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高手帮忙翻译一下 “弃货说明”谢谢~!

2023-07-29 10:45:36
TAG: 翻译 谢谢

To whom it may concern,

Concerning to the goods under contract#xxx,because the quality doesnot pass 98% as stated on the quality certificate,the receiver of the goods rejected to accept the goods at the destionation port.After negotiations,the goods are under disposal by the receiver and any charges occured at the destionation are also paide by the receiver.


Under contract No. XXX of goods because of quality content is not in line with the 98% single, after the cargo to the port of destination, the consignee refused to accept the goods. Goods by consensus to deal with the final spot by the consignee. However, the consignee of goods the costs incurred by the Department in charge of the consignee. "对不


“because the contract number XXX item of under cargo the content does not conform to the quality testing list 98%, after deliverying the port of destination, the consignee refuses to accept this batch of cargos. Processes finally after the consultative cargo by the consignee. But the cargo the expense which produces in the consignee place is responsible by the consignee.”



Sorry, I"m affraid I can"t accept it.对不起,恐怕我不能接受这个。
2023-07-28 17:38:352


2023-07-28 17:38:451


refuse 英 ["refjuu02d0s] 美 ["refjus]谐音:瑞 feel 丝动词. 拒绝,不肯(承认,服从等),拒婚,否认名词. 垃圾,废物
2023-07-28 17:39:071


2023-07-28 17:39:292

refuse后面是选择so 还是neither

前边是否定句时,后边才用neither,nor 之类的否定词,但这个句子前边是肯定句,所以后边要用so will I.不能因为refuse是拒绝的意思就认为前边是否定句阿
2023-07-28 17:39:381


1、She hadn"t enough strength of mind to refuse. ——她意志力不够坚强,无法拒绝。 2、He refused treatment. ——他拒绝治疗 3、She dumped all the refuse into the garbage can. ——她将全部垃圾倒入垃圾桶。 您好!很高兴第一时间为您解答,如有问题请及时追问,如果满意,请采纳!
2023-07-28 17:39:481


2023-07-28 17:39:573

refuse 和 reject 后面各加什么

2023-07-28 17:40:162


一、refuse 英[ru026au02c8fju:z] 美[ru026au02c8fju:z] v. 拒绝; 回绝; 推却; n. 垃圾; 废弃物; 二、第三人称单数:refuses 现在分词:refusing 过去式:refused过去分词:refused 形近词: profuse defuse diffuse三、例句:1)The District Council made a weekly collection of refuse.区政务委员会每周收取一次垃圾。2)The patient has the right to refuse treatment.病人有权利拒绝接受治疗。3)I used to refuse invitations to parties because I knew I"d go crimson every time someone talked to me.我过去总是拒绝聚会邀请,因为我知道每当有人和我说话,我就会脸红。
2023-07-28 17:40:231


behaviour 英[bu026au02c8heu026avju0259(r)] 美[bu026au02c8hevju025a] n. 行为;举止;(人、动植物、化学药品等的)表现方式;态度 refuse 英[ru026a"fju:z] 美[u02c8refjus] n. 废物,垃圾 第三人称单数:refuses;过去分词:refused;现在分词:refusing; argue 英["ɑ:ɡju:] 美[u02c8ɑrɡju] vt. 坚决主张;提出理由证明;说服,劝告;表明,证明 vi. 争论,辩论;提出理由 第三人称单数:argues;过去分词:argued;现在分词:arguing;
2023-07-28 17:40:351

refuse if need be There is no shame in that

你好!refuse if need be There is no shame in that拒绝如果需要没有羞愧
2023-07-28 17:40:432

初二英语翻译:He always refuses to let me watch my favorite TV show

2023-07-28 17:40:544

My boss refuses______me a salary increase答案?

