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can you and tom play chass? Yes,we can./No,we can't.翻译

2023-07-30 01:48:53





















2023-07-29 08:35:413

yes and no 翻译

“yes and no”应理解为:好,也不好。好是说孩子们,不好是说保姆她自己。
2023-07-29 08:36:152

yes and no 是不是只能用一般疑问句提问

2023-07-29 08:36:243

英语否定疑问句的回答?Yes and No

肯定的。 不,那是真的/是的,那是不真实的。 不,我是一个男孩。
2023-07-29 08:36:355


问题一:“也就”是什么意思? 只不过而已 或许理解成 最多只能够 问题二:也即是什么意思? “也就是”的意思。 问题三:"是也不是"是什么意思? yes and no 政治常用语,当政客被问到“是不是这样的?”不能简单地回答是或不是,而是要兜一圈而不给确切回答,英国多见。 问题四:古文名字+是也什么意思。 是也,古汉语特有的语法结构。“是”,代词,复指前面的人或事物;“也”表示判断或解释的语气助词。 是也前面如果是人名,有“就是他”的意思。如“此乃张三是也”,这个人就是张三哪! 是也前面如果是物,也有“就是它”的意思。如“伏尸百万,流血千里,天下缟素,今日是也”。横尸百万,血流千里,天下戴孝,就是今日! 问题五:女之耽兮 不可说也 是什么意思呢 女生陷入情网后,是难以自拔的。 这个前面还有一句,士之耽兮,犹可说也; 意思是男生就算陷入情网,也很容易就脱身了。 可能她觉得自己在你们关系中扮演的角色比较弱势吧。 你是不是对她关心太少了? 问题六:“即”和“既”,哪个表示“也就是”的意思 即 问题七:我也是醉了。出自哪里,是什么意思 我也是醉了,网络用语。它是一种对无奈、郁闷、无语情绪的轻微表达方式。通常表示对人物或事物,无法理喻、无法交流和无力吐槽。多可与”无语“、“无法理解”、“无力吐槽”换用。 我也是醉了最初源自武汉地区,网络出处为东来东往EP同名主打歌《我也是醉了》。 问题八:“知我者你也”是什么意思 知我者你也(文言文) 解释:知我:懂我 者:人 你也:就是你,合起来就是"懂我的人就是你了‘ 例如:自己口渴的时候,有人拿来一杯水,这时就可以说:"知我者你也‘。 问题九:“也无”是什么意思 解释字词句的原则是“字不离词,词伐离句,句不离段”,你这是从哪里冒出来这么个词?单从字面解释就是“也没有”,或者就是“没有”的意思。 问题十:“兵者,诡道也”是什么意思 兵者诡道也,用兵之道在于千变万化、出其不意。所以能好像看起来不能;用好像看起来不用;近好像看起来远;远好像看起来近。有利的可以引诱它,混乱的可以夺取它,坚实的可以戒备它,强盛可以避开它,气势很盛可以骚扰它,轻视的可以骄纵它, 隐逸的可以劳累它,亲近的可以离间它。攻它无防备处,出击在它不留意时。如此制胜方案,不可事先传出去也。 百度百科
2023-07-29 08:36:511


2023-07-29 08:37:254

英语中关于 YES、 NO 的用法

2023-07-29 08:37:354

well,yes and no. she was really late是什么意思

2023-07-29 08:38:034

雅思口语答案里一定要用 yes 和 no 吗

不要理解错这个标题,口语里正面回答考官问题,当然要用到 yes 和 no,只不过这两个词跟已经用烂的 happy,beautiful 类似,没错,就是也被用烂。但是,残酷的现实是你还是得用,还是得回答问题表明自己的 " 是 "" 否 " 态度,所以我们可以对于 yes 和 no 进行如下的替换,或者补充。相信绝大多数的替换词或者表达大家都熟悉,对于想不到或者偶尔用的几个我们来举几个例子:1-4 月全部口语 part3 部分话题答案传送门(大杀四方)*. 所有例子里的问题 ( Q ) 均来源于 1-4 月份题库。答案难度标准 6-6.5 分。问题出处请参见括弧内的 TOPIC.e.g.Q: Do you have many friends? ( FRIEND )A: Yes. I"m quite confident to say that. Most of my friends come from my schools. We share some interests in common and always hang out to do some outside activities, such as jogging and sports like football.e.g.Q: Do you think people will drive more in the future? ( TRANSPORTATION )A: I seriously doubt it. Nowaways people"s living standard is getting improved gradually and I believe more attention would be drawn onto the awareness of living condition, such as environmental protection. Driving more would just make it worse. I think public transports will take up the major place.e.g.Q: Do you think people will actually buy things because of advertisements?( ADVERTISEMENT )A: The whole purpose of ads is to draw customers" attention. They will use exaggerated ( 夸张的 ) ways to try convince people that ads are actually selling what"s good for customers. And it always work on potential consumers. So I would say so.e.g.Q: Do you carry different things when you go out in the morning and in the evening? ( FORGET THINGS )A: I"m afraid so. / I"m afraid yes. I always take my backpack when I go out in the morning and I"ll put my wallet, PC and a couple books in it cause I need to go study. But in the evening, I just go out to exercise or hang out with friends. So just my cellephone and some cash would be enough.例子可以很多,希望能帮到大家。
2023-07-29 08:38:241

张敬轩 yes and no 中译词

you say no no no no 你说 不 不 不i say yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah我说 是 是 是baby you know宝贝,你知道how can i let you know how much i love you该怎样才能让你知道我有多爱你how can i let you know how much i care…该怎样才能让你知道我有多关心你
2023-07-29 08:38:312


