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以后的日子请多多指教 用英语怎么说

2023-05-19 18:30:40

以后的日子请多多指教的英文:Kindly give us your advice in the days to come

advice 读法 英 [əd"vaɪs]  美 [ədˈvaɪs] 

n. 建议;忠告;劝告;通知


1、I enjoyed the great benefit of his instructions concerning the matter.


2、Welcome the man of insight and designs the colleague to join and to advise! 



1、seek advice 征求意见;请教

2、good advice 好建议

3、give advice 劝告,忠告

4、legal advice 法律意见;[法]法律谘询

5、expert advice 专家意见




1、cautionary advice 忠告

2、common advice 常识性的劝告

3、competent advice 正当的意见

4、concentrated advice 集中的意见

5、conservative advice 保守的意见




3、advice不可用a number of, many, several等限定可数名词的词语修饰,但可用some, any, a lot of, little, a little等修饰。

4、作为表示建议的名词, advice可接that引起的表语从句或同位语从句,这时从句中的谓语动词须用虚拟式,即用动词原形或should+动词原形。


please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.



always enlight me in the future.




I"m looking forward to working with you (我期待今后与你的合作)


Later day you for your comments



Cautious一般是形容人谨慎。例:He is a cautious person.他是一个谨慎的人。Cautionary一般指警示性的,是书面语,很少出现在口语中。例:a cautionary tale一个警示故事。
2023-01-08 02:25:106


有很多单词有“小心的”的意思,但是用法都不同。看看这个把 1. careful 2. cautious 3. painstaking 4. white-livered 5. wary 6. discreet 7. cautelous Relative explainations: <cagy> <regardful> <cagey> <calculating> <cautionary> <circumspect> <tentie> <tenty> Examples: 1. 我在谈话中当然会十分小心的。 I"ll certainly be most discreet in my conversation. 2. 停止!你不小心的话会把它破的! Leave off! You"ll break it if you"re not careful! 3. 她会丢失她的钱包,如果她不小心的话。 She"ll lose her purse if she"s not careful. 4. 不小心的未给予应有的注意小心或关注的;不留心的 Failing to give due heed, care, or attention; inattentive. Be careful about fires! 小心火烛! Be care with fire! 小心火! Mind the wet paint! 小心油漆! Mind out! 小心。 Watch it! 小心! Mind how you go! 路上小心! Be careful for pickpockets. 小心扒手。 Be watchful for pickpockets. 小心扒手。 Beware of pick pockets! 小心扒手! Danger! Electricity! Danger! Live wire! 小心触电! 不小心的: 1. neglectful 2. unheeding 3. unguarded 4. remiss 5. incautious Relative explainations: <negligent> <mindless> <unwary> <heedless> <butterfingered> She"ll lose her purse if she"s not careful. 她会丢失她的钱包,如果她不小心的话。 Failing to give due heed, care, or attention; inattentive. 不小心的未给予应有的注意小心或关注的;不留心的 I"ve torn his letter. 我不小心撕破了他的信。 Watch that guy. He"ll chisel out of every penny you"ve got if you"re not careful! 注意那家伙。如果你不小心的话,他会骗走你的每一分钱。 excessively or unduly careful. 过分的或者不适当的小心。 The secret slipped from his lips. 他不小心泄漏了秘密。 We accidentally broke the radio. 我们不小心弄坏了收音机 imprudently incurring risk. 因不小心而招致危险。
2023-01-08 02:25:316


be care for
2023-01-08 02:25:519

cautionary tale是什么意思

cautionary tale 警世故事At the heart of this cautionary tale sits the cigar-chomping Mr Cayne, who revelled in his firm"s image as Wall Street"s scrappy outsider. 大声嚼着雪茄的凯恩先生处于这个引人警戒的故事的中心,他酷爱其公司作为华尔街好斗的局外人形象。
2023-01-08 02:26:571

cautionary tale是什么意思

cautionary tale警示
2023-01-08 02:27:072


1.星际穿越的内容简介,英文的 In the near future, with the deterioration of the earth"s natural environment. (在不远的未来,随着地球自然环境的恶化。) Mankind is faced with the threat that it cannot survive. (人类面临着无法生存的威胁。) That"s when scientists discovered a wormhole near Saturn in the solar system. (这时科学家们在太阳系中的土星附近发现了一个虫洞。) Through it, we can break the limits of human ability and look for the opportunity to extend life in outer space. (通过它可以打破人类的能力限制,到更遥远外太空寻找延续生命希望的机会。) An expedition team travels through the wormhole to the outer solar system. Their goal is to find a planet suitable for human migration. (一个探险小组通过这个虫洞穿越到太阳系之外,他们的目标是找到一颗适合人类移民的星球。) On Endurance, which is a craft called Endurance, the Endurance crew faces challenges unlike anything seen before in human thought. (在这艘名叫做“Endurance”的飞船上,探险队员着面临着前所未有,人类思想前所未及的巨大挑战。) However, after passing through the wormhole, they found that one hour on the spaceship on the planet is equivalent to seven years on earth. (然而,通过虫洞后,他们发现飞船上在星球上的一个小时相当于地球上的七年时间。) Even if the team"s mission is accomplished, their salvation will come too late for those still alive on earth. (即使探险小组的任务能够完成,他们的救赎对于对地球上仍然活着的人来说已经是太晚。) Cooper, the pilot, must choose between reuniting with his children and saving humanity"s future. (飞行员库珀必须在与自己的儿女重逢以及拯救人类的未来之间做出抉择。) 扩展资料 《星际穿越》角色介绍: 1,库珀 库伯是一名前NASA宇航员,也是一名工程师。人类文明危在旦夕,每天只是在种植食物、吃饭喝水中度过,不再进行发明创造,不需要工程师,库伯没有工作可做,没有新创意的诞生。库伯也是一个鳏夫,有两个孩子。 2,艾米莉亚 女科学家,与库伯及其他两位科学家、两个机器人一同出发,穿越虫洞到另一个空间去探寻三个最有可能居住的星球,也面临着有去无回的险境。 2.《星际穿越》中有哪些经典台词 michael Caine一直在说的那首诗还算是经典吧 Do not go gentle into that good night, 不要温和地走进那个良夜, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; 白昼将尽,暮年仍应燃烧咆哮; Rage, rage against the dying of the light. 怒斥吧,怒斥光的消逝。 Though wise men at their end know dark is right, 虽然在白昼尽头,智者自知该踏上夜途, Because their words had forked no lightning they 因为言语未曾迸发出电光,他们 Do not go gentle into that good night. 不要温和地走进那个良夜。 Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright 好人,当最后一浪过去,高呼着他们脆弱的善行 Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay, 本来也许可以在绿湾上快意地舞蹈, Rage, rage against the dying of the light. 所以,他们怒斥,怒斥光的消逝。 Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight, 狂人抓住稍纵即逝的阳光,为之歌唱, And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way, 并意识到,太迟了,他们过去总为时光伤逝, Do not go gentle into that good night. 不要温和地走进那个良夜。 Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight 严肃的人,在生命尽头,用模糊的双眼看到 Blind eyes could blaze like 4)meteors and be gay, 失明的眼可以像流星般闪耀,欢欣雀跃, Rage, rage against the dying of the light. 所以,他们怒斥,怒斥光的消逝。 And you, my father, there on the sad height, 而您,我的父亲,在生命那悲哀之极, Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.我求您现在用您的热泪诅咒我,祝福我吧 Do not go gentle into that good night. 不要温和地走进那个良夜。 Rage, rage against the dying of the light. 怒斥吧,怒斥光的消逝。 3.星际穿越的内容简介,英文的 In the near future, with the deterioration of the earth"s natural environment. (在不远的未来,随着地球自然环境的恶化。) Mankind is faced with the threat that it cannot survive. (人类面临着无法生存的威胁。) That"s when scientists discovered a wormhole near Saturn in the solar system. (这时科学家们在太阳系中的土星附近发现了一个虫洞。) Through it, we can break the limits of human ability and look for the opportunity to extend life in outer space. (通过它可以打破人类的能力限制,到更遥远外太空寻找延续生命希望的机会。) An expedition team travels through the wormhole to the outer solar system. Their goal is to find a planet suitable for human migration. (一个探险小组通过这个虫洞穿越到太阳系之外,他们的目标是找到一颗适合人类移民的星球。) On Endurance, which is a craft called Endurance, the Endurance crew faces challenges unlike anything seen before in human thought. (在这艘名叫做“Endurance”的飞船上,探险队员着面临着前所未有,人类思想前所未及的巨大挑战。) However, after passing through the wormhole, they found that one hour on the spaceship on the planet is equivalent to seven years on earth. (然而,通过虫洞后,他们发现飞船上在星球上的一个小时相当于地球上的七年时间。) Even if the team"s mission is accomplished, their salvation will come too late for those still alive on earth. (即使探险小组的任务能够完成,他们的救赎对于对地球上仍然活着的人来说已经是太晚。) Cooper, the pilot, must choose between reuniting with his children and saving humanity"s future. (飞行员库珀必须在与自己的儿女重逢以及拯救人类的未来之间做出抉择。) 扩展资料 《星际穿越》角色介绍: 1,库珀 库伯是一名前NASA宇航员,也是一名工程师。人类文明危在旦夕,每天只是在种植食物、吃饭喝水中度过,不再进行发明创造,不需要工程师,库伯没有工作可做,没有新创意的诞生。 库伯也是一个鳏夫,有两个孩子。 2,艾米莉亚 女科学家,与库伯及其他两位科学家、两个机器人一同出发,穿越虫洞到另一个空间去探寻三个最有可能居住的星球,也面临着有去无回的险境。 4.星际穿越影评英语 Interstellar was an absolutely breathtaking experience for me. I thought the writing, the direction, the score and especially the acting were all top notch. The film had the feeling of space films from the past, like 2001: A Space Odyssey, it also had elements of other space adventures, namely Apollo 13 and Planet of the Apes. The space scenes in particular, have music played to that shows it very much is, and feels like this great expanse of the unknown, an infinite vacuum of an ocean that is full of many beauties and terrors. Hans Zimmer basically added to the already sweeping story of space and time, with an equally overwhelming score that I did not expect to be impacted by it in such a way. Christopher Nolan takes the audience to where they"ve never truly gone to before until now, through wormholes and the time distortion that black holes can make to nearby planets. It is a big yet beautifully done self-contained adventure. It is not only a fully fledged space epic, but also a cautionary environmental warning for what will happen if we don"t leave the Earth when it is a desolate, dust-coated wasteland. If you want a true space opera that encompasses the wonders of the galaxy, time travel and completely believable characters that need to save humanity, Interstellar is the film for you. (来源: IMDB)
2023-01-08 02:28:071


