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2023-07-29 17:43:44
TAG: zoo oo zo


进而发展成"ZOOLOGY", 意思是研究有生命的东西(动物)的学问。

国外众多动物园的全称 "XXXX Zoological Park" 或者"XXXX Zoological Garden" 中文字面含义就是"研究动物的公园"。











2023-07-28 22:43:366


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2023-07-28 22:45:221


zoo用英语说:英:[/zu:/];美:[/zu:/]一、中文翻译n. 动物园二、形式复数形式:zoos三、短语搭配1. visit a zoo 参观动物园2. zoo keeper 动物园管理员3. city zoo 城市动物园4. zoo animals 动物园里的动物5. zoo park 动物公园6. petting zoo 触摸动物园四、双语例句1. We went to the zoo to see the animals.我们去动物园看动物。2. The zoo keeper takes care of the animals.动物园管理员照顾动物。3. There are many different animals in the zoo.动物园里有许多不同的动物。4. My favorite place to go is the zoo.我最喜欢去的地方就是动物园。5. The city zoo is very large.城市动物园很大。6. Children love to visit the petting zoo.孩子们喜欢参观触摸动物园。五、用法1. "Zoo" 是一个名词,表示动物园,是一种将各种动物集中饲养供人观赏的公共设施。例如:The zoo has a new exhibit of African animals. (动物园有一个新的非洲动物展览。)2. "Zoo" 可以与名词 "keeper"、"animals"、"park" 等搭配。例如:The zoo keeper feeds the animals every day. (动物园的管理员每天喂食动物。)3. "Zoo" 的复数形式是 "zoos"。例如:There are many famous zoos in the world. (世界上有很多著名的动物园。)4. "Zoo" 可以与 "visit" 等动词搭配,表示参观动物园。例如:We plan to visit the zoo this weekend. (我们计划这个周末参观动物园。)5. 在一些非正式的情况下,"zoo" 也可以形象地用来形容一种混乱、无序的环境。例如:My house is a zoo since the kids are on vacation. (孩子们放假后,我的家就变成了动物园。)六、同义词n. [动]动物园menagerie,vivarium
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2023-07-28 22:46:072

zoo怎么读音 zoo是什么意思

1、zoo 是英语单词,读音音标: 英[zu:] 美[zu],n.动物园;复数: zoos。 2、英英释义: (1)牛津词典:a place where many kinds of wild animals are kept for the public to see and where they are studied, bred and protected。 (2)柯林斯词典:A zoo is a park where live animals are kept so that people can look at them
2023-07-28 22:46:251


zoo是不可数名词复数是 zoosThere are two zoos in my city.
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2023-07-28 22:46:425


  zoo的复数形式是zoos,因为zoo以o元音字母结尾,其复数形式直接加s即可。元音字母有5个,分别是:a、e、i、o、u。元音字母,或母音字母,指语言里起着发声作用的字母。   复数名词是指英文体系中可数名词的复数形式,而不可数名词则没有复数形式。当要表现某个可数名词所表示的数量大于一时,就要用到该名词的复数形式。
2023-07-28 22:46:551


《ZOO》([日本] 乙一)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码:zrqh书名:ZOO作者:[日本] 乙一译者:李颖秋豆瓣评分:8.6出版社:当代世界出版社出版年份:2007-10页数:319内容简介:每天早上都有一张我女朋友尸体的照片放到我的收件箱里,照片显示着女朋友的尸体正在一天天地生蛆、腐化。她是在我们去过动物园之后失踪的。所有人都认为她只是失踪了,只有我知道她被杀了。我辞了职,拿着她生前的照片四处寻找凶手的线索,一副心力憔悴的模样。然而苦心寻找的背后隐藏的却是我不愿面对的真相,是我亲手杀了她……作者简介:乙一(おついち、1978年10月21日—— ),本名安达宽高,生于日本福冈。被誉为日本文坛新一代“恐怖小说精英”,日本评论家盛赞其为难得一见的天才。其作品在日本国内多次获奖。深受日本和港台地区读者喜爱。17岁时凭借《夏天·花火·我的尸体》荣获第六届“JUMP小说·纪实小说大奖”,一举成名。2002年出版的《GOTH断掌事件》荣获第三届“MYSTERY奇幻大奖”,销量高踞“2003年MYS7ERY BEST 10”第五位,亦荣获Yaho!Japan读者选为“2002年最佳奇幻小说”第一位。已出版作品:《夏天·花火·我的尸体》(集英社/独步文化)、《天帝妖狐》(集英社/独步艾化)、《石之目》(集英社)、《平面狗》(集英社文库)、《暗黑童话》(集英社)、《濒死之绿》(幻冬舎文库/尖端出版)、《在黑暗中等待》(幻冬舎文库/尖端出版)等。
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2023-07-28 22:47:5613

zoo 怎么读?

