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2023-07-29 10:57:01
TAG: in nos os
蛋白库 PDB的解释

Produces nitric oxide (NO) which is a messenger molecule
with diverse functions throughout the body. In macrophages, NO mediates
tumoricidal and bactericidal actions. Also has nitrosylase activity and
mediates cysteine S-nitrosylation of cytoplasmic target proteins such
COX2. Homodimer. Binds SLC9A3R1. By endotoxins and cytokines. Induced by
IFNG/IFN-gamma acting synergistically with bacterial
lipopolysaccharides (LPS), TNF or IL1B/interleukin-1 beta. Expressed in
the liver, retina, bone cells and airway epithelial cells of the lung.
Not expressed in the platelets. Regulated by calcium/calmodulin. Aspirin
inhibits expression and function of this enzyme and effects may be
exerted at the level of translational/post-translational modification
and directly on the catalytic activity. Belongs to the NOS family. 2
isoforms of the human protein are produced by alternative splicing.
Note: This description may include information from UniProtKB.

Protein type: EC; Amino Acid Metabolism - arginine and proline; Oxidoreductase

Cellular Component: cortical
cytoskeleton; extracellular space; perinuclear region of cytoplasm;
cytoplasm; peroxisome; vesicle membrane; intracellular; nucleus; cytosol

Molecular Function: protein
homodimerization activity; FAD binding; nitric-oxide synthase activity;
metal ion binding; beta-catenin binding; cAMP-dependent protein kinase
regulator activity; oxidoreductase activity; Hsp90 protein binding;
actin binding; protein kinase binding; calmodulin binding; protein
binding; FMN binding; NADPH-hemoprotein reductase activity; cadherin
binding; iron ion binding; heme binding; nitric-oxide synthase binding;
NADP binding; receptor binding

Biological Process: superoxide
metabolic process; response to lipopolysaccharide; positive regulation
of guanylate cyclase activity; positive regulation of killing of cells
of another organism; positive regulation of vasodilation; ovulation from
ovarian follicle; regulation of cell proliferation; defense response to
bacterium; peptidyl-cysteine S-nitrosylation; response to hypoxia;
arginine catabolic process; negative regulation of blood pressure;
regulation of protein kinase activity; inflammatory response; negative
regulation of protein catabolic process; nitric oxide biosynthetic
process; regulation of insulin secretion; nitric oxide mediated signal



血小板聚集的英文:platelet aggregationplatelet是什么意思:n. 血小板,小盘,小板The colorless platelets were filtered washed with cold methanol将无色的小片状物过滤出来,用冷的甲醇洗涤。It is simply a matter of decreasing sequestration and destruction of platelet. 这是减少血小板的隔离与破坏这么简单的一个问题。 Plasma: Liquid part of blood (including dissolved chemicals but not the cells and platelets).血浆:血液除去血球和血小板后的液体部分(包含溶解其中的化学物质)。A prostaglandin produced in the walls of blood vessels that acts as a vasodilator and inhibits platelet aggregation.血管壁产生的一种前列腺素,是血管神经,阻止血小板的集合This chip appears to be made up of discrete platelets which have adhered to one another.这种碎片看来似乎由彼此粘着的分散薄层所构成。aggregation是什么意思:n. 聚集(体)aggregate deviation综合离差 polycrystalline aggregate多晶聚合体 aggregative adj.集合的;集合性的;集团的 soil aggregate size土壤聚合体大小 The aggregate size determines the area. 此面积的大小由骨料粒度决定。
2023-07-28 18:13:171


目录 1 拼音 2 英文参考 3 概述 4 血小板的作用 5 参考资料 1 拼音 xuè xiǎo bǎn 2 英文参考 platelets [WS/T 203—2001 输血医学常用术语] blood platelet [21世纪双语科技词典] platelet [21世纪双语科技词典] thrombocyte [21世纪双语科技词典] hematoblast [21世纪英汉汉英双向词典] Bizzozero"s cells [朗道汉英字典] Bizzozero"s corpuscles [朗道汉英字典] blood disc [朗道汉英字典] blood disk [朗道汉英字典] blood plasue [朗道汉英字典] blood platelets [朗道汉英字典] blood plates [朗道汉英字典] E. B. [朗道汉英字典] elementary bodies [朗道汉英字典] Hayem"s elementary corpuscles [朗道汉英字典] Hayem"s hematoblast [朗道汉英字典] plastocyte [朗道汉英字典] plasue [朗道汉英字典] soterocyte [朗道汉英字典] thigmocyte [朗道汉英字典] third corpuscle [朗道汉英字典] thromboplastid [朗道汉英字典] Zimmermann"s elementary particles [朗道汉英字典] 3 概述 血小板(platelets)是指血液中形态比其他血细胞小而不规则、参与凝血机制的有形成分[1]。 血小板是血液中的有形成分之一。由巨核细胞脱落的直径为2~5微米的小声胞质构成,无细胞核,表面覆有细胞膜。血小板只见于哺乳动物体内。人血液中血小板的数量变化很大,正常值为15~30万个/微升。 血小板是骨髓内巨核细胞脱离的细胞质片段,形状不规则,内含三种类型的颗粒(致密颗粒、α颗粒和溶酶体颗粒)。血小板在血液中的平均寿命约10天,其主要功能是使血液凝固;也能够生成、储存和释放生物活性介质,如在花生四烯酸代谢产物(PGG2、PGH2和促血栓素A2)、生长因子、生物活性胺及中性和酸性水解酶等。 4 血小板的作用 血小板有止血功能。在小血管破裂处,血小板聚集成血小板栓,堵住破裂口,并释放肾上腺素、5-羟色胺等具有收缩血管作用的物质,是促进血液凝固的重要因子之一。 血小板还有营养和支持毛细血管内皮细胞的作用,使毛细血管的脆性减少。如果血小板数量显著减少或功能有障碍,都会导致出血倾向。如血小板减少到每微升7万个以下时,如遇伤破出血将不易止血,若少于4万个,就有自发性出血的可能。但在有些疾病如血友病、坏血症等虽也有出血症状,但血小板总数多为正常。故检查血液中血小板数量有助于对出血性疾病的鉴别诊断。
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2023-07-28 18:13:494


血细胞-blood corpuscle红细胞-erythrocyte白细胞-leucocyte血小板-hematoblast
2023-07-28 18:13:583

platelet inhibition是什么意思

2023-07-28 18:14:072


(一) 心电检查“危急值”报告范围:1、心脏停搏;2、急性心肌缺血;3、急性心肌损伤;4、急性心肌梗死;5、致命性心律失常:①心室扑动、颤动;②室性心动过速;③多源性、RonT型室性早搏;④频发室性早搏并Q-T间期延长;⑤预激综合征伴快速心室率心房颤动;⑥心室率大于180次/分的心动过速;⑦二度II型及二度II型以上的房室传导阻滞;⑧心室率小于40次/分的心动过缓;⑨大于2秒的心室停搏(二)医学影像检查“危急值”报告范围:1、中枢神经系统:①严重的颅内血肿、挫裂伤、蛛网膜下腔出血的急性期;②硬膜下/外血肿急性期;③脑疝、急性脑积水;④颅脑CT或MRI扫描诊断为颅内急性大面积脑梗死(范围达到一个脑叶或全脑干范围或以上);⑤脑出血或脑梗塞复查CT或MRI,出血或梗塞程度加重2、脊柱、脊髓疾病:X线检查诊断为脊柱骨折,脊柱长轴成角畸形、锥体粉碎性骨折压迫硬膜囊。3、呼吸系统:①气管、支气管异物;②液气胸,尤其是张力性气胸;③肺栓塞、肺梗死4、循环系统:①心包填塞、纵隔摆动;②急性主动脉夹层动脉瘤5、消化系统:①食道异物;②消化道穿孔、急性肠梗阻;③急性胆道梗阻;④急性出血坏死性胰腺炎;⑤肝脾胰肾等腹腔脏器出血6、颌面五官急症:①眼眶内异物;②眼眶及内容物破裂、骨折;③颌面部、颅底骨折。7、 超声发现:①急诊外伤见腹腔积液,疑似肝脏、脾脏或肾脏等内脏器官破裂出血的危重病人;② 急性胆囊炎考虑胆囊化脓并急性穿孔的患者;③考虑急性坏死性胰腺炎;④怀疑宫外孕破裂并腹腔内出血;⑤晚期妊娠出现羊水过少并胎儿呼吸、心率过快;⑥心脏普大并合并急性心衰;⑦大面积心肌坏死;⑧大量心包积液合并心包填塞。(三)检验 “危急值”报告项目和警戒值 检验项目 <生命警戒低值 >生命警戒高值 Creatinine,Serum Cr血清肌酐 ---- 880μmol/L Glucose,Serum 成人空腹血糖 2.8mmol/L 25mmol/L 新生儿空腹血糖 1.7 mmol/L   Potassium,Serum K血清钾 2.7 mmol/L 6.0 mmol/L Sodium,Serum Na血清钠 120 mmol/L 160 mmol/L Calcium Ca血清钙 1.7 mmol/L 3.3 mmol/L Arterial Blood Gases 血气 pH: 7.0 7.6   pCO2:20mmHg 70mmHg   pO2:50mmHg ---- Hemoglobin Hg血红蛋白 50g/L ---- WBC(血液病、放化疗患者)白血球 0.5×10 40.0×10 WBC(其他患者)白血球 1×10/L 40.0×10 Platelets(血液病、放化疗患者)血小板 10×10/L   Platelets(其他患者)血小板 30×10/L 1000×10 Prothrombin Time(PT)血凝时间 ---- >35秒 INR(口服华法林) ---- >3.5 APTT ---- 100秒
2023-07-28 18:14:171

骨髓细胞学检查报告单 谁能帮我解释下呀~(很急很急)

Extraction site: the left right after Bioglass Clinical diagnosis: Leukopenia search result Smear: Partial thickness Features: hyperplasia active low Relatively more active granulocyte hyperplasia with nuclear shifted to right, the basic shape without abnormal eosinophils can be seen. Erythroid hyperplasia is still active in late David Hung-based, mature red blood cell morphology of various sizes (+). Department of proliferative active macrophages, platelets can be seen scattered in the cluster
2023-07-28 18:14:443

兔子 血清正常值

  下列仅为参考数值,不代表任一族群之正常值。  Adult body weight: male成年公兔体重 2-5 kg  Adult body weight: female 成年母兔体重 2-6 kg  Birth weight 出生体重30-100 g  Body surface area体表面积2.5kg:1270cm2;4.8kg:3040cm2  Body temperature 体温38.0-39.6℃  Diploid number 染色体数44  Life span寿命5-6yr  Food consumption食量5g/100g/day  Water consumption 饮水量5-10 ml/100g/day  GI transit time 消化所需时间4-5 hr  Breeding onset: male开始配种:公6-10 mo  Breeding onset: female开始配种:母5-9 mo  Cycle length 发情周期Induced ovulator  Gestation period妊娠期29-35 days  Postpartum estrus 产后发情none  Litter size每胎仔数4-10  Weaning age 离乳所需天数4-6 wk  Breeding duration.配种期1-3 yr  commercial 商业化量产7-11 litters  Young production年轻兔产量4-6/mo  Milk composition 乳汁成份12.2% fat  10.4%protein  1.8% lactose  Respiratory rate呼吸速率32-60/min  Tidal volume潮气量4-6ml/kg  Oxygen use耗氧量0.47-0.85ml/g/hr  Heart rate 心跳速率130-325/min  Blood volume血容57-65ml/kg  Blood pressure 血压90-130/60-90mmHg  Erythrocytes红血球数4-7 ×106/mm3  Hematocrit 血容比36-48%  Hemoglobin血红素10.0-15.5 g/dl  Leukocytes白血球9-11×103/mm3  Neutrophils嗜中性球20-75%  Lymphocytes淋巴球30-85%  Eosinophils 嗜酸性球0-4%  Monocytes 单核球1-4%  Basophils 嗜碱性球2-7%  Platelets血小板250-270×103/mm3  Serum protein 血清蛋白5.4-7.5 g/dl  Albumin白蛋白2.7-4.6 g/dl  Globulin 球蛋白1.5-2.8 g/dl  Serum glucose 血糖75-150 mg/dl  Blood urea nitrogen 血尿素氮17.0-23.5 mg/dl  Creatinine肌氨酸0.8-1.8 mg/dl  Total bilirubin 总胆红素0.25-0.74 mg/dl  Serum lipids 血脂280-350mg/dl  Phospholipids 磷脂75-113mg/dl  Triglycerides 三苷油脂124-156mg/dl  Cholesterol 胆固醇35-53 mg/dl  Serum calcium 血清钙量5.6-12.5mg/dl  Serum phosphate血清磷酸量4.0-6.2mg/dl  转载: 兽医网 原文:
2023-07-28 18:14:531


2023-07-28 18:15:022


N (中性粒细胞代码)neuter (中性的)neutrophil (中性粒细胞)neutrophilic granulocyte (嗜中性粒细胞)通常我们用的是第二个单词 neutrophil (检验)DC(分类)是用的N就是这个简写。与机器上不同(血球分析)血球分析 M 是(middling)的简写, 中间型细胞的意思。并非中性粒细胞
2023-07-28 18:15:101


2023-07-28 18:16:121

血液病的Blood Diseases

Open Journal of Blood Diseases is a peer reviewed international journal dedicated to the latest advancement of Blood Diseases. The goal of this journal is to keep a record of the state-of-the-art research and to promote study, research and improvement within its various specialties.血液病是一本开源评审的国际期刊,致力于血液病的最新进展,由美国科研出版社出版发行。这本杂志的目标是记录的一些国家的最先进的研究,并促进在其各类专业中的学习,研究和改进。包含以下领域:Acquired Clotting Disorders Anemias Animal Models Antiphospholipid Syndrome Artificial Cells, Blood Substitutes and Biotechnology Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation Blood Cells, Molecules and Diseases Blood Disorders Chemotherapy Coagulopathies Endothelium/Inflammation Fibrinolysis Gene Therapy Haemophilia Hematological Malignancies Hematology and Blood Transfusion Hemoglobinopathies Immunologic Diseases Inherited Clotting Disorders Pediatric Blood & Cancer Platelets Disorders Thrombotic Disorders Vascular Biology
2023-07-28 18:16:231


甲醇英语是:methyl alcohol。参考例句:1、Carbinol:an alcohol derived from methanol.木精,甲醇:由甲醇得到的醇.2、xylylene - glycol.亚二甲苯基二甲醇3、Study on catalysts for methanol oxidation reforming.甲醇氧化重整催化剂的研究4、The wet filter cake was recrystallized from 650ml methanol.将湿的滤饼用650毫升甲醇进行重结晶。5、The colorless platelets were filtered washed with cold methanol.将无色的小片状物过滤出来,用冷的甲醇洗涤。6、The directed reaction that they use produces only methanol so that costly separation are avoided.他们使用的定向反应只生成甲醇,因此就免除了成本高的分离工作。7、Researchers have proposed a theory that explains how methanol forms these particular molecules.科研工作者已提出一种理论来解释甲醇是如何生成这些特定分子的。8、The crude, wet benzoate(118 grams) was dissolved with reflux in 1, 400 ml methanol.将粗制、湿的苯甲酸酯(118克)回流着溶于1400毫升甲醇中。甲醇:甲醇是结构最为简单的饱和一元醇,因在干馏木材中首次发现,故又称“木醇”或“木精”。甲醇是无色有酒精气味易挥发的液体,成品通常由一氧化碳与氢气反应制得,可用于制造甲醛和农药等,并用作有机物的萃取剂和酒精的变性剂等。人口服中毒最低剂量约为100mg/kg体重,经口摄入0.3~1g/kg可致死。甲醇由甲基和羟基组成的,具有醇所具有的化学性质。甲醇可以与氟气、纯氧等气体发生反应,在纯氧中剧烈燃烧,生成水蒸气和二氧化碳2CH3OH+3O2=2CO2+4H2O,而且,甲醇还可以发生氨化反应(370℃~420℃)。
2023-07-28 18:16:381


  血细胞包括红细胞、白细胞和血小板三类细胞,它们均起源于造血干细胞。在个体发育过程中,造血器官有一个变迁的程序。在胚胎发育的早期,是在卵黄囊造血,从胚胎第二个月开始,由肝、脾造血;胚胎发育到第五个月以后,肝、脾的造血活动逐渐减少,骨髓开始造血并逐渐增强;到婴儿出生时,几乎完全依靠骨髓造血,但在造血需要增加时,肝、脾可再参与造血以补充骨髓功能的不足。因此,此时的骨髓外造血具有代偿作用。儿童到4岁以后,骨髓腔的增长速度已超过了造血组织增长的速度,脂肪细胞逐步填充多余的骨髓腔。到18岁左右,只有脊椎骨、肋骨、胸骨、颅骨和长骨近端骨骺处才有造血骨髓,但造血组织的总量已很充裕。成年人如果出现骨髓外造血,已无代偿的意义,而是造血功能紊乱的表现。  1.红细胞的数量、形态和功能红细胞(erythuocyte)是血液中数量最多的一种血细胞,正常男性每微升血液中平均约500万个(5.0×1012/L),女性较少,平均约420万个(4.2×1012/L).红细胞含有血红蛋白,因而使血液呈红色.红细胞在血液的气体运输中有极重要的作用.在血液中由红细胞运输的氧约为溶解于血浆的70倍;在红细胞参与下,血浆运输二氧化碳的能力约为直接溶解于血浆的18倍(详见第五章第三节).正常红细胞呈双凹圆碟形,平均直径约8μm,周边稍厚.这种细胞开头的表面积与体积之比,较球形时为大,因而气体可通过的面积也较大;由细胞中心到大部分表面的距离较短,因此气体进出红细胞的扩散距离也较短.这种形状也有利于红细胞的可塑性变形.红细胞在全身血管中循环运行,常要挤过口径比它小的毛细血管和血窦间隙,这时红细胞将发生卷曲变形,在通过后又恢复原状,这种变形称为塑性变形.表面积与体积的比值愈大,变形能力愈大,故双凹圆碟形红细胞的变形能力远大于异常情况下可能出现的球形红细胞.红细胞保持双凹圆碟形需要消耗能量。  红细胞膜是以脂质双分子层为骨架的半透膜。氧和二氧化碳等脂溶性气体可以自由通过,尿素也可以自由透入。在电解质中,负离子(如CI-、HCO3-)一般较易通过红细胞膜,而正离子却很难通过。红细胞内Na+浓度远低于细胞外,而细胞内K+浓度远高于细胞外,这种细胞内外的Na+、K+浓度差主要是依靠细胞膜上Na+泵的活动来维持的。低温贮存较久的血液,血浆内K+浓度升高,就是由于低温下代谢几乎停止,Na+泵不能活动的缘故。  红细胞结合和携带氧的过程并不消耗能量,血红蛋白中的Fe2+也不被氧化,若Fe2+被氧化成Fe3+成为高铁血红蛋白,即失去携氧能力。红细胞消耗葡萄糖,主要是通过糖酵解和磷酸戊糖旁路,所产生的能量(以结合于ATP的形式)主要是用于供应细胞膜上Na+泵的活动,用于保持低铁血红蛋白不致被氧化,也用于保持红细胞膜的完整性和细胞的双凹圆碟形。  2、白细胞生理  白细胞(leukocyte)是一类有核的血细胞。正常成年人白细胞总数是4000-10000/μ1,每日不同的时间和机体不同的功能状态下,白细胞在血液中的数目是有较大范围变化的。当每微升超过10000个白细胞时,称为白细胞增多,而每微升少于4000个白细胞时,称为白细胞减少。机体有炎症时常出现白细胞增多。  白细胞不是一个均一的细胞群,根据其形态、功能和来源部位可以分为三大类:粒细胞、单核细胞和淋巴细胞白细胞与红细胞和血小板一样都起源于骨髓中的造血干细胞,在细胞发育过程中又都是经历定向祖细胞、前体细胞,而后成为具有各种细胞功能的成熟白细胞。  3、血小板生理  血小板(platelets,thrombocyte)是从骨髓成熟的巨核细胞胞浆解脱落下来的小块胞质。巨核细胞虽然在骨髓的造血细胞中为数最少,仅占骨髓有核细胞总数的0.05%,但其产生的血小板却对机体的止血功能极为重要。每个巨核细胞均可产生1000-6000个血小板。  正常成年人的血小板数量是150000-350000个/μ/(150-350×109/L)。血小板有维护血管壁完整性的功能。当血小板数减少到50000个/μl(50×109/L)以下时,微小创伤或仅血压增高也使皮肤和粘膜下出现血瘀点,甚至出现大块紫癜。可能由于血小板能随时沉着于血管壁以填充内皮细胞脱落留下的空隙;而且,用同位素标记血小板示踪和电子显微镜观察,发现血小板可以融合入血管内皮细胞,因而可能对保持内皮细胞完整或对内皮细胞修复有重要作用。当血小板太少时,这些功能就难以完成而产生出血倾向。
2023-07-28 18:17:141

be made up of什么意思,其的用法怎么用?

