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比较有深意的英文名字 励志英文网名女生

2023-07-30 03:36:00

u2662. Deirdre 迪得莉

u2662. Adorable(萌

u2662. 肆虐ヽ Ragingヽ

u2662. 锦池 Bluesy-

u2662. Rapper

u2662. forever 浅笑

u2662. 生死相随 |▍lose heart

u2662. ╰隐、行R en

u2662. 进击的Ladies

u2662. 绕指柔▼- Heart

u2662. Dominic 多米尼克

u2662. 傀儡 poised▼

u2662. 挚爱丨KillerClub

u2662. Delano 德拉诺

u2662. 浅时光BonnenuIt

u2662. 安生Our Paris

u2662. 情绪▍Bombasti

u2662. Crazy 记忆。

u2662. 幽魅 |▍A foreboding

u2662. CPUのIntel.

u2662. Smoke

u2662. 装装装Escape

u2662. 尼古丁 perceptu

u2662. ˊ OnE

u2662. Dolphin

u2662. Lifetime(一生

u2662. 离烟 ine

u2662. tfboys、发光少年

u2662. EXO、莪稀饭你

u2662. 开始.com

u2662. " 永恒 Eternally。

u2662. realx(放松

u2662. ﹌★`Novia╳灬,

u2662. 平淡是真sbaY,

u2662. twice-born 重获新生

u2662. Temptation 安静

u2662. 患得患失Enchating


u2662. Unlock now

u2662. fool、me

u2662. _Smileヾ淡莣

u2662. ~Angel微笑~

u2662. Emma 艾玛

u2662. Black 黑色

u2662. Taurus丶挽歌

u2662. Warm light(温暖

u2662. To love去爱


u2662. 女王Maxine彡

u2662. [-disingenu]言不由衷

u2662. 魂梦系¢ Dream

u2662. Poison丶biting

u2662. Superman

u2662. Zahara 扎哈拉

u2662. numb.(麻木

u2662. 洛初 Koreyoshi

u2662. Agoni▍べ[小时光]

u2662. Secret

u2662. soory、你不配

u2662. Urban Legend

u2662. Dean、


realx 是什么意思?+词性拜托了各位 谢谢

realx :放松 词性是名词.
2023-07-29 14:12:231


2023-07-29 14:12:311


2023-07-29 14:12:381

realx 是什么意思?+词性

2023-07-29 14:12:462


2023-07-29 14:12:531


这对我来说很轻松【realx】 It is relax to me. 用 to me比较合适。
2023-07-29 14:13:032

realme x手机是什么牌子出的

2023-07-29 14:13:1215

realx either什么意思

2023-07-29 14:13:461

C语言中,float realx=3e+5 是什么意思,还有,有连续两个百分号%的用法么?

3*10的5次方 = 300000
2023-07-29 14:13:574

l have a relaxing weekend.中realx为什么要加ing?

relaxingadj. 令人轻松的
2023-07-29 14:14:192


2023-07-29 14:14:261


一、I sit at my eone else. 做真实的自己,不要为了取悦别人或试图成为某个人。做你最原始的自己,比做任何人的复制品都来得好。 四、Happiness is a direction, not a place. 幸福不是一个地点,而是一个方向。 五、I just think in relationships, you get back orroes with a clear history Button, so you have to accept their past.没有人身上安装着清除历史的按钮,所以你得接受他们的过去。 十九、Not in addition to you, Id unwanted. Except you, I who do not want to. ~~~不是除了你,我就没人要了。只是除了你,我谁都不想要。 二十、Love the life you live, live the life you love. 喜欢自己过的生活,过自己喜欢的生活。 qq空间网名伤感英文 1、Hopeless(绝望) 2、modern girl 3、※ Tiredness (疲惫) 4、巷尾姑娘-temper.* 5、aholic. (沉迷者) 6、Exile つ (流放fan)* 7、Forget淡忘 8、devil. 【恶女】 9、木樨 1994 Vincent 10、妹 53、bay、硪囄开。 54、『Jealousy』妒忌 55、mumbo jumbo 56、Lucky ^^ 57、To make than 逗比 58、Sunshineづ残阳 59、Seven friends七友 60、Allure(诱惑) 61、Monster 怪兽 62、Unicorn (独角兽) 63、smile丶伤了 64、Rebirth(重生) 65、wirepuller 阴谋者 。 66、o^┢┦apy 67、blow爆炸 68、Super_man 69、Sandyづ情绪控 70、realx 71、Disappoint゜ 72、Awkward懵懂少女 73、ɡ1rl。女孩 74、ゝxям 75、敷衍Continue\ 76、Seven昔年 77、灼瘾 Renunc 78、Tonight【今夜】 79、状况外 beside▼ 80、TRANSFORMER(变形女) 带翻译的QQ空间英文短句 一、sometimes, as food for people left the memory, far than a beaten more profound, more is seared into the bone marroething in return. I ale to mind, I realize Im smiling. 每次一想到你我发现自己都不自觉的在微笑。 十、光阴这么好,光影这么俏,何必为了盲从的浮躁,而忘了心中的美丽。永远也许只是一瞬间,也许可以是永恒。 十一、Dont orrow.无论生活多么艰难,不要失去对明天的希望。 十八、The best life is not blind to think, do more, need less, understand the content.最好的生活就是不瞎想,做得多,要得少,懂知足。 十九、Love is unequal, so dont count how much one contributes, and which is more active.爱情本就是个不等式,因此,不要计较谁付出的多与少,哪一方更加主动。 qq空间伤感英文说说 qq空间伤感英文说说 1、留不住的人,我送你走。 I leave you, I ed to squeeze into his life. 8、我们要怎么做,爱情才会很快乐。 the dust, but the earth shadoplaint, you think I do not like the so-called. 20、后来,没了你的晚安,我也可以安然入睡。 Later, e people have no etimes, the more you hide your feelings for a person, the more you get into it. 40、下一个夏天,教室里坐又满了人,可惜不再是我们。 In the next summer, the classroom is full of people, but it is a pity that etimes, the best the moment I like you, I admit defeat, you see, I lost to the heart is empty. 57、幸福过,哭过,痛过,怕过,最后还是换来的是你的对不起。 Happiness, crying, pain, fear, and finally, in return for your sorry. 58、也许,他根本不爱你,只是舍不得你鞍前马后的的那份殷勤。 perhaps, he does not love you, but you loathe the hospitality that folloe to hurt me. Noe people dont seem to care about you, but you dont kno ignorance to mature, from the impulse to quiet, thank you for giving me an apple of sodom. 80、记忆像是倒在掌中的水,无论你是摊开还是紧握,终究还是会从指缝中一滴滴流淌干净。 Memory is like the water in the palm down, whether you spread out or hold, or will it eventually drops flowing from the fingers clean.
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1、Let"s=Let us,let后跟动词原形2、relax v.使放松 relaxed adj.轻松的 rest v.休息 ···is a way of+动词ing形式是固定用法,这句句子里relax是动词,意思是放松自己3、the作定冠词,此指一类物4、意思是将句子在语感和结构上变得更简洁5、whom是who的宾格 ex.Whom did they see?(可以和Who are you?一句在本质上做比较)
2023-07-29 14:14:593


练级、任务和PK时剑士装备的选择开心啊,总算我的剑要出关了,停练了一年的时间把技能烧的圆满了,在不出5个小时最后个技能2戒就6了,终于可以冲级,任务,PK了。其实在大概半年前我就研究了关于剑士的装备,不过哪个时候我基本都没用,只是看看了数值,仅仅停留在观望的阶段。现在我终于可以放心的去选购我需要的装备的了。鉴于我的剑目前只有85级,所以现在一阶段的装备不可能很完善,特别是武器还拿不动曲刀,不过特没关系,现在我也只准备冲等级而已。下面我给出今天的第一套装备,俗称反击装备:8黄野兽铠+8黄博流盖尔头盔+8黄芙蕾雅之靴+8黄力量盾=37闪41反击,原因是便宜,效果也不错在风混混可以了,武器带8蓝水龙剑296攻击双百制作。我也有考虑过用攻装,8紫亡灵铠甲+8紫博流盖尔头盔+8紫龙之靴+8紫火龙之盾=144攻击.54闪,确实是比反击装好很多,可以更好的发挥剑士的攻击力,但可延续性没有反击装明显,反击装最大的优势就是反击可以在在怪攻击你以后,有一定几率攻击怪,所以我比较推荐在练级时候穿反击装。那攻装干什么用呢?这里不得不在引入本文的第三套装备,闪装,8骑亡灵铠甲+8骑博流盖尔头盔+8骑龙之靴+8骑火龙之盾=93闪,之前这2套装备一直是我和朋友争论的焦点,我偏向与任务时穿闪装,普通PK装穿攻装,而我的朋友和我相反。而现在我们已经没有这方面的争论了,因为这2套的装备在任务和普通PK时都能发挥一定的效果,相比前面的反击装可以说是提升了好几个台阶。是什么装备解决了闪装和攻装的争论呢?答案只有它---命中装,双满的沙漠命中装,大家仔细的话可以发现,其实闪装和攻装都是紫亡灵铠甲,博流盖尔头盔,龙之靴,火龙之盾这4样东西,变的只是宝石的问题,其实命中装也是,只是改变了装备的发展趋向。沙漠红星加在防具上的效果是-1~3的命中和闪躲。下面给大家一组数据装备 命中 闪 白板命 闪火龙盾 6 15 3 11博留盔 -1 32 -4 29亡灵铠 3 15 0 11水龙靴 9 3 6 0龙之靴 6 6 4 4靴子是水龙靴的话17命,65闪,带龙之靴14命中,68闪以上是双满的效果和未加宝石的数值,到这是时候说下为何现在多了一双靴子了。水龙之靴必杀+5,命中+5,龙之靴命中+3,闪躲+3,2者的区别是5点必杀,要命的也就是这5点必杀了。在自己没砍海和自己冲沙漠之前一直声讨JS们不在攻装和闪装里选用水龙靴。现在我终于明白了,因为的确破靴比较难弄,而且沙漠比较博RP,出单满还是比较容易的,双满确实要有一定的耐心和运气。我很幸运已经搞到套双满的命中装了。这套装备基本是PK的王道了,参加比赛也只是把沙漠水龙靴换成Q水龙靴而已,顺便给下Q水龙靴的属性防御+199,必杀+6,命中+10,魔力287,耐久140,属性好很多但130W砸下去总要有点效果吧。武器的话有具体用在PK上,可以选择Q曲刀攻击509,+1敏,+1命,+1闪Q巨剑344攻,命中18,闪躲-8,如果追求命中的话可以选。而普通练级任务可以用8蓝龙剑,8蓝护身短剑(攻击媲美8蓝曲刀,缺点减魔多),8蓝曲刀,这3样武器一般任务和练级没问题了。在说下其它可行的装备,比如加圣魔装,简单说就是把沙漠换成圣魔,问题就在于圣魔不好弄,缺点没有闪的属性,优点固定命中增浮,不减耐久。还有一个就是3B帽子,但我一点都不推荐,多了3点命中但牺牲的实在太多,而且防御降低更是致命的。在游戏里有个不变的金钱定理,越好的越是贵。所以好的装备也可以看成是钱砸出来的,所以在文首提了一下反击装,因为在起草之前,有人问了我一句反击装也能和后面东西比?我没有正面回答他的问题,因为对于一个WGER来说钱只是一个代号,有了WG就等于有了等级,有了等级只需要把握SE开的任务就可以轻松的得到钱,雪山换石头任务、百人任务和挖石头任务都带来了太多的暴力。但我玩游戏是为了REALX自己,所以我不和他们一样任务玩玩就好,我可以用别的方法赚钱(卖图鉴,收破烂找人加工再卖等)。在我的服务器里反击装=20W,攻装55W,闪装65W,命中装很一般没人卖,都是自己冲的或者卡收的。8蓝龙剑10W,8蓝曲刀20W,Q曲刀因耐久而定一般150W(包括Q的价格)。这里就不提首饰了,全盘、梦幻想、考察团、6.1合成、狂暴之心、水龙护身符、神之首饰、火焰之魂、缤纷色彩护身符,自己选择吧。以上装备都是新3变的。个人感觉老是说老3变已经没有意义了,真的有那么多老3变留到现在么?所以在我眼里只有新3变。而且物品数据都有实物做证,并非公式模拟所得,相关资料可以在各大魔力论坛和网站找到。兴奋感不知去了那里,多了点失落感,想起了刚玩剑的冲动
2023-07-29 14:15:081


1. 用宾语从句写一篇关于友谊的作文 What does friendship mean? There is no definite answer. An eternal theme in literature, friendship is also indispensable in daily life. Friendship is to our life what salt is to dasher. 第一句宾语从句friendship is just like adding flowers on the brocade When you are happy,;, 第二句宾语从句friendship is a dose of consolation when you are sad;, 第三句宾语从句 friends will surround you and remove the barriers for you if you are in trouble;, 第四句宾语从句you can turn to friends for help if you have a hard nut to crack. We admire the great friendship beeen Marx and Engel, which firmly bined them and pushed them forward on the road to exploring and fulfilling Communi *** . Friendship isn"t almighty, but no one can live happily without it. 2. 宾语从句作文 my father I think my father is a kind man,he love help people,and always fet to do something for himself.He has a good sence of humor,yes,I like that.That always make us happy. I think he is a friend of mine.Because he always talk with me.I often feel I am not his daughter but his friend. I think that my father is a good father and also a good worker.He works very hard.So he can"t play with me or my mum for long time.He think work will make him happy because work has many funny.So he always teaches me:don"t think work is a hard thing. My father has many hobby.For example,he like reading,and he also like play puter game.He use his hobby to realx.He can feel very happy if he work,and also play. 3. 用宾语从句写一篇关于家庭的英语作文 I have a happy family.There are my father,my mother,my brother and I. My father works a long way from home.And my mother is a housewife.My brother is a student who studies in the school. In a word,my family is full of happiness. 4. 用宾语从句写一篇关于运动的英文作文 来自百度 My favorite sport everybody has their favorite favorite sport is swimming.swimming is so funny and very good for our health.Michael phelps is my swimming idol,he is really so cool.i think everybody knows his the Athens olympics,he got 6 gold medals and o bronze the Beijing olympics,he has gotten 8 gold medals.because of him,i love swimming better i am trying to learn swimming well.dear friend,what is your favorite sport?could you tell me? ———————————————— My favourite sport-swimming Hello, everyone! Do you have a favourtie sport item? I think you do! I also do. My favourite sport is swimming. Every afternoon, I go swimming in our *** all river. When I swim, the *** all fishes often play with me and kiss my foot too. It makes me fortable. My parents say I will have a good health if I insist swimming in a right way. So I always ask my P.E. teachers some questions on swimming and he always help me very much. Ok,that"s all. If you also like swimming,please contact me and let"s enjoy it! ——————————————- My Favorite Sport My favorite sport is playing basketball. Everyday after class I would play with my clas *** ate. It"s exciting. We run around the ground and try to catch the ball. Sometimes I am lucky enough to get it. But when I shoot, I often fail. I don"t care anyway. To play with others is really a fun. I enjoy every minute I spend on it, and I hope I can play better and better. 5. 【中考英语如何考查宾语从句作文】 宾语从句属名词从句,是一种使用频率很高的从句。 中考英语主要通过单项选择,完形填空、阅读等题型来考查。由于初中学生在复合句认识和掌握过程中因年龄和心理的因素而常常觉得较困难,相当一部分考试简单地认为只有"that"引导的从句才是宾语从句,殊不知 where,what,when,why,which,how等词也可以引导宾语从句,再次,由于学生对宾语的概念把握不准确,也容易将宾语从句与定语从句和状语从句等其它从句混淆导致做题不准确。 另外,有的考生易将同一个引导词引导宾语从句和特殊疑问句混在一起,不知道宾语从句的基本特点是使用陈述语序。试做下列2009年部分全国中考题。 1、--Can you tell me________?--By doing more speaking。A. how I can improve my EnglishB. which way can I chooseC. how do I deal with my EnglishD. what"s wrong with my English2、Excuse me,but may I ask you______?A. what business are you inB. what business you"re inC. in what business are youD. are you in what business3、(宁波)The plane hasn"t arrived yet. Could you tell me________?A. why the plane is lateB. how is the plane lateC. when will the plane arriveD. that the plane arrives(参考答案:1.A,2.B,3.A)。 6. 运用宾语从句,写一篇短文介绍自己对英语学习的体会,建议或疑问的 As John Ruskin puts it, “Living without an aim is like sailing without a pass”. Goals of life determine what we are going to be. I used to be so addicted to puter games that I had little time for study and thus fell behind. My parents and teachers were greatly worried about me. It was what my English teacher said to me that helped me out. She told me hat I must have my own goal of life, otherwise my future would be hopeless and that playing puter games was fun but it wouldn"t guarantee me a bright future. I finally realized that I must set up a goal and work hard towards it right away. In the days that followed, whenever I felt tired or had an urge to play puter games, I thought of my goal and soon regain strength. As the saying goes, a life without a goal is a life without hope. Bearing my goal of life in mind, I am always full of energy in my study.
2023-07-29 14:15:141


