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2023-07-30 05:38:13
TAG: 翻译 谢谢

I have finished searching information about xxx, please kindly check the attachments.

All the information is from the internet, which might be not correct but they still could tell the market reaction from China.

Please kindly give me some advice on it, and I will amend it according to your requirement.



I"v finished collecting the market information about XXX, please review the attachment. All the data is from internet, so might not be very authoritative, but still can reflect some of the basic background of China market. Would you please let me know your comments on this and I will make revisions accordingly.



I"ve collected some marketing information on XXXX. Please find attached.

All the materials are sourced from the internet, which may not be very authorotive, however, still adequately reflect the marketing in China.

Your kind comments would be appreciated very much to which necessary amendments and complements would be made accordingly.



authoritative [u0254u02d0"θu0252ru026atu0259tu026av; -,teu026atu026av] adj. 有权威的;命令式的;当局的权威性的 权威的 授权 真情为您解答,敬请采纳,如对本题还有疑问可追问,Good luck!
2023-07-29 20:12:282


authoritative[英][u0254:u02c8θu0252ru0259tu0259tu026av][美][u0259u02c8θu0254:ru0259teu026atu026av]adj.权威的; 有权力的; 当局的; 命令式的; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Its news coverage is independent, questioning and authoritative. 它的新闻报道独立、能提出质疑而且权威。
2023-07-29 20:12:364


Have authorityauthoritative,英语单词,形容词,意为“有权威的;命令式的;当局的”。短语搭配:authoritative society 权力社会 ; 权利社会authoritative sources 权威人士authoritative inquiry 权威性调查双语例句:Except,I mean,you could use it, but not use it as authoritative.我的意思是你可以使用它,但不要把它当作权威。They have not yet relinquished the childish need for an authoritative father.他们还没有消除儿童对一个权威性的父亲的需要。"Why are you, " he asked, in a rather authoritative voice, "against morality, against the scriptures which we hold most sacred?“你为什么,”他用一种相当权威的口气问道,“反对道德,反对我们认为最为神圣的圣典?
2023-07-29 20:12:431


2023-07-29 20:13:071

quantitative ;positive ;authoritative 这英语用谐音怎么读??

quantitative 匡梯忒替舞positive 抛责替舞authoritative 凹扫瑞瑟替舞
2023-07-29 20:13:168


权威的单词有:important,canonical,authoritative,chiefdom,magisterial。权威的单词有:standard,magisterial,important,canonical,authoritative。注音是:ㄑㄨㄢ_ㄨㄟ。结构是:权(左右结构)威(半包围结构)。拼音是:quánwēi。词性是:名词。权威的具体解释是什么呢,我们通过以下几个方面为您介绍:一、词语解释【点此查看计划详细内容】权威quánwēi。1. 权力,威势。2. 使人信从的力量和威望。3. 在某种范围里最有地位的人和事物。二、引证解释⒈权力,威势。引《吕氏春秋·审分》:“万邪并起,权威分移。”《北史·周纪上论》:“昔者水运将终,_凶放命,或权威震主,或衅逆滔天。”⒉使人信从的力量和威望。引丁玲《过年》:“只觉得舅舅仍然很尊严,很大,高不可及,只呼吸都象表示出有与凡人不一样的权威。”老舍《四世同堂》四五:“因为佩服默吟,他才觉得默吟有裁判他的权威。”⒊统治,威慑。引萧红《生死场》一:“全个村庄在火中窒息。午间的太阳权威着一切了。”⒋在某种范围里最有地位的人或事物。引孟伟哉《一座雕像的诞生》:“‘先生们!有何观感?"我国的一位雕塑权威直接讲出法语,询问一位有着别林斯基发型的外宾。”三、国语词典权势威望。如:「他是医学权威」。四、网络解释权威(词语)权威就是对权力的一种自愿的服从和支持。人们对权力安排的服从可能有被迫的成分,但是对权威的安排的服从,则属于认同。反对者可能不得不服从权力做出的安排,但是服从不等于认同。权威就被认为是一种正当的权力,也可以说是极具公众影响力的威望。关于权威的近义词权势巨子巨擘威望巨头关于权威的反义词小道关于权威的诗句今日重权威当诗人奉了最高权威的谕旨出现在这充满了苦闷的世间今日重权威关于权威的成语揽权纳贿下马威招权纳赂权宜之计权时制宜舍经从权通权达变一时之权权变锋出关于权威的词语通权达变揽权纳贿权变锋出一时之权招权纳赂权宜之计舍经从权下马威权时制宜一时权宜关于权威的造句1、吴医生是当今治疗心血管病的权威。2、这本书是现代经济学的权威著作。3、选择权威、专业、高效的辅导机构和负责任的辅导老师,才是学习快速进步的终南捷径。4、他说起话来头头是道,在同学们眼中非常有权威。5、他是我国最权威的微生物学家。点此查看更多关于权威的详细信息
2023-07-29 20:13:311

可信度的英语翻译 可信度用英语怎么说

2023-07-29 20:13:383

Non-authoritative answer 怎么解决

2023-07-29 20:14:115


  采用,指采纳应用。那么你知道采用的英语怎么写吗?下面跟着我学习一下吧!   采用的英语拼写1:   adopt    采用的英语拼写2:   adopt   有关采用的英语例句:   她意识到在所采用的 方法 中可能出错。   She recognized the potential for error in the method being used.   那幅画给我们提供了采用透视画法的最早的范例。   The painting provides us with one of the earliest examples of the use of perspective.   大多数国家采用米制。   Most countries adopt metric system.   采用的方法和处理函数时所采用的本质上相同。   The approach is essentially the same as for a function.   主绞车的主刹车系统既可采用带式刹车,亦可采用液压盘式刹车。   The main brake system utilizes either a band brake or a hydraulic disc brake.   体力测定采用爬绳法或爬杆法, 记忆力 测定采用跳台法。   Use rope or pole climbing time to measure the stamina of mice.   很多车子在后轮采用鼓式制动,前轮采用盘式制动。   It is uneconomical to change the whole cylinder.   角色的名字要采用大写字母排字,而对白则采用常规文字样式。   Write character names with capital letters but write dialogue text normally.   采用了管控 措施 来重新分配资源或改变其流向。   Controls were used to redistribute or redirect resources.   采用的方法很老套,没什么效益。   The methods employed are old-fashioned and uneconomical.   她采用的证据通常都具有很高的可信度。   The evidence she uses is usually highly authoritative.   已很少采用的过时法律   Archaic laws that are very seldom used   采用越级进位方式可以减小逐级进位造成的延时。   The delay due to the carry propagation through the adder stages can be minimized when a carry-look-ahead scheme is used.   在采用何种制度才能确实起作用方面,本文结合施工现场广泛做法,分析了项目经济承包责任制。   We analyze the project economical contract liability mechanism that widely used on construction scene in order to answer the question of which mechanism is available.   苹果可能对中国用户采用了低人一等的退货与保修政策,确实存在歧视。   It "s possible that the company does in fact discriminate against Chinese users with second-rate return and warranty policies.   楼宇外部采用反光率最小化的材料。   Building exteriors use materials to minimize reflected sun.   此外,欧洲银行管理局还应该采用更现实的损失估算值,以更接近国际货币基金组织和私营部门分析人士给出的数值。   The EBA should also use realistic loss estimates more in line with those of the IMF and private analysts.   我们必须打破常规,尽量采用先进技术,在一个不太长的历史时期内,把我国建设成为一个社会主义的现代化强国。   We must break away from convention and adopt as many advanced techniques as possible in order to build our country into a powerful modern state in not too long a historical period.
2023-07-29 20:14:341


一、中美会计准则的实质性差别美国会计准则的模式为规则导向,更容易导致机会主义和盈余管理。中国会计准则的模式为原则导向,强调实质重于形式,采购谨慎性原则、减少方法的选择、充分披露,以此来克服机会主义的盈余管理。二、中美会计准则对比1.会计要素从中可以看出,US更注重提供“所有者收入”和“收入”的比较。另外,和中国相比较,还有三个概念:综合收益、利得、损失。利得和损失其实在我国的过去的准则中主要就是两项:营业外收入/支出和投资收益。2.计量属性PRC GAAP:历史成本、重置成本、可变现净值、现值、公允价值US GAAP:为在概念框架中明确,但又专门的公允价值准则。3.财务报告体系PRC:01表、02表、03表、所有者权益变动表、报表附注;US:资产负债表、股东权益变动表、综合收益表、利润表、现金流量表、附注。4.信息披露时间PRC:年度报告应当在每个会计年度结束之日起4个月内;半年报应当在每个会计年度的上半年结束之日起2个月内;季度报告应当在每个会计年度第3个月、第9个月结束后的1个月内编制完成。第一季度的季度报告披露事件不得早于上一年度年度报告的披露时间。US:10-k 90天内(比中国时间短);拓展资料:存货差异的比较2.长期股权投资差异的比较
2023-07-29 20:14:451