zoo英 [zuː]美 [zu]n. 动物园;<美俚>(铁路货车的最后一节)守车;<美俚>核粒子园
2023-07-28 22:48:411


zoo 动物园,肯定是名词啊
2023-07-28 22:49:232


zoo[zu:] ”祖物~“接近.音标[z]是个 ,发音中文拼音里没有对应的, 如下: /z/是z和s的发音.是舌齿摩擦辅音.发音时舌端靠近齿龈,气流由舌端齿龈间送出,形成摩擦音./z/是浊浦音,声带振动.动物园的意思
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2023-07-28 22:50:109


zoo的复数是 zoos分析:可数名词的复数变化规则:一、规则变化:1、一般在词尾加-s,如:pen-pens , book -books 。2、以-s ,-x , -ch ,-sh 结尾的词加-es,如:bus-buses, box -boxes , watch -watches , dish-dishes。3、以辅音字母加y 结尾,先把y 改为i 再加-es ,如:baby-babies , story-stories 。4、以-f/-fe结尾的名词,把f/fe 改为v再加-es, 如:knife -knives , leaf -leaves .5、以-o结尾的有生命的名词加-es,如:tomato-tomatoes ; potato-potatoes ; 没有生命的加-s,如:radio-radios ; zoo-zoos。二、不规则变化(常见)man-men woman-womenfoot -feettooth -teethgoose -geesechild-childrenmouse -mice
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2023-07-28 22:50:332


