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2023-05-19 18:34:37

pursue 英[pəˈsju:]


vt. 追求; 继续; 追捕; 进行;

vi. 追,追赶; 继续进行;

[例句]Second, doing this type of work reduces you to a monkey, and although some of your work may be like this to pay the bills, why purposely pursue it?


[其他] 第三人称单数:pursues 现在分词:pursuing 过去式:pursued 过去分词:pursued



它本身不用于完成时态,但是它可以用在完成时态的句子中,跟动词不定式的形式。pursue [pə"sjuː] ,vt. 继续;从事;追赶;纠缠;vi. 追赶;继续进行过去式 pursued ;过去分词 pursued ;现在分词 pursuing
2023-01-08 03:58:591


2023-01-08 03:59:083


Theme color of China. As the name suggests is the Chinese tradition and long history of representative colors to interpret the times out of specific ideas from the five-colored Olympic rings, yellow: on behalf of people of Chinese descent, and as a national totem of the Dragon, is wisdom and the origins of civilization symbol. After China"s feudal dynasties from the Song dynasty, was inherited as a bright yellow color for the emperor, such as "yellow as you." Green: Source and Bamboo, embody a life of integrity, as well as be surrounded by the clank share of snow is still steel frame. Scholars love bamboo, not only love it"s beautiful, but also because of its noble and pure, it was marked by integrity and character, not afraid of wind, frost, cold,It is pursued by literary scholars, his life is the essence of life. However, the bamboo natures, it can not tolerate any of pandemonium, during which, once caught, would prefer to face death, this is the Chinese spirit. As the blue: from cloisonne, typical of Chinese porcelain, Chinese porcelain history and great heritage to the world of a national and global integration and the culture at the same time, it is a history of sediment, representing up to now been inherited from the Yuan Dynasty long history. Black: from China"s research and Mexico, the precipitation of the final calendar years of history does not fade in the culture, through the greater part of the carrier of five thousand years, because it books fragrance, becauseFor its historical heritage, but also because it was being recorded the world. Red: China has the typical red, as a totem of the Chinese culture and spirit of conversion, we can be seen from the flag. Modern China is particularly obvious bright red bold, inheritance "in" culture throughout the world, red is more correct names "Red China." Universal brotherhood culture from around the convergence of the Beijing Olympics, so that the Shareholders of red even brighter.Five color is the communion of Chinese and world culture, perhaps, the Olympic rings is another way to interpret the five colors, in the eyes of the world, it is a reflection of peace and tranquility, an ancient culture and integration of world heritage culture and this is the Chinese color of the charm. From the east, affecting the color of the Chinese world.
2023-01-08 03:59:286

那些年我们一起追的女孩 英语翻译

those girls we courted together those years.
2023-01-08 03:59:539


你应该是想找pursue的例句。 1、We have tried to pursue a policy of neutrality. 2、She left the theatre, hotly pursued by the press. 3、She had come to England to pursue an acting career. 扩展资料   There is another avenue to pursue — it involves further negotiations.   还有一个办法可用,但需要进一步的.磋商。   After university she was still undecided as to what career she wanted to pursue   大学毕业后她仍决定不下来要从事什么职业。   He was pursuing a utopian dream of world prosperity   他怀揣着一个实现世界繁荣的乌托邦之梦。
2023-01-08 04:00:321


be persued 满意勿忘采纳
2023-01-08 04:00:423


2023-01-08 04:00:573


临床医学五年制Five year clinical medicine 注:medicine 英 [ˈmedsn] 美 [ˈmɛdɪsɪn] n. 医学; 药物; 有功效的东西,良药; [例句]He pursued a career in medicine他从事医学。
2023-01-08 04:01:131


虚拟社区,因特网或在线社区是一群人,主要是通过交流互动媒体,如时事通讯、电话、电子邮件、在线社交网络或立刻的消息,而不是面对面地交流,为社会、专业、教育或其他用途。如果该机制的一种计算机网络,它被称为一个在线社区。虚拟和在线社区也已经成为了一个辅助形态之间的交流的人互相认识为主的真实生活。许多方法用于社会软件单独或联合,包括基于文本的聊天室,论坛,使用语音、视频短信或替身。socio-technical显著改变可能造成此种互联网社交网络。 介绍 虚拟社区,或网上社区,用于各种社会和专业团体互动的网际网路。但是这并不意味着有一种强烈的债券,虽然霍华德面对人们的成员,这本书的作者的相同的名字,提到虚拟社区”,当人们进行公开讨论足够长的时间,有足够的人类情感的蜘蛛网,形成的个人关系”[1]。电子邮件通讯组列表会有成百上千的成员和交流发生可能仅仅是信息(问题和答案都贴),但仍相对的陌生人,会员可以会员可以高的离职率。这与自由的社会。 虚拟社区网络2.0技术可以综合与社区,并因此被描述为社区2.0,虽然强烈的社区债券是伪造的在线自早期的USENET。虚拟社区依赖于社会互动和交流的用户上网。这种强调互惠元素的不成文的社会契约论之间的社区成员。张网2.0本质上是一种具有虚拟社区,如无,脸谱,。一个相似的趋势已经开始在网上或虚拟社区的行业正在举行。这些社区的组织,可以根据区域或局部业务。从技术角度分析、软件工具,富于创造,滋养这些社区团体包括雅虎组,谷歌,邮件群,微软执行和荷花连接。 因特网的扩散的炸药自mid-1990s也孕育了虚拟社区的扩散。人的本质是多样的,和社区的利益,面对人们想象的不一定都是实现,或追求,由许多。同时,它是相当平凡的人看到轶事中需要特殊帮助或在寻求一个社区受益于使用互联网。
2023-01-08 04:01:234


