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2023-07-30 03:08:00
TAG: 英语
1.Avatar is directed by James Cameron. The two main characters are Jake Sully, played by Sam Worthington, and Neytiri, played by Zoe Saldana.
Clones named Avatars are sent to Pandora Planet to persuade people there to leave the planet so that human beings can exploit a rare mineral. Jake is sent there to control his Avatar. However, he comes across Neytiri and they fall in love with each other. Jake begins to see that nature and the planet should be protected. At last he and the people there work together to defeat human beings and send them back to the earth.
3D technology and the beautiful natural scenery are the two highlights of the film. The message of the film is simple — human beings should protect nature and live in harmony with it.
2."The Pursuit of Happyness" is a simple inspirational movie. It is not pretty actors, no fancy pictures, no touching music, but can also attract you read on law-abiding, because it has good enough story, plain but not mediocre!
Two of the film places the novel, though intentionally set, but that is not offensive, not far-fetched, pregnant with meaning.
First: When Chris (Will Smith plays) to see graffiti in the "happyness" spelling error, he said these words: There is no y in happiness, There is i. (y or Why). This line is extremely clever setting, it also aims to express through the entire film. Yes, there is no happiness in the why, the only others only their own happiness. Why blame others than their own happiness is meaningless, only rely on their own can be happy.
Second: when the movie started, Chris was in the crowd jammed the streets to push forward, in the smiling faces in only his bewildered, stood helpless with. And towards the end of the film, Chris was in the same place, look left to meet the emotional tears and applause for his rallying. In the calendar through suffering, sorrow, abandonment, abjection, helplessness, despair, after Chris with patience, hard work and attitude of never giving up in exchange for part of his life, the good old days. So in the moment through the probationary period, Chris is happy.
* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!



Abandonment 的词义是什么?

名词 放弃的意思
2023-07-29 12:52:052


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2023-07-29 12:53:185


Abandonment 就是abandon的名词形式. Abandon作为名词的时候意思和它动词一样. 只是你可能不知道它动词的这个意思罢了. Abandon v. give (oneself) over to natural impulses, usually without self-control "to abandon oneself to grief" Abandon n. a complete surrender to natural impulses without restraint or moderation "to dance with reckless abandon. " 可以去这里面查英文词
2023-07-29 12:53:351

英语he has abandonment issues怎么翻译?

2023-07-29 12:53:444


2023-07-29 12:54:103

遗弃子女Abandonment (Of A Child)?

Abandoned Child
2023-07-29 12:54:193


都是抛弃的意思,abandon 是动词,abandonment 是名词。有很多动词+ment 会变成名词形式,如equip 和equipment 等等。英语不一定要死记硬背的,特别是这种词汇,很多有规律可循,建议你看看词汇学、语言学方面的书,里面有提到这种构词法的规律
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2023-07-29 12:56:373

abandonment charge

abandonment charge 在经济学上的意思是“废弃费用” 也有 报废支出的意思,通俗点讲就是你要废弃所要承担的费用。
2023-07-29 12:56:561


常用商业词语(commonly-used commercial terms)一般用语(expression in general)AA1(劳氏船级社(LLOYD"SREGISTEROFSHIPPING)说明船舶)处于良好的状态;一级的;一等的。An A1 ship(人寿保险公司说明某人)十分健康,An A1lifeAAAdvertising Association广告协会A member of the AA广告协会会员AARAgainst all risk综合险,一切险AAA最高债券,最高信用级别=AmericanAccountingAssociation美国会计协会=AgriculturalAdjustmentAct农业调整法[美];=AgriculturalAdjustmentAdministration农业调整管理局;=American Arbitration Association美国仲裁协会;abacus算盘(pl.)abaci,或者abacusesabandonn.委付,放弃,投保abandoned抛弃,被抛弃的abondon a ship委付船舶abondon a claim放弃索赔abondon an appeal放弃上诉abondon cargo委付货物abandoned lease cost废弃租约成本abandoned assets, abandoned property废弃资产,废弃财产abondon ship弃船a call to abondon ship通知弃船abandonee废弃财产受领人,被委托人abandoned ship被弃的船abandoner放弃者;【律】遗弃者abandonment委付,报废announce abandonment宣布委付normal abandonment正常报废abandonmentclause委付条款(与accept,agree to, include搭配)declare abondonment宣告委付abandonment of a right弃权abandonment of a cargo放弃货载abandonemnt of contract废弃合同abandonment of option放弃购货保留权(购货保留权系指在交易所合同规定期限内,按约定价格购货的权利)production abondonment放弃产品专利权abandonment of property rights放弃产权abandonment value废弃价值,清产价值abandonment stage产品寿命更替期abate降价,打折扣,冲销abate a tax减税abatement减免,减价,低减,打折扣,冲销[外汇市场],折扣abatement of taxes减税price abatement降价abbreviation缩写abbreviation for [of]缩写为commercial abbreviation商业缩写design abbreviation设计缩写service abbreviation业务缩写use an abbreviation采用缩写ABC记帐预算计价系统the Audit Bureau of Circulation=销量审计社= Agricultural Bank of China中国农业银行the ABC of finance财政学入门AssociatedBuildersandContractors建筑商与承包商协会[美];ABC analysis ABC分类管理法ABC control ABC分级存货管理ABC inventory system ABC存货制度ABCD buget marking ABC预算制aberration失常aberration curve离异曲线,非正态曲线aberration in supply and demand供求关系失调abeyance搁置,缓办,中止,产权未定be in abeyance暂停;未定go into abeyance,fall into abeyance(法律,规则等)失效; (习惯等)不再被人遵守; (计划等)搁置;延期leave in abeyance,keep in abeyance,hold inabeyance暂搁,暂不实施abilityn.能力,技能,效率,能力,性能,效率,工作能力,工作能量ability to pay支付能力businessenterprises"abilityofself-financing常用商业词语
2023-07-29 12:57:041

may happiness follow you wherever you go,什么意思

May happiness follow you wherever you go!
2023-07-29 12:57:125

surrender 和 abandon 区别是什么

您的问题很简单。呵呵。百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题。1、单词:surrender 翻译:vt. 使投降;放弃;交出;听任;vi. 投降;屈服;自首;n. 投降;放弃;交出;屈服Unconditional surrender无条件投降;无前提投降;无条件投诚voluntarily surrender自愿交回TENDER SURRENDER温柔的降服;提出放弃;地球超人;坏女人surrender forever永远举降surrender charges电放费Complete Surrender完全放弃;完整废弃;完全降服Surrender Speech投降演说surrender all出版者Surrender Chambers投降纪念馆They have agreed on the terms of surrender.他们就投降条件达成了协议。2、单词:abandon 翻译:n. 狂热;放任;vt. 遗弃;放弃abandon rate挂断率;放弃率;电话放弃率abandon ship弃船;放弃船舰;委付;废弃之船abandon option放弃期权abandon v放弃;离弃abandon verb放弃Call abandon呼叫中途挂机;未接通暂停Percent Abandon呼叫放弃率Reckless Abandon悍然舍弃abandon call放弃呼叫with abandon 恣意地,放纵地 abandon ship 弃船 n.狂热;放任loose, maniavt.遗弃;放弃desert, yield, quit词根:abandonadj.abandoned 被抛弃的;无约束的;恣意放荡的;寡廉鲜耻的n.abandonment 抛弃;放纵v.abandoned 抛弃(abandon的过去式和过去分词)If I abandon them, I resign.如果我抛弃了他们,我会辞职。Don"t abandon yourself to despair.不要自暴自弃。百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译。
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2023-07-29 12:58:435


问题一:放弃吧的英语怎么说 30分 Just let it go.. Just give up.. 【俊狼猎英】 团队为您解答,欢迎追问 问题二:放弃英语单词怎么说 放弃=Give up。 接不同介词有不同解释: 放弃保费 waiver of premium; 放弃公民权 renounce one"s citizenship; 放弃国籍 renounce one"s nationality; 放弃国籍声明 declaration of alienage; 放弃航次 abandonment of the voyage; 放弃继承权 renunciation of succession; 放弃奖金 waiver of premium; 放弃金本位 off the gold standard; 放弃权利 renounce; renunciation; 放弃上诉权 renunciation of appeal; 放弃诉讼 renounce an action; 放弃索赔 renunciation of claim; 放弃条款 waiver clause; 放弃遗产继承权 renounce claim to an inheritance。 有用请采纳 问题三:我喜欢你,但是你不喜欢我,没关系,我会放弃,你不用担心 英语怎么说 以上就是你要的答案~ I love you, but you do not like me, it does not matter, I will give up, do not worry 我叔叔在国外,他是这么翻译的,绝对没错。。 希望对你有帮助。。 问题四:放弃 英语怎么说 这里的放弃就不能说成give up,而用forget比较好拉,含蓄的进行推脱。 Forget me, we have no future.(忘记我吧,我们是没有将来的) 放弃我,我们是没有结局的 楼上几位,翻译的好像太直接,你们和女朋友分手的时候是说:放弃我??这么怪的英文译法!英汉互译讲求的是信达雅,你们自己觉得雅致么? 问题五:放弃用英文怎么说 “放弃”的英文有:give up,abandon ,surrender ,abstain from ,renounce 解释: give up 放弃;交出 abandon [?"b?nd?n] n. 狂热;放任 vt. 遗弃;放弃 surrender [s?"rend?] vt. 使投降;放弃;交出;听任 vi. 投降;屈服;自首 n. 投降;放弃;交出;屈服 abstain from 放弃;戒绝 renounce [ri"nauns] vt. 宣布放弃;与…断绝关系;垫牌 vi. 放弃权利;垫牌 n. 垫牌 [过去式renounced 阀去分词renounced 现在分词renouncing ] 问题六:(放弃)的英文怎么说? give up ,forgo也有放弃的意思 希望采纳 问题七:我想放弃,用英文怎么说 I want to give up I want to give it up I want to throw in the towel 问题八:彻底放弃用英文怎么说 彻底放弃 give up entirely He is truly sorry for his past, and he has undertaken to give up motor-cars entirelyand for ever. 他诚恳地忏悔过去,并保证永远不玩汽车。
2023-07-29 12:59:101


根据美国专利法实施细则的规定,申请人未在指定期限内答复审查意见,会导致申请被视为撤回。这时,审查员会发出放弃通知(Notice of Abandonment),指明申请被视为撤回的原因是未在指定期限内答复审查意见。通知书的末尾注明:如果请求恢复权利或者请求撤回放弃通知,应尽早提出申请以尽可能降低不良影响。通常,涉外专利都会委托专业的专利代理人代理,他们一般都知道怎么处理的。
2023-07-29 12:59:211


