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2023-07-30 02:21:45
TAG: 英语

问题一:传动轴的英语翻译 传动轴用英语怎么说 Tran *** ission shaft


tr?nzu02c8mi??n ?:ft


tr?ns?m???n ??ft


tran *** ission shaftn.传动轴

power drive shaft传动轴

drive axle传动轴,驱动轴

drive shaftn.传动轴,主动轴

问题二:轴的英语翻译 轴用英语怎么说 轴

[名] shaft; axis; axle; roller;


You can also change the units on the Y-axis.

问题三:传动机械有限公司 英语怎么说? Dachang Tran *** ission Machinery CO.,LTD 大昌传动机械有限公司


问题四:传动轴支架总成 用英语怎么说啊? 总成;ponent就是组件

ponent of tran *** ission shaft pedestal

变速箱;挂档齿轮;tran *** ission gear

问题五:传动链条的英文,传动链条的翻译,怎么用英语翻译传动 传动链条

Tran *** ission chain

问题六:请问传动器的英文怎么翻译, TRANSMISSIONS

问题七:主传动机构的英文怎么说 Main drive mechani ***


main drive gear

问题八:轴固定环用英语怎么说 问题没说清楚圆环的作用,要是做提手用的,可以考虑和裤子上用来固定皮带环的那种方式,直接翻边,车过去,要是装饰用的就不能用这种方式了。

问题九:传动技术英文如何翻译? 传动技术英文,我能翻译哦



是 The CatalystLinkin Park的 瑞飞啊,来米够····其实是:Lift me up, let me go 歌词给你:God bless us every one 上帝保佑我们每一个人We"re a broken people living under loaded gun 我们却是活在枪口之下不完整的人And it can"t be outfought 谁都无法脱离争斗It can"t be outdone 永远没有结束It can"t be outmatched 永远无法停止较量It can"t be outrun 永远无法停下脚步No noAnd when I close my eyes tonight 当我今夜在无数的炫目的光线中闭上眼睛To symphonies of blinding light(God bless us every one / we"re a broken people living under loaded gun)Oh / like memories in cold decay 好像记忆彻底的腐朽了Transmissions echoing away 传送的信息回荡着散开Far from the world of you and I远离我们所在的世界Where oceans bleed into the sky去到大海渗入天空的地方God save us every one 上帝拯救我们每一个人Will we burn inside the fires of a thousand suns 我们会在一千个太阳的火焰中被焚烧吗For the sins of our hand 因为我们手上肮脏的罪恶The sins of our tongue 那源自我们语言中的罪恶The sins of our father 那来自我们父辈的罪恶The sins of our young 那来自下一代的罪恶No noAnd when I close my eyes tonight当我今夜在无数的炫目的光线中闭上眼睛To symphonies of blinding light(God save us every one上帝拯救我们每一个人 / will we burn inside the fires of a thousand suns我们会在一千个太阳的火焰中被焚烧吗)Oh / like memories in cold decay好像记忆彻底的腐朽了Transmissions echoing away传送的信息回荡着散开Far from the world of you and I远离我们所在的世界Where oceans bleed into the sky去到大海渗入天空的地方Lift me up, let me go 带我走 让我走 satanbaby手打,欢迎选择
2023-07-29 10:38:131


video loss视频丢失例句1. Packet loss over IP network can degrade the quality of video data. IP网络中,分组丢失是影响视频数据恢复质量的重要因素. 2. Transmissions of real - time video always have packets loss by bandwidth limited in Internet network. 多媒体在因特网络中 实时 传播,常因网络的带宽限制造成传输过程中数据包丢失. 为你解答,敬请采纳,如果本题还有疑问请追问,Good luck!
2023-07-29 10:38:321


The Catalyst 催化剂催化剂:是一种能提高化学反应速率,而本身结构不发生永久性改变的物质。上帝是那么的爱我们,所以让我们去感受这个世界,然而这个世界并不是想像那样,取而代之的则是肮脏,贪婪,丑恶。人们的拙劣,种种行为已经验证,上帝在拯救我们,所以把我们放到“炙热的一千个太阳中”,让我们感受到痛苦。我闭上了眼睛,感受到了如交响般罪恶的光,象是记忆让我去远离这个世界,让我和大海的鲜血一起流向天际的某处,我不想再去想,不想再去做,让我振作,让我走吧。面对枪口,我什么都做不了,闭上眼睛,我们离开了这个世界。* God bless us every one 上帝为我们每个人祈福We"re a broken people living under loaded gun 让我们这些拙劣的人们生活在枪口之下And it can"t be outfought 无法去反抗It can"t be outdone 无法去战胜It can"t be outmatched 无法去竞争It can"t be outrun 无法去逃脱No… 不…* RepeatAnd when I close my eyes tonight 当今晚我闭上眼睛时To symphonies of blinding light 那如同交响般罪恶的光(God bless us every one / we"re a broken people living under loaded gun上帝为我们每个人祈福/让我们这些拙劣的人们生活在枪口之下)Oh / like memories in cold decay 哦,像是记忆在冷酷的腐朽著Transmissions echoing away 重复传达开来Far from the world of you and I 让远离这个世界的你我,Where oceans bleed into the sky 与海洋的鲜血一同流进天空的某处。*2 God save us every one 上帝把我们每个人拯救Will we burn inside the fires of a thousand suns 将我们燃烧在那一千个太阳的炙热火焰中来惩罚For the sins of our hand 我们那罪恶的双手The sins of our tongue 我们那罪恶的话语The sins of our father 我们那罪恶的祖先The sins of our young 我们那罪恶的青春No… 不*2 RepeatAnd when I close my eyes tonight 当今晚我闭上眼睛时To symphonies of blinding light 那如同交响般罪恶的光(God bless us every one / we"re a broken people living under loaded gun上帝为我们每个人祈福/让我们这些拙劣的人们生活在枪口之下)Oh / like memories in cold decay 哦,像是记忆在冷酷的腐朽著Transmissions echoing away 重复传达开来Far from the world of you and I 让远离这个世界的你我,Where oceans bleed into the sky 与海洋的鲜血一同流进天空的某处。Oh / like memories in cold decay 哦,像是记忆在冷酷的腐朽著Transmissions echoing away 重复传达开来Far from the world of you and I 让远离这个世界的你我,Where oceans bleed into the sky 与海洋的鲜血一同流进天空的某处。*3 Lift me up, let me go 让我振作,让我走吧!Lift me up, let me go 让我振作,让我走吧!*3 Repeat*4 God bless us every one 上帝为我们每个人祈福We"re a broken people living under loaded gun让我们这些拙劣的人们生活在枪口之下And it can"t be outfought 无法去反抗It can"t be outdone 无法去战胜It can"t be outmatched 无法去竞争It can"t be outrun 无法去逃脱No… 不…*4 Repeat
2023-07-29 10:38:421

采埃孚自动变速箱 3HP 5HP 6HP 8HP 8-Speed AutomaticTransmissions,中的HP是什么意思?提供单词

百度一下 你就知道
2023-07-29 10:38:513

英文emissions dans lair interieur是什么意思

emissions dans lair interieur 全部释义和例句>>排放在巢穴内部emissions n. 排放物( emission的名词复数 ); 散发物(尤指气体); [网络] 排放; 辐射; 发射; [例句]Industrialized countries must reduce carbon dioxide emissions.工业化国家必须减少二氧化碳的排放。[其他] 形近词: transmissions admissions commissions
2023-07-29 10:39:001


2023-07-29 10:39:1015


Computer crime can broadly be defined as criminal activity involving an information technology infrastructure, including illegal access (unauthorized access), illegal interception (by technical means of non-public transmissions of computer data to, from or within a computer system), data interference (unauthorized damaging, deletion, deterioration, alteration or suppression of computer data), systems interference (interfering with the functioning of a computer system by inputting, transmitting, damaging, deleting, deteriorating, altering or suppressing computer data), misuse of devices, forgery (ID theft), and electronic fraud.Internet enables person-to-person communication is closer, faster. Ancient, live in Dongguan of you wanted to wrote to Beijing of relatives, that will to letter climb mountain wading with horse sent past, less is a months, more is a years; in modern, you can playing calls, but price expensive, also cannot transfer file or pictures; now, has has Internet, we can through QQ, and E-mail, way with distance of relatives communication, with United States of customer contact, chat a hours is just spent 1 Yuan around, and also can with video phone, people and people Zhijian of distance on became increasingly near has. However, the Internet also has a lot of bad places, it transformed, becomes best weapons to criminals. Criminals use the Internet to this vast and virtual world, to carry out criminal activities. They dressed in protective clothing of the Internet so that people can see their ugly heart. Newspapers often reported "QQ cheated on a woman was killed in XX", this is a hard fact. In addition, there are many "hacker", they spread the virus everywhere, so that greatly reduced the speed of the Internet, seriously blocked the Internet highway. More abominable is some unscrupulous Web sites on the Internet pictures, words such as pornography, violence, serious harm to people"s hearts. In today"s society, the Internet gives us a limitless expanse of land, in this land growing on you and friends and do not make this land abandoned, let it work out great fruit!
2023-07-29 10:39:581