We must take measures to avoid fires.
2023-01-08 02:28:154


2023-01-08 02:28:342


半导体器件主要用于电力设备,像一个活动的开关。它只允许单向电流通过,对正向电流导通,对反向电流截止。现实应用中,主要用到的器件有二极管、三极管、半导体场效应晶体管、绝缘栅双极晶体管和静电感应晶体管。不同于二极管的是,这些器件只需要很小的相关控制电流或电压就可以承受住正向电压,并控制它的开启和关闭。The manner in which semiconductor devices are used in power equipment is as a switch which is either open or closed. The devices permit current flow in one direction only, being able to withstand a potential difference without current flow in the opposite direction. In applications, the major devices are diodes, thyristors, power transistors, power MOSFETs, insulated gate bipolar transistors and static induction transistors. Other than the diode, all of these devices can withstand a voltage in the forward direction and be turned on or off by a relatively small controlling current or voltage. In this chapter, the characteristics, rather than the physics, of the major power devices will be described. The firing requirements of the devices will be explained. For practical uses the device rating will be specified, and the comparisons of the devices will be introduced.
2023-01-08 02:28:472


不小心的remissunguardedunheedingincautious 小心的carefulcarefullycautious discreetpainstakingwary be careful
2023-01-08 02:29:458


侏罗纪公园Jurassic Park is a science fiction novel that was written by Michael Crichton and published in 1990. Often considered a cautionary tale on unconsidered biological tinkering in the same spirit as Mary Shelley"s Frankenstein, it uses the mathematical concept of chaos theory and its philosophical implications to explain the collapse of an amusement park showcasing certain genetically recreated dinosaur species. It was adapted into a blockbuster film in 1993 by director Steven Spielberg.大白鲨:Jaws is a 1975 thriller/horror film directed by Steven Spielberg and based on Peter Benchley"s best-selling novel, which in turn was inspired by the Jersey Shore shark attacks of 1916. The police chief of Amity Island, a fictional summer resort town, tries to protect beachgoers from a great white shark by closing the beach, only to be overruled by the town council, which wants the beach to remain open to draw a profit from tourists during the summer season. After several attacks, the police chief enlists the help of a marine biologist and a professional shark hunter. Roy Scheider stars as police chief Martin Brody, Richard Dreyfuss as marine biologist Matt Hooper, Robert Shaw as shark hunter Quint, Lorraine Gary as Brody"s wife Ellen, and Murray Hamilton as Mayor Vaughn.变脸 Face/Off is a 1997 action film directed by John Woo, director of Broken Arrow, and starring John Travolta and Nicolas Cage. It tells of how an FBI agent must assume the physical appearance of his sworn enemy in order to stop a terrorist plot and how that same enemy then assumes his.It is considered Woo"s most successful American film, both critically and commercially. The film exemplifies gun fu and heroic bloodshed action sequences, and has Travolta and Cage each playing two personalities. It was the first Hollywood film on which Woo was given complete creative control and was acclaimed by both audiences and critics as a result. Eventually grossing $245 million worldwide, the film was a financial success.[1]
2023-01-08 02:30:132