这里是要填动词不定式。因为它是固定词组refuse to do something,拒绝去做什么。所以可以填,to give。句子的意思是,我的老板拒绝给我增加工资。成分分析,My boss主语 refuses 谓语to give 宾语me 和前面动词构成动宾短语a salary increase.直接宾语。例如,She refused to give it up. 她拒绝放弃这件事。 I refused to go out at night. 我拒绝晚上出门。They refused to sign the contract. 他们拒绝在合同上签字。
2023-07-28 17:41:011


两个角度. (1) 逻辑角度. 为了搞清楚“非A”,首先要搞清楚A. not 是否定词,为了忠实原句,应该先看肯定句的意思,再把该否定的部分否定.也就是,先看看他did not 的到底是什么. 这句话的相反事实是: Bob did break the window and refuse to apologize for his action. Bob 打碎了窗户,并且为他的这个行为道歉.其中"for his action" 是一个值得注意的地方,因为既然for his action了表示这个action是存在的. 那么重要的是他的道歉而不是他有没有打碎玻璃,因为在his action中已经告诉你了,his action 就是 the action that Bob broke the window 其实这句话完全等同于:Bob refused to apologize for his action that he broke the window. 那么not 否定了整句话,此命题取非: Bob didn"t refused to apologize for his action that he broke the window. 他并没有拒绝为他打碎玻璃的事情道歉. (2) 另一个角度,语法角度. 有一个非常重要的地方:not 和 and 起的作用到底起在了哪里? 从原句 Bob didnot break the window and refuse to apologize for his action 看来,可能的理解方式,有这么几种情况: (a) 没打玻璃,拒绝道歉. 如果是这样,那么refuse这个词的原型是一个错误. 因为这个动词的主语是Bob.要么refused过去式,要么refuses一般现在时. 而不可能用原型.这种情况排除. (从而我们也知道,didnot的一定是两件事:break and refuse ) (b) 没打玻璃,没拒绝道歉. 如果这样,那么and 是一个错误. 因为否定句中表示并列关系要用or 而不是用and. 排除. (从而我们知道,and 在此句中是连接词毋庸置疑,但是所起的作用一定不是并列.) (那不表示并列,还能表示什么啊?只能是递进了.恩恩,有点眉目了吧?) (c) 打了玻璃,拒绝道歉. 这个意思,不正是去掉not否定之后的意思吗?加个not 还是这个意思?不可能. 排除 (d) 打了玻璃,没有拒绝道歉. 这句话有两个谓语动词:break 和 refuse . did not 的是两件事,否定的是所有的谓语,所以否定的是整个句子,而不应该按照字面意思来翻译了.如果这么说:Bob didnot “break the window and refuse to apologize for his action ”.全局完完全全的等同于: It"s not true that Bob broke the window and refused to apologize for his action. 刚才说了,and不可能并列否则否定后一定变为or.可是and做其他意思解的时候,否定句中就不会变成or了.其实,不知道这么说你可不可以理解,这句话的谓语应该看做一个整体,而不是两个动作即: broke and refused,合起来,就是“打玻璃还不道歉”,就是“耍无赖”“不道德”的意思. 这才是not 要否定的的东西.也就是说: 【“Bob 并没有干那么缺德的事情,他为他所做的事情负责了.”】
2023-07-28 17:41:081

refues to do sth

refues to do sth拒绝做某事
2023-07-28 17:41:173


1.2正确3.When I looked up at the sky, a bird was flying round the tree.4.His brother wants either to study American literature or to study English literature.5.Tom is one of the students who refuse to accept the invitation to the party.6.正确7.When I entered the room, no one was seen.8.Since the past few years, the city has nearly built 1000 houses.9.He had lost a purse and soon found it.The police helped him.10.Having Packed it in a box, the typist could not find the machine.
2023-07-28 17:41:406