2023-07-29 10:40:0913


reimbursable词典结果:reimbursable[法] 可收回的,可补偿的; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Necessary and reasonable postage expenses for general correspondence are reimbursable. 一般通信所必需的及合理的费用是有所补偿的。2.The contractor shall make available any correspondence and other documentation concerned with reimbursable subcontracts to shell on request. 承包商应根据要求向shell提供与补偿分包合同有关的信件及其他文件。
2023-07-29 10:40:501


英文原文   Yeah it"s a new day we follow   Some kind of pace we got paid to work for   (But) all I want is a cup of hot coffee   *Yes I love it*      Take a break from the rushing hour   Make a wish and go for the desire   The destination is close by (and) I"m moving fast   I will be there and I will beat the clock test      Take a break from the rushing hour   Make a wish and go for the desire   The destination is close by (and) I"m moving fast      Let it be a free drive (and) let it be a sweet life   Through the transmissions of a way to enjoy ride      Take all the directions for every decision   With transformations of the way to arrive      中文翻译   这是新的一天。   我们遵循着工作给予的步伐   现在我只想要一杯热腾腾的咖啡   对 ! 我就是喜欢   尖峰时刻休息片刻   许个心愿并努力实现   目标就在眼前, 我要更快实现   我要让成功不再时过境迁      尖峰时刻休息片刻   许个心愿并努力实现   目标就在眼前, 我要更快实现      更自由的驾驶,更甜蜜的生活   享受崭新的汽车时代      为每个心愿选择方向   让生活充满捷径 <Another life in your car>
2023-07-29 10:41:063


宝马——SMGIISMG II 的技术方向盘两边的蝴蝶翼式换档拨键 所有的档位改变皆经由电子控制, 在M3控制SMG是透过线控的方式, 立即且没有任何任何机械的关系, 如同航空器或太空交通工具。 当系统是处于自动的(“A”)模式, 这车辆的移动与换档是经由驾驶者个别选择的驾驶逻辑程式来控制的。 而驾驶者可以在任何时间, 变换排档杆由“A”到“S”模式, 这个时候驾驶者可以经由方向盘上的换档板键或者排档杆来更换档位。  而在驾驶者选择自己控制换档时, 依据驾驶逻辑程式的选择, 在换档时, 发动机会自动产生双重离合器操作, 使得换档变得快速又平滑。 档位是有可能被固定的, 如果透过换档板键或排档杆一再的拨动。 然而, 这些变换命令只能在M3所允许的转速范围内被电子工学所实现, 假如它的操作可能造成转速超转, 则换档将被限制。  特殊功能  一个位于仪表发动机转速表下的SMG显示器指示出目前的驱动程式以及所选择的档位。 因此, 换档在这转速表另外有个灯号的连续的通知驾驶者, 何时正接近最佳的换档转速, 这样的指示灯号也同样的出现在一级方程式赛车的驾驶舱内。 如果在连续模式, 以这些工具可以可以使M3配合SMG变速箱获得最佳的发动机动力输出, 与传动档位的搭配, 但是不会自动的升降档, 手动的换档方式还是被慎重地保留。  倒档装置一如一般的手排 BMW, 在车辆的变速箱不再转动时, 经由移动排档赶往左前方来进入倒车档。  一个附加的SMG 实用的特殊功能是所谓的爬坡协助, 准许车辆在坡道上前进或倒退而不会滑动, 这个协助能够在连续模式或自动模式下工作。 驾驶者只要踩下煞车, 并且短暂的拉方向盘上的换档扳键, 当放开煞车时,M3会自动移动 2 秒钟, 来抑制任何的滑动。  这加速协助也提供了最大的加速可能, 当驾驶者已经解除 DSC 并选择 S6 驱动程式, 当这辆汽车是静止的时候, 他能推排档杆向前保持它在那个位置, 然后驾驶者将油门踏到底, 此时最佳的起步加速已被发动机自动设定, 而驾驶者释放排档杆,M3将以最佳的方式起步加速, 这是M3才有的特殊功能。  发动发动机只能够在踩下刹车装置以及排档杆在空档的位置, 一个所谓的换档锁进一步防止无意中的入档时启动发动机。  油压式换档  这SMG控制单元, 使用多个部位的感应器来识别齿轮的作动, 假如变速排档操作开始, 这控制单元, 会连续的控制适当的螺线形电导管阀, 而控制这完整的油压系统只需千分之一秒。  这油压系统的流体系统压力最高达 85 bar, 它利用螺线形电导管阀将油压即刻地流入离合器, 使离合器放开或闭合, 他们精确地执行这齿轮补位操作经由主要的排档选择, 适当的使档位变换, 它的作动不论是模式“a”或“s”都不会改变。  档位变换电子工学  如果控制单元的一个处理器故障, 则平行的理器会立即处理讯号, 随时保证最佳的操作的安全。 而另一个附加的安全功能是防止车辆自移, 当驾驶座车门打开, 比如当驾驶者交换彼此座位, 大约四秒钟, 如果油门或煞车踏板在同时没有作动, 则档位会自动归零, 当车门关闭后则又是新的换档过程, 而发动机盖被开启时, 车子也无法行驶。  这M3也能够使SMG变速箱停在位置“R”(倒车),“S”,“A”或“0”(以视觉和音频警告讯号)告知这些位置, 而同时也可以能够移除点火钥匙。
2023-07-29 10:41:141


Starset是一支来自美国俄亥俄州哥伦布的美国另类摇滚乐队,由 Dustin bates成立于2013年,第二年发行了首张专辑《Transmissions》是不是start set 起头集; 开端集; [例句]A lot of peoples are very concern timing, when human start set up time, date and year?很多人非常著重时间观念,究竟何时开始有时间呢?时间、日期和年份是怎样定下来呢?
2023-07-29 10:41:211


2023-07-29 10:41:453

gear ratio是什么意思

  gear ratio英 [ɡiu0259 u02c8reiu0283iu0259u] 美 [ɡu026ar u02c8reu0283o]  [词典]传动比; 速比; 齿轮齿数比;  [网络]转速比; 齿轮比; 齿数比;  [例句]To change the gear ratio, most automatic transmissions use planetary gear set.  为了能够改变变速器的传动比,大多数自动变速器使用了行星齿轮机构。
2023-07-29 10:41:551

英语作文 clutch

A clutch is a mechanical device that provides for the transmission of power (and therefore usually motion) from one component (the driving member) to another (the driven member) when engaged, but can be disengaged.Clutches are used whenever the transmission of power or motion must be controlled either in amount or over time (e.g., electric screwdrivers limit how much torque is transmitted through use of a clutch; clutches control whether automobiles transmit engine power to the wheels).In the simplest application, clutches connect and disconnect two rotating shafts (drive shafts or line shafts). In these devices, one shaft is typically attached to a motor or other power unit (the driving member) while the other shaft (the driven member) provides output power for work. While typically the motions involved are rotary, linear clutches are also possible.In a torque-controlled drill, for instance, one shaft is driven by a motor and the other drives a drill chuck. The clutch connects the two shafts so that they may be locked together and spin at the same speed (engaged), locked together but spinning at different speeds (slipping), or unlocked and spinning at different speeds (disengaged).The vast majority of clutches ultimately rely on frictional forces for their operation. The purpose of friction clutches is to connect a moving member to another that is moving at a different speed or stationary, often to synchronise the speeds, and/or to transmit power. Usually as little slippage (difference in speeds) as possible between the two members are desired.MaterialsVarious materials have been used for the disc friction facings, including asbestos in the past. Modern clutches typically use a compound organic resin with copper wire facing or a ceramic material. A typical coefficient of friction used on a friction disc surface is 0.35 for organic and 0.25 for ceramic. Ceramic materials are typically used in heavy applications such as racing or heavy-duty hauling, though the harder ceramic materials increase flywheel and pressure plate wear.Push/PullFriction disk clutches generally are classified as push type or pull type depending on the location of the pressure plate fulcrum points. In a pull type clutch, the action of pressing the pedal pulls the release bearing, pulling on the diaphragm spring and disengaging the vehicle drive. The opposite is true with a push type, the release bearing is pushed into the clutch disengaging the vehicle drive. In this instance, the release bearing can be known as a thrust bearing (as per the image above).DampersA clutch damper is a device that softens the response of the clutch engagement/disengagement. In automotive applications, this is often provided by a mechanism in the clutch disc centres. In addition to the damped disc centres, which reduce driveline vibration, pre-dampers may be used to reduce gear rattle at idle by changing the natural frequency of the disc. These weaker springs are compressed solely by the radial vibrations of an idling engine. They are fully compressed and no longer in use once the main damper springs take up drive.LoadMercedes truck examples: A clamp load of 33 kN is normal for a single plate 430. The 400 Twin application offers a clamp load of a mere 23 kN. Bursts speeds are typically around 5,000 rpm with the weakest point being the facing rivet.ManufacturingModern clutch development focuses its attention on the simplification of the overall assembly and/or manufacturing method. For example drive straps are now commonly employed to transfer torque as well as lift the pressure plate upon disengagement of vehicle drive. With regard to the manufacture of diaphragm springs, heat treatment is crucial. Laser welding is becoming more common as a method of attaching the drive plate to the disc ring with the laser typically being between 2-3KW and a feed rate 1m/minute.Multiple plate clutchThis type of clutch has several driving members interleaved or "stacked" with several driven members. It is used in race cars including F1, IndyCar, World Rally and even most club racing, motorcycles, automatic transmissions and in somediesel locomotives with mechanical transmissions. It is also used in some electronically controlled all-wheel drive systems as well as in some transfer cases.
2023-07-29 10:42:021

英语作文:What may happen in the future?