  《了不起的盖茨比》影片讲述了未成名作家尼克·卡罗维深受这个纸醉金迷的上流世界及其中的幻想、爱情和谎言吸引,他目睹这种世界内、外的一切,于是决定写一个关于一段无缘的爱情、不灭的梦想和让人心痛的 故事 ,并反映出当前的时代和挣扎的故事。下面我为大家带来《了不起的盖茨比》经典英语台词,希望大家喜欢!   《了不起的盖茨比》经典英语台词:   1、There are only the pursued, the pursuing, the busy and the tired.   世界上只有被追求者和追求者,忙碌者和疲惫者。   2、All the bright precious things fade so fast...and they don"t come back.   所有的光鲜亮丽都敌不过时间,并且一去不复返。   3、A sense of fundamental decencies is parceled out unequally at birth.   人们的善恶感一生下来就有差异。   4、So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.   于是我们奋力向前划,逆流向上的小舟,不停地倒退,进入过去。   5、Whenever you feel like criticizing any one, just remember that all the people in this world haven"t had the advantages that you"ve had.   每当你觉得想要批评什么人的时候,你切要记着,这个世界上的人并非都具备你禀有的条件。   6、Everyone suspects himself of at least one of the cardinal virtues, and this is mine: I am one of the few honest people I have ever known.   每个人都认为他自己至少具有一种主要的美德,我的美德是:我是我所结识过的少有的几个诚实人中间的一个。   《了不起的盖茨比》经典英语段落:   1、他怀着一种创造性的情感将自己全身心地投入到它的中间,不断地为它增添内容,用飘浮到他路上的每一根漂亮羽毛去装扮它。有谁知道在一个人的波诡云谲的心里,能蓄下多少火一样的激情和新鲜的念头。   He had thrown himself into it with a creative passion, adding to it all the time, decking it out with every bright feather that drifted his way. No amount of fire or freshness can challenge what a man will store up in his ghostly heart.   2、他是上帝之子,如果这个词还有什么别的含义的话,这里只能用它的本意,他要为天父的事业而献身,服务于这一博大而又粗俗、浮华而又美丽的事业。   He was a son of God—a phrase which, if it means anything, means just that—and he must be about His Father"s business, the service of a vast, vulgar, and meretricious beauty.   3、许多种情感鱼贯似地流露到她的脸上,仿佛正被冲洗着的相纸一点一点地显示出物景那样。   So engrossed was she that she had no consciousness of being observed, and one emotion after another crept into her face like objects into a slowly developing picture.   4、她消逝在了她那奢华的房子里,消逝在了她那富裕充实的生活之中,留给盖茨比的——只是无有。   She vanished into her rich house, into her rich, full life, leaving Gatsby—nothing.   5、盖茨比比以前任何时候都深切地感受到了财富所能赐予青春的魅力和它所能持有的神秘,感受到了锦衣靓饰的清新怡人,意识到了像银子似的发着熠熠光彩的黛西,安然傲倨于劳苦人为生活所做的拼死斗争之上。   Gatsby was overwhelmingly aware of the youth and mystery that wealth imprisons and preserves, of the freshness of many clothes, and of Daisy, gleaming like silver, safe and proud above the hot struggles of the poor.   6、我三十岁了,如果我再年轻五岁的话,我说不定会自己欺骗自己把这称之为美德的。   I"m thirty. I"m five years too old to lie to myself and call it honor.etic contemplation he neither understood nor desired, face to face for the last time in history with something commensurate to his capacity for wonder.   7、他经过慢慢追索才来到了这片蓝色的草地上,他的梦想一定已经离得他如此之近以至于他几乎不会抓不到它了。他不知道他的梦想已经被甩在了他的身后,已经隐藏在了城市以外的冥蒙之中,在那里共和国的黑暗的土地在黑夜中延伸着……   He had come a long way to this blue lawn, and his dream must have seemed so close that he could hardly fail to grasp it. He did not know that it was already behind him, somewhere back in that vast obscurity beyond the city, where the dark fields of the republic rolled on under the night.   8、我们继续奋力向前,逆水行舟,被不断地向后推,直至回到往昔岁月。   It eluded us then,but that"s no matter to-morrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther...and one fine morning. So we beat on,boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past   《了不起的盖茨比》影片评价:   正面评价:   这部充满华丽元素的3D奢幻巨制,为观众带来视觉享受的同时,也为观众带来了窒息浓烈的爱情与感悟,从某种角度而言,这甚至是一部爱情社会学影片。   一流的演员阵容,氛围与故事提供了一定程度的痴醉,更重要的是,核心的主题美国梦,自我重塑,爱于得失,再次寻回和再次失去都涉及到了。   负面评价:   整部电影概括来说就值三星,华丽视效在开篇为人打开了一扇通往宏大时代的瑰丽大门,却在人兴致勃勃进入之后,瞬间发现其实进入了一个家庭mini剧剧场,冗长无趣的言情戏码局促得人无处着心。充斥浮夸轻佻的俗套,加上略有一点的“情到深处不可欺”,唯独看不见盖茨比渗入心灵的没落与孤独。
2023-01-08 04:01:411


2023-01-08 04:01:474

尼采名言:宁可去追求虚无,也不能无所追求。 英文!!

I would pursue nothing, rather than nothing to pursue
2023-01-08 04:02:035


Results inquiry system Abstract Internet is the world"s largest computer and Internet It found all over the world, of all sizes worldwide network connected as a whole. With the development of computer science, database technology in the Internet are widely used, for the majority of students with a more thoughtful and humane services. Also to improve student achievement in the high-speed nature of the inquiries, Web site would use to achieve this on the results of a query system, It is based on data association rules companies personalized pages and dynamic data generation cases, the website, comprehensive account of color pages and pages of the framework, the use of the full picture, text, layer, form elements. Certainty level clearly achieved the desired function. Keywords : Site Dynamic Data JSP
2023-01-08 04:02:252


喜欢她就去追求她!英语和日语分别是:“Like her went to pursue her!”和“彼女は彼女を追求していったと同じように!”。喜欢她就去追求她!翻译成英语是:Like her went to pursue her!喜欢她就去追求她!翻译成日语是:彼女は彼女を追求していったと同じように!
2023-01-08 04:02:3511


disappoint的汉语意思如下:v.使失望;使破灭;使落空。disappoint的读音是:英 [ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪnt]   美 [ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪnt]。 disappoint的造句如下:1、It will only disappoint him if I get worse again—and I may get worse this very night.如果我的身体再次变差,只会让他失望——而且我的病情可能今晚就会会恶化。2、But I figured I"d disappoint in bed so I never pursued them.但是我怕自己会在床上令人失望,所以从未追求过她们。3、The jury did not disappoint him.陪审团没有让他失望。4、How can you find it in your heart to disappoint the children?你怎么忍心让孩子们失望呢?5、Whenever I"d lose a friend, get an awful grade, or disappoint my parents, I stewed in my own muck.不论是失去了一个朋友,获得糟糕的成绩,还是让父母大失所望,我只在自我的混乱中郁闷不堪。6、I promised to buy my son a new bicycle but I had to disappoint him.我答应给儿子买辆新自行车, 可我不得不让他失望了。
2023-01-08 04:03:181


