barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-05-19 18:29:31

cause 是指事情等的起因 什么导致了什么

reason 是指做某事或者某事发生的原因,比如:

The fire caused several injury and death。


The reason I sleep is that I am tired。



reason n. 原因 the reason for cause n和v the cause of



cause后面直接加事情的后果如:Why caused her to cry?
2023-01-08 01:54:013

cause 用法问题

because的缩写,用于口语的,特别是老美这么用。千万不要用在写作当成because!另外的用法有:名词 n. 1.原因, 起因 These causes led to a bad result. 这些原因导致了不良的后果。 2.缘故, 理由 I don"t think you have cause to worry. 我认为你没有担心的理由。 3.事业, 原则, 目标 4.动机 5.诉讼案 6.成为原因或起因的人(或物);根源 7.(某种行为、感情等的)理由,缘由,缘故;动机;根据 8.(奋斗的)目标或运动(尤指社会改革运动) 及物动词 vt. 1.成为…的原因; 导致 The child"s headache may be caused by stress. 那孩子的头痛可能是紧张引起的。 2.引起, 促使, 使发生 3.使遭受;造成;给…带来 The earthquake caused great damage. 地震造成很大损害。
2023-01-08 01:54:121

reflect on, result in, cause 的用法

reflect onv.思考, 反省, 怀疑, 导致, 责备To give evidence that (one) has acted in a given way:招致:证明(某人)以某种方式行动:The excuses you gave reflect disappointingly on you.你找的理由使你招来非议。result inv.导致Acting before thinking always results in failure.做事不先考虑总会导致失败。The accident resulted in the death of two people.这场意外事故造成两人死亡。cause[kC:z]n.原因, 导致某事发生的人或事, 动机, 理由, 根据, 目标, 理想, 事业vt.引起, 惹起, 使(发生), 促成The producer of an effect, result, or consequence.缘故,原因:一种影响、结果或后果的制造者The one, such as a person, an event, or a condition, that is responsible for an action or a result.起因:对某种行为或结果的发生产生作用的人、事或条件A basis for an action or a response; a reason:理由,动机,根据:行为或反应的基础;原因:The doctor"s report gave no cause for alarm.医生的报告没有给出发警报的根据A goal or principle served with dedication and zeal:目标,理想:以献身精神和热情追求的目标和原则:“the cause of freedom versus tyranny”(Hannah Arendt)“反对暴政的自由理想”(汉娜·阿伦特)The interests of a person or group engaged in a struggle:利益:参与斗争的人或集团的利益:“The cause of America is in great measure the cause of all mankind”(Thomas Paine)“美国所争取的利益大抵上就是全人类所争取的利益”(托马斯·佩恩)
2023-01-08 01:54:211


他为了科学而牺牲了自己的生活cause of固定搭配,由于。。。的原因 或者是为了的意思
2023-01-08 01:54:274


cause sb to do sthcause sth
2023-01-08 01:54:402


用作动词,有两类用法需注意:x0dx0a(1) 表示“造成”、“使(发生)”,其后x0dx0a可直接用造成的结果或发生的事情x0dx0a作宾语,也可接双宾语或接不定式x0dx0a的复合结构作宾语。如:x0dx0aSmoking may cause lungx0dx0acancer. 吸烟可导致肺癌。(直接加x0dx0a造成的结果)x0dx0aHe caused his friends muchx0dx0aunhappiness. 他弄得他朋友很不x0dx0a愉快。(双宾语)x0dx0aThe cold weather caused thex0dx0aplants to die. 天气寒冷冻死了植x0dx0a物(不定式复合结构)。x0dx0a(2) 表示“使”、“迫使”,通常接不定x0dx0a式的复合结构作宾语,注意不要受x0dx0a动词 make 的影响而用错句型。比x0dx0a较:x0dx0a是什么使她哭了?x0dx0a正:What caused her to cry? /x0dx0aWhat made her cry?x0dx0a误:What caused her cryx0dx0a[crying]? / What made her tox0dx0acry?x0dx0a这个坏消息使她伤心。x0dx0a正:The bad news caused her tox0dx0abe sad.x0dx0a正:The bad news made herx0dx0asad.x0dx0a误:The bad news caused her
2023-01-08 01:55:031

英语大神请进target; objective; goal; aim; cause; 的区别及用法词性?

