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sore怎么读 英语sore怎么读

2023-07-30 07:54:21

1、sore英[su0254u02d0(r)]美[su0254u02d0r],adj.(发炎)疼痛的; 酸痛的; 气恼; 愤慨; 愤愤不平;n.疮; 痛处; 伤处。

2、[例句]At first all of us city boys hiked on sore feet.起初,我们这些城市里的孩子们迈着疼痛的双脚徒步旅行。



sore[英][su0254:(r)] [美][su0254r, sor] 生词本简明释义adj.疼痛的;使人伤心的;恼火的,发怒的n.(肌肤的)痛处,伤处adv.〈古,诗〉同sorely复数:sores易混淆的单词:SoreSORE以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 百科释义 短语词组 同反义词1.ADJ-GRADED疼的;疼痛的If part of your body is sore, it causes you pain and discomfort.It"s years since I"ve had a sore throat like I did last night...我的喉咙已经好几年没有像昨晚那样疼了。My chest is still sore from the surgery.手术过后我的胸口还在作痛。
2023-07-30 02:04:111


sore 英[su0254:(r)] 美[su0254r, sor] adj. 疼痛的; 使人伤心的; 恼火的,发怒的; n. (肌肤的) 痛处,伤处; adv. 〈古,诗〉同sorely; [例句]It"s years since I"ve had a sore throat like I did last night我的喉咙已经好几年没有像昨晚那样疼了。[其他] 比较级:sorer 最高级:sorest 复数:sores
2023-07-30 02:04:451


2023-07-30 02:04:523


sore的读音为英[sɔː(r)],美[sɔːr]。除了作为形容词表示疼痛的、疲倦的等意思,sore还可以作为名词,意思是痛处、溃疡等。作为形容词时,sore常用来描述身体上的疼痛或疲劳。例如,当一个人感到身体酸痛或疼痛时,就可以用sore来形容。此外,sore还可以用来形容情感上的痛苦或烦恼,比如心痛的、忧虑的等。作为名词时,sore常指疼痛的部位或溃疡等。例如,当一个人感到牙痛时,就可以说“I have a sore tooth”。此外,sore还可以用来形容人群中的痛点或敏感问题,比如政治上的争议、社会不公等。除了作为形容词和名词,sore还可以作为动词使用。作为动词时,sore通常指某人或某物变得疼痛或痛苦。例如,当一个人踩到了一只脚,导致脚疼痛时,就可以说“I sore foot”。此外,sore还可以指某些事情导致某人的情感痛苦或烦恼,例如“The breakup of their relationship sore their heart”。总之,sore作为一个多义词,在不同的语境下有不同的含义和用法。无论是作为形容词、名词还是动词,sore都可以用来描述身体或情感上的痛苦或不适。
2023-07-30 02:04:591

sore 这个英语单词怎么读

store 英 [st?:(r)] 美 [st?r, stor] n. 商店;贮存物;仓库;大量 v. 贮存;(在计算机里)存储第三人称单数: stores 复数: stores 现在分词: storing 过去式: stored 过去分词: stored
2023-07-30 02:05:258


