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CCTV-9《up close》主持人徐亦怡的简介,谁知道?

2023-07-30 06:43:27

Eyee Hsu(徐亦怡),CCTV-9"Upclose"节目主持人。Eyee Hsu出生在美国,毕业于加利福尼亚大学-伯克利分校,她以自己独特的主持风格受到很多观众的喜爱。

Eyee Hsu has worked with Up Close since its inception as the writer for the program, and brings a Western perspective grounded in Eastern philosophy and sensitivity. An American-born Chinese, Eyee has always been drawn to her Chinese roots and vowed that she would one day establish her home in China. Now currently residing in Beijing, her dream has been realized.

Eyee graduated magna cum laude from UC Berkeley with a double-major in Economics and Environmental Science. For over five years, she was a management consultant with a leading healthcare consulting firm, advising America"s largest healthcare systems on organizational, operational and strategic issues. She has performed healthcare work in the United States, Canada, Japan, China"s mainland and Taiwan.

Eyee has a passionate interest for cultures, has traveled extensively and loves the outdoors. She is an avid snowboarder and hiker and is always ready to try anything new. With a welcoming spirit and an objective perspective, Eyee Hsu brings warmth and genuine sincerity to Up Close.

Where did your name come from?

My name in Chinese is 徐亦怡。 In English, my first name is Eyee, pronounced like two “e”s. My last name is Hsu, pronounced like “Xu”. Trust me, it was not easy growing up in the United States with a name like this, but now I am grateful for having such an unusual name.

To you, what is the most important thing in a person?

I believe that being a good listener is one of the most important characteristics in a person. Only by listening to others can you gain a richer perspective and really begin to learn about how to be a global citizen. You can learn something from everyone.

What do you dislike most in a person?

Arrogance. I believe that arrogance breeds ignorance.

Which Up-Close programs have been your favorite?

Each guest on Up-Close has left a strong impression on my own personal outlook. And that"s because each individual has a truly inspiring story to tell. I admire all of our guests like General John Fugh, Dr. Henry Lee, Annie Wu... But the ones who have really left an indelible mark are The Flying Tigers, for their heroic sacrifices and courageous spirit celebrating life; Sabriye Tenberken and Paul Kronenberg for her extraordinary bravery and dedication to the blind in Tibet; Flora Zhang Tian-ai for her amazing grace, beauty and eloquence...

Who would you want to interview most?

The list is endless. But if I had to choose someone in China, I would have to say Vice Premier Wu Yi. Here is a woman of incredible intelligence, integrity, ambition and elegance. She is the most powerful woman in China today and a very important role model for the women of the world.

What is your philosophy on life?

Stay positive and aim to be happy. Life will continue to throw challenges at you no matter how much you plan. These are tests of individual character and it will be up to you to assert yourself and turn an impossible situation into a positive opportunity.

What is your advice to everyone out there?

Remember there is only one person in the world like you - yourself. That makes you absolutely unique and special.

What do you do in your spare time?

I have a variety of hobbies. I love to do all forms of exercise. Lately in Beijing, I have been learning boxing, as well as been practicing pilates. But my favorite forms of exercise are outdoors ? snowboarding, hiking.

I love to read. But if I have a larger block of free time, I will always try to do some type of travel, whether it"s within China or outside of China. My passion is to experience new cultures, and explore new sights. I feel this really stimulates the soul and makes one feel connected to the rest of the world. I recently went to India. Next stop is hopefully South America.


英文名Eyee Hsu 美籍华人 美国加利福尼亚大学---伯克利分校毕业,主修国际新闻传播学,2005年进入中央电视台工作,与之前的主持刘飞飞是校友。


Up close&personal

cctv9 有个栏目就是 up close 进一步了解主题曲是celion dion的版本么,相当经典呀下载你随便搜索一下就有吧
2023-07-29 22:58:522