1. 宾语从句在写作时怎样使用 宾语从句是名词性从句的一种。 在主从复合句中充当宾语,位于及物动词、介词或复合谓语之后的从句称为宾语从句。宾语从句分为三类:动词的宾语从句,介词的宾语从句和形容词的宾语从句。 宾语从句在写作中的用法:宾语从句的连接词:that 结构:主语+谓语+宾语(陈述语序) 注意:引导词为that ;语序为v.+主语+谓语+由if、whether引导宾语从句;主句为现在时 从句为任意时态。从属连词 连接宾语从句的从属连词主要有that,if,whether,和疑问词(what, how, where, when 。) that引导表示陈述句的宾语从句,if和whether,whether。 or not引导表示“是否”的一般疑问句的宾语从句。关联代词:连接代词主要有who,whom,whose,what,whoever,whomever,whosever,whatever,whichever等。 连接代词一般指疑问,但what,whatever除了指疑问外,也可以指陈述。关联副词 连接副词主要有when,where,why,how,whenever,wherever,however等。 例句:He didn"t tell me when we should meet again.他没有告诉我什么时候我们能再见面。注:宾语从句通常跟在名词或代词后面。 动宾从句 大多数及物动词都可以带宾语从句。部分“动词+副词”结构也可以带宾语从句。 动词短语也可以带宾语从句,常见的这些词有:make sure(确保)、make up one"s mind(下决心)、keep in mind(牢记) 可运用形式宾语it代替的宾语从句 ①动词find,feel,consider,make,believe,think等后面有宾语补足语的时候,则需要用it做形式宾语而将that宾语从句后置。②有些动词带宾语从句时需要在宾语与从句前加it(双宾语)这类动词主要有:hate,take,owe,have,see to.award,lend.hand,mail,offer,pass,pay,post,read,return,show,teach,tell 介宾从句 用whether之类的介词宾语从句。 用that,if引导的介词宾语从句,有时候except,but,besides三个介词后可见到that引导的宾语从句。形容+宾从句 有些形容词具有动词的含义,所以也可以带一个宾语从句;例句:I am sorry I am late.I am glad that you can join us.Are you sure his answer is right?常用来引导宾语从句的形容词有:sure,certain,glad,please,happy,sorry,afraid,satisfied,surprised if与whether if和whether在作“是否”理解时,引导宾语从句常放在动词know,ask,care,wonder,find out等之后,介词后一般不用if。 少数动词,如:leave,put,discuss,doubt后的宾语从句常用whether。whether后可以加or not,但是if不可以。 在不定式前只能用whether。一般“no matter”后表示“是否”用whether而不用if。 不省略引导词 存在以下情况时引导词that不可省略:that作learn,suggest,explain,agree,wonder,prove,mean,state,feel,hold等动词的宾语。宾语从句较长。 主语状语置于主句尾,宾语从句之前。主语谓语动词(包括非谓语动词)与宾语从句之间有插入语。 一个动词带有两个或两个以上宾语从句时,第一个that可以省略,第二个that不可以省略。宾语从句中的主语是this,that或those,these做主语的定语。 宾语从句是双宾语中的直接宾语。宾语从句的主语是非谓语动词或主语从句。 主语中的谓语动词是固定词组。宾语从句有it做其先行词。 直接引语中,转述分句把宾语从句隔开。that在从句中充当主语。 否定转移 主句的谓语动词是think,believe,imagine,suppose,consider,expect,fancy,guess等,并且主句的主语是第一人称而且为一般现在时,从句的否定词一般要转移到主句上来,其反义疑问句一般与宾语从句一致.如果宾语从句中有某个含有否定意义的形容词或副词,其反义疑问句要用肯定形式.我们通常称为否定前移。时态和语序 当主句为现在时或将来时,宾语从句的时态一般不受主句的时态所影响.当主句为过去时 ①从句用一般过去时或过去进行时表示与主句谓语动词动作同时发生 ②从句过去完成时表示该动作发生在主句谓语动作之前 ③从句谓语用过去将来时表示该动作发生在主句谓语动作之后 ④如果从句是一个客观真理,那么从句的时态不根据主句的时态而变化 ⑤当宾语从句的引导词是who,which,what,when,where,how,why等表疑问时,不能按正常语序安排,经常将这类引导词置于句首。 2. 怎样用宾语从句写母亲节的作文 What does friendship mean? There is no definite answer. An eternal theme in literature, friendship is also indispensable in daily life. Friendship is to our life what salt is to dasher. 第一句宾语从句friendship is just like adding flowers on the brocade When you are happy,;, 第二句宾语从句friendship is a dose of consolation when you are sad;, 第三句宾语从句 friends will surround you and remove the barriers for you if you are in trouble;, 第四句宾语从句you can turn to friends for help if you have a hard nut to crack. We admire the great friendship beeen Marx and Engel, which firmly bined them and pushed them forward on the road to exploring and fulfilling Communi *** . Friendship isn"t almighty, but no one can live happily without it.。 3. 用宾语从句写一篇关于家庭的英语作文 I have a happy family.There are my father,my mother,my brother and I. My father works a long way from home.And my mother is a housewife.My brother is a student who studies in the school. In a word,my family is full of happiness. 4. 【运用宾语从句,写一篇短文介绍自己对英语学习的体会,建议或疑问 As John Ruskin puts it, “Living without an aim is like sailing without a pass”. Goals of life determine what we are going to be.I used to be so addicted to puter games that I had little time for study and thus fell behind. My parents and teachers were greatly worried about me. It was what my English teacher said to me that helped me out. She told me hat I must have my own goal of life, otherwise my future would be hopeless and that playing puter games was fun but it wouldn"t guarantee me a bright future. I finally realized that I must set up a goal and work hard towards it right away. In the days that followed, whenever I felt tired or had an urge to play puter games, I thought of my goal and soon regain strength.As the saying goes, a life without a goal is a life without hope. Bearing my goal of life in mind, I am always full of energy in my study.。 5. 用5个宾语从句或标语从句写英语作文 my father I think my father is a kind man, he love help people, and always fet to do something for himself. He has a good sence of humor, yes, I like that. That always make us happy. I think he is a friend of mine. Because he always talk with me. I often feel I am not his daughter but his friend. I think that my father is a good father and also a good worker. He works very hard. So he can"t play with me or my mum for long time. He think work will make him happy because work has many funny. So he always teaches me: don"t think work is a hard thing. My father has many hobby. For example, he like reading, and he also like play puter game. He use his hobby to realx. He can feel very happy if he work, and also play. 6. 英语作文 用宾语从句写一篇关于父亲节的作文 my father I think my father is a kind man, he love help people, and always fet to do something for himself. He has a good sence of humor, yes, I like that. That always make us happy. I think he is a friend of mine. Because he always talk with me. I often feel I am not his daughter but his friend. I think that my father is a good father and also a good worker. He works very hard. So he can"t play with me or my mum for long time. He think work will make him happy because work has many funny. So he always teaches me: don"t think work is a hard thing. My father has many hobby. For example, he like reading, and he also like play puter game. He use his hobby to realx. He can feel very happy if he work, and also play.
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好的!我挨个回答你所提到的格式吧!呵呵! MP4流通性比较强!一般现在咱们的电视啊DVD啥的!都会支持MP4格式!当然空间占用也是比较小!画质不强!很一般! avi:它分很多种格式的avi!无损压缩等等!清楚!文件大!我想这个你不会选择的!因为你要的是更小的空间! RMVB:网上的电影一般都压成了RMVB!为什么!因为体积小!画面清楚!便于网上下载,流通!但是它的流通性还是不强!很多咱们的家电都不支持RMVB格式的!一般的非编软件更是不支持这种格式!想编辑这种格式!很费劲! flv:flv登场!一个字儿!小!确实很小!所以网络上的在线视频!基本都是flv格式的!优酷啦!土豆啦!都是这种文件的视频!但是画面质量损失很大! 你问哪个更小!我的回答是:肯定是flv!
2023-07-29 14:15:461


Forthemostpartyouareprobablyonlyexposedtot 小题1:D小题2:B小题3:C小题4:A任何事情都要通过现象看本质,音乐也是如此,人们要通过了解音乐来了解音乐的历史。 小题1:主旨大意题。通读全文可知是要人们了解音乐及其历史。 小题2:细节题。根据第二段第三行the blues began as a form of musical expression for African Americans during slavery(奴隶制度)小题3:细节题。 根据最后一段第二行You can learn so much about culture and history just by paying attention to different types of music and what is being expressed in the songs.小题4:猜测词义题。根据上文所说:世界上有很多种音乐让我们去了解,接下来应该就说:我们应该努力的去了解他们。【myfavoritemusic的英语作文带翻译】 There are many kinds of music ,such as country music,R&B ,rock music,classical music and so on.My favorite music is pop music.On the one hand,it is easy to learn,and this knid of music is often about our life,for example,A whole new world,Memory,Country Road and so on.On the other hand,They are very popular among people and they are very interesting and easy to learn.It is also a good way to learn English.Since I was 12 years old,when I played puter ,I always opened the music player to listen pop music.When I listening these pop music .I will feel very realx .So that"s way I love pop music best.。 英语阅读理解Good morning. The program today is about music. 我也是一名初中英语教师 。 我本人就非常反感粗制滥造的英语题,有些模棱两可,有的甚至根本就没有正确答案。遇到这样的题 我就让我的学生别做,或者我按照出题者的意图将原题改动为正确的形式。 本题问第一段主要说的是关于什么。 我们来看,从这段开始到中间讲的应该是 music 这个词怎么来的 以及 谁发明的音乐, 后半部分讲的是不同年龄段的孩子对音乐的不同感受和爱好。 我们再看选项 A 音乐风格 B 音乐的历史 C 音乐品味 如果这是中考题 我会选C 因为你不可能去找出题人去商榷。 后半部分确实在说孩子对音乐不同时期的品味 A 音乐风格 肯定不对 B 音乐的历史 也没讲 只能凑合着选C 了 个人观点,仅供参考
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【 #英语资源# 导语】阅读英语美文会给大家带来与众不同的感受,多读英语也有利于提升我们的英语能力,下面是 考 网! 【篇一】介绍我的爸爸英语作文   My father is a great person. He is a hero in my heart. He is tall but not strong. He is a driver. He often talks a litte and seems that he is serious. Actually, sometimes he is real serious. In my memory, he never hits me except once. It is because I ignored their forbidding to go swimming in the river alone. I was so sad as my father hit me. But now I understand that it is because he worry about me. Moreover, although our family is not weathy, he will give all the things that I want to me. And he works hard to support our family. I know that he loves us and we also love him.   我的父亲是一个伟大的人。他是我心目中的英雄。他很高,但不强壮。他是一个司机。他他话很少,看起来好像很严肃的样子。事实上,有时他真的是很严肃的。在我的记忆中,他从不打我,除了一次例外。那是因为我忽视他们的不允许一个人去河里游泳。我的爸爸打我了,我感到很难过。但现在我明白了,那是因为他担心我。此外,尽管我们家不富裕,但是他会给我,我想要的一切。他很努力工作来养家。我知道他很爱我们,我们也爱他。 【篇二】介绍我的爸爸英语作文   My father, he love help people, and always forget to do something for himself. He has a good sence of humor, yes, I like that. That always make us happy.   I think he is a friend of mine. Because he always talk with me. I often feel I am not his daughter but his friend.   I think that my father is a good father and also a good worker. He works very hard. So he can"t play with me or my mum for long time. He think work will make him happy because work has many funny. So he always teaches me: don"t think work is a hard thing.   My father has many hobby. For example, he like reading, and he also like play computer game. He use his hobby to realx. He can feel very happy if he work, and also play.   He is a good man, isn"t he? 【篇三】介绍我的爸爸英语作文   My father is a policeman. He is tall and strong. He looks very cool in the black police uniform. He works in the police station and he is very busy every day. He likes helping people. So he often goes everywhere by his motor cycle. When he sees the people in the trouble, he will try his best to help the people. He is a good policeman. And many people like him very much, too. They often say: Mr Li, you are a good policeman. We like you very much. But my father always has a point: Helping people is his duty.   My father likes reading books very much. Because he thinks: A good book is a good friend. So he reads books after work every day. Sometimes he plays games with me. We are very happy. I like him very much, because my father is not only my father, but also my good friend.   This is my father. He is a good father. I like my father very much! My dear friends, do you have a good father, too? 【篇四】介绍我的爸爸英语作文   My father is thirty-five years old. He is an attractive middle-age. He is an engineer, working in a big factory of my city. His working time is regular, going to office at eight o"clock and coming home at six o"clock. He works hard and becomes an important person in his factory. At weekends, he does not go to work, so that he usually stays at home or take my mother and I go out. In my opinion, my father is a great person. He brings happiness to my family.   我爸爸今年35岁,是个有魅力的中年男人。他是一名工程师,在我们这的一家大工厂工作。他的工作时间很有规律,八点去办公室,六点回家。他工作努力,成为了工厂的重要人物。周末的时候,他不上班,所以他经常待在家或是带我和妈妈出去玩。在我看来,我爸爸是个伟大的人,他给我的家庭带来了幸福。 【篇五】介绍我的爸爸英语作文   How to discribe my father"s characator seemed very easy in the past.But , maybe I"ve got wrong and been wrong all the time.   In the past , when my nature mother was still living with us , he had a savage mood which often frightened both my mother and me .After they got quarrelled , a fight was unavoidable .Maybe a fight contains misunderstandings of both ,but in those day ,I thought that it was all my father"s fault.I hated him! He was the ghost in my life!   When I was sixteen ,my life changed because of the death of my mama.She was badly hurt in a home accident, and though the God she believed had no power to rescue her.From then on ,my figure change a lot ,from a naughty, passionate boy to a quiet and diffident boy .I didn"t want to talk with anyone .My father ,however was seriously flustrated, he also had to take the reponsibility of bringing me up.During that very hard moment , on one hand ,he had to stand up for the tragedy, on the other hand ,he had to work hard to support my education. AS in that time ,all me got in hand was only 3000 yuan , if i succeeded in entering a higher school ,at least ,would cost 7000 yuan a year,that"s not a money of bit.   I"ve always thought that I must be the most unfornate one in the world .When I got frustrated in life , I"d nowhere to explain as I"d been used to express my heartache to my dear mother and now she wasn"t there .Every time I saw the mothers and sons pass aside me ,I felt so sorrow ,and I knew how longly I was!I was sure indeed I was the most sorrow one !   But to my father, how did he feel when he lost his beloved? Maybe then I was really to youny to observe .I only knew he was very very sad .I heard that when my mother was in hospital ,he laid down on his knees to ask help from the doctors,and when the doctor shaked his head ,he nearly wanted to die with her!Someone said that " though they quarrelled a lot , but they really loves each other". Before those days ,I only get closed to my mother , and once they quarrelled or fighted , she would hated him , however , to stand with here, I hated him day by day , sometimes I even felt himjust like the devil in my life . I"ve never thought he would be in such a sorrowness.   My aunts would come and see me every month . They taught me that I should do whatever my father want me to , till I"ve been a man ,could get away from him . I knew what they meant.I often got on uneasy with them ,and I hated them to keep an should eye on my father .To me they really had a pity on or felt some responsibilities. But I hated pity most !   Nothing can be believed from the other"s mouths.I made the conclusion in the past time . Many a person was fond of discussing the others . They got happinesses from the department of other families.I think they are all the mut , fool monkeys !Nothing can be more stupid!!!I understood him with the increasing of my age.   I changed my opinion to him during that very hot summer .He was working in a eletrical line factory. During those unusual hot days ,he worked 10-15 hours a day for an extra income. But he fell ill seriously after that , despite of the ill he insisted on working yet. At last he illed to bed , taking a medicine care. I could think about the heavy burden on his shoulders,and I certainly got shocked by his complete change frome a devil to a dear hardworking father!
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1. 求一篇关于学生是否应该上大学的英语作文 Dear, I am LiHua,I am a student in the university now. I am lucky to be invited (邀请的PP形式,不晓得是不是这样写的) by you 。 I am sorry that I cannot go to have a picnic with you . Of course,I want to do it with you. But, that day is my mom"s birthday , I have to do something for her ,for example , this saturday ,I have to wash the clothes ,clean the room, cook the dinner。I want to give my mom a surprise 。I hope you can know it 。I hope you and your friend will have a good time!~~ I don"t have any time for realx, I may have time next week 。I yours, Li Hua 写的不太好哈,请多见谅!!~~ 2. 【请以:“学生该不该学英语”为话题写一篇英语作文130字内.先把: Why should we learn English? Nowadays more and more people learn English, not only the youngster, but also the people who are at work. Maybe you will ask why we should learn English. First, at present English is the most widely used language. China is developing rapidly in the new situation of the reform and opening to globe. So it is our duty to learn English. If we do not know English, it will be difficult to trade wish foreign busines *** en. That will inferior of our country. Second, China has joined WTO. More and more foreign busines *** en will invest in China in the near future. Most of panies will need some talents who are good at English. If we want to hunt a good job, we should learn English well. Third, English has bee the international language. Most pilots in plane or sailors on board, traveling from one country to another, need to use English to municate with others. Suppose you are traveling or on business in foreign countries, but you do not know English, what would you do? It is said that 60 percent of the world"s radio broadcast and 70 percent of the worlds mail use English. For example, at a international meetings of scientist from different countries, English will be a bridge crossing one side to another. In a word, English is an important language. It is the language most monly used and widely understood for every country. So we should learn English well.。 3. 以学生是否应该使用手机为题写一篇英语作文 Today, more and more middle school students have their own mobile phones. As a student, I think it"s good to have a mobile phone, because mobile phones can offer a lot of convenience. And students can send short messages to their parents when they are in trouble or not at home. In fact, if students use mobile phones in right ways, mobile phones will help us, such as we can use mobile phones to look up new words. But it can also bring some trouble. For example, many students use their mobiles to listen to music in class. They don"t listen to the teachers carefully. And many students send messages in class. In my opinion, it"s not right to use mobile phones in school. We should try our best to use mobile phones in right ways. 如今,越来越多的中学生拥有自己的手机。作为一名学生,我认为有一个手机是好的,因为手机可以提供很多方便。当学生在家里遇到麻烦或不在家时,他们可以给他们的父母发短信。事实上,如果学生用正确的方式使用手机,手机会帮助我们,比如我们可以用手机来查找新的单词。但它也可以带来一些麻烦。例如,许多学生在课堂上用手机收听音乐。他们不认真听老师讲课。和许多学生在课堂上发送消息。在我看来,在学校里使用手机是不正确的。我们应该尽力用正确的方式使用手机。 4. 以学生是否应该该靠父母为题写篇英语作文初三 Because of the on-child policy, many parents help their children as much as possible. In this way children bee more depend on their parents. Personally speaking, it is not good for students depend too much on thier parents. First of all, students will grow up and they will live themselves ultimately. They cannot count on thier parents in their whole life. So, trying to be independent will be a important factor in their future. Secondlly, Every single person is an individual, they are all different and have thier own lifestyle. People will have different choices when they make the decision. So, everyone has their own way on their growth, in some cases, no one could help you but yourself. To be concluded, students should learn to grow up and start to be indepent in thier lives. It is not a good thing for them to rely on thier parents. 5. 关于学生在校该做什么的英语作文 Title: what to do in the school as a student? Undoubtly, first thing first as a student is to go school everyday. A good student is never absent in the school. The next important thing is to study, i.e., listen what the teacher say in the class and abide by the school rules in the class break. And other important things are to participate every activity anized by school authority such as school art show, English petition, and spots games. Yes another important thing is to take place any off school training class arranged by teachers and pay the charge or so-called study fee in time. 6. 关于学生该不该做家务的英语作文 Should we help our parents do some housework students should help our parents do some housework. Firstly,after a whole day"s work, our parents must be very tired. If we help them with the housework, they"ll feel quite happy and pleased. On the other hand, doing housework not only train our ablities, but also help us make a sense of resposibility. Only through housework can we realize we"re members of our families, then to realize we"re parts of our society. We can devote ourselves to the world. So, I think it necessary for us to do some housework.Should students do housework? Some parents think that it is necessary and sometimes important for students to do some housework. Housework is a kind of physical exercise necessary for mental development. Other parents, however, think that it is study that is of extreme importance to students. Priority shou[d first and foremost be given to study both at school and at home. Hence students should be exempt from any tedious and time-consuming housework. I think students should share some housework with their parents. The reasons are as follows. First, doing some housework can enable the students to have some sense of responsibility. There is a lot of housework in each family. As a member of the family, each one should do his or her share. Since a student is a member of the family, undoubtedly, he is of no exception. In the second place, doing some housework can give the student opportunities to get to know his parents better. By doing housework, a student will know how hard it is for his parents to go to work everyday while raising a family. He will make even greater efforts in his study later on. Finally, doing some housework can give the student a chance to do some physicalexercises. Since the student has to sit studying most of the time, this is certainly beneficial to his health. In light of the above, I strongly remend that those who are not in the habit of doing housework start doing some right now. Your parents will be pleased and you will learn something from it.。 7. 就“学生是否应该上课后辅导班”写一篇英语作文 学生是否应该上课后辅导班英文作文(带中文翻译) On Parents Sending Kids to Training Classes 关于家长送孩子参加培训班 It is quite mon phenomenon that many parents will bring their children to all kinds of classes as long as their children have weekends or holidays.This kind of situation has been hot discussed among public.Some people hold that children deserve to have play time as much as possible.Some believe that children should learn as much as possible since they have strong ability to grasp new knowledge.Standing on my point of view,I"m convinced that children should be sent to training class to learn as much as possible so that they can be more brilliant.现在,许多家长会趁孩子们周末或者放假的时候带他们去参加各种各样的培训班的现象已经很普遍.这种现象引起了公众的热议.一些人认为孩子们应该有尽可能多的时间去玩.一些人认为孩子们应该趁他们这个年纪学习能力很强的时候去多学习一些新知识.就我看来,我认为应该送孩子们学多点儿知识,这样一来,他们会更加聪明.Firstly,training class can broaden children"s knowledge.For almost all children,they have very limited knowledge.But if they are sent to training class,they can learn various knowledge of life.第一,培训班能开拓孩子们的视野.对于几乎所有的小孩来说,他们的知识有限.但是如果送他们到培训班学习的话,他们会学到有关生活的各种知识.Secondly,training class helps children to improve their skills.Nowadays,there are many kinds of training agents for children to train children a certain kind of skill.For example,a great number of parents will send their children to dance class.In this kind of class,not only children can learn dance skills,but they can practice themselves at the same time.第二,培训班能够帮助小孩子们提高技能.现在,有各种各样的培训机构专门培训小孩子某一方面的技能.例如,许多家长会送自己的小孩子去学舞蹈.这样的课程不仅能让孩子们学会跳舞,并且也能够锻炼他们的身体.Thirdly,children can be more outstanding in the future pared with those who don"t attend training class.Kids learn more skills will be more flexible and *** art than those who never attend training classes in doing certain kinds of things.第三,与那些不参加培训课的孩子们相比,参加过培训课的小孩子们在将来会更优秀.在做某种特定的事情的时候,那些拥有多重技能的孩子会比那些没有参加过培训课的小孩子更加灵活、聪明.All in all,sending kids to training classes will do a lot of good to children"s future.总之,送小孩子去参加培训课对他们的将来很有帮助.。 8. 关于学生应不应该考试的英语作文 Different people have different opinons towards current exams.There are o views conerning exams.Some people supporting it insist that exams are of great help for contemporary society to test our students.Besides,still some against the view believe that the exam is not a good way to select gifted people.The exam is one,in their opinon, that can"t bring out students" thorough ability. As a matter of fact , so many advantages do the exam have that we can"t deny its uses.On one hand,it can show what students have mastered during the study.On the other hand,the exam also offer students the chances to show their talents.Besides,it can help us build up our ability to cope with fierce petition,which is a must now. 9. 英语作文 关于学校的 My school life I go to school at 7 every morning. When I get to school,I have to do the cleaning with my clas *** ates. and after that Ihave 4 lessons in the morning and 2 lessons in the afternoon. the school is over at about 4:30. My favourite teacher is my science teacher, because he never scolds us., and of course my favourite subject is also science. My maths is just a mess. I can"t understand what the teacher is talking about. I don"t know how to solve the problem. Anyway,I enjoy my school life.
2023-07-29 14:16:311


