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2023-07-30 02:31:42
TAG: 翻译 中文

We"ve all read global-warming scare stories. Though some scientists insist there


is a cause for alarm, evidence indicates otherwise. Global warming may be


coming, but if it does, it won"t necessarily be extreme. And it might actually be


a boon for the environment.


Now researchers say that the earth is likely to warm by about three degrees


Fahrenheit during the next century. That may sound like a lot, but it isn"t. The


world has experienced approximately that much warming fairly recently in


history. And we loved it! Between A.D. 900 and 1300 the earth warmed by


some three degrees, according to the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine.


Scholars refer to that period – one of the most favorable in the human history –


as the Medieval Climate Optimum.


Food production surged, many scientists believe, because winters were


milder and growing seasons longer. Key agricultural regions experienced fewer


floods and droughts. There was more rainfall, but it evaporated more quickly.


Death rates declined in many places, partly because of the decrease in hunger


There were negatives, of course. The steppers of Asia and parts of California, for instance, suffered dry periods. But over all, the medieval experience with global warming should reassure us greatly



我们都读过全球变暖的可怕报道。尽管有些科学家坚持认为这种恐慌是有道理的, 但证据却表明并非如此。全球变暖或许会来临,但即使来临了,也不一定会变得非常极端。说不定还会给环境带来恩泽呢。





负一楼英文是:Negative one。重点词汇:Negative英['neɡu0259tu026av]释义:adj.[数]负的;消极的;否定的;阴性的n.否定;负数;[摄]底片vt.否定;拒绝[复数:negatives;第三人称单数:negatives;现在分词:negativing;过去式:negatived;过去分词:negatived;比较级:more negative;最高级:most negative]短语:negative feedback[电子][自]负反馈;负回授;负回输近义词:contrary英['ku0252ntru0259ri]释义:adj.相反的;对立的。adv.相反地。n.相反;反面。[复数:contraries]短语:on the contrary相反;反之;正相反;反而。
2023-07-29 11:01:261

negative confirmation是什么意思

2023-07-29 11:01:552

英语cycle of disturbing and negitive thoughts怎么翻译?

cycle of disturbing and negitive thoughts可以翻译为:令人不安和消极思想的循环
2023-07-29 11:02:049


你好!加拿大时区不同,才看到你的求助。blow up 有两个意思。通常的意思是 “za 毁" (za 这里不写出以免回答被删),另一个意思是”照片放大“(动词) ,或”放大的照片“(名词),作为名词通常拼写为 blow-up,但近来很多人省略连字符, 把它写成 blow upblow-up 的复数是 blow-upsI "d like 8 by 10 blow ups of these negatives.我想要从这些底片放大成 8X10 的照片。从你的提问可见,保留连字符是避免误解的好方法。希望帮到了你,满意敬请采纳,谢谢。
2023-07-29 11:02:461