2023-07-30 02:06:093


酸痛,例如 sore throat 指喉咙痛。。
2023-07-30 02:06:175


一、详细释义: , adj. , 疼的,疼痛的 , 例句: ,At first all of us city boys hiked on very sore feet.,起初,我们这些城市孩子都迈着疼痛的双脚行走。, 例句: ,He rubbed his sore scalp.,他 *** 他那疼痛的头皮。, 恼火的,恼怒的 , 例句: ,She was sore at him for not inviting her to the party.,她因他没有邀请她去参加聚会而生他的气。, 例句: ,Don"t talk to John this morning; he"s like a bear with a sore head.,今天早上别跟约翰说话,他情绪极坏。, 剧烈的,极度的;厉害的,迫切的 , 例句: ,There would be another day of political chaffering, leaving the sore issue of Poland uppermost and unresolved.,还有一天政治谈判,剩下波兰这个棘手问题成为最主要的、未获解决的争端。, 例句: ,An old dog bites sore.,老狗咬人厉害得很。, 痛心的,使人伤心的 , 例句: ,That he failed to appreciate me made me sore.,他以我并不赏识。这使我感到痛心。, 例句: ,Though full sore against my will, and a final end was put to this affair.,虽然很痛心地违背了我的意思,这件事总算告一段落。, n. , (皮肤发炎)疼痛处,疮肿,溃疡 [C] , 例句: ,You didn"t have a sore when you came in.,你来的时候确实没有溃疡。, 例句: ,The sore is still weeping a lot so you"ll have to change the dressing once a day.,疮肿处脓水仍然流得很厉害,因此你每天必须换一次药。, 二、词义辨析: , ache,pain,sore ,这些名词均含有“疼、疼痛”之意。ache指人体某一器官较持久的疼痛,常常是隐痛。pain可与ache换用,但pain既可指一般疼痛,也可指剧痛,疼痛范围可以是局部或全身,时间可长可短。也可引申指精神上的痛苦。sore指身体某部位的痛处,有是也指精神上的痛苦。, 三、相关短语: ,sore throat,喉咙痛,canker sore,口溃疡,cold sore,感冒疮,oriental sore,东方疖,pressure sore,褥疮,褥疮性溃疡,saddle sore,鞍伤,septic sore throat,脓毒性咽喉炎,tropical sore,【医】 热带疖, 东方疖, 四、参考例句: ,My legs are sore.,我腿疼。,My thumb feels sore.,我的大拇指很痛。,I have a sore throat.,我嗓子疼。,He rubbed his sore scalp.,他 *** 他那疼痛的头皮。,He rubbed his sore finger.,他 *** 他那疼痛的手指。,She had a sore throat.,她咽喉痛。,I have a sore toe.,我的脚趾头疼。,Nono has a sore back.,喏喏背疼。,Do you have a sore throat?,你喉咙痛吗?,I"ve got a sore tummy.,我肚子疼。
2023-07-30 02:06:441

英文中 加sore与ache的区别是什么

2023-07-30 02:06:531


eyes的意思:眼睛。eyes是eye的复数形式,它是名词,意思是眼睛,也可作为人名使用,音译为艾斯(英),常用搭配:in your eyes在你的眼里,big eyes大眼睛,in one"s eyes在某人的眼里。例句1、Look forward and keep your eyes on the road.向前看,眼睛盯着路。2、Feast your eyes on my new car.尽情欣赏我的新车。3、Her eyes shone with reverence as he signed her jersey.他给她的运动服签名时,她的眼睛闪闪发亮,充满敬意。4、Before you buy new glasses,you should get your eyes checked.买新眼镜之前,你应该先检查一下视力。5、Your eyes don"t work so well when you get to be my age.当你到了我这个年纪的时候,你的眼睛就不太好使了。
2023-07-30 02:07:121

胳膊疼用英语是sore arm,还是armache,求解啊

大致上来说sore和ache都是痛的意思。但是,ache一般是指疼痛,而sore是肌肉酸痛时才会用。而且ache一般来说是加在疼痛的身体部位后面的,例如肚子疼:stomachache,牙疼:toothache,而sore是当形容词用,比如说脚疼:sore feet,酸疼的手臂:sore arm。
2023-07-30 02:08:071


2023-07-30 02:08:172


这单词好记,才四个字母,硬记最好,防止你用别的方法给弄混淆了sore 英[sɔ:(r)] 美[sɔr, sor] adj. 疼痛的; 使人伤心的; 恼火的,发怒的; n. (肌肤的) 痛处,伤处; adv. 〈古,诗〉同sorely; [例句]It"s years since I"ve had a sore throat like I did last night我的喉咙已经好几年没有像昨晚那样疼了。[其他] 比较级:sorer 最高级:sorest 复数:sores
2023-07-30 02:08:271


sore is somewhere of your body, hurt can be made by others to you, physically or mentally.
2023-07-30 02:08:353


