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2023-07-29 20:21:32

  你从下面的 英语 作文 中,学习到了哪些保护鲸鱼的 措施 ?下面我为大家带来保护鲸鱼英语作文,希望对你有所帮助!


  A whale is a huge animal, it is full of treasure.

  The Japanese whaling, often take a whale as one of the world"s delicious. The Japanese whales catch, is not to eat is to do things, the number of whales now less and less, don"t whaling nations, the Japanese whaling. The Japanese had captured 440 minke whales. Is anyway not to put the sell those poor minke whales to hotel. The Japanese whaling said again, we are used to study. In fact, the Japanese whale meat to the restaurant and hotel, just want to get rich. The Japanese would really lie. I really hate them.

  The whales that state protection. Now the Japanese whaling. If you don"t eat whale hunt to the Japanese, the state is relieved. How do we let the Japanese whaling! This makes the motherland to worry.

  I thought, and the Japanese peace, no, they will also have the whaling. Or let them whaling, no. We secretly protecting whales, no. Talk to the Japanese President conditions, no, no, all not line.

  We watched the whales by the Japanese to catch to eat! We Chinese will try every way to save the whales!


  Whale are huge animals.They live in the sea and eat small fish and other sea life.One intere sting fact is whales can jump high out of water.Some kinds of whales are in danger because humans catch them formeat,fat,and oil,and use whale parts to make candles and soap.Whales are also in danger from water pollution.We should protect whales by making rules on whale protection and by not putting rubbish into the sea.I think people should learn more about whales.


  Nowadays,the whales is in danger.Because many countries kill them for different use,they are dying out.To protect our earth and ocean,especially the diversity of creatures.we must realize that we should take effective measures to protect them.If the whales died out,it would have an important influence on other animals in the sea.Also,the environment will be changed.I sincerely hope that we can make our effort to save them!


  Whale is the biggest animal in the world, but Blue Whale is the greatest whale. As we all know, a bus is about 15 tons, but some Blue Whales are more than 100 tons. A bus could be 45 feet long, but some whales are about 100 feet long. Recently, the number of whales on the world is decreasing signally. We have the Protect them as one of our duties, for a better world.



Title: Protecting Whales


Whales have always held a special place in the Earth"s ecosystem. These magnificent creatures contribute to maintaining the balance of marine life. However, due to various human activities, many species of whales are endangered. In this essay, we will explore the importance of protecting whales and discuss some effective measures that can be taken to ensure their survival.


Raising awareness:

To protect whales effectively, it is crucial to educate people about the importance of these creatures and the threats they face. Programs can be organized in schools and communities to spread knowledge about whales and create a sense of responsibility towards their conservation. By understanding their significance, individuals can be motivated to take action.

Conservation areas:

Establishing marine conservation areas and sanctuaries specifically designed for whales can provide a safe haven for these creatures. These areas would be off-limits to activities like fishing, whaling, and shipping, minimizing threats such as accidental collisions and entanglements. Strict regulations and monitoring mechanisms should be in place to ensure compliance.

Reducing pollution:

Marine pollution has severely impacted whale populations. It is vital to address issues like oil spills, plastic waste, and chemical dumping. Stricter regulations on waste management and recycling can help minimize pollution in the oceans. Additionally, promoting sustainable fishing practices and reducing the use of harmful chemicals can contribute to a cleaner marine environment.

Limiting underwater noise:

Underwater noise pollution, mainly caused by industrial activities and ship traffic, disrupts whale communication and navigation. Implementing measures to control noise levels, such as altering shipping routes away from sensitive areas and using quieter technologies, can significantly reduce these disturbances.

Collaborative efforts:

Protecting whales requires international cooperation. Countries can work together to enforce regulations and create treaties that ban whaling and protect migratory routes. Sharing scientific research and data across nations can enhance conservation strategies and facilitate a global understanding of whale preservation.


Whales play a vital role in maintaining the health of our oceans, and their protection is of utmost importance. By raising awareness, establishing conservation areas, reducing pollution, limiting underwater noise, and fostering international collaboration, we can ensure a brighter future for these remarkable creatures. Together, let us recognize the significance of protecting whales and take the necessary steps to safeguard their existence for generations to come.




2023-07-29 06:42:084


disturbances 英[du026as"tu025c:bu0259nsu026az] 美[du026as"tu025c:bu0259nsu026az] n. 骚乱( disturbance的名词复数 );打扰;困扰;障碍 [例句]Even relatively stable tunisia has seen continuing disturbances.即使是相对稳定的突尼斯也是骚乱不断。如果您认可我的答案,请采纳。您的采纳,是我答题的动力,O(∩_∩)O谢谢!!
2023-07-29 06:42:201


1. motor skills 1.运动技能 2.emotional disturbances 2.情绪障碍 1. motor skills 运动技能 2.emotional disturbances 情绪障碍 1. motor skills一般译做「运动技能」的运动不是体育运动的运动,而是讲身体随意肌的活动能力,例如你想伸手抓住一只杯,当中的主意和协调并且有冇能力做到这动作,是为之motor skills.假如你叫我翻译我会译做一个人的「动作机能」或「活动机能」可能少点误解。 2. emotional disturbances一般译做「情绪困扰」,另有「情绪障碍」是由于这专有名词不是单说一个人心情唔好,而系话个人唔可以控制地感到情绪上的不安,不受自己控制,所以用「障碍」表达个人操控意识与他的情绪之间有阻碍,所以一个人如果知道自己心情唔好,或者知道自己的情绪失控,就唔系有这病。 1. motor skill(运动技能) a learned series of movements that bine to produce a *** ooth efficient action 简单的动作 其实包含了复杂的身体协调过程 提高身体的 「 运动技能 」 便能有助身体协调 减少受伤机会 。 singtao/archive/ fullstory? andor=or&...&keyword1=&keyword2= 2.emotional disturbance(情绪障碍) Condition exhibiting one or more of the following characteristics over a long period of time and to a marked degree that adversely affects a child"s educational performance: inability to learn that cannot be explained by intellectual sensory or health factors; inability to build or maintain satisfactory interpersonal relationships with peers and teachers; inappropriate types of behavior or feelings under normal circumstances; general pervasive mood of unhappiness or depression; and a tendency to develop physical symptoms or fears associated with personal or school problems. 严重情绪障碍之症状包括精神性之疾患、情感性疾患、畏惧性疾患、 焦虑性疾患、注意力缺陷过动症、或有其他持续性的情或行为问题者 。 newfile_7 1运动技能2情绪困扰。^_^ 参考: monday ^_^ 摩打技能 感情騒动 1. motor skills 运动技能 2.emotional disturbances 情绪粉乱
2023-07-29 06:42:291

even if不是不能放在句首吗,那教科书上这个句子怎么回事?