1. at the zoo用英语写作文40字 At the zoo I like to go to zoo.There are many animals at the zoo.We can see big animals,such as tigers,zebras,elephants.We can also see *** all rats like squirrels.There are birds flying in the huge cage and monkeys clmbing trees on the hill.But man shouldn"t keep too many animal at the zoo.Animals should belong to nature.As animals" best friend,we should stop them from being killed. 2. at the zoo用英语写作文40字 At the zooI like to go to zoo.There are many animals at the zoo.We can see big animals,such as tigers,zebras,elephants.We can also see *** all rats like squirrels.There are birds flying in the huge cage and monkeys clmbing trees on the hill.But man shouldn"t keep too many animal at the zoo.Animals should belong to nature.As animals"best friend,we should stop them from being killed。 3. 【以“atthezoo”为题写一篇作文.】 at the zoothree days ago ,my mother took me to a zoo for visit.that day i have watched panders ,tigers ,and so many kinds of the other animals,but almost all were caged .i found they were not happy ,because in their eyes something was shining ,needless to say,its their tears ,however ,we are so happy out of the cage ,or we call the the zoo ,the hell of our friends ,we are(were) happy ,but they are not ,why?because we are humans!。 4. At the zoo【写一篇作文,不少于10句话】 Last Sunday, my friends and I visited the Tianjin Zoo. We had a good time there. Early that morning, we took a bus to the zoo. As .soon as we entered the zoo, we .saw a big white house. On the wall of the house, there was a picture of a panda. It was the Panda"s House which was beg and clean. There were three pandas in the house. One of them was much *** aller than the other o. Later we were told that the *** all panda was born just six months ago.How cute! Then we went to see the Monkey-Hill. Most of the visitors, especially the children love the monkeys very much. There were a lot of monkeys on the hill. Some of them were playing, and some were running about. Others were hanging from trees by their tails. They were really lovely monkeys. We also saw lots of other animals, such as tigers, lions, snakes, birds and so on. We took lots of beautiful pictures and had a picnic at the zoo. We really enjoyed ourselves. 5. Thezoo作文 This is a beautiful zoo.It has many lovely animal.Today is a sunny day.I haven"t got any homework.I and my friend go to the zoo and see the animals.First,we go to see the monkeys.Monkeys have brown fur and pink face.They are very clever.I give a banana to a little monkey.The other monkey run up and eat banana.Then we go to see the elephant.Elephant have a long and big nose.It called"David".It very heavy.We go to see tiger now.Tiger is a dangerou animal so we see it by bus.Tiger is really beatifui because it has orange fur.Oh,we"ve got to go home.。 6. 写一篇英文作文 题目为:At the Zoo 帮你粘贴拷贝一个吧: At the Zoo I like to go to the zoo. There are many animals at the zoo. We can see big animals, such as tigers, zebras and elephants. We can also see *** all ones, like squirrels, rabbits and tortoise. There are birds flying in the huge cage, monkeys clmbing trees on the hill and fishes swimming in the water. They are all carefully fed and cared by the zoo-keepers. 7. At the zoo 英语作文 用现在进行时写 这里有四篇zoo的供你参考:1、One Day at the Zoo On my visit to the Zoo their were many interesting animals that grabbed my attention. The first animal was the Black Necked Swan which is also known by its scientific name Cygnus Melan Coryphus. This bird appeared to be very fortable in its new environment at the Zoo. Their were o of these magnificent birds for me to observe. Both of them had snow white bottoms, with dark black necks and a red orange colored bill. The male swan is known as a cob and the female a pen, the males are usually a bit larger than the females. The areas of origin are in open lakes and marsh lands in the Southern parts of South America, including Chile, Argentina, and Falkland Islands. The black necked swan feeds on Aquatic plants in the zoo, and as wild swan they typically feed on vegetation, insects, and fish spawn. The black necked swan is not in any danger of being extinct. The swans seem to some how stay close to each other and their behavior was calm. I find the black neck on the swan to be very interesting, I had never known of a black necked swan until my recent visit to the zoo. The swan"s neck was very long it seems at times to wrap around the bottom of its body, as it dives its head into the pond.2、Today I visited the zoo with several clas *** ates. We went on foot. It was half an hour"s walk. When we got there, the zoo was already full of people. There are many animals in the zoo. They were very interesting, but we were especially interested in monkeys. They made all kinds of faces and we also talked with some foreign guests in English. It was time for lunch when we got home. I really had a wonderful time today. 今天,我和几个同学参观了动物园。 我们步行。这是一个半小时的步行。 当我们到了那里,动物园已经挤满了人。有许多动物在动物园中展览。 他们是非常有趣的,但我们尤其感兴趣的猴子。他们提出的各种面孔,我们也谈到了一些外国客人的英文。 现在是午餐时间,当我们回到家里,是多么美好的一天啊!3、We toured most of the day, feast for the eyes, I am very happy because this is my first time at the zoo. I saw a lot of *** all animals. Summer, my father took me to the Nanchang zoo. First of all, we came to Rabbit Park, and my father spent a dollar to buy a box of shredded radish fed rabbit, and when I e up with a shredded radish, all of the rabbit are over crowded to eat, I will feed a *** all gray rabbit, and then feeding a *** all white rabbit. Let me and my aunt who is also rabbit photography, then pulled a *** all white rabbit urine, we all laughed. We have also e to zebra park, where there are many zebra, zebra body has a black and white lines, very beautiful. We toured most of the day, feast for the eyes, I am very happy because this is my first time at the zoo. I saw a lot of *** all animals. They are very cute, I also touched them then! 我们游览了大半天,大饱眼福,我很高兴,因为这是我第一次上动物园。我看到了好多小动物。 暑假,爸爸带我去南昌动物园玩。 首先,我们来到兔园,爸爸花去一元钱,买了一盒萝卜丝喂小兔子,当我拿出一条萝卜丝,所有的小兔都拥挤过来吃,我先喂小灰兔,再喂小白兔。 那位阿姨还让我和小兔照相,当时一只小白兔拉了尿,我们都笑了。 我们又来到斑马园,那儿有许多斑马,斑马身上都有黑白线,漂亮极了。 我们游览了大半天,大饱眼福,我很高兴,因为这是我第一次上动物园。我看到了好多小动物。 它们都很可爱,我还摸了它们呢! 4、My Favorite Places Many people have favorite places they like to go to when they are feeling sad or bored. I also have favorite places that I go to as often as I can.Here are the three places that I like most. First of all, I like the zoo. The animals are amazing because some are so cute and some are so ugly! I like to pet them,feed them and watch them perform. Museums are cool places, too. They have good exhibits and fascinating displays. I like the works of art there. Some museums teach me a lot about history and science. From dinosaurs to robots, I love them all. Finally, theme parks are my favourite place. I think the roller coasters are the best. It"s fun to scream and get scared.These places always cheer me up. I try to go to each of my favorite places once a year. I am going to find more favorite places to go to when I grow up.favorite place is the zoo. The animals are amazing because some are so cute and some are so ugly! I like to pet them,feed them and watch them perform. Museums are cool places, too. They have good exhibits and fascinating displays. I like the works of art there. Some museums teach me a lot about history and science. From dinosaurs to robots, I love them all. Finally, theme parks are my 。 8. 以“The Zoo”为题,用现在进行时写一篇小短文 The Zoo Today I went to the zoo with my friends. There are many animals in the zoo,they are vrey happy.The monkeys are eating bananas.The giraffes are eating leaves.The elephants are so big,and they are looking at us.The tigers are tired so they are sleeping.The animals in the zoo are so fun!I like the zoo. 希望对你有帮助
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2023-07-28 22:50:581

