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《Tarzan of the Apes》(Edgar Rice Burroughs)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读




书名:Tarzan of the Apes

作者:Edgar Rice Burroughs

出版社:Signet Classics




The classic tale of adventure and romance—in a vibrant new package




2023-07-28 22:27:281


Tarzan and Jane。自从迪士尼于1999年推出第37部经典动画【泰山】(Tarzan)大受欢迎后,迪士尼电视动画部门于是在2001年将泰山的故事拍成电视影集版本,推出【泰山】(The Legend of Tarzan)卡通系列,并且在2002年推出一部由这部影集所衍生的作品【泰山与珍妮】(Tarzan & Jane),直接发行录影带和DVD。泰山与珍妮幕后花絮:自从迪士尼于1999年推出第37部经典动画【泰山】(Tarzan)大受欢迎后,迪士尼电视动画部门于是在2001年将泰山的故事拍成电视影集版本,推出【泰山】(The Legend of Tarzan)卡通系列,并且在2002年推出一部由这部影集所衍生的作品【泰山与珍妮】(Tarzan & Jane),直接发行录影带和DVD。
2023-07-28 22:28:061

如果有一天上单the shy,打野Tarzan,中单faker,下路uzi+ming无敌吗?

题主的想法很有趣,集合上单theshy,打野tarzan,中单faker,下路ming和uzi。组建一支银河战舰,那么会无敌吗? 我们首先来分析一下这些职业选手。 Theshy是一个以个人实力著称的选手,可以将赛恩玩成carry英雄的上单,对线压制力与入侵性都极强。tarzan是格里芬的打野选手,节奏非常好,操作细腻,堪称节奏发动机。在韩服rank中,也时常登顶。Faker就不用多说了,真正的传奇选手,不管是刺客还是法师,又或者是如加里奥的支援型英雄都能得心应手。uzi与ming的组合虽然争议较大,但是不得不成承认的是,他们组成的下路组合在全世界都是顶尖的。那么,先不考虑可能性,如果把这五名个人实力都组建到一起,会怎么样呢? 个人觉得,即使这样的五名选手集合在一起,也未必会真正的无敌。 因为每个选手都有自己适合的队友与体系,英雄联盟是团队 游戏 ,不可能只是5名选手的个人秀。这五名选手个人的顶尖实力组合在一起未必能发挥的淋漓尽至,相反可能会成为彼此的舒服和阻碍,必须需要有人牺牲自己来成全团队。 最强的不一定是最好的,最适合的才是最好的,bengi未必是世界第一打野,但他与李哥在一起就是世界第一中野组合。本来是超级豪华阵容,非得下路加个短板,不过没有十全十美的战队, tarzan是格里芬的打野选手,节奏非常好,操作细腻,堪称节奏发动机。在韩服rank中,也时常登顶。 这个 游戏 还是要有默契的,再强一个人也没用,五个人的 游戏 ,一个队伍必须有人做牺牲,五个人都强,容易有矛盾,不一定就是无敌队。 其实未见会有好的结果,虽然他们个个实力强硬,但是对资源摄入的也比较多,配合起来反而可能会有分歧 五个顶尖的人凑起来一定不是最强的。什么团队合作都是如此。 这里要提出一个问题,就是伤害转化率的问题,uzi吃资源太多了,在这个队里,谁会让?theshy?Faker?Tarzan? 这么说吧,theshy和小狗是没法在一队的。实力再强但打法冲突是不行的。 theshy和小狗都是非常吃资源的那种,两个吃资源的在一个队是什么后果? Faker:我不用发育的吗? 打野Tarzan这名选手真的很强,如果搭配Faker和theshy,相信确实很有看点,但就下路来说,小狗和明不是最好的选择。 明还不错,但下路ad位应该选一个正常吃经济就可以打输出的。如果从我们国产ad里选,smlz和jk都是那种伤害转化率比较高的,也就是吃的经济不是很多,但输出还是可以拉满的这种。 最起码阵容选择不能出现抢资源的情况,一旦出现那队伍就难打了。 不过想想确实挺不错,tarzan打野,Faker中单,theshy上单,这三个人要是组一起,还真挺让人激动的。UZI还无敌吗? 那么强的队伍,非加个现在的三流中单,估计打不过vg ts不适合李哥这种类型中单,ts是个依靠发育起装备的大C型上单,就适合肉鸡这种前期不管优劣中期都要带节奏让资源,就是吃草挤奶,而ts值得肉鸡这样做,李哥很明显就不是这种类型的中单
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Tarzan在2021年来到lpl加入lpl的队伍LNG 当时Tarzan发文翻译是这样的大家好,我是Tarzan。作为一个经常收到粉丝来信的人,自己写一些东西真的很尴尬。我希望能透过这写文字传递我的真诚。在我休息的这段时间里,我不仅可以花些时间去陪伴我的家人,朋友,还可以通过Twitch直播与粉丝们交流。你或许知道,我不太擅长表达我自己的感情。我十分感谢那些来看我直播并给予我鼓励的人们。为了迎接新的挑战并且提高自己的水平,我决定从2021年加入LPL赛区。这句话我不知道重新编辑了多少次,我希望我的真诚与决心能够传递给你们。我总是尽我所能的向观众们展示最好的表现。多亏了你们我才能不断前进。我的粉丝给了我动力,我想在此对你们表示感谢。在中国我会尽我所能。请继续支持我。我在中国专注于队伍的训练,我的Twitch直播会暂时停播。通过过去三到四个月的直播,我得到了很多的支持与关心。为了表达我的感激之情,我将我所有的直播流水以及我个人的一点积蓄全部捐给了韩国的“绿伞儿童基金”。感谢我的粉丝让我不断前行。尽请期待我接下来的旅程吧。祝福大家万事顺利。谢谢
2023-07-28 22:29:171