这里even if引导让步状语从句,可以放在句首啊
2023-07-29 06:42:384


2023-07-29 06:42:592


Jay Weiss已经指出,被允许控制不愉快刺激的动物,不产生 睡眠障碍也不产生脑化学变化典型的应激大鼠or 连接的是sleep disturbances 和changes 我不是很明白in brain chemistry typical of stressed rats,是不是专业方面的某种说法??
2023-07-29 06:43:072


2023-07-29 06:43:172


Should bear the responsibility, we can not shirk; should overcome the difficulties, we can not escape; should face in life, we can not choose.This is life, it requires the courage to move forward in our ups and downs, the courage to take bit by bit thin in every bitter and sweet aftertaste, gradually began to feel every emotion and resentment.
2023-07-29 06:43:242


《辛丑条约》(英:Final Protocol for the Settlement of the Disturbances of 1900),亦称“辛丑各国和约”、“北京议定书”,是中国清政府代表奕劻、李鸿章与英、美、俄、法、德、意、日、奥、比、西、荷十一国外交代表,在义和团运动失败、八国联军攻入北京后,于光绪二十七年(辛丑年)七月二十五日(1901年9月7日)在北京签订的不平等条约。
2023-07-29 06:43:322


2023-07-29 06:43:501


Rome was not _______ in a day.A.set up  B.put up   C.found   D.built答案解析:答案为D, 为正确答案。具体区别,请看下面详细解释,如果满意,请立即采纳,谢谢!build, construct, found, erect, establish, set up这些动词均有“建设,建立,建造”之意。build: 普通用词,含义广泛,可指一切具体或抽象的建造或建立。construct: 较正式用词,强调根据一定计划进行的规模较大,结构较复杂,要求较高技术的建造。found: 侧重打下基础或创办,具体或抽象事物均可用。erect: 侧重指对高而垂直物的建造。使用不如build广泛。establish: 着重稳固地建成,可具体指国家、政府、学校或商店等的建立,也可指信仰、信用、名誉、法律、制度、规则等的建立。set up: 作"建立"用时,侧重于"开始"。可指具体或抽象的建立。set up英 [set u028cp] 美 [su025bt u028cp] 建立;准备; 安排;引起 1.I couldn"t afford more than a broom cupboard to set up office in. 我的钱也就够搞一间鸡窝大的办公室。 2. The government has set up a commission of inquiry into the disturbances at the prison. 政府成立了一个委员会来调查监狱骚乱事件。 3. An inquiry was set up to determine the cause of the accident. 已展开调查以确定事故原因。 4. The scheme has been set up to help homeless people. 这个计划的目的是帮助无家可归的人。 5. They drew their wagons into a laager and set up camp. 他们把马车围成一圈扎起营地。 put up英 [put u028cp] 美 [pu028at u028cp] vt. 举起;张贴;建造;提高 vi. 提供食宿;直接行动 1.Can anyone put up bail for you? 有人保释你吗? 2. The police stormed the barricades the demonstrators had put up. 警察冲破了示威者筑起的街垒。 3. We put up the decorations and the tree and started to feel Christmassy at last. 我们布置好了装饰品和圣诞树,这才开始感受到圣诞节的气氛。 4. I helped him put up some shelves in his bedroom. 我帮他在卧室里装了几个搁架。 5. I put up my umbrella. 我撑开伞。 found英 [fau028and] 美 [fau028and] vt. 创办,成立,建立 v. 发现( find的过去式);找到;到达;发觉 n. 不另外收费的供应品[服务等],(工资以外)另行供给的膳食[住宿等] adj. (文艺作品等)找到的,拾得的,拣到的,自然形态的;〈英〉(对房客等)不另加费供应的,已包括在价款[租金等]之内的 发现; 找到; 找; 觉得 过去式:founded 过去分词:founded 现在分词:founding 第三人称单数:founds 1.The child was found abandoned but unharmed. 该弃儿被人们发现时安然无恙。 2. The accused was found innocent. 被告被判定无罪。 3. Suddenly he found himself awake and fully alert. 突然他发觉自己醒了过来,而且高度警觉。 4. Spending the holidays in Britain wasn"t a prospect that I found particularly appealing. 在英国度假对我并不特别有吸引力。 5. They found the body buried beneath a pile of leaves. 他们发现尸体被埋在一堆树叶下面。 build英 [bu026ald] 美 [bu026ald] vt. 建造,构筑;建立;开发;为…建立基础 vi. 建造,营造;扩大,扩展;发展,达到 n. 体格,构造;〈俚〉优美的体型,肉体美 建立; 造; 建造; 建造版 过去式:built 过去分词:built 现在分词:building 第三人称单数:builds 1.They have permission to build 200 new houses. 他们得到建200座新房的许可。 2. a steady build-up of traffic in the evenings 晚间逐渐繁忙的交通 3. Plans to build a new mall were deep-sixed after protests from local residents. 修建新室内购物中心的计划由于当地居民反对而搁浅。 4. We never use second quality ingredients to build building. 我们决不使用次等材料用于建筑。 5. The firm tendered for the contract to build a new hotel. 该公司投标承建一家新饭店。求采纳为满意回答。
2023-07-29 06:43:571


安妮特·贝宁出生于美国堪萨斯州首府托皮卡,中学时代贝宁开始学习表演,活跃于最初的登台经历。鲜为人知的是,贝宁曾有过一段为期一年之久的在出海渔船上当厨子的打工经历,挣钱之后贝宁在圣地亚哥Mesa大学(San Diego Mesa College)进行了两年戏剧学习,紧接着北上旧金山州立大学获得了戏剧艺术学位。毕业后于旧金山的美国经典剧目剧团(American Conservatory Theater)正式开启演艺生涯,在诸如《麦克白》等莎翁剧中的表现展露了其戏剧才华,期间还通过在圣地亚哥老环球剧院(Old Globe)、科罗拉多Shakespeare Festival以及Denver Center Theatre Company的演出,打磨自身舞台戏剧表演技艺。而后为了进一步深造,贝宁只身来到纽约,如今看来这一步走得确实明智,在纽约她的运气大开,初次登台就因为在《沿岸风雨》(Coastal Disturbances)中的出色演技获得了托尼奖提名和克莱伦斯-达文特奖。受到关注的同时,她开始参与一些广告与电视影集的拍摄。
2023-07-29 06:44:051


leave: 招致;造成The documentary left me in a state of shock...那部纪录片使我大为震惊。
2023-07-29 06:44:345

下面这段话怎样翻译? u200b谢谢!

