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tickling tv里有什么视频好看

2023-07-29 11:44:21

ff/f 59秒那个

stomach tickling

Goth student is punished (这个真的很赞,希望符合你的口味- )

Christine tickled

3楼朋友的 Jessica系列,的确不错

Sexy maid

Caged and Feathered

Sommer & Krystal Holiday Tickle

pink sole可以说是我最喜欢的了- -The girl的声音很销魂

我不是想要分- -我只是希望有好的片子,大家一起分享,希望你喜欢。


Foxy Roxy Tickled Face Down

Suzanna Tickled in Stocks

You Actually Tickle Me"



Jessica: Study in Laughter

Jessica: End of the Day Tickling





tickle[英][u02c8tu026akl][美][u02c8tu026aku0259l]vt.& vi.(使)发痒; (使)愉快,逗乐; 使高兴; 使满足; n.胳肢; 搔痒; 愉快的情绪; Australia is so kind that, just tickle her with a hoe, and she laughs with a harvest.澳洲是这么可亲,只要用锄头逗她发痒,她就会带着收获笑颜开了。
2023-07-28 20:46:432


tickle[英][u02c8tu026akl][美][u02c8tu026aku0259l]vt.& vi.(使)发痒; (使)愉快,逗乐; 使高兴; 使满足; n.胳肢; 搔痒; 愉快的情绪; 第三人称单数:tickles过去分词:tickled现在进行时:tickling过去式:tickled例句:1.Would you tickle a gorilla? 你会呵大猩猩痒吗?
2023-07-28 20:46:521


tickle[英][u02c8tu026akl][美][u02c8tu026aku0259l]vt.& vi.(使)发痒; (使)愉快,逗乐; 使高兴; 使满足; n.胳肢; 搔痒; 愉快的情绪; 第三人称单数:tickles过去分词:tickled现在进行时:tickling过去式:tickled易混淆单词:Tickle例句:1.The next time you feel a tickle in your throat, try using a natural and organic treatment you just might grow to love. 下次你感觉到喉咙痒的时候,尝试一种自然有机的治疗方法,你肯定会喜欢这种方法
2023-07-28 20:47:001


2023-07-28 20:47:391


tickle是一个名词,意思是胳肢、痒感、使人发痒、高兴的东西,也可以作及物动词的意思是使发痒、使高兴、使满足,还可以作不及物动词的意思是觉得痒、(东西)使人发痒,tickle这个单词可以划分为几个音节呢?我们一起来看一看,这个单词是一个单音节单词,它的发音为【u02c8tu026akl】,我们再看一下用法,tickle也可以作及物动词,作为使发痒、使高兴、使满足的意思来使用;例如在下面这两个句子里,I was tickling him,and he was laughing and giggling.我在胳肢他,他咯咯笑起来。The final question for anybody interested in laughter is,"Why can"t we tickle ourselves?"对笑感兴趣的同学,最后一个问题是,为什么我们不能胳肢自己?在这两个句子中,tickle指的是使人发痒的东西、使发痒,tickle还可以用作名词,作为胳肢、痒感、使人发痒、高兴的东西的意思使用,例如下面这个句子,She gave the child a little tickle. 她轻轻地胳肢孩子。tickle这个单词你学会了吗?
2023-07-28 20:47:461


Many people enjoy being tickled, as it can be a fun bonding activity between two people. It can also help relieve stress, as the feeling of someone lightly running their fingers along your skin can leave you feeling relaxed afterwards. Tickle games can also be an amusing way for children to learn about cause and effect, as they understand that when they are being tickled, they experience a certain sensation. Overall, tickling can be a great way to connect with someone, provide some lighthearted fun, and even help reduce stress.
2023-07-28 20:48:292


2023-07-28 20:48:383

The hell of tickling

李雨倩是a市体校的大二学生,同时也是校女篮队的一员,175的身高、小麦色的皮肤、柔顺的棕色长发和毫无赘肉的甚至壮硕的身材让她成为了学校里一道靓丽的风景线,如果非要说有什么缺点的话,那就是她火爆的脾气、浓重的体毛和硕大的双脚了:李雨倩有着与身体不成比例的46码大脚和男性般“茂盛”的体毛,如果别人说了她这两点,那就准备好接受李雨倩的“狂风暴雨”吧……这天,李雨倩来到了运动场一层的健身房打算锻炼锻炼。已经放暑假了,所以学校里已经没什么人了,而健身房里,更是只有零零星星的4、5个人,身为女篮队的成员,李雨倩早已去惯了健身房,在简单地热身之后,她走向了拉力器,开始锻炼起了背肌和大臂。李雨倩的性格比较大大咧咧的,再加上她的体毛长得实在太快,所以她经常就懒得剃毛了,当然,也包括腋毛,恰好她今天穿的是一件粉色的无袖运动背心,所以当她抬起胳膊的时候,腋下那两丛“茂密”的“黑色丛林”可以说是一览无余。平时的话,人不多,而且大家都在专心练自己的,倒也没事,但不巧的是,历史学的希曼小姐就坐在李雨倩的对面,两人的距离不到两米,而李雨倩的腋毛自然也被希曼小姐尽收眼底了。希曼小姐是一位从英国来的五十多岁的老小姐,像很多中老年的传统英国人一样,她很看重礼节与格调,她经常说的便是:“在我还年轻的那个年代,一位真正的小姐可不会……”,显然,李雨倩浓密的腋毛不符合她的传统审美观,看着眼前的这位“毛茸茸”的年轻姑娘,希曼不禁皱了皱眉,决定做点什么,来教育教育这个强壮的“女巨人”……李雨倩迷迷糊糊地睁开了双眼,习惯性地想伸个懒腰,缺发现自己被束缚住了:自己被捆在一个有靠背的长凳上,双手被背到脑后,双腿向前伸直,也被捆在了一起。李雨倩努力地回忆,想起自己帮一个老太太指路,然后她请了自己一杯红茶,两人聊着聊着,对方突然指出女生应该勤处理毛发,自己生气地告诉她这是她自己的自由,然后自己忽然就感觉眼前发晕,之后就什么都不知道了,显然,自己是被那个老太太绑架了!就像是为了验证李雨倩的判断是正确的一样,希曼小姐出现在了她的眼前,说道:“哦?看来你醒了?你的呼噜声可不小啊年轻的小姐。” “你个老巫婆!快放了我!你这是绑架!”李雨倩怒吼道。 “哦,不,我不这么认为,我觉得这更偏向于……是一次必要的教育过程。” “你tm在说什么?你究竟有什么该死的目的?” “小姐,你应该注意你言辞!我们那个时候,一位真正的淑女可不会说出这种话!唉,看来今天要教你的很多啊……”希曼小姐叹了口气,说道。李雨倩还在奇怪眼前这个老古董到底在说什么,希曼小姐却突然把头凑近了她大张着的腋下,闻了闻,说道:“首先我们要处理的就是这毫不优雅的腋下。说真的,年轻人,你看看你腋下这堆杂毛,在公共场合就这么露着给别人看,难道就不觉得害臊吗?而且,呕,你自己闻不到你腋下的味道吗?” 若是搁在平时,说这种话的人可能已经被李雨倩追着打了,但现在她被结实地绑着,而且这种姿势下,她的确能闻见从自己两腋传来的淡淡的酸臭味,尽管如此,李雨倩还是涨红了脸,喊道:“这tm不关你的事儿!我的腋毛我想不想剪随我乐意!嘿!你要干嘛?!”只见希曼小姐端了盆热水,又拿了肥皂、剃刀、毛巾过来了,面对李雨倩的疑问,希曼面无表情地回答道:“既然你自己不想剪,那就只能我来代劳了。”说罢,用水打湿了双手和肥皂,搓出了很多泡沫后,将“魔爪”伸向了李雨倩毛茸茸的腋下……“噫嘻嘻嘻,停下!痒嘻嘻嘻嘻!别揉啦!”希曼小姐的双手在李雨倩的腋下不紧不慢地揉搓着,试图把泡沫打得更全面一些,而在毛根处打肥皂时,必然会触碰到李雨倩隐藏在浓密“森林”下的嫩肉,而李雨倩则被痒得痛苦不堪,拼命扭动着上半身,但这种小幅度的挣扎不仅无法让李雨倩脱离苦海,反而会时不时地与希曼的双手更“亲密”地接触,使腋下那刺激性的痒感突然加强,使她更加难受。好在泡沫很快就打完了,剃毛的过程也没带给李雨倩太多的痛苦,只不过在挂完后,希曼小姐为了把泡沫清干净,拿毛巾擦的时候,还顺势狠狠地掏了几下李雨倩如今已光滑白净的腋下,毛巾的粗糙感和希曼的手又惹得她发出一阵轻笑和挣扎。但李雨倩的磨难,还远远没有结束……在希曼小姐帮李雨倩处理完她的腿毛后,打算顺便看看她的指甲和脚趾甲有没有按照“淑女”的标准修剪利落,便将手伸向李雨倩的跑步鞋,想要脱下来。这时,本来已经很累了,垂着头的李雨倩突然想到了什么,拼命地扭动双脚,慌张地喊道:“不不不!不用了!我昨天刚剪过!不要脱鞋!”希曼小姐以为她是对自己的那双大脚感到羞耻,害怕会因此再被“惩罚”,便和善地笑了笑,说道:“放心,虽然你长了双不太优雅的大脚,但这不是你的错,我不会因此而惩罚你的。我只是检查检查,如果你没什么别的问题,今天的教养‘培训"就到此为止。”说罢,就要继续脱李雨倩的鞋子;可听了希曼小姐的安慰后,李雨倩非但没有老实下来,反而挣扎得更厉害了,不过可惜的是一切都是徒劳的,她的双脚可动范围太小了,一双像船一样的大号运动鞋被希曼学姐稍一使劲就拔下来了,露出了李雨倩那双穿着过膝运动袜的大脚,那双可怕的大脚……希曼小姐一下子呆住了,原本她是想把李雨倩的鞋和袜子都脱了,然后仔细观察一下她的足部护理情况的,所以脸靠得很近;然而,在她脱下李雨倩的运动鞋的那一刻,一股热气夹杂着刺鼻而恶臭的脚汗味“冲”进了她的鼻孔。希曼小姐满脸通红,不知是被李雨倩的臭脚熏的还是为她的不讲卫生而生气,她一把扒下李雨倩被汗浸透、已经有点发黄的长袜,使她的双脚暴露在空气中,李雨倩的脚真的很大,既有着优美的修长轮廓,也有着经常运动所造就的厚实的肉感,但脚板没有一点死皮,脚掌红润,脚心发白,有力的脚趾节上有着几颗如白色玉珠般的脚趾头,可以说是让人赏心悦目;但相对的,完全暴露的大臭脚顿时使房间内的味道更加“浓郁”了。希曼小姐生气地说道:“我的天呐!你难道从来不洗脚的吗?这世上最臭的臭奶酪都没你的脚丫子臭!你真应该为自己感到羞耻!”而李雨倩确实羞臊得别过了头,这两天篮球队都在加紧训练,每天的高强度训练后纵使是李雨倩这种比较健壮的姑娘也累得不想动弹,趟床上就能睡着,所以她的脚丫味道确实不太好,再加上自己刚去完健身房就被抓来了,脚上的汗都还没干,实在不够“美观”。“我...我饶不了你..…”李雨倩小声嘀咕了一句,而希曼小姐则像是没听见一样,转身又拿了个东西,叹了口气,埋怨道:“唉,没想到刚帮你清理完你的胳肢窝,现在还得帮你洗洗你的大臭脚。”李雨倩害羞地扫了一眼希曼手里的东西,却被惊得瞪大了眼睛:她手里拿着的,是一个大号毛刷,像是自己平时在家给爱犬“彗星”梳毛的那种大毛刷!被这东西给刷脚,不知道得痒成什么样!李雨倩拼命想要挣脱出来,同时不断地求饶:“别,不要洗脚,别用那个!我明白了!我一定洗脚!我一会儿就洗!我保证!别...”“你现在需要的不是自己洗脚!我这次会替你好好洗一回!你现在需要的是老老实实呆着!而且最好让你亲身经历一下你脚上的味道!”说罢,随手把一只李雨倩的袜子硬生生塞进了她正在求饶的嘴里,并顺便把她的运动鞋摆在了她的面前,嘴里满是自己脚上的汗臭味和鞋子的橡胶味,面前的鞋子散发的自己的脚臭味让李雨倩本人也恶心地皱起了眉头,这一切都让她既羞耻又反感。但她只羞愧了短短的几秒钟,脚底被沾了温热肥皂水的毛刷刷洗所带来的痒感使她的大脑瞬间一片空白,失去了理性,希曼小姐用刷子仔细但不使劲地刷着李雨倩的脚心窝和前脚掌,并用手指穿进她的脚趾缝,搓洗她脚趾间的污垢,还时不时拿指甲刮一刮脚心没刷干净的地方边挠还边自言自语地回忆过去:“这脚丫子真是太臭、太脏了!在我还年轻的时候,我们这些城里的姑娘可不会又这样的脚丫子!倒是在村里农场干活的凯莉小姐,她的那双脚可跟你有的一比,听说她有一次让奶牛舔她的臭脚丫子,结果奶牛整整产了一周的酸奶,不过我现在很确定那应该是其他姑娘用来嘲笑她编的,不过她的脚的味道还真是,唉...” 脚底板被挠痒跟腋下被挠痒的感觉不同,挠腋下时主要是感觉到酸胀的痒,而脚心则是切切实实地瘙痒;尽管嘴里还被自己的臭袜子堵着,李雨倩依然疯狂地大笑着,她现在已经顾不上嘴里袜子上的脚汗混合着口水流得到处都是了,也顾不上因为大笑而变得杂乱的呼吸会吸进面前自己鞋子里的臭味了,李雨倩现在所能想到的,只有“痒!”和“停止!”这两件事,可惜不论是解痒还是让希曼小姐停下,对于现在的李雨倩来说都是不可能的了……等到希曼小姐刷完了脚,李雨倩的脸和脖子已经因为大笑和挣扎而变得通红,而她的双脚也跟她的脸一样红,看得出来被“照顾”得相当彻底。希曼小姐闻了闻这庞大的脚,现在她的脚已经只有淡淡的汗味和芳香的香皂味儿了,她用两根手指拽出了李雨倩嘴里的袜子,问道:“你现在感觉怎么样?年轻的小姐?是不是整洁的身体比你原来那个粗俗的身体好多了?”李雨倩赶紧表示赞同:“是的是的,求您放了我吧老太...哦我是说女士,我保证今后会天天处理好自己的卫生问题的!”希曼小姐听到这个答复,满意地点了点头,笑着说:“看来今天的教养课相当有成效啊,那么今天就到这里吧!不过请记住,年轻的小姐,我会实时注意你的!”说完,解开了绳子。看着李雨倩疯了似的偷跑了,她叹了口气,嘀咕道:“哎呀,这个疯丫头,连鞋子和袜子都忘了拿了,看来晚上还得去看看她……”
2023-07-28 20:48:541