It would be foolhardy to venture technological predictions for 2050. Even more so to predict social and geopolitical changes. The most important advances, the qualitative leaps, are the least predictable. Not even the best scientists predicted the impact of nuclear physics, and everyday consumer items such as the iPhone would have seemed magic back in the 1950s.But there are some trends that we can predict with confidence. There will, barring a global catastrophe, be far more people on Earth than today. Fifty years ago the world population was below 3 billion. It has more than doubled since then, to 6.7 billion. The percentage growth rate has slowed, but it is projected to reach 9 billion by 2050. The excess will almost all be in the developing world where the young hugely outnumber the old.If population growth were to continue beyond 2050, one can"t be other than exceedingly gloomy about the prospects. And the challenge of feeding such a rapidly growing population will be aggravated by climate change.The world will be warmer than today in 2050; the patterns of rainfall and drought across the world will be different. If we pursue "business as usual",CO2 concentration levels will reach twice the pre-industrial level by around 2050. The higher its concentration, the greater the warming - and, more important still, the greater the chance of triggering something grave and irreversible: rising sea levels due to the melting of Greenland"s icecap; runaway release of methane in the tundra.Some technical advances - information technology, for instance - surprise us by their rapidity; others seemingly stagnate. Only 12 years elapsed between the launch of Sputnik and Neil Armstrong"s "one small step" on the moon. Many of us then expected a lunar base, even an expedition to Mars, within 30 years. But it"s more than 36 years since Jack Schmitt and Eugene Cernan, the last men on the moon, returned to Earth. Since that time, hundreds of astronauts have been into orbit, but none has ventured further.The Apollo programme now seems a remote historical episode: young people all over the world learn that America landed men on the moon, just as they learn that the Egyptians built the pyramids; the motivations seem almost as bizarre in the one case as in the other. The race to the moon was an end in itself - a magnificent "stunt", driven by superpower rivalry. Thereafter, the impetus for manned flight was lost. But, of course, we now depend on space in our everyday lives (GPS, weather forecasting and communications). And robotic exploration has burgeoned. Unmanned probes to other planets have beamed back pictures of varied and distinctive worlds.I hope that by 2050 the entire solar system will have been explored and mapped by flotillas of tiny robotic craft. Robots and "fabricators" may enable large construction projects, using raw materials that need not come from Earth. But will people follow them? The practical case for sending people into space gets ever-weaker with each advance in robots and miniaturisation. But I"m nonetheless an enthusiast for manned missions - to the moon, to Mars and even beyond - simply as a long-range adventure for (at least a few) humans.Each mobile phone today has far more computing power than was available to the whole of Nasa in the 1960s. And advances proceed apace. Some claim that computers will, by 2050, achieve human capabilities. Of course, in some respects they already have. For 30 years we"ve been able to buy calculators that can hugely surpass us at arithmetic. IBM"s "Deep Blue" beat Kasparov, the world chess champion. But not even the most advanced robot can recognise and move the pieces on a real chessboard as adeptly as a five-year-old child.Deep Blue didn"t work out its strategy like a human player: it exploited its computational speed to explore millions of alternative series of moves and responses before deciding an optimum move. Likewise, machines may make scientific discoveries that have eluded unaided human brains - but by testing out millions of possibilities rather than via a theory or strategy.But will we continue to push forward the frontiers, enlarging the range of our consensual understanding? Some aspects of reality - a unified theory of physics, or a theory of consciousness - might elude our understanding simply because they"re beyond the powers of human brains, just as surely as quantum mechanics would flummox a chimpanzee.We can with some confidence predict continuing advances in computer power, in IT, in techniques for sequencing and interpreting and modifying the genome. But there could, by 2050, be qualitatively new kinds of change. For instance, one thing that"s been unaltered for millennia is human nature and human character. But in this century, mind-enhancing drugs, genetics, and "cyborg" techniques may start to alter human beings themselves.And we should keep our minds open, or at least ajar, to concepts on the fringe of science fiction. Flaky American futurologists aren"t always wrong. They remind us that a superintelligent machine is the last instrument that humans may ever design - the machine will itself take over in making further steps. Another speculation is that the human lifespan could be greatly extended, something that would wreak havoc on all population projections. At the moment this hope leads some to bequeath their bodies to be "frozen" on their death, in the hope of some future resurrection. For my part, I"d still opt to end my days in an English churchyard rather than a Californian refrigerator.We can make one firm forecast that"s important for all "citizen scientists". There will surely be a widening gulf between what science enables us to do, and what applications it"s prudent or ethical to pursue.It"s sometimes wrongly imagined that astronomers, contemplating timespans measured in billions, must be serenely unconcerned about next year, next week and tomorrow. But a "cosmic perspective" actually strengthens my own concerns about the here and now.Ever since Darwin, we"ve been familiar with the stupendous timespans of the evolutionary past. But most people still somehow think we humans are necessarily the culmination of the evolutionary tree. No astronomer could believe this.Our sun formed 4.5bn years ago, but it"s got 6bn more before the fuel runs out. And the expanding universe will continue - perhaps for ever - becoming ever colder, ever emptier. As Woody Allen said, "Eternity is very long, especially towards the end". Any creatures who witness the sun"s demise, here on Earth or far beyond, won"t be human. They will be entities as different from us as we are from a bug.But even in this "concertinaed" timeline - extending millions of centuries into the future, as well as into the past - this century is special. It"s the first in our planet"s history where one species - ours - has Earth"s future in its hands, and could jeopardise not only itself, but life"s immense potential.Suppose some aliens had been watching our planet for its entire history. Over nearly all that immense time - 4.5bn years - Earth"s appearance would have altered very gradually. But in just a tiny sliver of its history - the last few thousand years - the patterns of vegetation altered much faster than before. This signalled the start of agriculture. The pace of change accelerated as human populations rose.Then there were other changes, even more abrupt. Within the last 50 years - little more than one hundredth of a millionth of the Earth"s age - the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere began to rise anomalously fast. The planet became an intense