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2023-07-30 04:48:17


BET公式 BET formula

DLVO理论 DLVO theory

HLB法 hydrophile-lipophile balance method

pVT性质 pVT property

ζ电势 zeta potential

阿伏加德罗常数 Avogadro"number

阿伏加德罗定律 Avogadro law

阿累尼乌斯电离理论 Arrhenius ionization theory

阿累尼乌斯方程 Arrhenius equation

阿累尼乌斯活化能 Arrhenius activation energy

阿马格定律 Amagat law

艾林方程 Erying equation

爱因斯坦光化当量定律 Einstein"s law of photochemical equivalence

爱因斯坦-斯托克斯方程 Einstein-Stokes equation

安托万常数 Antoine constant

安托万方程 Antoine equation

盎萨格电导理论 Onsager"s theory of conductance

半电池 half cell

半衰期 half time period

饱和液体 saturated liquids

饱和蒸气 saturated vapor

饱和吸附量 saturated extent of adsorption

饱和蒸气压 saturated vapor pressure

爆炸界限 explosion limits

比表面功 specific surface work

比表面吉布斯函数 specific surface Gibbs function

比浓粘度 reduced viscosity

标准电动势 standard electromotive force

标准电极电势 standard electrode potential

标准摩尔反应焓 standard molar reaction enthalpy

标准摩尔反应吉布斯函数 standard Gibbs function of molar reaction

标准摩尔反应熵 standard molar reaction entropy

标准摩尔焓函数 standard molar enthalpy function

标准摩尔吉布斯自由能函数 standard molar Gibbs free energy function

标准摩尔燃烧焓 standard molar combustion enthalpy

标准摩尔熵 standard molar entropy

标准摩尔生成焓 standard molar formation enthalpy

标准摩尔生成吉布斯函数 standard molar formation Gibbs function

标准平衡常数 standard equilibrium constant

标准氢电极 standard hydrogen electrode

标准态 standard state

标准熵 standard entropy

标准压力 standard pressure

标准状况 standard condition

表观活化能 apparent activation energy

表观摩尔质量 apparent molecular weight

表观迁移数 apparent transference number

表面 surfaces

表面过程控制 surface process control

表面活性剂 surfactants

表面吸附量 surface excess

表面张力 surface tension

表面质量作用定律 surface mass action law

波义尔定律 Boyle law

波义尔温度 Boyle temperature

波义尔点 Boyle point

玻尔兹曼常数 Boltzmann constant

玻尔兹曼分布 Boltzmann distribution

玻尔兹曼公式 Boltzmann formula

玻尔兹曼熵定理 Boltzmann entropy theorem

玻色-爱因斯坦统计 Bose-Einstein statistics

泊 Poise

不可逆过程 irreversible process

不可逆过程热力学 thermodynamics of irreversible processes

不可逆相变化 irreversible phase change

布朗运动 brownian movement

查理定律 Charle"s law

产率 yield

敞开系统 open system

超电势 over potential

沉降 sedimentation

沉降电势 sedimentation potential

沉降平衡 sedimentation equilibrium

触变 thixotropy

粗分散系统 thick disperse system

催化剂 catalyst

单分子层吸附理论 mono molecule layer adsorption

单分子反应 unimolecular reaction

单链反应 straight chain reactions

弹式量热计 bomb calorimeter

道尔顿定律 Dalton law

道尔顿分压定律 Dalton partial pressure law

德拜和法尔肯哈根效应 Debye and Falkenhagen effect

德拜立方公式 Debye cubic formula

德拜-休克尔极限公式 Debye-Huckel"s limiting equation

等焓过程 isenthalpic process

等焓线 isenthalpic line

等几率定理 theorem of equal probability

等温等容位 Helmholtz free energy

等温等压位 Gibbs free energy

等温方程 equation at constant temperature

低共熔点 eutectic point

低共熔混合物 eutectic mixture

低会溶点 lower consolute point

低熔冰盐合晶 cryohydric

第二类永动机 perpetual machine of the second kind

第三定律熵 third-law entropy

第一类永动机 perpetual machine of the first kind

缔合化学吸附 association chemical adsorption

电池常数 cell constant

电池电动势 electromotive force of cells

电池反应 cell reaction

电导 conductance

电导率 conductivity

电动势的温度系数 temperature coefficient of electromotive force

电动电势 zeta potential

电功 electric work

电化学 electrochemistry

电化学极化 electrochemical polarization

电极电势 electrode potential

电极反应 reactions on the electrode

电极种类 type of electrodes

电解池 electrolytic cell

电量计 coulometer

电流效率 current efficiency

电迁移 electro migration

电迁移率 electromobility

电渗 electroosmosis

电渗析 electrodialysis

电泳 electrophoresis

丁达尔效应 Dyndall effect

定容摩尔热容 molar heat capacity under constant volume

定容温度计 Constant voIume thermometer

定压摩尔热容 molar heat capacity under constant pressure

定压温度计 constant pressure thermometer

定域子系统 localized particle system

动力学方程 kinetic equations

动力学控制 kinetics control

独立子系统 independent particle system

对比摩尔体积 reduced mole volume

对比体积 reduced volume

对比温度 reduced temperature

对比压力 reduced pressure

对称数 symmetry number

对行反应 reversible reactions

对应状态原理 principle of corresponding state

多方过程 polytropic process

多分子层吸附理论 adsorption theory of multi-molecular layers

二级反应 second order reaction

二级相变 second order phase change

吉氏函数 Gibbs function

极化电极电势 polarization potential of electrode

极化曲线 polarization curves

极化作用 polarization

极限摩尔电导率 limiting molar conductivity

几率因子 steric factor

计量式 stoichiometric equation

计量系数 stoichiometric coefficient

价数规则 rule of valence

简并度 degeneracy

键焓 bond enthalpy

胶冻 broth jelly

胶核 colloidal nucleus

胶凝作用 demulsification

胶束 micelle

胶体 colloid

胶体分散系统 dispersion system of colloid

胶体化学 collochemistry

胶体粒子 colloidal particles

胶团 micelle

焦耳 Joule

焦耳-汤姆生实验 Joule-Thomson experiment

焦耳-汤姆生系数 Joule-Thomson coefficient

焦耳-汤姆生效应 Joule-Thomson effect

焦耳定律 Joule"s law

接触电势 contact potential

接触角 contact angle

节流过程 throttling process

节流膨胀 throttling expansion

节流膨胀系数 coefficient of throttling expansion

结线 tie line

结晶热 heat of crystallization

解离化学吸附 dissociation chemical adsorption

界面 interfaces

界面张力 surface tension

浸湿 immersion wetting

浸湿功 immersion wetting work

精馏 rectify

聚(合)电解质 polyelectrolyte

聚沉 coagulation

聚沉值 coagulation value

绝对反应速率理论 absolute reaction rate theory

绝对熵 absolute entropy

绝对温标 absolute temperature scale

绝热过程 adiabatic process

绝热量热计 adiabatic calorimeter

绝热指数 adiabatic index

卡诺定理 Carnot theorem

卡诺循环 Carnot cycle

开尔文公式 Kelvin formula

柯诺瓦洛夫-吉布斯定律 Konovalov-Gibbs law

科尔劳施离子独立运动定律 Kohlrausch"s Law of Independent Migration of


可能的电解质 potential electrolyte

可逆电池 reversible cell

可逆过程 reversible process

可逆过程方程 reversible process equation

可逆体积功 reversible volume work

可逆相变 reversible phase change

克拉佩龙方程 Clapeyron equation

克劳修斯不等式 Clausius inequality

克劳修斯-克拉佩龙方程 Clausius-Clapeyron equation

控制步骤 control step

库仑计 coulometer

扩散控制 diffusion controlled

拉普拉斯方程 Laplace"s equation

拉乌尔定律 Raoult law

兰格缪尔-欣谢尔伍德机理 Langmuir-Hinshelwood mechanism

兰格缪尔吸附等温式 Langmuir adsorption isotherm formula

雷利公式 Rayleigh equation

冷冻系数 coefficient of refrigeration

冷却曲线 cooling curve

离解热 heat of dissociation

离解压力 dissociation pressure

离域子系统 non-localized particle systems

离子的标准摩尔生成焓 standard molar formation of ion

离子的电迁移率 mobility of ions

离子的迁移数 transport number of ions

离子独立运动定律 law of the independent migration of ions

离子氛 ionic atmosphere

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!
科学技术: technology
科学家: scientist
科学态度: scientism
科学性: scientificalness
科学研究: scientific research
科学院: academy of sciences


science 科学









irreversible[英][u02ccu026aru026au02c8vu025c:su0259bl][美][u02ccu026aru026au02c8vu025c:rsu0259bl]adj.不可逆的; 不能翻转的; 不能倒置的; [法]不可取消的; 网络不可逆转; 不退; 不可逆; 1The reforms are irreversible.改革没有回头路。So much for the supposedly irreversible dangers of printing.所谓的“印刷纸币可能造成不可挽回的影响”的论调,可以休矣。
2023-07-29 18:02:463


2023-07-29 18:02:544


irreversibility 5个音节。n.不可逆性;不可改变性;也作irreversibleness"irreversibility in evolution"中文翻译 演化中的不可逆性"irreversibility of conduction"中文翻译 传导不可逆性; 传导的不可逆性"irreversibility of evolution"中文翻译 进化的不可逆性"macroscopic irreversibility"中文翻译 宏观不可逆性"irreversibility for a production set"中文翻译 生产集的不可逆性"irreverently"中文翻译 不敬地; 不逊地"irreverential"中文翻译 adj. =irreverent."irreverent"中文翻译 adj. 1.不虔诚的;不尊敬的。 2.无礼的。 adv. -ly"irreverence"中文翻译 n. 1.不虔诚;不尊敬。 2.无礼;傲慢。 3.不敬的行为[言语]。 be held in irreverence 丢丑。 They did irreverences to the teachers. 他们对老师很不尊敬。"irreversiblc laser damage"中文翻译 不可逆激光损伤"irreverbible reaction"中文翻译 不可逆反应
2023-07-29 18:03:071


2023-07-29 18:03:153


“挽回”的中文意思是“取消改变”、“回到原样”。英文可以用 reversible。“无法挽回”则是 irreversible。
2023-07-29 18:03:241

莫妮卡就·贝鲁奇 的一部电影

2023-07-29 18:03:323


2023-07-29 18:03:401

In life we all have an unspeakable secret,an irreversible regret,an unreac中文翻译

We all have an unspeakable secret, an irreversible regret, an unreachable dream and an unforgettable love.
2023-07-29 18:03:492