王洛勇 百老汇的中国人 著名歌舞剧《西贡小姐》一直是纽约百老汇的传统节目。而其中男主角将换用一位地地道道的中国演员的消息,曾轰动了整个纽约。 这是中国人第一次在百老汇的演出剧目中担当主角。当时虽有很多人对此持怀疑态度,但在随后的六年里,这位中国演员以成功连演2478场《西贡小姐》,而被当地众多媒体称为百老汇的“百年奇迹”。 对戏剧演员来说,能够登上百老汇的舞台,就像是运动员参加了世界级比赛。1985年毕业于上海戏剧学院的王洛勇,是从1989年开始产生在百老汇演出愿望的。 ■敲开百老汇的大门 那年,百老汇有个非常成功的戏叫《蝴蝶君》,一下震惊了所有的美国舞台,乃至世界舞台。剧中一个扮演“中国京剧演员”的亚洲演员大受观众称道。王洛勇也慕名去看了这部戏。“看到那个所谓中国演员的表演,我觉得浑身都在颤抖,作为中国国粹的京剧艺术,他在里面充其量只表演出二三成的水平来。”戏结束后,王洛勇悄悄躲在马路对面房檐的黑影下,看到观众像潮水一样涌上去,王洛勇对自己说:总有一天,我也要站在他那个地方!一个在美国出生的东方人能做到,我就一定能做到!而王洛勇当时的身份,还仅仅是一名学生。 1989年,纽约爆发了一次亚裔演员大游行。已从学校毕业的王洛勇也就是在这年,接触了《西贡小姐》这部戏。当时,《纽约时报》发表了一篇文章,就是制作人拒绝用美籍华人演员来饰演这个角色的做法,使得全美国的亚洲演员,组织了一次空前的大罢工,纽约、华盛顿、洛杉矶的街道上,到处都是罢工的人流。 那年夏天,王洛勇到纽约看戏。看了10分钟后,他就对戏中那个不知是个酒吧还是妓院的老板,产生了兴趣:这个演员演得不错,角色感觉很好,但他对亚洲人的生活太不了解了,演的不是亚洲人啊!演出结束后,怀着对角色的渴望,王洛勇迫不及待地找到了导演所在的办公地点,却被误认为是是旅游公司送飞机票。王洛勇只好解释说:我是个中国演员,刚刚从波士顿大学毕业,演了一个《蝴蝶君》的男主角。我想试试《西贡小姐》这部戏。那总导演很不情愿地看着王洛勇。王洛勇说:我给你来一段台词吧?总导演说:行,来一段。一边说一边又给秘书写纸条什么的,王洛勇感觉对方完全是同情自己才给自己那么几分钟的时间说台词,看他那脚还在不停地晃荡,眼神是散的,根本没注意王洛勇。 ■天鹅群里的笨牛 几天后,王洛勇意外地接到了一个来自演员工会———这个只有专业演员才可以实习的地方打来的电话:让他去参加一个爵士舞的训练班,还给他找了个台词老师。王洛勇一阵兴奋,这个电话意味着他向百老汇舞台又走近了一步。 可上舞蹈课的第一天,那情景把王洛勇给震住了:“演《白夜》的苏联演员跳起芭蕾舞那个漂亮啊……我看得目瞪口呆。”他进去换上舞蹈鞋上场后,只觉得自己的脚步越迈越小,自信心也越来越小。在这帮人中跳舞,王洛勇觉得自己简直就像是一头笨拙的牛,蹒跚在优雅的天鹅群里,实实在在地感觉出自己不足的距离。此情此景,让他大为感慨:有时候,理想让你发狂,但现实会让你清醒。 在那三个星期里,王洛勇就像是拼了命似的天天练舞蹈的组合,心无旁骛地度过了三个星期后,王洛勇终于等来了一个让他振奋不已的消息:在顺利通过前两次面试后,即将进行的第三次面试,安排在他梦寐已久的百老汇大街中心规模最大的百老汇剧院里进行。走上舞台时,他感到自己面对着一个黑黝黝的大洞,只在远景里有几丝光亮。一些伟大的制作人、导演、编剧、作曲,变得那么小,而自己站在舞台上显得那么高大……导演催促他道:你怎么不唱?王洛勇说:我感受太多了,我从没想到过自己会站在百老汇舞台上!导演对他嘘了一声说:开始! 然而,从1991年这第一次面试到1994年,王洛勇付出了三年的等待,却没有任何结果,生活中原有的信心和勤奋,渐渐被焦躁和颓废取代,他开始怀疑自己的 选择。经过再三斟酌,已经拥有波士顿大学教师身份的王洛勇决定:放弃梦想,彻底离开纽约。临行前,王洛勇去拜访了曾给过自己很多鼓励的台词老师。 ■“把你的爱给别人” 王洛勇当时非常沮丧。而台词老师说:“你什么时候准备好了你心里明白。”王洛勇不解:“怎么我心里明白?是他们决定。”“可他们做决定之前,是你最先决定。你为什么走到今天,难道不是你自己的决定?你的决定就是你动力的来源。演员这个职业是个很伟大的职业,你得把你的爱给别人。” 做教师也好做演员也好,心理素质的完善和技能的提高同等重要,而这也许正是百老汇对一个专业演员全面素质的考核。在老师的鼓励下,王洛勇终于找回了那份丢失已久的自信,以及那个差点和自己失之交臂的梦想。他开始脚踏实地地攻破面前的一道道难关。 对于第一次在百老汇舞台进行正式演出的印象,王洛勇只记得:“音乐轰响。我一上去就亮开嗓子唱,却觉得听不见自己的声音,无论使多大劲,仍是如此。我觉得自己充满激情地做着动作,却没人理睬……”所有的人在下面看着他,似乎他们中没有人相信他———一个中国的演员在这个著名的舞台上,出演着剧中的主角…… “你会觉得好像一列火车在飞速地前行,你要跳上去不能耽误,可伸出的手碰到车上的扶手却抓不住,你不断地奔跑、伸手,最后终于抓住了……”两个小时一刻钟的演出就这么圆满地结束了。 正像王洛勇期待的那样,那晚的演出获得了巨大的成功。在观众多达20多次的掌声中,百老汇这个最负盛名的世界戏剧之都的舞台上,没有中国人出演主角的历史,也永远成为了过去。
2023-07-29 22:59:211

get up close and personal with sth 这个词组是什么意思

您好,很高兴为您解答:get up and personal with sth 个人近距离做某事Underwater volcanic eruptions also provide a chance to get up close and personalwith observing eruptions, where volcanic plumes act very differently than they doon land. 水下火山爆发也为个人近距离观测火山爆发提供了机会,在水下,火山熔流与地面火山的活动不同立即采纳哟~~-------------------------------★倾心解答★愿您满意★★欢迎追问★敬请采纳★-------------------------------呼吁:共同抵制不处理提问者行动:坚决拒绝为其二次解答
2023-07-29 22:59:291

