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2023-07-30 05:40:04











(希伯来),红土制造的意思。据说上帝用红土造人,而亚当是他造出的第一个人。 ADAM被形容是高大,黝黑,英俊,肌肉强健的男人,沉稳,聪明。




希伯来名,给人的感觉是很崇高、庄严的,圣经上写着ALVA 是一个地名和种族名字。






(老式英语)崇高,聪明之意。ALBERT引人联想起三种形象;肥胖、笨重、缓慢,如Fat Albert;聪明,行为古怪,如Albert Einstein:或是正式, ALFRED(古英语),睿智的参谋。ALFRED给人两种截然不同的印象:一种是超重的智者,所谓智者就是有智能的老人家,行事谨慎,另一种是文弱的书呆子。 ANDREW洛j希腊里有男子气概、雄壮、勇敢的男人。














(希伯来英文)"Son of Benjamin"班杰明的儿子。感谢电视上Benson Dubois,给人的印象,Benson被形容是急智的黑人管家,聪明,体贴又有趣。














人们对Caspar有两种印象。友善,害羞乐于助人的,就像鬼马小精灵一样。或是年长,有着忠实信仰,就像圣经里Caspar一样. CHARLES(古德文)有男人气概,强壮。CHARLES不是被看做辛勤,忠实的朋友与领导者就是被认做是聪明,自大的吹毛求疵者。


采尼,法语意为『橡树林的人』。 CHRIS为CHRISTIAN,CHRISTOPHER的简写。CHRIS给人的印象是外表清爽,标准的美国男孩,聪明,可爱又有趣。






(希伯来)"上帝为我们的裁决者".Daniel被形容为英俊强壮的美国童子军,喜好运动勇敢,友善,值得信赖,教养良好,聪明且随和的人。 DARRYL(古英语)意为『亲爱的』。











英国历史上,有一位人人皆知的国王Edgar the Peaceful(安详的埃德加),创建了英国的海军部队,并联合了八个小国王,使英国国力有所增强。十九世纪美国诗人兼小说家阿兰?波(Edgar Allan Poe)就是叫Edgar,昵称Ed。








(老式挪斯语)"全能的"同Elwin。Elvis Presley是这个名字的代表人物。人们将Elvis描绘为英俊大方,唱蓝调的南方摇滚巨星 EVAN(威尔斯)"年轻的战士",JOHN的威尔斯型式。人们形容Evan是文质彬彬的年轻人有着男孩般俊俏面容,聪明的能够完成医学院的学业,才气纵横的足够出书。




(拉丁)法国人。FRANCIS这个名字令人联想到稳重的学者或是极度依赖宗教缺乏自信心的人。 FRANK 是FRANCIS,FRANKLIN的简写,人们对FRANK有两种截然不同的印象:辛勤工作的年长男人,独立,友善,并且温柔。不然就是又高又壮的蓝领阶级,懒惰,不受欢迎,又粗心。


所有含"FRED"名字的简写。FRED被形容为善良,风趣。人们口中的FRED不是矮小,肥胖,笨重那型就是优雅的舞者,如Fred Astaire。








古德语,意为"白鹰"或"战鹰"。在古威尔士语中,Gawain或Gawen是『小鹰』的意思。『鹰』一直成为古代德国、英国等国家人民崇奉的对象。他们把『鹰』看做『战斗』的象征,是他们心目中的战友。 GIBSON古德语,意为"光明磊落的誓约"。据说,此名表达家长们希望自己的子女继承其祖先财物及传统的愿望。




(爱尔兰迦略克)"山谷"的意思。为GLENDON的简写。GLEN不是被看做善良,单纯,踏实的中阶层男子就是勇敢,聪明有创造力的富家子弟。 HARRISONHARRISON (古英语),亨利之子。HARRISON被形容为英俊,富有的男子,优雅,傲慢或是敏感脾气温和的人。






(老式英语)看守人。Howard形容的不是乏味的中等阶级就是富有掌权之人。 HENRY(老式德语)庄园的领主。HENRY这个名字给人数种不同的看法。懦弱的四眼书虫,野心勃勃,独立自主的专业人士,或是强壮,随和的农夫。




男子名,John的俄语形式。大部份人认为Ivan是勇敢的俄国男子,强悍,冷酷,而且霸道。 ISAAC(希伯来)"他笑了"的意思。人们认为ISAAC是聪明体贴的学者型男人,通常不是犹太人就是黑人。






被认做可爱,喜好运动的金发男孩,但人们却对Jason的人格有争议。他可能是主观,风趣受欢迎,固执,不受束缚,调皮,或沉静,害羞,常自省的人。 JEFFERYJEFFERY被形容为孩子气,黑发,俊朗的男子。有些人则说JEFFERY是聪明的万事通,有钱又自大的小子,还有人说他是个中等男子,可靠,迟钝又单调。














同JOHN。JOHNNY被看做黑发,高壮,稚气未脱的美国男孩,通常不是安静赖着***男孩就是静不下来的捣蛋鬼。 JOHN (希伯来)"上帝是慈悲的"。John,一个带着圣经浓厚色彩的名字,让人联想到清爽聪明的男子,个性坚强独立。 JOSHUA (希伯来)意为获得上帝帮助的人。JOSHUA被视作英俊的男子,羞涩,聪明,独立,忠实的信徒。 JUSTIN (拉丁)"品格端正"。Justin被形容作可爱,棕发,爱玩,稚气未脱的男子,喜欢钓鱼及溜狗。人们说Justin可能成为富有的专业人士,公正,受人敬重,可靠的公民。


















"路加尼亚的人"同LUCIUS LUKE不是被看做强壮,结实,忠实,愚蠢,就是风趣,友善,吵闹的人。 MARCUS同MARK,MARCUS给人的印象是高大强壮英俊的运动员或单纯乏味的生意人。




出自拉丁文,为古罗马『战神』之名。同MARKS,MARTIN,MARCY. MICHAEL(希伯来)像主的人,MICHAEL被描绘为强壮,英俊的男人,聪明成功的刻苦工作者,随和,快乐的居家男人。










(拉丁)"小"的意思。大部份人认为PAUL是庄严,稳重坚定的人,但有人认为他有魅力,创造力又和善。 PATRICK(拉丁名),意为『高贵的』、『贵族的』。在爱尔兰和苏格兰,此名较为流行。










(拉丁)帝王的意思。谢谢HENARY HIGGINS做的REX HARRISON的雕像,人们对REX的印象是强壮庄严相当有自我风格的人,但别人眼中却稍嫌莽撞。有些人却认为REX是个独来独往的死硬派有可能是飞行员或小偷。REX也是个适合小狗的名字。(当然也适合恐龙啰!)








同ROBERT的;简写为ROBIN。ROBINSON给人两种不同的印象:一种是安静勤奋的工作者或是活泼外放的喜剧演员如Robin Williams.






(爱尔兰)"小国王"。 Ryan被形容为强壮,活跃的男子,长得很英俊却很害羞。


为SAMSON,SAMUEL的简称。人们印象中的SAM是个强壮的,温和,忠实脚踏实地的人,而且是可以交心的朋友。代表人物是人人皆知的UNCLE SAM






被形容为阴晴不变独来独往的人如西恩潘,或是英挺,刺激,上流社会的英国人,如史恩康纳莱。 SHAWN为John,Sean的爱尔兰形式。 SHAWN被形容为英俊的年轻人,活泼,受欢迎,温和。










来自法语,意为仓库保管人或粮食分配者。人们对他的印象直接来自SPENCER TRACY。人们想象中的SPENCER是灰发的年长男子,极为幽默。


























(荷兰)"贵族后裔",为许多荷兰名字的姓。 VERNVernon的简写。Vern有着两个差异颇大的意义:呆板,单调的怪老头或英俊黑发的年轻男子,勇敢,积极,有着横扫千军的气魄。











其实英文名字都有含义的啊 例如

Angel 安琪儿 含义:天使

Jim 上帝仁慈的给予

Katherine 凯瑟琳 纯洁的人。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。其实还有很多


lz 大概是想取个英文名吧,说出来让大家帮你建议建议




* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!




English names are used in the English-speaking world: the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and many other regions. The complete name usually consists of a given name, a second given name called a middle name, and a family name. Some people have zero or multiple middle names.


Most English given names are not derived from the English language. See European names for a discussion of the most prevalent sources of English names. The stock is further increased by:

Vocabulary words, such as Hope, Sky and Summer. See also Puritan names.

Surnames, such as Beverley, Bradley, Cameron, Kelly and Ryan.

Variants of more traditional names, such as Alicia from Alice, Krystle from Crystal.

Independent short forms and diminutives of other names, such as Bill from William, Jessie from Jessica.

Made-up names, such as Lavone and Jolene.


The Angles and Saxons were continental Germanic tribes who began settling in Britain in the 5th century. They absorbed or displaced the native Celtic population, who had for several centuries been under Roman rule. The Anglo-Saxons used Old English Germanic names.

In the late 8th century Vikings began raiding England. Eventually they started settling in the north and east, bringing with them Old Norse names. Some of these Scandinavian names permanently joined the pool of English names.

The Norman Conquest of England took place in 1066. The Normans became the new ruling class, and many of their Germanic names replaced the Old English ones. In fact most Old English names ceased to be used within the next several decades.

Though Christianity had long been established in Britain, Christian names did not become very common in England until the 13th century. The Church encouraged parents to give the names of saints to their children. These names were often of Ancient Greek, Latin or Hebrew origin.

The Protestant Reformation began in 1517. In England king Henry VIII split with the Catholic Church and created the Anglican Church with him as its head. Protestants generally placed more emphasis on scripture and revered the saints less, so biblical names came into fashion. The fundamentalist Puritans of the 17th century used even more obscure biblical names from the Old Testament and also virtue names, such as Charity and Patience.

The trend of using surnames as given names started in the following years. This practice has traditionally been more common in America than Britain.

During the 18th and 19th centuries many older names were revived. Also, names from literature and mythology became more common. In the later 19th century, during the Victorian Age, some vocabulary words began to be used, such as those of flowers and gemstones.