由……组成、由……构成 (用于被动的语态)强调由部分组成整体,可用于人或物。例句:1、Our class is made up of 56 students.我们班由56名同学组成。2、A computer is made up of many different parts.电脑由其不同的部件组成。与 consist of 是同义词组,语义表达没有区别,可以换用。但是,须注意be made up of 用于被动的语态,consist of 由组成、包括、包含有主动的语态。与made有关的其他易混淆:1、be made of表示"由…制成", 一般指能够看出原材料,或制作过程中发生的是物理变化。2、be made from也表示"由…制成",但一般指看不出原材料,成品失去了原材料的外形或特征;或发生的是化学变化,在成品中已无法辨认。3、be made in指的是产地,意思为"于…制造"。
2023-07-28 18:17:236

谁知道粲氏线是什么意思 英文是 line of zahn

line of Zahn, otherwise known as Zahn"s line 释义:粲氏线:血栓表面皱痕,因血小板层的边缘凸出所致;血栓内可见到明显的红凝血狭带穿插其间
2023-07-28 18:18:132


hemorrhage[英]["hemu0259ru026adu0292][美][u02c8hu025bmu0259ru026adu0292]n.(尤指大量的)出血,失血; vi.大出血; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Platelets form the initial hemostatic plug whenever hemorrhage occurs. 血小板会在发生出血时形成止血栓。
2023-07-28 18:18:331


2023-07-28 18:18:553


英语论文的标准格式参考   在学习、工作生活中,大家总少不了接触论文吧,论文写作的过程是人们获得直接经验的过程。那么,怎么去写论文呢?以下是我收集整理的英语论文的标准格式参考,欢迎大家分享。   英语论文用激光打印机打印,打印稿为黑白稿,彩色打印件会影响出版效果。 版心:a4纸,上、下页边距3.5 cm,左、右页边距均为3.25 mm。论文内容宽不得超过14.5cm, 长不得超过22.5cm。   字体和字号:正文,标题,作者联络信息和图表中的文字均为times new roman 12号字。可以跟据需要使用同类字体中的粗体,斜体。   行距:单倍行距。   页码:论文正文和文后所附图例都需添加页码。页码为阿拉伯数字,位于页面下方居中。   文体:文章应语法正确,技术用词准确。标题应该以最简洁的语言概括文章内容。如果标题较长,请采用title: subtitle的形式。   数学公式:文中的数学公式不得手写,必须打印。公式如果在文中多次被引用,应该编号。公式之间,公式和正文之间都应该空一行。 单位: 文中所用的度量衡单位应为国际单位。可在括号内,单位对应表中列出其他单位。有关国际单位的使用(standard practice for use of the international system of units)可以通过电话1-800-548-2723向asce索取。其他相关使用参考文献,如anmc metric editorial guide, 5th ed,1992 可向美国国家公制协会 索取(american national metric council, 1735n. lynn street, suite 950, arlington, va 22209-2022)   图表:   标题说明和图例:插入的图表应该以出现顺序编号(figure 1,figure 2,table 1,table 2)。图的说明和标题,包括图的序号应该位于图的下方。表的说明和标题,包括表的序号应该位于表格上方。   位置:图可以插入到正文中,或者集中放在文章最后。如果在正文中插入图,尽量放在页面的顶部或尾部。不要选择文字环绕图形的对齐方式,可选择上下环绕方式。   底纹:插图中不要选择带阴影或底纹,否则会影响印刷效果。   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Analysis超低量用药一系列评价和数据分析(补充正题)。Medical News:Adjuvant Chemotherapy Works forBreast Cancer with Involved Nodes医学新闻:辅助性化学疗法对伴有淋巴结转移的乳腺癌奏效(说明上题)。Unresolved Issue:Do Smokers Catch Less LungCancer?尚未解决的问题:吸烟者患肺癌少吗?(提醒人们注意吸烟者患肺癌的数量增加)。   有时,为了避免标题太长而使用缩写词。Effect of LATS(=Long-Acting Thyroid Stimula-tor)and LATS Protectoron HTACA(=Human Thy-roid Adeny Cyclase Activity)长效甲状腺刺激素和长效甲状腺刺激素保护物对人体甲状腺甙酸环化酶活性的作用。考虑文章较长,可在统一的标题下,用不同的副标题分成若干相对独立的篇章。例如:Factors Influ-encing one"s Ability to Adopt to Chronic Illness影响个人对慢性疾病适应能力的因素(1)CARE保健;(2)TECHNOLOGY技术学;(3)FAMILY RELATION-SHIPS家庭关系;(4)DEVELOPMENTAL LEVEL发展水平(研究标准);(5)CULTURAL VALUESAND BELIEFS文化价值和信仰。   2、ABSTRACT(SUMMARY)摘要、提要   这部分是对整篇文章的高度概括或浓缩,故要简单、明了。常用的词汇和句型有:Somebody studied(examined investigated,determined,found,reported,interviewed,measured,documented,considered,though evaluated,observed,…)。运用这些动词,所采用的时态通常是一般过去时和现在完成时。被动语态也屡见不鲜,常见有:This study was taken to ex-amine… ;Patients with…were followed up for+时间;It is showed that… ;It is concluded that… ;Indicationswere obtained that… ,等。结尾时常用的表达方法有:The results indicate(show,state,suggest,demon-strate,conclude,express…)that… ;These findingshave special importance in showing that… ;The find-ings have general significance in that… ;This possibilityis strengthening by the observation that… ,等等。例:   Enzyme Linkel Immunosorbent Assay(ELISA)isused to the detection for antibody of anti-thy oglobulinin normal human serum,cord serum,and amniotic flu-id.The results demonstrate that it seemed to be an cer-tain rule that the lower appeared in the amniotic fluid,the highest in cord serum.Antibody is decreasing for anormal level with the grown-up age after birth.It isthus concluded that antibody of anti-thyroglobulin wemeasured may play a certain significance in diagnosis ofcretinism by ELISA.作者采用ELISA对正常人的血清、脐带血清和羊水中的抗甲状腺球蛋白抗体进行了测定。其结果有一定规律:抗体在胎生期首先出现,分娩时浓度达高峰,而后随年龄增长逐渐降至正常水平。故测定该抗体对地方克汀病之诊断有一定意义。   3、INTRODUCTION引言   本项除课题意义外,主要涉猎前人研究情况的评述及本研究的目的,后两者有时分别列出。兹分述如下:   3.1、REVIEW OF PREVIOUS WORK   以往研究评论 还有用其它题目的,例如:REVIEW OF LITER-ATURE(文献评述),LITERATURE CITED(文献引述),PRIOR RESEARCH(以前的研究),SOMEPAST DESIGNS(过去的某些设计),BACK-GROU-ND(背景材料),等等。而这些资料引文的重点要放在引述与本文有关的以往研究的结果,否则会喧宾夺主。句式常有 al.tested(reported,gave,car-ried out experiment on… ;Sb found(showed…)that… .还有若干不同的其它表达方法,写在下边:our exper-iments show that… ;The present study was undertakentoidentify… ,Date are presented that suggest… ,Ourresults supported… ;The distribution has reported by… ;Our laboratory has undertaken a reexamination of… ;This article(paper)documents… ;We trace(evi-dence)…This model extends… ;Our findings demon-strate… ;We reasoned that… ;The effect…were evalu-ated by means of… ;The present results add some fur-ther elements to… .A recent study analyzed he effect of aspirin(ASA)on primaryhemostasis in uremia,measuring bleedingtime(BT).It was found that the same dose of ASA pro-longed BT more in uremic that in control subjects,sug-gesting platelets were more susceptible to the inhibitory-of ASA.This might be due to different ASA pharma-cokinetics and bioavailability that might be influenced bythe uremic condition.新近一项研究分析了乙酰水扬酸对尿毒症第一期出血的影响,测定了出血的时间。我们发现,同样剂量的ASA均可延长出血时间,而尿毒症受验者比对照受验者要多。这提示尿毒症的血小板对ASA的抑制更具敏感性。这可能是由于ASA的药物动力学和生物可用性不同所致。   3.2、OBJECTIVES目的   这一条还可写作OBJEC-TIVES OF STUDY(研究的目的),有时OBJEC-TIVES不列在INTRODUCTION之内,而独立列为一项。多采用开门见山,直接点出目的方式。常见的用语有:The(major main,overall,broad,primary…)objectives(purpose goal,aim…)of this study(research,article,paper,project,experiment),were(was)… ;The study aims at doing something…。例:The objec-tive of this article was to suggest that pulmonaryimpedance rheograph is one of the methods for differen-tial diagnosis of early pulmonale cor and hyperthyroi-dism。本文的目的在于提示肺阻抗图是早期肺心病和甲状腺机能亢进的鉴别诊断方法之一。   4、METHODS or EQUIPMENT AND TEST(EX-PERIMENT)PROCE DURI方法、设备和试验程序   这一部分内容须视论文的类别而有所不同,但就该题目而论,则多系试验研究和技术报告一类。还可以用以下名称等:TEST AND EQUIPMENT(试验与设备),MATERIALS AND METHODS(材料及方法),EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE(试验过程),DESCRIPTION OF EXPERIMENT(试验描述),或者只写PROCEEDURE(过程),及METHODS(方法),较常见的句式有:Sb or Sth was(were)tested at… ;Sb or Sth participated in this study;或者The equip-ment which was used(consisted of,constructed from,furnished to…by,…)is… .例:Three groups of sub-jects participated in this study:(a)18 patients(10 menand 8 women with a medianage of 46 year,range 24~69)with chronic renal failure with anuria…参加本研究的有:(a)18例无尿慢性肾衰竭患者,其中男性10人,女性8人,平均年龄为46岁,年龄范围为24~69岁… …。The test equipment which was used consisted of acupboard complete with temperature measuring trans-ducers and recording equipment.所有的试验装置由一个配有测温传感器和记录器的.小柜组成。   5、RESULTS AND DISCUSSION结果和讨论   这个项目是全文的重点,其篇幅约占整个文章的一半或三分之二。它将对研究、试验、观察等结果加以分析和讨论,其中包括曲线、图表和照片等。大都采用分题逐一讨论的方法。常用语有:The test(experi-mental)results presented(obtained)show(indicate,con-firm)…that… ;It should be noted that…等。例:Ourresults have shown that T-cell deplection iseffective inthe prevention of acute and chronic GVHD.我们的结果已经说明,T细胞缺失对预防GVHD有效。   6、CONCLUSION结论   其它的表达方法还有:SUMMARY AND CON-CLUSIONS(小结及结论),CONCLUSIONS ANDRECOMMENDATIONS(SUGGESTIONS)(结论与建议)。常用语有:From(On the basis of)… ,the fol-lowing conclusions can(may)be made(drawn,reached)…或者The following recommendations(SUGGES-TIONS…)may be made(PUT FORWARD)…。例:The following recommendations may be made for theimprovement of the method of this kind of operations…对这类手术方法的改进可作下述改进…   7 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS感谢   这项的常用语是:We acknowledge with… ;Thisstudy was supported by… ,We thank…for… ;Thisstudy was supported grants from…。例:We wish tothank profeor F.J.Kezdy for his valuable suggestionsand discussions.We thank also Mrs.A.Abram for herassistance at the initial stage of this work and Ms,Be-better wilkerson for typing the manuscript.通常,thank和support均可用以人和单位,而前者多用于人,后者多用于单位。有时,在这一项之后还有一行内容:Correspondence should be addresed toL.S.F MRC Cancer Trials office,Medical ResearchCouncil Centre,Hills Road,Cambridge CB22 QH这是表示致函的地点和单位。   8、REFERENCES参考文献   参考文献的写法有多种,但都有一定格式。无论采用哪一种,前后要一致。众所周知,列出参考文献是为了查看或查证与文章叙述或引用部分有关的资料。通常的办法是在论文中的引用部分按出现的先后顺序编上号码。参考文献要按号码顺序排列。每一条书目要包拓以下几个内容:作者姓名、书名、出版者和出版年份、页数等。也可以不按文中引用先后编号,而按作者姓氏的字母顺序排列,而出版年份紧跟在姓名之后。例:   文章正文:The capillary tube is used in such appli-ances ashousehold refrigerauors,small freezers and roomair conditioners,usually up to three ton system[1].Cen-tral air conditioning systems insmall residence,small ice-making machins and small beverage cooler also use thecapillary tube.It is not practicle in large commercial-systems because of its lack of sensitivity to loadchanges。   如上所述,我们把参考的文献,按照作者的姓氏的字母排序,写在下面:REFERENCES1.Althouse,A.D(1978)Modern Refrigeration andAir Conditioning.In Michael Wallace,et al.(eds)New Developments in Ari-coditioning.Cambridge University Press2.Black,Max(1976)Selected Writings of MaxBlack in Modern Air-conditioning Engineering(ed.David G.Mandelbaum).Oxford University Press3.Nelson,C.W(1972a)Principles of Refriger-stion.New York:McGra-wHill(1972)Commercialand Industrial Refrigeration.In Science,May1972,PP.52~68,(1972b)ibid,PP.72~74注意:(1)若文章选自一本论文集,则先写作者姓名、篇目,然后另起一句注明该文集的编辑者姓名及文集名称。如不另起一句,中间要用逗号。ed,eds分别为editor和editors的缩写。(2)作者姓名和书名一般不用逗号隔开。而书名和出版社之间用句号分开。每条书目的最后用逗号,也可不用。(3)出版年份指的是所引出书籍或文章的印刷年份,不是第一版的出版年份。(4)P、PP分别是page和pages的缩写,ibid意为“同上”。(5)若论文多次引出同一篇文章,则可以引文后面写上作者的姓名和文章、书籍的出版年份,并注上页次,前后用括号括上,如(Nelson,1972,P.123)。如果出现引用同一作者,同一年份的几本着作,要在印刷年份加上a,b… ,以示区别,如(Nels on,1972a,P.123),(Nelson,1972b,PP.52~68)。   9、APPENDIX附录、补遗   这一项包括LIST OF SYMBOLS AND DEFINI-TIONS(符号及定义表),NOME NCLATURE(技术术语表),等。如何用英语撰写医学论文,笔者认为,对很多作者来说,耗时最多的工作不是本文所谈及的,而应是扎扎实实地搞好平时的英语学习和阅读;加强文学修养及本专业知识的学习、提高和更新等。如果做好这些工作,用英语撰写医学论文,并且撰写较高水平论文的问题便会迎刃而解。 ;
2023-07-28 18:19:051


2023-07-28 18:19:238


这太过专业了~ 很难翻译的! 要懂bio-chemistry 才能准确翻译! Sorry, 不是不会,而是不想翻错了,到时候可能还害了你! 请你还是找专业人士翻译吧!在这里只会有更多的人想用软件翻译拿分,我想在百度没有什么人可以帮你!
2023-07-28 18:21:203

sin-1 是什么意思啊?