“不服来战”if not admire,just come to challenge me!
2023-07-28 17:41:596


Zhu 先生, 我有些关于我16岁儿子的问题想要请教你和你的专栏 ‘青少年"。 我的儿子拒绝去做他的妈妈和我要求他做的事情。他是我们的独子,我们对他很好。他的祖父母也经常买东西给他,但他仍然对我们很不礼貌。他不想花费时间与我们在一起,也不遵循我们的教导。有时他表现的好像是他并不爱我们。现在他每天浪费时间去看DVD,听外国音乐而不做作业。我不喜欢那些音乐因为我听不懂。他也花费了大量的时间在网吧里打游戏聊天。我能做什么?现在我给他自由,但是我担心如果我持续放任他,他会荒废了学业或者更糟。我怎么在不伤害亲子感情的基础上教导他?Liu zhenhua
2023-07-28 17:42:181


close, 应该是 终止已经在履行的合同
2023-07-28 17:42:252


Who that in youth一个人年轻的时候no virtue uses不过不行善(如果不用美德)in age(当年龄大了)all honor(所有的荣耀)him refuses用了倒装即refuses him(都拒绝他)所以就翻译为了中国也有的并且同义的谚语---行善不趁少年时,休想晚年享荣华。
2023-07-28 17:42:421


精彩瞬间(摄影) wonderful momement可回收物 Recyclable 其他垃圾 other waste 中国联通 China unicom 中国通信移动 CHINA MOBILE 请选择车道行驶 Please choose the driving path小心地滑 CAUTION WET FLOOR 严禁吸烟 No SMOKING 出口处 Export 人行横道 pedestrian walking此路不通 Dead end 营业 OPEN 易碎 Fragile 危险 Danger 加油站 petrol station闲人免进 No Admittance 免费通行 Toll Free 酒巴 Bar 节约粮食 save food 阿迪达斯 adidas
2023-07-28 17:42:503


拒绝做某事的英语短语是 refuse to do sth. refuse:v.拒绝;回绝;推却;拒绝给(所需之物); n.废弃物;垃圾; 第三人称单数: refuses现在分词: refusing过去式: refused过去分词: refused 扩展资料   The job offer was simply too good to refuse.   这个工作机会太好了,无法拒绝。   The bank refused further credit to the company.   银行拒绝再给那家公司提供贷款。   They made me an offer I couldn"t refuse.   他们提出了一个使我不好拒绝的报价。
2023-07-28 17:43:091


1. 从语气上看:refuse 属普通用词;而 reject 则属于正式用词,多用于较正式的场合。2. 从意思上看:refuse 表示“拒绝”,强调态度的肯定和坚决;而 reject 则强调摈弃、不采用或不使用。They refused him admittance. 他们不允许他入场。They rejected all the bad apples. 他们扔掉了所有的坏苹果。注:若不严格区分,有时(如表示拒绝接受时)两者也可换用。如:He refused [rejected] her offer of help. 他拒绝了她的援助提议。The editors refused [rejected] this article. 编辑拒不采用这篇文章。3. 从是否及物来看:refuse 可用作及物或不及物动词,而 reject 通常只用作及物动词。比较下面两句动词后宾语的有无:I asked him to lend me his car, but he refused. 我请求他把车借给我,但他拒绝了。I proposed to her but she rejected me. 我向她求婚,但被她拒绝了。4. refuse 后可接不定式表示“拒绝做某事”,而 reject 通常不这样用。如:He refused to come to the meeting. 他拒绝来参加会议。The door refuses to open. 这门打不开。 希望帮到你 望采纳 谢谢 加油
2023-07-28 17:43:441


refuse: 语气较重,指态度坚决,肯定无疑的拒绝。reject: 多指由于某物某事某行为不能让人满意而被当面直截了当地拒绝。
2023-07-28 17:44:042