zoo的复数形式 英语的复数形式变化规则

zoo的复数形式 1.zoo的复数形式是zoos。因为zoo以o元音字母结尾,其复数形式直接加s即可。元音字母有5个,分别是:a、e、i、o、u。元音字母,或母音字母,指语言里起着发声作用的字母。 英语的复数形式变化规则 2.一般名词复数是在名词后面加上“s”。以s,sh,ch,x等结尾的词加“es”。以O结尾的单词,有生命的+-es,无生命+s。以辅音字母+ y结尾的,改y为i再加es。以f或者fe 结尾的词,改f为v,再加es。
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2023-07-28 22:51:141


zoo 读音:英 [zu:] 美 [zu], 释义:动物园拓展:动物园是一个人们可以近距离观察和学习动物世界的地方。它是生物多样性的一个展示窗口,它不仅让人们了解到更多关于动物的知识,还提供了一种独特的娱乐和休闲方式。动物园是一个由人类和野生动物共同组成的场所。它们可以为人们提供非常多的好处,例如,它们可以让人们了解到动物的生活习性、学习到动物的基本知识、提供拓宽知识面的机会、以及增强人们对生态环境保护的意识。此外,动物园也可以是一个供休闲娱乐的场所,人们可以享受到观看动物、奇异的玩具以及其他体育活动等多种乐趣。然而,动物园行业也面临着一些争议和挑战。有些人认为,将野生动物拘禁在笼子中没有自由,也有可能导致动物行为异常等问题。另外,动物园也存在着对动物的保护问题。在一些不提供良好条件的动物园中,动物生存环境得不到有效的保护,存在被虐待的风险。因此,如何平衡兼顾动物福利和保护以及旅游需求是动物园运营者所面临的挑战之一。一些动物园在改善环境保护方面采取了多种措施,如改进动物笼子的设置,建立适合动物生活的环境,给予足够的食物和保健等。同时,动物园也可以利用最新的技术手段,在放置动物园内的拍摄装置、香味含义的方式上进行创新改进来使动物园的运营更加和谐。最后,还需要引导公众关注动物保护和环保意识的提高,增强人们对于动物保护和生物多样性保护的责任心和义务感。
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不用大写,因为不是专有名词。例如:I went to the zoo yesterday. 我昨天去了动物园。
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可以。zoo是可数名词,可数名词前一定是要加冠词。zoo可以用零冠词。去动物园go to the zoo是习惯用法,单独说一个动物园用a zoo也没有错。
2023-07-28 22:52:101