2023-07-29 13:02:084

求萨特的演讲《存在主义是一种人道主义》一文此书购买链接  原文:存在主义是一种人道主义  萨特  在这里,我的目的是要对存在主义所受到的一些指责,提出答辩。  首先,存在主义曾被指责为诱导人们安于一种绝望的无为主义(quietism)。因为如果每一条解决事物之道被阻断了,那么我们就不得不视在这世界上的任何行为都是徒劳无益的,我们最后就会走到一种瞑想的哲学里去。而更甚的是,由于瞑想是一种奢侈,因此我们的学说就不过是另一种布尔乔亚的哲学而已。在这方面,是特别受到共产主义者的指责。  在另一方面,我们被指责为偏重了人类处境中黯淡的一面,只看到下贱,卑鄙和低劣,而忽略了人性光明面中某些仁慈而美好的事物。例如根据天主教的批评者默契尔小姐所说,我们忘记了婴儿是怎样微笑的。从这两方面,我们又被指责为无见于人类的协和一致,而认为人是处于孤立之中。共产主义者说我们之所以如此,主要是因为我们的学说纯粹建筑在主观性上——建筑在笛卡尔所谓“我思”这个观念之上:这是孤立的人面对他们的时刻,这是一个无法和其他存在于自我之外的人取得协和一致的地位。自我不能透过思维而与他们相通。  从基督教这一面,我们则被指责为否定了人事的真实和严肃。因为我们忽视了上帝的诫言和他规定的所有的永恒价值,那就除了自由意愿之外,别无所有了。每一个人都可以为所欲为,从这一个观点来看,就不能谴责他人的观点和行为了。  今天,我将尽量来答复这些不同的指责。这也就是我为什么把这短文题为“存在主义是一种人文主义”的理由。许多人对于我在这里提到“人文主义”一词,可能会感到惊讶,但是我将试图寻出我们所了解的意义。无论如何,我们一开始就可以说,存在主义乃是使人生成为可能的一种学说;这种学说并宣称任何真理和行为都包含着环境和人的主观性。  对于我们最基本的攻击,当然是说我们过份强调了人生的罪恶面。最近有人告诉我一个故事,说有一位太太,无论在什么时候,只要她神经过敏地说了一句粗俗的话,就自我解嘲地叫道:“我想我要变成一个存在主义者了。”由此可以看出,丑恶被视为存在主义的同义词了。这也就是为什么有些人说我们是“自然主义的”,假使我们是的话,这倒奇怪了,因为今天我们却比名符其实的自然主义者更使他们感到震惊和畏惧。那些可以安然读完一本象左拉的《大地》那样的小说的人,却无法忍受存在主义者的小说。那些诉诸于大众智慧的人——那是一种悲哀的智慧——发现我们的更为悲哀。然而,又有什么话比说“仁爱始于家庭”或者“升擢歹徒,他会反咬;将他击倒,他则崇拜”更会使人感到嗒然若丧呢?我们都很熟习许多可以这样引用的老话,它们的意义大抵相同—— 你不可反抗现存努力,你不可违反权威,你不可逾越本份,干涉他人。或者说,任何不依从一些传统的行为都只是浪漫主义;或者说不根据过去经验的行为,都注定要失败的;并且由于经验显示出人总是不变地倾向于罪恶,所以必须有严厉的规则来约束,否则我们就要陷入无政府状态了。然而,直到现在仍然有人咀嚼着这些丧气的老话,每当他们听到一些讨厌的行为时,就会说:“多么象人性呀!”——就是这些重弹写实主义老调的人,在抱怨存在主义对事物的看法太过于阴郁。的确,他们那些过度的抗议倒使我怀疑触怒他们的不是我们的悲观,而是我们的乐观。因为追根究底,在我正要向你们解释的学说之中有警告作用的是——人有选择的可能性。——难道不是吗?为证实这点,我们必须在纯哲学的水准上,把它重新研究一番。那就是我们称为存在主义的这个名词,到底是什么?  对大多数正在使用这个名词的人,如果请他说明一下它的意义,一定总会感到极其含混不清。因为现在它已经成为一种流行的字眼,人们常兴之所至地称呼这个音乐家或者那个画家是“存在主义者”。一位《光明报》的专栏作家竟自己签名为“存在主义者”,然而,事实上,这个名词现在被广泛地使用在众多的事实上,以致它已不再具有任何意义了。这好象是由于象超现实主义这种思想一样缺乏新的学说,于是,一班渴望诋毁和捣乱的人,都找到我们的哲学上来,实际上,在我们的学说里,他们找不出有什么能满足于他们的目标的。因为事实上这在所有的学说中是最少诽谤和最为严谨的:它是将为专家和哲学家而建的一种学说。同样的,它是易于界说的。  这问题之所以复杂,乃是因为存在主义者有两派所致。一派是基督教,其中我将举出雅斯培与马色尔,这两人都自称为天主教徒。另一派则是存在的无神论者,其中我们必须举出海德格和法国的存在主义者以及我自己。他们的共同点则是他们都认为存在先于本质——或者,如果你喜欢的话,也可以说是:主体必须作为一切的起点。我们所意指的确切意义是什么呢?  如果人们研究一件工业制品——譬如说一本书或者切纸刀——人们就可以了解,制造它的工匠必定先有关于它的概念存乎心中。同样地,他曾对切纸刀的概念以及先于存在的制作技巧加以注意过。这种制作的技巧是那概念的一部分,实际上,也就是定则。因此,切纸刀就成了在某种一定方法之下所制成的东西。而在另一方面它又可以有某种特定的用途,因为我们不能想像一个人会制造一把切纸刀而不知道它的用途的。所以,对于这把切纸刀,我们可以说它的本质——也就是使它可能被制作出来以及具有意义的这种定则与性质之总和——先于它的存在。这类的切纸刀或书本就这样注定了地呈现于我们的眼前。在这里,我们是以一种技术的观点来观察这个世界,所以,我们可以说制作先于存在(production preceddes existence)。  当我们把上帝视为造物者时,大部分的时候,我们都把他当作超级的工匠。无论我们研究哪一种学说,不管是笛卡儿的,或者莱布尼兹的,我们多少总认为理念先于创作,或者至少是伴随而来,所以上帝造物的时候,他是确切地知道他正在创造什么。因此,上帝心中人的概念亦如工匠心中切纸刀的概念。上帝根据一种程序和概念造人,恰好工匠依照一个方式和定则造切纸刀。所以,每一个个别的人都是上帝睿智中某一个概念的实现。在十八世纪的无神论哲学中,曾抛弃过上帝这个观念,但是并没有抛弃本质先于存在的想法。  这种想法仍然到处可见,在狄德罗,伏尔泰甚至康德的学说中,都可以找到这种思想的存在。人具有人性,这种“人性”乃是人的概念,在每一个人身上都可以发现得到,这也就是每一个人都是这种普遍概念的一个个别的例子。在康德的思想中这种普遍性是如此的广泛,以致森林中的野人,即还处于原始状态中的人,以及布尔乔亚阶级的人都包括到这同样的定义中去,而且具有相同的基本性质。在这里又和上面一样,人的本质先于我们在经验中所遭逢到的历史存在。  无神论的存在主义,我就是一个代表,极为一致地宣称,如果上帝不存在,那么至少有一种东西它的存在是先于它的本质的,它是在可能被任何概念所界定以前就已存在了的,这样的东西,就是人,也就是如海德格所说的人的实在性。我们所说的存在先于本质到底是什么意思呢?我们的意思是:人首先存在着,首先碰到各种际遇,首先活动于这世界——然后,开始限定了自己。若依存在主义者看来,一个人如果无法予以限定,那是因为人在开始的时候还没有成为什么。只是到了后来,他才成了某种东西,他才把自己创造成他所要成为的东西。因此,就无所谓人的天性,因为没有上帝来给予它一个概念。人赤裸裸地存在着,他之赤裸裸并不是他自己所想象的,而是他是他自己所意欲的——他跃进存在之后,他才意欲自己成为什么东西。人除了自我塑造之外,什么也不是。这是存在主义的第一个原则。也就是人们称它为主体性(subjectivity)并用这个字来谴责我们的。但是我们这样说的意思,还不是指人比一块石头或者一张桌子更为尊严?因为我们的意思是说,人是首先就自己存在了的——人在一切之前某种自行向未来推进并自觉正在这样推进的东西。人确实是一种具有主体生命的设计者,而不是青苔,兰花,或是花椰菜。在这个自我设计之先,无物存在。即使在睿智的上天也没有。人只有在他计划成为什么时才能获得存在,只是希望,还不够。因为“希望”或者“意愿”一词,通常是指一种在我们已塑造出我们自己之后所作的一种自觉决定。我们可以希望加入一个政党,写一本书,或是结婚——但是在这些情形下,通常所谓“我的意愿”可能是一种先验的表现以及更自发的决定。然而,假如存在先于本质是真实的话,人就要对他自己负责。因此,存在主义的第一个作用是它使每一个人主宰他自己,把他存在的责任全然放在他自己的肩膀上。由是,当我们说人对他的本质负责时,我们并不只是说他对他个人负责而已,而是对所有的人负责。“主体论”具有两种意义,而我们的反对者只是接触到其中的一个而已。主体论一方面是指个人主体的自由,另方面则指人是无法超越人类的主体性。后者才是存在主义比较深层的意义。  当我们说一个人选择他自己的时候,我们的意思是指每一个人必须选择他自己。但是由此我们也意指选择他自己的时候,他也为所有的人作选择。因为实际上,在我们选择一个我们所想要做的人的时候,我们所作的种种努力,无非是在创造一个为我们认为当然的人的形象。我们在两者之中作选择时,同时也就是在肯定我们所选择的对象的价值,因为我们不能永远选择没有价值的。我们所选择的常常是较为有价值的,同时没有对我们更有价值的,除非对大家都更有价值。进言之,如果存在先于本质,而当我们存在的时候,我们也在创造我们的形象,则这个形象是适用于所有人类和我们所处的整个时代的。我们的责任因此较我们想象的更为重大,因为它关涉到人类全体。比如,假使我是一个工人,我可选择一个基督徒的工会,而不加入一个共党的工会。假如由于这个会员的资格,我要表示,为人处世最好是忍让为先,人的国度并不在这世界上,那么我并不是独自一个人归依于这个观点。  忍让是我对每个人的意愿,结果,我的行动也就成为全人类的一种行为。或者,举一个较为私人性的例子,我决定结婚生子,纵然这个决定只是从我的情境,情爱,欲望中发展而出的,但在实行一夫一妻制上面,我就涉及到全人类,而不只我自己。所以,我对自己固然有责任,对别人也有责任。同时,我也塑造了某种我所希望的人的形象,我塑造我自己,我也塑造了别人。  这可使我们了解下面这些名词的意义——或许有一点夸大——例如焦虑(anguish),舍弃(abandonment)和绝望(despair)。你立刻可以看出,这是非常明了的。  首先,我们所谓的焦虑是什么意思呢?存在主义者坦白地说人是处于焦虑之中,他的解释是这样的:当一个人有所行动时,他充分地自觉他不只是选择他所意愿的,同时也是一个为全人类裁决的立法者——在这时刻,一个人就不能从一种整体与沉重的责任感中逃避开来。有许多人确实是没有这种焦虑。但是我们可以断言他们仅仅是在掩饰他们的苦闷或由其中逃避开来。必然地,有许多人会以为他们所做的事情,除了他们自己之外,和别人无关。如果你问他们,“假使每个人都这么做又曾如何呢?”他们会耸耸肩膀回答说:“不会每个人都这么做。”但是事实上,每一个人都应该问他自己假如每一个都象他一样的做时,会如何呢?一个人除了自欺之外,不可能由这种烦恼的思想中逃避开去。一种自我宽恕的人,常说“不会每一个人都这么做”。但他良心上一定会感到不安的。因为说谎的行为蕴含着它所否定的普遍性的价值。正由于他的掩饰,焦虑忧思却反而显露了出来,这种焦虑,就是齐克果所谓的“亚伯拉罕的焦虑”。你知道这个故事的:一个天使命令亚伯拉罕牺牲他的儿子:假使真的有一位天使出现而且说:“你,亚伯拉罕,必须牺牲你的儿子。”那末服从就是义务,但是任何人,在这种情形下都会表示怀疑,首先要问它是否确实是天使,其次,我是否真正是亚伯拉罕。证据在哪里?某一个疯妇说有人打电话给她,并且还给他下命令。医生问她,“但是,对你说话的人是谁呢?”她回答说:“他说他是上帝。”  事实上,能用什么对她证明他是上帝呢?假若一位天使对我显现,有什么证据可以证明他是天使呢?或者,假如我听到声,谁能够证明这声音是来自天堂而不是来自地狱,或者是自己的潜意识,或者是某种病状?谁能够证明他们确是对我而说的呢?  那么,谁能证明我是借我的决择把我对于人的概念来加诸全人类的适当人选呢?我无论如何都找不出任何证明的;也没有迹象会使我相信它。如果有一种声音在叫唤我,我仍得自己去决定这声音是否来自天使。如果我认为这样的一种行为是好的,那也只是我自己的选择,说它是好的而不是坏的。  没有什么证据,表示出我是亚伯拉罕,但每时每刻,我仍然被迫去扮演这些作为范例的行为。每一件发生于每一个人的事,就好象整个人类用眼睛注视着他的行为,并且为他的行为所引导。因此每一个人应当问他自己:“我真是这样的一个人吗?我的行动足以引导全人类吗?”如他不这样问他自己,那他就在掩饰他的焦虑。很明显地,我们在这里所提到的焦虑不是那导致无为主义或懈怠的。这是一种为每个负有责任的人所熟知的单纯的焦虑。例如,当一个军事长官负起攻击的责任,而派一批相当数目的人去冒死时,那是他选择这样做的,并且是他一个人决定这样做的。无疑的,他是在上级的命令下这样做的,但是这命令极为泛泛,必须他来加以解释。而就在这解释上,决定了十人,十四人,或二十个人的生命。因此当他在作决定时,他不得不感到焦虑。这种焦虑是所有做领导的人都知道的。那并不阻碍他们的行动,反之,那正是构成他们行动的主要条件。因为这行动表示他们面对着许多种可能,而当他们选择其一时,他们就由此而知道它是有价值的。存在主义者描写的就是这种焦虑,同时我们可以看出,这种存在主义所说的焦虑,乃是用一种对于为它所涉及者的直接责任去解释的。它不是一块将我们和行动分隔的布幕,它是行动本身的一个条件。  当我们讲到舍弃(abandonment)的时候——海德格所喜欢用的一个名词——我们只是说上帝不存在,我们必须去对它的一切后果。存在主义是极端反对以最低的代价去废弃上帝的俗世道德论的。约在一八八○年时,一些法国的哲学教授们企图建立一种俗世道德论,他们这样地说:“上帝是一个无用而浪费的假设,所以,我们废弃他。”然而,假如我们要有道德、一个社会以及法治的世界,那么最基本的是要严肃地承认某些价值。它们必须要有一种属于它们的先验的存在。例如,诚实,不说谎,不打妻子,抚育子女等被视为先验的责任,所以我们要在这个题目上略为研讨,以证明纵然上帝不存在,一切道德价值仍然同样地存在着,仍然是附属于一个睿智的天国上。换言之——这就是我们在法国所称的急进主义的旨趣——假如上帝不存在,一切都不会改变;我们将重新发现同样的诚实,进步和仁爱,同时,我们将认为上帝是一种过时的假设,它本身会默然而逝的。相反地,存在主义者发现假如上帝不存在,则情形将是很难堪的,因为一切从睿智的天国发现价值的可能性将随之消逝。既然没有无限完美的意识加以思考,那么先验的事物将不再有什么用处。没有地方写着:“善良”存在,我们必须诚实,或者不得说谎,因为我们身处于只有人生存着的土地上。陀斯妥也夫斯基曾写道:“如果上帝不曾存在,任何事情都可被允许的。”而这正是存在主义的出发点。  假如存假如上帝不存在,任何事情确实都可被允许的,结果人就孤立无依了。因为他无法在他自身之内和自身之外发现可以依赖的东西。他随着发现,他是无理由可解释的。因为存在确是先于本质,我们就永远不能根据天赋和特殊的人性去解释自己的行为;换言之,没有什么决定论的存在——人是自由的,人就是自由。  另一方面,假如上帝不存在,也就没有任何价值或命令给予我们以规范我们的行为。因此,在我们的前后都没有一个光辉的价值领域,都没有任何理由或借口。我们孑然孤立,没有任何理由可寻。这就是我所谓的人是被注定为自由的意义。说是被注定,乃由于人并不会创造自己,然而又是自由的,自从人被抛进这个世界,他就要对他所做的任何事情负责。存在主义者不相信热情的力量。他不同意一往向前的热情是决定性的引导人们于行动的一道急流,因而就可以把它作为人的一种托词。他认为一个人对于自己的热情也应该负责。存在主义者不认为一个人可以借发现什么预兆,去帮助他决定未来行动的方向。因为他认为一个人在选择的时候,就自行解释了这预兆。所以他认为每一个人,无须任何的支持或援助,人,是时时刻刻都注定要去创造自己的。庞其(ponge)在一篇非常精僻的论文中说过:“人就是人的未来。”(Man is the future of man)这话对极了。只是如果有人以为这就是说未来乃取决于上天,上帝会知道它是什么,那就错了。因为假使这样,那就没有未来可言了。然而,假使它的意义是:无论人现在怎么样,永远有一个未来等待着他去塑造,一个等待着他而未经开辟的未来——那么,那就对了。但是现在,人们是被舍弃的。
2023-07-29 13:02:281