2023-07-29 11:02:584

negative form是什么意思

2023-07-29 11:03:072


作业吧 自己做 .. 不然那叫纵容! 还蛮会利用网络资源的 啊`~
2023-07-29 11:03:323


1. You can"t end a sentence with a preposition 不能以介词结尾 一般情况因该避免以介词结尾。但以下四种情况用介词结尾却更自然。 被动结构:passive structures (she enjoys being fussed over.她喜欢被簇拥的感觉) 条件从句:relative clauses (they must be convinced of the commitment that they are taking on.他们必须明确自己要承担的责任。) 不定式结构infinitive structures (Tom had no-one to play with.没有人可以和汤姆一起玩) Who、where、what打头的问句:questions beginning with who, where, what, etc. (what music are you interested in?你喜欢什么样的音乐?) 2. You can"t start a sentence with a conjunction 不能以连词开头 Conjunctions are words such as and, but, so, and if, which are used to connect clauses, sentences, or words. This grammatical superstition arises from the thought that because these words are used to connect separate clauses.The argument against using and or but to introduce a sentence is that such a sentence expresses an incomplete thought (or ‘fragment") and is therefore incorrect. However, this is a stylistic preference rather than a grammatical rule. 连词包括and、but、so、if等词语,用于连接从句、句子或单词。人们认为这些词是用来连接独立的从句,所以才有了这种错误观点。还有人认为使用and或者but来引出的句子表达的观点使不完真给的,所以是不正确的。不过,这只是一个风格的偏好,而不是语法规则。 3. Double negatives are always ungrammatical 双重否定不符合语法规则 When two negatives are used to communicate a negative, then the usage is ungrammatical. The reason for this is that two negatives actually cancel each other out and create an affirmative statement. For example, the sentence ‘I don"t have nothing for you"is ungrammatical because the presence of two negatives technically switches the meaning to an affirmative one, so that it means ‘I have something for you." 当两个否定词汇一同使用时,这种用法是不符合语法规则的。原因是两个否定实际上互相抵消,表达肯定的含义。例如,这句话“I don"t have nothing for you”不符合语法,因为严格意义上来讲这两个否定词汇在一起表达了肯定的含义,表示“我有东西给你”。 Even though the use of double negatives in formal speech and writing is nonstandard, the use of double negatives is common in areas such as informal speech and popular music. 即使在正式演讲和写作中使用双重否定是不标准的,但在非正式的演讲和流行音乐等领域双重否定是很常用的。 However, there is one use of double negatives that is entirely grammatical. In this use, the double negative is used to express and reinforce an affirmative. 然而,有一个双重否定的使用是完全符合语法的。在使用双重否定表达肯定或者加强肯定语气的。 I couldn"t not help him. [meaning: I strongly felt I should help him] 我要帮助他。 4. Splitting infinitives is a mistake 不定式不能分隔使用 For the uninitiated, splitting infinitives is the practice of placing an adverb between ‘to"and the corresponding verb, as in ‘to lightly tap."Splitting infinitives is a common peeve of grammar enthusiasts, but like many such peeves it has been employed by well-regarded English prose stylists for centuries. However, take care before splitting those infinitives; many style guides and professors would still consider this a stylistic error. 对外行人来说,*不定式是在to和之后的动词之间放置一个副词,如“to lightly tap(轻拍)”。*不定式对语法爱好者而言是个常见的让人苦恼的问题。但是有很多的英文散文家喜欢使用*不定式的写作方式。不过,要小心使用*不定式,仍然有文体书和专家认为这是文体错误。 例如: She used to secretly admire him. 她曾经偷偷爱慕他。 You have to really watch him. 你必须真得看着他。 Those who believe that split infinitives are grammatically incorrect would rewrite these sentences as: 认为*不定式不符合语法规范的人会主张这样改写上面的句子: She used secretly to admire him. 她曾经偷偷爱慕他。 You really have to watch him. 你必须真得看着他。 5. You can"t start a sentence with hopefully hopefully不能作为句子开头 This use of hopefully to mean ‘it is hoped"rather than the adverbial ‘in a hopeful manner"has been disputed in the past several years, though it has found its way into general acceptance. hopefully这个词的意思是“有希望地”,而不是状语“以一种充满希望的方式”。在过去的几年里,这种用法虽然已经被普遍接受但一直有争议的。 Hopefully and thankfully can"t be reworded along the lines of other sentence adverbs, using the constructions ‘it is hopeful that"or ‘it is thankful that": Hopefully 和thankfully和其他句子副词不同,可以使用‘it is hopeful that" 或者‘it is thankful that"的结构 Hopefully, planning delays will be minimal. 希望比赛尽可能不被推迟。 It is hopeful that planning delays will be minimal. 希望比赛尽可能不被推迟。 也可以这样改写: It is to be hoped that planning delays will be minimal. 希望比赛尽可能不被推迟。
2023-07-29 11:03:481


pros and consups and downspositives and negativesright way up and upside down
2023-07-29 11:03:582


你只有16岁,你将与比你大两岁的人一起竞争。用英文表达:You are only 16 years old, and you will compete with people who are two years older than you.
2023-07-29 11:04:063


Be positive.
2023-07-29 11:04:276


Do you have meal?
2023-07-29 11:04:463


positive 看你要表达什么了……
2023-07-29 11:05:139


be动词的口诀是I am, you are, he/she/it is, we are, they are, with the use of do, does, did in negatives and questions, as well as for continuous running, comparative and superlative, and passive voice.Be动词(Be verb)是英语中最基本、最常用的动词之一,也是学习英语的重要基础。在英语句子中,Be动词可以表达状态、性质、存在等意义。为了更好地掌握be动词的用法,整理了相关于be动词的适用情形。1、I am, you are, he/she/it is, we are, they are. 这是最基础的Be动词的第一人称、第二人称、第三人称单数、第一人称复数、第三人称复数形式。2、Is he? Are they? Am I? 在问句中,需要将be动词放在主语前面,作为疑问形式的助动词。3、It"s, there"s, here"s 在英语中,有时候会用It"s来指代一些不可数名词,而There"s和Here"s则表示“有”或“在这里”。4、Don"t forget do, does, did 但是在否定句和疑问句中,需要使用助动词do、does、did来强调或转移句子中的重点。5、Continuous Running 当表达持续性的动作或状态时,可以使用Be动词的进行时形式,例如is running。6、Comparative and Superlative 在表达比较两个或者多个事物,可以使用比较级(comparative)和最高级(superlative)形式的be动词,例如:She is taller than her brother.7、Passive Voice 在被动语态中,也需要使用be动词来表示被动状态,例如:The cake was eaten by Sarah.be动词其他用法1、Be动词还有一些常见的缩写形式,例如“he"s”代表“he is”或“he has”,“we"re”代表“we are”,等等。2、Be动词的使用与所表示的时间和时态有关,例如在一般现在时中,“am”用于第一人称单数,“is”用于第三人称单数,“are”用于第二人称单数以及第一和第三人称复数。3、Be动词也可以用于表示感觉或状态变化,例如“I am feeling happy today”或“This food tastes great”。
2023-07-29 11:05:301