2023-07-30 02:08:441


My legs are sore from all that running yesterday.
2023-07-30 02:08:596


ache vt. ; n. 疼痛是持续的;pain n. 疼痛的程度深; painful adj. 疼痛的 pain的形容词方式 sore adj. 身体特定部位的短期疼痛hurt v. n. 疼痛 ;使疼痛记住固定用法,一般只有喉咙痛用sore,其他部位痛的名词一般都用xxxache单独说xxx痛就说 xxx hurts,如 my back hurts痛还有pain,如 i suffered great pain1. ache:身体的内部或外部的 感觉上的,物理性的疼痛 (持续性的)疼痛[C][U] 身体部位痛的名词一般都用xxxacheThere were aches in his joints. 他关节疼痛。 She has /a headache 头痛 /earache 耳痛 /toothache 牙痛 /stomachache 胃痛 she has a somach ache. /backache. 背痛 she has a ache in the back.Mother says she is aching all over with fatigue. 母亲说她累得浑身疼痛。[(持续性的)疼痛 ]2.pain 作为痛;疼痛讲,和ache可以通用。但比较通俗。He had a pain in his head. 他头疼。He has pains /a pain /pain in the shoulders.他两肩痛疼。 但是pain也有指 精神上的痛苦;心痛和悲痛His bad behaviour caused his parents a great deal of pain. 他的不良行为使他的父母感到非常痛苦。3.painful 疼痛的;引起痛苦的My back is so painful that I cannot stand upright anymore. 我的背疼痛难忍,我现在甚至站不直了。4.sore 强调 痛处;伤口,一碰就疼的地方, (伤)痛处, 疼肿, 溃疡He had a sore on his foot.他的脚疼。The sore is still discharging pus.疮还在流脓。 还有抽象的意思:伤心事, 恨事, (精神上的)痛处 a sore subject 使人伤心的话题 痛的;疼痛发炎的;一碰就痛的[(+from)]I have a sore throat. 我喉咙痛。
2023-07-30 02:09:261


2023-07-30 02:09:321

sore, hurt, pain的区别

ache KK: [] DJ: [] vi. 1. (持续性地)疼痛 Mother says she is aching all over with fatigue. 母亲说她累得浑身疼痛。 2. 同情,怜悯[(+for)][+to-v] His heart ached for the suffering child bride. 他对那个受苦的童养媳十分同情。 3. 感到痛苦[(+at)] 4. 【口】极为想念,渴望[(+for)][+to-v] She was aching for home. 她非常想家。 n. 1. (持续性的)疼痛[C][U] There were aches in his joints. 他关节疼痛。 sore KK: [] DJ: [] a. 1. 痛的;疼痛发炎的;一碰就痛的[(+from)] I have a sore throat. 我喉咙痛。 2. 惹人生气的;引起反感的[B] His origins were a sore subject with him. 他的出身是个使他难堪的话题。 3. 【口】生气的,恼火的[F][(+at/about/over)] She was sore at him for not inviting her to the party. 她因他没有邀请她去参加聚会而生他的气。 4. 痛心的,伤心的,悲痛的 The suffering of the refugees makes her heart sore. 难民的苦难使她心痛。 5. 极度的,剧烈的 She lived in sore poverty. 她过着极度贫穷的生活。 n.[C] 1. (身体上的)痛处;疮,溃疡 2. (精神上的)痛处,恨事,伤心事 Let"s not reopen old sores. 我们可别再提旧时的伤心事了。 pain KK: [] DJ: [] n. 1. 痛,疼痛;痛苦[U] The death of her son gave her infinite pain. 她儿子的去世使她悲痛欲绝。 2. (身体特定部位的)疼痛[C] She has a pain in her stomach. 她胃痛。 3. 辛苦,努力[P] No pains, no gains. 不劳则无获。 4. 产痛[P] 5. 讨厌的人(或事)[S] He is a real pain. 他真是个讨厌鬼。 6. 【古】惩罚 vt. 1. 使烦恼,使痛苦 It pained me to see my child suffer like that. 看到我的孩子受这样的罪,我心里非常难过。 2. 使疼痛 vi. 1. 引起疼痛,感到疼痛 My arm is paining. 我手臂疼痛。 hurt: [ hu0259:t ] 伤害,(使)疼痛可指感情伤害 例句与用法: 1. Did he suffer any hurt? 他有过什么痛苦吗? 2. She hurt my feelings. 她伤害了我的感情。 . It was a severe hurt to her pride. 这严重地伤害了她的自尊心。 词性: sore 形容词:I"ve got a sore throat. hurt 动词: My feet hurt. I"m hurt.(被动:受伤) pain 名词: My pain is killing me
2023-07-30 02:09:414