Chapter 1The Catcher in the Rye begins with a statement by the narrator, Holden Caulfield, that he will not recount his “lousy” childhood and “all that David Copperfield kind of crap” because such details bore him. He describes his parents as nice but “touchy as hell.” Instead, Holden vows to relate what happened to him around last Christmas, before he had to take it easy. He also mentions his brother, D.B., who is nearby in Hollywood “being a prostitute.” Holden was a student at Pencey Prep in Agerstown, Pennsylvania, and he mocks their advertisements, which claim to have been molding boys into clear-thinking young men since 1888. Holden begins his story during the Saturday of the football game with Saxon Hall, which is supposed to be a big deal at Pencey. Selma Thurmer, the daughter of the headmaster, is at the game, but Holden is not. Although she is unattractive and a bit pathetic, to Holden she seems nice enough because she avoids lavishing praise upon her father. Holden, the manager of the fencing team, has just returned from New York with the team. Although they were supposed to have a meet with the McBurney School, Holden left the foils on the subway. The fencing team became furious with Holden, but he cannot help but find humor in the bad situation. Holden has not gone to the game as a result of his sudden unpopularity. Instead he chooses to say goodbye to Spencer, his history teacher, who knows that Holden is not coming back to Pencey. It turns out that Holden has recently been expelled for failing four classes.Chapter TwoHolden finds Spencer"s house somewhat depressing, smelling of Vicks Nose Drops and clearly underscoring the old age of its inhabitants. Mr. Spencer sits in a ratty old bathrobe and asks Holden to sit down. Holden tells him that Dr. Thurmer lectured him about how “life is a game” and that one should “play it according to the rules”—just before he expelled him. Mr. Spencer replies that Dr. Thurmer was correct, but Holden holds to the thought that life is only a game if you are on the right side. Holden tells Mr. Spencer that his parents will be upset, for this is his fourth private school so far. Holden recounts that, at sixteen, he is over six feet tall and has some gray hair, but still acts like a child, as others often tell him. Spencer says that he met with Holden"s parents, who are “grand” people, but Holden dismisses that word as “phony.” Spencer then tells Holden that he failed him in History because he knew nothing. Spencer reads him his exam essay about the Egyptians, which is woefully inadequate. At the end of the exam, Holden left a note for Mr. Spencer admitting that he was not interested in the Egyptians despite Spencer"s interesting lectures, noting that he would accept if Mr. Spencer failed him. As Holden and Mr. Spencer continue to talk, Holden"s mind wanders to the ducks in Central Park. He wonders how they suddenly vanish in the winter and where they go. When Spencer asks why Holden quit Elkton Hills, he replies that it is a long story. In short, the people there were phonies. He mentions the particular quality of the headmaster, Mr. Haas, who would be charming toward everyone except the “funny-looking parents.” Holden claims he has little interest in the future, and he assures Spencer that he is just going through a phase. As Holden leaves, he hears Spencer say “good luck,” a phrase that he particularly loathes.AnalysisIn Chapter 1, J.D. Salinger has his protagonist begin The Catcher in the Rye with a bold and sarcastic declaration. Holden immediately rejects the idea that the events that he describes in the novel consist of his life story or that this story is indicative of any larger message. He eschews the Dickensian idea of literature in novels like David Copperfield, in which the plot and narrative progress with a moral message, and he does not intend to inspire sympathy for himself like another David Copperfield or Oliver Twist. Besides, he is probably at a boarding school because his parents are wealthy. Instead of pointing toward a moral, he adopts a discursive style with no concrete message. His story is what it is, and Holden"s story is his own, not really a cautionary tale for others. As Holden insists, his tale exists independent of any larger meaning or message.Nevertheless, a reader might pick up on Salinger"s use of the conventions of a cautionary tale; there is something human about his experience that may well teach us something about not living badly. Holden indicates that he has to “take it easy” at a new place, strongly implying that he now is receiving psychiatric or psychological help. The details in the first chapter already indicate that he has pursued an aimless, self-destructive path. Expelled from school for failing several classes, Holden essentially describes himself as a perpetual failure. Even worse, in his failings he appears to have a strong disregard for others. His solipsistic self-destruction makes him unable to grasp the consequences of his actions, such as when he chooses humor and argues that he somehow is not responsible after he loses the fencing equipment on the trip to New York. Holden is in many ways a typical teenager, skeptical of all authority and having a truculent attitude that stems from cynicism and naïveté. Within the first several paragraphs he dismisses his parents as “touchy” and his brother as a sellout to Hollywood consumerism, yet he provides no good examples of their behavior. With the exception of Mr. Spencer and, to some degree, Selma Thurmer, Holden displays contempt for every character he mentions and the actions they undertake. The one value that he tends to espouse is authenticity, but he has no concrete definition of what this entails. Although he disdains Selma Thurmer"s failed attempts to artificially improve her appearance, his greatest compliment about the headmaster"s daughter is that she portrays her father honestly. This focus on authenticity and, in turn, the essential phoniness of others around him, will be a recurring theme for Holden Caulfield.At this point, the major literary devices to take note of are a strong point of view, anchored in the first-person narrator, as well as a clear sense of the novel"s themes. The tone of the novel is also interesting to explore because Holden dominates the narrative so overtly. While Holden"s tone is sarcastic and mocking, the tone of the novel seems more melancholy; we can already sense our antihero"s loneliness and pain. In Chapter 2, Salinger continues to develop the history of Holden Caulfield. It is not his full life story, but this recent history is perhaps the most telling part of his life so far. Salinger gradually indicates that Caulfield has a longer history and troubles that are more deeply rooted than those of the conventional disaffected teenager; Holden moves from boarding school to boarding school with no sense of purpose. Even Holden"s style of narration reveals his lack of a coherent vision. He admits that he cannot concentrate on any particular topic, thinking about ice skating while Mr. Spencer lectures him.As established in the previous chapter, Holden exemplifies the typical teenage feeling of alienation. He rejects the idea that life is a game, convinced that he is a misunderstood underdog (despite being a teenager privileged enough to move easily among Eastern prep schools), and he justifies his immaturity by claiming that he is going through a phase. His critiques are glib and without much substance, such as his insistence that others are “phonies” and his dislike of certain phrases such as “good luck.” He may be right in his critique, realizing that social relations and language are very often inauthentic, but his level of alienation has been taken to the extreme of making him unfit for regular human society. Holden"s diatribes against phonies are particularly instructive, but he does not always practice what he preaches; although he insists upon authenticity, he humors and flatters Mr. Spencer by agreeing with him. Holden, then, demonstrates a great aversion for everything associated with adulthood, such as the smell of Vicks Nose Drops that permeates Mr. Spencer"s home and the behavior of Mr. Haas, just as he occupies a precarious space between childhood and the adult world. In appearance he is an adult, with his tall stature and prematurely graying hair, yet as he and others around him realize, he is still quite immature.Holden"s behavior is not typical and excusable adolescent behavior, and Mr. Spencer shatters his ideal of authenticity by dismissing Holden"s vague justifications for his behavior and by confronting him with his failures. Holden"s desire to be authentic looks more like solipsism, a critique to which Holden cannot respond. But what if Holden is just taking a good idea to a bad extreme? Is it not true that maturity entails not just a loss of innocence but also a certain capitulation to phoniness? Holden is resisting the idea that in order to have the life he might want, he might have to satisfy others" ideas about what is good. If we do what others want instead of what we would prefer to do, yes, it is a kind of phoniness, yet we might better call it humility, service, or learning from others.Chapter 3Holden claims that he is the most terrific liar one could ever meet. He admits that he lied to Spencer by telling him that he had to go to the gym. At Pencey, Holden lives in the Ossenburger Memorial Wing of the new dorms. Ossenburger, a wealthy undertaker, graduated from the school, and Holden relates how “phony” Ossenburger seemed when he gave a speech exalting faith in Jesus. Holden returns to his room, where he puts on a red hunting hat he bought in New York. He thinks about the books that he likes to read—he prefers Ring Lardner, but he is now reading Dinesen"s Out of Africa. Ackley, a student whose room is connected to Holden"s, barges in. Ackley has a terrible personality and an even worse complexion. Holden tries to ignore him, then pretends that he is blind. Ackley cuts his nails right in front of Holden. Ackley claims that he hates Ward Stradlater, Holden"s roommate, as a “goddamn sonuvabitch,” but Holden tells Ackley that the real reason is that Stradlater told him that he should actually brush his teeth. Holden further defends Stradlater, claiming that he is conceited but generous. Stradlater arrives and is friendly to Holden. He asks Holden if he may borrow a jacket from him. Stradlater walks around shirtless to show off his build.求采纳为满意回答。
2023-01-08 02:30:221