2023-07-29 06:44:502

初中英语语法:英语语法详解 --ING分词(二)

《英语语法详解 --ING分词(二)》由出国留学我精心为您学习英语准备。本内容整理时间为05月12日,如有任何问题请联系我们。 二、作表语的-ING分词 Seeing is believing. His aims are learning two foreign languages and applying the theory he has learned to practice. 三、-ING分词作动词宾语 1. 一类是动词或短语后边跟宾语的非限定性动词只能是-ING分词,如:acknowledge, admit(坦白,承认), advise, advocate, anticipate, appreciate, avoid, can"t help, consider, contemplate(深思), delay, deny, dislike, enjoy, escape(躲过,避开), excuse, fancy, finish, give up, imagine, include, keep on, justify, mean(意味着,等于), mind(在乎), miss, postpone, practise, prohibit, put off, quit, recall, regret, resist, resume, risk(冒险干…), suggest, threaten。 5) By taking the back way he escaped . [A] to be seen [B] have been seen [C] seeing [D] being seen 6) I came late and missed Jack winning. [A] to see[B] seeing[C] see[D] seen 7) "I see our boss coming down the hall." "Then we"d better quit and get down to business." [A] talking[B] to talk[C] from talking[D] having talk 8) The young doctor first [A] practised to use [B] the needles on [C] his own [D] wrist. 9) Some experts have advocated to bring [A] that country into [B] the talks, to revive the intermittent dialogue [C] that began [D] after the 1967 Middle East War. 2. 另一类动词后边作宾语的非限定性动词可以是-ING分词的动名词,也可以是动词不定式,如:attempt, begin, can"t bear, cease, continue, deserve, endure, forget, go on, hate, intend, like, love, need, neglect, omit, plan, prefer, propose, regret, remember, start , stop, try等。(动词后接-ING和不定式时在用法上的区别在下一章讲) 10) "What"s wrong with Henry?""He needs ." [A] cheer up[B] to be cheer up[C] cheering up[D] to cheered up 11) Any such news would start her . [A] to worry[B] worrying[C] worry[D] worried 3. -ING分词作宾语还有下一结构,即用it代表-ING分词,而把-ING分词短语放到句子的后边去 I consider it worthwhile spending ten thousand yuan on the furniture./Marry fount it marvellous having a journey with him. 四、 -ING结构作介词的宾语 几乎所有介词,不管是单个介词还是介词词组,不管它们是谓语动词的组成部分与否,都能用-ING分词的动名词作其宾语。所以,-ING结构作介词宾语的时候很多。-ING结构一般作介词短语的宾语,主要有以下搭配关系 1. 动词+介词+ -ING 12) Scientists measure the hardness [A] of a material [B] by comparatively [C] with a table of ten well-known [D] metals. 13) Her mother did not [A] approve of her to go [B] to the party without dressing [C] formally [D] . 14) Although many women"s colleges [A] have been coeducational [B] , other universities remain committed to keep [C] their facilities separate [D] . 15) We insist on you leave [A] the place before [B] any further [C] disturbances take place [D] . 2. 名词(形容词,不及物动词)+介词to(不要把它视为动词不定式的标志)。下面是大纲中所列短语中的"to"为介词:(be) contrary to (与…相反),object(objection)to (反对), with a view to (为…起见),(be) opposed to (反对), in contrast to (与…成对比),be used to (习惯于), be exposed to, be dedicated to (致力于),resort to (诉诸于), as to (关于), be accustomed to (习惯于), be devoted to (献身于), be committed to (委身于), react to (对…反应), with regard to (关于), look forward to (期待), contribute to (贡献),owe to由于,归功于等 16) I have no objection the evening with them. [A] to spend [B] to spending [C] to have spent [D] to have to spend 17) Why do you object to the direction? [A] following [B] follow [C] have follow [D] have been followed 18) Mr. Brown often wore [A] a heavy coat [B] because he was not used to live [C] in such a [D] cold climate. 19) Livy was the [A] only great historian of the time [B] , and he devoted his attention to give [C] the world splendid [D] pictures. 3. 动词+副词+介词+ -ING I look forward to her coming soon. 4. 形容词(或具有形容词性质的-ED分词)+介词+ -ING I am proud of having such a son. He is greatly honored of shaking hands with the President. It"s impossible for him finishing the task in such a short time. He is interested in playing table tennis. 5. 表示征询意见的 "How about…?", "What…about?" How about going there? What about having a concert? 20) How about to the movies tonight? [A] going[B] if go[C] to go[D] if we go 6. 前面省略了介词in的-ING惯用法 The two children are busy doing their homework. Mr. Smith has difficulty fulfilling the task. There is no use going over the lessons before the night of exam. He has spent a lot of time preparing the exam for the postgraduate. Xiao Li lost no time catching up with his classmates. There is no point arguing with him. 《英语语法详解 --ING分词(二)》由出国留学我精心为您学习英语准备
2023-07-29 06:44:581


2023-07-29 06:45:075


文摘尽管无数的价值观和承认河边区域火作为一个重要的自然干扰,很少有研究调查了行为、性能及影响火在河岸地区的自然thewestern美国。河岸地区不同于邻近的降雨量经常在植物组成和结构、地貌、水文、小气候、燃料特性。这些特点可能导致不同的火灾环境、火政权,火属性(频率、严重、行为和程度相对于在河岸地区山区。在某些森林河边区域、火灾频率普遍偏低,严重程度更为温和火已经比在邻近的降雨量,但在其它地区,这场大火已经烧河边区域出现类似的频率。土地利用和管理的影响可能很强烈地影响火灾特性和政权在河岸地区。扑灭火灾、畜牧业、伐木、建造和材料流动规律、农业改道、渠道的修改,并推出入侵物种变化导致植物种类组成、结构和分布的载油量,改变的程度和区域小气候河岸地区。累积影响人类的改变是可能产生的影响最显著的火灾行为期间,干旱和极端天气条件下的火。河岸植物具有适应促进河流扰动后生存和reestablish-ment火灾,从而导致许多溪岸的快速恢复生态环境。关键资源价值了河岸地带,额外的数据是需要了解火灾和河岸生态系统之间的相互作用,以及如何影响河岸带时空模式在景观尺度上的大火。提出了一种改进的火生态与理解影响需要在河岸地区生态良性循环后康复项目规定火。# 2003农业科学。保留所有权利。
2023-07-29 06:45:232


