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there is a teddy bear on the bed这句话对不对?

2023-07-29 11:45:00

there be 结构 遵循就近原则。

There is a Teddy bear on the bed.



there is a teddy bear on the bed




There is a teddy bear on the bed.




泰迪熊的由来 泰迪熊其实是玩具熊的统称,早在泰迪熊(Teddy Bear)名称广为人知时,绒毛玩具熊其实就已经存在,但借着泰迪熊这个响亮的名字,这种以绒毛为材质的玩具熊,慢慢形成一个让人无法抗拒的泰迪熊世界。在欧美国家,每到一个节日,无论大小,都会掀起泰迪熊的销售狂潮。圣诞节、情人节、复活节、感恩节……,任何节日里,把泰迪熊作为礼物都绝不失礼。所以,泰迪熊绝对是非常体面,而且标新立异的“馈赠佳品”! 到目前为止,并没有确实的证据能证实“泰迪熊”的出现地点及时间,但泰迪熊(Teddy Bear)这个名词的出现是有一段故事的。在 1902 年的秋天,美国总统罗斯福在密西西比河附近一带打猎,但却没有任何的收获,同行的人员为了安慰总统,便将一只小黑熊绑在树上让总统射杀,但罗斯福总统一看见小黑熊可爱又可怜的样子,即不忍心将它杀害,而且还当场发誓再也不猎杀黑熊。这件事后来被一位漫画家刊载在邮报上,结果罗斯福总统拒绝猎杀黑熊的事件,却引发一股热爱熊熊的风潮,之后便以罗斯福总统的小名「Teddy」为名,称小熊为「Teddy Bear」,从此泰迪熊“Teddy Bear”便成为家喻户晓的绒毛玩具。 同一时间,德国南部一个小村庄的女裁缝师玛格丽特史泰福也创造了泰迪熊的传奇故事。患有小儿麻痹症的玛格丽特,在家人的协助下,开始制作绒毛布娃娃,其中包括熊玩偶。在1903年莱比锡玩具样品市场中,她手工缝制的熊玩偶相当受瞩目,美国商人下了大量订单。从此玛格丽特的小裁缝店扩展为史泰福公司,到了1907年更成长为拥有二千人的大企业,其生产制造的泰迪熊销往美国与欧洲其它国家,成为泰迪熊业界首屈一指的品牌代表。 1903年至1914年左右,一直是德国玩具公司在掌控着泰迪熊市场。以生产马口铁玩具驰名的纽伦堡宾格公司,将其擅长的机械装置技术运用于泰迪熊的制作,形成了新的流行风潮。德国原本大量外销泰迪熊,但第一次世界大战爆发后,英国等国家禁止进口德国玩具,这却为各国各自发展泰迪熊业提供了良好的契机。 泰迪熊的知名品牌 泰迪熊在世界各地有非常多的制造商、数以千计的个人设计师所设计,所以泰迪熊的品牌、设计风格、价格也不太相同!
2023-07-28 20:45:201


2023-07-28 20:45:321

This teddy bear is mine.(对mine提问)

Whose teddy bear is thisuff1f
2023-07-28 20:45:545

(Let Me Be Your) Teddy Bear 歌词

歌曲名:(Let Me Be Your) Teddy Bear歌手:ZZ Top专辑:X X XTeddy BearToy boxTonight it"s the nightMon cheri, babyLet us light a candlelightVoulez-vous couche"cause it"s cozy here tonightAha you"re wearing calvin kleinAnd i am not a foolThere must be something in the wine"cause i think i love youKiss me here, and kiss me thereI wanna be your little teddybearKiss me here, and touch me thereCome on and show me that you really careMon cheri babyI am burning for your touchJe ne sais pas pourquoiBut i really missed you muchMy god, you"re wearing calvin kleinIs this a deja-vu?There must be something in the wine"cause i feel for you...Kiss me here, and kiss me thereI wanna be your little teddybearKiss me here, and touch me thereCome on and show me that you really careBaby, i"ll never let you down"cause the first time i saw youI was like ,wow ,So don"t talk, just kissKiss me here, and kiss me thereI wanna be your little teddybearKiss me here, and touch me thereCome on you sexy little teddybearKiss me here, and kiss me thereI wanna be your little teddybearKiss me here, and touch me thereCome on you sexy little teddybearjust kiss, oh magickiss me
2023-07-28 20:46:131