A fairy taleA girl and a boy were on a motorcycle, speeding through the night. they loved each other a lot.. girl:" Slow down a little.. I"m scared.." boy: "no, it"s so fun.." girl: "please... it"s so scary.." boy: "then say that you love me.." girl: "fine..i love you..can you slow down now?" boy: "give me a big hug.." the girl gave him a big hug. girl: "now can you slow down?" boy: "can you take off my helmet and put it on? it"s uncomfortable and? It"s bothering me while i drive." the next day, there was a story in the newspaper. a motorcycle had crashed into a building because its brakes were broken. there were two people on the motorcycle, of which one died, and the other had survived... the guy knew that the brakes were broken. he didn"t want to let the girl know, because he knew that the girl would have gotten scared. instead, he was told the last time that she loved him, got a hug from her,put his helmet on her so that she can live, and die himself... once in awhile, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale...
2023-07-29 13:02:393

不离不弃的翻译Not leave, Not abandon . 可以这样翻译吗?那分开怎么翻译?

把not改成no 其他我也短不了了
2023-07-29 13:02:485


Abandon nobody, give up nothing!
2023-07-29 13:03:038

翻译:The Ford motor company’s1 abandonment of electric cars effectively sig

1:福特汽车公司对电力车领域的放弃有力地说明了电力车技术已经走到尽头了。2:the end of the road直接可以按字面意思来理解,路的尽头,此句中既是电力车技术的尽头。并不是一个固定搭配。3:主:The Ford motor company"s abandonment of electric cars 谓: signals 宾:the end of the road for the technology
2023-07-29 13:03:321


2023-07-29 13:03:391


In the beginning,love is always sweet.As time is slipping away,boredom,be used to,abandonment,loneliness,despair and cold smile will come gradually.Once being eager to stay with someone forever,later,we would felicitateourselves on leaving him/her.During those transient days,we thought we loved him/her deeply.Then,we got to know it is not love but a lie by which we comfortourselves.(开始的开始总是甜蜜的.后来就有了厌倦、习惯、背弃、寂寞、绝望和冷笑.曾经渴望与一个人长相厮守,后来,多么庆幸自己离开了?曾几何时,在一段短暂的时光里,我们以为自己深深的爱着的一个人.后来,我们才知道,那不是爱,那只是对自己说谎.)It is turned out that those who you thought you could not lose,actually,itis not very hard to forget them.You drained up your tears,there will be another one pleasing you.You had plunged yourself into a depression,finally,you found those who do not love you are not worthy of your sadness.Recalling those unhappy things,is it a comedy?When your wrong lovestops its steps,a brand-new world will be shown to you.All sadness will become history.(你以为不可失去的人,原来并非不可失去.你流干了眼泪,自有另一个人逗你欢笑.你伤心欲绝,然后发现不爱你的人,根本不值得你为之伤心.今天回首,何尝不是一个喜剧?情尽时,自有另一番新境界,所有的悲哀也不过是历史.)For love,imagination is often more beautiful than reality.The same with meeting,also with separation.We thought we would have a deep love toward somebody.Incoming days will let you know in fact it just is very shallow,very shallow.The most deep and heaviest love must grow up with days.(爱情总是想象比现实美丽,相逢如是,告别亦如是.我们以为爱得很深、很深,来日岁月,会让你知道,它不过很浅、很浅.最深最重的爱,必须和时日一起成长.)With love,two strangers can suddenly be familiar with each other that they sleep on the same bed.However,this two similar people,While breaking up,say,“I think you are more and more strange to me”It is love that has two strangers become acquaintances,then turning the two acquaintances into strangers again.Love is such kind of game which makes two strangers become lovers,then return them into the original situation.(因为爱情的缘故,两个陌生人可以突然熟络到睡在同一张床上.然而,相同的两个人,在分手时却说,我觉得你越来越陌生.爱情将两个人由陌生变成熟悉,又由熟悉变成陌生.爱情正是一个将一对陌生人变成情侣,又将一对情侣变成陌生人的游戏.)I believe,love can change you,Which is the advantage of youth as well as its sorrow.What has men changed perhaps comes from God"s love or the mercy of Budda,but they are never changed by women.The prodigal are the most unsuitable person for getting married,meanwhile,the most suitable one for marriage as well.It is not women who change the prodigal,she just appear in the very time when the prodigal want to be changed.(相信爱情可以令一个人改变,是年轻的好处,也是年轻的悲哀.浪子永远是浪子.令男人改变的,也许是上帝的爱或者佛祖的慈悲,但绝对不会是女人.最不宜结婚的是浪子,最适宜结婚的也是浪子.往往不是女人改变一个浪子,而是女人在浪子想改变的时候刚好出现.)
2023-07-29 13:03:461