2023-07-29 11:05:584


积极向上:active, positive
2023-07-29 11:06:186


lacI-d的突变仅导致阻遏蛋白不能和操纵基因结合。因此它像lacI-等位基因一样,使操纵子呈组成型表达。由于lacI-类型的突变产生的阻遏物没有活性,它相对于野生型基因是隐性的,而“-d”这个符号表示负互补这种突变类型是显性的。这种突变称反式显性(trans-dominant),也称为显性失活(dominant negatives)。
2023-07-29 11:06:461

negative什么意思 negative的中文释义

1、negative:adj.坏的; 有害的; 消极的; 负面的; 缺乏热情的; 否定的;n.否定词; 否定; 拒绝; 底片; 负片; 属阴性(或否定)的结果;v.拒绝; 否定; 否定…的真实性; 证伪; 2、[例句]The news from overseas is overwhelmingly negative。来自海外的消息特别不容乐观。 3、[其他]第三人称单数:negatives 复数:negatives 现在分词:negativing 过去式:negatived 过去分词:negatived。
2023-07-29 11:07:071

negative/ two/please/of/can/prints/have/I/this

can i have two prints of this negative, please?
2023-07-29 11:07:281


负一层的英文是Basement one或1st basement简称B1,你经常可以在大型商场看到B1,B2层等等
2023-07-29 11:07:352

Turn negatives into positives,把消极转化为积极英语作文300字

One day, a farmer"s donkey accidentally fell into a dry well, and the farmer tried to find a way to rescue the donkey, but a few hours passed and the donkey was still howling in pain in the well. Finally, the farmer decided to give up, and he thought the donkey was too old to waste time and effort to get it out, but anyway, the dry well was to be filled in. So the farmer asked his neighbor for help and poured the mud into the dry well. When the donkey learned of his situation, he began to cry miserably, but unexpectedly, the donkey soon quieted down. The farmer saw when dirt falls on the donkey"s back, the donkey will shake off earth at a side, then stood on the dirt pile, so his ass out of the well, and then in all surprised expression to quickly ran away. This story tells us three things. The first reason is that in the journey of life, we will inevitably encounter difficulties, but your help will only pay for the burial of your soil. So, the donkey teaches us to get out of the precipice -- to turn the negatives into positives. The second reason is that, no matter how hopeless, sometimes it is so easy to beat them. The third reason is that the donkey calmly walks out of the dry well, and the person who es out of the difficult situation should learn from the future.
2023-07-29 11:07:561

negative amounts are not allowed。什么意思?

2023-07-29 11:08:042


两个否定变成肯定,负负得正。 Two negatives make a positive. [谚]两个否定等于肯定;负负得正。 Two negatives make an affirmative. 两个负变成正,负负得正。 Two minuses make a plus. 我觉得金山词霸挺专业的那个谚语值得参考
2023-07-29 11:08:131


  科技的利弊英语作文带翻译 篇1   科技是把双刃剑   Improvement in science and technology is a double-edged sword, offering comfort and convenience to life, while simultaneously bringing harm and pain to people.   When the development of science and technology brings mankind plenty of profits, it also brings us severely negative effects.   积极影响:positive effects   高科技对人类社会发展的积极影响   1、促进了社会生产力的迅速发展。   New scientific discovery and technical revolution are changing the social mode of production, promoting the development of the social productivity   2、提高了人们的物质和精神文化生活水平。   With the rapid development of science and technology,people"s material and spiritual life have been greatly improved   现代科技成果广泛应用,使人们的闲暇生活变得丰富多彩,例如上网游戏,听音乐,看电影等。   Modern scientific and technological achievements are widely used to make people"s leisure life rich and colorful, such as online games, listening to music, watching movies, etc.   3、极大地开阔了人类的视野和对物质世界的认识水平。improve human"s cognitive ability and knowledge   Science and technology has greatly broadened our vision and understanding of the material world level   4、有力的应对自然灾难   With the advance of the science and technology, the power of human being to conquer natural disasters is so increasingly improved that the confidence of human is greatly strengthened.   5、提高了人类的身体健康水平。   Science and technology make human enjoy better medical conditions   Man"s life span has been increased with the advance of the medical science.   消极影响:   高科技对于自然生态的破坏作用,全球变暖、物种灭绝速度加快,极端气候   1、it can cause global warming,the damage of ecological balance,the   acceleration of species extinction rate and more frequent extreme weather   2、高科技拉大了富国与贫国的差距   Technology has widened the gap between rich and poor countries   3、高科技对传统文化的影响。   Modern technology challenges the traditional culture   4、高科技对道德伦理观念的挑战。   Modern technology challenges our ethics and morality.   5、高科技对于人类安全的.负面影响   The improvement of science and technology causes negative impacts on human security and peace   科技的利弊英语作文带翻译 篇2   With the development of science and technology,people"s lives have been greatly changed.There is no doubt that we benefit a lot from the scientific advancements in many different ways.For instance,the invention of computers dramatically increases work efficiency and helps complete many difficult tasks that were impossible in the past.Apart from this,new discoveries and technology in medicine improve people"s health,which allows them to enjoy a longer life.The progress of science also enlarges human"s ablilities to explore the world around them,from up into space to deep under the sea.Thanks to the development of science and technology,human society has enjoyed continuous prosperity and more convenience.   However,just like a double-edged sword,science can cause problems too.It is known to all that the nuclear power,an environmentally friendly source of energy,can also be developed into a weapon of mass destruction.In addition,human cloning,which is expected to cure many serious diseases and save lives,may bring disasters of social morality.As a matter of fact,most of the improvements in science are made at the cost of our precious natural resources and have done great harm to the environment where we live in.   Therefore,how to deal with the progress of science and technology properly is worth our careful consideration.   随着科学技术的发展,人们的生活已经大大改变了。毫无疑问,我们受益很多从科学进步在很多不同的方式。例如,电脑的发明极大地提高工作效率,帮助完成许多困难的任务,在过去是不可能的。除此之外,新发现和医学技术改善人们的健康,使他们享受更长的生活。科学的进步也扩大人类的能力去探索周围的世界,从太空深海底。由于科学和技术的发展,人类社会的持续繁荣和更方便。   然而,就像一把双刃剑,科学也可以造成问题。众所周知,核能,环保的能源,也可以发展成一个大规模杀伤性武器。此外,克隆人类,预计治愈许多严重的疾病和挽救生命,可能带来灾害的社会道德。作为事实上,大多数科学的改进都是我们宝贵的自然资源为代价的,我们生活的环境造成了极大的伤害。   因此,如何正确处理科学技术的进步是值得我们仔细研究。
2023-07-29 11:08:471

