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One in a Million hannah montana

2023-07-29 18:11:55


How did I get here

I turned around

And there you were

I didn"t think twice

Or rationalize

Cuz somehow I knew ...

That there was more than just chemistry

I mean I knew you were kind of into me

But I figured it"s

Too good to be true

I said pinch me where"s the catch this time

Can"t find a single cloud in the sky

Help me before I get used to this guy

They say that good things take time

But really great things happen in the blink of an eye

Thought the chances to meet somebody like you

Were a million to one

I can"t belive it

You"re one in a million

All this time I was looking for love

Trying to make things work

They weren"t good enough

Til I thought I"m through

Said I"m done

Then stumbled into the arms on the one

You"re making me laugh

About the silliest stuff

Say that I"m your diamond in the rough

When I"m mad at you, you come with your velvet touch

Can"t belive that I"m so lucky

I have never felt so happy

Everytime I see that sparkle in your eyes

They say that good things take time

But really great things happen in the blink of an eye

Thought the chances to meet somebody like you

Were a million to one

I can"t belive it

You"re one in a million

Yeah Yeah

All this time I was looking for love

Trying to make things work

They weren"t good enough

Til I thought I"m through

Said I"m done

Then stumbled into the arms on the one

I said pinch me, Where"s the catch this time

Can"t find a single cloud in the sky

Help me before I get used to this guy

They say that good things take time

But really great things happen in the blink of an eye


one in a million是什么意思

2023-07-28 23:55:303

one in a million 和one out of a million有何区别

两者区别不大:one in a million = one out of a million,本意是“每百万...就有一个/百万分之一”,只不过前者可以引申为“凤毛麟角,百/万里挑一,佼佼者”的意思. 例如: 1..I want to introduce you to a person who is one in a million. 我要介绍给你的人可真正是百里挑一的啊. 2.The millions are awake enough for physical labor ; but only one in a million is awake enough for effective intellectual exertion ,only one in a hundred millions to a poetic or divine life. 几百万人清醒的足以从事体力劳动,但是一百万人中,只有一个人才清醒的足以有效的服役于智慧;一亿人中,才能有一个人,生活的诗意而神圣. 3.Only about one out of a million cells will correctly incorporate a foreign gene using the most common versions of this technique. 应用这种最常规的技术,仅有百万分之一的细胞可以正确加人外源基因.
2023-07-28 23:55:551

one in a million用英文解释

2023-07-28 23:56:021

one in a million用英文解释

one in a million 百万分之一,微乎其微;极其稀有的人或物,百里挑一的人或物 She"s one in a million. 她是个百里挑一的人。John was a superstar, a one in a million programmer. 约翰是一百万的程序员中的佼佼者,超级明星。
2023-07-28 23:56:101

one in a million 什么意思

2023-07-28 23:56:171

one in a million—柏森 中文歌词

  you"re one in a million, oh now  你就是万里挑一的那个  you"re one in a million, oh  你就是万里挑一的那个  sometimes love can hit you every day  有时爱会令你每天都很痛苦  sometimes you can fall for everyone you see  有时你可能会迷恋上你见到的每个人  only one can really make me stay  但只有一个能令我真正地想要停留依靠  a sign from the sky  天空中的标志  said to me  似乎在向我说  you"re one in a million  你就是万里挑一的那个  you"re once in a lifetime  你就是一生中难得遇到的那个  you made me discover one of the stars above us  你令我发现天空中其中的一颗星星  i"ve been looking for that special one  我一直在找寻那个特别的另一半  and i"ve been searching for someone to give my love  我一直在寻找着那个能令我对她倾注我所有的爱的女孩  and when i thought that all the hope was gone  当我认为已没有希望的时候  you smile, there you were and i was gone  你微笑了 你就在那儿 而我却已离开了  i always will remember how i felt that day  我将会一直记住那一天的感受  a feeling indescribable to me, yeah  对我而言那是一种无法用言语来表达的感觉  i always knew there was an answer for my prayer  知道我的祈祷会有答复的  and you, you"re the one, the one for me  而你 你就是我要找寻的那个人  you"re one in a million  你就是万里挑一的那个  you"re once in a lifetime  你就是一生中难得遇到的那个  you made me discover one of the stars above us  你令我发现天空中其中的一颗星星  i was cool and everything was possible  我很冷酷 可一切都有可能  they tried to catch me but it wasn"t possible  她们试图要抓牢我 但那是不可能的  no one could hurt me it was my game  没有人能伤害我 这是我的游戏  until I met you baby and we"re the same  直到我遇见了你 我们都是一样的  and when you didn"t want me, i wanted you  当你并不想要我的时候 我却渴望得到你  because the finer thing about it was I like the show  因为更棒的是我就是喜欢这样子  i like it when it"s difficult i like it when it"s hard  越是难我越是喜欢(越想要征服)  you know it"s worth it that you find your heart  你知道你察觉到了你的真心 这就很值得了  you"re one in a million  你就是万里挑一的那个  you"re once in a lifetime  你就是一生中难得遇到的那个  you made me discover one of the stars above us  你令我发现天空中其中的一颗星星  是这个吗?在百度百科找到的。
2023-07-28 23:56:252

翻译one in a million的歌词

2023-07-28 23:56:344

谁有山下智久的one in a million的日文歌词和中文歌词。谢谢

one in a million(独一无二)——山下智久 作词 H U B作曲 Alfred Tuohey / Vincent Stein / Mimoza Blinsson编曲 Alfred Tuohey / Vincent Steinいつから君のキスはなおざり—何时起你的吻开始如此敷衍今も wait to touch my mind すぐに—如今 我仍在期盼着你能即刻抚慰我的心灵daring why you don`t see my eyes baby are we over—亲爱的 为何你看不到我深情的眼神 难道我们已经到了尽头爱し合うために you will be mine ability—彼此深爱 爱你成为我的本能これ以上もうないほど believing me—更加坚定地 让我成为你的信仰baby do you have another one in my conspire—亲爱的 在我爱的圈套中你是否还有另一种选择cause you are my one in a million my one in a million—只因为你是我心中独一无二的存在 唯一的存在そのままでbelieve me—就这样坚定的相信着我君がone in a million—你就是我的独一无二出会えた时にbaby it"s a destiny—与你相遇是我的命中注定I gonna try feel once say so简単—我期盼再一次感受这样的爱情 就是如此简单的愿望笑って仆の前でone more time—请再一次在我面前展露你的笑颜one in a million my one in a million—你就是我的独一无二 我的唯一确率はby the sixth sense is super sense—预想成真的可能性 让我有了不可思议的感受君を失うことは I know the world—失去你让我彻底明了这个世界的意义I wanna know that reason why you change your mind now—我好想明白为什么如今的你已改变了心意间に合うのなら I wanna hold up—如果现在还来得及 我想将你锁入我的くりそめcrying so lonely soldier—黑暗来临时 孤单哭泣的身影baby I love you from my bottom—亲爱的 我对你的爱意从心里蔓延oh my heart will miss you—oh 我的心灵渴望着你cause you are my one in a million my one in a million—只因为你是我心中独一无二的存在 唯一的存在だからnever say goodbye—所以永远不要说离别君がone in a million—你就是我的独一无二出来あう度に baby it"s my destiny—两颗心的每一次契合 都是你我共有的命运I gonna try feel once say so简単—我期盼再一次感受这样的爱情 就是如此简单的愿望I gonna hold you down come day all night—我期盼整夜紧紧将你拥入怀中my one in a million—你就是我的独一无二运命と思いは时を越えて—跨越时光的命运与思绪永远の最爱をまた导くから—继续照耀永远蔓延的爱意dear you are one in a million—亲爱的 你是我独一无二的存在君しかいないからwhere can we go—我只有你 何处是我们旅程的终点cause you are one in a million my one in a million—只因为你是我心中独一无二的存在 唯一的存在そのままでbelieve me—就这样坚定的相信着我君がone in a million—你就是我的独一无二出会えた时にbaby it"s a destiny—与你相遇是我的命中注定I gonna try feel once say so简単-我期盼再一次感受这样的爱情 就是如此简单的愿望I gonna hold you down come day all night-我期盼整夜紧紧将你拥入怀中one in a million my one in a million—你就是我的独一无二 你就是我的唯一
2023-07-28 23:57:011


是这个么~One In A Millionyou"re one in a million, oh now   你就是万里挑一的那个you"re one in a million, oh   你就是万里挑一的那个 sometimes love can hit you every day   有时爱会令你每天都很痛苦 sometimes you can fall for everyone you see   有时你可能会迷恋上你见到的每个人only one can really make me stay   但只有一个能令我真正地想要停留依靠   a sign from the sky   天空中的标志   said to me   似乎在向我说   you"re one in a million   你就是万里挑一的那个   you"re once in a lifetime   你就是一生中难得遇到的那个   you made me discover one of the stars above us   你令我发现天空中其中的一颗星星 i"ve been looking for that special one   我一直在找寻那个特别的另一半  and i"ve been searching for someone to give my love   我一直在寻找着那个能令我对她倾注我所有的爱的女孩   and when i thought that all the hope was gone   当我认为已没有希望的时候   you smile, there you were and i was gone   你微笑了 你就在那儿 而我却已离开了   i always will remember how i felt that day   我将会一直记住那一天的感受   a feeling indescribable to me, yeah   对我而言那是一种无法用言语来表达的感觉   i always knew there was an answer for my prayer   知道我的祈祷会有答复的   and you, you"re the one, the one for me   而你 你就是我要找寻的那个人   you"re one in a million   你就是万里挑一的那个   you"re once in a lifetime   你就是一生中难得遇到的那个   you made me discover one of the stars above us   你令我发现天空中其中的一颗星星   i was cool and everything was possible   我很冷酷 可一切都有可能  they tried to catch me but it wasn"t possible   她们试图要抓牢我 但那是不可能的   no one could hurt me it was my game   没有人能伤害我 这是我的游戏   until I met you baby and we"re the same   直到我遇见了你 我们都是一样的   and when you didn"t want me, i wanted you   当你并不想要我的时候 我却渴望得到你  because the finer thing about it was I like the show   因为更棒的是我就是喜欢这样子   i like it when it"s difficult i like it when it"s hard   越是难我越是喜欢(越想要征服)  you know it"s worth it that you find your heart   你知道你察觉到了你的真心 这就很值得了  you"re one in a million   你就是万里挑一的那个  you"re once in a lifetime   你就是一生中难得遇到的那个   you made me discover one of the stars above us   你令我发现天空中其中的一颗星星
2023-07-28 23:57:201