2023-07-29 20:15:285


  Test Thirteen   引起倒装的前置状语   当句首状语为否定词或带否定意义的词语时,一般引起局部倒装。这些词语常见的有:never, not for one minute, no longer, on no account, no more, nowhere else, at no time, hardly, scarcely, rarely, not for nothing等。例如:   Never have I found him in such a good mood.   句首状语若由“only+副词”、“only+介词词组”、“only+状语分句”构成,也可引起局部倒装。例如:   Only yesterday did he find out that his watch was missing.   以关联连词not only(but also)和so(...that)开头的句子,通常引起局部倒装。例如:   So small was the mark that I could hardly see it.   近义词辨析   gaze, glare, gape, peer, stare?   这组词均含有“注意地或专注地看”的意思。   gaze   指长时间目不转晴地看或凝视,常用于表达惊奇、羡慕或心不在焉的心情。   We gazed at the rough sea lost in thought.我们凝视波涛汹涌的大海,陷入沉思。   glare   指怒目而视,敌视或仇视   People glared at the man who had assassinated their premier.人们愤怒地瞪着刺杀了他们总理的凶手。   gape   指目瞪口呆地凝视,常有发呆的意味。   Tourists gaped at the animal keeper feeding meat to the lions.游客们目不转晴地看着饲养员给狮子喂肉。   peer   指眯起眼睛窥视。   The detective peered into the room through his binoculars.侦探用望远镜向屋内窥视。   stare   指睁大眼睛看,带有好奇、猜疑或傲慢等含义。   The girl stared at the beggar instead of giving him some money.小女孩冷冷地盯着乞丐,没给他钱。   全真模拟试题   1. Any steam engine gives us an example of ?____? into work.   A.heats having turned B. heats turning   C. heats having been turned D. heat being turned   2. Essentially, a theory is an abstract, symbolic representation of?______? reality.   A. what it is conceived B. that is conceived   C. that is being conceived D. what is conceived to be   3. Not until a monkey is several years old ?____? to exhibit signs of independence from its mother. does begin B. when it begins   C. does it begin D. before it begins   4. Television will be used to enable customers to shop from the comfort of their homes by simply ordering via the TV screen, payment?____? by direct debit of their credit cards.   A. making it B. is made   C. being made D. will be made   5. A woman has to be ?____? a man to go half as far.   A. twice as good as B. as twice good as   C. twice good as D. twice so good as   6. Hardly had we got on the bus ?____? it began to rain.   A. when B. since C. but D. before   7. Iu2019m sorry I canu2019t go with you, but I wish you ?____?.   A. a good time B. have a good time   C. to have a good time D. will have a good time   8. Many a time ?____? them not to do so.   A. we have warned B. do we have warned   C. have we warned D. warned we have   9. They have produced ?____?.   A. 10 more pianos this month than last month   B. 10 pianos more this monththan last month   C. 10 pianos this month as many as last month   D. 10 as many pianos this month as last month   10. He was hungry and ordered two ?____? of fish.   A. shares B. parts C. portions D. sections   11. The best students are ?____? special scholarships.   A. awarded B. rewarded C. forwarded D. honored   12. She stood up and ?____? in strong language.   A. opposed B. reckoned C. objected D. shouted   13. After becoming paralysed, Jane had to get used to the loss of?____?.She hated having to depend on others for things she once did for herself.   A. authority B. autonomy   C. attraction D. dependence   14. Having poor handwriting is not much of a ?____? in an age of typewriters and computers.   A. difference B. possibility   C. convention D. liability   15. The ?____? grades are generally considered to be kindergarten through third grade.   A. primitive B. primary C. promising D. proceeding   16. The meal was excellent; the pears were particularly?____?.   A. flavored B. delicious C. tasteful D. gracious   17. His parents give him many expensive toys as some form of ?____?for his lameness and inability to play active games.   A. remedy B. compensation   C. treatment D. comfort   18. To what extent will future scientific discoveries make possible the ?____? of the human life span.   A. increase B. expansion   C. growth D. prolongation   19. She was at the ?____? of her career when she was badly injured in the car accident.   A. bloom B. peak C. excess D. extreme   20. Should the ?____? of patriotism be controlled by reason   ??A. sentiment B. affection C. emotion D. passion   21.?____? going through to New York yesterday to attend his sonu2019s wedding, Dr. Knapp flew to Chicago for a flower show.   A. On the contrary B. In spite of   C. Instead of D. Because of   22.?____? to the question of refreshments, I should think orange juice and potato chips will be sufficient.   A.Due B. As C. Prior D. According   23. To most of the undergraduate students, the doctoral degree is a distant ?____?.   A. theme B. prospect C. threshold D. token   24. The partyu2019s reduced vote was ?____? of lack of support for its policies.   A. authoritative B. acute   C. adverse D. indicative   25. Platou2019s teaching had a profound ?____? on Aristotle.   A. sentiment B. affect C. effect D.sanction   试题答案与解析   1. D)【句意】蒸汽机是将热转化为能的一个例子。   【难点】heat是不可数名词,是being turned的逻辑主语。   2. D)【句意】从本质上说,理论是对虚构现实的一种抽象的并具有象征性的展示。   【难点】介词of后应接宾语,B)和C)为定语从句,但无先行词;A)中it为多余,只有D)为名词性从句,可作of的宾语。   3. C)【句意】猴子要到几岁的时候才能表现出脱离母亲而独立的迹象。   【难点】否定词not用于句首,要用倒装句,即把句子谓语的情态动词或助动词提到主语前面。   4. C)【句意】人们将使用电视在家里舒舒服服地购物,可以通过屏幕进行订货,所需支付的款项可直接从信用卡扣除。   【难点】此句为独立主格,分句动词应用分词形式。   5. A)【句意】一个女人如果想走男人的一半距离的话,那么她的体力必须是男人的二倍   【难点】表示“有u2026几倍好”用“几倍+as+adj +as”结构。   6. A)【句意】我们刚上车,就下起雨来了。   【难点】hardly位于句首,句子要用倒装形式。Hardly通常与when连用,表示“一u2026u2026就u2026u2026”   7. A)【句意】对不起,我不能跟你去,但是我希望你玩得愉快。   【难点】wish的祝愿句中,wish后的直接宾语通常是名词。   8. C)【句意】我们多次警告他们不要这样做。   【难点】“Many a time”引导倒装。   9. A)【句意】他们这个月生产的钢琴比上个月多十台。   【难点】表示程度的状语应放在比较形容词或副词前面。   10. C)【句意】他饿极了,点了两份鱼。   【难点】portion意为“(食物的)一份”;share意为“一份,份额”,指数量讲;part意为“部分”;section意为“(事物的)部分;(文章等的)段落,节”。   11. A)【句意】最好的学生被颁发特殊奖学金。   【难点】award意为“授予;颁发”;reward意为“酬谢,奖励”,常与with连用;forward意为“促进,推动”;honor意为“使增光,给u2026以荣誉”   12. C)【句意】她站起身,用激烈的言辞表示反对。   【难点】object意为“反对,不赞成;提出异议”,指有不同意见。oppose意为“反对;反抗”,及物动词;reckon意为“计算;数”;shout意为“叫喊”。   13. B)【句意】瘫痪后,珍妮不得不去习惯失去自由行动能力的状态,她讨厌依赖他人做她以前自己能做的事情。   【难点】autonomy意为“人身自由;自主权”;authority意为“权力;管辖权”;attraction意为“吸引”;dependence意为“依靠,依赖;依赖关系”。   14. D)【句意】字写得不好在打字机和电脑时代算不上不利条件。   【难点】liability意为“不利条件,妨碍的人(或物)”;difference意为“差异”;possibility意为“可能性”;convention意为“社会习俗”。   15. B)【句意】一般认为初级年级是从幼儿园到三年级。   【难点】primary意为“初级的;小学的”,primitive意为“原始的,上古的;早期的”;promising意为“有希望的,有前途的;大有可为的”;preceding意为“在前的,在先的”。   16. B)【句意】这顿饭真好吃,尤其是梨,很香。   【难点】delicious意为“美味的,可口的”;flavored意为“特殊风味的”;tasteful意为“有鉴赏力的;趣味高雅的”;gracious意为“亲切的,和蔼的;殷勤的”。   17. B)【句意】由于跛足,他不能玩运动量大的游戏,他的父母给了他很多昂贵的玩具作为某种形式的补偿。   【难点】compensation意为“补偿”;remedy意为“补救;纠正(办法)”;treatment意为“治疗,疗法”;comfort意为“安慰,慰藉”。   18. D)【句意】未来的科学发现将在多大程度上延长人的寿命呢?   【难点】prolongation意为“延长,拉长”;increase意为“增加;增大”;expansion意为“扩大,扩充”;growth意为“增长,增加;生长”。   19. B)【句意】正当事业处于顶峰的时候,她出了车祸,受了重伤。   【难点】peak意为“顶点,顶峰”,常用于词组at the peak of 中;bloom 意为“开花期;繁花盛开”,常用于词组 in the bloom of u2026;excess意为“超越,越过”;extreme意为“极度(状态)”。   20. A)【句意】爱国主义情操应该受理智控制吗?   【难点】sentiment意为“情操”,含有较大的理智因素。affection意为“喜爱,爱心”,指热烈亲切慈爱的感情。emotion意为“情绪,激情”,主要指精神上的感情。passion意为“热情,激情”,指一种与理智相对而言的强烈的情感,这种情感往往使一个人的判断受到影响。   21. C)【句意】耐普博士昨天没去纽约参加儿子的婚礼而是飞到芝加哥去看花展。   【难点】instead of 意为“代替,而不是”;on the contrary 意为“正相反”;in spite of 意为“不顾,尽管”;because of 意为“由于,因为”。四个词组中,只有instead of 后面可接动名词doing的形式。   22. C) 【句意】我想,在吃点心前桔汁和土豆片就足以吃饱了。   【难点】prior to 意为“在u2026以前,先于”;due to 意为“由于,因为”;as to 意为“至于,关于”; according to 意为“根据,按照”。   23. B)【句意】对多数本科生来说,博士学位是一个遥远的前景。   【难点】prospect意为“(经济、地位等)前景,前程;景象”;theme 意为“主题,题目”;threshold意为“门槛;开端”;token意为“标志,象征,记号”。   24. D)【句意】该党得票下降暗示该党的政策缺少支持。   【难点】indicative意为“象征的,暗示的”,后接of,构成词组;authoritative意为“权威性的,可信的”;acute意为“尖锐的,敏锐的”;adverse意为“不利的,有害的”。   25. C)【句意】柏拉图的教学对亚里士多得有深远的影响。   【难点】effect意为“作用,影响”,have an effect on u2026意为“对u2026有影响。”sentiment意为“感情,意见”;affect意为“影响,假装”,是动词;sanction意为“赞许,支持;鼓励”。
2023-07-29 20:15:431