小比例车模在国内尚未向现今这般火热,特别是与所谓“主流”1:18,1:43比例汽车模型相比,小比例车模仍是以“火柴盒级”、玩具向的合金小车为主,被一些玩家视为单纯的儿童玩具。当时撰写这篇文章,主要是为了普及合金小车知识,此外也含有为小比例车模正名的意思。今时今日,面对繁荣的小比例车模市场,回头再看这篇旧文,别有一番滋味在心头,因此,除错漏之处,全文不做改动,特别是关于市场、购买难易度的描述,都仅指2005年当时的境况,不再做特别说明,直接将旧文重新发在B站,与诸位同好分享。小小合金车 内里乾坤大——五大合金小车品牌简介 引子 1886年1月29日,德国工程师卡尔·本茨发明了世界上第一辆三轮内燃机汽车,获得了德国专利局颁发的号码为NO.37435的专利证书,这一天被公认为汽车诞生日。1914年,作为一种推销手段,美国福特汽车厂在T型车面世之时,推出了世界上第一个汽车模型。 现在汽车已经与我们的生活密不可分,作为“汽车的缩影”,车模一问世,便立即成为全世界玩具厂商的宠儿,伴随着汽车的发展和变化,汽车模型的工艺变得越来越先进,种类变得越来越丰富,喜爱车模的人也越来越多,车模早已不再仅仅是厂家促销的附属品,而成为了收藏者、玩家的最爱和一个独立的玩具分支。 车模与一般的玩具汽车不同的地方在于不论车模大小或工艺如何,均是在汽车厂授权下依照原车的造型,按比例缩小后制造的,也有些厂商会生产一些非真实存在的幻想类的车模,但是只是很小的一部分,仿真性还是车模最主要的特点,也是车模受欢迎的主要原因之一,SIKU的创始人说过“孩子们喜欢玩父母们驾驶的车”,同样的道理,车模可以实现成年人的坐拥天下名车的梦想,而你并不需要是一个亿万富翁。 常见的车模的比例有1:12、1:18、1:24、1:32、1:43、1:64、1:72、1:87等。比例的不同,使得车模的仿真度也有较大差别,拿收藏者较多的1:18和1:43两个比例来说,1:18车模的后备厢、引擎盖、车门大都能打开,方向盘、轮胎等大都能实现联动。连油箱盖都可以打开的1:18丰田陆地巡洋舰4700车模而1:43的车模多数都是整体封闭式的,很少有可活动部件。基本没有可活动部件的1:43车模——奔驰300SEL合金小车小常识 这篇文章我要介绍的是一类比较特殊的车模,我把它们叫做“合金小车”,合金小车特殊在什么地方呢?主要有两点: 第一,它的比例是不固定的,常见的比例是1:64,也可能是1:55、1:72,如果是卡车或者大客车的合金小车模型,比例甚至可能是1:100、1:150,总之,任何比例都可能存在。1:256比例的超小合金车模,参照物是7号电池 这么设计的目的是使不同类型的汽车在被制造为模型之后,模型车的大小接近,以节省包装和制造成本,便于收藏和运输。 第二,合金小车的零件非常少,制作流程简单,与动辄成百上千个部件的高度仿真汽车模型相比,合金小车的零部件一般在10个左右,由亚铅合金或锌合金压铸成型,采用铆接的方式组合。 看完这两点您可能会说:这么简陋!这不就是儿童玩具吗,哪里是车模啊!(甚至会说:这不就是低龄儿童玩具吗)这种观点在车模收藏者和玩家间非常常见,不过笔者对于这一点不是很赞同。 首先,车模其实就是一种玩具,有一句话说的好,男孩和男人的区别只在于他们玩具的价格不同,再精致、再昂贵的车模,其本质属性还是为了娱乐、满足人的需要,至于保值、升值或者其他价值,都是在本质属性上衍生出来的,不能脱离其玩具本质。 其次,合金小车虽然简单,仿真度不高,但是它满足车模最基本的要求,即它是依照真车的造型,按一定的比例制造的。 从这两方面来看,合金小车就是车模。 世界上第一辆合金小车是什么时候生产的,我已无法考证,但是说到合金小车的历史,就不能不提到1953年,英国人莱斯利-史密斯(Leslie Smith)和罗德尼-史密斯(Rodney Smith)创立的莱斯尼工厂(Lesney Products),在1953年开始生产1-75编号系列,注册了著名的“火柴盒”(Matchbox)商标,拉开了合金小车时代的帷幕。 莱斯尼小车的一些特点,比如:金属压铸的牢固车身、简单而高质量的工艺、相似的大小、统一的包装、成系列的编号等等,渐渐成为了合金小车的行业标准并一直延用至今,莱斯尼树立的不追求高度仿真而注重把握真车特点和气质的产品风格,深深影响了这一行业,在中国,因为火柴盒(Matchbox)是最早在国内生产和销售的合金小车, “火柴盒小车”几乎已经成了合金小车的代名词。 合金小车虽然简单,但是麻雀虽小,五脏俱全,它们不但造型逼真,而且还有很多近似真车的地方,轻轻压一下一些合金小车,车身会象真车一样降低来模拟减震系统;一些小车的车门可以打开,方向盘,座椅虽然大多只是一体成型的塑料件,但是与真车的布置一摸一样,绝不马虎;打开一些合金小车的引擎盖,里面精美的发动机清晰可见。引擎盖可以打开的Racingchampions合金小车五大品牌简介 50多年来,有数以百计的厂家生产过数以十亿计的合金小车。其中有较大影响的有几十家,包括最早从50年代就开始生产合金小车的厂商火柴盒(Matchbox)、仕高(Siku)、狗仔(Corgi)和Budgie;1960年代出现的Majorette、风火轮(Hotwheels)和Schuco;1970和1980年代出现的亚洲品牌多美(Tomica)、一鸣(Yatming)。1990年代重出江湖的乔尼(Johnnylightning)、美沙图(Maisto)和成功新锐Racingchampions;21世纪重新回到合金小车市场的Norev和Etrl,以及近几年比较活跃的新风格品牌RealX和康威。
2023-07-29 14:16:391


  最火的特殊符号英文网名1   PartyTime   Prisoner   Pete   ℡Death灬丨Doctor丶   _灬Baby﹋﹌   Mr∶S/ong   Morbid(病态)   GT_Forever   ゛˙HO℡.   *、Fating◆夏日葵花*.☆   指尖上的涧特Man丶   Muma‖宝贝   .Datura曼陀罗   Non-idol丶   Kalsotra(黑绳地狱)   彡kiss丿灬夣髳   Gehenna(焦热地狱)   Thattouch,sun灬the   薰衣草-Grace   ≮Empty ★满足≯   ˉ。mI、   ﹏゛Miss°Jie灬   Catsayer(隐痛)   Vincent   ┭MusiC┺灵   crywithsmile(笑着哭)   Super丿偙鍠灬轩彡   sowhat   Autism(孤独症)   EXOshistory   卩丶丿Smile灬丨伊凝彡   Love灬Look   丿灬Magic   Destiny(命运)   MRMISTER   复数小姐_onefote   最火的"特殊符号英文网名2   Enoughofwaiting╮   Pleasedonot,hypocrisy   LucΚ_/~↘Star   *﹏Hulda   ㄣRecollects   ”mimoㄟ   supergirl”①   Cestlavie   _.blanks"   〕sun﹎rise   ㄗòsら℡﹎   Les●ne!oVe   _~◇Bei..   o-.-oBabyo   Somnus°▼   Mr.Jesse   ”(.Taylor?   -[nY].Alienノ   ′Pacify.   ‘Rabbit.   SorA、ˉ   __M:a!′   AiMei   íyаCоо.   ■.Devil(▲)   ■.Angle(▲)   ゛X-M1nG。   SomηuS,!   Q-ueEn   Trgecly?   、Ya°   最火的特殊符号英文网名3   1、半透明 cold   2、piapiapia~   3、Game is over.   4、suden   5、no matter   6、菇凉ˉAmor   7、Emotiona°   8、﹌ slovenly   9、Deeplove(深爱)   10、blow爆炸   11、Pr!nce° Pr!ncess°   12、realx   13、Aboriginal 土著居民   14、蒲公半岛Chapter-   15、Ruthless 无情   16、R. tong 女郎   17、Taurus丶   18、Disappear 消失   19、永远的. Bad boy   20、Study of slag(学渣)   21、exo   22、初恋般~EXO   23、Waitingっ 等待.   24、Actual真实的   25、wáng yuán   26、岌岌可危dangereux#   27、No one and you   28、Gail   29、丿Monster卩s冥彡   30、深碍√TFBOYSˉ_   31、pass by   32、不懂Romant1c   33、′Pupil   34、Karma   35、◇◆Feng▁繁华如梦   36、:▲ chillily (冷漠的)   37、As Long As you Love me   38、Tenderne°   39、Faith(信念)   40、crooked°   41、passer   42、Memory -痴情   43、Aomr゛   44、Amo()   45、Heart Att   46、WhiteIn゜   47、阳光&倾城_sunny^   48、|▍Perf   49、should not-溺宠(不该)   50、颜2。baby   51、Bad young (不良少女)∝丶   52、àī ωǒ Ьīé zǒ   53、yì yáng qiān xǐ   54、Ena   55、Brilliant(钻石)   56、Exile つ (流放fan)*   57、Hey丶小姐   58、Flowers   59、You not love me   60、血红玫瑰 1nfatu   61、sea ˉ   62、Fu2k *=   63、怎知我心Custom゜   64、暖心 Vicious。   65、Naughty(调皮蛋)   66、Love The Way You Lie   67、shoulder (依靠)   68、You 算 What   69、Promise°永恒   70、YOU and ME   71、Hollow (空心)   72、╃Wait...╃   73、帺.mm   74、Hurt 痛苦   75、冷瞳丶Sunshine   76、Destiny   77、张飞_Harry   78、半生毁released   79、Sˋmall宝珼ヤ;   80、Fixed Fated   81、Go over 重温︴︴   82、You Are My World   83、Alice☆灵魂   84、Brave heart   85、Ι Believe ヽ   86、Hello   87、Justify(狡辩)   88、丨Nice丨兄弟情灬   89、痴情woman╯   90、forever   91、Laddyゞ高冷女子   92、▓ cool (淡然)   93、____Nicholas Tse`   94、e丿Shine丨NO丶   95、Autism゛孤独患者   96、Anesthesia 麻木   97、perpetual(天长地久)   98、Abby女神 、   99、cheeks (面颊)-   100、俗 man■   101、just like you。   102、Destiny. 宿命   103、Lose 丶recall (丢失回忆)   104、black“   105、Bitter祭末   106、come on baby dont be shy   107、Monstar 7 °   108、mumbo jumbo   109、Hickey ぁ (吻痕)   110、sunshine   111、不三心 °sunset   112、Vide 空欢喜   113、RedLips (红唇)ノ   114、Romine丶   115、white 婚纱   116、Crazy°矜持疯纸   117、温暖Tenderness、   118、Endless love 爱不完   119、Penniless
2023-07-29 14:17:031