经历了几天的比赛之后,本届2021德玛西亚杯的4强也是终于诞生,分别是TES、IG、FPX以及LNG,有一说一这次TES以及LNG的阵容属实非常强,TES非常强势的3:0拿下了RNG,LNG也是3:1击败OMG,不过相比较之下,LNG的配合还是要稍逊TES。 在LNG和OMG的这场BO5中,Ale的表现其实就比较糟糕了,鳄鱼没有玩好就算了,毕竟鳄鱼这个英雄本就不在Ale之前的英雄池内,但刀妹这个TP实在是太致命了一点。 LNG、OMG双方在小龙河道拉扯的时候,Ale竟然直接T在了OMG众人的脸上,导致落地一瞬间就被集火,虽然依靠W抵挡了大部分伤害,但奈何裸破败的出装实在是有点脆,最终送了一波大节奏。 不光如此,LNG这一局还出现了一个特别离谱的数据,那就是Doinb卡牌的最终输出,因为这一局Doinb完全是想着带节奏,而放弃了对线,所以直接裸火炮。这个出装对于卡牌而言,虽然很重要,但第一件出装就注定没伤害,同时推不了线,但纵然是这样,Doinb依然打出了全场第二的输出,仅次于OMG的老鼠,更是自己这边的最高输出,实在是让人想不明白。 而到了LNG的赛点局,其实这局比赛LNG一度陷入了很大的劣势当中,OMG的中单佐伊5-0的开局,打野5-2,反观LNG这边全线劣势,Doinb更是多次掉点,结果就在LNG劣势越来越大的时候,打野Tarzan站了出来,绕视野直接摸眼将塔下的Able给踢了出去,就是这“神之一脚”,直接将局势逆转。 在LNG最终成功翻盘OMG,将比赛锁定在3:1之后,也是拿下了这次德玛西亚杯4强赛的最后一个名额,并且现在4强的赛程也是公布出来,TES和IG分在同一个半区,而FPX则是和LNG在同一个半区,其实在4强名额全部公布出来之后,大家就都已经有了自己的看法。 首先最被看好的两支队伍,自然是TES和LNG,因为这两支队伍全部都是主力上阵,所以这两支队伍自然是夺冠的大热门,但通过这次8强赛,不少人都觉得TES夺冠的可能性要大得多。 毕竟TES在和RNG的BO5中,配合真的没话说,新阵容的默契度也是要远超其他所有队伍。而LNG虽然赢下了比赛,但更多的是靠选手个人找机会,但在配合上就不如TES了,但至于比赛结果到底是怎样,还是要看选手的发挥。 大家觉得这次德杯会是哪一支队伍夺冠呢?欢迎在下方和狗子一起互动~
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tarzan是韩国人。Tarzan原名李承勇,是《英雄联盟》电竞选手,场上位置为打野,曾随Team Griffin获得2019英雄联盟LCK夏季赛亚军。Tarzan在2017年加入GRF格里芬,为GRF出战过CK联赛、LCK联赛、KeSPA、亚洲洲际对抗赛、全球总决赛。在2020年加入了LNG俱乐部。Tarzan其他情况简介。在2020年的冬季转会期,LPL赛区的LNG战队迎来了一位LCK“野王”,他就是有着“森林之王”美称的Tarzan。说起Tarzan的履历,相信很多人都会大吃一惊,因为在S9的时候,韩服的王者前10中,有四个号都是他的,其中一个王者号胜率甚至高达70%以上,JDG的现任打野Kanavi也曾是Tarzan的替补。
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tarzan的实力 夏季赛中,tarzan终于展现出了自己的实力。lng战队已经五连胜了,而且他们的对手实力都不弱。这一次战胜rng战队,更是让粉丝十分开心。看来,lng战队真的要成为黑马了。五连胜之后,tarzan上台接受采访。 LPL给他配了一个翻译,不过tarzan现在的中文水平很高,几乎不需要翻译了。他才来LPL半年,就有了这样的成绩,的确让人敬佩。之前,tarzan还在采访中说,自己休赛期的时候一直在上中文课,比赛开始之后,他有空也会去上课。 一边上中文课一边训练,还要努力rank,tarzan能在短短的半年时间里做到这些事情,的确很不容易了。这一次战胜rng战队,tarzan表现得十分谦虚。主持人说:这一次你的皎月非常秀,玩这个英雄需要注意什么,怎么可以玩得和你一样? tarzan表示:这个英雄需要发育的,团战的时候要找进场时机。主持人问他:有没有想到这两把这么干净利落拿下?tarzan还是很谦虚:最近的状态都还可以吧。跟队友好好配合,还是不错的。 一句自谦 主持人又问他:为什么选到了泰坦,这好像不是你们熟悉的体系?的确,这两场虽然是碾压局,但LNG似乎不是很熟悉体系。tarzan的回答是一句自谦,rng粉丝却慌了。他说:我们只是选出了准备好的其中一个阵容,还有很多阵容可选。 有观众吐槽:翻译过来就是说,他们随便打打都赢了。选手的话一出,主持人的脸色都变了。这句话虽然只是自谦,却有些不给rng留面子。他们也是才拿到msi冠军的战队,现在却被LPL的中游战队轻松碾压了。 比赛结束之后,这支中游战队的选手还说,他们准备了很多套阵容,打rng的时候,只拿出了一套就赢了,这实在是让人哭笑不得。tarzan没有说什么不好的内容,但他站在台上回答问题,就已经让一些人坐不住了。识!
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Tarzan,2017年加入GRF格里芬效力至今,为GRF出战过CK联赛、LCK联赛、KeSPA、亚洲洲际对抗赛、全球总决赛。2020年2月14日的LCK赛场,Griffin以2-1击败APK,2胜2负暂列LCK第五。赛后Griffin打野选手Tarzan接受了采访。职业生涯:2017年,开始效力GRF。出战CK夏季赛、2017 KeSPA。2018年,出战CK春季赛、LCK夏季赛、LCK总决赛、2018 KeSPA。2019年,出战LCK春季赛、2019 亚洲洲际对抗赛、LCK夏季赛、2019 全球总决赛。扩展资料:所属战队:Griffin战队的母公司Still8周一取消了与队员的合同,这使得Griffin英雄联盟分部的每个队员都成为自由人。在《英雄联盟》S9全球总决赛四分之一决赛中,GRF负于iG,无缘四强。彼时,GRF首发选手分别为Sword、Tarzan、Chovy、Viper与Lehends。距这场四分之一决赛结束整整一个月时间,昨日晚间,GRF官方发文表示,“我们很遗憾地告诉大家Lehends、Doran、Chovy选手与格里芬相互协商后结束了合约。”“我们真心祝福三位选手未来一切顺利,为你们加油。”
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tarzan是LNG战队的,现任打野位置。Tarzan,真名Lee Seung-yong,中文名李承勇。2017年加入GRF格里芬效力至今,为GRF出战过CK联赛、LCK联赛、KeSPA、亚洲洲际对抗赛、全球总决赛。2020年12月17日,以自由人身份加入LNG电子竞技俱乐部,担任打野位。敢于攀登山巅,也勇于重新开始!Tarzan选手作为峡谷中极具野区压制力的食肉型打野,凭借着出众的个人实力与深厚的英雄池,已然早早被峡谷牢记。新的LPL征程,以学习者的姿态再次出发,也期待可以继续证明自己。扩展资料:Tarzan职业生涯:2017年,开始效力GRF。出战CK夏季赛、2017 KeSPA。2018年,出战CK春季赛、LCK夏季赛、LCK总决赛、2018 KeSPA。2019年,出战LCK春季赛、2019 亚洲洲际对抗赛、LCK夏季赛、2019 全球总决赛近年比赛:2020-12-21:出战Demacia 杯 20202020-04-29:出战LCK 2020 夏季赛 Promotion2020-04-16:出战LCK 2020 春季赛2019-12-30:出战KeSPA 杯 20192019-10-26:出战Worlds 20192019-08-31:出战LCK 2019 夏季赛 Playoffs2019-08-18:出战LCK 2019 夏季赛2019-07-07:出战洲际赛 2019 LCK-LPL-LMS-VCS2019-04-13:出战LPL2019-03-31:出战LCK 2019 春季赛 Playoffs
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李承勇(ID:Tarzan),《英雄联盟》电竞选手,场上位置为打野,曾随Team Griffin获得2019英雄联盟LCK夏季赛亚军。2019年8月31日,随Team Griffin获得2019英雄联盟LCK夏季赛亚军。2019年10月26日,随Team Griffin获得2019英雄联盟S9全球总决赛八强。2020年5月,Tarzan (uf9e1承勇uc774uc2b9uc6a9)与Team Griffin相互协商后结束合约。扩展资料:在最近一段时间内,自从韩媒暴露出前GRF打野选手Tarzan可能回来到LPL赛区之后,不断有观众对于Tarzan的去向十分关心,毕竟Tarzan作为一名实力打野选手,他加入某支队伍可能会给队伍带来阵容实力方面的提升,这还是非常重要的。但是到目前为止,Tarzan依然没有透露出他将会去到哪支队伍,这也是让人十分期待。而从之前的结果来看,如果Tarzan没有回到LCK赛区的话,那么他是有很大概率来到我们LPL赛区的。而从之前韩媒透露的情况来看,Tarzan会选择加入一支有争冠实力的队伍或者是一支有韩国教练的队伍,这两种选择对于泰山来说都是他比较适合的。