In the face of the same scene, the different state of mind, feel different.The beautiful scenery, the losers, lovelorn, loss or suffering people, is a picture, is not feeling the landscape amenity.This time, a sad music can cause his resonance, more relevant when he mood need, can alleviate the pain, dispel the gloomy heart.Facing the same situation, different attitude, results from.When the cause of frustration, life is hard, who was at a low ebb, pessimistic frail, or abandonment, unable to get up after a fall, or bow to concede defeat, the situation is getting worse and worse; and open-minded optimism, facing the life directly, can do ordinary days wonderful, can make life easier, can the suffering experience vivid, to continue to open up a new realm of life, enjoy life gives all the sour, sweet, bitter, hot, so as to really feel the true meaning of life and the meaning of life.Of course, life for each person is really not fair.However, how to treat life has given us the right to free and fair.When a lot of unsatisfactory life.In the face of life, the key is to see us as to what kind of attitude towards.Different life attitude, the situation is different.Agam. "" trailer has the words: "life is like a soft feather, have come down, and you should be encouraged her to let him continue flying up to new heights, beyond the self".As the saying goes, sow below one kind of state of mind, you reap a character; sow a character, and you reap a behavior; sow an action, reap a destiny.Misfortune may be an actual blessing.Remind yourself, maintain a common heart, to maintain a calm and optimistic attitude.Believe that the loss is not a blessing, lost is not necessarily what we really need, lose not never get.Why should stick to temporarily gain and loss, why to square accounts in every detail, why be in the depths of misery inextricably bogged down in.Life unlimited scenery.Through a mountain, in may be more magnificent scenery.Life is not the case, sometimes seemingly bad things behind, often bring us beat all the happy ending.What kind of mentality, often can have what kind of destiny.As long as we face the life, that unfortunately, laugh in the face of suffering, will cling to the fate of the reins, live a different life.
2023-07-29 13:03:561


1. 远离尘硝英文读后感 Far from the Madding Crowd" (1874) is Hardy"s first unanimous praise of the novel. In this fiction, poems atmosphere has disappeared, a remote place away from the hubbub of the city is densely populated and noisy cities, During the performances life tragedy. Pasi Xie heroine is a banana farmers, beautiful and intelligent, but good on the outside. She has three men in pursuit, but in a duplicitous and fed the young officers silence. She married silence right rough and not happy at all. Treuhaft also tempt too simple rural girl Feniu2022rabi, a bad, Frances pregnancy after street, Finally died in poor homes. Into silence is "far from the hubbub of the city," the world"s capitalist way of life and the embodiment of the principle of self-serving people. He finally was madly in love Pasi Xie CYMBARIAE Farmer killed, and the latter too was life imprisonment. Finally Pasi Xie Ballet and her loyalty to the initial suitor -- farm hand Gabriel married, establish a successful and harmonious living. Gabriel, as the traditional and perfect Wessex image is reflected in Hardy"s pastoral ideal, Their happy married life expressed by the author is also grateful for Basi to the abandonment of the traditional banana ideal desire to return. Farmer and the silence beeen the conflict, these are social and legal traditions of this society undermining the capitalist world outside of the conflict beeen. This shows that although the novel Pasi Xie Ballet and the plete love Gabriel ended, but the book Tragic Comedy atmosphere than the atmosphere, The author has revealed the tragic creation theme. This is a rural southern England in the context of local novels. Kind of honest farmers Okoto love a nice milking Pasi Xie banana workers, but the women refused him. But on the HP lost sheep and bankruptcy at the same time, because Basi Xie banana industries inherit his uncle, coopted into a farm housewife, therefore AK employed her as a shepherd. At this time, a farmer Boerwude another frenzied pursuit Pasi also grateful Ballet, But the girls love it to the instructions of a jolly officer silence, and he quickly concluded with a marriage. But silence is another love, leading to a married life with all the unhappiness. Finally, Boerwude killed runaways after more than a year of silence to return to their homes. because of their mental disorder is life imprisonment. A case, Pasi Xie Ballet finally bee with the old wife. 弄完,收工。 2. 英语作文(拒绝机器写作) My holiday I"ve spent many long holiday in the past ,most of which ended with boring feeling and an empty lift. Yet, change finally es to me this holiday. In order to have a more meaningful vaccasion, i made up my mind to do something except for merely playing pc games or play basketball with friends. It was really a hard thing to study especially you just finish the boring exams and tests. And i was even unable to touch or glance the books i borrowed from the library in the fist few days in the holiday. Fortunatly,some movie clip in the internat inspired me to fight for the life and fight for the people who love me and care for me, i made a plan to make myself to read the book 30 minutes everyday. Every good habit stars with difficulty.And i am of no exception.I can even not to keep reading book for 30 minutes in the first few days, and even i stopped one day when i fot this plan. Yet, i am pround to saiy to you all now, i am a boy with a strong will for the reason that i finally to keep my plan in holiday which really makes a difference in my life. Keep your words, that"s what i learned in my holidays,what about you? That"s all of my speech. Many thanks 3. 英语续写作文 with the development of customer consumption concept, more and more customer choose to purchase high price luxury mooncake for gift. it is popular that the mooncake be transferred beeen different panies, anization, and individuals. at this time, people always tend to choose mooncake with luxury package. as for mooncake itself, there is little difference, the most differences are demonstrated in package, for high price mooncake, there is always a plex package. but why not the simple one. it is the manufacturers" market strategy to determine it. by this way, the gift market of mooncake may be prompted , and producer may achieve more benefits from the market, furthermore, this market may contribute to internal consumption and GDP growth, to provide more positon for employees. the disadvantage is that it waste too much recources not for value-added subject. the producer share more risk to enter such market. if the mooncake is stagnant in market, it means high inventory level, the investment may not be refunded in time. 4. 英语作文续写根据下面提示写一段续写文字,字数120左右 Hey dear,i am so sorry that it is not here any more.I like the bird so much.She is so lovely.I really want to keep and take care of it forever.But she is a bird,she needs the sky not the cage.So I let her go.My mom tells me,if you love someone,you should know what he needs and wants.Please five me.It is my way to love your gift.。 5. 英语作文“珍爱生命,远离烟火” World AIDS Day is observed every year on December 1st. Do you know AIDS? AIDS is a terrible disease. Right now, it is a deadly disease and so far, it cannot be cured.There is no pill, no vaccine, no surgery to make you better. HIV and AIDS has decimated the world we live in, and things are only going to get worse.So it is called "super killer". At last estimate by UNAIDS, 40 million people have been infected with AIDS around the world.Every minute, five people get infected with AIDS! It is terrible, isn"t? Do you know about this red ribbon?It is called the "AIDS Ribbon".On this day people wear red ribbons to show their support and to raise awareness. This started as a grassroots effort and there is still not one main manufacturer for the ribbons. The Red Ribbon united people to fight against AIDS. You won"t get AIDS if you: work, eat and drink together with AIDS patients; shake hands with them or hug them; talk face to face with them; use the same toilet as them; swim with them. What do you think about AIDS? Show us your ideas. 6. 英语作文续写(dear bill. lm. glad Dear Bill, I"m glad to receive your letter,thank you for your caring for the weather and my health.Now I"d like to tell you something about the *** og. Since the winter last year,the *** og has occurred a lot of has done great harm to our daily life.many traffic accidents happened just because of the heavy *** og weather,more and more people have to go to see the doctor because the serious disease caused by the *** og,quite a lot of flights have to be put off,a great number of people have to stay at home for fear of the poisonous air caused by the *** og. People have realized the great harm caused by the *** og and the importance of protecting the environment.people all over the country are taking measures to reduce the *** og weather.the government suggests people go to work or school with the public traffic, such as the bus and the underground.Also we should plant more trees. According to me, I will go to school by bike or on foot, and I won"t throw the waste addition, I will tell the people I meet to protect the environment as possible as they can.would you like to tell me some good ideas?i"m looking forward to your reply. 7. 续写英语作文 He was very surprised,then he pick up the backpack.He decided to turn the backpack to the owner.Then he opened up the backpack and saw many books.And he found that a name in the paper.So he knew the owner called Nick.He is a NO.1 middle school student.Then he came to the No.1 middle school to find Nick.At the school gate,he talked to the teacher and asked the teacher to find Nick and give the backpack to him.The teacher is glad to help Liuqiang.Liuqiang was very happy.Because he helped others.What a kind boy he is!。 8. 英语作文续写 We found a dog lying in the street,it may be hit by a car. At first,we thought it was dead,a few minutes later,we heard it groan( *** ).And after a moment,the dog seemd to want to try to get up,but its legs were broke by that car.I was really can"t bear to look at it suffer,then i said to my mum that i want to take it in and bring it up,my mum *** iled and told to me:"good boy,go for it(放手去做吧)".It"s a white dog,and it has o big eyes,we all like him.After several days,the little boy can jump up,he like play with me,from then on, i had a brother in my family.。 9. 续写英语作文 Believe yourself and you will be better I am a confident child. Everything in the growing very confident I can do! Confidence is also the mother of success! Self-confidence is more important than ability. So with confidence, you will half the battle。So, be confident, you will be better 望采纳
2023-07-29 13:04:031