One can not be closed 例句有些货色你想要而没有,这是幸福不可缺乏的一局部。To be without some of the things you want is an indispensable part of happiness.恢复谈判,似乎是一个可望而不可及的目标,双方都挖有绊倒了多年的谈判立场。The resumption of talks seems an elusive goal, with both sides digging in to positions that have tripped up negotiations foryears.而另外一个不可忽视的事实是,随着一种商业革命的展开,品牌忠诚正受到来自各方的冲击。And another fact that can not be ignored, with the launch of a business revolution, brand loyalty is from the impact of theparties.朋友之间本不应该收利息的,可一涉及到钱,有些人就变得很贪婪。Friends should never charge interest, but some people are greedy when it comes to money.世上有可以挽回的和不可挽回的事,而时间经过就是一种不可挽回的事。In the world there could be irreparable and irreversible things, and time is after is a kind of irreversible thing.一项发价,即使是不可撤销的,于拒绝通知送达发价人时终止。An offer, even if it is irrevocable, is terminated when a rejection reaches the offeror.荤食是酸的,最好是吃鱼,可吃一点鸡肉,而不吃牛肉或猪肉。A meat-based diet is acidic and it is best to eat fish, and a little chicken rather than beef or pork.另一项协议可使澳洲旅游向中国的个人消费者促销产品,而不只是对旅游团。Another enables tourism australia to promote products to individual chinese customers and not just tour groups.生存权位于人权的核心,而环境权作为一项基本人权是不可剥夺、不可放弃和替代的权利。The right to life lies in the central core of human rights. Environmental right is not a right that can be waived orsurrendered.
2023-07-29 18:03:561


Not every effort will be fruitful, but you have to work hard for each endeavor. Because this is an unfair and irreversible proposition.
2023-07-29 18:04:203


最佳答案判断死亡的根据 判定死亡,即判定脑死亡——全脑机能不可逆的停止的根据应当是:各种有关检查的结果都一致表明,脑干和大脑两半球的机能已全部、永远地消失。根据近年研究,判定脑死亡的主要根据可大致归纳如下: 1、不可逆昏迷和大脑无反应性不可逆昏迷(irreversible coma)是不能逆转的意识丧失状态。所谓大脑无反应性(cerebral unresponsivity)是指深度昏迷的患者对施加的外界刺激不发生有目的的反应,不听从指挥,不自动地发声,在给予疼痛性刺激时也不反应发声。 2、呼吸停止 无自动呼吸,表现为至少需要进行15分钟的人呼吸后,仍无自动呼吸。 3、瞳孔散大是重要根据,但非绝对必需,有的患者可无瞳孔散大,但瞳孔固定(对光反应消失)是必有的。 4、颅神经反射消失 包括瞳孔反射,角膜反射,视听反射(oculoauditory reflex眼向拍手处转动),咳嗽反射,恶心反射,吞咽反射等的消失。 5、脑电波消失 应当注意的是过量的中枢神经系统抑制药中毒和冬眠状态时,脑电波也处于零电位,但这种状态不一定是脑死亡的表现(【这个倒是纠正我原来的看法。原以为脑电波零电位是等于脑死亡呢】)。除此以外,零电位脑电图是表示脑死亡的重要根据之一。
2023-07-29 18:04:311


2023-07-29 18:04:419

to name only a few代替for example吗 举个例句最好是用在开头的

就举几个例子!Name这里是说出的意思 一般放在句首,用逗号隔开。有时候可以放在中间,如 .....,to name only a few,.....例句是引用的,零时造句很麻烦o(∩_∩)o...Pineaapple Juice, Plum Juice, Lime Juice, orange Juice and Grape Juice, to name only a few. 菠萝汁、酸梅汁、酸橙汁、橙汁和葡萄汁等等。As for cereals we have fried rice, fried pancakes and Tianjin Goubuli Stuffed bun, only name a few among many for your choice. 我们有很多主食,如炒米饭,油煎饼和天津狗不理包子,只提这几种供您选择。 2.意思同上,这两个没什么区别3.意思和前两个一样,郁闷, 你这三个词用法都是差不多的啊,只是表述方式不同。一般放在句中,句首也可以,但是不地道There are many movie that I like, to name a few, Irreversible, Amelie, The Downfall, The Lord of the Rings.这里就可以用for example 代替
2023-07-29 18:05:452


2023-07-29 18:05:573


后遗症英文After-effects。"After-effects"可以表示某件事物造成的后果或影响,通常用在疾病、手术、事故等方面,表示治疗或解决了相关问题后,可能会留下的长期影响。在医学领域中,"after-effects"也可以指某种药物或治疗的副作用,例如某些药物治疗后可能会产生不良副作用,这些不良副作用即为"after-effects"。在口语表达中,"after-effects"也可以用其他表达方式来替换,例如"consequences"、"repercussions"等。需要注意的是,有些情况下,"after-effects"可能与"complications"(并发症)等概念有所重叠或相似,但它们并非完全相同的概念。例句:1、In rare occasions, severe progressive pneumonia or ineffective treatment for pneumonia can result brain in sequelae.偶尔会出现严重渐进性肺炎或肺炎治疗无效,在极少数情况下还可发生大脑后遗症。2、In severe cases, a life-threatening encephalitis can develop, which ends up in death or in irreversible neurological sequelae.严重者可罹患威胁生命的脑炎,最终导致死亡或不可逆的神经后遗症。
2023-07-29 18:06:171


巯基酶指有半胱氨酸残基侧链上的巯基(-SH)为必需基团的一类酶.它可以抑制对酶的促反应速度的影响。属于重金属离子,如: Hg2+ , Ag+ , Pb2+,As3+ 等.抑制剂对酶促反应速度的影响能使酶活力降低的物质称为酶的抑制剂(inhibitor)。但强酸、强碱等造成酶变性失活不属酶的抑制作用而称酶的钝化。可见酶的抑制作用是指抑制剂作用下酶活性中心或必需基团发生性质的改变并导致酶活性降低或丧失的过程。按抑制剂作用方式分为不可逆性抑制和可逆性抑制两类。(—) 不可逆性抑制(irreversibleinhibition)不可逆性抑制作用的抑制剂以共价键与酶的必需基团结合,因结合甚牢不能用透析或超滤方法使两者分开,故所造成的抑制作用是不可逆的。按抑制剂对酶必需基团选择程度不同,又分非专一性和专一性抑制两类。抑制剂通过共价键与酶的必需基团结合,使酶的活性丧失.这种抑制不能用超滤,透析的方去除抑制剂而恢复酶的活性.1. 巯基酶抑制—— 巯基酶指有半胱氨酸残基侧链上的巯基(-SH)为必需基团的一类酶.这类抑制剂通常都是重金属离子,如: Hg2+ , Ag+ , Pb2+,As3+ 等.例:路易士气1.非专一性不可逆性抑制作用抑制剂与酶的一类或几类基团结合.抑制剂并不区分其结合的基团属必需基团或非必需基团。如重金属离子Pb2+、Cu2+、等和对氯汞苯甲酸与酶分子的巯基进行不可逆结合,化学毒剂“路易士气”则是一种含砷的化合物,它能抑制含巯基酶的活性重金属离子与酶分子必需基团巯基结合是造成酶活性抑制的主要原因。二巯基丙醇或丁二酸钠等含巯基的化合物,可以置换结合于酶分子上的重金属离子而使酶恢复活性,因此临床上用于抢救重金属中毒的药物
2023-07-29 18:06:401


2023-07-29 18:06:527


2023-07-29 18:07:071

求星火英语六级真题中2016年六月的第二套试题中的作文题目 谢谢!

2016年6月大学英语六级真题参考答案Part ⅡListening Comprehension(听力部分共有两套)六级第一套Section A1. D) Market research consultant.2. A) Quantitative advertising research.3. D) They study trends or customer satisfaction over a long period.4. B) Checking charts and tables.5. A) His view on Canadian universities.6. B) It is rather inflexible.7. C) Everyone should be given equal access to higher education.8. C) It is hard to say which is better, a public university or a private one.Section B9.B) The worsening real wage situation around the world.10. A) They will feel less pressure to raise employees" wages.11. C) Employees work shorter hours to avoid layoffs.12. A) Whether memory supplements work.13. D) They are not based on real science.14. D) They are prescribed by trained practitioners.15. B) Taking them with other medications might entail unnecessary risks.Section C16. D) How the negative impacts of natural disasters can be reduced.17. B) By taking steps to prepare people for them.18.A) How preventive action can reduce the loss of life.19. C) Contribute more to the goal of a wider recovery.20. B) Many smaller regional banks are going to fail.21. D) It will try to provide more loans.22. D) It will be necessary if the economy starts to shrink again.23. A) Being unable to learn new things.24. A) Cognitive stimulation.25. C) Endeavoring to give up unhealthy lifestyles.六级第二套Section A1. A) The project the man managed at CucinTech.2. B) Strategic innovation.3. C) Innovate constantly.4. D) Imitation by one"s competitors.5. A) The job of an interpreter.6. B) Admirable.7. B) They all have professional qualifications.8. C) It is more stressful than simultaneous interpreting.Section B9. C) It might increase the risk of infants" death.10. D) Sleeping with infants in the same room has a negative impact on mothers.11. B) Sleep in the same room but not in the same bed as their babies.12. A) A lot of native languages have already died out in the US.13. D) To revitalise America"s native languages.14. A) The US government"s policy of Americanising Indian children.15. C) It speeds up the extinction of native languages.Section C16. A) It pays them up to half of their previous wages while they look for work.17. B) Providing training and guidance for unemployed workers.18. C) To create more jobs by encouraging private investments in local companies.19. D) They investigated the ice.20. D) The ice decrease is more evident than previously thought.21.C) The decline of Arctie ice is irreversible.22. D) There is no easy technological solution to it.23. B) The relation between children"s self-control and their future success.24. B) Those with a criminal record mostly come from single parent families.25. A) Self-control can be improved through education.
2023-07-29 18:07:181


你用的是C#的正则表达式吧(?s)表示后面的字符串应用SingleLine正则表达式选项。应用了此选项之后,点号(.)既可以匹配文字,还可以匹配换行符 (不然点号是不能匹配回车的)所以,(?s)之后的.*就可以匹配“整个文本”是.*匹配文本,而不是(?s)(?s)只是设置正则表达式的选项。(?s).*加起来匹配了整个文本相关的内容还有:(?i)忽略大小写(?m)多行模式(^$匹配行的开始和结尾)(?n)只捕获命名分组(?x)忽视正则表达式中的空格可以这样用:(?im-snx)#启用忽视大小写,多行模式选项;关闭单行模式选项,关闭命名分组模式,关闭忽视空格的功能(?i-x:abc)ABC#只有冒号后面的abc启用i-x选项,无视大小写;括号外的ABC还是匹配大小写的
2023-07-29 18:07:371


