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求写关于《悲观》英语作文,要求:悲观的坏处,应对悲观的策略 。在线等答案

2023-07-30 02:57:00

Being optimistic means being hopeful about the future and the success of something in particular. Being pessimistic, on the other hand, means being sad about the future and always thinking that something bad is going to happen.

Let"s take the challenges in our everyday life as an example. Faced with a challenge, a pessimistic person may feel gloomy, distressed, and even afraid of it. He considers himself powerless, and complains about it all day long, refusing even to have a try before giving it up in the end. An optimistic person, however, may adopt an entirely different approach. He may not regard the challenge as something bad, instead, he takes it as an excellent opportunity to

display his abilities and talent. Pressure simply adds to his enthusiasm to realize his dream.

Obviously, being optimistic and being pessimistic are two different attitudes towards life, which always mean the difference between failure and success. It is natural that we encounter

challenges of one kind or another in our life. If we are pessimistic whenever we are confronted with challenges we are destined to have one failure after another. If we are pessimistic, we are destined to fail, ending up accomplishing nothing. But if we approach the

challenges in an optimistic way, we may go from victory to victory.

Therefore, be optimistic, all the time.






2023-07-29 12:21:114


next time是一句状语从句,所以tell一句是主句,也是祈示句。
2023-07-29 12:21:334

complain about sb?

complain about sb./sth 抱怨某人/某物
2023-07-29 12:21:422


What can the complaint do?
2023-07-29 12:21:508

complain about和complain有什么区别?

后面加具体对象时用about啊。例,He doesn"t like the new job .he often complains about the new job.He often complains aboua
2023-07-29 12:22:062

中文翻译成英文 我要有语法的

As is known to us ,Venice is famous as a water city.The beauty of venics consists of water and bridge .Venice is the world"s only city where there are no cars. Its main traffic tools are the ships,which complains why it"s called water city. Venice, a very romantic and plain old city, was Mediterranean trade center for the most prosperous middle ages. Venice has rebirth of the phoenix opera house that was once destroyed by fire , the great Renaissance and Byzantine architecture, and the most beautiful square in the world-mark"s square.
2023-07-29 12:22:142


抱怨投诉 [网络] complaints; [例句]对于任何抱怨投诉,你应该只写邮件给特殊的人,部门或者你可以反馈给你的直接主管关于你的问题。For any complains, you should only write to the particular person, section or you should see your immediate superior on your issue.
2023-07-29 12:22:321

make complains for 对吗? 感谢啦。

应该是 make complaint for
2023-07-29 12:22:392

Many a customer ________ about the poor quality of the washing machines.

2023-07-29 12:22:471


2023-07-29 12:22:566

anyone______life frequently. a.complaining about b.complains about 选什么?为什么选这个?

complains about因 只有它是谓语形式。本句缺谓语。what因这是一主语从句,即 what matters most in learning a foreign language在学习外语上最重发的事。从句中缺主语所以用代词。而why, 和where是副词不做主语。which虽是代词但表示疑问意义即哪一个或哪一些。所以不符合题意思。
2023-07-29 12:23:101

投诉的英文. 投诉的英文是什么啊.

complain D.J.[ku0259mu02c8plein] K.K.[ku0259mu02c8plen] vt.& vi. 抱怨,诉苦; 投诉 You have no reason to complain. 你没有理由抱怨. She often complains that he is dishonest. 她常埋怨说他不诚实.
2023-07-29 12:23:171


2023-07-29 12:23:271

I hate ______ their complains all day. one of these days I’ll tell them what I really think.

选C吧首先hate to do sth;即hate后跟动词不定式.不定式后面的动作通常是一个具体或一次性和特指的动作。hate doing sth;即hate后跟动名词.这时的动作是一个表示习惯性或经常性不具体的动作。所以BD排除而该人的主观意见是不喜欢他们抱怨,所以不会是关注,而应该是听,A选项排除
2023-07-29 12:23:351


2023-07-29 12:23:443

翻译 1我们的老师抱怨我们上课迟到(complain about)

1.Our teacher complains about we were late for class.2.She turns to her teacher for she doesn"t know how to deal with this math problem.3.Don"t stand with your hand in pocket.
2023-07-29 12:23:524