急求一篇英语文章!好像叫the white gardenia

Every year on my birthday, from the time I turned 12, a white gardenia was delivered to my house in Bethesda, Maryland. No card or note came with it. Calls to the florist were always in vain-it was a cash purchase. After a while I stopped trying to discover the sender"s identity and just delighted in the beauty and heady perfume of that one magical, perfect white flower nestled in soft pink tissue paper.But I never stopped imagining who the anonymous giver might be. Some of my happiest moments were spent daydreaming about someone wonderful and exciting but too shy or eccentric to make known his or her identity.My mother contributed to these imaginings. She"d ask me if there was someone for whom I had done a special kindness who might be showing appreciation. Perhaps the neighbor I"d help when she was unloading a car full of groceries. Or maybe it was the old man across the street whose mail I retrieved during the winter so he wouldn"t have to venture down his icy steps. As a teenager, though, I had more fun speculating that it might be a boy I had a crush on or one who had noticed me even though I didn"t know him.When I was 17, a boy broke my heart. The night he called for the last time, I cried myself to sleep. When I awoke in the morning, there was a message scribbled on my mirror in red lipstick: Heartily know, when half-gods go, the gods arrive. I thought about that quotation from Emerson for a long time, and until my heart healed, I left it where my mother had written it. When I finally went to get the glass cleaned, my mother knew everything was all right again.I don"t remember ever slamming my door in anger at her and shouting, “You just don"t understand!” because she did understand.One month before my high-school graduation, my father died of a heart attack. My feelings ranged from grief to abandonment, fear and overwhelming anger that my dad was missing some of the most important events in my life. I became completely uninterested in my upcoming graduation, the senior-class play and the prom. But my mother, in the midst of her own grief, would not hear of my skipping any of those things.The day before my father died, my mother and I had gone shopping for a prom dress. We"d found a spectacular one, with yards and yards of dotted swiss in red, white and blue, it made me feel like Scarlett O"Hara, but it was the wrong size. When my father died, I forgot about the dress.My mother didn"t. The day before the prom, I found that dress-in the right size-draped majestically over the living-room sofa. It wasn"t just delivered, still in the box. It was presented to me –beautiful, artistically, lovingly. I didn"t care if I had a new dress or not. But my mother did.She wanted her children to feel loved and lovable, creative and imaginative, imbued with a sense that there was magic in the world and beauty even in the face of adversity. In truth, my mother wanted her children to see themselves much like the gardenia-lovely, strong and perfect-with an aura of magic and perhaps a bit of mystery.My mother died ten days after I was married. I was 22. That was the year the gardenia stopped coming.应该是这个吧?
2023-07-29 13:04:462

会计学 英语专业术语

2023-07-29 13:04:575


u2161When the warm/humidity appears exceptionally must invite maintenance of equipment department service processing immediately; If in the long time appears exceptionally, must draw up the unusual< stock to examine the written notice immediately to inform> QE again, asks IQC to examine again, examination qualified pastes the qualified label by IQC; If determination qualified does not carry on the expired material test application to the ME application, again makes by ME diverts or decision the abandonment processing.
2023-07-29 13:05:133


近义词造句子简单常用的 (1)、甑尘釜鱼的近义词有鱼釜尘甑、甑生尘。 (2)、一字一珠的近义词是一字千金。 (3)、朱唇皓齿的近义词有红唇皓齿、朱口皓齿。 (4)、坐不垂堂的近义词有谨小慎微、坐戒垂堂。 (5)、足不出户的近义词是深居简出。 (6)、朝不虑夕的近义词是朝不谋夕。 (7)、自暴自弃的近义词有妄自菲薄、自惭形秽。 (8)、一张一弛的近义词是以逸待劳、休养生息。 (9)、言之有物的近义词有持之有故、言之有理、言简意赅。 (10)、振臂一呼的近义词是大声疾呼。 (11)、一针一线的近义词是一草一木。 (12)、言者谆谆,听者藐藐的近义词是言之谆谆,听之藐藐。 (13)、炙冰使燥的近义词是异想天开。 (14)、严阵以待的近义词是枕戈待旦、厉兵秣马。 (15)、要使表情达意十分贴切恰当,必须要精心选用近义词。 (16)、政出多门的近义词有各自为政、一国三公、各行其是。 (17)、罪不容诛的近义词有罪大恶极、罪该万死、十恶不赦。 (18)、朝不谋夕的近义词有朝不虑昔、朝不保夕。 (19)、自出机杼的近义词是自出机轴,别出心裁。 (20)、作壁上观的近义词有袖手旁观、隔岸观火、置身事外。 近义词英文造句写一句话 (一)、自出机杼的近义词是自出机轴,别出心裁。 (1) the synonym of "self invention" is "self invention". (二)、皂白不分的近义词有是非不分、黑白不分、泾渭不分。 (2) synonyms of "no distinction between right and wrong", "no distinction between black and white" and "no distinction between right and wrong". (三)、振臂一呼的近义词是大声疾呼。 (3) the synonym of "cheer up" is "shout out". (四)、朝不谋夕的近义词有朝不虑昔、朝不保夕。 (4) the synonyms of "never look forward to the future" are "never worry about the past" and "never be safe". (五)、争长论短的近义词有争多论少、斤斤计较。 (5) the synonyms of contending for advantages and disadvantages are contending for more and less. (六)、足不出户的近义词是深居简出。 (6) the synonym of staying at home is staying at home and staying at home. (七)、转败为功的近义词有转败为胜、转败为成。 (7) the synonyms of "turn failure into success" are "turn failure into victory" and "turn failure into success". (八)、在新时代的单身女郎辞典里,恨嫁不是恨自己怎么还没嫁出去,而是恨自己怎么还没嫁给一个又有钱又英俊又专一还喜欢文学热爱音乐的男人。所以,恨嫁的近义词是:活该。 (8) in the dictionary of single women in the new era, hating marriage is not about how you haven"t married, but about how you haven"t married a man who is rich, handsome, single-minded and loves literature and music. Therefore, the synonym of hate marriage is: deserve it. (九)、言之无物的近义词是不着边际、华而不实、纸上谈兵。 (9) the synonyms of meaningless words are irrelevant, flashy and on paper. (十)、自暴自弃的近义词有妄自菲薄、自惭形秽。 (10) the synonyms of self desperation and self abandonment are self abasement and self shame. 近义词法语造句写一句话 (一)、要使表情达意十分贴切恰当,必须要精心选用近义词。 (1) pour rendre l"expression faciale très appropriée, il faut choisir soigneusement les synonymes. (二)、指不胜屈的近义词有不可胜数、举不胜举、不计其数。 (Ⅱ) Les synonymes indestructibles sont innombrables, innombrables et innombrables. (三)、言之有物的近义词有持之有故、言之有理、言简意赅。 (ⅲ) Les synonymes qui ont des significations significatives ont un sens, un sens et une concision. (四)、在新时代的单身女郎辞典里,恨嫁不是恨自己怎么还没嫁出去,而是恨自己怎么还没嫁给一个又有钱又英俊又专一还喜欢文学热爱音乐的男人。所以,恨嫁的近义词是:活该。 (4) dans le dictionnaire des célibataires de la nouvelle ère, la haine du mariage n"est pas de se ha?r pour ne pas être marié, mais de se ha?r pour ne pas avoir épousé un homme riche et beau qui aime la littérature et la musique.Par conséquent, le mot de haine pour le mariage est: il le mérite. (五)、饮鸩止渴的近义词有饥不择食等。 (v), boire de la carpe pour étancher la soif de synonymes tels que la faim. 近义词造句长一点复杂点的 (一)、一张一弛的近义词是以逸待劳、休养生息。 (二)、转败为功的近义词有转败为胜、转败为成。 (三)、一字一珠的近义词是一字千金。 (四)、足不出户的近义词是深居简出。 (五)、朝不保夕的近义词是危在旦夕、岌岌可危、朝不虑夕。 (六)、罪不容诛的近义词有罪大恶极、罪该万死、十恶不赦。 (七)、争长论短的近义词有争多论少、斤斤计较。 (八)、斩草除根的近义词有剪草除根、削株掘根。 (九)、言者谆谆,听者藐藐的近义词是言之谆谆,听之藐藐。 (十)、云蒸霞蔚的近义词有五彩缤纷、云兴霞蔚、花团锦簇。 (十一)、优秀和卓越和完美并不是近义词。八月长安 (十二)、甑尘釜鱼的近义词有鱼釜尘甑、甑生尘。 (十三)、自暴自弃的近义词有妄自菲薄、自惭形秽。 (十四)、一之谓甚的近义词是一之已甚。 (十五)、照本宣科的近义词为照猫画虎、照葫芦画瓢。 (十六)、近义词的辨析历来是汉语学习的一个重点. (十七)、炙冰使燥的近义词是异想天开。 (十八)、指不胜屈的近义词有不可胜数、举不胜举、不计其数。 (十九)、一针一线的近义词是一草一木。 (二十)、以子之矛,攻子之盾的近义词是自相矛盾。
2023-07-29 13:05:461


deviation OOS of production processDeviations of prduction process are investigated by QA personnels who issue a report then
2023-07-29 13:05:544

【最高分】请高手人工翻译 谢绝机器翻译!

41. The greeting is not necessarily formal, but must be sincere.42. The important thing in life is not the position which stands, but facese.43 when you can fly, don"t give up flying.44. When you can dream, don"t give up.45 when you can love, don"t give up love.46. Life is too short to give up today, tomorrow can not get.47. Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.48. People always get to treasure, but forgotten.49. Happy to share, and the happiness of ability.50. Respect yourself and others will respect you.51. One today is worth two tomorrow.Remember: 52. Every day is the best day of the year.53. An optimist sees the opportunity in the disaster; The pessimist sees the disaster.54. Have the courage not fear, but dare facing to fear, to overcome the fear.55. Admitting mistake so half.56. Tomorrow is the fastest land value, because it"s full of hope.57. The ideal way is preparing for the confident person.58. All deceive ourselves is the most serious in.59. The biggest mistake in life is the unceasingly worried about making mistakes.60. Your face to the sunshine, there will be no shadow.61. Experience is extrated from pains.62. Face the past with the least lamentation.63. Face present with the least waste.64. And with the most dream to face future.65. Happiness boost.66. Your choice is doing or not doing, but don"t do it will never have a chance.67. If you want to have the perfect friendship, possibly you may find no friend for all lifetime.68. Don"t bother in sadness, think about the days with laughter.69. When the fool yourself, ask when you don"t understand, you will learn more.70. Before correcting others, meditate on yourself whether you make mistake first.71 afraid of failure and dare not fight and never succeed.72 to overcome the anxiety and depression in life, to learn to be your own master first.73. You cannot control the weather, but you can change your mood.74. Lonely and abandoned the sense is the most terrible poverty.75. Imagination is more important than knowledge.76. Aimless life is like sailing without a compass.77. to play their roles, do what you should do.78. All great actions and thoughts, has an insignificant beginning.79. Be nice to others, because you will need them.80. Remember I said these words.
2023-07-29 13:06:068


指代范围不同。war、warfare一般都译为“战争”,但warfare多是指某种战术或战争。warfare是不可数名词,war可数或不可数名词都可以,所以“一场战争”不可能说a warfare,只能说a war。 warfare的例句 In the history of coalitionwarfaresuch impasses have been common, and sometimes disastrous. 在联合作战的历史中,这种相持不下的局面是很普通的,往往也是灾难性的。 This does not mean the abandonment of vital strategic points, which can be defended in positional warfare AS long AS profitable. 这并不是说要放弃战略要冲,只要认为有利,战略要冲还是应该用阵地战来保卫的。 By the late 4th century BC, armed deck soldiers had become so important in naval warfare that it was superseded by heavier ships. 在公元前4世纪末期,装甲兵在海战中很重要,因此该船被更重的船取代。 war的例句 The hope of a short war went glimmering. 战争无望在短期内结束。 A series of provocations led up to the border war. 一系列的挑衅事件导致了边境战争的发生。 The army was disbanded when the war came to an end. 战争结束时,军队即被解散。
2023-07-29 13:06:241

《The Story Of An Hour》是一篇什么小说?