疼 触 冷 热 压
2023-07-28 20:49:053

uk tickling什么意思

uk tickling词典结果uk tickling英国胳肢
2023-07-28 20:49:291


scratvh where it itches
2023-07-28 20:49:373

tickled me 微信什么意思

微信拍一拍,这种翻译有一种故意打趣,逗对方乐的意思,微信拍一拍这个功能确实有搞笑、逗趣的意思。而且升级后群聊内拍一拍的提醒文字被加粗了,用户还能设置拍一拍的后缀,用拍一拍逗人的网友越来越多了,微信把拍一拍翻译为tickle还是挺形象的。John tickled you.约翰拍了拍你。Stop tickling me,darling!亲爱的,别再挠我的痒了!微信“拍一拍”功能微信上线“拍一拍”功能,用户在微信对话框中双击对方的头像,即能造成对方头像抖动的效果,并且还附带了手机振动和系统提示的效果。新功能一上线,微信可以说迎来了好友之间的“一顿乱拍”。如果你在拍一拍后缀添加的表情是烟花、庆祝、炸弹、鞭炮这种动效表情,那么对方拍一拍后双方的聊天界面都会出现动效。在新版微信中支持拍一拍撤回功能,不过这个撤回有两个条件,一个是两分钟之内,还有一个就是对方也使用了新版微信,两个条件缺一不可。
2023-07-28 20:49:581


2023-07-28 20:50:461


Are relativesSong: cif value, part-time earn 580, send home for family filial piety parents, send 550, leaving me from 30. I stroll light I stroll into wider, hungry out to buy a KaoGongShu. Hey! Cif value.Thin: give me the moneySong: with what ah! You who ah?Your father: I am thin.Song: who is your father?Thin: you haven"t admit, not letter you ask the big tall,Song: who is she?Thin: is she your mom.Song: the old man confused!Thin: give me the money for me hungry!Song: are you hungry and go home to have a meal!Thin: I don"t know. I will meet you! Home You are my girl, I am hungry!Song: ah! Don"t let the car hit, ok, I"ll buy you eat, who are elderly, who are old, walking, I give you buy to eat sweet,This restaurant, thin:Song: that he that don"t confuse, this into a restaurant 10 8 did not come, I"ve got nothing to lose, I take you to dinner.Girl: well that thin filial!Song: filial piety to spend? The boss!W: alas! Come, come! !!!!!! Two something to eat?Thin: eat abalone lobster, crabSong: my mother to eat dead me ah, that, what is the most expensive you?W: SuXian steamed stuffed bun, eight dollars one is the cheapest.Song: the SuXian half jins.W: ok, half jins of SuXian steamed stuffed bun. And a couple of cooking.Song: no.Thin: I eat stir-friesSong: they won"t fry will only be steamed buns,W: who said this, we can be a delicious dishes,Song: block to the steamed stuffed bunW: I dig a door.Song: don"t spend your money,Yang: the little restaurant is clean. Ha ha ha,? It"s nice!Song! Good good, wife of shop-owner long with steamed stuffed bun,W: steamed stuffed bun,Yang: boy, the wife of shop-owner long really like dumplings, ha, ha, ha, wife of shop-owner, cooking?House: they will only thin steamed buns not fryW: how do you also say this? You don"t listen to him, we have, what this cookingYang: ah... A sneak fatty intestineW: ok! Sneak fatty intestine!Thin: I eat sneak fatty intestine,Song: you don"t eat fatty intestine, sneak fatty intestine slipped more dirty? Do you think that fatty intestine originally inside what ah?Thin: pig!Yang: boy, nausea, disgusting.W: talk nonsense what ah?Song: I deceive you, he, and they that you must wash. The fatty intestineYang: uh... Then came a broiled fishThin: I eat braise in soy sauce fish,Song: not to eat fish, braised braise in soy sauce eats much fish scales, when your body is a tickling hua hua of fell down toward the earth and del piero,Yang: boy, the more disgustingWu: you don"t go,Y: I eat?Wu, You hear what he has to call you, but the toadThin: I eat toadSong: eat what toad! Somebody else"s talking with meW: how did he doesn"t, somebody else, you can add an order, you make me sick! How do you sellYang: stop it, stop it, fatty intestine, braised, I fish me againSong: comrade, bother you a matter, when you order slightly smaller, don"t let him, I thank you for hearing, thank you, thank youYang: to plunge beer,W: what do you sayThin: he"s going to beerW: my ears pricked spirit ah, is to beerSong: how don"t you eat? Full?Thin: didn"t eat satisfiedSong: didn"t eat satisfied to eat dumplingsThin, waiting to eat fishSong: no fish,Thin: a fish.Song: no fish.W: fish here!Thin: fish, fish,Song: over the past, come and sit, carrying point that fishY: oh, cold beer, first appetizing ah, ha, ha, haThin: I drink beer,Song: bad to drink beer,Thin: good,Song: bad to drink beer, the horse, with a taste. UrineYang: the spray beer.Song: look, vomitted!Y: you said with a horse, I can smell urine does not vomit?W: ah ah ah! I say what is wrong with you? Your home with a flavor of beer horse urine, you not hit my businessSong: I"m responsive, he?Y: you deceive me gush out half he in me,Mr. Wu: sir, you don"t listen to him, she has said,Y: I think he is faulty, ye!!!!! This fish good ah, ha, ha, haThin: I eat fish,Song: fish is not goodYang: the mouth of his.Thin: good, he has his mouthSong: that you also yumDon"t eat dumplings yum thin: I eat fishSong: you don"t eat, don"t eatThin, fish nets and songSong: I didn"t say it, eat fish and made all made... A thornThin: I"m not afraid quills,Song: this quills, if can be uncomfortable in the throat, you think ah, this is a card to your throat, MAO, MAO MAO,Yang: MAO, MAO, MAOW: what"s the matter? What happened? This is what happenedYang: barb cardSong: you see, stuckYang: all blame you, you always say, I stuck, stuck stuckW: his throat to went wrong, you may have to drink wine, and the wine taken back edge flavour.Yang: ah, ah. betterSong: thank you, thank youY: are you so speakSong: you stuck, he never ate fishY: what person, you are doing this, you have to give your dad flower,Song: he"s not my fatherW:? Who believeSong: we don"t believeW: reallyY: what he, she is your peopleThin: he is my daughterW: what are you his peopleHis father: I am thinSong: I beg you, you don"t want again blah, do not ah, my dadYang: see, reallySong: you think and think, just in the street you column a goo goo goo goo goo, never lean.Thin: just in the street, I don"t knowSong: yes, you will meet meA: I met you thin, you are the moneySong: I"m the counting money, brush brush, oh, say these things, you will say, later you hungryMind you, thin: take me to dinnerSong: oh, finally understand, tell them who you are.She is thin: my fatherSong: oh, returned to cry on the squat down.Wu: you said that the old man pulls you so easily? You say he wants a cooking, you even don"t recognize the sate,Song: eat more, cooking is my father?Wu: you...Yang: a conscience,W: isY: you want to want clap my chest, who gave you washed diapers, who taught you to learn to speak with that of the sweet, who put you fed milk, no days, no land, which has no house, which is what I have, I don"t have you?Song: HMM?Yang: is it not he, what have youSong: I have no him, strangeY: you should treat man I never promised, he said, you do?Thin: I eat fishYang: YiYiYi ah! This is my fish,Song: I eat dumplings, eat dumplings!Thin: have you let me eat fish dumplings, you don"t filial piety, I eat fishWu: you see, you see, give your dad grabbed a fishSong: disaster!Yang: he can"t he, he is only playing dumb, eat fish! Your girl to goW: isThin: I blunt you want, you don"t give I eat, because you are not filial pietyY: I"m not obedient? I: what is your person!Your father: I am thinYang: this, this, this is my dad, how do youW: look out, he may be some confusion, he, he is none of your businessYang: yes!W: he isn"t your son,Yang: yesThin: you also help him lane I, you better not filial pietyW: this is how I came offY: no, you know who she is?Thin: is she your daughter-in-lawSong: ha ha ha ha, it perfectly. Gnome male - "heyThin: they are namely originallyW: I gave you, he said, I tell him not the couple,Thin: you to divorce him?W: who to divorce himThin: that"s no divorce or the coupleW: this is mixedY: I see that he is carelessW: I seeSong: believe me, I don"t know himWuYang: I don"t know himThin: good! You don"t recognize me, huh? I bring you keep so bigNever lean, the thin took three block, and said he: you don"t worry.You don"t recognize me, I will not worryYang: be careful of the slippery, be carefulSong: I recognize you, me!Do you recognize me? Thin:Song: ah!Thin: call me,Song: dad!Thin: louderSong: dadThin:... Ah "music ring.Song: dad, I"m not afraid, I give you money to buy fatty intestine, buy, buy beer fish braise in soy sauceGirl: well that"s thin, I good girlYang: this wine he, we have food, what have!W: I"ll give you two dishesThin: you " " " " "YangWu: we recognize you, dadThin: alas! Boy, is my boy crying."Song: don"t cry, don"t cry, don"t cry, handkerchief on einhorn number drink addressYang: it sure is afraid he got lost their family prepare, callW: don"t worry, let he ate this meal walk again, this ah, my treatY: oh, the son is my treat, who all don"t argue with meDon: you two thin, come, my son, let a sitting next to me you eat,Song: ah. Grandpa, again disorderly!Four people laugh忽忽~~~采纳了 希望加下分。
2023-07-28 20:51:031