chase的中文意思是追捕。chase  核心词汇  英 [tʃeɪs]  美 [tʃeɪs]    vt. 追捕;追求;镂刻,雕刻;试图赢得vi. 奔跑;追赶n. 追捕;争取;狩猎He chased (after) the burglar but couldn"t catch him.他追赶窃贼却未捉住。The criminal was caught after a car chase.开着汽车追来追去才把罪犯捉住。扩展资料chase, follow, pursue, tag, tail, trail辨析:这组词都有“跟随,追踪”的意思。它们的区别是:一、follow指跟随起引导作用的人或物或遵循他人的计划; 而pursue指为达到某个目的而坚持不懈地紧跟、追赶或追求某人、某物或某种事业。跟随他人的计划时用follow,追随自己的计划时用pursue。例如:1、She has pursued the goal of perfection in her art.在艺术中,她追求完美。2、She pursued the study of French for four years.她坚持学了四年法语。3、The country has always pursued a policy of peace.该国一直奉行和平政策。二、chase指迅速追赶在逃的目标以便将其抓获或赶走,而follow则指继之而来或去。tag指不断地纠缠或恼人的尾随某人; tail指紧密尾随并监视;trail指跟踪追击。例如:1、The dog chased a mouse, but could not catch it.这狗追赶老鼠,但没有捉住。2、The policeman chased the thief.警察追赶小偷。3、What are you tagging along for?You aren"t invited.你怎么跟着我?又没邀请你。
2023-01-08 04:03:331


1、当我们不再关心别人看我们的方式时,我们便不再爱他了。 When we don"t care about the way people look at us, we don"t love him anymore. 2、爱情一旦公之于众会变得沉重,成为负担。 Once love will reveal to the public becomes heavy, become a burden. 3、压倒她的不是重,而是不能承受的生命之轻。 She is not heavy, but can not bear the light of life. 4、你说的都是真的,但有许多真的没说。 You said is true, but there are a lot of really did not say. 5、当心灵在说话,理智出来高声反对,是不恰当的。 When the mind is speaking, it is not appropriate to speak with reason and to shout aloud. 6、比喻是一种危险的东西。人是不能和比喻闹着玩的。 Metaphor is a dangerous thing. People are not fun and metaphor. 7、迷途漫漫,终有一归。 The long lost, one to. 8、生命中不能承受的,不是存在,而是不能其为自我。 Life can not afford, not exist, but not their own. 9、生活是棵长满可能的树。 Life is a tree that grows and grows. 10、比喻是危险的,爱情源于一个比喻。 Metaphor is dangerous, love comes from a metaphor. 11、当你在我面前时我就开始怀念,因为我知道你即将离去。 I start to miss you when you are in front of me, because I know you"re going to leave. 12、必然者为重,重者才有价值。 It is only the value, or. 13、人是为了反抗过去才成就未来的。 Man is to fight in the past to achieve the future. 14、因为一切皆被事先地原谅,一切也就无情地允许了。 Because everything is in advance to forgive, and everything will be mercilessly allowed. 15、你是你自己掘墓人的杰出同盟者。 You are your own gravedigger of the outstanding alliance. 16、追求的终极永远是朦胧的。 The ultimate pursuit is always hazy. 17、媚俗是存在与遗忘之间的中转站。 Kitsch is the existence and transfer between the forgotten station. 18、媚俗的根源就是对生命的绝对认同。 The root cause is the absolute identity of vulgar life. 19、我们唯一的自由是在苦涩与快乐之间选择。 The only freedom we have is to choose between bitterness and happiness. 20、一切谎言的根源来自私人生活领域与社会生活的分界。 The root of all lies comes from the boundary between the field of personal life and the social life. 21、对伊甸园的怀念,就是人不想成其为人的渴望。 Miss the garden of Eden, that is, people do not want to become the desire of people. 22、上帝已死在失火的天堂,只有温情的太阳才能照耀大地。 God is dead in the fire of heaven, only the warmth of the sun can shine on the earth. 23、明日不再来,听众不再有。 Tomorrow never comes, the audience no longer. 24、真的,有些书是要白天读的,有些书只能晚上读。 Really, some books are to be read during the day, some books can only read at night. 25、人们忽视自己的身体,是极容易受其报复的。 People ignore their bodies, they are extremely vulnerable to their revenge. 26、我寻求的不是快感而是幸福。没有幸福的快感算不上快感。 I am seeking not pleasure but happiness. There is no happiness without pleasure. 27、承诺在哪里,背叛就在哪里。 Where is the promise, where is the betrayal. 28、他孤立在过去的一旁,他孤立在未来的一旁。 He isolated in the past, he isolated in the next one side. 29、生命中有太多事,看似轻如鸿毛,却让人难以承受。 There are so many things in life, seemingly unbearable as light as a feather, but. 30、对这些岁月的回忆远比它们本身更有魅力。 Memories of these years are more attractive than they are. 31、当北极近到可以触到南极,地球便消失了。 When the north pole is close enough to reach the south pole, the earth disappears. 32、惩罚一个不知道自己在做什么的人,是野蛮的行径。 To punish a man who does not know what he is doing is a barbaric act. 33、对天堂的渴望就是人不愿成为人的渴望。 The longing for heaven is a man"s desire to be a human being. 34、生小孩的前提是,你已经证明了人生是快乐的。 The Pmise of having a child is that you have proved that life is happy. 35、只有必然,才能沉重,所以沉重,便有价值。 Only inevitable, can be heavy, so heavy, it is worth. 36、我不是反对共产主义,我是反对媚俗! I am not against communism, I am opposed to kitsch! 37、乐趣不论平凡还是不平凡,只属于感觉到的人。 Fun, whether ordinary or extraordinary, only belongs to the feeling of the people. 38、表面上是明白无误的谎言,底下却透出神秘莫测的真理。 The surface is unmistakable lies beneath it, revealing mysterious truth. 39、没有任何东西能像嫉妒那样消耗一个人的全部精力。 Nothing can consume all the energy of a man like envy. 40、噪音可有个好处,淹没了词语。 Noise can be good, and the words are drowned. 41、人类一思考,上帝就发笑。真正的生活,永远在别处。 As soon as the human thought, God would laugh. Real life, always somewhere else. 42、谁无感情投入,谁就无权干涉对方的生活和自由。 Who has no emotional involvement, no one has the right to interfere in the other"s life and freedom. 43、死亡与不朽是一对难舍难分的情人。 Death and immortality is a lover of devotion. 44、清净,就是不被人注视的那种温馨感觉。 Clean, is not the kind of warm feeling that people look at. 45、卡列宁,他的微笑能持续多久,生活的主题就能持续多久。 Kalenin, his smile can last long, the theme of life can last long. 46、人们指望不朽,可是忽视了不朽与死亡一起才有意义。 People expect to be immortal, but it is not meaningful to ignore the immortality and death. 47、我们惟一可做的事,就是反抗不由我们选择的人类处境。 The only thing we can do is to fight against the human situation we choose. 48、重便真的残酷,而轻便真的美丽? Is it really cruel, and light is really beautiful? 49、慢慢迷途终有一归! Slowly lost one return! 50、这是一个流行离开的世界,但是我们都不擅长告别。 It is a fashion to leave the world, but we are not good at goodbye. 51、就凭他是个陌生人,便超越于所有其他人这上。 He was a stranger, and he went beyond all others. 52、他站在窗前,目光越过庭院,盯着对面房子的墙,在思忖。 He stood at the window, gazing over the courtyard, staring at the wall of the house opposite, in thought. 53、忠诚如果不是源于真正的**,那该多么累人。 Loyalty if not from real passion, how tiring. 54、表面是清晰明了的谎言,背后却是晦涩难懂的真相。 The surface is a clear and clear lie, but it is a hard truth. 55、一个女人无法敬重一个爱撒谎的男人。 A woman can"t respect a man who"s lying. 56、爱开始于一个女人某句话印在我们诗化记忆中的那一刻。 Love begins with a woman of a sentence in our poetic memory of that moment. 57、永别生活,生活正带着所有的色彩逝去。 Farewell to life, life is gone with all colors. 58、在每个角落,都潜藏着**,未来成了一个迷。 In every corner of the temptation, the future has become a mystery. 59、生活失败者总是对罪人穷追不舍。 The loser is always pursued for sinners life. 60、只有逃向崇高借以逃避堕落! Escape to the noble to escape the fall!
2023-01-08 04:03:561