《The Story of an Hour》是美国作家 Kate Chopin 的短篇小说,发表于1894年。这篇小说描述了一个妇女在收到丈夫死讯后如何获得自由和重新找回自我的故事。小说被认为是新女性主义文学的重要作品之一。
2023-07-29 13:06:442


1、人生最大的遗憾,莫过于,轻易的放弃了不该放弃的,固执的坚持了不该的坚持。 The greatest regret in life is to give up what should not be given up easily and persevere in what should not be. 2、在溪水与岩石的斗争中,胜利的的总是溪水,不是因为力量而是因为坚持。 In the struggle beeen rivers and rocks, it is always rivers that win, not because of strength, but because of perseverance. 3、很多失败不是因为能力有限,而是因为没有坚持到底。 Many failures are not due to limited abilities, but to failure to persevere in the end. 4、人们还往往把真理和错误混在一起去教人,而坚持的却是错误。 People often mix truth and error to teach people, but they insist on mistakes. 5、有的时候,你选择放手并不是无法坚持,只是因为你发现有些事情注定无法实现。 Sometimes, you choose to let go is not unable to persist, just because you find that some things are doomed to be impossible. 6、做一件事并不难,难的是在于坚持;坚持一下也不难,难的是坚持到底。 It is not difficult to do one thing, but to persevere; it is not difficult to persevere, and it is difficult to persevere in the end. 7、穷是一种心态,你若一辈子坚持自己是穷人,拥有大量金钱也救不了你。 Poverty is a state of mind. If you persist in being poor all your life, you will not be saved by having a lot of money. 8、终于知道哪些人可以陪伴,哪些人就那样走远了,我的选择我就坚持,无关他人! Eventually I know who can acpany and who can go away like that. I insist on my choice and have nothing to do with others. 9、真正的爱情不是一时好感,而是明明知道没结果,还想要坚持下去的冲动。 True love is not a temporary favor, but an impulse to insist on knowing that it is fruitless. 10、不是你的理由不充分,而是我的执着太坚持。 It"s not that your reasons are insufficient, but that my persistence is too persistent. 11、如果你愿意坚持,这世界上就没有终结。如果你愿意相信,这世界上就没有谎言。 If you are willing to insist, there will be no end in the world. If you want to believe, there are no lies in the world. 12、我的执着,不须要人懂,也不需要人理解,我只坚持我坚持的。 My persistence does not need to be understood, nor need to be understood, I just insist on my persistence. 13、或许我曾做过的最好的事,就是对你一如既往并且未曾动摇的坚持。 Perhaps the best thing I"ve ever done is to stick to you as always and never waver. 14、那时候,如果不是两人互相打气,我们可能会坚持不下去。 At that time, if it weren"t for mutual encouragement, we might not be able to persevere. 15、以前总认为坚持会让我们变强大,但是长大后才发现,让我们强大的,是放下。 It used to be thought that persistence would make us stronger, but when we grow up, we find that what makes us stronger is to let go. 16、人生最大的遗憾,莫过于错误的坚持,和轻易的放弃。 The greatest regret in life is the wrong persistence and easy abandonment. 17、你说,不想再浪费时间和精力来坚持了,已经没意义了。 You say it"s no longer meaningful to stop wasting time and energy to persevere. 18、不是看到希望才去坚持,而是坚持了才看得到希望。 It is not to see hope before persevering, but to see hope after persevering. 19、在我们接触新事物时我们往往有点不适,但坚持后你会发现收获源于你的积累。 We tend to feel a little unfortable when we e into contact with new things, but when we stick to it, you will find that the harvest es from your accumulation. 20、我想要的,始终都不是你给的。我不知道自己还能坚持多久,等你多久。 What I want is never what you give me. I don"t know how long I can hold on and wait for you. 21、锻炼身体要经常,要坚持,人同机器一样,经常运动才能不生锈。 Exercise regularly and insist that people, like machines, exercise regularly in order not to rust. 22、生命有非常多的苦难和甜美,值得我们坚持,宽容和珍惜。 Life is full of misery and sweetness, which deserves our persistence, tolerance and cherishing. 23、在你想要放弃的那一刻,想想为什么当初坚持走到了这里。 At the moment you want to give up, think about why you insisted on ing here. 24、人的生命中,皆有苦苦守候的坚持,我的坚持,就是骨气与自我。 In human life, there is perseverance in waiting. My perseverance is the spirit and self. 25、人生成功的一个关键因素就是抗击打能力,所以只要是正确的目标,就要咬牙坚持住。 One of the key factors for success in life is the ability to fight, so as long as the right goal, we must grind our teeth and stick to it. 26、哪怕是最没有希望的事情,只要有一个勇敢者去坚持做,到最后就会拥有希望。 Even the most hopeless thing, as long as there is a brave person to persevere in doing, in the end there will be hope. 27、有一种缘,放手后成为风景,有一颗心,坚持中方现真诚。 There is a kind of fate, let go and bee a landscape, have a heart, insist that China is now sincere. 28、纠缠了很久。也坚持了很久。而现在我要离开比很久还要很久。 It"s been a long time. It lasted a long time. And now I"m leaving much longer than that. 29、人生不在于你找什么样的人,在于你做了什么样的坚持! Life does not depend on what kind of person you are looking for, but on what kind of perseverance you have made. 30、我就是这样,注定和你不一样。坚持与众不同的自己,不要怕别人异样的眼光。 That"s what I am. It"s doomed to be different from you. Persist in being different from others and don"t be afraid of being different from others. 31、哪怕,生活无法忍受也要坚持下去,这样的生活才有可能变得有价值。 Even if life is unbearable, we must persevere in it. Only in this way can life bee valuable. 32、如果你找不到一个坚持的理由,你就必须找到一个重新开始的理由。 If you can"t find a reason to stick to it, you have to find a reason to start over. 33、人不是因为没有信念而失败,而是因为不能把信念化成行动,并且坚持到底。 People don"t fail because they don"t have faith, but because they can"t turn faith into action and stick to it. 34、人生最遗憾的,莫过于轻易地放弃了不该放弃的,固执地坚持了不该坚持的。 The most regrettable thing in life is to give up what should not be given up easily and persist in what should not be persisted in stubbornly. 35、有时候,坚持了你最不想干的事情之后,便可得到你最想要的东西。 Sometimes, by sticking to what you least want to do, you get what you most want. 36、事情是很简单的人,全部秘诀只有两句话:不屈不挠,坚持以底。 Things are very simple people, the whole secret is only o words: perseverance, perseverance to the end. 37、像我这样的女子,只会忠于自己的心,坚持自己的选择,别人说再多都没用。 Women like me will only be loyal to their hearts and stick to their own choices. It"s no use saying more. 38、如果当初我勇敢,结局是不是不一样。如果当时你坚持,回忆会不会不这样。 If I had been brave, would the oute be different? If you insisted at that time, would memories not be like this? 39、翻开那些泛黄的纸,写着是自己曾经的坚持。 Open those yellowish paper and write that they have insisted. 40、成大事不在于力量的大小,而在于能坚持多久。 Great things do not depend on strength, but on how long they last. 41、最重要的是,在关键的时刻能够坚持原则。 The most important thing is to be able to adhere to principles at critical moments. 42、告诉你使我达到目标的奥秘吧,我惟一的力量就是我的坚持精神。 Tell you the secret of achieving my goal. My only strength is my perseverance. 43、坚持的梦也会一秒崩落,人生有太多曲折。 Stick to the dream will fall in a second, there are too many ists and turns in life. 44、这个世界几乎不合所有人的梦想。只是有些人可以学会遗忘,有些人却坚持。 The world is hardly everyone"s dream. But some people can learn to fet, while others insist. 45、行者的能量,不在于只身上路的勇敢,而是坚持选择想走的路。 The energy of a pedestrian is not to be brave in his own way, but to persevere in choosing the way he wants to go. 46、有些事情不是看到希望才去坚持,而是坚持了才会看到希望。 Some things do not insist on seeing hope, but insist on seeing hope. 47、通过自己的努力和坚持,是可以做到让别人刮目相看的。 Through our own efforts and perseverance, we can make others stand out. 48、生活不是苦难,也不是享乐,而是我们应当为之奋斗并坚持到底的事业。 Life is not suffering, nor pleasure, but the cause for which we should strive and stick to the end. 49、我不知道前面的路是否好走,但我依然坚持走下去。 I don"t know if the road ahead is easy to follow, but I still stick to it. 50、我们坚持了好久,但最终还是输给了天长地久。 We persisted for a long time, but eventually lost to everlasting.
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1、有时我在想,把每一天当作生命的最后一天,不失为一条极佳的人生法则。 Sometimes I think that taking every day as the last day of life can be regarded as an excellent rule of life. 2、既不想为自己辩解,也不想埋怨任何。 I do not want to defend myself, nor do I want to plain about anything. 3、只要有信心、恒心与毅力,人类的潜能往往能达到某种我们难以想象的情度。 As long as we have confidence, perseverance and perseverance, human potential can often reach a certain degree that we can not imagine. 4、知识给人以爱,给人以光明,给人以智慧。 Knowledge gives love, gives light and wisdom. 5、有形的东西是短暂的,无形的才能永垂不朽。 Tangible things are ephemeral and intangible are immortal. 6、好好儿利用你的眼睛吧,就像明天你将遭到失明的灾难。 Use your eyes well, as tomorrow you will suffer from blindness. 7、心还在,希望便不会消失。 Heart is still, hope will not disappear. 8、永远不要垂下头。要高昂着头,直面这世界。 Never hang your head. Hold your head high and face the world. 9、我们不能停住脚步;我们要时时刻刻充实自己,好为尽善尽美的明日奉献出我们努力的成果。 We can"t stop; we need to enrich ourselves all the time so that we can contribute the fruits of our efforts to the perfect tomorrow. 10、世界大部分不幸也许都有补救之法,但其中最不幸的却无药可救,那就是人类的冷漠。 Most of the world"s misfortunes may have remedies, but the most unfortunate of them is hopeless: human indifference. 11、世界上最美丽的东西,看不见也摸不着,要靠心灵去感受。 The most beautiful things in the world can not be seen or touched, but must be felt by the heart. 12、生命要不是一场大冒险,要不然就是一无所有。 Life is either a big adventure or nothing. 13、对于凌驾命运之上的人来说,信心就是生命的主宰。 For those above the fate, confidence is the master of life. 14、也许人就是这样,有了的东西不知道欣赏,没有的东西又一昧追求。 Maybe people are like this. They don"t know what they have. 15、我努力求取知识,目的在于希望日后能活用,为社会人类贡献一点力量。 I strive to acquire knowledge, hoping that I can use it in the future and contribute a little to the society. 16、把活着的每一天看作生命的最后一天。 Live every day as the last day of life. 17、在我的那个寂静而又黑暗的世界里,根本就不会有温柔和同情。 In my quiet and dark world, there is no gentleness and sympathy. 18、把脸一直向着阳光,这样就不会见到阴影。 Keep your face straight to the sunshine, so you won"t see the shadow. 19、读一本好书就是与一颗伟大的的心灵对话。 Reading a good book is a dialogue with a great soul. 20、把你活着的每一天当做你的最后一天。 Take every day you live as your last day. 21、知识教人学会爱,给人以光明和智慧。 Knowledge teaches people to love, to give people brightness and wisdom. 22、一切事物的可爱皆因它们的用途。 All things are lovely because of their uses. 23、在它那温柔的触摸之中,其实暗藏着锋利的爪子。 In its gentle touch, there are hidden sharp claws. 24、也许人类的悲哀便在于此,拥有的东西不去珍惜,对于得不到的却永远渴望。 Perhaps the sadness of mankind lies in this, not cherishing what we have, but always yearning for what we can"t get. 25、生活,要么是场大胆的冒险,要么什么都不是。 Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. 26、带笑背负起自己的十字架。这并不是对命运投降,而是面对命运,进而设法克服它。 Laugh and bear your cross. This is not to surrender to fate, but to face destiny and try to overe it. 27、夏日流逝,用什么来安慰我的寂寞,惟有那绚丽多彩的秋叶。 As summer passes, what forts my loneliness, only the colorful autumn leaves. 28、思想的火花和智慧的种子,竟能播种在无知与腐朽的草堆里,令人叹息。 The spark of thought and the seed of wisdom can be sowed in ignorance and rotten haystack. 29、爱是摸不着的,但你却能感到她带来的甜蜜。 Love can"t be touched, but you can feel the sweetness of her. 30、视觉的敏锐度不在于我们能够看到多少,而在于我们内心的感觉。 Visual acuity lies not in how much we can see, but in our inner feelings. 31、在我假象的有视觉的有限时间里,我应当挑选一把要是,能在最短的时间内去开启藏有最大宝藏的地方。 In the limited time of my imaginary vision, I should choose a place where the greatest treasure can be opened in the shortest possible time. 32、我只看我拥有,不看我没有的。 I only look at what I have, not what I do not have. 33、我盼望世界能早一天实现和平,让人类过得更幸福,到那时,人们就不必再期待身后的天堂了。 I hope that the world can achieve peace one day earlier and make human life happier. By then, people will no longer have to look forward to the heaven behind them. 34、当我们行走在备感孤独的幽谷之中,我们才会逐渐了解到充满关爱的言行以及友情所带给我们的感动! When we walk in the valley of loneliness, we will gradually understand the touching words and deeds of love and friendship. 35、人生最大的灾难,不在于过去的创伤,而在于把未来放弃。 The greatest disaster in life is not the trauma of the past, but the abandonment of the future. 36、每个老师都能把孩子领进教室,但并不是每个老师都能使孩子学到真正的东西。 Every teacher can lead the child into the classroom, but not every teacher can make the child learn the real thing. 37、我要把别人看到的当成我的太阳,别人听到的当成我的乐曲,别人嘴角的微笑看作我的快乐。 I want to regard what others see as my sun, what others hear as my music, and the *** ile on the lips of others as my happiness. 38、一直面向阳光,你就不会看到阴暗。 Always face the sunshine, and you will not see the dark. 39、黑暗将使人更加珍惜光明,寂静将使人更加喜爱声音。 Darkness will make people more appreciative of light, silence will make people more fond of sound. 40、信心是一种心境,有信心的人不会在转瞬之间就消沉沮丧。 Confidence is a state of mind. People who are confident will not be depressed in a inkling. 41、嗅闻所有鲜花的芳香,品尝每一口佳肴吧,犹如明天你再不能嗅闻品尝。 Smell the fragrance of all flowers and taste every dish as if you could not *** ell it tomorrow. 42、当我们尽力而为时,我们从不知道有什么样的奇迹会出现在我们的生命,或是在另一个人的生命里。 When we do our best, we never know what miracles will happen in our lives or in the lives of another person. 43、青春的光辉是如此灿烂,令人不敢直视,那种天不怕地不怕的劲儿真叫人羡慕。 The brilliance of youth is so brilliant that people dare not look straight at it. It"s enviable that people are fearless and fearless. 44、我的生命充满了活力,就像那些朝生夕死的小昆虫,把一生挤到一天之内。 My life is full of vitality, just like those little insects that are dying all their lives. 45、尽管这个世界充满了磨难,它也同时充满了对于磨难的攻克。 Although the world is full of tribulations, it is also full of conquest of tribulations. 46、聆听乐曲的妙音,鸟儿的歌唱,管弦乐队的雄浑而铿锵有力的曲调吧,犹如明天你将遭到耳聋的厄运。 Listen to the music, the birds singing, the orchestra"s powerful and powerful tunes, as if tomorrow you will be deaf. 47、悲观主义者决不会发现星球的秘密,不能航行到未知的大陆,也不能为人类的灵魂打开一个新的天堂。 Pessimists will never discover the secrets of the planet, sail to the unknown continent, or open a new paradise for the human soul. 48、但无论如何艰辛,结果总是无比美妙。 But no matter how hard it is, the result is always wonderful. 49、抚摸每一件你想要抚摸的物品吧,犹如明天你的触觉将会衰退。 Touch every object you want to touch, as if your touch will fade tomorrow. 50、我觉得生命太短促了,不值得把它花费在怀恨和记仇上。 I think life is too short to spend it on hate and hatred. 51、乌云遮不住太阳,邪恶终将被打倒,真正的胜利永远属于正义。 Dark clouds can not cover the sun, and evil will eventually be defeated. The real victory is always justice. 52、神使我眼不能见,耳不能听,因而也无法说话,是想通过这种残缺而给世上的残弱者一些启示。 God made me blind, deaf and unable to speak. He wanted to give some inspiration to the weak in the world through this disability. 53、人世间,正真没有光明的黑暗是无知和麻木的黑夜。 In the world, there is really no bright darkness, ignorance and numbness of the night. 54、虽然世界多苦难,但是苦难终究会被战胜的。 Though the world is full of suffering, it will eventually be overe. 55、她和其他正常人一样各具品性,各怀心志,请不要担心,我相信天无绝人之路,有志者,事竟成。 Like other normal people, she has different personalities and aspirations. Please don"t worry. I believe that there is no way out. If there is a will, everything will be done. 56、有生活目的的人,能承受任何打击。世界上最可怜的人就是那些空有视力却无远见的人。 Anyone who has a purpose in life can withstand any blow. The poorest people in the world are those who have vision but no vision. 57、我的身体是不自由的,但我的心却是自由的,我且要摆脱身体的躯壳,飞到人群中,沉浸在欢乐的海洋中。 My body is not free, but my heart is free, and I want to get rid of the body, fly to the crowd, immersed in the sea of joy. 58、虽然我的眼睛看不到太阳,看不到闪电,看不到春天变绿的树枝,但是它们并没有因此不存在。 Although my eyes can"t see the sun, lightning and green branches in spring, they don"t exist. 59、世上最好最美的事物是看不到甚至触摸不着的。必须用心才能感受到。 The best and most beautiful things in the world can not be seen or even touched. You must feel it with your heart. 60、曾经喜欢过和深爱过,就永远不会失去,因为它们成了你的一部分。 Once loved and loved, you will never lose them, because they bee part of you. 61、善用你的眼睛吧,犹如明天你将遭到失明的灾难。 Use your eyes as if you would be blinded tomorrow. 62、妖魔嬉笑着爬出殿堂。上帝却视而不见,无动于衷。 The devil laughed and climbed out of the hall. God turned a blind eye to it. 63、只要朝着阳光,便不会看见阴影。 So long as we face the sunshine, we will not see the shadow.
2023-07-29 13:07:051