We can 什么 to tell you.括号里面填什么

We can use a cake to tell you that there were good navel oranges in Guangdong this season用一个蛋糕告诉你,广东也有本土好脐橙!If you go to Pingyuan County, Meizhou, you can see navel oranges hanging on the branches all over the mountains. They are round and full in shape and golden in color, tickling people"s taste buds. Pingyuan navel orange is known as “the king of oranges” for its crisp, sweet and delicious taste. A chef in Guangzhou has created a fruit cake with Pingyuan navel oranges, using a cake to explore their unique flavor. Come and check it out! 去到现今的梅州平远县,可以看到漫山遍野的脐橙挂满枝头,个个圆润饱满、色泽金黄,让人看着垂涎三尺。平远脐橙肉质脆嫩、鲜甜可口,素有 “橙中之王”的美誉。广州的一位行政副总厨用平远脐橙为原料,做了一个水果蛋糕,用一个蛋糕发掘平远脐橙的独特风味,快来一探究竟吧!
2023-07-28 20:51:151

求英语达人翻译下以下句子 感激不尽!!!!

1.Even the old guy like you and me are coming here, he le words really dangerous outside 2.It is a to black bear, large in the running process to a rumbling sound of the shot. Scopus repeatedly stepped back, raise staff sent a lightning bolt. Dire bear by the sudden scare a lightning sutra, but also is only scare, the lame lightning bolt commonplace in bear and tickling nothing, a blow, pastor and repeatedly. Dire bear was scared, more crazy came. It can be hard to grasp the Perth, the lightning bolt spell power is one of the biggest, now playing in this age but even bear upon. To reach the body"s eyes, le claws and a low by rolling, whose spot survived an palm. Let him think, time to bear the lumbering is very clever, the body actually a palm misses twisted second. Poor is only so commonplace rolling on the ground. 3. A few times seem"s unavoidable attacks are commonplace even with the rolling up the past. Dire bear seems to play the impatient, legs stand up tall pile. Roll on the ground of perses saw this movement was abnormal, but no panic rapidly rolled over two feet in dire bear belly, bow on a fly legs. He was alive with a sense of joy and the voice "pious matchless variable ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!" into a Wolf, 4."Damn! How to light a fire, so difficult!" Scopus hate the scolded 1, simply dropped his fire turns against fall will sleep. This turns, frighten of perses one desires JiLing stood up, and took up the dead without beside staff. The colossus was also scopus sudden movement, startled the sutra and gave a loud growl. Never ever guti scopus hold staves, see a rush over the figure of the moment, in a cold sweat.
2023-07-28 20:51:383


  英语绕口令是一个又能锻炼口语又有趣的文字游戏,以下是我为你整理的英文版绕口令,欢迎大家阅读。   英文版绕口令经典篇   How many cuckoos could a good cook cook if a cook could cookcuckoos?   Three thumping tigers are tickling trout.   Sheep shouldn"t sleep in shaky shacks, should they?   A spoiled boy destroyed a toy for joy.   Nick had a big pig with thick sticky skin.   Cat, cat, catch that fat rat!   Some say sweet-scented shaving soap soothes sore skin.   Big blue balloons bounced by Billy"s brown bike.   Five fine funny frogs frowned on furry furniture.   The nurses in skirts washed thirty dirty shirts.   If a chow chews shoes, how does he choose which shoes to chew?   Little Willie"s wooden whistle wouldn"t whistle.   Better beat a bit of butter to make a better batter.   Lots of little London Lamplighters light London"s lots of littlelamps.   Shadows shade the sheltered shallows.   His shirt soon shrank in the suds.   英文版绕口令精选篇   Ann sentAndy ten hens and Andy sent Ann ten pens.   Canners can can what they can can but can not can things can"t becanned.   Good s could be cooked by a good cook if a good cook could cook goods.   Jenny and Jimmy went to Jamaica and Germany in January, but Joan andJohn went to Jordan and Japan in June and July.   A cricket critically cricked at a critical cricket match, and sothis cricket quitted the cricket match quickly.   Bill"s big brother is building a beautiful building between two bigbrick blocks.   There are thirty thousand feathers on that thrush"s throat.   A flea and a fly were trapped in a flue, and they tried to flee fortheir life. The flea said to the fly "let""s flee!" and the fly saidto the flea"Let"s fly!.Finally both the flea and fly managed to fleethrough a flaw in the flue.   Peter Piper picked a peck of picket prepared by his parents and putthem in a big paper plate.   The rat-catcher can"t catch caught rats.   Six silly sisters sell silk to six sickly senior citizens.   Ten tiny tortoises tried to talk to twenty timid toads.   As the roaring rocket rose, the restless roosters rollicked.   The next number is neither nine nor nineteen.   Sally Sue sat sadly saying sixty-six syllables to silly Sandy.   The frozen fishermen threw their frozen fish back in again.   An elevator on Everest is an Everest elevator.   Swan, swim over the sea. Swim, Swan, swim!   swan, swimback again. Well swum, Swan!   I see seven seagulls soaring southwards silently.   Tommy Tye tried to tie his tie but tugging too tight tore his tie.   The dude dropped in at the Dewdrop Inn for a drop of drink.   Mrs Snelling"s selling six sick six-shilling sheep.   Tiny Tommy Tortoise talked to Tessie Turtle on telephone ten timestoday.   Sixty-seven sacks of salt sitting side by side.   Can Christmas come twice?   英文版绕口令最新篇   If Christmascan come twice, when else can Christmas come?   Mrs Claton collects coconut s and crunches while she"s countingcrutches.   The man with fair hair dare not repair their chairs there becausethere is a bear there.   Master Carl asks his class not to go to the parks to play cards.   When a doctor doctors another doctor, does he doctor the doctoreddoctor the way the doctored doctor wants to be doctored or does he doctor thedoctored doctor the way the doctoring doctor wants to doctor the doctor?   How much wood would a woodcutter cut if a woodcutter could cut wood?He"d cut as much wood as a woodcutter could if a wood cutter could cut wood.   Nina needs nine knitting needles to knit naughty Nita"s knickersnicely.
2023-07-28 20:51:451


2023-07-28 20:52:011


CCBill 安全注册表 - [108cc]
2023-07-28 20:52:102


  对话教学作为一种新型而有效的教学方式,主张教师和学生应具有对话心态,坚持对话原则,学生在互动交流与沟通合作中学习、使用英语,有效实现学生英语交际能力的锻炼与培养。我精心收集了关于幼儿园日常英语对话,供大家欣赏学习!   关于幼儿园日常英语对话1   Poor little dog   可怜的小狗   Mimi: Jeez,the weather is horrible.   Mimi: Is it going to rain through the night?   Mimi: Wait,I heard something.   Mimi: What is it?   Mimi: Poor little dog...he looks old too.   Mimi: I want to take care of him.   Mimi: Hey,Mija,do something.   Mija: Okay.   Mimi: Good bye.   咪咪:哎呀,天气真可怕。   咪咪:一整个晚上都在下雨?   咪咪:等等,我听到什么声音。   咪咪:那是什么?   咪咪:可怜的小狗......他看起来太老了。   咪咪:我要好好照顾他。   咪咪:嘿,米加,做一些事情。   米加:好的。   咪咪:再见。   关于幼儿园日常英语对话2   我喜欢葡萄   Bobby: I like grapes. How about you?   Betty: I don"t like grapes. I like watermelons.   Kimmy: Do you like apples?   Amy: Yes,I do.   Kimmy: Do you like bananas?   Amy: No,I don"t.   Tommy: What"s your favorite fruit?   Judy: My favorite fruit is grapes.   鲍比:我喜欢葡萄。你呢?   贝蒂:我不喜欢葡萄。我喜欢西瓜。   吉米:你喜欢苹果吗?   艾米:是的,我喜欢。   吉米:你喜欢香蕉吗?   艾米:不,我不喜欢。   汤米:你最喜欢的水果是什么?   朱迪:我最喜欢的水果是葡萄。   关于幼儿园日常英语对话3   Mimi: Hello, Costa. What are you doing here?   Costa: Spring is here and they dandelion seeds are flying everywhere!   Costa: I want to get rid of them because they"re tickling my nose!   Mimi: But Costa, they have to do that otherwise they can"t bloom.   Costa: So what. I don"t care.   ChinChin: Hey,what"s going on Mimi?   Mimi: ChinChin, Costa is picking all the dandelions.   Mimi: What should we do?   ChinChin: Costa! Stop it!   Costa: It"s none of your business!   ChinChin: Oh yeah? We"ll see about that...   ChinChin: Will you listen now?   Costa: Ok. You win.   Costa: I"m sorry.   Costa: I"ll stop picking the other dandelions.   咪咪:嗨,科斯达。你在这里做什么?   科斯达:春天来了,而蒲公英的种子到处乱飞!   科斯达:我想摆脱他们,因为它们让我鼻子发痒的!   咪咪:但是,科斯达,它们必须那样,否则它们不能播种。   科斯达:那又怎么样。我不在乎。   晨晨:嘿,咪咪,这是怎么回事?   咪咪:晨晨,科斯达采摘蒲公英。   咪咪:我们应该怎么办?   晨晨:科斯达!住手!   科斯达:这不关你的事!   晨晨:哦,是吗?我们走着瞧吧......   晨晨:现在你听了吗?   科斯达:好的。你赢了。   科斯达:对不起。   科斯达:我会停止采摘其他蒲公英。
2023-07-28 20:52:201


vt.1. 呵...痒;使发痒He tickled the baby"s feet and made her laugh.他搔婴儿的脚,把她逗笑了。2. 逗...笑;使快乐The clown tickled the audience with his funny actions.小丑用滑稽动作逗观众发笑。3. 【口】触;拨;弹She tickled the fire.她拨了拨火。4. 用手抓住5. 唤起,激起The self-esteem of the selected candidates was immediately tickled.这立即激起了被挑选的候选人的自尊心。vi.1. 感到痒;怕痒My nose tickles from the dust and I want to scratch it.我的鼻子受灰尘的刺激发痒,很想搔它。2. 呵痒Pepper tickles if it gets into the nose.胡椒弄到鼻孔里会使人发痒。n.1. 呵痒;痒感[S][U]The baby laughed when I gave her a tickle.我呵婴孩痒,婴孩笑了。2. 使人痒的东西[C]
2023-07-28 20:52:473


tickle[英][u02c8tu026akl][美][u02c8tu026aku0259l]vt.& vi.(使)发痒; (使)愉快,逗乐; 使高兴; 使满足; n.胳肢; 搔痒; 愉快的情绪; 第三人称单数:tickles过去分词:tickled现在进行时:tickling过去式:tickled易混淆单词:Tickle
2023-07-28 20:53:031

tickle girl是什么意思

tickle girl逗女孩tickle英 [u02c8tu026akl] 美 [u02c8tu026aku0259l] vt.& vi.(使)发痒; (使)愉快,逗乐; 使高兴; 使满足n.胳肢; 搔痒; 愉快的情绪第三人称单数: tickles 现在分词: tickling 过去式: tickled 过去分词: tickled 双语例句1I was tickling him, and he was laughing and giggling. 我在胳肢他,他哈哈哈、咯咯咯地笑个不停。
2023-07-28 20:53:132

might tickle什么意思

might tickle可能会发痒tickle[英][u02c8tu026akl][美][u02c8tu026aku0259l]vt.& vi.(使)发痒; (使)愉快,逗乐; 使高兴; 使满足; n.胳肢; 搔痒; 愉快的情绪; 第三人称单数:tickles过去分词:tickled现在进行时:tickling过去式:tickled易混淆单词:Tickle例句:1.The next time you feel a tickle in your throat, try using a natural and organic treatment you just might grow to love. 下次你感觉到喉咙痒的时候,尝试一种自然有机的治疗方法,你肯定会喜欢这种方法。
2023-07-28 20:53:201