回答和翻译如下 :yas亚 斯 。
2023-07-29 08:38:433


   ●否定   不,没有。   No, I"m not.   You"re lying. (你在说谎。)   No, I"m not. (不,没有。)   Yes, I am. (对。)   不对。   Wrong. *这是种非常强烈的否定表达方式,所以最好考虑使用场合。   You"re from Canada, right? (你是加拿大人吧?)   Wrong. (不,不对。)   Right. (对。)   那是不对的。   That"s not right. *反对或不同意对方的意见时使用的口语表达方式。   Go this way. (走这条路。)   No, that"s not right. (不,那么走不对。)   That"s not correct.   Correct. (对,是这样。)   你的想法根本上就是错误的。   Your idea is fundamentally wrong. *fundamentally “根本地”、“本质上地”。   Everyone lies. There is nothing wrong with it. (大家都撒谎,这没什么不好的。)   Your idea is fundamentally wrong. (你的想法根本上就是错误的。)   There is something fundamentally wrong with your idea.   Your idea lacks morals. (你的想法真缺德。)   我不是那个意思。   That"s not what I mean.   Are you saying you"re better than I am? (你是说你比我出色吗?)   That"s not what I mean. (我不是那个意思。)   I didn"t mean that.   You misunderstood me. (你误会我了。)   哪儿有的事儿。/当然不是。   Certainly not. *比较正式的说法。强烈地否定对方所指责或暗示的事情。   Did you cheat? (你骗人了吧?)   Certainly not. (哪儿有的事儿。/当然不是。)   Of course not. *否定的答案是显而易见的,根本无须发问时使用。   Of course. (当然。)   没有,从来没有。   No, never.   Haven"t you been abroad? (你还没去过外国吗?)   No, never. (没有,从没去过。)   不,一点儿都不。   No, not a bit.   Aren"t you tired? (你不累吗?)   No, not a bit. (不,一点儿都不累。)   肯定不对!   No way! *用来强烈否定对方的主张和申诉。   I think she"s pregnant. (我觉得她怀孕了。)   No way! (绝对不会。)   Never. (绝对不是那么回事。)   Definitely not!   Absolutely not!   Absolutely. (绝对一点儿没错。)   怎么可能呢?   How can that be?   I can"t find my wallet. (我找不到我的钱包了。)   How can that be? (怎么可能呢?)   How could that be?   That"s impossible.   How can it be true?   在这一点上我们意见分歧。   We don"t agree on this point.   我没说那个。   I"m not talking about that.   ..., but he"s rich. (u2026u2026可他有钱吧!)   I"m not talking about that. (我没说那个。)   What I"m saying is another matter.   That"s not what I"m talking about.   这个嘛u2026u2026!   Uh-uh. *非常随便的否定说法。在熟悉的同伴中使用。   Are you free tonight? (今晚你有空吗?)   Uh-uh. (这个嘛u2026u2026)   Uh-huh. (嗯。)   那样不行。   That won"t do.   他呀,不行。   He won"t do.   那也太没道理了。   That makes no sense.   He got a promotion. (他升官了。)   That makes no sense. (那也太没道理了。)   That doesn"t make sense.   Makes sense. (可以理解/合乎情理。)   That makes sense. (这事儿可以理解/合乎道理。)   不是我。   Not me. *当被指责“你干了u2026u2026吧!”或“你说了u2026u2026吧!”时给予的回答。“我没做。”“我没说。”较随便的口语说法。   Who broke my coffee cup? (谁把我的咖啡杯给打碎了?)   Not me. (不是我。)   It wasn"t me.   I didn"t do it. (我没干那事。)   I didn"t say that. (我没说那事。)   I"m innocent. (我是清白的。)   我否认。   I deny that. *正式的说法。在受到指责,否认其申述或陈述时。   I heard you say it. (我听你这么说的。)   I deny that. (我否认。)    ●含糊其辞的回答   也许吧。   Maybe. *虽然有可能性,但较接近于No, 概率只在40%左右,让人听上去是否定的语气。与perhaps同义。possibly更拘泥于形式,但同样含有消极的语感。probably的可能性较大,语感积极,概率在80%到90%左右,给对方以肯定的,即Yes的感觉。   Can you finish the report by Friday? (星期五之前你能写完那篇报告吗?)   Maybe. (也许吧。)   It may possibly rain, but it will probably be sunny again. (也许下雨,但可能过会儿又会晴了。)   Possibly.   Perhaps.   Probably.   不完全。   Not exactly. *“不能说完全是那样”、“不能断定就是那样”的意思。   Do you agree? (你同意吗?)   Not exactly. (不完全同意。)   Not quite.   可能是吧。   I guess so. *不能明确断定,“好像是”、“是吧”等推测的表达方式。   Don"t you think Japanese people are healthier? (你不觉得日本人更健康些吗?)   I guess so. (可能是吧!)   I suppose so.   也许是真的吧。   It might be true. *听上去是不太肯定,接近于No (不)的感觉。   Do you think it"s true? (你觉得那是真的吗?)   It might be true. (也许是真的吧。)   It"s possible.   可能会吧。   It could be. *听对方说了许多之后,自己也觉得“可能会吧”时使用。   What do you think? (你觉得怎么样?)   It could be true. (也许吧!)   That could be.   That could be true.   我不太清楚。   I"m not sure. *没把握说时,或不知道时。   Is he in the office now? (他现在在办公室吗?)   I"m not sure. (我不太清楚。)   I"m not certain.   I can"t say for sure.   但愿是这样。   I hope you"re right.   It"ll be sunny tomorrow. (明天是个好天吧。)   I hope you"re right. (但愿是这样。)   有那么点儿。   Sort of.   Is your dog big? (你的狗大吗?)   Sort of. (说大也大吧!)   Kind of.   差不多吧!   