いつから君のキスはなおざり—何时起你的吻开始如此敷衍今も wait to touch my mind すぐに—如今 我仍在期盼着你能即刻抚慰我的心灵daring why you don`t see my eyes baby are we over—亲爱的 为何你看不到我深情的眼神 难道我们已经到了尽头爱し合うために you will be mine ability—彼此深爱 爱你成为我的本能これ以上もうないほど believing me—更加坚定地 让我成为你的信仰baby do you have another one in my conspire—亲爱的 在我爱的圈套中你是否还有另一种选择cause you are my one in a million my one in a million—只因为你是我心中独一无二的存在 唯一的存在そのままでbelieve me—就这样坚定的相信着我君がone in a million—你就是我的独一无二出会えた时にbaby it"s a destiny—与你相遇是我的命中注定I gonna try feel once say so简単—我期盼再一次感受这样的爱情 就是如此简单的愿望笑って仆の前でone more time—请再一次在我面前展露你的笑颜one in a million my one in a million—你就是我的独一无二 我的唯一确率はby the sixth sense is super sense—预想成真的可能性 让我有了不可思议的感受君を失うことは I know the world—失去你让我彻底明了这个世界的意义I wanna know that reason why you change your mind now—我好想明白为什么如今的你已改变了心意间に合うのなら I wanna hold up—如果现在还来得及 我想将你锁入我的くりそめcrying so lonely soldier—黑暗来临时 孤单哭泣的身影baby I love you from my bottom—亲爱的 我对你的爱意从心里蔓延oh my heart will miss you—oh 我的心灵渴望着你cause you are my one in a million my one in a million—只因为你是我心中独一无二的存在 唯一的存在だからnever say goodbye—所以永远不要说离别君がone in a million—你就是我的独一无二出来あう度に baby it"s my destiny—两颗心的每一次契合 都是你我共有的命运I gonna try feel once say so简単—我期盼再一次感受这样的爱情 就是如此简单的愿望I gonna hold you down come day all night—我期盼整夜紧紧将你拥入怀中my one in a million—你就是我的独一无二运命と思いは时を越えて—跨越时光的命运与思绪永远の最爱をまた导くから—继续照耀永远蔓延的爱意dear you are one in a million—亲爱的 你是我独一无二的存在君しかいないからwhere can we go—我只有你 何处是我们旅程的终点cause you are one in a million my one in a million—只因为你是我心中独一无二的存在 唯一的存在そのままでbelieve me—就这样坚定的相信着我君がone in a million—你就是我的独一无二出会えた时にbaby it"s a destiny—与你相遇是我的命中注定I gonna try feel once say so简単-我期盼再一次感受这样的爱情 就是如此简单的愿望I gonna hold you down come day all night-我期盼整夜紧紧将你拥入怀中one in a million my one in a million—你就是我的独一无二 你就是我的唯一
2023-07-28 23:57:281

日语的= 2% 怎么读?山下智久的One in a million里面的

2uff05u306bu30d1u30fcu30bbu30f3u30c8ni pa a sen to uff1d :u30a4u30b3u30fcu30ebi kou ru
2023-07-28 23:57:373


她醒来,与太阳她扔在她的衣服希望她的车将开始第二次左右当天已开始该生产线的在大门服务frapps起来,直到她不能再我看到在她的破碎的微笑(哦,我) 希望我能告诉她, 您是其中之一,在1万美元您走的距离,贝贝您在哪里工作,它的一些天希望我能告诉她, 您是其中之一,在1万美元,但你甚至从来没有看我的方式没有她从不看我的方式她从来没有,从来没有,任何时候都期待我的方式她联系了她的头发她的化妆是抹黑擦眼泪,她希望没有人看到她的尖叫声就疼痛我所听到的每一个字你为什么不懂得如何美丽的你刚才看到它在我破碎的微笑(哦,我) 希望我能告诉她, 您是其中之一,在1万美元您走的距离,贝贝您在哪里工作,它的一些天希望我能告诉她, 您是其中之一,在1万美元,但你甚至从来没有看我的方式如果我可以轻引导你透过黑暗,婴儿如果我能成为一个改变结局你的故事我要一个在1万美元,是啊我要一个在1万美元总有一天,我会告诉她, 您在哪里工作,它的一些天您是其中之一,在1万美元您走的距离,贝贝您在哪里工作,它的一些天希望我能告诉她, 您是其中之一,在1万美元,但你甚至从来没有看我的方式您走的距离,贝贝您在哪里工作,它的一些天希望我能告诉她, 您是其中之一,在1万美元,但你甚至从来没有看我的方式
2023-07-28 23:57:443

有谁知道希拉里达芙唱的one in a million的歌词?

《one in a million》——Bosson:歌词有点错,改了you"re one in a million, oh now你就是万里挑一的那个you"re one in a million, oh你就是万里挑一的那个sometimes love can hit you every day 有时爱会令你每天都很痛苦sometimes you can fall for everyone you see 有时你可能会迷恋上你见到的每个人only one can really make me stay 但只有一个能令我真正地想要停留依靠a sign from the sky 天空中的标志said to me 似乎在向我说(X2)you"re one in a million 你就是万里挑一的那个you"re once in a lifetime 你就是一生中难得遇到的那个you made me discover one of the stars above us 你令我发现天空中其中的一颗星星i"ve been looking for that special one 我一直在找寻那个特别的另一半and i"ve been searching for someone to give my love 我一直在寻找着那个能令我对她倾注我所有的爱的女孩and when i thought that all the hope was gone 当我认为已没有希望的时候you smile, there you were and i was gone 你微笑了 你就在那儿 而我却已离开了i always will remember how i felt that day 我将会一直记住那一天的感受a feeling indescribable to me, yeah 对我而言那是一种无法用言语来表达的感觉i always knew there was an answer for my prayer 我知道我的祈祷会有答复的and you, you"re the one, the one for me 而你 你就是我要找寻的那个人(X4)you"re one in a million 你就是万里挑一的那个you"re once in a lifetime 你就是一生中难得遇到的那个you made me discover one of the stars above us 你令我发现天空中其中的一颗星星i was cool and everything was possible 我很冷酷 可一切都有可能they tried to catch me but it wasn"t possible 她们试图要抓牢我 但那是不可能的no one could hurt me it was my game 没有人能伤害我 这是我的游戏until I met you baby and we"re the same直到我遇见了你 我们都是一样的and when you didn"t want me, i wanted you 当你并不想要我的时候 我却渴望得到你because the finer thing about it was I like the show 因为更棒的是我就是喜欢这样子i like it when it"s difficult i like it when it"s hard 越是难我越是喜欢(越想要征服)you know it"s worth it that you find your heart 你知道你察觉到了你的真心 这就很值得了(X4)you"re one in a million you"re once in a lifetime you made me discover one of the stars above us you"re one in a million, oh you"re one in a million***once in a lifetime:一生一次的,指很难得的 百度上找的与Aaron Carter:2000年起达夫开始与歌手亚伦·卡特(Aaron Carter)约会,他们的关系持续了一年半,随后卡特转而投向女演员琳赛·罗翰(Lindsay Lohan),后来再次回到达夫身边。卡特后来称他与她最好的朋友一起欺骗了达夫,并说达夫「伤透了心」,还对他的行为表示道歉。达夫与琳赛·罗翰后来被报道两人有「不和」,原因就是她们和卡特的关系。直到2006年有报道称两人仍未和解,达夫还说过「有时我真的觉得恨她(罗翰),她对我太极端了。」
2023-07-28 23:57:522

one in a milliom 山下久智 中文歌词

ne in a million(独一无二)——山下智久 作词 H U B 作曲 Alfred Tuohey / Vincent Stein / Mimoza Blinsson 编曲 Alfred Tuohey / Vincent Steinいつから君のキスはなおざり —何时起你的吻开始如此敷衍 i tsu ka ra ki mi no ki su ha na o za ti 今も wait to touch my mind すぐに —如今 我仍在期盼着你能即刻抚慰我的心灵 i ma mo wait to touch my mind su gu ni daring why you don`t see my eyes baby are we over —亲爱的 为何你看不到我深情的眼神 难道我们已经到了尽头 爱し合うために you will be mine ability —彼此深爱 爱你成为我的本能 a i shi a u ta me ni i ru ability これ以上もうないほど believing me —更加坚定地 让我成为你的信仰 ko re i jyo u ha mo u na i ho do believing me baby do you have another one in my conspire —亲爱的 在我爱的圈套中你是否还有另一种选择 cause you are my one in a million my one in a million —只因为你是我心中独一无二的存在 唯一的存在 そのままでbelieve me —就这样坚定的相信着我 so no ma ma de believe me 君がone in a million —你就是我的独一无二 ki mi ga one in a million 出会えた时にbaby it"s a destiny —与你相遇是我的命中注定 de a e ta to ki ni baby it"s a destiny I gonna try feel once say so 简単—我期盼再一次感受这样的爱情 就是如此简单的愿望 笑って仆の前でone more time —请再一次在我面前展露你的笑颜 wa ra tte yo bo ku no ma e de one more time one in a million my one in a million —你就是我的独一无二 我的唯一 确率はby the sixth sense is super sense —预想成真的可能性 让我有了不可思议的感受 ka ku ri tu by the sixth sense is super sense 君を失うことは I know the world —失去你让我彻底明了这个世界的意义 ki mi wo u shi na u ko to ha i know the world I wanna know that reason why you change your mind now —我好想明白为什么如今的你已改变了心意 间に合うのなら I wanna hold u —如果现在还来得及 我想将你锁入我的怀中 ma ni a u no na ra i wanna hold ya crying so lonely soldier —黑暗来临时 孤单哭泣的身影 baby I love you from my bottom —亲爱的 我对你的爱意从心里蔓延 oh my heart will miss you —oh 我的心灵渴望着你 cause you are my one in a million my one in a million —只因为你是我心中独一无二的存在 唯一的存在 だからnever say goodbye —所以永远不要说离别 da ka ra never say goodbye 君がone in a million —你就是我的独一无二 ki mi ga one in a million 出来あう度に baby it"s my destiny —两颗心的每一次契合 都是你我共有的命运 da ki a u ta bi ni baby it"s my destiny I gonna try feel once say so 简単—我期盼再一次感受这样的爱情 就是如此简单的愿望 I gonna hold you down come day all night —我期盼整夜紧紧将你拥入怀中 my one in a million —你就是我的独一无二 运命と思いは时を越えて —跨越时光的命运与思绪 u nn me i to o mo i ha to ki wo ko e te 永远の最爱をまた导くから —继续照耀永远蔓延的爱意 e i e n no sa i a i wo ma ta mi ti bi ku ka ra dear you are one in a million —亲爱的 你是我独一无二的存在 君しかいないからwhere can we go —我只有你 何处是我们旅程的终点 ki mi shi ka i na ika ra where can we go cause you are one in a million my one in a million —只因为你是我心中独一无二的存在 唯一的存在 そのままでbelieve me —就这样坚定的相信着我 su no ma ma de believe me 君がone in a million —你就是我的独一无二 ki mi ga one in a million 出会えた时にbaby it"s a destiny —与你相遇是我的命中注定 de a e ta to ki ni baby it"s a destiny I gonna try feel once say so 简単-我期盼再一次感受这样的爱情 就是如此简单的愿望 I gonna hold you down come day all night -我期盼整夜紧紧将你拥入怀中 one in a million my one in a million —你就是我的独一无二 你就是我的唯一
2023-07-28 23:58:002