2023-07-28 20:53:471

tickling feet是什吗意思

2023-07-28 20:53:542

tickling tv里有什么视频好看

2023-07-28 20:54:024


2023-07-28 20:54:111

tickling tv是什么

2023-07-28 20:54:291


2023-07-28 20:54:371

求神来翻译 一首英文歌的歌词 在网上找不到。。。

你花了些机会和备份,伟大的手萧条 秘密香槟给你的鼻子 那时我们可以使赌场的人到我们这里来 在厨房里醒来没有衣服 所以 救救我们,拉斯维加斯 说它还没有结束 我们必须坚持我们的膀臂多说 吸烟一包的香烟 说 救救我们,拉斯维加斯 这一切不应该结束 我想我们有足够更多的选择 明天我们可以开始,试图忘记 炎热和爽朗的可以得到我
2023-07-28 20:54:563


(1)a writer named wright was 包含ucting his little son how to wri te wright right. he said:" it is not right to write wright as "rit e"-try to write wright aright! 〔2〕ann sent andy ten hens and andy sent ann ten pens. 〔3〕canners can can what they can can but can not can things can" t be canned. 〔4〕good 小甜饼s could be cooked by a good cook if a good cook co uld cook good 小甜饼s. 〔5〕jenny and jimmy went to jamaica and germany in january, but j oan and john went to jordan and japan in june and july. 〔6〕a cricket critically cricked at a critical cricket match, and so this cricket quitted the cricket match quickly. 〔7〕bill"s big brother is building a beautiful building between t wo big brick blocks. 〔8〕there are thirty thousand feathers on that thrush"s throat. 〔9〕a flea and a fly were trapped in a flue, and they tried to fl ee for their life. the flea said to the fly "let""s flee!" and the fly said to the flea"let"s fly!.finally both the flea and fly man aged to flee through a flaw in the flue. 〔10〕peter piper picked a peck of picket prepared by his parents and put them in a big paper plate. 〔11〕the rat-catcher can"t catch caught rats. (12〕six silly sisters sell silk to six sickly senior citizens. 〔13〕ten tiny tortoises tried to talk to twenty timid toads. 〔14〕how many cuckoos could a good cook cook if a cook could cook cuckoos? 〔15〕three thumping tigers are tickling trout. 〔16〕sheep shouldn"t sleep in shaky shacks, should they? 〔17〕a spoiled boy destroyed a toy for joy. 〔18〕nick had a big pig with thick sticky skin. 〔19〕cat, cat, catch that fat rat! 〔20〕some say sweet-scented shaving soap soothes sore skin. 〔21〕big blue balloons bounced by billy"s brown bike. 〔22〕five fine funny frogs frowned on furry furniture. 〔23〕the nurses in skirts washed thirty dirty shirts. 〔24〕if a chow chews shoes, how does he choose which shoes to che w? 〔25〕little willie"s wooden whistle wouldn"t whistle. 〔26〕better beat a bit of butter to make a better batter. 〔27〕lots of little london lamplighters light london"s lots of li ttle lamps. 〔28〕shadows shade the sheltered shallows. 〔29〕his shirt soon shrank in the suds. 〔30〕as the roaring rocket rose, the restless roosters rollicked. 〔31〕the next number is neither nine nor nineteen. 〔32〕sally sue sat sadly saying sixty-six syllables to silly sand y. 〔33〕the frozen fishermen threw their frozen fish back in again. 〔34〕an elevator on everest is an everest elevator. 〔35〕swan, swim over the sea. swim, swan, swim!swan, swim back ag ain. well swum, swan! 〔36〕i see seven seagulls soaring southwards silently. 〔37〕tommy tye tried to tie his tie but tugging too tight tore hi s tie. 〔38〕the dude dropped in at the dewdrop inn for a drop of drink. 〔39〕mrs snelling"s selling six sick six-shilling sheep. 〔40〕tiny tommy tortoise talked to tessie turtle on telephone ten times today. 〔41〕sixty-seven sacks of salt sitting side by side. 〔42〕can christmas come twice?if christmas can come twice, when e lse can christmas come? 〔43〕with one hand her husband hit her hat into a high hole. 〔44〕mrs claton collects coconut 小甜饼s and crunches while she"s counting crutches. 〔45〕the man with fair hair dare not repair their chairs there be cause there is a bear there. 〔46〕master carl asks his class not to go to the parks to play ca rds. 〔47〕when a doctor doctors another doctor, does he doctor the doc tored doctor the way the doctored doctor wants to be doctored or d oes he doctor the doctored doctor the way the doctoring doctor wan ts to doctor the doctor? 〔48〕how much wood would a woodcutter cut if a woodcutter could c ut wood? he"d cut as much wood as a woodcutter could if a wood cut ter could cut wood. 〔49〕nina needs nine knitting needles to knit naughty nita"s knic kers nicely. 〔50〕i don"t know why joan showed a yellow coat to the goat in th e snow. 〔51〕i slit a sheet, a sheet i slit. upon the slitted slitted she et, i sit! 〔52〕a big black bug bit a big black bear.where"s the big black b ear the big black bug bit? 〔53〕begging for the bactine and clamouring for calamine! 〔54〕moses supposes his toeses are roses, but moses supposes erro neously. for moses, he knowses his toeses aren"t roses as moses su pposes his toeses to be! 〔55〕the sixth sheik"s sixth sheep"s sick. 〔56〕peter piper picked a peck of pickle peppers. a peck of pickl e peppers peter piper picked. if peter piper picked a peck of pick le peppers, where is the peck of pickle peppers peter piper picked (57)neither father nor mother likes this weather. (58)a skunk sat on a stump and thunk the stump stunk,but the stu mp thunk the skunk stunk. (59)betty botter had some butter,"but," she said, "this butter" s bitter. if i bake this bitter butter,it would make my batter bitter.but a bit of better butter--that would make my batter better." (60)so she bought a bit of butter,better than her bitter butte r,and she baked it in her batter,and the batter was not "twas better betty botter bought a bit of better butter. (61)six thick thistle sticks. six thick thistles stick. (62)she sells sea shells by the sea shore.the shells she sells are surely if she sells shells on the seashore,i"m s ure she sells seashore shells. (63)"surely sylvia swims!" shrieked sammy, surprised."someone should show sylvia some strokes so she shall not sink." (64)a finnish fisher named fisher failed to fish any fish one friday afternoon and finally he found out a big fissure in his fis hing-net. (65)where is the watch i put in my pocket to take to the shop because it had stopped? (66)bob bought a big bag of buns to bait the bears" babies (67)a snow-white swan swiftly to catch a slowly-swimming snake in a lake. (68)mr. cook said to a cook: "look at this cook-book. it"s ver y good." so the cook took the advice of mr. cook and bought the bo ok.
2023-07-28 20:55:061