你上面那个sin-1 0.850903524 写法有点问题中间那个-1意思应该用arcsin来表示。sin由角度计算相应的比值,arcsin是由边的比值来计算角度。
2023-07-28 18:21:341


分类: 教育/科学 >> 职业教育 解析: 淡竹叶 Herba Loophatheri (英)Common Lopatherum Herb 别名 竹麦冬、长竹叶、山鸡米。来源 为禾本科植物淡竹叶Lophatherum gracile Bongn.的茎叶。 植物形态 多年生草本,高40~100cm。根茎短缩而木化。须根稀疏,中部常膨大为纺锤形。秆直立,中空,节明显。叶互生,广披针形,长5~20cm ,宽1.5~3.5cm,先端渐尖,基部收缩成柄状,无毛蔌两面有小刺毛,脉平行并有小横脉;叶鞘包秆,边缘光滑或略被纤毛;叶舌短小,质硬,具缘毛。圆锥花序顶生,小枝开展;小穗狭披针形,长7~12mm,宽1.5~2.5mm,最下1花为两性,余为中性,脱节于颖之下;颖不等长,先端钝,有5脉;第1稃长6~7mm;不育外稃相互包卷,先端有短芒。颖果深褐色。花期7~9月,果期10月。 生于林下或沟边阴湿处,主产浙江、安徽、湖南、四川、湖北、广东、江西。 采制 夏季未抽花穗前采收,晒干。 化学成分 含芦竹素(arundoin)、白茅素(cylindrin)、无羁萜(friedelin)β-谷甾醇、豆甾醇、菜油甾醇、蒲公英萜醇(taraxerol)及氨基酸等。 性味 性寒,味甘、淡。 功能主治 清热除烦,利尿。用于热病烦渴、小便赤涩淋痛、口舌生疮。 不同溶剂对竹叶提取物抑菌作用的影响 Study on the inhibition of microani *** by extracts from bamboo leaves in different solvents 关键词:淡竹,箬竹,微生物,抑制作用 作者:杨卫东,费学谦,王敬文 概述:比较不同溶剂提取方法对淡竹和箬竹抑菌能力的影响,采用抑菌圈法测定淡竹和箬竹不同溶剂提取物对5种供试菌的抑菌作用.结果表明,淡竹、箬竹水提取物对白色假丝酵母菌、酿酒酵母菌、大肠杆菌、枯草芽孢杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌有抑制作用,抑制作用效果不明显;淡竹、箬竹丙酮提取物对5种供试菌均表现抑制作用,淡竹丙酮提取物抑制效果为枯草芽孢杆菌>大肠杆菌>金黄色葡萄球菌=酿酒酵母菌>白色假丝酵母菌,箬竹抑菌效果是大肠杆菌>枯草芽孢杆菌>白色假丝酵母菌>金黄色葡萄球菌>酿酒酵母菌;淡竹、箬竹乙酸乙酯提取物对5种供试菌均表现出较强的抑菌作用,淡竹乙酸乙酯提取物平均抑菌圈直径为23.7mm,箬竹平均抑菌圈直径为22.8mm.两种竹叶水提取物抑菌效果较差,丙酮、乙酸乙酯能比较有效地从竹叶中提取具有抑菌活性的化学物质,其中乙酸乙酯的提取物抑菌效果最好,说明溶剂影响竹子提取物的抑菌能力. 参考文献: [1] 刘力,林新春,金爱武,等.苦竹各器官营养元素分析 [J] .浙江林学院学报,2004,21(2):172~175. [2] 毛燕.早竹和高节竹叶化学成分的初步测定 [J] .浙江林学院学报,1997,14(4):410~414. [3] 赖椿根,马聿桓,张斌,等.箬竹叶水提取物化学成分研究 [J] .浙江林学院学报,1995,12(2):161~165. [4] 张英,吴晓琴,俞卓裕.竹叶黄酮和内酯的季节性变化规律研究 [J] .林产化学与工业,2002,22(2):65~69. [5] 周焱,刘暑艳,邹丽芳.几种野生植物提取物抑菌作用研究 [J] .中国野生植物资源,2004,23(2):30~32. [6] 韩建华,祝木金,冯俊涛,等.27种植物抑菌活性初步筛选 [J] .西北农林科技大学学报,2002,30(6):134~137. [7] 檀东飞,苏燕卿,吴若菁,等.棘托竹荪乙酸乙酯提取物的抑菌作用研究 [J] .海峡药学,2002,14(5):101~103. 竹叶提取物的抗血栓作用研究 作者:李少鹏 王成林 潘蔚然等 来源:INTERNET 打印本文 收藏到我摘 收藏到新浪 摘要:【摘要】 目的 研究竹叶提取物的抗血栓作用。 方法 采用小白鼠体外凝血时间及家兔血浆凝血酶原时间(PT),家兔血浆白陶土部分凝血活酶时间(KPTT)及家兔血浆凝血酶时间(Thrombin Time),ADP诱导的家兔血小板聚集实验来观察竹叶提取物的抗血栓作用。 结果 竹叶提取物22。5mg/kg,45mg/kg,90mg/kg,能显著延长小鼠体外...... 临床快报 药市动态 违法广告 医疗保险 药品价格 药品回收 保健常识 妇科课堂 饮食健康 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 全文: 【摘要】 目的 研究竹叶提取物的抗血栓作用。 方法 采用小白鼠体外凝血时间及家兔血浆凝血酶原时间(PT),家兔血浆白陶土部分凝血活酶时间(KPTT)及家兔血浆凝血酶时间(Thrombin Time),ADP诱导的家兔血小板聚集实验来观察竹叶提取物的抗血栓作用。 结果 竹叶提取物22.5mg/kg,45mg/kg,90mg/kg,能显著延长小鼠体外凝血时间,竹叶提取物2.5mg/ml,5.0mg/ml,10.0mg/ml,能明显延长血浆凝血酶原时间、白陶土活化部分凝血活酶时间及凝血酶时间,并能显著抑制ADP引起的血小板聚集。 结论 竹叶提取物具有明显的抗血栓形成作用。 Research on antithrombotic effect of bamboo leave extract LI Shao-peng,WANG Cheng-lin,PANWei-ran,et al. Department of Brain Neurosurgery,The People"s Hos-pital of Dongguan,Guangdong523018,China 【Abstract】 Objective To study the antithrombotic effect of BLE in this paper.Methods Thrombin time(TT),prothrombin time(PT),KPTT in rabbits and clotting time in mice,Platelet aggregation induced by ADP in the rab-bits were studied in this paper.Results Thrombin time(TT),prothrombin time(PT),KPTT in rabbits and clotting time in mice were prolonged significintly.Platelet aggregation induced by ADP in the rabbits was inhibited.Conclu-sion BLE significantly inhibited the formation of arteris thrombus in the rabbits. 【Key words】 BLE;XDIJ;antithrombotic;platelet aggregation;clotting time 竹叶作为传统中药在中国已有上千年的历史。银杏叶是一类天然的抗氧化剂和自由基清除剂,竹叶具有抗自由基的活性并与银杏叶具有可比性 〔1〕 。据《药品化义》中记载,竹叶治温以清,专清心气,味淡利窍,使心经热血分解。竹叶已用作心脑血管疾病的保健品,笔者旨在从抗心肌缺血缺氧作用方面探讨竹叶提取物改善心血管的作用,为其在心血管方面的临床应用提供基础实验研究依据。 1 实验材料 1.1 实验动物 昆明种小白鼠,18~22g,大耳白家兔2.0~2.5kg,雌雄兼有,以上动物均由中国医科大学动物室提供,合格证号:辽实动字033号。 1.2 药品与试剂 竹叶提取物由广东省中药研究所提供(总黄酮含量为85.2%,批号200006,用时以0.9%生理盐水配成相应的浓度);香丹注射液为市售,广州白云山制药总厂中药厂产品,批号:950905。白陶土部分凝血活酶时间试剂盒及凝血酶试剂盒均购自天津普利生企业有限公司,批号:990902;二磷酸腺苷二钠(ADP),上海伯奥生物科技有限公司产品,批号981001。 1.3 实验仪器 PAM-3型双通道血小板聚集仪,80-Ⅱ型离心沉淀器,电热恒温水浴锅。 2 方法与结果 2.1 对小白鼠体外凝血时间的影响 取小白鼠50只,随机分为5组,每组10只,雌雄各半。分别为竹叶提取物22.5mg/kg,45mg/kg,90mg/kg组,香丹注射液4.8ml/kg组,0.9%等容积的生理盐水组。尾静脉注射给药20min后用眼科镊子迅速摘去小白鼠右眼球,在载玻片上滴1滴血,直径约5mm,立即用秒表计时,当有血丝被挑起时停止计时,记录时间 〔2〕 。见表1。 Tab.1 The effect of BLE on cruor time in mice Group Dose(略) 注: * P<0.05; ** P<0.01pared with control group 2.2 对家兔血浆凝血酶原时间(PT)的影响 取家兔50只,随机分为5组,每组10只,雌雄各半。分别连续灌胃3天,每天1次,灌胃1%CMC-Na.竹叶提取物提取物150、300、600mg/kg及阳性对照药香丹注射液100mg/kg,末次给药1h后依文献 〔2〕 的方法从家兔耳缘静脉取血,以3.8%拘橼酸钠抗凝(9:1)3000r/min离心10min,取血浆。取试管3只,每管加入血浆、0.025mol/L的CaCl 2 及兔脑浸出粉各0.1ml,37℃恒温水浴,同时开始计时,记录液面不再流动的时间,取3管时间平均值,计算凝血酶原时间。见表2。 2.3 对家兔血浆白陶土部分凝血活酶时间(KPTT)的影响 取“2.2”方法制备的抗凝血的血浆,按试剂盒说明书的方法测白陶土部分凝血活酶时间。见表3。 2.4 对家兔血浆凝血酶时间(Thrombin Time)的影响 取“2.2”方法制备的抗凝血的血浆,按试剂盒说明书的方法测凝血酶时间。见表4。 Tab.2 The effect of BLE on PT in rabbits Group Dose(略) 注: * P<0.05; ** P<0.01pared with control group Tab.3 The effect of BLE on KPTT in rabbits Group Dose(略) 注: * P<0.05; ** P<0.01pared with control group Tab.4 The effect of BLE on thrombin time in rabbits Group Dose(略) 注: * P<0.05; ** P<0.01pared with control group 2.5 对ADP诱导的家兔血小板聚集的作用 取大耳白家兔40只,依“2.2”的方法分组给药,末次给药1h后依文献 〔3〕 方法耳缘静脉取血,按体外实验方法制备PPP,PRP,测定血小板聚集并记录药物对ADP(1μmol/L)诱导血小板聚集的影响。见表5。 Tab.5 The effect of BLE on platelet aggregation in rabbits Group Dose(略) 注: * P<0.05; ** P<0.01pared with control group 2.6 竹叶提取物对家兔优球蛋白溶解时间(ELT)的影响 取大耳白家兔50只,按“2.2”的方法分组给药,末次给药1h后按文献 〔4〕 的方法耳缘静脉采血1.8ml,3.8%的枸橼酸钠1:9抗凝。3000r/min离心10min,取血浆。取10ml的离心管,先加入0.5ml血浆和9ml蒸馏水,再加入1%醋酸液0.1ml。4℃冰箱保存19min,3000r/min离心5min,取沉淀,加硼酸缓冲液0.5ml,玻璃棒轻搅5min,然后置于37℃水浴中 加0.025mol/L CaCl 2 0.5ml,待其凝固,观察凝块完全溶解所需时间。见表6。 Tab.6 The effect of BLE on ELT in rabbits Group Dose(略) 注: * P<0.05; ** P<0.01pared with control group 2.7 竹叶提取物对小鼠全血凝块溶解实验的影响 取小白鼠50只,按“2.1”的方法分组给药,末次给药1h后按文献 〔5〕 的方法眼眶静脉(采用毛细管法)取血1ml置塑料小试管中,37℃水浴保存8h,取血凝块吸干余血,分别称重。见表7。 Tab.7 The effect of BLE on bleed clot in vitro Group Dose(略) 注: * P<0.05; ** P<0.01pared with control group 3 讨论 本实验中,竹叶提取物提取物能显著延长小白鼠凝血时间及家兔白陶土活化部分凝血活酶时间,提示该物质通过干扰内源性凝血系统因子的活性,从而使纤维蛋白的生成受到抑制。竹叶提取物提取物还能显著延长家兔凝血酶原时间,提示该物质是通过干扰外源凝血系统因子的活性,而抑制凝血酶原向凝血酶的转变,从而使纤维蛋白原向纤维蛋白的转变受到抑制。竹叶提取物提取物能显著延长凝血酶时间,抑制纤维蛋白原向纤维蛋白的转变。竹叶提取物提取物能显著抑制ADP引起的家兔血小板聚集,从而具有抑制动脉血栓形成的作用。竹叶提取物提取物不能缩短优球蛋白溶解时间,也不能减轻全血凝块的重量,说明竹叶提取物提取物不具有纤溶活性。竹叶提取物提取物具有活血化瘀作用,它的活血化瘀作用将成为其临床预防及治疗脑血管疾病的药理学基础之一。 【参考文献】 1 周本宏,罗顺德,蔡鸿生.竹叶提取物的药理及临床应用研究进展.中成药,1991,13(11):38. 2 陈奇.中药药理研究方法学,北京:人民卫生出版社,1993,9:481;615. 3 Born GVR.Aggregation of blood platelets by adenosine diphosphate and its Reversal.Nature,1962,194:927. 4 徐淑云.药理实验方法学,北京:人民卫生出版社,1991,838. 5 刘威,周重楚,师海波.脑栓通对血液系统的影响.中成药,1993,15(3):26-28. 作者单位:523018广东东莞,东莞市人民医院神经外科 110016辽宁沈阳,中国医科大学第二临床学院神经外科 竹叶的精华——竹叶抗氧化物 在我国食品添加剂产业的品种结构中,抗氧化剂是最薄弱的一环。尤其是天然抗氧化剂,目前国外共有商品47种,抗氧化效果明显优于BHA和BHT的有迷迭香提取物,其他如鼠尾草提取物、甘草抗氧化物、茶多酚、鞣花酸、向日葵籽提取物等;而我国目前批准使用的仅有茶多酚、植酸(钠)、磷脂、甘草抗氧化物等少数几种等。以天然食用抗氧化剂取代合成抗氧化剂是今后食品工业的发展趋势,开发具有本土资源特色和自主知识产权的实用、高效、成本低廉的天然抗氧化剂更是重中之重。我国地域辽阔,资源丰富,有着几千年药食同源的传统,发展天然、营养、多功能的食品添加剂有着独特的优势。 我国素有“竹子王国”之称,境内有竹类40多属400余种,竹林面积约400万公顷。竹子以其独特的生物学、生态学及多用途等特点,日益受到人们的重视,在中国可持续发展战略中正发挥着越来越重要的作用。我国在竹叶有效成分的研究和开发方面处于国际领先水平。从1998年起,笔者及其合作者对竹叶黄酮的抗脂质过氧化活性做了大量研究。如分子水平的体外模拟试验表明,金毛竹(淡竹)叶提取物显著抑制了由AAPH诱导的脂质体的过氧化,防止了Cu++中介的人类血清低密度脂蛋白胆固醇的氧化;在麦乳精(阿华田)中强化1%的竹叶提取物,显著提高了制品的抗自由基和抗氧化能力,并保护了其中VA和VE的活性;在啤酒中强化一定量的竹叶提取物后,抗氧化性能和储存稳定性大大增强,双乙酰回升受到显著抑制;对竹叶黄酮进行控制性酸水解,使其部分黄酮糖苷转化成苷元,亲油性有了显著改善,TBA快速测定法表明,在菜籽油体系中,水解苷元显示了与BHT可比的抗氧化活性,其有效浓度在0.2‰左右;改良烘箱法试验表明,水解苷元抑制猪油过氧化的能力与槲皮素和茶多酚相似;化学发光法测定的结果显示,水解苷元的清.OH活性接近槲皮素。表明竹叶黄酮具有作为天然抗氧化剂的开发潜力。2002年“竹叶抗氧剂”被国家经贸委列为《国家级轻工业新产品开发指南》中“食品添加剂行业优先开发产品汇总表”的第一项。 从2002年起,笔者按照《中华人民共和国食品添加剂使用卫生标准》的要求,对竹叶抗氧化物(AntioxidantofBambooleaves,简写为AOB)的生产工艺、理化性质、质量标准、毒理试验结果、应用效果(应用范围、最大应用量)等进行了系统研究。 1.生产工艺 AOB是一种从禾本科(Graminae)、竹亚科(Bambusoideae)、刚竹属(PhyllostachysSieb.etZucc)的淡竹犤Phyllostachysnigravar.hnonis(Bean)StepfexRendle犦等叶子中得到的酚性制剂。其生产工艺既可以是在原有专利技术的基础上进一步结晶所得,也可以是在竹叶粗提物的基础上,采用组合式膜分离技术精制而成。 2.化学组成 AOB的抗氧化成分包括黄酮、内酯和酚酸类化合物,其总黄酮含量30%。由于经柱层析和逆流色谱进一步分离后所得组分的抗氧化效果都低于或等同于本品,所以说这是一组复杂的、而又具有相互协同增效作用的混合物。其中黄酮类化合物主要是黄酮碳苷,包括荭草苷、异荭草苷、牡荆苷和异牡荆苷等;内酯类化合物主要是羟基香豆素及其糖苷;酚酸类化合物主要是肉桂酸的衍生物,包括绿原酸、咖啡酸和阿魏酸等。 3.鉴别方法 AOB的外观为黄色或棕黄色的粉末或颗粒,可溶于水和乙醇,略溶于丙酮、正丁醇、乙酸乙酯等;AOB有吸湿性,在干燥状态时相当稳定。化学试剂鉴别:取本品0.5g溶于100mL95%的乙醇中,按下法鉴别:取上述溶液1mL,加1%FeCl3-乙醇溶液2~3滴,应显深蓝色或蓝紫色。取上述溶液1mL,加1%AlCl3-乙醇溶液2~3滴,应呈鲜黄色;取本品0.5g,加入10mL乙醚,超声波辅助萃取30秒,过滤。取滤液1mL,置70~90℃的水浴中挥干乙醚后,依次加入2%的间二硝基苯溶液(用95%乙醇配制)和2.5mol/L的KOH水溶液各1mL,立即出现微红色,放入上述热水浴中,迅速变成深紫红色。经溴化钾压片后的红外光谱图显示,在3400、2900、1610、1520、1080cm-1等附近有特征性吸收。将其溶于光谱纯甲醇后,在200~600nm的波长范围内进行扫描,紫外光谱图显示,在240~400nm区域有两个主要的吸收峰,其中在240~280nm之间有一强吸收峰,在300~350nm之间有一次强吸收峰,呈现了植物黄酮制剂的典型特征。 4.安全性评价 竹叶在我国乃至东南亚的广大地区有着长期的食用和药用历史,1998年(淡)竹叶被卫生部批准列入了“药食两用的天然物名单”,以竹叶黄酮为内容物的“竹康宁”胶囊和片剂也分别于1999年和2002年获得了保健食品的批准文号。 浙江省疾病预防控制中心按照卫生部GB15193-1994《食品安全性毒理学评价程序和方法》对力夫牌竹叶抗氧化物(AOB)进行了为期一年多的试验研究,结果表明:第一阶段大、小鼠急性及口毒性半数致死量(LD50)雌雄两性均大于10000mg/kg体重,按急性毒性分级标准判定,属实际无毒类。第二阶段Ames试验结果为阴性,小鼠骨髓细胞微核试验和小鼠 *** 畸形试验结果均为阴性,提示该样品无致突变性。第三阶段大鼠90天喂养试验设低、中、高三个剂量组,分别相当于人最大可能摄入量(860mg/d)的100、200、300倍,试验结果表明,各项指标均未见明显毒性反应,AOB的最大无作用剂量为4.3g/kg体重;传统致畸试验显示各剂量组各项指标均未见有明显的母体毒性和胚胎毒性、致畸性;大鼠一代繁殖试验母体效应、胎仔效应各项指标均未见明显毒性反应。代谢试验表明,AOB中四种碳苷黄酮在大鼠胃肠道内均无直接吸收,灌胃后各个时相血浆和主要组织器官(肝、肾、脑及肌肉组织)均无检出,灌胃后0.5h、1h、1.5h、2h、3h、4h、6h、8h、12h在胃肠道及其内容物中,四种碳苷的回收率分别为83.3%、68.8%、65.0%、61.1%、59.9%、59.1%、57.8%、53.7%、51.7%;一次性灌胃给予受试物,24h后从粪便中检出的原型物占摄入量的27.6%,尿液中未见原形物排出。AOB中的另一主要羟基香豆素类组分则主要经血液途径吸收。灌胃后各时相在大鼠肝脏、脑及肌肉组织均无检出,在血液及肾脏从有检出;给予受试物24h后该组分在尿液中检出1.9%,在粪便中未检出。(浙江大学食品系教授 张英)
2023-07-28 18:22:081


