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以‘’Regular Physical Exercises‘’为题的英语作文

2023-07-29 17:40:17

Everyone hopes to live happily in the world. Physical exercise is indispensable to a happy life. There is a famous saying:"Life lies on exercise." Although you will not necessarily die without regular physical exercises, they" II certainly help you live longer and more healthily.

Exercise is good for us to build our bodies. It helps co - ordinate the different parts of our bodies when we have sports. For example, we must try our best to co - ordinate the movements of the arms and legs when we play basketball, or we won"t be able to shoot the basket. Exercise also benefits our organs. It lets the heart beat faster than usual, and then helps enlarge the blood vessels to protect us from heart attacks.

Exercise can also contribute to the development of our ability to response agilely. For instance, when you play table- tennis, you must try to reflect as quickly as you can so that you may fight back at the right position at the fight moment.

Exercise can also contribute to improving our mood. When you do exercise, you move a lot, and you have to be more active. It helps you become more optimistic.

Exercise will fill your life with various contents and make it more colorful.

What"s more, exercise will help you get rid of your inertia. If you keep doing exercise regularly, you will never be a lazy person. Therefore, exercise has great effect on one"s character.

In a word, exercise is helpful, important and absolutely necessary.


As you can see, the topic, health benefits of regular physical activity is almost like a cliché. Wherever you go, whoever you talk to, you always have conversations like this: have you ever been to the gym? How do you like yoga? Balabala. If you tell people that you actually don" like exercises, then your parents, friends and even strangers will definitely try to persuade you to do some exercises. Usually, they will tell you all kinds of health benefits of regular physical activity, improving your mood, combating chronic disease, controlling your weight, promoting better sleep, etc.

Well, that"s true. But you will not really recognize them until you"ve been through. A good example is my mother. She was diagnosed with hypertention two years ago, and took different kinds of drugs. However, the result was not as good as we had expected. Then she decided to do exercises regularly, following doctor"s advice. Not some magic exercise, you know, just walking and jogging. After a few months, her blood pressure turned back to normal again with the minimum of drug doses. Yeah, a vivid example. Now, she"s still insisted on.

But remember, merely understanding the health benefits is far from enough. You should pay attention to the types of exercise and the duration time. Different types of exercise offer different benefits. Aerobic or cardio workouts primarily improve the cardiovascular system, while weight-training or strength-training improves muscular strength and flexibility or stretching exercises improve overall mobility and coordination. And the lasting time also matters. Experts recommend a 30 minutes of moderate- intensity physical activity most days of the week. Don"t go extremes and let exercise harm you.

Hope everybody will gain benefits from regular physical activity.


combating piracy是什么意思

combating piracy是什么意思打击盗版例句:双语英语1.As neil blair of the christopher little agency, which represents j. k. rowling, admits, holding the books back from e-readers "is not the best strategy for combating piracy". 罗琳的代表机构克里斯托弗文学社也认为:收回非法下载的电子书并不是打击盗版的最佳战略。2.I am confident that you would continue to step up your action in combating piracy and counterfeiting for the protection of intellectual property. 我深信您们定会继续加强有关对付翻版活动的工作,维护知识产权。3.United nations office on drugs and crime affairs officer responsible for combating piracy, also known as alan cole, the ultimate resort to force to rescue the two military means, may be due to other coping strategies are ineffective. 联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室负责打击海盗事务的官员艾伦科尔也称,两国军方最终采取武力解救手段,可能是因为其他应对策略均已失效。
2023-07-28 22:29:081

语法问题 帮看下 谢谢!!

human, environmental and social vulnerability 贫穷居民、不良环境和社会弱势in the world"s drylands在破坏中留下了各自的印迹with unusual force是主语和human, environmental and social vulnerability并列 in the world"s drylands.修饰动词 句子中动词仅为come 译为 爆发by 2015指的是2015年年初之前 to 是介词 +ing形式构成介宾结构 much做形容词 action居中为不可数 由后is判断from可以 因为先前宾语为并列成分 受 and并列两个宾语 都被修饰which指前面的全部 因为无先行词修饰15 years 一个句子不会有两个时间状语 是 因为句子已经主谓宾齐全
2023-07-28 22:29:203


call带了双宾语。which 引导定语从句。定语从句的谓语动词带了宾语从句。宾语从句的主语是combating ecological change,然后change 又带了一个定语从句。宾语从句的谓语动词是is,后面,也就是最后三个字是表语。
2023-07-28 22:29:331

分析句子成分 1.固定搭配和句型 2.主干成分 3.定语成分 4.状语成分?

句子分析:本句是复合句,其结构是:祈使句+非限制性定语从句主语和谓语+宾语从句主语+限制性定语从句+宾语从句谓语:祈使句:Call this distinction the definitive rule of sane environmentalism;非限制性定语从句主语和谓语 :which stipulates ; 宾语从句主语: that combating ecological change;限制性定语从句:that directly threatens the health and safety of people;宾语从句谓语:is an environmental necessity. All (主语)else(定语) is luxury(系表结构作合成谓语).
2023-07-28 22:29:552


2023-07-28 22:30:355


保护动物的英语短句1.Importance of Animal Conservation:Protecting animals ensures the preservation of biodiversity and maintains the delicate balance of ecosystems.Conservation efforts safeguard endangered species from extinction and contribute to the overall health of the environment.By protecting animals, we acknowledge the intrinsic value they hold as fellow living beings.2.Promoting Awareness and Education:Raising awareness about the importance of animal protection helps foster a sense of responsibility and compassion towards all living creatures.Educating individuals about the impact of human activities on wildlife encourages sustainable practices and conservation initiatives.Learning about different animal species and their ecosystems enhances our understanding and appreciation for the natural world.3.Encouraging Sustainable Practices:Adopting sustainable farming methods and reducing reliance on harmful pesticides and chemicals protects wildlife habitats and prevents unintentional harm to animals.Encouraging responsible fishing practices, such as bycatch reduction, helps preserve marine biodiversity and maintains the delicate balance of aquatic ecosystems.Emphasizing the importance of responsible tourism helps minimize disturbances in natural habitats and protects animals from negative human interference.4.Advocating for Animal Rights:Supporting animal welfare organizations and advocating for stronger legal protections safeguard animals from cruelty, abuse, and exploitation.Promoting the adoption of stray and shelter animals provides them with a loving home and reduces the demand for pet breeding.Encouraging the use of alternatives to animal testing contributes to the reduction of unnecessary suffering in scientific research.5.Combating Illegal Wildlife Trade:Strengthening global efforts to combat illegal wildlife trade helps protect endangered species from poaching, smuggling, and habitat destruction.Enforcing stricter regulations and penalties for wildlife trafficking serves as a deterrent and reduces the demand for illegal wildlife products.Supporting community-based conservation initiatives empowers local communities to become actively involved in protecting wildlife and their habitats.
2023-07-28 22:30:491


其实就是直接翻译成:small New Year(小年)! 注释:noun , On the 23rd or 24th of the twelfth month of the Chinese lunar calendar.
2023-07-28 22:31:482

New medicines have helped many live with AIDS, bu

2023-07-28 22:32:362


洗钱是政府动用立法、司法力量,调动有关的组织和商业机构对可能的洗钱活动予以识别,对有关款项予以处置,对相关机构和人士予以惩罚,从而达到阻止犯罪活动目的的一项系统工程。从国际经验来看,洗钱和反洗钱的主要活动都是在金融领域进行的,几乎所有国家都把金融机构的反洗钱置于核心地位,国际社会进行反洗钱的合作也主要是在金融领域。扩展资料国际反洗钱组织主要有:1、反洗钱金融行动特别工作组(Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering,FATF),该机构是反洗钱和反恐怖融资领域最具权威性的政府间国际组织之一,其成员国遍布各大洲。2007年6月28日,中国成为该机构的正式成员。2、埃格蒙特集团(Egmont Group),成员包括100多个国家的金融情报中心。负责颁布与各国金融情报中心相关的解释、指引、最优做法、倡议声明和指南等文献,给各国金融情报中心的建设和国际交流指明方向,为世界金融情报网络的完善奠定基础。3、亚太反洗钱集团(Asia/Pacific Group on Money Laundering,APG),成员包括美国、澳大利亚、日本、中国香港、中国台北等30多个国家和地区。4、欧亚反洗钱与反恐融资小组(Eurasian Group on Combating Money Laundering and Financing ofTerrorism,EAG),中国与俄罗斯、哈萨克斯坦、塔吉克斯坦、吉而吉斯斯坦、白俄罗斯于2004年作为共同创始成员国成立了“欧亚反洗钱与反恐融资小组”。5、南美洲反洗钱金融行动特别工作组(South American Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering,SAFATF)。6、中东和北非反洗钱金融行动特别工作组(Middle East and North Africa Financial Action Task Force onMoney Laundering,MENAFATF)。参考资料来源:百度百科-反洗钱
2023-07-28 22:32:522


Ten million road safety first. Combating illegal modification of vehicles is prohibited overloading transport. The impact of the illegal operation of vehicles operating market, do not ride.
2023-07-28 22:33:114

the internet may well be the most powerful tool for combating world poverty that we have ever had.