关于盖尔圆的原理可参考文章:u200bu200b【控制】盖尔圆盘定理u200bu200bu200bu200b【数理知识】第4章-赋范线性空间与矩阵范数-《矩阵论》方保镕u200b根据输入矩阵,绘制盖尔圆clear;clc;% 利用矩阵(方阵)绘制盖尔圆% 圆盘中心是对角线元素% 圆盘半径是每行元素总和% 缺点:只能计算实数,虽然写了复数,但还需要调试% 待求矩阵A = [0.90, 0.01, 0.12; 0.01, 0.80, 0.13; 0.01, 0.02, 0.40;];n = size(A);nRow = n(1);nCol = n(2);% 提取圆心i = 1;while (i<=nRow) CircleCenter(i,:) = A(i,i); i = i + 1;endRowSum = sum(A,2);R = RowSum - CircleCenter;RealX = real(CircleCenter);ImagY = imag(CircleCenter);% 根据圆心和半径绘制圆j = 1;while (j<=nRow) x = RealX(j,:); y = ImagY(j,:); r = R(j,:); scatter(x,y); hold on rectangle("Position",[x-r,y-r,2*r,2*r],"Curvature",[1,1]),axis equal j = j + 1;
2023-07-29 14:17:112


最流行的网名400个 1、傀儡心凉 2、拿得起放得下 3、紫廖渔歌〃 4、一个人的狂欢 5、感激经历 6、嘘!别惊动我体内的学霸 7、ㄗs:箜絔 8、落花9、~记得微笑∩﹏∩ 10、洎ㄨ扰庸人 11、本菇凉喜欢你 12、孤独入客枕 13、ー兮性感 14、他心无我! 15、法翎 16、狼斩 17、断桥残雪℡ 18、余生都是她 19、岁月悄然飞逝 20、姐姐在此 21、初心不负 22、偷了月亮的猫>c< 23、捧花出席错过你 24、善恶无定 25、活出女生的骄傲 26、莪旳吢╮伱吥懂乜吥想懂 27、恋爱记事簿 28、▔﹏▔ 29、痴情汉 30、厌离 31、咏逺冭遥逺 32、怪人闲 33、野味少女心 34、无敌硬妹 35、心安勿忘 36、绿︶野 37、遥遥无归期 38、丢了薇笑ヽ嗱什麼来伪装 39、他却无意再说 40、残阳。 41、背叛゜杀无赦 42、怎忧 43、╭⌒一世的姻缘 44、愿与事违 45、你若安好,那还得了 46、独守一城* 47、佳人旧梦梦佳人 48、此籹子╭ァ狠乖 49、青春,奋斗吧 50、宁负天下不负你 51、清风与我 52、对成绩单唱Growl 53、无力迎合 54、妄友 55、软萌娇羞学妹君 56、孤影凭栏 57、全球少女萌主 58、社会的姐 59、n德微笑百度搜不到 60、OrdinAry 61、温致如猫 62、▁▂▃神马浮云の 63、做个吃货有何不可 64、冷漠的女人ゝ 65、百变小熊喵 66、度╮仰望星空 67、人潮拥挤咋没挤死你 68、被神厌恶 69、唱一半的歌 70、抽烟请举手i 71、他是过客何必留恋 72、软趣味 73、丑柒恠 74、似曾相识的味道つ 75、傲寒 76、劳资素个好菇凉 77、缘尽情封 78、四月蔷薇 79、纯妹 80、比你帅 81、零纪年 82、剩余のヤんυà面 83、倾城旧梦依旧 84、善变的男人 85、哥总是默默围观 86、她的眼很美 87、他唇毁她纯 88、给我西瓜与猫 89、爱占领几分心 90、専情女-$” 91、不打扰是莪最终的温柔 92、哭显孤单 93、女人就得越宠越有种 94、情话刺心 95、璃若轻 96、被神眷顾 97、ー场sαη局 98、独家记忆 99、红颜泪 100、口艾口牙女马口牙 101、僬点女子 102、我的意中人是个盖世英雄 103、笑靥荼靡 104、-cm心底的距离 105、萌哒女屌^ 106、ビIc__紫枫 107、A刊凯子 108、野性与傲骨 109、甜诱少女 110、醉笑红尘千场 111、﹏那年一路向北 112、我愿意赌上所有时光只爱你 113、箛単☆球,啭ㄋ哆9 114、倾世年华╮只为等君一笑 115、共醉 116、独守空城忆旧梦 117、神经质女孩 118、半世倾城い只为一人醉° 119、忽闻江上 120、欲与妄想 121、借风吻祢 122、爆破男神SIBIAO 123、迷失自我 124、几分老友 125、沙漏里的时光 126、澄萌 127、情感杂货铺 128、终点总是走走走不停 129、浪潮 130、^事事卟将⒐~↘ 131、我是叼男MN! 132、劫持野凯子 133、ヤщú痛fēй手┡ 134、安静的美男子 135、深爱不弃i 136、独自为伍 137、想淰のsυāη★ 138、落幕情殇 139、你有矿泉水那么纯。么? 140、惯性拒绝 141、懂得失去。 142、菩提树下叶撕阳。 143、慌了风 144、一干为尽 145、莫名的小情绪 146、闺蜜深入我心 147、温酒伴月落 148、≮梦花★如雪≯ 149、隔壁王学长; 150、赚个小钱 151、被爱与自由 152、凉墨 153、带着面具向前走 154、ぃ孤dц情欲ㄨ 155、╮我极明白我╭ 156、人潮拥挤i你在哪里i 157、孟婆丶来杯香飘飘 158、兮颜° 159、旧城俨然回眸笑 160、喜欢感情々 161、迷糊小姐〓 162、想你想得手都酸了 163、o℃体温 164、听我挽风 165、地理最可怕 166、╳说慌ゞ眼睛 167、迷人ü风野 168、一切◣随风 169、禁_铯 170、奔放小青年 171、爱丄勒囡囝 172、配角 173、寂 174、表酱紫 175、学渣总比人渣好 176、哭娃娃╰╮ 177、泚囡ぐ有点小嚣张ヾ 178、茕茕白兔 179、性感小甜甜 180、别来无恙你还狗样 181、闹够了就滚 182、﹊持刀就是战 183、生来不讨喜 184、欧式高跟鞋ゝ 185、做个没心没肺菂尐女亽 186、回忆渗出苦涩 187、小男生i 188、去年买了个表 189、夜店超男こ 190、雅1野马 191、つ这一生的想念。 192、帘外雨潺潺 193、杀死欲望 194、生活仍在继续- 195、MeǐNǚGeǐHuā 196、猫七姑娘° 197、眸中秋水 198、我掏心给你看〓 199、万人眼中万个我i 200、形同ü陌路 201、我想跟你鬼混 202、有了你梦想就会实现 203、realx 204、千游大人 205、你是人间绝色 206、每一段路都是一种领悟 207、妞°别浪了 208、负气浪亽 209、野兽难温情ぺ 210、浪仔 211、发自内心的傲ゝ 212、夏末繁花开 213、对此欢终宴 214、轻烟薄暮 215、回眸醉倾城 216、世上没有如果。 217、花花世界太迷人 218、笑颜 219、吃兔兔 220、相顾无言 221、→莲声 222、奔放洋气吴世勋 223、花败 224、雪云飘 225、十夏九黎 226、末路丶一枝花 227、此网名因太个性而无法显示 228、油炸小可爱 229、星光★灿烂 230、颓废了悲伤╯℡ 231、爱耍流氓的兔子 232、爱上了继承者们 233、相见恨晚。 234、阿萌妹纸 235、你不懂爱却懂伤害 236、双瞳语- 237、夏末终年 238、给不起就别承诺 239、最繁华时最悲凉 240、待我强大给我媳妇天下 241、怹ьυ嫒le┉ 242、心亡泪凉っ 243、月移花影玉人来 244、高姿态的女人 245、呦耍脾气 246、青衫泪落 247、我的心好冷,等着你来疼ゐ 248、情义两难忘 249、__不可使用 250、蠢蠢欲动 251、拼命╮菇凉 252、人儍不能复生 253、ue822fèηɡ过呒影 254、会发光也会慌i 255、℅Δ给ηι狗脸 256、本宫要三宫六院七十二男妃 257、顾玖念 258、枪蹦や狗友 259、微痞的姑娘 260、感性妹 261、幼稚园新童鞋 262、南栀爱人 263、落雪樱花 264、靡非斯特Ⅱ╮ 265、—ф指の浮夸— 266、孤独的造梦者 267、撕(~)疯 268、将军妻 269、野鸡贩大叔!! 270、天ぐ下太平 271、别勉强 272、姿态°美 273、雷′克萨斯 274、秋冻花落 275、﹌卜舍得 276、七瑾丶染年 277、大步向前走不回头 278、髑髅 279、积攒一身酷 280、物事人非空自悲 281、┾快意潇洒^▽^ 282、你嘋浍俄怎嚒莣记 283、帆布鞋的妹纸卡哇伊 284、起风了 285、﹏尛爷半生沉浮゛ 286、╭⌒浅安时光〆 287、浪荡不羁 288、被偏爱的都有恃无恐 289、ぷ木槿花开 290、一眼沦陷 291、游书 292、我伴他久 293、恶富贵 294、凉夜听风 295、诱拐猫仆 296、春秋不做梦℃ 297、牛奶萌男! 298、青春荒唐我不负你 299、给伱最好の自我 300、惟爱myself 301、我的期待死掉了 302、暮雪 303、清风南趋 304、一念花落 305、淹死的鱼 306、黑名单。 307、亡灵路人>< 308、若兮√ 309、东京巷尾の樱花づ 310、自强╮不息 311、素染墨眉 312、舔奶盖的小仙女 313、ジ哥不想长大* 314、时光不老,我们已散 315、鸢浅 316、静笑浮华红尘 317、迷亾体位 318、丑女无敌 319、⌒黎秋lq 320、小怪兽 321、硬茬子 322、水烟阁 323、贱卖青春 324、格子少年 325、惜你如命 326、姊ヽ伱旳女王 327、长愿相随 328、吃醋小王子i 329、够Man! 330、じò少女づ柔情 331、彩色的づ梦 332、为你钟情 333、凉城旧巷旧少年 334、#偏执狂 335、蕞诟一滴泪 336、深情何须显摆 337、董先生 338、沉醉花海 339、拉黑心动 340、尝ぐ醉 341、你的婞諨僦由硪来礃控 342、长痘菇凉最美i 343、谁给我糖我就跟谁走 344、念旧的人 345、Sunshine阳光゜ 346、软妹的小情书 347、┈怪人叔叔┉ 348、十指相扣ゞ走到白头 349、注意!我爱你 350、为爱痴狂 351、拜你所赐的温柔 352、浅酌 353、ポ奉ポ奉糖 354、荒野蛮神ベ 355、我有我的装逼梦 356、偏执怪人 357、稀香 358、可爱中带点骚。 359、二货少年っ 360、习惯此刻 361、你算什么 362、ue7ee且sυι疾风乄 363、剧烈失控 364、走路带风的帅界扛把子 365、雾散 366、勇者超无敌 367、专情予你 368、不傻不成气候@ 369、诉尽情衷 370、心死了 371、黄小瓜丶 372、-呃,爆想祢 373、高冷怪 374、嶶笶侒脏孒錑汨魡骄謸 375、捧杀 376、脱下裤子┣▇▇▇═— 377、空空如也ぅ 378、凉 379、平步青云〃 380、清念 381、小萌喵 382、釜山行赱的尸 383、︶ㄣ乖乖乄 384、武媚娘° 385、森屿 386、野味少女心 387、朕要你何用 388、忘记很简单只要时间和新欢 389、把伤痕当酒窝 390、绝色少女 391、度娘° 392、街角卖回忆 393、横刀泪 394、深究丶 395、丢了坚强软弱给谁看 396、少女的绿萝裙<※ 397、×yαηネ申调情ue7ea 398、实力著就1切 399、鬼畜大魔王 400、北染陌人
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最流行的网名400个 1、傀儡心凉 2、拿得起放得下 3、紫廖渔歌〃 4、一个人的狂欢 5、感激经历 6、嘘!别惊动我体内的学霸 7、ㄗs:箜絔 8、落花9、~记得微笑∩﹏∩ 10、洎ㄨ扰庸人 11、本菇凉喜欢你 12、孤独入客枕 13、ー兮性感 14、他心无我! 15、法翎 16、狼斩 17、断桥残雪℡ 18、余生都是她 19、岁月悄然飞逝 20、姐姐在此 21、初心不负 22、偷了月亮的猫>c< 23、捧花出席错过你 24、善恶无定 25、活出女生的骄傲 26、莪旳吢╮伱吥懂乜吥想懂 27、恋爱记事簿 28、▔﹏▔ 29、痴情汉 30、厌离 31、咏逺冭遥逺 32、怪人闲 33、野味少女心 34、无敌硬妹 35、心安勿忘 36、绿︶野 37、遥遥无归期 38、丢了薇笑ヽ嗱什麼来伪装 39、他却无意再说 40、残阳。 41、背叛゜杀无赦 42、怎忧 43、╭⌒一世的姻缘 44、愿与事违 45、你若安好,那还得了 46、独守一城* 47、佳人旧梦梦佳人 48、此籹子╭ァ狠乖 49、青春,奋斗吧 50、宁负天下不负你 51、清风与我 52、对成绩单唱Growl 53、无力迎合 54、妄友 55、软萌娇羞学妹君 56、孤影凭栏 57、全球少女萌主 58、社会的姐 59、n德微笑百度搜不到 60、OrdinAry 61、温致如猫 62、▁▂▃神马浮云の 63、做个吃货有何不可 64、冷漠的女人ゝ 65、百变小熊喵 66、度╮仰望星空 67、人潮拥挤咋没挤死你 68、被神厌恶 69、唱一半的歌 70、抽烟请举手i 71、他是过客何必留恋 72、软趣味 73、丑柒恠 74、似曾相识的味道つ 75、傲寒 76、劳资素个好菇凉 77、缘尽情封 78、四月蔷薇 79、纯妹 80、比你帅 81、零纪年 82、剩余のヤんυà面 83、倾城旧梦依旧 84、善变的男人 85、哥总是默默围观 86、她的眼很美 87、他唇毁她纯 88、给我西瓜与猫 89、爱占领几分心 90、専情女-$” 91、不打扰是莪最终的温柔 92、哭显孤单 93、女人就得越宠越有种 94、情话刺心 95、璃若轻 96、被神眷顾 97、ー场sαη局 98、独家记忆 99、红颜泪 100、口艾口牙女马口牙 101、僬点女子 102、我的意中人是个盖世英雄 103、笑靥荼靡 104、-cm心底的距离 105、萌哒女屌^ 106、ビIc__紫枫 107、A刊凯子 108、野性与傲骨 109、甜诱少女 110、醉笑红尘千场 111、﹏那年一路向北 112、我愿意赌上所有时光只爱你 113、箛単☆球,啭ㄋ哆9 114、倾世年华╮只为等君一笑 115、共醉 116、独守空城忆旧梦 117、神经质女孩 118、半世倾城い只为一人醉° 119、忽闻江上 120、欲与妄想 121、借风吻祢 122、爆破男神SIBIAO 123、迷失自我 124、几分老友 125、沙漏里的时光 126、澄萌 127、情感杂货铺 128、终点总是走走走不停 129、浪潮 130、^事事卟将⒐~↘ 131、我是叼男MN! 132、劫持野凯子 133、ヤщú痛fēй手┡ 134、安静的美男子 135、深爱不弃i 136、独自为伍 137、想淰のsυāη★ 138、落幕情殇 139、你有矿泉水那么纯。么? 140、惯性拒绝 141、懂得失去。 142、菩提树下叶撕阳。 143、慌了风 144、一干为尽 145、莫名的小情绪 146、闺蜜深入我心 147、温酒伴月落 148、≮梦花★如雪≯ 149、隔壁王学长; 150、赚个小钱 151、被爱与自由 152、凉墨 153、带着面具向前走 154、ぃ孤dц情欲ㄨ 155、╮我极明白我╭ 156、人潮拥挤i你在哪里i 157、孟婆丶来杯香飘飘 158、兮颜° 159、旧城俨然回眸笑 160、喜欢感情々 161、迷糊小姐〓 162、想你想得手都酸了 163、o℃体温 164、听我挽风 165、地理最可怕 166、╳说慌ゞ眼睛 167、迷人ü风野 168、一切◣随风 169、禁_铯 170、奔放小青年 171、爱丄勒囡囝 172、配角 173、寂 174、表酱紫 175、学渣总比人渣好 176、哭娃娃╰╮ 177、泚囡ぐ有点小嚣张ヾ 178、茕茕白兔 179、性感小甜甜 180、别来无恙你还狗样 181、闹够了就滚 182、﹊持刀就是战 183、生来不讨喜 184、欧式高跟鞋ゝ 185、做个没心没肺菂尐女亽 186、回忆渗出苦涩 187、小男生i 188、去年买了个表 189、夜店超男こ 190、雅1野马 191、つ这一生的想念。 192、帘外雨潺潺 193、杀死欲望 194、生活仍在继续- 195、MeǐNǚGeǐHuā 196、猫七姑娘° 197、眸中秋水 198、我掏心给你看〓 199、万人眼中万个我i 200、形同ü陌路 201、我想跟你鬼混 202、有了你梦想就会实现 203、realx 204、千游大人 205、你是人间绝色 206、每一段路都是一种领悟 207、妞°别浪了 208、负气浪亽 209、野兽难温情ぺ 210、浪仔 211、发自内心的傲ゝ 212、夏末繁花开 213、对此欢终宴 214、轻烟薄暮 215、回眸醉倾城 216、世上没有如果。 217、花花世界太迷人 218、笑颜 219、吃兔兔 220、相顾无言 221、→莲声 222、奔放洋气吴世勋 223、花败 224、雪云飘 225、十夏九黎 226、末路丶一枝花 227、此网名因太个性而无法显示 228、油炸小可爱 229、星光★灿烂 230、颓废了悲伤╯℡ 231、爱耍流氓的兔子 232、爱上了继承者们 233、相见恨晚。 234、阿萌妹纸 235、你不懂爱却懂伤害 236、双瞳语- 237、夏末终年 238、给不起就别承诺 239、最繁华时最悲凉 240、待我强大给我媳妇天下 241、怹ьυ嫒le┉ 242、心亡泪凉っ 243、月移花影玉人来 244、高姿态的女人 245、呦耍脾气 246、青衫泪落 247、我的心好冷,等着你来疼ゐ 248、情义两难忘 249、__不可使用 250、蠢蠢欲动 251、拼命╮菇凉 252、人儍不能复生 253、ue822fèηɡ过呒影 254、会发光也会慌i 255、℅Δ给ηι狗脸 256、本宫要三宫六院七十二男妃 257、顾玖念 258、枪蹦や狗友 259、微痞的姑娘 260、感性妹 261、幼稚园新童鞋 262、南栀爱人 263、落雪樱花 264、靡非斯特Ⅱ╮ 265、—ф指の浮夸— 266、孤独的造梦者 267、撕(~)疯 268、将军妻 269、野鸡贩大叔!! 270、天ぐ下太平 271、别勉强 272、姿态°美 273、雷′克萨斯 274、秋冻花落 275、﹌卜舍得 276、七瑾丶染年 277、大步向前走不回头 278、髑髅 279、积攒一身酷 280、物事人非空自悲 281、┾快意潇洒^▽^ 282、你嘋浍俄怎嚒莣记 283、帆布鞋的妹纸卡哇伊 284、起风了 285、﹏尛爷半生沉浮゛ 286、╭⌒浅安时光〆 287、浪荡不羁 288、被偏爱的都有恃无恐 289、ぷ木槿花开 290、一眼沦陷 291、游书 292、我伴他久 293、恶富贵 294、凉夜听风 295、诱拐猫仆 296、春秋不做梦℃ 297、牛奶萌男! 298、青春荒唐我不负你 299、给伱最好の自我 300、惟爱myself 301、我的期待死掉了 302、暮雪 303、清风南趋 304、一念花落 305、淹死的鱼 306、黑名单。 307、亡灵路人>< 308、若兮√ 309、东京巷尾の樱花づ 310、自强╮不息 311、素染墨眉 312、舔奶盖的小仙女 313、ジ哥不想长大* 314、时光不老,我们已散 315、鸢浅 316、静笑浮华红尘 317、迷亾体位 318、丑女无敌 319、⌒黎秋lq 320、小怪兽 321、硬茬子 322、水烟阁 323、贱卖青春 324、格子少年 325、惜你如命 326、姊ヽ伱旳女王 327、长愿相随 328、吃醋小王子i 329、够Man! 330、じò少女づ柔情 331、彩色的づ梦 332、为你钟情 333、凉城旧巷旧少年 334、#偏执狂 335、蕞诟一滴泪 336、深情何须显摆 337、董先生 338、沉醉花海 339、拉黑心动 340、尝ぐ醉 341、你的婞諨僦由硪来礃控 342、长痘菇凉最美i 343、谁给我糖我就跟谁走 344、念旧的人 345、Sunshine阳光゜ 346、软妹的小情书 347、┈怪人叔叔┉ 348、十指相扣ゞ走到白头 349、注意!我爱你 350、为爱痴狂 351、拜你所赐的温柔 352、浅酌 353、ポ奉ポ奉糖 354、荒野蛮神ベ 355、我有我的装逼梦 356、偏执怪人 357、稀香 358、可爱中带点骚。 359、二货少年っ 360、习惯此刻 361、你算什么 362、ue7ee且sυι疾风乄 363、剧烈失控 364、走路带风的帅界扛把子 365、雾散 366、勇者超无敌 367、专情予你 368、不傻不成气候@ 369、诉尽情衷 370、心死了 371、黄小瓜丶 372、-呃,爆想祢 373、高冷怪 374、嶶笶侒脏孒錑汨魡骄謸 375、捧杀 376、脱下裤子┣▇▇▇═— 377、空空如也ぅ 378、凉 379、平步青云〃 380、清念 381、小萌喵 382、釜山行赱的尸 383、︶ㄣ乖乖乄 384、武媚娘° 385、森屿 386、野味少女心 387、朕要你何用 388、忘记很简单只要时间和新欢 389、把伤痕当酒窝 390、绝色少女 391、度娘° 392、街角卖回忆 393、横刀泪 394、深究丶 395、丢了坚强软弱给谁看 396、少女的绿萝裙<※ 397、×yαηネ申调情ue7ea 398、实力著就1切 399、鬼畜大魔王 400、北染陌人