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泰山(Tarzan)是美国的《人猿泰山》系列作品(小说及电影)中的主人公,父母被动物杀害后,是被猩猩抚养长大的人类。关于他的系列作品的最初版本是美国作家埃德加·赖斯·巴勒斯(Edgar Rice Burroughs,1875-1950)创作的小说《人猿泰山》(Tarzan of the Apes)。之后根据这部小说翻拍的多部电影在世界各地都具有很大的影响力,其中美国迪斯尼公司制作并于1999年上映的动画电影《人猿泰山》(Tarzan,又译《泰山》)是知名度较高的一部衍生作品。
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北京时间2020年2月8号,英雄联盟LCK春季赛将迎来两场比较有意思的比赛。其中,第一场比赛是由升班马APK对阵超级新军DWG;而另一场比赛则是由银河战舰GEN对阵GRF。值得一提的是,在这四支队伍中,APK、DWG以及GRF还未能够在新赛季中获得首胜。那么,在这一天的比赛中,这三支队伍至少会有一支队伍会取得新赛季的首胜了。 看点一:DWG与APK上野的对决虽然仍有不少人并不太熟悉APK这支队伍,但是从他们次级联赛以及LCK春季赛首战中的表现能看出,这支队伍是一支以上野为核心的队伍。只不过,从APK的首战表现来看,他们的上野组合还未能够适应LCK的强度,在面对SB战队的时候,APK的上野可以说是被完全压制。所以,在面对以上中野为核心的DWG战队时,如果APK的上野依旧无法取得优势的话,相信他们会很难战胜DWG。不过值得一提的是,APK还有一位比较出色的打野选手Kakao。不知道在这一场比赛中,这位曾经LCK的野王能否上场并为APK带来很大的变化。而从专业电竞预测平台所给出的数据上来看,可能是因为APK首场的表现太过于不堪的缘故。给到了DWG非常高的胜率。而DWG虽然在揭幕战中输给了T1战队,但至少依旧向我们展现了这支新军强大的一面。所以,这一场比赛队伍APK来讲会是一场苦战。 看点二:银河战舰再度起航被称之为银河战舰的GEN将迎来春季赛的第二场比赛,而在经历了让一追二战胜KT之后,GEN也是以慢热的姿态逐渐呈现出他们的强大之处。值得一提的是,曾经的GEN在拥有Cuvee的情况之下,也一度将资源倾向于上单这个位置。但是现在的新阵容却更多的是以中野带前期节奏,然后以双C为最终核心的体系。而这样的变化,GEN能否很快适应,或者说在这个赛季是否能够证明自己是真正的银河战舰,值得期待。 看点三:失去了Chovy的GRF在现在的比赛中,当Tarzan无法帮助GRF在前期建立优势的时候,GRF就会陷入很大的被动。这自然而然也是反映了Chovy的重要性。虽说Ucal以及Naehyun也是比较出色的中单选手,但是想要适应GRF的风格,他们还是需要大量的磨合。所以,对于现在的GRF来讲,重担几乎全部是压在了Tarzan身上。而Tarzan又即将面对进攻性非常强的Clid,能否出色的抵挡住GEN前期的攻势,Tarzan的表现就尤为关键了。最后,从专业电竞预测平台所给出的数据上来看,他们也是给到了GEN更大的胜率。毕竟,GRF在LCK的首秀中并没有展现出上个赛季的竞技状态。与此同时,Tarzan时好时坏的表现也是成为了如今GRF状态波动最大的原因了。 各位小伙伴们,你们觉得哪两支队伍能够拿下这一轮比赛的胜利呢?
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玩加电竞李承勇(ID:Tarzan,Lee Seung-yong,1999年8月23日-),出生于韩国,韩国《英雄联盟》电竞选手,场上位置为打野,现效力于LNG电子竞技俱乐部。2017年,开始参加职业比赛。2018年,取得CK联赛冠军、LCK夏季赛亚军、KESPA杯冠军。在2019年取得LCK春季赛亚军、LCK夏季赛亚军及S9全球总决赛八强。2021年8月,Tarzan入选2021年LPL夏季赛常规赛最佳阵容一阵。
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它是一部电影,没有分几部,以下是它的详细介绍,希望是你想要的 作品名称】 Tarzan 【中文翻译】 泰山 【在美推出】 1999年6月17日 【片长时间】 约88分钟 【文件格式】 DivX5 + AC3 【视频尺寸】 800 x 480 【作品类别】 迪士尼第37部经典动画,长篇剧情动画片 【原著取材】 改编自 Edgar Rice Burroughs 的《泰山》系列知名小说 【内容介绍】 之前 Tarzan 的故事早已被多次搬上银幕,这次迪士尼首度以动画方式呈现,故事则较多着墨在 Tarzan 少年时代的成长过程。在电影一开始,母猩猩 Kala 发现了与父母失散的小男婴,便收养了他并取名为 Tarzan ,但是 Tarzan 从小就被猩猩养父 Kerchak 和其他猩猩排斥,Tarzan 也对自己与众不同的外型感到困扰,只有母猩猩 Terk 和大象 Tantor 与他成为最好的朋友。直到 Tarzan 长大后见到随父亲来森林观察猩猩生态的女孩 Jane,他才知道自己原来跟他们同样是人类,不料同行的猎人 Clayton 心怀不轨计画要猎捕猩猩运回英国拍卖,Tarzan 的养父 Kerchak 也因此受到重创,Tarzan 最后该如何抉择?是要选择与猩猩们一同留在森林?还是与 Jane 回到人类文明的世界?本片采用最新的“景深效果”技术,使得片中森林场景颇具3D立体感,至於主角人物则依旧还是用迪士尼传统手绘,负责主角 Tarzan 的动画家是迪士尼目前首席动画大师 Glen Keane ,他由他那酷爱滑板、溜冰…等运动的儿子身上得到灵感,创造出在林间快速穿梭飞跃又酷又帅的泰山! 【关联作品】 2005 - 泰山2(Tarzan 2)《影音产品首映》 【制作编导】 本片由 Bonnie Arnold 担任制片,由 Chris Buck 和 Kevin Lima 共同执导,由 Tab Murphy 、Bob Tzudiker 、Noni White 共同编剧。 【配音演员】 由 Alex D. Linz 和 Tony Goldwyn 分别负责主角 Tarzan 童年和成年,女主角 Jane 则由演过【心灵捕手】的 Minnie Driver 担任,另外,曾演过【101真狗】、【空军一号】的 Glenn Close 帮抚养泰山长大的人猿妈妈 Kala 配音,至於猩猩爸爸 Kerchak 由 Lauce Henrickson 负责,Tarzan 的猩猩好友 Terk 则由 Rosie O"Donnell 担任。 【音乐制作】 本片配乐是由 Mark Mancina 所负责,片中歌曲的作曲、作词则是由英国摇滚歌手 Phil Collins 所担任, Phil Collins 并且还为本片演唱英语、法语、德语、义大利语和西班牙语五种语言版本的歌曲!电影片尾的两首流行版主题曲分别是“You"ll Be in My Heart”和“Two Worlds”,都是由 Phil Collins 所演唱,他还与超级男孩("N Sync)演唱了一首流行版的“Trashin" the Camp”,收录於原声带里。 【歌曲名称】 1. Two Worlds 2. You"ll Be in My Heart 3. Son of Man 4. Trashin" the Camp 5. Strangers Like Me 【奥斯卡纪录】 获得奥斯卡最佳歌曲(“You"ll Be in My Heart”) 【相关发行】 电影原声带在美国1999年5月就已发行,迪士尼唱片在美国迪士尼专卖店还发行一限量版原声带,CD封面图片会动,这个特别版本只有在专卖店预购才买得到,预购还送一只送不卖的“You"ll Be in My Heart”单曲。本片的录影带及一区DVD则是在2000年的2月初发行。本片后来迪士尼还改拍成电视卡通影集,另外,1999年迪士尼乐园还计画将已开幕三十多年的『鲁宾逊家庭树屋』设施(出自电影【海角一乐园】)移除,把这大树推出新的『泰山树屋』设施。佛罗里达的迪士尼世界动物王国、巴黎迪士尼乐园都推出过【泰山】的相关表演。
2023-07-28 22:34:431