提问者: 老虎来袭为什么后面的从句时修饰tool而不是poverty,不是从句跟在先行词后,怎么判断。如果我想修
2023-07-28 22:33:302


  这里有喜欢运动的人决不能错过的有关运动的英语短语。下面是我给大家整理的有关运动的英语短语的相关知识,供大家参阅!   有关运动的英语短语1   Exercise has a major part to play in preventing and combating disease.   体育锻炼在疾病防治方面发挥着重要作用。   Physical exercise administers to the circulation of the blood.   体育锻炼有助于血液循环.   Exercise is conducive to good health.   体育锻炼有助于增强体质.   Physical exercise is beneficial to health of body and mind   体育运动的锻炼有益于身心健康.   Sports can cultivate good will quality   体育运动能培养良好的意志品质.   He goes for a jog every morning just for the love of it.   每天他都慢跑,不为别的,只因为自己喜欢.   Take a swim each day and you"ll look in mint condition.   每天游一会泳,保管让你精神焕发.   Horseback riding is a popular pastime in England.   英国人喜欢骑马消遣.   Playing golf can help you caltivate good manners.   打高尔夫球可以训练出比较好的礼仪风范.   Bungee jumping is in fashion.   当前流行蹦极.   There"s nothing like a cool swim in the scorching summer days.   炎炎夏日,再没有什么比游泳畅快了.   Baseball is a team sport. To be cooperative is the key to success.   棒球是团队运动,获胜的秘诀在于互相合作.   有关运动的英语短语2   1. 获得团体冠军 win the team title   2. 激发中国青年的雄心壮志 fuel the ambitions of Chinese youths   3. 急于获胜 gain an eagerness to win   4. 建立职业联赛和俱乐部 set up a professional league and clubs   5. 角逐世界杯 compete for the World Cup   6. 满意抽签结果 satisfy with the draw   7. 面对强手 face strong rivals   8. 鸣笛终止比赛 blow a whistle to stop the end of the match   9. 配备各种设施 furnish and equip with all facilities   10. 取得经验 gain experience   11. 取得世界杯决赛资格 qualify for the World Cup finals   12. 确保中国进入决赛 ensure Chinau2019s appearance in the final   13. 申奥 bid (apply) for being the host country of the Olympics   14. 失去男子单打冠军 miss out on menu2019s singles gold   15. 实现零的突破 fulfill the zero (gold medal, medal, etc) breakthrough   16. 使其他选手相形见绌 dwarf other athletes   17. 使生命焕发活力 wake up oneu2019s life   18. 使中国以3∶2取胜 give the Chinese a 3-2 victory   19. 提出比赛建议 make comments on the contests   20. 提高中国队的水平 raise the level of the Chinese team   21. 挑选选手 choose players   22. 同教练反应一致 share the same reaction with their coach   23. 为奥林匹克运动做出贡献 make contribution to the Olympics movement and world peace   24. 卫冕世界冠军 regain world champion   25. 吸引中国大学生优秀选手 attract Chinau2019s top university players   有关运动的英语短语3   1. 向世界顶级球队学习 learn from the worldu2019s top teams   2. 与对手较量 take on an opponent   3. 与强队竞争 compete with strong teams   4. 增进友谊 strengthen friendship   5. 展示技能 demonstrate their skills   6. 展示中国足球的最新发展 demonstrate (show) the latest development of Chinau2019s soccer   7. 支持北京申办2008年奥运会 support Beijingu2019s bid for the 2008 Olympic Games   8. 主办奥运会 host the Olympic Games   9. 主办中国大学生篮球联赛 sponsor the China University Basketball Association league 抓住练习和学习的机会   10. grasp the chance to practise and learn   11. 避开与u2026比赛 avoid playing against   12. 标志一个历史时刻 mark a historic time   13. 表现完美 give some very good performance   14. 剥夺冠军 strip the gold medal of somebody   15. 采取新的计分方法 adopt a new scoring system   16. 参加火炬接力 participate in the torch-relay   17. 参加热身赛 take part in a key warm-up game   18. 参加申办活动 participate in the bidding campaign   19. 超过世界记录 surpass the world record   20. 成为国家的骄傲 become the pride of the nation   21. 创新世界纪录 set a new world record   22. 达到国际体育标准 reach the standard for international games   23. 打败比利时队 defeat Belgium   24. 打破恶性循环 break the wretched cycle   25. 打破世界纪录 beat (break, cut) the world record (for u2026)   26. 担任中国国家队主教练 serve as the head coach of the Chinese national team   27. 夺冠 take the crown   28. 反对使用兴奋剂 oppose the use of performance-enhancing drugs   29. 符合举办奥运会的要求 meet the requirements of hosting the Olympic Games   30. 更具进攻性 become more aggressive   31. 鼓舞队员的士气 boost the morale of the team members   32. 获得认可 gain recognition   
2023-07-28 22:33:451


【是这样】: 1、前半句为系表结构的句子,其中的It,为实际主语to put clothes in a washing machine的形式主语;其表语为is certainly less tiring;certainly为副词 2、后半句,主语是:the time saved,其中saved为过去分词,作定语,后置修饰time;really为副词,修饰动词短语amount to(“总共计算下来”的意思);much为名词或代词,作amount to的宾语. 这句话,应该这样翻译才符合原文本意: “把衣服放在洗衣机里洗,当然不费什么力气,但节省下来的时间实在不算多.”
2023-07-28 22:34:331


1 。拯救我们的艾滋病患者,被称为肥皂,是一个组织,我知道这是专门打击日益增多的艾滋病病例。它成立于1990年由十几个妇女在加州感染了艾滋病毒。多年来,它已经吸取了不少有益的经验教训在防治艾滋病的斗争。 2 。数代人的学生,学期论文写作一直是主要来源,神经和沮丧,如果不是最终的功课恶梦。但是,对于那些与互联网接入,非法资源仅仅是少数几个链接了。当代学生谁愿意假任期文件没有搜索深远。所有的人都要做的就是到适当的网站,其中网上文件可以是购买,命令,或免费下载。 3 。我的祖父母认为你是诚实的,或者您可能没有。没有任何中间点。宾主进行了简单的说,挂在自己的客厅的墙壁: “人生就像一个新领域的下降积雪。如果我选择走的每一步将显示。 “他们并没有谈论它;他们证明了这个真理的台湾同胞的生活方式。
2023-07-28 22:34:434