(Let Me Be Your) Teddy Bear 歌词

歌曲名:(Let Me Be Your) Teddy Bear歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:Platinum - A Life In MusicTeddy BearToy boxTonight it"s the nightMon cheri, babyLet us light a candlelightVoulez-vous couche"cause it"s cozy here tonightAha you"re wearing calvin kleinAnd i am not a foolThere must be something in the wine"cause i think i love youKiss me here, and kiss me thereI wanna be your little teddybearKiss me here, and touch me thereCome on and show me that you really careMon cheri babyI am burning for your touchJe ne sais pas pourquoiBut i really missed you muchMy god, you"re wearing calvin kleinIs this a deja-vu?There must be something in the wine"cause i feel for you...Kiss me here, and kiss me thereI wanna be your little teddybearKiss me here, and touch me thereCome on and show me that you really careBaby, i"ll never let you down"cause the first time i saw youI was like ,wow ,So don"t talk, just kissKiss me here, and kiss me thereI wanna be your little teddybearKiss me here, and touch me thereCome on you sexy little teddybearKiss me here, and kiss me thereI wanna be your little teddybearKiss me here, and touch me thereCome on you sexy little teddybearjust kiss, oh magickiss me
2023-07-28 20:46:371


2023-07-28 20:46:451


英国的teddy bear
2023-07-28 20:47:053


2023-07-28 20:47:494

i play with my teddybear意思

2023-07-28 20:48:094


2023-07-28 20:48:191

teddy bear(泰迪熊)和winnie bear(小熊维尼)的区别

泰迪熊(英文:Teddy Bear),中文翻译为泰迪熊,按照美国当地的说法应该称为罗斯福熊。是用于儿童玩耍的填充玩具熊。它是一种历史悠久的毛绒玩具,常常被用来安慰孩子们的难过情绪的。近年来一些泰迪熊变成了昂贵的收藏品。产品区分  Steiff的注册商标则是左耳上的纽扣,Steiff最早的Logo是一个由象鼻「变形」而来的S,之后,由于有竞争对手模仿,玛格丽特突发奇想的以一颗纽扣作为Logo,原本只是一颗空白的纽扣,到了1904年,加上精雕细琢的花纹,同时,这纽扣也象征着这只熊通过了品质管制,有趣的是,当初Steiff在德国申请专利时,并不是以这颗纽扣直接申请,而是以文字「Button in ear」注册,仔细看耳扣的侧标上也有这行文字。话说回来,同样是金耳扣,但也可根据标签分为三种:   白底红字、白底黑字及黄标标明各不同的意义。   黄色标签:─非限量生产:正面标明产品流水编号,背面标明制作材料成份。   白底红字标签:─限量生产(针对某种目的,主题、节庆、国家、典故,企业所推出纪念熊限量品)正面标明产品流水编号,背面则标有限量生产年份、发行限量数量、该款熊名称。
2023-07-28 20:48:281

teddy bear 韩文怎么写?

teddy bearud14cub514 ubca0uc5b4
2023-07-28 20:48:361


How much are these teddy bearsuff1f
2023-07-28 20:48:4511


太迪别尔 ⊙﹏⊙b汗
2023-07-28 20:49:094


Teenie Weenie中文名“维尼熊”可不是英国的小熊维尼,它是韩国衣恋集团品牌持有人!这个衣恋也是ELAND女孩都知道的品牌持有人!除这两个品牌之外还有持许多品牌,总而言之衣恋集团是个大集团! 泰迪熊,英文名Teddy Bear,通常泛指我们平常所见到的毛绒玩具熊,名称来源与昵称为泰迪的美国罗斯福总统有关。泰迪熊由于外形可爱,表情憨厚,而且毛绒手感舒适,纯手工制作,因此极受消费者喜爱。在欧美,泰迪熊是儿童们最喜爱的玩具之一,甚至许多德国人小时候都是抱着泰迪熊慢慢长大的。
2023-07-28 20:49:241


翻译: 谁是泰迪熊?回答: Jim is. 吉姆是。
2023-07-28 20:49:321

Teddy Bears 首字母,是大写还是小写,为什么?