分类: 外语/出国 问题描述: 请内行的人给予指点,如以下的字母分别代表什么? Wbc 白细胞 3.2 × /L Lymph # .6 × /L Gran # 2.4× /LMid # .2 × /L Lymph % 18.0 % Gran % 76.2 % Mid % 5.8 % Rbc 红细胞 3.39× /L Hgb 血红蛋白 101 g/L Hct 21.9 % Mcv 64.6 fl Mch 29.8 pg Mchc 461 g/L Plt 血小板 91× /L 解析: Wbc 白细胞 White Blood Cells Lymph # 淋巴细胞数目 Lymphocytes Gran # 粒细胞数目 Granulocytes Mid # 中间细胞数目 Lymph % 18.0 % Gran % 76.2 % Mid % 5.8 % Rbc 红细胞 Red Blood Cells Hgb 血红蛋白 101 g/L Hct 血细胞比容 Hematocrit Mcv 平均红细胞体积 Mean Corpuscular Volume Mch 平均红细胞血红蛋白 Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Mchc 平均红细胞血红蛋白浓度 Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration Plt 血小板 Platelets 自己校正对比吧! WBC白细胞数目: 10.9 ×109/L (正常值4.0-10.0) Lymph#淋巴细胞数目: 2.6 ×109/L (正常值0.8-4.0) Mid#中间细胞数目: 0.7 ×109/L (正常值0.1-0.9) Gran#粒细胞数目: 7.6 ×109/L (正常值2.0-7.0) Lymph%淋巴细胞百分比: 24.2 % (正常值20.0-40.0) Mid%中间细胞百分比: 6.1 % (正常值3.0-9.0) Gran%粒细胞百分比: 69.7 % (正常值50.0-70.0) RBC红细胞数目: 5.19 ×1012/L (正常值3.50-5.50) HGB血红蛋白: 147 g/L (正常值110-170) MCHC平均红细胞血红蛋白浓度: 316 g/L (正常值320-390) MCV平均红细胞体积: 89.6 fL (正常值82.0-95.0) MCH平均红细胞血红蛋白: 28.3 pg (正常值27.0-35.0) RDW-CV红细胞分布宽度变异系数: 14.0 % (正常值11.5-14.5) RDW-SD红细胞分布宽度标准差: 44.5 % (正常值35.0-56.0) HCT红细胞压积: 46.5 % (正常值30.0-50.0) PLT血小板数目: 264 ×109/L (正常值100-300) MPV平均血小板体积: 11.5 fL (正常值7.0-11.0) PDW血小板分布宽度: 15.5 % (正常值15.0-17.0) PCT血小板压积: 0.303 % (正常值0.108-0.282 )
2023-07-28 18:22:281


分类: 医疗健康 >> 人体常识 问题描述: 帮帮忙吧 解析: 血细胞有 造血干细胞hemopoietic stem cells 红细胞reythrocytes,RBC白细胞leucocytes,WBC 凝细胞thrombocytes 血小板blood platelets 巨核细胞megakaryocytes 楼下的 血清不算细胞哦
2023-07-28 18:22:361

无偿献血 英语作文 要说明文120词 分三段。。。高三水平的 要原创。。。跪求!!!!

Blood donation is to point to to save another life, volunteer will own blood selfless dedication to social welfare undertakings, the donors to not get collection units and donors unit any remuneration behavior. Blood donation is lifelong honor, gratis blood will get social respect and love.Blood donation is selfless dedication, saving behaviour that is our lofty of the total development direction of blood. Blood donation is the embodiment of the love offerings, making the sick remove sickness or even save their life, its value is unable to use money to measure.Citizens to economic compensation blood, can make the lofty dedication glorious behavior is covered the shadow of commodities trading. Nearly half a century, the world health organization and the international Red Cross straight to the world by calling for "medical use blood donation" principle.At present many countries and regions in China, including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan are implemented a blood donation. "During" regulation, our country executes blood donation system.Blood donation is the only ensure medical safety blood. Only in humanitarian selfless dedication and not with economic compensation for the purpose of blood donation without compensation paid to fundamentally remove blood with all kinds of evils; The quality of blood can be guaranteed; To protect the safety of blood donors; To maximize reduce the risk of disease transmitted through blood.Blood donation little common sense1. The blood is in the blood vessels and the heart of the constant flow of red liquid. In normal circumstances, a personal blood volume of approximately eight per cent for weight. Weighs 50 kilograms of adults, the whole body blood around 4,000 ml.2. Blood is composed by visible part and plasma. One visible part has 3 kinds, they are red, white and platelets.3. The scientists determined the human blood red, live for about 120 days.4. To 1995 were found 23 worldwide, red with blood transfusion of blood type system, the largest is the relationship between ABO blood group system. The world health organization the ABO blood group system in 1921 to the world for formal unified naming A and B, AB, O four type5. Of the People"s Republic of China began implementing time during the 1998 was on October 1.6. "during the weight of blood" which have specific provision, male citizens to reach 50 kg weight, female citizen to reach 45 kg.7. Citizens can offer blood whole blood or components, including the whole blood blood sacrifice time interval to reach six months, to offer sacrifice blood composition time interval of platelets) to achieve a month.8. Citizens when the blood to pass strict health checks, including physical examination and the blood tests, and only after health inspection qualified citizen to donate.9. The first to find blood type is Austrian medical Carl? Rand Stan Leonard. He"s the discovery of security for transfusion opened the door, millions of people around the world the life obtain new life. "The world" is using his donors day of June fourteenth birthday to determine.10. "world blood donors in 2004," by the world health organization, the Red Cross and red crescent international federation, international federation of blood donor organizations international blood transfusion associations to identify.11. Blood on human has four functions: (1) transportation function, to oxygen, water and various nutrients delivered to all parts of the body cell and tissue; (2) keep the body ph relatively invariableness; (3) regulating body temperature; (4) resist harmful substances to the human body to invade.12. Plasma accounted for about 55 percent of all the blood. Plasma of mostly water, more than 90 percent, and the rest are all sorts of protein, organic and inorganic substances.13. Human manufacturing blood need protein, iron, copper, folic acid, vitamin B12 and so on many kinds of material, protein is the main raw material, manufacturing blood red and iron is the important composition, folic acid, vitamin B12 can make blood mature. These materials, in normal human body doesn"t lack, as long as normal diet, can guarantee the normal supply.14. The mother during pregnancy is also a type of the fetus.15. Many people think blood type and personality have relations. Such as blood type A, type B people temperament sensible man of blood type O blood passion, optimistic people are more confident, resolute, etc. Actually the difference of red blood some sort of depends on the surface only polysaccharide substances. Experiments show that, as long as using several special enzymes, within A very short time can put the type B blood into blood type A personality, so blood type and relevant no scientific evidence.16. The whole blood refers to all the ingredients, including blood plasma cells and all the ingredients.17. Normal blood can be renewable. So somebody said later, the blood of the body blood will reduce, also hurt "qi" this is incorrect.18. Healthy human accept the hepatitis b vaccine, hepatitis a vaccine immune have an inoculation, need not delayed blood donation; But accept the hepatitis b immunoglobulin injection can donate a year later.19. Accept vaccinal immune have an inoculation after the last time around, can be blood donation Be bitten by the rabies vaccine after last vaccination a year before it can donate.20. Before and after three days of women menses temporarily cannot blood donation.21. Suffering from acute urinary tract infection recover after a month, with pneumonia recover after three months to be able to donate.22. Appendicitis surgical operation, hernia suture and tonsil surgery at least three months, six months after surgery can be filled with large blood donation.In internal cause disease lost 23.5 whole blood or component blood, can not blood donation.24. The state institutes a blood donation system, on the one hand, is to ensure that patients can get health and safety of blood, on the other hand is to strictly regulate the behavior of CaiGongXie unit, ensuring the health of blood donors.25. The relevant equipment to station after strictly disinfects processing, all the utensils with blood contact are one-off, after use concentrated disposal. So said blood donation is safe, not contagious disease.26. "gratis blood during" regulation, I and do not enjoy free medical care and labor insurance medical treatment of directly-related members, due to illness need blood use, can enjoy all or part of the free blood.
2023-07-28 18:23:111


一答案:变色龙 其他:斑马 猎豹 花鹿 老虎 基本就是陆地上的动物,森林中的动物,比较需要靠颜色和花纹保护自己.二拓展知识①变色龙的皮肤据用三层色素细胞1. 最外层 被称为黄色素细胞(xanthophores) 和红色素细胞(erythrophores)。前者带有黄色的蝶啶色素,后者带有红色和橙色的类胡萝卜素[1]。细胞整体的颜色由黄色和红色的比例控制。[2]2. 第二层被称作鸟粪素细胞(guanophores)或彩虹色素细胞(iridophore)。这种细胞含有结晶状的鸟嘌呤反射片板(reflecting platelets)。[3] 这是一种构形色,光线经过层叠状的平板时产生的绕射现象,而构形的方向决定这些细胞所显的颜色。[4]变色龙的这层细胞可调控蓝色。3. 第三层被称为载黑素细胞(melanophores),含有黑色素,控制皮肤的明暗程度。②变色龙不仅仅可对环境进行拟态,温度、情绪和社交需求都会影响它的变色行为。实际情况可能是:情绪是更主要的因素。③其实,最强的变色高手要数那色盲的乌贼。④被那个超级变色龙视频深深伤到……不过这次乌贼是真的,而且几乎是实时变色。
2023-07-28 18:23:491

BloΟd 是什么意思

2023-07-28 18:24:103


一答案:变色龙 其他:斑马 猎豹 花鹿 老虎 基本就是陆地上的动物,森林中的动物,比较需要靠颜色和花纹保护自己.二拓展知识①变色龙的皮肤据用三层色素细胞1. 最外层 被称为黄色素细胞(xanthophores) 和红色素细胞(erythrophores)。前者带有黄色的蝶啶色素,后者带有红色和橙色的类胡萝卜素[1]。细胞整体的颜色由黄色和红色的比例控制。[2]2. 第二层被称作鸟粪素细胞(guanophores)或彩虹色素细胞(iridophore)。这种细胞含有结晶状的鸟嘌呤反射片板(reflecting platelets)。[3] 这是一种构形色,光线经过层叠状的平板时产生的绕射现象,而构形的方向决定这些细胞所显的颜色。[4]变色龙的这层细胞可调控蓝色。3. 第三层被称为载黑素细胞(melanophores),含有黑色素,控制皮肤的明暗程度。②变色龙不仅仅可对环境进行拟态,温度、情绪和社交需求都会影响它的变色行为。实际情况可能是:情绪是更主要的因素。③其实,最强的变色高手要数那色盲的乌贼。④被那个超级变色龙视频深深伤到……不过这次乌贼是真的,而且几乎是实时变色。
2023-07-28 18:24:171


Analysis of Hematopoietic Chimerism after Non-myeloablative Allogeneic Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Tansplantation  CHEN Bao-An,XIONG Hui-Xia,DING Jia-Hua,SU En-Ben1,ZHAO Gang,WANG Jun,GAO Chong,SUN Yun-Yu,CHENG Jian  Department of Hematology,Zhongda Hospital Affiliated to Southeast University,Nanjing 210009,China; 1 Central Laboratory,The People Hospital of Jiangsu Province,Nanjing 210006,China  Abstract The aim of this study was to analyze the hematopoietic chimerism after non-myeloablative allogeneic peripheral blood stem cell transplantation(NAPBSCT).28 patients received NAPBSCT were evaluated.The conditioning regimen included FBC (fludarabine,busulphan,cyclophosphamide) ±Ara-C.Peripheral blood was collected before and after transplantation in different periods.Semi-quantitative assessment of hematopoietic chimerism was performed by short tandem repeat-polymerase chain reaction(STR-PCR),polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE)and silver staining,and analyzed by Image Analysis System.The results showed that on day 30 after transplantation,one patient failed to engraft,but 22 cases formed complete chimerism(CC) and 5 cases were of mixed chimerism.On day 7 after transplantation,the average percentage of donor cells was 74.71%. The time of dominance of the donor-specific allelic pattern preceded the recovery time of neutrophils and platelets.The incidence of aGVHD in group CC was significantly higher than that in group MC(P<0.05).There was no significant difference in the incidence of cGVHD and disease relapse between group CC and group MC(P>0.05).One patient relapsed in CC status without a transitional stage of MC.One patient with MC rejected grafts in early stage.3 patients with MC transferred to CC and got complete remission after early implementation of therapy.It is concluded that sequential and quantitative detection of chimerism may be of great value to evaluate engraftment and to predict graft rejection,disease relapse and GVHD.Furthermore,it may provide a basis for early intervention treatment in the related complications.  Key words non-myeloablative stem cell transplantation; non-myeloablative allogeneic peripheral blood stem cell transplantation; CTR-PCR; hematopoietic chimerism
2023-07-28 18:24:381


一答案:变色龙 其他:斑马 猎豹 花鹿 老虎 基本就是陆地上的动物,森林中的动物,比较需要靠颜色和花纹保护自己.二拓展知识①变色龙的皮肤据用三层色素细胞1. 最外层 被称为黄色素细胞(xanthophores) 和红色素细胞(erythrophores)。前者带有黄色的蝶啶色素,后者带有红色和橙色的类胡萝卜素[1]。细胞整体的颜色由黄色和红色的比例控制。[2]2. 第二层被称作鸟粪素细胞(guanophores)或彩虹色素细胞(iridophore)。这种细胞含有结晶状的鸟嘌呤反射片板(reflecting platelets)。[3] 这是一种构形色,光线经过层叠状的平板时产生的绕射现象,而构形的方向决定这些细胞所显的颜色。[4]变色龙的这层细胞可调控蓝色。3. 第三层被称为载黑素细胞(melanophores),含有黑色素,控制皮肤的明暗程度。②变色龙不仅仅可对环境进行拟态,温度、情绪和社交需求都会影响它的变色行为。实际情况可能是:情绪是更主要的因素。③其实,最强的变色高手要数那色盲的乌贼。④被那个超级变色龙视频深深伤到……不过这次乌贼是真的,而且几乎是实时变色。
2023-07-28 18:24:451


问题一:由什么组成,由什么构成的英语怎么说 be made of 问题二:由......组成用英文怎么说? consist of be made up of be posed of 三种都可以: OUr class consists of 50 students. OUr class is made up of 50 students. Our class is posed of 50 students. 问题三:由什么组成英语怎么说 made up of ...... 满意请采纳O(∩_∩)O谢谢 问题四:‘由...组成"用英文怎么说 be made up of ,consist of 或者直接用constitute 如: Blackstreet boys is made up of five members ,Stevie Sculthorpe, Tilky Jones, TJ Christofore, and brothers Clay and Ryan Goodell . 组成: 1. part 2. constitute 3. make up 4. ponent 5. element 其它相关解释: 例句与用法: 1. 硫磺是炸药的一种组成成分。 Brimstone is a ponent part of explosive. 2. 联合王国由大不列颠和北爱尔兰组成。 The United Kingdom consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 3. 空军是国防的重要组成部分。 Air force is an important ponent of national defense. 4. 水由氢和氧组成。 Water is posed of hydrogen and oxygen. 5. 公牛队由十五个运动员组成。 The Bull Team is made up of 15 players. 6. 社会是由形形 *** 的人组成。有些人很好,有些人很坏,也有些人介乎两者之间。 Society is made up of a variety of people; some are good, others (are) bad, and still others (are) in between. 7. 这台机器由二十个零件组成。 This engine is made up of 20 parts. 8. 陪审团由12人组成。 The appeal jury is made up of 12 people. consist of: 由...组成 A week consists of seven days, not consist 例句与用法: 1. All electronic puters consist of five units although they are of different kinds. 电子计算机虽然种类不同,但它们都是由五个部件组成的。 2. Most people are familiar with the idea that all matter consist of atoms. 大多数人熟悉一切物质都是由原子组成的这一概念。 3. A week consist of seve......>> 问题五:「由…组成」的英语怎样写? 由…组成be posed of;consist of;made up of; 结果产生出由许多小片组成的单层薄膜。The results are single-layer films posed of many platelets.edu1.wordpedia文件由所有的记录组成。The file consists of all the records.jukuu人类的头发主要由一种叫角朊的蛋白质组成。A human hair consists mainly of a protein called Keratin .en.bab.la生活就是由一系列你下定决心去做的事组成的。Life is just a series of trying to make up your 问题六:急急急~~由....组成...用英语怎么说 be made up of consist of 问题七:没有钱可以创业吗 我感觉 . 你要 是一没钱二没学利都不要紧 但是你必须要用超之常人的付出
2023-07-28 18:25:041


