the bridge (to a row simply supported continuous beam construction program) Abstract The design of the bridge is mainly Zhuzhou Shifeng the preliminary design of the upper structure. Zhuzhou Shifeng Bridge to the use of simply-supported method for first after the lifting of prefabricated construction girder into a simply supported beam, and then inter-beam removal of temporary support to form cast-in-place continuous beam, main beam of the use of such a high degree of box girder, span of 30 meters. The design is composed of eleven chapters, the first chapter for the introduction, a brief bad environment surrounding the project, the design requirements, construction methods; chapter for the bridge-and longitudinal and cross-sectional layout; the third chapter for the cross-section geometric properties;第四五六Chapter for the calculation of internal forces and internal forces at the internal force composition; Chapter VII of the estimates for the pre-stressed beam of steel, arranged;第八九chapter for prestressed reinforcement after the loss and the calculation of internal forces; Chapter beam intensity-based check. Chapter XI for the stress, deformation, and other check. Keywords: prestressed concrete simply supported continuous beam bridge construction for the internal force to the internal force portfolio at pre-camber
2023-07-30 03:07:301


2023-07-30 03:07:381

2023-07-30 03:07:491


持续的英语是sustain持续的英文英[su0259u02c8steu026an]、美[su0259u02c8steu026an]v.维持,保持;为……提供食物(或生计),维持(生命);支持,给……以力量;支撑,承受(压力或重量);承担(费用等);蒙受,遭受;证明,证实;(法院等)确认……为正当(或正确),认可;支援,救济;扮演(角色),充分表演(人物);经受;经受,承受住;赡养,供养;n.<音>延音;持续英语:sustain,英语单词,英式音标为[su0259u02c8steu026an],美式音标为[su0259u02c8steu026an],及物动词,意为“支撑,维持”。sustain造句1、Of their relatively small cross sectional area, which does not allow them to sustain high stress.由于其横截面积相对小,不能承受大的应力,所以点焊处容易产生裂纹。2、Physically he is frail and must sustain himself by imbibing magical potions of his own creation.他天生身体虚弱,必须服用他自己创造的魔法药剂来维持自己的生命。3、So corporeal appears to sustain this inventory include the autumn.所以物质似乎维持这份清单的包括秋天。4、One carcass dump in Delhi used to sustain 10,000 vultures.印度德里的一个牲畜填埋场一直都养着一万多只兀鹫。5、Shop maintenance to sustain brand image at shop level.维护设计中心,保持品牌形象。
2023-07-30 03:08:341


弹性的物理本质 (1). 双原子模型: 双原子相互作用能U( r) : U(r) =U(r0) + (dU/dr)r0(r-r0) + 1/2·(d2U/dr2)r0(r-r0)2 + …… O r r0 U(r) 作用力: F = dU/dr = (d2U/dr2)r0(r-r0) = C (r-r0) 胡克( Hooke)定律 Elastic Modulus An important materials property is termed the tensile elastic modulus, or Young"s Modulus. This is usually given the symbol E. Loosely, the modulus is defined as the force you need to provide to elongate your material. σ = E ε Measuring The Elastic Modulus Let"s define stress, denoted by the Greek letter σ (sigma), as the force (F) normalized by the cross-sectional area (A) of the material: σ = F/A Let"s define strain, denoted by the Greek letter ε (epsilon), as the change in length of the fiber normalized by the initial length. ε = (l1-l0) / l0 ?Now, plot stress versus strain.
2023-07-30 03:09:052


2023-07-30 03:09:121


2023-07-30 03:09:211


2023-07-30 03:09:391

什么叫平面图 剖面图?

2023-07-30 03:09:499


Type selection of tailrace surge chamber of longtan hydropower station 龙滩水电站尾水调压室形式选择 Construction of long tailrace tunnel bifurcation concrete structure for dachaoshan hydropower station 大朝山水电站长尾水隧洞岔管混凝土施工 Optimization design of tailrace surge chamber concrete pning layers for dachaoshan hydropower station 大朝山水电站尾水调压室混凝土衬砌分层优化设计 Design of drainage system for tailrace surge chamber and use of high strength pervious hose at ertan hydropower station 二滩水电站尾水调压室排水系统设计及高强透水软管的应用 The calculated result from an example shows that the stable sectional area reduces with the increase of working head , or the decrease of the tailrace tunnel length 计算结果表明,尾水调压室断面面积随水轮机工作水头的增大或尾水洞长度的缩短而减小。 The tailrace surge chamber shared by o units , mon in hydropower stations with diversion systems , has problems of water level fluctuation and hydraupc disturbance 摘要双机共尾水调压室是水电站引水发电系统中一种常见的布置形式,存在尾水调压室水位波动和水力干扰问题。 Based on thoma supposition and basic equations of surge tank , a few formulas were proposed for the stable sectional area of tailrace surge tank on ppcated tailrace system 摘要在托马假定前提下,从调压室基本方程入手,推导复杂尾水系统的尾水调压室稳定断面计算公式,并通过工程实例进行验证。 2 . based on the results of experimental data of the tailrace surge tank of yi xing pumped - storage station in jiangsu province , this research investigates the methods for the head loss coefficients of throttled surge tank with pnking pipe by means of the method which incorporates experimental results with theoretical *** ysis 结合江蘇宜兴抽水蓄能电站尾水调压室水力模型试验成果,采用理论计算与模型试验结果相结合的方法,对有连接管的阻抗式调压室局部水头损失系数的计算方法进行了讨论。 The impacts of both the velocity head and momentum distribution in the t - junction of a tailrace surge tank on the critical stable sectional area of the tank were *** yzed by using gardel " s empirical equations for t - junction flow . based on thoma " s theory , a formula of the critical stable sectional area is derived . 5 基于gardel关于三通管水头损失的经验公式,研究分析了连接管处的速度水头以及进出调压室水体与尾水隧洞水体之间的动量交换,对有连接管的尾水调压室稳定断面积的影响,并在托马( thoma )假定基础上,推导出相应的调压室稳定断面的计算公式; 5
2023-07-30 03:10:071