Heng Liang, Jing Xue, Tian Li, Yayan Wu, A rapid capillary electrophoresis with? electrochemiluminescence method for the assay of human urinary Proline and Hydroxyproline, Luminescence, 2005, 20, 287-291Yayan Wu, Tian Li, Heng Liang, Jing Xue, Separation and determination of bupivacaine in plasma by capillary electrophoresis with tris(2,2′-bipyridyl)ruthenium(II) electrochemiluminescence detection, Luminescence, 2005, 20, 352-357Liang Heng, Liu Ying, Recursion equations in predicting band width under gradient elution, J. Chromatogr. A, 2004, 1040, 19-31Heng Liang, Xiao-Long Liu, Lagrangian Description of Nonlinear Chromatography, Science China (Series B), 2004, 47(6), 443-452范军, 梁恒, 石晓强, 微流控电泳芯片中化学发光信号的分段门限小波降噪, 高等学校化学学报, 2005, 26(11) 2010-2014薛静, 梁恒,李甜, 武亚艳, 毛细管电泳-电致化学发光法测定人尿中脯氨酸和羟脯氨酸, 分析化学, 2005, 33(6), 785-788石晓强, 梁恒, 范军, 微流控芯片二维电泳研究进展, 分析化学, 2005, 33(5), 735-739梁恒, 邢建宇, 刘希成, 黄黎明, 山茱萸作用鼠IgA肾病的肾组织差异蛋白质谱, 西安交通大学学报, 2005, 39(6), 650-655梁恒, 刘小龙, 非线性色谱的Lagrangian描述方法, 中国科学B, 2004, 34(5), 411-418梁恒, 非平衡热力学非平衡分离理论与整体多段动态优化控制分离过程, 分析化学新进展, 国家自然科学基金委化学科学部组编, 科学出版社, 2002, 11, p117-129Heng Liang, Yan-hua Dong, State Recursion Equations in Linear Column Chromatography Separation Processes,Chinese, Acta Chimica Sinica, 2002, 60(6)1088-1094Heng Liang, Wei-Hua. Tan, Integral Optimizing Functional Indicating Separation Efficiency in Discrete Space-Time Format, Acta Chimica Sinica, 2000,58(8)935-941,ChineseHeng Liang, Ying Wang and Qiang Wang: Hydrophobic interaction chromatography and capillary zone electrophoresis explore the correlation between the isozymes of salivary amylase and dental caries, J. Chromatogr. B, 1999,724, 381-388, English.Li Ya-Ping, Yu Lie, Xie You-Bei and Heng Liang, (1999): Irreversible Thermodynamics in Capillary Electrophoresis Separation Process and Optimal Control, ACTA Chimical SINICA, 57,281-288, Chinese.Heng Liang and Bingcheng Lin, The integral optimizing function of separation efficiency, J. Chromatogr. A, 1999,841, 133-146,EnglishHeng Liang and Bingcheng Lin, Review: “Frameworks of separation theories from two separate worlds: Dynamics and thermodynamics”, J. Chromatogr. A, 828(1998), 3-17, EnglishHeng Liang, Defang Chen and Bingcheng Lin, “Conformational parameter of solutes in capillary zone electrophoresis”, J. Xi"an Jiaotong University, 32(1998) (No.8), 72-76, Chinese.Heng Liang, Xinyan Zhou and Bingcheng Lin, (1998): Entropy balance equation of solute systems in capillary electrophoresis, J. Xi"an Jiaotong University, 32 (No.6), 70-73, Chinese.Heng Liang, Shiju Wang, Shuqin Wang and Bingcheng Lin, “Migration equation of proteins in capillary sieve electrophoresis”, J. Xi"an Jiaotong University, 32 (1998) (No.1), 76-79]. Chinese.Heng Liang, Zhenggang Wang, Bingchen Lin, Chenggang Xu and Fu Ruonong, “Non-equilibrium thermodynamic separation model in capillary electrophoresis”, J. Chromalogr. A, 763(1997), 237-251, English.
2023-07-29 18:08:071


irreversible英 [u026aru026a"vu025cu02d0su026ab(u0259)l] 美 [,u026aru026a"vu025dsu0259bl]adj. 不可逆的;不能取消的;不能翻转的1.There was nothing the doctors could do to give me back the use of my legs. The paralysis was complete and irreversible.医生对恢复我双腿的功能已无能为力。瘫痪是完全的,不可逆转的。2.In addition, BPEL4WS supports the notion of compensation, which is a technique for allowing the process designer to implement compensating actions for certain irreversible actions.此外,BPEL4WS 支持 补偿这个概念,这是一种允许流程设计者为某些不可逆的动作实现一些补偿动作的技术。
2023-07-29 18:08:381


2023-07-29 18:09:002


有规律的 regular——irregular 可逆的 reversible——irreversible 可以挽回的 remediable——irremediable 可抗拒的 resistable——irresistable 礼貌的 reveren——irreveren 负责的 responsible——irresponsible
2023-07-29 18:09:081

求 I am criminal(电影安娜的插曲) 的英文歌词,

I am CriminalEric Serra and Mitivai Serra歌词:Never play with me or maybe win or lose it allDancing like the sea I"ll turn you to the unthinkable For Eternity Always love me like a melody Don"t play me it might beYou"ll lose meDon"t get too close to me I"m powerful Better you escape me I"m a criminal Don"t tell me I"m irreversible Don"t catch me It"s impossibleWill I get away Will I betray You"ll never know And the part I play so dark and grey There"s never hope It will ever endDon"t wait I might Never look back Maybe I"ll never come back Stay behind Don"t get too close to me I"m powerful Better you escape me I"m a criminalDon"t tell me I"m irreversible Don"t catch me I warn you. Don"t get to close to me I"m powerful Better you escape me I"m a criminal Don"t tell me I"m irreversible Don"t catch me its impossibleI"m implausible Don"t trust me I"m criminal
2023-07-29 18:09:171

L3-U3-P1-1 Listening : Life & Conditions 1Life & Conditions 1There are many forms of life on Earth, including human beings.Life exists in a variety of conditions.Some forms of life live in a watery environment, like the oceans.Other forms of life can be found in very dry areas like deserts.However, for any form of life to exist, conditions must be right.When conditions are not right, that form of life will become extinct.To become extinct means to die out completely.What is one form of life on Earth? - Human beings are one form of life on Earth.Life exists in a variety of conditions.However, for any form of life to exist,conditions must be right.Conditions must be right for life to exist. Millions of years ago there were forms of life that no longer exist.When conditions changed, these forms of life dead out.One extinction event happened about 250 million years ago. This was the largest extinction event of all time.Many forms of life became extinct. 96%(Ninety six percent) of all life in the oceans died out.Most insects also became extinct. This event happened over a period of several million years.What happened about 250 million years ago? - One extinction event happened about 250 million years ago. Many forms of life became extinct.What causes an extinction event? - The conditions that support life change.Millions of years ago there were forms of life that no longer exist.The causes of this extinction event are still unknown.Possible causes inculde large volcanic eruptions and global warming.Some scientists belive that there were several causes.They believe that a series of events caused the extinctions.Scientists are working to better understand what really happened.What is one possible cause of this event? - Possible causes inculde large volcanic eruptions and global warming.What do some scientists think caused the extinctions? - Some scientists belive that there were several causes.The causes of this extinction event are still unknown.Life exists in a variety of conditions.Ninety six percent of all life in the oceans died out.To become extinct means to die out completely.Some forms of life live in a watery environment, like the oceans.This event happened over a period of several million years.They believe that a series of events caused the extinctions.L3-U3-P1-2 Listening : Life & Conditions 2Life & Conditions 2In modern times we humans face changing conditions.For humans to live, we need clean air and clean water.Pollution is now a growing problem around the world.Pollution poisons the air and water that we depend on.Polluted air makes people sick and afraid to go outside.Polluted water poisons our food supply.As a result, we never know which foods are safe to eat.Human beings cannot live in a poisoned environment.Therefore, pollution is a major threat to our existence.What is a growing problem? - Pollution is now a growing problem around the world.What do humans need to live? - For humans to live, we need clean air and clean water.Pollution poisons the air and water that we depend on.Humans need temperatures to be in a comfortable range.To be in a comfortable range means to be neither too hot nor too cold.With global warming, global temperatures are rising.As temperatures rise, the polar icecaps will melt.As the polar icecaps melt, ocean levels will rise.Areas of some countries will soon be under water.People will be forced to relocate from flooded areas.With global warming, what is rising? - With global warming, global temperatures are rising.As the polar icecaps melt, what will happen? - As the polar icecaps melt, ocean levels will rise.Areas of some countries will soon be under water.As the polar icecaps melt, ocean levels will rise.Areas of some countries will soon be under water.As temperatures rise, the polar icecaps will melt.In modern times we humans face changing conditions.To be in a comfortable range means to be neither too hot nor too cold.In nature, even small changes can sometimes have large effects.It"s difficult to predict what"s going to happen.The entire ecosystem that we depend on is changing.Some of these changes are irreversible.Irreversible changes cannot be undone.What can small changes sometimes cause? - In nature, even small changes can sometimes have large effects.What"s happening to the world"s ecosystem? - The entire ecosystem that we depend on is changing.The entire ecosystem that we depend on is changing.Let"s hope that humans are smart enough to understand how the world is changing.With more understanding, we can make better choices about what to do.We can face the challenges of pollution and global warming.We need to do this before it"s too late.This planet Earth is our only home and we need to protect it.What challenges do we need to face? - We need to face the challenges of pollution and global warming.We need to do this before it"s too late.It"s difficult to predict what"s going to happen.Irreversible changes cannot be undone.In nature, even small changes can sometimes have large effects.With more understanding, we can make better choices about what to do.L3-U3-P1-3 Vocabulary : Forms of LifeForms of LifeMammals are covered by hair or fur, have a backbone and warm-blooded.All female mammals produce milk for their young.Reptiles are covered by scales and include snakes, lizards and turtles.Reptiles have a backbone and are cold-blooded, which means they often rely on the external sources of heat.Birds are covered by feathers and are warm-blooded.Most birds can fly and many types of birds migrate great distances.Most insects such as ants and bees have a small, 3-part body with 3 pairs of legs.Some insects, like mosquitoes, spread diseases that cause the deaths of many humans.Unlike animals, plants get the energy that they need from the sun.Plants convert light energy, along with carbon-dioxide and water, into chemical energy.What type of animals are covered by hair or fur? - Mammals are covered by hair or fur, have a backbone and warm-blooded.Snakes and lizards are what type of animal? - Reptiles are covered by scales and include snakes, lizards and turtles.What warm-blooded animals are covered by feathers? - Birds are covered by feathers and are warm-blooded.What type of animal are ants and bees? - Insects such as ants and bees live in well-organized What type of life gets energy directly from the Sun? - Unlike animals, plants get the energy that they need from the sun.What female mammals produce for their young? - All female mammals produce milk for their young.Most birds can fly and many types of birds migrate great distances.Some insects, like mosquitoes, spread diseases that cause the deaths of many humans.Most mammals live on land, but some live in the sea.Birds are covered by feathers and are warm-blooded.Unlike animals, plants get the energy that they need from the sun.Insects don"t have a backbone and most are cold-blooded.Most birds can fly and many types of birds migrate great distances.L3-U3-P1-4 Vocabulary : InstrumentsInstrumentsScales and rulers are used to measure weight and length.Units of weight include kilograms and pounds, and units of length include centimeters and inches.These instruments are used to observe very large and very small objects.Telescopes are used by astronomers, and microscopes are used by biologists and doctors.These appliances are used in the kitchens of almost every home.Stoves are used to heat food, and refrigerators are used to keep foods cool or cold.Household tools like these, are used to build and repair things.Hammers are used to pound in nails and screwdrivers are used to turn a screw.What would you use to measure the height of your kids? - Rulers are used to measure length.What is used to measure weight and length? - Scales and rulers are used to measure weight and length.10 kilograms is how many pounds? - 10 kilograms is about 22 pounds.What would you use to cook some vegetables? - Stoves are used to heat food.What is found in almost every kitchen? - These appliances are used in the kitchens of almost every home.These instruments are used to observe very large and very small objects.If you need to pound in a nail, use a hammer.Two inches is a little more than five centimeters.If you need to pound in a nail, use a hammer.Telescopes are used by astronomers, and microscopes are used by biologists and doctors.Household tools like these, are used to build and repair things.L3-U3-P1-5 Dialogue : Dating AnniversaryDating AnniversaryW: Do you know what day it is today?M: What do you mean? Is it a special day?W: Oh, so you don"t remember.M: Remember what?What"s so special?W: It"s our anniversary. We started dating a year ago today.M: Oh, really? Sorry!When did they fist started dating? - They started dating a year ago.M: Just a minute. What do you think this is?W: Oh, it"s a necklace.M: Do you like it?W: Yes, I do. It"s lovely, especially the red heart. May I put it on?M: No, let me do it.What did he give her? - He gave her a necklace.W: So you did remember.M: Of course I remember it. It"s a very special for both of us.W: I have something for you too.M: You do?W: Yes, but it will have to wait until later.M: Oh, I can"t wait. Tell me what it is.What will have to wait until later? - She won"t give him her gift until later.Do you know what today is?W: Can you guess what it is?M: Could you give me a hint?W: We went there six months ago.M: Oh, you mean Alfredos.W: Yes, are you excited? You said you really like the food there.M: Yes, that"s true. I also remember their dessert, do you?W: Yes, but let"s not talk about that now. Let"s not ruin the surprise.What is Alfredos? - Alfredos is an Italian restaurant.It"s a very special for both of us.You said you really like the food there.She won"t give him her gift until later.They aren"t going to talk about the dessert.L3-U3-P1-6 Dialogue : Fine DiningFine DiningW: That restaurant looks nice.M: Yes, but it looks expensive.W: Let"s go in and look at the menu.W: Wow, the menu looks great, especially the fish.M: Yes, it looks good but look at those prices.What does she like about the menu? - She likes the food choices, especially the fish.M: Let"s try somewhere else.W: Sometime it"s okay to spend a little money.M: Yes, but this price is a bit too high, don"t you think?W: Yes, they are a bit high. But don"t you think I"m worth it? Let"s enjoy ourselves.M: Emm, OK, if you put it that way. Let"s see if we can get a table.W: I"m glad you have your credit card.M: I sure hope the food is good.W: Stop worrying. Let"s just enjoy.How is he going to pay? - He"s going to use his credit card.Sometime it"s okay to spend a little money.Let"s see if we can get a table.I sure hope the food is good.She likes the food choices, especially the fish.The menu looks great, especially the fish.Sometime it"s okay to spend a little money.
2023-07-29 18:09:381