2023-07-28 20:49:582


泰迪熊胡萝卜片段在第28分钟。该剧讲述孤僻的约翰儿时许了一个愿,希望他的玩具泰迪熊可以活过来,成为他真正的朋友。奇迹发生了,泰迪有了生命,并和约翰一起生活了二十多年。如今老大不小的约翰,无所事事,整天和泰迪一起抽烟喝酒吸大麻,过着醉生梦死的生活。泰迪熊名字由来自100多年前可爱的Teddy Bear玩偶出现,熊几乎成了世界性的宠物.泰迪熊Teddy Bear的故乡在德国南部小镇基恒,全世界第一只泰迪熊是德国人史戴夫的作品。而泰迪熊名字的由来和美国一位总统有关。2008年6月19日,一位英国人在一次拍卖活动中以人民币160万元的高价,拍下了一只身穿LV短大衣的古董级泰迪熊,创出了毛绒玩具拍卖价的一个最高纪录。这只小熊现在被收藏在韩国济州岛的泰迪熊博物馆中。
2023-07-28 20:50:061


D: All right. But please give it to me quickly.M: Here you are. Twenty dollars.
2023-07-28 20:50:202

May has a Teddy bear?这句话是对的还是错的

2023-07-28 20:50:301


where is the teddy bear泰迪熊在哪里
2023-07-28 20:50:462

teddy bear 滨崎步是写给过世的外婆的吗?

2023-07-28 20:51:063

i have a teddy bear作否定句和肯定句和肯定回答和否定回答怎么写?

否定句 I don"t have a teddy bear.一般疑问句 Do you have a teddy bear?肯定回答 Yes, I do.否定回答 No, I don"t.
2023-07-28 20:51:161

求歌词:i can be you little cat,i can be you teddy bear

2023-07-28 20:51:253


teddy bear
2023-07-28 20:51:333


英文原文:say hello to teddy bear英式音标:[seu026a] [hu0259u02c8lu0259u028a; he-] [tu0259; before a vowel; tu028a; stressed; tuu02d0] [u02c8tedu026a] [beu0259] 美式音标:[se] [hu025bu02c8lou02cc hu0259-] [tuu02cctu0259] [u02c8tu025bdi] [bu025br]
2023-07-28 20:51:421


2023-07-28 20:51:542


2023-07-28 20:52:123

将 这些 the ,brown ,bear color ,teddy 排序

the brown color teddy bear
2023-07-28 20:52:324

i have a doll and a teddy bear是什么意思?

I have a doll and a teddy bear.意思是:我有一个洋娃娃和一只泰迪熊。( 这里都指玩具,即玩具洋娃娃和玩具泰迪熊)。
2023-07-28 20:52:401

teddy bear tossess是什么意思

teddy bear tossess 泰迪熊tossessbear 英[beu0259(r)] 美[ber] n. 熊; (在证券市场等) 卖空的人; 蛮横的人; vt. 承担; 忍受; 支撑; 生育; vi. 生(孩子); 结(果实); 与…有关; [例句]They bore the oblong hardwood box into the kitchen and put it on the table.他们把那个长方形的硬木箱抬进厨房,放到桌上。[其他] 第三人称单数:bears 复数:bears 现在分词:bearing 过去式:bore过去分词:borne
2023-07-28 20:52:481


The Teddy Bear was named for American"s 26th president, Theodore Roosevelt, whose nickname was Teddy. The story goes that President Roosevelt had been bear hunting. At the end of his trip, he had not shot a single bear. One of staff members caught a bear cub and lashed it to a tree for President Roosevelt to shoot. He refused. President Roosevelt felt it was inappropriate behavior for a sportsman such as himself. This story spread rapidly, people soon started to make their own Teddy Bears. Morris Michtom, an American and Margarete Steiff, a German, were the first manufacturers to produce teddy bears commercially. The Steiff Co. was the most successful of the two toy companies. You can see many of Steiff"s traditional bears in the Jeju Teddy Bear Museum. 这个是它名字的由来,和罗斯福有关系
2023-07-28 20:52:561

i like this teddy bear,mo m是什么意思

i like this teddy bear,mom妈妈,我喜欢这个泰迪熊
2023-07-28 20:53:051


l have a teddy bear我有一只泰迪熊
2023-07-28 20:53:143

谢谢,1000财富我全给了。深圳那里有卖正品泰迪熊(Terry bear)