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  最火的微信英文网名1   1、iI10oOi0n   2、FartnRoses   3、iNeed2p   4、kentuckycriedfricken   5、FartinLutherKing   6、coolshirtbra   7、babydoodles   8、cute、as、ducks   9、magicschoolbusdropout   10、Joe Not Exotic   11、Avocadorable   12、santas_number1_elf   13、Twentyfourhourpharmacy   14、quailandduckeggs   15、test_name_please_ignore   16、baeconandeggz   17、nachocheesefries   18、AllGoodNamesRGone   19、LactoseTheIntolerant   20、anonymouse   21、chin_chillin   22、applebottomjeans   23、laugh_till_u_pee   24、abductedbyaliens   25、ghostfacegangsta   26、PaniniHead   27、bigfootisreal   28、actuallynotchrishemsworth   29、oprahwindfury   30、1z7khf—_—xUdp   31、ashley_said_what   32、Everybody   33、thehornoftheunicorn   34、personallyvictimizedbyreginageorge   35、aDistraction   36、toastedbagelwithcreamcheese   37、HairyPoppins   38、REVERANDTOAST   39、real_name_hidden   40、google_was_my_idea   41、HeartTicker   42、catsordogs   43、IYELLALOT   44、casanova   45、_djdn_d___m_——h—e——   46、unfinished_sentenc   47、cyxlovedzq   48、Definitely_not_an_athlete   49、13106513786   50、kim_chi   51、mandymooressingingvoice   52、me_for_president   53、OP_rah   54、pluralizes_everythings   55、chickenriceandbeans   56、Babushka   57、ManEatsPants   58、crazy_cat_lady   59、qq976548158   60、buh—buh—bacon   61、banana_hammock   62、FrostedCupcake   63、unfriendme   64、fluffycookie   65、whos_ur_buddha   66、BenAfleckIsAnOkActor   67、PawneeGoddess   68、YellowSnowman   69、thegodfatherpart4   70、fedora_the_explorer   71、fatBatman   72、username_copied   73、tinfoilhat   74、regina_phalange   75、SaintBroseph   76、just—a—harmless—potato   77、heyyou   78、YESIMFUNNY   79、idrinkchocolatemilk   80、Something   最火的微信英文网名2   1、半透明 cold   2、piapiapia~   3、Game is over.   4、suden   5、no matter   6、菇凉ˉAmor   7、Emotiona°   8、﹌ slovenly   9、Deeplove(深爱)   10、blow爆炸   11、Pr!nce° Pr!ncess°   12、realx   13、Aboriginal 土著居民   14、蒲公半岛Chapter-   15、Ruthless 无情   16、R. tong 女郎   17、Taurus丶   18、Disappear 消失   19、永远的. Bad boy   20、Study of slag(学渣)   21、exo   22、初恋般~EXO   23、Waitingっ 等待.   24、Actual真实的   25、wáng yuán   26、岌岌可危dangereux#   27、No one and you   28、Gail   29、丿Monster卩s冥彡   30、深碍√TFBOYSˉ_   31、pass by   32、不懂Romant1c   33、′Pupil   34、Karma   35、◇◆Feng▁繁华如梦   36、:▲ chillily (冷漠的)   37、As Long As you Love me   38、Tenderne°   39、Faith(信念)   40、crooked°   41、passer   42、Memory -痴情   43、Aomr゛   44、Amo()   45、Heart Att   46、WhiteIn゜   47、阳光&倾城_sunny^   48、|▍Perf   49、should not-溺宠(不该)   50、颜2。baby   51、Bad young (不良少女)∝丶   52、àī ωǒ Ьīé zǒ   53、yì yáng qiān xǐ   54、Ena   55、Brilliant(钻石)   56、Exile つ (流放fan)*   57、Hey丶小姐   58、Flowers   59、You not love me   60、血红玫瑰 1nfatu   61、sea ˉ   62、Fu2k *=   63、怎知我心Custom゜   64、暖心 Vicious。   65、Naughty(调皮蛋)   66、Love The Way You Lie   67、shoulder (依靠)   68、You 算 What   69、Promise°永恒   70、YOU and ME   71、Hollow (空心)   72、╃Wait...╃   73、帺.mm   74、Hurt 痛苦   75、冷瞳丶Sunshine   76、Destiny   77、张飞_Harry   78、半生毁released   79、Sˋmall宝珼ヤ;   80、Fixed Fated   81、Go over 重温︴︴   82、You Are My World   83、Alice☆灵魂   84、Brave heart   85、Ι Believe ヽ   86、Hello   87、Justify(狡辩)   88、丨Nice丨兄弟情灬   89、痴情woman╯   90、forever   91、Laddyゞ高冷女子   92、▓ cool (淡然)   93、____Nicholas Tse`   94、e丿Shine丨NO丶   95、Autism゛孤独患者   96、Anesthesia 麻木   97、perpetual(天长地久)   98、Abby女神 、   99、cheeks (面颊)-   100、俗 man■   101、just like you。   102、Destiny. 宿命   103、Lose 丶recall (丢失回忆)   104、black“   105、Bitter祭末   106、come on baby dont be shy   107、Monstar 7 °   108、mumbo jumbo   109、Hickey ぁ (吻痕)   110、sunshine   111、不三心 °sunset   112、Vide 空欢喜   113、RedLips (红唇)ノ   114、Romine丶   115、white 婚纱   最火的微信英文网名3   1、No Name   2、Go / 苯蛋   3、死亡地带 Death zone|▍   4、Ru-花姒钰。   5、December▎   6、Stella 的狂想丶   7、fashion╮   8、early youth_   9、情绪控2НeаЯt▲   10、Freedom丶自由   11、◇Loney′天轮   12、深空失忆 Dreams °   13、LepRosY 盛宴   14、Iruri℡过客   15、Heart。弃心   16、EXIST (存在)   17、Taurus丶挽歌   18、凉城Tristean   19、Sadness″逝言   20、The wind stopped 风停了   最火的微信英文网名4   1、Bitter、泪海   2、Bad Boy   3、Curtain   4、慑人的楼道▍corrid   5、半身Naked   6、Delete·隐身   7、We Are One 。   8、丿Mars丶丨坏妞   9、。   10、__Alone° 独自   11、Ninety丶所谓爱情。   12、Oh、儍晓铭   13、Love alone 独自喜欢   14、So、That   15、Re_Star·彅   16、U my lover   17、钻石花 pu2enes   18、Wǒヤa!Nǐ   19、S.ud丶乖乖   20、Fetters羁绊
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第一个多了一空格 第二个多了个ing
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冒险岛英文名字300个 1、Roselife(玫瑰人生) 2、Solitude也在指尖徘徊 3、Weeksmadman 4、▲角逐pursue 5、Answer﹏厮守° 6、Aminor未成年 7、Moonshine 8、Abandon放下9、Lackoflove 10、TaShìMìng 11、Withered凋零 12、Femalebully(女霸) 13、隐忍grieved 14、Badguy烂好人 15、carly 16、ゆThehourglass 17、ExpectSamsara 18、slow(慢热) 19、亡人"Hasgone° 20、落幕丶sunshine 21、玻璃猫-charming* 22、WhiteIn゜ 23、po 24、PerFect 25、゛Babyゝ挚爱你 26、Monster怪兽 27、tfboys我的命 28、Sunny°刺眼 29、释怀°Believeヾ 30、release[放手] 31、BonnenuIt 32、karry王。 33、cuimeng好菇凉。 34、naive-小丫头 35、[-disingenu°]言不由衷 36、亡命Honoria 37、Low-key丶是一种态度 38、寡欲desre# 39、Virtuouswoman(贤惠女) 40、Theheartoflove 41、sng丶妞 42、Simple(单纯) 43、Careless无心 44、jackson 45、ɑ┍yang暣-- 46、╃Wait╃ 47、smile丶伤了 48、匿名好友-Stealth 49、幻灭事件ThepupL 50、Justify(狡辩) 51、staithme 52、Youismyheart 53、Krismile(微笑) 54、EXO撒浪嘿呦 55、twice-born重获新生 56、Poison药 57、Forever 58、Becauseof 59、Temptation 60、Prison囚困 61、Hickeyぁ(吻痕) 62、灼瘾Renunc 63、敷衍Continue\" 64、warmasever 65、wirepuller阴谋者。 66、searull-不离 67、Asunygirl 68、Hurt痛苦 69、Heart°兮昕- 70、心荒Goddess 71、——Fusheng若梦゜ 72、OneMore 73、HeartAtt 74、Alligators 75、〆╰☆╮King 76、Forget°淡忘 77、Hesitation 78、帅哥cindy 79、〤CloudLoVe 80、RedLips(红唇)ノ 81、white婚纱 82、旧情话clot 83、陈词滥调°Spoony 84、Scavengers[拾荒者] 85、Infatuatedwith 86、Fuk*= 87、Memory-痴情 88、That丶bitch 89、Agoni°▍べ[小时光] 90、岌岌可危dangereux# 91、爱持续时间▍hours 92、violet 93、Seven°昔年 94、heart-broken°心碎 95、Lostincity 96、Rebirth(重生) 97、loser 98、smile 99、Crowl° 100、Lonely孤独先生 101、"永恒Eternally。 102、空心人°-relead 103、Enteral丶不朽 104、戒不掉的gentle 105、TurnHug[转身相拥] 106、forever浅笑° 107、Remix恍惚 108、important重要 109、NatalieSue 110、Ihavenotearstocry 111、Bitter祭末 112、颜。baby 113、冷心Blame。 114、sandm旧梦颜|| 115、Badyoung(不良少女)∝丶 116、mini 117、après之后 118、Cardiac心亡 119、Moonlight 120、Style〃 121、。迷茫 122、﹌slovenly 123、Theonly⌒虚幻の承诺 124、乱祈°Amor▲ 125、Dirtyoldman 126、Sametime[时光不变] 127、|▍Perf 128、Rtong女郎 129、Royklv丶Leslie 130、Galaxy(距离) 131、HRosa丶Star 132、◣bill◥ 133、Provence°巴黎左岸Provence°东京蓝调Provence°伦敦之恋Provence°东京曲调 134、Mofa★礼物 135、tfboys发光少年 136、Heartplug(心塞) 137、WeareVIP 138、Withoutyou 139、Ever丶幸福 140、心疤(heart) 141、Rememberゝ爱 142、Just悲 143、forever° 144、sleepwalking梦游 145、Sunshineづ残阳 146、theend 147、Abby女神 148、Deeplove(深爱) 149、夜寐-sink° 150、georgia 151、Theonly⌒虚幻の承诺 152、FLydReam 153、shoulder(依靠) 154、弧度Trajectory゜ 155、Letitgo随它吧 156、summer冷 157、Elaine丶 158、Tears悲痛 159、Invinseble 160、Faker错 161、Zero-零笙 162、Attack丶放肆 163、Feelsad感到悲伤 164、AllureLove流年忘却AllureLove流年浮华AllureLove流年沉寂 165、Soledad(寂寞) 166、遗忘。Forgotten 167、Diorゞ时尚俏佳人 168、麻醉anesthesia 169、Deprecating。(讽刺) 170、①╰overtime 171、WeAreOne° 172、夜宿荒山blood记 173、imagine° 174、记忆°Blank丶 175、Tomakethan逗比 176、Success丶Ding 177、exo 178、浪漫style 179、Sam|绝情△ 180、Waitup(等等) 181、_sweet") 182、痴情woman╯ 183、窒息感▌corrid 184、●girl゛ 185、realx(放松) 186、温唇°sunshine 187、_daping!, 188、Unique▼挚爱o 189、资本principal 190、sweepingleaves 191、小secretary 192、nobodycare 193、Chanyelo°暖阳 194、Anesthesia麻木 195、Thecityofthesky 196、Ranaground 197、Weak懦弱。 198、trouble(烦恼) 199、°Distance(距离) 200、Mrgalaxy℡ 201、吻安▌Dangerou 202、怎知我心Custom゜ 203、sweet妹 204、SupperBadass 205、吃芥末的猫-gentle* 206、禁忌smoke 207、Spring‘初心 208、Theheartoflove 209、Lose丶recall(丢失回忆) 210、Camouflage丶 211、傀儡Puppet▼ 212、Emotiona° 213、Painfullove(痛爱) 214、realx 215、巷尾姑娘-temper* 216、MyheriMyhei 217、腐朽eroson 218、black“ 219、Stagger゜ 220、Lethe(忘却) 221、Drama-°半岛忧伤 222、Letyougo! 223、Firstsonw(初雪) 224、NationaldeerMrs 225、nzingablake 226、Thenightsky 227、布丁のsmile 228、Forgotten 229、Exileつ(流放fan)* 230、samuela撒美拉 231、〤King丶国王范儿 232、Confidentia 233、germanmelody 234、Flowers 235、Erstickt°窒息 236、Emptydrea 237、ɡrl。女孩 238、▍Memorヾ毒瘾 239、ClearDay 240、桥泊Kubert 241、Onlaiting 242、remい╃→ember′ 243、Hairend(发梢) 244、゛法式夕阳Romantic 245、经年°reminis 246、RTntiankeng 247、Owetokiss 248、夏沫"NeverGive 249、Vide空欢喜 250、Yrainy(樱雨) 251、LuHan 252、clown空城 253、cheeks(面颊)- 254、Aomr゛ 255、Lifetime(一生) 256、primadonna女主角 257、SorBeiLaiSuoKe 258、nostalgic念旧 259、▲chillily(冷漠的) 260、Koreyoshi°意境 261、念旧cunese 262、不三心°sunset 263、YouAreMyWorld 264、俗man■ 265、Warmlight(温暖) 266、爱情Beautiful 267、HRosa丶Star 268、ertime 269、Onlyone"挚爱╯ 270、Funker 271、Heartache 272、vinay维奈 273、失眠症insomnia 274、永远Eternally 275、McLaren 276、Fishbone[鱼刺] 277、sunnyxi 278、←¢lorraine☆洛伦 279、▓cool(淡然) 280、shouldnot-溺宠(不该) 281、Fate丶情途末路 282、°neˊtake 283、Smile璀璨 284、December想你 285、﹣虚伪[false] 286、failure失败 287、孽╮noone 288、Sham(伪善) 289、小小余存°dsTiny 290、Studyofslag(学渣) 291、半夏vienna 292、Super_man 293、heart。梦出发 294、Happybirthday小骄傲i 295、history 296、paranoia妄想症 297、permenent永久的 298、aい╃→mazing 299、Crazy丶记忆。 300、菇凉ˉAmor
2023-07-29 14:18:131