2023-07-29 12:24:128


complain 英[ku0259mu02c8pleu026an] 美[ku0259mu02c8plen] vi. 抱怨,诉苦; 申诉,控诉,抗议; vt. 诉说,申诉,控告[后面常跟从句]; [例句]Miners have complained bitterly that the government did not fulfill their promises矿工们愤愤不平地抱怨说政府没有履行诺言。complain to sb.向某人抱怨complain about/of sth. 抱怨某事complain to sb. about/of sth. 向某人抱怨某事如He always complains to his parents about the weather.他总是向他父母抱怨天气
2023-07-29 12:24:291


1. respect the elders and protect the children are the traditional virtues of the Chinesenation.2.He encounters a pregnant woman on a bus, the olderly, or seats to the passengers with a baby will always immediately.3. murmur at, blame...for / complain about. Do not blame your parents.4.. 是固定用法.5. file / make a complaint against sb about sth.
2023-07-29 12:24:405


Everyday he wakes up in his million dollar home His life is like a video, the only reality he knows He jumps inside of his hundred thousand dollar car Cruising up the boulevard Driving pass people living hard Complains about the gas prices but still supports the war He complains about his 6-figure salary, tax to feed the poor He doesn"t understand the homeless, doesn"t think its genocide That millions die from three lethal letters He does shit to make it better And I"m thinking huuu.. Everyone wants to touch the sky Nobody wants to reach back For the ones who are scared to fly Everybody wants heaven If you don"t want to sacrifice Don"t say nothing, don"t say nothing Oooooo-Hush Don"t say nothing Oooooo-Hush Don"t say nothing [Verse 2] She watches television full of fabricated show Thinks the world is just a joke, but oh little does she know That there is a real life drama happening right outside her door ‘Cause She continues to ignore, but she"s like the TV - the story repeats She"s searching through the channels Skipping pass the news, she"s more entertained by lies and gossip ‘Cause it hurts to see the truth She complains about the nation Think it"s a waste of time to vote She says the one that has been corrupted forever No one tries to make it better And I"m thinking uhh huhuu Everyone wants to touch the sky (Oh-ho) Nobody wants to reach back For the ones who are scared to fly (Scared to fly) Everybody wants heaven (Heaven) If you don"t want to sacrifice (Oh) Don"t say nothing, don"t say nothing Oooooo-Hush Don"t say nothing (My hand to my brother) Oooooo-Hush (Hand to my sister) Don"t say nothing Oooooo-Hush Don"t say nothing Oooooo-Hush Don"t say noth07ng Yeah, yeah
2023-07-29 12:24:561

帮我翻译句子,越快越好 高分

2023-07-29 12:25:057


完全自己翻译的:In order to solve this problem, I think we need the communication support from Departemnt of Service and clients, and to ensure the detailed operation of XXX. Likewise, risk is inevitable. When asking for the fee of changing receipts, we have to accept the complaint from clients, but at the same time we can make use of the method of separate printing to solve this problem. That is to say, letting the clients know that asking for the fee is not our final goal. I think that would be acceptable.
2023-07-29 12:25:196