英语阅读翻译 12星座本周运势中英对照

This is your week to really shine brightly in both your career and social life. It might not always seem like it, but all eyes will be watching you to see what you do. Some want to follow your lead, others are waiting to criticize you. Either way, everything will seem to stop until you take action. There is no room for any moral or ethical mistakes. Go the extra mile when helping othm,f;skjz; ers. 这一周你的事业和社交成绩都金光闪闪,或许这样的成就不能长久,但人们势必会关注你下一步的动作,有的希望跟随你的领导,有的等着批评你犯的错误。不管怎样,你都必须有所行动,不可以kf何道德伦理方面的错误。帮助别人你会收获更多。 Taurus: 金牛座: There might have been a few bumps and rough spots lately, but your chart is now getting back in sync and you"ll find a lot more growthanything and opportunities for new experiences and life adventures. When it starts getting this good, you can bet your ass that “unexpected temptations” are going to appear. It"s always the little foolish mistakes people make in times like these, that levels people when things really start to roll. Be Smart! 最近或许会有些许不顺,但是你也能同时获得新的经历和挑战,从而赢得更多成长和机会。运势越来越好,你也会遇到一些无法预料的诱惑。人们往往会在此时犯下愚蠢的错误,保持清醒! Gemini: 双子座: Your chart energy is waking up every cell of your body. It causes your veins to surge with power and vitality. Causes your soul and spirit to want to cry out thanks to the universe for feeling alive! This is awesome energy and just watch how others are lookin" at you too. Get ready to pass out the drool buckets because there is serious lust that goes along with this transit. Whether you want that or not. 星座能量唤醒着你的身体,你感觉到你的每个细胞都充满了能量和活力。活着真好!这种能量非常强大,看看别人看你的目光吧!赶紧放弃你那些无聊的白日梦,这段时间你会产生非常重要的渴求,不管你是否真的想要。 Cancer: 巨蟹座: It"s a great time to start romantic and intimate relationships, or to breathe new fire into existing ones. This planet energy causes you to be much more approachable and “down to earth” in the eyes of others. You"ll have a way of causing others to feel “safe” and happy when they"re near you, so they"ll want to get a lot more “up close and personal” (if you know the language I"m speakin"). 这段时间适合展开亲密浪漫的关系,或者和旧人重燃旧情。这段时间你在别人眼里显得更加平易近人、容易亲近。别人会因为你而感到安全和幸福,所以他们需要更进一步的 关系。 Leo: 狮子座: The stress of the past few weeks have likely taken a toll on your body. You would be wise to give yourself a break and get as much rest and relaxation as possible. This is a great time to start any diets or health improvement programs, because the chances of you being successful is very high. Maintain a positive attitude at the workplace and make sure you are paying attention to the quality and details of your work. 过去几周的压力可能会使你身体变差,你给自己放个假,有空多休息休息。这段时间非常适合节食或者健康锻炼,取得成效的机会非常大。在工作中注意保持积极主动,多多关注你工作的质量和细节。 Virgo: 处女座: “All work and no play make Jack a dull boy”. This energy is all about giving yourself a break and making sure you"re getting enough of the fun and excitement life has to offer. This transit brings out the best of your social and playful nature. It makes you a joy to be around. It gives you a deeper level of creativity and originality that helps you to show others your true inner thoughts and feelings. It looks good! 注意劳逸结合,这段时间多多休息一下,享受人生中的乐趣和感动。这样你社交方面的天性就能够尤为彰显,使你变成别欢乐的使者。你也有机会更深入地向别人展现你的创造力,让别人更能理解你的想法和感受。这段时间非常美好! Libra: 天秤座: Your week is all about looking to the future and doing what is necessary to ensure your prosperity and overall happiness. Even if that mean letting go of the sentimental qualities of your past. The idea is to be able to move forward without any negative baggage from the past. Those that might have sold you out or have given up on you, will see a bright light shining within you and know you were right. 整周你都在幻想未来,做一些让自己开心的事情,保证经济来源。即使这意味着要放弃你过去的情感状态。也就是说,放掉过去的包袱,往前看。当你放掉过去的包袱时,你会看到一个光明的未来,并且知道,你所做得决定是对的。 Scorpio: 天蝎座: The best thing you can do is to be quiet and listen closely to everything others are saying. The idea is to take it all in without really getting too involved in the events taking place. The chart indicates there is a message trying to reach you. It usually ends up coming from the most unlikely sources, at the most unusual times too. The week works best when you don"t take yourself too seriously. 你能够认真倾听别人说的每句话,你需要涉及每件事,但都不要被卷的太深。星盘显示可能一种信息在接近着你,它可能在最不可能的时间从最不可能的地方到来。这一周,别太拿自己当回事。 Sagittarius: 射手座: You have moved into a time when you are being surrounded by financial opportunities and the chance for sudden wealth and abundance to pour into your life. There is nothing you can do to really “make things happen” other than just being true to your inner core nature and feelings. It"s all about learning to trust your gut instincts & being willing to take action upon them when needed. Treasure and care for what you already have own. 这段时间你可能会获得一笔意外的财富。想要万事如意的方法就是正面对待你的天性和情感。你需要学着信任你的直觉,在需要的时候为之展开行动。对已经拥有的东西,你需要仔细呵护保管。 Capricorn: 摩羯座: You are in your high cycle right now and that means to pull out all the stops. Push yourself hard as possible, as long as the planets are backing your actions. This is the kind of energy where even if you make a mistake, chances are it will be the right mistake to make. (without crossing the ethical line). Take the risks you can feel inyour gut are right for you. An awesome week! 处在运势顶峰的你,切记行动起来。对自己敦促敦促再敦促,星座会给你的行为撑腰。这种能量使你即使烦了错误也会获得改正的机会(当然不要跨越伦理底线),对于你的直觉认为正确的事情,冒险行动吧!非常不错的一周! Aquarius: 水瓶座: This is one of those weeks when you have to realize that things are not as they might currently appear. This is chart energy that requires you to maintain personal faith in yourself and that you"re making the right decisions for your life. It"s all about following through on what you know to be real and true in your gut. Even when every other person on the planet might disagree. Time proves you right! 这周你必须清楚事情不一定是它们现在呈现的样子。你需要保持对自己的信任,给你的人生做出正确的选择。的一点原则就是按照你直觉认为正确的去做,即使全世界的人都不同意。时间会证明你才是正确的! Pisces: 双鱼座: This chart energy is designed to take you way far away from your comfort zone. It"s there to take you to the edge where you creativity can be expressed and your personal genius to be Unleashed. (cool or what?). The universe will make sure the right people will appear to fuel you onward and to bring you fresh ideas and motivation. Overcome your ususal habits and routines. Explore new ways of seeing things. Explore new facts and possibilities. 这一周你可能会觉得非常不舒服。但你已经处在天才的边缘,灵感一触即发。星座会指派给你正确的人来点燃你的新鲜主意。克服通常的行为习惯,寻找一些看事物的新角度、寻找一些新的事实和可能性吧。 英语单词: Ariesufeffufeffufeffufeffufeffufeffufeffufeff 白羊座 Moral 道德的 Ethical 伦理的 Taurus 金牛座 Bump 碰撞 凸起 Temptation诱惑 Gemini 双子座 Vein性情 血管 Drool胡话 梦话 Cancer巨蟹座 Leo 狮子座 Toll 代价 钟声 通行费 Virgo 处女座 Transit 经过 转变 Originality 独创性 Libra 天秤座 Sentimental多愁善感的 Scorpio天蝎座 Sagittarius 射手座 Abundance 充裕 丰富 Capricorn摩羯座 Aquarius水瓶座 Gut剧情,胆量 Pisces 双鱼座
2023-07-29 22:59:381


我要沿着顶部盖子,我要向外扩展它约3毫米和我将努力使今天成为线尽可能“直”与普通的有翼眼线(曲线)。这部分很重要,对不起我camera-work一塌糊涂。但基本上我画一条线从边缘向下(上)的眼线,然后扩展它回到我的眼睛。我基本上勾勒一个假的我眼睛几毫米低于实际的水线。你让你的眼睛看起来比实际大一点。如果你发疯,那么你往往看起来很古怪的人,但如果你只把它几毫米,它有助于真正大animu眼睛看。只是玩玩,看看有什么适合你。近距离可以看到眼角的皮肤,看起来有点奇怪,但当我回来知道吧,一两脚我只是可笑的巨大的眼睛。所以,是的,这是一个事情。同样我认为在这一点上,Hanji Christa站在正确的相机,我说。通常我加入一点棕色粉底部边缘有点软化。我不知道我在这里做。好吧,接下来,我要带一个非常小的角度和几个黑色眼影刷,利用第二个眼睑。~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~望采纳!!!
2023-07-29 22:59:483

求一首歌 欧美的一个女的唱的 歌词里反复出现emotion(听起来是的)