One In A Million (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:One In A Million (Lp Version)歌手:Christine Mcvie专辑:Christine McvieOne In A Million1,2,1,2,3,4(Whistle)Guess I needed sometime to get awayI needed some piece of mindSome piece of mind that"ll staySo I thumbed it down to Sixth and L.A.Maybe a Greyhound could be my wayPolice and Niggers, that"s rightGet out of my wayDon"t need to buy none of yourGold chains todayI don"t need no braceletsClamped in front of my backJust need my ticket; "til thenWon"t you cut me some slack ?You"re one in a millionYeah, that"s what you areYou"re one in a million, babeYou"re a shooting starMaybe someday we"ll see youBefore you make us cryYou know we tried to reach youBut you were much too highMuch too high, much too high,Much too high, yes, ow !Immigrants and faggotsThey make no sense to meThey come to our countryAnd think they"ll do as they pleaseLike start some mini Iran,Or spread some fuckin" diseaseThey talk so many goddamn waysIt"s all Greek to meWell some say I"m lazyAnd others say that"s just meSome say I"m crazyI guess I"ll always beBut it"s been such a long timeSince I knew right from wrongIt"s all the means to an end, II keep it movin" alongYou"re one in a millionOo, you"re a shooting starYou"re one in a million, babeYou know that you areMaybe someday we"ll see you, OoOh, Before you make us cryYou know we tried to reach youBut you were much too highMuch too high, Oo, much too highYeah,Much too high, huh, no, no, ohOw!Radicals and RacistsDon"t point your finger at meI"m a small town white boyJust tryin" to make ends meetDon"t need your religionDon"t watch that much TVJust makin" my livin", babyWell that"s enough for meYou"re one in a millionYeah that"s what you areYou"re one in a million, babeYou"re a shooting starMaybe someday we"ll see youBefore you make us cryYou know we tried to reach youBut you were much too highMuch too high, ow, much too high,Much too high, much too highYeah, yeee, yeah, yeee, igh !Ow! Much too high(Oh, much too high, ah,Much too high, ah, much too highMuch too high, ow, much too high)
2023-07-28 23:58:071

求山下智久one in a million的英文版本节奏不变只是换了英文的歌词

噗 lz说的是不是Victoria S的版本?「One in a million」 作词∶Alfred Tuohey/Vincent Stein/Mimoza Blinsson 作曲∶Alfred Tuohey/Vincent Stein/Mimoza Blinsson 歌∶Victoria S. I feel you in me, our bodies are getting closer, And on the first time will touch I"m gonna know you We"ll have that type of chemistry that"s taking me over (whoo)I don"t know who you are, but I will find ya It"s burning up in my soul, yeah I"m a fire! I"ll put a message in a bottle and hope it will find you Cause you"re my one in a million I know you"re out there somewhere I want my one in a million, the one I can lean on, Someone who will be there I"m gonna track you down by satellite, I"m gonna hunt you down all day and night, One in a million (million) my one in a million I hear you talking to me, so just come closer And on the first time we meet, I"m gonna show ya I"ll give you three two one seconds, and I"m taking over (whooo)I dont know who you are, but I will find ya, It"s burning up in my soul, yeah I"m a fire I"ll put a message in a bottle and hope it will find ya Cause you"re my one in a million I know you"re out there somewhere I want my one in a million, the one I can lean on, Someone who will be there I"m gonna track you down by satellite, I"m gonna hunt you down all day and night, One in a million (million) my one in a million I"m gonna find you; I don"t care how much it takes And I don"t give a damn if something in me breaks Be my one in a million, and we will have a life somewhere! Cause you"re my one in a million I know you"re out there somewhere I want my one in a million, the one I can lean on, Someone who will be there I"m gonna track you down by satellite, I"m gonna hunt you down all day and night. One in a million (million) my one in a million
2023-07-28 23:58:151

山下智久 one in a million 日语歌词 其中汉字请标注片假名

Ring My Bell 歌手blue dropsI can hear my heart bellどうしたっていうの胸(むね)のベルが鸣(な)るはじまりはあの时(とき)だった(ringin" ringin")君(きみ)が目(め)の前(まえ)に突然(とつぜん)(ringin" ringin")现(あらわ)れたのは生(う)まれる前(まえ)から决(き)められてたんだねきっとそうだよ愿(ねが)いや野望(やぼう)や空想(くうそう)が知(し)らない次元(じげん)(レベル)へドアをたたいて羽(は)ばたく键(かぎ)と未来(みらい)をくれる(with your wings)I can hear my heart bell止(と)められないよ天使(てんし)が鸣(な)らしてる"e;大好(だいす)き"e;の合図(あいず)だよねCan you hear my heart bell?どうしたっていうの闻(き)いたことがない胸(むね)のベルが鸣(な)るそれでもまだ君(きみ)は何(なに)にも知(し)らないけれど胸(むね)ン中(なか)育(そだ)ってるんだ(ringin" ringin")せっかちな私(わたし)の梦(ゆめ)(ringin" ringin")何(なに)の前触(まえぶ)れもなく胜手(かって)にまた君(きみ)のことだけ考(かんが)えているいますぐうれしい颜(かお)が见(み)たいだいじな谁(だれ)かが笑(わら)うのならばたぶん何(なん)でもできるし何(なん)でもやれると思(おも)う(with your smile)I can hear my heart bell止(と)められないよ空(そら)から こんな気持(きも)ち 祝福(しゅくふく)してるみたいCan you hear my heart bell?どうしたっていうの闻(き)いたことがない胸(むね)のベルが鸣(な)るいまならほら君(きみ)は何(なに)かを见(み)つけるかもね好(す)きになるってコトは(Someone says)世界中(せかいじゅう)から I love you(I love you)言(い)われてるみたいなミラクル (It must be a beautiful world)爱(あい)されるってコトは(No one stops)运命(うんめい)から I love you (I love you)届(とど)けてもらったみたいな出来事(できごと)(It must be a wonderful gift)(Ring my bell)I can hear my heart bell止(と)められないよ天使(てんし)が鸣(な)らしてる"e;大好(だいす)き"e;の合図(あいず)だよねCan you hear my heart bell?どうしたっていうの闻(き)いたことがない胸(むね)のベルが鸣(な)るそれでもまだ君(きみ)は何(なに)にも知(し)らないけれど
2023-07-28 23:58:344

求 ne-yo 的歌曲 ONE IN A MILLION的英文歌词

是这个吗?只能找到这个了。希望对你有所帮住。one in a millionby: bossonyou"re one in a million, oh nowyou"re one in a million, ohsometimes i can"t hate you every daysometimes you can fall for everyone you seeonly one can really make me staya sign from the skysaid to meyou"re one in a millionyou"re once in a lifetimeyou made me discover one of the stars above usyou"re one in a millionyou"re once in a lifetimeyou made me discover one of the stars above usi"ve been looking for that special oneand i"ve been searching for someone to give my loveand when i thought that all the hope was goneyou smile, there you were and i was gonei always will remember how i felt that daya feeling indescribable to me, yeahi always knew there was an answer for my prayerand you, you"re the one for meyou"re one in a millionyou"re once in a lifetimeyou made me discover one of the stars above usyou"re one in a millionyou"re once in a lifetimeyou made me discover one of the stars above usyou"re one in a millionyou"re once in a lifetimeyou made me discover one of the stars above usyou"re one in a millionyou"re once in a lifetimeyou made me discover one of the stars above usi was cool and everything was possibleyou tried to catch me but it wasn"t possibleno one could hurt me it was my gameuntil i met you baby and went insaneand when you didn"t want me, i wanted youbecause the finer thing bout it was i like to goi like it when its difficult i like it when it"s hardyou know it"s worth it if ya find your heartyou"re one in a millionyou"re once in a lifetimeyou made me discover one of the stars above usyou"re one in a millionyou"re once in a lifetimeyou made me discover one of the stars above usyou"re one in a millionyou"re once in a lifetimeyou made me discover one of the stars above usyou"re one in a millionyou"re once in a lifetimeyou made me discover one of the stars above usyou"re one in a million, ohyou"re one in a million
2023-07-28 23:58:423