non-authoritative answer什么意思

查询时有时会出现 Non-authoritative answer, 代表这个答案是由 local DNS 的 cache 中直接读出来的, 而不是 local DNS 向真正负责这个 domain 的 name server 问来的.
2023-07-29 20:16:021

中翻英 谢谢

2023-07-29 20:16:1216


2023-07-29 20:16:461


2023-07-29 20:16:561


man of power.
2023-07-29 20:17:047


一、中美会计准则的实质性差别rule based vs principle based美国会计准则的模式为规则导向,更容易导致机会主义和盈余管理。目前的US GAAP共168号(新旧放在一起)不是按要素制定的,是一种救火式的准则,哪里出了问题,立马会有相应的准则制定出来。中国会计准则的模式为原则导向,强调实质重于形式,采购谨慎性原则、减少方法的选择、充分披露,以此来克服机会主义的盈余管理。财政部自2006年颁布新的会计准则以来,陆续颁布了“新会计准则应用指南”以及3个解释公告。其中,在3号解释公告里提出了综合收益的(comprehensive income)概念。(Tips:如何理解comprehensive income?如可供出售金融资产,持有时其价值变动计入资本公积,一旦出售,就会进利润表,以综合收益的形式反映。comprehensive income 就是用来反映未来利润的。新准则修订了资产的定义:经济利益很可能流入企业,金额可以可靠计量,淡化了“过去交易”,主要也是为了配合“未来”交易,如亏损合同等)。可以这样总结,会计准则未来的发展趋势是:一是从损益满计观向资本保全管转变,反映自从萨班斯法案以来国际财务界重视资产计价的趋势(典型地,如捐赠收入,债务重组收益进利润表,不再进资本公积。目前资本公积科目得到了净化,只含“股本溢价”和“其它”两个明细);二是资产计价将存在两种模式:成本模式(cost value)和公允价值模式(fair value);三是反映未来信息的新趋势(典型地,comprehensive income)。二、美国会计准则总体介绍(一)制定美国公认会计准则的组织证券交易委员会(Securities and Exchange Commission,SEC);美国注册会计师协会(American Institute of Certified Public Accounting Standards Board,AICPA);财务会计准则委员会(Financial Accounting Standards Board,FASB);政府会计准则委员会(Govermental Accounting Standards Board,GASB)。由于美国政府较少干预经济以及美国会计界的强大,美国的会计准则基本上由民间机构制定。(二)美国公认会计准则的组成会计研究公报(AICPA/CPA/ARB,1939-1959,51)会计准则委员会意见(AICPA/APB,1959-1973,31)财务会计准则声明(FASB/SFAS,1973-,1-168)(这也是本文着重介绍的,Statement Financial Accounting Standards 168)财务会计概念(FASB/SFAC1-7)技术公报(FASB/TB)FASB紧急问题任务组(FASB,EITF)美国注册会计师协会立场阐述(AcSEC/SOP)美国证券交易委员会的系列公告(SEC ASR)值得庆幸的是,09年6月美国会计准则的效力层次进行了调整,由原来的“most authoritative”和“Least authoritative”两个层次调整为“authoritative”和“non-authoritative”两个层次。也就是说,原来纷繁的条款(包括权威性强的和权威性弱的),现在就只有权威性或非权威性两种。而authoritative只包括两个:FASB accounting standards codification 和 Rules and interpretive releases of the SEC是有权威性的。
2023-07-29 20:17:421


indicative a.指示的;陈述的 decorative a.装饰的;可作装饰的 operative adj. (计划等)实施中的,生效的 remunerative adj. 报酬高的,有利润的 figurative adj. 比喻的,借喻的 incommunicative adj. 不爱交际的,沉默寡言的 扩展资料   meditative adj. 沉思的、冥想的   ruminative adj. 沉思默想的   pejorative adj. 带有轻蔑意义的,贬低的   emanative adj. 发散的   appreciative adj. 感谢的,赞赏的   normative adj. 规范的,惯常的   evocative adj. 唤起的,激起的   restorative adj. 恢复健康的,恢复的   accumulative adj. 积累的   hortative adj. 激励的   provocative adj. 激怒的、挑战的   imperative adj. 急需的,必要的   associative adj. 联想的   rebarbative adj. 令人讨厌的,冒犯人的   derivative adj. 派生的,无创意的   authoritative adj. 权威性的,命令式的   informative adj. 提供资料的   communicative adj. 通讯的   formative adj. 形成的,影响发展的   interrogative adj. 疑问的   connotative adj. 有含意的,暗示的`   recuperative adj. 有助恢复健康的   affirmative adj. 赞成的,肯定的   qualitative adj. 质量的,质的,定性的   lucrative adj. 赚钱的,有利可图的   native adj.本国的,本土的   cooperative n. 合作社;adj. 合作的   laxative n. 轻泻药adj. 通便的,放松的   prerogative n. 特权   purgative n. 泻药   narrative n. 叙述,故事   nominative n. 主格,主格语   sedative n./adj. (药物)镇静的,镇静剂   preservative n./adj. 防腐的,防腐剂   alternative n.替换物;取舍,抉择
2023-07-29 20:17:501


使用 use
2023-07-29 20:18:003

Non-authoritative answer是什么意思?

2023-07-29 20:18:094

require demand command 的区别

从语义上看,demand表示有正当权利的要求,因此含有“坚决或强烈要求”的意思.require表示“要求所必须的东西;法律、协定、规章以及其他客观情况的要求”.request则表示“有礼貌的请求或正式的请求”.你可以从下列实例中感受它们在语义上的差别:The policeman demanded his name and address.警察要求他说出姓名和住址.I"ve done all that is required by law.我已做到了法律所要求的一切事情.Many people have requested the next song.许多人要求听下面这首歌.从语法上看,它们的共同点是:demand,require和request都可以接that引导的宾语从句,并且都要求宾语从句中使用虚拟语气.它们的不同点是:1.require和request都可以接宾语 + to do,而demand没有此种用法.例如:They required me to keep silence.他们要求我保持沉默.The letter requested us to leave the house within six weeks.这封信要求我们在六周内搬出这幢房子.2.require + 动名词时,主动形式的动名词具有被动意义,而demand和request无此种用法.
2023-07-29 20:18:313

在线等!main important之间有什么区别

2023-07-29 20:18:414


各种列强的不平等条约 : All kinds of unequal treaties of great powers
2023-07-29 20:18:491


2023-07-29 20:18:595


Healthy benefits (stalwart advantage) According to an authoritative survey has a pair of healthy body contributes to a better job opportunity.good shape to complete the work of higher quality and higher efficiency.Of overweight persons, as long as minus 5% of body weight can reduce the risk of type II diabetes patients.Minus 10% of heart patients can effectively reduce the possibility of 5% -10% weight loss can improve their immune system.1 fitness truth, the movement vitamin supplements may be appropriate against atherosclerosis.2, the appropriate amount of exercise not only can lower serum cholesterol.improve the quality and reduce its increase in high-density lipoprotein LDL.3.Regular exercise is not susceptible to uterine cancer studies have shown that women often doing household chores, exercise and a variety of cancer and heart disease and diabetes can be prevented.adults Movement, a 40% reduction in risk of endometrial cancer patients.4.maintain a slender body weight of overweight youth and the ideal body weight than their peers in adult greatly increased the risk of premature death.Middle-aged overweight were significantly shorter life expectancy. This answer is great.The answer ...
2023-07-29 20:19:204