2023-07-29 23:00:092


bitter sweet symphony HARU HARU
2023-07-29 23:00:1811

小学英语作文《My trip to 》

My Trip to the Zoo我的动物园之行Last weekend, I had a wonderful trip to the zoo with my family. It was an exciting and educational experience.上个周末,我和家人一起去了动物园,度过了一个美妙的旅行。这是一次既令人兴奋又富有教育意义的经历。When we arrived, we were greeted by the cheerful sounds of birds chirping and monkeys playing. We started our tour by visiting the lion enclosure. It was fascinating to see the mighty lions up close and hear their powerful roars.当我们到达时,迎接我们的是鸟儿欢快的鸣叫声和猴子们的嬉戏声。我们开始参观的第一个地方是狮子区。近距离观看到威武的狮子和听到它们强大的吼声,真是令人着迷。Next, we walked to the giraffe exhibit. I was amazed at how tall and graceful they were. I even got the chance to feed them leaves, which was an unforgettable moment.接下来,我们走到长颈鹿展区。我对它们的高大和优雅感到惊讶。我甚至有机会喂它们吃树叶,那是一个难忘的时刻。We continued our journey to the elephant area. Watching the elephants splashing water with their trunks brought a smile to my face. I learned interesting facts about their behavior and how they communicate with each other.我们继续前往大象区。看着大象用鼻子向外喷水,让我感到开心。我学到了关于它们的行为和它们如何相互沟通的有趣知识。The zoo also had a reptile house where we saw snakes, turtles, and lizards. Although some of them looked a bit scary, I found them intriguing.动物园还有一个爬行动物馆,我们看到了蛇、龟和蜥蜴。尽管其中一些看起来有点吓人,但我发现它们很有趣。After exploring various animal exhibits, we sat down for a picnic in the zoo"s beautiful garden. We enjoyed our sandwiches while observing colorful butterflies fluttering around us.在参观各种动物展区之后,我们在动物园美丽的花园里野餐。我们一边吃三明治,一边观察着五颜六色的蝴蝶在我们周围飞舞。Before leaving, we visited the gift shop where I picked out a cute stuffed animal as a souvenir to remember the amazing day.离开前,我们参观了礼品店,我挑选了一只可爱的毛绒动物作为纪念这个美好的一天。My trip to the zoo was not only fun, but it also taught me about different animals and the importance of preserving their habitats. I can"t wait to visit the zoo again and learn more about the incredible creatures that share our planet.我的动物园之行不仅很有趣,而且教会了我关于不同动物的知识,以及保护它们栖息地的重要性。我迫不及待地想再次去动物园,了解更多与我们共同分享这个星球的不可思议的生物。
2023-07-29 23:00:402


【篇一】2021年上半年英语四级语法用法解析   英语四级语法用法辨析:borrow 与 lend 的同与异   1. 两者都可表示“借”,但是 borrow 指“借入”,而 lend 则指“借出”,两者其实是一对反义词,而不是同义词。如:   Can I borrow your bike? 我可以借用你的自行车吗?   I never lend books; you never get them back. 我的书决不外借,因为总是有去无回。   Some people neither borrows nor lends. 有的人既不借也不贷。   2. 从句型上看,lend 可接双宾语,即可用于 lend sb sth,该句型也可说成lend sth to sb。如:   She lent him some money. 她借给他一些钱。   She lent some money to him. 她借给他一些钱。   这样用的 lend 有时还可用于被动语态。如:   You were lent ten thousand pounds last year. 去年借给你1万英镑。   但是注意,borrow 不能接双宾语,即不能用于 borrow sb sth;要表示向某人借某物,英语可用borrow sth from sb。如:   误:He borrowed her some money.   正:He borrowed some money from her. 他向她借了一些钱。   3. 两者本来是非延续性动词,但有时可以与一段时间连用,表示借用的时间。如:   Can I borrow your pen for a moment? 你的钢笔我可以借用一会儿吗?   He borrowed a car from a friend for a few days. 他向朋友借汽车用了几天。   Could you lend me five pounds until tomorrow? 你借给我5英镑,明天还你,行吗? 【篇二】2021年上半年英语四级语法用法解析   英语四级语法用法辨析:slow up和slow down   一、先测测你是否会想当然   1. 请先观察以下短语,这几组短语至少在表示某一意思时它们是反义词:   (1) up 与 down 是一对反义词,前者表示“向上”,后者表示“向下”。如:   He continued to jump up and down like a boy at a football match. 他不停地上蹿下跳,活像个足球赛中的男孩。   Aircraft can avoid each other by going up and down, as well as by altering course to left or right. 飞机可以通过上下升降和左右移动改变航线来避免相撞。   (2) upstairs 与 downstairs是一对反义词,前者表示“楼上”,后者表示“楼下”。如:   The bedrooms are upstairs and the dining-room is downstairs. 寝室在楼上,餐厅在楼下。   (3) go up 与 go down 是一对反义词,前者表示“上升”,后者表示“下降”。如:   The incomes of skilled workers went up. Meanwhile, unskilled workers saw their earnings go down. 熟练工的收入上升了,而与此同时,不熟练工发现他们的收入下降了。   (4) turn up 与 turn down 是一对反义词,前者表示“开大音量”,后者表示“关小音量”。如:   The baby fell asleep, so I asked him to turn the TV down, but a few minutes later he turned it up again. 宝宝睡着了,所以我叫他把电视机音量调小些,但是没过几分钟他又把音量调大了。   ▲请从所给的四个选项中选择一个答案填空:   slow up 与 slow down 是一对 ________。   A. 同义词 B. 反义词 C. 无关词 D. 互补词   【测试结果】如果你选择的答案是“反义词”,你就错了,正确答案是填“同义词”。尽管up和down是一对反义词,并且确实也有不少含有up和down的短语也是反义词,但是,slow up和slow down却是一对同义词。   二、相关词和短语的用法说明   slow up和slow down均表示“变缓”“变慢”“减速”等,从使用的广泛性来看,slow down比slow up用得更多、更广泛。两者的具体用法如下:   1. 表示“(使)慢下来”“(使)减速”   (1) slow down的用例:   I put on the brakes and slowed the car down. 我踩下刹车降低车速。   The train slowed down as it went around the bend. 火车在转弯处减速了。   She slowed down her pace so I could keep up with her. 她放慢脚步好让我跟上她。   The train slowed down to a crawl as it approached the station. 火车进站时慢了下来。   You see drivers speeding up when they should be slowing down. 你可以看到有些司机在应该减速时却加速。   (2) slow up的用例:   The bus slowed up as it approached the junction. 公共汽车在驶近交叉路口时放慢了速度。   The roadworks are slowing the traffic up in the mornings. 道路施工使早上的交通迟缓下来。   2. 表示“(使某人)松弛”“(使发展)减缓”   (1) slow down的用例:   The economy has slowed down. 经济放缓了。   He looks ill, and he should slow down. 他看上去不太舒服,应该放松一下。   (2) slow up的用例:   Output has slowed (up) a little. 生产已放慢了一点。   They claim they can slow up the ageing process. 他们声称能够减缓老化的速度。   三、用法联想与拓展   跟slow down与slow up用法类似的还有close up与close down。但close up与close down在表示“关闭”时,只是意义相近,并不完全相同:close down表示公司或商店等永久性关闭(即“倒闭”),而close up则表示公司或商店等临时性关闭(如“歇业”“打烊”)。如:   The factory closed down ten years ago. 这家工厂10 年前就倒闭了。   All the shops had closed up for the night. 深夜所有的商店都已经打烊了。   有些含有up和down的相似短语,既不是同义词或近义词,也不是反义词,它们各自有各自的意思和用法。如:   back up(验证;支持;备份;倒车;后退)   back down(认错;认输;退让)   bring up(养育;教养;提出)   bring down(使落下;打 倒;降低;减少) 【篇三】2021年上半年英语四级语法用法解析   英语四级语法用法辨析:fun和funny作形容词的区别   1. fun不仅可以作名词,还可以作形容词,而且作为形容词仅用于名词前作定语,不能作表语,意义相当于enjoyable,汉语意思是“有趣的;令人愉快的”,例如:   Diving is a fun thing to do. 潜水是很有趣的事。   a fun day at a theme park. 在主题公园度过的愉快的一天。   2.funny的意义相对要多:(1) 滑稽的,有趣的,可笑的 (2) 稀奇的,古怪的 (3) 稍感不适的。funny不仅可以修饰名词作定语,还可以作表语。例如:   He told funny stories. 他讲了几个有趣的故事   It was the funniest thing I ever heard. 这是我所听到过的最有趣的的事。   The machine is making a very funny noise. 这部机器发出一种很奇怪的声音。   The joke is not funny. 那个笑话并不好笑。   Sometimes he is funny, sometimes he seems like a poet. 有时他很滑稽,有时他又像个诗人。   He told the doctor that he felt funny all over. 他告诉医生,他感到浑身不舒服。   3. 如果是修饰人,funny用来指令人发笑的人。而fun用来指令人愉快的或者喜欢与之相处的人。例如:   She"s one of the funniest people I know. 她是我所认识的最有意思的人之一。   My sister is a fun person. 我妹妹是一个有趣的人。
2023-07-29 23:01:051