2023-01-08 04:04:027


1.《了不起的盖茨比》中的好词好句有哪些 一、《了不起的盖茨比》好词如下 1 . 情不自禁:禁:抑制。感情激动得不能控制。强调完全被某种感情所支配。 2 . 念念不忘:念念:时刻思念着。形容牢记于心,时刻不忘。 3. 依依不舍:依依:依恋的样子; 舍:放弃。形容舍不得离开。 4 . 千变万化:形容变化极多。 5 . 唧唧歪歪:指人说话不利索,没必要的话很多。 6 . 辗转反侧:辗转:翻来复去; 反侧:反复。翻来复去,睡不着觉。形容心里有所思念或心事重重。 7 . 错综复杂:错:交错,交叉; 综:合在一起。形容头绪多,情况复杂。 8 . 一去不复返:一去就不再回来了。 9 . 小题大做:指拿小题目作大文章。 比喻不恰当地把小事当作大事来处理,有故意夸张的意思。 10 . 一贫如洗:穷得象用水洗过似的,什么都没有。形容十分贫穷。 了不起的盖茨比好句 二、《了不起的盖茨比》好句如下: 1 . All the bright precious things fade so fast。and they don"t come back.所有的光鲜亮丽都敌不过时间,并且一去不复返。 2 . Whenever you feel like criticizing any one, just remember that all the people in this world haven"t had the advantages that you"ve had.每当你觉得想要批评什么人的时候,你切要记着,这个世界上的人并非都具备你禀有的条件。 3 . There are only the pursued, the pursuing, the busy and the tired.世界上只有被追求者和追求者,忙碌者和疲惫者。 4 . Everyone suspects himself of at least one of the cardinal virtues, and this is mine: I am one of the few honest people I have ever known.每个人都认为他自己至少具有一种主要的美德,我的美德是:我是我所结识过的少有的几个诚实人中间的一个。 5 . A sense of fundamental decencies is parceled out unequally at birth.人们的善恶感一生下来就有差异。 6 . So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past. 于是我们奋力向前划,逆流向上的小舟,不停地倒退,进入过去。 7 . I"m paralyzed with happiness.我要被幸福冲昏头脑了。 8 . Daisy, don"t create a scene.黛茜,不要小题大做。 9 . I decided1 to get roaring drunk.我决定痛饮一番。 10 . Of course, you don"t need to take my word for it, old sport.当然,耳听为虚,老兄。 11 . I have my hands full.我手头够忙的了。 12 . But he was once again dirt-poor.但他再度一贫如洗。 13 . I couldn"t care less about the parties.我一点都不关心派对。 14 . May I save the next dance?我能预约跳下一支舞吗? 15 . Have it your own way, Tom.随你便,汤姆。 2.>中经典的语句 如果打算爱一个人,你要想清楚,是否愿意为了他,放弃如上帝般自由的心灵,从此心甘情愿有了羁绊。 我年纪还轻,阅历不深的时候,我父亲教导过我一句话,我至今还念念不忘。 “每逢你想要批评任何人的时候, ”他对我说,“你就记住,这个世界上所有的人,并不是个个都有过你拥有的那些优越条件。” 所有的光鲜靓丽都敌不过时间,并且一去不复返。 我们继续奋力向前,逆水行舟,被不断地向后推,直至回到往昔岁月。 我既是旁观者清亦是当局者迷。 可是我一面心里想,我们这排灯火辉煌的窗户高高在这都市之上,从底下暮色苍茫的街道望上来,不知道蕴藏着何等人生的秘密,而我脑海中也见到这么一位过客,偶尔路过此地,抬头望望,不知所以。我自己似乎又在里边又在外边,对这幕人生悲喜剧无穷的演变,又是陶醉又是恶心。 我们奋力前行,小舟逆水而上,不断地被浪潮推回到过去。 我们继续奋力向前,逆水行舟,被不断地向后推,直至回到往昔岁月 。 当一个人痛苦的时候才会变得才华横溢,当我的生活步入正轨时,我开始跟你一样,像你忘记我那样忘记你,然后忘掉那些痛苦,开始变得平庸可耻。我不愿这样,也不愿意这样,我无法触及你,你就像盖茨比的梦,璀璨无比,却又触不可及。前方的路上诱惑太多,我没有盖茨比那么了不起,我可能走上其他的路,无法一直追逐你的脚步。 你不可能重复过去发生过的事情。 我三十岁了,如果我再年轻五岁的话,我说不定会自己欺骗自己把这称之为美德的。 当一个人奋斗了很久,看到梦想如此之近,他是不会轻易放弃的 3.了不起的盖茨比有哪些震撼人心的句子 比尔.盖茨的精典言论鼓舞了很多年轻人,如: 一、生活是不公平的;要去适应它。 二、这世界并不会在意你的自尊。这世界指望你在自我感觉良好之前先要有所成就。 三、高中刚毕业你不会一年挣4万美元。你不会成为一个公司的副总裁,并拥有一部装有电话的汽车,直到你将此职位和汽车电话都挣到手。 四、如果你认为你的老师严厉,等你有了老板再这样想。老板可是没有任期限制的。 五、烙牛肉饼并不有损你的尊严。你的祖父母对烙牛肉饼可有不同的定义;他们称它为机遇。 六、如果你陷入困境,那不是你父母的过错,所以不要尖声抱怨我们的错误,要从中吸取教训。 4.>中经典的语句 原句就是这个:我们继续奋力向前,逆水行舟,被不断地向后推,直至回到往昔岁月。 这是该书最后一句话,各个翻译版本不一样。我给你英文原版的原句:It eluded us then,but that"s no matter to-morrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther。 and one fine morning. So we beat on,boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past。.。 5.>中经典的语句 原句就是这个:我们继续奋力向前,逆水行舟,被不断地向后推,直至回到往昔岁月。 这是该书最后一句话,各个翻译版本不一样。我给你英文原版的原句: It eluded us then,but that"s no matter to-morrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther。and one fine morning. So we beat on,boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past. 6.了不起的盖茨比台词 电影《了不起的盖茨比》是由巴兹·鲁赫曼执导的爱情剧情片。在一个物欲横流的时代,却能始终坚持自己曾经的执着追求,才是盖茨比了不起的原因,单纯人生逆袭和爱情的梦想,并不能显现盖茨比的了不起,但把当时那种历史背景嵌到故事情节当中时,我们才能真正知道这种了不起的可贵之处。1.如果打算爱一个人,你要想清楚,是否愿意为了他,放弃如上帝般自由的心灵,从此心甘情愿有了羁绊。 2.世界不会在意你的自尊,人们看到的只是你的成就。在你没有成就以前,切勿过分强调自尊。 3.我们继续奋力向前,逆水行舟,被不断地向后推,直至回到往昔岁月。 4.隐藏自己的判断体现了一种博大的胸襟。 5.这就是女孩子在这种世界上最好的出路,当一个美丽的小傻瓜。 6.世界上只有被追求者和追求者,忙碌者和疲惫者。 7.我知道像我这样的人,坠入爱河便犯了大错。 8.所有的光鲜亮丽都敌不过时间,并且一去不复返。 9.人们的品行有的好像建筑在坚硬的岩石上,有的好像建筑在泥沼里,不过超过一定的限度,我就不在乎它建在什么之上了。 10.盖茨比深切地体会到财富怎样帮助人们拥有和保存青春与神秘,体会到一套套服装怎样使人保持清新靓丽,体会到财富怎样使黛西像白银一样熠熠发光,安然高踞于穷苦人激烈的生存斗争之上。
2023-01-08 04:04:311