拒绝用英语怎么说 拒绝用英语如何说

1、拒绝的英语是refuse,读音:英[ru026afjuu02d0z]、美[ru026afjuu02d0z]。     2、v.拒绝。 3、n.垃圾;废物。 4、名词: refuser,过去式: refused,过去分词: refused,现在分词: refusing,第三人称单数: refuses。 5、refuse的基本意思是“拒绝”,指由于不情愿或不愿意而对某项要求或事物给予否定的回答或不接受某物或不肯做某事。在口语中,refuse还可接表示饮食的名词作宾语,意为“吃不来…喝不来…”。 6、refuse可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后可接名词、代词或动词不定式作宾语,有时也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可以转化成介词to的宾语。可用于被动结构。 7、例句:I refuse to answer that question.我不愿回答那个问题。
2023-07-28 17:44:291


2023-07-28 17:44:407

Bob didnot break the window and refuse to apologize for his action.请帮忙分析下这句话

两个角度。(1) 逻辑角度。 为了搞清楚“非A”,首先要搞清楚A。 not 是否定词,为了忠实原句,应该先看肯定句的意思,再把该否定的部分否定。也就是,先看看他did not 的到底是什么。 这句话的相反事实是: Bob did break the window and refuse to apologize for his action. Bob 打碎了窗户,并且为他的这个行为道歉。其中"for his action" 是一个值得注意的地方,因为既然for his action了表示这个action是存在的。 那么重要的是他的道歉而不是他有没有打碎玻璃,因为在his action中已经告诉你了,his action 就是 the action that Bob broke the window 其实这句话完全等同于:Bob refused to apologize for his action that he broke the window. 那么not 否定了整句话,此命题取非: Bob didn"t refused to apologize for his action that he broke the window. 他并没有拒绝为他打碎玻璃的事情道歉。(2) 另一个角度,语法角度。 有一个非常重要的地方:not 和 and 起的作用到底起在了哪里? 从原句 Bob didnot break the window and refuse to apologize for his action 看来,可能的理解方式,有这么几种情况: (a) 没打玻璃,拒绝道歉。 如果是这样,那么refuse这个词的原型是一个错误。 因为这个动词的主语是Bob.要么refused过去式,要么refuses一般现在时。 而不可能用原型。这种情况排除。 (从而我们也知道,didnot的一定是两件事: break and refuse ) (b) 没打玻璃,没拒绝道歉。 如果这样,那么and 是一个错误。 因为否定句中表示并列关系要用or 而不是用and。 排除。 (从而我们知道,and 在此句中是连接词毋庸置疑,但是所起的作用一定不是并列。) (那不表示并列,还能表示什么啊?只能是递进了。恩恩,有点眉目了吧?) (c) 打了玻璃,拒绝道歉。 这个意思,不正是去掉not否定之后的意思吗?加个not 还是这个意思?不可能。 排除 (d) 打了玻璃,没有拒绝道歉。 这句话有两个谓语动词:break 和 refuse . did not 的是两件事,否定的是所有的谓语,所以否定的是整个句子,而不应该按照字面意思来翻译了。如果这么说:Bob didnot “break the window and refuse to apologize for his action ”. 全局完完全全的等同于: It"s not true that Bob broke the window and refused to apologize for his action. 刚才说了,and不可能并列否则否定后一定变为or。 可是and做其他意思解的时候,否定句中就不会变成or了。其实,不知道这么说你可不可以理解,这句话的谓语应该看做一个整体,而不是两个动作即: broke and refused,合起来,就是“打玻璃还不道歉”,就是“耍无赖”“不道德”的意思。 这才是not 要否定的的东西。也就是说: 【“Bob 并没有干那么缺德的事情,他为他所做的事情负责了。”】
2023-07-28 17:45:091