2023-01-08 01:55:121


cause的读音是:英[k??z]。cause的读音是:英[k??z]。cause的详尽释义是n.(名词)原因,起因,缘故,理由事业动机,目的,目标根据理想【律】诉讼,诉讼事由,诉讼程序事项,事件,问题主张,主义运动。cause的词语用法是n.(名词)cause用作名词的基本意思是“原因,起因”,指产生一种后果的起因,也可指导致某事情发生的人或事物,是可数名词。一、详尽释义点此查看cause的详细内容n.(名词)原因,起因,缘故,理由事业动机,目的,目标根据理想【律】诉讼,诉讼事由,诉讼程序事项,事件,问题主张,主义运动v.(动词)成为...的原因,起因于惹起使遭受给...带来,致使,造成产生,使产生酿成,制造找、添、惹(出麻烦)闹(事)使,逼导致,使发生,引起二、英英释义Noun:events that provide the generative force that is the origin of something;"they are trying to determine the cause of the crash"a justification for something existing or happening;"he had no cause to complain""they had good reason to rejoice"a series of actions advancing a principle or tending toward a particular end;"he supported populist campaigns""they worked in the cause of world peace""the team was ready for a drive toward the pennant""the movement to end slavery""contributed to the war effort"any entity that produces an effect or is responsible for events or resultsa comprehensive term for any proceeding in a court of law whereby an individual seeks a legal remedy;"the family brought suit against the landlord"Verb:give rise to; cause to happen or occur, not always intentionally;"cause a commotion""make a stir""cause an accident"cause to do; cause to act in a specified manner;"The ads induced me to buy a VCR""My children finally got me to buy a computer""My wife made me buy a new sofa"三、词典解释1.(常指坏事的)原因,诱因Thecause of an event, usually a bad event, is the thing that makes it happen.e.g. Smoking is the biggest preventablecause of death and disease...在可以预防的引发死亡和疾病的因素当中,吸烟排在第一位。e.g. The causes are a complex blend of local and national tensions.原因很复杂,既有地方性冲突也有全国范围的紧张局势。2.引起;导致Tocause something, usually something bad, means to make it happen.e.g. Attempts to limit family size among some minorities are likely tocause problems...试图在某些少数民族地区限制生育可能会引起问题。e.g. This was a genuine mistake, but it didcause me some worry.这是好心办错事,可是确实让我担心了一阵子。3.理由;缘由If you havecause for a particular feeling or action, you have good reasons for feeling it or doing it.causee.g. Only a few people can find anycause for celebration...只有少数几个人能找到庆祝的理由。e.g. Both had muchcause to be grateful for the secretiveness of government in Britain.双方都有充分的理由对英国政府的行事隐秘深表感激。4.事业;追求;目标;理想Acause is an aim or principle which a group of people supports or is fighting for.e.g. Refusing to have one leader has not helped thecause.拒绝推举一名领导者对此项事业毫无帮助。5.因果;因果关系You usecause and effect to talk about the way in which one thing is caused by another.e.g. ...fundamental laws of biologicalcause and effect.生物学上因果关系的根本法则6.(为了特定目的)与…联手,与…配合If one group of peoplemakes common cause with another, they act together in order to achieve a particular aim even though their aims and beliefs are normally very different.e.g. They make commoncause for a few purposes, but for the most part, they pursue their own interests.他们因为几个目的而联手,可是多数情况下,他们追逐着各自的利益。7.为了公益事业;为了行善If you say that something isin a good cause orfor a good cause, you mean that it is worth doing or giving to because it will help other people, for example by raising money for charity.e.g. The Raleigh International Bike Ride is open to anyone who wants to raise money for a goodcause.想要为公益事业筹集资金的人都可以参加雷利国际自行车比赛。四、例句Smoking can cause lung cancer.吸烟可致肺癌。She is always causing trouble for people.她总是给人添麻烦。Police are investigating the causes of the explosion.警方正在调查爆炸的原因。You have no cause for complaint.你没有理由抱怨。World peace is a cause we should all work for.争取世界和平是一项我们都应该为之而努力的事业。She is willing to donate money to a worthy cause.她愿为高尚的事业捐款。五、常用短语用作名词(n.)give cause给予…的理由 find a excuse (for sth)good cause高尚的目标 undertaking that deserves supportlost cause败局已定的事业 undertaking that is bound to failmake common cause with和…合作; 和…联合起来 cooperate with sb/sth; gang up六、经典引文The greatest events may be often traced to slender causes.出自:S. JohnsonBruno is buried, and his death from natural causes duly certified.出自:G. B. ShawThe sound of it falling must have been the cause of my waking.出自:H. InnesShe caused them be led..Into a bowre.出自:SpenserCould not this man..have caused that even this man should not have died?出自:Bible (AV): JohnA Drench of Wine..the Patient"s Death did cause.出自:DrydenThe visitor pressed an electric button that caused a glass wall to roll back.出自:C. BeatonA cruel satirical short story, which..caused me great pain.出自:L. Durrell七、词源解说☆ 13世纪初期进入英语,直接源自拉丁语的causa,意为原因,法律程序。cause的相关近义词creation、ground、occasion、origin、reason、aim、object、purpose、bring about、give rise to、originatecause的相关临近词causeway、causation、causer、Causel、caused、causes、causey、Causepe、Causeur、causeuse、Causeret、causerie点此查看更多关于cause的详细信息
2023-01-08 01:55:181