It"s something like that.   Is this it? (是这个吗?)   Yeah, it"s something like that. (嗯,差不多吧。)   That"s about it.   That"ll do.   That"s about right.   那得看情况。   It depends.   Don"t you think you can save more money in Tokyo? (你不觉得在东京能攒更多的钱吗?)   It depends. (那得看情况。) *on a case by-case basis “基于具体情况”。   That depends.   也许是,也许不是。   Maybe yes, maybe no. *虽然有话要说,但又不想让对方明白时。   Are you going to ask him? (你打算去问他吗?)   Maybe yes, maybe no. (也许问,也许不问。)   但愿如此。   Hopefully. *表达虽然无法约定,但仍渴望能够实现的心情。   Can you play tomorrow? (明天能去比赛吗?)   Hopefully. (但愿能去。)   I hope so.   不能保证。   There"s no guarantee. *带有也许不可能一切顺利的语感, 但可以感觉到成功的概率很高。   Will it make money? (能挣大钱吗?)   There"s no guarantee. (不能保证。)   I can"t guarantee it.   我想是的。   I think so. *可以用于各种场合。表达“我想是的”、“是那样”的语感。   Will it rain today? (今天会下雨吗?)   I think so. (我想会吧。)   我说不好。   I can"t say. *不愿意说出秘密或不足以提出意见时。   Do you know where they are? (你知道他们在哪儿吗?)   I can"t say. (我说不好。)   I couldn"t say.   I can"t say for certain.   I can"t say for sure.   I couldn"t say for certain.   也是也不是。   Yes and no. *无法断定是“是”还是“不是”时。   Are the people friendly? (那些人都很友善吗?)   Yes and no. (也是也不是。)   Fifty-fifty. *俚语。   喜忧参半。/一半一半。   Half and half. *表示不能断言好还是不好,无法确定的心情。同时有向对方表示事情进展得不顺利、搁浅的语感。   Is that new plan effective? (那个新计划有效果吗?)   Half and half. (嗯,难说。)   我会试试。   I"ll try. *“试试”、“努力”。   Can you find him? (你能找到他吗?)   I"ll try. (我会试试。)   I"ll do my best.   I"ll try to.   怎么说呢。   It"s difficult to say. *用于难以立刻回答时。   Is your boss nice to you? (你的老板对你好吗?)   It"s difficult to say. (怎么说呢。)   It"s hard to say.   还可以更好点。   Could be better. *考虑到对方的心情,避免给予对方否定的回答。“还有发展的余地”、“不能说是最好的”。   Is he a good salesman? (他是个很好的推销员吗?)   Could be better. (还可以更好点。)   他给我的回答很含糊。   He gave me an ambiguous answer. *ambiguous “可以有两种以上理解的,模棱两可的”。   His answer was very vague.   He wasn"t very clear.    ●保留意见   让我想想。   Let me think about it.   So, you should buy it now. (所以,你应该现在就买。)   Let me think about it. (让我想想。)   Give me time to think it over.   请给我点儿时间考虑。   I need some time to think it over.   I need more time to think about it.   我会考虑的。   I"ll consider it. *正式的说法。表达不能马上回答时,有“请给我时间考虑”、“让我考虑考虑”的语感。   Do you like my idea? (你接受我的建议吗?)   I"ll consider it. (我会考虑的。)   我考虑考虑吧。   I"ll think about it. *比I"ll consider it.的说法更随便,比直接拒绝语气要缓和。   Will you come to my party? (你来参加我的晚会吗?)   I"ll think about it. (我考虑考虑吧。)   I"ll sleep on it. *俚语。   I"ll give it some thought.   我得琢磨琢磨。   I"ll think it over.   Will you approve the proposal? (你同意我的计划吗?)   I"ll think it over. (我得琢磨琢磨。)   请给我一个晚上的时间考虑。   Let me sleep on it.   Please give me a raise. (请给我涨工资。)   Let me sleep on it. (请给我一个晚上的时间考虑。)   我得研究研究。   I"ll see what I can do.   We need longer breaks. (我们的休假有必要再长一些。)   I"ll see what I can do. (我得研究研究。)    ●提出、询问意见   你呢?   How about you? *回答了别人的问题后,用这句反问对方,有助于对话的顺利进行。   I like New York in June. How about you? (我喜欢6月的纽约,你呢?)   Me, too. (我也是。)   What about you?   你觉得呢?   What do you think? *用来询问“怎么样?”、“你的意见呢?”   What do you think? (你觉得呢?)   I think it"s all right. (我觉得没关系。)   What do you say?   How about it?   What do you think?   What"s your answer?   你的意见呢?   What"s your opinion?   What"s your viewpoint?   What"s your point of view?   你的建议呢?   What"s your suggestion?   What do you suggest?   还有别的吗?   What else?   Anything else?   What"s left?   Missing anything?   什么问题都可以。   Any question will do. *催促别人提问时“请提问题吧”。   Ask anything.   你有什么建议吗?   What do you recommend?   What do you think is the best?   你不这样认为吗?   Don"t you think so? *征求对方同意。   Can"t you see it?   你同意吗?   Do you agree? *比较正式的说法。   给我一个明确的答复。   Give me a definite answer. *definite “明确的”。   I want a definite answer. (我希望得到明确的答复。)   I need a definite answer. (我需要一个明确的答复。)   “是”还是“不是”?   Is it “yes” or “no”?   Yes, or no?   这可不算答复。
2023-07-29 08:39:021