emitter of radio waves (TV, cellphone, and radar transmissions.) And something else unprecedented happened: small projectiles launched from the planet escaped the biosphere. Some were propelled into orbits around the Earth; some journeyed to the moon and planets.If they understood astrophysics, the aliens could confidently predict that the biosphere would face doom in a few billion years when the sun flares up and dies. But could they have predicted this unprecedented spike less than halfway through the Earth"s life - these human-induced alterations occupying, overall, less than a millionth of the elapsed lifetime and seemingly occurring with runaway speed?If they continued to keep watch, what might these hypothetical aliens witness in the next few decades? Will final spasm be followed by silence? Or will the planet itself stabilise? And will some of the objects launched from the Earth spawn new oases of life elsewhere?The outcome depends on political choices. But those choices can be influenced by effective and idealistic scientists, environmentalists and humanists, guided by the knowledge and technology that the 21st century will offer.自不量力地对2050年作技术预测是愚蠢的尝试。打算预测社会和地理政治的变化更是自不量力。事实上,最重要的发展,最重要的质的跨越,也是最不可能预言的。即使是最优秀的科学家也没预料到核物理的冲击力如此巨大,而回溯到上世纪五十年代,像iPhone这样的日常消费品一定会被看作不可思议的东西。不过,我们能满怀信心地预言某些趋势。比如,除非爆发一场全球性大灾难,将来地球上一定会有比今天多得多的人口。五十年前,地球人口还不到三十亿;而五十年后的今天,地球人口已经翻了一番多,达到六十七亿。虽然人口增长的速度已经减缓,但是,由此类推,到2050年地球人口将达到九十亿,而且新增加的人口几乎都将出自发展中国家,因为现在那里年轻人的数量远远超过了老年人。如果2050年之后人口继续增长,那么前景无疑会极其暗淡。由于气候变化的影响,要养活如此迅速增长的人口,我们必将面临更加严峻的考验。到2050 年,全球气候将比今天更暖和;世界各地的降雨及干旱的形式也将有所变化。如果我们继续“处之泰然”,到2050年左右,大气中二氧化碳的浓度级别将达到工业化以前的两倍。而二氧化碳的浓度越高,气温就会越高——更重要的是,还可能引发某些更严重、更不可逆转的变化:格陵兰冰盖的融化造成海平面上升;冻土地带的甲烷失去控制释放出来。如今,某些技术(比如信息技术)的发展速度快得令人吃惊;而其它方面却似乎停滞不前了。苏联发射史波尼克人造卫星和尼尔·阿姆斯壮在月球上迈开“一小步”前后只过了十二年。我们许多人因此都期待着在三十年内完成月球基地的建设,甚至实现火星探险。然而,自从杰克 ·施密特和尤今·塞尔南最后登上月球又返回地球以来,已经过去三十六年多了。从那时起,已经有数百名宇航员进入轨道,但是,没有人再做进一步的尝试。阿波罗计划如今看起来如同遥远的历史事件:全世界的年轻人听美国人登陆月球的故事,就好像听埃及人建造金字塔的故事一样;其动机无外乎是为了在一个又一个事件中猎奇。其实争先恐后地登上月球才是登陆月球的真正目的——这不过是受超级大国相互竞争驱使的壮丽的“特技”表演。从那以后,载人飞行的动力就消失了。当然了,我们今天的日常生活,比如GPS,天气预报和通讯等都离不开太空。机器人的探险活动已经迅速发展起来。针对其它星球的无人驾驶探测器也已经传回各种各样独特世界的图片。我希望,到2050年,各种微型小机器人飞行器能够完成对整个太阳系的探测,并绘制出图谱。机器人和“制造者”也许能够使利用必要的非地球产原材料来建造大型建筑项目成为现实。可是,人们会遵照执行吗?把人送上太空的实际情况,使得机器人和小型化的每次改进都更缺乏说服力。尽管如此,我依然热心支持把载人飞行——去月球、去火星,甚至其它星球——仅仅作为人类(至少几个人)的远程冒险。如今,每部移动电话的计算能力都比二十世纪六十年代整个美国宇航局可用的计算能力都强得多。移动电话的发展进程非常迅速。有人声称,计算机将在 2050年之前达到人的智力水平。其实,在某些方面它们无疑已经达到了人的智力水平。早在三十年前,我们就能够买到计算能力大大超过人类的计算器。IBM 的“深蓝”计算机就打败了国际象棋世界冠军卡斯帕罗夫。但是,即使是现在最先进的机器人,也还不能像五岁大的孩子一样熟练地识别或移动现实生活中棋盘上的棋子。“深蓝”并不是像人类棋手那样计算棋着,而是利用自己快速的计算能力研究数百万条走法以及对策,再从中选定最佳的走法。同样,机器也能获得令人类大脑无法理解的科学发现,不过,它不是通过什么理论或策略,而是通过测试数百万条的可能性来完成任务的。那么,我们是否能够继续推进这些尖端科学,扩大我们的交感理解力范围呢?现实的某些方面,比如,我们难以理解物理的统一理论或认知理论,也许只是因为它们超出了人类大脑的理解能力,正如量子力学必定会令黑猩猩大惑不解一样。我们能颇为自信地预言计算机的性能、IT、技术等将继续发展,可以用于为基因组测序,理解并修改基因组。但是,至2050年,定然会出现新的变化。举例来说,人类的本性和人类的性格千年以来没有变化。而在本世纪,增智药物、基因和“半机器人”技术也许会开始改变人类本身。我们应该向处于科学幻想边缘的观念开放我们的头脑,或至少是半开放。古怪的美国未来学家也有对的时候。他们提醒我们,具有超常智慧的机器是人类所能设计的终极仪器——机器将接管其本身以后的发展历程。还有一种推测,即人类的寿命将大大延长,这将对各种人口预测造成巨大的破坏性影响。目前,这种希望已经导致一些人留下遗言,要将他们的尸体“冷冻起来”,希望将来能够复活。至于我,宁愿选择在英国的教堂结束自己的一辈子,也不想进入加利福尼亚的冰箱。我们能够确切地做出一个对所有“科学家公民”而言很重要的预言。那就是,科学能让我们做什么和科学所追求的明智或道德的应用之间肯定存在着宽大的鸿沟。有时,人们会错误地想像,以数十亿的标准来衡量时间间隔的天文学家们一定很冷静,不会在乎明天、下周甚至明年。但是,“宇宙的观念”确实加深了我自己对眼前的关注。自达尔文以来,我们已经熟悉了进化历史惊人的时间间隔。然而,不知为什么,大多数人仍然以为我们人类必然是进化树的顶点。而天文学家没人相信这一点。我们的太阳形成于四十五亿年前,而六十亿年后它的燃料才能耗尽。膨胀的宇宙将继续——也许会永远——越变越冷、越变越空。正如伍迪·艾伦所说,“永远是很长的,尤其是通往终结”。任何能见证太阳死亡的生物,无论是在当今的地球上或是遥远的它方,都不会是人类。它们将是某种实体,其不同于我们,就好像我们不同于臭虫一样。不过,即使在这张向未来,向过去延伸数百万世纪的“折叠式”时间表上,本世纪也是特别的一个世纪。在我们地球的历史上,这是第一次有一个物种——我们的人类——掌握了地球的未来,不仅可能危及其本身,而且可能危及生命的巨大潜力。假设某些外星人一直观察着我们地球的整个历史。随着那段极长的时间过去——四十五亿年——地球外貌必定一直都在逐渐地改变着。但是,在其历史的一小段时间内——即过去的几千年——植物的模样比以前变化得快得多。这标志着农业的出现。随着人类数量的增长,这种变化的速度也越来越快。接着,出现了其它变化,更突然的变化。在过去的五十年里 ——只比百万分之一地球年龄的百分之一多一点——大气中的二氧化碳浓度开始反常地迅速上升。地球成了无线电波(电视、手机以及雷达传输器)的密集发射器。另外一些前所未有的事情也发生了:从地球上发射出去的小型抛射体逃离了我们的生物圈。其中一些被推入环绕地球的轨道,另一些则飞向月球和其它星球。如果外星人懂得天体物理学,他们可能会自信地预测到,当太阳突然燃烧起来然后灭亡的时候,这个生物圈将在几十亿年之内面对厄运。他们会不会已经预测到地球生命过去了一半的信号?——总的来说,这些人类引发的变化占据了不到百万分之一已经过去的生命期,而表面来看却似以失控的速度在发生着变化。如果这些假设的外星人继续监视着我们,他们在今后几十年内会见证到什么?会是在最后的痉挛之后归于静寂吗?或者地球本身将稳定下来?从地球上发射出去的某些东西会不会在其它地方孕育出新的生命绿洲?这个结果取决于政治选择。而二十一世纪将要提供的知识和技术,可能会引导有影响、有理想的科学家、人类生态学专家和人类学者,对这些选择产生影响。
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论文提纲与开题报告   开题报告是指开题者对科研课题的一种文字说明材料。论文提纲是作者构思谋篇的具体体现。便于作者有条理地安排材料、展开论证。   开题报告和论文提纲   一、毕业设计(论文)题目的来源,理论或实际应用意义   2、理论或实际应用意义   汽车驱动桥处于汽车传动系的末端,其基本功用是增大由传动轴或直接由变速器传来的转矩,将转矩分配给左右驱动车轮,并使左右驱动车轮具有汽车行驶运动学上要求的差速功能;同时,驱动桥还要承受作用于路面和车架或车厢之间的铅垂力、纵向力和横向力。   随着测试技术的发展与完善,在驱动桥设计过程中引进新的测试技术和各种专用的试验设备,进行科学实验,从各方面对产品的结构、性能和零部件的强度、寿命进行测试,同时广泛采用近代数学物理分析方法,对产品及其总成、零部件进行全面的技术分析、研究,这样就使驱动桥设计理论发展到以科学实验和技术分析为基础的阶段。   驱动桥设计与分析理论达到当前的高水平,是百余年来特别是近三十年来基础科学、应用技术、材料与制造工艺不断发展进步的结果,也是设计、生产与使用经验长期积累的结果.它立足于规模宏大的生产实践,以基础理论为指导,以体现当代科技成就的驱动桥设计软件及硬件为手段,以满足社会需求为目的,借助于材料、工艺、设备、工具、测试仪器、试验技术及经营管理等领域的成就,不断地发展进步。以便改善其市场竞争地位并获得更大的经济效益。   二、题目主要内容及预期达到的目标   (一)题目主要内容   1)选择驱动桥结构形式,主减速器结构型式;   2)选择主减速器齿轮的支撑型式,计算选择主减速器齿轮的主要参数;   3)主减速齿轮的强度校核,计算选择主减速器的轴承;   4)选择计算差速器齿轮主要参数,差速器锥齿轮的强度校核;   5)完成驱动桥主要零件的结构设计;   6)用Matlab完成相关计算编程。   (注)开题报告要点:1、毕业设计(论文)题目的来源,理论或实际应用意义。2、题目主要内容及预期达到的目标。3、拟采用哪些方法及手段。4、完成题目所需要的实验或实习条件。5、完成题目的工作计划等。   (开题报告不够用时可另附同格式A4纸)   (二)预期达到的目标   1)所选择的主减速比应保证汽车在给定使用条件下有最佳的动力经济性,具体必要的离地间隙以满足通过性的要求;   2)驱动桥的各零件在满足足够的强度和刚度的条件下,应力求做到质量轻,以改善汽车的行驶平顺性;   3)能承受和传递作用于驱动车轮上的各种力和转矩,噪声小,结构简单,拆装调整方便;   4)设计中应尽量满足“三化”的要求;   三、拟采用的方法和手段   (一)方案论证   1)驱动桥结构方案   驱动桥有断开式和非断开式,本次设计采用断开式。参考奥拓微型轿车驱动系统的布置形式,采用的是发动机前横置如图1所示:   汽车悬挂总成的类型及其弹性元件与减振装置的工作特性是决定汽车行驶平顺性的主要因素,而汽车簧下部分质量的.大小,对其平顺性也有显著的影响。断开式驱动桥的簧下质量较小,又与独立悬挂相配合,致使驱动车轮与地面的接触情况及对各种地形的适应性比较好,由此可大大地减小汽车在不平路面上行驶时的振动和车厢倾斜,提高汽车的行驶平顺性和平均行驶速度,减小车轮和车桥上的动载荷及零件的损坏,提高其可靠性及使用寿命。但是,由于断开式驱动桥及与其相配的独立悬挂的结构复杂,故这种结构主要见于对行驶平顺性要求较高的轿车。   2)主减速器及差速器设计结构方案分析   主减速器类型较多,有单级、双级、双速、轮边减速器等。参考奥拓微型轿车驱动系统的布置形式,因此采用圆柱齿轮单级减速如图2,具有结构简单、体积小、重量轻和传动效率高等优点。差速器采用对称式锥齿轮差速器,具有结构简单、工作平稳、制造方便及可靠等优点。在汽车转弯或在不平坦的路面上行驶时,使前后驱动车轮之间产生差速作用。   3)半轴结构方案分析   由于驱动桥是转向驱动桥,并且采用断开式,所以采用如图3所示的两段式半轴,外半轴与车轮相连,并通过球笼式万向节与内半轴即传动轴相连,传动轴与差速器输出端采用滑动球笼式万向节连接。   (二)采用的方法和手段   根据汽车动力性要求,在保证零件强度和刚度可靠使用的条件下基于 MATLAB 完成断开式驱动桥的设计计算。用CAXA软件完成装配图、零件图绘制。论文提纲见附件。   四、完成题目所需要的实验或实习条件   1.汽车学院实验中心;   2.长春第一汽车集团公司实习;   3.通过网络及图书馆获取相关资料;   五、完成题目的工作计划   3.21- 4.4 收集查阅相关资料   4.5-4.8 提出研究方案,准备开题,开题答辩   4.9-5.14 确定设计参数及相应计算方法,绘制驱动桥草图,中期检查   5.14-6.8 程序设计,绘制装配图   6.11-6.15 资料整理,撰写说明书   6.18-6.22 调整、完善并最终打印说明书及装配图   6.22-6.25 答辩准备   查阅资料、文献目录   [1] 陈家瑞,汽车构造 第4版. 北京:人民交通出版社,2003   [2] 王望予,汽车设计 第4版 北京:机械工业出版社,2004   [3] 过学迅,北京:人民交通出版社,2005   [4] 中国汽车车型手册 中国汽车技术研究中心 2003   [5] 刘惟信 汽车设计 北京:清华大学出版社,2001   [6] 汽车设计标准资料手册 长春:吉林科技出版社,1992   [7] 刘惟信.汽车设计.北京:清华大学出版社,2001   [8] 刘惟信.机械可靠性设计. 北京:清华大学出版社,1996   [9] 毛谦得.袖珍机械设计手册.北京:机械工业出版社,2005   [10] 刘惟信.汽车车桥设计.北京:清华大学出版社,2003   [11] 刘惟信.论现代汽车设计及其发展趋势.汽车与社会,1996   [12] 张洪欣.汽车设计.北京:机械工业出版社,2002   [13] 余志生.汽车理论.北京:机械工业出版社,2001   [14] 丁骏.机械制造工艺学.吉林:吉林教育出版社,1986   [15] John Fenton. Handbook of Automotive Powertain and Chassis.London:Professional Engineering Publishing, 1998   [16] Lechner G, Naunheimer H. Automotive Transmissions: Fundamentals, Selection, Design and Application. Berlin: Springer, 1999   附 件:论文提纲   指导教师意见:   (对本课题的深度、广度及工作量的意见和对设计结果的预测)   指导教师签字:   年 月 日   教研室意见:   教研室主任签字:   年 月 日   开 题 须 知   一、学生要认真填写开题报告。在毕业设计(论文)答辩时学生须向答辩委员会(或答辩小组)提交开题报告,作为答辩评分的参考材料,没有开题报告不能参加答辩。如果丢失要及时办理补交手续。学生毕业后,开题报告与学生毕业设计(论文)一并存档备案。   二、毕业设计(论文)题目一经确定,指导教师要给学生下达毕业设计(论文)任务书,学生根据任务书的要求进行开题,一般安排在毕业设计(论文)正式开始的第二周至第三周进行。   三、开题报告的审查由各专业教研室主持,每个学生的报告时间为10—15分钟。开题通过后学生才能正式获得毕业设计(论文)的资格。   四、学生要充分理解毕业设计(论文)题目的内容和要求,在指导教师的指导下制定切实可行的工作计划,并且要具备进行毕业设计(论文)所要求的实验或实习(调研)条件。   五、学生要按照指导教师所下达的毕业设计(论文)任务书的要求,认真进行文献资料的检索、搜集和查阅,并做好记录。   六、开题审查不合格的学生,必须在一周内重新进行开题。 ;
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2023-07-29 10:43:391