Occur和 cause的用法

occur 不及物动词 “发生” When did this accident occur? occur to sb 想起 An idea has occurred to me. cause及物动词 “引起” What caused this big fire?
2023-01-08 01:55:231


2023-01-08 01:55:293


caused,及物动词,不用再加介词了,cause sth或cause sb. sth
2023-01-08 01:55:401


不及物动词 是后面不需要跟宾语如果要跟宾语则需要加上介词cause 后面必须跟宾语,而且不需要介词所以她不可以做不及物动词
2023-01-08 01:55:451

Occur和 cause的用法

occur 不及物动词 “发生” When did this accident occur? occur to sb 想起 An idea has occurred to me. cause及物动词 “引起” What caused this big fire?
2023-01-08 01:55:511

"cause和cause 的读法一样么 "cause的用法是什么

读音不一样,加了s就多了一个音节iz,causes作为动词是第三人称单数用法形式,其意思是“引起”,用以表达由主语导致cause后出现的结果。 不一样causes
2023-01-08 01:55:561


简单的说the reason forthe cause of
2023-01-08 01:56:053

新概念3 第45课 reporters can cause untold suffering to individuals. cause的用法

21世纪英汉汉英双向词典cause动词用法(No.2):及物动词1 成为…的原因; 引起…,带来…Rainstorms ~ damage every year.暴风雨每年都造成损害His death was ~d by a high fever.他的死亡是由高烧引起的2 带给<人> <麻烦等> ; [给人]带来 <麻烦等> [to, for]The matter ~d her a great deal of trouble.= The matter ~d a great deal of trouble to [for] her.那件事给她带来很多麻烦3 使<人、东西>做…A half-moon ~d the rippling sea to glitter.半月 (的照耀) 使微波的海面闪闪发亮
2023-01-08 01:56:161


2023-01-08 01:56:224

到底有没有cause do的用法

一点不自相矛盾,不论是p1还是p2.,都是告诉你只能用cause +宾语+to do sth.cause动词意思是使发生,导致,从意思是看是及物动词,所以必须跟宾语,例如:Stationary cars in traffic jams cause a great deal of pollution交通堵塞中静止不动的汽车产生了大量污染。第二个用法就是跟复合宾语,及宾语之后再跟个不定式,此不定式做宾语补足语使用,一般表示((强迫;导致)某人做某事;例句:The cold weather caused the plants to die.天气寒冷冻死了植物。The vibration during operation often caused the nuts to loosen.机器运转时的震动常使螺母变得松动所以你的p2是告诉你cause 后面不能用宾语从句。只能用宾语复合结构。
2023-01-08 01:56:351


2023-01-08 01:56:413


不能 reason指的是内在的原因 而cause则强调某事的直接起因
2023-01-08 01:56:552

请问cause 后跟名词和动名词或句子吗?

cause的用法是:cause sb to do sth;cause后面可以接双宾语;cause不能接n+adjcause是及物动词cause还可以做名词是原因的意思
2023-01-08 01:57:032