Coming Up Close 歌词

歌曲名:Coming Up Close歌手:"Til Tuesday专辑:Welcome Homeshayne ward - close to closeIt"s been a while since I"ve been this wayYou left your mark broken everythingBut don"t stop now take me all the way(Close to close, this close to close)They say love just isn"t worth itI say you gotta put the work inThat way you"ll always gotta get what you give(Close to close, this close to close)You"re this closeSo stay right here and don"t hold backI"m into what you"re doin" do it just like thatIt"s me and you forget the worldJust do what you doin"Because you"re this close to close(Close to close, this close to close)So don"t stop now take my breath awayDon"t let your heart try to play it safePlease, you"re this closeLast time love just wasn"t workingThis time I plan to put the work inThat way I"m always gotta get what I give(Close to close, this close to close)Ohh ohh This closeStay right here and don"t hold backI"m into what you"re doin" do it just like thatIt"s me and you forget the worldJust say what you"re sayin"Cause it"s the best thing that I"ve heardYou don"t know how far you"ve comeLeave your shield it"s overLet"s just get it doneSo stay with me and don"t let goJust do what you"re doingBecause you"re this close to close(Close to close, this close to close)It"s been a while since I"ve been this wayYou left your mark broken everythingBut don"t stop now take me all the wayInto your heart baby don"t stop me fallin"Stay right here and don"t hold back(Don"t hold back)I"m into what you"re doin"Doin" just like thatIt"s me and you forget the world(Me and you, forget the world)Just say what you"re sayin"Cause it"s the best thing that I"ve heardYou don"t know how far you"ve comeLeave your shield it"s overLet"s just get it doneSo stay with me and don"t let goJust do what you"re doin"
2023-07-29 23:01:511

Strawbs的《Lemon Pie》 歌词

歌曲名:Lemon Pie歌手:Strawbs专辑:20Th Century Masters: The Millennium Collection: Best Of The StrawbsLemonSee through in the sunlightShe wore lemonBut never in the daylightShe"s gonna make you cryShe"s gonna make you whisper and moanAnd when you"re dryShe draws her water from the stoneAnd I feelLike I"m slowly, slowly,Slowly slipping underAnd I feelLike I"m holding onto nothingShe wore lemonTo colour in the cold grey nightShe had heavenAnd she held on so tightA man makes a pictureA moving pictureThrough the light projectedHe can see himself up closeA man captures colourA man likes to stareHe turns his money into lightTo look for herAnd I feelLike I"m drifting, drifting,Drifting from the shoreAnd I feelLike I"m swimming out to herMidnight is where the day beginsMidnight is where the day beginsMidnight is where the day beginsLemonSee through in the sunlightA man builds a cityWith banks and cathedralsA man melts the sand so he canSee the world outsideYou"re gonna meet her thereA man makes a carShe"s your destinationAnd builds a road to run them onYou gotta get to herA man dreams of leavingShe"s imaginationBut he always stays behindAnd these are the daysWhen our work has come asunderAnd these are the daysWhen we look for something otherMidnight is where the day beginsMidnight is where the day beginsMidnight is where the day beginsMidnight is where the day beginsMidnight is where the day beginsMidnight is where the day beginsMidnight is where the day beginsMidnight is where the day beginsA man makes a pictureA moving pictureThrough the light projectedHe can see himself up closeYou"re gonna meet her thereA man captures colourShe"s your destinationA man likes to stareThere"s no sleeping thereHe turns his money into lightShe"s imaginationTo look for herLemonShe is the dreamerShe"s imaginationShe had heavenThrough the light projectedHe can see himself up closeShe wore lemonEnjoy U2_Lemon,Crono.
2023-07-29 23:02:111