2023-07-29 18:09:492


题目呢?发来 帮你。
2023-07-29 18:10:062


2023-07-29 18:10:131

ins上爆红的英文句子 温柔到爆的神仙句子英文

有时候就想要展现一下自己的与众不同,怎么才能与众不同呢?先来一些英文句子,温柔到爆的神仙句子了解一下。 一、ins上爆红的英文句子: 1、My heart is with you.我的爱与你同在。 2、You are my sweet-heart.你是我的宝贝。 3、You light up my life.你照亮我的生命。 4、You make my heart smile.我的心因你而笑。 5、Brief is life, but love is long.生命虽短,爱却绵长。 6、When love is not madness, it is not love. 如果爱不疯狂就不是爱了。 7、The man I loved has all the warmth。我喜欢的人啊,他有一身的温暖。 8、Grow old along with me, the best is yet to be.执子之手,与子偕老。 9、“Want to say too much to say to him"“想说的话太多 一辈子慢慢给他说” 10、Every day without you is like a book without pages. 没有你的日子就像一本没有书页的书。 11、Remember you"re the one who can fill the world with sunshine。记住,是你让这个世界充满阳光。 12、I love all the stars in the sky, but they are nothing compared to the ones in your eyes.我喜欢漫天的星空,可是比起你的眼睛中的那两颗,其他的星星边暗淡无光了。 二、温柔到爆的神仙句子英文: 1、Love you so crazy you dream.爱你如此.痴你如梦。 2、You are warm and back lighting。你的温柔逆光而来。 3、I yearn for life, less is more.我所向往的生活,越简单越好。 4、I want to see you before I go to bed.我希望睡前最后看到的是你。 5、I"ll think of you every step of the way.我会想你,在漫漫长路的每一步。 6、After I met you, I opened my eyes to the flower fields and closed my eyes to the stars.遇见你以后,我睁眼便是花田,闭眼是星空。 7、But a glimpse of you was enough to delight me for years.不过惊鸿一瞥 误见你眉眼 这欢喜 够我喜欢好多年。 8、Not every effort there is a harvest, but each time the harvest must be hard, which is not a fair 9、irreversible propositions.不是每一次努力都会有收获,但是,每一次收获都必须努力,这是一个不公平的不可逆转的命题。 10、Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.生活,不是用我们呼吸了多少下来衡量的,而是要看我们多少次屏住呼吸 11、 "In fact, I am very satisfied at least know your name heard your voice to see your eyes.""其实我很满足了 至少知道了你的名字 听过你的声音 看过你的眼睛." 12、Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up the enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.岁月悠悠,衰微只及皮肤。热枕抛却,颓废必致灵魂。 13、I was blocking people in the alley with a cigarette in my mouth until I met you. I began to pay attention to the white skirt in the window.我原本是叼着烟在小巷堵人的 ,直到遇见你 ,我开始留意橱窗里的白裙子。 总结: 关于ins爆红的句子就介绍到这里了,有没有被这些温柔的英文句子吸引到呢!偶尔看看英文句子,也挺有韵味的。
2023-07-29 18:10:201


1 To sum up, I see no threat they pose against Mandarin and no reason that they should be banned.这是复合句其中they pose against Mandarin是定语从句 省略的关系代词that代替先行词 threat作定从中pose的宾语 that they should be banned是定语从句.2 As a matter of fact,not only can the rich do good,but common people can start from some things to repay society.这是并列句3 Therefore, it all depends on what kind of tour one may choose.这是复合句其中 what kind of tour one may choose.是宾语从句 作介词on的宾语4 Not only the United States, but the Western world in general, has been discovering the hard way that admitting people with incompatible cultures is an irreversible decision with incalculable consequences. 这是复合句其中that admitting people with incompatible cultures is an irreversible decision with incalculable consequences. 是定语从句 5 The immigrants of today are very different in many ways from those who arrived here a hundred years ago.这是复合句其中who arrived here a hundred years ago.是定语从句
2023-07-29 18:10:291


oh my god
2023-07-29 18:10:574


go through:1 To examine carefully2 To experience3 To perform
2023-07-29 18:11:069


Sunday,my mather and I went to the mall for shopping .周末,我和妈妈去商场购物.That was a fine day.那是很晴朗的一天.5First of all ,we bought some fruit .首先我们买了些水果.Then,we bought some fresh vegetable.后来我们买了些新鲜的蔬菜.When we wanted to buy the fish we meet an old friend .当我们想去买鱼的时候,看见了一个老朋友。She was my best friend when we were students.在我们都是小学生的时候,她是我最好的朋友.We talked about our new school life .我们谈论了新学校的生活.Then we said goodbye to each other .然后我们对对方说再见.Finally my mother and I went home by bus .最后我和妈妈乘车回家.We all were so happy.我们都很开心。
2023-07-29 18:11:251


2023-07-29 18:11:444

as good as的用法有哪些?