求ONE IN MILLION歌词且中文翻译(复制党别来)

you"re one in a million, oh now 你就是万里挑一的那个 you"re one in a million, oh 你就是万里挑一的那个 sometimes love can hit you every day 有时爱会令你每天都很痛苦 sometimes you can fall for everyone you see 有时你可能会迷恋上你见到的每个人 only one can really make me stay 但只有一个能令我真正地想要停留依靠 a sign from the sky 天空中的标志 said to me 似乎在向我说 you"re one in a million 你就是万里挑一的那个 you"re once in a lifetime 你就是一生中难得遇到的那个 you made me discover one of the stars above us 你令我发现天空中其中的一颗星星 i"ve been looking for that special one 我一直在找寻那个特别的另一半 and i"ve been searching for someone to give my love 我一直在寻找着那个能令我对她倾注我所有的爱的女孩 and when i thought that all the hope was gone 当我认为已没有希望的时候 you smile, there you were and i was gone 你微笑了 你就在那儿 而我却已离开了 i always will remember how i felt that day 我将会一直记住那一天的感受 a feeling indescribable to me, yeah 对我而言那是一种无法用言语来表达的感觉 i always knew there was an answer for my prayer 知道我的祈祷会有答复的 and you, you"re the one, the one for me 而你 你就是我要找寻的那个人 you"re one in a million 你就是万里挑一的那个 you"re once in a lifetime 你就是一生中难得遇到的那个 you made me discover one of the stars above us 你令我发现天空中其中的一颗星星 i was cool and everything was possible 我很冷酷 可一切都有可能 they tried to catch me but it wasn"t possible 她们试图要抓牢我 但那是不可能的 no one could hurt me it was my game 没有人能伤害我 这是我的游戏 until I met you baby and we"re the same 直到我遇见了你 我们都是一样的 and when you didn"t want me, i wanted you 当你并不想要我的时候 我却渴望得到你 because the finer thing about it was I like the show 因为更棒的是我就是喜欢这样子 i like it when it"s difficult i like it when it"s hard 越是难我越是喜欢(越想要征服) you know it"s worth it that you find your heart 你知道你察觉到了你的真心 这就很值得了 you"re one in a million 你就是万里挑一的那个 you"re once in a lifetime 你就是一生中难得遇到的那个 you made me discover one of the stars above us 你令我发现天空中其中的一颗星星 追问: 我晕,我说的是 NE-yo唱的 尼欧唱的。。 回答: Jet setter Go getter Nothing better Call me Mr. been there done that Top model chick to your every day hood rat Less than all but more than a few But I"ve never met one like you Been all over the world Done a little bit of everything Little bit of everywhere With a little bit of everyone All the girls I"ve been with Things I"ve seen it takes much to impress But sure enough you go it makes your soul stand up from all the rest I can be in love But I just don"t know Baby one thing is for certain Whatever you do it"s working All the girls don"t matter In your presence can"t do what you do There"s a million girls around but I don"t see no one but you Girl you"re so one in a million You are Baby you"re the best I ever had Best I ever had And I"m certain that There ain"t nothing better No there ain"t nothing better than this You"re not a regular girl You don"t give a damn about your look Talking about I can"t do it for you But you can do it for yourself Even though that ain"t so Baby cause my dough don"t know how to end But that independent thing I"m with it All we do is win baby I could be in love But I just don"t know Baby one thing is for certain Whatever you do it"s working All the girls don"t matter In your presence can"t do what you do There"s a million girls around but I don"t see no one but you Baby you"re so one in a million You are Baby you"re the best I ever had Best I ever had And I"m certain that There ain"t nothing better No there ain"t nothing better than this Girl you"re so one in a million You are Baby you"re the best I ever had Best I ever had And I"m certain that There ain"t nothing better No there ain"t nothing better than this Timing girl Only one in the world Just one of a kind She mine Ooh all that I can think about is what this thing could be A future baby Baby you"re one of a kind That means that you"re the only one for me Only one for me Baby (girl) you"re so one in a million You are Baby you"re the best I ever had Best I ever had And I"m certain that There ain"t nothing better No there ain"t nothing better than this Girl you"re so one in a million You are Baby you"re the best I ever had Best I ever had And I"m certain that There ain"t nothing better No there ain"t nothing better than this 这是英语的,汉语的翻译完给你发 补充: 我飞来飞去 我敢想敢做、 没人比我更棒 你可以叫我“经历多多”先生 不管是超魔还是邻家女孩我都交往过 要说全部的话那还差一点,要说一些的话那就要多一点 但我从来没有见过像你这样的女孩 我去过世界很多地方 几乎做过任何事 几乎去过任何地方 几乎见过任何人 但所有层和我在一起的女孩 所有见过的东西都很难让我感兴趣 但我很肯定你与众不同 宝贝,我可以谈恋爱 但我现在不在确定 但有一件事是确定的,你做什么我都喜欢 其他女孩都无所谓 只要有你她们什么都不算 虽然身边挤满百万女孩我除了你谁也不会看 你是万里挑一 宝贝你是我遇到过的最好的女孩 遇到过的最好的女孩 我能确定没人比你更好 没人会比你更好 你不是一个普通的女孩 你根本不在乎自己看上去怎么样 你说我根本帮不上你的忙 说你可以自己搞定 即使你再说假话 没有关系因为我的钱花也花不完 但我喜欢独立的女孩 宝贝我们所要做的就是成为赢家 宝贝,我可以谈恋爱 但我现在不在确定 但有一件事是确定的,你做什么我都喜欢 其他女孩都无所谓 只要有你她们什么都不算 虽然身边挤满百万女孩我除了你谁也不会看 你是万里挑一 宝贝你是我遇到过的最好的女孩 遇到过的最好的女孩 我能确定没人比你更好 没人会比你更好 你是万里挑一 宝贝你是我遇到过的最好的女孩 遇到过的最好的女孩 我能确定没人比你更好 没人会比你更好 女孩我要把握时机 全世界仅此一个 独一无二 她是我的 我在想她会不会成为我未来的宝贝 宝贝你独一无二 就是说你是我唯一的爱 我唯一的真爱 你是万里挑一 宝贝你是我遇到过的最好的女孩 遇到过的最好的女孩 我能确定没人比你更好 没人会比你更好
2023-07-28 23:58:491

枪花one in a million中文翻译

2023-07-28 23:58:584

我想要安良城红的One in a million的日文歌词和中文翻译

镜を见る度 what do you see? 足りないとこばかり捜す 本当の姿 うまく隠して 街に出て 自分を见失う Monday to Sunday 谁かと比较する あの子はあの子で キミはキミでいいよ Love you for who you are それが魅力なの そのままでいてほしい You are one in a million Baby girl この世界で たったひとりのキミだから ありのままが Beautiful 自分をもっと爱して どんな时も You are so special One in a million 无理にメイクやアクセサリー 重ねても晴れないブルーな heart 一番のポイントは心から 笑うキミのその natural smile Monday to Sunday 谁かと比较する あの子はあの子で キミはキミでいいよ Love you for who you are それが魅力なの そのままが美しい You are one in a million Baby girl 他の谁かと违う光を照らして 変わりたいなら be yourself 自分をもっと爱して 谁よりも You are so special 少しずつ伤付き磨かれて 私たち大切なモノを知る だから责めないで girl in the mirror ダイヤモンドより强く you already shine You are one in a million Baby girl この世界で たったひとりのキミだから ありのままが Beautiful 自分をもっと爱して どんな时も You are one in a million Baby girl 他の谁かと违う光を照らして 変わりたいなら be yourself 自分をもっと爱して 谁よりも You are so special One in a million You are so special One in a million 你看到在见汝镜?了解,这只是成功地隐瞒了真实的数字见失去自己出城较谁比较周一至周日她是她会做基米雷克南它的吸引力爱你的你是谁只是想与人您在百万分之一女婴在这个世界上从雷克南只有一个美丽的裸爱时更你的你是如此特别一个在一万元化妆和无理配件叠加与蓝心晴仁爱最衷心点雷克南自然的微笑,微笑较谁比较周一至周日她是她会做基米雷克南它的吸引力爱你的你是谁简单的美丽您在百万分之一销售对光线女婴违和其他谁做你自己,如果変Waritai爱谁比他们更你是如此特别伤是一点点打磨我们知道重要的事情所以责女孩在镜子的Menai强相信你已经比钻石闪耀您在百万分之一女婴在这个世界上从雷克南只有一个美丽的裸爱时更你的您在百万分之一销售对光线女婴违和其他谁做你自己,如果変Waritai爱谁比他们更你是如此特别一个在一万元你是如此特别一个在一万元
2023-07-28 23:59:051

求山下智久的One in a million(独一无二)的音译歌词!

one in a million(独一无二)——山下智久 作词 H U B作曲 Alfred Tuohey / Vincent Stein / Mimoza Blinsson编曲 Alfred Tuohey / Vincent Steinいつから君のキスはなおざり—何时起你的吻开始如此敷衍今も wait to touch my mind すぐに—如今 我仍在期盼着你能即刻抚慰我的心灵daring why you don`t see my eyes baby are we over—亲爱的 为何你看不到我深情的眼神 难道我们已经到了尽头爱し合うために you will be mine ability—彼此深爱 爱你成为我的本能これ以上もうないほど believing me—更加坚定地 让我成为你的信仰baby do you have another one in my conspire—亲爱的 在我爱的圈套中你是否还有另一种选择cause you are my one in a million my one in a million—只因为你是我心中独一无二的存在 唯一的存在そのままでbelieve me—就这样坚定的相信着我君がone in a million—你就是我的独一无二出会えた时にbaby it"s a destiny—与你相遇是我的命中注定I gonna try feel once say so简単—我期盼再一次感受这样的爱情 就是如此简单的愿望笑って仆の前でone more time—请再一次在我面前展露你的笑颜one in a million my one in a million—你就是我的独一无二 我的唯一确率はby the sixth sense is super sense—预想成真的可能性 让我有了不可思议的感受君を失うことは I know the world—失去你让我彻底明了这个世界的意义I wanna know that reason why you change your mind now—我好想明白为什么如今的你已改变了心意间に合うのなら I wanna hold up—如果现在还来得及 我想将你锁入我的くりそめcrying so lonely soldier—黑暗来临时 孤单哭泣的身影baby I love you from my bottom—亲爱的 我对你的爱意从心里蔓延oh my heart will miss you—oh 我的心灵渴望着你cause you are my one in a million my one in a million—只因为你是我心中独一无二的存在 唯一的存在だからnever say goodbye—所以永远不要说离别君がone in a million—你就是我的独一无二出来あう度に baby it"s my destiny—两颗心的每一次契合 都是你我共有的命运I gonna try feel once say so简単—我期盼再一次感受这样的爱情 就是如此简单的愿望I gonna hold you down come day all night—我期盼整夜紧紧将你拥入怀中my one in a million—你就是我的独一无二运命と思いは时を越えて—跨越时光的命运与思绪永远の最爱をまた导くから—继续照耀永远蔓延的爱意dear you are one in a million—亲爱的 你是我独一无二的存在君しかいないからwhere can we go—我只有你 何处是我们旅程的终点cause you are one in a million my one in a million—只因为你是我心中独一无二的存在 唯一的存在そのままでbelieve me—就这样坚定的相信着我君がone in a million—你就是我的独一无二出会えた时にbaby it"s a destiny—与你相遇是我的命中注定I gonna try feel once say so简単-我期盼再一次感受这样的爱情 就是如此简单的愿望I gonna hold you down come day all night-我期盼整夜紧紧将你拥入怀中one in a million my one in a million—你就是我的独一无二 你就是我的唯一
2023-07-28 23:59:132