1996年电影《Up close and personal》(《因为你爱过我》)哪儿有下 很想看

优酷网 土豆网。
2023-07-29 23:02:211

Because You Loved Me (Theme From "Up Close And Personal") 歌词

歌曲名:Because You Loved Me (Theme From "Up Close And Personal")歌手:Céline Dion专辑:The EssentialBecause You Loved MeCeline DionFor all those times you stood by meFor all the truth that you made me seeFor all the joy you brought to my lifeFor all the wrong that you made rightFor every dream you made come trueFor all the love I found in youI"ll be forever thankful babyYou"re the one who held me upNever let me fallYou"re the one who saw me throughthrough it allYou were my strength when I was weakYou were my voice when I couldn"t speakYou were my eyes when I couldn"t seeYou saw the best there was in meLifted me up when I couldn"t reachYou gave me faith "coz you believedI"m everything I a Because you loved meYou gave me wings and made me flyYou touched my hand I could touch theskyI lost my faith, you gave it back to meYou said no star was out of reachYou stood by me and I stood tallI had your love I had it allI"m grateful for each day you gave meMaybe I don"t know that muchBut I know this much is trueI was blessed because I was loved byyouYou were my strength when I was weakYou were my voice when I couldn"tspeakYou were my eyes when I couldn"t seeYou saw the best there was in meLifted me up when I couldn"t reachYou gave me faith "coz you believedI"m everything I amBecause you loved meYou were always there for meThe tender wind that carried meA light in the dark shining your love intomy lifeYou"ve been my inspirationThrough the lies you were the truthMy world is a better place because ofyouYou were my strength when I was weakYou were my voice when I couldn"tspeakYou were my eyes when I couldn"t seeYou saw the best there was in meLifted me up when I couldn"t reachYou gave me faith "coz you believedI"m everything I amBecause you loved meYou were my strength when I was weakYou were my voice when I couldn"tspeakYou were my eyes when I couldn"t seeYou saw the best there was in meLifted me up when I couldn"t reachYou gave me faith "coz you believedI"m everything I amBecause you loved meI"m everything I amBecause you loved me
2023-07-29 23:02:421


An Introduction of Canon Power Shot SX400 IS Digital Camera:With the Canon Power Shot SX400 IS digital camera, you can give yourself the power to really zoom quickly and easily. The advanced yet simple-to-use SX400 IS gets you up close from virtually anywhere with a 30x optical zoom and 24mm wide-angle lens with Optical Image Stabilizer. Give your images and video what they"ve been missing. Zoom in on your child"s face in a crowd, capture action from up in the stands, or a pet"s most playful moments. In addition to this impressive versatility the SX400 IS offers incredible Canon image quality with a 16 megapixel sensor and the Canon DIGIC 4+ image processor for richly detailed, brilliant images and true-to-life 720p HD video. The camera makes it easy to get your best shot every time, with Intelligent IS for shake-free images, High Speed AF for effortless shooting, and Smart AUTO that automatically chooses the proper camera settings for the shooting situation. Smart, easy, incredibly versatile, Power Shot SX400 IS delivers it all.
2023-07-29 23:03:041


1.go out 出去2.outside在外面3.turn off 关灯4.put away收起来
2023-07-29 23:03:143


2023-07-29 23:03:331


2023-07-29 23:03:401


Film review In my mind, has great influence with every cinema in the summer vacation. What"s it about? Two years have passed since Megan Fox(人名) leant over Bumblebee"s bonnet in ripped denim shorts. The Autobots(汽车人) are still on earth, working alongside the US military to protect the world from further Decepticon(霸天虎) attacks. One particularly evil Transformer – The Fallen – is masterminding a plan to destroy all the Autobots and, while he"s at it, Earth. Meanwhile, Sam Witwicky(人名,男主角) is starting college and Megan Fox is still wearing ripped denim shorts, except this time she"s bent over a motorbike and has had something injected into her lips. It"s weird. But hot.(讲的是什么)What"s good about it? Revenge of the Fallen is bigger and louder than its predecessor. There"s a healthy dose of new characters. Visually, it rocks. The fight sequences are better choreographed and there"s more ‘expression" in the up-close shots of the Transformers" faces. Large parts of New York, Paris, Shanghai and the Egyptian desert all get blown to shit. In particular, a forest scene in which Optimus Prime (擎天柱)slugs it out with three Decepticons are awesome. As is the end sequence: the plot (and therefore the fate of the world) pivots on ‘magic dust", the US army are shouting “Bring the rain!” and Megan Fox is scrambling around in white trousers while the sun sets on the pyramids, which are topped, tinsel-like, with giant shiny robots. It"s just so poetically retarded. (精彩的地方)I hope people will love it in the future. Let us expect the transformers 3 and I believe it will better than 2.
2023-07-29 23:03:511

お愿いだから (Close-up Ver) - 真野惠里菜中文歌词

振り向かずに さよならね连头也不回地说了声再见见た目よりも 强くないの我的内心并不比外在更坚强こんな时に どんな颜在这一刻 我真的不知道すればいいか わからないよ应该用什么表情去面对, 自信なんてそう はじめから自信什么的,从一开始就ないのに ふりしていた不曾拥有 以前只不过是在装模作样お愿いだから あの日 所以啊,拜托你,つないだ手をほどいて不要松开那一天牵起的手お愿いだから ふたり拜托你 让我们出会う前にもどしてよ回到相遇之前吧二十岁になる その日にはふたりきりで ずっといよう变回20岁 那一天我们独自一起, 就一直那样继续下去吧ずっと先の ことだけど虽然是早已过去的事情この胸へと 刻んでいた但是却已深深刻入了心房强く信じれば そうなると“只要坚信着的话 就一定会变成那样”言ったの あなたじゃない、、、说出这句话的不正是你吗?お愿いだから もっと 拜托你,让我听到笑う声を闻かせて你更多的笑声お愿いだから ひとり 拜托你 淋しさを抱きしめたい我只不过想拥抱这寂寞お愿いだから あの日 拜托你 不要放开つないだ手をほどいて那天就牵起的手お愿いだから ふたり 拜托你 出会う前にもどしてよ 让我们回到相遇之前吧
2023-07-29 23:05:091