Health The word "health" derives from Middle English helthe, meaning hale, hearty, sound in wind and limb. Dictionary definitions allude to soundness and efficient functioning and give the same meaning to financial health as to bodily health. Modern medical practice and public health are concerned about the health of individuals and populations. However, for most individuals and for many cultures, health is a philosophical and subjective concept, associated with contentment and often taken for granted when all is going well. Health in this sense is difficult to describe or define, but its absence is readily recognizable, even when replaced by minor departures from an accustomed level of health. Definitions and Concepts of Health In the preamble to the constitution of the World Health Organization (WHO) health is described as "a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." This description has often been criticized as being too vague. Further, it describes an ideal state rarely attained by most people, and it contains no ingredients that can be readily measured or counted, either at the individual or the population level. Another definition, composed by specialists in preventive medicine, specifies some tangible components of health; calling it "a state characterized by anatomical, physiological, and psychological integrity; ability to perform personally valued family, work, and community roles; ability to deal with physical, biological, psychological, and social stress; a feeling of well-being; and freedom from the risk of disease and untimely death" (Stokes, Noren, and Shindell, 1982). Everything mentioned in this definition can be measured and counted at the individual and at the population level, although assessing "a feeling of well-being" may be a challenge, and "freedom from the risk of disease and untimely death" is not an achievable state. An increasing level of interest in health promotion in the early 1980s inspired a WHO working group to compose a definition recognizing the role of individuals and communities in determining their own health status. They can be paraphrased to the extent to which an individual or a group is able to realize aspirations and satisfy needs and to change or cope with the environment. Health is a resource for everyday life, not the objective of living; it is a positive concept, emphasizing social and personal resources as well as physical capabilities (Last, ed., 2000). This definition draws attention to the need for partnerships among individuals and communities, and to the importance of protecting the integrity of the environment in the cause of promoting good health. Moreover, many aspects of this definition are measurable. The health of humans cannot be dissociated from the health of the life-supporting ecosystems with which humans interact and are interdependent. Moreover, no matter how healthy the present generation may be, the health of future generations is dependent upon the integrity and sustainability of these ecosystems. A definition of "sustainable health" that recognizes this interconnectedness states that health is a sustainable state of equilibrium among humans and other living things that share the earth (Last, ed., 2000). The key word in this definition is "equilibrium" meaning harmony. Human beings cannot long remain healthy in an environment in which they are out of harmony with other living things, or if other living things are dead or dying as a consequence of people"s actions. This is true of all life forms, from the smallest microorganisms to the largest mammals. Since the mid–twentieth century, medical professionals have been trying to "conquer" pathogenic microorganisms with antibiotics. This is a war that ultimately cannot be won because micro-organisms have very short generation times, measurable in minutes. Microorganisms can therefore adapt to the challenge of antibiotics by evolving and producing antibiotic-resistant strains much more rapidly than new antibiotics can be developed. An alternative to antibiotics, which is perhaps insufficiently implemented, is based on the ecological concept that humans are an integral part of the global ecosystem. Immunization programs aimed at protecting people from diphtheria, tetanus, and other diseases have been very effective. The microorganisms responsible for these diseases are still there, in people"s throats, in the soil, wherever is their usual habitat. But once protected by immunization, people can live in harmony with these otherwise dangerous microbes. The challenge is to develop methods that will enable humans to live in harmony with other dangerous microorganisms and insect vectors of disease. This is a more certain way to ensure long-term health for the population than the impossible goal of attempting to exterminate these other life forms. Pathogens that have no other host than humans can sometimes be eradicated, as the smallpox virus was, and as the polio virus could soon be, at least regionally if not globally; but eradication is not feasible with microorganisms that can survive out-side human hosts. Health Theories and Their Practical Application Beliefs about the foundations of good health are inseparable from theories of disease. Primitive beliefs about good and evil spirits; the benevolent or malevolent intervention of fate, gods, or ancestors; disease as a punishment for sin (Murdock, 1980); theories such as those of Aristotle and Galen about the balance of bodily fluids (humors) and about the effects of miasmas or "bad air" survive in the names by which we know some common diseases, including influenza, malaria, cholera, and rheumatism. A preference for holiday resorts and convalescent hospitals at the seaside or in the mountains reflects a belief in the notion that some environments are inherently healthier than others—as, indeed, abundant evidence demonstrates. Scientists can trace the evolution of medical science in the changing nomenclature of disease. Some modern diagnostic labels indicate a precise understanding of the causal mechanisms of disease—streptococal septicemia is, literally, the poisoning of the blood by streptococcus bacteria. Some that sound impressive, such as thrombocytopenic purpura (bruising associated with a deficiency of thrombocytes, or blood platelets) reveal partial knowledge: scientists know what causes the bleeding but not what causes the deficiency of platelets. Other disease names are deservedly vague—essential hypertension confesses out ignorance about what actually causes high blood pressure. Modern medicine and public health embrace several theories that are confirmed by abundant empirical and experimental evidence, and medical professionals have an increasingly broad and deep understanding of the ways in which health of individuals and populations can be impaired, endangered, of permanently lost. Scientists know that many diseases are caused by invading pathogenic microorganisms, which are often communicable. Some diseases are due to a disruption or imbalance among endocrine glands that secrete hormones needed to ensure efficient bodily function, some are caused by dietary deficiency of essential vitamins or minerals, and others are caused by exposure to harmful chemicals or physical insults such as ionizing radiation or excessive noise. Some diseases are due to, or strongly associated with, emotional stress. There remains a residue of important, and sometimes common, diseases and causes of disability and premature death for which there is no known cause, although effective treatments have been developed for some of theses, often through trial and error or guesswork. High blood pressure is one such disease. The activities of public health services aim to minimize the risk of serious departures from good health. The scope and methods of medical and public health practice demonstrate the depth and breadth of current understanding of the causes of disease, disability, and premature death, and also of the causes of good health. Many who remain fit throughout a long lifetime attribute their good health (often incorrectly) to their behavior; whether it be to an ascetic or hedonistic way of life, to abstaining from (or indulging in) alcohol or tobacco, to vigorous exercise, or to leading a quiet, sedentary life. Some credit their parents or genetic heritage—certainly an important determinant of longevity—along with many environmental and behavioral factors. In fact, the causes of good health are as diverse and complex as the causes of disease. Even literate, well-educated people sometimes have misguided views about what makes or keeps them healthy, often believing that regular daily exercise, regular bowel movements, or a specific dietary regime will alone suffice to preserve their good health. The Nobel laureate Linus Pauling believed that massive daily doses of Vitamin C preserved his health. Those who are less well educated and more gullible are easy prey to hucksters who purvey all manner of dubious nostrums to prolong life, enhance vitality or virility, promote fitness, and eliminate ailments ranging from halitosis and body odor to failing sexual potency and even cancer and heart disease. Modern approaches to health education and health promotion make use of the Health Belief Model along with several other theoretical constructs to predict health-related behavior. These are based on assumptions derived from empirical studies of how people perceive their health and their understanding of what has to be done to preserve and protect their own health, or that of their children. 还未写完,看附件吧! 附件: Health.doc
2023-07-28 18:25:141

成分献血 用英文怎么说?要专业!!!

成分献血-blood componentsA procedure in which blood is drawn form a donor and separated into its components, some of which are retained, such as plasma or platelets, and the remainder returned by transfusion to the donor.
2023-07-28 18:25:221


问题一:由......组成用英文怎么说? consist of be made up of be posed of 三种都可以: OUr class consists of 50 students. OUr class is made up of 50 students. Our class is posed of 50 students. 问题二:英语是由什么组成的 26个字母……也可以说,一串鸡肠…… 问题三:由,,,,组成怎么用英语翻译 英语中“由…组成”基本的有三种表达形式 consist of (注意没有被动形式) be made up of be posed of 例句: OUr class consists of 50 students. OUr class is made up of 50 students. Our class is posed of 50 students. 很高兴为你解答,满意请记得采纳噢 不理解的欢迎随时追问,希望能帮到你 问题四:‘由...组成"用英文怎么说 be made up of ,consist of 或者直接用constitute 如: Blackstreet boys is made up of five members ,Stevie Sculthorpe, Tilky Jones, TJ Christofore, and brothers Clay and Ryan Goodell . 组成: 1. part 2. constitute 3. make up 4. ponent 5. element 其它相关解释: 例句与用法: 1. 硫磺是炸药的一种组成成分。 Brimstone is a ponent part of explosive. 2. 联合王国由大不列颠和北爱尔兰组成。 The United Kingdom consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 3. 空军是国防的重要组成部分。 Air force is an important ponent of national defense. 4. 水由氢和氧组成。 Water is posed of hydrogen and oxygen. 5. 公牛队由十五个运动员组成。 The Bull Team is made up of 15 players. 6. 社会是由形形 *** 的人组成。有些人很好,有些人很坏,也有些人介乎两者之间。 Society is made up of a variety of people; some are good, others (are) bad, and still others (are) in between. 7. 这台机器由二十个零件组成。 This engine is made up of 20 parts. 8. 陪审团由12人组成。 The appeal jury is made up of 12 people. consist of: 由...组成 A week consists of seven days, not consist 例句与用法: 1. All electronic puters consist of five units although they are of different kinds. 电子计算机虽然种类不同,但它们都是由五个部件组成的。 2. Most people are familiar with the idea that all matter consist of atoms. 大多数人熟悉一切物质都是由原子组成的这一概念。 3. A week consist of seve......>> 问题五:由什么组成,由什么构成的英语怎么说 be made of 问题六:「由…组成」的英语怎样写? 由…组成be posed of;consist of;made up of; 结果产生出由许多小片组成的单层薄膜。The results are single-layer films posed of many platelets.edu1.wordpedia文件由所有的记录组成。The file consists of all the records.jukuu人类的头发主要由一种叫角朊的蛋白质组成。A human hair consists mainly of a protein called Keratin .en.bab.la生活就是由一系列你下定决心去做的事组成的。Life is just a series of trying to make up your
2023-07-28 18:25:281


2023-07-28 18:25:492


Platelets promote blood clotting, which can be understood as enzyme action, only a small amount of platelets can be completed to promote blood clotting, so the book says Thrombocytopenia, clotting time generally does not change
2023-07-28 18:26:052


游离皮瓣移植术后血管危象的治疗体会   【摘要】目的探讨游离皮瓣移植术后血管危象的监测、处理。方法回顾性分析51例游离皮瓣移植术中发生的8例血管危象,以及采取的术后监测方法、危象皮瓣的抢救措施。结果8例发生血管危象的皮瓣中6例经抢救成活,2例失败。结论严密监测,及时发现皮瓣血管危象,根据引起血循环障碍的原因,采取针对性措施,可以有效防止皮瓣坏死。   【关键词】游离皮瓣组织移植血管危象   随着显微技术的`不断提高,吻合血管的游离皮瓣移植术在修复与创伤重建领域应用日益广泛。但是各种原因导致的皮瓣血运障碍,即血管危象是术后常见的并发症。及时发现皮瓣血管危象,防止皮瓣坏死至关重要。本文结合临床遇到的游离皮瓣血管危象8例,总结血管危象监测和处理的经验与教训。   1临床资料   1.1一般资料:2003年1月至2007年12月,我院共移植游离皮瓣51例,其中8例发生血管危象,修复部位包括前臂3例,小腿2例,足部3例,移植的组织瓣中背阔肌皮瓣3例,骨前外侧皮瓣2例,肩胛皮瓣2例,前臂皮瓣1例。   1.2血管危象的临床表现:动脉危象:术后1~3h内多见,主要表现为皮瓣苍白,皱纹加深,皮温下降,毛细血管充盈时间延长或消失,针刺皮瓣远端渗血减少或不出血。静脉危象:术后10~24h内多见,主要表现为皮瓣发紫,肿胀,边沿渗血较多,毛细血管充盈时间缩短,继而皮瓣青紫、发黑,逐渐加重,表面起水泡等。   1.3血管危象的处理办法:8例发生血管危象的患者中动脉供血不良3例,其中2例及时行手术探查修复后皮瓣成活,1例皮瓣移植后远端坏死,切除坏死的皮瓣,采用游离植皮覆盖创面。手术后静脉回流障碍5例,1例经保温、静脉滴注毒花碱30mg、止痛处理后血供改善。1例为移植皮瓣下血肿形成压迫皮瓣致使皮瓣静脉回流受阻,马上于床边拆除缝线,清除血肿,钳夹结扎活动性出血点,彻底止血、抬高患肢后皮瓣很快恢复正常。2例经再次手术探查血管等处理后成活。1例进展缓慢,2天后出现颜色和质地的改变,因经验不足,未能及时探查,最终无法挽救,皮瓣坏死。   2讨论   2.1游离皮瓣血管危象发生机理   皮瓣在移植后如果发生长期缺血,将会激发一系列病理生理反应,导致氧自由基释放,引起微血管内皮细胞损伤。受伤的内皮细胞释放多种细胞因子,产生急性炎症反应并诱发血小板凝集。细胞因子活化的中性粒细胞在微循环内聚集,使炎症反应加重,毛细血管床堵塞,持续缺氧和能量化合物耗竭使Na-K泵失灵,内皮细胞肿胀,血管腔闭塞。最后,由于内皮细胞的纤溶活性丧失,加上血液瘀积,凝血链反应被激活,皮瓣微循环完全栓塞,最终坏死。2.2游离皮瓣血管危象发生原因   血管危象以静脉危象居多。静脉管壁弹性差,容易受到损伤,吻合难度相对较高,受压后容易形成血栓,是静脉危象远多于动脉危象的根本原因。危象常见病因分别为:血管床不佳,血管蒂过长发生迂曲,受区血管质量不佳,吻合质量不过关导致血管内膜损伤,皮瓣设计不合理,动脉压迫静脉或神经压迫血管,因情绪紧张造成血管顽固性痉挛,血管粥样硬化等。   2.3游离皮瓣血管危象的处理原则   术后及时的观察和处理是防止血管危象造成严重后果的关键。危象皮瓣能否抢救成功很大程度上取决于对微循环障碍的早期发现和对受损血管的及时探查。有学者通过长认为术后72小时内是皮瓣最易发生血管危象的时期,而在血管危象发生后4~6小时内再次手术,挽回的希望最大。术后24小时内定期观察(半小时1次)皮瓣颜色、温度、紧张度、毛细血管充盈反应、针刺出血等指标是判断皮瓣是否存在血运障碍的有效手段。一旦确定皮瓣发生血管危象,应立即探查、抢救。盲目等待观望将增加手术难度,甚至可能失去抢救成功的机会。   参考文献   [1]KhouriRK,CooleyBC,KennaDM.Thrombosisofmicrovascularanastomosesintraumatizedvessels:fibrinversusplatelets.PlastReconstrSurg,1990,86:110.   [2]任志勇,杜玲,黄现峰,等.游离组织瓣移植血供障碍原因分析与防治对策(附305例报告)[J].解放军医学杂志,2007,32(10):1075—1076.   [3]杨建荣,秦涛,李宏卫.游离皮瓣血管危象处理的实验研究[J].口腔医学杂志,2002,22(4):172—173.   [4]邱蔚六.口腔颌面外科理论与实践[M].北京:人民卫生出版社,1998.987,1032.   [5]毛驰,俞光岩,彭歆,等.头颈部游离组织瓣移植术后的血管危象及其处理[J].中华耳鼻咽喉头颈外科杂志,2005,40:415-418.   [6]SantamariaE,GranadosM,BarareraFraneoJL.Radialforearmfreetissuetransferforheadandneckreconstruction:versatilityandreliabilityofasingledonorsite[J].Microsurgery,2000,20(4):195. ;
2023-07-28 18:26:131


  生活中我们经常能够听到一些与健康有关的谚语,那么关于健康的英文谚语大家知道有哪些吗?以下是我为大家整理的与健康有关的英文谚语,希望能帮到您。    与健康有关的英文谚语   1、干活细心,吃喝当心。   Work carefully, eat and drink carefully.   2、能吃能睡,长命百岁。   Eat and sleep, live a hundred years.   3、吃得顶刮刮,养得黄巴巴。   Eat well, scrape well, and feed yellow paw.   4、一天吃三枣,终身不显老。   Eating three jujubes a day keeps you young all your life.   5、要想健康快活,学会自己找乐。   If you want to be healthy and happy, learn to make fun of yourself.   6、有病不瞒医,瞒医害自己。   If you are sick, don"t hide the doctor. If you are sick, don"t hide the doctor from yourself.   7、一天吃个枣,容颜不易老。   Eating a date a day makes you look old.   8、饿了才吃饭,脾胃脸要翻。   When you are hungry, you have to turn over your spleen, stomach and face.   9、寡欲精神爽,思多血气伤。   Old desire, refreshing spirit, think more blood and gas injury.   10、春捂秋冻,不生杂病。   Spring covers autumn frozen, no miscellaneous diseases.   11、鱼吃新鲜米吃熟。   Fish is cooked with fresh rice.   12、一天舞几舞,长命九十五。   Dancing a few dances a day can last 95 years.   13、常把舞来跳,痴呆不会到。   Often dance, dementia will not come.   14、甜言夺志、甜食坏龄。   Sweet words win ambition, sweet food bad age.   15、一碗姜糖汤,去风去寒赛仙方。   A bowl of ginger soup, go to the wind to Hansai Xianfang.   16、去年进补,今年打虎。   Last year"s supplement, this year"s fight against tigers.   17、一日三笑,人生难老。   Laughing three times a day makes life difficult.   18、若要肝功好,枸杞煮粥妙。   If you want good liver function, wolfberry porridge is wonderful.   19、早晨吃片姜,赛过人参鹿茸汤。   A slice of ginger in the morning is better than ginseng and deer antler soup.   20、若要饭菜吃得香,细品慢咽嚼成浆。   If you want your meal to be delicious, chew it slowly and chew it into pulp.   21、豆腐配海带,常吃保健康。   Tofu with kelp, often eat health care.   22、晚上少吃一口,肚里舒服一宿。   Eat less in the evening and have a comfortable night in your stomach.   23、锅碗瓢勺洗得光,不靠佛爷甭烧香。   The pot, dish and spoon are washed out, not burned incense by Buddha.   24、春不忙减衣,秋不忙加冠。   Spring is not busy reducing clothes, autumn is not busy crowning.   25、喜靠自节,恐靠自息。   Happiness depends on self-restraint, fear on self-restraint.   26、佳肴美味贵有节,每餐定时又定量。   The delicacies are precious and festive, and each meal is regular and quantitative.   27、体弱病欺人,体强人欺病。   Weakness deceives, strength deceives.   28、饮食宜清淡,低盐可延寿。   Diet should be light, low salt can prolong life.   29、大葱蘸酱,越吃越胖。   Spring onion dipped in sauce, the more fat you eat.   30、早上吃好,中午吃饱。   Eat well in the morning and eat well at noon.   31、一天三瓣蒜,痢疾好一半。   Three cloves of garlic a day is half as good as diarrhea.   32、小孩不蹦,必定有病。   If a child does not jump, he must be ill.   33、人愿长寿安,要减夜来餐。   People want to live a long life and have dinner at night.   34、指甲常剪,疾病不染。   Fingernails are often cut and disease-free.   35、粥里加白菜,多食不虚弱。   Porridge with Chinese cabbage, eat more than weak.   36、要得腿不废,走路往后退。   Keep your legs clean and walk backwards.   37、多食一点姜,不用开药方。   Eat more ginger without prescription.   38、丈夫有泪尽情弹,英雄流血也流泪。   Husbands shed tears and heroes shed tears.   39、冬不蒙头,春不露背。   Winter does not cover its head, spring does not show its back.   40、三餐不合理,健康远离你。   Three meals are unreasonable and health is far away from you.   41、五谷加红枣,胜似灵芝草。   Five grains and red dates are better than Ganoderma lucidum.   42、不要虚胖,但求实壮。   Don"t be fat, but be realistic and strong.   43、晨起一杯水,到老不后悔。   Wake up a glass of water in the morning and never regret it when you get old.   44、药灵不在多少。   There is not much medicine.   45、寒从脚下起,病从口中入。   Cold starts at the foot and sickness comes from the mouth.   46、机器不擦要生锈,卫生不讲要短寿。   Machines need to rust without rubbing and hygiene needs short life.   47、要想身体强,烟酒不要尝。   If you want to be strong, don"t drink or smoke.   48、萝卜出了地,郎中没生意。   When the radish came out, Langzhong had no business.   49、好吃不痴胀,痴胀伤五脏。   Delicious food does not inflate, inflate and injure the internal organs.   50、心灵手巧,动指健脑。   Hand and soul, finger and brain.   51、饭后散步,不进药铺。   Walk after meals, not at the pharmacy.   52、食不厌精,刽不厌细。   Eat not weary of refinement, execute not weary of detail.   53、粗粮杂粮营养全,既保身体又省钱。   Crude grains and miscellaneous grains are nutritious and can save both health and money.   54、三分医,七分养,十分防。   Three points of medicine, seven nutrients, very defensive.   55、铁不冶炼不成钢,人不养生不健康。   If iron is not smelted, it will not make steel, and people will not be healthy.   56、人说苦瓜苦,我话苦瓜甜。   People say bitter melon bitter, I say bitter melon sweet.   57、平常绿豆芽,通便催奶下。   Usually mung bean sprouts are expelled by defecation.   58、一夜不宿,十夜不足。   One night is not enough, ten nights are not enough.   59、治理血小板,花生衣煮饭。   Treat platelets and cook peanut clothes.   60、不干不净,吃了生病。   Not clean, eating sick.   61、千方易得,一效难求。   It"s easy to get, but hard to get.   62、朝食三片姜,胜过人参汤。   Three pieces of ginger are better than ginseng soup.   63、粥里加山楂,双眼不会花。   Hawthorn in porridge, eyes will not flower.   64、要想身体好,早餐要吃好。   If you want to be healthy, have a good breakfast.   65、饭前喝汤,胜过药方。   Drinking soup before meals is better than prescription.   66、快乐有度,失度则乐极生悲。   Happiness is moderate, but delight is extremely sad.   67、一天三顿粥,郎中朝我哭。   Three meals of porridge a day made Langzhong cry to me.   68、十里以外去赶嘴,不如在家喝凉水。   It"s better to drink cold water at home than to rush out ten miles away.   69、汗水没干,冷水莫沾。   No sweat, no cold water.   70、饮食讲卫生,保你不生病。   Diet should be hygienic to keep you from getting sick.
2023-07-28 18:26:211