关于Yes and Yes

yes的意思是:是的 或 对 的意思,意思相近的词有ok等等
2023-07-29 08:39:103

no yes sorry哪个是不同类的?

2023-07-29 08:39:171


2023-07-29 08:39:512

张敬轩还有哪些歌像断点 过云雨 这类的抒情歌?

无能为力 分手前的雨天 摄氏零度
2023-07-29 08:40:043


Lu Xun is a pen name. His real name was Zhou Shuren. Lu Xun wrote stories, poetry, essays, literary criticism and literary history. His stories were published in literary journals of the time and were then collected and published as books. He has three volumes of short stories.His first set of stories was published as the book "Call to Arms" or Na Han. Na Han could also be translated "Cry Out". This collection included arguably his most famous story "The True Story of Ah Q". These were written between 1918 and 1922. In his preface to Call to Arms he told where the stories came from: When I was young I, too, had many dreams. Most of them I later forgot, but I see nothing in this to regret. For although recalling the past may bring happiness, at times it cannot but bring loneliness, and what is the point of clinging in spirit to lonely bygone days? However, my trouble is that I cannot forget completely, and these stories stem from those things which I have been unable to forget. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Wandering" or Pang Huang was his second collection of stories. These stories were written in 1924 and 1925. The name of this second collection, Pang Huang, is puzzling to me in a way as it is translated as "Wandering" when literally pang huang seems to mean unsettled agitated. I think of wandering as meaning travelling around looking at things. But in Chinese, idiomatic expressions are found in different areas and in this case the unsettled and agitated must mean wandering about. I think maybe in English we might use the term rambling rather than wandering to imply the itchy feet agitated and unsettled feeling that leads to the rambling life. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------His third collection of short stories was called "Old Tales Retold" or Gu Shi Xin Bian and is what it sounds like. He retold old Chinese stories from his own perspective. This collection was published in 1935 and included stories that were written over a thirteen year period in the 1920"s and thirties. In the introduction to the eight stories included in "Old Tales Retold" Lu Xun wrote: In some places the narrative is based on passages in old books, elsewhere I gave free rein to my imagination. And having less respect for the ancients than for my contemporaries, I have not always been able to avoid facetiousness. The free rein Lu Xun gave his imagination and his unavoidance of facetiousness made for some funny stuff. The story "Leaving the Pass" about Lao Zi and Confucius (Kong Zi) made me laugh aloud reading it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Another major work by Lu Xun is Wild Grass or Ye Cao a collection of prose poems. These were written in 1924 and 1926, roughly the same time period the stories of Wandering were being written. Some might consider some of the poems in Wild Grass to be his most pessimistic or macabre. I"d say "yes and no" to this. He writes in the introduction: The fire under the Earth churns, quickly moving up; once the lava gushes forth, it will burn away all the wild grass, as well as the deep-rooted plants, then there will be nothing left to rot. Translated by Wang/GallaherWild Grass is a work of dreams, including nightmares. Dogs speak, insects buzz and the sky tries to hide itself from us, the onlookers.
2023-07-29 08:40:231


这句话的default吧MessageBox ( title, text {, icon {, button {, default } } } )因为messagebox提示有多种button按钮组合,如果是多个按钮他默认选择按钮为序号1的,如果你要改变可以填写这个数字譬如:MessageBox("Result","xxxxx",&Exclamation!, OKCancel!, 2) 这里的2就是弹出提示框指定选中cancel按钮如果想弹出选中OK,数字可以不写,也可以写1一下为HELP里内容Description Displays a system MessageBox with the title, text, icon, and buttons you specify.Syntax MessageBox ( title, text {, icon {, button {, default } } } )Argument Descriptiontitle A string specifying the title of the message box, which appears in the box"s title bartext The text you want to display in the message box. The text can be a numeric data type, a string, or a boolean valueicon (optional) A value of the Icon enumerated data type indicating the icon you want to display on the left side of the message box. Values are:?Information! (Default)?StopSign!?Exclamation!?Question!?None!button (optional) A value of the Button enumerated data type indicating the set of CommandButtons you want to display at the bottom of the message box. The buttons are numbered in the order listed in the enumerated data type. Values are:?OK! ?(Default) OK button?OKCancel! ?OK and Cancel buttons?YesNo! ?Yes and No buttons?YesNoCancel! ?Yes, No, and Cancel buttons?RetryCancel! ?Retry and Cancel buttons?AbortRetryIgnore! ?Abort, Retry, and Ignore buttonsdefault (optional) The number of the button you want to be the default button. The default is 1. If you specify a number larger than the number of buttons displayed, MessageBox uses the default
2023-07-29 08:40:301

yes and,

微博上看一视频,以搞笑的形式通过一对父母和一个叛逆期女儿用演绎了在日常沟通中用“Yes, and”原则沟通的神奇效果。视频最后主角推荐了一本书《Yes, and美式教育法》(还没找到这本书在哪有得卖)。“Yes, and”意思是你要先接纳(或支持)再应变。 一、Yes指的是接纳,也就是说不管你的说什么,你都要接受,包括正面的负面的内容。“生活中常有的类似场景:“周末天气好,去爬个山怎样?”“累都累死了,好不容易休息,还爬山。”工作中也一样,会碰到提议屡被驳回,又得不到建议而导致事情无法推进的情况。或者经常碰到有些有 “下意识拒绝习惯“的人,团队协作里,Say No, 带来的不仅仅是对提议方的打击,更多的,是负面情绪的蔓延。这也就是为什么我们在跟任何人沟通的时候,都一定要先认可对方,再给出建设性的信息。Say yes, 并不表示你同意对方说的每一句话,但是可以提醒你去尊重你的队友已经创造出来的东西。以一个开放的心态,看看这样会把你带到哪里去。 二、And是什么意思呢?指的是除了应该接受别人的信息之外,还应该添加一个新的信息还给对方。比如这样的对话:“周末天气很好”,“是的”,“我准备去爬山”,“挺好”。聊天还能进行下去吗? 添加一些新信息效果就完全不一样了,如“我也有这个想法,去爬白云山怎么样?” 在运用“Yes, and”的过程中,要注意三点: 一、不要混淆“Yes, and”和 “Yes, but”。前阵子看卡内基的《人性的弱点》,里面刚好也提到这点。“Yes,but”在我们周围随处可见,领导召见谈话,总是一番表扬以后再来个“但是”,这其实是一种变相的 Say No, 而且比直接拒绝危害更大,因为对方接受到的信息是“but”后面的批评是重点,“but”前的表扬只是铺垫。久而久之,对方会形成一个印象:你很虚伪,你的赞美都不真诚。 二、“Yes, and”还容易遇到一种阻碍,就是有些人只发问,不贡献信息增量。作为团队一员,你要争取成为解决方案的一部分,而不要只是坐着提问,给大家指出障碍。 三、“超烂”的点子也要接受。首先,一个点子好还是坏,是一个非常主观的判断;其次,一个平凡的点子是可以导向一个闪亮的点子的;接纳,不仅仅是接纳队友,也要接受自己,不要自我否定,自我审查。 “Yes, and”,是的,而且。它的重大价值就在于,当你说Yes的时候,就建立了一种接纳的态度,在接纳的状态下,人更容易把注意力放在应对,而不是抗拒上。你只有说了yes,才能开始协作;而你说了and,就触发了创意。Yes And不光是即兴喜剧最基本的原则,也是学会快速应对、团队协作的基本原则。
2023-07-29 08:40:441