In modern times the stock of English names has been enlarged by invented names, variants, and borrowings from other languages.







surname[英]["su025c:neu026am] [美][u02c8su025au02ccnem] 生词本 简明释义 n.姓,姓氏;别名,绰号 vt.给…加姓 复数:surnames第三人称单数:surnames过去式:surnamed过去分词:surnamed现在分词:surnaming 以下结果由 金山词霸 提供 柯林斯高阶英汉词典 同反义词 1.N-COUNT姓Your surname is the name that you share with other members of your family.In English speaking countries and many other countries it is your last name. She"d never known his surname... 她一直不知道他姓什么.
2023-07-29 20:03:551


surname英 [u02c8su025c:neu026am] 美 [u02c8su025c:rneu026am] n. 姓,姓氏;别名,绰号vt. 给…加姓第三人称单数: surnames 复数: surnames 现在分词: surnaming 过去式: surnamed 过去分词: surnamed
2023-07-29 20:04:051


姓氏的意思,也就是Family name,也是 Last name
2023-07-29 20:04:132


2023-07-29 20:04:292


2023-07-29 20:04:585

Surname和Given name是什么意思啊

首先我们来看下Surname和Given name的大致意思:Surname:词性为名词,Surname是一个由“sur”(上面)和“name”(名字)两个词组合而成的,原意是指“在名字之上”的意思。Given name:词性为名词,Given name是指一个人在出生时由父母或监护人所取的名字,用来区别于同姓的其他人。通过下面的表格我们了解下Surname和Given name的含义、发音和用法接下来让我们看下Surname和Given name的用法区别:1.词性:Surname是名词,而Given name也是名词。例子:- Her surname is Smith.(她的Surname是Smith。)- My given name is John.(我的Given name是John。)2.含义:Surname指的是姓氏,而Given name指的是名字。例子:- Please tell me your surname.(请告诉我你的Surname。)- Do you have any special given name?(你有什么特殊的Given name吗?)3.发音:Surname的英式发音为[u02c8su025cu02d0rneu026am],美式发音为[u02c8su025du02d0neu026am];而Given name的英式发音为[u02c8ɡu026av(u0259)n neu026am],美式发音也为[u02c8ɡu026av(u0259)n neu026am]。例子:- His surname has a unique pronunciation.(他的Surname发音很特别。)- The pronunciation of her given name is difficult.(她的Given name的发音很难念。)4.用法简介:Surname用于表示一个人的姓氏,而Given name用于表示一个人的名字。例子:- In this country, surname is an important identity marker.(在这个国家,Surname是很重要的身份标识。)- Given names are usually chosen by parents.(Given name通常由父母取名。)
2023-07-29 20:05:515


2023-07-29 20:06:224

英语over the years of these surnames怎么翻译?

2023-07-29 20:06:435

急求中国姓氏的英文资料,即Chinese surname,最好包括来源、发展、现状。谢谢!!

kan bu dong ying yu a !mei ban fa !
2023-07-29 20:06:592


这几天填表没少麻烦几位版主,但是我在搜索的过程中也发现,似乎没有一个总结性的帖子能比较详细地说明DS表在各种情况下的填写,论坛搜索的话对各位飞友来说可行但是不太方便,很多信息都过时了,建议也不够集中,导致飞友弄不太清状况,版主们反复地辛苦回复……所以,虽然还没有去签证,小弟斗胆发一篇总结性的DS填写方法帖,针对每一个条目,尽量综合各种情况提供版主们的分析,这样大家看起来一目了然,不需另开帖发问,版主们也轻松很多,如果有新类型的问题可以直接加在相应项目的情况之中,这样也算回报版主们不厌其烦为民奉献的精神。 因此,在回帖前务必仔细浏览你所不确定的条目信息,如果你的情况真的不在列,再回帖发问。总的来说,只要不出现重大的原则性错误如欺瞒行为,就不会有什么问题,所以大家填的时候一定要仔细,但是别overcautious。 填表前,先确定2个问题。 一个是无效项是否留空的问题:版主们的意见是无效项全部填N/A,NONE,“/”或者“无”,并且由于DS-156中日期项的空间无法填下N/A,有位版主(不记得名字了 -_-!!)的建议是生成PDF前先留空,打印出来以后手工划去所有无效项(或者标上N/A之类)——大使馆的DS-156样板上是全部留空没有填的(所以我不确定见VO之前会不会要求你全部手工划去,这点要向签过的版主考证,我爸爸签过也没有和我讲一定要全填满)。另外,个人推荐前后保持一致,N/A就 N/A到底,划线就划到底,留空就留到底。 这几种应该都可以,我填的NONE,建议打印前填上N/A或NONE,比较整齐美观.---Shaka^^ 另一个是字母大小写的问题,有位版主的意见是名字和省份(如WANG,JIANGSU)全部大写,因为DS-156上标明“as in passport”,所以这样做有根有据;不过按大使馆提供的样板和我爸爸签过的DS-156来看,只是首字母大写(就是按照习惯填写,Wang,Jiangsu)也没有任何问题。 这篇向导帖完全按照样板解释:无效项留空,首字母大写.---或者全部大写,均可. Filling out DS-156 Form 1.Passport Number 护照号码 这个基本上不会有什么问题 2.Place of Issuance (City, Country, State/Province) 护照颁发地 这个基本上也没有问题,如果是直辖市的话Province项留空 3.Issuing Country 护照颁发国家 这个没有问题 4.Issuance Date 颁发日期 5.Expiration Date 失效日期 现在网填月份是下拉菜单选择的,所以没有以前那个MMM三位的麻烦了。日期写足2位,下同。 6.Surnames (As in Passport) 姓 7.First and Middle Names (As in Passport) 名 这里可能会碰到双姓或者双名是连在一起还是分开的问题,样板上是单名单姓所以不知,根据as in passport的要求,我是连在一起填的。有些机构可能会要求你分开写,大概是为了验对电码方便,比如我爸爸的,也一样签过,问题不大 8.Other Surnames Used (Maiden, Religious, Professional, Aliases) 曾用姓 9.Other First and Middle Names Used 曾用名 这里我曾经看到有位飞友说他的曾用名和现用名拼音是一样的,给出个人意见还是填上,反正这两项还要写出中文的 10. Date of Birth 生日 没有问题 11. Place of Birth (City, Country, State/Province) 出生地 同项目2,如果是直辖市留空Province 12. Nationality 国籍 没有问题 13. Sex 性别 没有问题 14. National Identification Number 应该就是身份证号码 一般来说没有问题,但有些飞友正好碰到身份证号码位数升级(新身份证18位),我也正好是其中一员。不过我估计了一下签证的时候应该还没有拿到新身份证,而且护照上面的是15位号码(旧),所以我这里就填15位(跟护照保持一致)。如果签证时已经换了新身份证,我想到时候解释一下就可以,此处的填写还是应该跟护照上的保持一致。 15. Home Address (Include apartment number, street, city, state or province, postal zone and country) 家庭住址 3幢2单元302室的写法:Rm 302 Unit 2 Bldg 3(我爸爸是写3-2-302的,我本来也这么写但是居然没通过,说不能有“-”符号,变得也太快了 @_@)小区的名字用拼音即可,看得懂就行,反正这一条也要中文写一遍 PS 昨天翻帖子的时候看到有个上海弄堂写法的,忘了记了,本来也写出来让大家参考,版版记得的话来修改一下 a. 如果护照上的签发地和目前的家庭住址不一样,或者是你暂时住的公司或者学校宿舍,综合版主和顾问的意见应填目前家庭地址,也就是你现在住所的地址 b. 直辖市一样留空Province 其它应该没有问题16. Telephone, Fax & Pager Numbers 各种电话、传真和传呼号码 86-571-87654321, 86-13888888888, 86 21 87654321, 86 138 8888 8888等等各种形式,关系都不大,样本里手机号码没有写国际码,我个人还是推荐国际码区号写全,反正就是几个数字的事情 17. Marital Status 婚姻状况 没有问题。注意单身的情况要选清楚:从未结婚,寡了或者鳏了,离了,还是分居 18. Spouse"s Full Name (Even if divorced or separated. Include maiden name.) 配偶全名 这个按照要求填吧。我还没结婚所以没填这个。各位版主有情况要发表就来修改 19. Spouse"s DOB 配偶生日 没有问题 20. Name and Address of Present Employer or School 现在所在学校或者单位的名字及地址 a. 目前在校,没有问题 b.目前在职,没有问题 c. 目前毕业,还没有任何工作,直接留空转21(如果是工作过但已经是过去时的情况好象有飞友提到过,我估计还是留空转21,向版主求证)。另,Part time job和RA根据版主意见不能算,所以也要留空转到21 d.若还有其它情况请版主添加 21. Present Occupation (If retired or student, write so) 目前职业 a. 在校填student b.在职填employee还是具体填自己的职业?向版主求证 c. 毕业了,没工作就写unemployed。不过如果是退休所以没工作写retired(这情况应该很少吧 ^_^) 22. When Do You Intend To Arrive In The U.S.? (Provide specific date if known) 你打算何时抵达美国 如果你已经收到了I-20或者学校已经给你发了I-20的扫描件,那就很欢快地写上I-20上要求你抵达学校的日期。如果年份和月份填了,日期不能留空(不然不能通过),所以不确定就全留空。 23. E-Mail Address 电子邮件地址 好象可以填写多个(我爸那会儿填了2个,现在不确定一定可以) 24. At What Address Will You Stay in The U.S.? 到了美国的地址 两行Address Line都有字数限制,表达清楚即可 a. 你已经有明确的住址,没有问题 b.你被学校录取,但是住的地方还没着落,综合版主们的意见,就填上你要去的Department的地址(一般Department的网页上都会有)。好象还有说法是填International Office的地址?向版主求证 c. 若还有其它情况请版主添加 25. Name and Telephone Numbers of Person in U.S. Who You Will Be Staying With or Visiting for Tourism or Business (Name & Telephones) 目前在美国并将与你待在一起的人或者你将要去旅游或商务访问的人的姓名及电话 a. 如果已经有导师,填导师的名字和电话 b.如果没有导师,就写专门负责和你联系的小米 c. 其它情况请版主添加 26. How Long Do You Intend To Stay in The U.S.? 你打算在美国待多久 Five years, 5 year, 6 months… 各种表达都行 a. I-20上会写明normal length of study,把那个填上就行。有些飞友可能会想用少于I-20上的时间便能完成学业,便打算填较少的时间。个人觉得没有太大必要在签证的时候自找麻烦,填 5年又不是说不到5年不让你回来,按I-20上面写就行,此条向版主求证。 b.若还有其它情况请版主添加 27. What is The Purpose of Your Trip? 你此行的目的是什么 a. 打算签F1或J1出去的话填study,graduate study,等等都可以,简单明了便可 b.F2和J2写什么我也不知,向版主求教 c. 其它情况照实说就可以了,务求简单明了 28. Who Will Pay For Your Trip? 谁将支付你此行的费用 a. 公司派出去的,填my company或者公司名字 b.全奖的写学校名字 c. 自费的按照实际情况和各人所需表达可填myself,my relatives,my parents,funds from family,funds from parents,family funds等等 d.半奖的在自费基础上加上学校名字 e.其它情况请版主添加 29. Have You Ever Been in The U.S.? (When? For how long?) 你以前是否到过美国?何时?多久? 根据实际情况回答。如果选是的话可能会出现不记得上一次去美国的具体日期,这里提供给大家一个办法,上一次去的签证(如果这都找不到了我也没办法)旁应该会有边防检查和准许入境的图章,上面那个日期够精确了吧 ^o^ 待了多久也按实际情况回答即可。如果之前到过美国不只这一次,那这里就填最近的一次(虽然没作要求,但一般都会这样填吧),并将其它访美记录写在下面的空白区域,这里没有限制,表达清楚即可(如时间,多久,你愿意的话也可以写具体哪里)。空白区域内容会显示在DS-156表第三页的项目29处 30. Have You Ever Been Issued a U.S. Visa? 你以前被颁发签证过吗? 根据实际情况回答。如果选是的话,找到上一次的签证并按照上面的颁发日期和签证种类填写,地点写当时签证的城市即可。如果多于一次,这里填最近一次(同上),并将其它颁发签证的经历写在下面空白区域,无限制,表达清楚即可(种类,日期,地点)。空白区域内容会显示在DS-156表第三页的项目30处 31. Have You Ever Been Refused a U.S. Visa? 你以前被拒签过吗? 根据实际情况回答。被拒一样要提供具体日期,我没有被拒签过,所以这里不大清楚,据说护照上有拒签章,上面大概有日期?不然大家只好揭开记忆深处的伤疤把那天想起来吧 >_< 如果被拒多于一次,填法同上。空白区域内容会显示在DS-156表第三页的项目31处 32. Do You Intend To Work in The U.S.? 你打算在美国工作吗? a. 美国的公司直接来聘了,大概这里就选yes并填写公司名称和完整地址,不过这种情况很少吧? b.其他人应该都选no 33. Do You Intend To Study in The U.S.? 你打算在美国学习吗? a. 申请到学校的基本上都选yes,然后把I-20上的学校地址抄过来,有飞友反映转成PDF以后会换行错乱,版主意见是关系不大,表达清楚即可 b.样本上的情况因为那厮是去training的,所以这里选了no 34. Name and Relationships of Persons Traveling With You 同行者的姓名和关系 因为没人和我同行,所以这里我不确定怎么填。不知道怎么定义这个“与你同行”——F1,F2夫妻或父母子女同行?前往同个学校的同学同行?乘坐同一班飞机前往不同学校的同学同行?同个公司派出的同事同行?哪些情况可以算“与你同行”呢?这部分要麻烦版主我了 35. Has Your U.S. Visa Ever Been Cancelled or Revoked? 你的签证以前被取消或者作废过吗? (四周看一下)一般都选no的吧 36. Has Anyone Ever Filed an immigrant Visa Petition on Your Behalf? 以前有人代表你的提出移民签证的申请么? (再四周看一下)一般都选no的吧,如果是的话要提供代申请者的名字 37. Are Any of The Following Persons in The U.S., or Do They Have U.S. Legal Permanent Residence or U.S. Citizenship? 下列人有没有目前在美国的?或者是否拥有美国合法永久居住权或是美国公民? 如果你的亲属拥有永久居住权,选yes并且旁边填上US LPR(按照样本),如果是美国公民,选yes并且填上US Citizen,若上两项都不成立但是现在人在美国,按实际情况填写visiting,working,studying等等状态(我这里是填了 visiting scholar);如果人不在美国,选no旁边留空。右边的兄弟姐妹千万别漏了,我第一次填就漏选了……这里的兄弟姐妹据我推测应该指的是直系亲属,所以什么表啊堂啊就不用写了,向版主求证。另外个人觉得比较有意思的是fiance/fiancee那个,见下面讨论 38. 不良记录,就不抄一遍了……反正全部选No 39. Was this Application Prepared by Another Person on Your Behalf? 这份申请是别人代你完成的么? 选yes的话转到40,选no的话开始检查 40. Application Prepared By: 代申请人信息 41. 签字画押处 全部检查一遍,确定无误之后点选Continue生成PDF或者点选生成家庭复本(应该是会将主要家庭信息复制到新的DS-156表,为另一家庭成员的在线填写提供便利) 打印之后,在6(姓),7(名),8(曾用姓),9(曾用名),15(家庭地址),20(公司名称及地址),21(目前职业)等项旁(若非空)写上中文翻译,6,7,8,9应该还要写上中文电码,样本上第18项(配偶姓名)也写了中文,第21项却没有写,这个我无法给出意见,等待版主说法。 手把手教你填DS-156表(填表者先看再问)
2023-07-29 20:07:211