捷安特tarzan 泰山 有着款车么?

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泰山号称我国五岳之首,这五岳为东岳的泰山,南岳的衡山,西岳的华山,北岳的恒山和中岳的嵩山。 泰山地处我国山东省的中部,绵延200多公里,其巅峰位于泰安市北面,海拔1545米。泰山雄伟壮观,峻拔突兀,最高峰玉皇顶为峡谷和险峰所环绕。登临泰山需走九曲十八盘的路程,沿途可饱览绚丽的风光,观赏不同风格的古代建筑。一阶石梯,直通南天门。登上日观峰,举目远眺,只见山外有山,景外有景,无限风光,摄人心魄。Tarzan is called the first of the five mountains in China, Wuyue to the East, Mount Tai in Nanyue Hengshan mountain, West-Dake of Huashan, North Yue Heng mountain and Nakano Dake mountain.Tai Shan is located in the middle of Shandong province in China, stretching over more than 200 kilometres, its northern peak is located in Taian, 1545 meters above sea level.Tarzan the magnificent, majestic and precipitous appeal, the highest peak the Jade Emperor peak is surrounded valleys and perilous peak.Climb Taishan jiuqu 18 disc you want distance along enjoying gorgeous scenery, enjoy the different styles of ancient architecture.A stone staircase, through South-sky gate.Boarded our view peak, look into the distance, I saw mountains beyond mountains and the King outside the King, infinite beauty, intake spirit.
2023-07-28 22:36:391

《泰山与珍妮》这首歌是什么时候发布的?英文名字是《Tarzan Jane》

丹麦组合TOY-BOX 乐队成员包括声音甜美如同小女孩的主唱Anila Mirzar,还有嗓音低沉粗哑的Amir。 1999年乐队推出单曲"Tarzan and Jane",并迅速成为丹麦,瑞典和挪威排行榜上的冠军曲!同时打进了Billboard的前五名!
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泰山。根据百度影片的相关搜索介绍得知泰山与珍妮男主角是泰山。自从迪士尼于1999年推出第37部经典动画《泰山》(Tarzan)大受欢迎后,迪士尼电视动画部门于是在2001年将泰山的故事拍成电视影集版本,推出《泰山》(The Legend of Tarzan)卡通系列,并且在2002年推出一部由这部影集所衍生的作品《泰山与珍妮》(Tarzan & Jane),直接发行录影带和DVD。
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《The Beasts of Tarzan》(Burroughs, Edgar Rice)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码:qp6s书名:The Beasts of Tarzan作者:Burroughs, Edgar Rice页数:176
2023-07-28 22:37:341

"no one could understand the way we feel" 这一句歌词是出自哪一首歌,歌手是谁??

Musical: TarzanSong: You"ll Be In My Heart
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歌曲名:tarzan & jane泰山与珍妮歌手:兔子舞oo-ee-oo-eedeep in the junglein the land of adventure, lives tarzanoo-ee-oo-eei am jane and i love to ride an elephantmy name is tarzan, i am jungle-manthe tree-top swinger from jungle-landcome, baby come, i will take you for a swinglet"s go, honey, i"m tinkolingtarzan is hansome, tarza is stronghe is really cute, and his hair is longtarzan is hansome, tarza is strongso listen to the jungle-song:oo-ee-oo-eei am tarzan from jungleyou can be my friendoo-ee-oo-eei am jane and i love to ride an elephantwhen you touch me i feel funnyi feel is too when you are touching mecome to my tree-house to my partyyes i"ll go if you carry metarzan is hansome, full of surprisehe is really cute and his hair is nicetarzan is hansome, tarza is strongso listen to the jungle-song:oo-ee-oo-eei am tarzan from jungleyou can be my friendoo-ee-oo-eei am jane and i love to ride an elephantyeahgo cheetah, get bananahey monkey, get funkygo cheetah, get bananahey monkey, get funkywhen i am dancing, i feel funkywhy do you keep ignoring me?tarza is here, come, kiss me, babycoochie coochie kiss me tenderly (yes)tarzan is handsome, tarzan is strong (me tarzan)he is really cute, and his hair is long (long hair)tarzan is handsome, tarzan is strongso listn to the jungle-song:oo-ee-oo-eei am tarzan from jungleyou can be my friendoo-ee-oo-eei am jane and i love to ride an elephantoo-ee-oo-eego cheetah, get bananahey monkey, get funkyoo-ee-oo-eei am jane and i love to ride an elephantand so they got funky?but will tarzan and jane?stay tuned!
2023-07-28 22:37:541