sick及ill有何分别?为何病假不是ill leave?

SOME and ANY Some is generally used in affirmative sentence; any is used in questions and negatives. I want some money. Have you got any money? Sorry I haven"t got any money. Some is used in questions when we expect an affirmative wer. Could I have some rice please? Would you like some more tea? Any is used in affirmative sentences that really have a negative meaning with words like never without hardly. You never give us any help. There is hardly any Chinese tea left. ILL and SICK (1) Sick can be used to talk about bring up food from the stomach or wanting to do this. Be sick sometimes me “vomit”. I felt sick once the roller coaster started to move. (2) Sick or ill the words are to an extent interchangeable. One can say he is sick or he is ill. Ill suggests something serious like a stroke whereas sick suggests a sore throat. Overall ill is more serious sick is more trivial. But non-hum tend only to be sick e.g. a sick cow a sick joke a sick economy. (3) Sick of = tired of; fed up with I am sick of your plaining. (Ill would not work here.) Be careful with the following usage: He can ill afford to buy a new car now. (He is in a poor financial position now. ) The kitchen now bees totally ill equipped. (Ill equipped me badly equipped). seriously ill (more natural than seriously sick.) sick leave (not ill leave). called in sick (not called in ill) Seasick carsick Ill-treated ill-equipped 参考: Oxford Practical English Usage; Logman English Dictionary
2023-07-29 11:08:541

用make an impression on sb 造句

make an impression on sb[词典] 给某人留下印象; [造句]A big complaint is that mobile screens are too small for ads to make animpression on consumers.很多人都抱怨说,移动设备的屏幕对于广告来说太小了,难以让消费者产生印象。This is the best opportunity to make an impression on top management, thus prepare the right questions and be ready to engage. 而且你也可以借此机会,让高层管理人员对你留下好印象,所以准备好合适的问题,适时发问。She"s always trying to make an impression on people with her new clothes. 她总是试图用穿新衣给人留下印象。If you really want to make an impression on your superiors, or if you are a leader and want to impress your team, do your homework first. 如果你确实想给上司留下深刻印象,或希望打动团队的领导者,你首先要做好自己的功课。When I took your picture, your image didn"t just make an impression on my negatives, it also made an impression on my heart. 当我拍的时候,的影像不止显影在我的底片上,也烙印在我的心里。Mike wanted to make an impression on his boys: he was successful here in the United States and could afford to take them anywhere they wanted. 迈克想给他的儿子留下这样一种印象:他在美国这里干得很成功,他们想去哪里玩他都能负担得起费用。
2023-07-29 11:09:031


2023-07-29 11:09:207


  健康饮食对于我们每个人来说都十分重要,想要一个健康的身体就要养成健康的饮食习惯。那么你知道健康饮食用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。   健康饮食的英语说法1:   A healthy diet   健康饮食的英语说法2:   eat healthy   健康饮食的相关 短语 :   节食与健康饮食 Dieting and Healthy Eating   畅谈健康饮食 Talking about Healthy Food   保证健康饮食 To ensure a healthy diet ; Ensuring healthy eating   健康饮食习惯 healthy eating habits ; dietary health habit   健康饮食六大规则 Six Rules For Eating Healthily   健康饮食趋势 the healthy-eating trends   健康饮食运动 healthy eating campaign   全国健康饮食日 National Eating Healthy Day   健康饮食的英语例句:   1. Her mother was a dedicated apostle of healthy eating.   她母亲是健康饮食矢志不渝的倡导者。   2. Consider supplements over and above this healthy diet.   除了这种健康饮食之外,还应考虑各种补养品。   3. A healthy diet should consist of wholefood.   健康饮食应由全天然食物构成。   4. an awareness of the importance of eating a healthy diet   认识到健康饮食的重要性   5. We"re trying to get people switched on to the benefits of healthy eating.   我们正努力让大家意识到健康饮食的好处。   6. In the past we have heard only negatives when it came to following a healthy diet.   说到遵循健康饮食习惯,我们过去听到的都是否定的说法。   7. By and large, the rules for healthy eating are the same during pregnancy as at any other time.   总的来说,怀孕期间健康饮食的原则和其他时期是一致的。   8. Eating healthy can improve your brain"s health as well as your body"s.   健康饮食能够提高你的大脑健康和增强你的体质.   9. What does the proposal of middleaged and healthy diet have?   中年健康饮食的建议有哪些?   10. Fibre is a natural constituent of a healthy diet.   纤维是健康饮食的天然组成部分.   11. What kind of healthy food does the adolescent of crack period need?   变声期的青少年需要什么样的健康饮食?   12. Even ageing itself might be accelerated by an unhealthy diet.   甚至,衰老本身也可能是由不健康饮食而加速.   13. Another small daily change that could bring better results in healthier eating.   另一项能带来健康饮食习惯的每日小改变是.   14. Vitamin pills are no substitute for healthy diet.   维他命药片不能代替健康饮食.   15. Eat a healthy diet and avoid junk food.   吃健康饮食,避免无营养食品.
2023-07-29 11:09:471