  一、新的网上签证申请表  为了节约签证申请人以及签证处职员的时间,美国启用新的网上申请表(只限于英文ds-156表)。新的网上申请表含有条形码而这些条形码将可以允许我们电子传输信息从而减少了签证申请过程中的等候时间。 对于那些在签证材料中提交新的印有条形码的申请表的申请人,他们的签证申请和面试预约将优先处理。  新的网上签证申请表可以从领事馆的网站上下载。 一旦申请表格在网上填写完毕,请在签证面试的当天递交打印出的已完整填写的网上申请表。目前其他申请表格(DS-157表和DS158表)以及所有的中文表格仍必须人工填写。 为了节约签证申请人以及签证处职员的时间,美国启用新的网上申请表(只限于英文DS-156表)。  新的网上申请表含有条形码而这些条形码将可以允许我们电子传输信息从而减少了签证申请过程中的等候时间。 对于那些在签证材料中提交新的印有条形码的申请表的申请人,他们的签证申请和面试预约将优先处理。  新的网上签证申请表可以从领事馆的网站上下载。 一旦申请表格在网上填写完毕,请在签证面试的当天递交打印出的已完整填写的网上申请表。目前其他申请表格(DS-157表和DS158表)以及所有的中文表格仍必须人工填写。  二、DS表的填写方法  1、Passportnumber护照号码  2、PlaceofIssuance护照的签发地点,City城市,Country国家(国内的,选择CHINA-MAINLAND),State/Province省份(直辖市可以不填)  3、Issuringcountry护照签发国家(国内的,选择CHINA-MAINLAND)  4、IssuanceDate(dd-month-yyyy)护照签发时间,这一项与普通DS156表格有一点区别,普通的156表格的日期格式为mmm,而网上的156,直接选择就可以了。  5、ExpirationDate(dd-month-yyyy)护照过期时间(填写方法同上)  6、Surnames(AsinPassport)护照上的姓(拼音)  7、FirstandMiddleNames(AsinPassport)护照上的名(拼音)  8、OtherSurnamesUsed(Maiden,Religious,Professional,Aliases)其他姓  9、OtherFirstandMiddleNamesUsed其他名  10、DateofBirth(dd-month-yyyy)出生日期(“月份”那一项,直接选择就可以了)  11、PlaceofBirth出生地点  12、Nationality国籍(选择CHINA-MAINLAND就可以了)  13、Sex性别(直接选)  14、NationalIdentificationNumber身份证号码  15、HomeAddress(Includeapartmentnumber,street,city,stateorprovince,postalzoneandcountry)家庭地址(包括房间号码,街道,城市,省份,邮编和国家)  16、电话号码(包括家庭电话、办公电话、移动电话、传真号码、工作传真号码、寻呼机PagerNumber,有几个填几个,没有就不填)  17、MaritalStatus婚姻状况(Married——已婚,Single(NeverMarried)——单身(从未结婚),Widowed——寡居,Divorced——离婚,Separated——分居)  18、Spouse"sFullName(Evenifdivorcedorseparated.Includemaidenname.)配偶的全名(即使离婚或分居了也要填,包括婚前姓)——外国女人结婚后,可能把自己的姓氏改为丈夫的姓氏,所以这里才提出“婚前姓”,中国人不用考虑这一点。  19、Spouse"sDOB(dd-month-yyyy)配偶的出身日期(DOB是DateofBirth的缩写)  20、NameandAddressofPresentEmployerorSchool当前学校或者雇主的名字和地址(应届生填写学校地址即可。若是毕业一段时间了,而且又没有找到工作,可以不填)  21、PresentOccupation(Ifretired,write"retired".Ifstudent,write"student".)当前的职业(如果退休了,填“retired”,如果是学生的话,填“student”)  22、WhenDoYouIntendToArriveInTheUS?(Providespecificdateifknown)打算什么时候到美国?(如果知道具体日期的话,请注明具体日期)填写I20上的报到时间,好像也可以提前两三天。  23、E-MailAddress电子邮件地址  24、AtWhatAddressWillYouBeStayinginTheU.S.?在美国的居住地点(填写I20上的学校地址即可)  25、NameandTelephoneNumbersofPersoninU.S.WhoYouWillBeStayingWithorVisitingforTourismorBusiness邀请人的名字,你去拜访的人是谁(对于学生来说,name填学校的名称,电话填国际学生办公室或者申请的院系的电话)   26、HowLongDoYouIntendToStayinTheU.S.?你打算在美国停留多久?(I20上的学习时间)  27、WhatisThePurposeofYourTrip?此行的目的(F1就填study)  28、WhoWillPayForYourTrip?谁付钱?(对于学生来说,自费的可以写fundsfromfamily,或者是parents,获得奖学金的可以写fundsfromxxxuniversity)  29、HaveYouEverBeeninTheU.S.?曾经去过美国吗?  30、HaveYouEverBeenIssuedaU.S.Visa?曾经获得过美国签证吗?  31、HaveYouEverBeenRefusedaU.S.Visa?曾经被拒签过吗?  32、DoYouIntendToWorkinTheU.S.?有没有在美国工作的意向?(学生肯定要填no)  33、DoYouIntendToStudyinTheU.S.?有没有在美国学习的意向?  34、NamesandRelationshipsofPersonsTravelingWithYou随行人员的名字,以及和你之间的关系(除携行外,不要填写。或者填写None)  35、HasYourU.S.VisaEverBeenCancelledorRevoked?您的美国签证是否被吊销过?(填NO)  36、HasAnyoneEverFiledanImmigrantVisaPetitiononYourBehalf?是否有人为您申请过美国移民签证?(填NO)  37、 AreAnyofTheFollowingPersonsinTheU.S.orDoTheyHaveU.S.LegalPermanentResidenceorU.S.Citizenship?MarkYESorNOandindicatethatperson"sstatusintheU.S.(I.e.,U.S.legalpermanentresident,U.S.citizen,visiting,studying,working,etc.).下列亲属中是否有人已在美国?他们是否是美国合法永久居民或美国公民?请注明“在美国”或“不在美国”。如选择“在美国”,请注明其在美国的身份(即是美国合法永久居民还是美国公民,是否正在美国访问、留学、工作等)。 (1)、只在与自己有关的家庭成员前面选择。无关的,比如无兄弟姐妹,就不用选择。 (2)、非直系亲属不用填,比如表姐妹、表兄弟。   38、都选No  39、WasthisApplicationPreparedbyAnotherPersononYourBehalf?申请表是否由他人代为填写?(一般选no,不用填40项)  40、ApplicationPreparedBy代写人  41、签名(对于网上填表来说,要先打印,然后手工签名)  填表之后,点击网页下方的“continue”,等一会儿,就会自动生成一个DS156表(共三页)。检查无误、打印出来以后,在第一页贴上照片,第二页签名就可以了。签证的时候带齐3页。
2023-07-29 20:07:323