后街男孩的 one in a million

You"re one in a million, Oh now 你是100万里面的唯一一个。 You"re one in a million, Oh Sometimes I can"t hate you every day 有的时候, 我不可以每天都恨你 Sometimes you can fall for everyone you see 有的时候, 你可以爱上每个你看到的人 Only one can really make me stay 只有一个能真正的让你留下 A sign from the sky 天空的标志 Said to me 告诉我 You"re one in a million You"re once in a lifetime 一生只有一次你 You made me discover one of the stars above us 你让我发现一颗不起眼的星星 You"re one in a million You"re once in a lifetime You made me discover one of the stars above us 你让我发现一颗不起眼的星星 I"ve been looking for that special one 我一直在找这特殊的一个。 And I"ve been searching for someone to give my love 我也一直在找一个能给我爱的人 And when I thought that all the hope was gone 不过我知道, 我所想的都已经不可能 You smile, there you were and I was gone 你的笑容, 你在那里 我却已经走了 I always will remember how I felt that day 我永远都记得那天 A feeling indescribable to me, Yeah 一种不可形容的感觉 I always knew there was an answer for my prayer 我一直认为我会找到那一个人 And you, you"re the one for me 你, 你就是那个人
2023-07-28 23:59:351

minwoo one in a million中韩歌词~~

罗马音02. Eusha! Eusha!Hey! Come on everybody swimming in the seaSaying doo waa diddy diddy dum diddy dum!Hey! Come on everybody walking down the seaSaying doo waa diddy diddy dum diddy dum!Rap1) Hahn bahm joong ae gi chah tah goh gah nae Uh rin shi juhl ae bah dah reul chah jah gah naeGuhk jung jung ri geun shim guh ri Hah nah up ddun geu shi juhl loh doh rah gah goh shi puhAh! Nah ee jae pi gohn hae yo il geu mahn hahl lae yo!Dah juh buh doo goh oo ri hahm kkae mool noh ri gah myun ahn dwael kkah yo!Ah! Ah! Ah! Eusha! Eusha!Ah! Ah! Ah! Hey hey hey ho~!Shi won hah gae boo suh ji neun pah doh haet sahl Moh rae sah jang bah daht kkah joh ahDuhp jji doh ahn koh jil li ji doh ahn neun soo bah geun duh joh ahEe ruh kae joh eun yuh reum eul gi dah ryuh ohn Nah neun gi boon joh ah (Dum diddy dum!)Yuh reum bahm ee chah jah oh myun Moh dahk boo reul pi wuh noh koh dool luh ahn jahEe guht juh guht ah moo jae mi up neun yae gi doh hahl kkuh yahSsuhl lung hahn yae gi rah doh geu ruhn bahm aen Dah yong suh baht kkoh shi puh (Dum diddy dum!)Rap2) Nahn nahn! Uh ril juhk ae sahl duhn dong nae Yuh reum oh myun nuh moo nuh moo heng bok haet jji Shi naet kkah ae chin goo deul doh (chum bung chum bung) Dung dah rah bah doo gi doh (kkang choong kkang choong)Geu ruh kae ahn jah eet jji mahl goh nah rang gaht chi gah yoAhn dwae neun il uhk jji roh boot jjahp kkoh neu ruh jyuh suh Dwaen dah neun boh jang hah nah up sseul tae ni kkah* In seng eul nang bi hah ji mah sae yoOh geu ruh kae sahl dah boh myun jji deu ruh gah ni kkahHahn buhn ee rah doh took took tuhl goh Moh deun guhl eet kkoh jeul gi myuh sah rah bwah yo!** Rap3) Hah roo jong il ji roo hah goh Jjah jeung nah neun il ee mah ni ee ssut ddah myunEe guht juh guht jae boh ji mahl goh yuh heng eul dduh nah bwahGi chah reul tah goh bus reul tah goh suh dduh nah jahHey! Come on everybody swimming in the seaSaying doo waa diddy diddy dum diddy dum!Hey! Come on everybody walking down the seaSaying doo waa diddy diddy dum diddy dum!*, ** repeatAh! Ah! Ah! Eusha! Eusha!Ah! Ah! Ah! Hey hey hey ho~!韩文02 uc73cuc0e4! uc73cuc0e4!uc791uc0ac/uc791uace1/ud3b8uace1: uc720 uc601 uc9c4 Talk Box: uc720uc601uc9c4Rap] ud55cubc24uc911uc5d0 uae30ucc28 ud0c0uace0 uac00ub124 uc5b4ub9b0 uc2dcuc808uc758 ubc14ub2e4ub97c ucc3euc544uac00ub124uac71uc815uac70ub9ac, uadfcuc2ecuac70ub9ac ud558ub098 uc5c6ub358 uadf8 uc2dcuc808ub85c ub3ccuc544uac00uace0 uc2f6uc5b4.uc544! ub098 uc774uc81c ud53cuace4ud574uc694 uc77c uadf8ub9cc ud560ub798uc694! ub2e4 uc811uc5b4ub450uace0 uc6b0ub9acud568uaed8 ubb3cub180uc774uac00uba74 uc548ub420uae4cuc694!uc2dcuc6d0ud558uac8c ubd80uc11cuc9c0ub294 ud30cub3c4, ud587uc0b4, ubaa8ub798uc0acuc7a5, ubc14ub2f7uac00 uc88buc544ub365uc9c0ub3c4 uc54auace0 uc9c8ub9acuc9c0ub3c4 uc54aub294 uc218ubc15uc740 ub354 uc88buc544. uc774ub807uac8c uc88buc740 uc5ecub984uc744 uae30ub2e4ub824 uc628 ub098ub294 uae30ubd84 uc88buc544(ub364ub514ub9ac ub364)uc5ecub984ubc24uc774 ucc3euc544uc624uba74 ubaa8ub2e5ubd88uc744 ud53cuc6ccub193uace0 ub458ub7ecuc549uc544uc774uac83uc800uac83 uc544ubb34 uc7acubbf8uc5c6ub294 uc598uae30(ub3c4) ud560uac70uc57c.uc370ub801ud55c uc598uae30ub77cub3c4 uadf8ub7f0 ubc24uc5d4 ub2e4 uc6a9uc11cud560 uc218 uc788uc5b4(ub364ub514ub9ac ub364)Rap] ub098-ub098! uc5b4ub9b4 uc801uc5d0 uc0b4ub358 ub3d9ub124 uc5ecub984 uc624uba74 ub108ubb34ub108ubb34 ud589ubcf5ud588uc9c0uc2dcub0c7uac00uc5d0 uce5cuad6cub4e4ub3c4 (ucca8ubc99ucca8ubc99) ub369ub2ecuc544 ubc14ub451uc774ub3c4 (uae61ucda9uae61ucda9)uadf8ub807uac8c uc549uc544uc788uc9c0 ub9d0uace0 ub098ub791 uac19uc774 uac00uc694.uc548ub418ub294 uc77c uc5b5uc9c0ub85c ubd99uc7a1uace0 ub298uc5b4uc838uc11c ub41cub2e4ub294 ubcf4uc7a5ud558ub098 uc5c6uc744 ud14cub2c8uae4c.CHORUS] uc778uc0dduc744 ub0adube44ud558uc9c0 ub9c8uc138uc694. ub298 uadf8ub807uac8c uc0b4ub2e4ubcf4uba74 ucc0cub4e4uc5b4 uac00ub2c8uae4cud55c ubc88uc774ub77cub3c4 ud22dud22d ud138uace0 ubaa8ub4e0 uac78 uc78auace0 uc990uae30uba70 uc0b4uc544ubd10uc694!ud558ub8e8uc885uc77c uc9c0ub8e8ud558uace0 uc9dcuc99dub098ub294 uc77cuc774 ub9ceuc774 uc788uc5c8ub2e4uba74uc774uac83uc800uac83 uc7acubcf4uc9c0 ub9d0uace0 uc5ecud589uc744 ub5a0ub098ubd10uae30ucc28ub97c ud0c0uace0 ubc84uc2a4ub97c ud0c0uace0uc11c ub5a0ub098uc790-Rap(Melodic)] Hey! Come on everybody Swimming in the Sea-(Saying doo waa diddy diddy dum dee ree dum!)Hey! Come on everybody Walking down the Sea-(Saying doo waa diddy diddy dum dee ree dum!)CHORUS] uc778uc0dduc744 ub0adube44ud558uc9c0 ub9c8uc138uc694. ub298 uadf8ub807uac8c uc0b4ub2e4ubcf4uba74 ucc0cub4e4uc5b4 uac00ub2c8uae4cud55c ubc88uc774ub77cub3c4 ud22dud22d ud138uace0 ubaa8ub4e0 uac78 uc78auace0 uc990uae30uba70 uc0b4uc544ubd10uc694!ud558ub8e8uc885uc77c uc9c0ub8e8ud558uace0 uc9dcuc99dub098ub294 uc77cuc774 ub9ceuc774 uc788uc5c8ub2e4uba74uc774uac83uc800uac83 uc7acubcf4uc9c0 ub9d0uace0 uc5ecud589uc744 ub5a0ub098ubd10uae30ucc28ub97c ud0c0uace0 ubc84uc2a4ub97c ud0c0uace0uc11c ub5a0ub098uc790
2023-07-28 23:59:432

这次四巡李晟敏在台湾唱的<wOne in a million>的歌词

  - one in a million  jet setter  go getter  nothing better  call me mr. been there done that  top model chick to your every day hood rat  less than all but more than a few  but i"ve never met one like you  been all over the world  done a little bit of everything  little bit of everywhere  with a little bit of everyone  all the girls i"ve been with  things i"ve seen it takes much to impress  but sure enough you go it  makes your soul stand up from all the rest  i can be in love  but i just don"t know  baby one thing is for certain  whatever you do it"s working  all the girls don"t matter  in your presence can"t do what you do  there"s a million girls around  but i don"t see no one but you  girl you"re so one in a million  you are  baby you"re the best i ever had  best i ever had  and i"m certain that  there ain"t nothing better  no there ain"t nothing better than this  you"re not a regular girl  you don"t give a damn about your look  talking about i can"t do it for you  but you can do it for yourself  even though that ain"t so  baby cause my dough don"t know how to end  but that independent thing i"m with it  all we do is win baby  i could be in love  but i just don"t know  baby one thing is for certain  whatever you do it"s working  all the girls don"t matter  in your presence can"t do what you do  there"s a million girls around  but i don"t see no one but you  baby you"re so one in a million  you are  baby you"re the best i ever had  best i ever had  and i"m certain that  there ain"t nothing better  no there ain"t nothing better than this  girl you"re so one in a million  you are  baby you"re the best i ever had  best i ever had  and i"m certain that  there ain"t nothing better  no there ain"t nothing better than this  timing girl  only one in the world  just one of a kind  she mine  ooh all that i can think about is what this thing could be  a future baby  baby you"re one of a kind  that means that you"re the only one for me  only one for me  baby (girl) you"re so one in a million  you are  baby you"re the best i ever had  best i ever had  and i"m certain that  there ain"t nothing better  no there ain"t nothing better than this  girl you"re so one in a million  you are  baby you"re the best i ever had  best i ever had  and i"m certain that  there ain"t nothing better  no there ain"t nothing better than this  不知是不是这首  祝工作顺利,生活愉快!  如果我的解答对你有帮助,一定要选为最佳答案鼓励我一下哦。
2023-07-29 00:00:281