2023-01-08 04:04:413


Seemingly short film by a name translated the knowledge, if not translate very easily been misunderstood Translation if not very easy to have an impact on people"s understanding of the film to have a negative impact, if there are bad translation May cause a conflict of culture…… with "titanic" for it, there are many translations, there are also a literal translation of the free translation: If the "titanic" to "Titanic", as the official to do so, Will have a sense of mystery, arouse people"s imaginations. After more posters that read "Titanic" This translation of the ingredients Duo Lexie authority. Read the video, more people feel the Titanic, the ship throughout the film is a symbol of the props, is to promote the development of an indispensable element of the story. However, if the "titanic" to "Ice boat", although some more straightforward, but the lack of a number of suspense and mystery of color. Videos will be feeling after reading this have been translated into even more appropriate. Therefore, we proceed from the content of the film, from the film implied in the name of cultural heritage, find the most suitable for the film, to be able to attract viewers of the film translation.It is understood that in the course of the film output, Britain and the United States developed the film studios are often in the title spent great efforts, a name may be all the shooting after the end of the process has not yet set or change, a good name for the foreseeable The success of a film plays an important role. Foreign Language Film in particular the English-which account for most of proportion, therefore, the introduction of foreign large, or recommend to the Chinese foreign films, film translation of the name of the whole translation process is a key element. Good translation can appreciate the people in these "large" wonderful story, the acting superb actor, but also some wonderful translation回味无穷. To sum up, let us explore the translation of the name of the film.Literal translationLiteral translation of the text is pursued by the faithful. Faithful translation of all of the basic guiding principles. It refers to using one language (target language) to express a different language (source language), and to maintain the original text, and so on (equivalence). Faithful of the content of the following two aspects: One is the form of the faithful (formal correspondence). It refers only from the form of consideration, in order to make reproduction of information (reproduced message) of the target language and expression information form similar to the source language, the word-to-word response, structure, similar analogy with the original. Second is the sense of the faithful (equivalence in terms of meaning). It calls for the ideological content of the original agreement, no additions or deletions in the sense of change. This translation of the translation in the film are a common occurrence, which was also no lack of appropriate, for the best. If, Roman Holidays - Roman Holiday, Love Story - love story, The Silence of Lambs - Silence of the Lambs, America"s Sweet-hearts - the United States Jerry Maguire, The Sound of Music - The Sound of Music, Casablanca - Casablanca.But the literal translation of the name of the film depends on the outstanding part of the original extent of the name, the interpreter asked not demand high.
2023-01-08 04:04:552


chase 英[tʃeɪs] 美[tʃes] vt. 追求; 追捕; 追寻; 镂刻; n. 追捕; 打猎; 猎物(指鸟兽等); 槽; vi. 追逐,追赶; 追寻; 追求(常与after连用); [口语] 奔跑; [例句]She chased the thief for 100 yards她追了窃贼100码远。[其他] 第三人称单数:chases 复数:chases 现在分词:chasing过去式:chased 过去分词:chased
2023-01-08 04:05:042