as?as?中间用形容词或者副词的原级。better是比较级,所以as better as 是错误的表达。
2023-07-29 18:11:533


2023-07-29 18:12:223


1、下雨了,默默的为心底里的他打一把伞,尽管你不需要 2、整座城市都在看雨,只有我在看你带没带伞。 3、淋了一身的雨,分不清是泪还是水…… 4、下雨了,我害怕的不是打雷闪电,我怕的是你在跟别人撑伞雨中暧昧。 5、打雷了、下雨了、我想知道在你害怕的时候你第一个想起是不是我。 6、最美的不是下雨天,而是我与你一起躲过雨的屋檐。 7、下雨天陪在你身边的人是谁,你又在想谁呢? 8、当全世界约好一起下雨,让我们约好在心里放晴! 9、下雨是因为天空承受不了雨滴的重量,而流泪是承受不住心的痛。 10、下雨的天,孤单的夜,又独自一人徘徊在无人的街;想着你那迷人的笑脸,尽管我知道你心里没有我存在的空间。 11、每座城市都会下雨,就像我走到哪里都会想你。 12、那夜,你为她撑伞,却忘了我也怕雨淋。 13、你住的城市下雨了,很想问你有没有带伞,可是我忍住了,因为我怕你说没带而我又无能为力,就像是我爱你却无法陪伴。 14、你只是在无意中说你不喜欢下雨,我却在每个下雨天想起你。 15、你说过要当我的保护伞,如今心在下雨你的人却在哪里? 16、转身离开,才发现脸上早就湿了,以为是下雨了,没想到是心下雨了。 17、我淋过最大的雨是你烈日下的不回头。 最美的不是下雨天,而是与你一起躲过的屋檐。 1.No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, wont make you cry. 没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。 2.Catch ones heart,never be apart. 愿得一人心,白首不相离。 3.Remember, can cry, can hate, but you cant not strong. Because there are a group of people waiting to see your jokes. 记住,可以哭,可以恨,但是不可以不坚强。因为后面还有一群人在等着看你的笑话。 4.The most wonderful thing is not rainy day but the eaves we stayed together. 最美的不是下雨天,而是与你一起躲过的屋檐。 5.You cry to the piercing that person is the person you love. Make you laugh to heartless man, is love you. 让你哭到撕心裂肺的那个人,是你最爱的人。让你笑到没心没肺那个人,是最爱你的人。 6.Soft-hearted is a disease, but you is life. 心软是病,可你是命. 7.Love you, dont need a reason; dont like you, anything can be a reason. 喜欢你,不需要理由;不喜欢你,什么都可以成为理由。 8.Told grievance is not real grievance.Either is the lover who is taken away. 能够说出的委屈,便不算委屈;能够抢走的爱人,便不算爱人。 9.Life doesnt get easier, you just get stronger. 生活从未变得轻松,是你在一点一点变得坚强。 10.In life we all have an unspeakable secret, an irreversible regret, an unreachable dream and an unforgettable love. 人的一生,都有一些说不出的秘密,挽不回的遗憾,触不到的梦想,忘不了的爱。 11.The world is very small, so we met. The world is big, separate it is hard to goodbye. 这个世界很小,我们就这样遇见 。这个世界很大,分开就很难再见。 12.Dont promise me forever, just love me day by day. 不必承诺永远,只要爱我一天又一天。 13.Heard some things, obviously irrelevant, but also in the hearts of several bends Shui think of you. 听到一些事,明明不相干的,也会在心中拐好几个弯想到你。 14.Ive never given much thought to how I would die, but dying in the place of someone I love seems like a good way to go. 我过去从未过多考虑过我将来会如何死去,但死在我爱的人怀里倒是一个不错的选择。 15.metimes, tears is sign of unspoken happiness. And smile is sign of silent pain. 眼泪,有时候是一种无法言说的幸福。微笑,有时候是一种没有说出口的伤痛 。 最美的不是下雨天而是和你一起躲过雨的屋檐! 1、天下雨了,而我选择躲进 雨里 那样你大概就看不见我的泪了 2、因为你总会提醒就算我得到世界,有些幸福不是我的。 3、如果天晴,阳光是我的问候;如果下雨,雨声是我的祝福;如果刮风,风声是我的祈祷;无论何时,我都祝愿你快乐幸福! 4、天黑了是因为太阳睡了;下雨了是因为云哭了;树断了是因为风发怒了;我哭了是因为你离开了;给你发信息了是因为我想你了,远方的你过的好吗? 5、下雨天,喜欢无风的下雨天! 6、我曾说我是个喜欢下雨天的人,因为下雨可以让我感动,让我冷静,冬天雨天 ,是那如丝般的细雨,没有力量,偶尔落到身上,也会被外套头发接受,皮肤很难感受到。风,雨总是漫无目的的飞,不用打伞,雨碎碎的…… 7、不会的哭的女人是怪物,只会哭的女人是废物。 8、你到底隐身在哪里,是不是,我追随着落在雨水里的花瓣,才可以达到。 9、最美的不是下雨天而是和你一起躲过雨的屋檐。 10、我想可能是因为我平时太活泼,只有下雨的时候才会让自己变得和淑女一样吧,呵呵!这都是我们的双重性格决定的,自己是个开朗的人,就会偶尔特别向往文静的样子! 11、在午夜,是人最想哭的时候因为那时是人最寂寞的时候。 12、下雨了是因为云哭了,花开了是因为风笑了,飘雪了是因为太阳睡了,月亮圆了是因为星星醉了,给你发短信了是因为我想你了! 13、短信无需合情合理,但需真心真意;祝福无需常常联系,但需挂记挂心里。一条温暖的关怀送给你:下雨天气凉,注意加衣! 14、现在不再那么幻想了,但是还是喜欢雨,喜欢下雨的时候,一个人坐在窗前,数雨滴。 15、喜欢下雨天,因为它是适合发呆的天气。但不喜欢有风的日子,担心被风吹乱了心爱的短发,重要的是隐形眼镜遇到风会掉眼泪,那种情景会很尴尬。 最美的不是下雨天,是曾与你躲过雨的屋檐。 1.最美的不是下雨天,是曾与你躲过雨的屋檐。 2.记得,一个雨天你说你会很疼我,现在又下雨了带走了我们所有的誓言 3.一场秋雨一层凉雨打沙滩万点坑珠打算盘一帘幽梦雨后彩虹溪流成河 4.既然是过去就有该变成过去的理由 执念不放只是对自己的伤害 5.天下雨了,而我选择躲进 雨里 那样你大概就看不见我的泪了 6.因为你总会提醒就算我得到世界,有些幸福不是我的。 7.有个傻瓜总是感动的时候喜欢说:天下雨了。 8.我喜欢下雨 喜欢站在雨里淋湿了自己 因为这样就算你哭了也没人知道。 9.你的眼睛下雨了,淋湿我所有的骄傲 10.每当下雨的时候,我还是会想起你,想起那些连呼吸都觉得心痛的画面。 11.今天又下雨了,你在我身边我很开心也很幸福。 12. 我说:我的世界在下雨。你说:没事,我会为你撑起伞来遮挡。 13.你在雨中行走,你从不打伞,你有自己的天空,它从不下雨。 14.记得,一个雨天你说你会很疼我,现在又下雨了带走了我们所有的誓言。 15.张爱玲说:雨声潺潺,像住在溪边。宁愿天天下雨,以为你是因为下雨而不来。 16.感动不是下雨的时候你给我撑伞 而是和我一起淋雨 17.下雨,冲走了什么;雨过天晴的太阳,带来了什么。没有,都没有。 18.大头大头,下雨不愁,别人有伞,你有大头 19.现在不再那么幻想了,但是还是喜欢雨,喜欢下雨的时候,一个人坐在窗前,数雨滴。 20.雨下个不停,心湿了一地,该怎么去忘了你 21.雨水,从雨伞间隙里化作天使般的泪,湿了一地。 22.下雨天的心情说说:没有什么永远没有什么很久 找个借口谁都可以先走 23.下雨天,突然好想出去淋雨,好让自己清醒点。 24.一天又一天,一时又时,那等待比什么都痛苦。 25.一个人如果爱另一个人 即使一声叹息也会听得出来 26.最美的不是下雨天,是曾与你躲过雨的屋檐。好想你怎么老是下雨 27.天要下雨,娘要嫁人。顺其自然就好,何必庸人自扰。 28.当全世界约好一起下雨,让我们约好一起在心里放晴。
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1、很多东西如果不是怕别人捡去,我们一定会扔掉。 Many things will be thrown away if they are not afraid of being picked up by others. 2、定义一样东西,就意味着限制了它。 Defining something means limiting it. 3、男女之间不存在纯粹的友谊,有的只是爱恨情仇。 There is no pure friendship beeen men and women, only love and hatred. 4、若诸神要惩罚我等,必先让我等如愿以偿。 If the gods want to punish me for waiting, they must first let me wait for my wish to be fulfilled. 5、世上唯一比被人议论更糟糕的,就是无人议论。 The only thing worse than being talked about is that nobody talks about it. 6、天堂和地狱都在我们每个人自己身上。 Heaven and hell are on each of us. 7、一个不危险的想法不值得被称为想法。 An idea that is not dangerous is not worth being called an idea. 8、不要垂头丧气,即使失去一切,明天仍在你的手里。 Don"t let your head down, even if you lose everything, tomorrow is still in your hands. 9、说出真理是一件痛苦的事,但被迫说谎更痛苦。 It"s painful to tell the truth, but it"s more painful to be forced to lie. 10、往事常常可以抹掉,手段是悔恨、克制或遗忘。 The past can often be erased by remorse, restraint or fetting. 11、人生因为有美,所以最后一定是悲剧。 Life must be a tragedy because it is beautiful. 12、无知就像是一朵精致的花朵:摸一下,它就消失了。 Ignorance is like a delicate flower: touch it and it disappears. 13、我已成了供你取乐的工具,成了随时听从你吩咐的仆人。 I have bee a tool for your pleasure and a servant who always obeys your orders. 14、做你自己,因为别人都有人做了。 Be yourself, because everyone else has done it. 15、生活的一切都和性有关,除了性本身。因为性关乎权力。 Everything in life is about sex, except sex itself. Because sex is about power. 16、把人分成好的与坏的是荒谬的,人要么迷人,要么乏味。 It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or boring. 17、你知道的比你认为知道的多,但比你想知道的少。 You know more than you think, but less than you want to know. 18、其实薄幸的人,更知晓爱的真相。 In fact, those who are less fortunate know the truth of love better. 19、每个人犯了错误,都自称是经验。 Everyone makes mistakes and claims to be experience. 20、一旦你确实需要爱,你就会发现它正在等待着你。 Once you really need love, you will find it waiting for you. 21、痛苦是永久的、模糊的、黑暗的并且还具有永恒的品性。 Pain is permanent, vague, dark and has an eternal character. 22、浪漫的精髓就在于它充满种种可能。 The essence of romance is that it is full of possibilities. 23、只有感官才能解救灵魂,正如只有灵魂才能解救感官。 Only the senses can save the soul, just as only the soul can save the senses. 24、不论什么地方,只要你爱它,它便是你的世界。 Wherever you love it, it"s your world. 25、我们谁也忍受不了和我们同样毛病的人。 None of us can stand people with the same faults as us. 26、我们教给人们如何记忆,却从来不教他们如何成长。 We teach people how to remember, but never how to grow. 27、过去的事情唯一可爱之处就在于它已经过去。 The only lovely thing about the past is that it has passed. 28、我们都在阴沟里,但仍有人仰望星空。 We are all in the gutter, but there are still people looking up at the stars. 29、没有人富有到可以赎回自己的过去。 No one is rich enough to redeem his past. 30、女人是用来爱的,而不是用来了解的。 Women are for love, not for understanding. 31、我宽恕了你的过去,虽然我对我们的未来只字未提。 I five your past, although I have not mentioned anything about our future. 32、美好的肉体是为了享乐,美好的灵魂是为了痛苦。 Good body is for pleasure, good soul is for pain. 33、你不知羞耻地索取,毫无感激地接受。 You take it shamelessly and accept it gratefully. 34、一个人倘若不为自己思考,那就从未思考过。 If a man does not think for himself, he never thinks for himself. 35、每个人生来都是君王,但大多数在流亡中死去。 Everyone is born a king, but most of them die in exile. 36、结婚是想象战胜了理智,再婚是希望战胜了经验。 Marriage is the triumph of imagination over reason, and remarriage is the triumph of hope over experience. 37、关心行为的正确与否,表明理智的发展,已经停滞不前。 Concern about the correctness of behavior indicates that the development of reason has stagnated. 38、男女之间不可能存在友谊,有的只是爱恨情仇。 There can be no friendship beeen men and women, only love and hatred. 39、在这个时代里,那些非必需品反而成了我们的必需品。 In this era, those non-necessities have bee our necessities. 40、一旦被贴上标签,你就很难逃脱。 Once labeled, it"s hard to escape. 41、美丽要比善良好,善良要比难看强。 Beauty is better than kindness, kindness is better than ugliness. 42、人想恢复青春,只消重演过去干的蠢事就够了。 If you want to regain your youth, you just have to repeat the foolish things you did in the past. 43、感官跟火一样,既能毁灭人,也能净化人。 Senses, like fire, can destroy and purify people. 44、做你自己,因为别人已经有人做了。 Be yourself, because someone else has already done it. 45、把人分成好和坏的是荒谬的。人要么是迷人,或者乏味。 It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or boring. 46、再普通的东西,只要你把它藏起来,它就讨人喜欢。 Ordinary things, as long as you hide them, they are likable. 47、愚人创造了这个世界,智者不得不活在其中。 Fools create the world, and wise men have to live in it. 48、理智的表情在哪里露头,美,真正的美就在那里告终。 Where the rational expression appears, beauty, the real beauty ends there. 49、不幸的是,我在你的身上花去了一生。 Unfortunately, I spent my life on you. 50、恭维不会使女人飘然,却往往使男人丧志。 Compliments don"t make women float, but they often make men lose heart. 51、我爱他,是因为他像爱情本身应有的样子。 I love him because he looks like love itself. 52、一个人总是可以善待他毫不在意的人。 A man can always be kind to people he doesn"t care about. 53、老年人相信一切,中年人怀疑一切,青年人什么都懂。 Old people believe everything, middle-aged people doubt everything, young people know everything. 54、每个人生下来都是王,而大多数人却在放逐中死去。 Everyone was born king, and most died in exile. 55、给我们赦免的,是忏悔而不是牧师。 It is confession, not priest, that gives us pardon. 56、我给你们讲述的是所有你们没勇气去犯的罪孽。 I"m telling you about all the crimes you didn"t have the courage to mit. 57、假如人们说过去的事情无可挽回,你别信。 If people say that the past is irreversible, don"t believe it. 58、我喜欢有未来的男人和有过去的女人。 I like men with a future and women with a past. 59、笑对于交朋友倒是个不坏的开端,要是一笑告终按就更好。 Laughter is a good beginning for making friends. It would be better if the laughter ended. 60、每个圣人都有过去每个罪人都有未来。 Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future. 61、不够真诚是危险的,太真诚则绝对是致命的。 Insufficient sincerity is dangerous, but too sincerity is absolutely fatal. 62、切莫垂头丧气,即使失去了一切,你还握有未来。 Don"t let your head down, even if you lose everything, you still have the future. 63、对于毫无关系的人,不可能经常带有好意。 It is impossible to be always kind to people who have nothing to do with them. 64、愚人创造了世界,智者不得不活在其中。 Fools make the world, and wise men have to live in it. 65、任何地方,只要你爱它,它就是你的世界。 Wherever you love it, it"s your world. 66、我们思想着的是永恒,慢慢通过的却是时间。 We are thinking of eternity, but we are slowly passing through time. 67、来自敌人的成功可以忍,来自朋友的成功却不能忍。 Success from enemies can be tolerated, but success from friends can not be tolerated. 68、我们都生活在下水道里,但依然有人夜夜仰望星空。 We all live in sewers, but there are still people looking up at the stars night and night. 69、人真正的完美不在于他拥有什么,而在于他是什么。 The real perfection of a man lies not in what he has, but in what he is.
2023-07-29 18:12:361