Tarzan Boy (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Tarzan Boy (Album Version)歌手:Baltimora专辑:Living In The BackgroundTarzan BoyBaltimoraOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohJungle lifeI"m far away from nowhereOn my own like Tarzan BoyHide and seekI play along while rushing cross the forestMonkey business on a sunny afternoonJungle lifeI"m living in the openNative beat that carries onBurning brightA fire the blows the signal to the skyI sit and wonder does the message get to youOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohNight to nightGimme the other, gimme the otherChance tonightGimme the other, gimme the otherNight to nightGimme the other, gimme the other worldOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohJungle lifeYou"re far away from nothingIt"s all rightYou won"t miss homeTake a chanceLeave everything behind youCome and join me , Won"t be sorryIt"s easy to surviveJungle lifeWe"re living in the openAll alone like Tarzan BoyHide and seekWe play along while rushing cross the forestMonkey business on a sunny afternoonNight to nightGimme the other, gimme the otherChance tonightGimme the other, gimme the otherNight to nightGimme the other, gimme the other worldOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohNight to nightGimme the other, gimme the otherChance tonight, Oh YeahNight to nightGimme the other, gimme the otherNight to nightYou won"t playNight to nightGimme the other, gimme the otherChance tonight, Oh YeahNight to night , Night to nightGimme the other, gimme the other worldOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh...Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh...
2023-07-28 22:38:021

《Tarzanofthe Apes》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Tarzan of the Apes》(Burroughs, Edgar Rice)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码:2450书名:Tarzan of the Apes作者:Burroughs, Edgar Rice出版年份:2008-5页数:352内容简介:Abandoned to his fate when his English parents die in the African jungle, a baby boy is rescued and reared by a loving ape foster mother. Conquering the savage laws of the wilderness, Tarzan grows into a mighty warrior and becomes leader of his tribe of apes until he encounters, for the first time, his own kind – humans. An expedition of white treasure hunters has entered his jungle kingdom, accompanied by the beautiful Jane Porter. Tarzan"s primitive heart is struck and he determines to become civilized in order to win her. But will the charms of this charming and cultured young woman overcome when the spirit of his wild nature beckons?
2023-07-28 22:38:211


动画泰山它是一部电影,没有分几部,迪士尼的这部动画片较多着墨在 Tarzan 少年时代的成长过程。以下是它的详细介绍,希望是你想要的 作品名称】 Tarzan 【中文翻译】 泰山 【在美推出】 1999年6月17日 【片长时间】 约88分钟 【作品类别】 迪士尼第37部经典动画,长篇剧情动画片 【原著取材】 改编自 Edgar Rice Burroughs 的《泰山》系列知名小说 【内容介绍】 之前 Tarzan 的故事早已被多次搬上银幕,这次迪士尼首度以动画方式呈现,故事则较多着墨在 Tarzan 少年时代的成长过程。在电影一开始,母猩猩 Kala 发现了与父母失散的小男婴,便收养了他并取名为 Tarzan ,但是 Tarzan 从小就被猩猩养父 Kerchak 和其他猩猩排斥,Tarzan 也对自己与众不同的外型感到困扰,只有母猩猩 Terk 和大象 Tantor 与他成为最好的朋友。直到 Tarzan 长大后见到随父亲来森林观察猩猩生态的女孩 Jane,他才知道自己原来跟他们同样是人类,不料同行的猎人 Clayton 心怀不轨计画要猎捕猩猩运回英国拍卖,Tarzan 的养父 Kerchak 也因此受到重创,Tarzan 最后该如何抉择?是要选择与猩猩们一同留在森林?还是与 Jane 回到人类文明的世界?本片采用最新的“景深效果”技术,使得片中森林场景颇具3D立体感,至於主角人物则依旧还是用迪士尼传统手绘,负责主角 Tarzan 的动画家是迪士尼目前首席动画大师 Glen Keane ,他由他那酷爱滑板、溜冰…等运动的儿子身上得到灵感,创造出在林间快速穿梭飞跃又酷又帅的泰山!
2023-07-28 22:38:341


Erik von Detten 艾黎可 冯 德滕 1982年10月3日出生于美国加利福尼亚的圣迭戈 身高185公分 最新力作是在梅尔吉布森监制的美剧 "Complete Savages" (2004)担任主演 以下是他参演过的影片: "Malcolm in the Middle" .... Brad (1 episode, 2005) - Secret Boyfriend (2005) TV Episode .... Brad "Complete Savages" .... Chris Savage (11 episodes, 2004-2005) - The Complete Savages in..."Hot Water" (2005) TV Episode .... Chris Savage - Voodude (2004) TV Episode .... Chris Savage - The Man Without a Ball (2004) TV Episode .... Chris Savage - My Two Sons (2004) TV Episode .... Chris Savage - Carnival Knowledge (2004) TV Episode .... Chris Savage (6 more) Smile (2005/I) .... Chris "8 Simple Rules... for Dating My Teenage Daughter" .... Erik (1 episode, 2004) ... aka 8 Simple Rules (USA: new title) - C.J."s Party (2004) TV Episode .... Erik After School Special (2003) .... Deacon Lewis ... aka Almost legal - Echte Jungs machen"s selbst (Germany) ... aka National Lampoon"s Barely Legal (USA: video title) "Charmed" .... Newspaper Reporter (1 episode, 2003) - Baby"s First Demon (2003) TV Episode (uncredited) .... Newspaper Reporter "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" .... Drew Lamerly (1 episode, 2003) ... aka Law & Order: SVU (USA: promotional abbreviation) ... aka Special Victims Unit (New Zealand: English title) - Privilege (2003) TV Episode .... Drew Lamerly "Dinotopia" (2002) TV Series .... Karl Scott (unknown episodes) ... aka Dinotopia: The Series (USA) American Girl (2002/I) .... Kenton ... aka Confessions of an American Girl (USA: video title) "The Legend of Tarzan" .... Flynt (4 episodes, 2001) ... aka Disney"s the Legend of Tarzan (USA: complete title) - Tarzan and Tublat"s Revenge (2001) TV Episode .... Flynt - Tarzan and the Challenger (2001) TV Episode .... Flynt - Tarzan and the Jungle Madness (2001) TV Episode .... Flynt - Tarzan and the Rift (2001) TV Episode .... Flynt "Raising Dad" .... Brad Singer (1 episode, 2001) - The Drama Club (2001) TV Episode .... Brad Singer Recess Christmas: Miracle on Third Street (2001) (V) .... Erwin Lawson The Princess Diaries (2001) (as Erik Von Detten) .... Josh Bryant Recess: School"s Out (2001) (voice) .... Erwin Lawson/Captain Brad "Recess" .... Erwin Lawson / ... (3 episodes, 1998-2001) ... aka Disney"s Recess: Created by Paul and Joe (USA: complete title) - The Ratings Game (2000) TV Episode (voice) .... Lawson - Principal for a Day (1999) TV Episode (voice) .... Erwin Lawson - The Story of Whomps (1999) TV Episode (voice) .... Erwin Lawson "So Weird" .... Clu Bell (1999) / ... (19 episodes, 1999) - Second Generation (1999) TV Episode .... Clu Bell - Mutiny (1999) TV Episode .... Clu Bell (1999) - Listen (1999) TV Episode .... Clu Bell (1999) - Nightmare (1999) TV Episode .... Clu Bell (1999) - Siren (1999) TV Episode .... Clu Bell (1999) (14 more) "Odd Man Out" (1999) TV Series .... Andrew Whitney (unknown episodes) Tarzan (1999) (voice) .... Additional Voices Replacing Dad (1999) (TV) .... Drew "The Wild Thornberrys" .... Adolescent Jaguar (1 episode, 1998) - Temple of Eliza (1998) TV Episode (voice) .... Adolescent Jaguar Brink! (1998) (TV) .... Andy "Brink" Brinker "You Wish" .... Jeff Collins (1 episode, 1998) - Bride and Prejudice (1998) TV Episode .... Jeff Collins "Meego" (1997) TV Series .... Trip Parker #1 (unknown episodes) Leave It to Beaver (1997) .... Wallace "Wally" Cleaver Hercules (1997) (voice) .... Additional Voices Amanda (1996) Christmas Every Day (1996) (TV) .... Billy Jackson "7th Heaven" .... Randy (1 episode, 1996) ... aka 7th Heaven: Beginnings (USA: rerun title) ... aka Seventh Heaven - Halloween (1996) TV Episode .... Randy "Mr. Rhodes" .... Milo (1 episode, 1996) - Pilot (1996) TV Episode .... Milo A Stranger to Love (1996) (TV) (as Erik Von Detten) .... Justin Things That Go Bump (1996) (TV) .... Christian Toy Story (1995) (voice) .... Sid "ER" .... Ben Larkin (1 episode, 1995) - Hell and High Water (1995) TV Episode .... Ben Larkin Escape to Witch Mountain (1995) (TV) .... Danny Top Dog (1995) .... Matthew Swanson In the Line of Duty: Kidnapped (1995) (TV) .... Sam Honeycutt A Season of Hope (1995) (TV) .... Tyler Hackett ... aka The Lemon Grove In the Best of Families: Marriage, Pride & Madness (1994) (TV) .... Older John Night Sins (1993) (TV) .... Nicholas Alamain ... aka Days of Our Lives: Night Sins (USA: promotional title) "Days of Our Lives" (1965) TV Series .... Nicholas James Alamain (#1) (unknown episodes, 1992-1993) ... aka Cruise of Deception: Days of Our Lives (USA: summer title) ... aka DOOL (USA: informal short title) ... aka Days (USA: short title) All I Want for Christmas (1991) .... Choir
2023-07-28 22:38:411