忙用英语怎么说 tied up“系,捆”的意思,形容被拴住了,走不开,脱不了身。be tied up 引申为“被占用的、忙得不可开交的”I"m sorry, but I"ll be tied up that day. How about next Thursday?对不起我那天没空。下个星期四怎么样?02.have/get one"s hands fullhands full “手头满了”,也就是事情多,忙碌have/get one"s hands full 直接翻译的意思是“两只手都满了”,可以引申为“忙得不可开交、应接不暇”。Nowadays, many people have their hands full with study, work, kids, and have no time traveling.现今很多人忙于学习、工作和带孩子,没有时间去旅游。 busy as a bee我们都知道,蜜蜂(尤其是工蜂)都是非常忙碌的,be busy as a bee “像蜜蜂一样忙碌,忙得团团转”,这个表达有没有更有趣一点呢?Rose has been as busy as a bee, but she never complains.罗斯一直都很忙,但是她从不抱怨。 the middle of something这是一个非常地道的美式口语表达。字面意思是“在...中间”,当你忙着做事的时候,不正好是夹在这件事情的中间吗?in the middle of后面还可以加doing sth.有时候 in the middle of是一个很实用的客套话,能帮你推掉一些无聊的社交邀约。而且用这个说法和美国人对话,就显得你的英语自然地道了。I"m in the middle of something. Could you call back later?我现在很忙,你能过会给我打电话吗?05.have a lot on (one"s) plateplate是“盘子”的意思,除了用在吃上,plate 也可以用来形容人生这盘菜。full plate就有“过得太忙碌”之意。My plate is full.I have a lot on my plate.There is a lot on my plate.都可以表达“我很忙”。I"m sorry I can"t be of help. I have enough on my plate.对不起,我不能提供帮助.我自顾不暇 up to one"s neck/eyeballs in意思是:忙于,深陷于,忙得不可开交。当然,in后面的内容可以换成其他的,比如She is up to her eyeballs in debt. 她债台高筑。I can"t possibly come out tonight. I"m up to my neck in work.今晚我不可能出来了,我的工作忙得不可开交。 swamped with/byswamp除了做名词表示“沼泽”外,还可以作动词,表示“突然给某人很多工作或问题去处理”,通常的搭配是:be swamped 被……淹没;忙碌于……I am just swamped right now.我现在真的好忙,he firm is swamped with orders.大量订单使那家工厂应接不暇。08.on the go意思是:忙个不停,十分活跃在去别的地方的路上做点什么;在交通工具上(在汽车、出租车、飞机上、地铁上等)忙于某事。He has been on the go for the past 5 months, hunting for a job.在过去的5个月里,他一直在四处奔波,寻找工作。Now you can sleep while you"re on the go!现在你可以在上下班的途中睡觉啦!09.don"t have time to catch my breathcatch one"s breath 喘气I don"t even have time to catch my breath. 我连喘口气的工夫都没有。这夸张的手法用得也是杠杠10.have irons in the fire这句直译为“火中烧很多铁”,即“同时身处多个事件或工作中”,或者确定同时有很多可能要做的事情,简单来说就是“事情多,很忙”。还可以在irons前加a few / several / other / different 等形容词。I have no time to rest because I have a few irons in the fire.我没时间休息,因为我有很多事情要做。
2023-07-29 12:25:331


史密斯太太对我抱怨说,她经常发现自己与自己十六岁的女儿简直无法沟通。Ms Smith often complains to me that she often find it hard for her to communicate with her 16 year-old daughter2我认为我们在保护环境不受污染方面还做得不够I think we haven"t done enough in the environment protecting3我们从可靠消息来源获悉下学期一位以英语为母语的人将要教我们英语口语We heard that a native English speaking person will come to teach us next term from a credible way.4经常看英语电影不仅会提高你听力而且还会帮助你培养说的技能It will not only improve your listening skill but also help to develop your speaking skills by watching movies often5如果你们对这些学习策略有什么问题请随便问我,我将更详细地进行讲解 You can ask me freely if you have any problems on the study strategy,I will explain it carefully.
2023-07-29 12:25:581

— Lily complains that she has never gets any mail. — ____. I will write her right away. A.Sh

D 由关键词:never gets any mail.推出:That"s too bad.
2023-07-29 12:26:051

帮我翻译一下,试题``急`` send as soon as possible2.complains about the equality3.Whether you live to eat, or eat to live4.blame the failure to bad luck5.Without your help6.i"d rather stay at home7.took it for granted8.makes a deep impression
2023-07-29 12:26:564

complain to sb. that+[从句] 对吗?

2023-07-29 12:27:181


忙于的英文短语:be busy with 例句: 我一直忙于购物之类的事情。 Ive been busy shopping and things. 现在她正忙于完成卡罗琳女王的传记。 Now she is busy finishing off a biography of Queen Caroline. 扩展资料   我最近一直忙于了结训练班的.事。   I have been very busy settling up things about the training course.   虽然亨利总是忙于送信,但他从不抱怨。   Although he is always busy delivering mails, Henry never complains.   他们忙于在海洋之间巡访。   They were too busy visiting sea after sea.
2023-07-29 12:27:271


(be)is(shake) are shaking(kill, really) are really killing (bleed) are bleeding (want, still) still want (be) is(try) am trying(learn) am learning(learn, not) don"t learn(understand, not) don"t understand (improve, gradually) will gradually improve(travel, currently) am currently travelling(be) is(walk, always) always walks (complain) complains (do) did(sit) is sitting (discuss) are discussing(know, not) don"t(call, just) just calls (speak) speaks(try) is tryng(say) is saying(try) tries (seem, also) also seems
2023-07-29 12:27:413