zoo是动物园的意思。1、zoo的详细释义:(1)n.动物园。动物园是搜集饲养各种动物,进行科学研究和迁地保护,供公众观赏并进行科学普及和宣传保护教育的场所。(2)n.(Zoo)人名;(朝)朱;(阿拉伯)祖。2、词组搭配:(1)beijing zoo.北京动物园。(2)shanghai zoo.上海动物园。3、同近义词:动物园menagerie/vivarium。zoo的例句:1、He took his son Christopher to the zoo.他带儿子克里斯托弗去了动物园。2、I thought we might go to the zoo on Saturday.我觉得周六我们可以去动物园。3、The kids had a ride on an elephant at the zoo.在动物园里,孩子们骑着大象走了一圈。4、We took the kids to the zoo as a special treat.作为特别的消遣,我们带孩子们到动物园去。5、To me the only justification for a zoo is educational.对我来说,动物园存在的惟一正当理由就是它的教育意义。6、The zoo needed better management rather than more money.动物园需要更好的管理而非更多的钱。7、When the other kids were taken to the zoo,he was left behind.其余的孩子被带去动物园时,他被留了下来。8、Workers at Sydney"s harbourside Taronga zoo are refusing to collect animal dung in a protest over wages.悉尼海港塔龙加动物园的工人因对工资的抗议而拒绝收拾动物粪便。9、When did you go to the zoo?你什么时候去了动物园?10、Hundreds of deer are in this zoo.这个动物园里有几百只鹿。
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看到知乎上有人这样评价乙一:“一个天赋异禀的死变态。”深以为然。 《ZOO》是一部中短篇小说集,收录了乙一所撰的十一个故事。个人认为,小清新的故事都是相似的,而变态的故事各有各的变态,哪怕它们出自同一个作者之手。《ZOO》里面的这些故事也是如此。 1. 《小饰与阳子》:让我感觉非常心塞的一个故事。开始我猜想女主其实是个阿猫阿狗,后来发现并不是;接着我又揣测女主莫非是人格分裂,后来发现也不是。文中的变态妈妈从头到尾就是为了变态而变态,而受虐狂女主最后也是用了变态的办法才摆脱悲催的命运走向人生的巅峰(雾)。真的很变态,真的很心塞,亲子关系欠佳者或兄弟姐妹失睦者最好不要阅读此篇。 2. 《七个房间》:这是一个关于爱与牺牲的温情故事,也是一个哪里有变态、哪里就有反抗的励志故事。不知独生子女们读这个故事会受到触动吗?反正身为姐姐的我是看哭了。特别推荐感情深厚的兄弟姐妹一起阅读此篇,或共同观赏改编的同名电影。 3. 《远离的夫妇》:原本的标题是“So-far”,我觉得这题目就挺好,没必要翻译成中文。这是最让我有上当受骗之感的一篇,读开头的时候以为它会是一篇灵异小说,读到中间觉得它应该是一篇科幻小说,然而读到最后……啊咧,什么鬼?我连裤子都穿上了,你就让我看这个?但文中的小正太还是很让人同情的,我们的小主人公还是个孩子啊,为什么要这样对待他嘤嘤嘤~好想抱抱,而且对应的真人版电影是正太时期的神木隆之介演的耶(痴汉脸)。总之,这篇虽然有点小悲催,但不算黑暗,尤其适合年轻父母阅读警醒。 4. 《向阳之诗》:这篇算是典型的白乙一风格吧?非常适合“软科幻”爱好者阅读。全书变态级别最低的一篇,甚至有点小清新了。可是一想到,全书就这篇的主角最像正常人,然而却并不是人,顿时觉得“乙一果然还是很变态啊”。 5. 《动物园》:这篇讲的是一个杀人犯,以爱之名,行自欺欺人之事,最后突然得到解脱的故事。充满了诡异的精神病气息,让人读得有点累。 6. 《把血液找出来!》:真不想把这篇算作推理小说啊,然而构思和逻辑又确实巧妙得不行……忍不住脑补了西田敏行、堺雅人等一干人员出演此篇的情形,似乎会很带感呢。然而男主全程血流不止的画面要怎么拍,才能达到既血腥又欢脱的效果?真令人纠结呀。 7. 《寒冷森林中的小白屋》:这篇简直就是标题党。其内容让我联想到《我唾弃你的坟墓》《粉红色的火烈鸟》之类的片子,可能会令读者产生生理不适。个人觉得没多大意思。 8. 《衣橱》:这篇大体上算是比较正经的本格推理,然而还是被巧妙地植入了变态的元素……无变态不乙一。 9. 《神的咒语》:这篇大概算是超现实主义魔幻向。主人公的阴暗心理,竟然使我生出心有戚戚的感觉,大概是因为我在日常中也是个乖乖女的缘故?不寒而栗。好学生乖孩子请慎读此篇。 10. 《在即将坠落的飞机中》:看似搞怪不正经的黑色幽默,但却非常发人深思的一篇。如果曾怀着必死的决心,但最后却活了下来,那是怎样的心情?所谓“余生”,大概还是会成为羁绊的吧。非常适合心情低落甚至觉得人生无趣之时阅读。 11. 《从前,在太阳西沉的公园里》:一个千字小短篇,甚至算不上一个完整的故事。可以当成一个楔子来脑补出一部长篇小说,如果你读完上述所有故事后还有精力的话。 以上。 以上。
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2023-07-28 22:55:024