1、犯罪对公共利益的危害越大,制止人们犯罪的手段就应该越强有力。 The greater the harm of crime to public interests, the more powerful the means to stop people from mitting crimes should be. 2、受刑者不应被当作受辱者,而应被当作悔过者重新回归社会。 The victim should not be treated as a humiliated person, but as a repentant person to return to society. 3、公心在胸,不止一事一案;廉字当头,贵乎贯穿始终。 Public heart is in the mind, not just one case; honest words are the first, and it is precious throughout the whole process. 4、人心是杆秤,法律是准绳。 The human heart is a bar scale, and the law is the criterion. 5、听讼当庭审公正办案则是非明辨,断案凭证据严肃依法则曲直分明。 It is not clear to handle a case impartially when hearing a lawsuit, but it is clear to judge a case by serious evidence according to law. 6、了解和掌握神圣法典的人越多,犯罪就越少。 The more people who know and master the Holy Code, the fewer crimes they mit. 7、堂堂正正做人,清清白白为官,公公正正办案。 Be honest and upright, be clean and honest as an official, handle cases impartially and impartially. 8、民众对权利和审判的漠不关心的态度对法律来说,是一个坏兆头。 The public"s indifference to rights and justice bodes ill for the law. 9、法律应当与道德保持一致。 Law should be consistent with morality. 10、从真理到谬误就一步之遥,从法官到被告仅一念之差。 From truth to falsehood is a step away, from the judge to the defendant is only one idea apart. 11、法律是明灯,指引着生活的航程;法律是标尺,刻划出人生的去从。 Law is the beacon, guiding the voyage of life; law is the yardstick, describing the course of life. 12、无论何人,如为他人制定法律,应将同一法律应用于自己身上。 Whoever makes laws for others should apply the same law to himself. 13、没有法律就没有犯罪,没有法律就没有刑罚。 There is no crime without law, and there is no penalty without law. 14、风俗能够造就法律,也能够废除法律。 Customs can make laws and abolish them. 15、法律规定得愈明确,其条文就愈容易切实行。 The clearer the legal provisions are, the easier their provisions will be implemented. 16、法律之内,应有天理人情在。 Within the law, there should be justice and humanity. 17、我们因为自由并为了自由而遵守一切法律。 We abide by all laws for freedom and for freedom. 18、作为一个法官要时刻牢记:千里之堤易溃于蚁穴,立身处世须防微杜渐。 As a judge, we should always bear in mind that the dike of thousands of miles is easy to collapse in the ant cave, and we must guard against the gradual decline of the dike when we live in the world. 19、法律是一面双棱镜,它不仅对着当事人,还时时刻刻照着司法者。 Law is a double pri *** , which not only faces the parties, but also the judiciary at all times. 20、在由意志而不是由法律行使统治的地方没有正义可言。 There is no justice where will, not law, governs. 21、最好的法律从习惯产生。 The best laws e from habit. 22、法律与利益同在,依法与文明同行。 Law and interests coexist, and go with civilization according to law. 23、以无情的目光论事,以慈悲的目光看人。 Talk about things with a ruthless eye and look at people with a passionate eye. 24、法,国之权衡也,时之准绳也。 Law is the balance of the state and the criterion of the times. 25、没有人不受法律制约,没有人不受法律保护。 No one is not subject to legal restrictions, no one is not protected by law. 26、洁身自好,方能不失自我;公正执法,方显法官本色。 Only by being clean and self-serving can we lose ourselves; only by enforcing the law impartially can we show the nature of judges. 27、法是一套权威性的审判指南或者基础。 Law is an authoritative set of judicial guidelines or basis. 28、一切法律的总目标一般是或应该是全面增进社会幸福。 The general goal of all laws is, or should be, to promote social well-being in an all-round way. 29、法理学问题的核心是道德原则问题,而不是法律事实或战术问题。 The core of jurisprudence is the issue of moral principles, not of legal facts or tactics. 30、滥施极刑从来没有使人改恶从善。 The indiscriminate use of capital punishment has never changed people from evil to good. 31、法律的真正目的是诱导那些受法律支配的人求得他们自我的德行。 The real purpose of law is to induce those who are governed by law to seek their own virtue. 32、法律职业的社会地位是一个民族礼貌的标志。 The social status of legal profession is a sign of national politeness. 33、普遍的道德是社会的基础,普遍的良心是法律的基础。 Universal morality is the foundation of society, and universal conscience is the foundation of law. 34、在法庭上,只有证据,没有事实。 In court, there is only evidence and no facts. 35、程序是法治和恣意而治的分水岭。 Procedure is the watershed beeen the rule of law and arbitrary governance. 36、法令者,民之命也,为治之本也。 The decree, the people"s life, is also the foundation of governance. 37、法律地在暴力面前是没有发言权的。 Legally, there is no voice in the face of violence. 38、法律是最保险的头盔。 Law is the safest helmet. 39、法分明,则贤不得夺不肖,强不得侵弱,众不得暴寡。 If the law is clear, the virtuous must not be overtaken, the strong must not invade the weak, and the mon people must not be outrageous. 40、法律解释所关注的核心是法律的目的和结构,而非法律的语词。 The core of legal interpretation is the purpose and structure of law, not the words of law. 41、法律应该是铁的,像铁锁那样。 The law should be iron, like an iron lock. 42、法庭的威严由国徽赋予,法官的威严由公正铸就。 The dignity of the court is conferred by the emblem, and the dignity of the judge is cast by justice. 43、法立于上则俗成于下。 The law stands on the top while the law is vulgar on the bottom.
2023-07-29 20:19:391

英文高手,请问talkative 为什么不是talkactive 呢,可不可以解释给我知道为什么

...因为talkactive 这个词不存在
2023-07-29 20:20:132


Ten, the dispute disputes Both sides in the performance of this contract dispute arising from or in connection shall be amicably settled through negotiation. If no settlement can be reached through friendly negotiations, then shall the plaintiff local people"s court A lawsuit. Eleven, other 1. Such as Korea needs of customers to direct or indirect way to party a or inquiry Put forward purchase intention, party a shall timely notifies berthing to party b. The other party didn"t admit Is Korea needs to provide relevant proof material, merchants and party a confirmed, After leaving evidence, party a shall be entitled to sale to third parties and is unaffected by this contract constraint. 2 party a shall ensure distribution to the quality of the products, and obtain authoritative department of SGS inspection report Accuse files. 3. Such as the national government, party a has the right to trade between according to its authorized by party a"s government concerned 4. Direct trade, and not under this contract constraint. 5. Unpredicted matters both the parties shall conclude a written supplement agreement. The supplementary agreement with this Contract the same legal effect. 6. Party b shall show has sales skills and the legitimate business, asset proof, etc Files as appendix of this contract.
2023-07-29 20:20:244


2023-07-29 20:21:161


it"s said that
2023-07-29 20:21:404

三国演义,三国志 既英文系咩 (10分)

三国演义 Romance of the Three Kingdoms Romance of the Three Kingdoms (Traditional Chinese: 三国演义; Simplified Chinese: 三国演义; pinyin: sānguó yǎnyì) written by Luó Guànzhōng in the 14th century is a Chinese historical novel based upon events in the turbulent years near the end of the Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms period (220–280). It is acclaimed as one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature. en. *** /wiki/Romance_of_the_Three_Kingdoms The Records of Three Kingdoms The Records of Three Kingdoms (Chinese: 三国志/三国志; Wade-Giles: Sanguo Chih) is the official and authoritative historical text on the period of Three Kingdoms covering from 189 to 280 that was posed by Chen Shou in the 3rd century. The work collects the *** aller histories of the rival states Wei Shu and Wu of the Three Kingdoms into a single text and provided the basis for the later more popular historical novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms in the 14th century. en. *** /wiki/Records_of_Three_Kingdoms 三国演义 Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三国志 Historical records of the Three Kingdoms 由于三国志只系一本史书 所以无特定ge书名 可以咁叫佢 参考: 自己
2023-07-29 20:21:471


从英语解释上面是很容易区分的command- have authoritative or peremptory order;dominate from a superior height. 指的是命令,自上而下,有强制的意味。request-politely or formally ask for 是礼貌的,较为正式的请求。require-if you are required to do something or someone requires you to do it, you have to do it because it is a rule or someone insist that you do it. 被要求,必须demand-if you demand something, you ask for it very forcifully. 非常强硬的要求
2023-07-29 20:21:561