社交媒体的二次传播 英文怎么说

the second spread of social media
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首先,需要先明确,绑定的各种模式0 - Sets a round-robin policy for fault tolerance and load balancing. Transmissions are received and sent out sequentially on each bonded slave interface beginning with the first one available.1 - Sets an active-backup policy for fault tolerance. Transmissions are received and sent out via the first available bonded slave interface. Another bonded slave interface is only used if the active bonded slave interface fails.2 - Sets an XOR (exclusive-or) policy for fault tolerance and load balancing. Using this method, the interface matches up the incoming request"s MAC address with the MAC address for one of the slave NICs. Once this link is established, transmissions are sent out sequentially beginning with the first available interface.3 - Sets a broadcast policy for fault tolerance. All transmissions are sent on all slave interfaces.4 - Sets an IEEE 802.3ad dynamic link aggregation policy. Creates aggregation groups that share the same speed and duplex settings. Transmits and receives on all slaves in the active aggregator. Requires a switch that is 802.3ad compliant.5 - Sets a Transmit Load Balancing (TLB) policy for fault tolerance and load balancing. The outgoing traffic is distributed according to the current load on each slave interface. Incoming traffic is received by the current slave. If the receiving slave fails, another slave takes over the MAC address of the failed slave.6 - Sets an Active Load Balancing (ALB) policy for fault tolerance and load balancing. Includes transmit and receive load balancing for IPV4 traffic. Receive load balancing is achieved through ARP negotiation.需要注意的是MODE 0仅仅能实现网卡轮询,但同一时间只有一个网卡生效,总体带宽还是1个网卡的带宽。这里,我们需要开启交换机的802.3ad,并设置mode=4来实现带宽增倍注意,在上面这个BLOG里的mode需要改一下:vi /etc/modprobe.confalias bond0 bondingoptions bond0 miimon=100 mode=4 lacp_rate=1我们用iperf工具来测试带宽,由于mode 4模式使用mac地址分配那个网卡参与工作,因此,需要多台测试机进行测试10.199.81.39作为server,及10.199.81.42作为client,如果两个client均能达到1000Mbits,那也就意味着带宽是翻倍了。server:# iperf -s -w 1M------------------------------------------------------------Server listening on TCP port 5001TCP window size: 2.00 MByte (WARNING: requested 1.00 MByte)------------------------------------------------------------[ 4] local port 5001 connected with port 9951[ 5] local port 5001 connected with port 61211[ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth[ 4] 0.0-100.0 sec 11.1 GBytes 949 Mbits/sec[ 5] 0.0-100.0 sec 11.1 GBytes 949 Mbits/sec达到了带宽翻倍的目的
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realization sport and dint of deliver, the quality of its work condition direct influence the whole machine of circulate, thus result in to the whole machine system direct or indirect of influence.According to ANSYS company development of direct control of contact calculate way, is a kind of iner general use, and use a limited dollar analysis method to availably solve contact problem.
2023-07-29 10:44:493