I am from America. Hope this helps!Paradise Lost is the famous epic by 17th-century English poet John Milton. Published in 1667, the poem tells the story of Satan"s rebellion against God, his expulsion from Heaven along with the rest of the rebel angels, and how he tempted Adam and Eve to eat of the forbidden fruit and fall from grace (hence the title). Its sequel, Paradise Regained, tells the story of Jesus" temptation in the wilderness by Satan and how he resisted the Devil"s blandishments, thereby passing on humanity"s behalf the test which Adam and Eve failed. Paradise Lost is an epic in every sense of the word: vast and ambitious in scope, powerful and moving in its language, vivid in its depictions, its plot proceeding inevitably from the first couple"s initial bliss to their ultimate tragic fall. Milton"s Satan is one of the most three-dimensional characters in anything I have ever read. As a work of fiction, it is superb. However, as a depiction of actual events, I find it not just false, but unacceptable. Though inadvertently, Milton"s work has almost perfectly enumerated the reasons why I am not a Christian, to wit: its infinitely unjust conception of infinite punishment for finite sins; its inexplicably incompetent deity who allows his omnipotent will to be so easily thwarted; its flagrant and revolting sexism in repeatedly styling women the inferior of men in every respect; its anti-humanistic outlook that values blind faith and obedience and denigrates knowledge and understanding; and the many logical contradictions inherent in the Christian system. I can appreciate its artistic merit, but I wholeheartedly reject its theology.When viewed as two parts of a whole, Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained give a very consistent message. That message is this: Doubt is evil. Critical thinking is evil. Reason is to be denied and denigrated. Seeking to understand the world is at best unprofitable and pointless and at worst a straight road to eternal torment. Instead, virtue consists of absolute obedience and blind belief: as Satan mused, ignorance is indeed "the proof of [our] obedience and [our] faith". As has been noted, the arguments given by Satan in these books make sense, more so than the replies. Why should God have let the devils out of Hell when the only purpose that served was to allow them to drag others down to damnation? Why should God value ignorance and envy those who gain knowledge? Yet we are not to give these arguments any serious consideration; the appropriate response is to dismiss them out of hand. In Milton"s theology, moral goodness consists of rejecting the desire to learn, ignoring all contrary arguments, and when doubt arises, overcoming it by redoubling one"s belief. For those who do seek to question and learn, the story of others who did the same and fell into misery for it - bringing upon us all the misery that anyone has ever experienced in the process - is presented as a cautionary tale. The message is as subtle as a sledgehammer blow. As human beings, we should all be appalled by this kind of willfully ignorant superstition. Our rational, reasoning mind is the most precious thing we possess, and used in the right ways, it can achieve astounding things. In the centuries that have passed since Milton first set pen to paper, the previously inconceivable advances we have made as a result of our dedicated quest to understand the universe through science more than vindicate the humanist philosophy and discredit anti-intellectualism such as this. Even Milton"s own epic shows that knowledge is superior to ignorance. Raphael"s long monologue telling Adam who and what Satan is and warning against listening to him does not appear in Genesis. Is this Milton"s tacit admission that in the Eden story as written, God is left culpable by not providing humanity with sufficient warning? Has it occurred to him that Adam and Eve"s enforced ignorance was the very thing that made them so vulnerable to Satan"s guile? Even in an epic where the author offers himself ample opportunity for apologetics and self-justification, the logical problems with this theology shine through. God"s defenses of his actions are insufficient, and Jesus" responses to Satan"s arguments are often patently weak and flawed, but Milton always depicts Satan as being stung and left overwhelmed and speechless by them. Of course, in real debates against knowledgeable opponents where the outcomes cannot be so easily scripted and controlled, Christian apologists rarely fare as well. I am aware that not all Christians believe the same as John Milton. I realize that many reject the doctrines of the inequality of women, condemnation for honest questioning, and the literal interpretation of Genesis altogether. I applaud this courage, but it cannot be denied that many of these ideas are explicitly taught in the Bible. The solution is not merely to discard them and retain belief in the rest of the Bible - the solution is to set the Bible and its anti-humanistic claims aside entirely. There was no past Paradise from which we fell for the crime of wanting to understand the world. There is no future Hell awaiting those who dare to question and think for themselves. There is nothing for an honest investigator to fear. We are not fallen, we are not sinners, we are not wretches. We are human beings, all equal, and when we finally awake from the mythological dreams of our past, we will know and understand the much brighter light of the world as it truly is - and in that understanding lie the true keys to an earthly paradise.
2023-01-08 02:30:281

惊声尖笑 简介

Horror Films: Why We Like To Watch Horror is an ancient art form. We have tried to terrify each other with tales which trigger the less logical parts of our imaginations for as long as we"ve told stories. From the ballads of the ancient world to modern urban myths, audiences willingly offer themselves up to sadistic storytellers to be scared witless, and they are happy to pay for the privilege. Theories abound as to why this is so; do we derive basic thrills from triggering the rush of adrenalin which fear brings, or do horror stories serve a wider moral purpose, reinforcing the rules and taboos of our society and showing the macabre fate of those who transgress? Horror movies have long served both purposes. They deliver thrills by the hearseload, as well as telling us stories of the dark, forbidden side of life (and death) - cautionary tales for grown ups. They also provide a revealing mirror image of the anxieties of their time. Nosferatu (1922) is not simply a tale of vampirism, but offers heart-rending images of a town beleaguered by premature and random deaths, echoes of the Great War and the Great Flu Epidemic fatalities. At the other end of the century Blade (1998) is not just a tale of vampirism either, but reflects a fear of the powerful yet irresponsible elements in society, echoes down the corridor indeed of the seemingly impunitive behaviour of those at the top.Each generation gets the horror films it deserves, and one of the more fascinating aspects of the study of the genre is the changing nature of the monsters who present a threat. In the early 1940s, a world living under the shadow of Hitler"s predatory tendencies identified a part-man, part-wolf as their boogeyman, whose bestial nature caused him to tear apart those who crossed his path. In the 1990s however, there was no need for a part wolf component: Jonathan Doe (Se7en 1994) and Hannibal Lecter (Manhunter 1986, Silence of the Lambs 1991, Hannibal 2001) were entirely human in their calculated and stylised killing methods. As we move on into the twenty first century, the ghosts and zombies are back in vogue as Eastern and Western superstitions converge, and once more we yearn for an evil that is beyond human. In an era of war and waterboarding, supernatural terror is more palatable than the fear inherent in news headlines.Or perhaps it"s genetic? Recent research has shown that the COMT gene dictates whether horror makes us laugh or scream -
2023-01-08 02:30:341


Allstar Weekend - A Different Side Of MeI"d be living the dreamIf my life switched with the football teamI"d be praised by my friendsIf I was driving a Mercedes BenzWhat do I know?What do I know oh ohI wanna beA rock starA superheroLiving the dreamDoing the things thatI always wantedI wanna seeMy face on the T.V.With my picture,On the coverFor my friends to seeA different side of meI"m barely five foot eightNo muscle man but I can roller skateNot the biggest sports fanBut the band drives a mean mini vanI know everythingIs gonna change for meIf I can make it then you"ll seeThat there"s a different side of meI won"t be waitingFor my life to pass ahead of meSo I know you"ll seeBut you"ll never have to wonderCause I"m not like all the othersBut my friends will seeMika - Lover BoyIsn"t it enough, isn"t it enough just to feel wild and free?Caught up in the rough, caught up in the rough of life, lookin" at meYou think you"re in love, boy,but you don"t really know what love is.You think you"re in love, girl,but honey let me show you where your heart is ...Loverboyit"s just an illusion to meAnyboyI"d show you what you would feel.A pretty boy with a nasty trace,A funny boy with an ugly face,Love is just a superficial reaction.Isn"t it enough, isn"t it enough just to feel wild and free?Caught up in the rough, caught up in the rough of life, lookin" at meYou think you"re in love, boy,but you don"t really know what love is.You think you"re in love, girl,but honey let me show you where your heart is ...Loverboyit"s just an illusion to meAnyboyI"d show you what you would feel.A pretty boy with a nasty trace,A funny boy with an ugly face,Love is just a functionary, momentary cautionary...Loverboyit"s just an illusion to meAnyboyI"d show you what you would feel.A pretty boy with a nasty trace,A funny boy with an ugly face,Love is just a superficial reaction...Artist: Adam LambertTitle: Whataya Want From MeHey, slow it downWhat do you want from meWhat do you want from meYeah, I"m afraidWhat do you want from meWhat do you from meThere might have been a timeI would give myself awayOh once upon a timeI didn"t give a damnBut now here we areSo what do you want from meWhat do you want from meJust don"t give upI"m workin" it outPlease don"t give inI won"t let you downIt messed me up, Need a second to breatheJust keep coming aroundHey, what do you want from meWhat do you want from meWhat do you want from meYeah, it"s plain to seeThat baby you"re beautifulAnd it"s nothing wrong with youIt"s me – I"m a freakBut thanks for lovin" meCause you"re doing it perfectlyYeah there might have been a timeWhen I would let you step awayI wouldn"t even try but I thinkYou could save my lifeJust don"t give upI"m workin" it outPlease don"t give I won"t let you downIt messed me up, Need a second to breatheJust keep coming aroundHey, what do you want from meWhat do you want from meWhat do you want from meJust don"t give up on meI won"t let you down0, I won"t let you downSo ..Just don"t give upI"m workin" it outPlease don"t give inI won"t let you downIt messed me up, Need a second to breatheJust keep coming aroundHey, what do you want from meJust don"t give upI"m workin" it outPlease don"t give inI won"t let you downIt messed me up, Need a second to breatheJust keep coming aroundHey, whataya want from me (whataya want from me)Whataya want from me WhatayaWhataya want from me WhatayaSweetbox - We Can Work It OutI can"t see why everybody has to fightCos two wrongs don"t make a rightA fall in life is justifiedThat is what they sayLife"s too shortThere must be another wayWe can work it out(Together we can change it)We can work it out(Together we can make it)And if we just forgiveIn this world we liveAnd share some loveWe can work it outWe should live to the fullest each and everydayCos there"s no stop in timeAnd yesterday"s past mistakesShouldn"t bring us downLife"s too shortThere"s no need to be afraidWe can work it out(Together we can change it)We can work it out(Together we can make it)And if we just forgiveWithin this world we liveAnd share some loveWe can work it outWe can work it outYes, we canWe can work it out(Together we can change it)Together we can change itMaybe we can make itAnd if we just forgiveWithin this world we liveIf we life is too shortWe can work it outIf we come together we can change itWe can work itAnd together we can make itAnd if we just believe in loveWithin this world we live to love(Just miracle) Just miracle(Just very short)We can work it outDa la daDa la da la da...Mika - Blue Eyes Your heart is broken To your surprise You"re sick of crying For blue eyes So tired of living Misunderstood Think you"re a woman I think you should go Come, sorrow is so peculiar Comes in a day Then it"ll never leave you You take a pill Wonder if it will fix you Then wonder why Sorrow has never left you I"m talkin" bout blue eyes, blue eyes What"s a matter, matter Blue eyes, blue eyes What"s a matter, matter So blind, so blind What"s a matter, matter Blue eyes, blue eyes What"s a matter with you? Your heart got broken On the underground Go find your spirit In the lost and found Oh I"ve been watching How you behave Not much like a lover More like a slave Come, sorrow is so peculiar Comes in a day Then it"ll never leave you You take a pill Wonder if it will fix you Then wonder why Sorrow has never left you I"m talkin" bout blue eyes, blue eyes What"s a matter, matter Blue eyes, blue eyes What"s a matter, matter So blind, so blind What"s a matter, matter Blue eyes, blue eyes What"s a matter with... Blue eyes, blue eyes What"s a matter, matter Blue eyes, blue eyes What"s a matter, matter So blind, so blind What"s a matter, matter Blue eyes, blue eyes What"s a matter with you? What"s a matter with you?
2023-01-08 02:30:402