Why should I seek out mor
2023-07-29 13:05:262


2023-07-29 13:05:271

who you are 和who are you 有什么区别?都用在什么场合?

2023-07-29 13:05:293


问题一:ml是什么计量单位 计量单位 通常写作ml或mL。 milliliter的缩写,毫升,计量单位。 进率:1L=1立方分米 = 0.001立方米 1ml=1立方厘米 = 0.000001立方米 ml 与 L 之间是1000进率,立方米,立方分米,立方厘米之间也是1000进率 问题二:ml是什么单位 是容积单位,ml就是毫升。固体的容积单位与体积单位相同,国际单位制下的基本单位为立方米(m3)。常用单位有用升(符号为L)、毫升(符号为mL)。1m3=1000立方分米=1000升,1升=1000毫升=1000立方厘米。容积:是指容器所能容纳物体的体积。容积单位:固体、气体的容积单位与体积单位相同,而液体的容积单位一般用升、毫升。1毫升=1000升。 问题三:ML是什么单位 ml 是容量单位,即1立方厘米(毫升),0.001立方分米(L,升) g 是重量单位,即1克,500克为1斤 问题四:毫升是什么单位? 毫升是体积单位,1毫升=1立方厘米。 问题五:ml是什么单位?多大的? 毫升 问题六:毫升每立方米是什么单位 液体体积 问题七:L 是什么计量单位 L是升,ml是毫升。1000L等于1立方米,1000ml等于1L
2023-07-29 13:05:341


At the beginning of this year, a snow and ice disaster arrives in China. Many people when Spring Festival is actually unable with the family member to reunite. At that time, the Central authorities took the emergency measures promptly, melted this ice disaster by the quickest speed. In May, a rare big earthquake has attacked Sichuan. This unforeseen disaster causes the family member to be destitute and homeless. Many people died in this disaster, weeping sound echo in horizon. However, premier"s concern, other areas to the disaster area aid vigorously, caused the people to go out the grief gradually, the reconstruction in former days the happy homeland. After the wind and rain baptism, the disaster, the man-made disaster, cannot block the footsteps which we go forward. on August 8, but 2008 to, we have offered the unequalled great grand meeting as scheduled for the world. Because we are strong, we unite, we are brave, our fear is not difficult. All, because we are the Chinese. In mine impression, 2008 are beset by disasters, but unforgettable Chinese year. Let 2008 forever India in ours heart, but we, must bring our strength, unity, brave, through thick and thin moves toward 2009, will move toward the future.
2023-07-29 13:05:355

On the yard是什么意思

on表示在什么平面的上面(有接触),yard是指你家的房子前面的院子。on the yard就是在“院子里面(土地的平面上)”,强调院子的地面。如果你说“in the yard”,就表示“院子(作为一个立体空间)里面”。
2023-07-29 13:05:351