She felt very sympathetic to the poor child.The husband is upset about his wife"s illness.We completed the work at the end of August.She always complains to me about the awful food.The old man was strange to city life.The teacher came into the classroom with a book in her hand.Many boys dream of being a pilot。I am determined to pay him 100 dollars.The ground is wet.So it must have rained yesterday evening.The noise is guadually diving me mad!动作慢了点,但希望对你有帮助!
2023-07-29 12:27:493

埋怨某人 / 抱怨。。英语怎么表达

恩,这个你可以直接搜 百度在线翻译。以后想翻译什么就翻译什么。
2023-07-29 12:28:013


The purpose which complains and claims is for obtaining a better service, to the problem which has already appear beg as soon as possible of, carefully resolve.It usually is buyer because of being dissatisfied and output towards receive of goods, such as:The goods didn"t arrive on time;Although the goods arrive, the dissimilarity carry with order;The goods have already damaged phenomenon;The goods amount is missing or surplus;Goods quality out of accordance with sample;The service isn"t reasonable and once charges Gao Deng3.While appearing this problem, the company should against time handle and give satisfied at the buyer answer, and cautiously analyze an own mistake place in the after the event, revise the project that the company handle affairs.
2023-07-29 12:28:333


Tom is always complaining that there is too much homework to do.用进行时会好一些,因为可以强调tom“总是”在抱怨,的作用不用解释了吧~
2023-07-29 12:28:434

many a customer complains about the poor quality of the washing machine.其中many a costomer怎么翻译

2023-07-29 12:28:522


  下面有为您带来有关于英语的作文,更多相关讯息还请持续关注我们。   篇一:悲观的缺点英语作文   A bottle had fallen down,with half of its water pouring out. To the scene, two men responded differently, one man, feeling extremely sad, his hand covering his face, sighed ”All has gone!” The other seemed much more optimistic. He ran happily to raise up the bottle and said with great gratitude ”There is still some water left.”   Misfortunes mean obvious losses; however , they still bring latest opportunities to people with optimistic mind. From the perspective of optimists, firing a career disaster , will be a reminder of the necessity for an urgent improvement in their personality or expensive sensing the signal for change, those optimists will strive to achieve personal growth, the growth which provides a guarantee to healthier career development in the future. Misfortunes are blessings in disguise and optimism can unlock the cover. Therefore, in the face of misfortunes people should adopt an optimistic attitude.   篇二:悲观的缺点英语作文   Being optimistic means being hopeful about the future and the success of something in particular. Being pessimistic, on the other hand, means being sad about the future and always thinking that something bad is going to happen.   Letu2019s take the challenges in our everyday life as an example. Faced with a challenge, a pessimistic person may feel gloomy, distressed, and even afraid of it. He considers himself powerless, and complains about it all day long, refusing even to have a try before giving it up in the end. An optimistic person, however, may adopt an entirely different approach. He may not regard the challenge as something bad, instead, he takes it as an excellent opportunity to   display his abilities and talent. Pressure simply adds to his enthusiasm to realize his dream.   Obviously, being optimistic and being pessimistic are two different attitudes towards life, which always mean the difference between failure and success. It is natural that we encounter   challenges of one kind or another in our life. If we are pessimistic whenever we are confronted with challenges we are destined to have one failure after another. If we are pessimistic, we are destined to fail, ending up accomplishing nothing. But if we approach the   challenges in an optimistic way, we may go from victory to victory.   Therefore, be optimistic, all the time.
2023-07-29 12:29:111


2023-07-29 12:29:304


Plan to murder Rangsee is successful just the way Rangrong plans. It makes Rangrong inherit all from Siriyathit"s will. Parnrawee doesn"t agree and complains to the police to charge Rangrong as a murderess. However, there is not enough evidence so Rangrong gets away.
2023-07-29 12:29:397