International business environment for international business activities with a significant impact on the cultural environment which has an even smaller see the status of a concentrated expression of the culture of a country in the people"s basic beliefs and values. It not only affects multinational enterprises operating and management style, but also to the international business strategy have an important impact on decision-making. For example: China"s famous "white elephant" brand batteries, White Elephant translated into English, although the semantic information such as the good, but information on the culture, such as it is worse of the translation, because the white elephant in western countries means that "there is no Instead of using cumbersome things. " This meaning from a legend. Legend has it there was a king of his dislike of a minister, in order to punish him, the king gave the minister a white elephant. The Minister found that this is very difficult as the first, because it gave him the king, he is not transmitted to others, much less killed, but a carefully Shihou it. But the appetite for great white elephant of the Minister to eat poorer. So, I am afraid that the English-speaking countries who will not buy the brand for the White Elephant batteries, and because consumers are reluctant to buy, "but did not use the cumbersome things." Well. "White elephant" brand batteries should be how to translate? We can consider using a powerful symbol of the minds of Westerners, has the power to replace the animal lion, "white elephant" to Brown Lion. If the battery power purchased unparalleled customer Why not go ahead? China"s enterprises in the international cross-cultural business in the course of business has always been a diverse and heterogeneous cultural environment. Especially in the economically developed countries and the Western economic exchanges between the East and West cultural differences and the cultural differences between regions will be in the international business reflected in the economic operation, or even a business conflict. Therefore, the cross-cultural impact of China"s enterprises has become an international business activities in the one important factor that sometimes is the deciding factor. Take effective measures, the international business operations of the cultural activities to minimize conflict, the participation of Chinese enterprises in the process of international economic competition, not only to adapt to the international business activities between the main economic environment, better adapted to each other"s culture environment, and gain a competitive edge and access to the international business activities of the initiative, so that China"s enterprises to cross-cultural activities in the international economy must attach importance to and worthy of research. The World Trade Organization and regional economic integration Union, as well as transport and the rapid development of information technology and progress in the world economy and the scope of international business contacts and more space to expand. World economic and cultural integration of the trend of economic performance as a cultural and economic culture, and culture and the economy of mutual infiltration and influence. Another impact on the international business community to cultural factors make the concept of time. In a number of European culture, punctuality is very important, and in some other culture, late it can be acceptable. Similarly, in some American culture, the time is not a very strong constraints, in fact, until they can be accepted. A culture of the concept of time may help multinational companies engaged in business activities, such as: the Japanese often after a long period of consideration before reaching a decision. But once they made a decision, the timetable will be completed as scheduled tasks. In many Western culture is just the opposite, people decisions will be made soon, but action is very slow. Therefore, for those who prefer the rapid implementation of the enterprises, the Oriental culture better
2023-07-29 10:45:016


这是一篇 PH.D的论文,谈论有关 无线传感网络 的,你看下,是否符合你需要,如果类型都不一致,那就没必要翻译了。Mechanisms for energy conservation in wireless sensor networksSupervisor: Maurizio BonuccelliThesis commettee: Paolo Ferraggina, Piero MaestriniExternal referees: Stefano Basagni, Mani SrivastavaNational commettee: Bugliesi, Meo, and Panzieri December 27, 2005 AbstractIn this thesis we address the problem of reducing energy consumption in wireless sensor networks. We propose a suit of techniques andstrategies imported from other research areas that can be applied to design energy-efficient protocols in sensor networks. They includetime series forecasting, quorums systems, and the interaction between sensor properties and protocol design. We apply these techniques to the time synchronization problem, to efficiently collecting data from a sensor network, and to ensuring stronger data consistency guarantees in mobile networks.We show in [1,2,3,4] that time series forecasting techniques, and in particular autoregressive (AR) models, can be applied to sensor networks to conserve energy. We study a simple type of time series models with a short prediction window. We have chosen this model because it is capableof predicting data produced by real-world sensors measuring physical phenomena, and it is computationally tractable on modern-generation sensor networks. We apply these models to solve two relevant problems in sensor networks: the problem of efficiently collecting sensor data at the sink, and the time synchronization problem.We propose an energy-efficient framework, called SAF Similarity--based Adaptable query Framework [1,2] ), for approximate querying and detecting outlier values in sensor networks. The idea is to combine local AR models built at each node into a global model stored at the root of the network(the sink) that is used to approximately answer user queries. Our approach uses dramatically fewer transmissions than previous approximate approaches by using AR models and organizing the network into clusters based on data similarity between nodes. Our definition of data similarity is based on the coefficients of the local AR models stored at the sink, which reduces energy consumption over techniques that directly compare data values, and allows us to derive an efficient clustering algorithm that is provably optimal in the number of clusters formed by the network. Our clusters have several interesting features that make them suitable also for mobile networks: first, they can capture similarity between nodes that are not geographically adjacent; second, cluster membership adapts at no additional cost; third, nodes within a cluster are not required to track the membership of other nodes in the cluster. Furthermore, SAF provides provably correct error bounds and allows the user to dynamically tune answer quality to answer queries in an energy and resource efficient manner.In addition, we apply the AR models to solve the time synchronization problem from a novel perspective which is complementary to the well-studied clock synchronization problem [3,4]. More precisely, we analyze the case in which a sensor node decides to skip one or more clock adjustments to save energy, or it is temporarily isolated, but still requires an accurate estimate of the time. We propose a provably correct clock method based on AR models, which returns a time estimate within a constant (tunable) error bound and error probability. This method is highly adaptable and allows the sensor to decide how manyclock adjustments it can skip while maintaining the same time accuracy, thus saving energy. In addition, we propose a suit of deterministic methods that reduce the time estimation error by at least a factor 2. More precisely, we propose a provably correct deterministic clock reading method, called the DCR method, which exploits information regarding the sign of the clock deviation, and can be applied to reduce by half the frequency of the periodic clock adjustments, while maintaining the same error bound [3,4]. This method is of both practical and theoretical interest. In fact, it leads to a noticeable energy saving, and shows that a stronger but realistic clock model can lead to a refinement of the optimality bound for the maximum deviation of a clock that is periodically synchronized. In addition, we propose a generalized version of the DCR method that enhances its accuracy depending on the clock stability, and a method that guarantees the monotonicity of the time values produced.We analyze for the first time quorum system techniques in the context of sensor networks: we redesign them and show their benefits in terms of energy consumption [6]. Quorum systems have the potential to save energy in sensor networks since they can reduce noticeably the amount of communication, improve the load balance among sensor nodes, and enhance the scalability of the system. However, previous quorum systems and quorum metrics, proposed for wired networks, are unsuitable for sensor networks since they do not address their properties and limitations. These observations have motivated us to redesigning quorum systems and their metrics, taking into account the limitations and characteristics of sensors (e.g., transmission costs, limited energysource, physical radio broadcast), and the network topology. More precisely, we redefine the following quorum metrics: load balance, access cost and quorum capacity, and devise some strategies based on some characteristics of sensor networks that reduce the amount of communication when designing quorum systems for sensor networks. We apply these strategies to design a family of energy-efficient quorum systems with high resiliency. In particular, we propose a quorum construction that reduces the quorum access cost, and propose an energy-efficient data diffusion protocol built on top of it that reduces the energy consumption by reducing the amount of transmissions and collisions.In addition, we analyze quorum systems in case of high node mobility. More precisely, we study the difficult problem of guaranteeing the intersection between two quorums in case nodes move continuously along unknown paths [7]. We address this problem by defining a novel mobility model that provides a minimum set of constraints sufficient to derive strong data guarantees in highly mobile networks. Also in this case, we show the unsuitability of previous quorum systems, and provide a condition which is necessary to guarantee data availability and atomic consistency under high node mobility. We propose a new classof quorum systems, called Mobile Dissemination (MD) quorums, suitable for highly mobile networks, and propose a quorum construction which is optimal with respect to the quorum size (i.e., message transmissions) [7]. Then, we apply the MD quorum system to implement a provably correct atomic read/write shared memory for mobile and sparse networks.Bibliography [1] D. Tulone, S. Madden. PAQ: Time series forecasting for approximate query answeringin sensor networks. In Proc. of the 3rd European Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks, pp. 21-37, Feb 2006.[2] D. Tulone, S. Madden. An energy-efficient querying framework in sensor networks for detecting node similarities.Submitted to conference.[3] D. Tulone. On the feasibility of global time estimation under isolation conditions in wireless sensor networks.To appear in Algorithmica.[4] D. Tulone. A resource-efficient time estimation for wireless sensor networks. In Proc. of the 4th Workshop of Principles of Mobile Computing, pp. 52-59, Oct 2004.[5] D. Tulone. How efficiently and accurately can a process get the reference time? Intl. Symp. on Distributed Computing, Oct2003. Brief announcement, pp. 25-32.[6] D.Tulone, E. D. Demaine. Redesigning quorum systems for wireless sensor networks. Submitted to conference.[7] D. Tulone. Is it possible to ensure strong data guarantees in highly mobile networks? Submitted to conference.
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2023-07-29 10:45:5415

my hometown写一篇英文作文。

Wuxi is a city on the Yangtze River between Suzhou and Nanjing。 It is located in the south of Jiangsu Province, half way between the cities of Shanghai and Nanjing, with Shanghai 128km to its east and Nanjing 183km to its west. To its south is Lake Taihu and to its north is Yangtse River. Wuxi is a famous cultural city with ahistory of over 3,000 years. Since about 6,000 to 7,000 years ago, theancestors have worked and lived in this rich land。There are many places of interest in our city,such as Wu Culture Park,The Second Spring,and taibo temple。 wellcome to our hometown。
2023-07-29 10:46:282