  体育是我们上小学时最爱的一门课堂,除了英语科目之外没有之一。下面是我给大家整理的体育的英文是什么,供大家参阅!   体育的英文是什么   我们所经常说的PE是physical education的。另外sports(一定要有s)也指体育项目   体育的英语例句   1. The team also won praise for sportsmanship and fair play.   该队还因其良好的体育精神及公平竞争精神而受到了表扬。   2. A bit of exercise will help lift his spirits.   进行一点儿体育锻炼能帮助他改善情绪。   3. A thousand supporters packed into the stadium to cheer them on.   1,000名支持者挤进体育馆里为他们加油。   4. Their sporting reputation has suffered enormously from Johnson"s exposure.   由于约翰逊东窗事发,他们的体育声誉受到了严重损害。   5. Thousands of people, mainly Zulus, assembled in a stadium in Thokoza.   数以千计的人,主要是祖鲁族人,聚集在托考查的一个体育场里。   6. They have been given college scholarships purely on athletic ability.   他们完全是凭体育特长才获得了大学奖学金。   7. She"s not as mad about sport as I am.   她不像我对体育那么痴迷。   8. The National Collegiate Athletic Association introduced drug testing in the mid-1980s.   美国大学体育联合会在20世纪80年代中期开始实行药物检测。   9. Athletics South Africa was formed by an amalgamation of two organisations.   南非体育协会由两个组织合并而成。   10. His sporting and political interests coalesced admirably in his writing about climbing.   他在写登山的文章中,把自己对体育和政治的兴趣完美地结合了起来。   11. I bet you were good at games when you were at school.   我敢说你上学时体育很棒。   12. Exercise has a major part to play in preventing and combating disease.   体育锻炼在疾病防治方面发挥着重要作用。   13. We were rather surprised by their sporting and correct behaviour.   他们富有体育精神而且举止得体,让我们感到相当惊讶。   14. To generate new money the sport needs to be more entertaining.   要想创造更多的收入,这项体育活动需要变得更加有趣味性。   15. Under his editorship, the Economist has introduced regular sports coverage.   在他担任编辑期间,《经济家》开始定期刊登体育报道。   physical education的双语例句   1. At the same time, recess and physical education vanishing from the schools"standard curriculum.   同时, 课间休息和体育课正在从学校的标准课程设置中逐渐消失.   2. From the physical constraints, I was in physical education on home, ease.   摆脱了体能的约束, 我居然在体育课上混得如鱼得水, 轻松自在.   3. A major method of physical education is of hints.   暗示是现代体育教学的主要方法之一.   4. Six physical education institutes were founded to turn out physical education personnel.   创办了六所体育学院,培养体育专门人才.   5. According to the investigation on physical education in their professional ability.   通过对高校体育教育专业学生进行问卷调查.   6. The course will be taught by a specialized physical education teacher.   聘请体育学院的教师教授课程.   7. Nowadays, people genesally hold that chess and cards are attached to physical education.   在现代人的认知中, 棋牌属于体育.   8. Majors: Biological Science, English, Filipino, History, Mathematics, Physical Education, Political Science.   主修: 生物科学, 英文, 菲语, 历史, 数学, 体育, 政治科学.   9. The fourth part is the measure of Chinese physical education institute.   第四部分,我国高等体育院校发展应有的对策.   10. Study on the Right Definition of " Physical Education " and"sport "   关于正确定义 “ 体育 ” 与 “ 运动 ” 的研究.   11. Health Sciences such as Medicine, Dentistry , Pharmacy, Physiotherapy and Physical Education.   健康科学,如内科, 牙医, 药剂学,临床和物理教育.   12. Sports Physiology is a required basic theory course in physical education colleges.   《运动生理学》是体育院校学生必修的基础理论课.   13. Sign up for athletic facilities use at the Physical Education Office.   申请使用运动场设备,请至体育室登记.   14. Sign methods are applied widely in various sports of physical education teaching.   示意法在体育教学各个项目中得到广泛应用.   15. He was a physical education teacher in Springfield, Massachusetts.   他是马萨诸塞州Springfield市的一名体育老师.   
2023-07-28 22:35:051

求翻译 道德三皇五帝,功名夏后商周; 英雄五霸闹春秋,顷刻兴亡过手! 青史几行名姓,北郊无数荒丘; 前人

2023-07-28 22:35:162


2023-07-28 22:35:343


2023-07-28 22:36:0615


tool,因为前面有the most了,这是习惯用法
2023-07-28 22:36:325


第一滴血 first blood双杀 doublekill 三杀 triplekill 四杀quatarykill 五杀pentakill 大杀特杀 killing spree接近暴走Seven-hour close to大杀特杀unstoppable终结shut down超神 beyond godlike
2023-07-28 22:37:0414


911布什讲话原文www.SINOEXAM.CN 2005-08-03 来源:美国有线新闻网Text of Bush"s address onSeptember 11, 2001 Posted: 11:14 PM EDT (0314 GMT)(CNN) -- The text of President Bush"s address Tuesday night, after terroristattacks on New York and Washington:Good evening.Today, our fellow citizens, our way of life, our very freedom came underattack in a series of deliberate and deadly terrorist acts.The victims were in airplanes or in their offices -- secretaries, businessmenand women, military and federal workers. Moms and dads. Friends andneighbors.Thousands of lives were suddenly ended by evil, despicable acts of terror.The pictures of airplanes flying into buildings, fires burning, hugestructures collapsing, have filled us with disbelief, terrible sadness and aquiet, unyielding anger.These acts of mass murder were intended to frighten our nation into chaos andretreat. But they have failed. Our country is strong. A great people has beenmoved to defend a great nation.Terrorist attacks can shake the foundations of our biggest buildings, butthey cannot touch the foundation of America. These acts shatter steel, butthey cannot dent the steel of American resolve.America was targeted for attack because we"re the brightest beacon forfreedom and opportunity in the world. And no one will keep that light fromshining.Today, our nation saw evil, the very worst of human nature, and we respondedwith the best of America, with the daring of our rescue workers, with thecaring for strangers and neighbors who came to give blood and help in any waythey could.Immediately following the first attack, I implemented our government"semergency response plans. Our military is powerful, and it"s prepared. Ouremergency teams are working in New York City and Washington, D.C., to helpwith local rescue efforts.Our first priority is to get help to those who have been injured and to takeevery precaution to protect our citizens at home and around the world fromfurther attacks.The functions of our government continue without interruption. Federalagencies in Washington which had to be evacuated today are reopening foressential personnel tonight and will be open for business tomorrow.Our financial institutions remain strong, and the American economy will beopen for business as well.The search is underway for those who are behind these evil acts. I"vedirected the full resources for our intelligence and law enforcementcommunities to find those responsible and bring them to justice. We will makeno distinction between the terrorists who committed these acts and those whoharbor them.I appreciate so very much the members of Congress who have joined me instrongly condemning these attacks. And on behalf of the American people, Ithank the many world leaders who have called to offer their condolences andassistance.America and our friends and allies join with all those who want peace andsecurity in the world and we stand together to win the war against terrorism.Tonight I ask for your prayers for all those who grieve, for the childrenwhose worlds have been shattered, for all whose sense of safety and securityhas been threatened. And I pray they will be comforted by a power greaterthan any of us spoken through the ages in Psalm 23: "Even though I walkthrough the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are withme."This is a day when all Americans from every walk of life unite in our resolvefor justice and peace. America has stood down enemies before, and we will doso this time.None of us will ever forget this day, yet we go forward to defend freedom andall that is good and just in our world.Thank you. Good night and God bless America.·The September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon and the abortive attack (possibly aimed at the White House or Camp David) that resulted in the crash of a jetliner in Pennsylvania has resulted in a new and extraordinary emphasis by the Bush administration on combating terrorism. During the last ten days key administration officials, particularly President Bush, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, and Secretary of State Colin Powell, have repeatedly emphasized that their long-term objective is the destruction of terrorism – a goal to be achieved by the death or apprehension of terrorists, the destruction of their infrastructure and support base, and retaliation against states that aid or harbor terrorists.Terrorism, however, was hardly ignored in previous administrations. In fact, at the beginning of the Reagan administration, Secretary of State Alexander Haig announced that opposition to terrorism would replace the Carter administration"s focus on advancing human rights throughout the world. Although opposition to terrorism never really became the primary focus of the Reagan administration or successor administrations, each of these paid signifiacnt attention to the issue and produced many important documents that shed light on the policy choices faced today. Terrorism has been the subject of numerous presidential and Defense Department directives as well as executive orders. Terrorist groups and terrorist acts have been the focus of reports by both executive branch agencies (for example, the State Department, CIA, and FBI) as well as Congressional bodies – including the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and the Congressional Research Service. The General Accounting Office has also produced several dozen reports evaluating the U.S. government"s ability to prevent or mitigate terrorist strikes, including, one just yesterday, September 20, 2001.The following documents, some of which were obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, include assessments of the terrorist threat and a CIA profile of Usama bin Ladin, presidential and Defense Department policy directives, the details about U.S. response to specific terrorist attacks, and evaluations of U.S. government preparedness to deal with terrorism.其他的再想了解可以去:
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Combating Waste and Extravagance In recent years,extravagance and waste have become insreasingly serious in some of the university campus.We can see that waste paper,bottles,soda cans aer throughaway here and there after used .Food is wasted just because its bad taste.Clothes are wasted just only they are out of style,Water is wasted all days,because its not need you pay for it,and so on One the one hand natural resources must be conserved and make full use of students should take full use of paper and text book,whet"s more,we should buy food that you can eat all.on the other hand,education to build up good habits to save sources. According,it is necessary for us to take affective steps.we shoule respond with the demand for more rigid conservation of our natural resources and enhance the awaerness of us that creating a green oampus.反对铺张浪费近年来,奢侈浪费已成为insreasingly严重一些的大学校园。我们可以看到,废纸,水瓶,汽水罐是throughaway在这里和那里后使用。食物浪费,只是因为它的味道不好。衣服都浪费了只是它们已经过时,水被浪费的日子,因为它不需要你付出代价,等等一方面自然资源必须得到保护和充分利用it.Like学生应该充分利用纸和书,磨的,我们应该买食品,你可以吃all.on另一方面,教育,建立良好的习惯,节约能源。因此,我们有必要采取情感steps.we应该回应,要求更严格的保护我们的自然资源和提高awaerness我们创造一个绿色oampus。
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最早于1990年发布,此后进行过多次更新。《INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS ON COMBATING MONEY LAUNDERING AND THE FINANCING OF TERRORISM & PROLIFERATION》(《打击洗钱、恐怖和扩散融资的国际标准》)本文件最初于2012年1月发布,最近于2015年10月更新。其中写到:The original FATF Forty Recommendations were drawn up in 1990 as an initiative to combat the misuse of financial systems by persons laundering drug money.译为:最初的金融行动特别工作组40条建议发布于1990年,作为打击利用金融系统进行个人毒资洗钱的倡议。扩展资料:FATF的工作集中于实现下列三个目标:1、向全球所有国家和地区推广反洗钱信息。FATF通过扩大会员、在不同地区发展区域性反洗钱组织和与其他有关国际组织的密切合作,促成全球反洗钱网络的建立。2、监督FATF成员执行《40条建议》。所有成员通过年度自我评估和双边评估,监督各成员执行40条建议的情况。3、搜集关于洗钱犯罪发展趋势的信息,以便FATF能够及时修改40条建议,以有效控制洗钱犯罪。欧亚反洗钱与反恐融资小组 (EAG) 是金融行动特别工作组确认的7个地区性反洗钱与反恐融资国际组织之一,于2004年10月在莫斯科成立。是目前世界上覆盖面积最大、涉及人口最多的地区性反洗钱和反恐融资国际组织。包括俄罗斯、中国、哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦、塔吉克斯坦、白俄罗斯6个成员国,以及意、法、英、美、日、德等国和金融行动特别工作组、世界银行、国际货币基金组织、上海合作组织、国际刑警组织等19个观察员。2005年12月乌兹别克斯坦被接纳为 EAG 第7个正式成员。2007年12月,印度、土库曼斯坦和波兰被接纳为 EAG 的观察员。参考资料:百度百科-反洗钱金融行动特别工作组
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袁隆平 英文简介