关於上错菜的投拆(complains about the wrong order)G: Waiter. This isn"t what I ordered!侍应生。这不是我点的菜!W: I"m very sorry, sir. What was your order?真对不起,先生。您点的是什麽?G: I ordered a Shrimp Curry, not Beef Curry.我点的是咖哩鲜虾,不是咖哩牛肉!W: I see, sir. I"ll bring you some at once.我明白了,先生。马上给您送来。W: Your curry, sir. I"m very sorry for the mistake.您的咖哩,先生。抱歉弄错了。G: Yes, please be more careful in the future!嗯,今後可要当心点!W: I will, sire. I hope you enjoy your meal.我会的,先生。请慢用。关於上菜过慢的抱怨(complains about a late order)G: Waiter. I ordered my meal at least thirty minutes ago and it still hasn"t come.Why is it taking so long?侍应生,我至少在三十分钟前点的菜,到现在还没来。为什麽要这麽久?W: I"m very sorry, sir. I"ll check your order with the Chef.真对不起,先生。我会和主厨核对您点的菜。G: Please do any hurry up! I"ve got an appointment in fifteen minutes.请快一点!十五分钟後我有个约会。W: Just a moment, please请稍等。(brings order上菜)W: Your meal, sir. We"re very sorry for the delay. Please enjoy your lunch.先生,您的菜。抱歉耽搁了。请享用您的午餐。沉着应对1. 当你听不懂客人的意思时: 对不起,我不明白,让我找我们领班/经理帮您的忙I"m sorry .I don"t understand .May I ask the captain /Manager to help you .2. 当你不明白客人的意思时: 对不起,我不明白,您可以让我看看吗I"m sorry .i don"t understand ,Will you please show me that.3. 当客人提出的要求,你不能答允时,说:非常抱歉,我们不允许这样做的I"m terribly sorry .we are not permitted to do this.4. 在婉拒客人的要求时,说: 恐怕不行,很遗憾I"m afraid not ,unfortunately.5. 当客人向你致谢时,说: 很高兴为您服务,或请别客气/很乐意效劳My pleasure ./You are welcome/Glad to be of service6. 能答应客人的要求时.可迅速答应时: 当然可以先生/太太 我马上拿来先生/太太 立刻办Certainly, sir/madam. I"ll go and get it right away, sir/madam Yes sir/madam.7. 不能答应客人的要求致歉时: 非常抱歉.恐怕我们没有I"m sorry .we don"t have…..用电话询问遗失物件时的英语会话G: Is that the Coffee Shop?请问是咖啡厅吗?W: Yes, it is. May I help you?是的,需要我效劳吗?G: Yes. I had breakfast in your restaurant this morning and left my glasses there. Have your found them?我今天早上在贵餐厅用餐时把眼镜遗落在那边。您们有没看到?W: May I have your name, please?请问您贵姓?G: Yes, it"s Talbot.我姓台伯。W: Could you describe them, please?请描述那副眼镜的外形好吗?G: Yes, they are a pair of brown ladies horn rimmed glasses with blur tinted lenses.好的,那是一副色角质镜框女用眼镜,蓝色镜片。W: Could you hold the line, please? I"ll check for you.请不要挂断好吗?我查查看。W: I"m very sorry to have kept you waiting. We have found your glasses, ma"am.劳您久等了。我们找到您的眼镜了,太太。G: Wonderful. I"ll come to pick it up.  太好了,我会过来取回。W: Could you come to the Cashier"s Desk at the entrance?请到入口处的出纳台拿好吗?G: Fine. Thank you very much.  好的。谢谢您。W: You"re welcome, ma"am.不客气。请客人稍候时的英语会话Dialogue: W = Waiter 服务生  G = Guest 客人W: Good evening, sir. Welcome to Lichang Seafood Restaurant. 先生,晚上好,欢迎光临黎昌海鲜大酒楼。 G: Good evening. 早。W: How many persons, please? 请问有几位?G: A table for three, please. 三位。W: I"m afraid all our tables are taken, sir. Would you mind to wait a while? 先生,恐怕所有的位子都坐满了。您介意等到有空位吗?G: Well, how long will it take? 要等多久?W: I"m not sure. But we"ll get a table ready as fast as we can. 我不确定。但我们会尽快帮您把位子准备好。G: OK, then I"ll wait. 好吧,我等一会儿。W: May I have your name, please? 请问贵姓?G: Yes, It‘s Anderson. 安德生。W: Mr. Anderson. Thank you. Could you take a seat over there and I will call you when the table is ready. 谢谢您,安德生先生。要不要到那边坐,有空位时我再叫您。G: Fine. Please don"t forget! 好的。请别忘了!W: I won"t, sir. (a table becomes vacant) 先生,不会的。(有一张空桌时)W: We have a table for you now, Mr. Anderson. This way, please. 先生,现在有位子了。这边请。谢谢您的等候。G: That"s ok. 没关系。
2023-07-29 12:29:571