zoo 是什么意思

zoo 英[zu:] 美[zu] n. 动物园; <美俚>(铁路货车的最后一节)守车; <美俚>核粒子园; [例句]He took his son Christopher to the zoo.他带着儿子克里斯托弗去了动物园。[其他] 复数:zoos
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zoo的音标是:英 [zuu02d0],美 [zuu02d0]。   n. 动物园;拥挤杂乱的地方。例句:He saw some amazing sights at the zoo.翻译:他在动物园里看到一些珍禽异兽。短语1、zoo的意思是“动物园”,是正式用语zoological garden的缩略词,指饲养各种动物并向公众开放参观的园地,多用在口语中,在美国口语中也可喻指“拥挤而乱哄哄的地方”。2、the Zoo特指“伦敦动物园”,也可指一个国家中有代表性的动物园,如芝加哥动物园、上野动物园等。
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动物园 。、。、。
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zoo的读音:英 [zu:],美 [zu]。释义:n.动物园;<美俚>(铁路货车的最后一节)守车;<美俚>核粒子园。zoo的意思是动物园,是正式用语zoological garden的缩略词,指饲养各种动物并向公众开放参观的园地,多用在口语中,在美国口语中也可喻指“拥挤而乱哄哄的地方”。the Zoo特指“伦敦动物园”,也可指一个国家中有代表性的动物园,如芝加哥动物园、上野动物园等。短语搭配Zoo Tycoon 植物园大亨 ; 动物乐园 ; 动物园富翁。GuangZhou Zoo 广州动物园 ; 动物园 ; 广州植物园。Brookfield Zoo 布鲁克菲尔德动物园 ; 动物园。Zoo Hypothesis 动物园假说。Zoo Vet 动物园兽医 ; 动物园动物医生 ; 园兽医。Chester Zoo 切斯特动物园 ; 动物园 ; 英格兰最大的植物园。Perth Zoo 珀斯动物园 ; 帕斯动物园 ; 动物园 ; 柏斯动物园。
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动物园 。、。、。
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英文原文: 动物园zoo 英式音标: [zuu02d0] 美式音标: [zu]
2023-07-28 22:59:401


动物园 wild zoo 野生动物园
2023-07-28 22:59:582


《ZOO》([日本] 乙一)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: i3w9书名:ZOO作者:[日本] 乙一译者:李颖秋豆瓣评分:8.6出版社:当代世界出版社出版年份:2007-10页数:319内容简介:每天早上都有一张我女朋友尸体的照片放到我的收件箱里,照片显示着女朋友的尸体正在一天天地生蛆、腐化。她是在我们去过动物园之后失踪的。所有人都认为她只是失踪了,只有我知道她被杀了。我辞了职,拿着她生前的照片四处寻找凶手的线索,一副心力憔悴的模样。然而苦心寻找的背后隐藏的却是我不愿面对的真相,是我亲手杀了她……作者简介:乙一(おついち、1978年10月21日—— ),本名安达宽高,生于日本福冈。被誉为日本文坛新一代“恐怖小说精英”,日本评论家盛赞其为难得一见的天才。其作品在日本国内多次获奖。深受日本和港台地区读者喜爱。
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《ZOO》([日本] 乙一)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码:b7so书名:ZOO作者:[日本] 乙一译者:李颖秋豆瓣评分:8.6出版社:当代世界出版社出版年份:2007-10页数:319内容简介:每天早上都有一张我女朋友尸体的照片放到我的收件箱里,照片显示着女朋友的尸体正在一天天地生蛆、腐化。她是在我们去过动物园之后失踪的。所有人都认为她只是失踪了,只有我知道她被杀了。我辞了职,拿着她生前的照片四处寻找凶手的线索,一副心力憔悴的模样。然而苦心寻找的背后隐藏的却是我不愿面对的真相,是我亲手杀了她……作者简介:乙一(おついち、1978年10月21日—— ),本名安达宽高,生于日本福冈。被誉为日本文坛新一代“恐怖小说精英”,日本评论家盛赞其为难得一见的天才。其作品在日本国内多次获奖。深受日本和港台地区读者喜爱。17岁时凭借《夏天·花火·我的尸体》荣获第六届“JUMP小说·纪实小说大奖”,一举成名。2002年出版的《GOTH断掌事件》荣获第三届“MYSTERY奇幻大奖”,销量高踞“2003年MYS7ERY BEST 10”第五位,亦荣获Yaho!Japan读者选为“2002年最佳奇幻小说”第一位。已出版作品:《夏天·花火·我的尸体》(集英社/独步文化)、《天帝妖狐》(集英社/独步艾化)、《石之目》(集英社)、《平面狗》(集英社文库)、《暗黑童话》(集英社)、《濒死之绿》(幻冬舎文库/尖端出版)、《在黑暗中等待》(幻冬舎文库/尖端出版)等。
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