上帝保佑我们大家我们破碎的人生活在加载的枪下,它不能是 outfought 它不能被打败它不能出匹配它不能是 outrun 没有上帝保佑我们大家我们破碎的人生活在加载的枪下,它不能是 outfought 它不能被打败它不能出去的匹配,它不能超出不,当我闭上双眼今晚以交响乐的致盲光神保佑我们我们破碎的每个人都加载枪下不哦像生活在世界的你和我在海洋出血到天空神拯救我们每个人都当我们在为我的头我的舌头的罪罪一千个太阳之火燃烧我们祖宗的罪孽远走呼应冷衰变传输中的记忆的人我们年轻的罪没有上帝拯救我们每个人都当我们为一千个太阳之火在燃烧之罪我的罪我的舌头我们祖宗之我们年轻没有罪的罪过啊,当我闭上眼睛今晚以交响乐的致盲光神拯救我们每个人都当 w...
2023-07-29 10:46:483


是一家大型集团液压流体的流体动力介质中作为液压机械。流体类型包括人工合成的化合物,矿物油,水,和水性的混合物。这些液体都出现在机械和设备从制动器、动力转向系统、传授给backhoes、挖掘机、垃圾卡车和工业碎纸机。液压系统是很普通的飞机飞行控制系统。液压系统会像那些工作最有效与上面提到如果液压油使用具有较低的压缩性。 因为工业液压系统工作在数百到成千上万的心灵感应和温度达到几百摄氏度,严重伤害或死亡可能起因于组件故障和保健必须时常加以当执行维护在液压系统中。液压动力是用于其他目的。它可以被储存在累加器开始了辅助动力装置(APU)为自启动飞机的主机。今天许多飞机配备火炮使用家庭的液压动力来驱动火炮系统,允许可靠的高速率的火。 液压动力本身来自泵驱动直接由发动机,或由电驱动泵。电动泵可以提供的冗余和操作手段的液压系统无s 防火是一种财产可提供专业的液体。 液压系统的使用几乎可以肯定的是,在飞机刹车系统。[开始]引文需要增加mid-20th飞机性能的几个世纪,所需的力机械飞行控制操作变得过量,减少液压系统引入了飞行员的努力。液压执行器的控制阀门,并依次是直接由输入的操作(hydro-mechanical机组乘员)或公司飞机液压流体属于各种规格: 暴露于液压流体主要存在于工作场所。某些类型的液压流体饮酒可导致死亡在人类,和吞咽或者吸入某些类型的液压流体造成神经损伤的动物。与某些类型的液压流体可能刺激你的皮肤或眼睛。这些物质被发现在至少10个,国家优先列表网站1428经美国环境保护署(E
2023-07-29 10:46:571


1、Sexually Transmitted2、Blood Transmitted3、Mother-to-child transmission4、Other meansNo means of HIV transmissionAir; Drinking water, and food; Daily life and work contacts; Swimming pools; Bloodsucking insects and mosquitoes, fleas, lice, etc.1、 kissing 2、shook hands 3、 embraced 4、meals5、the use of condoms in sexual intercourse 6、shared toilet
2023-07-29 10:47:054


universally的意思是宇宙、全世界、普遍、一般、普通、全体、一致、通用、万能、广用、广泛。例句1. Anthropologists have discovered that fear, happiness, sadn ess, and surprise are universally reflected in facial express ions.人类学家们已经发现,恐惧,快乐,悲伤和惊奇都会行之于色,这在全人类是共通的。2. It exceeds the most stringent industry standards and is universally recommended for a wide range of transmissions.这超过了最严格的行业标准,是一个普遍的传输范围广泛的建议。3. Elementary constant of the universe is an constant universally prevailed, as a matter of fact, it is general space time value of the universe as a whole.基本宇宙常数是一个普适性很大的物理常数,它是宇宙的总时空数值。
2023-07-29 10:47:241

interfere \ interference 这两英语怎么念?

2023-07-29 10:48:312


蓝牙技术是一种最基本的蓝牙无线短程通讯技术旨在取代电缆连接便携式和/或固定装置 同时保持高水平的安全. 蓝牙技术的主要特点是稳健、低功耗、低成本. 蓝牙规格统一界定为多种结构连接器、互相沟通. 蓝牙技术已经达到全球接受这种装置,使得任何蓝牙,几乎每一个国家, 可连接其它蓝牙装置,使靠近. 蓝牙使得电子装置连接和沟通,通过无线短程、AdHoc网络称为piconets. 每个器件可同时与多达七个其它装置在一微微网. 每个装置还可以同时属于多个piconets. piconets建立动态和自动装置,使进出蓝芽无线距离. 蓝芽无线技术实力是一个根本的能力,同时处理数据和语音传输两种. 这使用户享受各种创新解决诸如免提耳机语音通话 印刷及传真能力,同步的PDA、笔记本、手机应用等等. ●版本2.0版本规格核心+增强数据率(尼古丁损伤),通过11,2004u20221.2版,通过11 2003规格化妆跟其他无线标准、 蓝牙无线连接两种规格使生产商和应用层层定义 支持数据和语音应用. 蓝牙技术运转谱牌工业、科学和医学(主义)在2.4至2.485千兆赫频段, 利用扩频、跳频、全双工信号时象征率啤酒花1600/0.938 2.4千兆赫的ISM频段可在大多数国家和牌. 蓝牙技术干扰的自适应跳频(自适应跳频)的能力是为了减少干扰无线技术之间共享2.4吉赫 谱. 自适应跳频频谱工程利用现有的频率. 这是由在光谱检测等设备,避免它们所用频率. 自适应跳频这使得传输的频谱效率, 为用户提供更多的表现就算用其他技术随着蓝牙技术. 啤酒花之间的信号频率179兆赫回放给予高度干扰免疫力.
2023-07-29 10:48:591

求帮翻译成中文 关于无线传感器网络的。

与现有的如ZigBee Mica Motes或者其它WSN相比,MyriaNed无线传感器网络在有些方面有所不同。首先,它是基于随机转发(gossiping,也可以不翻译)的。这是MyriaNed的主要的出发点与核心思想。这个思路是阿姆斯特丹自由大学(Free University of Amsterdam )的Maarten van Steen教授提出的,现在则开始与Devlab合作研究。由于随机转发的自然特性,使得WSN在路由方面与经典方式与众不同。我们已经开发出了自己的MAC协议,称为gMac。这种MAC协议的基本特性是广播传输,这就意味着MAC层不需要一个ID或网络地址。然而,给网络中的每个节点分配ID是有一定必要性的。当然这个工作在MAC层之外,一般在应用层中完成。对于一个WSN的应用而言,能源效率也是非常重要的。由于无线通信是WSN节点中能源消耗最多的一部分,因此gMac的一个特别属性是解决这个问题。gMac使用一种在节点之间严格同步的TDMA协议进行信息通信。接下来的章节将对上述问题进行更为详细的描述。
2023-07-29 10:49:191

机械专业英语论文翻译 高分求助!要求通顺 好的有加分

Abstract— Cobots是连续地使用机器人的类 开发高保真度可编程序的variable传输 constraint表面。 Cobots消耗很少电能 ,既使当提供高产力量和他们的传输横跨各种各样是非常有效率的transmission比率。 Cobotic传输也有能力 to作为闸或变得完全地自由。 设计 Cobotic手控制器的and表现,最近a developed六程度自由触觉显示,被回顾。 This设备说明高力学范围和低功率 consumption可达成由cobots。 彻底的比较 the一个cobotic系统的出力效率对常规 提供electro-mechanical系统。机器人技术的Three关键要求使用为 prosthetics和修复是低重量,低功率 consumption和安全。 我们提出cobotic技术作为a 可能论及所有这些问题的transmission建筑学。 Cobots是运用nonholonomic限制的机器人 of 操纵 轮子 关连 相对 速度 mechanism链接。 cobotic传输连续地是a variable传输(CVT)在正面和阴性之间 ratios, 并且 能 关连 二 平移 速度, 二 rotational速度或者对平移的旋转的速度 velocity [1]。 我们最近介绍了Cobotic手 Controller (图 1), a 供给动力的六程度自由 cobot和描述它的能力作为一个触觉接口[2, 3]。 通过本文路线,我们显示出, mechanical 建筑学 并且 传输 使用 在 Cobotic手控制器地址全部三在上面 机器人学的mentioned要求的弭补科和 rehabilitation.
2023-07-29 10:49:302