1. This drug proved to be very effective.2. Although he has everything, he is still complaining.3. He used to go snorkeling once a week.4. He performs well at work under pressure.5. We depend on donation from the public.
2023-07-29 12:30:083


The Celebration of the Chinese Lunar New Year It"s the Chinese Lunar New Year"s Eve tommorrow. Following the tranditional customs, chinese dumpling(Jiaozi) is cooked and served in the north of China, as well as the steamed bun(chinese bread).In the south, Chinese cake(Nian Gao)is made instead. On New Year"s Eve, I stick spring festival couplets representing happyness and forbes on the door. My parents are busy with cooking dinner. it"s the most importance food of the whole year, It"s delicious and after all a sweet and warm family party.As zero o"clock sticks and new year is coming, the family eat chinese dumpling(Jiaozi). Some of dumplings are with coin inside, or bean curd ,candy,rice cake… and all of them have especial hope. e.g. if a person who eat dumpling with coin will make a pile in the new year......(too long, patience has been exhausted...)
2023-07-29 12:30:164


特别风景(X)应该为独特风景无论你怎么低估你自己,总有某个人高看你.英语语法使用了No matter 引导的让步状语从句.
2023-07-29 12:31:135

英语作文winner and losers 要求对比他们 速求啊

Winners and LosersThere are many winners and losers in our everyday life. What kinds of people are winners? First of all, they should be optimists and have confidence in success. Secondly, they should have plans for the future and strive for them. Finally, a good will is also necessary.On the other hand, what kinds of people are losera? For inatance, a loser is often someone who ia a pessimist or, on the contrary, thinks highly of himself/herself, but his ability is limited. As a loser, maybe he is rich in money, but usually he cannot get what he wants, and then he gets overwhelmed. He complains about the world and life, but does not findany reason from himself. It is his pessimism that causes his misfortune.As for met I think a winner, just like a genius, results from one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. We should think a lot, practice a lot and strive hard in order to achieve our plans step by step. It can help you to be a winner who bears in mind that God helps those who help themselves.
2023-07-29 12:31:321


PART 1 01.他突然消失后留下的是一丝神秘感。 Mystique was left after his sudden disappear.02.她总抱怨别人,从没意识到她自己的问题。 She is always complaining about others, but never realizes her own problem.03.德国人每年人均拥有40天的带薪休假。 The genman has an average paid vocation of 40 days every year.该国在80年代经历过一次史无前例的繁荣。 The country experienced an unprecedented prosper in the eighties.04.这项传统追溯到两百多年前。 The tradition tracked back to more than two hundred years ago.05.她雄姿英发看到了这张便条。 She saw the note energecticly06.天气预报结果报错了。 The weather report turned out to be wrong.07.她说话时,眼睛盯着她丈夫的脸。 She was staring at her husband"s face when she spoke.08.喜悦之情充溢房间。 The joy is filled in the room.一阵惊恐席卷了这座城市。 一股爱国之情席卷了全国。A panic swept through the city. A patriotism swept through the country. PART 2 01.他提了提裤子。 He pulled his trousers.02.我手机没电了。 My mobile phone is out of electricity.03.我不喜欢吃甜食。 I don"t like snacks.04.给你醋,少在上面洒点就行了。 Vinegar for you, and sprink a little on it. 05.你要不要瓶汽水路上喝? Do you need a bottle of soft drink on the way?06.我甘当配角。 I am a willing supporting role.07.我不能拍拍屁股就走人呀。 I can not leave without caring anything.08.他十岁就成了孤儿。He became an orphan when he was 10 years old. 09.我喜欢留长发。 I like to grow long hair.10.——我去给你煎几个鸡蛋吧。——去煎吧。---Let me fry several eggs for you---Go ahead.
2023-07-29 12:31:435