小米手机的“note” 怎么读 ?

note美 [noʊt] 英 [nəʊt]v.注意;指出;留意;特别提到n.笔记;注释;记录;便条abbr.(=noe of the above)把选票上的名字全勾掉网络备注;纸币;音符复数:notes  现在分词:noting  过去分词:noted note的搭配:1.v+n:make note,add note,send note,note difference,note receive2.adj+n:brief note,important note,explanatory note,cautionary note,careful note
2023-01-08 02:30:491

小米手机NOTE 怎么读 意思就是怎么喊

小米 闹特。
2023-01-08 02:31:0212


这首歌好听英语翻译为:This song sounds good. sounds:n.声音;响声;声;声响;音响; v.听起来好像;让人听着好像;听起来…的;(使)发出声音,响; sound的第三人称单数和复数 扩展资料   Growing your own vegetables sounds like a lot of sweat.   自己种菜吃,这恐怕很累吧。   An alarm sounds when the temperature reaches a predetermined level.   温度一达到预设的度数,警报就会响起来。   It sounds like a good idea, but I don"t think it will work practically.   这个主意听起来不错,但我认为它实际上行不通。   In her conclusion, the author sounds a cautionary note.   作者在结尾时敲响了警钟。
2023-01-08 02:31:451


  死亡诗社观后感英文版【一】   What Makes A Boy A Man   Daed Poets Society   There are certain films that can heavily shock your soul, then elicit your thinking, and finally change your life. No doubt Dead Poets Society is one of these infrequent films. It is a film about a teacher and his students. It is a film about perseverance and change. It is a film about love and cruelty.   The film is set in the United States in 1959. It shows us a series of things which happened to Mr.Keating and the young boys in Wilton Preparatory School.   Mr.John Keating is certainly the main character of this film. He is a respectable teacher with a high self-cultivation. He has an advanced conception which is different from tranditional educatin. The other two main characters are Neil, a boy who is keen on performing, and Todd, a boy with a little shyness. From Todd, I see how a boy grows into a man.   The film starts with the opening ceremony of Wilton Preparatory School. Todd, a shy boy, starts his school life with his roommate, Neil. On the first lesson, their taecher, Mr.Keating, just told them ‘Seize the day, make your life extraordinary". He reads Whitman"s poet Oh Captain! My Captain. He taught the students to swim against the steam and to be themselves but not to perform. Students regard Mr.Keating as a different teacher.   Neil rebuilds the ‘Dead Poets Society". The menbers fall in love with poets, as well as Todd. When Mr.Keating asks students to try writing a poem, Todd has no idea. Mr.Keating is quite angry. With Mr.Keating"s stimulation, the youngster first time shows great talent, reading his own poem loudly.   On the evening of Todd"s birthday, he talks about his birthday present which is the same every year and his brother ,who is so excellent that makes him feel inferior, with Neil, with sadness and a little self-mockery on his face. Neil encourages him a lot. Finally, Todd breaks up the disgusting present. Todd smiles to Neil, from the bottom of his heart.   Neil has a sading ending. After performing on the stage, Neil"s father takes him home and warns him again. He just wants his son to be a doctor. Feeling despairing, in the midmight, Neil commits suicide with a gun. Both Neil"s parents and the school think that Mr.Keating is the only reason for Neil"s death and decide to fire him. A second before Mr.Keating leaves the classroom, Todd stands up on the desk for his captain, with the menbers of Dead Poets Society followed. At that time, Todd throws out his recreance and becomes a real man.   That is the end of this film. I have to say that Neil"s death is a certain event, whether there is a ‘John Keating" or not. It is not hard to see the long distance between ideality and reality. What Mr.Keating said and taught just strengthens the conflict between Neil"s heart and traditional conception. Neil despairs, but Todd doesn"t. We can see that Todd learns a lot from Neil and Mr.Keating, such as optimist, perseverance, courage and many other qualities which he doesn"t have before. So he stands up, and dares to shout what he thinks.   I love the boy named Todd and his growth. I love the teacher called Captain and his freedom. I love the beauty of dream, as well as the cruelty of reality. The film is not only a profound story but also a sincere advice. Seize the day, make your life extraodinary. We just need to be ourselves and grow up step by step, with a clear conscience and a tenacious spirit, like a boy grows into a man.   死亡诗社观后感英文版【二】   My feelings after watching the flim ----Dead Poet Society   The movie is one of the most wonderful films I have   ever watched.To be honest,I finished the film with tears.When the boys stood on the desks one by one,and shouted:"Oh, Captain, my Captain."I could not help crying. It was really touching my heart.   The story happened in a school which had 4 pillars----Tradition,Honor,Discipline,excellence.Mr Keating,a new teacher who wanted to change the way in teaching.He told his students   to do what they like to do and to enjoy themselves;to do thingsnot just obey the books,but to look at some-thing in another   way,to consider own their minds and find new ground. With the   fluence of Mr Keating, some of his students founded their own "dead poet society".   Neil came to stage to do what he liked to do without his   father"s agreement,for his father do not allow him to act.   Tod told the girl who had boyfriend that he loved her so much,and wrote her a poet.   They did what they liked to do, and they were happy.But other teachers and students" parents were not happy about that,exspecially Neil"s father. When he found his son went to act a buffoonwithout his agreement, he was so angry. He wanted Neil to   transfer to another school,for he thought it was Mr Keating"s   fault. But, Neil didn"t want to. Then, one night, Neil killed   himself. Neil died. Mr Keating became the one to be blame. And he was fired. Before he was leaving, he smailed. Because he   knew his students imbeded his mind deeply into their thoughts. That"s worth it!   "Poetry, beauty, romance and love,these are what we stay   live for", yes, we are just a person,not a product. We live on the earth with our own passion. Without do what we like to do, I perfer I have never lived. So, Neil choose to die. Neil was   not born to be a doctor as his father thought, he like acting. He killed himself in the end, in fact, it"s his father killed   him. Just like the actor"s lines in the 3 Idiots:"It"s not   suicide, it"s murdered". Parents regarded the school as heaven,but to the students, it"s hell. Parents always think things usetheir own minds. They never think for their chindren: Are they like it? what they like to do? They always think that become a   doctor or engineer will be much honour. They never consider   that their children might be not like it. They just know that   become a doctor or engineer will earn a lot of money and have agood life. They always think they are right.   But, sometimes,they are wrong. Absolutely wrong!   Mr keating, the captain,who wanted to change the   eduation system of the school and change the mind of   parents, but failed. For me,I think he did not.I think it will come true one day, also in my conutry.   It is a valuable moive for us to watch, and to learn.   死亡诗社观后感英文版【三】   First of all, this is movie is my all-time favorite, out of all the hundreds of films I have seen. However, every time I mention this film, I have to answer most people"s quizzical looks with “It"s a beautiful little 80s film that stayed in the 80s.” After seeing it for the 24th time since I first saw it 5 years ago, on my 13th birthday, I can gladly say that this movie went far and beyond the 80s, and the power and inspiration of the message can be felt every day.   Dead Poets Society is a most underrated film by a most underrated director whose inspiring, uplifting and moral tales firmly grounded in reality are not nearly as appreciated as they should be. Here, we see one of his very personal and cradled projects, and he shows the visual style and concentration on characters in which he is so affluent. His control of the camera and the characters are very strong and very smooth. The cinematography is near perfect, with every shot, along with the editing, seamless. Also very compelling are the color-tones in every scene, perfectly matching the mood and events of the scene. Could you say this is art? Absolutely.   Then we have the performances. Robin Williams continues in stride as one who has to-date remained the most touching, heart-wrenching, awe-inspiring comedians with inarguable acting talent (he still remains my most favorite performer on the film screen)。 His Professor John Keating is a man who embodies every professor who you thought was cool and respectable, every person who taught or enlightened you in something out of the ordinary. In fact - dare I say it? - he teaches something EXTRAORDINARY! We have the tragically underrated Robert Sean Leonard in his role as the free-thinking catalyst student Neil. Why is this man not a household name/Hollywood heavyweight? His roles are always full of inspiration, energy, and tragic emotion that never fail to move an audience. His role in this movie is fresh, unhindered, and never pretentious as the cautionary tale of the movie. And then we have Ethan Hawke in one of his earliest roles as the point-of-view character. The entire supporting cast is very strong, also, providing the foundation and serve as the various emotional ties that further involve us in the story. Josh Charles"s role as Knox Overstreet is a role that almost all guys can relate to wholeheartedly. And of course, all the actors who are in that Dead Poets Society do a fine job.   And lastly, the story. I won"t summarize it since it"s been summarized many times here, but I will say that it is one of the best coming of age stories for not only adolescents, but anyone. I have personally heard from nine-to-fivers who were inspired by this movie to change the situations of their jobs, careers, relationships for the better. I first saw this movie when I was 13, and immediately stamped, crowned and elevated this movie as my all-time favorite. Now that I am 18 and living on my own, with very different concerns than back then, I turn back to this movie over and over again, to find inspiration, solace and of course, entertainment. It is still my all-time favorite, and it still inspires me to seize the day and make my life extraordinary.
2023-01-08 02:32:121