邮件头里 X-MS-Exchange-Organization字段代表什么意思

权限组名称 关联的安全主体 (SID) 授予的权限 匿名 匿名用户帐户 Ms-Exch-SMTP-Submit Ms-Exch-SMTP-Accept-Any-Sender Ms-Exch-SMTP-Accept-Authoritative-Domain-Sender Ms-Exch-Accept-Headers-Routing ExchangeUsers 通过身份验证的用户帐户 Ms-Exch-SMTP-Submit Ms-Exch-SMTP-Accept-Any-Recipient Ms-Exch-Bypass-Anti-Spam Ms-Exch-Accept-Headers-Routing ExchangeServers 集线器传输服务器 边缘传输服务器 Exchange 服务器(仅限集线器传输服务器) 外部安全服务器 Ms-Exch-SMTP-Submit Ms-Exch-SMTP-Accept-Any-Sender Ms-Exch-SMTP-Accept-Any-Recipient Ms-Exch-Accept-Authoritative-Domain-Sender Ms-Exch-Bypass-Anti-Spam Ms-Exch-SMTP-Accept-Authentication-Flag Ms-Exch-Bypass-Message-Size-Limit Ms-Exch-Accept-Headers-Routing Ms-Exch-Accept-Exch50 Ms-Exch-Accept-Headers-Organization(注意:未对外部安全服务器授予此权限。) Ms-Exch-Accept-Headers-Forest(注意:未对外部安全服务器授予此权限。) ExchangeLegacyServers Exchange 旧版 Interop 安全组 Ms-Exch-SMTP-Submit Ms-Exch-SMTP-Accept-Any-Sender Ms-Exch-SMTP-Accept-Any-Recipient Ms-Exch-Accept-Authoritative-Domain-Sender Ms-Exch-Bypass-Anti-Spam Ms-Exch-SMTP-Accept-Authentication-Flag Ms-Exch-Bypass-Message-Size-Limit Ms-Exch-Accept-Headers-Routing Ms-Exch-Accept-Exch50 合作伙伴 合作伙伴服务器帐户 Ms-Exch-SMTP-Submit Ms-Exch-Accept-Headers-Routing
2023-07-29 20:22:271


  “没有人有耐心听你讲完自己的 故事 ,因为每个人都有自己的话要说;没有人喜欢听你抱怨生活,因为每个人都有自己的苦痛;世人多半寂寞,这世界愿意倾听,习惯沉默的人,难得几个。我再也不想对别人提起自己的过往,那些挣扎在梦魇中的寂寞,荒芜,还是交给时间,慢慢淡漠。”——几米   Studies have shown it takes a physician about 18 seconds to interrupt a patient after they begin talking.   研究证明,医患开始交谈后,医生会在大概18秒后打断病人的谈话。   It was Sunday. I had one last patient to see. I approached her room in a hurry and stood at the doorway. She was an older woman, sitting at the edge of the bed, struggling to put socks on her swollen feet. I crossed the threshold, spoke quickly to the nurse, scanned her chart noting she was in stable condition. I was almost in the clear.   那是一个周日,我要去见最后一位病人。我匆匆忙忙地走向她的病房,站到了门口。病人是位老妇人,此时她正坐在床沿上努力为自己浮肿的双脚穿上袜子。我跨进屋,快速和护士进行了交流,然后看了看病人的病历表。根据表格上的记录,她目前状况稳定。一套程序下来,我几乎没遇到什么困难。   I leaned on the bedrail looking down at her. She asked if I could help put on her socks. Instead, I launched into a monologue that went   something like this: “How are you feeling? Your sugars and blood pressure were high but theyu2019re better today. The nurse mentioned youu2019re anxious to see your son whou2019s visiting you today. Itu2019s nice to have family visit from far away. I bet you really look forward to seeing him.”  我倚在床栏上低头看着她。她问我是否可以帮她把袜子穿上,我没有回答,而是自顾自地说起来:“你感觉怎么样?你的血糖和血压以前有点高,不过今天好多了。你的儿子今天要来看你,护士说你非常想见他。有家人远道来看望自己真是不错。我相信你真的很渴望见到他。”大概就是这类话。   She stopped me with a stern, authoritative voice. “Sit down, doctor. This is my story, not your story.”   她用一种严厉、命令性的口气将我打断:“大夫,坐下来。这是我的事儿,不是你的。”   I was surprised and embarrassed. I sat down. I helped her with the socks. She began to tell me that her only son lived around the corner from her, but she had not seen him in five years. She believed that the stress of this contributed greatly to her health problems. After   hearing her story and putting on her socks, I asked if there was anything else I could do for her. She shook her head no and smiled. All she wanted me to do was to listen.   我既惊讶又尴尬。我坐了下来,帮她穿袜子。她告诉我,她的独生子就住在她家附近,但她已经有五年没见到儿子了。她相信,这件事给她的压力很大程度上加重了她的病情。听完她的故事并帮她穿上袜子后,我问她,我还能为她做些什么。她摇了摇头表示没有,然后笑了起来。她要让我做的全部事情就是听她讲故事。   Each story is different. Some are detailed; others are vague. Some have a beginning, middle and end. Others wander without a clear conclusion. Some are true; others not. Yet all those things do not really matter. What matters to the storyteller is that the story is heard u2013 without interruption, assumption or judgment.   每个故事都是不同的。有些故事详细,有些却模糊;有些故事有开始、经过和结果,有些则天马行空,没有明确的结论;有些故事是真实的,而有些不是。不过,这些要素都不是最重要的。对讲述者来说,真正重要的是,这个故事要有人去倾听——不要打断,不要臆断,也不要去评价。   Listening to someoneu2019s story costs less than expensive diagnostic testing but is key to healing and diagnosis.   去听别人讲故事比进行昂贵的诊断测试成本低得多,但它却是治疗和诊断的关键。   I often thought of what that woman taught me, and I reminded myself of the importance of stopping, sitting down and truly listening.   And, not long after, in an unexpected twist, I became the patient, with a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis at age 31. Now, 20 years later, I sit all the time u2013 in a wheelchair.   我经常去琢磨,那个老妇人究竟让我懂得了什么。放下自己的想法,坐下来真诚地倾听,我提醒自己要铭记这样做的重要性。而就在那次会面过去不久后,事情发生了意想不到的大扭转——我被确诊患上了多发性硬化症,成了一名病人。那年我31岁。   如今,20年过去了,我需要一直坐着——坐在轮椅中。   For as long as I could, I continued to see patients from my chair, but I had to resign when my hands were affected. I still teach med students and other health care professionals, but now from the perspective of physician and patient.   我曾尽自己所能,继续坐在轮椅上去看病人,但当我的双手也出现症状后,我不得不选择退休。如今我仍然为医科学生和其他医疗专业人员上课,但现在不仅仅是站在医生的角度——还有病人的角度。   I tell them I believe in the power of listening. I tell them I know firsthand that immeasurable healing takes place within me when someone   stops, sits down and listens to my story.   我跟他们说,我相信倾听是味良药。我告诉他们,我亲身体会到,当有人停下自己的事,坐下来聆听你的故事时,会在你的身体里产生无法估量的治愈力。双语美文:倾听是一剂良药相关 文章 : 1. 双语美文:生活中必修的人生法则 2. Pure English :寻找内心那一泓清泉 3. Pen of Life 人生之笔 4. 今天不必以往:如何不断超越自我 5. Gloriau2019s picture 天使的照片 6. 双语美文:生活中必修的人生法则
2023-07-29 20:22:361


India"s annual traditional festival, Holi. It will include a banquet-off disease, the flame burning and color smearing of the celebration, it is also known as the color section (Festival of Colors). The most interesting celebration in the form of a color that is applied, it will be similar to water by hand or tools to a variety of color coated paint other people, also Chinese translation of this festival has become a sprinkling red section, as long as it is a transfer of the well-being, In the past because of the use of pollen and other natural materials to make Paosa dye, contained in the pollen of these medicines are good for the skin and in the winter and spring seasons at the turn of the illness can be easy to a certain extent, the prevention of illness. Now has enough natural materials, industrial products began to be replaced. Vice good legend Holi is India"s oldest festivals. Holi festival on the origins, there are several different non-governmental. A statement of the view that the Indians in the spring as the god Eros partner, every spring, Venus come, people go out to be Ta-Qing, the heterosexual germination of love, fun way to be close to each other. The second argument is that in the spring to create a beautiful color, Chaziyanhong the colorful world of grain in the coming year is a harbinger of strong growth, Holi festival breeds good harvest and hope. However, most people believe is an authoritative, Holi festival originated from India"s famous epic "Mahabharata." Legend has it the king used to have a non-tyrannical, arrogant, even the gods are not paid. One day, the tyrant of the National announced that people are not allowed to mention the name of God, a nation can only worship him, or else be severely punished. Prince god is a true believer. He publicly opposed his father, the god of piety is still unabated. As a result, the tyrant Prince of hatred, to do everything possible to frame him. It is the tyrant Prince pushed under the lofty cliffs, but the prince has not killed. Later, another tyrant life elephant trampled to death prince did not succeed. Sister tyrant by the name of Holi, had a fear of fire to bless the gods, let tyrants Holi clinging to the prince jumped into the burning fire, burned to death in an attempt to Prince. Shu Liao, Prince unscathed, Holi has died in the flames. When the prince out of the fire, people spend seven to Prince color pink to express their tribute to the good and hate evil. Each year it will be a pile of firewood Dui Cheng, a symbol of evil trend of Holi, its burning. It is said that during this period, people can say loud bad language, and even curse, that"s bad for the cast aside. Carefully to stimulate the skin pigment India a vast, all over the Holi festival to celebrate the practice. In the north for the holidays, in addition to giving away pink color, women, but also armed with wooden clubs Zhuida man, who can not fight back. In Rajasthan, people will be flooded拧成一股绳clothes to beat. Hindu holy places in Varanasi, one watering each other, and then took to the streets in large numbers, wanton and curse loudly. In the vast rural areas, Holi festival is more lively, sometimes before and after more than a month to celebrate. When the holidays, many farmers armed with wooden poles painted the colors jump Jiti Wu. In Bihar and other places, farmers also sing praise spring Holi festival song of friendship with each other off mud, cow dung to vote. Now, Holi festival has evolved into a people"s resentment and misunderstanding, let bygones be bygones and return to good holiday. Indians over the last Holi festival, from the plant is used to extract the natural pigment, so it does not hurt, get the skin color of the two or three days later, on the nature disappeared. Today, the market there were a lot of chemical pigments, these pigments found in James, and even easier to skin irritation caused by burns. Therefore the holidays, people who have bad skin can be more careful. People celebrate Holi festival, the shy girl also shows naughty side. The more colors on the face, the more beautiful.
2023-07-29 20:22:592