A brief introduction简单介绍: Yuan Longping is known as China"s “father of hybrid rice”. It"s said that in China, we eat depending on “Two Ping” ---- Deng Xiaoping, who made the policy of System of Production Responsibility, & Yuan Longping, who invented hybrid rice. Yuan Longping, who was born in September, 1930, graduated from Agriculture Department in Southwest Agricultural Institute. He has been working on agriculture education & the research into hybrid rice since he left the institute. In the 1960s, when China was suffering from serious famine, he came up with the idea of hybrid rice, which has a high yield ( or output). Ten years later, he succeeded in inventing a new species that produced a 20 percent higher yield than common types of rice. Yuan devoted himself to the research into agriculture, & was honored by UNESCO & FAO(联合国教科文组织). Although he is 74 years old, he is still working on the research into agriculture.这里还有其他介绍,您可以参考~
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Planting1. IntroductionPlanting is a vital part of our ecosystem. It is an essential process that plays a significant role in maintaining the balance of nature. There are various ways in which planting affects the environment, and this article will explore the various benefits of planting and its impact on our environment.2. Benefits of PlantingPlanting has a wide range of benefits. Firstly, it helps to regulate the climate by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen during photosynthesis. This process helps in combating climate change, mitigating the effects of greenhouse gases and reducing air pollution. Secondly, planting helps to prevent soil erosion. The roots of plants help to hold the soil in place, and this reduces the amount of soil that is washed away by rain or wind. Thirdly, planting conserves water. Plants absorb water from the soil and release it into the air through a process called transpiration. This process helps in maintaining the water cycle and reducing the risks of floods and droughts.3. Impact of Planting on BiodiversityPlanting also plays a significant role in supporting biodiversity. By providing habitats for various flora and fauna, planting helps in maintaining the balance of nature. Trees, plants, and flowers are beneficial to insects, birds, and other animals that rely on them for food and shelter. The loss of habitat due to deforestation and other factors has led to the extinction of several species, and planting is an effective way of mitigating this loss.4. Importance of Sustainable Planting PracticesSustainable planting practices are critical to maintaining the benefits of planting. It is essential to consider the type of plants that are being planted, their location, and the methods used in planting. The use of pesticides, herbicides and other chemicals can have adverse effects on the environment, and it is crucial to minimize their use or avoid them altogether. Sustainable planting practices also involve the proper disposal of waste and the responsible use of resources such as water and energy.5. Community Participation in PlantingInvolving the community in planting is an effective way of fostering environmental awareness and promoting sustainable practices. Planting can be done in schools, public spaces, and other communal areas to encourage participation and engagement with nature. Community-led planting projects can also help in bringing people together, promoting social cohesion and reducing crime.6. ConclusionIn conclusion, planting is essential to maintaining the health of our environment. It provides a wide range of benefits, including regulating the climate, conserving water, preventing soil erosion, and supporting biodiversity. However, it is critical to consider sustainable planting practices to ensure that the benefits of planting are maintained in the long term. Encouraging community participation in planting can also help in promoting environmental awareness and promoting sustainable practices.
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请用英语介绍袁隆平! Longping, China"s Most Famous "Farmer" It says every scientist cherishes a childhood dream indicating his or her future success, but for Yuan Longping, dubbed as "father of hybrid rice," the dream is that he cultivates rice as plump as peanuts, and farmers can relax in the cool shadow of big rice plants. Yuan, 71, won a 5 million yuan State Supreme Science and Technology Award today, known as the Nobel Prize in China, for his outstanding achievements in breeding high-yield hybrid rice, which has substantially increased China"s grain output. Yuan came up with the idea of hybridizing rice for the first time in the world in 1960s. Since then, 50 percent of China"s total rice cultivation fields have grown such rice, which added some 300 billion kilograms to the country"s grain output. Furrows grown on his sunburnt face, a slim figure and coiled-up trousers legs would confuse foreign reporters who came to interview the most famous scientist in China, who would rather be called "a farmer." Indeed, like many Chinese farmers, Yuan in his 70s and has devoted most of his life growing rice in paddyfields, but unlike those farmers, he reaps the seed from experimental fields only for hybridizing rice. The urbanite-turned-farmer graduated from Southwest Agriculture College in 1953 has his name related to the world"s most advanced agricultural technology. Four minor planets, a listed seed company "s and a science college in China were named after him, which were the first time that a Chinese scientist"s name is valued for its intellectual assets. By lending his name to the Longping High-tech, a seed company, Yuan obtained a 5 per cent stake, or 2.5 million shares worth 2 million yuan, in the firm. However, Yuan said his research requires the lifestyle of a farmer, or rather a migrating farmer, as he has conducted extensive research related to the cultivation of new strains of hybrid rice "Super Hybrid Rice" in some 10 provinces. In the year 1999, more than 300 billion kilograms of grain were increased from about 240 million hectares of hybrid rice, which signified the success of his research. And this made Yuan firmly believe that China can surely feed her 1.2 billion population with her limited cultivated land. The "Super Rice" yields are 30 percent higher than those of common rice. The record yield of 17,055 kilograms per hectare was registered in Yongsheng County in Yunnan in 1999. But even after that achievement Yuan won"t take a break. He has a dream, more realistic than that of his young age, that popularizing new strains of grain with higher yields around the world, can eliminate starvation on earth. The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has vowed to get involved in the work of spreading the coverage of Yuan"s high- yield hybrid rice, which it considers the best way to increase the world"s grain output. The FAO"s 1991 statistics show that 20 percent of the world"s rice output was yielded from 10 percent of the world"s rice fields, which grow hybrid rice. "If the new strain was sown in the rest of the rice acreage, the present grain output around the world can be more than doubled. This can be a solution to the grain shortage," said the unselfish scientist. In 1980, Yuan went to the United States at the invitation of the International Rice Research Institute to share his knowledge about the cultivation technology of hybrid rice. He was also employed in 1991 as the chief consultant of FAO to bring his research methods to other countries. With the help of Chinese scientists, the acreage of hybrid rice in Viet Nam and India increased to 200,000 hectares and 150,000 hectares in 1999, respectively. The rice research costs time to prove its value. At the age of 43, Yuan cultivated the world"s first hybrid rice. At that time the country"s grain yield was about 4,500 kilogram per hectare. "The natural disaster and policy miscarriage further deteriorated starvation in China by then," Yuan recalled tearfully. This is his motivation to stimulate his research. Largely due to his scientific progress, China"s total rice output rose from 5. 69 billion tons in 1950 to 19.47 billion tons last year. The growth rate of rice output far exceeded the population growth speed. Some people estimate Yuan"s actual fortune might amount to more than 100 million yuan (12 million U.S. dollars), making him one of the richest people in China. But he doesn"t know for sure himself, for he seems not to care about his own assets than the rice harvest. Some people asked him to move the focus of his research from improving amounts of hybrid rice to the quality and taste, which would be easier to do. But, the stubborn academician insisted that the amount of hybrid rice"s per unit yield still outweighs the quality, for his foremost task is to improve the grain reserve in developing countries
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有个报告的关键词翻译指导思想(guidance):高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,以邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观为指导(to hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, follow the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of Three Represents and the Scientific Outlook on Development)。总目标(general objective):完善和发展中国特色社会主义制度,推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化(to improve and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics and push on with modernization of the country"s governing system and capabilities)。时间表(timetable):到2020年,我国在重要领域和关键环节改革上取得决定性成果,形成系统完备、科学规范、运行有效的制度体系,使各方面制度更加成熟更加定型(Decisive results must be achieved in key sectors, and a well-developed, scientific, procedure-based and effective framework must be in place by 2020 to ensure institutions in all sectors be more mature)。改革重点(key of the reform):经济体制改革时全面深化改革的重点,核心是处理好政府和市场的关系,使市场在资源配置中发挥决定性作用和更好发挥政府作用(Economic reform is key, and the core solution is the proper relationship between the government and the market, leaving the market to play the decisive role in allocation of resources)。新设机构(newly established institutions):中央全面深化改革领导小组(a central leading team for “comprehensively deepening reform”),负责改革总体设计、统筹协调、整体推进、督促落实(in charge of designing reform on an overall basis, arranging and coordinating reform, pushing forward reform as a whole, and supervising the implementation of reform plans);国家安全委员会(state security committee),完善国家安全体制和国家安全战略,确保国家安全(improving systems and strategies to ensure national security)。改革要点(main points of the reform):1. 坚持和完善基本经济制度(to keep to and improve the basic economic system):增强国有经济活力、控制力、影响力(to enhance the vitality of the state-owned sector of the economy and its capacity to leverage and influence the economy),激发非公有制经济活力和创造力(Development in the non-public sector will be encouraged which will in turn stimulate vitality and creativity in the whole economy)。2. 加快完善现代市场体系(to speed up the improvement of modern market system):完善主要由市场决定价格的机制(to improve the market price mechanism)。3. 加快转变政府职能(to speed up the transformation of government functions,):建设法治政府和服务型政府(to establish a law-based and service-oriented government)。4. 深化财税体制改革(to deepen the reform of fiscal and tax system):完善立法、明确事权、改革税制、稳定税负、透明预算、提高效率(to improve related legislation, ascertain government bodies" responsibilities, reform the taxation system, stabilize tax burden, ensure budgeting is transparent and efficiency improved)。5. 健全城乡一体化体制机制(to improve institutions and mechanisms for promoting integrated urban and rural development):赋予农民更多财产权利(to grant farmers more property rights),推进城乡要素平等交换和公共资源均衡配置(to enhance equal exchange of factors of production between urban and rural areas and balance allocation of public resources between them)。6. 构建开放型经济新体制(to build a new open economic system):放宽投资准入,加快自由贸易区建设(to relax investment access and speed up construction of free trade zones)。7. 加强社会主义民主政治制度建设(to improve the construction of socialist democratic political system):发展基层民主(to develop grassroots democracy)。8. 推进法治中国建设(To build China under the rule of law):确保依法独立公正行使审判权检察权(to ensure independence and fairness in prosecuting bodies and courts under the rule of law)。9. 强化权力运行制约和监督体系(to strengthen the restriction and supervision system of power operation):健全惩治和预防腐败体系,建设廉洁政治,努力实现干部清正、政府清廉、政治清明(to improve the establishment of a system of combating corruption through both punishment and prevention, promote political integrity and see to it that officials are honest, the government is clean, and political integrity is upheld)。10. 推进文化体制机制创新(to promote innovation in cultural institutions and mechanisms):完善文化管理体制,建立健全现代文化市场体系(to improve the cultural management system and establish a modern cultural market system)。11. 推进社会事业改革创新(to accelerate reform and innovation in social sectors):深化教育领域综合改革,健全促进就业创业体制机制,建立更加公平可持续的社会保障制度,深化医药卫生体制改革(to deepen overall education reform, improve the institutions and mechanisms of employment and starting business, build a fairer and more sustainable social welfare system, deepen reform of the medical and health system )。12. 创新社会治理体制(to innovate the social management system):创新有效预防和化解社会矛盾体制(to innovate a system that can effectively prevent and solve social contradiction)。建立国家安全委员会(to establish the state security committee)。13. 加快生态文明制度建设(to speed up the building of ecological civilization system):实行资源有偿使用制度和生态补偿制度(to establish a system of compensation for the use of natural resources and the subsequent impact on the ecosystem)。14. 深化军队和国防改革(to deepen the reform of army and national defense):深化军队体制编制调整改革(deepening reform of army establishments, pushing forward army policy adjustments)。15. 加强和改善党对全面深化改革的领导(the CPC must strengthen and improve its leadership in comprehensively deepening reform):中央成立全面深化改革领导小组(The Communist Party of China (CPC) will set up a central leading team for "comprehensively deepening reform")。
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The answer
2023-07-28 22:40:225