2023-07-28 20:55:271


听力:旧题出现的可能较大。两旧两新和三旧一新占机率各占40%,一旧三新机率20%,全新几率为0,重点看一下V30***,V08***,V09***。阅读:预测基本没用,但是也很大可能会有旧题出现,有时间也可以浏览一下往年阅读机经,了解相关的背景知识。写作:预测可注意一下科技类、教育类、环境类以及社会类的相关话题。口语:看预测及机经还是相当有用的。有时间看一下雅思网站雅思口语类新闻。高频话题的话,可以用雅思口语救生圈练一下。点此查看2010雅思考期/回忆/机经听力预测:(以下版本号依照雅思10年最新机经)听力预测:(以下版本号依照雅思10年最新机经)A级V09118S2 V09011S2 V09011S3 V09011S4 V09130S1 V09130S4 V09132S2 V09132S3 V09133S1 V0913S3 V0913S4 V09134S1 V09134S2 V09134S4 V09135S3 V09136S3 V09136S4 V09137S2 V09137S4 V09138S1 V09138S3 V09138S4 V09139S2 V09139S3 V09140S2 V09140S3 V09140S4 V09141S2 V09141S4 V09142S2 V09142S3 V09143S1 V09143S3 V09144S1 V09144S2 V09145S1 V09145S3 V09146S1 V09146S3 V09147S1 V09147S2 V09148S2 V09148S3 V30090S2 V30090S4 V30086s1 V30086s2 V30086s3 V30080s1 V30080s2 V30080s3 V30081s1 V30081s2 V30081s3 V30084S2 V30084S3 V30084S4 V30085s3 V30085s4 V30058S1 V30058S2 V30059S4 V30060S1 V30060S3 V30060S4 V30061S2 V30062S2 V30062S3 V30062S4 V30064S1 V30064S2 V30072S1 V30072S4 V30074S1 V30074S3 V30074S4 V30076S1 V30076S4 V30078S1 V30078S2 V30078S4 V30079S1 V30079S3 V06010S2 V06102S4 V06106S2 V06108S2 V06108S3 V06110S1 V06113S2 V06113S4 B级V09120S2 V09120S4 V09103S1 V09103S4 V09104S1 V09104S2 V09105S1 V09105S2 V09106S2 V09106S4 V09107S2 V09107S3 V09107S4 V09108S1 V09108S4 V09109S1 V09109S4 V09110S1 V09110S2 V09110S3 V090207S3 V090207S4 V090212S3 V09111S1 V09111S3 V09111S4 V09112S1 V09112S3 V09113S2 V09113S3 V09114S2 V09127S1 V09128S4 V09129S2 V08129S1S4 V08130S4 V08131S4 V08134S3 V08134S4 V08135S1 V08135S4 V08136S2 V08136S3 V08138S1 V08138S2 V08139S2 V08140S3 V08140S4 V08141S1 V08144S2 V08144S4 V08145S1 V08145S2 V08146S1 V08146S2 V08147S3 V081115S4 V081108S1 V081108S4 V08114S1 V08114S3 V08114S4 V081120S1 V081120S3 V081120S4 V08101S1 V08101S2 V08101S3 V081023S2 V081023S3 V08108S4 V080202S4 V08120S2 V08120S4 V080110S2 V08118S1 V08118S3 V08122S1 V08122S2 V08231S3 V08231S4 V08102S2 V08102S4 V08111S1 V08111S3 V08111S4口语1. Major/workAre you studying or working? Do you love your major or job? Why did you choose your major? How was your first day of university work? How do you feel about training? 2. HometownWhere are you from? Tell me what the most attractive part about your hometown is? Are there any changes happened in your hometown these rs? Is it a good place to live in?3. Flats & Houses & Cooking & FruitsWhere are you living, in a flat or a house? What can you see from your flat window? Is there anything which needs to be improved in your flat? How long have you been living in your place? Do you want to move? Do you love eating fruit and vegetables? why? Do you love cooking? explain why. Do you want to learn it? who cooks in your family?4. seasons & weather & natural sound & noise & flowerswhich season do you love most? what is the weather like in your hometown? what kind of weather do you love? what kind of natural sound do you love to listen to? how do you feel about noise? do you love flowers?5. News/phones/ TV advertisements/ Letters/Cell phonesCell phones, E-mails and letters, which ones do you love most? how often do you usually use E-mails? Do you love writing letters? Do kids in China love reading? explain why. Do you love reading magazines? what kind of TV programs do you love watching? Do you love watching foreign TV programs? why? How do you feel about those ads on TV? 6. Time & neighborhood relationships & collectionsDo you think time is very important? What is the importance of time? Do you wear watch? when do you think time flies and goes slow? How do you get along with your neighbors? Do you love collecting things? What do you love collecting? What did you collect when you were little?7. music & films & paintingHow do you feel about the phenomenon that parents in china are forcing their kids to learn How to play instruments/learn how to paint? Do you love drawing? why do you think a lot of people love to hang paintings on the walls of their flat? do you love watching films/listening to music? what kind of films/music do you love? where do you love to watch films, at home or in the cinema?8. Sports & Swimming &Transportations &Bicycles & drivingDo you love swimming? Do you want to learn how to swim? What is the most popular sport in China? What is your favorite sport? What are the advantages of riding bicycles in China? What is your favorite transportation? Do you know how to drive? what is the minimum age for people to get a driving license in China?9. Shopping & Travelling & Parties &languagesDo you love shopping? How do you feel about fashion? What kind of clothes do you like to wear? Do you love traveling? What is the meaning of travel? When you hang out, you prefer to hang out alone or with your friends? What did you do last weekends? How many languages do you speak? What is the importance of language? is it hard to learn language? Are there any good ways to learn language?10.事件 Do you prefer to have old people or young people as your neighbors? Do you like traveling? Where did you travel to in your latest trip? How long was the longest trip you took? How many hours do you spend on watching TV every day? What"re your favorite shows? What do you collect? Why do you collect them? What did you do on your first day at this school? What"s your favorite kind of weather? Do you like places with four seasons or has the same weather all r round?11.自然 Describe your favorite wild animal. Describe a place that has been polluted./ an environmental problem. Describe your favorite season. Describe your favorite animal. Describe a tourist spot.(natural or man-made scenic spots)12.物品 Describe an old/antique thing in your family.Describe something you bought but you didn"t use often. Describe a piece of jewellery. ☆Describe a toy.Describe something that was made by yourself.13.Architecture Tell me about a piece of architecture from your country You should say: 1) where it is and what it looks like 2) what it is used for 3) whether or not you have been to see it and explain why you choose to talk about this piece of architecture you can talk about :ocation, size, material, style, use, stories related to it, how you like it.阅读象形文字 Childcare in Britain 折射定律的发现 物种多元化 Tickling and laughter Tortoise and turtles 动物的条件反射 冰川期再现 苏联劳动时间的变化 声音在水中的传播 英国village住宿形式 教育 非洲国家的农业 照相技术和艺术 Conformity Novice and experts 金星凌日 印象派 新教育方式的影响 桥的共振 self-esteem 研究 海湾污染 主题公园的变化与发展 音乐对智力的影响 facial reconstruction 语言的流失 香水制造 E-learning 澳洲甘蔗制糖业 加拿大西部拓荒 美国地质学家 交通发展 嗅觉和记忆 Plain English Castle Building Roller Coaster Wining in Minds Mungo People 合成纤维 Memory champion 玻璃制造 海底古城发掘 梦的解析 欧洲交通系统 澳洲鹦鹉 恐龙研究 树冠研究 广告 二氧化碳与能源 两种蚂蚁 读心术 计时的历史 珊瑚礁 性格与长相 工业革命 学发展 汽车发展 蚂蚁自然队列 珍珠分类研究 记忆与年龄 大象交流方式写作task1 柱状图 流程图 表格task2 1.News media have become influential to our lives, and some people think that is a negative development. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2.In some big cities, high crime rate is a controversial issue for the governments as well as the citizens. The best way to coping with the problem is to confine those criminals into prison for a long period of time. To what extend do you agree or disagree?3.Caring for children is an important thing of the society. It is suggested that all mothers and fathers should be required to take childcare training courses. To what extent do you agree or disagree?4.The government is responsible for preserving the cultural heritage of cities. Some people think we should build all the new buildings in traditional styles. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 5.The newspaper is increasingly influential today. To what extent do you think this is a positive development?6.Money for postgraduate research is limited. Therefore some people think financial support from governments should be only provided for scientific research rather than research for less useful subjects. Do you agree or disagree?7.Some people think that media should not report detail of crimes to the public. To what extent do yo uagree or disagree?8.Nowadays,people can get almost any information from films,books or the internet,but some information can have negative influences on young people and even our society. The following essay discusses whether there should be censorship of information in society or not.9.Many languages die out every r in the world. What are the causes of this phenomenon? What are your solutions?10.Advertisements have no meaning to be exist in the society because people only buy something fulfill their needs and requirement. So advertisements are nothing but a simple form of entertainment. To what extend do you agree or disagree? 10.Many people wear fashionable clothing today. What are the causes of this trend and what are its effects on our lives?
2023-07-28 20:55:351

求挠痒痒视频 有国语的更好
2023-07-28 20:55:433

[关于幼儿园日常英语对话] 幼儿园日常英语口语

  对话教学作为一种新型而有效的教学方式,主张教师和学生应具有对话心态,坚持对话原则,学生在互动交流与沟通合作中学习、使用英语,有效实现学生英语交际能力的锻炼与培养。我精心收集了关于幼儿园日常英语对话,供大家欣赏学习!   关于幼儿园日常英语对话1   Poor little dog   可怜的小狗   Mimi: Jeez,the weather is horrible.   Mimi: Is it going to rain through the night?   Mimi: Wait,I heard something.   Mimi: What is it?   Mimi: Poor little dog...he looks old too.   Mimi: I want to take care of him.   Mimi: Hey,Mija,do something.   Mija: Okay.   Mimi: Good bye.   咪咪:哎呀,天气真可怕。   咪咪:一整个晚上都在下雨?   咪咪:等等,我听到什么声音。   咪咪:那是什么?   咪咪:可怜的小狗......他看起来太老了。   咪咪:我要好好照顾他。   咪咪:嘿,米加,做一些事情。   米加:好的。   咪咪:再见。   关于幼儿园日常英语对话2   我喜欢葡萄   Bobby: I like grapes. How about you?   Betty: I don"t like grapes. I like watermelons.   Kimmy: Do you like apples?   Amy: Yes,I do.   Kimmy: Do you like bananas?   Amy: No,I don"t.   Tommy: What"s your favorite fruit?   Judy: My favorite fruit is grapes.   鲍比:我喜欢葡萄。你呢?   贝蒂:我不喜欢葡萄。我喜欢西瓜。   吉米:你喜欢苹果吗?   艾米:是的,我喜欢。   吉米:你喜欢香蕉吗?   艾米:不,我不喜欢。   汤米:你最喜欢的水果是什么?   朱迪:我最喜欢的水果是葡萄。   关于幼儿园日常英语对话3   Mimi: Hello, Costa. What are you doing here?   Costa: Spring is here and they dandelion seeds are flying everywhere!   Costa: I want to get rid of them because they"re tickling my nose!   Mimi: But Costa, they have to do that otherwise they can"t bloom.   Costa: So what. I don"t care.   ChinChin: Hey,what"s going on Mimi?   Mimi: ChinChin, Costa is picking all the dandelions.   Mimi: What should we do?   ChinChin: Costa! Stop it!   Costa: It"s none of your business!   ChinChin: Oh yeah? We"ll see about that...   ChinChin: Will you listen now?   Costa: Ok. You win.   Costa: I"m sorry.   Costa: I"ll stop picking the other dandelions.   咪咪:嗨,科斯达。你在这里做什么?   科斯达:春天来了,而蒲公英的种子到处乱飞!   科斯达:我想摆脱他们,因为它们让我鼻子发痒的!   咪咪:但是,科斯达,它们必须那样,否则它们不能播种。   科斯达:那又怎么样。我不在乎。   晨晨:嘿,咪咪,这是怎么回事?   咪咪:晨晨,科斯达采摘蒲公英。   咪咪:我们应该怎么办?   晨晨:科斯达!住手!   科斯达:这不关你的事!   晨晨:哦,是吗?我们走着瞧吧......   晨晨:现在你听了吗?   科斯达:好的。你赢了。   科斯达:对不起。   科斯达:我会停止采摘其他蒲公英。
2023-07-28 20:56:291

nine yt可以组成什么单词?