Mont Tai Mont Hua Mont Heng Mont Heng Mont Song
2023-07-28 22:38:508

Tarzan Boy (Summer Version) (2010 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Tarzan Boy (Summer Version) (2010 Digital Remaster)歌手:Baltimora专辑:Tarzan Boy: The World Of BaltimoraTarzan BoyBaltimoraOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohJungle lifeI"m far away from nowhereOn my own like Tarzan BoyHide and seekI play along while rushing cross the forestMonkey business on a sunny afternoonJungle lifeI"m living in the openNative beat that carries onBurning brightA fire the blows the signal to the skyI sit and wonder does the message get to youOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohNight to nightGimme the other, gimme the otherChance tonightGimme the other, gimme the otherNight to nightGimme the other, gimme the other worldOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohJungle lifeYou"re far away from nothingIt"s all rightYou won"t miss homeTake a chanceLeave everything behind youCome and join me , Won"t be sorryIt"s easy to surviveJungle lifeWe"re living in the openAll alone like Tarzan BoyHide and seekWe play along while rushing cross the forestMonkey business on a sunny afternoonNight to nightGimme the other, gimme the otherChance tonightGimme the other, gimme the otherNight to nightGimme the other, gimme the other worldOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohNight to nightGimme the other, gimme the otherChance tonight, Oh YeahNight to nightGimme the other, gimme the otherNight to nightYou won"t playNight to nightGimme the other, gimme the otherChance tonight, Oh YeahNight to night , Night to nightGimme the other, gimme the other worldOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh...Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh...
2023-07-28 22:39:101

《泰山与珍妮》的歌词 要全英文的 不要那种翻译过的。

oo-ee-oo-ee deep in the jungle in the land of adventure, lives tarzan oo-ee-oo-ee i am jane and i love to ride an elephant my name is tarzan, i am jungle-man the tree-top swinger from jungle-land come, baby come, i will take you for a swing let"s go, honey, i"m tinkoling tarzan is hansome, tarza is strong he is really cute, and his hair is long tarzan is hansome, tarza is strong so listen to the jungle-song: oo-ee-oo-ee i am tarzan from jungle you can be my friend oo-ee-oo-ee i am jane and i love to ride an elephant when you touch me i feel funny i feel is too when you are touching me come to my tree-house to my party yes i"ll go if you carry me tarzan is hansome, full of surprise he is really cute and his hair is nice tarzan is hansome, tarza is strong so listen to the jungle-song: oo-ee-oo-ee i am tarzan from jungle you can be my friend oo-ee-oo-ee i am jane and i love to ride an elephant yeah go cheetah, get banana hey monkey, get funky go cheetah, get banana hey monkey, get funky when i am dancing, i feel funky why do you keep ignoring me? tarza is here, come, kiss me, baby coochie coochie kiss me tenderly (yes) tarzan is handsome, tarzan is strong (me tarzan) he is really cute, and his hair is long (long hair) tarzan is handsome, tarzan is strong so listn to the jungle-song: oo-ee-oo-ee i am tarzan from jungle you can be my friend oo-ee-oo-ee i am jane and i love to ride an elephant oo-ee-oo-ee go cheetah, get banana hey monkey, get funky oo-ee-oo-ee i am jane and i love to ride an elephant and so they got funky? but will tarzan and jane? stay tuned!求采纳
2023-07-28 22:39:191