One In A Million 歌词

歌曲名:One In A Million歌手:Backstreet Boys专辑:UnbreakableTitle:One In A MillionArtist:Backstreet BoysAlbum:Unbreakable猪鼻插葱制作AJ: Ooh, oh, ohShe wakes up with the sun (The sun)She throws on her clothes (Her clothes)Hoping her car will startThe second time around (she)The day has begun (Begun)The lines out the door (The door)Serving up frapsUntil she can"t take anymoreI see it in her broken smileOh, I wish I could tell herAll: You"re one in a millionYou"re going the distance, babeYou"re gonna work it out somedayI wish I could tell herYou"re one in a millionBut you never even look my wayHowie: No, she never looks my wayShe never, never, ever looks my wayNick: She ties up her hair (Her hair)Her makeup is smeared (Is smeared)Wiping the tears that she wants no one to see (she)She screams on the painI hear every wordWhy don"t you know How beautiful you areJust see it in my broken smileBrian: If I could be the lightTo guide you throughThe darkness babyIf I could be the oneTo change the ending to your storyI"d be one in a million, yeahI"d be one in a millionHowie: Someday I will tell her
2023-07-29 00:00:351

one in a million中文翻译是hannah montana的那首

2023-07-29 00:00:433

one in a million 歌词 down with webster的

中文翻译很烂麻烦请你自己翻译一下"One In A Million"I"m feeling like I"m one in a million,I"m the real thing, I can see itLike a fire in the night, so brilliantI"m a standout, no concealing it,And I"m feeling like I"m one in a million,I"m the one and six figures,hold it down like I got six fingers,Feel it pound when it hits the speakers,Jump around Jump out your sneakers,And all of my time is prime,You ain"t never seen shit like mine,Light the fuse from the way I shine,Just one spark will blow your mind(mind, mind, mind, mind, mind, mind)Everyone, everyone wants something,There"s a million in one, a million in one,but I"m the one in a million, the one in a million,You can be a stray star, underneath the radar,Diamond in the rough, but that"s still not enough,I"m the one in a million, in a million,I"m feeling like I"m one in a million,I"m the real thing, I can see it,Like a fire in the night, it"s so brilliant,I"m a standout, no concealing it,And I"m feeling like I"m one in a million,Shake it up and then spray that,Celebrate when we play that,This real deal, can"t fake that,I"m the needle up in this haystack,When I drop it hold up your open hand,For the drop in the ocean that broke the dam,I"m overflowing on every jam,And we made it rock from one grain of sound,Now, Go, Go,Time to show them who we all really are,Go, Go, It"s not dizziness, but you"re seeing stars,So, So, what"s a star to a comet that"s burning across the sky,And tonight I"m so supersonic,(Sonic, sonic, sonic, sonic, sonic, sonic)Everyone, everyone wants something,There"s a million in one, a million in one,but I"m the one in a million, the one in a million,You can be a stray star, underneath the radar,Diamond in the rough, but that"s still not enough,I"m the one in a million, in a million,I"m feeling like I"m one in a million,(I"m the one in a million)(I"m the one in a million)I"m feeling like I"m one in a million.
2023-07-29 00:00:501

victoria s one in a million的歌词?

I feel you in me, our bodies are getting closer,And on the first time will touch I"m gonna know youWe"ll have that type of chemistry that"s taking me over(whoo)I don"t know who you are, but I will find yaIt"s burning up in my soul, yeah I"m a fire!I"ll put a message in a bottle and hope it will find youCause you"re my one in a millionI know you"re out there somewhereI want my one in a million, the one I can lean on,Someone who will be thereI"m gonna track you down by satellite,I"m gonna hunt you down all day and night,One in a million (million) my one in a millionI hear you talking to me, so just come closerAnd on the first time we meet, I"m gonna show yaI"ll give you three two one seconds, and I"m taking over(whooo)I dont know who you are, but I will find ya,It"s burning up in my soul, yeah I"m a fireI"ll put a message in a bottle and hope it will find yaCause you"re my one in a millionI know you"re out there somewhereI want my one in a million, the one I can lean on,Someone who will be thereI"m gonna track you down by satellite,I"m gonna hunt you down all day and night,One in a million (million) my one in a millionI"m gonna find you; I don"t care how much it takesAnd I don"t give a damn if something in me breaksBe my one in a million, and we will have a life somewhere!Cause you"re my one in a millionI know you"re out there somewhereI want my one in a million, the one I can lean on,Someone who will be thereI"m gonna track you down by satellite,I"m gonna hunt you down all day and night,One in a million (million) my one in a million
2023-07-29 00:00:571

英文"one in a million " 是什么意思

2023-07-29 00:01:051

One In A Million You 歌词

歌曲名:One In A Million You歌手:Larry Graham专辑:The Best Of Larry Graham And Graham Central Station... Vol. 1「One in a million」作词∶Alfred Tuohey/Vincent Stein/Mimoza Blinsson作曲∶Alfred Tuohey/Vincent Stein/Mimoza Blinsson歌∶Victoria S.I feel you in me, our bodies are getting closer,And on the first time will touch I"m gonna know youWe"ll have that type of chemistry that"s taking me over(whoo)I don"t know who you are, but I will find yaIt"s burning up in my soul, yeah I"m a fire!I"ll put a message in a bottle and hope it will find youCause you"re my one in a millionI know you"re out there somewhereI want my one in a million, the one I can lean on,Someone who will be thereI"m gonna track you down by satellite,I"m gonna hunt you down all day and night,One in a million (million) my one in a millionI hear you talking to me, so just come closerAnd on the first time we meet, I"m gonna show yaI"ll give you three two one seconds, and I"m taking over(whooo)I dont know who you are, but I will find ya,It"s burning up in my soul, yeah I"m a fireI"ll put a message in a bottle and hope it will find yaCause you"re my one in a millionI know you"re out there somewhereI want my one in a million, the one I can lean on,Someone who will be thereI"m gonna track you down by satellite,I"m gonna hunt you down all day and night,One in a million (million) my one in a millionI"m gonna find you; I don"t care how much it takesAnd I don"t give a damn if something in me breaksBe my one in a million, and we will have a life somewhere!Cause you"re my one in a millionI know you"re out there somewhereI want my one in a million, the one I can lean on,Someone who will be thereI"m gonna track you down by satellite,I"m gonna hunt you down all day and night.One in a million (million) my one in a million
2023-07-29 00:01:411

a chance in a million翻译是百万分之一的机会。可是表示分数的话不是one in

2023-07-29 00:02:403

请问山下智久的one in a million 三版专辑各有什么不同

One in a million [DVD付初回限定盘 A]1 [CD] One in a million2 [CD] 口づけでアディオス3 [DVD] TOMOHISA YAMASHITA ”SHORT BUT SWEET”2009.11.23One in a million [初回限定生产 B]1 One in a million2 口づけでアディオス3 タイトル未定AOne in a million [通常盘]1 One in a million2 口づけでアディオス3 My Dear4 タイトル未定B5 One in a million (Instrumental)
2023-07-29 00:03:482

山下智久One in a million里德MV演的是什么意思啊?(不是歌词翻译)

2023-07-29 00:04:383

one in a million是什么意思

2023-07-29 00:05:581

山下智久one in a million歌词罗马音 LZ要的那种谐音最后唱出来会很奇怪的因为日语中的一些发音是找不到对应的汉字的
2023-07-29 00:06:492

One In A Million 歌词

歌曲名:One In A Million歌手:America专辑:Alibi「One in a million」作词∶Alfred Tuohey/Vincent Stein/Mimoza Blinsson作曲∶Alfred Tuohey/Vincent Stein/Mimoza Blinsson歌∶Victoria S.I feel you in me, our bodies are getting closer,And on the first time will touch I"m gonna know youWe"ll have that type of chemistry that"s taking me over(whoo)I don"t know who you are, but I will find yaIt"s burning up in my soul, yeah I"m a fire!I"ll put a message in a bottle and hope it will find youCause you"re my one in a millionI know you"re out there somewhereI want my one in a million, the one I can lean on,Someone who will be thereI"m gonna track you down by satellite,I"m gonna hunt you down all day and night,One in a million (million) my one in a millionI hear you talking to me, so just come closerAnd on the first time we meet, I"m gonna show yaI"ll give you three two one seconds, and I"m taking over(whooo)I dont know who you are, but I will find ya,It"s burning up in my soul, yeah I"m a fireI"ll put a message in a bottle and hope it will find yaCause you"re my one in a millionI know you"re out there somewhereI want my one in a million, the one I can lean on,Someone who will be thereI"m gonna track you down by satellite,I"m gonna hunt you down all day and night,One in a million (million) my one in a millionI"m gonna find you; I don"t care how much it takesAnd I don"t give a damn if something in me breaksBe my one in a million, and we will have a life somewhere!Cause you"re my one in a millionI know you"re out there somewhereI want my one in a million, the one I can lean on,Someone who will be thereI"m gonna track you down by satellite,I"m gonna hunt you down all day and night.One in a million (million) my one in a million
2023-07-29 00:07:511