出版教材:  1.《计算机网络实验指导书》,清华大学出版社  2.《计算机网络》,清华大学出版社,普通高等教育“十五”国家级规划教材。  3.《因特网教程》,清华大学出版社  4.《网络实用编程技术》,电子工业出版社  5.《电子商务应用教程》,南开大学出版社  6.《局域网(Windows 2000 Server)教程》,清华大学出版社    发表论文:  1.使用Milter实现基于内容的中文垃圾邮件过滤系统,计算机工程,2007; 33 (1): 267-269  2.中文垃圾邮件过滤系统中的实时分词算法设计,计算机工程与应用,2007; 43 (3): 179-182  3.A Hybrid Approach for Overlay Multicast, International Multi-Symposiums of Computer and Computational Sciences Conference (IMSCCS 2006), Hangzhou, China, Jun. 20-24, 2006  4.Multiple Small-Scale Floods in Unstructured P2P Systems, In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Grid and Cooperative Computing (GCC 2006),Oct.21-23, 2006, Changsha, Hunan, China  5.Combating Hidden Action in Unstructured P2P Systems, In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Communications and Networking in China (ChinaCOM 2006), Oct.25-27, 2006, Beijing, China  6.支持网格服务QoS保障的按需资源分配,计算机工程,2006; 32(20):35-37  7.基于Linux防火墙的内部邮件监控系统,计算机工程与设计,2006; 27(9):1566-1570  8.基于改进贝叶斯模型的中文邮件分类算法,计算机工程与应用,2006; 42(31):97-100,113  9.支持多路负载平衡的SSL VPN系统的设计与实现,计算机工程与设计,2006; 27(21): 3955-3997, 4012  10.VoiceXML语言解释器的设计与实现,计算机工程,2005;31(22):95-98  11.基于Linux防火墙的内部邮件监控与阻断系统的设计,计算机工程,2005; 31(24): 225-227  12.On-demand Resource Allocation for Service Level Guarantee in Grid Environment, Grid and Cooperative Computing (GCC 2005), 4th International Conference, Beijing, China, November 30 -- December 3, 2005, Proceedings, Series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (ISSN: 0302-9743), Vol.3795, pp.678-689, 2005, ISBN: 3-540-30510-6  13.Topology-aware Multi-cluster Architecture Based on Efficient Index Techniques, IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing (NPC 2005), November 30–December 3, 2005, Beijing, China. LNCS (Lecture Notes in Computer Science  14.Implementation of Scalable Intrusion Detection Systems, The 8th International Conference for Young Computer Scientists (ICYCS 2005), Beijing, China, September 20-22, 2005, Page(s): 332-336  15.可扩展的异常检测系统的研究与实现,计算机工程与设计,2005; 26(7): 1722-1725  16.Search and Index in Locality-based Clustering Overlay,Fifth International Workshop on Global and Peer-to-Peer Computing (GP2PC 2005),IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid 2005 (IEEE/ACM CCGRID 2005), Cardiff, UK, May9-12, 2005, Page(s):229-236, VOLS 1 AND 2  17.分布式入侵检测系统研究与实现,计算机工程与应用,2004; 40(36): 161-162, 173  18.多链路管理中的负载均衡策略,南开大学学报自然科学版,2004; 37(4): 59-62  19.捕捉与提取影像片断中的人物动作,计算机工程与应用,2004; 40(22): 42-44, 77  20.Studies on Large Scale Reliable Multicast Based on Active Network, Proceeding of APCC/MDMC"04, pp95-97, Aug.29-Sep.1, 2004, IEEE Press,ISTP收录(UT ISIP: 000226030500021),EI收录   21.MAIDS系统中检测功能模块的设计与实现,计算机工程,2003; 29(13): 69-71,81  22.分布式可扩展网络诱骗系统研究,计算机应用,2003; 23(12): 129-130  23.路由器辅助的大规模可靠多播差错控制方法研究,计算机工程, 2003; 29(11):14-16,EI收录24.基于ASP技术网站建设的安全性研究,计算机工程与应用,2003; 39(33): 165-167, 174  25.基于XML的智能化网上考试系统,计算机应用研究,2003(精扩本)上: 404-405,407  26.IDS和基于WEB的网络管理系统集成模型,计算机工程与应用,2003, 39(18): 34-35, 57  27.基于移动Agent的分布式入侵检测系统MAIDS的设计与实现,计算机工程与应用,2003; 39(17): 164-165  28.基于端口流量的物理网络拓扑发现方法研究,计算机工程与应用,2002.38(22).171-172  29.基于速率的TCP友好多播拥挤控制,计算机工程与应用,2002; 38(18):1-3  30.基于移动agent的分布式入侵检测系统的体系研究,计算机科学,2002; 29(8): 39-40  31.基于Web的协作支持环境的研究与实现,计算机工程,2002; 28(6):137-138  32.分布式语音浏览器的研究与设计,2002全国开放式分布与并行计算学术会议(DPCS2002),2002年10月27-29日
2023-07-28 22:40:581