Surname和Given name是什么意思啊

surname姓given name 名
2023-07-29 20:07:419

英汉,互译。 翻译英语短语

好 晕
2023-07-29 20:08:337


1. 填NA2. 在一个框里就不用填NA了3. 时间如下填:10 APRIL 2009,2009年4月10号。没有配偶在17项的single打叉,后面填na4. 157也一样。好运!
2023-07-29 20:08:492


英语姓名的一般结构为:教名+自取名+姓。如 William Jafferson Clinton。但在很多场合中间名往往略去不写,如 George Bush,而且许多人更喜欢用昵称取代正式教名,如 Bill Clinton。上述教名和中间名又称个人名。现将英语民族的个人名、昵称和姓氏介绍如下: I. 个人名 按照英语民族的习俗,一般在婴儿接受洗礼的时候,由牧师或父母亲朋为其取名,称为教名。以后本人可以在取用第二个名字,排在教名之后。英语个人名的来源大致有以下几种情况: 1. 采用圣经、希腊罗马神话、古代名人或文学名著中的人名作为教名。 2. 采用祖先的籍贯,山川河流,鸟兽鱼虫,花卉树木等的名称作为教名。 3. 教名的不同异体。 4. 采用(小名)昵称。 5. 用构词技术制造新的教名,如倒序,合并。 6. 将母亲的娘家姓氏作为中间名。 英语民族常用的男子名有:James, John, David, Daniel, Michael, 常见的女子名为:Jane, Mary, Elizabeth, Ann, Sarah, Catherine. II. 昵称 昵称包括爱称、略称和小名,是英语民族亲朋好友间常来表示亲切的称呼,是在教名的基础上派生出来的。通常有如下情况: 1. 保留首音节。如 Donald => Don, Timothy => Tim. 如果本名以元音开头,则可派生出以"N"打头的昵称,如:Edward => Ned. 2. +ie 或 -y 如:Don => Donnie, Tim => Timmy. 3. 采用尾音节,如:Anthony => Tony, Beuben => Ben. 4. 由一个教名派生出两个昵称,如:Andrew => Andy & Drew. 5. 不规则派生法,如:William 的一个昵称是 Bill. III. 姓氏 英国人在很长的一段时间里只有名而没有姓。直到16世纪姓氏的使用才广泛流行开来。英语姓氏的词源主要有: 1. 直接借用教名,如 Clinton. 2. 在教名上加上表示血统关系的词缀,如后缀-s, -son, -ing;前缀 M"-, Mc-, Mac-, Fitz- 等均表示某某之子或后代。 3. 在教名前附加表示身份的词缀,如 St.-, De-, Du=, La-, Le-. 4. 放映地名,地貌或环境特征的,如 Brook, Hill等。 5. 放映身份或职业的,如:Carter, Smith. 6. 放映个人特征的,如:Black, Longfellow. 7. 借用动植物名的,如 Bird, Rice. 8. 由双姓合并而来,如 Burne-Jones. 英语姓氏虽然出现较教名晚,但数量要多得多。常用的有:Smith, Miller, Johnson, Brown, Jones, Williams.
2023-07-29 20:09:003


四合院,Can you tell any other county has this? It really can be thought as unique Chinese culture!
2023-07-29 20:09:2915


2023-07-29 20:10:122


日本的姓氏多得很 在这根本列不完 根据商务印书社1981年出版的《日本姓名词典》 当时日本大概有七万个姓氏,而且每天还有新的姓氏出现。 估计到21 世纪中期日本人的姓氏将突破15万。 所以建议去以下网址看看 收录了一些常见的姓氏 而且还配有罗马发音 cybertrlator.idv/Japsurnames/Japsurnames Japan is the country that has the most numerous surnames in the world I heard that there are more than 100 000 surnames in Japan. Originally the Japanese were uncivilised and did not have surnames. In the olden days when they were forced by a more civilised ernment to elect a surname for themselves the Japanese could theoretically make up some unique Japanese surnames as long as they were posed of a single or a bination of o or three Kanji (Chinese words) That is why nowadays when we look at those Japanese surnames we may find some surnames are nonsense or even ridiculous in the Chinese context. I also heard that one can invent a unique Japanese surname for oneself when one bees a naturalised Japanese national. 参考: Readings from fotten book title 中野、中岛、中川、中山、中居、中泽、中森、中村、木村、仲间、 田中、森田、深田、篠田、冈田、前田、高田、小田切、吉田、前田、松田、福田、 石田、栗田、小栗、福山、栗山、松山、芝山、山口、 速水、小泉、小林、小岛、小町、小松、小宫、小阪、小泽、小西、 石川、川岛、黒川、石原、藤原、萩原、蛯原、佐藤、伊藤、加藤、 大野、野比、上野、星野、水野、月野、菅野、长野、长瀬、长泽、长崎 小池、池田、池内、竹内、 桜井、井上、苍井、今井、井の原、长谷川、水川、宫川、 堂本、本间、本城、冈本、桥本、岸本、本田、松本、 平井、平田、平山、玉山、山崎、浜崎、宫崎、柴崎、 黒木、铃木、藤木、玉木、 林、元、森、 阿部、麻生、三宅、国分、二宫、滝沢、相叶、亀梨、反町、鬼冢 2006-11-29 01:28:14 补充: Usually.. Japanese names are posed of 田、中、川、村、山、水、本、野、小 佐藤 石川 竜沢 高桥 铃木 早乙女 藤井 石渡 中村 山田 本田 小田 中田 大田 坂本 山本 関本 五代 雪野 火野 高原 ............... 松本 大岛 乔本 小林 金城 吉田 田中 仙道 鸟山........
2023-07-29 20:10:321


2023-07-29 20:10:415

2010年高考英语江苏卷 - 阅读理解A

Usually, when your teacher asks a question, there is only one correct answer. But there is one question that has millions of current answers. That question is "What"s your name?" Everyone gives a different answer,but everyone is correct. 通常,当你的老师问一个问题时,只有一个正确答案。但有一个问题目前有数百万个答案,这个问题就是“你叫什么名字?”每个人给出不同的答案,但每个人都是正确的。 Have you ever wondered about people"s names? Where do they come from? What do they mean? 你有没有想过人们的名字?它们来自哪里?是什么意思 People"s first names, or given names, are chosen by their parents. Sometimes the name of a grandparent or other member of the family is used. Some parents choose the name of a well-known person.A boy could be named George Washington Smith; a girl could be named Helen Keller Jones. 人们的名字由父母决定。有时使用祖父母或其他家庭成员的名字。一些父母选择名人的名字,男孩可以叫乔治·华盛顿·史密斯,女孩可以叫海伦·凯勒·琼斯。 Some people give their children names that mean good things.Clara means"bright"; Beatrice means "one who gives happiness"; Donald means"world ruler"; Leonard means"as brave as a lion". 有些人给孩子起的名字意味着好的寓意。Clara(克拉拉)的意思是“聪明的”;Beatrice(比阿特丽斯)的意思是“给人幸福的人”;Donald(唐纳德)的意思是“世界统治者”;Leonard(伦纳德)的意思是“像狮子一样勇敢”。 The earliest last names, or surnames, were taken from place names. A family with the name Brook or Brooks probably lived near brook; someone who was called Longstreet probably lived on a long, paved road. The Greenwood family lived in or near a leafy forest. 最早的姓氏来自地名。Brook(布鲁克)或Brooks(布鲁克斯)家族可能住在brook(小溪)旁;一个叫Longstreet的人可能住在一条长长的公路上。Greenwood一家住在一片茂密的森林里或附近。 Other early surnames came from people"s occupations. The most common occupational name is Smith, which means a person who makes things with iron or other metals. In the past, smiths were very important workers in every town and village. Some other occupational names are: Carter﹣a person who owned or drove a cart; Potter﹣a person who made pots and pans. 其他早期姓氏来自人们的职业。最常见的职业名称是Smith,意思是用铁或其他金属制造物品的人。过去,smith是每个城镇和村庄非常重要的工人。其他一些职业名称是:Carter﹣拥有或驾驶手推车的人;Potter﹣制造锅碗瓢盆的人。 The ancestors of the Baker family probably baked bread for their neighbors in their native village.The Carpenter"s great-great-great-grandfather probably built houses and furniture. Sometimes people were known for the color of their hair or skin, or their size, or their special abilities. When there were two men who were named John in the same village, the John with the gray hair probably became John Gray. Or the John was very tall could call himself John Tallman. John Fish was probably an excellent swimmer and John Lightfoot was probably a fast runner or a good dancer. Baker(贝克)家族的祖先可能为他们家乡的邻居烤面包。Carpenter的远祖可能建造房屋和家具。有时,人们因头发或皮肤的颜色、体型或特殊能力而闻名。当同一个村子里有两个叫John(约翰)的人时,灰色头发的约翰可能会变成John Gray。或者John很高,可以称自己为John Tallman。John Fish可能是一名优秀的游泳运动员,John Lightfoot可能是一名跑步运动员或优秀的舞者。 Some family names were made by adding something to the father"s name. English-speaking people added -s or -son. The Johnsons are descendants of John; the Roberts family"s ancestor was Robert. Irish and Scottish people added Mac or Mc or O. Perhaps all of the MacDonnells and the McDonnells and the O"Donnells are descendants of the same Donnell. 有些姓氏是在父亲的名字上加了一些字母。说英语添加-s获-son。Johnsons一家是John的后代;Roberts一家的祖先是Robert。爱尔兰和苏格兰人添加Mac或Mc或O。也许所有的MacDonnells家族、McDonnells家族和O"Donnells家族都是Donnell家族的后代。
2023-07-29 20:11:041