serialno是序列号的意思,其用法如下:x0dx0a1、The present study observed the significance of the serial changes of plasma NO-2/ NO-3, tumor necrosis factor ( TNF) and endotoxin concentration levels after splenectomy and sepsis. x0dx0a本实验动态观察了大鼠脾切除及粗制大肠杆菌内毒素攻击后血浆内毒素、肿瘤坏死因子(TNF)和NO-2/NO-3水平的变化。x0dx0ax0dx0a2、Connect to the switch using the serial console port with a straight serial cable ( 9600,8-N-1, no flow control). x0dx0a用串口直连电缆连接到交换机串行控制端口(9600、8-N-1、无流控制)。x0dx0ax0dx0a3、The following advantages are obtained f Busses limited in a single board, two stage adiministration by serial ports, digital system with no relation to analog system in electricity, simple construction and high speed. x0dx0a系统通过串行口实行两级管理,做到了数字系统与模拟系统完全没有电的联系,总线不出板,结构简单,运算速度快。x0dx0ax0dx0a4、Using saturable serial inductors in the main circuit a no voltage switch on of IGBT can be realized so that the peak value of breakaway voltage on IGBT becomes lower. x0dx0a在主回路中串联可饱和电抗器,可实现IGBT零电压开通,并且因它而造成的IGBT关断电压尖峰较低。x0dx0ax0dx0a5、The principle and working process of a FM serial resonance device was introduced and its application no AC withstand voltage test of high voltage XLPE insulated cable was also discussed. x0dx0a介绍一种调频串联谐振装置的原理及工作过程,并在高压交联聚乙烯(XLPE)绝缘电缆交流耐压试验中应用。x0dx0ax0dx0a6、Study on cloned embryos transfer, 2 groups were divided: original and serial transfer group, 43 recipients, 90 cloned embryos, no cloned offspring was gained. x0dx0a在克隆胚移植研究中,试验分原代胚移植组和继代胚移植组,共移植受体羊43头,原代胚78枚,继代胚12枚,最终没有获得克隆后代。x0dx0ax0dx0a7、Concerning the problem of testing for serial independence of the disturbances in nonlinear models, there has been no corresponding method by now. x0dx0a关于非线性模型误差自相关的诊断问题目前还没有相应的方法。
2023-07-29 06:45:441


To ascertain a test of the object properties We often have to use various instruments and tools (direct measurement or telemetry) to access a variety of measurements (data ). But these data include transform error, equipment and error in the transmission process (when used with telemetry manner) the introduction of the various disturbances caused by the error. Moreover, this these data are usually very wide, meaningful and meaningless part of a mixed, if not the direct application of choice will inevitably cause great inconvenience. In addition, under many circumstances need through reprocessing (for a data transformation) to provide more explicit physical meaning more direct data form (input waveform of the vibration spectrum analysis, etc.). These problems have to rely on data acquisition and processing to be addressed from a broad sense, the data acquisition and processing the content should include the following : (a) Data collection : The key is to resolve the non-converted to electricity consumption, as well as multiplexers, Simulation data format and in digital form between conversion. (2) data record : Data storage is a very important issue. current magnetic recording a large amount of data is stored in an effective way. (3) Data Processing : including pretreatment, test data and data analysis (reprocessing), and other steps. Data Acquisition should include various non-measured converted into electricity to power and their reasonable combination, then provided through a multi-channel encoding signal to the whole process. which will be converted to non-consumption of electricity shall be Sensors the problem; reasonable combination of multi-channel signal encoding the key embodied by the sampling frequency and coding accuracy of these two issues. Usually, which collected the data, The goal is measured certain quantities of electricity through non-electricity conversion, and after another up large or attenuation, sampling, coding, transmission after such links have emerged in the form of a data. data processing is the primary task of these data into the form of restoration The original physical form and, as far as possible given the changes in their form. In addition, The above aspects of equipment performance is not satisfactory, and the outside interference, noise impact, has more or less in the data collection introduced an error, therefore data processing Another important task is to adopt various methods (such as singular items removed, smooth, filtering, etc.) to maximize the elimination of these errors, to obtain the best possible accuracy of the data. Data Processing Another task is to conduct its own data processing transform some (cases If requested, or do mean Fourier Transform), or linked to the data between the conduct of certain mutual Operators (such as calculation functions) then there will be a better expression of some of the data inherent characteristics of the secondary data. data acquisition system used to measure and record from both sides - the signal : by direct measurement of the amount of electrical signal from the sensor and the signal. Data Acquisition System (whether or simulation system is a digital system) to a large extent depends on the input data record the expected application. Generally, When asked to large bandwidth or allow lower the accuracy, we can use the simulation data system; When he was monitoring the physical process in the slow changes (narrowband) and the need to pursue high accuracy and low cost per channel due, is using the digital system. Digital systems from the complexity involved in single-channel DC voltage measurement and recording system that can measure large input parameters, and the pre-set limits or conditions, of the input signal and calculating and determined the advanced automatic system more illustrious company. three program control data acquisition system of data mining Sets from the traditional system is the sequence control systems acquisition process control access to the data acquisition system, This acquisition system by the hardware and software components, and its data collection stored in the memory. According to a variety of data acquisition tasks, programming change the ones that signal sampling rate and frame format, and other properties Acquisition to meet the needs of the mission. in process control data acquisition system, usually can change the system parameters are : Acquisition; sampling rate; data word length; Gain; frame format. It consists of four major components : remote control acquisition modules frame format generator, controller and bus. The system can have multiple remote control acquisition modules decentralized much of the home, will be gathering in various remote control unit placed on the various parts are collected. Each remote control through the acquisition modules address line, Line data and clock lines connected with the controller. All through the address control lines with a total sampling rate to the various remote control unit sent Acquisition Channel Address Code. In order to ensure a sampling cycle only addresses a consistent element of a channel sampling site were found, Therefore corresponding to each channel has a unique address code group. result in a certain moment, line code only addresses a certain element of a channel sampling was addressing.
2023-07-29 06:45:522

头脑清醒的 英语怎么说

clear mind
2023-07-29 06:46:027


2023-07-29 06:46:195

at prison和at the prison的区别

at prison和at the prison的区别:意思不同。at prison坐牢。at the prison在监狱里。prison, cell, jail.这组词都有“牢房,监狱”的意思,其区别是:prison指触犯刑律的人被关押的地方,通常指判决后的罪犯居留地。cell指单人牢房或几个人合住的小牢房。jail (英国英语拼写为gaol)指收犯轻罪的人或未经判决的人的处所。Regular inspections are carried out at the prison.经常有人来视察这座监狱。The government has set up a commission of inquiry into the disturbances at the prison.政府成立了一个委员会来调查监狱骚乱事件。I thought I told you to go back at the prison.我早就告诉你应该待在监狱里。
2023-07-29 06:46:331