tarzan and jane歌词中文谐音

Oo-ee-oo-ee Deep in the jungle In the Land Of Adventure, lives Tarzan Oo-ee-oo-ee I am Jane and I love to ride an elephant My name is Tarzan, I am jungle-man The tree-top swinger from jungle-land Come, baby come, I will take you for a swing Let"s go, honey, I"m tinkoling Tarzan is hansome, Tarza is strong He is really cute, and his hair is long Tarzan is hansome, Tarza is strong So listen to the jungle-song:Oo-ee-oo-ee I am Tarzan from jungle You can be my friend Oo-ee-oo-ee I am Jane and I love to ride an elephant When you touch me I feel funny I feel is too when you are touching me Come to my tree-house to my party Yes I"ll go if you carry meTarzan is hansome, full of surprise He is really cute and his hair is nice Tarzan is hansome, Tarza is strong So listen to the jungle-song:Oo-ee-oo-ee I am Tarzan from jungle You can be my friend Oo-ee-oo-ee I am Jane and I love to ride an elephant Yeah Go cheetah, get banana Hey monkey, get funky Go cheetah, get banana Hey monkey, get funky When I am dancing, I feel funky Why do you keep ignoring me? Tarza is here, come, kiss me, baby Coochie coochie kiss me tenderly (Yes)Tarzan is handsome, Tarzan is strong (Me tarzan) He is really cute, and his hair is long (Long hair) Tarzan is handsome, Tarzan is strong So listn to the jungle-song: Oo-ee-oo-ee I am Tarzan from jungle You can be my friend Oo-ee-oo-ee I am Jane and I Love to ride an elephant Oo-ee-oo-ee Go cheetah, get banana Hey monkey, get funky Oo-ee-oo-ee I am Jane and I Love to ride an elephant And so they got funky? But will Tarzan and Jane?哦~在丛林深处,在冒险岛上住着一个泰山哦~我是珍妮,我喜欢骑着大象我叫泰山,我生活在丛林里作为这个丛林岛上特时髦的人来吧,宝贝和我一起荡秋千去走吧,我要开始了泰山很帅,泰山很强壮也很可爱,他的头发好长泰山很帅,泰山很强壮让我们听听丛林的歌吧哦~我是泰山你可以和我做好朋友哦~我是珍妮我喜欢骑在大象的背上当你碰到我时感觉好痒是哟,我喜欢这种感觉来我树上的房子里做客吧如果你带着我我就去哟泰山很帅,泰山很强壮也很可爱,他的头发好长泰山很帅,泰山很强壮让我们听听丛林的歌吧哦~我是泰山你可以和我做好朋友哦~我是珍妮我喜欢骑在大象的背上耶~猎豹,香蕉猴子也显得有点羞涩猎豹,香蕉猴子也显得有点羞涩当我跳起舞来刚绝自己好性感为何你却总对我视而不见?泰山就在这里,吻我咯宝贝我的主人亲吻我咯泰山很帅,泰山很强壮也很可爱,他的头发好长泰山很帅,泰山很强壮让我们听听丛林的歌吧哦~我是泰山你可以和我做好朋友哦~我是珍妮我喜欢骑在大象的背上哦~猎豹,香蕉猴子也显得有点羞涩哦~我是珍妮,我喜欢骑着大象他们也开始打情骂俏那泰山和珍妮呢?
2023-07-28 22:39:371


Young Tarzan: I"ll be the best ape ever!年轻的泰山:我将会是最棒的人猿!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tantor: That sounded like Tarzan. It sounded like he was in trouble.丹托:那听起来像是泰山。好像他遇到麻烦了。--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terk: Yeah? Why doesn"t he get his new friends to help him? I don"t care.特克:是吗?他为什么不要他的新朋友帮助他?我才不管。--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tantor: That"s it! I"ve had enough of your emotional constipation! Tarzan needs us, and we"re gonna help him!丹托:就是啊!我已经受够了你的冷漠!泰山需要我们,我们现在就去帮助他吧~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------[places Terk on his back](特克放在他的背上)Tantor: So sit back and hold on tight... we"ve got a boat to catch.丹托:现在坐好抓紧了…我们要驾着一艘船。--------------------------------------------------------------------------------[Tantor charges off a cliff and into the ocean] (丹托越过悬崖驶进海洋中)Tantor: I"ve never felt so alive! 我从来没有觉得这么快活!Terk: Good, "cause I"m gonna kill you!特克:好的,因为我将要杀死你!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tarzan: No matter where I go, you will always be my mother.泰山:无论我在哪里,你都将永远是我的母亲。Kala: And you will always be in my heart.卡拉:并且你将永远在我的心中。--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kerchak: You came back.科查克:你回来了。Tarzan: I came home.泰山:我回家了。--------------------------------------------------------------------------------[Jane draws Tarzan on the chalkboard] (简在黑板上画泰山)Professor Porter: Shall I, ahem, leave you and the blackboard alone for a moment?波特教授:可以吗,嗯,让你和你的黑白独自呆一会儿?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kala: Close your eyes. Now forget what you see.卡拉:闭上你的眼睛。现在忘记你看见的。Kala: [puts Tarzan"s hand to his chest] What do you feel?卡拉:(把泰山的手放在他的胸前)你感觉到了什么?Young Tarzan: My heart.年轻的泰山:我的心脏。Kala: [puts Tarzan"s head by her chest] Come here.卡拉:(把泰山的手放在她的胸前)放在这儿。Young Tarzan: Your heart.年轻的泰山:你的心脏。Kala: See? We"re exactly the same.卡拉:明白吗?我们是同样的。
2023-07-28 22:40:201


Young Tarzan: I"ll be the best ape ever! 年轻的泰山:我将会是最棒的人猿! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tantor: That sounded like Tarzan. It sounded like he was in trouble. 丹托:那听起来像是泰山。好像他遇到麻烦了。 Terk: Yeah? Why doesn"t he get his new friends to help him? I don"t care. 特克:是吗?他为什么不要他的新朋友帮助他?我才不管。 Tantor: That"s it! I"ve had enough of your emotional constipation! Tarzan needs us, and we"re gonna help him! 丹托:就是啊!我已经受够了你的冷漠!泰山需要我们,我们现在就去帮助他吧~ [places Terk on his back](特克放在他的背上) Tantor: So sit back and hold on tight... we"ve got a boat to catch. 丹托:现在坐好抓紧了…我们要驾着一艘船。 [Tantor charges off a cliff and into the ocean] (丹托越过悬崖驶进海洋中) Tantor: I"ve never felt so alive! 我从来没有觉得这么快活! Terk: Good, "cause I"m gonna kill you! 特克:好的,因为我将要杀死你! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tarzan: No matter where I go, you will always be my mother. 泰山:无论我在哪里,你都将永远是我的母亲。 Kala: And you will always be in my heart. 卡拉:并且你将永远在我的心中。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kerchak: You came back. 科查克:你回来了。 Tarzan: I came home. 泰山:我回家了。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Jane draws Tarzan on the chalkboard] (简在黑板上画泰山) Professor Porter: Shall I, ahem, leave you and the blackboard alone for a moment? 波特教授:可以吗,嗯,让你和你的黑白独自呆一会儿? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kala: Close your eyes. Now forget what you see. 卡拉:闭上你的眼睛。现在忘记你看见的。 Kala: [puts Tarzan"s hand to his chest] What do you feel? 卡拉:(把泰山的手放在他的胸前)你感觉到了什么? Young Tarzan: My heart. 年轻的泰山:我的心脏。 Kala: [puts Tarzan"s head by her chest] Come here. 卡拉:(把泰山的手放在她的胸前)放在这儿。 Young Tarzan: Your heart. 年轻的泰山:你的心脏。 Kala: See? We"re exactly the same. 卡拉:明白吗?我们是同样的。
2023-07-28 22:40:451