“Yes!And ..."的现实意义

“Yes!And…”其本质是:“Agree+Add to”----接纳与添加,它的核心含义是我们在跟任何人沟通的时候,都一定要先认可对方,再给出建设性的信息。这是一种“能在任何问题上生发出积极点”的沟通态度,一种对沟通对象的接纳支持前提下,找出其中价值点,进行观点、方法叠加的沟通方式。 但我觉得它不仅仅是一种沟通方式,也是一种积极看待世界、解决问题的态度。 一,为什么要学会“Yes!And…”,它的意义何在呢? SAY NO 是我们的本性 我们在婴幼儿的时候,几乎在学会了说”妈妈、爸爸、奶奶...“之后就是“不要”,小婴儿学会拒绝要比他学会说“好的”要早得多得多,”say no“好像就是我们的天性。但在成人的世界里,却有着截然不同的情况,很多人觉得自己太不懂得拒绝了,说了太多yes了,感觉除了让自己难受,让别人占便宜外没什么好处。 为什么那么多人要忍着难受而不去“say no"呢?我觉得很多人是因为害怕被拒绝,所以选择去违心的”say yes“。没有人喜欢被拒绝,很多人为了以后不让别人对自己"say no",所以先对别人"say yes"。这些违心的"yes"就像是一种投资,只是为了换取将来别人对自己的“yes"的机会,一旦结果得到的是"no",就会愤怒、痛苦甚至奔溃。 那小孩子为什么会无所顾忌的说”不要“呢?因为小孩子很少被拒绝,他知道身边的亲人都是出自真心的在爱他,所以他们无所顾忌,不想接受就say no,完全按照他们的本心来。长大了,踏上社会了这种真心的爱就变稀有了,所以我们想通过自己违心的”yes"去换取别人的"yes"。 "Yes!And...."是开启有效合作的钥匙 这种违心的“yes"并不是接纳,而是一种交易。我们要的"yes"是一种接纳的态度,我允许你的观点、思想或者行为的存在,但不代表我一定要接受这一切;接纳的时候就是把自己与对方放在同等的地位,我们都有权保留自己的观点与态度---也就是在接受对方的基础上提出自己的观点。我们在沟通过程中,很多时候不仅仅是为了产生某个结果,更多是为了能彼此理解,这样才能更好的接受对方的观点,产生更好的合作。 说到这些,又想起我们在育儿过程中经常会碰到的问题。我们很多人在教育孩子的过程中都特别矛盾,比如一边教孩子要学会接纳别人的意见,但一边只要孩子”say no"就试图用各种方式去镇压他们的”反抗“;再比如要求孩子学会控制情绪,不要乱发脾气,想办法解决问题才是关键,但我们自己却只会用大吼大叫、批评责骂发脾气的方式去处理孩子带给我们的问题。我们内心抱着美好的想法,却用最丑陋的行为去引导孩子向你最不希望的方向发展,何其的讽刺。 孩子们都是独立的个体,尤其在渐渐长大后,他们有了更多自己的观点,怎样去避免以上的矛盾?怎么去了解孩子的真实想法?如何让孩子们愉快地与我们合作?变得越来越重要。运用“Yes!And……”的沟通技巧,接纳孩子的想法,平等的看待自己的孩子,不光要用“yes"去接纳他们的想法与观点,更要去挖掘他们想法的背后的价值点或者背后的真实需求,只有在接纳的基础上,"and"后面的内容才会真正有价值被接受。 "Yes!And...."有个伪兄弟,那就是"Yes!But....",表面很像但这两者本质完全不同。"Yes!And...."基于的原则是接纳,但"Yes!But...."的本质是拒绝,那个"yes”只是为了引出but 后面的内容,毫无意义。所以千万不要用"Yes!But...."去伪装成"Yes!And....",只会产生反效果。 “yes……and……”的沟通方式不仅仅是为了产生某个结果,它更像是一把开启有效合作的钥匙,它能帮助沟通并彼此理解,激发出内在的共鸣,这样的共鸣让我们走得更近,并迸发出合作的无限可能性。 二,用“Yes!And…”的态度拥抱未来 在现在这个飞速发展的时代,对未来我们有着无限的遐想也有无尽的恐惧。有人说以后是人工智能的天下,很多工种都可能被机器所替代,那些重复性体力工作、蓝领、组装及相关工作已经开始慢慢被机器所替代,再发展下去可能还有更多领域的工作将被取代。听到这些言论很多人会感到恐慌与抗拒,如果这样下去,大部分的人类该如何在未来世界生存呢?与其这样,还不如拒绝这些先进科技的到来... 可历史的进程不会因为你不想让它到来就停下脚步。我们是满心恐惧的去一味抗拒,或者处处"Yes!But....",一副看透世界,不过如此的老年人心态去消极等待,还是用“Yes!And…”的心态投身进去,成为浪潮的推动者和新世界的建设者呢?答案是毋庸置疑的,不想被淘汰,不想被浪头打沉在海底,至少要跟随着浪潮一起前进。理解与接纳这即将来临的新时代,在此基础上去添加,去创造,去发展才是我们唯一的出路... “Yes!And…”让我们从每一次沟通开始做起,更好的拥抱人生,拥抱未来......
2023-07-29 08:40:511