我们要做个英语作业 做PPT 我打算写DOTA 麻烦给段英语的文章 300字左右 介绍DOTA是个5V5的游戏 需要团队配

2023-07-28 22:41:3413


你好: There are still many problems of environmental protection in recent years. One of the most serious problems is the serious pollution of air, water and soil. the polluted air does great harm to people"s health. The polluted water causes diseases and death. What is more, vegetation had been greatly reduced with the rapid growth of modern cities First, each and every one of us is responsible for the greenhouse gases we emit in our daily actions and choices. Therefore, combating climate change is going to take the combined efforts of everyone on the planet. Second, environmental protection, environmental protection, probably some people feel is a piece what fantastic important event, must would not do until expert instruction of matter, in fact, little effort can immediately do an environmental protection, only don#039;t to do, have no can.On the times in this flourishing progress, the weather in Taiwan becomes excrescent, warming phenomenon in the world is also more and more serious, and help the main murder of green house effect to come from an artificial activity in, exhausted what a great deal of carbon dioxide cause.The Earth silently forgives people to everything that he does, but few people are concerned with our Earths, if people don#039;t start valuing our homes again and the result may be so terrible we dare not think about it.The decrease opens a refrigerator door number of times and time, protect cold again electricity in the province.Now, arrive in summer, the earth is like oven, gave burn the person to fast.At this time, everyone streams with sweat, sweat as rain bottom, have been opening refrigerator to see in have what drink of, open and close, open and close, not only can#039;t make the refrigerator protected cold, and again waste an electricity very much, don#039;t lose more than gain like this?So we have no a matter and don#039;t open refrigerator and let the refrigerator take a break and contribute efforts to everyone again.Walk in the street, usually eyes will feel uncomfortable, that because car and motorcycle emissions abandon what smoke cause.Only think, everyone opens a car or rides a motorcycle and goes to work and goes to school and not only produces carbon dioxide, but also also causes every day the pollution of air, for the sake of the pollution of the decrease carbon dioxide and the waste gas, we should much take public transport more and open the car less or ride a motorcycle to the economical energy. Third, as too much use of plastic bags has caused serious white pollution, our govenment encourages us to use environment-friendly shopping bags. These bags are made of a variety of material that can be easily treated when they become rubbish. Besides, they can be reused. More and more people in China have realized the advantages of such bags and started using them. Finally, those who destroy the environment intentionally should be severely punished. We should let them know that destroying environment means destroying mankind themselves. 你先看看,如果不行告诉我,我再写给你!麻烦采纳,谢谢!
2023-07-28 22:41:581

north adams,mass.什么意思

north adams mass.北亚当斯群众。
2023-07-28 22:42:072

什么叫self-cancellation ,self-erasure. 求解

2023-07-28 22:42:153


大禹治水(鲧禹治水)是中国古代的神话传说故事,著名的上古大洪水传说。他是黄帝的后代,三皇五帝时期,黄河泛滥,鲧、禹父子二人受命于尧、舜二帝,任崇伯和夏伯,负责治水。大禹率领民众,与自然灾害中的洪水斗争,最终获得了胜利。面对滔滔洪水,大禹从鲧治水的失败中汲取教训,改变了"堵"的办法,对洪水进行疏导,体现出他具有带领人民战胜困难的聪明才智;大禹为了治理洪水,长年在外与民众一起奋战,置个人利益于不顾,"三过家门而不入"。大禹治水13年,耗尽心血与体力,终于完成了治水的大业。中文名大禹治水、鲧禹治水外文名King Yu combating the flood所处时代中国三皇五帝时期地点黄河流域最后结果对洪水进行疏导,治理好的黄河精品荐读 大禹治水和诺亚方舟:面对灾难,反映出怎样文化差异?作者:写乎快速导航治水经过 文献记载 治水遗迹 历史意义内容简介大禹,他的名字叫文命。禹的父亲叫鲧,算起来,他还是黄帝的后代。他是中国古代最有名的治水英雄。当尧还在世的时候,中原地带洪水泛滥,无边无际,淹没了庄稼,淹没了山陵,淹没了人民的房屋,人民流离失所,很多人只得背井离乡,水患给人民带来了无边的灾难。在这种情况之下,尧决心要消灭水患,于是就开始访求能治理洪水的人。大禹治水一天,他把手下的大臣找到身边,对他们说:“各位大臣,如今水患当头,人民受尽了苦难,必须要把这大水治住,你们看谁能来当此大任呢?”于是群臣和各部落的首领都推举鲧。尧素来觉得鲧这个人不可信,但眼下又没有更合适的人选,于是就暂且将治水的任务委任给鲧。鲧治水治了九年,大水还是没有消退,鲧不但毫无办法,而且消极怠工,拿国家这一艰巨的任务当儿戏。后来舜开始操理朝政,他所碰到的首要问题也是治水,他首先革去了鲧的职务,将他流放到羽山,后来鲧就死在那里。舜也来征求大臣们的意见,看谁能治退这水,大臣们都推荐禹,他们说:“禹虽然是鲧的儿子,但是比他的父亲德行能力都强多了,这个人为人谦逊,待人有礼,做事认认真真,生活也非常简朴。”舜并不因他是鲧的儿子,而轻视他,而是很快把治水的大任交给了他。大禹实在是一个贤良的人,他并不因舜处罚了他的父亲就嫉恨在心,而是欣然接受了这一任务。他暗暗下定决心:“我的父亲因为没有治好水,而给人民带来了苦难,我一定努力再努力。”但是他知道,这是一个多么重大的职责啊!他哪里敢懈怠分毫。考虑到这一特殊的任务,舜又派伯益和后稷两位贤臣和他一道,协助他的工作。当时,大禹刚刚结婚才四天,他的妻子涂山氏是一位贤惠的女人,同意丈夫前去,大禹洒泪和自己的恩爱妻子告别,就踏上了征程。禹带领着伯益、后稷和一批助手,跋山涉水,风餐露宿,走遍了当时中原大地的山山水水,穷乡僻壤,人迹罕至的地方都留下了他们的足迹。大禹感到自己的父亲没有完成治水的大业而空留遗憾,而在他的手上这任务一定要完成。他沿途看到无数的人民都在洪水中挣扎,他一次次在那些流离失所的人民面前流下了自己的清泪,而一提到治水的事,相识的和不相识的人都会向他献上最珍贵的东西,当然他不会收下这些东西,但是他感到人民的情意实在太浓太浓,这也倍增了他的决心和信心。
2023-07-28 22:42:262