adj. 植物的;植物人状态的,无所作为的;促使植物生长的;有生长力的
2023-07-29 18:12:484

relatedto... 造句

Is the topic related to what we are saying. 这个话题是否与我们说的有关系?
2023-07-29 18:12:583


  地球能满足人类的需要、但满足不了人类的贪婪。下面我整理了有关保护环境的英文标语,欢迎查阅!   有关保护环境的英文标语1   1、It"s everyone"s duty to love and protect the environment.   爱护和保护环境是每个人的责任和义务。   2、But some people don"t care about it.   但是有些人却不关心或不在意。   3、The most important question in the world today is pollution.   当今世界最重要的话题就是污染问题。   4、The amount of water which is suitable to drink is less and less.   适合人类喝的水是越来越少了。   5、Even worse, they pour dirty water in to rivers.   更糟糕的是他们排放污水到河流里。   6、They waste a lot of water in their daily life.   日常生活中他们浪费很多水。   7、Something must be done to stop the pollution.   人类必须采取一些措施来制止污染。   8、They throw rubbish into rivers , too.   他们还乱扔垃圾到河流理去。   9、Do not throw rubbish onto the ground. Do not waste water. Use both sides of paper when you write. Stop using plastic bags for shopping. Make classrooms less noisy.   不要在地上扔垃圾。不要浪费水。当你写字时要在纸的两面都要写。停止使用塑料袋去购物。减少教室里德吵闹声。   10、Planting trees Trees are very helpful and important for us.   树对我们人类是多么的重要和有用。   11、No one can live without water or air.   没有人能离开水和空气生存。   12、we can"t live without water.   没有水我们就不能生存。   13、We should take many measures to stop pollution.   我们应该采取许多措施去停止污染。   14、Without the shade from trees, Earth would get too hot to live on.   没有了树荫,地球将会变得太热而不能生存。   15、Many rivers and lakes are seriously polluted.   很多河流湖泊已经受到严重污染。   16、As we know , water is very important to man.   我们知道,水对人类来说是非常的重要。   17、We need to protect Earth because it is our home.   我们需要保护地球因为它是我们的家。   18、It"s our duty to save water.   节约水是我们每个人的责任。   19、We should plant more and more trees in order to live better and more healthy in the future.   为了将来我们的生活过得更好、更加健康我们应该种更多的树。   20、We don"t need to do big things—we can start out small.   我们不需要做大事,我们可以从小事做起。   21、Let"s do our best to make it more beautiful.   让我们尽力让它更美丽。   22、We should stop factories from producing harmful gases.   我们应该阻止工厂生产有害气体。   23、If we don"t save water, the last drop of water will be a tear-drop of us.   如果我们不节约水,那么最后一滴水也许会是我们人类的眼泪。   有关保护环境的英文标语2   1. Keep our nature healthy, cause it will make us wealthy.   2. Reduce wastes and recycle them instead, put them with plants and they will be fed.   3. 保护地球环境-人类共有的家园。Protect the earth"s environment -- the homeland of all mankind.   4. 保护环境识每个公民的责任与义务。Protecting the environment is every citizen"s responsibility and moral duty.   5. 对环境问题的关注已经成为一种不可逆转的历史潮流。The attention to environment issue has become an irreversible historical trend.   6. 切实搞好生态环境建设。Practical measures need to be taken to improve the environment.   7. 使地球充满生机!Give Earth a Chance   8. 提高全民族环保意识。Awaken the whole nation to the importance of environmental protection.   9. Keep the environment clean, so it will stay green.   10. Global warming is so uncool!   11. Save our precious Earth!   12. 地球能满足人类的.需要、但满足不了人类的贪婪.The earth can satisfy our needs but not our greeds.   13. 拯救地球就是拯救未来Save the earth save the future.   14. 为了地球上的生命,拯救我们的海洋For Life on Earth - Save Our Seas   15. 水-20亿人生命之所系!Water - Two Billion People are Dying for It!   16. Clean & live, or be lazy & die!   17. Our Earth is most precious   18. It"s not my fault greenhouse gases hate earth!   19. It"s everyone"s duty to love and protect the environment.爱护和保护环境是每个人的责任和义务。   20. But some people don"t care about it.但是有些人却不关心或不在意。   21. The most important question in the world today is pollution.当今世界最重要的话题就是污染问题。   22. The amount of water which is suitable to drink is less and less.适合人类喝的水是越来越少了。
2023-07-29 18:13:071

empirical relationship是什么意思

empirical relationship[英][emu02c8piriku0259l riu02c8leiu0283u0259nu0283ip][美][u025bmu02c8pu026aru026aku0259l ru026au02c8leu0283u0259nu02ccu0283u026ap][计] 经验关系; 例句:1.Empirical analysis on relationship between irreversible investment anduncertainty. 不可回复之投资与风险的关系之实证研究。2.And the empirical result on the relationship between top managementteam"s characteristics and performance, indicate that age heterogeneity ispositively associated with diversity. 而在高阶管理团队特质与多角化程度之关系上,发现,集团企业内高阶管理团队的年龄异质性与多角化程度之间呈现显著的正向关系。
2023-07-29 18:13:291