sore, hurt, pain 区别

2023-07-30 02:09:523


2023-07-30 02:10:131


sore是身体酸痛,painful 只是疼,除了肉体疼痛也可以是心理痛苦。sore 酸痛。做运动后的痛。 ache 疼痛。比如时头痛,肚子痛等。
2023-07-30 02:10:214


sore[英] [su0254:(r)][美] [su0254r, sor]adj.疼痛的; 使人伤心的; 恼火的,发怒的;n.(肌肤的)痛处,伤处;[例句]It"s years since I"ve had a sore throat like I did last night我的喉咙已经好几年没有像昨晚那样疼了。[复数]sores
2023-07-30 02:10:401


sore意思是疼痛,气恼,厉害的。sore英音[su0254:];美音[su0254:]。adj.(发炎)疼痛的;酸痛的;气恼;愤慨;愤愤不平;严重的,极度的,厉害的。n.(肌肤的)痛处;伤处;疮。句子1、My throat is sore.2、My throat"s sore.3、Temporarily relives minor irritation,sore throat pain and sore mouth.4、He rubbed his sore scalp.5、Sore at Humboldt?He"s too fantastic to be sore at.6、It looked red and sore.7、But you can"t get sore at him.It"s like getting sore at God.8、Employment is another sore point.9、Is your tummy still sore?10、I feel sore and ache all over.11、Oh,you stranger,don"t be sore.12、Different sore must have different salve.13、as surly with a sore head.
2023-07-30 02:11:111


  sore英 [su0254:(r)] 美 [su0254r, sor]  adj.疼痛的; 使人伤心的; 恼火的,发怒的;  n.(肌肤的) 痛处,伤处;  adv.〈古,诗〉同sorely;  [例句]A soothing salve for sore, dry lips  缓解嘴唇干裂疼痛的软膏  [其他]比较级:sorer 最高级:sorest 复数:sores
2023-07-30 02:11:261