2023-07-29 20:11:175


2023-07-29 20:11:455


Do you know his last name?
2023-07-29 20:12:035


in alphabetical order by pinyin of last name
2023-07-29 20:12:214


Although, the Anglo-American Mum and Dad called for seniors, Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Uncle Jim, but now also tend to use the name and address for avoiding the use of han, as he says, honorific title: Uncle, Aunt of the PLA, such as Uncle P.L. says A translation, the police"s Uncle called Uncle Aunt Uncle Policeman that Nurse Nurse for Aunt, it is all wrong, will make people feel puzzling countries. English names of countries are few taboo. The relative aspect is generally social appellation, social appellation is social structure, cultural symbol of interpersonal relationship. In the process of interpersonal communication, often need to establish with different appellation, and confirm the or the recipient"s role and status, such as teachers and students, director and workers, with the change of role and language environment, the title will also adjusted accordingly. And anyone who speaks English name is relatively simple this name before, in general, to add Mr, Mrs For seniors, can (may) XiaoBei. English is used by post, rarely, only a few exceptions: Doctor, Judge, Governor and those of officers, and under the use, add rank, instead of surname and position, such as: Captain Johnson.In order to avoid unnecessary troubles in communication and embarrassed, we can use the fuzzy words, broad to a symbol of alternative actions such as, can we take the "price" as "the price", The unemployed as "laid-off;" Use "personal" instead of "marriage", etc. Pregnancy was a physiological phenomena in daily life, but generally don"t speak directly. People say she has a big belly, and we can say estating, Knocked invest rationally, Expecting to, Excepting to a baby, Your mother to -- --;. An expectant mother to, Money means such as paintings and fruitful to pregnancy are favorably. We can also use taboo language meaning similar or related words, to substitute taboo language
2023-07-29 20:12:554

姓氏郭翻译成英文应该是Kuo 还是kwok

2023-07-29 20:13:065


当然有!! 日本在明治维新之前的「幕府时期」是武士阶段专政的时代。那时只有贵族士大夫富豪 巨贾和大地主才有姓氏。而一般的庶民在暴政的箝制下是有名而无姓的。   直到明治八年(西元1875年) 日本天皇才下诏令全国的庶民都可以在名字上加冠姓氏并凭姓氏向 *** 登记申请户籍。 在此情形下 除了「佐藤」 「铃木」「丰臣」 「北条」 「源氏」 等 当时赫赫有名的的贵族外 其他二千七百万的贩夫走卒升斗小民 大都是是目不识丁。因此取姓氏大部份就就地取材了。例如住在田的中间 取姓为「田中」 住在田的旁边 就取名为「田边」等。 以田野山河为姓 日本人也许对大自然有所偏爱 居住在偏远田野的农民 便以「田」作为姓氏。如先前所提到的「田中」 「田边」 外 还有「田泽」 「本田」 「池田」 「武田」 「吉田」 「松田」等。知名人氏如演艺界的「松田圣子」。 居住在山上的平民就以山为姓。如「大山」 「秋山」 「山本」 「小谷」 「冈村」 「松冈」 「川崎」 「宫崎」 「五十岚」等。知名人氏如画卡通动画很有名的宫崎峻。 居住在沼泽地带的农民则以沼泽为姓。如「大泽」 「宫泽」 「五十泽」等。知名人氏如政界名人「宫泽喜一」。 以河川 水井 海洋为姓氏的如「河田」 「川上」 「大井」 「小泉」等。知名人氏如现任首相「小泉纯一郎」。   以日期方位为姓 有些日本人可能以出生的月 日为姓。如「望月」 「一月」 「四月」 「五月七日」 「八月三十一日」 「今朝」 「冬至」 「七夕」等。 有些日本人以方位为姓。 如「东」 「南」 「西」 「东山」 「南山」 「西方」 「北山」 「中山」 「山上」 「山下」等。   以动植物或矿物为姓 有些日本人以动物或鱼类为姓。 如「鹤原」 「凤凰」 「小鸭」 「大鸟」 「马场」 「猪木」等。 有些日本人则以植物为姓。如「花」. 「梅」 「樱」 「菊」 「竹」 「一杉」 「一柳」 「稻」。 也有些日本人以矿物为姓。如「白金」「金子」「银」 「宝石」等。   以餐饮为姓 有些日本姓氏在一起 像在经营餐馆。如「食堂」 「饭」 「大食」 「酱油」 「玉米」 「苦瓜」 「猪鼻」 「牛肠」等。还有一些与酒有关的姓。如「酒屋」 「酒德」 「酒井」等。 以餐饮为姓 在这有一日本故事。日本京都有一家餐馆 招牌叫「吾妻亭」。乍看之下原以为这家餐馆的老板娘并定是倾国倾城的大美人 或名厨 以来号召顾客。殊不知「吾妻亭」是这家餐馆老板的姓 「吾妻亭」就像我们的「老王牛肉面」一般。   以职位伦常为姓 有些日本人是以自己的地位 职业或志愿作姓氏。如「王」 「天皇」 「相」 「臣」 「国司」 「县主」等。以人伦亲属关系为姓的如「乙母」 「夫」 「公子」 「美女」 「万代」等。   以数字为姓 有些日本人以数字为姓。如「一」 「 一二」 「一万」 「千」 「千万」 「万千百」等。 以鬼神为姓 日本是一个满怀悲情的民族 以鬼神为姓氏的不少。如「鬼」 「鬼面」 「鬼首」 「鬼冢」 「赤冢」 「大冢」 「神」 「神户」 「天国」等。   以怪诞字眼为姓 有些日本姓氏照中文的字面和涵义解读非常怪诞。单姓的如「无」 「串」 「副」等。复姓的有「余语」 「直入」 「斗女」 「火山」等。三个字的如「可笑内」 「小女游」 「手洗水」等。四个字的如「三方一所」 「四十四院」 「七五三木」 「万里小路」等。 可以对称的姓氏 有些日本姓氏可以对称。如「上-下」 「左-右」 「有-无」 「大宅-小屋」 「大道-小路」 「出口-入口」等。 如果把这些对称的姓氏配对成夫妻 颇饶趣味。参考:!Imtae5yaGRP9Y_P8S3Wn7Q--/article?mid=1440&prev=1441&next=1414有"蕙本"和"藤川"的.... 日本人姓氏的由来: 日本人好战 古时 几乎所有的少壮男丁都被征召去当兵打仗 根本没有时间结婚生子 所以 人丁越来越少. 当时 一个国主就出了一个国策 让所有的男人 不论何时何地 都可以随便跟任何女人 *** 来保持人口的出生率. 所以 在休战期间 日本女人都习惯了「无论何时何地」的那种方式 干脆 就背着枕头、被单出门 后来 就成了现在所谓的「和服」. 很多女人 被人「无论何时何地」后 对方都来不及告知姓氏 就又去打仗了 所以 她们生下的小孩 就出现了 「井上」、「田中」、「松下」、 「渡边」、「山口」、「竹下」、 「近藤」……等等的姓氏 日本姓氏果然饶富深意 姿态篇 : 伊吹 面出 伏下 妹尾 足立 足代 御手洗 野兽派 : 狮骑 猪上 鸭下 犬伏 熊代 神马 团体票 : 二口 三位 六条 八尾 错别字 : 塙 精品篇 : ***  穴迫 白户 荒玉 衰到家 : 鸨田 井口 大户 平原 赶场忙 : 三宅 四家 老少配 : 狮子王 克服万难 : 井上 雪野 中江 河内 发生意外 : 忽滑谷 挑错季节 : 秋贞 操劳过度 : 目黑 赤尾 来历非凡 : 皇太后 皇太子 国师 男人吹牛 : 铁炮 巨炮 大炮 长根 长久 久我 二瓶 十时 荤素不拘 : 寺内 寺门 寺下 小寺 大寺 三宝 一法师       小野寺 大道寺 东大寺 药师寺 善养寺 参考: home.kimo/jikula/name cybertrlator.idv/Japsurnames/Japsurnames参考: yahooYES日本人姓氏例子:木村、西城、有板、堂本、西川、渡边、松田、青山、山田、藤源、藤本、光参考: ME是有"蕙本"和"藤川"的参考: 卡通片人物有"蕙本"和"藤川"这两个姓*******好似中田=nakata中村=nakamura etc******藤原纪香常盘贵子濑户朝香. 木村拓哉八反安未果. 中岛美雪. 仓木麻衣.i hope can help you***
2023-07-29 20:16:531


司徒 司马 欧阳 2006-11-02 22:17:06 补充: 太史端木上官东方独孤南宫万俟东里东宫仲长子书子桑即墨达奚褚师 2006-11-02 22:17:27 补充: 闻人夏侯诸葛尉迟公羊赫连澹台 皇甫宗政濮阳公冶太叔申屠公孙慕容仲孙钟离长孙宇文鲜于司空 闾丘子车亓官司寇巫马公西颛孙壤驷公良漆雕乐正宰父谷梁拓跋 夹谷轩辕令狐段干百里呼延东郭南门羊舌5微生公户公玉公仪梁丘 公仲公上公门公山公坚左丘公伯西门公祖第五公乘贯丘公皙南荣 中国的上述己有 日本的有: 山本 野比 无音 山田 山崎 山板 小泉 宫崎 石川 木村 前田 松平 伊木 安藤 丰臣 春日 阿部 安部 安倍 阿倍 足立 安达 安立 足达 阿达 相场 飨庭 相羽 相叶 相庭 飨场 相泽 会泽 蓝泽......cybertrlator.idv/Japsurnames/Japsurnames 参考: cybertrlator.idv/Japsurnames/Japsurnames 姓氏有两个字以上 比如:周黄、张简、陈黄、范姜、张陈、郭梁、郑余、姜林、江谢、巫管、陈吴、万俟、司马、上官、欧阳、夏侯、诸葛、闻人、东方、赫连、皇甫、尉迟、公羊、澹台、公治、宗政、濮阳、淳于、单于、太叔、申屠、公孙 、仲孙、轩辕、令狐、徐离、宇文、长孙、慕容、司徒、司空、西门、南宫、北堂、欧阳、司马、赫连、上官、司徒、皇甫、尉迟、西门、东门、东方、申屠 复姓的来历有几种情况: 由封邑而来。如令狐氏,《百家姓》中记述为:周朝时有个名叫魏颗的人屡立战功,受封于令狐邑,后人遂以“令狐”为姓;又如段干氏,老子裔孙李宗受封于段干,其后人遂以“段干”为姓;此外,还有梁丘、上官、羊舌、钟离等复姓,都属这种情况。 因居地而来。如东郭氏,周朝时齐国公族大夫有居住在国都临淄东郭的,后人遂以“东郭”为姓;又如闾丘、南门、西门、南宫、濮阳等复姓,也是因居地而得。 由官名、王父之字、爵系、族系而来。如司马、司空、司寇、司徒、太史、即墨、亓官、巫马、乐正、左丘等复姓都由官名而来;公羊、子阳等复姓由王父之字而来;公孙、仲孙等复姓由爵系而来;叔孙等复姓由族系而来。 万俟 司马 上官 欧阳 夏侯 诸葛 闻人 东方 赫连 皇甫 尉迟 公羊 澹台 公治 宋政 濮阳 淳于 单于 太叔 申屠 公孙 仲孙 轩辕 令狐 钟离 宇文 张孙 慕容 鲜于 闾兵 司徒 司空 等等等........................................... 司徒 @[email protected] 2006-11-02 22:23:21 补充: 司马欧阳 参考: me 万俟 司马 夏侯 诸葛 闻人 东方 赫连 皇甫 尉迟 公羊 澹台 公冶 宗政 濮阳 淳于 单于 太叔 申屠 公孙 仲孙 轩辕 令狐 徐离 宇文 长孙 慕容 司徒 司空 上官 欧阳 参考: greatchinese/surname/surname 林~~李~~
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surname 英[u02c8su025c:neu026am] 美[u02c8su025c:rneu026am] n. 姓,姓氏; 别名,绰号; vt. 给…加姓; [例句]She"d never known his surname她一直不知道他姓什么。[其他] 第三人称单数:surnames 复数:surnames 现在分词:surnaming过去式:surnamed 过去分词:surnamed
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2023-07-29 20:18:032