be made from (看不出原材料,也可以理解发生了化学变化) 例:the paper is made from wood. be made of (看得出原材料,也可以理解是发生物理变化) 例:the desk is made of wood . 扩展:be made by 由……(人)制造 be made in 在……(地方)被制造
2023-07-28 18:26:323


  谚语内容包括极广,有的属于生活上各方面的常识谚语,下面是我为大家收集的关于健康的英语谚语,供大家参考,希望可以帮到你,欢迎大家一起来阅读!   有关健康的英语谚语   1、饭前一碗汤,气死好药方。   A bowl of soup before dinner is a good prescription for breathlessness.   2、甜言夺志、甜食坏龄。   Sweet words win ambition, sweet food bad age.   3、尽量少喝酒,病魔绕道走。   Drink as little as possible and take a detour.   4、食五谷杂粮,保身体强壮。   Eat five grains to keep your body strong.   5、狂饮伤身,暴食伤胃。   Drinking hurts the body and eating hurts the stomach.   6、蔬菜是个宝,餐餐不可少。   Vegetables are a treasure and meals are indispensable.   7、笑口常开,青春常在。   Laughter is always open, youth is always there.   8、小孩不蹦,必定有病。   If a child does not jump, he must be ill.   9、饭后散步,不进药铺。   Walk after meals, not at the pharmacy.   10、入厨先洗手,上灶莫多言。   Wash your hands before entering the kitchen.   11、一碗姜糖汤,去风去寒赛仙方。   A bowl of ginger soup, go to the wind to Hansai Xianfang.   12、饭后一支烟,害处大无边。   A cigarette after a meal can do great harm.   13、粥里加山楂,双眼不会花。   Hawthorn in porridge, eyes will not flower.   14、刷牙用温水,牙齿笑咧嘴。   Brush your teeth with warm water and grin your teeth.   15、冬不蒙头,春不露背。   Winter does not cover its head, spring does not show its back.   16、心胸宽大能撑船,健康长寿过百年。   Wide-minded can support a boat, healthy and longevity over a hundred years.   17、饮了空腹茶,疾病身上爬。   Drinking fasting tea, the disease climbed.   18、要健脑,把绳跳。   Brain-building, jump rope.   19、小小黄瓜是个宝,减肥美容少不了。   Small cucumber is a treasure, weight loss beauty is indispensable.   20、小病不治,大病难医。   A minor illness is incurable, but a serious one is difficult to cure.   21、锻炼要趁小,别等老时恼。   Exercise while young, don"t wait for old age.   22、治理血小板,花生衣煮饭。   Treat platelets and cook peanut clothes.   23、血压高发昏,胡罗卜粥灵。   High blood pressure, coma, carrot porridge.   24、五谷加红枣,胜似灵芝草。   Five grains and red dates are better than Ganoderma lucidum.   25、夏令防中暑,荷叶同粥煮。   Summer heat stroke prevention, lotus leaves with porridge boiled.   26、晚上吃少,饮食节制身体好。   Eat less in the evening, eat moderately and keep fit.   27、要得腿不废,走路往后退。   Keep your legs clean and walk backwards.   28、防止脚气病,米糠煮粥饮。   To prevent beriberi, rice bran boiled porridge.   29、预防肠胃病,饮食要干净。   Prevent gastrointestinal diseases and keep your diet clean.   30、吃药不忌嘴,跑断医生腿。   Take medicine without fear of mouth, break the doctor"s leg.    关于健康的英文谚语   1、心虚气不足,桂圆米煮粥。   Heart deficiency and Qi deficiency, longan rice porridge.   2、常洗衣服常洗澡,常晒被褥疾病少。   Often wash clothes often bathe, often sun bedding disease less.   3、主粮掺杂粮,蒸饭喷喷香。   The main grain is mixed with grain, and the steamed rice smells good.   4、竹从叶上枯,人从脚上老;天天跑步走,药铺不用找。   Bamboo withered from the leaves, people aged from the feet; running every day, pharmacies need not be found.   5、若要皮肤好,粥里加红枣。   If you want good skin, add jujube in porridge.   6、吃馍喝凉水,瘦成干棒槌。   Eat steamed bread and drink cold water, thin into dry mallets.   7、常喝茶,少烂牙。   Drink tea often and have fewer rotten teeth.   8、欲得长生,肠中常清。   If you want to live forever, your intestines will always be clear.   9、吃面多喝汤,免得开药方。   Eat more noodles and drink more soup to avoid prescribing.   10、养生在动,动过则损。   Keep your health alive, but move too much will damage you.   11、谷贱伤农,饭多伤胃。   Grain hurts farmers, but food hurts stomach.   12、饭后一百步,强如上药铺。   A hundred steps after a meal is better than going to a pharmacy.   13、少吃多餐,益寿延年。   Eat less, eat more, and live longer.   14、人想长寿安,要减夜来餐。   People want to live a long life. They need to eat less at night.   15、赤豆利脏腑,祛毒又滋补。   Chidou benefits the viscera, eliminating poison and nourishing.   16、人说苦瓜苦,我说苦瓜甜。   People say bitter melon is bitter, I say bitter melon is sweet.   17、脱即着,胜于服药。   It"s better to take off than take medicine.   18、感冒不是病,不治要了命。   A cold is not a disease. It kills you if you don"t cure it.   19、吃洋参,不如睡五更。   Eating ginseng is better than sleeping five times.   20、西红柿,营养好,貌美年轻疾病少。   Tomatoes, good nutrition, beautiful young and less disease.   21、人勤病就懒,人懒病就勤。   People are lazy when they are sick and lazy when they are sick.   22、祸从口出,病由心生。   Misfortunes come from the mouth and diseases from the heart.   23、饭前一口汤,胜过良药方。   A soup before a meal is better than a good prescription.   24、大蒜是个宝,抗癌效果好。   Garlic is a treasure with good anti-cancer effect.   25、一日不吃姜,身体不安康。   Don"t eat ginger for a day, you"re not healthy.   26、饭前喝口汤,永远没灾殃。   Take a soup before dinner and never suffer.   27、大蒜不值钱,能防脑膜炎。   Garlic is not valuable, it can prevent meningitis.   28、心灵手巧,动指健脑。   Hand and soul, finger and brain.   29、剃头常洗澡,身体自然好。   Shaving often takes a bath and is naturally in good health.   30、白菜萝卜汤,益寿又健康。   Chinese cabbage and radish soup is good for life and health.
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血细胞有三种红细胞,白细胞,血小板1、血细胞又称“血球”,是存在于血液中的细胞,能随血液的流动遍及全身,以哺乳动物来说,血球细胞主要含下列三个部分:红细胞:主要的功能是运送氧,白细胞:主要扮演了免疫的角色,血小板:止血过程中起着重要作用2、红细胞的细胞膜,除具有一般细胞膜的共性外,还有其特殊性,例如红细胞膜上有ABO血型抗原,外周血中除大量成熟红细胞以外,还有少量未完全成熟的红细胞,称为网织红细胞(reticulocyte)在成人约为红细胞总数的0.5%~1.5%,新生儿较多,可达3%~6%。网织红细胞的直径略大于成熟红细胞,在常规染色的血涂片中不能与成熟红细胞区分3、白细胞(leukocyte,white blood cell)为无色有核的球形细胞,体积比红细胞大,能作变形运动,具有防御和免疫功能,成人白细胞的正常值为4000~10000个/μ1。男女无明显差别,婴幼儿稍高于成人。血液中白细胞的数值可受各种生理因素的影响,如劳动、运动、饮食及妇女月经期,均略有增多。在疾病状态下,白细胞总数及各种白细胞的百分比值皆可发生改变,光镜下,根据白细胞胞质有无特殊颗粒。
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淡竹叶 Herba Loophatheri (英)Common Lopatherum Herb 别名 竹麦冬、长竹叶、山鸡米。 来源 为禾本科植物淡竹叶Lophatherum gracile Bongn.的茎叶。 植物形态 多年生草本,高40~100cm。根茎短缩而木化。须根稀疏,中部常膨大为纺锤形。秆直立,中空,节明显。叶互生,广披针形,长5~20cm ,宽1.5~3.5cm,先端渐尖,基部收缩成柄状,无毛蔌两面有小刺毛,脉平行并有小横脉;叶鞘包秆,边缘光滑或略被纤毛;叶舌短小,质硬,具缘毛。圆锥花序顶生,小枝开展;小穗狭披针形,长7~12mm,宽1.5~2.5mm,最下1花为两性,余为中性,脱节于颖之下;颖不等长,先端钝,有5脉;第1稃长6~7mm;不育外稃相互包卷,先端有短芒。颖果深褐色。花期7~9月,果期10月。 生于林下或沟边阴湿处,主产浙江、安徽、湖南、四川、湖北、广东、江西。 采制 夏季未抽花穗前采收,晒干。 化学成分 含芦竹素(arundoin)、白茅素(cylindrin)、无羁萜(friedelin)β-谷甾醇、豆甾醇、菜油甾醇、蒲公英萜醇(taraxerol)及氨基酸等。 性味 性寒,味甘、淡。 功能主治 清热除烦,利尿。用于热病烦渴、小便赤涩淋痛、口舌生疮。不同溶剂对竹叶提取物抑菌作用的影响Study on the inhibition of microorganism by extracts from bamboo leaves in different solvents关键词:淡竹,箬竹,微生物,抑制作用作者:杨卫东,费学谦,王敬文概述:比较不同溶剂提取方法对淡竹和箬竹抑菌能力的影响,采用抑菌圈法测定淡竹和箬竹不同溶剂提取物对5种供试菌的抑菌作用.结果表明,淡竹、箬竹水提取物对白色假丝酵母菌、酿酒酵母菌、大肠杆菌、枯草芽孢杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌有抑制作用,抑制作用效果不明显;淡竹、箬竹丙酮提取物对5种供试菌均表现抑制作用,淡竹丙酮提取物抑制效果为枯草芽孢杆菌>大肠杆菌>金黄色葡萄球菌=酿酒酵母菌>白色假丝酵母菌,箬竹抑菌效果是大肠杆菌>枯草芽孢杆菌>白色假丝酵母菌>金黄色葡萄球菌>酿酒酵母菌;淡竹、箬竹乙酸乙酯提取物对5种供试菌均表现出较强的抑菌作用,淡竹乙酸乙酯提取物平均抑菌圈直径为23.7mm,箬竹平均抑菌圈直径为22.8mm.两种竹叶水提取物抑菌效果较差,丙酮、乙酸乙酯能比较有效地从竹叶中提取具有抑菌活性的化学物质,其中乙酸乙酯的提取物抑菌效果最好,说明溶剂影响竹子提取物的抑菌能力.参考文献:[1] 刘力,林新春,金爱武,等.苦竹各器官营养元素分析[J] .浙江林学院学报,2004,21(2):172~175.[2] 毛燕.早竹和高节竹叶化学成分的初步测定[J] .浙江林学院学报,1997,14(4):410~414.[3] 赖椿根,马聿桓,张斌,等.箬竹叶水提取物化学成分研究[J] .浙江林学院学报,1995,12(2):161~165.[4] 张英,吴晓琴,俞卓裕.竹叶黄酮和内酯的季节性变化规律研究[J] .林产化学与工业,2002,22(2):65~69.[5] 周焱,刘暑艳,邹丽芳.几种野生植物提取物抑菌作用研究[J] .中国野生植物资源,2004,23(2):30~32.[6] 韩建华,祝木金,冯俊涛,等.27种植物抑菌活性初步筛选[J] .西北农林科技大学学报,2002,30(6):134~137.[7] 檀东飞,苏燕卿,吴若菁,等.棘托竹荪乙酸乙酯提取物的抑菌作用研究[J] .海峡药学,2002,14(5):101~103.竹叶提取物的抗血栓作用研究作者:李少鹏 王成林 潘蔚然等 来源:INTERNET 打印本文 收藏到我摘 收藏到新浪摘要:【摘要】 目的 研究竹叶提取物的抗血栓作用。 方法 采用小白鼠体外凝血时间及家兔血浆凝血酶原时间(PT),家兔血浆白陶土部分凝血活酶时间(KPTT)及家兔血浆凝血酶时间(Thrombin Time),ADP诱导的家兔血小板聚集实验来观察竹叶提取物的抗血栓作用。 