1、“高峰期”是什么意思,为什么它的表达变得没有意义?2、解释“需求压力”3、为什么与汽车使用的相关问题没有得到纠正?A:昨天我收到了第一张罚单。我很生气以至于开车很鲁莽,尽管我知道这是很危险的行为,但是我不能控制我自己。但是经过几乎要发生意外的时候,我停下车,去喝咖啡,休息了几分钟。我意识到我的不良驾驶是由于我收到了罚单,这也使我冷静下来,我知道我应该这样做。B:到了市区后我不再开车,只是因为它很危险。道路上总是挤满了车,意外事故或者是一些道路建设会使我耽误了半小时或者更多时间。所以开车不能保证能够及时赴约。汽油和停车费都很贵。另一方面,地铁又安全又便宜,而且及时。1、极少的交通意外事故是由于交通堵塞引起的,主要是酒后驾驶。Pickled drivers is dangerous than traffic jams.2、交通罚单就像妻子一样,没有人抱怨它直到自己拥有它。Nobody will complain about your wife, you will, traffic tickets, too.
2023-07-29 12:32:021


A卷答案如下:作文范文:  Due Attention Should Be Given To Spelling  Correct spelling is a basic skill in English study. However, nowadays many students do not pay much attention to it.  They have their own reasons for misspelling. First of all, they like an easy way of studying, which causes some omissions and changes in spelling. Second, the teachers might not be very strict in students" spelling. In China, teachers seem to be more concerned with grammar and vocabulary but not spelling.  To change this situation, in my opinion, the teachers and the students should work together. On one and, the teachers should give more attention to students" spelling, asking the students to be conscious of the importance of correct spelling from the very beginning of their English study. On the other hand, the students themselves are supposed to be aware that correct spelling is a must in English study.  To sum up, correct spelling is so important that both students and the teachers should spare no efforts to achieve correct spelling.  快速阅读答案  1. A) her daughters" repeated complains  2. D) People haven"t yet reached agreement on its definition  3. C) can realize what is important in life  4. A) it seriously affected family relationships  5. C) depressed  6. B) His family had intervened  7. B) curb his desire for online gaming  8. had an Internet addiction  9. professional help  10. online dating  听力答案  Section A  short conversation  11. C) He cannot get access to the assigned book.  12. A) She will drive the man to the supermarket.  13. C) Tidy up the place.  14. A) The talks can be held any day except this Friday.  15. A) He understands the woman"s feelings.  16. D) She has to invite David to the party.  17. C) Many students find Prof. Johnson"s lectures boring.  18. D) Assemble a computer.  long conversation  19. B) It requires him to work long hours.  20. D) It demands physical endurance and patience.  21. D) In a hotel.  22. B) Paying attention to every detail.  23. A) The pocket money British children get.  24. C) It often rises higher than inflation.  25. B) Pay for small personal things.  Section B  Passage 1  26. B) District managers  27. D) The important part played by district managers  28. B) Fifty percent of them were female  29. B) He was not gender sensitive  Passage 2  30. C) Ask to see the manager politely but firmly  31. D) You can"t tell how the person on the line is reacting  32. D) Stick to the point  Passage 3  33. B) Architect  34. A) Do some volunteer work.  35. C) A baby-sitter is no replacement for a mother.  Section C  36. curious  37. figuring  38. independent  39. unusual  40. interacting  41. formal  42. abstract  43. mystery  44. he has found out how it works and learnt to use it appropriately  45. by trying it out and seeing whether it works, by gradually changing it and refining it  46. including many of the concepts that the schools think only they can teach him  仔细阅读答案  Section A  47. G incredibly  48. K replace  49. J reduced  50. L sense  51. H powering  52. D exceptions  53. E expand  54. O vast  55. F historic  56. I protect  Section B  Passage 1  57. C) Its ability to ward off disasters is incredible.  58. A) Data for analyzing the cause of the crash.  59. C) The early models often got damaged in the crash.  60. C) To make them easily identifiable.  61. A) There is still a good chance for their being recovered.  Passage 2  62. B) It is based on the concept of positive thinking  63. A) Encouraging positive thinking may do more harm than good  64. B) You are pointing out the errors he has committed  65. C) Forcing a person to think positive thoughts may lower their self-esteem  66. B) Meditation may prove to be a good form of psychotherapy  完型答案  67. B) differ  68. B) via  69. B) used  70. B) lies  71. B) of  72. D) selects  73. A) sends in  74. A) visible  75. C) beyond  76. D) allows  77. B) behind  78. D) insignificant  79. C) corporations  80. D) only  81. B) later  82. D) provided  83. D) besides  84. A) and  85. C) widespread  86. A) acquired  翻译答案  87. (in) concentrating on the experiment/ focusing her attention on the experiment.  