罗素的知识与智慧其中一段 求翻译

它不仅是在公共的方法,但在私人生活同样,智慧是必要的。这是需要在选择场地要追求和解放,从个人的偏见。即使结束这将是崇高的追求,如果它是可以实现的可能是不明智的,如果追求本身就是不可能的成就。许多男人在历代献身给寻找魔法石和仙丹。毫无疑问,如果他们能够找到他们,他们将赋予巨大的利益后,人类,但因为这是他们的生命被浪费了。下降到不足英雄事项,考虑该个案的两名男子,他A和B先生,谁讨厌对方,并通过彼此间的仇恨,使对方破坏。假设你发展集团办公室的议员和说, "你为什么要恨B先生? "他将毫无疑问给你一个令人震惊的名单B先生的恶习,这部分是真实的,部分是假的。现在假设你去先生湾他会给你一个完全类似的名单,他A的罪恶与平等外加剂的真理和谬误。假设你现在回来先生和说, "你会感到惊讶也获悉, B先生说,同样的事情你说他" ,和你去B先生也有同样的讲话。第一个效应,无疑将增加他们相互仇恨,因为每个将因此感到对方的不公正现象。但或许,如果您有足够的耐心和足够的说服力,你也许能够成功地说服每个其他只有正常共享人类邪恶,他们的敌意是两害。如果你能做到这一点,您将有灌输一些片段的智慧。
2023-01-08 04:05:192


你把主语和表语弄混了my aunt pursued what was,in those days,an enlightened policy这里in those days是插入语,放哪里都可以,直接去掉不影响句子结构,所以我们就看my aunt pursued what was an enlightened policy,从句what was a policy, what是主语,同时又是pursue的宾语,an policy是从句的表语所以原句的语序是对的,你改后的语序是错的,表语做主语了至于你后来的句子he asked me what was my name是错的,应该是he asked me what my name was. 从句的主语是my name, 表语是what,因为其实从句是一个特殊疑问句的陈述句形式,原来的特殊疑问句是What was my name?也就是说陈述句形式是my name was 简单点说就是第一个句子的从句正常语序是what was a policy,后一个句子的正常语序是my name was what,what在这两个句子里的成分是不一样的,前一个是主语,后一个是表语而且这里还有一点不同,那就是第一个句子的what是引导词,只是在从句里充当主语的成分,不需要翻译成“什么”,而后一个what是个疑问代词,要翻译成“什么”希望你能看明白我说的,不懂可以在线问我
2023-01-08 04:05:291


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        这是《夏洛的网》第十章第2部分节选。文中讲到小女孩Fern和哥哥Avery荡了一上午秋千后,打算去看小猪Wilbur。刚到谷仓,哥哥就发现了蜘蛛Charlotte,并且想把它占为己有。 美好的语言,值得记忆。 When the children grew tired of swinging, they went down toward the pasture and picked wild raspberries and ate them. Their tongues turned from purple to red. Fern bit into a raspberry that had a bad-tasting bug inside it, and got discouraged. Avery found an empty candy box and put his frog in it. The frog seemed tired after his morning in the swing. The children walked slowly up toward the barn. They, too, were tired and hardly had energy enough to walk. 这段文字生动描写了两个孩子悠闲美好的童年时光,我非常喜欢。如果可以,尽力尝试去背诵和默写。(背诵或默写的时候,用总时间的三分之一阅读,用三分之二的时间背诵或默写,然后在对照原文改错。眼睛盯着文字阅读要比背诵或默写轻松很多,但记忆效果远不如尝试背诵或默写,也就是说一分耕耘,一分收获。花费力气越多,得到的效果也就越好。付出和获得有对称性。具体原因参考 How We Learn by Benedict Carey, 一本关于学习方法的书,科学严谨,推荐!) 一点一滴,积累语言力量。 1.When the children grew tired of swinging, they went down toward the pasture and picked wild raspberries and ate them. (孩子们逐渐厌倦了荡秋千,他们就慢慢走向牧场,并且一路上采摘覆盆子吃。) 这个句子是个主从句,主句是they went down toward the pasture and  picked  wild raspberries and ate them,从句是When the children  grew tired of  swinging。具体说,这个从句是个时间状语从句,具体名称你可以不必太理会,只需要知道“When the children  grew tired of  swinging”在句子中的作用是提供主句内容发生的时间。也就是说当孩子们玩腻了荡秋千的时候,他们就去采摘果子吃了。 grow: 动词,最常见的意思是种植或者生长。在本文中意思是“逐渐变得”(to change and become different quite slowly),grow tired of :逐渐厌倦。 朗文例句:Donna has grown tired of being a model.  2. Fern bit into a raspberry that had a bad-tasting bug inside it, and got discouraged .(Fern咬了一颗覆盆子,里面有一只难吃的甲虫,大倒胃口。) bad-tasting: 难吃的 平时总是学习“好吃的”、“美味的”,如果需要表达“难吃的”,也要有词可用。 discouraged: 灰心的,丧气的 (no longer having the confidence you need to continue doing something)没有足够的信心去做现在正在做的事情的状态。Fern吃了有甲虫的覆盆子后就不会在想吃下一颗了。 3. They, too, were tired and hardly had energy enough to walk.(他们也累了,走不动了。) hardly had energy enough to do something: 没有力气做某事,估计每个人都或多或少体会过这种感觉吧 4. Wilbur"s heart almost stopped when he saw what was going on.(Wilbur 一见这情景,吓得心都要停止跳动了。) heart almost stopped: 心脏都快要停止跳动,用于极度恐惧的时候。 5. "Leave it alone!" commanded Fern. "You"ve got a frog---isn"t that enough?" (“别动它,Avery!” Fern 大叫。“你 已经 有一只青蛙了,还不够吗?”) 一个问题:为什么这里“You"ve got a frog”要用现在完成时呢? 我们可以从语言功能的角度来解释。现在完成时的一个功能是提供理由,这里Fern命令哥哥Avery快住手的理由就是他 已经 有一只青蛙了,就应该满足了,所以用了现在完成时。作文之前先作句。 1. When the children  grew tired of  swinging, they went down toward the pasture and  picked  wild raspberries and ate them. 做个句子:When I grew tired of writing, I went to the gym. 你也来试试,用上grow tired of 2. Fern bit into a raspberry that had a  bad-tasting  bug inside it, and got  discouraged . 我做个句子试试:I bit into an apple that had a bad-tasting worm inside it, and got discouraged. 你也来试试: 用上bad-tasting, discouraged 3. They, too, were tired and  hardly had energy enough  to walk 我先来: I were tired and hardly had energy enough to read. 该你了: 4. Wilbur"s  heart almost stopped  when he saw what was going on. An interesting sentence from my son: My heart almost stopped when my teacher came into the classroom with the exam results.  hahahahahaha When the children grew tired of swinging, they went down toward the pasture and picked wild raspberries and ate them. Their tongues turned from purple to red. Fern bit into a raspberry that had a bad-tasting bug inside it, and got discouraged. Avery found an empty candy box and put his frog in it. The frog seemed tired after his morning in the swing. The children walked slowly up toward the barn. They, too, were tired and hardly had energy enough to walk. "Let"s build a tree house," suggested Avery. "I want to live in a tree, with my frog." "I"m going to visit Wilbur," Fern announced. They climbed the fence into the lane and walked lazily toward the pigpen. Wilbur heard them coming and got up. Avery noticed the spider web, and , coming closer, he saw Charlotte. "Hey, look at that big spider!" he said. "It"s tremenjus." "Leave it alone!" commanded Fern. "You"ve got a frog---isn"t that enough?" "That"s a fine spider and I"m going to capture it," said Avery. He took the cover off the candy box. Then he picked up a stick. "I"m going to knock that spider into this box," he said. Wilbur"s heart almost stopped when he saw what was going on. This might be the end of Charlotte if the boy succeeded in catching her. "You stop it, Avery!" cried Fern.
2023-01-08 03:58:571