2023-01-08 02:32:273


sounds后面加形容词。sounds:n.声音;响声;声;声响;音响;v.听起来好像;让人听着好像;听起来…的;(使)发出声音,响;sound的第三人称单数和复数 扩展资料   Their latest single sounds suspiciously like the last one.  他们的.最新单曲唱片听着和前一张很像。  Growing your own vegetables sounds like a lot of sweat.  自己种菜吃,这恐怕很累吧。  An alarm sounds when the temperature reaches a predetermined level.  温度一达到预设的度数,警报就会响起来。  It sounds like a good idea, but I don"t think it will work practically.  这个主意听起来不错,但我认为它实际上行不通。  In her conclusion, the author sounds a cautionary note.  作者在结尾时敲响了警钟。
2023-01-08 02:32:391

take on the world是什么意思

2023-01-08 02:32:454

什么是urban legend

一部系列校园恐怖电影的名称。阿尔卑斯大学一年一度的希区克柯实验电影大赛开始了,赢得大奖就意味着拿到了好莱坞的入场券。电影系学生艾米(珍尼弗·莫里森饰)、特拉维斯(马修·戴维斯饰)和格伦汉(约瑟夫·劳伦斯饰)纷纷招募了自己的剧组,开始制作参赛影片。在派德顿大学的警卫瑞斯(《都市传奇I》中的人物)的启发下,艾米决定拍摄一部讲述都市传奇杀人事件的电影。孰料,影片刚一开镜,剧本中的死亡事件就一一变成现实,艾米意识到自己就是下一个都市传奇……幕后:承继《夺命狂呼》模式的青春恐怖片《都市传奇I》是索尼影业(哥伦比亚)公司98年五大卖座影片之一,推出续集自然在意料之中,不过这对于制作公司凤凰影业来说倒是个难题,因为都市传奇的创意在第一集中已被用尽,而在第二集中简单地进行重复显然是不明智的。这时,凤凰影业的老板麦克想出了一个高招:我们为什么不来个戏中戏,在片中安排一帮电影系的学生来上演都市传奇。而影片的两位编剧正好在南加州大学主修过影视,有过亲身经历,于是大家一拍即合,写出了这个终极版的本子。《都市传奇:终极版》是约翰·奥特曼的首部执导作品,而在此之前约翰一直是作为作曲、剪辑(《非常嫌疑犯》、《白雪公主》、《万圣节H20》)在影坛发展的,制片人迈克尔·麦克唐纳德(《非常嫌疑犯》)特别延聘约翰出任《都市传奇:终极版》的导演,是希望借助其编辑、作曲的功力提升影片的感官效果。影片的几位主演基本上都是影坛新人,其中主演珍尼弗·莫里森曾经在99年由凯文·贝肯主演的热门惊悚片《厄夜亡魂》中扮演过鬼魂的角色,戏份不多,但是留给观众的印象很深。这次弃鬼从人,珍尼弗自然要好好表现一番啰。影片于99年10月开拍,外景地选在加拿大安大略省的权特大学,这是一所60年代早期建造的大学,影片拍摄进展顺利,99年12月完成后期制作。由于哥伦比亚公司已经宣布不会再拍摄《去年夏天谁搞鬼》的续集,实际上这部《都市传奇:终极版》就是哥伦比亚影业今年青春恐怖片的重头戏了。导演:约翰·奥特曼编剧:保罗·哈里斯·博德曼斯考特·德里克森制片:迈克尔·麦克唐纳德演员:珍尼弗·莫里森 马修·戴维斯 约瑟夫·劳伦斯出品:哥伦比亚影业公司
2023-01-08 02:33:002


智慧宝儿 翻译得好 其他两个人用工具的不是自己翻译的
2023-01-08 02:33:214


  Debra Azar  资料只有这么多  作品  "The New Adventures of Old Christine" .... Sarah (1 episode, 2009)  - Love: A Cautionary Tale (2009) TV episode .... Sarah  "Scrubs" .... Dr. Donna (2 episodes, 2003-2007)  ... aka "Scrubs: Med School" - USA (ninth season title)  - My Hard Labor (2007) TV episode .... Dr. Donna  - My Karma (2003) TV episode .... Dr. Donna  "The Closer" .... Nurse Stiles (1 episode, 2007)  - The Round File (2007) TV episode .... Nurse Stiles  The Elephant King (2006) .... Linda  "What I Like About You" .... Ginger (1 episode, 2005)  - Bad to the Scone (2005) TV episode .... Ginger  "Strong Medicine" (1 episode, 2003)  - Rash Decisions (2003) TV episode  "Friends" .... the Spa Receptionist (1 episode, 2003)  - The One with the Fertility Test (2003) TV episode .... the Spa Receptionist  "Will & Grace" .... Kat (1 episode, 2002)  - He Shoots, They Snore (2002) TV episode .... Kat  "It"s Like, You Know..." .... Maria (3 episodes, 1999-2001)  - The Quick and the Dead (2001) TV episode .... Maria  - Trading Places (2001) TV episode .... Maria  - The Long Goodbye (1999) TV episode (as Debra Azer) .... Maria  Ghost World (2001) .... Melora  "The Others" .... College Girl (1 episode, 2000)  - Life Is for the Living (2000) TV episode .... College Girl
2023-01-08 02:33:451

what does WHMIS stand for 的答案是什么? 我要怎么回答?