  微信英文网名135个 篇1   1、半透明 cold   2、piapiapia~   3、Game is over。   4、suden   5、no matter   6、菇凉ˉAmor   7、Emotiona°   8、﹌ slovenly   9、Deeplove(深爱)   10、blow爆炸   11、Pr!nce° Pr!ncess°   12、realx   13、Aboriginal 土著居民   14、蒲公半岛Chapter—   15、Ruthless 无情   16、R。 tong 女郎   17、Taurus丶   18、Disappear 消失   19、永远的。 Bad boy   20、Study of slag(学渣)   21、exo   22、初恋般~EXO   23、Waitingっ 等待。   24、Actual真实的   25、wáng yuán   26、岌岌可危dangereux#   27、No one and you   28、Gail   29、丿Monster卩s冥彡   30、深碍√TFBOYSˉ_   31、pass by   32、不懂Romant1c   33、′Pupil   34、Karma   35、◇◆Feng▁繁华如梦   36、:▲ chillily (冷漠的.)   37、As Long As you Love me   38、Tenderne°   39、Faith(信念)   40、crooked°   41、passer   42、Memory —痴情   43、Aomr゛   44、Amo()   45、Heart Att   46、WhiteIn゜   47、阳光&倾城_sunny^   48、|▍Perf   49、should not—溺宠(不该)   50、颜2。baby   51、Bad young (不良少女)∝丶   52、àī ωǒ Ьīé zǒ   53、yì yáng qiān xǐ   54、Ena   55、Brilliant(钻石)   56、Exile つ (流放fan)*   57、Hey丶小姐   58、Flowers   59、You not love me   60、血红玫瑰 1nfatu   61、sea ˉ   62、Fu2k *=   63、怎知我心Custom゜   64、暖心 Vicious。   65、Naughty(调皮蛋)   66、Love The Way You Lie   67、shoulder (依靠)   68、You 算 What   69、Promise°永恒   70、YOU and ME   71、Hollow (空心)   72、╃Wait……╃   73、帺。mm   74、Hurt 痛苦   75、冷瞳丶Sunshine   76、Destiny   77、张飞_Harry   78、半生毁released   79、Sˋmall宝珼ヤ;   80、Fixed Fated   81、Go over 重温︴︴   82、You Are My World   83、Alice☆灵魂   84、Brave heart   85、Ι Believe ヽ   86、Hello   87、Justify(狡辩)   88、丨Nice丨兄弟情灬   89、痴情woman╯   90、forever   91、Laddyゞ高冷女子   92、▓ cool (淡然)   93、____Nicholas Tse`   94、e丿Shine丨NO丶   95、Autism゛孤独患者   96、Anesthesia 麻木   97、perpetual(天长地久)   98、Abby女神 、   99、cheeks (面颊)—   100、俗 man■   101、just like you。   102、Destiny。 宿命   103、Lose 丶recall (丢失回忆)   104、black“   105、Bitter祭末   106、come on baby dont be shy   107、Monstar 7 °   108、mumbo jumbo   109、Hickey ぁ (吻痕)   110、sunshine   111、不三心 °sunset   112、Vide 空欢喜   113、RedLips (红唇)ノ   114、Romine丶   115、white 婚纱   微信英文网名135个 篇2   1、Bitter、泪海   2、Bad Boy   3、Curtain   4、慑人的楼道▍corrid   5、半身Naked   6、Delete·隐身   7、We Are One 。   8、丿Mars丶丨坏妞   9、Dear。我爱你。   10、__Alone° 独自   11、Ninety丶所谓爱情。   12、Oh、儍晓铭   13、Love alone 独自喜欢   14、So、That   15、Re_Star·彅   16、U my lover   17、钻石花 pu2enes   18、Wǒヤa!Nǐ   19、S。ud丶乖乖   20、〓 Fetters羁绊   微信英文网名135个 篇3   1、No Name   2、Go / 苯蛋   3、死亡地带 Death zone|▍   4、Ru—花姒钰。   5、December▎   6、Stella 的狂想丶   7、fashion╮   8、early youth_   9、情绪控2НeаЯt▲   10、Freedom丶自由   11、◇Loney′天轮   12、深空失忆 Dreams °   13、LepRosY 盛宴   14、Iruri℡过客   15、Heart。弃心   16、EXIST (存在)   17、Taurus丶挽歌   18、凉城Tristean   19、Sadness″逝言   20、The wind stopped 风停了   微信英文网名135个 篇4   1) Lonesome.孤寂   2) Akoasm(幻听)   3) untamed(野性)   4) Tempted(动心)   5) Winda 放肆青春   6) Amor- 浮伤年华   7) Deep space 深空   8) Manjusaka丶凄美   9) 麻醉 anesthesia   10) Liberation 解脱   11) Passerby 过路人   12) GoodnIght淡年华   13) Distance 失落心   14) Existence °空白   15) Summer°阳光盛开   16) Warm heart(暖心)   17) Fishbone。鱼骨   18) Get old. 白头   19) Your eyes 你的眉眼   20) Old photos 老照片   微信英文网名135个 篇5   1、Frank   2、Safe   3、prey   4、Mute   5、south   6、Pretty boy   7、Palpitation   8、↑ゾDRAGΘNゾ↑   9、ㄕ体paЯty   10、BO peep   11、cute killer   12、6Clean   13、Slag male   14、一杯whisky   15、浓情chocolate   16、sugar   17、LOSER   18、Ba/na/na   19、Red>>ReaL   20、BROWN(= 0 =   21、Unfair   22、Narrator   23、玩cool的girl   24、男友力MAX   25、fantasyo老时光   26、Be her   27、Panacea   28、stick"man   29、hero的匕首   30、maniac   31、ANd GOlD   32、Catnip、   33、女王(Queen、ゆ性   34、UR SOULMATE   35、MY TYPE   36、Warm-boy   37、okBabe   38、Redundant   39、keep the   40、Overlook、   41、摇滚Bl○⊙d   42、INER>>>   43、一个帅のgirl   44、magipige   45、Super萌   46、T_back撩拨   47、有间Ca∮e   48、Fossette   49、pUssy   50、黑人Rap$
2023-07-29 14:18:231


2023-07-29 14:18:421


个性霸道网名400个 1、虚假爱人 2、余下年岁各自安好 3、嗜桖仦媄囡 4、小三丶不会是主角 5、姐的妖艳你羡慕不起。 6、别用你吻过别人的嘴说爱我 7、亡命徒。 8、╰ー何必说爱9、这心不属于我 10、我只做你玍命里旳唯一。 11、不准哭 12、唯美的浪漫只属于我们 13、情绪别致的疯子 14、港台Boss 15、美妆掩饰不了你内心的肮脏 16、旅途爱人 17、未亡人* 18、仗着我爱你,你就狂吧。 19、葬礼上的玫瑰花 20、瘕装丶卟痛︿ 21、撕开回忆的面纱。 22、じòぴé围著袮转 23、兜兜转转。 24、小狗不择二, 25、╭赐你滚蛋 26、你好,我叫很个性 27、厚脸皮。 28、学不会↖ 29、魂魇FiReWorKs㏄ 30、疯就要疯的够独特 31、"凉心无爱 32、我的名字叫做擎天柱ヽ 33、文艺至死不渝£ 34、抽着红塔山的女人ゝ 35、黑玫瑰。 36、你再骚也只配当 37、傻不拉几萌萌哒i 38、我的任性你不懂 39、╰期末是个伤感的词汇 40、Σ就是爱搞怪~~= 41、Vip▃__和尚Vip▃__尼姑 42、丿瞳孔中的我★ 43、黯然魂销 44、红尘破碎 45、再拥友 46、背影依旧那么帅 47、不倾世丶只倾你一人 48、◆◇╮假装 49、〤绝无仅有 50、做个没心没肺菂尐女亽 51、负心人 52、最终情人 53、`乱世 54、对卟起~~ 55、霸控” 56、坚强的女人会哭但不会输ぇ 57、是迩暖了冬天° 58、如图所示i由题意得i 59、孤傲也是一种态度゜ 60、豁然开朗。 61、一星陨落,空洞不了宇宙 62、你玩不起爱情 63、野性酷女 64、我要的暖。你给不起 65、有保险就任性! 66、青花作笔丶写回忆 67、淡淡的味道mm 68、秒杀伱的高傲 69、孙子你凭什么碰我女人- 70、孤独的王后° 71、爆笑气质姐 72、兔子快跑~ 73、豁然开朗。 74、二是*我的个性 75、纯情能值几毛钱ぺ 76、为爱战天下丶 77、我习惯做唯一 78、℡是真心话还是大冒险╮ 79、狂风般洒脱 80、过时的女人 81、亡灵人 82、我是屌丝,爱玩逆袭* 83、十字开头怎敢说永久 84、寂寞丶唱国歌 85、So〃|完美 86、五音不全也要哼着我们的歌 87、丨为君独舞丶 88、没什么特长就网名特长 89、女王范儿爆棚 90、我不做作仅有点疯。 91、私有物品~ 92、-王道 93、我的心已经成了你的殖民地 94、集邮渣渣男 95、爱请你靠边 96、她。缺乏安全感 97、属于你旳oo‰ 98、闷骚°是种气质美 99、邪性洒脱 100、我是只痴武艺,的妖 101、为你颠倒整个世界为你背叛整个世界 102、暗杀γ 103、念旧不代表我想回到过去ㄟ 104、1生1世占有你的情ㄣ 105、友谊不毕业 106、◇╮掌柜我要典当爱情√ 107、柠檬脾气 108、自我主宰& 109、黑山老妖。 110、已过甜美青春ノ 111、痛久终成不愈之症 112、稳于泰山° 113、此人须珍藏 114、逆水行舟 115、蚩尤 116、自作多情必自毙° 117、挽歌莫名伤 118、日出之前请将寂寞终结╰╯ 119、无恶不赦- 120、悍妇 121、疯到世界奔溃 122、挑剔旳男人够资本∽ 123、复仇者 124、你为他抛弃了世界 125、人狗 126、心凉透死心了对吗"" 127、潮人怪性 128、夳酷拒拜托 129、标标质质大青年 130、逼毛不烫自然卷; 131、<酷酷deヽ老太太> 132、随卞 133、▁▁▁▂▂づ伪爷﹏ 134、Traveller。 135、万人中央数你最亮 136、玩人丶不玩心 137、穿起拖鞋去相亲 138、独特风格 139、我酷你随意 140、你选择离开,我就会放下 141、∝陌小玍 142、请叫我丶偏执狂 143、EXO,久伴 144、无需闭月羞花与倾国倾城づ 145、有钳任性 146、核能气质少年 147、命中注定的王子 148、莂拿你嘚菊花装B↘ 149、劳资就这么个范 150、别拿无知当个性~ 151、╭゜我的高傲,尔等岂懂 152、-对伱微笑莼属澧貌- 153、贱是一种态度 154、治愈系乡霸 155、我疯我癫我骄傲 156、谢绝施舍 157、比你妹妹的 158、命中注定的王* 159、‖野百合也有春天 160、搞怪之王 161、Sprite轻扬 162、寂寞算什么 163、在奈何桥摆摊卖孟婆汤 164、划清界限 165、只为你而活 166、我旳爱只与你同在 167、丑才∫酷啊 168、萌妹子的霸气范 169、℡中国式美男 170、‖我是你此生不换的爱恋 171、爷:钲在输入。 172、勿议凡 173、死囚漫步。 174、ㄟ落笔画出爱 175、来电╮铃声 176、︶ㄣ杀爱戒爱 177、肩并肩的默契 178、拒绝平庸θ 179、萧郎之惶恐 180、懂爱在遇你后 181、゛撕爱℡ 182、┈━═☆恨 183、忢夲潇洒 184、回想起你的眼神 185、当我心跳停止时我才放下你 186、-没有你我照样活 187、穿云〃 188、。滚开ヤ 189、拚ㄋ掵紾惜 190、老子没心`怎样记你 191、非典型流氓 192、劳资天下无敌 193、活着*罪孽 194、一巴掌打醒的心゛ 195、悟空在飙歌。 196、〃印度神某礼意あ 197、霸道是我的个性 198、劳资女王范* 199、伱,卜值得同情 200、一刀两断° 201、你,只准是我的 202、酷的没边儿了的美尐女ゾ 203、女神经怎样了 204、未完丶待续 205、逍遥自在唯我独 206、ε路人假゛ 207、词穷”◆ 208、装笑给谁看╮╯▽ 209、╰'罗密欧丶 210、丶指染你啲媄 211、轮回后重新再来 212、生活如此矫情$ 213、干掉我你就是神 214、我的世界不允许你消失 215、╰◆黙繎ご 216、妖魅时尚地狱 217、丿°咖丶啡 218、遍体鳞伤才叫漂亮° 219、千里寻妻。 220、兄台゛出招吧 221、听说ヽ每滴泪都是钻石 222、别碰我的古怪 223、乱人↖乱心 224、无人像我i 225、崾赱の亽涐绝卟留 226、刹神× 227、青春染指流年 228、姐‖活得风情万种 229、-情债╮请结账° 230、拒绝′欺骗 231、持枪爱怜。 232、自嘲自闹自疯癫 233、瓶邪王道 234、≮夲zúη拒绝爱≯ 235、维也纳的忧伤仅有我懂ゝ 236、星星永远也不会属于太阳。 237、〆为你奋斗致死 238、癫贤娃娃 239、未来会有我骄傲的存在つ 240、你的若无其事 241、娱乐你又如何 242、ξ菇凉,跟我不 243、-吞噬你的灵魂, 244、无敌元气妹 245、至死方休, 246、小赖皮╮ 247、格式化丶过去 248、王者feelつ莫紫萱 249、看起来太独特 250、^ǒ^水煮活人 251、只做独一无二的自我** 252、毁我一次断你一生。 253、逆天式緈冨 254、蛾是你的阳光 255、管我繁不繁华又不是你的城 256、此爱不售 257、蒊开莫相知 258、*不朽的少年有放肆的梦, 259、神秘鬼马 260、|▍cute朕╃じ爷D 261、美到没朋友 262、你不懂我的表里不一づ 263、现状很好 264、港久 265、偏执的傲 266、去爱去疯去执着 267、长大我要当太空人 268、王妃°轻狂┓ 269、╭嘲弄染上嘴角 270、记住丶给你幸福的人是Me 271、奋斗者的裤衩 272、三岔口迷失你 273、霸占丶迩德爱 274、没有公主命要有女王心。 275、女人你是我的独家记忆 276、白眼狼° 277、叼烟摆P寂寞 278、陪wǒ到最终 279、ζ乱情 280、╬═☆坆瑰と 281、假心腥ヾ 282、最美的婚纱参加你的葬礼 283、〃难过∠ 284、手持AK横扫你全家。 285、怪咖小青年 286、女人别拿无知当可爱 287、非尔不爱。 288、爷与銭有关 289、信天不信命 290、这个世界太荒唐 291、灬落幕烟殇 292、疯子般の我 293、装酷不是我的style 294、丢不起的信仰 295、沵是俄の眼 296、漃寞烟錇謌 297、滚离ɡē远詀 298、一朶小黄埖 299、喜旧之人~` 300、マ纯属游戏而已 301、考不上高中我就去抗日 302、迩个″小妖精 303、人彘 304、温柔姐 305、我用命换你 306、你我的以往 307、请带著你的虚情假意滚蛋 308、学不会的爱ㄖ不能放纵 309、向着太阳炫耀的女人~ 310、[生活如此多娇] 311、逾期不候; 312、高傲控制不了我的低调 313、自恋◇是女人的潜在本事 314、不要以为我会像你妈那样 315、毒咒 316、言"陌 317、我爱过 318、古里古怪的小性格 319、一种不羁於世的Feelヾ 320、黑枪 321、记忆中的你 322、倾诉世界你独一无二 323、「执着」这个词很适合我 324、卖萌者*杀无赦 325、王者绝非偶然 326、╮Empress人来疯ン 327、我很怪i 328、〆欢唱离歌 329、孤傲的王° 330、自信就是气质 331、疯癫灬中二 332、︶ㄣ仿掱ue7ea┚ 333、你的挽留々唤不回我的心 334、撩污酷野浪 335、╰つ我的微笑只给懂的人看 336、我爱琴姬花。 337、虐心 338、性子来了,说变就变 339、毒瘾*,c 340、你的幸福,交给我主宰。 341、高调。转身 342、您真装i 343、命甴己造 344、虐心控 345、青春奉献给了义务教育 346、烟酒高跟鞋社会温柔妹。 347、不俗可人儿 348、列表唯酷Girl 349、realx 350、别-Tmd叁芯意つ 351、男人丶除了我你不许看别人 352、我是活宝。 353、メ扎眼的阳光 354、呐些。以往 355、继续我的辉煌 356、—"永不言爱ゞ 357、金牌老子- 358、你给的爱ヽ白给都不要 359、我们正年轻有何不可 360、换一个梦 361、请叫我女王大人 362、花花世界个人自由自在 363、真真真真小人~ 364、花有百样红人与狗不一样丶 365、腿短任性 366、无法无天逆态度 367、嚣张霸气爹_↘ 368、寻找梦中仇人* 369、怪性酷Girl 370、一身傲气王 371、伤美的凄凉 372、洒脱又极端 373、别忘了最初的自我 374、爱的汰用力 375、有何不可 376、淡看,伤感美 377、纠结丶已成歌 378、①个人也不坏 379、被切割的执著 380、你是我的信徒 381、酷到炸 382、生人勿近ゝ 383、玩挵ブ掵运 384、找不到我想要的我宁愿不要 385、昨晚我梦到你了–亦凡 386、半裸狂热者 387、o(︶︿︶)o唉。 388、怪异思维女 389、三宫六院谁来宠幸 390、撸管冠军╮ 391、如VIP一样尊贵的女人 392、〆嘿咻。 393、不要用虚伪玷污眼 394、奈何桥在哭诉 395、想活就好好活,不想趁早 396、度她余生°ˉc 397、烟勤话少脾气爆 398、峥嵘岁月爱吐槽 399、少年别悲痛* 400、劣徒ゅ
2023-07-29 14:18:551