你是谁是说who you are还是whom you are

直接问的话是who are you?
2023-07-29 13:05:214

dota snoy是谁

2023-07-29 13:05:196


  有趣的教学方法总是能吸引到孩子们的注意,从而提高教学的质量。我在此献上英语儿歌,希望对你有所帮助。   少儿英语:愿望   We can laugh We can sing   我们可以,我们可以唱   We can make anything   我们可以做任何事情   Hold my hand   握住我的手   Make a magical land   创造一片神奇的土地   When letters get together We go alakazam!   当字母 *** 我们一起去alakazam   We can run, we can slide, We can hide in a box   我们可以跑步,我们可以滑行,我们可以躲在一个箱子里   Are you ready for some fun with the Alphablocks?   你准备好了和字母积木一起愉快玩耍吗?   Alphablocks!   字母积木!   Gur, gur, gur, gur.   I wish, I wish...   Gur, gur, gur, gur, gur.   - Uh, what are you doing, G?   我希望,我希望   - Goodness, U!   噢, 你在做什么,G?   - Get off my wish!   天哪,U!   - Uh?!   离开我的愿望!   Gur, gur...good grief!   嗯啊?!   My wish came true!   哎呀!   I don"t understand.   我的愿望实现了   I wished for someone to play with   我不懂   and, and, here you are!   我希望有人玩   Uh...I only walked...   并且,你在这   - I grew my wish!   嗯…我只路过……   - Uh!   我种植了我的愿望!   Your turn, U.   喔   Make a wish and I"ll grow it.   该你了,U   Uh! You can"t just grow a wish, G.   许个愿,我会种它。   You can try. Go on, give it a go!   嗯!你不能只种一个愿望,G。   Uh...what should I wish for?   你可以试一试。去吧,试一试!   - A flower.   嗯…我应该许什么愿望?   - Urgh!   一朵花   A blue flower?   呃   Uh-uh!   一朵蓝色的花?   A great big, blue flower that looks like you.   嗯-嗯!   - Uh...   一朵看起来像你的很大的蓝色的花   - Go on.   恩   - Whisper your wish.   去吧   - Uh, I wish...   低声说出你的愿望   Gur, gur, gur, gur, gur.   Grow, wish, grow!   哦,我希望……   Uh! Nothing"s happening.   种植,许愿,生长!   Give it time, U. I"m going to grow my hair.   噢!什么都没有发生。   Gur, gur, gur, gur, gur.Up, little flower. Up!   需要时间,U。我去长长我的头发   Uh! Unlucky me.   长,小花朵,出来!   Uh?! Unlikely.   哦!不幸运的我   Uh?! Unimaginable!   哦?不可能   Uh! Uh!   哦?!不可思议   Unbelievable!   哦!哦!   Uh, uh, uh, G! G!   难以置信   Goodness, U!   是的G   I grew your wish!   天哪,U   Uh! There"s no blue flower.   我种植了你的愿望   But there"s a green plant.   哦!没有蓝色的花朵   - Gosh, where"s my watering can?   但是有一个绿色植物   - Up there.   天啊,我的喷壶哪去了?   Good grief! Let"s get it back.   在上面   - Uh.   - Gur.   - Ug!   HELP!   哎呀!我们一起拿回来   Did someone say help?   求救   Beautiful.   有人需要帮忙吗?   - R to the rescue!   美丽   - Jumping jellyblocks!   R来援救   My, oh, my!   跳跃的智慧积木   - Don"t despair!   我的,我的!   - Great!   不要绝望   Let"s get my watering can back!   太好了   - Juh.   - Uh.   - Gur.   Jug!   让我们一起把我的水壶拿回来   Let"s give it another go   水壶   - Rrr.   - Uh.   - Gur.   Rug!   让我们试试其他   Rug, rescue the watering can!   毛毯   Unbelievable!   毛毯,营救水壶   Don"t give up.   不可思议   - Tuh.   - Uh.   - Gur.   Tug!   不要放弃!   - Tug, tug...   拖拽!   Wishes don"t e true, they"re just ouchy.   用力拉,用力拉   They do, U.   愿望实现不了,他们只是脾气暴躁。   Who else wants a go?   他们行,U   - Buh.   - Uh.   - Gur.   Bug!   谁还想试试   Let"s go!   虫子   Great.Got it!   我们一起去   I"m so unlucky.   太好了,拿到了   You got your watering can, but I didn"t get my wish.   我是如此的不幸   Goodness, U.   你拿到你的水壶,但是我的愿望没实现   Open your eyes!   天啊,U   Uh?!   睁开你的眼睛   It"s gorgeous!   哦?   It"s beautiful!   太华丽了   Un-be-lievable!   太漂亮了   - Wishes DO e true!   不可思议   愿望真的实现了    少儿英语:雪人   We can laugh ha-ha   我们可以笑哈哈   We can sing la-la-la-la   我们可以唱la-la-la-la   We can make anything   我们可以做任何事情   Hold my hand   握住我的手   Make a magical land   创造一片神奇的土地   When letters get together   当字母 ***   We go alakazam   我们一起去alakazam   We can run, we can slide   我们可以跑步,我们可以滑行,   We can hide in a box   我们可以躲在一个箱子里   Are you ready for some fun with the Alphablocks?   你准备好了和字母块们一起愉快玩耍吗?   Alphablocks!   字母块!   Aaaaaa!   Aa.   Aaaa. Aa?   Aaaaaaa!   Mmm. I wish I had something to eat. Mmm.   我想吃一些东西   Mmm. Snow.   雪   Snow? Noooo!   雪?不是!   Mmm. Mmm. More snow.   更多的雪   No. No snow.   不,没有雪   Aaaaaaa.   Still no snow?   仍然没有雪   Help me.   救我   Now there"s snow. Nn-nn-nn-nn!   现在有雪了   Mmm. I"ve had a marvellous idea.   我有个绝妙的办法   Let"s see who can make the most massive snowball.   让我们看看谁做的雪球最大   Aa! Absolutely!   太好了   Mmm.   No. Wait for me!   别,等等我   Mine"s the biggest.   我的最大   Aaaaa!   - Mm.   - Aa.   - Nn.   MAN!   雪人   A snowman. Mmm...magnificent.   一个雪人,太壮观了   Nn... It needs a nose.   它需要个鼻子   Nice. Nnnn.   好   It"s f-f-freezing.   它冻住了   Uuuu...uuuu...uuuu.   Need to do something to warm us up.   需要做点什么来温暖我们。   Ff.   Uu.   Nn.   FUN!   娱乐   Uuuu.   F-f-fabulous.   难以置信   It"s snowing, it"s snowing   下雪了,下雪了   My cheeks are merrily glowing   我的双颊愉快地发光   We"ll slip and slide   我们滑啊滑   In igloos hide   在圆顶建筑中隐藏   And snowballs we"ll start throwing...   我们将开始扔雪球……!   It"s snowing, it"s snowing   下雪了,下雪了   The hot chocolate is flowing   热巧克力是流动的   The walls turned white   墙变白了   But that"s alright   不过没事   Sledging"s where we"re going...   我们会用雪橇去…!   That snowman is super fun.   雪人超级高兴   Uuuu!   Look out!   小心   - S...   - Uu!   Ss.   Uu.   Nn.   SUN!   太阳   Uu-uu!   太热了   雪人在融化   It"s too hot.   现在需要让他在一些地方凉快   Mr Snowman is melting.   Need to get him somewhere cold. Now!   风扇   Ffff.   Aa.   Nn.   FAN!   风扇能使他凉快   A fan will keep him cool.   不,它被吹走了   Nooo. It"s blowing him away.   风扇不行,风扇不行   No fan. No fan!   长椅   Aa.   Nn.   TAN!   不行,没能更好,更坏了   No. That"s not better. That"s worse.   货车   Vv...vv...vv.   Vv.   Aa.   Nn.   VAN!   冰淇淋货车,太酷了!   An ice-cream van. Cool!   太太酷了   Very, very cool.   我们能使雪人凝固   We can keep the snowman frozen   我们开车送它去冰冷的地方   while we drive him somewhere cold.   我们去下雪的地方   We"re going where it"s snowing   兴奋在迅速增长   Excitement"s quickly growing   我们没有太阳也高兴   We can have fun without the sun   坚持ho-ho-hoing !   And keep on ho-ho-hoing!   这更冷   Ha-ha!   Mmm.   This is much colder.   不,我们没有开启开关   Vv-vv-vv.   No! We didn"t switch it on.   它融化了   He"s!   不   Nooo.   冰淇淋,太好了   Ee. Ice-cream. Excellent. Eeeee!   雪人们   Mmm.   Ee.   Nn.   MEN!   额?那是什么?   Ee? What"s that?   太棒了!是雪人   Magnificent! It"s the snowman.   不是雪人   Not snowman -   是雪人们   snow-MEN!
2023-07-29 13:05:181


  院子指房屋前后用墙或栅栏围起来的空地,一般大一点的别墅会有独立的院子,那么你知道院子用英语怎么说吗?现在跟我一起学习有关院子的英语知识吧。    院子的英语说法   yard   courtyard    院子的相关 短语   中国院子 China Courtyard   接地院子 Grounding to yard   四方院子 quadrangle   院子里 yard ; nayouyig   厨房院子 kitchen yard   古观象台院子 Ancient Observatory Courtyard   教堂院子 a cathedral close   打扫院子 clean the yard ; Cleaning the yard ; clean up the yard   院子的英语例句   1. He was frog-marched through the kitchen and out into the yard.   他被扭住双臂强推着走过厨房,来到院子里。   2. Dena took them into the courtyard to sit in the sun.   德娜带他们到院子里晒太阳。   3. They walked through the arch and into the cobbled courtyard.   他们穿过拱门走进铺着鹅卵石的院子。   4. For the first two weeks patients are restricted to the grounds.   在头两周里,病人们只能在院子里活动。   5. The carpet of leaves in my yard became more and more noticeable.   我的院子里的落叶越来越厚。   6. We hurried on until we reached a courtyard overgrown with weeds.   我们匆匆往前走,来到一个野草丛生的院子。   7. He and Hannah had been scuffling in the yard outside his house.   他和汉娜一直在他房外的院子里扭打。   8. The moon cast a bright light over the yard.   明亮的月光洒在院子里。   9. I saw him standing in the yard.   我看到他站在院子里。   10. He had pitched his tent in the yard.   他在院子里搭起了帐篷。   11. Cottrell strode out across the cobbled courtyard.   科特雷尔穿过铺着鹅卵石的院子大步走出来。   12. The grass in the yard was waist high.   院子里的草有齐腰高。   13. Sunlight was streaming into the courtyard.   阳光照到院子里。   14. The house is in a secluded mews.   这座房子坐落在一个偏僻的院子里。   15. The yards are overgrown and cluttered with trash.   院子里杂草丛生,垃圾成堆。 猜你喜欢: 1. 院子英语怎么拼写 2. 院子用英语怎么说 3. 表示委婉请求的英语句子 4. “四合院”英语怎么说 5. 薄荷绿用英语怎么说
2023-07-29 13:05:181


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2023-07-29 13:05:132