因为CaY2-的稳定常数>MgY2-的,故有:MgY2- + Ca2+ ---> Mg2+ + CaY2-这时释放的Mg2+跟会形成红色的。过程中,滴加的 Y4-先跟溶液中的Ca2+形成稳定的。当所有的Ca2+被滴完时,再滴加的Y4-会将Mg2+跟形成红色的中的Mg2+取代出来,形成MgY2-。溶液的颜色这时由红色变为蓝色(而不是中间色)。(先前与Ca2+反应, MgY2-中失去的Y2-最后又被等量地还回来了。)因此:MgY的加入量不需要准确。
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2023-01-08 03:59:001

from giant swinging ships to terrifying free-fall

drop 下降
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2023-01-08 03:59:044


红十字会的初级急救员证书培训考核涵盖了标准心肺复苏以及基本创伤急救的有关内容,应该说还是比较实用的,而且目前考驾照等都要求执有这张证书才行。CPR/AED证书是指心肺复苏术认证证书和自动体外除颤器操作认证证书。国际上权威的CPR和AED证书是由美国心脏协会AHA(American Heart Association)下属的培训机构考取颁发的。CHCPA协会成立于2004年,近年来,CHCPA协会致力于建立医疗专业社群,提供专业课程指导和能力测试,让会员掌握理论和实践知识,熟练的运用所学的知识。在国内是没有单独的CPR和AED证书,一般都是指红十字救护员证书,也就是具备现场救护资格的证书。其中心肺复苏术(CPR)就是其中最主要学的现场急救技术。
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2023-01-08 03:59:064


常与情态动词连用,情态动词+have done,表示一定做了某事。must have done sth.一定做某事。表示对过去事情的较有把握的推测,这时只能用在肯定句中,“肯定/必须已经干过…”,在否定句和疑问句中用can"t或couldn"t或can/ could.例如:From what you said, she must have told you all about it. 从你的话看,她一定告诉了你所有的事情。扩展资料must表示必然性,一般只用于肯定句中,有时表示“意愿”,带有感情色彩。must表示推测,暗含很大的可能性,一般只用于肯定句中,在否定句中表示推测用can"t而不能用mustn"t。“must+be”“must+be+ v -ing”“must+表示状态的动词”可表示现在或一般的情况; “must+have”表示过去的情况; “must+表示动作的动词”表示将来的情况。must可表示讽刺或抱怨,此时须以you为主语。must表示客观上不愉快的情况,意为“偏偏”。
2023-01-08 03:59:091