1.关于父亲节的高中英语作文   People often say that the father loves the mountain, but in my opinion, my father"s love for me, and not entirely mountain as severe, sometimes gentle like water.   His father was a culture and virtuous man, although he is not as rich as other parents, but he pay for me absolutely as good as the other children, or even better than they are.   When talking about my father, I can not help but shed tears. His work is very busy at ordinary times, but in any case, greet me every day about study, life, as long as I study has a problem, he will be in your spare time to help me. From school to now, every parent he never absent, he once said: "no matter busy again, the child is always I consider the first". 2.关于父亲节的高中英语作文 Dear Daddy,   It will be the Fathers" Day soon. I just want to make a card to show my heart. I can"t tell how much I love you actually but I never told you or hint it. I think you know there must be a good connection between us because I"m your daughter/son! Although I don"t usually say "I love you" instead of arguing or even saying nothing, you have to know that I always put you in my heart! It is said that our parents is our first teachers. Everybody knows that. I"m not only thank you for being my father, but also thank you for being my first teacher!   Happy Fathers" Day! 3.关于父亲节的高中英语作文   Yesterday was father"s day. i had planned to give my father a present. buti didn"t remember it until in the was too late to post a card to i decided to buy something. when i was in the department store. i found itwas not easy for me to choose something right for him.   suddenly i got an idea. i ran home and opened my computer. i made abeautiful card and mailed him through the internet. then i began to make supper.when father came home, he was very glad to find a big meal on the table. then iasked him to check his e-mail. he was amazed to find a beautiful card in hise-mail-box.   what a wonderful surprise! 4.关于父亲节的高中英语作文   My father I think my father is a kind man, he love help people, and always forget to do something for himself.   He has a good sence of humor, yes, I like that. That always make us happy. I think he is a friend of mine. Because he always talk with me. I often feel I am not his daughter but his friend. I think that my father is a good father and also a good worker. He works very hard. So he can"t play with me or my mum for long time. He think work will make him happy because work has many funny. So he always teaches me:don"t think work is a hard thing. My father has many hobby. For example, he like reading, and he also like play puter game. He use his hobby to realx. He can feel very happy if he work, and also play. He is a good man, isn"t he? 5.关于父亲节的高中英语作文   Everyone will think their parents is the world"s best parents, every children also did all he can to return their parents. My father is not greater than other father, he is just a very ordinary father, but he is in this world I love the most respected people. Childhood life is bitter, that s maybe life is not bitter people rarely.   When the parents are very young, but because the father is the firstborn, home life burden should be bear by him and his mother, mother-in-law was also is very severe.   There are too many times in the memory of childhood see sorrow for the mother is grandma blame a lot of time, we these children only accompany mother cry, his father as a son, he could not do, also have no way to theory, and his mother a lot of times, as this way by us.
2023-07-29 14:19:021

你还剩多少钱? 英语翻译

1,你有很多钱左? - 你保存了多少钱? 注意:完美的紧张保存至今。 翻译 - 多少钱,你有你留吗? - 有多少是你的空余机票+酒店 - ? 2从去年你总是共存多少钱? - 多少钱,你还从去年就开始吗?
2023-07-29 14:19:148


1. 用五种简单句写十五篇作文,字数60到70左右,题目不限,尽力就行 难忘齐小,难忘在这儿留下的绚烂的足迹,难忘在这儿留下的七彩的笑声…… ——题记难忘齐小,难忘老师一句句关心的话语,难忘同学一张张天真的笑脸,难忘校园一幕幕动人的场景,难忘大家一颗颗热情的心。 时光匆匆,似乎就在白驹过隙,弹指一瞬之间,我们就从刚入校时那稚嫩天真的小不点儿变成了已是五年级的大哥哥大姐姐了,我十分怀念在这儿的点点滴滴。难忘齐小,难忘老师的谆谆教导。 有一次,我不小心撞了一个大包,疼得哭了起来。老师连忙帮我做了简单的消毒处理。 然后,老师就骑着自行车,准备送我去医院。而这时正是骄阳似火的时候,况且老师刚刚生过病,体质还很虚弱。 我劝老师别送了,老师直坚持送。就这样,我坐在老师的车上,荡荡悠悠地。 忘不了,坐在老师车上荡荡悠悠的感觉。难忘齐小,难忘同学的欢声笑语。 那是一个冬天,窗外下起了雪,纷纷扬扬的雪花满天飞舞。不一会儿,校园就成了银色世界。 2. 初中的作文怎样能够写出一句简单句的作文 我终于哭出了声,心中那片柔软的地儿被轻轻地触动了下,有些眩晕,有些惊愕。 在朦胧泪眼中,第一次看见父亲这样的表情,也是第一次听见他爱我的无声旋律,奏响的,不是黯然伤神,是感动的泪花。 我开始叫他“爸爸”了,但只是在饭桌前叫一声“爸爸,吃饭。”仅仅而已,他小声地回应,但抑制不住的喜悦我看得出来,他有些手忙脚乱,筷子拿得一正一反,但也吃得很开心,直夸饭菜好吃,菜很咸,但爸爸却吃得有滋有味,似乎没有了味蕾,感觉不了味道了。 渐渐的,我会淘气的把吃剩的肥肉和烧焦的玉米夹到老爸碗里,他从不拒绝,但也不显露得特别高兴,只是默默地吃完我夹的肥肉。他如此举动让我不安,为什么我就可以把自己不喜欢的硬塞给父亲呢,想起孔子说过的话“己所不欲,勿施于人”心里很惭愧…… 怎样才算是关心,是五彩缤纷的花束?是离别前的一句问候?是惊天动地的回赠?我不懂,是我内心情感太迟钝了么,但我知道有种关心是不露声色的,默默的,但一直存在,只是无形而已…… 3. 急求一篇用简单句写的英语作文 There are three people in my family.They are my father, my mother and I. My father is a doctor, he works very hard. My mother is a cook, the food she made tastes delicious, and she often tells me some fairy stories.I am a happy girl(boy). I like swimming, but my mother told me not to swimming in the river alone. My parents love me very much, I love them too. 五种句型全包括了,写的好辛苦呀,嘿嘿。 4. 求篇英语作文,用简单句就可以 Tradisional festive holidays to us are very important, for the past few thousand years, our ancestors set those festivals for sure have their own reasons and therefore, we have to follow it accordingly and in order for us to remember those festivals, the government have amend it finally for main festivals into individual holidays that we could have times to celebrate and enjoy it subsequently. Although we have lost our May day golden weeks but in return, we gain more about remember those important festivals set by our ancestors and I personally think it is worth to do so and of course, for the point of view from the government, it is also good to reduce the crowd for golden week on May labour day and I believe it will create win win situation by the end of the day.。 5. 英语作文简单句怎么做,阅读理解题怎么快速做完 英语中的简单句和中文的基本句型是一样的 简单句:只包含一个主语(或并列主语)和一个谓语(或并列谓语)的句子,称作简单句。 简单句的基本句型:简单句有以下5种基本句型。 1. 主语+ 不及物动词 例:It is raining heavily. My tooth aches. 2. 主语 + 及物动词 + 宾语 例:They enjoy the play. I met John in the street yesterday. 3. 主语 + 系动词 + 表语 例:He is out. Jenny is fine. It looks like rain, soon. 4 主语 + 及物动词 + 双宾语 例:He bought her a watch. The sun gives us light. 注意:双宾语一个指人(即间接宾语),另一个指物(即直接宾语)。一般间接宾语位于直接宾语的前面,有时它们也可交换位置,这是需要在间接宾语的前面加上介词to 或for 。 常见的双宾语结构:bring *** . sth (bring sth to *** ). give *** . sth (give sth to *** .) hand *** . sth (hand sth to *** .) leave *** . sth (leave *** ) lend *** . sth (lend sth to *** ) pass *** sth (pass sth to *** ) return *** . sth (return sth to *** ) send *** sth (send sth to *** ) show *** sth (show sth. to *** .) tell *** sth (tell sth to *** ) write *** sth (write sth to *** ) buy *** sth (buy sth for *** ) do *** sth (do sth for *** ) get *** sth (get sth for *** ) make *** . sth (make sth for *** ) pay *** . sth (pay sth for *** ) sing *** sth (sing sth for *** ) 5. 主语 + 及物动词 + 宾语 + 补足语 例:She found him a very clever student. I make it a rule to get up early in the morning. 注意:当宾语意思表达不完整时,需要用不足与补充说明宾语的状态、性质等。用作宾语补足语的通常有名词、形容词、动词不定式等。当谓语动词为see, hear , watch, feel 等感官动词或者let, have , make 等使役动词时,如果不定式作宾语补足语,必须省略to。 其实很简单的,只要用心学,考试时再给自己信心,相信你一定可以的! 6. 紧急求助 I have a nice school. It is large and beautiful. There are thirty classes in our school. There are many trees around the school. The teachers are friendly to us. My class is on the first floor. There are 60 students in my class. The classroom is big and clean. And I have a happy family. My father and mother are both teachers. They love me. I love my parents, too.。 7. 考研英语作文全用简单句会怎么样 不要总是使用简单句,句型要富于变幻,多用一些长些的句子,以表示你的英文运用能力不是很差,可以争取阅卷人的好印象。不要使用生僻的单词,正是所谓言多必失,对于过于生僻的单词,也许有时你也不晓得它是哪种词性,是否有固定搭配,介词怎么用。海天考研辅导专家提醒考生,要注意使用连词。所谓连词,就是表示递进,解释说明、转折等的词汇,使用了这类词汇,就显得作者有了一定的英文基础了,而且使文章富有文采。这些都是采分点。 注意通篇文章的层次性 大家要记住一些固定句型。一些固定句型有时是通用的。比如说图表作文中,大多数的开头都可以这样写:“It can be seen in t he table…”,还有一些比如说“举例来说”、“综上所述……”等等,这类句型的固定结构都是很有用的,可以保证你既少出错,又多得分。通篇文章可能是各段间并列的,转折的,递进的,这不同表达方式应该背下来,而各段之内也应该层次分明,海天考研辅导专家提醒考生,写作时一定要注意结构分明,层次清晰,使阅卷人很容易就理解了你所表达的内容。又使他觉得你的英文水平较高。另外,字数一定要够。如果你担心你的字数会不够,那么在写作时你要尽力在你的记忆里搜索,虽然表达中文相同意思的不同英文句型有很多。但是你尽可能的选择最长的那种表达方式。虽然废话多了些,但是只要字数够了,意思也表达清楚了。那就已经达到了你的目的了。在下笔之前,大家要详细查看图画。考生应对图画进行全面而细致的研究,尤其注意图画中人或物的体貌表情特征和背景,确定人物之间,人物与背景之间的主要关系,以便正确掌握图画所传达的信息。 写作要按顺序来 如果图画以系列形式出现,考生除了掌握每一幅图画的信息,还应该对图画之间的相应联系有所理解,从而在整体上把握图画所传达的信息。面对图画题型,考生应该展开合理而丰富的联想,用生动而恰当的言辞抒发自己对图画的所思所想所感。海天考研辅导专家提醒考生,要注意图画题型中的文字提示。文字提示非常重要,文字提示通常十分清楚地提供一些写作要点。写作之前要草拟提纲,合理组织材料。根据图画内容的不同采用不同的段落发展方式。如果画面内容是以描述为主,即按空间方位或时间先后顺序排列,可采用“开头——扩展——结尾”的写作方式。如果画面内容是以解释说明为主,写作时则先给出主题句,再围绕主题句完成各段落的写作,这是采用“主题句——扩展句——总结句”的写作方式。注意系统且突出地展开段落。展开段落要根据画面内容进行,同时也要围绕每一段的主题句进行。最后要注意检查与修改,考生应重点检查图画内容是否准确地被表达出来,题目所给提示是否完整地反映在文章之中。如果存在与画面不相符的内容,或未能完全涵盖题目所给提示,考生应对文章做出相应修订。 8. 围绕父爱用简单句写一个英语作文 My father I think my father is a kind man, he love help people, and always fet to do something for himself. He has a good sence of humor, yes, I like that. That always make us happy. I think he is a friend of mine. Because he always talk with me. I often feel I am not his daughter but his friend. I think that my father is a good father and also a good worker. He works very hard. So he can"t play with me or my mum for long time. He think work will make him happy because work has many funny. So he always teaches me: don"t think work is a hard thing. My father has many hobby. For example, he like reading, and he also like play puter game. He use his hobby to realx. He can feel very happy if he work, and also play. He is a good man, isn"t he?。 9. 如何用复杂句写出满分高考英语作文 如何用复杂句写出满分高考英语作文复杂句写作的五大杀器:1.用定语从句表达功能:主句某个名词后 + that can make + 表示功能的简单句(简单句的主语最好不用代词,因为这里的代词需要用宾格,如果掌握不好,还是用people等名词比较保险)。 例如:I have many books that can make people like English.(我有很多书,能使人们喜欢英语。)2.用主语从句表达事实:It is clear that + 表示事实的简单句。 例如:It is clear that books are important. (很明显书是重要的。)3.用非谓语结构表达优点:Being considered as something important, + 表示事物优点的简单句(这个简单句的主语不可以是人,而且一定要是具有优点的物)。 例如:Being considered as something important, books will help us at school. (被认为是很重要的东西,书将会在学校帮助我们。)4.用倒装结构表达结果:Only in this way can + 表示上句话造成的结果的简单句。 例如:(上句话是People should read books.)Only in this way can people learn different things.(只有通过这种方式人们才能学到不同的东西。)5.用if条件状语从句表达展望:If + 表示“如果”的简单句1,+ 表示“那么”的简单句2(if结构需要采用“主将从现”原则,不懂这个原则也无所谓,只需要固定记住:简单句1用一般现在时,简单句2用一般将来时)。 例如:If we read books, we will learn different things.(如果我们读书,我们就能学到不同的东西。)当你掌握了这五种武器,你已经天下无敌了。 面对任何作文题目你都可以切瓜砍菜一样,让它们俯首称臣。当然,如果只写这五个复杂句,字数还是不够的。 大多数省市作文要求是100字左右。那么我们就要在作文里额外混合一些简单句。 别小看简单句,有时候简单句更有力量。比如征服世界的凯撒大帝有句名言:Veni, Vidi, Vici. 凯撒是罗马人,说的是拉丁语,翻译成英语就是:I came, I saw, I conquered. (我来了,我看见了,我征服了。) 凯撒是纯爷们,简单句都说的这么霸气!而且,复杂句和简单句的比例最好具体量化并固化,这样更容易在写作中执行到位。我的建议就是五长四短:长短长短长短长短长。 也就是说,五个长句子(复杂句)和四个短句子(简单句)穿插排列组合,形成固定的顺序,看着舒服,也能符合字数要求(九个句子基本就是90-100字之间,就算对于作文字数要求在150字的变态省份,同学们可以自行加上若干同类型的长短句即可)。另外,高考英语作文评分标准里还提到了衔接词的重要性。 衔接词表明句子之间清晰的逻辑关系,让作文更加浑然一体。四哥再教你三个基本的衔接词,非常简单:therefore(因此),besides(而且),however(但是),它们分别表示所在句子和上一句之间是结果、递进、转折的逻辑关系,而且一定要用于句首并加上逗号。 比如:I like books. Therefore, I often buy books.或I likes books. Besides, I often give my books to my friends.或 I like reading books. However, I have no time.终于学成了,带着五大杀器踏上征途吧。我们随便挑个敌手。 所以,四哥不去刻意挑选作文题目。随便在百度输入关键字:“2013年高考英语作文”,搜索结果第一位的是百度文库里的一篇文章“2013年各省市高考英语作文真题及范文”。 其中第一道题是2013年上海高考英语作文,内容如下:上海博物馆拟举办一次名画展,现就展出场所(博物馆还是社区图书馆)征集公众意见,假设你是王敏,给上海博物馆写一封信表达你的想法。你的信必须满足以下要求: 1. 简述你写信的目的及你对场所的选择; 2. 说明你的理由(从便利性,专业性等方面对这两个场所进行对比)别急着写作文,先简单构思一下。 我现在扮演的是学沫,单词量就是初中水平,还有限。所以我会说“图书馆”(library)不会说“博物馆”,那么即使我内心深处认为画展在博物馆里举办更加“高大上”,但我也得忍痛含泪欺骗自己:还是在街道办事处的图书馆举办画展更好。 更悲剧的是,画展也不会说,那我就用“活动”(activity)笼统代之。最后,谈论的事儿只要是好的一律good,只要是坏的一律bad,这篇作文就这样不明觉厉地被我KO了,童鞋们觉着这样写作文OK不?好了,上学沫版范文!(标绿色的部分是五大杀器,标蓝色部分的是简单句的句核,标黄色部分的是经常附着在句核外的介宾短语,标粉色部分的是衔接词)(记住范文里书信开头结尾的格式,以后可以应用于一切的书信体裁的作文)Dear Sir or Madam (如果知道收信人的名字就把Sir or Madam换成具体的人名),It is clear that many people like the activity in Shanghai. I will say my idea in o parts.If you have the activity in the library, many people will like the idea. The library is near our houses. Only in this way can you have many people in the activity. The activity will be good in the library. Besides, the library is a good place that can make people like reading. Therefore, people will like drawing in the library.Being considered as something important, the activity will be popular in the future.Yours,Wang Min(作文给你起什么名就叫什。
2023-07-29 14:19:321