2023-07-29 06:46:534

disturbance handler是什么意思

2023-07-29 06:47:331


An Lushan Rebellion或者An-Shi Disturbances望采纳,谢谢
2023-07-29 06:47:401


2023-07-29 06:47:491


女警察的英文为policewoman。女警察英语读音:英[pu0259u02c8liu02d0swu028amu0259n]美[pu0259u02c8liu02d0swu028amu0259n]。policewomen,释义:n.女警察;女警官。女警察英文短语Yes policewoman是的。policewoman community女子警务区。Pink Policewoman红粉特警。a policewoman 一个女警察;一位女警察。Policewoman boss 女警察上司The Police警察乐队;警察;警察合唱团;警员乐队police officer警察;警官;警员;交警Police Academy 警察学校;金牌警校军;学警出更police station警察局;公安局;派出所;警局secret police秘密警察;秘密员警;警网雄风。女警察的英语例句1.A policewoman shot at the helicopter.一名女警察向直升飞机射击。2.Police say they have arrested twenty people following the disturbances.警方称他们已经在骚乱后逮捕了20个人。3.She"s a strange policewoman.处理违章停车的女警察她是个作风奇特的女警。4.The policewoman calls for help.这个女警察找人来帮忙。5.Mary is an excellent policewoman.玛丽是一名出色得女警察。6.Policewoman ambulance man shop assistant女警营业员商店经理7.The policewoman put her hand on Alan"s arm.女警察把手放在阿兰的手臂上。
2023-07-29 06:48:101


D.built up, 是搭建, 建造 的意思, 是正解!!例如:he area has been built up since I lived here.自从我住到这里以来,这个地区已盖满了房子。B put up 是什么意思,呵呵?put up 是 vt.举起; 张贴; 建造; 提高vi.提供食宿; 直接行动set up 是 :建立; 准备; 安排; 引起,强调设立某种关系和组织机构,并非实体的建筑。found,有两种含义,一种是发现find的过去式, 一种是建立的原形,但是这里即便你选择“建立”的意思,found也要采用被动语态(表达被建造的含义),所以是founded,被建立,被建造。综上所述, 只有built up 最适合!
2023-07-29 06:48:425

The Way Of All Flesh 歌词

歌曲名:The Way Of All Flesh歌手:Gene Krupa专辑:Plays Gerry Mulligan ArrangementsGojira - The Way Of All FleshAnything that has a shape will crumble away, disappearWe belong to the circle life of all creationWe crawl and deny ourselves, refuse this evidenceThat we project our greatest fears on death and forget our powerI want to live my life in close touch with the sacredPacify the disturbances of the mindI face my own deathLower and lower is the pressure,I can feel the parts of me collapsing one into the otherHigher state of consciousness awaken,I can see the light of this next worldLeading my soul rebornI find it hard to believe that this picture on the wall is everythingI do understand all the prayers, life is so sharp and hurts so badWhat does it mean to be dying,what if you take the guts and brain awayIs it this blood and heartbeat that you call lifeEvery effort to ignore it is unavailing we all have to dieIs it too late to dull the edges of the pain, I have to tryThis is an other dimensionYou can scatter ashes to the windsand even buried in the ground I"m still hereDo not be afraid you are dyingAnd the four great elements of your body are collapsing one into the otherIt feels as if you are being crushed by mountainsThe light of this world has faded completelyBut the light of the next world have not yet appearedYour breath is now still, no warmth to your skinDo not be afraid, there"s no way that you can stay hereYou are leaving this worldAll lights are fading away nowLeave behind the loved ones and all you knowDo not be afraid and let yourself go
2023-07-29 06:48:571

如何向客户表达给他造成困扰 外贸英语

I am sorry for the inconvenience.I apologize for the inconvenience.I"m terribly sorry for the inconvenience.
2023-07-29 06:49:072

台风产生的原因 英文的

The formation of tropical cyclones is the topic of extensive ongoing research and is still not fully understood.[35] While six factors appear to be generally necessary, tropical cyclones may occasionally form without meeting all of the following conditions. In most situations, water temperatures of at least 26.5 °C (79.7 °F) are needed down to a depth of at least 50 m (160 ft);[36] waters of this temperature cause the overlying atmosphere to be unstable enough to sustain convection and thunderstorms.[37] Another factor is rapid cooling with height, which allows the release of the heat of condensation that powers a tropical cyclone.[36] High humidity is needed, especially in the lower-to-mid troposphere; when there is a great deal of moisture in the atmosphere, conditions are more favorable for disturbances to develop.[36] Low amounts of wind shear are needed, as high shear is disruptive to the storm"s circulation.[36] Tropical cyclones generally need to form more than 555 km (345 mi) or 5 degrees of latitude away from the equator, allowing the Coriolis effect to deflect winds blowing towards the low pressure center and creating a circulation.[36] Lastly, a formative tropical cyclone needs a pre-existing system of disturbed weather, although without a circulation no cyclonic development will take place.[36]
2023-07-29 06:49:141


IMMER0 for commissioning and testing program IMMER1 for commissioning and testing program Reset signal disruption after PLC ON Pulse register jump distribution ZYKLISCHE PROCESSING PROGRAM WHETHER starting at restarting PLC WHETHER starting at SPS Recovery WHETHER start-cold start at PLC Programming Error Access Module Error OB-time call every second OB-time call all 100mS Cycle Time Fault WHETHER Malfunction "I / O Point Fault" WHETHER Not Loaded Fault WHETHER Malfunction "Loss Of rack Fault" Communication Fault SIGNAL disturbances RESET
2023-07-29 06:49:222


1.B on call in call for
2023-07-29 06:50:003


2023-07-29 06:50:081


2023-07-29 06:50:183

风雨雷电的成因 用英文叙述

2023-07-29 06:50:263


2023-07-29 06:50:363


2023-07-29 06:50:452


1 。她永远不会故意伤害任何人,因为她本身就是一个善良女孩。 2 。因为我们球队的一个球员被罚下场,教练不得不使用一种拖延战术。 3 。晚上,我们会看到街头巡逻的警察应对任何发生可能的状况。 4 。经过5个月的辩论,经济发展委员会提交给国会的年度预算达12亿美元。 5 。这位教授要求研究小组提供的统计数字数据来更好的论证论点
2023-07-29 06:51:045


睡眠障碍英文为Sleep disorders。睡眠障碍是指由各种因素引起的睡眠质量和数量不足的疾病,包括失眠、睡眠呼吸暂停综合症、嗜睡症、睡眠性腿部症状、睡眠行为障碍等多种类型。睡眠障碍会导致白天疲劳、注意力不集中、精神压力等不良后果,严重的睡眠障碍还可能导致心血管疾病、糖尿病等疾病的发生。目前,睡眠障碍症状已成为影响全球公共卫生的主要问题之一。因此,对睡眠障碍的研究和治疗变得越来越重要。现代医学已经研发出了各种针对不同类型睡眠障碍的治疗方法,如药物治疗、认知行为治疗、压力缓解技术等。
2023-07-29 06:51:291