#include <stdio.h>int main(){ int positives = 0, negatives = 0, a[20]; for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { scanf("%d", &a[i]); if(a[i] > 0)positives++; if(a[i] < 0)negatives++; } printf("正数总数 = %d 负数总数 = %d ", positives, negatives);}
2023-07-29 11:09:561

用英语怎么说:开始做一件事情和仔细考虑 get the ball rolling & mull it over (328)

下载音频Larry和李华一起坐地铁回家。今天我们要学两个常用语:get the ball rolling和mull it over.LH: Larry, 这两天天气真好,我看,过不了多久树就要发芽了。我真巴不得春天马上就到。LL: Me too. I canu2019t wait until we can walk outside comfortably and not have to wear a jacket. Spring is my favorite time of the year. Itu2019s a time for new beginnings!LH: 说起new beginning新开端,我今天遇到Jeff了。他告诉我说,这个春天他计划多认识一些女孩子,找个固定的女朋友。LH: 他说星期五约好了跟朋友一起去看电影,星期六要和好久不见的大学同学一起喝咖啡。LL: Oh, by get the ball rolling, I just mean what has Jeff done to start or to initiate his plan. When you get the ball rolling, you do something which starts an activity.LH: 噢,get the ball rolling就是开始做一件事情,开始把计划付诸行动。LL: Exactly, Lihua. Itu2019s like in a sport the game usually doesnu2019t start until the ball starts rollingLH: 我明白了。Jeff 找女朋友的计划,确实已经落实到了行动上。Jeff has gotten the ball rolling.LH: 我前天接到一份聘书,就是我上个月申请的那份工作,那家公司希望雇佣我,可我却很犹豫,不知道是不是要接受。LH: 我跟人家说下星期一给他们答复。LL: Well that still gives you some time to mull it over.LL: Mull it over just means to think about something or to consider something deeply. Like for this decision about your job, you still have the whole weekend to mull it over before making the decision.LH: 哦,你说的mull it over就是仔细考虑的意思。LL: Yeah, a lot of people suggest that the best way to make a decision is to mull it over. One expression often used is Why donu2019t you mull it over and decide in the morning.LH: 啊?建议别人睡一觉,仔细琢磨琢磨,早上再做决定。那这一夜还睡得着吗?我也在想啊,可是越想越拿不定主意。LL: It sounds like youu2019re being really hard on yourself and taking the decision really seriously. Maybe you should try and loosen up and forget about it for a while.LH: 好主意。我今天吃完饭就去打乒乓球,分散一下注意力。不过,Larry, 一味逃避也不是法子;我迟早还是要做决定啊。LL: When you mull it over, it might help to go over the positives of the new position and compare it with the positives of the job you have now.LH: 新工作不仅有福利,工资高,而且也比现在的工作更有意思,唯一不好的地方是上班太远,坐地铁单程就要花一个小时。LL: Hmm Sounds like there are both positives and negatives to the new job. I can see why you are having trouble deciding. But look at it this way, neither job is perfect and the decision isnu2019t for life.LH: 你说的一点没错,工作又不是一辈子的事,以后真觉得不适合还可以再换。今天李华学了两个常用语。一个是get the ball rolling, 意思是开始做一件事情。
2023-07-29 11:10:061