 雅思写作考试的议论文部分,其中argument类型的考题是最多的,它的准备首先是审题思路和观点走向的逻辑结构。也就是说你必须知道议论文分三部分,每部分有哪些思路(每条思路的主要观点),以及主要观点及其信息的组织逻辑合理。衔接手段的灵活运用十分必要。  今天南通环球教育(原环球雅思)名师周京老师要介绍的是我称之为立论法的写作方式,该方法在雅思大作文写作文章用的文章结构是:全文的核心-论点-直接论证的分论点.-重申自己的观点。 须要注意的是对于每个段落核心分论点的扩展可采用:In other words(释义论证);For example(举例论证);The reason for this is that (原因);As a result(影响/结果);Conversely(对比论证)。这是三种最基本的论证方法。可以用一种,也可以用两种或三种。如下是立论法运用的一例,请看审题,思路和灵活合理衔接的是如何实现的。  真题:The tendency to copy is shown in the popularity of fashion in clothes and other consumers" goods. To what extend do you agree or disagree?  审题: 关键词: 1.the tendency to copy  2.Popularity of fashion in clothes and other consumer"s goods  思路:  理由一:the symbol of mixture of different culture , economic integration  理由二:a form of self-expression , the presentation of personality ,mood and aesthetic appreciation  让步段(理由):  1.plenty of manufactures to make more profits  2.certain groups without analyzing to purchase and imitate blindly.  转折: temporary profits instead of the long-term and plentiful economic benefits .  2.consumers to be more sensible levels to make the determined attempt to purchase  结论:the irreversible tendency instead of imitating phenomenon  首段:转述题目+表明立场  In current society especially in recent years, purchasing and chasing fashionable clothes and other consumer"s products emerging dramatically turns out to be common phenomenon of society. Some people deem it is the result of mutual imitating, however, as far as I am concerned that it is the inevitable tenor of globalization and economic integration and the Internet popularizing.  第二段:不认同 ,理由一  理由段,理由段是文章的主体部分由两种写法:①段落中心句+支持句 ②段落中心句+支持句+例子  该段主要陈述自己支持的某种观点或好处,可以只有一个理由  To begin with, purchasing the popularity of fashionable clothes and other consumer"s products is the symbol of mixture of different culture, economic integration and advanced technology, to give rise to the lifestyle changing, which can be well explained by the following example. Taking the eminent Mobile Phone Apple for example, it is widely accepted and applied by increasing prevalent number of people around the world especially for Chinese, due to its extraordinary function and humanized style of designing.  第三段:理由段,不认同理由二  In addition, chasing the popularity of fashion clothing and other consumption goods is also a form of self-expression, the presentation of personality and aesthetic appreciation. Namely, a sizable percentage of individuals tend to have more sense of identity toward the main fashionable tendency, which can be attributed to the powerful and potential influence of media and advertisement as well as the certain group who are living around.  第四段:让步段:让步句承认某种观点的合理性,转折句对该观点加以反驳。  There is no denying that plenty of manufactures imitate other eminent band to make more profits, and the certain groups without analyzing and distinguishing purchase blindly. However, in terms of manufactures, imitating can merely obtain limited temporary profits instead of the long-term and plentiful economic benefits. In terms of consumers, they will return to be more sensible levels to make the determined attempt to purchase more suitable and fashionable clothes and reasonable consumption goods according their financial situation.  结论:总结全文+强调立场  On balance, taking into account the above perspectives, I am convinced that the popularity of fashion is the irreversible tendency brought about by advanced communication, soaring technology and the progress of economic and cultural integration instead of the so-called "tendency of copy".
2023-07-29 18:13:361


2023-07-29 18:13:473


levers的中文意思是:杠杆( lever的名词复数 );操作杆;施压的行为。例句:1、Yet mr obama keeps pulling levers that do not work .然而,奥巴马一直在拉动根本不起作用的杠杆。2、In many places the policy levers look flimsy .许多国家的政策杠杆软弱无力。3、A second theory suggests that the blocks were placed using long levers with a short angled foot .第二种理论指出这些石块是由支点端的长杠杆放置上去的。4、But all levers can work in two directions -- for good or bad .但所有杠杆都可以朝两个方向施力-或者是好或者是坏。5、Mr livingstone ran london as a machine ; mr johnson occasionally appears to forget where the levers are .列文斯通掌管下的伦敦运行犹如一台机器;约翰逊先生时不时就会忘记杠杆在哪儿。
2023-07-29 18:15:311