WHIMS is the abbreviation of Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System.The Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System is Canada"s national hazard communication standard.The key elements of the system,which came into effect on October 31,1988,are cautionary labelling of containers of WHMIS controlled products,the provision of material safety data sheets (MSDSs) and worker education and training programs. WHMIS is an example of synchronization and cooperation amongst Canada"s federal,provincial and territorial governments.The coordinated approach avoided duplication,inefficiency through loss of scale and the interprovincial trade barriers that would have been created had each province and territory established its own hazard communication system.
2023-01-08 02:33:511


Jurassic Park is a science fiction novel that was written by the late Michael Crichton and published in 1990. Often considered a cautionary tale on unconsidered biological tinkering in the same spirit as Mary Shelley"s Frankenstein, it uses the mathematical concept of chaos theory and its philosophical implications to explain the collapse of an amusement park showcasing certain genetically recreated dinosaur species. It was adapted into a blockbuster film in 1993 by director Steven Spielberg。When it comes to science fiction film. Among of them, it is the Future warrior that impressed me much. On the justice and unjustice, it is the symbol of justice that stand out for the justice. His brave and smart makes everybody feel confortable and admiration. I have a wish to become one hero such as him.
2023-01-08 02:33:572


farm的中文意思如下:1、农场;牧场;饲养场;养殖场;农舍;种植场;农场住宅区;生产(或加工)企业。2、经营农场;种田;务农;将……外包;将……包出;在……上经营农场;商业化养殖;商业化种植。短语搭配:1、farm animal:家畜, 农畜。mixed farming:混合农业体系。farming techniques:耕作技术;农作技术;农业技巧。family farm:家庭农场;家族农场;家庭农庄。2、fish farm:养鱼场。sewage farm:污水处理场。oyster farm:牡蛎养殖场。home farm:家用农场。wind farm:风力农场。server farm:数据中心。tank farm:油罐场地;油罐区。collective farm:集体农场。farm gate:农场大门。相关例句:1、Spain imposed levies on farm imports from nonmember states.西班牙对非成员国的进口农产品征税。2、Whoever takes on the trout farm will have their work cut out.无论谁承包这片鳟鱼场,都有艰巨的工作等着去做。3、It saves time and money to farm out some writing work to specialized companies.将一些文字工作外包给专门公司去做既省时,又省钱。4、The cautionary vision of works like Animal Farm and 1984.在如《动物庄园》和《1984年》这样的作品中所出现的有告诫意味的气氛。
2023-01-08 02:34:061

《Look a the Birdie》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Look at the Birdie》(Kurt Vonnegut)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: ur7h   书名:《Look at the Birdie》作者:Kurt Vonnegut出版社:Delacorte Press出版年份:2009-10-20页数:272内容简介:Look at the Birdie is a collection of fourteen previously unpublished short stories from one of the most original writers in all of American fiction. In this series of perfectly rendered vignettes, written just as he was starting to find his comic voice, Kurt Vonnegut paints a warm, wise, and funny portrait of life in post--World War II America-a world where squabbling couples, high school geniuses, misfit office workers, and small-town lotharios struggle to adapt to changing technology, moral ambiguity, and unprecedented affluence.  Here are tales both cautionary and hopeful, each brimming with Vonnegut"s trademark humor and profound humanism. A family learns the downside of confiding their deepest secrets into a magical invention. A man finds himself in a Kafkaesque world of trouble after he runs afoul of the shady underworld boss who calls the shots in an upstate New York town. A quack psychiatrist turned "murder counselor" concocts a novel new outlet for his paranoid patients. While these stories reflect the anxieties of the postwar era that Vonnegut was so adept at capturing- and provide insight into the development of his early style-collectively, they have a timeless quality that makes them just as relevant today as when they were written. It"s impossible to imagine any of these pieces flowing from the pen of another writer; each in its own way is unmistakably, quintessentially Vonnegut.  Featuring a Foreword by author and longtime Vonnegut confidant Sidney Offit and illustrated with Vonnegut" s characteristically insouciant line drawings, Look at the Birdie is an unexpected gift for readers who thought his unique voice had been stilled forever-and serves as a terrific introduction to his short fiction for anyone who has yet to experience his genius. Read "Hello, Red" and "The Petrified Ants," two of the stories from the collection, as single-story e-books before Look at the Birdie goes on sale. Available wherever e-books are sold.作者简介:库尔特•冯内古特(Kurt Vonnegut,1922—2007)20 世纪美国最重要、最有影响的黑色幽默文学代表作家。代表作有《猫的摇篮》、《五号屠场》、《冠军早餐》、《时震》、《囚鸟》等。他的作品抓住了他处身时代的情绪,并激发了一代人的想象。
2023-01-08 02:35:141


最好是搭桥。糖尿病的患者支架术后再狭窄的可能性大。虽然支架术创伤小,但是长期来看,效果不如搭桥。但是,这是基于患者能够承受手术以及医院搭桥技术过关的前提下。可以看一下国外的资料。Among the 353 diabetics treated with insulin or oral hypoglycemic agents, 5-year survival was significantly better in patients who underwent surgery compared to patients who underwent PTCA (80.6 percent vs. 65.5 percent; p = 0.003).34 Analysis of 7-year survival for all patients in BARI revealed for the first time a significantly better survival with CABG compared with PTCA-treated patients (84.4 percent vs. 80.9 percent; p = 0.0425). Although there was no difference in the survival of nondiabetics following PTCA and CABG, there was a poorer survival of treated diabetics revascularized with PTCA (55.7 percent vs. 76.4 percent for CABG; p = 0.0011).ARTS extended this cautionary theme in multivessel diabetics with observations that stented diabetics had roughly twice the mortality of nondiabetics and in ARTS II, diabetics required more reintervention.大概意思就是糖尿病患者冠脉成形术(以前没有支架,以前的介入手术都是把血管扩开就完了)后,容易发生再狭窄,搭桥的生存率高一些。虽然现在有扩了血管还要放支架,没有研究证明支架术后生存率较搭桥差,但是根据上述PTCA术与外科搭桥术的比较,目前心血管界的共识还是认为,糖尿病且多支病变的患者搭桥术的生存率要优于支架术。 可以看一下Hurst"s The Heart。最权威的心血管专著之一。
2023-01-08 02:35:256

关于billy brown

自己译的,你检查一下吧!!Oh Billy Brown had lived an ordinary life. billy brown的生活很简单Two kids, a dog, and a cautionary wife. 一个做事小心谨慎的妻子,两个孩子和一条狗While it was all going accordingly to plan 当所有的一切都如常进行时Then Billy Brown fell in love with another man. billy brown爱上了另一个人He met his lover almost every single day 他几乎每天都遇到他爱的那个人Making excuses for his dodgy holiday, 为他巧妙的假日找籍口On some religion that he said he"d newly found,他刚发现他某些心爱的事物They didn"t know that his faith was earthly bound. 他们不知道信仰可能被约束Brown…Oh, Billy Brown. brown……噢,billy brownDon"t let the stars get you down不要让星辰打败你. Don"t let the waves let you drown. 不要让海浪淹没你Brown…Oh Billy Brown. brown……噢,billy brownGonna pick you up like a paper cup. 将要像拾纸杯般把你拉起Gonna shake the water out of every nook. 将要把水从每个角落里倒出Oh, Billy Brown. 噢,billy brownOh, Billy Brown needed a place, somewhere to go,噢,billy brown需要一个地方,到一个地方 He found an island off the coast of Mexico, 他在墨西哥海岸发现一个小岛Leaving his lover and his family behind, 抛弃他的爱人和家庭Oh, Billy Brown needed to find some peace of mind. 噢,billy brown需要一个让他平静的地方And on his journey and his travels on the way, 在他的旅程中,他的旅途正在进行着He met a girlie who was brave enough to say, 他遇到一个勇敢去说任何东西的妓女When they made love, 当他们做爱时he shared the burden of his mind 他和她分享他心中的负担. "Oh, Billy Brown you are a victim of the times." “噢,billy brown,你是时代的受害者”Brown…Oh, Billy Brown. brown……噢,billy brownDon"t let the stars get you down. 不要让星辰打败你. Don"t let the waves let you drown. 不要让海浪淹没你Brown…Oh, Billy Brown. brown……噢,billy brownGonna pick you up like a paper cup. 将要像拾纸杯般把你拉起Gonna shake the water out of every nook. 将要把水从每个角落里倒出Oh, Billy Brown. 噢,billy brownBrown…Oh, Billy Brown. brown……噢,billy brownGonna pick you up like a paper cup. 将要像拾纸杯般把你拉起Gonna shake the water out of every nook. 将要把水从每个角落里倒出Oh, Billy Brown. 噢,billy brownOh, Billy Brown had lived an ordinary life. billy brown的生活很简单Two kids, a dog, and a cautionary wife. 一个做事小心谨慎的妻子,两个孩子和一条狗While it was all going accordingly to plan, 当所有的一切都如常进行时Then Billy Brown fell in love with another man.billy brown爱上了另一个人
2023-01-08 02:35:481