"cause是什么意思? 左边有个单引号

2023-01-08 01:57:483


cause用作名词的基本意思是“原因,起因”,指产生一种后果的起因;用作动词的基本意思是“导致”,指某人、某物、某条件、某事件等“给…带来”“使发生…”某种结果。 一.cause用作名词 1.cause用作名词的基本意思是“原因,起因”,指产生一种后果的起因,也可指导致某事情发生的人或事物,是可数名词。 2.cause也可作“理由,缘故”解,是不可数名词。 3.cause还可表示极力维护或支持的“目标”“原则”“运动”或“事业”,是可数名词。 二.cause用作动词 1.cause的基本意思是“导致”,指某人、某物、某条件、某事件等“给…带来”“使发生…”某种结果。本词说的是原因,而强调的却是“结果”,这种因果关系是真正的、直接的、根本的。 2.cause是及物动词,多接抽象名词、代词作简单宾语; 也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词to的宾语; 还可接以动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语,这里的动词不定式通常带to。 The book caused great interest and argument. 这本书引起了人们的极大兴趣和争论。 His speech was calculated to cause trouble. 他的讲话是有意制造麻烦。 3.cause前面不一定都要加a/the。 I do not think you have cause to worry. 4.用作宾补动词 The lightning caused the baby to cry. 闪电把孩子吓哭了。 The drought caused the vegetable prices to go up. 干旱导致蔬菜价格上涨。
2023-01-08 01:58:041


用作动词,有两类用法需注意:(1) 表示“造成”、“使(发生)”,其后可直接用造成的结果或发生的事情作宾语,也可接双宾语或接不定式的复合结构作宾语。如:Smoking may cause lungcancer. 吸烟可导致肺癌。(直接加造成的结果)He caused his friends muchunhappiness. 他弄得他朋友很不愉快。(双宾语)The cold weather caused theplants to die. 天气寒冷冻死了植物(不定式复合结构)。(2) 表示“使”、“迫使”,通常接不定式的复合结构作宾语,注意不要受动词 make 的影响而用错句型。比较:是什么使她哭了?正:What caused her to cry? /What made her cry?误:What caused her cry[crying]? / What made her tocry?这个坏消息使她伤心。正:The bad news caused her tobe sad.正:The bad news made hersad.误:The bad news caused her
2023-01-08 01:58:101

cause problems for sb还是to sb

cause problems for sb。cause problems for sb的意思是:为某人带来了麻烦或麻烦了某人。重点词汇解释cause 英 [kɔːz]   美 [kɔːz]    vt. 引起,使发生n. 原因,理由,事业例句:She is always causing trouble for people.翻译:她总是给人添麻烦。短语:aid a cause 支持一个事业cause的用法1、cause的基本意思是“导致”,指某人、某物、某条件、某事件等“给...…带来”“使发生...…”某种结果。本词说的是原因,而强调的却是“结果”,这种因果关系是真正的、直接的、根本的。2、cause是及物动词,多接抽象名词、代词作简单宾语;也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词to的宾语;还可接以动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语,这里的动词不定式通常带to。
2023-01-08 01:58:241


2023-01-08 01:58:391

result in 是导致的意思 cause也是导致的意思 两者有什么区别

cause“起因,原因”,常指引发、诱发某事的直接原因,如暴雨引起的洪灾、粗心引起的事故,表示对结果的影响力 result in是全部原因,表示(这样做的)结果是
2023-01-08 01:58:542


result in
2023-01-08 01:59:076

在英语语法中,result 和 cause 的用法?

结果;导致;产生;结果;成绩;答案 原因;事业;目标;引起;使遭受 result in导致 result from因.产生 cause sb to do sth 引起某人做某事 亲:每天都开心V_V! thanks(thx)!
2023-01-08 01:59:491


2023-01-08 01:59:543

有cause sth. for sb.的用法吗?

没有。cause sb to do sth.促使某人干某事。
2023-01-08 02:00:113


write at least 100 words about an event caused翻译:写下至少100字的事件。本句为陈述句中的肯定句,连接词是about。 一、write1、含义:v. 写;书写;填写;作曲。2、用法 write的基本意思是“写”,指用笔大方、庄重地记录一些东西。引申可表示“写信”,是日常用语。 write可用于现在完成时,也可用于现在完成进行时,用于前者时必须接宾语,用于后者时可不接宾语。 I"ve been writing for three hours.我已经写了三个小时了。Nature inspired him to write such beautiful poems.自然赋予他灵感,使他写出如此优美的诗句。二、least1、含义:adj. 最小的;最少的。adv. 最小地;最少地;最轻微地。n. 最小;最少。2、用法least是形容词little的最高级形式,基本意思是“最小的,最少的”,指某物在数量或体积上处于最小的状态。有时含有“即使最小的,哪怕最少的”的意思。 least在句中主要用作定语,偶尔也可用作表语。 The least noise would startle the timid child.最小的响声也会吓着这个胆小的孩子的。The greatest talkers are always the least doers.大言不惭的总是做得最少的人。三、words1、含义:n. (某人所说的)话;【计】一连串字节。word的复数. 。2、用法word的基本意思是“单词”,指语言中能独立存在的最小表意单位,也可指“(说的)话,话语,言语,谈话”等,是可数名词。 His lips could hardly frame the words.他几乎说不出话来。She pondered over her next words.她仔细考虑接下去要讲的话。四、about1、含义:prep. 关于;大约;在 ... 周围。adv. 大约;附近;到处;在周围。adj. 即将的;正要的;在流行中的。2、用法在指“不久就要……”时,后通常接不定式,如about to start。也有接动名词,如about starting。但是不可再加表示时间的词,如不可说about starting at once。Tell me all about it.告诉我关于这件事的一切。It is about six o"clock now.现在是六点钟左右。五、event1、含义:n. 大事;事件;项目。2、用法event的基本意思是“事件”,可指历史上的、国际的、国家的或社会的重大事件,也可指日常的小事件。event是可数名词,其复数形式有时还可指“事态的发展”“时局”。 It was quite an event when a woman first became prime minister.首次由女人任首相倒是件大事。The new book was the cultural event of the year.这本新书的出版是今年文化界的大事。
2023-01-08 02:00:226