low carbon life的意义

2023-07-28 22:42:354


ethe aeis wertwe waerfaesrf awer awer jihiu uy bcv qawe23 fdfQT qwrwf werhsad wefrsfv werfglk"j asdgf shdfsvck dssxc erutgabfsd hdsrfgsdv rfg awuerfg awuergb bnd weur aZd qwrw hsdfhks4e aweuidafa
2023-07-28 22:42:454


SB 求人以后客气点,这态度谁给你解?
2023-07-28 22:42:535

求英语演讲稿 ,关于环境保护,抗灾救灾```` 要简单点的!

Several days ago, there was a earthquake affected Ruchuan, Sichuan, China. And the resoult is thounsands people died from this earthquake, and now, the government is sending troops to that area to rescue those who servive, but yet, still stuck in the darkness. I saw many pictures about the situation there, many students died, a whole lot of died body, I cannot believe those are the student just like you and me, they were just like us, but now, a whole lot of corpses are stiring at me through the picture, telling me how they feel when they facing the death, and yell at me that they do not want to die, they are still young! Their city is distroied, but now, I am standing here, give you all the speech, this is such a easy work if compare to those who already died, I feel that I really is the lucky one, there is no earthquake here, I don"t need to suffer in the dark, all my friend and my familly is all right, I"m still in good health, there really is nothing I can ask for more. I know we see a huge shadow in front of us, but I am not afried, because I know, and I can guarantee you that there is sunlight behind us, the sun, the hope, is still here, we already got everything we needed 数天前,有一个地震受影响的ruchuan ,四川,中国。和resoult是thounsands人死亡,从这次地震,而现在,政府派兵到该地区,以拯救那些谁servive ,但可是,仍然停留在黑暗中。我看到很多图片的有关情况有,很多学生死亡,整个大量的死亡,身体,我不能相信这些都是学生,就像你和我,他们只是跟我们一样,但现在,整个很多的尸体是在搅拌我通过图片,告诉我他们的感受,当他们面临死刑,并大声喝斥我说,他们并不想死,他们还年轻!他们的城市是distroied ,但现在,我站在这里,给你所有的讲话,这是这样一个容易的工作,如果比较这些谁已经死亡,我觉得我真的是幸运的一个,是没有地震,在这里,我不必遭受在黑暗中,所有我的朋友和我familly是所有权利,我仍然在良好的健康,实在是没有什么我可以要求更多。我知道,我们看到一个巨大的阴影,摆在我们面前的,但我不afried ,因为我知道,而且我可以向你保证是有阳光背后的我们,太阳,希望,仍然是在这里,我们已经得到的一切,我们需要 I want to be a volunteer of beijing olympic games. I realized the time flies.I must study english very hard. Because English is very useful and it is very important. And to be a volunteer of the olympic games is good for myself too.I can make some friends from different countries and learn more about sport,about olympic. But the first thing to perpare this is study hard, I am confident i will to be a good volunteer and I will show the world:our country and our cities are so perfect in the world. 我想成为一名志愿者,北京奥运会。我意识到的时间flies.i必须学习英语,很难。因为英语是非常有益的,这是非常重要的。和一个志愿者奥运会上是好的,为自己too.i可以作出一些朋友,来自不同国家和了解更多关于体育,关于奥运。但第一件事,以perpare这是刻苦学习,我深信我会是一个好的义工,我会向世界展示:我们的国家和我们的城市是如此完美,在世界上。
2023-07-28 22:43:201

英语作文:全英文教学的优缺点 快点 急~~!

我觉得这才是高考作文。 Nowadays, it"s common to see many colleges even senior schools request all English teaching class. They all would like to increase the teaching quality through this way, and get some support from the society. In my opinion, the advantage of the all English teaching class improve the international competition of the colleges. As we all know,the English is the international language. Almost it is popular in the everywhere of the world. So if the college adopt the all English teaching can easily help students join into the international society. While I believe this teaching way contain some weaknesses.For example ,if every college plans to use this kind all English teaching class, where we can find so much qualified teachers. To this point ,I hold the perspective that this all English teaching way is not pratical.
2023-07-28 22:43:313


大禹治水(鲧禹治水)是中国上古时期大禹治理大洪水的传说。三皇五帝时期,黄河泛滥, 大禹从父亲鲧治水的失败中汲取教训,率领民众,改"堵"为“疏”,历经13年最终治水成功。 大禹躬亲劳苦,栉风沐雨,同洪水搏斗,"三过家门而不入"。由此形成了公而忘私、民族至上、民为邦本、科学创新等为内涵的大禹治水精神。中文名大禹治水、鲧禹治水外文名King Yu combating the flood意义中国古代国家历史的开端地点黄河流域所处时代中国三皇五帝时期最后结果对洪水进行疏导,治理好的黄河相关人物大禹、鲧、伯益、后稷88%的人还看了大禹治水的故事大禹治水的故事简介大禹治水原文大禹治水的故事完整版内容简介大禹,他的名字叫文命。禹的父亲叫鲧,算起来,他还是黄帝的后代。他是中国古代最有名的治水英雄。当尧还在世的时候,中原地带洪水泛滥,无边无际,淹没了庄稼,淹没了山陵,淹没了人民的房屋,人民流离失所,很多人只得背井离乡,水患给人民带来了无边的灾难。在这种情况之下,尧决心要消灭水患,于是就开始访求能治理洪水的人。大禹治水一天,他把手下的大臣找到身边,对他们说:“各位大臣,如今水患当头,人民受尽了苦难,必须要把这大水治住,你们看谁能来当此大任呢?”于是群臣和各部落的首领都推举鲧。尧素来觉得鲧这个人不可信,但眼下又没有更合适的人选,于是就暂且将治水的任务委任给鲧。鲧治水治了九年,大水还是没有消退,鲧不但毫无办法,而且消极怠工,拿国家这一艰巨的任务当儿戏。后来舜开始操理朝政,他所碰到的首要问题也是治水,他首先革去了鲧的职务,将他流放到羽山,后来鲧就死在那里。舜也来征求大臣们的意见,看谁能治退这水,大臣们都推荐禹,他们说:“禹虽然是鲧的儿子,但是比他的父亲德行能力都强多了,这个人为人谦逊,待人有礼,做事认认真真,生活也非常简朴。”舜并不因他是鲧的儿子,而轻视他,而是很快把治水的大任交给了他。
2023-07-28 22:43:412

位于。 躺。。 撒谎 。。下蛋。。 英语翻译 恩原型 过去式 过去分词分别是什么 谢谢。

位于lie(lay,lain)/躺lie(lay, lain)/撒谎lie(lied, lied)/下蛋lay (laid, laid)
2023-07-28 22:44:063