surname 初雪是什么意思

2023-07-29 20:19:322


  汉语解释:者,统其祖考之所自出;氏者,别其子孙之所自分。《通志·氏族略》曰:三代夏商周以前,姓氏分而为二,男子称氏,妊人女子称姓。你知道姓氏的英文怎么说吗?   姓氏[xìng shì]   姓氏的英文释义:   surname   网 络last name;family name;a surname;surname   姓氏的英文例句:   名单上的姓氏都特别标出,以便计算机容易打印出。   All the surnames in the list have been specially flagged so that the puter can print them out easily.   第一个姓氏必须是父亲的姓氏。   The first surname is the paternal. 姓氏的英文发音   对专名、姓氏用字也作必要说明。   The book also explains some technical terms and surnames when needed.   这一姓氏可以上溯到方舟时代。   The family came over in the ark.   很多人已经在工作中将自己的娘家姓氏作为别名使用。   Many already use their maiden names as aliases at work.   这份名单的排名顺序依据的是姓氏笔画。   This list of surnames is arranged in the order of the number of strokes.   允许使用者检视和修改个人资讯中的名字和姓氏。   Allow users to view and modify the first and last name in their profile.   她为她的家族传统感到自豪,希望保留住这个姓氏。   She was proud of her family heritage and wanted to hang on to it.   居里经常用於姓氏。   Curie is always used as a surname.   人们开始用姓氏将他们区别开来。   People began to use family names to tell one from another.   1. Winter is a mon enough German surname. 温特是一个非常普通的德国姓氏。   2. He had anglicized his surname. 他已将他的姓氏英语化了。   3. Hillary Clinton nee Rodham . 希拉里·克林顿的娘家姓氏是 罗德汉   4. He was the only boy in the school who was known by his Christian name and not his surname. 他是学校里唯一一个被称呼洗礼名而不是姓氏的男孩儿。   5. " I"ll take a new name and live a new life. " 我要换个新的姓氏,过新的生活.   6. Everybody called each other by their surnames. 大家相互之间都以姓氏相称。   7. " Oh, don"t take that name,"said Carrie. “ 哦, 别用那个姓氏, "嘉莉说.   8. " The name on the bell is Vance. " 门铃上的姓氏是万斯.   9. The author index has entries arranged in alphabetical order of author"ssurnames. 著者索引中有按著者姓氏字母顺序排列的着录.   10. She uses her unmarried name for professional purposes. 她处理业务时使用娘家姓氏.   11. The family came over in the ark. 这一姓氏可以上溯到方舟时代.   12. Why, lots of rich men would jump at the chance to have a name like that. 哎呀, 许许多多阔老都会抓住这种机会,来获得这么个姓氏.   13. It"seemed to Val unspeakably disgusting to have one"s name called out likethis in public! 法尔觉得把人家的姓氏在大庭广众之间这样叫出来,简直说不出的可恶.   14. The safest manner for listing names is in straight alphabetical order bysurname. 列名单最妥贴的方式是直接按姓氏的字母顺序排列.   15. In China, there are two kinds of surnames : single - character and double - character . 在中国的姓氏中, 有单姓和 复姓.   16. What is more, we have no root name names. 更有甚者, 我们牙根就没有姓氏,没有名字.   17. Yang Ping , a family name and named after geographical entities. 杨坪, 以姓氏和自然地理实体而得名.   18. The third chapter *** yzes the structural difference of Chinese and Englishsurnames. 第三章分析汉英姓氏的结构差异.   19. Dalian said that henceforth only mon surnames would be used. 大连当局说以后将给这孩子起一些大众化的姓氏.   20. And if you have a Chinese surname, that makes you a Chinese. 假如你又有一个华人的姓氏, 你就是华人.
2023-07-29 20:19:461


被拒签的经历必须填上,第31项,你的护照有更新,但是美国移民局的记录里有,不写反而有问题。拒签理由同时写明你是商务签证被拒签,什么时候被拒签的就行。另外,你去探望哥哥,你应当持有正本的哥哥寄给你邀请你去美国的书信(连信封一起)、或者电子邮件(打印出来)。探亲签证面试应该注意什么?(1)穿戴大方,不要太正规,显得拘谨,古板。 探亲而不是做商务或留学,没有必要西装革履,刻意打扮。如果是带游玩目的,更要穿着休闲一点。如果是探病人,不必要精心化妆。总之,穿着要符合目的和身份。(2)要表明自己去美国的具体理由。 签证官有时会问:你去美国干什么?约80%的人回答:探亲,至多回答探望谁。有的人莫明其妙:签证官看了申请表后,知道去探亲,为什么明知故问? 其实,同样是探亲,也有不同类别:看的亲属不同,目的不同:例如:以观光为主要目的,参加婚礼的,参加毕业典礼的,探望病人的,新年团聚等,不可能每人的理由是一样的。签证官主要是问你的具体目的。所以,回答问题时要具体,理由要充分,自然可信。 有的人回答问题太简单。有位老人,签证官问她:你女儿去美国几年了?答:三年了。回来过没有?没有。签证官说:那你不要去了,让你女儿来看你吧。即使亲属是亿万富翁,你也好自己买一张机票,表示自己能负担费用,独立性很强,决无依赖他人之嫌疑,更不用说去依靠亲属移民了。特别是丧偶的老人,更要不依靠任何子女,表现出自立。 除了配偶和未成年子女外,不要太过于表现对亲属的思念。有位老人想去美国看外孙女,哀求签证官:你让我去看一眼外孙女,我实在是想她,就看一眼我就回来。签证官是决不会给她签证的。DS156表的填写方法1、Passport number 护照号码2、Place of Issuance 护照的签发地点,City 城市,Country 国家(国内的,选择CHINA-MAINLAND),State/Province 省份(直辖市可以不填)3、Issuring country 护照签发国家(国内的,选择CHINA-MAINLAND)4、Issuance Date (dd-month-yyyy) 护照签发时间,这一项与普通DS156表格有一点区别,普通的156表格的日期格式为mmm,而网上的156,直接选择就可以了。5、Expiration Date (dd-month-yyyy) 护照过期时间(填写方法同上)6、Surnames (As in Passport) 护照上的姓(拼音)7、First and Middle Names (As in Passport)护照上的名(拼音)8、Other Surnames Used (Maiden, Religious, Professional, Aliases) 其他姓9、Other First and Middle Names Used 其他名10、Date of Birth (dd-month-yyyy) 出生日期(“月份”那一项,直接选择就可以了)11、Place of Birth 出生地点12、Nationality 国籍(选择CHINA-MAINLAND就可以了)13、Sex 性别(直接选)14、National Identification Number 身份证号码15、Home Address (Include apartment number, street, city, state or province, postal zone and country) 家庭地址(包括房间号码,街道,城市,省份,邮编和国家)16、电话号码(包括家庭电话、办公电话、移动电话、传真号码、工作传真号码、寻呼机Pager Number,有几个填几个,没有就不填)17、Marital Status 婚姻状况(Married——已婚, Single (Never Married)——单身(从未结婚), Widowed——寡居, Divorced——离婚, Separated——分居)18、Spouse"s Full Name (Even if divorced or separated. Include maiden name.) 配偶的全名(即使离婚或分居了也要填,包括婚前姓)——外国女人结婚后,可能把自己的姓氏改为丈夫的姓氏,所以这里才提出“婚前姓”,中国人不用考虑这一点。19、Spouse"s DOB (dd-month-yyyy) 配偶的出身日期(DOB是Date of Birth的缩写)20、Name and Address of Present Employer or School 当前学校或者雇主的名字和地址(应届生填写学校地址即可。若是毕业一段时间了, 而且又没有找到工作,可以不填)21、Present Occupation (If retired, write "retired". If student, write "student".) 当前的职业(如果退休了,填“retired", 如果是学生的话,填"student")22、When Do You Intend To Arrive In The US? (Provide specific date if known) 打算什么时候到美国?(如果知道具体日期的话,请注明具体日期) 填写I20上的报到时间,好像也可以提前两三天。23、E-Mail Address 电子邮件地址24、At What Address Will You Be Staying in The U.S.?在美国的居住地点 25、Name and Telephone Numbers of Person in U.S. Who You Will Be Staying With or Visiting for Tourism or Business 邀请人的名字,你去拜访的人是谁26、How Long Do You Intend To Stay in The U.S.? 你打算在美国停留多久?27、What is The Purpose of Your Trip? 此行的目的28、Who Will Pay For Your Trip? 谁付钱?29、Have You Ever Been in The U.S.? 曾经去过美国吗?30、Have You Ever Been Issued a U.S. Visa? 曾经获得过美国签证吗?31、Have You Ever Been Refused a U.S. Visa? 曾经被拒签过吗?32、Do You Intend To Work in The U.S.? 有没有在美国工作的意向?(学生肯定要填no)33、Do You Intend To Study in The U.S.? 有没有在美国学习的意向?34、Names and Relationships of Persons Traveling With You 随行人员的名字,以及和你之间的关系(除携行外,不要填写。或者填写None)35、Has Your U.S. Visa Ever Been Cancelled or Revoked? 您的美国签证是否被吊销过?(填NO)36、Has Anyone Ever Filed an Immigrant Visa Petition on Your Behalf? 是否有人为您申请过美国移民签证?(填NO)37、Are Any of The Following Persons in The U.S. or Do They Have U.S. Legal Permanent Residence or U.S. Citizenship? Mark YES or NO and indicate that person"s status in the U.S. (I.e., U.S. legal permanent resident, U.S. citizen, visiting, studying, working, etc.). 下列亲属中是否有人已在美国?他们是否是美国合法永久居民或美国公民?请注明“在美国”或“不在美国”。如选择“在美国”,请注明其在美国的身份(即是美国合法永久居民还是美国公民,是否正在美国访问、留学、工作等)。(1)、只在与自己有关的家庭成员前面选择。无关的,比如无兄弟姐妹,就不用选择(2)、非直系亲属不用填,比如表姐妹、表兄弟。 38、都选No 39、Was this Application Prepared by Another Person on Your Behalf? 申请表是否由他人代为填写?(一般选no,不用填40项) 40、Application Prepared By 代写人 41、签名(对于网上填表来说,要先打印,然后手工签名) 填表之后,点击网页下方的“continue",等一会儿,就会自动生成一个DS156表(共三页)。检查无误、打印出来以后,在第一页贴上照片,第二页签名就可以了。签证的时候带齐3页 三、填表注意事项 1、所有的空格都用英文填写; 2、检查无误再使用; 3、填表之后,一定要点击“continue”按钮,这样才能生成 pdf 文件。可以保存下来到别的地方打印。注意,要打印的是 pdf 文件,而不是网页; 4、打印出来的表格不要折叠。因为有条码,所以建议使用好一点的打印机; 5、三个字的名字,比如:张小明,Surname: Zhang , First Name: Xiaoming。中国人没有Middle Name; 6、名字拼音姓和名的顺序,一般来说没有严格限制。当然,按照国外的习惯,应当把姓放在后面。不管怎样,一定要保持表格内所有的格式一样; 7、不需要填写或者与本人无关的地方,不可以空着,可以填None; 8、打印出来之后,除了要求填写中文的地方以外,不要在表上写任何字迹。
2023-07-29 20:20:051