即兴戏剧的智慧-YES AND

最近关注了得到APP上线的《知识就是力量》栏目,第一期讲的是怎样把自己嫁出去。 其中提到了一个重要的工具--“YES AND”。这也是即兴戏剧的一个基本原则。 所谓即兴戏剧,就是没有确定的剧本,只能依据当下面对的情境而作出的一种表演。表演中,说了NO的话,就有可能把对话聊死了。为了顺利地往下推进情节,表演者是不能说NO的。 不能说NO,那又该说什么呢。YES和AND便是最好的两个说词。每当别人说出一种情况或状态时,都用YES的方式先接纳。然后把自己置身其中加以推动,用AND连接一个更好的未来情境。 YES和AND是一个神奇的理念指导。其实仔细想想,何止适于即兴戏剧,把它们运用到生活和工作的方方面面,也是极为合适的。 先接纳 不确定性是世界的常态,也是我们随时会遇到的情境。我们很多时候的焦虑、痛苦、愤怒,就源于不能很好地处理不确定性。 面对不符合自己预期的回应时,我们总是条件反射式地首先想到抗拒,接着否认或逃避。行程路上遭遇一点不顺,可能就满心抱怨,失去好心情;工作安排后少了一点配合或收到不喝预期的反馈,可能先想到的是他人的能力态度问题,而没有第一时间考虑事情本身;亲友相处时的一点非议或矛盾,可能就先让自己放弃了信任和争取,任由所谓理所当然的远离; 世事无常,对已发生的事,无法也不必抗拒。面对当下,就算不是想要的结果,最好的方式也是先接纳和承受。而不是因为难以接受而一直抗拒和无谓的否认。不接纳,只能徒增苦楚,还会远离了事实。 再应变 永远不要忘记和放弃自己的创造性。无论好的坏的当下和从前,都一并接纳,然后再应变,创造一个更优的方式面对未来。 接纳唤起我们的勇气,应变激发我们的智慧。带着勇气和智慧,处理好此刻面对的种种境况。接纳并非我们的目的,应变才是。接纳并非我们关注的重点,应变才是。接纳并非是日后要妥协于一切,应变要改变的就是妥协。 人生之路没有剧本,也无法提前彩排生命的每一天;就像达尔文说的:“ 在漫长的人类史(以及动物史)上,占优势的永远是那些能够学会合作和即兴发挥的物种。”利用好每一天的YES AND,让人生这出喜剧更加精彩。
2023-07-29 08:41:051


这些单词当中she he no 是重读开音节,所谓的重读开音节就是以一个发音元音字母结尾或者是一个元音字母加上一辅音字母再加上一个不发音的字母e结尾的重读音节词都叫重读开音节词,其中的元音字母要读字母表中读音,而his and yes not则是重读闭音节词,也就是一个元音字母加上一个或几个辅音字母,而没有不发音的字母结尾的重读音节词都叫重读闭音节,其中的元音字母要发短音
2023-07-29 08:41:151

电脑开机出现save configuration and reset是什么意思下面现在yes或no?

2023-07-29 08:41:452

除了yes or no还有什么帅T的偶像剧?

2023-07-29 08:41:554


把M6>0 N6>6添加到AND里
2023-07-29 08:42:052

完整回答,No,................. Yes,...................

i didn"tit doesi amthey weren"the didi didn"tshe isn"tthey dohe wasthey did
2023-07-29 08:42:134


some和any用法 ABC1、some属于肯定词,主要用于肯定句中。①当说话人期待肯定回答或者有意图鼓励说话人作肯定回答时,some可用于疑问句。Could I have some more bread, please? 我多拿一些面包可以吗?Would you like some more soup? 你还要点汤吗? ②some 与单数可数名词搭配,表示未知的人或物,相当于a(an) 或a certain。There must be some job I could do. 肯定有我能做的事情。Some book on this topic was published last year. 去年出版了有关这主题方面的书。注意:some + 可数名词复数中的“some”作“一些”解。③some用在基数词和few之前,是副词,表示“在概”或“在约”的意思,等于about。例:There were some 40 or 50 people there.那里大约有40或50人。2、any属于非肯定词,主要用于否定句、疑问句或条件句。any常与形容词比较级等词相配副词any与可数搭配,表示every的含义。Is she any better? 她好点了吗?注意:当any用在肯定句中,表示“任何一个”He is taller than any other boy in his class. 他比班上其他任何一个人都高。(话说or的用法) 连词or在初中英语中是个常用,虽然它只有一个词性,但它却有不同的使用情况。现将主要用法分述如下: 一、用在选择疑问句中连结被选择的对象,意为“或者,还是”。例如: Is he a doctor or a teacher? 他是医生还是教师? Did you do your homework or watch TV last night?你昨晚做作业还是看电视了? Are they singing or reading English? 他们是在唱歌还是在读英语? 下列两个疑问句中的并列成份由于使用了不同的连词,因而句式有所不同。试比较: A、Does he like milk or bread? 他喜欢牛奶还是面包吗? B、Does he like milk or bread? 他喜欢牛奶还是面包? 分析:A 句中使用了连词and,是一般疑问句,对其作肯定或否定回答应用:Yes,he does.No,he doesn"t.B句中使用了并列连词or,因而是选择疑问句,对其回答不用“yes”或“no”,而应根据实际情况直接选择回答:He likes milk.或:He likes bread. 二、用于否定句中连结并列成分,表示“和,与”之意。例如: There isn"t any air or water on the moon.月球上既没有空气也没有水。 The baby is too young. He can"t speak or walk.那婴儿太小,他不会说话,也不会走路。 He hasn"t got any brothers or sisters.他没有兄弟和姐妹。 肯定句中并列连词应用and,在把含有and的肯定句改为否定句时,莫忘把连词and改为or。例如: The students sang and danced in the park yesterday.→The students didn"t sing or dance in the park yesterday. 三、用于句型“祈使句+or+陈述句”中,表示在以祈使句为条件下的相反假设,意为“否则,要不然”。例如: Work hard,or you will fall behind.你要努力学习,否则会落后。 Get up early tomorrow,or you will miss the early train.你明天要早点起身,要不然就赶不上早班火车了。 Don"t jump the queue,or other peopoe will not be pleased.别插队,否则别人会不高兴的。 可以把这类句型中的祈使句换为一个条件句(注意改写时应去掉连词or)。例如: Hurry up,or you will be late for the meeting.→If you don"t hurry up,you will be late for the meeting. 四、用于“either…or…”结构中,意为“不是……就是……”,“要么……要么……”。连结的并列成份可在句中作主语、表语、谓语、宾语等。(注意:连结并列成份作主语时,谓语动词通常与or后的部分保持一致。)例如: Either she or I am right.不是她对就是我对。(连接主语) The shoes in the shop were either too big or too small for me. 店里的鞋对我来说不是太大就是太小(连接表语) He either does his homework or watches TV on Sundays.他星期天要么做作业,要么看电视。(连接谓语) We play either football or basketball in the afternoon.下午我们不是踢足球就是打篮球。(连接宾语) 五、用于连结并列成份,表示不确切、模糊的陈述。例如: This story happened five or six years ago. 这个故事发生在四、五年前。 --Is the street straight? --More or less. --这棵树直吗? --差不多。 She will find that she was wrong sooner or later.她迟早会发现她是错的
2023-07-29 08:42:232