英语短文,《lack of sleep affects memory》

  New research from the University of Copenhagen has found that maintaining a good night"s sleep is important for our future health, partly because of how it affects lifestyle factors. Previous population based studies have not provided sufficient information on the timing of changes in both sleep and lifestyle to tease out cause and effect relations of this highly intertwined relationship.  "This study shows that sleep affects our ability to maintain a healthy lifestyle, and when sleep deteriorates we are more likely to make unhealthy lifestyle changes," says Postdoc Alice Jessie Clark from the Department of Public Health,  The researchers found that maintaining a good night"s sleep made it easier to maintain a healthy lifestyle. For example; they found that smokers who maintained a sleeping pattern characterized by normal sleep duration and undisturbed nights were less likely to still be smoking and more likely to have quit smoking four years on, when compared to those who either shortened their average sleep duration or experienced an increase in sleep disturbances.  Overall, similar patterns were also observed in regards to other adverse lifestyle changes, with onset of impaired sleep inflicting a higher risk of uptake of high-risk alcohol consumption (among non-risk consumers), of becoming physically inactive (among the initially physically active), and of becoming overweight or obese.
2023-07-29 06:52:011


2023-07-29 06:52:253


Ba east beach (Hat Patong)Here is the main phuket tourism and entertainment night market area. There are many restaurants on the beach, villas, restaurants, and shopping centers.Karen beach and Qatar (beach Hat Karon & Hat Kata)If you want to swim in the sea, compared with the hustle and bustle of ba east beach here is better choice.Coral islands (Coral Island)Coral island named after the deep rich coral ecosystem. Not only can be seen everywhere many fans, diving and water parachute and more tourists come here to enjoy sunbathing. Here is a great place for snorkeling, visitors can stroll at the bottom of the sea, watch the wonderful sea creatures.Nai Han beach (Hat Nai Han)As long as you come here, don"t you stay until sunset. Adults can enjoy splashing here, the children can also be in the southern tip of tidal lagoon frolicking.Surin beach (Hat Surin)Surin beach, quiet and attractive, and at the same time have a 9 hole miniature golf course. In addition, surin beach has the largest undertow phuket, therefore does not recommend visitors to swim in here.(Phuket Phuket shellfish Museum Seashell Museum)Phuket shellfish museum is probably the most precious collection seashells museum in the world. Inside the world"s largest gold pearl, weighs 250 kilograms of shellfish and earth"s early biological fossils are embedded, etc.求采纳
2023-07-29 06:52:332


创新设计与工程实践,研究生示范课程;现代设计理论与方法,硕士、博士课程。 1. 轴对称矢量喷管机械故障应急防护,国防技术发明三等奖,工信部,2010,排名第1;2. 霍英东教育基金会青年教师奖(研)一等奖,1998;3. GM中国科技成就奖二等奖,国家自然科学基金委员会,1996;4. 连杆式子午胎成型鼓及其型综合权函数方法,国家发明奖四等奖,1995,排名第1。代表性著作1. 喷气发动机轴对称推力矢量喷管(专著),国防出版社,2006;2.复杂机械系统快速创新设计(专著),科学出版社,2006;3.数字化设计(编著),机械工业出版社,2003;4.机构创新设计方法学(专著),天津大学出版社,1996. 1.Wang Yu-Xin,Effects of feature parameters on the form-image sensation of products Journal of Engineering Design,v 22, n 3, p 181-199, March 20112. Li Yu-Tong,Hong Ying,Wang Yu-Xin,Wang Guo-Dong,Maximal singularity-free distribution of input parameters in a parallel manipulator considering load deformations and clearances,Proc. Institution of Mech. Engineers, Part C: JMES,v 225, n 1, p 204-215, 20113. Wang Yu-Xin,Zhang Xu-Guang, Mao Xiao-Hui, Key techniques in function-form bidirectional creativity quotient space model, Journal of Zhejiang University (Eng.), V44, n9, 1643-1653, 20104. Wang Yu-Xin,Mao Xiao-Hui, Zhang Xu-Guang, Implementation and quotient representation of creativity in functional layer and form layer of the function-behavior- structure model Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, v 46, n 15, p 107-116, 5, 2010.5. Wang Yu-Xin,Zhang Xu-Guang, Automatic identification of symbolic schemes of conceptual design of mechanisms, J. Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics, 21, n 6, p 796-803, June 20096. Wang Yu-Xin, Li Yu-Tong,Singular assembly configurations and config. bifurcation characteristics of the semi-regular hexagons 6-6 Gough-Stewart manipulator Chinese Journal of Mechanical Eng. (English Edition),v 22, n 6, p 810-821, 20097. Wang Yu-Xin,Singularity analysis of axisymmetric vectoring exhaust nozzle. Journal ofAerospace Power,v 24, n 1, p 162-168, January 2009.8.Wang, Yu-Xin,Li, Yu-Tong,Pan, Shuang-Xia. Modified disturbance function method for a 6-6 Gough-Stewart parallel manipulator to traverse the singularity hypersurface, Journal of Mechanical Design, Transactions of the ASME, 2008, 130(5): p 052305-89.Wang, Yu-Xin; , Disturbed configuration bifurcation characteristics of Gough-Stewart parallel manipulators at singular points, Journal of Mechanical Design, Transactions of the ASME, 2008, 130(2), p 02230410.Wang, Yu-Xin, Li YT, Pan S.X. , Science in China Series E-Technological Sciences, 2008, 51(7): 897-91011.Wang, Yu-Xin, Li YT, Guo RQ. , Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part C- Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2008, 222(4): 723-73612. Li, Yu-tong, Wang, Yu-Xin, Pan, Shuang-xia, Rui-qin Guo. Traversing the singularity hypersurface by applying the input disturbances to 6-SPS parallel manipulator, Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2008, 1013.王玉新,李雨桐,潘双夏,一种规避并联机构转向点奇异问题的新方法,中国科学E,2008,38(1):125-13614. 王玉新,李雨桐,郭瑞琴,并联机构以保持构型通过奇异位置的方法, 机械工程学报, 2008, 44(6): 125-13015.王玉新; 王永山; 金玲; 基于美学特征的参数化产品外形设计及其美学评价,计算机辅助设计与图形学学报, 2007, 19(11):1447-145316.王玉新,李雨桐, 3SPS-3PRS并联机构构型分岔特性,机械工程学报,2007, 43(12), 34-3817.王玉新,王仪明,李雨桐,轴对称推力矢量喷管载荷变形的控制补偿,航空动力学报,2007, 22(10): 1685-168918.金熙哲 王玉新等,基于行为表示矩阵的行为结构计算机推理,上海交通大学学报,2007年4期19.金熙哲,王玉新等,传动角最优的曲柄滑块机构多变量优化设计,上海交通大学学报,2007年4期20.金熙哲,郭为忠,王玉新,邹慧君,基于遗传算法的行为结构分组创新,机械工程学报,2007年 43卷 5期21. 王玉新, 郭瑞琴,多环机构运动分叉与机构参数的关系,同济大学学报. 自然科学版, 2006, 34(8), 1088-109322. Wang, Yu-Xin, Wang,Y M, Configuration bifurcations analysis of six degree-of-freedom symmetrical Stewart parallel mechanisms, Transactions of the ASME: Journal of Mechanical Design, 2005, 127(January): 70-7723. Wang, Yu-Xin, Wang Yi-Ming, Inverse kinematics of variable geometry parallel manipulator, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2005, 40(2):141-15524.王玉新,王仪明,陈予恕,黄真,Stewart并联机构运动失控性研究, 机械工程学报, 2005, 41(7):40-4425.王玉新,王永山,2005,复杂机械系统布局研究,机械工程学报,41(2): 6-14
2023-07-29 06:52:471