坐姿划船练哪里的肌肉   坐姿划船练哪里的肌肉,很多男性都对自己单薄的身材不是很满意,都想成为肌肉男,要想锻炼肌肉,可以用坐姿划船这种锻炼方法来实现,一些人就好奇坐姿划船练哪里,一起来看看坐姿划船练哪里的肌肉。   坐姿划船练哪里的肌肉1    1、 手臂肌肉   坐姿划船肯定是会练到手臂肌肉的,并且主要是大臂的肌肉,像三角肌,肱二头肌,肱三头肌,随着胳膊的用力,都会得到一个很好的锻炼,也许这个强度比某些哑铃或者杠铃运动低多了,但是它却是一个可以很好地增强肌肉耐力的活动,短时间内不会看到胳膊变粗,肌肉变强壮,但是力量和耐力都会得到一个很好的提升,收获意想不到的惊喜。    2、 背部肌肉   坐姿划船对背部肌肉的训练效果也是非常好的,它可以锻炼到斜方肌的下部,背阔肌,大圆肌,小圆肌等一系列肌肉,可以说对整个背部的训练效果特别好,也比较全面,如果想让背部肌肉变得发达,强壮和宽厚起来,一定要做坐姿划船这个动作,这个见效是特别快的,只要掌握了正确的做法,坚持做下去,用不了多久,酒壶发现自己的背部线条得到了很大的改善。    3、 腿部肌肉   坐姿划船还可以练到腿部肌肉,但是没有背部肌肉的效果那么好,因为毕竟这不是一个主要针对腿部的运动,不过即便如此,也是可以锻炼到的。尤其是大腿正面的股四头肌和小腿侧面的肌肉,随着用力,都可以得到舒张和收缩。    坐姿划船标准动作   1、 选择一个合适的平台(可以是有氧健身台或提踵台),高度约为10-15厘米。将健身台放在拉绳划船器的座椅上。坐上划船器,将脚放在平台上或横木上,确保你的膝盖略弯,不要锁死。   2、 向前倾斜,背部和V型把手呈自然平行位置。双臂伸直,向后拉,直至身躯和腿部成90度。背部应该略弯,挺胸。抓握前方把手时应感觉到背阔肌的良好伸展。这是动作的起始位置。   3、 身躯保持固定,将把手向身体拉动,夹紧手臂直至碰到腹部。此时应感到背部肌肉收缩十分紧密。保持这样的收缩姿势一秒钟,缓慢地还原为起始位置。   坐姿划船练哪里的肌肉2   坐姿划船是背肌锻炼中不可缺少的经典动作。   它属于水平方向拉的动作,主要参与的肌肉有斜方肌,菱形肌,背阔肌,以及手臂肱二头肌。   传统的坐姿划船训练坐久了很容易感到乏味,而且肌肉很容易适应,这样就会影响到我们的训练进度。   今天就给大家介绍一个非常有特色的训练方法,让新的刺激帮助你的肌肉生长。   坐姿划船:双手拉→单手放   应用原理:离心收缩   利用离心收缩能够承受更大负荷的特点:采用两个D形把手进行坐姿划船,向心阶段双手一起拉回,离心阶段换成单手慢慢放回。    离心训练的`好处:   1、离心训练让你拥有更大的力量。   2、离心动作导致更多肌肉的破坏及肌肉增大。   3、离心训练阶段使用较少的能量。   4、离心加重(Heavy Negatives)及强迫次数(Forced Reps)产生合成代谢反应。   5、增强离心训练让你可以增加向心的爆发力。   6、增强离心的训练会强化肌腱。   7、离心训练增加柔韧性。   双手拉,单手放,加大肌肉离心收缩的张力,有助做成更大程度的肌肉微小损伤再重构。   动作要领:   初始动作:和传统的坐姿划船一样。   坐在板凳上,双脚踩稳,膝盖微微弯曲,双手放松伸直双手握住D形把手,挺胸沉肩,躯干保持稳定,脊椎处于正常生理位置。   动作:   1、启动肩胛后收,双手顺势肘部往后拉、将把手拉向自己胸前,肩胛骨后收夹紧,挤压背肌。   2、停顿约1秒后换成单手抓握把手,然后开始回放。   住前还原不要放的太快要慢,感受背部肌肉从收紧到完全伸展,背部慢慢拉开,知道手臂完全伸展。   然后再换成双手进行向心收缩,回放的时候交换成另一只手。   特别提醒:换成单手的退让过程中(离心收缩)速度要慢!!要用力控制,感受背肌被拉长,并保持张力,这样可以让肌肉更强烈的刺激。   拉重量时切勿耸肩,尽量不要偷借手臂的力,做肩胛向后移动的练习。送回时,感受重量是牵引背部肌群,而非靠手控制。留意动作过程中保持你脊椎中立,核心肌群收紧。动作过程中避免旋转身体,保持躯干稳定。
2023-07-29 11:10:131

MATLAB 怎么分类输出 正负数

2023-07-29 11:10:312


  正反的英文:   positive and negative    参考例句:   Here Nagel gives us both the negative and the positive content of atheism   在这里,内格尔为我们提供了无神论正反两个方面的内容。   Of course, finishes and coloring methods may make one side the face and prevent reversing the fabric.   当然,通过对织物的整理和纱线的配色可以产生织物的正面,这就防止了正反面的混淆。   Here Nagel gives us both the negative and the positive content of atheism.   在这里,内格尔为我们提供了无神论正反两个方面的内容。   positive是什么意思:   n. 正数;正面;阳极;实在的事物   adj. 确定的;积极的`;完全的;原级的;正的;阳性的   Moon is a positive.   月球是个实在的事物。   It is the positive of the battery.   这是电池的阳极   accessible position   可到达的位置   In a diagonal position.   成对角线地   guarding position   防守位置   negative是什么意思:   adj. 否定的;反面的;负的阴性的   n. 否定,拒绝;负数   v. 否定,拒绝   Their criticism was not negative.   他们的批评并不是负面的。   The vote is in the negative.   投票表决的结果是反对。   A negative vote or voter.   反对票,投反对票的人   Photo negatives smudge easily.   照片底片很容易就会变脏。   The tests for hepatitis were negative.   肝炎检查结果是阴性。
2023-07-29 11:11:051