When we choose to give the main information in a clause as a noun phrase rather than as a verb this is called Nominalisation.1.Nominalisation in written EnglishIn spoken English we usually use a subject + verb to describe an event .In formal Written Language we use language that is less personal , so we often use a noun form instead of a verb . The written scientific account describes the same reaction like this :Following a bee sting the normal reaction is redness , irritation and itching.In the spoken example the events are expressed by verbs (go red ). In the written examples the events have been changed into nouns (redness) . Notice that the only verb in written examples is the none action verb be.We can also change some adjectives to nouns. Compare:The cathedral is tall and can be seen from all over the town.The cathedral"s height makes it visible all over the town.The common differences between spoken and written English are :A.Spoken:action or events are expressed as verbs;events happen to people or are carried out by people ;personal pronouns are used as subjects;verbs are often action or event verbs;B.Written:actions or events may be expressed as nouns or noun phrases;events are expressed impersonally;nouns used as subjects;verbs are often not action or event verbs ;sentences have a lot of vocabulary words;2.Reasons for using NominalisationMake texts impersonal and authoritativeBy turning actions into nouns we make the text sound less personal and more authoritative.We don"t use personal pronouns as much .Compare :Following a bee sting the normal reaction is burning pain ,redness , irritation and itching . In this situation there may be swelling in the area around the bite .Then really quickly my foot began to go red and swell up . It just got bigger and bigger .It itched a bit too . I was really surprised by how much it hurts .ADDING INFORMATION:Nominalisation is particularly useful for Academic Written Task 1 because we can do several things to add information to nouns in English:count : the two charts;describe: the two coloured charts ;classify: the two coloured bar charts;We can not do the same with verbs. It is only by changing verbs into nouns that we can add information words to a text in such a concise way .Avoiding repetition:We can use nominalisation to avoid repetition when we want to refer back to a previously mentioned idea.Nominalisation can also be used to paraphrase what has been said. In IELTS listening and reading tests different words are used in the texts and the questions .
2023-07-29 20:23:092


1、人民就应为法律而战斗,就像为了城墙而战斗一样。 The people should fight for the law, just as they fight for the city wall. 2、法律不负杀人的责任,也就像这责任不应该使枪刀担负一个样。 The law is not responsible for homicide, just as the responsibility should not be imposed on guns and knives. 3、有两种和平的暴力,那就是法律和礼节。 There are o kinds of peaceful violence: law and etiquette. 4、法律源于人的自卫本能。 Law originates from man"s instinct of self-defence. 5、立法者三句修改的话,全部藏书就会变成废纸。 If the legislator amends three sentences, the whole collection of books will bee waste paper. 6、法无授权不得为,法无禁止不得罚。 No law can do without authorization, no law can prohibit and no penalty can be imposed. 7、自由不是无限制的自由,自由是一种能做法律许可的任何事的权力。 Freedom is not unlimited freedom. Freedom is a power that can do anything permitted by law. 8、一个国家如果纲纪不正,其国风必须颓败。 If a country"s outline and discipline are not correct, its national style must be decadent. 9、法律就是秩序,有好的法律才有好的秩序。 Law is order, good law is good order. 10、有理智的人在一般法律体系中生活比在无拘无束的孤独中更为自由。 Reasonable people are more free to live in the general legal system than in unrestrained solitude. 11、法律是人类为了共同利益,由人类智慧遵循人类经验所做出的最后成果。 Law is the final result of human being"s following human experience by human wisdom for mon interests. 12、我不同意你说的话,但是我愿意誓死捍卫你说话的权利。 I disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. 13、人们嘴上挂着的法律,其真实含义是财富。 The real meaning of law hanging on people"s lips is wealth. 14、法律因罪恶而发展,并且惩办罪恶。 The law develops because of sin and punishes it. 15、人类法律,事物有规律,这是不容忽视的。 Human law, things are regular, which can not be ignored. 16、举证职责之所在,即败诉之所在。 The burden of proof lies in losing the lawsuit. 17、法律一旦成为人们的需要,人们就不再配享受自由了。 Once the law bees people"s need, people are no longer entitled to enjoy freedom. 18、法律吸吮穷人的膏血,而富人却掌握着权柄。 The law sucks the blood of the poor, while the rich hold power. 19、法律如果不讲道理,即使延续时刻再长,也还是没有制约力的。 If the law is unreasonable, even if it lasts for a long time, it still has no restriction. 20、法律一多,公正就少。 More laws, less justice. 21、在我这儿没有金钱能打通的关节,只有公正的法律。 There are no joints that money can get through to me, only just laws. 22、法律和制度务必跟上人类思想进步。 Law and system must keep up with the progress of human thought. 23、在民法慈母般的眼神中,每个人就是整个国家。 In the motherly eyes of civil law, everyone is the whole country. 24、法者,因此禁民为非而使其迁善远罪也。 The law-abiding people, therefore, are guilty of removing the good for the wrong. 25、自由是一种必须有其自己的权威、纪律以及制约性的生活方式。 Freedom is a way of life that must have its own authority, discipline and restriction. 26、犯罪总是以惩罚相补偿;只有处罚才能使犯罪得到偿还。 Crime is always pensated by punishment; only punishment can make the crime repaid. 27、一项法律越是在它的理解者那里以恶行为前提,那么它本身就越好。 The more a law presupposes evil behavior to its understanders, the better it is. 28、所谓人的法律,我是指生活的一种方策,使性命与国家皆得安全。 The so-called human law, I mean a way of life, so that life and the country are safe. 29、战鼓一响,法律无声。 When the drum sounds, the law is silent. 30、法律之内,应有天理人情在。 Within the law, there should be justice and humanity. 31、法令者,因此抑暴扶弱,欲其难犯而易避也。 Legislators, therefore, restrain violence and support weakness, so they can easily avoid it if they want to be difficult to mit crimes. 32、自由就是做法律许可范围内的事情的权利。 Freedom is the right to do what is permitted by law. 33、好法律是由坏风俗创造出来的。 Good laws are created by bad customs. 34、水者火之备,法者止奸之禁也。 It is forbidden for the law to stop *** ery if water is ready for fire. 35、如果法律没有恐惧支撑,它绝不能生效。 If the law is not supported by fear, it will never e into force. 36、法律的真谛,就是没有绝对的自由,更没有绝对的平等。 The essence of law is that there is no absolute freedom, let alone absolute equality. 37、法律是一种强制性秩序。 Law is a pulsory order. 38、带来安定的是两种力量:法律和礼貌。 There are o forces that bring stability: law and courtesy. 39、法律不能使人人平等,但是在法律面前人人是平等的。 The law cannot make everyone equal, but everyone is equal before the law. 40、法律只但是是咱们意志的记录。 Law is but the record of our will. 41、有多少罪孽就会有多少法律。 There are as many crimes as there are laws. 42、法是一套权威性的审判指南或者基础。 Law is an authoritative set of judicial guidelines or basis. 43、法律地在暴力面前是没有发言权的。 Legally, there is no voice in the face of violence. 44、法律有权打破平静。 The law has the right to break the peace.
2023-07-29 20:23:271