英国签证 Do you have any remaining fees and maintenance still due for payment?应该选Yes还是no啊?

2023-07-29 08:42:333

雅思yes no ng和tfng有什么区别

2023-07-29 08:42:432


2023-07-29 08:42:501

One ......the other与Some......others的区别??该怎么用?? 各造一句话。

2023-07-29 08:42:595

i can ask and answer"yes/no"questions是什么意思

2023-07-29 08:43:131


1、《春秋》歌词:那夜谁将酒喝掉因此我讲得多了然后你摇着我手拒绝我动人像友情深了我没权终止见面只因你友善依然仍用接近甜蜜那种字眼通电没人应该怨地怨天得到这结局难道怪罪神没有更伪善的祝福我没有为你伤春悲秋不配有憾事你没有共我踏过万里不够剧情延续故事头发未染霜着凉亦错在我幼稚应快活像个天使有没有运气再扮弱者玩失意有没有道理为你落发必须得到世人同意心灰得极可耻心伤得无新意那一线眼泪欠大志爱若能堪称伟大再难捱照样开怀如令你发现为你而活到失败令人不安我品性坏我没有为你伤春悲秋不配有憾事你没有共我踏过万里不够剧情延续故事头发未染霜着凉亦错在我幼稚应快活像个天使有没有运气再扮弱者玩失意有没有道理为你落发必须得到世人同意心灰得极可耻心伤得无新意那一线眼泪欠大志太没意思若自觉这叫痛苦未免过份容易我没有被你改写一生怎配有心事我没有被你害过恨过写成情史变废纸春秋只转载要事如果爱你欠意义这眼泪无从安置我没有运气放大自私的失意更没有道理在这日你得到真爱制造恨意想心酸还可以想心底留根刺至少要见面上万次 2、《yes and no》歌词:人可不可以月满烟花 hey yeah...可不可以抱天下 hum...还可以碰到了就捉得到吗这一切怀疑偏偏想去答you say no no no no noi say yes yes yes woo~心会乱才会问灵魂偏偏只会爱you say no no no no noi say yes yes yes猜一猜不要斗原来通通只要爱baby you know(how can i let you know how much i love you)how can i let you know)(how can i let you know how much i care)how much i care)(how can i let you know how much i love you)woo~(how can i let you know how much i care)yeah~人可不可以更简单(hum...)可不可以放得下 hum...还可以向往了就找得到吗找一趟回来想想先再答you say…you say no no no no noi say yes yes yes心会乱才会问(you say no no no no no)灵魂偏偏只会爱(i say yes yes yes)woo~(you say no no no no no)i say yes yes yes(you say no you say no)猜一猜不要答(you say no no no no no)原来通通只有爱~yeah~(how can i let you know how much i love you)how can i let you know(how can i let you know how much i care)(how can i let you know how much i love you) how can i, how can i..(how can i let you know how much i care) let you know how much i care人很多感慨你或看山你或看海再伴我看未来如好景不再仍然愿意去爱人必须慷慨你别说不要伴我呼喊我心里始终在乎你(how can i let you know how much i love you)(how can i let you know how much i care)how much i care...(how can i let you know how much i love you)(how can i let you know how much i care) na na
2023-07-29 08:43:321


回答和翻译如下 :We , us , our , ours .我们 。( 音译 :为, 阿斯,奥瓦 ,奥瓦斯 。)
2023-07-29 08:43:401

有句歌词是 die on another day 求歌名

小林未郁的BRE@TH//LESS AZ里的歌——————泽野大法好
2023-07-29 08:44:082

Where Do We Go 歌词

歌曲名:Where Do We Go歌手:Pawel Rosak专辑:Spanish SunAtozzio - Where Do We Go (From Here)feat. Jordyn TaylorIt"s all my fault, you can do better(That"s what you always say to me)OhhhYou ain"t man enough, get it together(That"s what you always say to me)I amIn the middle of yes and noHalfway between stay or goIt"s a struggle dailyTrying to love you, boySo, do we live and learnOr do we crash and burnI don"t know if this what I wantDo we make this goodbye?Is it even worth fighting?Walk away from loveCause we"re so tired of tryingAnd all that we built is falling down nowDo we work it out now?My heart is lostSo where do we go?So where do we go?So where do we go from here?So where do we go?So where do we go?So where do we go from here?Can"t get my spaceYou cling, you"re needy(That"s what you always say to me)You suffocateI"m barely breathing(That"s what you always say to me)In the middle of yes and noHalfway between stay or goIt"s a struggle dailyTrying to love you, girlSo, do we live and learnOr do we crash and burnI don"t know if this is what I wantI"m always the causingI"m always the blameYou made me out to be the bad guyBoy, you do the sameBut you"re not always rightBut I"m not always wrongWe should fix the problems or we should move on
2023-07-29 08:44:151

no yesbut yesand

选D.题目意思是:她现在不是一个舞蹈教师,是吗?回答:No,but she was.可以翻译为:是的,(她现在不是).但是她以前是.请注意附加疑问句中yes和no的翻译哦.
2023-07-29 08:44:231

i can ask and answer"yes/no"questions是什么意思

2023-07-29 08:44:504

Is there的一般疑问句怎么回答

2023-07-29 08:45:003


2023-07-29 08:45:3415

i can ask and answer"yes/no"questions是什么意思

2023-07-29 08:46:002

有一首英文歌,歌词里面有这么一句,maybe yes maybe no,是乡村音乐,不是王菲的哦!