result in ,cause的用法(急急急急急急急急)

result in vt.导致, 结果是例句:This treatment could result in malformation of the arms. 这种处理方法能造成上肢畸形。Excessive dosage of this drug can result in injury to the liver. 这种药使用过量会损害肝脏。Sometimes I pay, sometimes he pays it seems to average out (ie result in a fair balance) in the end. 有时我付钱,有时他付钱--到头来似乎两相抵销。cause [kɔ:z] vt.引起, 使发生 n.原因 n.理想例句:What caused his illness? 是什么使他生病?Don"t complain without good cause. 没有充分的理由就不要抱怨。你没有理由抱怨. You have no cause for complaint/no cause to complain.
2023-01-08 02:00:573

lead to和cause的区别

cause常用于坏的方面 lead to好坏中性均
2023-01-08 02:01:086

在英语语法中,result 和 cause 的用法?

2023-01-08 02:01:342


2023-01-08 02:01:432

英语cause of的用法

甲是乙的原因同理this is the reason of the questionsthis是the questions的理由
2023-01-08 02:01:512

状语从句in cause用法

in cause是错误的用法,你说的是cause或者in that吧。一般情况下cause 就是because的简写。英文歌里面的cause是因为的意思。跟because一样。但是是口语。 实际上because是个连词。而cause是及物动词。cause还可以做名词。是原因的意思。 建议不要在书面语中用cause。
2023-01-08 02:02:051


2023-01-08 02:02:113


2023-01-08 02:02:231

cause与bring about的区别?

2023-01-08 02:02:294

Sorry for the inconvenience caused是什么意思

Sorry for the inconvenience caused抱歉为您带来不便双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 不便之处,敬请原谅!例句:1."We apologise for any inconvenience caused," the spokesman added. 该发言人还说:“我们对此引起的任何不便表示抱歉。”
2023-01-08 02:02:482


2023-01-08 02:03:023

原因状语从句中引导词的用法 cause和in that的用法

.because引导的原因状语从句一般放于主句的后面,because从句位于句首时要用逗号分开,放在句末 时,可不用逗号分开.because表示直接原因,语气最强,最适合回答why引导的疑问句.例如:I do it because I like it.我做这...
2023-01-08 02:03:131


2023-01-08 02:03:182

英语大神请进target; objective; goal; aim; cause; 的区别及用法词性?

2023-01-08 02:03:262


2023-01-08 02:03:352

occasion cause 区别

occasion cause 区别:意思不同、读音不同、用法不同。1、读音不同occasion:英 [ə"keɪʒn]     美 [ə"keɪʒn]。    cause:英 [kɔːz]     美 [kɔːz]。    2、意思不同occasion:n. 场合;时机;理由;机会;盛大场面;vt. 引起;致使。cause:vt. 引起;使发生;n. 原因;理由;事业。3、用法不同cause用作名词的基本意思是“原因,起因”,指产生一种后果的起因,也可指导致某事情发生的人或事物,是可数名词。cause也可作“理由,缘故”解,是不可数名词。当occasion要表达“在……情况,场合下”的意思时,前面应与英语介词on搭配。on occasion还有“偶尔地”的意思。
2023-01-08 02:04:251


2023-01-08 02:04:351


It caused Jim went to hospital. It caused Jim was going to hospital.
2023-01-08 02:04:401