2023-07-29 22:59:001


1、paw英[p??]美[p??],n.爪子; (动物的)爪; (人的)手;v.(不断地)挠,抓; 猥亵地摩挲; 动手动脚; 动手挑逗。2、[例句]The dog had hurt its paw.狗弄伤了爪子。
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lg函数的定义域:(-∞,1)。一般地,函数y=logaX(a>0,且a≠1)叫做对数函数,也就是说以幂(真数)为自变量,指数为因变量,底数为常量的函数,叫对数函数。如果ax =N(a>0,且a≠1),那么数x叫做以a为底N的对数,记作x=logaN,读作以a为底N的对数,其中a叫做对数的底数,N叫做真数。函数的连续性:在数学中,连续是函数的一种属性。直观上来说,连续的函数就是当输入值的变化足够小的时候,输出的变化也会随之足够小的函数。如果输入值的某种微小的变化会产生输出值的一个突然的跳跃甚至无法定义,则这个函数被称为是不连续的函数(或者说具有不连续性)。设f是一个从实数集的子集射到的函数:f在中的某个点c处是连续的当且仅当以下的两个条件满足:f在点c上有定义。c是中的一个聚点,并且无论自变量x在中以什么方式接近c,f(x) 的极限都存在且等于f(c)。我们称函数到处连续或处处连续,或者简单的连续,如果它在其定义域中的任意点处都连续。更一般地,我们说一个函数在它定义域的子集上是连续的当它在这个子集的每一点处都连续。
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您好!MINOX是德国美乐时的!一般像美国tasco望远镜或者别的所有品牌的中低档都是中国代工的,高档的才是在国外生产,但价格也昂贵!我给楼主推荐一款美国tasco OS541品 牌:美国tasco 出瞳直径:7.1mm 聚焦系统:独立聚焦 倍 率:7倍 物 镜:50mm 镜片镀膜:完全镀膜 支持三脚架安装,防水防尘防雾。 自动调焦!『特性』 ◆ 自动调焦系统,无论观测远近,直接观察,使用最方便◆ 内置罗盘和测距系统◆ 全天候设计、防水、防雾,昏晨弱光条件也能清晰观察◆ 专利的镀膜技术,增加光透率,成像清晰,色彩逼真 支持三脚架安装;完全防水、防尘、防雾;倍数真实,高清晰度光学素质镜身铝合金,外覆特殊橡胶。 商品坚固耐用,景象清晰逼真。 tasco放大你的海洋生活,轻松的在海洋中漫步! 7x50防水望远镜是许多经验丰富的航海者最喜爱的双筒望远镜。稳步7倍放大和50毫米的物镜口径是航海应用最常见的尺寸,内部具有发亮的罗盘和测距系统,采用高质量BAK—4棱镜即使在光线较暗时也能提供一个非常明亮清晰的画面。 tasco航海系列镜身内灌入氮气具有完全防水、防尘、保罗棱镜和人体工学设计的特点,为使用者提供最可靠的信赖! 红宝石镀膜。红宝石镀膜是美国tasco公司的专利产品,是一种红色强反射带通膜,因为反射具有红宝石光泽而得名,在沙漠、隔壁、雪地、烈日等强光环境下能够更清晰观察,用反射减少红光入射来减弱强烈光线对肉眼的刺激,并增加镀膜的装饰效果,令影响更明亮,色彩更清晰。 任凭急风暴雨 前景仅在掌握! 『使用推荐』此款为航海系列,镜身内灌入氮气,具有完全防水、防尘、防雾的特点,最适合于航海、港务、海关、电力、油田、林业、观看比赛、旅游观光等。商品坚固耐用,图象清晰明亮。
2023-07-29 22:59:171


2023-07-29 22:59:181

英语语法 wood 是否可数

2023-07-29 22:59:232

tasco 304FT/100YDS 10x25dcf 101m/1000m有没有人知道是什么意思,它的具体参数是

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2023-07-29 22:59:351

怎样看望远镜的倍数? 我有个tasco的望远镜,上面标的是99990*280和1000M/10000M

2023-07-29 22:58:591


2023-07-29 22:58:571


分类: 外语/出国 >> 英语四级 解析: paw KK: [] DJ: [] n.[C]1. 脚爪;爪子 2. 用力拍打 Get your paws off those cakes. 别用你的手碰那些蛋糕。 3. 【口】(尤指笨拙的)手 vt. 1. (用脚爪等)抓;扒 The cat pawed the mouse it had caught. 猫用爪子抓它捉着的老鼠。 2. 【口】笨拙地触摸(或摆弄);亲昵地抚摸 The bull pawed the ground before charging. 公牛冲刺前用力拍打地面。 vi. 1. (用脚爪等)抓;扒[(+at)] The dog pawed at the doorknob. 狗用爪子抓门把手。 2. 笨拙地触摸;亲昵地抚摸;翻找 He pawed frantically through the drawers. 他拼命翻找抽屉里的东西。 Don"t paw at everything you see. 别见什么摸什么。 以上结果由 Dr.eye译典通字典 提供
2023-07-29 22:58:551

《谁是凶手》 凶手到底是谁?

《谁是凶手》 凶手是胡山泉。在《谁是凶手》的结局中,胡山泉迷迷糊糊地睡到了酒店的后门,被早起的服务员发现,他们打电话给了沈雨,沈雨立刻出发前往饭店,她同时把信息发给了冷小兵和夏木,三人一起前往饭店,沈雨在宴会厅里坐下,这时胡山泉端着一盘菜出现,沈雨找到机会拿出剪刀猛地刺向胡山泉。另一方面,高鹏也带人赶到。受伤的胡山泉想要逃跑,却被冷小兵和夏木挡住了去路,无奈之下他只能劫持了沈雨。胡山泉认罪,冷小兵通过将手拿手枪来还原场景,终于让胡山泉记起了一些事。也阐述了自己当年的杀人理由,而他原来杀人的地方,也早就变成了高楼大厦,也回忆了当年杀沈海洋的全过程。剧集看点:《谁是凶手》终于让迷雾剧场走出了“悬疑剧迷雾”,在评分低迷的第二季中,终于取得了相对较好的成绩,这也提醒创作者在不断创新和拓展悬疑题材作品边界的同时,不要丢掉悬疑剧最本质最核心的东西。该剧作为迷雾剧场第二季已播出的几部中“最有悬疑感”的一部,终于让观众感觉“对味了”。该剧的优点在于很写“实”,探案者接近警察真正的形象,理性沉稳,智商在线。
2023-07-29 22:58:541

woods用来表示森林,那a wood也是森林吗?wood不是只有复数才表示森林吗?