she takes the train on mondayshe"s thinkin" maybe one dayleaving town without a good-byeshe wants to be so much andshe tries so hard to touchthe life that keeps on passing her byshe would work from 9 to 5tryin" to keep herself alivenot remembering to seeall the things she could beall the things she could beand she"s always sayingmaybe yes andmaybe nomaybe I"m just a foolwith nowhere to gomaybe this timeI"ll cut the dealmaybe I will make itif I did it for realI did it for realhe walks into the room andhe smells the sweet purfumethe girl that he"s been wanting to callhe wants to talk to her sovery badly but he thinks that she don"t know it at allhe was dreaming 9 to 5trying to keep his hopes alivebelieving that one day she"d seeall the things he could beall the things he could beand he"s always sayingmaybe yes andmaybe nomaybe I"m just a foolwith nowhere to gomaybe this timeI"ll cut the dealmaybe I will make itif I did it for realI did it for realmaybe my inhibitions keep me at bayand all I need to dois set them freemaybe my heart is takin" over my headand what is meant to be will just never benever beyeahmaybe yes andmaybe nomaybe I"m just a foolwith nowhere to gomaybe this timeI"ll cut the dealmaybe I will make itif I did it for realI did it for realmaybe yes andmaybe nomaybe I"m just a foolwith nowhere to gomaybe this timeI"ll cut the dealmaybe I will make itif I did it for realI did it for realact的?
2023-07-29 08:47:031

英语中,another,other,the other,others的区别。。。

2023-07-29 08:47:245

colbie caillat - i do 中文歌词

I Do - Colbie Caillat It"s always been about me myself and I 曾经 我是个单身主义者 If all relationships were nothing but a waste of time 爱情只会浪费我的时间 I never wanted to be anybody"s other half 我从没想过要成为别人的另一半 I was happy to say that our love wouldn"t last 爱上我 不会有结果 That was the only way I knew to that you 这就是我 直到我遇见了你 You make we wanna say 我想告诉你 I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo 我真的 我真的愿意 Yeah, I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo 耶……我真得 我真的愿意 因为你 Cause every time before we spend like 这要是在以前 Maybe yes and maybe no 我就爱理不理 I can live without it, I can let it go 可现在我放不下你 我真的放不下 Ooh, I did, I get myself into 唉 我到底是着魔了还是怎么? You make we wanna say I do, I do, I do, I do, I do, I do, 我想告诉你 我真的真的 Tell me is it only me 告诉我 Do you feel the same? 你只对我有过这种感觉 You know me well enough to know that I"m not playing games 你会了解 我没和你开玩笑 I promise I won"t turn around and I won"t let you down 我绝不会离你而去 我不会抛弃你 You can trust and never feel it now 我真的不会再有这种感觉了 Baby there"s nothing, there"s nothing we can"t get through 只要我们在一起 有啥大不了的? So can we say 所以我说 I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo 我真的 真的真的愿意 Oh baby, I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo 我真的 真的真的 愿意 Cause every time before we spend like 这要是在以前 Maybe yes and maybe no 我就爱理不理 I won"t live without it, I won"t let it go 可现在我放不下你 我真的放不下 Wooh Can I get myself into 唉 我到底是着魔了还是怎么? You make we wanna say 我想告诉你 我真的真的 Me a family, a house a family 我 一个家庭 一个房子 Ooh, can we be a family? 噢~ 我们在一起 有个温馨的家 And when I"m old and sit next to you. 直到 我们都老了 坐在你身边 And when we remember when we said 那时我们都还记得 I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo 我真的 我真的愿意 Oh baby, I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo 我真得 我真的愿意 因为你 Cause every time before we spend like 这要是在以前 Maybe yes and maybe no 我就爱理不理 I won"t live without it, I won"t let it go 可现在我放不下你 我真的放不下 Just look at what we got ourselves into 我们 唉 无药可救啦! You make we wanna say I do, I do, I do, I do, I do, I do, 我想告诉你 我真的真的 Love you 只爱你 基本信息:中文名称:我愿意外文名称:I Do所属专辑:《all of you 》发行时间:2001-07-07歌曲原唱:colbie caillat歌曲语言:英语歌曲·简介:《i do 》是美国歌手colbie caillat在2011年演唱并发行的歌曲,收录在其专辑《all of you》中。此歌节奏欢快,歌词赏心悦目,所以常被用在婚礼上播放。试听:
2023-07-29 08:47:401

No pains No gains是什么意思

No pains No gains没有付出就没有收获Literal translation: The more you plough the more you gain. Succinct translation: Every effort put in will translate into gains. Every contribution of effort will reward as gains. No pains, no gains是“一份耕耘一份收获”的逆式表达,没有耕耘没有收获,语气较为重了点,不同于中国人的引导教育。同样,也可以用“No gains without pains”来表达这句话…望采纳,谢谢
2023-07-29 08:47:482

His response was ( ) that he didn’t say yes and he didn’t say no.

2023-07-29 08:47:563

God gives answers in three ways: He says yes and gives you what you want. He says no and gives y

God gives answers in three ways: He says yes and gives you what you want. He says no and gives you something better. He says wait and gives you the best.上帝以三种方式给出答案:他说是的,给你你想要的。 他说不,给你更好的东西。 他说等等,给你最好的。
2023-07-29 08:48:041

王菲哪首歌里一句歌词是“may be yes may be no"?

2023-07-29 08:48:138


是 《来电》很好听 你可以去听一听
2023-07-29 08:48:294

yes,itis cloudy and cool today.他的问句是什么?

Is it cool today uff1f
2023-07-29 08:48:363