2023-07-29 20:23:406


使用: apply | use | wear | make use of | employ | appliance我使用这个词是出于疏忽。 I used this word from carelessness. 《新英汉大辞典》我们强烈反对使用核武器。 We deplore the use of nuclear weapons. 《21世纪大英汉词典》你如果能正确和有效地使用一个字, 你就了解它了。 If you can use a word correctly and effectively, you comprehend it. 《新英汉大辞典》你使用英国拼法还是美国拼法? Do you use English or American spelling(s)? 《新英汉大辞典》您因该使用哪一个呢? Which one should you use?使用它们能做什么? What do you use them for?你们必须知道如何使用它们。 You should know how to use them.可是,如果你真的决定使用它,你会用来做什么呢? But if you do decide to use it, what would you do with it?应该使用哪一种格式? Which one should I use?我们每天都会用到自控力,但是有些人比其他人更善于使用它们。 We all use it every day, but some of us use it more skillfully than others.因此他们使用互联网来达到(这个目的). So they use the Internet to do that.但是,像所有工具一样,必须知道如何使用它。 But, as with all tools, you have to know when to use it.那是您 应该使用的。 That is what you should use.因此我不推荐使用它们。 Therefore, I recommend against using them.如果愿意您也可以直接使用这个函数。 You can use it by itself if you like.我应该使用哪些特性? Which features should I use?它们中没有一款应用程序可以让你使用它们的程序来像这样来实际做新闻报道。 However, neither it nor any of the others allow you to use their app to actually do reporting like this.我如何知道我应当使用这些工件的哪一个? How do I know which one of these artifacts I should use?那么,应该使用哪种方法呢? So, which approach should you use?你会使用他们吗——用来做什么呢? Would you use them - and for what?或者你过去有使用过梵语吗? Or have you used them in the past?因此 我们可以使用它们? So we can use them?谁应该使用这个工具箱? Who should use the toolkit?因此,您可以认为,它不应该使用适配器。 You can assume, therefore, that it should not use adapters.对于某些国家地区的人们来说,这些将成为他们首次使用,或者是唯一的应用程序。 For some of the world, these will be the first or the only applications they use.我的意思是你可以使用它,但不要把它当作权威。 Except,I mean,you could use it, but not use it as authoritative.所以在实践中我们怎么使用它呢? So how might we use this in practice?是否要使用它呢? Should you use it?你使用什么样的搜索引擎,什么情况下会使用? What do you use and in what circumstances do you use it?你使用的触发器是什么,为什么要使用它们? What are the triggers you use and why do you use them?
2023-07-29 20:23:571


2023-07-29 20:21:131

全职猎人 中的揍敌客家族 介绍一下?