2023-07-28 20:56:376


2023-07-28 20:57:012


哈利波特里的咒语太多,我也没仔细去查找,不过看到有人整理过哈利波特里的咒语,你卡看里面有你需要的不,不过这些咒语都是没用的,因为都是捏造的。A飞来咒 Summoning Charms:飞来/飞来飞去 Accio 把东西招来 如Accio Dicitionary 字典飞来,还有 火弩箭飞来。奖杯飞来。急急现形 Aparecium 让隐形墨水显现,对活点地图是个例外幻影移形 Apparate 让自己在瞬间移动到别的地方反幻影移形咒 Anti-Disapparation Jinx清水如泉 Aguamenti 扑灭小火安咳消 Anapneo阿尼玛格斯咒 Animagi 巫师将自己变成动物的魔法。飞鸟群群 Avis 施咒的魔杖尖端会飞出一大群吱吱喳喳的小鸟阿拉霍洞开咒:阿拉霍洞开 Alohomora 打开某东西B蝙蝠精魔咒 Bat-Bogey Hexes 倒地驱逐咒 Banishing Charm毒咒:泡头咒 Bubble-Head CharmC毒咒:塔朗泰拉舞 Colloportus 使对手疯狂地跳起踢踏变色咒 Color Change快快禁锢 Colloportus 哈利波特5中,赫敏为了抵抗追兵,想封住一扇门时所使用的咒语,举凡罐子或可以密封的东西都可以使用这个咒语。混淆咒 Confundus Charm眼疾咒 Conjunctivitus Curse 损害视力D消隐无踪 Deletrius 使东西消失 使烟雾消散毒咒:门牙赛大棒 Densaugeo 使门牙失去控制地疯长,有解咒,赫敏用其使门牙长短正好四分五裂 Diffindo 使东西撕裂或分开左右分离 Dissendium消影术 disapparation 巫师旅行的方式之一,可以瞬间从一个地方消失移动到另一个地方。幻身咒 Disillusion Charm 这个咒语可以达到像『隐形斗篷』一样的效果,但有时斗篷会有遮盖不严的问题,而这个咒语却可以让人完全隐藏起来。被施了咒语的人,会有股冰冷的液体从魔杖敲击的地方淌下来流遍全身,使得身体出现和背景一样的色彩与纹路,但没有隐形,只是好象变成了一个人形变色龙。左右分离 Dissendium 使东西打开,哈利用来移动雕像的咒语。E快快苏醒 Enervate 使东西变得有生气速速变大 Engorgio (速速缩小 Reducio 被施了咒语的动物或人身体会瞬间缩小。)消隐无踪 Evanesco 使某物体立刻不见踪影暴食咒 (膨胀咒) Engorgement Charm 海格用来使番瓜加速长大的咒语。复苏咒:快快复苏 Ennervate 用于解救被昏击咒击中的巫师。愈合如初 Episkey呼神护卫 Expecto Patronum 变出一个守护神掏肠咒 Entrail-expelling Curse缴械咒:除你武器 Expelliarmus (缴械咒 Disarming Spell) :除你器 Expelliarmus 使对手解除武装F包扎咒:阿魏拉 Ferula 卢平固定罗恩断腿时所使用的咒语全身束缚咒 Full Body-Bind毒咒:火烤热辣辣 Funnunculus赤胆忠心魔咒 Fidelius Charm 将一桩秘密告诉另一个可信赖的人标记显现 Flagrate 它可以在物体上点燃,燃烧出想要的形状,以做为标记或是攻击之用。冻火咒 Flame-Freezing Charm 从前巫师被处以火刑时会使用,火焰只会对巫师产生轻微的酥麻感,并不会伤害他们。毒咒:定向咒 Four-Point Spell咒立停 Finite Incantatem 结束其他咒Furnunculus Curse 被咒语击中,皮肤上会马上出现一个个又大又难看的疔疮G生长咒 Growth CharmH毒咒:浓毛咒 Hair-Thickening Charm 这个咒语可以使毛发变得又浓又密I不动咒 Imperturbable Charm 这可是一个很好用的咒语,如果你不想被人窃听或是侵入,只要使用不动咒,就可以轻易避免针孔摄影机的危害。防水防湿 Impervius 主要针对哈利的眼镜夺魂咒 Imperius Curse: 魂魄出窍 Imperio障碍重重 Impedimenta 阻止某人或某物抗扰咒 Imperturbable Charm火焰熊熊 Incendio 用飞路粉从壁炉到壁炉的旅行时使用J果酱腿恶咒 Jelly-Legs Jinx 中咒的巫师即刻变为软脚虾L毒咒:锁舌封喉 Langlock 使人不能讲话毒咒:倒挂金钟 Levicorpus 使人大头朝下悬浮在空中毒咒:金钟落地 Liberacorpus 解咒-摔下来摄神取念咒 Legilimency 摄神取念 :Legilimens 进入别人大脑锁腿咒:腿立僵停死 Locomotor Morts箱子移动 Locomotor Trunks 《哈5》里,变形师帮哈利整理行李,并使用这个咒语,让行李箱飞起来,浮在离地几英尺的半空中,并驱使它前进。荧光闪烁 Lumos 使魔杖头发出亮光 (诺克斯 Nox 熄灭魔杖光芒的咒语)MMobilicorpus 使不能够自己行走的人移动的咒语尸骨再现 Mormsordre 召唤黑魔标记的咒语。闭耳塞听 Muffliato驱逐麻瓜咒 Muggle Repelling Charms 当麻瓜误入魔法世界时所用的驱逐咒语。遗忘咒 Memory Charm :一忘皆空 Obliviate 消除记忆N诺克斯 Nox 熄灭魔杖光芒的咒语。铁甲咒 Shield Charm: 盔甲护身 Protego 可使自己不受侵害O遗忘咒:一忘皆空 Obliviate锁心术 Occlumency 一种保护心智不受外界侵入的魔法防御,虽然是非常冷僻的一门魔法,但是极为有用。兰花盛开 Orchideous 魔杖尖端会迸出一束花,就像变魔术一样。P全身束缚咒:统统石化 Petrificus Totalus 使人无法动弹,被施咒的人会全身僵硬地像一块木板。定向咒:给我指路 Point Me快快禁锢 Protego 立刻锁上门且静音门托斯 Portus永久粘贴咒 Permanent Sticking 把某东西永远粘在某个地方变化咒 Protean CharmQ悄声细语 Quietus 使噪音突然消音的咒语R速速缩小 Reducio 被施了咒语的动物或人身体会瞬间缩小力松劲泄 Relashio 使魔杖射出火花,使对方退后的咒语。重放咒/闪回咒 Reverse Spell 闪回前咒 Prior Incantato 再现魔杖施的前一个魔咒滑稽滑稽 Riddikulus 对付博格特粉碎咒 Reductor Curse 粉身碎骨: Reducto 使对手粉身碎骨消除咒 Reducto 将挡路的固体物炸开的咒语。但只能消除固体物。修复如初 Reparo 把东西修好,修复损坏物品的咒语毒咒:胳吱魔咒 Tickling Charm :咧嘴呼啦啦 Rictusempra 会使魔杖发出银色的光芒攻击敌人,挠人痒痒,让对方笑得无法动弹 。S乌龙出洞 Serpensortia 驱使蛇去攻击人的咒语。除垢咒 Scouring Charm :清理一新 Scourgify神锋无影 Sectumsempra切割咒 Severing Charm无声无息 Silencio 使自己做事没有声声音洪亮 Sonorus 代替麦克风,让喉咙变成广播扬声器的咒语。原形立现 Specialis Revelio防盗咒 Stealth Sensoring Spell 只要学会了这个咒语,就可以在住家或办公室布下天罗地网,一旦有人闯入,你会第一时间得到通知。蛰人咒 Stinking Hex昏迷咒 Stunning Spells :昏昏倒地 Stupefy 使对手立刻昏倒,这咒语能使魔杖激射出一道红光,被击中的话会使人僵立,并一动也不动的失去意识,但是遇到像爆尾钉虾这样的大型生物,就不一定有用了。清理一新 Scourgify 把某个地方清理干净转换咒 Switching SpellT塔朗泰拉舞 Tarantallegra 让别人的双腿不由自主乱跳旋风扫尽 Tergeo绊腿咒 Trip JinxU牢固咒 Unbreakable CharmW瓦西瓦迪 Waddiwasi 让魔杖射出像子弹一样的东西。飘浮咒 :羽加迪姆 勒维奥萨 Wingardium Leviosa 使东西飞起来,第一部中赫敏让羽毛飞起不可饶恕咒:不可饶恕咒 Unforgivable Curses 钻心咒、夺魂咒、Avada索命咒,统称为"不可饶恕咒"。"不可饶恕"是非法的黑魔咒,只要使用其中之一,就足以被关进阿兹卡班监禁。*钻心咒 Cruciatus Curse :钻心剜骨 Crucio 能给人带来极度痛苦,极可怕的肉体折磨,被酷刑咒击中会激烈的抽搐、痉挛,痛不欲生。*夺魂咒:魂魄出窍 Imperio 使受害者完全受巫师控制 被施咒的巫师会做出许多稀奇古怪的行径,行动被控制不由自己。但蛮横咒还是有破解的方式,要集中注意力及毅力对抗脑袋中的声音,就可能成功。*阿瓦达索命咒 Avada Kedavra 置一个人于死地,需要强大法力才能施展的咒语。魔杖会射出炫目的绿光,被击中就会立即毙命,完全没有任何解咒术可以破解。只有一个人曾在这个咒语下死里逃生——哈利u2022波特。
2023-07-28 20:57:091