The Sixth Extinction By Niles Eldredge About 30,000 species go extinct annually.大约每年有30000种物种走向灭绝。 There is little doubt left in the minds of professional biologists that Earth is currently faced with a mounting loss of species that threatens to rival the five great mass extinctions of the geological past. 在生物学专家心中都有一个小小的疑问,地球是否在面临着可能媲美过去五大物种灭绝的另一次不断增加的物种灭绝。As long ago as 1993, Harvard biologist E.O. Wilson estimated that Earth is currently losing something on the order of 30,000 species per year -- which breaks down to the even more daunting statistic of some three species per hour.早在1993年,哈佛一名生物学家,E.O. Wilson就预测地球物种正在以每年30000种的速度消失, 而这种令人心悸的预测则被更为恐怖的每小时3种的统计结果结束了. Some biologists have begun to feel that this biodiversity crisis -- this "Sixth Extinction" -- is even more severe, and more imminent, than Wilson had supposed.The previous mass extinctions were due to natural causes. 一些生物学家已经开始察觉到生物多样性的危机了. Wilson预测说这次的第六次物种灭绝,比以往五次更为严重,更为紧迫。前几次大量物种灭绝的发生,只是因为自然原因。 Extinction in the past过去的几次大量物种灭绝The major global biotic turnovers were all caused by physical events that lay outside the normal climatic and other physical disturbances which species, and entire ecosystems, experience and survive. What caused them?过去的几次生物界翻天覆地的变化,原因都不外乎正常的天气还有其他的物理因素干扰这些物理因素,而整个生态系统都安然度过了。这些都是怎样发生的呢? * First major extinction (c. 440 mya): Climate change (relatively severe and sudden global cooling) seems to have been at work at the first of these-the end-Ordovician mass extinction that caused such pronounced change in marine life (little or no life existed on land at that time). 25% of families lost (a family may consist of a few to thousands of species). 第一次大量物种灭绝(c.440 mya):较为严重的突然全球变冷似乎先发生,然后就有了引起海洋物种显著变化的后奥陶纪的大量物种灭绝(当时很少或者根本没有生物在大路上生存),大约25%的物种科目消失了(一个物种科目可能含有几十到上千的物种)。 * Second major extinction (c. 370 mya): The next such event, near the end of the Devonian Period, may or may not have been the result of global climate change. 19% of families lost. 第二次大量物种灭绝(c. 370 mya):第二次类似的事件发生在大概泥盆纪结束的时候,尚未清楚是否由于全球气候的变化。这次有19%的物种科目消失了。 * Third major Extinction (c. 245 mya): Scenarios explaining what happened at the greatest mass extinction event of them all (so far, at least!) at the end of the Permian Period have been complex amalgams of climate change perhaps rooted in plate tectonics movements. Very recently, however, evidence suggests that a bolide impact similar to the end-Cretaceous event may have been the cause. 54% of families lost. 第三次大量物种灭绝(c. 245 mya):地质构造论中二迭纪发生的大范围地壳运动和气候的复杂多变可以解释这次起码到现在为止是最大规模的大量物种灭绝。但在最近,又有证据说类似于后白垩纪的流星事件可能是这次物种灭绝的主要原因。这次54%的物种科目被灭绝了。 * Fourth major extinction (c. 210 mya): The event at the end of the Triassic Period, shortly after dinosaurs and mammals had first evolved, also remains difficult to pin down in terms of precise causes. 23% of families lost. 第四次大量物种灭绝(c.210 mya):这次大量物种灭绝发生在发生在三叠纪后期,在进化出恐龙和哺乳动物之后不久。这次物种灭绝很难精确确定出原因。23%的物种科目消失了。 * Fifth major extinction (c. 65 mya): Most famous, perhaps, was the most recent of these events at the end-Cretaceous. It wiped out the remaining terrestrial dinosaurs and marine ammonites, as well as many other species across the phylogenetic spectrum, in all habitats sampled from the fossil record. Consensus has emerged in the past decade that this event was caused by one (possibly multiple) collisions between Earth and an extraterrestrial bolide (probably cometary). Some geologists, however, point to the great volcanic event that produced the Deccan traps of India as part of the chain of physical events that disrupted ecosystems so severely that many species on land and sea rapidly succumbed to extinction. 17% of families lost. 第五次大量物种灭绝(c. 65 mya):物种灭绝中最为著名的可能莫过于距离现在最近的在白垩纪末发生的第五次物种灭绝. 根据对化石的研究发现,在这次物种灭绝中,陆地恐龙和鹦鹉螺都完全消失. 有着同样命运的还有许多物种谱中的生物. 在过去十年中,大家都认为这次物种灭绝的原因在于一次(也有可能是多次)地球与宇宙流星(很有可能是彗星)的相撞. 但一些地质学家持不同意见。他们把原因归结于产生了印度德干traps(陷阱?)的火山运动而造成的生态系统的剧烈变动,最终使陆地上和海里的许多生物迅速走向灭绝。The current mass extinction is caused by humans.现在我们面临的大量物种灭绝是人为因素造成的。 How is the Sixth Extinction different from previous events? 第六次大量物种灭绝与之前有什么不同呢?At first glance, the physically caused extinction events of the past might seem to have little or nothing to tell us about the current Sixth Extinction, which is a patently human-caused event. For there is little doubt that humans are the direct cause of ecosystem stress and species destruction in the modern world through such activities as:初步来看,过去五次大量物种灭绝对现在第六次认为造成的物种灭绝没有任何可借鉴意义,因为毫无疑问人类造成了如下几种情况,给生态系统造成了很大压力,给物种带来了灭绝: * transformation of the landscape 地貌的改变 * overexploitation of species 物种资源的过度开发 * pollution 污染 * the introduction of alien species 带来了外来物种And because Homo sapiens is clearly a species of animal (however behaviorally and ecologically peculiar an animal), the Sixth Extinction would seem to be the first recorded global extinction event that has a biotic, rather than a physical, cause.同样由于智人很明显是动物的一员(虽然行为和外貌上不很像动物),第六次物种灭绝似乎是有史以来第一次由生物而不是物理环境变化引起的。We are bringing about massive changes in the environment. 我们给环境带来了剧烈的变化。 Yet, upon further reflection, human impact on the planet is a direct analogue of the Cretaceous cometary collision. Sixty-five million years ago that extraterrestrial impact -- through its sheer explosive power, followed immediately by its injections of so much debris into the upper reaches of the atmosphere that global temperatures plummeted and, most critically, photosynthesis was severely inhibited -- wreaked havoc on the living systems of Earth. That is precisely what human beings are doing to the planet right now: humans are causing vast physical changes on the planet. Humans began disrupting the environment as soon as they appeared on Earth. 然而进一步的说,人类对于地球的影响,完全相当于白垩纪的彗星撞击。彗星带来了爆炸性的力量,紧接着把碎片带到大气上层,引起了全球气候降低,还有最重要的,极大地降低了光合作用,就像是对地球生态系统的愤怒轰炸一样。这完全和现在人类正在对这颗行星做的 一样:人类正在给这颗行星的物理环境带来巨大的改变,而这种改变,自从人类出现便已经开始了。What is the Sixth Extinction?什么是第六次大量物种灭绝?We can divide the Sixth Extinction into two discrete phases:我们可以把第六次大量物种灭绝分为两段 * Phase One began when the first modern humans began to disperse to different parts of the world about 100,000 years ago. 第一阶段开始于100,000年前现代人类分散到世界各地 * Phase Two began about 10,000 years ago when humans turned to agriculture. 第二阶段开始与10,000年前人类开始了农业劳动先翻译到这里。。。有空我会接着翻。。。太长了,你还是加我的QQ吧。416214890,我帮你翻。打字不易,如满意,望采纳。
2023-07-29 06:53:051