minus 2
2023-07-29 11:11:273


答:吊儿郎当 不务正业
2023-07-29 11:11:361


2023-07-29 11:11:473

求10篇高一英语完形填空 带翻译 可以给网址 篇幅不限

百度文库里有这个链接 的完型有详解
2023-07-29 11:11:572


【成语】: 一无是处【拼音】: yī wú shì chù【解释】: 是:对,正确。没有一点儿对的或好的地方。【出处】: 明·张岱《与胡季望》:“是犹三家村子,使之治山珍海错,烹饪燔炙,一无是处。明眼观之,只发一粲。”【举例造句】: 我们看问题要全面、要一分为二,不要因为人家有缺点,就认为人家一无是处。【拼音代码】: ywsc【近义词】: 一团漆黑、一无可取、百无一是【反义词】: 十全十美、白璧无瑕、勿庸置疑【灯谜】: 全错;通过【用法】: 作谓语、补语、宾语;指没有一点好的地方【英文】: be a bundle of negatives
2023-07-29 11:12:061

the others are for higher grades是什么意思

the others are for higher grades其他人都是为了更高的年级
2023-07-29 11:12:164


1. 关于不用在乎别人看法的诗句 关于不用在乎别人看法的诗句 1.形容不在乎的诗句有哪些 1、别人笑我太疯癫,我笑他人看不穿。--《桃花庵歌》明 唐寅 译文:世间的人笑我太疯癫了,我笑他们都太肤浅。 2、草木有本心,何求美人折!--《感遇十二首·其一》唐 张九龄 译文:草木散发香气源于天性,怎么会求观赏者攀折呢! 3、千磨万击还坚劲,任尔东西南北风。--《竹石》清 郑燮 译文:经历成千上万次的折磨和打击,它依然那么坚强,不管是酷暑的东南风,还是严冬的西北风,它都能经受得住,还会依然坚韧挺拔。 4、无意苦争春,一任群芳妒。--《卜算子·咏梅》 南宋 陆游 译文:梅花并不想费尽心思去争艳斗宠,对百花的妒忌与排斥毫不在乎。 5、安能摧眉折腰事权贵,使我不得开心颜!--《梦游天姥吟留别》唐 李白 译文:我岂能卑躬屈膝,去侍奉权贵,使我心中郁郁寡欢,极不舒坦! 2.坚持和不在乎别人看法的名言有哪些 一、心胸开阔些,争不起来;得失看轻些,争不起来;目标降低些,争不起来;功利稍淡些,争不起来。欲望让人像伏在草丛深处的狮子,按捺不住蠢蠢欲动。权钱争到手了,幸福不见了;名声争到手了,快乐不见了;利益争到手了,心安不见了。诗人兰德曾说:我和谁都不争,和谁争我都不屑! 二、所以如果你真的想通过这门课改变生活,一切取决于你。 三、至于你们部门的计划,你愿意怎么改就怎么改吧。 四、你不愿意参加俱乐部是吗 那好,随你的便吧。 五、很多人相信命运,为的只是自己的得失心,眼睛只盯着未来,很少回头去看自己的命运。他们眼里只有那些想得到而没得到的,却从没有仔细想过这一路走来,生活给予的馈赠。 六、淡然的女人知道,爱恨情仇,恩怨得失,虽无法忘记,但可以把沧桑隐藏在心底,让一切慢慢沉淀在记忆里。因为她清楚,有些记忆的唯一归宿是从心灵到坟墓。远离刻薄和庸俗,明白什么是爱;什么是属于自己的,什么是不属于自己的。女人活着要有自己的目标,它可大可小,可以崇高也可以平凡,但不能没有。 七、淡泊是人生的一种坦然,坦然面对生命中的得失;淡泊是人生的一种豁然,豁然对待人生中的进退;淡泊是对生命的一种珍惜,珍惜眼前从不好高骛远。淡泊可以使你真正地享受人生,在努力中体验欢乐,在淡泊中充实自己。拥有淡泊的人是幸福的。 八、女孩子并不在乎你有没有钱,她在乎的是你会不会发奋努力改变现状;女孩子并不在乎与你一起生活会遇到困难,她在乎的是你会不会迎难而上;女孩子并不在乎你有多浪漫,她在乎的是 九、看破红尘、宠辱不惊、淡泊名利、心静如水、清心寡欲。 十、无需报怨生活中的不公,也不必计较生命中的得失,更不用权衡付出和收获的距离。少一份圆滑世故,就多一份纯情典雅;少一份对功名利禄的执着,便多一份坦然与自在。拥有这样一种心态,就多了一种天地色变我自巍然的坚定,多了一派百欲不生百毒不浸的端庄,多了一份额首浅笑彬彬有礼的从容 十一、莫被一时之得失冲昏头脑,一味陶醉于暂时的胜利。自己一定要居安思危,切莫居功自傲,洋洋得意。陶醉胜利,意味着驻足停顿,陶醉胜利,意味着失去警惕。人生路上要永不松懈,胜利仅仅是一个小小的路标。要想取得最后的胜利,只要努力,努力,再努力。 十二、我完全不知道该怎么报税,唉,随便啦。 十三、随你怎么想,我无所谓。他对考试及格与否满不在乎。 十四、人生就是这样,得失无常,祸福互倚,凡是路过的,都算风景;一段情,某件事,能占据记忆的,皆是幸福。等走远了再回望,你才发现,挫败让人坚强,别离令人珍惜,伤痛使人澄清。再美好的东西,你也无法拥有太久,得到的都是短暂;失去的曾经,亦不必太留念,只有从过去中站起,明天才会有希望。 十五、学会低调,取舍间,必有得失。做自己的决定,然后准备好承担后果。慎言,独立,学会妥协的同时,也要坚持自己的底线。明白付出并不一定有结果。过去的事情可以不忘记,但一定要放下。要快乐,要坚韧,要温暖,给予真诚。--愿我做到这一切,只为久等的旧人。 3.关于 不要在意别人的想法 的谚语 诗句 英文句子都可以··· 先相信你自己,然后别人才会相信你。 —— 屠格涅夫 人,只要有一种信念,有所追求,什么艰苦都能忍受,什么环境也都能适应。 —— 丁玲 Confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success John Milton Nothing profits more than self-esteem, grounded on what is just and right. Maxwell Maltz Low self-esteem is like driving through life with your hand-break on. Denis Waitley To establish true self-esteem we must concentrate on our successes and forget about the failures and the negatives in our lives. Sam Walton Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves, it"s amazing what they can accomplish. Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. 4.多给我发些不在乎别人看法的名言,谢谢 寒山问拾得:“世间有人谤我、欺我、辱我、笑我、轻我、贱我、骗我,如何处置乎?” 拾得曰:“忍他、让他、避他、由他、耐他、敬他、不要理他,再过几年你且看他 如果你太在意别人的想法,那么你的生活就像一条裤衩,别人放什么屁你都得接着 生活是自己的 与他人无关 走自己的路,让人家说去吧 ——但丁 不要让别人的议论淹没你内心的声音,你的想法,和你的直觉。因为它们已经知道你的梦想,别的一切都是次要的。” 乔布斯
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I have many hobbies,like listening to music,reading books,seeing films,playing computer games,and so on,in which I like computer most.I think most boys can"t resist the attraction of computers.I have had a computer since Grade One.It was originally used in study,but
2023-07-29 11:13:493