英语作文 用宾语从句写一篇关于父亲节的作文

  my father   I think my father is a kind man,he love help people,and always forget to do something for himself.He has a good sence of humor,yes,I like that.That always make us happy.   I think he is a friend of mine.Because he always talk with me.I often feel I am not his daughter but his friend.   I think that my father is a good father and also a good worker.He works very hard.So he can"t play with me or my mum for long time.He think work will make him happy because work has many funny.So he always teaches me:don"t think work is a hard thing.   My father has many hobby.For example,he like reading,and he also like play computer game.He use his hobby to realx.He can feel very happy if he work,and also play.
2023-07-29 14:19:481


【 #父亲节# 导语】虽然您不轻易表露,但我知道您一向都在关心着我。虽然我从不说什么,但您知道我一向都很在乎您。多谢您,爸爸!祝您父亲节快乐! 整理“小学四年级父亲节的英语作文”,以供大家参考,希望可以帮助到大家,感谢大家的阅读与支持! 【篇一】小学四年级父亲节的英语作文   yesterday was father"s day. i had planned to give my father a present. but i didn"t remember it until in the was too late to post a card to him. so i decided to buy something. when i was in the department store. i found it was not easy for me to choose something right for him. suddenly i got an idea. i ran home and opened my computer. i made a beautiful card and mailed him through the internet. then i began to make supper. when father came home, he was very glad to find a big meal on the table. then i asked him to check his e-mail. he was amazed to find a beautiful card in his e-mail-box. 【篇二】小学四年级父亲节的英语作文   I am a girl of ten, and I live in a small mountain village far from Taiyuan. The only person that lives with me is my mother, because my father is away for eight years, working in a city.   During the Spring Festival, my father came back home. He looked thin and tired. He gave my mother two thousand yuan, and told her that he would work even harder, earn more money, and then he could take us to the city He stayed at home for only ten days.We are living a poor life now. But what I want most is not money, but my father. I miss him very much! 【篇三】小学四年级父亲节的英语作文   yesterday was fathers day。 i had planned to give my father a present。 but i didnt remember it until in the morning。it was too late to post a card to him。 so i decided to buy something。 when i was in the department store。 i found it was not easy for me to choose something right for him。   suddenly i got an idea。 i ran home and opened my computer。 i made a beautiful card and mailed him through the internet。 then i began to make supper。 when father came home, he was very glad to find a big meal on the table。 then i asked him to check his e-mail。 he was amazed to find a beautiful card in his e-mail-box。   what a wonderful surprise! 【篇四】小学四年级父亲节的英语作文   I think my father is a kind man,he love help people,and always forget to do something for himself.He has a good sence of humor,yes,I like that.That always make us happy.   I think he is a friend of mine.Because he always talk with me.I often feel I am not his daughter but his friend.   I think that my father is a good father and also a good worker.He works very hard.So he can"t play with me or my mum for long time.He think work will make him happy because work has many funny.So he always teaches me:don"t think work is a hard thing.   My father has many hobby.For example,he like reading,and he also like play computer game.He use his hobby to realx.He can feel very happy if he work,and also play.   He is a good man,isn"the? 【篇五】小学四年级父亲节的英语作文   Mother remarried again, and Bob was a wonderful, kind man. I was twenty now and no longer living at home, but I felt a great love and attachment for him. A few years later my mother was diagnosed with cancer and was not given long to live. Shortly before she died, Bob came over to my house alone one day. We talked about a lot of things, and then he told me that he wanted me to know that he‘d always be there for me, even after Mother was gone. Then he asked if he could adopt me.   I could hardly believe my ears. Tears streamed down my face. He wanted me - me! This man had no obligation to me, but he was reaching out from his heart, and I accepted. During the adoption proceedings, the judge commented on all the undesirable duties of his profession and then with a tear in his eye, thanked us for brightening his day as he pronounced us father and daughter. I was twenty-five, but I was his little girl. 【篇六】小学四年级父亲节的英语作文   Dear John, It"s Father"s Day today. It"s a special day, isn"t it? I think we should do something to show our love for our fathers on this special day. My father and I are good friends. Whenever I meet with difficulties, he is always there, ready to help me. Today I will make a beautiful card for him, with my thanks and best wishes on it. Then I will help him wash the car this afternoon and cook his favorite food in the evening. Besides, I"ll take a walk with him after dinner and then play chess with him, for he likes it very much. I"m sure he"ll be very happy. What"s your plan for Father"s Day? I"m looking forward to hearing from you. Yours, 【篇七】小学四年级父亲节的英语作文   Flowers are a wonderful gift of nature. Everyone likes them. Flowers portray love, happiness, joy and all the other positive emotions. Since time immemorial flowers have been an integral part of every celebration and festival.   But there has been a misconception. Flowers are mainly associated with feminine gender. It is forgotten that men to have a soft side to them. Gift your father a bouquet of flowers on Father's Day and he surely will be overjoyed. Flowers, especially architectural and bold like tropical flowers, which are masculine, long lasting, tall and sturdy like the fathers usually are, can be   given. White and Red Rose are known to be the official flowers of Father's Day. People wear a white rose to honor a father who has deceased and a red rose for a father who is living.
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父爱像一杯咖啡,如果你不细细品尝,就不能发现其中的“糖分”,而会被“苦”吓跑了。下面就是我给大家带来的我的父亲 英语 作文 ,希望大家喜欢! 我的父亲英语作文1 I think my father is a kind man, he love help people, and always forget to do something for himself. He has a good sence of humor, yes, I like that. That always make us happy. I think he is a friend of mine. Because he always talk with me. I often feel I am not his daughter but his friend. I think that my father is a good father and also a good worker. He works very hard. So he can"t play with me or my mum for long time. He think work will make him happy because work has many funny. So he always teaches me: don"t think work is a hard thing. My father has many hobby. For example, he like reading, and he also like play computer game. He use his hobby to realx. He can feel very happy if he work, and also play. He is a good man, isn"t he? 我的父亲英语作文2 A father like a cup of coffee, if you don"t linger on, can"t find the "sugar", and "bitter" away. A father in the eyes, the gentle and strong father in busy and vigorous figure, it is the love, responsibility, love of wisdom. Remember the last time: I"m in the pavilion in the park, because of too excited, one not careful, fell and hurt my foot. At home, I saw dad, tears just kept falling. Dad saw and asked with concern: "what"s up? What"s wrong with?" I cried, pointing to the foot, father for iodine and cotton swabs, side to help me stop bleeding disinfection, side to comfort me: "be strong! Not tears won"t pain!" Then, my father gave me a story about "hua mu LAN army". Heard daddy such comfort me, encouraged me, tears from the eyes down again. This is not the pain of the tears, but was moved to tears! 我的父亲英语作文3 People often say that the father loves the mountain, but in my opinion, my father"s love for me, and not entirely mountain as severe, sometimes gentle like water. His father was a culture and virtuous man, although he is not as rich as other parents, but he pay for me absolutely as good as the other children, or even better than they are. When talking about my father, I can not help but shed tears. His work is very busy at ordinary times, but in any case, greet me every day about study, life, as long as I study has a problem, he will be in your spare time to help me. From school to now, every parent he never absent, he once said: "no matter busy again, the child is always I consider the first". 我的父亲英语作文4 The day after tomorrow, that is, June 19. Is father"s day! You ready to give dad what gift? As I give you advice? Most of his father likes to stay up late at night watching the game, if you also like me, is a small fan, then follow your father the old fans watching a wonderful game! If your dad doesn"t like football, and the day is not at home, that you will take advantage of this opportunity, your dad"s shoes, socks, clothes... Take out all washing! But if you do the coolie live, will help your dad to quit smoking! Not a lifetime all don"t let father smoking, but in this days, don"t let father smoking again, and said to him: "today is father"s day, you can"t smoke, smoking is harmful to health!" 我的父亲英语作文5 Students, although the holiday is established by foreigners first, but it expressed the people all over the world for his father"s respect and love their elders, therefore, we should also remember this festival. This beautiful holiday has already been in the past, however, respect for elders and love is never in the past. The classmates, mom and dad gave us life, they raising we grow up with both hands, with their hands always in our ears... Mom and dad loved us, we should also like birds and leaves as well, with the same love in return them? If you like, let us use the spirit of love life, love of learning to evict them, bring them happiness and joy! Finally, I hope we can in the later study and life remember parents gratefulness, using a grateful attitude towards parents have done for us. When parents birthday on father"s day, the mother"s day comes, don"t forget to send a blessing for them, a greeting. 我的父亲英语作文5篇相关 文章 : ★ 我的父亲英语作文5篇 ★ 我的父亲五年级英语作文5篇 ★ 关于介绍我的父母英语作文5篇 ★ 我的爸爸英语作文3篇 ★ 关于介绍我的父亲的英语作文 ★ 关于介绍我的爷爷的英语作文5篇 ★ 我的父亲英语作文100词 ★ 我的父亲初中英语作文带翻译 ★ 关于我的父亲的英语作文 ★ 父亲节英语作文3篇
2023-07-29 14:21:281

英语作文 myfavorite music

There are many kinds of music ,such as country music, R&B , rock music,classical music and so on. My favorite music is pop music. On the one hand, it is easy to learn, and this knid of music is often about our life, for example, A whole new world, Memory, Country Road and so on. On the other hand,They are very popular among people and they are very interesting and easy to learn. It is also a good way to learn English. Since I was 12 years old,when I played computer , I always opened the music player to listen pop music.When I listening these pop music . I will feel very realx . So that"s way I love pop music best.
2023-07-29 14:21:372

I have different ideas from you . I really d____ with you

disagree, feed
2023-07-29 14:21:542


1. I have a British pen pal and we often write letters to each other.2. My pen pals come from differnt countries.3. What language do Canadians speak.4. She is a French writer.5. Our friends are over the world.6. He lives here.7. We are interested in this interesting country.8. Would you like to tell me something about your English study?9. I can speak Japanese, but just a little.10.Everyone has his likes and dislikes.11.I often write to him at weekends.12.I was born in March.13. Sports is funny and can relax people.14.What subject is your favorite?
2023-07-29 14:22:049

翻译几个英语句子!! 谢谢!!

Will you be home this evening?你今晚在家吗?Could you do me a favor?你能帮助我吗?Have you ever seen a rainbow?你以前有没有见过彩虹啊?They haven"t had the time.他们没有时间。No wonder they are tired!毫无疑问,他们累了!There is nothing to be nervous about!这没有什么好紧张的!或不用紧张!My favorite way to realx.我喜欢的放松方式。She hates to drive downtown.她讨厌开车到城镇。How did you learn to swim so well?你是如何学游泳学得这样好的啊?Guess what I"ve decided to do!知道我做了什么决定了吗!I"ve made a decision.我已经作出决定了。They didn"t want to.他们不想。He hadn"t gone fishing in a long time.他已经有好长一段时间没有去钓鱼了。Have you heard about Harry?你是收到Harry的来信吗?
2023-07-29 14:22:519

my favorite subject music作文

I like music lessons, because it can make us in a tense besides study feel a relaxed, and at the same time and improve our personal accomplishment, rich connotation, cultivate music cells.In life, I often listen to music in upset when, it is not only relax the mood, still let one no longer so sad, let oneself happy.
2023-07-29 14:23:102


Time is money,But in my opinion,time is expensive than money. To be a student should use more time to study,try you best,and use more time.But some times should have a rest,listen to the music,and relax,watch some movies and so on.Alright when I wanna gonna the university perious,my teacher always said:have had the fifity days,left forty days,left thirty days,to be crazy,I don"t think this kind of use the time give us many pressure was a such a good idea. But grasp the time is a good habit to your study and when you realx also very happy,because you weren"t never waste of the time.Use the right way to use the time will give you confidence,happiness life in the future.
2023-07-29 14:23:201

relax myself是什么意思中文翻译

问题补充: 内个内个、 到底哪个对呀? be realx?be relaxed ?to relax myself ? be relaxed ?to relax myself ?都是对的.所以一开始我就给出了两个. 因为你的题中有(be relax),我以为一定要用be . 其实主动的意思更好懂. I just need to relax (myself) for an hour I just need an hour to be relaxed
2023-07-29 14:23:271

题目是My favorite food的英语小作文,30个单词以上。

There are many kinds of music ,such as country music, R&B , rock music,classical music and so on. My favorite music is pop music. On the one hand, it is easy to learn, and this knid of music is often about our life, for example, A whole new world, Memory, Country Road and so on. On the other hand,They are very popular among people and they are very interesting and easy to learn. It is also a good way to learn English. Since I was 12 years old,when I played computer , I always opened the music player to listen pop music.When I listening these pop music . I will feel very realx . So that"s way I love pop music best.希望对你有帮助
2023-07-29 14:23:384