pay money on sth
2023-07-29 06:53:314


WeedThere is so a story. Someone ask:In the world what things of be the physical strength the biggest?Answer profuse and confusing of have very much of say "elephant", have of say "lion", someone play trick say:BE "gold just", the gold just had how much physical strength, certainly everyone know nothing a way. Result, the all of all these answer be wrong and the physical strength be the biggest in the world, is the seed of the plant.The dint that can present of a grain of seed, absolutely is surmount everything, here again is a story. The person"s skull, combine very fine and hard, physiologist and anatomist ran out the method of everything, it integrity cent come out, there is all no this kind of physical strength, afterwards someone invention a method, be some plant of seed"s put be just want dissect of skull inside, make with the temperature and the degree of humidity to it it germination, a germination, these seed then with terrible of strength, can"t separate the whole machine dint of skeleton, integrity separate.Plant seed strength of big, such such. Locate at in China south Fukien province the west of tradition the people reside building-Hakka soil the building be teach a section text organization by United Nations to marvel for"the eight miracle in the world". The external appearance of soil building since can mutually match in excellence with impressive-looking arena in the thou Rome, again let person doubt many modern gymnasium of design whether was subjected to it of influence.Because of the soil building special shape, huge vehemence and defend a tide anti- an earthquake etc. advantage drive fame for in the world the one and only of the people of myth sort reside building. The Hakkanese originally live in Central plains, several a hundred years antecedent is just disorderly for war to move Fukien and Guangdong, Guangxi.In order to moving to arrive the region, Hakkanese and native son to there is difference on the cultural custom at that time, so will have rub, so creation in order to prevent resist for lord of soil building, soil building most of ability live thousand people.But several a hundred years disturbances past, the first Hakkanese arrive Fukien, two wide and native son of antinomy, arrive currently speak already nonexistent, it that kind of function that defense can say that consumedly die down. The now many people live in a big condition in the soil building, was no longer very widespread, everyone now all rich, along with life level of exaltation, many people all from the mansion inside move away, oneself build a house.The soil building has already slowly become a ruins, cultural object and appreciated the thing of sex, real was less at what inside live.Be a list personal private Mi in the house to speak, really more better than past. Although the soil building be only a kind of building form, it the Hakka culture contain influence spread all over from generation to generation at world of Hakkanese.
2023-07-29 06:53:381


减少从输出到电压或者潮流的和声的内容是设计者的对重要任务之一。泛音当令人讨厌 noise.Harmonics 减少功率因数时出现。他们可以在对有害频率方面引起机械回声或者产生声学的来自交流的电动机驱动装置 systems.The 的噪音涟漪内容(乐音学)被在使转变的人以后后通过透入容易减少。杆使转变的人低通行证过滤器可以被为截止频率,其是几次与(通常在千赫).In中的鞭打频率相比较低设计 DC AC 倒转者但是,从输出到电压或者潮流的基本成分对同样地是任一个同样地或者一鞭打 frequency.Hence,一活跃和声的减少的对策的简分数常常是符合愿望。一个困难任务是用在基本频率和第一非向往的和声的频率之间的截止频率设计一个有效低通行证过滤器。使转变的人控制手段提到指定渴望微不足道运作状况作为然后通过控制使转变的人,因此它留下接近面对骚乱,来自的噪音和 modeling 在中的错误的微不足道表现。我们能分析稳恒态运作点的力量电子使转变的人(或者本地)的动态的行为。使转变的人运作涉及交换方式,因此一个总使转变的人的模范是一个非线性的模范。向稳恒态运作点使平均的模范局部化的是一个线的模范。为线的系统分析的技术是很好以而闻名
2023-07-29 06:53:482


在百度上搜以下文章就明白了: 中国落后于西方的真正原因 明朝,清朝超级比一比 从弓马保清,毁书禁书看康熙 一个皇朝的描述----清朝 如梦如幻的大宋王朝 宋元战争,改变整个中国历史进程 清王朝――驰骋在历史逆行道上的特快列车 满清在东北的大屠杀 波澜壮阔的“万历时代” 大明王朝曾经拥有过的海上荣耀之衰亡 兰芳共和国:华人在海外建立的第一个国家 明朝后期中西方海上力量的比较 还你一个真实的明朝 假想一场发生在日尔曼民族身上的悲剧 为什么说“满清入关”是历史倒退 从四大发明在欧洲和中国不同命运看满清统治者防汉、制汉策略的恶劣 满清政权的性质:谈谈满洲人的“中国人认同问题” 请不要因为无知说明朝的火器落后 戳穿所谓的康乾盛世 满清社会分析 文明的悲剧:被满清割断的明朝与近现代中国
2023-07-29 06:53:579


hastening to cut the anecdote short
2023-07-29 06:55:142