A飞来咒 Summoning Charms:飞来/飞来飞去 Accio 把东西招来 如Accio Dicitionary 字典飞来,还有 火弩箭飞来。奖杯飞来。急急现形 Aparecium 让隐形墨水显现,对活点地图是个例外幻影移形 Apparate 让自己在瞬间移动到别的地方反幻影移形咒 Anti-Disapparation Jinx清水如泉 Aguamenti 扑灭小火安咳消 Anapneo 阿尼玛格斯咒 Animagi 巫师将自己变成动物的魔法。飞鸟群群 Avis 施咒的魔杖尖端会飞出一大群吱吱喳喳的小鸟 阿拉霍洞开咒:阿拉霍洞开 Alohomora 打开某东西 B蝙蝠精魔咒 Bat-Bogey Hexes 倒地驱逐咒 Banishing Charm 毒咒:泡头咒 Bubble-Head Charm C毒咒:塔朗泰拉舞 Colloportus 使对手疯狂地跳起踢踏变色咒 Color Change 快快禁锢 Colloportus 哈利波特5中,赫敏为了抵抗追兵,想封住一扇门时所使用的咒语,举凡罐子或可以密封的东西都可以使用这个咒语。 混淆咒 Confundus Charm 眼疾咒 Conjunctivitus Curse 损害视力D消隐无踪 Deletrius 使东西消失 使烟雾消散毒咒:门牙赛大棒 Densaugeo 使门牙失去控制地疯长,有解咒,赫敏用其使门牙长短正好四分五裂 Diffindo 使东西撕裂或分开 左右分离 Dissendium 消影术 disapparation 巫师旅行的方式之一,可以瞬间从一个地方消失移动到另一个地方。幻身咒 Disillusion Charm 这个咒语可以达到像『隐形斗篷』一样的效果,但有时斗篷会有遮盖不严的问题,而这个咒语却可以让人完全隐藏起来。被施了咒语的人,会有股冰冷的液体从魔杖敲击的地方淌下来流遍全身,使得身体出现和背景一样的色彩与纹路,但没有隐形,只是好象变成了一个人形变色龙。 左右分离 Dissendium 使东西打开,哈利用来移动雕像的咒语。E快快苏醒 Enervate 使东西变得有生气 速速变大 Engorgio (速速缩小 Reducio 被施了咒语的动物或人身体会瞬间缩小。)消隐无踪 Evanesco 使某物体立刻不见踪影暴食咒 (膨胀咒) Engorgement Charm 海格用来使番瓜加速长大的咒语。 复苏咒:快快复苏 Ennervate 用于解救被昏击咒击中的巫师。愈合如初 Episkey 呼神护卫 Expecto Patronum 变出一个守护神 掏肠咒 Entrail-expelling Curse缴械咒:除你武器 Expelliarmus (缴械咒 Disarming Spell) :除你器 Expelliarmus 使对手解除武装F包扎咒:阿魏拉 Ferula 卢平固定罗恩断腿时所使用的咒语全身束缚咒 Full Body-Bind 毒咒:火烤热辣辣 Funnunculus 赤胆忠心魔咒 Fidelius Charm 将一桩秘密告诉另一个可信赖的人标记显现 Flagrate 它可以在物体上点燃,燃烧出想要的形状,以做为标记或是攻击之用。冻火咒 Flame-Freezing Charm 从前巫师被处以火刑时会使用,火焰只会对巫师产生轻微的酥麻感,并不会伤害他们。毒咒:定向咒 Four-Point Spell咒立停 Finite Incantatem 结束其他咒 Furnunculus Curse 被咒语击中,皮肤上会马上出现一个个又大又难看的疔疮G生长咒 Growth CharmH毒咒:浓毛咒 Hair-Thickening Charm 这个咒语可以使毛发变得又浓又密I不动咒 Imperturbable Charm 这可是一个很好用的咒语,如果你不想被人窃听或是侵入,只要使用不动咒,就可以轻易避免针孔摄影机的危害。 防水防湿 Impervius 主要针对哈利的眼镜夺魂咒 Imperius Curse: 魂魄出窍 Imperio 障碍重重 Impedimenta 阻止某人或某物 抗扰咒 Imperturbable Charm 火焰熊熊 Incendio 用飞路粉从壁炉到壁炉的旅行时使用J果酱腿恶咒 Jelly-Legs Jinx 中咒的巫师即刻变为软脚虾 L毒咒:锁舌封喉 Langlock 使人不能讲话毒咒:倒挂金钟 Levicorpus 使人大头朝下悬浮在空中毒咒:金钟落地 Liberacorpus 解咒-摔下来摄神取念咒 Legilimency 摄神取念 :Legilimens 进入别人大脑锁腿咒:腿立僵停死 Locomotor Morts 箱子移动 Locomotor Trunks 《哈5》里,变形师帮哈利整理行李,并使用这个咒语,让行李箱飞起来,浮在离地几英尺的半空中,并驱使它前进。荧光闪烁 Lumos 使魔杖头发出亮光 (诺克斯 Nox 熄灭魔杖光芒的咒语)MMobilicorpus 使不能够自己行走的人移动的咒语尸骨再现 Mormsordre 召唤黑魔标记的咒语。闭耳塞听 Muffliato 驱逐麻瓜咒 Muggle Repelling Charms 当麻瓜误入魔法世界时所用的驱逐咒语。遗忘咒 Memory Charm :一忘皆空 Obliviate 消除记忆N诺克斯 Nox 熄灭魔杖光芒的咒语。铁甲咒 Shield Charm: 盔甲护身 Protego 可使自己不受侵害O遗忘咒:一忘皆空 Obliviate 锁心术 Occlumency 一种保护心智不受外界侵入的魔法防御,虽然是非常冷僻的一门魔法,但是极为有用。兰花盛开 Orchideous 魔杖尖端会迸出一束花,就像变魔术一样。P全身束缚咒:统统石化 Petrificus Totalus 使人无法动弹,被施咒的人会全身僵硬地像一块木板。定向咒:给我指路 Point Me 快快禁锢 Protego 立刻锁上门且静音 门托斯 Portus永久粘贴咒 Permanent Sticking 把某东西永远粘在某个地方变化咒 Protean CharmQ悄声细语 Quietus 使噪音突然消音的咒语R速速缩小 Reducio 被施了咒语的动物或人身体会瞬间缩小 力松劲泄 Relashio 使魔杖射出火花,使对方退后的咒语。 重放咒/闪回咒 Reverse Spell 闪回前咒 Prior Incantato 再现魔杖施的前一个魔咒 滑稽滑稽 Riddikulus 对付博格特粉碎咒 Reductor Curse 粉身碎骨: Reducto 使对手粉身碎骨 消除咒 Reducto 将挡路的固体物炸开的咒语。但只能消除固体物。修复如初 Reparo 把东西修好,修复损坏物品的咒语 毒咒:胳吱魔咒 Tickling Charm :咧嘴呼啦啦 Rictusempra 会使魔杖发出银色的光芒攻击敌人,挠人痒痒,让对方笑得无法动弹 。S乌龙出洞 Serpensortia 驱使蛇去攻击人的咒语。除垢咒 Scouring Charm :清理一新 Scourgify 神锋无影 Sectumsempra 切割咒 Severing Charm无声无息 Silencio 使自己做事没有声声音洪亮 Sonorus 代替麦克风,让喉咙变成广播扬声器的咒语。原形立现 Specialis Revelio 防盗咒 Stealth Sensoring Spell 只要学会了这个咒语,就可以在住家或办公室布下天罗地网,一旦有人闯入,你会第一时间得到通知。蛰人咒 Stinking Hex 昏迷咒 Stunning Spells :昏昏倒地 Stupefy 使对手立刻昏倒,这咒语能使魔杖激射出一道红光,被击中的话会使人僵立,并一动也不动的失去意识,但是遇到像爆尾钉虾这样的大型生物,就不一定有用了。清理一新 Scourgify 把某个地方清理干净转换咒 Switching Spell T塔朗泰拉舞 Tarantallegra 让别人的双腿不由自主乱跳旋风扫尽 Tergeo 绊腿咒 Trip Jinx U牢固咒 Unbreakable Charm W瓦西瓦迪 Waddiwasi 让魔杖射出像子弹一样的东西。飘浮咒 :羽加迪姆 勒维奥萨 Wingardium Leviosa 使东西飞起来,第一部中赫敏让羽毛飞起不可饶恕咒:不可饶恕咒 Unforgivable Curses 钻心咒、夺魂咒、Avada索命咒,统称为"不可饶恕咒"。"不可饶恕"是非法的黑魔咒,只要使用其中之一,就足以被关进阿兹卡班监禁。*钻心咒 Cruciatus Curse :钻心剜骨 Crucio 能给人带来极度痛苦,极可怕的肉体折磨,被酷刑咒击中会激烈的抽搐、痉挛,痛不欲生。*夺魂咒:魂魄出窍 Imperio 使受害者完全受巫师控制 被施咒的巫师会做出许多稀奇古怪的行径,行动被控制不由自己。但蛮横咒还是有破解的方式,要集中注意力及毅力对抗脑袋中的声音,就可能成功。*阿瓦达索命咒 Avada Kedavra 置一个人于死地,需要强大法力才能施展的咒语。魔杖会射出炫目的绿光,被击中就会立即毙命,完全没有任何解咒术可以破解。只有一个人曾在这个咒语下死里逃生——哈利?波特。
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2023-07-28 20:59:093

跪求 Sex In The Kitchen Interlude 歌词

Sex In The Kitchen Lyrics Girl you"re in the kitchen Cooking me a meal Something makes me wanna come in there and get a feel Walk around in your t-shirt Nothing else on Strutting pass, switching that ass while I"m on the phone Cutting up tomatoes, fruits and vegetables and potatoes Girl, you look so sexy while you"re doing the damn thing I want Sex in the kitchen over by the stove Put you on the counter by the buttered rolls Hands on the table, on your tippy toes We"ll be making love like the restaurant was closed How would you like it, baby (How would you like that?) Tell me right now pretty baby (Hey man, I"m gon call you back) Girl you"re in the kitchen, chillin in your robe I"m sayin to myself she better go put on some clothes Tickling and teasing Doing that little dance Girl, you gon make me lay you down and give it to you one mo "gain [Chorus 2x] Girl I"m ready to toss your salad While I"m making love,girl I"ll be feasting Girl you"re in the kitchen Sweating up a storm The oven"s on 500 So you know the kitchen"s warm Girl you know just how to get into a brother"s mind Cause here we are still in this kitchen Doing it for the third time [Chorus (fades out)]
2023-07-28 20:59:171


raintosnow歌词大意是作者对于人生的一些感悟。这首歌最终表达的是,总有一种方法让你去靠近你喜欢但有缺点的人。这世界上有许多的“小刺猬”,因为身上的刺,他们会孤独、悲伤,会失落、自卑,希望有更多的“小松鼠”,能够关心,温暖他们。歌词Rain to Snow - Alee KinderSo this life is giving everyone a presentBeautiful shiny and newEveryone but youGolden ribbons diamondsLine everyone's pathThat leads to wide open doorsEveryone's but yoursWide open doorsHold on keep onEven when the road seems very longOpen our eyesEven if it's cold nowThere's one thing you should knowRain will turn into snowAll the rain turns to snowDacing silver snowflakesTickling your nose wilKiss the sorrows awayLove is here to stay'Cause the life is giving everyone a presentBeautiful shiny and newThere's one for you tooOne for you tooHold on keep onEven when the road seems very longOpen our heartYou'll never feel lonely'Cause there's something you should knowRain will turn into snowAll the rain turnsAll the rain turnsAll the rain turns to snow
2023-07-28 20:59:241

Open season中I wanna lose control这首歌的歌词

你要的这个没有 给你一个其他的 也是这个专辑里的Wild Wild Life (Talking Heads)Soundtrack: Open SeasonTitle: Wild Wild Life (Talking Heads)I"m wearin Fur pyjamas I ride a Hot potata Its tickling my fancy Speak up, I cant hear you Here on this mountaintop Woahoho I got some wild, wild life I got some news to tell ya Woahoho About some wild, wild life Here comes the doctor in charge Woahoho Shes got some wild, wild life Aint that the way you like it? Ho, ha! Living wild, wild life. I wrestle, with your conscience You wrestle, with your partner Sittin on a window sill, but he Spends time behind closed doors Check out mr. businessman Oh, ho ho He bought some wild, wild life On the way to the stock exchange Oh, ho ho He got some wild, wild life Break it up when he opens the door Whoahoho Hes doin wild, wild life I know thats the way you like it Wo ho Living wild, wild life Peace of mind? Piece of cake! Thought control! You get on board anytime you like Like sittin on pins and needles Things fall apart, its scientific Sleeping on the interstate Woah ho ah Getting wild, wild life Checkin in, a checkin out! Uh, huh! I got a wild, wild life Spending all of my money and time Oh, ho ho Done too much wild, wild We wanna go, where we go, where we go Oh, ho ho! I doing wild, wild I know it, thats how we start Uh, huh Got some wild, wild life Take a picture, here in the daylight Oh, ho! And its a wild, wild life Youve grown so tall, youve grown so fast Oh, ho ho Wild, wild I know thats the way you like it Oh, ho! Living wild wild wild wild, life.
2023-07-28 20:59:401