今世[ jīn shì ]1.这一辈子。 2.现代;当代。今日[ jīn rì ]1.本日;今天。 2.目前;现在。而今[ ér jīn ]现在,目前。今生[ jīn shēng ]这辈子;现在的一生。如今[ rú jīn ]在这些日子里;现在,当今。方今[ fāng jīn ]现今;而今。当今[ dāng jīn ]在这些日子里;现在。今语[ jīn yǔ ]现代的通俗语言。今字[ jīn zì ]1.区别于古字的文字。特指从汉隶一直到现在通行文字的统称。 2.区别于古字的文字。特指隶书。也称“今文”。今天[ jīn tiān ]1.说话时的这一天;本日。 2.用在指一天之中某个时候的名词前面,表示指的是今天的某个时候。 3.此刻,现在;当前。今时[ jīn shí ]现在;此时。今分[ jīn fēn ]楷书的别称。古今[ gǔ jīn ]古代和现代。今夫[ jīn fú ]发语词。从今[ cóng jīn ]从现在起。今律[ jīn lǜ ]诗体名。始于 初唐 成熟于 中唐 的一种比较严密的诗歌格律。与尚未脱离古诗气脉的“古律”相对而言。今古[ jīn gǔ ]1.现时与往昔。 2.谓古往今来,从古到今。 3.过去、往昔。亦借指消逝的人事、时间。今下[ jīn xià ]现时;眼下。今段[ jīn duàn ]这次;此时。今非昔比[ jīn fēi xī bǐ ]昔:过去。现在不是过去能比得上的。多指形势、自然面貌等发生了巨大的变化。今夕何夕[ jīn xī hé xī ]今夜是何夜?多用作赞叹语。指此是良辰。博古通今[ bó gǔ tōng jīn ]通:通晓;博:广博,知道得多。对古代的事知道得很多,并且通晓现代的事情。形容知识丰富。以古方今[ yǐ gǔ fāng jīn ]用古代人的人事与今天的人事相比。以古制今[ yǐ gǔ zhì jīn ]按照古代的成规来处理当今的事务。今蝉蜕壳[ jīn chán tuì qiào ]金蝉脱壳。今,通“ 金 ”。谓使用计谋而逃脱。以古非今[ yǐ gǔ fēi jīn ]非:非难,否定。 用历史故事抨击当前的政治。以古喻今[ yǐ gǔ yù jīn ]喻:说明。借用古代的事来说明今天的事情或道理。不古不今[ bù gǔ bù jīn ]指事物不正常,古代现代都不曾有过。原讥讽人学无所得却故作诡异。后常比喻折衷。借古讽今[ jiè gǔ fěng jīn ]借评论古代的人和事来影射讽刺现实。超古冠今[ chāo gǔ guàn jīn ]见“ 超今冠古 ”。援古刺今[ yuán gǔ cì jīn ]引述故事古义以讽刺今事。亘古亘今[ gèn gǔ gèn jīn ]亘:横贯。 指贯串古今,从古到今。博览古今[ bó lǎn gǔ jīn ]博:广博。广泛阅读古今书籍,通晓古今学识。形容学问渊博。亘古通今[ gèn gǔ tōng jīn ]亘:横贯;通:贯通。 指从古到今。尊古卑今[ zūn gǔ bēi jīn ]尊崇古代的,鄙薄现在的。今雨新知[ jīn yǔ xīn zhī ]比喻新近结交的朋友。熔古铸今[ róng gǔ zhù jīn ]指融会贯通古今知识。借古喻今[ jiè gǔ yù jīn ]借:假借;喻:比喻。 假借古人古事比喻现实中的今人今事。厚古薄今[ hòu gǔ bó jīn ]厚:推崇,重视;薄:轻视,怠慢。 推崇古代的,轻视现代的。多用于学术研究方面。
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比较了普美康、迈瑞几个品牌的京东店铺,AED零售价格基本都在2-4万。现在基本是政府集中采购,集采价格应该会比这个价格低不少。 扩展资料:自动体外除颤器又称自动体外电击器、自动电击器、自动除颤器、心脏除颤器及傻瓜电击器等,是一种便携式的医疗设备,它可以诊断特定的心律失常,并且给予电击除颤,是可被非专业人员使用的用于抢救心脏骤停患者的医疗设备。在心跳骤停时,只有在最佳抢救时间的“黄金4分钟”内,利用自动体外除颤器(AED)对患者进行除颤和心肺复苏,才是最有效制止猝死的办法。虽然AED的使用十分便捷,大部分都是“傻瓜式”机器,但是国内某些公共场合配置除颤器不等同于本词条介绍的自动体外除颤器(AED),它们是医用除颤器,尚不允许未受训练的非专业人员使用。使用时必须注意区分。
2023-01-08 03:58:411


1、冬天的美原来是需要我们慢慢去体验和领会的,直到经历了14年我才明白原来有冬天是那么美好的一件事。我感谢冬天,谢谢你的“残酷”使腊梅更出众,使松树更挺拔,使树叶更顽强,使我更向上。人们总会抱怨谴责你的冷漠,但是我想对你说:“走自己的路,让他们说去吧。”  2、天空阴霾灰蒙,混沌一片,像一张铺天盖地的巨大的帐幕把阳光严严实实地阻隔在了异域别地;干燥异常的空气化身尖凉的风一点一滴地日复一日地慢慢地攫掠着人们身上的水分,把人们的嘴唇、手儿等皮肤割裂出一道道像皴裂的田地一般的伤痕。  3、雪后,那绵绵的白雪装饰着世界,琼枝玉叶,粉装玉砌,皓然一色,真是一派瑞雪丰年的喜人景象。  4、冬天,户外那粘满霜雪的柳树上尽是树挂,像是一根根银条悬挂在树上,格外壮观。  5、冬天,在我的人生中,已经来过了14次。每次,它都是寒冷的,沉默的,不动声色地看着原本热闹喧嚣的`世界变得冷静萧条。它无动于衷地听着呼啸的北风把树木吹得哗哗作响,任凭花儿凋零,落叶纷飞,也视而不见,听而不闻。因此,我讨厌冬天,讨厌它只带来寒冷、冷清。  6、冬天带来的寒气遍布每个角落。西北风刮来,让人感觉寒风刺骨。光秃秃的树木可怜巴巴地耸立在道路两旁,曾经生机勃勃的小草也终于支持不住,都枯萎发黄进入了梦乡。
2023-01-08 03:58:394

Holding you, and swinging 歌词

歌曲名:Holding you, and swinging歌手:Garnet Crow专辑:first soundscope
2023-01-08 03:58:371


2023-01-08 03:58:3111

swing on a star ——clare teal 歌词

Would you like to swing on a starCarry moonbeams home in a jarAnd be better off than you areOr would you rather be a muleA mule is an animal with long funny earsHe kicks up at anything he hearsHis back is brawny - and his brain is weakHes just plain stupid with a - stubborn streakAnd by the way, if you hate to go to schoolYou may grow up to be a muleWould you like to swing on a starCarry moonbeams home in a jarAnd be better off than you areOr would you rather be a pigA pig is an animal with dirt on his faceHis shoes are a terrible disgraceHe aint got no manners when he eats his foodHes fat and lazy - and extremely rudeBut if you dont care a feather or a figYou may grow up to be a pigWould you like to swing on a starCarry moonbeams home in a jarAnd be better off than you areOr would you rather be a fishA fish wont do anything but swim in a brookHe cant write his name or read a bookAnd to fool the people is his only thoughtThough he slippery - he still gets caughtBut then if that sort of life is what you wishYou may grow up to be a fishAnd all the monkeys arent in a zooEvery day you meet quite a fewSo you see its all up to youYou can be better than you areYou could be swinging on a star
2023-01-08 03:58:302


2023-01-08 03:58:254

can后接动词原形为什么会是l can swinging

 不正确swinging改为swing为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!
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2023-01-08 03:58:181