2023-07-28 20:53:225


The color of the teddy bear is green.
2023-07-28 20:53:483

电影《泰迪熊》中 雷雷歌 歌词

2023-07-28 20:53:563

baby baby的中文谐音歌词

2023-07-28 20:50:443


2023-07-28 20:50:461


2023-07-28 20:50:461


ISO14001认证及OHSAS18001认证,Environmental and Healty and safety
2023-07-28 20:50:534


2023-07-28 20:50:562


《Baby》baby 歌手:Justin Bieber 歌词:Ohh wooaah (3x) 哦哦哦哦哦~ You know you love me,I know you care 你知道你爱我,我知道你会在意 Just shout whenever, And I"ll be there. 无论何时只要你呼唤,我就会出现在那里 You want my love, You want my heart 你是我的爱,你是我的心 And we will never ever ever be apart 而我们也将永远不分离 Are we an item? Girl quit playing 我们是一对吗?女孩别开玩笑。 We re just friends, what are you saying 我们只是朋友,你在说什么? Said theres another one Looks right in my eyes 说我眼里有另一个人 My first love broke my heart for the first time, 我的初恋就这样第一次伤了我的心 And I was like 而我就说 Baby, baby, baby nooo My baby, baby, baby noo My baby, baby, baby nooo 宝贝宝贝我的宝贝我的宝贝 哦 I thought youd always be mine mine 我以为你一直是我的 Baby, baby, baby nooo My baby, baby, baby noo My baby, baby, baby nooo I thought youd always be mine, oh oh 我以为你一直是我的,喔 喔 For you, I would have done whatever 为你 我无论如何都会完成 Another chance for we, We"ll get together 如果再给我们另一个机会 我们就会在一起 And wanna play it cool, or I"ll loosin" you 并且想要弄的酷一点 不然我就会失去你 I "ll buy you anything, I"ll buy you any ring 我会给你买任何东西 我会给你买任何戒指 And i"m in pieces , baby fix me 而我的心成了碎片的时候 宝贝请拯救我吧 And you"ll shake me til" you wake me from this bad dream 你会一直摇我直到我从这个美梦中醒来 Im going down, down, dooown 我愈来愈失落 And just can"t believe my first love won"t be around 只因为我不相信我的初恋不在周围 Baby, baby, baby nooo Baby, baby, baby nooo My baby, baby, baby noo My baby, baby, baby nooo I thought youd always be mine 我以为你一直都是我的 When i was 13 i had my first love 当我13岁时我拥有了初恋 Here was nobody to compare my baby 没有任何人可以和我的宝贝相比 And nobody came between us or could ever come above 并且没有任何人介入我们之中或在我们之上 She had me goin crazy 她让我疯狂 Oh i was starstruck. oh 我就像追星族 She woke me up daily dont need no starbucks 她每天都使我醒来 她使我不需要咖啡就可以清醒 She made my heart pound 她使我心跳加速 Asking for a beat when i see her in the street 当我在街上遇到她时 心脏一阵跳动 And in the school on the playground 还有在学校和操场的时候 But i really wanna see her on the weekends 但我真的很想在周末看见她 She knows she got me dazy 她知道她使我疯狂 Cause she was so amazing and now my heart is breaking 因为她是如此的引人吃惊 而我正在心碎 But i just keep on sayin 但我还是想继续说 Baby, baby, baby nooo My baby, baby, baby noo My baby, baby, baby nooo I thought youd always be mine x2 我以为你一直是我的 Now Im on gone yeah yeah yeah x3 I"m gone 现在我要走了 耶耶耶
2023-07-28 20:51:011