in groups成群的in pairs 成双dialogue对话neighbour邻居address地址phone number电话号码ocupation职业otreet没这词player玩游戏的人; 打牌的人; 选手 演员; 演奏人surname姓goal目标language语言discribe描述for example例如different不同He is from Greece他来自希腊 "Henry"means head of the house亨利就是房间的老大all names mean something所有的名字都有含义some surnamestell you some about history of family一些姓会告诉你这个家庭的历史
2023-07-29 20:20:151


Well I don"t really how to put this but I"ll try... Essentially 沢 is the Japanese simplified form of 泽 although both forms are being used in modern languages esp. in print media. More details of the o characters here: Both characters essentially mean the same thing: a. swamp; marsh; b. mountain stream; valley; dale. AFAIK while 沢 is being used in normal everyday usage 泽 is being used to designate names -- place names surnames e And remember that all Japanese kanji started with traditional characters first then slowly progressed to more simplified forms as times changed. In some cases people have unofficially changed ”泽”from the surnames to its simplified form for easier munication (and possibly for the fact that many Japanese are not very proficient in writing kanji thus opting for simplified forms whenever possible). In the entertainment business such examples include: a. 泽岻奈奈子 (of the MAX musical group) who changed it to ”沢诗奈々子”; b. 泽尻绘里香 who was alleged to have already used the form ”沢尻" back in junior high school for the fact that ”泽”has too many strokes and was thus too hard to write (according to certain discussion forums although this is still a myth and still not verified). Additional reference for (b) can be seen here (again not officially verified): Hope this helps. 2007-03-13 18:19:44 补充: Addendum for surnames:(a) 泽岻 has the same pronounciation as 沢诗 read ”Takushi”;(b) Any name that apprears in a school yearbook is supposed to be in the truest form. In the case of 泽尻 the proof is hereanthony/~g/image/salope48/mugshot/kShirigaruEflash0123-igusa01s 参考: various online sources 以我既睇法黎讲2个既意思 "沢"="泽" 其实系日本姓氏入面系一样意思 冇咩分别!! 不过2个读音同叫さわ(sawa) 但亦有时"沢"系读ざわ(zawa) 系因为前面有另一个读音 所以读音由さわ变成ざわ。 eg.沢尻エリカ (さわ) eg.池泽(いけざわ) 参考: 自己分析...希望帮到你啦!!!!!!
2023-07-29 20:20:221


An English full name consists of a person"s first name and last name,sometimes there is a middle name between the first name and the last name.Similarly,a Chinese name also consists of a person"s family name and given name,but there"s no middle name between them. In English,the first name is a person"s given name after the birth of the child.It also called a person"s forename or personal name.The first name is informal,which is usually used among family members or close friends and colleagues.The first name is just like the given name (名)in Chinses. In Christian countries,Christian name is often used for the first name.So in Britain,a person"s first name is also called a baptismal name.Mythology and literature have also contributed several first names.Classical Greek mythology provided Daphne,Phoebe,Cynthia and Hector;Shakespeare provided Miranda,Jessica and Cordelia.In Chinese,people like to choose name from many allutions,festivals,places and siginificant events.Allutions provided “启礼”,“敏” and “庸”.Festivals given “立春” and “冬梅”.Places contributed “鲁豫”,“滇生”,and “向冀”.Siginificant events offered “解放”,“跃进” and “文革”. There are also many feminine forms of masculine names,for example,Jane from John,Alberta from Albert,and Roberta from Robert.This trend does not seem to happen the other way round.In Chinese,there are also many neutral names,from the name you can not tell whether it"s a girl or a boy.And nowadays in China many girls and boys have neutral names,among my friends there are girls named “雄”,“目” and “斯达”,boys named “如一” and “丹”. In English,there are many names from other non-English speaking countries.Name originated from other countries,such as Ivan from Russian name,Carlos from Spanish.Although this is not common in China,nowadays a number of parents give their children a name which is translated from English,such as “斯达” is from “star”. To show endearment,English people tend to use pet names(infant names or childhood names).They shorten men"s nams like Alfred into Alf;Alexander into Alec or Alex;David into Dave or Davy.In English,the suffix “-y” or “-ie” shows endearment.In China people have the similar customs,but they like to give pet names which are not related to the child"s given name.For instance,a boy named “奇” can be called “毛毛” in his family.People also like to add “- 子”,“-崽”,“-娃子” after a boy"s given name, or add “-妹” after a girl"s name. When some English first names are put together,they many have special meanings. “Tom,Dick and Harry” refers to “ordinary people”;”Darby and Joan” means “a pair of happy,aged couple”.Chinses also has this kind of usage,such as “张三李四” means “ordinary people”;“陈世美” refers to a man who betrayed his wife. An English name may denote a person"s social or family background.Those names beginning with Mac or Mc are usually Scottish surnames.For instance,McMichael ,McArthur,and MacDonald may well be the surnames of a Scot or of a person whose ancestor was from Scotland.Mac and Mc mean “son of”.Other families surnames of Scottish oriin include Campbell,Frasre and Steward.All names beginning with O" are Irish surnames.O"means “son of”.But in Chinses,there is no such kind of indication.As we know,there are hundreds of family names used in China,we can not tell people"s background or statue from his name.Maybe only in some minority ethnic names,we can see the differences,such as “爱心觉罗”,we kown it"s a royle name in the Man nation.
2023-07-29 20:20:391


2023-07-29 20:21:202


Love Test Have you ever tested your love? Have you ever tested yourself and your partner on certain parameters? There are certain tests presented by My Dear Valentine using which you can test your relationship. Your can test how compatible you are to your valentine and vice versa. The questionnaires and criteria in the love tests shall help you in knowing some interesting and so far hidden facets of your personality. Most importantly, you will be able to test the intensity of your feelings towards your beloved. You will be thrilled by the results, that"s a promise!Love Tests & QuizzesBelow are some simple free love test and quizzes. Just pick your choice and see how true the results hold for you. Find your true match with us and whisper to your sweetheart My Dear Valentine!Love Test Online- No need to spend money on the astrologer"s predictions or seek advice of the tarot card reader. When online love tests are available with a click of mouse why to take so much of headache of running here and there and shelling out your hard-earned money. There are various love test portals that help you calculate compatibility between you and your sweetheart. All you need to do is to enter your and your partners name and click submit and voila there comes the result. Fun, quick and easy best describes online love tests.Flames- Flames is a love game, which satisfies the craving to know more about your love life and whirl of questions that swirls in the minds of love birds regarding their life partner, compatibility and future years. Like the online love test, in flames too, couples need to type their names and click the start button to get the results.Love Calculator- What"s in a name? Is a famous quote by Shakespeare. But in today"s context it might face some stiff opposition because a name can tell a lot about a person. Thanks to Wikipedia and oxford dictionary, we know all names have a meaning. A Love calculator can foretell the future and calculate the probability of a successful relationship between two people with the help of their names. True Love Quiz- Play some mind games with true love quizzes and make your days more interesting. It"s necessary to know how-well your partner knows about you and your likes and dislikes in regards to favorite color, food or film. Love quiz is a tried, tested, simple love test that helps you in finding all of the above.Love Relationship Test- Wanna know whether the both of you share the same hobbies or juts wannna check out his fiery love personality then, both of you must go through a love relationship test one by one. It will help your relationship groom and will guide you towards what lacking in your relationship.Compatibility Test- Eager to know if your love partner is love compatible, then love match tests are the safest bet. Several compatibility tests are already making waves on the Internet, where enthusiastic couples join in and check their compatibility by typing their names; surnames and gender on get measured on the scale of 1 to 100.
2023-07-29 20:21:291