When I think back on these times, and the dreams we left behindI"ll be glad cause I was blessed to get, to have you in my lifeWhen I look back on these days, I"ll look and see your faceYou"re right there for meIn my dreams I"ll always see you soar above the skiesIn my heart there"ll always be a place for you, for all my lifeI"ll keep a part of you with me,And everywhere I am there you"ll beAnd everywhere I am there you"ll beWell, you showed me how it feels, to feel the sky within my reachAnd I always will remember all, the strength you gave to meYour love made me make it through, oh, I owe so much to youYou were right there for meIn my dreams I"ll always see you soar above the skiesIn my heart there"ll always be a place for you, for all my lifeI"ll keep a part of you with me,And everywhere I am there you"ll beCause I always saw in you my life, my strengthAnd I wanna thank you now for all the ways, you were right there for meYou were right there for me, oh, yeahIn my dreams I"ll always see you soar above the skiesIn my heart there"ll always be a place for you, for all my lifeI"ll keep a part of you with me,And everywhere I am there you"ll beAnd everywhere I am there you"ll beThere you"ll be
2023-07-29 11:12:591


2023-07-29 11:13:014


yellow 英[ˈjeləʊ] 美[ˈjeloʊ] 形容词. 黄的; 黄色的; (轻蔑语) 黄皮肤的,黄色人种的; 胆怯的; 名词. 黄; 黄色; 动词. (使) 变黄;
2023-07-29 11:13:021


2023-07-29 11:13:033

英语里 有些机构必须加 the 如 the WTO那么说这有一家WTO There is a WT

如果是要表示分枝或分办公室是可以说a的,但一般也会有后手词,不会直接说a WTO. 而是如a WTO office in Geneva.同理,一名员工或工作人员会说a WTO employee/staffer, 这跟你说一个美国人或英国人一样,单说国家都是the, the U.S., the U.K., 人则说,a US citizen 或 a UK citizen,
2023-07-29 11:13:071

how long will youuff08uff09there uff1f A.go to C.lived

2023-07-29 11:12:524

《我与世无争》I Strove with None【英】兰道

《I Strove with None》《我与世无争》 I strove with none, for none was worth my strife. Nature I loved and, next to Nature, Art: I warm"d both hands before the fire of life; It sinks, and I am ready to depart. 我不与人相争,因为没有人值得我去争斗, 我喜欢自然,然后就是艺术, 生命之火曾温暖我的双手, 当它熄灭了,那我也就应该上路了。 又曰: 我与世无争,故无需为争, 我爱自然,然后艺术, 生命之火曾温暖我的双手, 当它熄灭了,那我就 驾鹤(归西去,天外)云中游。 《HEARTSEASE》《蝴蝶花》 There is a flower I wish to wear, But not until first worn by you, Heartsease of all earth"s flowers most rare; Bring it; and bring enough for two. 我有心上一枝花,与我爱人身上戴, 但愿从此配成双,蝴蝶花中最珍贵。 《YOU SMILED, YOU SPOKE》《你的言笑》 You smiled, you spoke, and I believed, By every word and smile deceived. Another man would hope no more; Nor hope I what I hoped before: But let not this last wish be vain; Deceive, deceive me once again! 卿笑卿言皆相信,卿言卿笑皆欺骗。 莫求他人复再信,与我痴情更相信。 但愿希望莫成空,将我最终又欺骗。
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"yellow"的音标是 /ˈjɛloʊ/。
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