Are relativesSong: cif value, part-time earn 580, send home for family filial piety parents, send 550, leaving me from 30. I stroll light I stroll into wider, hungry out to buy a KaoGongShu. Hey! Cif value.Thin: give me the moneySong: with what ah! You who ah?Your father: I am thin.Song: who is your father?Thin: you haven"t admit, not letter you ask the big tall,Song: who is she?Thin: is she your mom.Song: the old man confused!Thin: give me the money for me hungry!Song: are you hungry and go home to have a meal!Thin: I don"t know. I will meet you! Home You are my girl, I am hungry!Song: ah! Don"t let the car hit, ok, I"ll buy you eat, who are elderly, who are old, walking, I give you buy to eat sweet,This restaurant, thin:Song: that he that don"t confuse, this into a restaurant 10 8 did not come, I"ve got nothing to lose, I take you to dinner.Girl: well that thin filial!Song: filial piety to spend? The boss!W: alas! Come, come! !!!!!! Two something to eat?Thin: eat abalone lobster, crabSong: my mother to eat dead me ah, that, what is the most expensive you?W: SuXian steamed stuffed bun, eight dollars one is the cheapest.Song: the SuXian half jins.W: ok, half jins of SuXian steamed stuffed bun. And a couple of cooking.Song: no.Thin: I eat stir-friesSong: they won"t fry will only be steamed buns,W: who said this, we can be a delicious dishes,Song: block to the steamed stuffed bunW: I dig a door.Song: don"t spend your money,Yang: the little restaurant is clean. Ha ha ha,? It"s nice!Song! Good good, wife of shop-owner long with steamed stuffed bun,W: steamed stuffed bun,Yang: boy, the wife of shop-owner long really like dumplings, ha, ha, ha, wife of shop-owner, cooking?House: they will only thin steamed buns not fryW: how do you also say this? You don"t listen to him, we have, what this cookingYang: ah... A sneak fatty intestineW: ok! Sneak fatty intestine!Thin: I eat sneak fatty intestine,Song: you don"t eat fatty intestine, sneak fatty intestine slipped more dirty? Do you think that fatty intestine originally inside what ah?Thin: pig!Yang: boy, nausea, disgusting.W: talk nonsense what ah?Song: I deceive you, he, and they that you must wash. The fatty intestineYang: uh... Then came a broiled fishThin: I eat braise in soy sauce fish,Song: not to eat fish, braised braise in soy sauce eats much fish scales, when your body is a tickling hua hua of fell down toward the earth and del piero,Yang: boy, the more disgustingWu: you don"t go,Y: I eat?Wu, You hear what he has to call you, but the toadThin: I eat toadSong: eat what toad! Somebody else"s talking with meW: how did he doesn"t, somebody else, you can add an order, you make me sick! How do you sellYang: stop it, stop it, fatty intestine, braised, I fish me againSong: comrade, bother you a matter, when you order slightly smaller, don"t let him, I thank you for hearing, thank you, thank youYang: to plunge beer,W: what do you sayThin: he"s going to beerW: my ears pricked spirit ah, is to beerSong: how don"t you eat? Full?Thin: didn"t eat satisfiedSong: didn"t eat satisfied to eat dumplingsThin, waiting to eat fishSong: no fish,Thin: a fish.Song: no fish.W: fish here!Thin: fish, fish,Song: over the past, come and sit, carrying point that fishY: oh, cold beer, first appetizing ah, ha, ha, haThin: I drink beer,Song: bad to drink beer,Thin: good,Song: bad to drink beer, the horse, with a taste. UrineYang: the spray beer.Song: look, vomitted!Y: you said with a horse, I can smell urine does not vomit?W: ah ah ah! I say what is wrong with you? Your home with a flavor of beer horse urine, you not hit my businessSong: I"m responsive, he?Y: you deceive me gush out half he in me,Mr. Wu: sir, you don"t listen to him, she has said,Y: I think he is faulty, ye!!!!! This fish good ah, ha, ha, haThin: I eat fish,Song: fish is not goodYang: the mouth of his.Thin: good, he has his mouthSong: that you also yumDon"t eat dumplings yum thin: I eat fishSong: you don"t eat, don"t eatThin, fish nets and songSong: I didn"t say it, eat fish and made all made... A thornThin: I"m not afraid quills,Song: this quills, if can be uncomfortable in the throat, you think ah, this is a card to your throat, MAO, MAO MAO,Yang: MAO, MAO, MAOW: what"s the