2023-07-29 20:21:514


  姓氏和名字的表达,在中文和英语的表达中顺序是完全相反的,中国的姓在前,英语的姓在后。下面是我给大家整理的我姓什么用英语怎么写,供大家参阅!   我姓什么用英语怎么写   What is my surname   surname的英语用法   n.   [亦作last name]姓氏   外号,诨名,别名,绰号   vt.   给…取姓氏;以姓氏称呼:   Call me Tom, don"t surname me.   别称呼我的姓,叫我汤姆就行了。   给…起外号或别名、绰号等;以别名或外号等称呼:   Michael Jorden surnamed “Flying Trapezist” has stepped out of the NBA.   “空中飞人”迈克尔乔丹已从NBA中退役了。   No man calls him Bird but surnames him “Big Bird”.   没人叫他伯德,都叫他的绰号“大鸟”。   变形:   vt. surnamed . surnaming   surname的英语例句   1. The majority of British women adopt their hu *** and"s surname when they marry.   大多数英国女性结婚后随夫姓。   2. Her first name was Mary. I don"t know what her surname was.   她的名字叫玛丽。我不知道她姓什么。   3. Winter is a mon enough German surname.   温特是一个非常普通的德国姓氏。   4. Nosenko puzzled out Kutya"s surname.   诺先科苦苦思索终于想起了库佳的姓。   5. She"d never known his surname.   她一直不知道他姓什么。   6. He had anglicized his surname.   他已将他的姓氏英语化了。   7. His first name is Tom and his surname is Green.   他叫汤姆,姓格林。   8. Please check that your surname and forenames have been correctly entered.   请核对你的姓名已正确输入。   9. How do you spell your surname?   你的姓怎么拼?   10. Her first name is Sheila and her surname is Kane.   她姓凯恩,名叫希拉.   11. I was mistakenly assumed to be a Welshman because of my surname.   由于我的姓的缘故,我被误认为是威尔士人.   12. This doctor"s surname is Ma and his given name , is Qiang .   这位医生姓 马名强.   13. Wang is a very mon Chinese surname.   王是一个很常见的中国姓.   14. What is your surname?   你姓什么?   15. He was the only boy in the school who was known by his Christian name and not his surname.   他是学校里唯一一个被称呼洗礼名而不是姓氏的男孩儿。   看过我姓什么用英语怎么写的人还:
2023-07-29 20:21:581


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2023-07-29 20:22:434

Make a comparison of Chinese and Western table etiquettes.问答题,跪求,在线等。

中西方礼仪文化差异 With China entry the WTO and will hold the Olympic Games in 2008, the relationship between China and Western in politics, economy, culture will become more and more close. It is undoubtedly that the etiquette will play an important role in this process. To the definition of etiquette, China and Western have a different understanding. As Chinese thinks that the etiquette is the common behavior standards that all the members must obey, and its purpose is to keep the normal living order of the society. In ancient China, a famous philosopher thinks that etiquette is a principal to deal with the relationship between man and supernatural beings, man and ghosts, man and men. There are also many words about etiquette in English. For example, courtesy which means courteous behavior, good manners; protocol which means system of rules governing formal occasion, e .g, meetings, between governments, diplomats, etc. And these words are all from the same French word etiquette. Of course, more spread and more profound cultural comment of the western etiquette is from the Classical Period, i.e., old Athens and Roma culture. Today, etiquette become the reflection and manifestation of one country" s politics, economy, culture in people"s social contact. And it include the principal and moral that people should obey in daily life. Etiquette formed in the process of the deposition of culture and social contact. So every nation have their own etiquette standard which created with the spirit of this their nation. Because of this formed the cultural difference between different nations. As languages is the carrier of the human culture. This difference must reflect in the language of different nations. So in the following, we will take china, British and America as the representation of Western, to look at some cultural difference in etiquette, and then analyze the reasons. Furthermore, we will discuss how to learn western culture. It is also appropriate to ask how they prefer to be addressed. Children should always address adults in the formal fashion, using their title and last name. Another difference is about the form of addressing. From the viewpoint of sociolinguistics, forms of addressing can serve as an indication of the relationship of power and solidarity in the society. In calling their superiors or elders, the Chinese are accustomed to the nonreciprocal or asymmetrical addressing, in other words. They use “title +surname” to address their superior or elders rather than call them surnames, while the superior or elders call the addressers their names. The Chinese tend to abide by the polite principle of depreciating oneself and respecting others to show appropriate respects towards the persons being addressed, otherwise, the addresser may be considered as ill mannered, ill educated or rude. But in English speaking countries, people have a tendency to follow the reciprocal or symmetrical addressing. Although they are different in age and status, they can call the other directly, namely, their names, even first names except when they call the doctors, not arousing offence between them, but demonstrating the sense of intimacy and the conception of” Everyone is created equal” . Chinese people feel unnatural addressing a westerner by his given name, feeling that it indicates too close a relationship, and westerners, on the other hand, may feel that if a Chinese insists on using his surname, it indicates an unwillingness to be friendly and maintains a gap between them. So the use of forms like” Miss Mary” or “Mr. Smith ” may be a Chinese forms of compromise. With Miss Mary, the use of the given name indicates friendliness, but the addition of the title indicates the respect they feel they ought to show. And with Smith, the lack of a title indicates friendliness, but the use of the surname prevents if sounding too intimate. However, both addressing used by the Chinese sound very strange and uncomfortable to the westerner. 3.Compliments and ResponseTo compliment is to praise the addressee"s virtues, ability, behavior, appearance, clothing, personality and belongs. Appropriate compliments can serve as effective supplementary means in inter-personal communication. Western and Chinese culture are at polar opposites about compliment. An western hostess, if she is complimented for her cooking skill, is likely to say,” Oh, I am so glad that you liked it. I cook it especially for you.” Not so is a Chinese hostess, who will instead apologize for giving you “Nothing”. They will say“随便作几个菜,不好吃 。”If translate this into English“I just made some dishes casually and they are not very tasty. Perhaps the foreigner will think why you invite me to you family and have the untasty food. You aren"t respect me. The English-speaking people are more active to praise others and to be praise than Chinese people. For example, the Americans are “straight forwardness”, the Chinese take pride in “modesty”. That modesty has left many a Chinese hungry at an Americans table, for Chinese politeness calls for three refusals before one accepts an offer and the Americans hosts take ”no ” to mean “no ”, whether it is the first, second or third time. Still bigger differences exist in people"s attitude towards compliments, i.e., in the response to compliments. Chinese are tend to efface themselves in words or refuse it, although they do feel comfortable about the compliments . So many westerners simply feel puzzled or even upset when their Chinese friends refused their compliments. The Chinese people are not intending to be modest with the sacrifice of friendship in so doing, but it is rather due to the traditional Chinese philosophy, that of modesty. The Chinese people regard modesty as a most valuable virtue, so they seldom agree to the compliment on their own. 楼主看着自己修改吧。
2023-07-29 20:22:511

English surnames have an interesting history阅读理解

2023-07-29 20:23:011

英语作文 《chinese traditional things 》

Chinese traditions play an integral role in everyday life for every person.It is at the very core of Chinese culture and revolves around values and how people interact with each other,gives a sense of personal identity and sense of self worth.These traditional values help people solve common human problems for survival and become the roots of tradition that Chinese people find important in their day-to-day lives. Values for one society may seem strange to another society,but nonetheless,they are important to that society.For instance,the painful and debilitating Chinese tradition of foot binding,as bizarre as it may seem to our culture,to the Chinese people,it was the esoteric essence of pure beauty and signified status within the family structure,allowing young women with lotus feet better opportunities for marriage with well-to-do families. Traditional Chinese courtyard life,in existence until the early 1900"s,was a unique lifestyle where Chinese families and neighbours lived in very close quarters – sharing a common courtyard and everyone knowing everyone else"s business.Special rules applied for who occupied which space in certain directions.Read more about it by clicking the link above. Chinese Chopsticks,born of necessity in the earliest times,highly influenced the eating and cooking traditions still followed today in China.Click on the link above to learn more about the history of Chinese chopsticks. Chinese knot Have you ever seen those beautiful tied Chinese knots?Did you know that each different design is a good luck wish?One of the most popular knots is double happiness,which in Chinese tradition is given to newlyweds,signifying a wish for their luck and happiness to double. Xing,Shi and Ming are the most common Chinese family names.There are only 22 ancient Chinese surnames still in use today.The family name indicated a blood tie within the Chinese social structure and was a symbol of class.In ancient China,5,000 to 6,000 years ago,women were the clan leaders and marriages were only allowed among certain classes. There are many colorful Chinese Festivals happening all year round.There are some major ones that span out over several days or several weeks that are celebrated all across China,and then there are the ones celebrated in different regions of China by the 53 different minority groups.Chinese Festivals offer a unique insight into the rich 5000 year history and traditions of China.If you are living in China,the Chinese people will graciously invite you to be part of their traditional celebrations.Click the link above to check out some interesting celebrations like Qing Ming - graveyard cleaning and picnic time,the Water Splashing Festival in Yunnan,Chinese Valentine"s Day,Dragon Boat Festival and more. leather cut shadow puppets Beijing Opera is a uniquely Chinese form of theatre that relates stories of romance,legend and battles.There used to be troupes that travelled China to put on the shows,but today,the best place to enjoy it is in Beijing.Chinese Shadow Puppetry is an ancient form of storytelling which was popular during the Song Dynasty during the holiday season.The stories of the shadow puppets told of events that had happened elsewhere in the country and stories with a Buddhist background.
2023-07-29 20:23:081


2023-07-29 20:23:281


当中国的英语爱好者考虑给自己起个英文名字时,他们首先想知道的就是那些可选的名字所代表的意义。但是挺怪的是,在西方,在选择名字时要考虑的诸多因素中,意义恐怕是最不重要的一点。只是那些对自己名字的意义感兴趣的西方人才有探究的好奇心,而父母在给孩子 起名时则很少考虑名字的意义。西方人起名时最重要的考虑因素是发音、时尚、联和和家庭习惯。发音是最重要的:没有人想给孩子起个拗口的名字。于是家长就会挑个与姓搭救得很好,整体听起来很悦耳的名字,这不仅在起全名时这样考虑,起爱称时也是如此。毕竟,爱称是孩子在现代美国生活非正式场合中最经常听到的,而正式的全称几乎根本听不到。名字是如何具有了这类联想是个复杂的问题。值得注意的是,在美国这个上层中产阶级的地位天很大程度上取决于所受的专业性教育的国家,医生、律师、工程师及其他中产阶级的人喜欢孩子的名字(尤其是男孩的名字)具有因使用了几个世纪而带来的一种尊严。这些人往往会避开那些娱乐圈里突然出现的名字。因此,一个人的名字有时会反映出一个人的社会地位,也反映出所受教育的程度。虽然宗教的联系在起名字时肯定起着作用,但宗教在建立起名之源的基本名字系列时则更重要。比如,父母给予孩子起名迈克尔,也许是想到了曾出在几百种文艺作品中的火光闪闪 的天使长,但更大的可能性则是家长要纪念一个朋友或最喜爱的亲友,希望自己的后代在性格上与他们相像;也许他们是觉得迈克尔(或迈克)叫着好听,或者是这个名字与姓搭配起来很好。
2023-07-29 20:23:515