88. did she become angry/did she lose her temper before.  89. being invited to attend the opening ceremony.  90. (should) be fixed/installed by the window  91. the strong opposition of her parents/ her parents" strong opposition. B卷答案如下:Due Attention Should Be Given To Spelling  Correct spelling is a basic skill in English study. However, nowadays many students do not pay much attention to it.  They have their own reasons for misspelling. First of all, they like an easy way of studying, which causes some omissions and changes in spelling. Second, the teachers might not be very strict in students" spelling. In China, teachers seem to be more concerned with grammar and vocabulary but not spelling.  To change this situation, in my opinion, the teachers and the students should work together. On one hand, the teachers should give more attention to students" spelling, asking the students to be conscious of the importance of correct spelling from the very beginning of their English study. On the other hand, the students themselves are supposed to be aware that correct spelling is a must in English study.  To sum up, correct spelling is so important that both students and the teachers should spare no efforts to achieve correct spelling.  快速阅读答案  1. D) her daughters" repeated complains  2. C) People haven"t yet reached agreement on its definition  3. B) can realize what is important in life  4. A) it seriously affected family relationships  5. C) depressed  6. D) His family had intervened  7. A) curb his desire for online gaming  8. had an Internet addiction  9. professional help  10. online dating  听力部分答案  Section A  short conversation  11. B) He cannot get access to the assigned book.  12. A) She will drive the man to the supermarket.  13. A) Tidy up the place.  14. C) The talks can be held any day except this Friday.  15. B) He understands the woman"s feelings.  16. B) She has to invite David to the party.  17. A) Many students find Prof. Johnson"s lectures boring.  18. C) Assemble a computer.  long conversation  19. B) It requires him to work long hours.  20. C) It demands physical endurance and patience.  21. A) In a hotel.  22. C) Paying attention to every detail.  23. C) The pocket money British children get.  24. A) It often rises higher than inflation.  25. D) Pay for small personal things.  Section B  Passage 1  26. C) District managers  27. C) The important part played by district managers  28. B) Fifty percent of them were female  29. D) He was not gender sensitive  Passage 2  30. D) Ask to see the manager politely but firmly  31. D) You can"t tell how the person on the line is reacting  32. A) Stick to the point  Passage 3  33. A) Architect  34. D) Do some volunteer work.  35. B) A baby-sitter is no replacement for a mother.  Section C  36. curious  37. figuring  38. independent  39. unusual  40. interacting  41. formal  42. abstract  43. mystery  44. he has found out how it works Section A  47. I incredibly  48. E replace  49. F reduced  50. D sense  51. H powering  52. L exceptions  53. K expand  54. A vast  55. J historic  56. G protect  Section B  Passage 1  57. B) It is based on the concept of positive thinking  58. A) Encouraging positive thinking may do more harm than good  59. A) You are pointing out the errors he has committed  60. B) Forcing a person to think positive thoughts may lower their self-esteem  61. B) Meditation may prove to be a good form of psychotherapy  Passage 2  62. B) Its ability to ward off disasters is incredible.  63. B) Data for analyzing the cause of the crash.  64. C) The early models often got damaged in the crash.  65. C) To make them easily identifiable.  66. D) There is still a good chance for their being recovered.  完型答案  67. B) differ  68. A) via  69. B) used  70. B) lies  71. D) of  72. D) selects  73. C) sends in  74. D) visible  75. C) over  76. B) allows  77. C) after  78. A) insignificant  79. D) corporations  80. C) only  81. C) later  82. A) provided  83. D) besides  84. D) and  85. A) widespread  86. D) acquired  翻译答案  87. (in) concentrating on the experiment/ focusing her attention on the experiment.  88. did she become angry/did she lose her temper before.  89. being invited to attend the opening ceremony.  90. (should) be fixed/installed by the window  91. the strong opposition of her parents/ her parents" strong opposition.
2023-07-29 12:32:091


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求初音未来 - エデン.的歌词中日对照

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