华为交换机FTP 远程主机关闭连接

2023-07-29 18:16:231


基本资料 菲利普·约翰逊(Phillip Johnson),美国建筑师,建筑理论家,埃森曼称他为美国建筑界的“教父”。于1906年7月8日出生于美国俄亥俄州克利夫兰,2005年1月25日去世。他最初在哈佛大学学哲学,但自从读了密斯·凡·德·罗 、勒·柯布西耶和沃尔特·格罗佩斯等建筑大师的相关文章之后,他就固执地转了专业。33岁的时候,他获得了哈佛大学建筑学院的建筑学学士学位,1927年毕业。后 作品同建筑史家H·R·希契科克(Henry Russell Hitchcock)游历欧洲,结识了许多现代派建筑师。归国后于1932年任纽约市现代艺术博物馆(MOMA)建筑部主任,同年与希契科克合著《国际式风格》一书,并举办展览,首次向美国介绍欧洲现代主义建筑。同时,他又与建筑史家H·R·希契科克(Henry Russell Hitchcock)一起撰写关于“建筑国际风格”的相关著作,该计划中有多名伟大建筑师参与。 1939年进哈佛大学建筑研究生院,从师M·布劳耶学习,但其真正的导师是密斯·范·德·罗。1943年获得建筑学位。1945年开设设计事务所,1946-1954年重任纽约市现代艺术博物馆建筑部主任。他的专著《密斯·范·德·罗》于1947年出版,颇负盛名。1949年设计了自己的住宅,确立了他作为建筑师的声望。约翰逊与对他有巨大影响的密斯·凡·德·罗一起工作,并将其看作是最高明的建筑师。 约翰逊早期的工作深受到密斯的影响,甚至他自己的家也在相当程度上有着密斯的影子。尽管他把 密斯 看作天才,但是他也在逐渐抱怨传统的风格,他表明:“我的宗旨是明确的、不同于传统”。1967年起,约翰逊与约翰·伯奇(John Burgee)一起工作至1991年,他们能够将简单的几何图形浇铸成一种新颖而且不可思议的模型。密斯影响 约翰逊早期的工作深受到密斯的影响,甚至他自己的家 作品也在相当程度上有着密斯的影子。尽管他把密斯看作天才,但是他也在逐渐抱怨传统的风格,他表明:“我的宗旨是明确的、不同于传统”。1967年起,约翰逊与约翰·伯奇(JohnBurgee)一起工作至1991年,他们能够将简单的几何图形浇铸成一种新颖而且不可思议的模型。由于约翰逊善于建造高楼和公共场所等大型建筑,因此他的作品遍及各个领域,他的设计经常具有很强的抽象性和审美观。约翰逊总是离奇地将一幢建筑到另一种建筑的风格完全改变,这也是他在工商界大受欢迎的缘故。约翰逊一直注重变幻建建筑物的外形,用他的话来说就是:“我们从来没必要照搬我们自己的东西,而是应该跟这些完全不同”。由于过多的关注建筑背景(比如环境和位置等),约翰逊的设计不时显得相当折中。约翰逊认为建筑中唯一最重要的错误就是无聊。约翰逊与搭档伯奇合作 在约翰逊与搭档伯奇合作的设计中,越来越注 作品意通过建造地平线的同一性以满足客户的需要,客户们往往希望他们的建筑在这个共同的世界中显得更别致、醒目一些。因此,他设计的建筑既与四周的高楼形成明显的对比,又占了相当的优势地位。他认为建筑的结构和外观必须与客户的认可程度相当。约翰逊相当注意自然和人造光线之间的搭配,同时也意识到水对所处位置的重大作用以及光线等方面的作用。因此,在设计中,他加入了几个单独的却又有一定关联的喷泉。他还用雕刻结等方式创造更大的空间,他说道:“一方面,我对排列的建筑空间相当感兴趣,并将它当作一种思路来进行思考,将之付诸实际中以领会、理解”。尽管约翰逊还是一直追随着密斯的步伐,但后来经过自己的努力,成为摩天大楼的主要设计师。1979年,约翰逊获得了第一届普立兹克建筑奖(PritzkerPrize),该奖被誉为建筑界的诺贝尔奖。编辑本段作品设计历程早期作品 约翰逊的早期作品明显受密斯·范·德·罗 作品影响;50年代中期开始由密斯风格转向新古典主义。这时期的代表作品有内布拉斯加大学的谢尔顿艺术纪念馆(1960-1963)、纽约林肯中心的纽约州剧院(1964)等。70年代同J·伯吉合作开设事务所,合作设计了一系列建筑,较重要的明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯IDS中心(1973)、休斯顿的潘索尔大厦(1976)、加利福尼亚州加登格罗芙的“水晶教堂”等。这几幢建筑一扫他的折衷风格,颇有清新气息。这是约翰逊富有成就的时期。但在1983年建成的位于纽约曼哈顿区的美国电话电报公司大楼设计中,约翰逊又把历史上古老的建筑构件进行变形,加到现代化的大楼上,有意造成暧昧的隐喻和不协调的尺度。这座建筑已成为后现代主义的代表作。同样的作品不有:匹兹堡平板玻璃公司大厦、耶鲁微生物学楼、休斯顿银行大厦等。大型建筑 由于约翰逊善于建造高楼和公共场所等大型建筑,因此他的作品遍及各个领域,他的设计经常具有很强的抽象性和审美观。约翰逊总是离奇地将一幢建筑到另一种建筑的风格完全改变,这也是他在工商界大受欢迎的缘故。约翰逊一直注重变幻建建筑物的外形,用他的话来说就是:“我们从来没必要照搬我们自己的东西,而是应该跟这些完全不同”。由于过多的关注建筑背景(比如环境和位置等),约翰逊的设计不时显得相当折中。约翰逊认为建筑中唯一最重要的错误就是无聊。 在约翰逊与搭档伯奇合作的设计中,越来越注意通过建造地平线的同一性以满足客户的需要,客户们往往希望他们的建筑在这个共同的世界中显得更别致、醒目一些。因此,他设计的建筑既与四周的高楼形成明显的对比,又占了相当的优势地位。他认为建筑的结构和外观必须与客户的认可程度相当。编辑本段创作理念与设计风格搭配 约翰逊相当注意自然和人造光线之间的搭配,同时也意识到水对所处位置的重大作用以及光线等方面的作用。因此,在设计中,他加入了几个单独的却又有一定关联的喷泉 作品。他还用雕刻结等方式创造更大的空间,他说道:“一方面,我对排列的建筑空间相当感兴趣,并将它当作一种思路来进行思考,将之付诸实际中以领会、理解”。尽管约翰逊还是一直追随着密斯的步伐,但后来经过自己的努力,成为摩天大楼的主要设计师。1979年,约翰逊获得了第一届普立兹克建筑奖(Pritzker Prize),该奖 被誉为建筑界的诺贝尔奖 。求变 有着建筑界“教父”之称的菲利普·约翰逊一生都在求变,一生都在引领潮流,他从玻璃屋子时期的密斯风格转向新古典主义时,推出了波士顿公共图书馆;当现代主义风雨欲来的时候,他设计了名声显赫的加利福尼亚州加登格罗芙的“水晶教堂”;当后现代主义成为时尚时,他和建筑师伯奇一起贡献了纽约的美国电话电报公司大楼,这座拼贴了古典风格、现代高层建筑风格、巴洛克时代的堂皇风格和现代商业化POP风格的建筑,堪称后现代主义建筑中规模最大、最负盛名的代表作。另外,他设计的匹兹堡平板玻璃公司大厦、耶鲁微生物教学楼、休斯顿银行大厦等,也是建筑史上无法忽略的经典之作。正统观念 具有无厘头风格的菲利普·约翰逊从来不把正统观念当一回事,他认 作品为“原创性”根本就是欺世之谈,他曾经破解过 “玻璃房子”的各种设计构思的源头。当人们批评他的设计时,他报以淡然的一笑,并且声称:我就是个妓女,业主让我摆什么扑斯我就摆什么扑斯。当有人问他:您的建筑创作从哪里开始呢?约翰逊回答说:从脚底板开始。值得一提的是,菲利普· 约翰逊早年曾经是反犹主义者,他还曾聆听过希特勒的演讲,但他后半生却与犹太人和平相处,1960年他为以色列设计了核反应堆纪念馆,上世纪末他还全力帮助过两位美国顶尖的犹太建筑师发展事业。也许菲利普·约翰逊的一贯的无厘头风格,使得热爱他的成就的人们更容易原谅他的过错。编辑本段作品设计历程 约翰逊的早期作品明显受密斯·范·德·罗的影响;50年代中期开始由密斯风格转向新古典主义。这时期的代表作品有内布拉斯加大学的谢尔顿艺术纪念馆(1960-1963)、纽约林肯中心的纽约州剧院(1964)等。70年代同J·伯吉合作开设事务所,合作设计了一系列建筑,较重要的明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯IDS中心(1973)、休斯顿的潘索尔大厦(1976)、加利福尼亚州加登格罗芙的“水晶教堂”等。这几幢建筑一扫他的折衷风格,颇有清新气息。这是约翰逊富有成就的时期。但在1983年建成的位于纽约曼哈顿区的美国电话电报公司大楼设计中,约翰逊又把历史上古老的建筑构件进行变形,加到现代化的大楼上,有意造成暧昧的隐喻和不协调的尺度。这座建筑已成为后现代主义的代表作。同样的作品不有:匹兹堡平板玻璃公司大厦、耶鲁微生物学楼、休斯顿银行大厦等。 由于约翰逊善于建造高楼和公共场所等大型建筑,因此他的作品遍及各个领域,他的设计经常具有很强的抽象性和审美观。约翰逊总是离奇地将一幢建筑到另一种建筑的风格完全改变,这也是他在工商界大受欢迎的缘故。约翰逊一直注重变幻建建筑物的外形,用他的话来说就是:“我们从来没必要照搬我们自己的东西,而是应该跟这些完全不同”。由于过多的关注建筑背景(比如环境和位置等),约翰逊的设计不时显得相当折中。约翰逊认为建筑中唯一最重要的错误就是无聊。在约翰逊与搭档伯奇合作的设计中,越来越注意通过建造地平线的同一性以满足客户的需要,客户们往往希望他们的建筑在这个共同的世界中显得更别致、醒目一些。因此,他设计的建筑既与四周的高楼形成明显的对比,又占了相当的优势地位。他认为建筑的结构和外观必须与客户的认可程度相当。 位于曼哈顿春天街(SpringStreet)330号宁静街区的都市玻璃之屋(TheUrbanGlassHouse)为美国建筑大师菲利普·约翰逊的最后一件建筑作品。2006年完工的都市玻璃之屋,优雅的矩形空间,以大胆的几何线条创造明快的视觉穿透性。美国最大的豪宅建筑商TollBrothers宣布调降2006年的房屋销售预估值,使得整个豪宅市场面临萎缩的悲观气氛。然而,都市玻璃之屋在宣布销售的初期,即在两个星期内售出三成,显示人们对于拥有菲利普·约翰逊的最后作品抱持极大的热情。 1949年,菲利普·约翰逊于康乃迪克州完成的首座建筑作品也是名为玻璃之屋,此事并非巧合。原本业主所委托位于曼哈顿的提案无法配合建筑分区法规的限制而遭驳回,此时,菲利普·约翰逊正准备退休。业主Vendome先生当时提出,何不兴建另一座玻璃之屋来作为菲利普·约翰逊的退休之作。因而将原本的设计方向作360度的转变,因而诞生这座新玻璃之屋。担任曼哈顿都市玻璃之屋室内设计工作的建筑师AnnabelleSelldorf添加了一些细部以响应原始玻璃之屋的精神。她使用锯齿形纹饰的白橡木地板以对应康乃迪克州玻璃屋的地面砖砌形式。此外,控制具相同效果的自然光为关键,至少,必须是相当充足的室内采光。大面玻璃的运用虽然也是必须保留的原则,不过考量清洗的便利性,新玻璃之屋选用较小易控制的玻璃窗板。菲利普·约翰逊虽无法亲自经历都市玻璃之屋的完成,然新旧玻璃之屋留给世人的,为他一路所坚持的建筑精神。编辑本段设计风格 约翰逊早期的工作深受到密斯的影响,甚至他自己的家也在相当程度上有着密斯的影子。尽管他把密斯看作天才,但是他也在逐渐抱怨传统的风格,他表明:“我的宗旨是明确的、不同于传统”。1967年起,约翰逊与约翰·伯奇(JohnBurgee)一起工作至1991年,他们能够将简单的几何图形浇铸成一种新颖而且不可思议的模型。 由于约翰逊善于建造高楼和公共场所等大型建筑,因此他的作品遍及各个领域,他的设计经常具有很强的抽象性和审美观。约翰逊总是离奇地将一幢建筑到另一种建筑的风格完全改变,这也是他在工商界大受欢迎的缘故。约翰逊一直注重变幻建建筑物的外形,用他的话来说就是:“我们从来没必要照搬我们自己的东西,而是应该跟这些完全不同”。由于过多的关注建筑背景(比如环境和位置等),约翰逊的设计不时显得相当折中。约翰逊认为建筑中唯一最重要的错误就是无聊。 在约翰逊与搭档伯奇合作的设计中,越来越注意通过建造地平线的同一性以满足客户的需要,客户们往往希望他们的建筑在这个共同的世界中显得更别致、醒目一些。因此,他设计的建筑既与四周的高楼形成明显的对比,又占了相当的优势地位。他认为建筑的结构和外观必须与客户的认可程度相当。 约翰逊相当注意自然和人造光线之间的搭配,同时也意识到水对所处位置的重大作用以及光线等方面的作用。因此,在设计中,他加入了几个单独的却又有一定关联的喷泉。他还用雕刻结等方式创造更大的空间,他说道:“一方面,我对排列的建筑空间相当感兴趣,并将它当作一种思路来进行思考,将之付诸实际中以领会、理解”。尽管约翰逊还是一直追随着密斯的步伐,但后来经过自己的努力,成为摩天大楼的主要设计师。编辑本段创作理念 约翰逊相当注意自然和人造光线之间的搭配,同时也意识到水对所处位置的重大作用以及光线等方面的作用。因此,在设计中,他加入了几个单独的却又有一定关联的喷泉。他还用雕刻结等方式创造更大的空间,他说道:“一方面,我对排列的建筑空间相当感兴趣,并将它当作一种思路来进行思考,将之付诸实际中以领会、理解”。尽管约翰逊还是一直追随着密斯的步伐,但后来经过自己的努力,成为摩天大楼的主要设计师。1979年,约翰逊获得了第一届普立兹克建筑奖(PritzkerPrize),该奖被誉为建筑界的诺贝尔奖。 有着建筑界“教父”之称的菲利普·约翰逊一生都在求变,一生都在引领潮流,他从玻璃屋子时期的密斯风格转向新古典主义时,推出了波士顿公共图书馆;当现代主义风雨欲来的时候,他设计了名声显赫的加利福尼亚州加登格罗芙的“水晶教堂”;当后现代主义成为时尚时,他和建筑师伯奇一起贡献了纽约的美国电话电报公司大楼,这座拼贴了古典风格、现代高层建筑风格、巴洛克时代的堂皇风格和现代商业化POP风格的建筑,堪称后现代主义建筑中规模最大、最负盛名的代表作。另外,他设计的匹兹堡平板玻璃公司大厦、耶鲁微生物教学楼、休斯顿银行大厦等,也是建筑史上无法忽略的经典之作。 具有无厘头风格的菲利普·约翰逊从来不把正统观念当一回事,他认为“原创性”根本就是欺世之谈,他曾经破解过“玻璃房子”的各种设计构思的源头。当人们批评他的设计时,他报以淡然的一笑,并且声称:我就是个妓女,业主让我摆什么扑斯我就摆什么扑斯。当有人问他:您的建筑创作从哪里开始呢?约翰逊回答说:从脚底板开始。值得一提的是,菲利普·约翰逊早年曾经是反犹主义者,他还曾聆听过希特勒的演讲,但他后半生却与犹太人和平相处,1960年他为以色列设计了核反应堆纪念馆,上世纪末他还全力帮助过两位美国顶尖的犹太建筑师发展事业。也许菲利普·约翰逊的一贯的无厘头风格,使得热爱他的成就的人们更容易原谅他的过错。编辑本段主要作品集 1.1949 美国康涅狄格州纽卡纳安玻璃住宅(Glass House New Canaan,CT) 2.1958 纽约Seagrams建筑(Seagrams Building New York,NY) 3.1966 耶鲁Kline科研中心(Kline Science Center Yale) 4.1973 波士顿公立图书馆扩建部分(Boston Public Library Addition) 5.1973 休斯顿建筑学院(Houston School of Architecture) 6.1976 德克萨斯州休斯顿(Penzoil Place Houston,TX) 7.1977 达拉斯感恩广场(Thanksgiving Square Dallas,TX) 8.1977 圣路易斯州人寿保险总公司 General Life Insurance St.Louis) 9.1980 加利福尼亚州加登格罗夫水晶大教堂(Crystal Cathedral Garden Grove) 10.1984 美国纽约电话与电报公司大厦(AT&T Building New York,NY) 11.1984 美国宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡PPG总部(PPG Headquarters Pittsburgh,PA) 12.1985 德克萨斯州休斯顿美国银行(Bank of America Houston,TX) 13.1987 美国德克萨斯州达拉斯市立国家银行大楼(Bank One Center Dallas,TX) 14.1988 佐治亚州亚特兰大大西洋中心(Atlantic Center Atlanta,GA) 15.1996 俄亥俄州克里夫兰雕刻中心(Sculpture Cleveland,OH) 成名作品glass house: 水晶大教堂外观,典型的玻璃盒子: 美国电报电话公司大楼: 九十年代设计的解构建筑----门屋来自百度百科
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