英国广播公司BBC: The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) is a British public service broadcasting statutory corporation.Its main responsibility is to provide impartial public service broadcasting in the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands, and the Isle of Man. It is the largest broadcaster in the world by number of employees, with about 23,000 staff. 美国电影电视公司HBO: HBO (Home Box Office) is an American premium cable and satellite television network that is owned by Home Box Office Inc., an operating subsidiary of Time Warner. HBO"s programming consists primarily of theatrically released motion pictures and original television series, along with made-for-cable movies and documentaries, boxing matches and occasional stand-up comedy and concert specials.忘采纳,,并推荐HBO诗史居《冰与火之歌》
2023-07-29 10:49:402


什么是OSI安全1.1%建筑吗? OSI安全架构是一个框架,提供了一种系统要求的定义和表征方法安全性要求满意。这个文档定义了安全攻击,机制,旨在服务,以及在这些类别。 120之间的差别是什么主动和被动安全造成威胁吗? 被动攻击和窃听、监控、传输。电子邮件,文件传输,客户机/服务器交换的例子,都能被监测。传输主动攻击包括修改传输数据,试图非法进入电脑系统。 13清单,并简要定义类别的主动和被动安全攻击。 被动攻击:释放消息的内容和流量分析。主动攻击:化妆、继电器、修改的信息,并且拒绝服务。 1,所谓的秘密钥匙吗? 这个秘密密钥也被输入的算法。确切的替代品,变换算法进行了关键取决于。 二、(page.56)什么是关键的配送中心吗? 关键的配送中心确定哪种系统可以互相交流。当被批准为两种体系建立连接,关键的配送中心提供了一个一次性的会话密钥的连接。 三、提供服务,否则就会出现? 1。访问控制技术, 2。连接的完整性 3。数据来源的认证 4。拒绝重包(一种偏序完整)。 5.保密(加密)。有限的交通流的机密性 四、什么是重播攻击吗? 回放袭击是一个攻击者获得一份认证包,后来把它发送到目的地收到复制、IP包可能会破坏服务在某种意义上可以有其他一些清淡的后果这个序列号码是为了阻止类似事件首先,我们先讨论数代序列,然后看看我们是如何处理的。
2023-07-29 10:49:496


2023-07-29 10:41:096


角度和经纬度中,度分秒也使用60进制。六十进制是以60为基数的进位制。我们所习惯的印度-阿拉伯数字,就是一个以10为底的计数与演算系统。例如,在234中的2代表200,25中的2代表20,而102中的2就代表2。在一个完整的进制系统中,必须要有代表“零”的符号,才能将可能缺项的位数补零。我们直式加减乘除,就是建立在这样的位值系统上。至于不使用进制的系统,大概只有罗马数字还算为世人所熟悉。这也是一个以10为基底的系统,但它用I、X、C 、M表示1、10、100和1000,再加上V、L、D代表5、50及500作辅助。举例来说,1762=MDCCLXII。巴比伦使用的这个六十进位法是个不完整的进制系统,因为它缺乏代表“零”的符号。但它与我们系统是很接近的,它使用59个不同的符号代表1至59,当泥板上由左至右出现5、6、3时,它的意思是 =18363。这使得一个很庞大的数字变得容易纪录。巴比伦六十进位法如前所述,它一直没有“零”的符号,也没有小数点。虽然有时他们会将某一位空下来以代表缺项,但也因没有统一使用,让我们后人无法直接从数字符号上去确定它的值。此时我们只能从泥板的上下文去判断了。这样容易混淆的状况,一直到约公元前300年波斯人“发明”了“零”的符号,才大有改善,但小数点仍一直没有被使用。
2023-07-29 10:41:121


2023-07-29 10:41:224


角度和经纬度中,度分秒也使用60进制。六十进制是以60为基数的进位制。我们所习惯的印度-阿拉伯数字,就是一个以10为底的计数与演算系统。例如,在234中的2代表200,25中的2代表20,而102中的2就代表2。在一个完整的进制系统中,必须要有代表“零”的符号,才能将可能缺项的位数补零。我们直式加减乘除,就是建立在这样的位值系统上。至于不使用进制的系统,大概只有罗马数字还算为世人所熟悉。这也是一个以10为基底的系统,但它用I、X、C 、M表示1、10、100和1000,再加上V、L、D代表5、50及500作辅助。举例来说,1762=MDCCLXII。巴比伦使用的这个六十进位法是个不完整的进制系统,因为它缺乏代表“零”的符号。但它与我们系统是很接近的,它使用59个不同的符号代表1至59,当泥板上由左至右出现5、6、3时,它的意思是 =18363。这使得一个很庞大的数字变得容易纪录。巴比伦六十进位法如前所述,它一直没有“零”的符号,也没有小数点。虽然有时他们会将某一位空下来以代表缺项,但也因没有统一使用,让我们后人无法直接从数字符号上去确定它的值。此时我们只能从泥板的上下文去判断了。这样容易混淆的状况,一直到约公元前300年波斯人“发明”了“零”的符号,才大有改善,但小数点仍一直没有被使用。
2023-07-29 10:41:251


2023-07-29 10:41:273


2023-07-29 10:41:304


TAFE(TechnicalandFurtherEducation)的全称是技术和继续教育学院,它是澳大利亚一种独特的职业教育培训体系,是澳义务教育后最大的教育与培训组织,国家职业教育和培训(VET)的主要提供者。 扩展资料   TAFE相当于中国的职业学校、技校、中专和高等专科学校的综合体。   澳大利亚最早的技术学院距今已有100年的历史。直至1973年,澳大利亚联邦政府成立了技术与继续教育委员会(CommitteeofTechnicalandFurtherEducation),明确提出把技术教育与继续教育结合在一起,把学历教育与岗位培训联系起来,实行柔性的教育培训方式,专门从事技术人员的学历教育。   经历30年的发展,澳大利亚的.TAFE体系已成为全球成功的特色鲜明的教育体系之一,既有公立学院,也有私立学院。在澳大利亚的国民经济发展中愈益起着重要的作用。
2023-07-29 10:41:311


火狐指的是火狐浏览器,Mozilla Firefox,中文俗称“火狐”(正式缩写为Fx或fx,非正式缩写为FF),是一个自由及开放源代码网页浏览器;望采纳
2023-07-29 10:40:571

Yes,there is.是什么意思?

2023-07-29 10:40:544


可以至“华硕官网”下载驱动,在官网主页右侧 搜索栏输入产品型号,点击搜索,即可查询到对应产品型号,选择“技术与支持”“驱动程序及工具软件”,输入当前笔记本使用的操作系统,即可找到相应的驱动。
2023-07-29 10:40:542


2023-07-29 10:40:516


Mozilla Firefox,中文俗称“火狐”(正式缩写为Fx或fx,非正式缩写为FF),是一个自由及开放源代码网页浏览器,使用Gecko排版引擎,支持多种操作系统,如Windows、Mac OS X及GNU/Linux等。该浏览器提供了两种版本,普通版和ESR(Extended Support Release,延长支持)版,ESR版本是 Mozilla 专门为那些无法或不愿每隔六周就升级一次的企业打造。Firefox ESR 版的升级周期为 42 周,而普通 Firefox 的升级周期为 6 周。据2013年8月浏览器统计数据,Firefox在全球网页浏览器市占率76%至81%,用户数在各网页浏览器中排名第三,全球估计有6450万位用户。在印度尼西亚、德国和波兰的占有率最高,分别为97.84%、86.41%和84.31%。自Firefox 29起,浏览器界面有很大程度改变。由于该浏览器开放了源代码,因此还有一些第三方编译版供使用。如pcxFirefox,苍月浏览器,tele009等根据英国防病毒公司Sophos的最新调查数据显示,Firefox连续三年成为互联网用户最受信赖的浏览器
2023-07-29 10:40:401


角度和经纬度中,度分秒也使用60进制。六十进制是以60为基数的进位制。我们所习惯的印度-阿拉伯数字,就是一个以10为底的计数与演算系统。例如,在234中的2代表200,25中的2代表20,而102中的2就代表2。在一个完整的进制系统中,必须要有代表“零”的符号,才能将可能缺项的位数补零。我们直式加减乘除,就是建立在这样的位值系统上。至于不使用进制的系统,大概只有罗马数字还算为世人所熟悉。这也是一个以10为基底的系统,但它用I、X、C 、M表示1、10、100和1000,再加上V、L、D代表5、50及500作辅助。举例来说,1762=MDCCLXII。巴比伦使用的这个六十进位法是个不完整的进制系统,因为它缺乏代表“零”的符号。但它与我们系统是很接近的,它使用59个不同的符号代表1至59,当泥板上由左至右出现5、6、3时,它的意思是 =18363。这使得一个很庞大的数字变得容易纪录。巴比伦六十进位法如前所述,它一直没有“零”的符号,也没有小数点。虽然有时他们会将某一位空下来以代表缺项,但也因没有统一使用,让我们后人无法直接从数字符号上去确定它的值。此时我们只能从泥板的上下文去判断了。这样容易混淆的状况,一直到约公元前300年波斯人“发明”了“零”的符号,才大有改善,但小数点仍一直没有被使用。
2023-07-29 10:40:361