结果 竹叶提取物22。5mg/kg,45mg/kg,90mg/kg,能显著延长小鼠体外......临床快报 药市动态 违法广告 医疗保险 药品价格 药品回收 保健常识 妇科课堂 饮食健康 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------全文: 【摘要】 目的 研究竹叶提取物的抗血栓作用。 方法 采用小白鼠体外凝血时间及家兔血浆凝血酶原时间(PT),家兔血浆白陶土部分凝血活酶时间(KPTT)及家兔血浆凝血酶时间(Thrombin Time),ADP诱导的家兔血小板聚集实验来观察竹叶提取物的抗血栓作用。 结果 竹叶提取物22.5mg/kg,45mg/kg,90mg/kg,能显著延长小鼠体外凝血时间,竹叶提取物2.5mg/ml,5.0mg/ml,10.0mg/ml,能明显延长血浆凝血酶原时间、白陶土活化部分凝血活酶时间及凝血酶时间,并能显著抑制ADP引起的血小板聚集。 结论 竹叶提取物具有明显的抗血栓形成作用。Research on antithrombotic effect of bamboo leave extract LI Shao-peng,WANG Cheng-lin,PANWei-ran,et al. Department of Brain Neurosurgery,The People"s Hos-pital of Dongguan,Guangdong523018,China 【Abstract】 Objective To study the antithrombotic effect of BLE in this paper.Methods Thrombin time(TT),prothrombin time(PT),KPTT in rabbits and clotting time in mice,Platelet aggregation induced by ADP in the rab-bits were studied in this paper.Results Thrombin time(TT),prothrombin time(PT),KPTT in rabbits and clotting time in mice were prolonged significintly.Platelet aggregation induced by ADP in the rabbits was inhibited.Conclu-sion BLE significantly inhibited the formation of arteris thrombus in the rabbits. 【Key words】 BLE;XDIJ;antithrombotic;platelet aggregation;clotting time 竹叶作为传统中药在中国已有上千年的历史。银杏叶是一类天然的抗氧化剂和自由基清除剂,竹叶具有抗自由基的活性并与银杏叶具有可比性 〔1〕 。据《药品化义》中记载,竹叶治温以清,专清心气,味淡利窍,使心经热血分解。竹叶已用作心脑血管疾病的保健品,笔者旨在从抗心肌缺血缺氧作用方面探讨竹叶提取物改善心血管的作用,为其在心血管方面的临床应用提供基础实验研究依据。 1 实验材料 1.1 实验动物 昆明种小白鼠,18~22g,大耳白家兔2.0~2.5kg,雌雄兼有,以上动物均由中国医科大学动物室提供,合格证号:辽实动字033号。 1.2 药品与试剂 竹叶提取物由广东省中药研究所提供(总黄酮含量为85.2%,批号200006,用时以0.9%生理盐水配成相应的浓度);香丹注射液为市售,广州白云山制药总厂中药厂产品,批号:950905。白陶土部分凝血活酶时间试剂盒及凝血酶试剂盒均购自天津普利生企业有限公司,批号:990902;二磷酸腺苷二钠(ADP),上海伯奥生物科技有限公司产品,批号981001。 1.3 实验仪器 PAM-3型双通道血小板聚集仪,80-Ⅱ型离心沉淀器,电热恒温水浴锅。 2 方法与结果 2.1 对小白鼠体外凝血时间的影响 取小白鼠50只,随机分为5组,每组10只,雌雄各半。分别为竹叶提取物22.5mg/kg,45mg/kg,90mg/kg组,香丹注射液4.8ml/kg组,0.9%等容积的生理盐水组。尾静脉注射给药20min后用眼科镊子迅速摘去小白鼠右眼球,在载玻片上滴1滴血,直径约5mm,立即用秒表计时,当有血丝被挑起时停止计时,记录时间 〔2〕 。见表1。 Tab.1 The effect of BLE on cruor time in mice Group Dose(略) 注: * P<0.05; ** P<0.01compared with control group 2.2 对家兔血浆凝血酶原时间(PT)的影响 取家兔50只,随机分为5组,每组10只,雌雄各半。分别连续灌胃3天,每天1次,灌胃1%CMC-Na.竹叶提取物提取物150、300、600mg/kg及阳性对照药香丹注射液100mg/kg,末次给药1h后依文献 〔2〕 的方法从家兔耳缘静脉取血,以3.8%拘橼酸钠抗凝(9:1)3000r/min离心10min,取血浆。取试管3只,每管加入血浆、0.025mol/L的CaCl 2 及兔脑浸出粉各0.1ml,37℃恒温水浴,同时开始计时,记录液面不再流动的时间,取3管时间平均值,计算凝血酶原时间。见表2。 2.3 对家兔血浆白陶土部分凝血活酶时间(KPTT)的影响 取“2.2”方法制备的抗凝血的血浆,按试剂盒说明书的方法测白陶土部分凝血活酶时间。见表3。 2.4 对家兔血浆凝血酶时间(Thrombin Time)的影响 取“2.2”方法制备的抗凝血的血浆,按试剂盒说明书的方法测凝血酶时间。见表4。Tab.2 The effect of BLE on PT in rabbits Group Dose(略) 注: * P<0.05; ** P<0.01compared with control group Tab.3 The effect of BLE on KPTT in rabbits Group Dose(略) 注: * P<0.05; ** P<0.01compared with control group Tab.4 The effect of BLE on thrombin time in rabbits Group Dose(略) 注: * P<0.05; ** P<0.01compared with control group 2.5 对ADP诱导的家兔血小板聚集的作用 取大耳白家兔40只,依“2.2”的方法分组给药,末次给药1h后依文献 〔3〕 方法耳缘静脉取血,按体外实验方法制备PPP,PRP,测定血小板聚集并记录药物对ADP(1μmol/L)诱导血小板聚集的影响。见表5。 Tab.5 The effect of BLE on platelet aggregation in rabbits Group Dose(略)注: * P<0.05; ** P<0.01compared with control group 2.6 竹叶提取物对家兔优球蛋白溶解时间(ELT)的影响 取大耳白家兔50只,按“2.2”的方法分组给药,末次给药1h后按文献 〔4〕 的方法耳缘静脉采血1.8ml,3.8%的枸橼酸钠1:9抗凝。3000r/min离心10min,取血浆。取10ml的离心管,先加入0.5ml血浆和9ml蒸馏水,再加入1%醋酸液0.1ml。4℃冰箱保存19min,3000r/min离心5min,取沉淀,加硼酸缓冲液0.5ml,玻璃棒轻搅5min,然后置于37℃水浴中 加0.025mol/L CaCl 2 0.5ml,待其凝固,观察凝块完全溶解所需时间。见表6。 Tab.6 The effect of BLE on ELT in rabbits Group Dose(略) 注: * P<0.05; ** P<0.01compared with control group 2.7 竹叶提取物对小鼠全血凝块溶解实验的影响 取小白鼠50只,按“2.1”的方法分组给药,末次给药1h后按文献 〔5〕 的方法眼眶静脉(采用毛细管法)取血1ml置塑料小试管中,37℃水浴保存8h,取血凝块吸干余血,分别称重。见表7。 Tab.7 The effect of BLE on bleed clot in vitro Group Dose(略)注: * P<0.05; ** P<0.01compared with control group 3 讨论 本实验中,竹叶提取物提取物能显著延长小白鼠凝血时间及家兔白陶土活化部分凝血活酶时间,提示该物质通过干扰内源性凝血系统因子的活性,从而使纤维蛋白的生成受到抑制。竹叶提取物提取物还能显著延长家兔凝血酶原时间,提示该物质是通过干扰外源凝血系统因子的活性,而抑制凝血酶原向凝血酶的转变,从而使纤维蛋白原向纤维蛋白的转变受到抑制。竹叶提取物提取物能显著延长凝血酶时间,抑制纤维蛋白原向纤维蛋白的转变。竹叶提取物提取物能显著抑制ADP引起的家兔血小板聚集,从而具有抑制动脉血栓形成的作用。竹叶提取物提取物不能缩短优球蛋白溶解时间,也不能减轻全血凝块的重量,说明竹叶提取物提取物不具有纤溶活性。竹叶提取物提取物具有活血化瘀作用,它的活血化瘀作用将成为其临床预防及治疗脑血管疾病的药理学基础之一。 【参考文献】 1 周本宏,罗顺德,蔡鸿生.竹叶提取物的药理及临床应用研究进展.中成药,1991,13(11):38. 2 陈奇.中药药理研究方法学,北京:人民卫生出版社,1993,9:481;615. 3 Born GVR.Aggregation of blood platelets by adenosine diphosphate and its Reversal.Nature,1962,194:927. 4 徐淑云.药理实验方法学,北京:人民卫生出版社,1991,838. 5 刘威,周重楚,师海波.脑栓通对血液系统的影响.中成药,1993,15(3):26-28. 作者单位:523018广东东莞,东莞市人民医院神经外科 110016辽宁沈阳,中国医科大学第二临床学院神经外科竹叶的精华——竹叶抗氧化物 在我国食品添加剂产业的品种结构中,抗氧化剂是最薄弱的一环。尤其是天然抗氧化剂,目前国外共有商品47种,抗氧化效果明显优于BHA和BHT的有迷迭香提取物,其他如鼠尾草提取物、甘草抗氧化物、茶多酚、鞣花酸、向日葵籽提取物等;而我国目前批准使用的仅有茶多酚、植酸(钠)、磷脂、甘草抗氧化物等少数几种等。以天然食用抗氧化剂取代合成抗氧化剂是今后食品工业的发展趋势,开发具有本土资源特色和自主知识产权的实用、高效、成本低廉的天然抗氧化剂更是重中之重。我国地域辽阔,资源丰富,有着几千年药食同源的传统,发展天然、营养、多功能的食品添加剂有着独特的优势。 我国素有“竹子王国”之称,境内有竹类40多属400余种,竹林面积约400万公顷。竹子以其独特的生物学、生态学及多用途等特点,日益受到人们的重视,在中国可持续发展战略中正发挥着越来越重要的作用。我国在竹叶有效成分的研究和开发方面处于国际领先水平。从1998年起,笔者及其合作者对竹叶黄酮的抗脂质过氧化活性做了大量研究。如分子水平的体外模拟试验表明,金毛竹(淡竹)叶提取物显著抑制了由AAPH诱导的脂质体的过氧化,防止了Cu++中介的人类血清低密度脂蛋白胆固醇的氧化;在麦乳精(阿华田)中强化1%的竹叶提取物,显著提高了制品的抗自由基和抗氧化能力,并保护了其中VA和VE的活性;在啤酒中强化一定量的竹叶提取物后,抗氧化性能和储存稳定性大大增强,双乙酰回升受到显著抑制;对竹叶黄酮进行控制性酸水解,使其部分黄酮糖苷转化成苷元,亲油性有了显著改善,TBA快速测定法表明,在菜籽油体系中,水解苷元显示了与BHT可比的抗氧化活性,其有效浓度在0.2‰左右;改良烘箱法试验表明,水解苷元抑制猪油过氧化的能力与槲皮素和茶多酚相似;化学发光法测定的结果显示,水解苷元的清.OH活性接近槲皮素。表明竹叶黄酮具有作为天然抗氧化剂的开发潜力。2002年“竹叶抗氧剂”被国家经贸委列为《国家级轻工业新产品开发指南》中“食品添加剂行业优先开发产品汇总表”的第一项。 从2002年起,笔者按照《中华人民共和国食品添加剂使用卫生标准》的要求,对竹叶抗氧化物(AntioxidantofBambooleaves,简写为AOB)的生产工艺、理化性质、质量标准、毒理试验结果、应用效果(应用范围、最大应用量)等进行了系统研究。 1.生产工艺 AOB是一种从禾本科(Graminae)、竹亚科(Bambusoideae)、刚竹属(PhyllostachysSieb.etZucc)的淡竹犤Phyllostachysnigravar.hnonis(Bean)StepfexRendle犦等叶子中得到的酚性制剂。其生产工艺既可以是在原有专利技术的基础上进一步结晶所得,也可以是在竹叶粗提物的基础上,采用组合式膜分离技术精制而成。 2.化学组成 AOB的抗氧化成分包括黄酮、内酯和酚酸类化合物,其总黄酮含量30%。由于经柱层析和逆流色谱进一步分离后所得组分的抗氧化效果都低于或等同于本品,所以说这是一组复杂的、而又具有相互协同增效作用的混合物。其中黄酮类化合物主要是黄酮碳苷,包括荭草苷、异荭草苷、牡荆苷和异牡荆苷等;内酯类化合物主要是羟基香豆素及其糖苷;酚酸类化合物主要是肉桂酸的衍生物,包括绿原酸、咖啡酸和阿魏酸等。 3.鉴别方法 AOB的外观为黄色或棕黄色的粉末或颗粒,可溶于水和乙醇,略溶于丙酮、正丁醇、乙酸乙酯等;AOB有吸湿性,在干燥状态时相当稳定。化学试剂鉴别:取本品0.5g溶于100mL95%的乙醇中,按下法鉴别:取上述溶液1mL,加1%FeCl3-乙醇溶液2~3滴,应显深蓝色或蓝紫色。取上述溶液1mL,加1%AlCl3-乙醇溶液2~3滴,应呈鲜黄色;取本品0.5g,加入10mL乙醚,超声波辅助萃取30秒,过滤。取滤液1mL,置70~90℃的水浴中挥干乙醚后,依次加入2%的间二硝基苯溶液(用95%乙醇配制)和2.5mol/L的KOH水溶液各1mL,立即出现微红色,放入上述热水浴中,迅速变成深紫红色。经溴化钾压片后的红外光谱图显示,在3400、2900、1610、1520、1080cm-1等附近有特征性吸收。将其溶于光谱纯甲醇后,在200~600nm的波长范围内进行扫描,紫外光谱图显示,在240~400nm区域有两个主要的吸收峰,其中在240~280nm之间有一强吸收峰,在300~350nm之间有一次强吸收峰,呈现了植物黄酮制剂的典型特征。 4.安全性评价 竹叶在我国乃至东南亚的广大地区有着长期的食用和药用历史,1998年(淡)竹叶被卫生部批准列入了“药食两用的天然物名单”,以竹叶黄酮为内容物的“竹康宁”胶囊和片剂也分别于1999年和2002年获得了保健食品的批准文号。 浙江省疾病预防控制中心按照卫生部GB15193-1994《食品安全性毒理学评价程序和方法》对力夫牌竹叶抗氧化物(AOB)进行了为期一年多的试验研究,结果表明:第一阶段大、小鼠急性及口毒性半数致死量(LD50)雌雄两性均大于10000mg/kg体重,按急性毒性分级标准判定,属实际无毒类。第二阶段Ames试验结果为阴性,小鼠骨髓细胞微核试验和小鼠精子畸形试验结果均为阴性,提示该样品无致突变性。第三阶段大鼠90天喂养试验设低、中、高三个剂量组,分别相当于人最大可能摄入量(860mg/d)的100、200、300倍,试验结果表明,各项指标均未见明显毒性反应,AOB的最大无作用剂量为4.3g/kg体重;传统致畸试验显示各剂量组各项指标均未见有明显的母体毒性和胚胎毒性、致畸性;大鼠一代繁殖试验母体效应、胎仔效应各项指标均未见明显毒性反应。代谢试验表明,AOB中四种碳苷黄酮在大鼠胃肠道内均无直接吸收,灌胃后各个时相血浆和主要组织器官(肝、肾、脑及肌肉组织)均无检出,灌胃后0.5h、1h、1.5h、2h、3h、4h、6h、8h、12h在胃肠道及其内容物中,四种碳苷的回收率分别为83.3%、68.8%、65.0%、61.1%、59.9%、59.1%、57.8%、53.7%、51.7%;一次性灌胃给予受试物,24h后从粪便中检出的原型物占摄入量的27.6%,尿液中未见原形物排出。AOB中的另一主要羟基香豆素类组分则主要经血液途径吸收。灌胃后各时相在大鼠肝脏、脑及肌肉组织均无检出,在血液及肾脏从有检出;给予受试物24h后该组分在尿液中检出1.9%,在粪便中未检出。(浙江大学食品系教授 张英)
2023-07-28 18:28:011