分类: 娱乐/明星 >> 动漫 问题描述: 越详细越好 不详细不给分呵呵 解析: 揍敌客家族资料 ※ 揍敌客家族共有10人,分别为曾祖父,祖父母,父母,和五个兄弟,都居住于枯枯戮山,世世代代都是暗杀家族,其成员照片就有近1亿元的价值。※ 上面说了揍敌客家族里有五个兄弟,但实际出场的只有四个,其实揍敌客家小孩的名字是连续的,从老大到小五的名字依次为: ィルミ,ミルキ,キルア,アルカ,カルト (他们家生的孩子真是每一个都个性十足啊,根本看不出来是一个爹妈生出来的) 曾祖父:马哈.揍敌客 日文名:マハ ゾルディック 罗马拼音:MAHHA.ZAOLDYECK 出生地:巴托奇亚共和国出身 身高:140cm 体重:65Kg 血型:A型 祖父:桀诺.揍敌客 日文名:ゼノ ゾルディック 罗马拼音:ZENO.ZAOLDYECK 出生地:巴托奇亚共和国出身 身高:161cm 体重:58Kg 血型:A型 爸爸:席巴.揍敌客 日文名:シルバ ゾルディック 罗马拼音:SILLVA.ZAOLDYECK(名字又作Sylvia……黑线……是女子名啊……) 出生地:巴托奇亚共和国出身 身高:198cm 体重:110Kg 血型:A型 妈妈:基裘 日文名:キキョウ ゾルディック 罗马拼音:KKKYAU 出生地:流星街 身高:170cm 体重:47Kg 血型:A型 大哥:伊耳谜.揍敌客 日文名:イルミ ゾルディック 罗马拼音:YELLMI.ZAOLDYECK(名字又作Illumi、Irumi) 出生地:巴托奇亚共和国出身 身高:185cm 体重:68Kg 血型:A型 二哥:糜稽.揍敌客 日文名:ミルキ ゾルディック 罗马拼音:MYLLKI.ZAOLDYECK 出生地:巴托奇亚共和国出身 身高:182cm 体重:141Kg 血型:A型 三哥:奇犽·揍敌客 英文名:KILLUA ZAOLDYECK 日文名:キルア ゾルディック 念能力:变化系 出生日期-7月7日 年龄:12岁 出生地:巴托奇亚共和国登托拉地区的枯戮山 身高:158cm 体重:45kg 血型:A型 性格:冷酷孤僻,随着心情的变化而说谎 声优:三桥加奈子 五弟:柯特.揍敌客 日文名:カルト ゾルディック 罗马拼音:KALLTT.ZAOLDYECK 出生地:巴托奇亚共和国出身 身高:150cm 体重:31Kg 血型:A型 奇犽家的执行长(总管) 日文名:ゴトー 英文名:GOTO 中文名:梧桐 出生地:流星街 身高:182 体重:61Kg 血型:A型 揍敌克家族象著名的吸血鬼德克拉家族一样拥有巨大阴森的、坐落在深山密林中的古堡。而且是当地的旅游景点!(汗)可以说是具有传奇色彩的家族。上自奇亚的祖父、父亲,下到管家、见习生,都有杀人的绝活。杀人这项家族事业代代相传,奇亚就是天赋极高的下代继承人人选。 祖父桀诺(ゼノ)是格斗漫画中常见的反派高手老头形象。经验丰富、内功(念力)深厚。其对杀人生意的态度完全就是个精明商人的模样。真是到了化境了。 父亲席巴(シルバ)的形象让人想起幽白中幽助的父亲。当然后者更强大一些,精神境界也高(毕竟是老妖怪了,汗)。席巴放奇亚去找朋友们的时候我总觉得他说的话另有深意:先是一个开明父亲的形象,说奇亚可以作他想做的事,觉得累了也随时可以回家;又以血为誓让奇亚发誓绝对不会背叛朋友。可是后来他对奇亚的母亲说:“总有一天他会回来的,就算走到天涯海角,他也不会找到适合他生存的地方。因为他是我的儿子。”种种暗示奇亚会克制不住自己想与小冈一较高下的想法,做出背叛朋友的事来。席巴本人当初是否也有类似的遭遇呢?天生杀手注定是孤独的。不过我相信奇亚!相信他和小冈的友谊是经的住考验的! 母亲机巧(キキョウ)好像水平不怎么着。形象类似志志雄。有消息说她来自流星街。 大哥伊耳密(イルミ,声优:高乃丽)也是很有意思的人物。使用类似磁针的东西使人的外形改变。考猎人执照时他就变装成了个奇型怪状的家伙ギタラクル。他平时的样子其实满帅的,一头飘逸的黑色长发……。不过他的眼神就透出一股完全冷漠的诡异气息,黑黑的瞳仁没有一丝光彩——想到封神里的申公豹了吧?伊耳密的实力很强,他的念能力给奇亚造成强大的压迫感。 二哥米奇(ミルキ)杀人技术也不怎么样(明显不是奇亚对手),对电脑网络之类高科技相当熟悉(汗,电脑狂人的形象似乎都不怎么样。飒姬除外)。又懒又馋又神经质,不过奇亚有时也得求助于他。 小弟嘉露特(カルト)出场很少,沉默冷淡的在一旁注视着事情的发展。希望以后有更多表现机会。(看来跟我同样愿望的读者不少。GI中她也被安排露了一下小脸。作为取代西索,成为幻影旅团的4号成员,嘉露特的能力不容小觑呢) 出场很少的管家梧桐(ゴトー)先生在日、台也有出人意料的人气呢。也许因为他是个外在冷淡、内心温柔的人吧。
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JILL篇-第一期收起JILL篇-第一期JILL篇-第二期JILL篇-第三期JILL篇-第四期JILL篇-第五期CHRIS篇-第一期CHRIS篇-第二期CHRIS篇-第三期CHRIS篇-第四期今天小编继续带大家膜拜大神,下面是《生化危机1》原始版ZENO新世界最速纪录视频,一起来看看吧。1. 版权属ZENO个人所有,芸梦馆只负责二次制作。2. 机种为PS2 SCPH-77000设置高速模式。之前的PS2高速条件的生化危机1 TA已经没有任何影像资料。具体成绩:JILL 01:03:32 (时隔5年居然打出了一模一样的时间,已经是JILL篇的极限了么?)Chris 00:58:04 (打破了09年ZENO自己的纪录,时间缩短了102秒)PLAYER: ZENO KIMURA (木村ゼノ) 完成日 2013年5月5日オリジナル版です。PS1:9:26はアップしてますが PS2高速はどこにもアップしていません。一_、_机世界最速です。ディレクタ_ズカット版は_み_みが速いので1:01:40くらい出てた_がします。原生版生一。虽然比PS1版缩短了9分26秒之多,但是和5年前的PS2高速纪录相比没有任何改变。当之无愧的实机世界最速。如果是导演剪辑版的话预计应该可以在1小时01分40秒左右完成。向世界上最早诞生的生化危机致敬JILL篇-第一期
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做行李箱起家。总的来说,就是深厚的团队基础,精湛的专业技术,宏厚的资金,还有,一个背景很重要。明白了吧。这是社会发展的产物,当财富积累到一定程度的时候,奢侈品就应运而生。法国的路易威登也就是我们所说的LV是法国的贵族品牌,做行李箱起家,其中箱包最为出名。(法国LV是最喜欢中国人的,因为中国的一些有钱人一到法国后买包就是一口气10个的买,消费能力相当强。) 德国,毫无疑问就是我们所说的BOSS HUGO BOSS 。
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生物多样性是地球上生命经过几十亿年发展进化的结果,是人类赖以生存的物质基础。1992年在巴西当时的首都里约热内卢召开的联合国环境与发展大会上,153个国家签署了《保护生物多样性公约》。 生物多样性是地球上生命经过几十亿年发展进化的结果,是人类赖以生存的物质基础。为了保护全球的生物多样性,1992年在巴西当时的首都里约热内卢召开的联合国环境与发展大会上,153个国家签署了《保护生物多样性公约》。1994年12月,联合国大会通过决议,将每年的12月29日定为“国际生物多样性日”,以提高人们对保护生物多样性重要性的认识。2001年将每年12月29日改为5月22日。联合国环境署于1988年11月召开生物多样性特设专家工作组会议,探讨一项生物多样性国际公约的必要性。1989年5月建立了技术和法律特设专家工作组,拟订一个保护和可持续利用生物多样性的国际法律文书。到1991年2月,该特设工作组被称为政府间谈判委员会。1992年5月内罗毕会议通过了《生物多样性公约协议文本》。《公约》于1992年6月5日联合国环境与发展大会期间开放签字,并于1993年12月29日生效。缔约国第一次会议1994年11月在巴哈马召开,会议建议12月29日即《公约》生效的日子为“国际生物多样性日”。同时,联大敦促联合国秘书长和联合国环境规划署执行主任,从各个方面采取必要措施,以期确保国际生物多样性日活动的连续如期举行。2001年5月17日,根据第55届联合国大会第201号决议,国际生物多样性日改为每年5月22日。国际生物多化日(International Biodiversity Day) 国际生物多样化日宣传联合国环境署于1988年11月召开生物多样性特设专家工作组会议,探讨一项生物多样性国际公约的必要性。1989年年5月建立了技术和法律特设专家工作组,拟订一个保护和可持续利用生物多样性的国际法律文书。到1991年2月,该特设工作组被称为政府间谈判委员会。1992年5月内罗毕会议通过了《生物多样性公约协议文本》。《公约》于1992年6月5日联合国环境与发展大会期间开放签字,并于1993年12月29日生效。缔约国第一次会议1994年11月在巴哈马召开,会议建议12月29日即《公约》生效的日子为“国际生物多样性日”。同时,联大敦促联合国秘书长和联合国环境规划署执行主任,从各个方面采取必要措施,以期确保国际生物多样性日活动的连续如期举行。2001年5月17日,根据第55届联合国大会第201号决议,国际生物多样性日改为每年5月22日。生物多样性受威胁的主要原因:1、大面积森林采伐、火烧和农垦;2、草地过度放牧和垦殖;3、生物资源的过度利用;4、工业化和城市化的发展;5、外来物种的大量引进或侵入;6、无控制的旅游;7、污染;8、全球变暖;9、各种干扰的累加效应。编辑本段重要作用2005年1月24日,以“生物多样性、科学与管理”为主题、为期5天的生物多样性国际会议在法国巴黎举行。联合国秘书长安南在开幕式上向会议发去致词,呼吁尚未批准《生物多样性公约》及其议定书的国家尽快予以批准。安南在致词中说,生物多样性是人类生命支柱之一,对稳定气候和恢复土壤起着重要作用,是人类实现可持续发展和联合国千年发展目标的重要保障。安南说,目前,国际社会对生物多样性的重视还不够,许多不可持续的生产和消费方式以及人类的社会和经济活动使生物多样性正遭受前所未有的破坏。安南希望各国提高对生物多样性重要性的认识,呼吁尚未批准《生物多样性公约》及其议定书的国家尽快行动起来。他强调,保护生物多样性不仅是政府的责任,也是国际机构、非政府组织、私营企业乃至所有人的责任,基层社区积极参与尤其重要。联合国环境规划署高级顾问沙伊指出,生物多样性是可持续发展的基础,保护生物多样性以及生态系统,对经济发展、消除贫困、水土保持和污染控制都有帮助。他说,全球生物多样性每年产生的价值约在3万亿美元左右,而整体的生态系统每年经济效益则高达33万亿美元,几乎与全球国民生产总值相当。因此,保护这一多样性生态体系对人类的生存至关重要。科学家指出,人们对生物多样性概念有许多误解,这不是一个关于野兽和植物的简单概念,而是一个事关人类生活质量和发展质量的重要概念。编辑本段公约1992年,在巴西里约热内卢召开了由各国首脑参加的最大规模的联合国环境与发展大会,在此次“地球峰会”上,签署了一系列有历史意义的协议和两项具有约束力的协议,《生物多样性公约》为其 中之一。《生物多样性公约》是第一项生物多样性保护和可持续利用的全球协议,获得了各国快速和广泛的接纳,150多个国家在里约大会上即签署了该文件。此后共187个国家批准了该协议。为纪念2005年5.22国际生物多样性日,《生物多样性公约》秘书处发出呼吁: 《生物多样性公约》的目标是按照公约有关条款从事保护生物多样性、持续利用其组成部分以及公平合理分享由利用遗传资源而产生的惠益。实施手段包括遗传资源的适当取得及有关技术的适当转让,但需顾及对这些资源和技术的一切权利,以及提供适当资金。 在国际生物多样性日这一天,作为生物多样性公约缔约方的187个国家政府和欧盟请你每天尽自己的一份力,保护生物多样性,以可持续的方式利用生物多样性、并公平地分享利用生物多样性所获得的惠益。生物多样性是活生物体及其所构成的生态综合体的变异性。生物界的多姿多彩使地球变成独特的可栖息之地,并提供了大量维持生命所需的产品和服务。生物多样性对于人类安康和人民的生计及文化 完整性必不可少。因此,生物多样性是我们世界的生命保障,并在保护生命和确保生命对变化所带来的压力具有恢复力发挥着重要作用。针对人类活动造成的前所未有的生物多样性丧失的状况,《生物多样性公约》各缔约方承诺到2010年在全球、区域和国家层次上大幅降低目前生物多样性丧失的速度,以此为减轻贫困并造福于地球上所有的生命作出贡献。编辑本段历年主题2001年为“生物多样性与外来入侵物种管理”(Biodiversity and Management of Invasive Alien Species)2002年为“林业生物多样性”(Forest Biodiversity)2003年为 “生物多样性和减贫-对可持续发展的挑战” (Biodiversity and poverty alleviation - challenges for sustainable development) 2004年为“生物多样性:全人类食物、水和健康的保障” (Biodiversity:food, water and health for all) 2005年为“生物多样性——变化世界的生命保障”2006年,联合国将其确定为“国际沙漠和荒漠化年”。作为对此的响应,生物多样性公约于1月9日宣布,5月22日的国际生物多样性日将以“保护干旱地区的生物多样性”为主题。2007年为“生物多样性与气候变化”2008年为“生物多样性与农业”2009年为“外来入侵物种”2010年主题为“生物多样性就是生命,生物多样性也是我们的生命”。[1]2011年主题为“森林生物多样性”。2012年主题为“海洋生物多样性”。编辑本段中国生物多样性中国加入《生物多样性公约》已有14年,是世界上生物多样性最为丰富的国家之一。通过制定法律、法规和规划,实施就地和迁地保护,中国的生物多样性得到了有效保护、生态环境恶化的趋势得到有效遏制。 截至2006年底,全国共建立各种类型、不同级别的自然保护区2395个,约占陆地国土面积的15%。初步形成了类型比较齐全、布局比较合理、功能比较健全的全国自然保护区网络。这些自然保护区使中国75%的陆地生态系统、88%的野生动物、65%的高等植物和绝大多数的珍稀濒危野生动植物都得到有效保护。 中国政府高度重视生物多样性保护工作,制定并实施了一系列与生物多样性保护有关的法律法规,基本形成了保护生物多样性的法律体系。 中国要将生物多样性保护纳入到国民经济和社会发展的格局中。环保总局副局长吴晓青说,现有的17个具有全球保护意义的生物多样性关键地区大多分布在限制开发和禁止开发区域,要将生物多样性保护作为完善区域政策和绩效评价的重要内容,依法禁止建设产生污染和破坏的项目,其他建设项目在严格执行环境影响评价制度时要把对生物多样性的影响作为重要内容,进一步加强生物多样性保护工作的政府投入,在这些地区优先建立和完善生态补偿机制。[2]
2023-07-29 20:20:592

hard work和work hard的用法

"hard work"和"work hard"都是表示"努力工作"的短语,但"hard work"是一个名词短语,而"work hard"是一个动词短语。需要根据具体情况选择正确的短语。"hard work"和"work hard"都是表示"努力工作"的英语短语,但它们的语法结构略有不同。以下是它们的用法:"hard work"是一个名词短语,表示"艰苦的工作"或"辛勤的劳动"。例如:Success is the result of hard work and perseverance.(成功是辛勤工作和毅力的结果。)I appreciate your hard work and dedication to this project.(我感谢你对这个项目的辛勤工作和奉献精神。)努力坚持"work hard"是一个动词短语,表示"努力工作"或"刻苦学习"。例如:If you want to succeed, you need to work hard and stay focused.(如果你想成功,你需要努力工作并保持专注。)She has been working hard to improve her English skills.(她一直在努力提高自己的英语水平。)
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