2023-07-28 17:45:171

英语谚语:The sea refuses no river 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: The sea refuses no river 中文意思: 大海有能容之量。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Write down the advice of him that loves you though you like it not at present 爱你的忠言且记下,即使你目前不爱它。 Write it on your heart every day is the best day of the year 要记住,每天是一年中最好的一天。 Years bring wisdom 年长智也增。 Yesterday is dead forget it; tomorrow does not exist don"t worry; today is here use it 昨天已经消逝,把它忘掉;明天还未来到,不必烦恼;今天就在眼前,把它用好。 Yesterday will not be called again 光阴一去不复返。 You are the greatest enemy if you are a coward but if you are brave you are your greatest friend 如果你是胆小鬼,你就是自己最大的敌人;如果你是勇敢者,你就是自己最好的朋友。 You can do more than strike while the iron is hot; you can make the iron hot by striking 铁热时,你能做的不止是锤打,而锤打可使铁热。 You can fool some of the people all the time and all of the people some of the time; but you can"t fool all of the people all the time 你可以一直愚弄一些人,甚至可以在某个时期愚弄所有的人;但不能一直愚弄所有的人。 You cannot clap with one hand 孤掌难鸣。 You cannot flay the same ox twice 一头牛不能剥两次皮。 英语谚语: The sea refuses no river 中文意思: 大海有能容之量。
2023-07-28 17:45:361


sue对某人提起诉讼,控告某人 sue sb for sth 控告某人要求sthIf you don"t complete the work, I will sue you for damages.如果你不把工作做完,我就要控告你支付赔偿。sue for sth (常用于法庭上)请求 sue for peace 请求和解indict:(就某事)控告,起诉或告发某人 indict sb for sth He was indicted for murder.他被控杀人。
2023-07-28 17:45:451


2023-07-28 17:46:052

I canu2019t stand ________ with Jane in the same office. She just refuses _________

答案C本题考查动词的用法。stand+doing(接现在分词)意思是“容忍某事”,为固定用法;refuse to do(接不定式)意思是“拒绝做某事”,refuse后只能接不定式。
2023-07-28 17:46:241


面对in the face of美英词典释义in the face of面对双语例句1他们面对困难表现了坚强的毅力。They showed great perseverance in the face of difficulty.2面对周围人们的打击,他锲而不舍。He persevered in the face of active discouragement from those around him.3面对危险她表现出了巨大的勇气。She showed great courage in the face of danger.
2023-07-28 17:46:329


1) has no effect talking 2) the first day we met 3) so excited that I failed to 4) Though he has a lot of friends 5) had already been away from the theatre.
2023-07-28 17:47:084


Old as one is,one still sticks to one"s dream. Difficult as conditions are,one still refuses to give up.
2023-07-28 17:47:151


reality n. 现实;实际;真实[ 复数 realities ]; 例句: Fiction and reality were increasingly blurred. 小说与现实越来越混淆难分。 She refuses to face reality. 她不肯面对现实。 扩展资料   You"re out of touch with reality.   你脱离了现实。   Will time travel ever become a reality ?   时光旅行真的`会成为现实吗?   Did the reality of war finally hit home?   人们最终深刻认识到战争的现实了吗?   He seems completely divorced from reality.   他似乎完全脱离了现实。   Romance is making a comeback. Reality is out.   浪漫正回归;现实已过时。
2023-07-28 17:47:221

safety reason为什么用名词

释义:全部,安全技术条件,安全问题扩展内容:safety是名词,意思是安全,保险;safe名词意思是保险箱,形容词意思是安全的。For safety reasons, the road to the point is often closed in foul weather.Times, Sunday Times (2013)They say conductors must be responsible for closing train doors, for safety reasons.Times, Sunday Times (2016)More than 100,000 cars are to be recalled for safety reasons as the scandal over faulty airbags refuses to go away.Times, Sunday Times (2015)safety 是 安全 平安 , 安全措施.通常用来修饰另一个名词:safety precautions; . 安全预防措施;safety rules安全条例短语搭配safety car安全车 ; 安全汽车 ;[矿业]安全矿车 ; 救生吊车safety valve[机]安全阀 ; 安全泄气阀 ; 进口高压安全阀安全阀 ; 安全线Nuclear safety[核][安全]核安全 ; 核能安全 ; 核安适thread safety线程安全 ; 线程安全性 ; 多绪安全性 ; 线程平安性Safety Time保险期 ; 安全时间 ; 安全期safety management安全管理 ; 安全生产管理 ; 安全主管 ; 安全safety measures[安全]安全措施 ; 安全防护措施 ; 安全技术措施 ; 安全办法traffic safety交通运输安全 ; 交通安全问题Safety Valves安全阀 ; 平安阀 ; 保险阀资料来源于网络若侵权联系删。
2023-07-28 17:47:471