这是苏格兰民歌名称一览表,不是很全。23rd. Psalm in Scots 100 Pipers Advance, Australia, Fair A Guid New Year to ane an" a" Aikendrum Ally"s Tartan Army A Man"s A Man For A" That Ae Fond Kiss Ally Bally, Ally Bally Bee Amazing Grace Annie Laurie Auld Hoose Auld Lang Syne Auld Scotch Sangs Band o" Shearers (The) Banks of the Dee (The) Barnyards of Delgaty Battle of Stirling (The) Battle of the Braes Beauty Be Kind to Auld Grannie Best Thing Wi" Gear is the Haining O"t (The) Birks of Aberfeldie Black is the Colour (of My True Love"s Hair) Bluebells of Scotland Blue Bonnets Over the Border Bonnie Bark (The) Bonnie Dundee Bonnie Earl Of Moray Bonniest Lass in a" the Warld (The) Bonnie George Campbell Bonnie Hoose o" Airlie Bonnie Jenny Shaw Bonnie Lass of Fyvie Bonnie Leezie Lindsay Bonnie Scotland I Adore Thee Bonnie Strathyre Bonnie Wee Jeannie McColl Bonnie Wee Thing Bonnie Wells o" Wearie Braes of Balquhidder Braes o" Gleniffer Braw Lads o" Gala Water Breakfast in My Bed on Sunday Morning Broom of Cowdenknowes By Allan Stream Ca" the Yowes Caledonia Caledonia Caller Herring Caller O"u - The Boatmen o" the Firth Campbells Are Coming Cam" ye by Athol? Canadian Boat Song Castles in the Air Celt and the Stranger (The) Charlie is My Darling Charlie is My Darling (2) Come Owre the Stream Comin" Thro" The Rye Contented Wi" Little and Cantie Wi" Mair Cormac"s Cure Coulter"s Candy Culloden; or Lochiel"s Farewell Dainty Davie Dance Tae Yer Daddy Dark Island Day We Went to Rothesay, O! Dear Old Days (The) Dear To My Heart As Life"s Warm Stream Deil"s Awa" Wi" Th" Exciseman Does Haughty Gaul Invasion Threat? Donald, Where"s Yer Troosers? Doon by a Wee Bit Wimplin" Burn Down in the Glen Dream Angus Dumbarton"s Drums Eriskay Love Lilt Exile of Cluny (The) Fair Edina Fall of the Leaf (The) Fareweel Tae Tarwathie Farewell to Lochaber (Lochaber No More) Flora Macdonald"s Lament Flow Gently Sweet Afton Flowers "O the Forest Football Crazy For The Sake O" Somebody Four and Twenty Hielandmen Four Marys Fou the Noo Friendship, Love, and Truth Gallant Forty Twa (The) Gallowa" Hills Garb of Old Gaul (The) Gathering (The) Glaisca Whisky Glencoe Gordon for Me Granny"s Heilan" Hame Green Grow the Rashes O! Green Hills of Tyrol Green Oak Tree (The) Grim Winter Was Howlin" Hail Caledonia! Haughs o" Cromdale Hawthorn (The) Heiress (The) Henry Martin Her Blue Rollin" E"e Here"s to the Year That"s Awa! Hielan" Laddie Hieland Laddie Highland Fairy Lullaby Highland Mary Highland Widow"s Lament (The) How Blest Were The Days! Huntingtower I Belong to Glasgow I Heard the Evening Linnet"s Voice I Know Where I"m Going I Love A Lassie I"m Scotch and I"m Married In Praise of Claret It"s Nice To Get Up In The Mornin" Jamie Foyers Jamie the Laird Jessie"s Dream Jessie the Flower o" Dunblane Jock o" Hazeldean John Anderson, My Jo John Barleycorn Johnnie Cope Johnny Lad (I"ll Dance the Buckles off My Shoes) Katie Beardie Keep Right on to The End of the Road Kelvin Grove Killiecrankie Kinrara Laird o" Cockpen Lament of Mary Queen of Scots Land of Gallant Hearts (The) Land of Light Lass O" Ballochmyle Lazy Mist (The) Leezie Lindsay Let"s Drink to our Next Meeting Loch Lomond Lochnagar Loch Tay Boat Song Lock the Door, Lariston Lum Hat Wantin" The Croon MacGregor"s Gathering MacPherson"s Lament Maggie Lauder Maid of Islay (The) Mhàiri"s Wedding March Of The Cameron Men Marriage and the Care O"t Mary Morison Mary Of Argyll Mautman Maxwelton"s Braes are Bonnie Mingulay Boat Song Miss Forbes" Farewell to Banff Mist Covered Mountains of Home Mither"s Sang (A) Mormond Braes Muckin" o" Geordie"s Byre My Ain Folk My Auld Uncle Watty My Bonnie Mary My Heart"s In The Highlands My Love is Like a Red Red Rose My Love She"s But A Lassie Yet My Mother Bids Me Bind My Hair My Sweet Wee Winsome Bairnie Nancy Whisky Neil Gow"s "Fareweel to Whisky" No Man"s Land Northern Lights of Old Aberdeen O Can Ye Sew Cushions? Oh, What a Parish! O"er The Muir Of A" The Airts Old Scotch Mother Mine Old Scotia Oor Wullie O Scotland"s Hills for Me! Our Auld Scots Sangs Our Ain Native Land Our Own Land and Loved One O Waly Waly Piper McNeil Piper o" Dundee Pleughman (The) Praise of Islay (The) Queen Mary"s Escape from Loch Leven Rantin" Rovin" Robin Rigs o" Barley (The) Rising of the Lark (The) Road and the Miles to Dundee Road to the Isles Roamin" in the Gloamin" Roof of Straw (The) Rose-Bud By My Early Walk The Rose of Allandale, Rothesay Bay Rowan Tree Saftest of the Family Scotland the Brave Scots Wha Hae Scottish Blue Bells (The) Scottish Emigrant"s Farewell (The) Scottish Rivers Scottish Soldier Scottish Takeaway (Stovie Song) Season Comes When First We Met (The) See the Winter Clouds Around Sheath the Sword Scotland She"s An Awfu" Lassie Jenny Shoals of Herring Silver Bridge Across the Clyde Silver Tassie Sir Patrick Spens Sit Down, My Cronie Skye Boat Song Skye Boat Song (Variant) Soldier"s Return (The) Song of the Country (A) Songs of My Native Land Sound the Pibroch Star o" Rabbie Burns Stop Yer Tickling, Jock! Tak" A Dram Tartan Rover (The) There is Somebody Waiting For Me The Tartan! Tartan Army (The) There"ll Never Be Peace Till Jamie Comes Hame There"s Nae Luck About the House There Was a Lad (was born in Kyle) These Are My Mountains Thou Bonnie Wood of Craigielea Tobermory Bay Three Craws Truth and Honour Twa Bonnie Maidens Twa Recruitin" Sergeants Twa" Corbies Twa Recruitin" Sergeants "Twas Within a Mile o" Edinburgh Town Uist Tramping Song Up in the Morning Early Verses to A Robin Redbreast Wag at the Wa" (The) Waggle O" The Kilt Wee Bird"s Song (The) Wee Cock Sparra" Wee Cooper O"Fife Wee Drappie O"t (A) Wee Deoch"n Doris Wee Drap o" Whisky (A) Wee, Wee German Lairdie Welcome, Royal Charlie We"ll Meet Yet Again We"re a" John Tamson"s Bairns We"re No" Awa" Tae Bide Awa" Westering Home Wet Sheet and a Flowing Sea (A) Wha"ll Be King But Charlie? When Charlie to the Highlands Came When the Battle"s Over When the Kye Come Hame When You and I Were Young, Maggie Where is Your Highland Laddie Gone? Whistle, And I"ll Come To You, My Lad Wild Mountain Thyme Willie"s Gane to Melville Castle Willie Lee Will Ye Go To Sheriffmuir Will Ye No Come Back Again Willie Brewed a Peck o" Maut Winter: A Dirge Winter Sat Lang (The) Women Folk (The) Woman"s Wark Will Ne"er Be Dun Woo Me Again Ye Banks & Braes Ye Jacobites by Name Yellow Locks of Charlie (The) Young Maid"s Wish for Peace (The)
2023-07-28 20:59:501


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2023-07-28 20:59:571


西宁市人民政府令(第144号)  《西宁市人民政府决定取消和下放、承接、保留的行政审批项目目录》已经2015年11月26日市政府第54次常务会议审议通过,现予公布,自2016年3月1日起施行。市长:张晓容2016年1月22日  西宁市人民政府决定取消和下放、承接、保留的行政审批项目目录西宁市人民政府决定取消和下放的行政审批项目目录(11项)实施机关序号项目名称备注市发展和改革委员会 1民爆器材仓储、运杂费等流通费率或销售价格制定 市公安局 2金融机构营业场所、金库安全防范设施建设方案审批及工程验收 市住房保障和房产管理局 3商品房预售许可 市农牧和扶贫开发局 4动物、动物产品检疫证明、验迄标志 市卫生和计划生育委员会 5医疗机构母婴保健技术人员合格证书 6公共场所从业人员健康证 7执业医师资格考试、注册市食品药品监督管理局 8药品零售企业经营质量管理规范(GSP)认证 市安全生产监督管理局 9第二类非药品类易制毒化学品生产、经营备案证明 10第三类非药品类易制毒化学品生产备案证明市国税局 11增值税专用发票(增值税税控系统)最高开票限额审批下放区(县)承接西宁市人民政府决定承接的行政审批项目目录(2项)实施机关序号省下放项目名称设定依据下放后实施机关省人力资源和社会保障厅1台港澳人员在内地就业许可《国务院对确需保留的行政审批项目设定行政许可的决定》(国务院令第412号)第93项市人力资源和社会保障局省文化和新闻出版厅2包装装潢印刷品和其它印刷品经营者设立和印刷经营活动审批1、设立从事包装装潢印刷品和其他印刷品印刷经营活动的企业审批《中华人民共和国印刷业管理条例》(国务院令第315号)第7、9、11、12条市文化广播电视局2、印刷业经营者兼营包装装潢和其他印刷品印刷经营活动审批3、从事包装装潢印刷品和其他印刷品印刷经营活动的企业变更印刷经营活动审批(不含出版物印刷)4、印刷业经营者兼并其他印刷业经营者(不含出版物印刷企业)审批5、印刷业经营者因合并、分立而设立新的印刷业经营者(不含出版物印刷企业)审批  西宁市人民政府决定保留的行政审批项目目录(97项)序号项目编码项目名称设定依据原实施机关现实施机关 1XNSFG01-01粮食收购资格审批《中华人民共和国粮食流通管理条例》(国务院令第638号)第9条市发展和改革委员会市行政审批服务局 2XNSFG01-02企业投资非跨区35千伏及以下电压等级的交流电网工程项目核准《国务院关于取消和下放一批行政审批项目等事项的决定》(国发〔2013〕19号)第76项 3XNSFG01-03企业投资国家规划矿区外新增年生产能力低于45万吨及以下的煤矿开发项目核准《国务院关于取消和下放一批行政审批项目等事项的决定》(国发〔2013〕19号)第78项 4XNSJY02-01民办学历教育、自学考试助学及其他文化教育机构的设立、分立、变更、终止的审批《中华人民共和国民办教育促进法》(主席令第5号)第11、53、55、56条市教育局市行政审批服务局 5XNSMZ03-01宗教活动场所设立审核和其他固定处所的审批《中华人民共和国宗教事务条例》(国务院令第426号)第13条市民族宗教事务委员会市行政审批服务局 6XNSMZ03-02宗教活动场所内新建、改建房屋、构筑物或者扩建宗教活动场所固定处所的审批《青海省宗教事务条例》(青海省人大常委会公告第11号)第17条 7XNSGA04-01外国人旅行证、居留证及普通签证《中华人民共和国出境入境管理法》(主席令第57号)第16、30、44条;《中华人民共和国外国人入境出境管理条例》(国务院令第637号)第16条市公安局 8XNSGA04-02因私普通护照《中华人民共和国护照法》(主席令第50号)第4条 9XNSGA04-03焰火晚会烟花爆竹燃放许可(A级)《国务院对确需保留的行政审批项目设定行政许可的决定》(国务院令第412号)第55项 10XNSGA04-04建设工程消防设计审核《中华人民共和国消防法》(主席令第6号)第10、11条市公安局 11XNSGA04-05建设工程消防验收《中华人民共和国消防法》(主席令第6号)第13条 12XNSGA04-06公众聚集场所在投入使用、营业前的消防安全检查《中华人民共和国消防法》(主席令第6号)第15条 13XNSGA04-07爆破作业单位(非营业性)、项目许可证《民用爆炸物品安全管理条例》(国务院令第466号)第32条 14XNSGA04-08机动车驾驶证核发、审验《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法》(主席令第47号)第19条 15XNSGA04-09集会、游行、示威许可《中华人民共和国集会游行示威法》(主席令第20号)第6、7条 16XNSGA04-10互联网上网服务营业场所安全审核批准《互联网上网服务营业场所管理条例》(国务院令第363号)第11条 17XNSGA04-11举办大型群众性活动安全许可(5000人以上)《大型群众性活动安全管理条例》(国务院令第505号)第11条 18XNSMZ05-01社会团体、非公募基金会、异地商会成立、变更、名称核准、注销登记1、社会团体成立登记、变更登记、名称核准登记、注销登记《中华人民共和国社会团体登记管理条例》(国务院令第250号)第9、10、20、23条市民政局市行政审批服务局2、非公募基金会登记《中华人民共和国基金会管理条例》(国务院令第400号)第6条3、异地商会成立、变更、名称核准、注销登记《关于异地商会登记有关问题的意见》(民办函〔2003〕16号) 19XNSMZ05-02民办非企业单位成立登记、变更登记、名称核准登记、注销登记《民办非企业单位登记管理暂行条例》(国务院令第251号)第8、9、15、16条 20XNSMZ05-03建设殡仪服务站及骨灰堂的建设审批《殡葬管理条例》(国务院令第628号)第8条市民政局市行政审批服务局
2023-07-28 20:48:561