Sasha Grey主演的电影有哪些

给你来个非常好记的吧, eeyykk,不要不要的剧情
2023-01-08 02:36:042

跪求暗网 第一季2016年上映的由Lauren Terp主演的在线免费播放资源

链接:提取码: vjr1《暗 网 第一季 Dark Net Season 1》导演: Mati Kochavi主演: Lauren Terp、Kristie、Drew、Anisha Vora、Yusuke、Akari Uchida类型: 纪录片制片国家/地区: 美国语言: 英语首播: 2016-01-21(美国)季数: 12集数: 8单集片长: 30分钟A documentary series that explores the furthest reaches of the internet and the people who frequent it, Dark Net provides a revealing and cautionary look inside a vast cyber netherworld rarely witnessed by most of us.
2023-01-08 02:36:121


《The Great Gatsby》(F. Scott Fitzgerald)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码:sf61书名:The Great Gatsby作者:F. Scott Fitzgerald豆瓣评分:9.1出版社:Scribner出版年份:2004-9-30页数:180内容简介:In 1922, F. Scott Fitzgerald announced his decision to write "something new--something extraordinary and beautiful and simple and intricately patterned." That extraordinary, beautiful, intricately patterned, and above all, simple novel became The Great Gatsby, arguably Fitzgerald"s finest work and certainly the book for which he is best known. A portrait of the Jazz Age in all of its decadence and excess, Gatsby captured the spirit of the author"s generation and earned itself a permanent place in American mythology. Self-made, self-invented millionaire Jay Gatsby embodies some of Fitzgerald"s--and his country"s--most abiding obsessions: money, ambition, greed, and the promise of new beginnings. "Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgiastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that"s no matter--tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther.... And one fine morning--" Gatsby"s rise to glory and eventual fall from grace becomes a kind of cautionary tale about the American Dream.It"s also a love story, of sorts, the narrative of Gatsby"s quixotic passion for Daisy Buchanan. The pair meet five years before the novel begins, when Daisy is a legendary young Louisville beauty and Gatsby an impoverished officer. They fall in love, but while Gatsby serves overseas, Daisy marries the brutal, bullying, but extremely rich Tom Buchanan. After the war, Gatsby devotes himself blindly to the pursuit of wealth by whatever means--and to the pursuit of Daisy, which amounts to the same thing. "Her voice is full of money," Gatsby says admiringly, in one of the novel"s more famous descriptions. His millions made, Gatsby buys a mansion across Long Island Sound from Daisy"s patrician East Egg address, throws lavish parties, and waits for her to appear. When she does, events unfold with all the tragic inevitability of a Greek drama, with detached, cynical neighbor Nick Carraway acting as chorus throughout. Spare, elegantly plotted, and written in crystalline prose, The Great Gatsby is as perfectly satisfying as the best kind of poem.作者简介:Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald (September 24, 1896 – December 21, 1940) was an American author of novels and short stories, whose works are the paradigm writings of the Jazz Age, a term he coined himself. He is widely regarded as one of the greatest American writers of the 20th century.[1] Fitzgerald is considered a member of the "Lost Generation" of the 1920s. He finished four novels: This Side of Paradise, The Beautiful and Damned, The Great Gatsby—his most famous—and Tender Is the Night. A fifth, unfinished novel, The Love of the Last Tycoon, was published posthumously. Fitzgerald also wrote many short stories that treat themes of youth and promise along with despair and age.
2023-01-08 02:36:201

求金融数学The mathematics of Finance:Modeling and Hedging.Joseph Stampfli,Victor Goodman这本书

2023-01-08 02:36:312


《The Great Gatsby》(F. Scott Fitzgerald)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接:
2023-01-08 02:36:411


第一段引号内是情节概述The Great Gatsby is a 1925 novel written by American author F. Scott Fitzgerald that follows a cast of characters living in the fictional town of West Egg on prosperous Long Island in the summer of 1922. “The story primarily concerns the young and mysterious millionaire Jay Gatsby and his quixotic passion andobsession for the beautiful debutante Daisy Buchanan. Considered to be Fitzgerald"s magnum opus, The Great Gatsby explores themes of decadence, idealism, resistance to change, social upheaval, and excess, creating a portrait of the Jazz Age or the Roaring Twenties that has been described as a cautionary tale regarding the American Dream.“Fitzgerald, inspired by the parties he had attended while visiting Long Island"s north shore, began planning the novel in 1923 desiring to produce, in his words, "something new—something extraordinary and beautiful and simple and intricately patterned." Progress was slow with Fitzgerald completing his first draft following a move to the French Riviera in 1924. His editor, Maxwell Perkins, felt the book was too vague and convinced the author to revise over the next winter. Fitzgerald was ambivalent about the book"s title, at various times wishing to re-title the novel Trimalchio in West Egg.First published by Scribner"s in April 1925, The Great Gatsby received mixed reviews and sold poorly; in its first year, the book sold only 20,000 copies. Fitzgerald died in 1940, believing himself to be a failure and his work forgotten. However, the novel experienced a revival during World War II, and became a part of American high school curricula and numerous stage and film adaptations in the following decades. Today, The Great Gatsby is widely considered to be a literary classic and a contender for the title "Great American Novel". The book is consistently ranked among the greatest works of American literature. In 1998 the Modern Library editorial board voted it the best American novel and the second best novel in the English language.
2023-01-08 02:36:542

thr0w into 的中文

2023-01-08 02:37:053

mouse 是什么意思

mouse[英][maʊs][美][maʊs]n.老鼠; 鼠标; 羞怯[胆小]的人; [非正式用语] 眼部青肿; vi.捕鼠; 窥探,偷偷地寻找; The birth of the mouse is a famous cautionary tale from silicon valley. 鼠标的诞生是硅谷一个非常有名的故事,值得引以为戒。
2023-01-08 02:37:181

log2 怎么计算出来的

2023-01-08 02:26:334


1、意思不同。exercise是练习,一般用语,可指训练,锻炼,操练等。practice 实习,实践。指有规律的练习,特指反复练习,不断练习。2、常用词性不同。exercise既能作名词又能作动词,常用作名词,practice既有名词词性又有动词词性。3、常用搭配不同。exercise用法如:spelling exercise(拼写练习),a field exercise野外练习,lack of exercise缺乏练习,do one"s exercise做练习。4、侧重点不同。practice侧重动作实践,exercise侧重体育运动名称。5、用法不同。practice 和 exercise 当“练习”时有不同, practice 指有规律的练习,特指反复练习,exercise 一般用语,可指训练,锻炼,操练等。
2023-01-08 02:26:348

ADW 怎么设置屏幕个数

2023-01-08 02:26:351


2023-01-08 02:26:372


2023-01-08 02:26:411


可数名词, 1:(日,月)升起2:起床3:起立
2023-01-08 02:26:423


2023-01-08 02:26:301

求以"矜"字开头的成语 ? 急~!

2023-01-08 02:26:234


我用的就是ADW 你安装个 插件助手的Apk 就可以 切换到 原主题的 .. !很简单的 我可以发给你
2023-01-08 02:26:212


rise-rose-risen 。建议如果笔者经常接触英语,推荐您买本英语字典,最好是双解的(有汉语和英语两种解释,看英语解释可加深笔者对英语的学习)。
2023-01-08 02:26:196


2023-01-08 02:26:1812