求一首歌曲好像是英文舞曲歌词有 呦呦一呦呦一呦一呦一耶 这样的

哥们儿 我跟你说 80%歌都带这... JB的baby 开头就这样...
2023-07-28 22:41:085


2023-07-28 22:41:252


  Although pleasant summer passed, but I still miss some of the fun days, now let me tell every one of my star fake fun of it!  The first one is, my parents took our family to see the dilemma of Tarzan movie was this, our family to the cinema, immediately opening up, the former Tarzan was little, my parents would be abominable beasts  Ate, after which they were dependent orangutan mother grew up, after Tarzan grew up, like a heroic giant, once a delicate beautiful little girl came close to being in the forest beasts have eaten, and Tarzan saw the brave jump over to hug that a delicate and charming little girl saved the girl"s life, as Tarzan liked this lovely girl, she also likes Tarzan, Tarzan so on, and the little girl to marry , and from living a happy life.  The second is that I miss, every day I see reading materials in the home, school talent, mom and dad have praised me only recently progressed beyond calligraphy, piano playing is also good too!  Although the colorful summer passed, but my mind is still difficult to forget; summer life if you do not properly plan, but not a waste of time, and would be very boring, knowing it will become very lazy.
2023-07-28 22:41:341


是这首吧?TARZAN & JANE 歌手:TOY-BOX 专辑:BEST 99 Toy Box - Tarzan and JaneOo-ee-oo-eeDeep in the jungleIn the Land Of Adventure, lives TarzanOo-ee-oo-eeI am Jane and I love to ride an elephantMy name is Tarzan, I am jungle-manThe tree-top swinger from jungle-landCome, baby come, I will take you for a swingLet"s go, honey, I"m tinkolingTarzan is hansome, Tarza is strongHe is really cute, and his hair is longTarzan is hansome, Tarza is strongSo listen to the jungle-song:Oo-ee-oo-eeI am Tarzan from jungleYou can be my friendOo-ee-oo-eeI am Jane and I love to ride an elephantWhen you touch me I feel funnyI feel is too when you are touching meCome to my tree-house to my partyYes I"ll go if you carry meTarzan is hansome, full of surpriseHe is really cute and his hair is niceTarzan is hansome, Tarza is strongSo listen to the jungle-song:Oo-ee-oo-eeI am Tarzan from jungleYou can be my friendOo-ee-oo-eeI am Jane and I love to ride an elephantYeahGo cheetah, get bananaHey monkey, get funkyGo cheetah, get bananaHey monkey, get funkyWhen I am dancing, I feel funkyWhy do you keep ignoring me?Tarza is here, come, kiss me, babyCoochie coochie kiss me tenderly (Yes)Tarzan is handsome, Tarzan is strong (Me tarzan)He is really cute, and his hair is long (Long hair)Tarzan is handsome, Tarzan is strongSo listn to the jungle-song:Oo-ee-oo-eeI am Tarzan from jungleYou can be my friendOo-ee-oo-eeI am Jane and I Love to ride an elephantOo-ee-oo-eeGo cheetah, get bananaHey monkey, get funkyOo-ee-oo-eeI am Jane and I Love to ride an elephantAnd so they got funky?But will Tarzan and Jane?Stay tuned!
2023-07-28 22:41:411


1929 《伟大的美国女孩》(Glorifying the American Girl)1931 《Swim or Sink》1931 《Water Bugs》1932 《人猿泰山》(Tarzan, the Ape Man)1932 《The Human Fish》1934 《泰山得美》(Tarzan and His Mate)1936 《泰山逃亡》(Tarzan Escapes)1939 《泰山得子》(Tarzan Finds a Son!)1941 《泰山的秘密宝藏》(Tarzan"s Secret Treasure)1942 《泰山纽约冒险》(Tarzan"s New York Adventure)1943 《Tarzan Triumphs》1943 《泰山沙漠遇险》(Tarzan"s Desert Mystery)1943 《台口餐厅》(Stage Door Canteen)1945 《泰山和女战士》(Tarzan and the Amazons)1946 《泰山和豹女》(Tarzan and the Leopard Woman)1946 《Swamp Fire》1947 《泰山和女猎人》(Tarzan and the Huntress)1948 《泰山和美人鱼》(Tarzan and the Mermaids)1948 《Jungle Jim》1948 《The Lost Tribe》1950 《Mark of the Gorilla》1950 《Captive Girl》1950 《Jungle Jim in Pygmy Island》1951 《Fury of the Congo》1951 《Jungle Manhunt》1952 《Jungle Jim in the Forbidden Land》1952 《巫毒教之虎》(Voodoo Tiger)1953 《Savage Mutiny》1953 《Valley of Head Hunters》1953 《Killer Ape》1954 《Jungle Man-Eaters》1954 《食人族袭击》(Cannibal Attack)1955 《Jungle Moon Men》1955 《恶魔女神》(Devil Goddess)1956–1958 《Jungle Jim(电视连续剧)1970 《The Phynx》1976 《妙狗拯救好莱坞》(Won Ton Ton, the Dog Who Saved Hollywood)
2023-07-28 22:42:021

一张DVD,第一首是兔子舞,还有boomboomboom和Tarzan and Jane 我记得第二首 当时貌似叫花蝴蝶

2023-07-28 22:42:172


咳咳...《Tarzan X - Shame of Jane》
2023-07-28 22:42:262

《泰山与珍妮》的歌词 要全英文的 不要那种翻译过的。

oo-ee-oo-ee deep in the jungle in the land of adventure, lives tarzan oo-ee-oo-ee i am jane and i love to ride an elephant my name is tarzan, i am jungle-man the tree-top swinger from jungle-land come, baby come, i will take you for a swing let"s go, honey, i"m tinkoling tarzan is hansome, tarza is strong he is really cute, and his hair is long tarzan is hansome, tarza is strong so listen to the jungle-song: oo-ee-oo-ee i am tarzan from jungle you can be my friend oo-ee-oo-ee i am jane and i love to ride an elephant when you touch me i feel funny i feel is too when you are touching me come to my tree-house to my party yes i"ll go if you carry me tarzan is hansome, full of surprise he is really cute and his hair is nice tarzan is hansome, tarza is strong so listen to the jungle-song: oo-ee-oo-ee i am tarzan from jungle you can be my friend oo-ee-oo-ee i am jane and i love to ride an elephant yeah go cheetah, get banana hey monkey, get funky go cheetah, get banana hey monkey, get funky when i am dancing, i feel funky why do you keep ignoring me? tarza is here, come, kiss me, baby coochie coochie kiss me tenderly (yes) tarzan is handsome, tarzan is strong (me tarzan) he is really cute, and his hair is long (long hair) tarzan is handsome, tarzan is strong so listn to the jungle-song: oo-ee-oo-ee i am tarzan from jungle you can be my friend oo-ee-oo-ee i am jane and i love to ride an elephant oo-ee-oo-ee go cheetah, get banana hey monkey, get funky oo-ee-oo-ee i am jane and i love to ride an elephant and so they got funky? but will tarzan and jane? stay tuned!
2023-07-28 22:42:471


感觉有一点点...一点点像Girls day的惠利..
2023-07-28 22:43:094