pain sore ache 区别pain sore ache有什么区别

ache KK:[] DJ:[] vi.1.(持续性地)疼痛 Mother says she is aching all over with fatigue.母亲说她累得浑身疼痛.2.同情,怜悯[( for)][ to-v] His heart ached for the suffering child bride.他对那个受苦的童养媳十分同情.3.感到痛苦[( at)] 4.【口】极为想念,渴望[( for)][ to-v] She was aching for home.她非常想家.n.1.(持续性的)疼痛[C][U] There were aches in his joints.他关节疼痛.sore KK:[] DJ:[] a.1.痛的;疼痛发炎的;一碰就痛的[( from)] I have a sore throat.我喉咙痛.2.惹人生气的;引起反感的[B] His origins were a sore subject with him.他的出身是个使他难堪的话题.3.【口】生气的,恼火的[F][( at/about/over)] She was sore at him for not inviting her to the party.她因他没有邀请她去参加聚会而生他的气.4.痛心的,伤心的,悲痛的 The suffering of the refugees makes her heart sore.难民的苦难使她心痛.5.极度的,剧烈的 She lived in sore poverty.她过着极度贫穷的生活.n.[C] 1.(身体上的)痛处;疮,溃疡 2.(精神上的)痛处,恨事,伤心事 Let"s not reopen old sores.我们可别再提旧时的伤心事了.pain KK:[] DJ:[] n.1.痛,疼痛;痛苦[U] The death of her son gave her infinite pain.她儿子的去世使她悲痛欲绝.2.(身体特定部位的)疼痛[C] She has a pain in her stomach.她胃痛.3.辛苦,努力[P] No pains,no gains.不劳则无获.4.产痛[P] 5.讨厌的人(或事)[S] He is a real pain.他真是个讨厌鬼.6.【古】惩罚 vt.1.使烦恼,使痛苦 It pained me to see my child suffer like that.看到我的孩子受这样的罪,我心里非常难过.2.使疼痛 vi.1.引起疼痛,感到疼痛 My arm is paining.我手臂疼痛.pain的词组:a pain in the neck [美俚]讨厌的家伙[任务]be at (the) pains 尽力设法,努力be in pains 疼痛; 在苦恼中feel no pain 不觉得痛 醉倒for (all) one"s pains 作为劳苦的报酬 尽管费尽力气[心机] (反语)费力反而...give sb.a pain [美]令人讨厌,惹人生气,使人感到不舒服give sb.a pain in the neck [美]令人讨厌,惹人生气,使人感到不舒服go to great pains 费很大劲儿; 煞费苦心growing pains 发育性痛,发身期痛 (企业等)早期发展过程中经历的困难in pain 疼痛; 在苦恼中labour pains (分娩时的)阵痛,产痛No pains,no gains [谚]不劳无获.No gains without pains [谚]不劳无获.Nothing to be got without pains [谚]不劳无获.on pain of 违者以...论处upon pain of 违者以...论处under pain of 违者以...论处put (a person) out of his pain 结束(某人[某动物]的)痛苦; 为怜悯起见杀死(某人[某动物])put (an animal) out of its pain 结束(某人[某动物]的)痛苦; 为怜悯起见杀死(某人[某动物])save one"s pains 节省气力,不用白费气力spare no pains 不遗余力,不辞劳苦,全力以赴take pains 费尽力气,煞费苦心,尽力设法be at pains 费尽力气,煞费苦心,尽力设法be at the pains of 费尽力气,煞费苦心,尽力设法with great pain 煞费苦心地 下次最好加逗号分开,一时间没反应过来
2023-07-30 02:12:312


2023-07-30 02:13:231


sore 形容词,表示疼痛的;名词的痛苦,一般是外部的痛,可以触摸到。soreness名词,痛苦,内部的痛,如muscular soreness.
2023-07-30 02:13:301


ache表持续性地疼痛或身体某个部位的疼痛.Mother says she is aching all over with fatigue.母亲说她累得浑身疼痛.headache,头痛 toothache牙痛等 sore 表痛的;疼痛发炎的;一碰就痛的I have a sore throat.我喉咙痛.I have a sore nose.我鼻子痛.broken则表断的,损坏的 broken leg,断退 M y leg is broken.我退断了.,6,sore是酸痛 ache是身体上的疼痛 broken 直接就是表示什么断了,broke down表示身体垮了。,1,sore一般指疼痛发炎,如 i have a sore throat. 或者肌肉酸痛, sore muscles ache一般指头、胃、肚子痛等,如 my head ached. broken一般不表示痛,只有说heartbroken,0,
2023-07-30 02:13:381


have a stomachache 胃疼;肚子疼have a toothache 牙疼have a sore back 背疼have a sore arm 手疼have a sore throat 喉咙痛have a sore leg/arm 腿疼/手臂疼
2023-07-30 02:13:482

胳膊疼用英语是sore arm,还是armache,

大致上来说sore和ache都是痛的意思.但是,ache一般是指疼痛,而sore是肌肉酸痛时才会用.而且ache一般来说是加在疼痛的身体部位后面的,例如肚子疼:stomachache,牙疼:toothache,而sore是当形容词用,比如说脚疼:sore feet,酸疼的手臂:sore arm.
2023-07-30 02:13:561


2023-07-30 02:14:321

have a backache 和have a sore back有什么区别?