One In A Million 歌词

歌曲名:One In A Million歌手:Guns N" Roses专辑:Lies / Appetite For DestructionOne In A Million1,2,1,2,3,4(Whistle)Guess I needed sometime to get awayI needed some piece of mindSome piece of mind that"ll staySo I thumbed it down to Sixth and L.A.Maybe a Greyhound could be my wayPolice and Niggers, that"s rightGet out of my wayDon"t need to buy none of yourGold chains todayI don"t need no braceletsClamped in front of my backJust need my ticket; "til thenWon"t you cut me some slack ?You"re one in a millionYeah, that"s what you areYou"re one in a million, babeYou"re a shooting starMaybe someday we"ll see youBefore you make us cryYou know we tried to reach youBut you were much too highMuch too high, much too high,Much too high, yes, ow !Immigrants and faggotsThey make no sense to meThey come to our countryAnd think they"ll do as they pleaseLike start some mini Iran,Or spread some fuckin" diseaseThey talk so many goddamn waysIt"s all Greek to meWell some say I"m lazyAnd others say that"s just meSome say I"m crazyI guess I"ll always beBut it"s been such a long timeSince I knew right from wrongIt"s all the means to an end, II keep it movin" alongYou"re one in a millionOo, you"re a shooting starYou"re one in a million, babeYou know that you areMaybe someday we"ll see you, OoOh, Before you make us cryYou know we tried to reach youBut you were much too highMuch too high, Oo, much too highYeah,Much too high, huh, no, no, ohOw!Radicals and RacistsDon"t point your finger at meI"m a small town white boyJust tryin" to make ends meetDon"t need your religionDon"t watch that much TVJust makin" my livin", babyWell that"s enough for meYou"re one in a millionYeah that"s what you areYou"re one in a million, babeYou"re a shooting starMaybe someday we"ll see youBefore you make us cryYou know we tried to reach youBut you were much too highMuch too high, ow, much too high,Much too high, much too highYeah, yeee, yeah, yeee, igh !Ow! Much too high(Oh, much too high, ah,Much too high, ah, much too highMuch too high, ow, much too high)
2023-07-29 00:08:441

One In A Million 歌词

歌曲名:One In A Million歌手:Guns N" Roses专辑:Appetite For Destruction / G N"R Lies / The Spaghetti IncidentOne In A Million1,2,1,2,3,4(Whistle)Guess I needed sometime to get awayI needed some piece of mindSome piece of mind that"ll staySo I thumbed it down to Sixth and L.A.Maybe a Greyhound could be my wayPolice and Niggers, that"s rightGet out of my wayDon"t need to buy none of yourGold chains todayI don"t need no braceletsClamped in front of my backJust need my ticket; "til thenWon"t you cut me some slack ?You"re one in a millionYeah, that"s what you areYou"re one in a million, babeYou"re a shooting starMaybe someday we"ll see youBefore you make us cryYou know we tried to reach youBut you were much too highMuch too high, much too high,Much too high, yes, ow !Immigrants and faggotsThey make no sense to meThey come to our countryAnd think they"ll do as they pleaseLike start some mini Iran,Or spread some fuckin" diseaseThey talk so many goddamn waysIt"s all Greek to meWell some say I"m lazyAnd others say that"s just meSome say I"m crazyI guess I"ll always beBut it"s been such a long timeSince I knew right from wrongIt"s all the means to an end, II keep it movin" alongYou"re one in a millionOo, you"re a shooting starYou"re one in a million, babeYou know that you areMaybe someday we"ll see you, OoOh, Before you make us cryYou know we tried to reach youBut you were much too highMuch too high, Oo, much too highYeah,Much too high, huh, no, no, ohOw!Radicals and RacistsDon"t point your finger at meI"m a small town white boyJust tryin" to make ends meetDon"t need your religionDon"t watch that much TVJust makin" my livin", babyWell that"s enough for meYou"re one in a millionYeah that"s what you areYou"re one in a million, babeYou"re a shooting starMaybe someday we"ll see youBefore you make us cryYou know we tried to reach youBut you were much too highMuch too high, ow, much too high,Much too high, much too highYeah, yeee, yeah, yeee, igh !Ow! Much too high(Oh, much too high, ah,Much too high, ah, much too highMuch too high, ow, much too high)
2023-07-29 00:09:201

One In A Million 歌词

歌曲名:One In A Million歌手:America专辑:The Best Of America「One in a million」作词∶Alfred Tuohey/Vincent Stein/Mimoza Blinsson作曲∶Alfred Tuohey/Vincent Stein/Mimoza Blinsson歌∶Victoria S.I feel you in me, our bodies are getting closer,And on the first time will touch I"m gonna know youWe"ll have that type of chemistry that"s taking me over(whoo)I don"t know who you are, but I will find yaIt"s burning up in my soul, yeah I"m a fire!I"ll put a message in a bottle and hope it will find youCause you"re my one in a millionI know you"re out there somewhereI want my one in a million, the one I can lean on,Someone who will be thereI"m gonna track you down by satellite,I"m gonna hunt you down all day and night,One in a million (million) my one in a millionI hear you talking to me, so just come closerAnd on the first time we meet, I"m gonna show yaI"ll give you three two one seconds, and I"m taking over(whooo)I dont know who you are, but I will find ya,It"s burning up in my soul, yeah I"m a fireI"ll put a message in a bottle and hope it will find yaCause you"re my one in a millionI know you"re out there somewhereI want my one in a million, the one I can lean on,Someone who will be thereI"m gonna track you down by satellite,I"m gonna hunt you down all day and night,One in a million (million) my one in a millionI"m gonna find you; I don"t care how much it takesAnd I don"t give a damn if something in me breaksBe my one in a million, and we will have a life somewhere!Cause you"re my one in a millionI know you"re out there somewhereI want my one in a million, the one I can lean on,Someone who will be thereI"m gonna track you down by satellite,I"m gonna hunt you down all day and night.One in a million (million) my one in a million
2023-07-29 00:09:281

One In A Million 歌词

歌曲名:One In A Million歌手:Ne-Yo专辑:Libra ScaleOne In A Million Ne-Yo Jet setterGo getterNothing betterCall me Mr. been there done thatTop model chick to your every day hood ratLess than all but more than a fewBut i"ve never met one like youBeen all over the worldDone a little bit of everythingLittle bit of everywhereWith a little bit of everyoneBut all the girls i"ve been withThings I"ve seen it takes much to impressBut sure enough you go it makes your soul stand up from all the restBabyI can be in loveBut i just don"t know(don"t know)Baby one thing is for certainWhatever you do it"s workingAll the girls don"t matterIn your presence can"t do what you doThere"s a million girls around but i don"t see noone but youGirl you"re so one in a millionYou areBaby you"re the best I ever hadBest I ever hadAnd i"m certain thatThere ain"t nothing betterNo there ain"t nothing better than thisYou"re not a regular girlYou don"t give a damn about your lookTalking about I can"t do it for youBut you can do it for yourselfEven though that ain"t soBaby cos my dough don"t know how to endBut that independent thing i"m with itAll we do is win babyI could be in loveBut i just don"t know(don"t know)Baby one thing is for certainWhatever you do it"s workingAll the girls don"t matterIn your presence can"t do what you doThere"s a million girls around but i don"t see noone but youBaby you"re so one in a millionYou areBaby you"re the best I ever hadBest I ever hadAnd i"m certain thatThere ain"t nothing betterNo there ain"t nothing better than thisGirl you"re so one in a millionYou areBaby you"re the best I ever hadBest I ever hadAnd i"m certain thatThere ain"t nothing betterNo there ain"t nothing better than thisTiming girlOnly one in the worldJust one of a kindShe mineOoh all that I can think about is what this thing could beA future babyBaby you"re one of a kindThat means that you"re the only one for meOnly one for meBaby (girl) you"re so one in a millionYou areBaby you"re the best I ever hadBest I ever hadAnd i"m certain thatThere ain"t nothing betterNo there ain"t nothing better than thisGirl you"re so one in a millionYou areBaby you"re the best I ever hadBest I ever hadAnd i"m certain thatThere ain"t nothing betterNo there ain"t nothing better than this
2023-07-29 00:09:351

One in a million 歌词

歌曲名:One in a million歌手:May J.专辑:Colors(ジャケットB)「One in a million」作词∶Misako Sakazume/May J.作曲∶Misako Sakazume歌∶May J.はじめて目と目があった时照れ笑いバレないように わざとうつむいたの真夜中の长电话 これまで出会えなかった时间どうしても どうしても取り戻したくて「またね」言えなくてEvery day, Every night あなたに恋をしたのEvery time, Every where 一绪にいたいYou"re one in a million やっと出会えたYour smile, your voice すごく恋しくなるのyour eyes, your hands 一人占めしたいYou"re one in a million 大好きなあなたへ友达でも恋人でもないだけど たった1度の「好き」で気持ち重なるはずさぐり合いのメールももどかしい距离 嫌いじゃないでもこれじゃ このままじゃおやすみの後に「I love you」言えなくてEvery day, Every night あなたに恋をしたのEvery time, Every where 一绪にいたいYou"re one in a million やっと出会えたMy heart, my love 受けとめてもらえたらMy lips, my kiss 夺ってほしいYou"re one in a million 大好きなあなたへYou"re the one in my life ずっとWanna be by your side いつもI need you in my life あなたじゃなきゃダメなの気付いてほしいthis feelingあなたも同じ気持ちでいてほしいEvery day, Every night あなたに恋をしたのEvery time, Every where 一绪にいたいYou"re one in a million やっと出会えたYour smile, your voice すごく恋しくなるのyour eyes, your hands 一人占めしたいYou"re one in a million 大好きなあなたへ【 おわり 】
2023-07-29 00:09:421

One In A Million 歌词

歌曲名:One In A Million歌手:Spank the Monkey专辑:White Trash LullabiesYou"re one in a million, Oh nowYou"re one in a million, OhSometimes I can"t hate you every daySometimes you can fall for everyone you seeOnly one can really make me stayA sign from the skySaid to meYou"re one in a millionYou"re once in a lifetimeYou made me discover one of the stars above usYou"re one in a millionYou"re once in a lifetimeYou made me discover one of the stars above usI"ve been looking for that special oneAnd I"ve been searching for someone to give my loveAnd when I thought that all the hope was goneYou smile, there you were and I was goneI always will remember how I felt that dayA feeling indescribable to me, YeahI always knew there was an answer for my prayerAnd you, you"re the one for meYou"re one in a millionYou"re once in a lifetimeYou made me discover one of the stars above usYou"re one in a millionYou"re once in a lifetimeYou made me discover one of the stars above usYou"re one in a millionYou"re once in a lifetimeYou made me discover one of the stars above usYou"re one in a millionYou"re once in a lifetimeYou made me discover one of the stars above usI was cool and everything was possibleYou tried to catch me but it wasn"t possibleNo one could hurt me it was my gameUntil I met you baby and went insaneAnd when you didn"t want me, I wanted youBecause the finer thing bout it was I like to goI like it when its difficult I like it when it"s hardYou know it"s worth it if ya find your heartYou"re one in a millionYou"re once in a lifetimeYou made me discover one of the stars above usYou"re one in a millionYou"re once in a lifetimeYou made me discover one of the stars above usYou"re one in a millionYou"re once in a lifetimeYou made me discover one of the stars above usYou"re one in a millionYou"re once in a lifetimeYou made me discover one of the stars above usYou"re one in a million, OhYou"re one in a millionby Ricky
2023-07-29 00:09:491