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  阿司匹林抵抗与基因多态性的研究进展  【关键词】 阿司匹林抵抗;基因多态性  阿司匹林作为一种有效的抗血小板聚集药物广泛应用于心脑血管疾病的防治,临床观察显示阿司匹林能减少约25%的心脑血管疾病复发。然而,并不是所有患者都能从阿司匹林治疗中获益,有研究显示0.4%~83.3%个体对阿司匹林的抗血小板作用不敏感,即存在阿司匹林抵抗现象(aspirin resistance,AR) [1]。阿司匹林抵抗的确切机制不明,遗传可能为其重要因素,本文将近年AR与基因多态性方面的研究作如下综述。  1 阿司匹林抵抗  1.1 阿司匹林抵抗的定义 Bhatt[2]等将阿司匹林抵抗分为临床性及生化性。临床性为患者口服阿司匹林后仍发生缺血性血管疾病;生化性为口服阿司匹林后,未能改变血小板功能试验结果。  1.2 阿司匹林抵抗的分型 有研究[3]将生化性阿司匹林抵抗分为3型:(1)Ⅰ型阿司匹林抵抗(药动学型):口服同样剂量的阿司匹林,体内血栓素(TX)合成和胶原诱导血小板聚集均未被抑制。而体外富血小板血浆中加入100 μmol/L阿司匹林后可被抑制,提示使用小剂量阿司匹林有相当大的药动学差异。(2)Ⅱ型阿司匹林抵抗(药效学型):无论体内及体外,口服阿司匹林后,TX合成和胶原诱导血小板聚集均未被抑制,提示该型阿司匹林抵抗的机制与环氧化酶(COX)的遗传多态性有关。(3)Ⅲ型阿司匹林抵抗(假性阿司匹林抵抗):口服阿司匹林后能抑制TX合成,但不能抑制胶原诱导的血小板聚集。该型患者之所以被冠以“假性抵抗”,因为阿司匹林已抑制了TX合成,而不能抑制其他物质如胶原诱导的血小板聚集。  2 阿司匹林抵抗机制  AR发生的具体机制尚不清楚,可能与药物剂量不足[4],环氧化酶1(COX1)及血小板糖蛋白(GP)的基因多态性,胶原,吸烟,血脂异常等多种因素有关。血小板活化路径可由血栓素A2(thromboxaneA2,TXA2)、二磷酸腺苷(adenosine diphosphate,ADP) 、胶原、凝血酶和糖蛋白(glycoprotein,GP)Ⅱb/Ⅲa 受体等诱导,而阿司匹林仅能有效地阻断血栓素A2途径。目前,对于血小板活化路径及基因多态性与阿司匹林抵抗的关系研究主要集中在以下几个方面[5ue0116]:(1)血栓素激活途径中编码环氧合酶1 (cycloxygenaseue0111 ,COXue0111) 的基因多态性。(2)GPⅡb/Ⅲa激活途径中编码血小板膜GPⅢa的血小板抗原1/血小板抗原2 (platelet antigen1/platelet antigen2,PLA1/PLA2)多态性。(3)胶原激活途径中编码血小板膜GPⅠa/GPⅡa的807C/T和873G/A多态性。(4)5ue011二磷酸腺苷受体P2Y1的基因多态性。这些多态性位点有可能影响阿司匹林的抗血小板作用。现从基因水平分析阿司匹林抵抗的机制。  2.1 环氧合酶基因多态性 COX是前列腺素合成过程中的重要限速酶,它有两种同工酶:COXue0111和COXue0112。COXue0111是花生四烯酸转换为前列腺素G/H途径中的第一个酶,其有两种酶活性,一种环氧化酶活性催化前列腺素G的生成,一种氢过氧化物酶(HOX)活性减少前列腺素G,生成前列腺素H,前列腺素H更进一步被COX催化成为前列腺素和血栓素[7]。阿司匹林抗血小板作用机制主要是使COXue0111丝氨酸530不可逆的乙酰化,从而使该酶失活,阻断了TXA2的形成。目前已发现多个COX基因多态性位点[8],不同COX的单核苷酸多态性(single nucleotide polymorphisms,SNPs)可影响COX的蛋白结构或构象,使其对阿司匹林抑制作用的敏感性极不均一,构成一些病人AR的结构基础。  Maree等[9]将144位冠心病患者按COXue0111单核苷酸多态性分为五组[A842G,C22T(R8W),G128A(Q41Q),C644A(G213G) 和C714A(L237M)],均给予阿司匹林口服,发现A842G与C50T完全连锁不平衡。携带含有突变体ue011842G等位基因的患者与野生型A842相比,花生四烯酸诱导的血小板激活和血清血栓烷B2 (TXB2 ,TXA2 的下游产物)产生更明显,提示携带突变体ue011842G等位基因的患者对阿司匹林治疗较不敏感。表明COXue0111的遗传变异性可以影响花生四烯酸诱导的血小板聚集和血栓形成,病人对阿司匹林的反应部分决定于COXue0111的基因型。Gonzalezue011Conejero等[10]的研究则显示COXue0111 50T等位基因可能与阿司匹林抵抗有关。  2.2 血小板糖蛋白(GP)Ⅱb/Ⅲa基因多态性 血小板糖蛋白GPⅡb/Ⅲa是细胞黏附受体整合素家族中的一员,含有纤维蛋白、纤维连接蛋白、von willbrand factor(vWF)等黏附蛋白的特异结合位点,参与血小板黏附和聚集。AR可能和血小板膜GPⅡb/Ⅲa受体复合物的多态性有关,GPⅡb/Ⅲa受体是血小板活化的最后共同通路。编码GPⅡb/Ⅲa的基因具有高度的多态性。GPⅡb/Ⅲa基因(包括编码GPⅡb和GPⅢa的基因) 突变、缺失或插入导致表型改变,进而引起血小板功能改变。迄今已发现C157T、A1163C、A1553G、T1565C等多个GPⅢa多态性位点,较为常见的是外显子2第1565位氨基酸的突变,即T1565C(Leu33Pro) ,编码Leo的位点称为PLA1(HPAue0111a),编码Pro的位点称为PLA2 (HPAue0111b)。关于GPⅡb基因多态性的研究较少,主要有GPⅡbMaxue011/Max +(G2603A,V837M),HPA3a/3b(T2622G,Ile843Ser) ,GPⅡbG1063A(Glu324Lys) 等多态现象,其中研究最为广泛和深入的是GPⅡb残基843位Ile/Ser的变异,它与人类血小板抗原3 (HPAue0113) 相关。  大量证据表明,GP受体多态性是动脉血栓形成的遗传危险因素,它能造成黏附受体成分的表达、功能和免疫遗传学的多样性。血小板激动剂(如TXA2)通过细胞内信号激活GPⅡb/Ⅲa受体,介导纤维蛋白原及其受体结合,然后促进血小板聚集。阿司匹林通过干扰COX非依赖性细胞内信号转导并使GPⅡb和GPⅢa分子乙酰化来抑制GPⅡb/Ⅲa的活化。尽管还未完全弄清,但目前所知的COX非依赖性信号转导途径可能包括跨膜蛋白受体、磷脂酶、Ca2 +释放、腺苷酸环化酶、鸟苷酸环化酶和蛋白激酶C等。某些弱的激动剂(如ADP、肾上腺素和胶原蛋白)导致的GPⅡb /Ⅲa激活可被阿司匹林部分抑制。在PLA2基因型存在时,抗血小板作用可以因这种替代途径减少而降低。  Agnieszka Slowik等[11]研究发现PLA2等位基因是男性患者大血管病变所致卒中独立的危险因素。该研究分别选取92例大血管病变所致卒中患者及184例对照者,103例小血管病变所致卒中患者及206例对照者,182例心因性卒中患者及182例对照者。结果显示小血管病变及心因性卒中患者与对照者相比,PLA2等位基因出现的频率相似,无统计学意义;而大血管病变所致卒中的男性患者PLA2出现频率高(39.7% vs 23.0%;P=0.003 ,OR=2.51;CI为1.21~5.20)。Grove等[12]检测了1191例健康人和1019例冠心病患者的PLA2频率,在这些患者中529例以前有过心肌梗死史。结果健康人中28%为PLA2基因型,28%的冠心病患者(除外心肌梗死患者)为PLA2基因型,35%的心肌梗死患者为PLA2阳性。健康对照与心肌梗死患者之间PLA2基因频率有统计学差异。因此,他们认为斯堪的纳维亚人PLA2基因型与心肌梗死而不是冠心病的危险增加有关。Szczeklik A研究的结果提示与PLA1相比,PLA2等位基因更倾向于促进血栓的形成从而参与了阿司匹林抵抗的发生。Papp E等[13]研究也发现,阿司匹林抵抗患者中PLA2等位基因出现的频率要明显高于那些对阿司匹林有良好反应的受试者,而且该研究中所有PLA2/A2 基因型患者对阿司匹林的抗血小板反应均不良。这就提示PLA2等位基因可能与阿司匹林疗法反应的不充分、不敏感相关。然而,Macchi等[14]的研究发现PLA1等位基因更容易对小剂量阿司匹林治疗发生抵抗。  2.3 血小板糖蛋白GPⅠa/Ⅱa受体基因多态性 GPⅠa/Ⅱa (整合素α2β1 )位于连接血小板与胶原纤维(Ⅰ、Ⅱ型)或非胶原纤维( Ⅲ、Ⅳ型)的二价阳离子键的中间。在正常个体与那些先天遗传存在α2基因的四个等位基因的个体中,其血小板表面表达的GPIa/Ⅱa是不同的。GPIa基因位于第5号染色体上,对于这一基因的一些相关研究,揭示它的一些有症状或无症状的多态现象,以及由此引起的受体的结构和功能的改变,以及血小板表面的GPⅠa/Ⅱa受体多拷贝间的差异。α2GPIa多态性—807Cue011T(phe224)和873Gue011A(Thr246)已被证实与血小板表面受体不同的表达有关。基因型807TT(873AA)与受体的高密度表达有关,而807CC(873GG)则与低密度表达有关。杂合子则与中间受体表达的水平有关。第三种多态性是由于1648位点上G到A被替换所致,这同时也引起505位点(Br系统)上Glu/Lys被替换。同时,GPIa807C/T与Glu505 lys之间存在基因相关,且Br的多态性与位于核苷酸环化酶837(Cue011T)上的一个稀有多态性相连结,携带等位基因I(807T/873T/873A /Brb)者表现出高水平的GPⅠa/Ⅱa,而携带等位基因Ⅱ(807C /837T/873G/Brb)和Ⅲ(807C/837C/873G/Bra)者则表现出低水平的血小板整合素。胶原是一种重要的血小板聚集诱导剂,血小板胶原受体血小板膜糖蛋白Ⅰa/Ⅱa密度增加可能是血栓形成的潜在危险因素和阿司匹林抵抗的原因,血小板膜糖蛋白Ⅰa/Ⅱa基因多态性可以增加血小板膜胶原受体的密度[15],从而降低阿司匹林疗效。  2.4 ADP受体P2Y1基因的变化 ADP是血小板聚集的重要介质,ADP的调节作用是通过与血小板表面G蛋白偶联P2Y受体相连接而实现的。迄今为止已有8种P2Y受体亚型被克隆,对P2Y1和P2Y12的研究较清楚。Gαq偶联P2Y1受体与ADP结合,使钙离子释放,改变血小板形状,使血小板聚集。另一种主要的受体P2Y12与G蛋白Gi偶联,抑制腺苷酸环化酶,活化磷酸肌酸激酶3,活化GPⅡb/Ⅲa受体。任何一个受体的抑制均会引起血小板聚集的显著减少。  ADP通过P2Y1和P2Y12受体刺激血小板的激活和聚集,这些受体的突变与止血异常有关,任何一个受体的抑制均会引起血小板聚集的显著减少。阿司匹林以协同方式减少这些情况的发生[16]。P2Y12和阿司匹林的复合拮抗作用已在临床上被证实可显著减少血栓事件的发生[17]。因此,ADP受体P2Y1基因的相应功能变化能够改变ADP的信号功能,并且能降低对阿司匹林(包括P2Y12抑制剂,如噻氯匹啶和氯吡格雷)的反应性,导致血栓前状态的产生和对阿司匹林的反应性降低。  Fontana等[18]在98名健康研究对象中发现了P2Y12受体5种多态性,其中4种是完全连锁不平衡。这导致两种单倍体产生,H1 (86%)和H2 (14% ) 。携带H2单倍体的受试者使用较低浓度的ADP (2 μm) ,血小板聚集增多。纯合子H1 (H1 /H1)平均聚集率为34. 7% (n= 74) ,有一个H2等位基因(H1 /H2,n= 21)聚集率为67. 9% ,在有2个H2等位基因(H2 /H2,n=3)聚集率高达82. 5%。这提示P2Y12多态性在阿司匹林抵抗中可能起作用。近来发现P2Y1 受体A1622G多态性与血小板对ADP反应不同相关。携带少见的G等位基因对ADP反应更强。Jefferson等[19]在332例男性有心肌梗死史的患者中研究发现阿司匹林抵抗患者与P2Y1基因C893T多态性密切相关。携带杂合子C893T等位基因患者与携带常见纯合子C893等位基因者相比阿司匹林抵抗率高出3倍,机制尚不清楚。  以上综述了近年来关于基因多态性与阿司匹林抵抗关系的研究结果。由于没有国际公认的对阿司匹林抵抗的定义,多数研究样本量较小,研究结果间还存在很多矛盾,迄今为止遗传对阿司匹林抵抗的作用并不确切。所以仍需继续开展大规模和不同种族人群中的前瞻性研究来证实这些基因多态性与AR有关。  【参考文献】  [1] Lordkipanidze M,Pharand C, Palisaitis DA, et al. 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阿魏酸衍生物高分子药物的合成及其对血小板聚集和对TXB2,6-Keto-PGF1α释放的影响李天锡1 袁才英2 杨俊旺 单春文3 摘 要 以吲哚美辛(1)为原料先经酯化反应和Knoevenagel缩合,再与可溶性淀粉连接,合成了侧链含有阿魏酸的高分子载体药物(4),该化合物未见文献报道.用比浊法和放免法测定了(4)体外对兔血小板聚集以及对TXB2,6-Keto-PGF1α含量的影响.化合物(4)240 μmol*L-1对AA诱导的兔血小板聚集的抑制率为39.6%,对TXB2释放的抑制率为28.7%.与吲哚美辛(1)或阿魏酸比较,阿魏酸衍生物高分子载体药物(4)显示有抑制兔体外血小板聚集和抑制TXB2,6-Keto-PGF1α释放的作用,呈现明显的药物协同作用.关键词 阿魏酸;吲哚美辛;高分子载体药物;血小板聚集Synthesis of the Polymeric Drug,a Derivative of Ferulic Acidand Its Effect on Platelet Aggregation andRelease of TXB2 and 6-Keto-PGF1αLi Tianxi,Yuan CaiyingDivision of Medicinal Chemistry,Department of Pharmacy,Lanzhou Medical College,Lanzhou 730000Yang Junwang,Shan ChunwenDepartment of Pharmacology,Lanzhou Military Medical Academy,Lanzhou 730020Abstract The polymeric drug(FAIS) which contains ferulic acid(FA) was synthesized from indomethacin via esterfication and the Knoevenagel condensation,and then conjunction with soluble starch(S).This new compound was obtained for the first time.The results of preliminary pharmacological tests showed that the FAIS could inhibit the rabbit platelet aggregation induced by arachidonic acid(AA) and release of TXB2 and 6-Keto-PGF1α.Its activity was stronger than that of FA and indomethacin.It was in evidence to express the good synergic effect.Key words ferulic acid;indomethacin;polymeric drug;platelet aggregation 阿魏酸系当归、川芎等中草药的有效成分,具有抑制血小板聚集、抑制5-羟色胺从血小板中释放和阻抑静脉旁路血栓形成等作用〔1〕.吲哚美辛(1)具有抑制血小板聚集作用,为最强的前列腺素合成酶抑制剂之一,但因其毒副作用,使其应用受到限制. 近年来报道,对阿魏酸进行结构改造可提高抗血小板聚集作用〔2,3〕.由于抗血小板聚集机制是通过抑制血小板的释放而与环氧酶抑制剂不尽相同〔1,4〕,选择吲哚美辛(1)与阿魏酸结合成酯(3),以可溶性淀粉为载体,设计合成了未见文献报道的一种抗血栓高分子载体药物(4),旨在实现缓释及协同作用,并期望可降低药物的毒副作用.1 合成路线 采用香草醛与吲哚美辛(1)为原料,以DCC为缩合剂制得(2),并用Knoevenagel-Doebner O改良法得到化合物(3)〔5〕,合成路线见图1. 图1中的两步反应条件温和,较常规方法,即将(1)制成酰氯后与阿魏酸酯化制备(3),其后处理方便,此法收率较高、成本较低.经对(4)进行红外光谱、紫外光谱、元素分析及水解实验确证其化学结构.Fig.1 Route of synthesis2 合成实验 熔点用X4熔点显微测定仪测定,温度未校正.核磁共振氢谱用美国Varinn公司FT-80A型仪测定.质谱用英国VG公司ZAB-HS型色-质谱联用仪测定.红外光谱用美国Nicolet公司170SX型FT-IR仪测定.元素分析在意大利Carlo-Erba 1106全自动元素分析仪上完成.吲哚美辛由兰州制药厂提供.香草醛、丙二酸均为分析纯.可溶性淀粉为化学纯.2.1 吲哚美辛香草醛酯(2)的制备 将4.74 g(0.023 mol)DCC溶于100 mL无水苯中,把此溶液加入7.50 g(0.021 mol)吲哚美辛(1)中,搅拌30 min后滴加3.04 g(0.02 mol)香草醛的无水苯溶液,于室温搅拌反应48 h,过滤,减压蒸除溶剂,得淡黄色固体,用丙酮重结晶,得白色结晶(2)9.1 g,收率:92.6%,mp 129.5~131.5℃.元素分析C27H22NO6Cl,实验值(%):C 65.88,H 4.47,N 2.87;计算值(%):C 65.92,H 4.48,N 2.85.1H-NMR(D3CCOCD3)δ:2.41(s,3H,—CH3),3.67(d,6H,—OCH3),4.06(s,2H,—CH2),6.50~7.66(Ar-H),9.83(s,1H,—CHO).MS m/e:491(M+),312(M-189),340(M-151),139(—COArCl),111(—ArCl).2.2 吲哚美辛阿魏酸酯(3)的制备 将1.62 g(15.6 mmol)丙二酸溶于3.5 mL吡啶中,滴加0.5 mL哌啶和化合物(2)6.40 g(13 mmol)的苯溶液150 mL,室温搅拌2 h后升温回流7 h.反应毕减压蒸除溶剂,得黄色固体,用乙醇、水重结晶,得白色结晶5.0 g,收率:71.7%,mp 189.5~191.5℃.元素分析C29H24NO7Cl,实验值(%):C 65.74,H 4.95,N 2.64;计算值(%):C 65.24,H 4.5,N 2.62.1H-NMR(D3CCOCD3)δ:2.41(s,3H,—CH3),3.82(d,6H,—OCH3),4.06(s,2H,—CH2),7.11,7.24(2d,2H,J=8 Hz,H-5′,6′),7.43(d,1H,J=2 Hz,H-3′),6.72,6.98(2d,2H,J=9 Hz,H-6,7),7.18(d,1H,J=3 Hz,H-4),6.50(d,1H,J=17 Hz,CHCO————),7.60(d,1H,J=17 Hz,ArCH= ).MS m/e:533(M+),357(M-176),339(M-194),312(M-222).2.3 淀粉-吲哚美辛阿魏酸酯(4)的合成 将0.324g(2 mmol)可溶性淀粉和0.534 g化合物(3)与30 mL DMSO混合,于搅拌下全溶后再加入0.412 g(2 mmol)DCC,加热至100℃反应4 h,抽滤,滤液减压浓缩至约10 mL,冷至室温,加入10 mL丙酮得白色沉淀,滤取沉淀,用甲醇、氯仿交替多次研洗,薄层检查无游离阿魏酸酯存在.3 药理实验 实验动物为新西兰大白兔,由中山医科大学动物所提供.花生四烯酸(AA)为Fluck公司产品.6-Keto-PGF1α,TXB2放免盒由北京东亚免疫技术研究所提供.SPA-4多功能血小板聚集仪为上海科达测试仪器厂出品.3.1 血小板聚集实验 参照比浊法〔6〕,以花生四烯酸(AA,3.33 μmol·L-1)诱导兔血小板聚集,测定吲哚美辛、阿魏酸、淀粉-吲哚美辛阿魏酸酯在12.5,60.0,240.0 μmol·L-1不同浓度下对血小板聚集的影响,记录5 min的聚集曲线,实验数据以±s表示,组间比较采用t检验.结果见表1.Tab.1 Effect of FAIS(compound 4)on the rabbit platelet aggregation induced by arachidonic acid(AA)in vitroCompd. Concentration/μmol.L-1 Platelet aggregation extent/%(±s) Inhibition/% control 0 62.3±8.9 ferulic acid 12.5 69.4±10.2③ -11.3ferulic acid 60.0 53.0±13.4③ 15.0 ferulic acid 240.0 50.8±10.0③ 18.5 control 0 80.2±4.6 indomethacin 12.5 75.2±6.3 6.2 indomethacin 60.0 67.0±5.6② 16.5 indomethacin 240.0 64.0±5.5① 20.2 control 0 90.2±11.2 FAIS 12.5 78.8±15.8③ 12.6 FAIS 60.0 68.3±11.2① 24.3 FAIS 240.0 54.5±10.9① 39.6 ①P<0.01,②P<0.05,③P>0.053.2 TXB2和6-Keto-PGF1α的测定 采用放免法〔7〕观察吲哚美辛、阿魏酸、淀粉-吲哚美辛阿魏酸酯等药物(240 μmol·L-1)对AA诱导的兔血小板生成TXB2和6-Keto-PGF1α的影响,计算抑制率.结果见表2.Tab.2 Effect of FAIS(compound 4)on the content of TXB2 and 6-Keto-PGF1αin rabbit platelets induced by arachidonic acid(AA)in vitro(±s,n=6)Compd. Concentration/μmol.L-1 TXB2 6-Keto-PGF1α 6-Keto-PGF1α/TXB2 Content/ng.mL-1 Inhibition/% Content/ng.mL-1 Inhibition/% control 0 82.1±10.4 167.2±6.4 2.04 ferulic acid 240.0 70.0±9.1② 14.8 165.2±6.9② 1.17 2.33 indomethacin 240.0 61.7±9.1① 24.9 123.4±5.3① 26.2 1.99 FAIS 240.0 58.5±3.8① 28.7 131.2±8.1① 21.4 2.25 ①P<0.01,②P<0.05致谢:本实验承中国药科大学曹观坤教授提出宝贵意见;光谱分析、元素分析由中国药科大学、兰州大学测试中心测定.兰州医学院药学系95届毕业生解放军第一军医大学药理教研室作者单位:李天锡1 袁才英2 兰州医学院药学系药物化学教研室,兰州 730000 杨俊旺 单春文3 解放军兰州医学高等专科学校药理教研室,兰州 730000参 考 文 献1.尹钟珠,张凌云,徐理纳.当归及其成分阿魏酸对大鼠血小板聚集和5-TH释放的影响.药学学报,1980,15(6):321~3262.林迎晖,陈文为.阿魏酸钠的药理作用及分子改造前景.药学学报,1994,29(9):717~7203.曹观坤,周金培,彭司勋.4-(2′-乙酰氧基苯甲酰基)阿魏酸的合成和生物活性.中国药科大学学报,1988,19(4):307~3084.徐理纳,王润玲,徐德成.阿魏酸钠和阿斯匹林联用对大鼠血小板聚集的影响及对PGI2-TXA2平衡的调节.药学学报,1985,20(1):5~95.刘鹰翔,计志忠,徐颖,等.4-肉桂酰阿魏酸苯酚酯衍生物的合成及其抗炎活性.中国药物化学杂志,1997,7(1):18~226.Born GVR.Aggeration of blood platelet by adenosine diphosphate and its reversal.Nature,1962,194(4832):927~9297.李振甲,杨梅芳,郝秀华,等.血浆血栓素B2放射免疫分析法.解放军医学杂志,1985,10(1):35~38收稿日期:1999-02-06
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纳米材料是指在描写其大小的三个尺度中,至少有一个在( )范围,爱因斯坦认为一个糖分子的直径约为( )nm.

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