2023-07-30 02:14:393


这两个词均可作为词缀组成符合名词;sore-可组成sorethrost(喉痛)、-ache则可组成headache(头疼)、stomachache(胃疼)等。作为词缀的区别确实就是这两个词所在的相对位置不一样;但这两个词用法的主要区别在于它们独立存在时常用词性不同。sore独立存在时通常作为形容词表疼痛,放在身体部位前作为定语修饰;如sore knee、sore muscles、sore throat。而ache独立存在时则通常作为动词表疼痛,放在身体部位后作为谓语使用;如His head aches/eyes ache.而当两者都作为名词使用时,主要区别则在含义上:sore作为名词使用时主要指由于感染或疲劳(过度使用,如肌肉)而疼痛,且通常痛处发红,确指局部;ache作为名词使用时则主要指不敏感的疼痛、隐痛,强调疼痛时间长,且泛指一个大的部位。
2023-07-30 02:14:494


2023-07-30 02:15:072

sore与ache的用法区别 sore与ache的用法区别是什么

  sore与ache的用法区别如下:   1、词义用法不同:sore的意思是指身体上受到创伤或感染的疼痛部位。而ache的意思是指身体上隐隐的、持续的疼痛,也可用于比喻心中的痛。   2、词性不同:sore可以用作形容词疼痛的;也可以用作名词痛处、伤处。ache可以用作名词疼痛,还可以用作不及物动词。   3、词汇搭配不同:sore可搭配about、for、from;ache可搭配for、badly、back。
2023-07-30 02:15:151

英语问题 hurt pain ache sore

2023-07-30 02:15:371


sore同常都系形容酸酸软软 阴D阴D 拿住拿住 发发地炎 肿肿地的痛 ache同常都系形容持续性"办办声"咁痛 喉咙痛通常系发炎 所以系sore throat 头痛多数系持续地痛到"办办声" 所以系headache 心痛 (heartache) 同中文一样 系感情 唔系个心觉得痛 胃痛 (stomachache) 耳仔痛 (earache) 牙痛 (toothache) sore差不多用响边度都得 例如sore stomach解个胃拿住拿住 训礼颈 = stiff neck 一般颈骨痛可以话 My neck is hurting/aching 或 My neck is in pain 坐office太耐颈肉酸痛可以话 My neck is sore. 跌亲后可以话 My leg is aching 行完街街脚仔软就话 My legs are sore after shopping. sore同ache都有几个part of speech sore名词系解大苍 肿起的伤口; ache都系解痛 字典有每个part of speech点用... sore=inside ache=outside 参考: me sore: 疼痛发炎的 一触就痛的 ache: (持续性地)疼痛 ----------------------------------------- As you can see both words have different definitions.....and usally the throat is easy to get infection and if you will feel so hurt and pain....therefore..we will use "sore" to describe. And for head......but usually the pain last pretty we usually say headache. -------------------------------------------- 脚痛: footsore ------------------------------- usually when I say 颈痛...I would say " My neck is hurt/pain." -------------------------------------------- Hope this can help you la...^^ Good luck la 参考: me
2023-07-30 02:16:011


不一样哦sure 英[u0283u028au0259(r)] 美[u0283u028ar] adj. 确信的,确实的;有把握的;无疑的;一定的 adv. 当然;确实地;无疑地 最高级:surest;比较级:surer [例句]I "m not sure we "re sure.我不确定我们确定的事。sore [英]su0254:(r) [美]su0254r, sor adj. 疼痛的;使人伤心的;恼火的,发怒的 n. (肌肤的)痛处,伤处 adv. 〈古,诗〉同sorely [例句]This is a sore point for perkowski.这是潘考夫斯基的一个痛脚。
2023-07-30 02:16:091