One In A Million 歌词

歌曲名:One In A Million歌手:Aaliyah专辑:DedicationAaliyah - One In A MillionBaby you don"t know,what you do to me.Between me and you, I feel a chemistry.Won"t let noone come and take your place.Cause the love you give can"t be replaced.See noone else love me like you do.That"s why I want to spend my life with you.Wanna please you in anyway I can.Wanna share my world don"t you understand.Your love is a one in a million it goes on and on and onyou give me a really good feelin all day long.Your love is a one in a million it goes on and on and onyou give me a really good feelin all day long.Turn me inside out make my heart speak.Don"t want nobody else you are all I need.Personality(ty) in everything you do(do)Makes me love everything bout you.Your smile your style so fly I can"t denyI got a crush on you and that"s true indeed.I"m diggin you your makin me believe.Your love is a one in a million it goes on and on and onyou give me a really good feelin all day long.Your love is a one in a million it goes on and on and onyou give me a really good feelin all day long.I"ll give you anything you want from meanything you want anything you needanything your soul desiresI"ll give you anything you want from meanything you want anything you needanything your soul desiresYour love is a one in a million it goes on and on and onYou give me a really good feelin all day long.Your love is a one in a million it goes on and on and onYou give me a really good feelin all day long.Your love is a one in a million it goes on and on and onYou give me a really good feelin all day long.Your love is a one in a million it goes on and on and onYou give me a really good feelin all day long.Love it babe.(echo) love it babe. love it babeLove it babe.(echo) love it babe. love it babeLove it babe.(echo) love it babe. love it babeLove it babe.(echo) love it babe. love it babe
2023-07-29 00:09:591

One In A Million 歌词

歌曲名:One In A Million歌手:Modern Talking专辑:Original Album ClassicsYou"re one in a million, Oh nowYou"re one in a million, OhSometimes I can"t hate you every daySometimes you can fall for everyone you seeOnly one can really make me stayA sign from the skySaid to meYou"re one in a millionYou"re once in a lifetimeYou made me discover one of the stars above usYou"re one in a millionYou"re once in a lifetimeYou made me discover one of the stars above usI"ve been looking for that special oneAnd I"ve been searching for someone to give my loveAnd when I thought that all the hope was goneYou smile, there you were and I was goneI always will remember how I felt that dayA feeling indescribable to me, YeahI always knew there was an answer for my prayerAnd you, you"re the one for meYou"re one in a millionYou"re once in a lifetimeYou made me discover one of the stars above usYou"re one in a millionYou"re once in a lifetimeYou made me discover one of the stars above usYou"re one in a millionYou"re once in a lifetimeYou made me discover one of the stars above usYou"re one in a millionYou"re once in a lifetimeYou made me discover one of the stars above usI was cool and everything was possibleYou tried to catch me but it wasn"t possibleNo one could hurt me it was my gameUntil I met you baby and went insaneAnd when you didn"t want me, I wanted youBecause the finer thing bout it was I like to goI like it when its difficult I like it when it"s hardYou know it"s worth it if ya find your heartYou"re one in a millionYou"re once in a lifetimeYou made me discover one of the stars above usYou"re one in a millionYou"re once in a lifetimeYou made me discover one of the stars above usYou"re one in a millionYou"re once in a lifetimeYou made me discover one of the stars above usYou"re one in a millionYou"re once in a lifetimeYou made me discover one of the stars above usYou"re one in a million, OhYou"re one in a millionby Ricky
2023-07-29 00:10:181

One In A Million 歌词

歌曲名:One In A Million歌手:Paul Overstreet专辑:TimeYou"re one in a million, Oh nowYou"re one in a million, OhSometimes I can"t hate you every daySometimes you can fall for everyone you seeOnly one can really make me stayA sign from the skySaid to meYou"re one in a millionYou"re once in a lifetimeYou made me discover one of the stars above usYou"re one in a millionYou"re once in a lifetimeYou made me discover one of the stars above usI"ve been looking for that special oneAnd I"ve been searching for someone to give my loveAnd when I thought that all the hope was goneYou smile, there you were and I was goneI always will remember how I felt that dayA feeling indescribable to me, YeahI always knew there was an answer for my prayerAnd you, you"re the one for meYou"re one in a millionYou"re once in a lifetimeYou made me discover one of the stars above usYou"re one in a millionYou"re once in a lifetimeYou made me discover one of the stars above usYou"re one in a millionYou"re once in a lifetimeYou made me discover one of the stars above usYou"re one in a millionYou"re once in a lifetimeYou made me discover one of the stars above usI was cool and everything was possibleYou tried to catch me but it wasn"t possibleNo one could hurt me it was my gameUntil I met you baby and went insaneAnd when you didn"t want me, I wanted youBecause the finer thing bout it was I like to goI like it when its difficult I like it when it"s hardYou know it"s worth it if ya find your heartYou"re one in a millionYou"re once in a lifetimeYou made me discover one of the stars above usYou"re one in a millionYou"re once in a lifetimeYou made me discover one of the stars above usYou"re one in a millionYou"re once in a lifetimeYou made me discover one of the stars above usYou"re one in a millionYou"re once in a lifetimeYou made me discover one of the stars above usYou"re one in a million, OhYou"re one in a millionby Ricky
2023-07-29 00:10:251

One In A Million歌词

BOSSON - One In A MillionYou"re one in a millionOhNowYou"re one in a millionOhSometimes love can hit you every daySometimes you can fall for everyone you seeBut only one can really make me stayA sign from the skySaid to me[Chorus]You"re one in a millionYou"re once in a lifetimeYou made me discover one of the stars above usYou"re one in a millionYou"re once in a lifetimeYou made me discover one of the stars above usI"ve been looking for that special oneAnd I"ve been searching for someone to give my loveAnd when I thought that all the hope was goneA smile, there you were and I was goneI always will remember how I felt that dayA feeling indescribable to meYeahI always knew there was an answer for my prayerAnd you, you"re the one for me[Chorus x 2]In the beginning I was cool and everything was possibleThey tried to catch me but it was impossibleNo one could hurt me it was my gameUntil I met you baby and you were the sameAnd when you didn"t want me I wanted you becauseThe funny thing about it is I liked the showI like it when its difficultI like it when its hardThen you know its worth itThat you found your heart[Chorus x 2]You"re one in a millionOhYou"re one in a million
2023-07-29 00:10:333

one in a million 和one out of a million有何区别

两者区别不大:one in a million = one out of a million,本意是“每百万...就有一个/百万分之一”,只不过前者可以引申为“凤毛麟角,百/万里挑一,佼佼者”的意思. 例如: 1..I want to introduce you to a person who is one in a million. 我要介绍给你的人可真正是百里挑一的啊. 2.The millions are awake enough for physical labor ; but only one in a million is awake enough for effective intellectual exertion ,only one in a hundred millions to a poetic or divine life. 几百万人清醒的足以从事体力劳动,但是一百万人中,只有一个人才清醒的足以有效的服役于智慧;一亿人中,才能有一个人,生活的诗意而神圣. 3.Only about one out of a million cells will correctly incorporate a foreign gene using the most common versions of this technique. 应用这种最常规的技术,仅有百万分之一的细胞可以正确加人外源基因.
2023-07-29 00:10:401

one in a million 和one out of a million有何区别

两者区别不大:one in a million = one out of a million,本意是“每百万...就有一个/百万分之一”,只不过前者可以引申为“凤毛麟角,百/万里挑一,佼佼者”的意思。例如:1. .I want to introduce you to a person who is one in a million. 我要介绍给你的人可真正是百里挑一的啊。2. The millions are awake enough for physical labor ; but only one in a million is awake enough for effective intellectual exertion , only one in a hundred millions to a poetic or divine life. 几百万人清醒的足以从事体力劳动,但是一百万人中,只有一个人才清醒的足以有效的服役于智慧;一亿人中,才能有一个人,生活的诗意而神圣。3. Only about one out of a million cells will correctly incorporate a foreign gene using the most common versions of this technique. 应用这种最常规的技术,仅有百万分之一的细胞可以正确加人外源基因。
2023-07-29 00:10:481

One In A Million 歌词谁能给翻译成中文、

you"re one in a million, oh now   你就是万里挑一的那个   you"re one in a million, oh   你就是万里挑一的那个   sometimes love can hit you every day   有时爱会令你每天都很痛苦   sometimes you can fall for everyone you see   有时你可能会迷恋上你见到的每个人   only one can really make me stay   但只有一个能令我真正地想要停留依靠   a sign from the sky   天空中的标志   said to me   似乎在向我说   you"re one in a million   你就是万里挑一的那个   you"re once in a lifetime   你就是一生中难得遇到的那个   you made me discover one of the stars above us   你令我发现天空中其中的一颗星星   i"ve been looking for that special one   我一直在找寻那个特别的另一半   and i"ve been searching for someone to give my love   我一直在寻找着那个能令我对她倾注我所有的爱的女孩   and when i thought that all the hope was gone   当我认为已没有希望的时候   you smile, there you were and i was gone   你微笑了 你就在那儿 而我却已离开了   i always will remember how i felt that day   我将会一直记住那一天的感受   a feeling indescribable to me, yeah   对我而言那是一种无法用言语来表达的感觉   i always knew there was an answer for my prayer   知道我的祈祷会有答复的   and you, you"re the one, the one for me   而你 你就是我要找寻的那个人   you"re one in a million   你就是万里挑一的那个   you"re once in a lifetime   你就是一生中难得遇到的那个   you made me discover one of the stars above us   你令我发现天空中其中的一颗星星   i was cool and everything was possible   我很冷酷 可一切都有可能   they tried to catch me but it wasn"t possible   她们试图要抓牢我 但那是不可能的   no one could hurt me it was my game   没有人能伤害我 这是我的游戏   until I met you baby and we"re the same   直到我遇见了你 我们都是一样的   and when you didn"t want me, i wanted you   当你并不想要我的时候 我却渴望得到你   because the finer thing about it was I like the show   因为更棒的是我就是喜欢这样子   i like it when it"s difficult i like it when it"s hard   越是难我越是喜欢(越想要征服)   you know it"s worth it that you find your heart   你知道你察觉到了你的真心 这就很值得了   you"re one in a million   你就是万里挑一的那个   you"re once in a lifetime   你就是一生中难得遇到的那个   you made me discover one of the stars above us   你令我发现天空中其中的一颗星星
2023-07-29 00:10:561