分类: 教育/科学 >> 学习帮助 问题描述: 我现在需要实现在在excel里导出outlook的canlendar的数据,显示在excel的固定格式里,请问如何实现?谢谢! 我知道怎么从outlook里导出excel格式的canlendar数据,但是领导要求直接从excel里添加VBA程序导出数据。 急切希望得到解答!! 解析: 学习学习吧Excel and Outlook Calendar 1. Show Calendar " " **** Set reference to Outlook Object Library " Sub ShowCalendar() Dim olApp As Outlook.Application Dim olNs As NameSpace On Error Resume Next Set olApp = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application") If Err.Number = 429 Then Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") End If On Error GoTo 0 Set olNs = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI") If olApp.ActiveExplorer Is Nothing Then olApp.Explorers.Add _ (olNs.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderCalendar)).Activate Else Set olApp.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder = _ olNs.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderCalendar) olApp.ActiveExplorer.Display End If Set olNs = Nothing Set olApp = Nothing End Sub ... 2. Create Outlook Appointment " Sub SetOutlookAppointment() Dim olApp As Outlook.Application Dim olApt As AppointmentItem Set olApp = New Outlook.Application Set olApt = olApp.CreateItem(olAppointmentItem) With olApt .Start = Date + 1 + TimeValue("10:00:00") .End = .Start + TimeValue("01:00:00") .Subject = "Sectional Review Meeting" .Location = "Room 510" .Body = "Don"t fet to take monthly report" .BusyStatus = olBusy .ReminderMinutesBeforeStart = 60 .ReminderSet = True .Save End With Set olApt = Nothing Set olApp = Nothing End Sub " 3. Retrieving Outlook Appointment " Sub GetOutlookAppiontment() Dim olApp As Outlook.Application Dim olNs As NameSpace Dim olFldr As MAPIFolder Dim olApt As AppointmentItem Set olApp = New Outlook.Application Set olNs = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI") Set olFldr = olNs.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderCalendar) For Each olApt In olFldr.Items " If InStr(1, olApt.Subject, "Sectional ", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then " Find Sectional Meeting only Debug.Print olApt.Subject, Format(olApt.Start, "dd mmm yyyy hh:mm") " End If Next olApt Set olApt = Nothing Set olFldr = Nothing Set olNs = Nothing Set olApp = Nothing End Sub " " By Dicks-Clicks " Outlook Calendar related: Outlook Calendar Word Template
2023-07-30 03:10:141


2023-07-30 03:10:221


Description: 1, hardness testing and Rod can share a connecting rod, forging flow line and metallurgical test block can share a link, the center hardness test blocks and test block shared chemical composition2, the pull rod in even the thickest cross-section of legs at the Department of sampling.3, the forging flow lines to be in the parting line at an overall B-B split, the Ministry of Metallurgical test block in the middle of bar4, the chemical composition of test block for the 20mm cube, where the icon part of the measuring points for the hardness of heart5, the hardness of Brinell hardness test point for the measurement points 1-2
2023-07-30 03:10:292


1. Indians——a member of the race of people living in America when Europeans arrived2. Melting Pot——an environment in which many ideas and races are socially assimilated or a vessel made of material that does not melt easily3. White House——the chief executive department of the United States government4. Thanksgiving——fourth Thursday in November in the United States5. The American Bill of Rights——a statement of fundamental rights and privileges in us6. Melting Pot——an environment in which many ideas and races are socially assimilated or a vessel made of material that does not melt easily7. New England——a region of northeastern United States comprising Maine and New Hampshire and Vermont and Massachusetts and Rhode Island and Connecticut8. The New York Times——The New York Times is one daily paper which publishes in the American New York,it"s released in the whole world and it has a considerable influence .9. Independence Day——The Forth of July is the National Independence Day of the US which is to commemorate on July 4, 1776 American formal independence10. the Democratic Party——the Democratic Party are one of the two major parties in us which is founded in 1791.二、回答问题Give a brief answer to each of the following questions1. What is the cause of the American Civil War?The American Civil War (1861–1865) was a bitter sectional conflict that began after southern states of the United States tried to secede from the Union and formed the Confederate States of America.2. What are the two characteristics of the U.S. Constitution?3. How is the American population distributed?More than half the U.S. population distribute in the coastal plains and Great Lakes region4. Why do American people have so strong a spirit of “Do-it-yourself”?5. What are the major powers of the Supreme Court?6. How does an American university choose its applicants?7. What are the qualifications for American president?Based on the American constitution, presidential bid"s candidate must accord with: american-born, at least over 35, has lived in the United States at least ten years of conditions.8. What are Nixon"s well-known contributions during his presidency?In 1972, Nixon visited to China, China and US had issued the Shanghai bulletin, Stated that the US recognized only one China and Taiwan is part of China. 其他的慢慢补充,汗~
2023-07-30 03:10:512