matter? What happened? This is what happenedYang: barb cardSong: you see, stuckYang: all blame you, you always say, I stuck, stuck stuckW: his throat to went wrong, you may have to drink wine, and the wine taken back edge flavour.Yang: ah, ah. betterSong: thank you, thank youY: are you so speakSong: you stuck, he never ate fishY: what person, you are doing this, you have to give your dad flower,Song: he"s not my fatherW:? Who believeSong: we don"t believeW: reallyY: what he, she is your peopleThin: he is my daughterW: what are you his peopleHis father: I am thinSong: I beg you, you don"t want again blah, do not ah, my dadYang: see, reallySong: you think and think, just in the street you column a goo goo goo goo goo, never lean.Thin: just in the street, I don"t knowSong: yes, you will meet meA: I met you thin, you are the moneySong: I"m the counting money, brush brush, oh, say these things, you will say, later you hungryMind you, thin: take me to dinnerSong: oh, finally understand, tell them who you are.She is thin: my fatherSong: oh, returned to cry on the squat down.Wu: you said that the old man pulls you so easily? You say he wants a cooking, you even don"t recognize the sate,Song: eat more, cooking is my father?Wu: you...Yang: a conscience,W: isY: you want to want clap my chest, who gave you washed diapers, who taught you to learn to speak with that of the sweet, who put you fed milk, no days, no land, which has no house, which is what I have, I don"t have you?Song: HMM?Yang: is it not he, what have youSong: I have no him, strangeY: you should treat man I never promised, he said, you do?Thin: I eat fishYang: YiYiYi ah! This is my fish,Song: I eat dumplings, eat dumplings!Thin: have you let me eat fish dumplings, you don"t filial piety, I eat fishWu: you see, you see, give your dad grabbed a fishSong: disaster!Yang: he can"t he, he is only playing dumb, eat fish! Your girl to goW: isThin: I blunt you want, you don"t give I eat, because you are not filial pietyY: I"m not obedient? I: what is your person!Your father: I am thinYang: this, this, this is my dad, how do youW: look out, he may be some confusion, he, he is none of your businessYang: yes!W: he isn"t your son,Yang: yesThin: you also help him lane I, you better not filial pietyW: this is how I came offY: no, you know who she is?Thin: is she your daughter-in-lawSong: ha ha ha ha, it perfectly. Gnome male - "heyThin: they are namely originallyW: I gave you, he said, I tell him not the couple,Thin: you to divorce him?W: who to divorce himThin: that"s no divorce or the coupleW: this is mixedY: I see that he is carelessW: I seeSong: believe me, I don"t know himWuYang: I don"t know himThin: good! You don"t recognize me, huh? I bring you keep so bigNever lean, the thin took three block, and said he: you don"t worry.You don"t recognize me, I will not worryYang: be careful of the slippery, be carefulSong: I recognize you, me!Do you recognize me? Thin:Song: ah!Thin: call me,Song: dad!Thin: louderSong: dadThin:... Ah "music ring.Song: dad, I"m not afraid, I give you money to buy fatty intestine, buy, buy beer fish braise in soy sauceGirl: well that"s thin, I good girlYang: this wine he, we have food, what have!W: I"ll give you two dishesThin: you " " " " "YangWu: we recognize you, dadThin: alas! Boy, is my boy crying."Song: don"t cry, don"t cry, don"t cry, handkerchief on einhorn number drink addressYang: it sure is afraid he got lost their family prepare, callW: don"t worry, let he ate this meal walk again, this ah, my treatY: oh, the son is my treat, who all don"t argue with meDon: you two thin, come, my son, let a sitting next to me you eat,Song: ah. Grandpa, again disorderly!Four people laugh忽忽~~~采纳了 希望加下分。
2023-07-28 20:51:031

CENTOS 5.5 安装 NGINX 1.2.2 出错 高手帮忙看看 缺少了什么包!

我事先安装了pcre和zlib,安装路径分别是/usr/-f objs/Makefile make[1]: 2 请问这个问题怎么解决啊?? /bin/sh:
2023-07-28 20:50:372


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2023-07-28 20:50:301

歌词baby baby baby baby baby baby baby是什么歌曲

贾斯丁的《baby》歌手: justin bieber 发行时间:2014-01-13 所属专辑:《my worlds - the collection》
2023-07-28 20:50:305


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2023-07-28 20:50:291


gdm是字符控制台下面使用鼠标跟xwindow 、桌面管理器没关系
2023-07-28 20:50:221