-ache 是一个名词后缀,指“(持续而隐约的)疼痛”。常用以构成复合词。在句中作主语、表语或宾语。例如:backache背痛 ,earache耳痛 ,headache头痛 ,stomachache胃痛 ,toothache牙痛 sore是形容词,“(指身体局部)一触或一用就痛的,易痛的,疼痛的”,在句中通常作定语或表语。例如:sore knee膝痛sore throat喉咙痛sore back 背痛
2023-07-30 02:16:181

throat 和sore区别

throat [θrot]n. 喉咙;嗓子,嗓音;窄路vt. 开沟于;用喉音说sore [su0254r]n. 溃疡,痛处;恨事,伤心事adj. 疼痛的,痛心的;剧烈的,极度的;恼火的,发怒的;厉害的,迫切的n. (Sore)人名;(法)索尔;(意)索雷throatsore :喉咙痛
2023-07-30 02:16:281


加a,因为sore不是元音开头,只有元音开头才用an。扩展:have a sore throat ,have+a+sore+发病部位 固定形式
2023-07-30 02:16:351

pain sore ache ill sick区别,

pain,疼 sore ,溃烂,一碰就疼 ache,多用于后缀.痛 sick,就是客观的病 ill,有时候可以解释为不利的,不健康的,病态的
2023-07-30 02:17:171


2023-07-30 02:17:321

求英语专业高手!hurt、ache和sore,意为 都是疼痛,各是怎么用的?

hurt的意思是1.肉体上的伤害[痛苦] No one suffered any hurt in the accident.在这场事故中没有人受伤。2.精神上的痛苦[创伤] It was a severe hurt to her pride.这对她的自尊心是一次严重的伤害。The experience left me with a feeling of deep hurt.这次经历给我留下了深深的创伤。3.损害,伤害,危害;损失4.痛苦(或精神苦恼)的原因5.打击;(使受伤的)一击ache的意思是1.疼痛 She felt an ache in her back.她感到后背隐隐作痛。sore的意思是(肌肤的)痛处, 伤处
2023-07-30 02:17:391


sore adj. (发炎)疼痛的; 酸痛的; 气恼; 愤慨; 愤愤不平 headache 头疼 toothache 牙痛tongueache 舌痛earache 耳朵痛faceache 颜面神经痛(三叉神经痛)backache 背疼waistache 腰痛heartache 心痛stomachache胃疼armache 胳膊疼legache 腿疼
2023-07-30 02:17:461

ache与sore 可以互换吗?

不可以,ache 表示“疼痛”,是名词、动词,而sore表示“疼痛的,酸痛的”,是形容词。祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*) 有不会的可以再问我:)
2023-07-30 02:17:541

菅野洋子《 SORE》 那歌的 罗马音 想学那歌

Sora (ciel) Win dain a loticaEn val tu riSi lo taFin dein a lolucaEn dragu a sei lainVi fa-ru les shutai amEn riga-lintWin chent a loticaEn val tu riSi lo taFin dein a lolucaSi katigura neuverFloreria for chestiSi entinaLalalalalala....Fontina Bly CentDe cravi esca letisimoLalalalalala....De quantainLa finde reveWin dain a loticaEn val tu riSi lo taFin dien a lolucaEn dragu a sei lainVi fa-ru les shutai amEn riga-lint....................................................................................................................................你是最初的龙 我所爱的人 从毛皮的残茬上 我看到了你 不知沾着水珠的红唇是如此美丽 不知你的战矛是如此的闪闪发光 因为你的离去 我再也看不到天空 还是把这些丝织都卖掉吧 因为这一切都象是虚幻 lalala...... 我所爱的人 你是最初的龙人 你是最初的龙 我所爱的人 从毛皮的残茬上 我看到了你
2023-07-30 02:18:011


こそあど 的用法,和真实虚幻有关系吗。。。
2023-07-30 02:18:093


too…to…句式的结构形式为“too+形容词或副词+to+动词原形”,通常翻译成“太……而不能……”。如:She"s too mean to make a donation. 她很小气,不肯捐款。Now I"m too busy to discuss it with you. 我现在太忙,没时间和你讨论。He is too young to know right from wrong. 他太小,还分不清是非。The ice is too thin to bear your weight. 冰太薄,承受不住你的重量。The firm is too small to compete against large companies. 该公司太小无法与大公司竞争。
2023-07-30 02:04:192