洗钱是政府动用立法、司法力量,调动有关的组织和商业机构对可能的洗钱活动予以识别,对有关款项予以处置,对相关机构和人士予以惩罚,从而达到阻止犯罪活动目的的一项系统工程。从国际经验来看,洗钱和反洗钱的主要活动都是在金融领域进行的,几乎所有国家都把金融机构的反洗钱置于核心地位,国际社会进行反洗钱的合作也主要是在金融领域。扩展资料国际反洗钱组织主要有:1、反洗钱金融行动特别工作组(Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering,FATF),该机构是反洗钱和反恐怖融资领域最具权威性的政府间国际组织之一,其成员国遍布各大洲。2007年6月28日,中国成为该机构的正式成员。2、埃格蒙特集团(Egmont Group),成员包括100多个国家的金融情报中心。负责颁布与各国金融情报中心相关的解释、指引、最优做法、倡议声明和指南等文献,给各国金融情报中心的建设和国际交流指明方向,为世界金融情报网络的完善奠定基础。3、亚太反洗钱集团(Asia/Pacific Group on Money Laundering,APG),成员包括美国、澳大利亚、日本、中国香港、中国台北等30多个国家和地区。4、欧亚反洗钱与反恐融资小组(Eurasian Group on Combating Money Laundering and Financing ofTerrorism,EAG),中国与俄罗斯、哈萨克斯坦、塔吉克斯坦、吉而吉斯斯坦、白俄罗斯于2004年作为共同创始成员国成立了“欧亚反洗钱与反恐融资小组”。5、南美洲反洗钱金融行动特别工作组(South American Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering,SAFATF)。6、中东和北非反洗钱金融行动特别工作组(Middle East and North Africa Financial Action Task Force onMoney Laundering,MENAFATF)。参考资料来源:百度百科-反洗钱
2023-07-28 22:44:161


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Paypal是目前全球最大的在线支付提供商和数码货币转账的龙头企业,它在多个国家的业务被视作属于金钱传送带。但是有时我们在使用的时候账号却无缘无故被冻结。那么PayPal被冻结的原因有那些呢?账号冻结的原因(1)账号资金不稳定当我们新注册一个paypel账号时,如果这个账号在新手缓冲期间,短时间内账号有大量的资金流入,比如我们的一个新账号内突然多了几百万,那么paypal可能就会怀疑我们这笔钱来源和使用目的的合法性,于是就会暂时冻结我们的账号。还有一种情况是,无论时新号还是老号,如果我们的账户刚收到与一笔钱,接着我们就马上提现出来,那么平台也会立马冻结我们的账号,如果涉及金额过大的话,平台可能认为我们有贪污、洗钱的嫌疑,随即发出警告甚至联合网警展开调查。(2)被多人投诉因为PayPal是支持在线交易的一个平台,所以我们可以用在企业间合作的项目资金来往、跨境电商的收支等等,这些领域的经济纠纷是最多的。所以一旦出现经济纠纷,我们的账号可能会被客户或者买家投诉而导致冻结。如果是小的金额,为了保住账号,当我们被投诉时,如果没有冻结账号的话,最好还是不要去申诉了,因为申诉不通过的话会直接转为冻结。但是如果大笔金额被冻结的话,我们就必须要去申诉了。但是说到底,为了防止投诉冻结,所以尽量还是要尊重客户的意愿。(3)账号关联我们都知道,跨境电商需要通过多开账号的运营把店铺做起来,同时我们每个对应的小号也要注册一个PayPal来进行收支流程。所以说,PayPal也是需要多开账号的。而且除了跨境电商,不同企业的不同项目部门也是有独立的资金账号的,所以相当于也是同一用户多开账号,但很多人往往没有注意到多开账号是会被平台关联冻结的,这也是许多人账号被冻结的原因。如何做好账号防关联系统判断我们账号关联的途径主要是我们每个账号登录的浏览器环境是一样的,所以我们想要做好防关联就要从这方面入手。我们可以试试像AdsPower指纹浏览器这样的辅助工具,为我们创建不同的独立浏览器环境,其中包括IP 地址、cooike、浏览器指纹、操作路径的模拟和修改,每个环境就相当于一台独立电脑设备,这也是目前主流的操作模式,极大提高防关联系数。总结总的来说,以上三种冻结原因都是值得我们注意的,并且要制定好合适的应对措施。尤其是账号的防关联,我们合理利用指纹浏览器的特性来帮助我们防止账号关联。
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IRR是Internal Rate of Return的简称,即为内部收益率 ,就是资金流入现值总额与资金流出现值总额相等、净现值等于零时的折现率。如果不使用电子计算机,内部收益率要用若干个折现率进行试算,直至找到净现值等于零或接近于零的那个折现率。内部收益率,是一项投资渴望达到的报酬率,是能使投资项目净现值等于零时的折现率。它是一项投资渴望达到的报酬率,该指标越大越好。一般情况下,内部收益率大于等于基准收益率时,该项目是可行的。投资项目各年现金流量的折现值之和为项目的净现值,净现值为零时的折现率就是项目的内部收益率。在项目经济评价中,根据分析层次的不同,内部收益率有财务内部收益率(FIRR)和经济内部收益率(EIRR)之分。扩展资料:一般基础设施项目的内部投资率一般不超过8%。公益性停车设施,按照“政府出地、市场出资”的公私合作模式(PPP),吸引社会投资人参与。参考一般基础设施项目,特许经营期不超过30年,内部收益率一般不超过8%。区、县政府交通行业主管部门通过招标等公平竞争方式选择特许经营企业。企业和个人均可申请投资建设公共停车场,原则上不对泊位数量做下限要求。鼓励企事业单位、居民小区及个人利用自有土地、地上地下空间建设停车场,允许对外开放并取得相应收益。参考资料来源:百度百科—内部收益率参考资料来源:人民网—企业个人可申请投资建设停车场 可采用划拨等方式供地
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  内部收益率(Internal rate of return)财务内部收益率法(FIRR)、内部报酬率法、内含报酬率 。  内部收益率法是用内部收益率来评价项目投资财务效益的方法。所谓内部收益率,就是资金流入现值总额与资金流出现值总额相等、净现值等于零时的折现率。  内部收益率法的公式  (1)计算年金现值系数(p/A,FIRR,n)=K/R;  (2)查年金现值系数表,找到与上述年金现值系数相邻的两个系数(p/A,i1,n)和(p/A,i2,n)以及对应的i1、i2,满足(p/A,il,n) >K/R>(p/A,i2,n);  (3)用插值法计算FIRR:  (FIRR-I)/(i1—i2)=[K/R-(p/A,i1,n) ]/[(p/A,i2,n)—(p/A,il,n)]  若建设项目现金流量为一般常规现金流量,则财务内部收益率的计算过程为:  1、首先根据经验确定一个初始折现率ic。  2、根据投资方案的现金流量计算财务净现值FNpV(i0)。  3、若FNpV(io)=0,则FIRR=io;  若FNpV(io)>0,则继续增大io;  若FNpV(io)<0,则继续减小io。  (4)重复步骤3),直到找到这样两个折现率i1和i2,满足FNpV(i1) >0,FNpV (i2)<0,其中i2-il一般不超过2%-5%。  (5)利用线性插值公式近似计算财务内部收益率FIRR。其计算公式为:  (FIRR- i1)/ (i2-i1)= NpVl/ (NpV1-NpV2  内部收益率法的计算步骤  (1)在计算净现值的基础上,如果净现值是正值,就要采用这个净现值计算中更高的折现率来测算,直到测算的净现值正值近于零。  (2)再继续提高折现率,直到测算出一个净现值为负值。如果负值过大,就降低折现率后再测算到接近于零的负值。  (3)根据接近于零的相邻正负两个净现值的折现率,用线性插值法求得内部收益率。  内部收益率-内部收益率法的分析  内部收益率,是一项投资可望达到的报酬率,是能使投资项目净现值等于零时的折现率。就是在考虑了时间价值的情况下,使一项投资在未来产生的现金流量现值,刚好等于投资成本时的收益率,而不是你所想的“不论高低净现值都是零,所以高低都无所谓”,这是一个本末倒置的想法了。因为计算内部收益率的前提本来就是使净现值等于零。  说得通俗点,内部收益率越高,说明你投入的成本相对地少,但获得的收益却相对地多。比如A、 B两项投资,成本都是10万,经营期都是5年,A每年可获净现金流量3万,B可获4万,通过计算,可以得出A的内部收益率约等于15%,B的约等于28%,这些,其实通过年金现值系数表就可以看得出来的。  内部收益率法的优缺点  内部收益率法的优点是能够把项目寿命期内的收益与其投资总额联系起来,指出这个项目的收益率,便于将它同行业基准投资收益率对比,确定这个项目是否值得建设。使用借款进行建设,在借款条件(主要是利率)还不很明确时,内部收益率法可以避开借款条件,先求得内部收益率,作为可以接受借款利率的高限。但内部收益率表现的是比率,不是绝对值,一个内部收益率较低的方案,可能由于其规模较大而有较大的净现值,因而更值得建设。所以在各个方案选比时,必须将内部收益率与净现值结合起来考虑。
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