sth is not just a river in Egypt.

2023-07-28 17:48:242


1.wildly是什么意思 英语词典:wild cheers 暴风雨般的欢呼声这句话里是副词修饰动词:cheer wildly 意思一样的.2.还有at the sight of是什么意思英语词典:介词词组,意思是:一看见这句话可翻译为:人群一看见被报道打破了110米栏的世界纪录的刘翔发出了暴风雨般的欢呼声
2023-07-28 17:48:342

结果 英文怎么读

您好:result英 [ru026a"zu028clt] 美 [ru026a"zu028clt] n. 结果;成绩;答案;比赛结果vi. 结果;导致;产生如果对你有帮助,请采纳!
2023-07-28 17:48:431

哪位高人帮我翻译一下~ 不要机器来翻译的。。谢谢1

2023-07-28 17:49:022

I can’t stand ____ with Jane in the same office. She just refuses ____ talking whileshe works. ..

C 试题分析:考察动词固定搭配。固定搭配:Can"t stand doing sth无法容忍做某事;refuse to do sth拒绝做某事;句意:我无法容忍和Jane在一个办公室。在工作的时候,她说个不停。故C正确。点评:固定搭配是学习语言的重要环节。要掌握好英语,记忆相当数量的词组是必不可少的。英语中的每一个词组,不仅表达一定的概念,具有一定的词汇意义,而且在语音、拼法、语法等方面都有自己的特点。在学生学习英语的过程中,单词、词组记忆是基础。解答这类题目,关键是理解题干意思以及各选项词组的意思,可以像数学中的代入法一样,依次把各个选项意思放入句子中进行比较,不难选出正确答案。
2023-07-28 17:49:151


2023-07-28 17:49:384

关于12生肖的来源 我要英文的

When the Yellow Emperor to select twelve animals served as the Imperial Guard, the cat with mouse for mice to forget, the cat did not choose, and from rat with friends. Elephants also come, rats were drilling nose, give away, the remaining animals, originally headed by pushing cattle, mice are up to the back of the ox and pig booing followed, so the mouse is discharged the first, pork chops at last. Tiger and dragon refuses to accept, was crowned the king of Wang Hehai, in the rat and bovine behind. Rabbit and refuses to obey, and race results ranked in the dragon"s front. The dog is uneven, angrily bit rabbits, for this was sent in second from the bottom. Snake, horse, sheep, monkey, the chicken has also been a contest, one one scheduled position, finally formed a rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkeys, chickens, dogs, pigs in the sequence.
2023-07-28 17:49:482

stata软件做网状meta时,出现op.sys.refuses to provide memory是什么意思

2023-07-28 17:50:013


what tom wanted to know is whether he could be admitted into the key university.waht 引导主语从句whether引导表语从句the reason why he refused your help is that he didn"t want to owe you too much.that引导表语从句my query is what you can do for your mum to celebrate her birthday.what引导表语从句
2023-07-28 17:50:136

the sea refuse no river

这就是一种句式,就像I have no idea一样,当然你也可以说成the sea doesn"t refuse any river,一个意思但就不简洁明了,显得罗嗦。 再说一下,原句应该是the sea refuses no river.
2023-07-28 17:50:272


2023-07-28 17:50:401


2023-07-28 17:50:502


2023-07-28 17:45:0015