2023-07-29 22:58:531


1、这个规格倒是一个正常规格,也就是说,起码不是乱标假的,应该不会差到哪去。2、不过稍微提醒你一点,这其实是一种很便携的规格。望远镜不建议选“太小”的,像你问的这种,虽然携带方便了,但是效果也要扣的。你总不希望买一个虽然携带很方便,但是一用起来,却很不方便的吧。所以我还是建议你,如果可能,不要选这种太小、太便携的东西。3、另外顺便提的是,不管是选便携的,还是大的,一般认为,7稍微有点偏低,而10倍,对很多人来说,很多场合下都不太容易适应。总体对大多数人,都是8更均衡一些。这方面如果你没有直观的经验,可以搜索下 大众光学 选8倍还是10倍? ,可能看起来更直观一些。/
2023-07-29 22:58:491


2023-07-29 22:58:4915

paw怎么读 英语paw怎么读

1、paw英[pu0254u02d0]美[pu0254u02d0],n.爪子; (动物的)爪; (人的)手;v.(不断地)挠,抓; 猥亵地摩挲; 动手动脚; 动手挑逗。 2、[例句]The dog had hurt its paw.狗弄伤了爪子。
2023-07-29 22:58:481


wood的形容词: wooden 木制的;僵硬的,呆板的; woody 木质的;多树木的;木头似的; wood n. 木材;木制品;树林; vi. 收集木材; vt. 植林于;给…添加木柴 扩展资料   I found wood carving satisfying.   我发觉木雕让我很开心。   He looped the rope over the wood.   他把绳子打了环系在木头上。   She carves in both stone and wood.   她既做石雕也做木雕。   If it"s made of wood it will float.   这要是木材做的就能浮在水面上。
2023-07-29 22:58:461


2023-07-29 22:58:432


wood: 木材;树林世界上有太多不同品种的树林,所以被例为[不可数名词].
2023-07-29 22:58:401

中文转为英文句子 ?

1) My phone line is not long distance services can not call you. Please call me now!! 2) Please reply as soon as possible if I were dealing with this bank fees charged by banks to settle all my debts as soon as possible. 希望帮到你^_^! 1) 我的电话线并没有长途服务 因此不能致电给你. 请你给我来电吧!! I couldn"t call you because my phone do not support long distance service so please call me back later. Thank you! 2) 请尽快回复我如果处理今次银行所收取的银行费用 以便我能尽快清付所有欠款. Please tell me immediately for the amount that the bank charged for my service this time so that I can settle all the overdur amount as soon as possible. Thank you! Tips (free) It is polite to add "Thank you" because you require someone to run an errand for you. The English trlation maybe different from the Chinese one as long as they express the same meaning. 参考: me 想将下面句子转为英文句子 谢谢帮忙!! 1) 我的电话线并没有长途服务 因此不能致电给你. 请你给我来电吧!! We do not have the IDD service so cannot call you. Please kindly give me a call. My telephone number is xxxxxxxxx 2) 请尽快回复我如果处理今次银行所收取的银行费用 以便我能尽快清付所有欠款. Please kindly let me know that bank charge for this to enable me to settle the outstanding paymet as soon as possible. 1. As my phone does not have long distance telephone service I can"t call you at that moment. So please call me back!! 2.Please reply me as soon as possible about the banking fee so that I can settle all my debt immediately. by Jeffrey cytc-jeffrey.blogspot/ 一二楼回答的都不错也。 有好的答案也请回我哦^^~ 我也很想知道怎个翻比较好丫。 也可以直接写信mail我 [email protected] [email protected] 1. As my phone number do not have long distance service i can"t call you.Please call me back!! 2.Please reply me as fast/soon as possible about the fee that the bank that i can settle all my debt. 参考: me
2023-07-29 22:58:391


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2023-07-29 22:58:331


《谁是凶手》大结局交代了真正的凶手是胡山泉,但是细心追剧的观众是否发现了其中几点不合理的地方,跟着小鱼一起简单梳理一遍案情,就能很容易发现该剧的隐藏真相。《谁是凶手》是由孙皓执导,赵丽颖、肖央、董子健领衔主演的悬疑刑侦罪案网剧。该剧讲述了一起发生在海舟市的连环凶案,在真相尘封了十七年之后,与这宗悬案有着千丝万缕的联系的人们,在各自不可告人的秘密中,一起等待真相浮出水面的故事。有三处“未解之谜”:1 .榕城家园案真的是胡山泉所为吗?剧中只用一句台词回答了:“胡山泉的照相机有录像过程”。剧中只是草草的把榕城家园案的人命安排在了胡山泉的身上,为了凸显沈雨这个角色的主角光环,剧情洗白洗得十分仓促。胡山泉都是在凶手被害后再拍照,又怎么可能全程录像?这明显不是他的作案手法啊!如果胡山泉真的录像了,那么剧情为什么不展示录像视频?答案是,这段录像导演并没有拍,因为导演只拍了沈雨的作案过程,剧中有明显的情节,是沈雨在晚上杀害了榕城家园案的被害女子。沈雨为了把这个案件嫁祸给何伟光,还故意把何伟光的“认罪”录像存储卡用塑料膜包起来塞到了被害人的嘴里,显然胡山泉并不可能是真正的凶手。之所以沈雨不能是杀人犯,或许是因为饰演沈雨的演员是赵丽颖,如果是一个普通的演员,相信在剧情呈现上会更加大胆并还原案情真相。2. 在审讯室里为何冷小兵让胡山泉指认的就只有5位女性被害人,而不包括榕城家园案的被害人,是因为在原来的剧本里,榕城家园案本来就是沈雨实施的。并且胡山泉谋害这5位受害人的动机,是因为胡山泉觉得自己能和她们“在一起”,而沈雨选上的那个榕城家园的女子,明显她是沈雨的猎物,而不是胡山泉的猎物。3.除了“海舟案”和与之相关的几个小案件,剧情中还出现了个“精神控制虐妻案”,这个案件引入了三个演员,对于剧情的发展并没有任何作用,这一点十分异常。《谁是凶手》是精简网剧,剧中的每一个小案件,都应该为核心主案服务才对。但这个“精神控制虐妻案”从发生到破案,似乎对于核心主案并没有任何推进作用,看上去这很像是剧情注水。“迷雾剧场”的悬疑剧一直都没有注水的习惯,之所以“精神控制虐妻案”和“海舟案”看上去没有一点关系,是因为《谁是凶手》大结局为了美化女主,故意把最后两集剧情改了,让胡山泉扛下了所有重罪。其实这个“精神控制虐妻案”应该在剧中是一个隐喻,沈雨长达17年被胡山泉精神控制,一步步被诱导着实施犯罪跌入深渊,这就与“精神控制虐妻案”完全对应上了。如果剧情能够把沈雨还原为真正的榕城家园案杀人凶手,那么这部剧最终的艺术成就无疑会更高,这个完美的精神控制犯罪案也更容易引发观众的共鸣和热议。
2023-07-29 22:58:331