barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-05-19 18:27:17

  vt. (商业) 通知,报告; 提议,建议;

  vi. 接受劝告,商量; 建议,提供意见;

  [例句]The minister advised him to leave as soon as possible


  [其他] 第三人称单数:advises 现在分词:advising 过去式:advised过去分词:advised



advised读:英 [ədˈvaɪzd]网络释义:奉劝和这里很多(Many)例子相比,我觉得我的结局(Ending)还算比较好的,在此奉劝(Advised)一句,长赌必输,天使之所以会飞,是因为她们把自己看得很轻小输怡情,大输乱性,问世间,情是何物,直教生死相许。【adviser】的意思:咨询的;顾问的;劝告的 advised 考虑过的;细想过的 advisor 顾问;指导教师;劝告者 ...用作形容词(adj.)1.m going to bed and you would be well-advised to do likewise.我要睡觉了,你最好也2. It would be il-advised for a society to not endeavor to share technology within alllevels of the community.一个社会如果不努力在其所有阶层分享技术将是不明智的。3. The investors were advised of the risk.投资者们被告知会有风险。4.1 will keep you advised of the state of the market.我将随时向你报告市场行情。
2023-01-08 00:58:471


2023-01-08 00:59:006

advised 什么意思

2023-01-08 00:59:224


2023-01-08 00:59:363

advised 意思

advisedadj.考虑过的, 细想过的
2023-01-08 00:59:483

please be advised什么意思?

2023-01-08 00:59:596


2023-01-08 01:00:401


advise是动词,可以表示建议,通常为及物动词。advise后面不能直接跟不定式,但可接不定式的复合结构。当advise后接不定式复合结构时要被动语态形式。 用法 1.表示“建议”,通常为及物动词,若其后的宾语是动词,通常应是动名词,而不能是不定式。如: 我建议等到适当的时候。 正:I advise waiting till the right time. 误:I advise to wait till the right time. 注意:advise 之后不能直接跟不定式,但可接不定式的复合结构。如: He advised us to sell the house. 他建议我们把房子卖了。 The doctor advised me to stop smoking. 医生建议我戒烟。 注意 advise 后接不定式复合结构时的被动语态形式不要与上面第一个句型混为一谈。如: 主动式:He advised us to sell the house. 被动式:We were advised to sell the house. 比较错误句型:We advised to sell the house. (误) 2.其后若接 that 从句,通常要用虚拟语气(should+v.)。如: He advised that I (should) write her a letter. 他建议我给她写封信。 3.advise的搭配范围很广,生活中重要的和一般的事物均可使用。 例句 1. advise doing sth 建议做某事。 如:He advised leaving early. 他建议早点动身。 I advise waiting till proper time. 我建议等到适当时机。 注:不能直接后跟不定式作宾语。所以不能说:* He advised to leave early. 2. advise sb to do sth 建议某人做某事。 如:He advised me to buy a computer. 他建议我买台电脑。 The doctor advised me to take a complete rest. 医生建议我完全休息。 注:以上意思也可用后接从句的形式表达(注意从句用 should+v. 这样的虚拟语气)。 如上面第一句也可说成:He advised that I (should) buy a computer.
2023-01-08 01:00:451


动词suggest有如下一些用法: 一、 有"建议"的意思.advise也有此义,请比较它们用法的异同: 1) 都可接名词作宾语 She suggested / advised an early start. 她建议早一点出发. We suggested / advised a visit to the museum the next day. 我们建议明天去参观博物馆. 2) 都可接动名词作宾语 I suggested / advised putting off the sports meet. 我建议将运动会延期. They suggested / advised waiting until the proper time. 他们建议(我们)等到恰当的时机才行动. 3) 都可接that 宾语从句,that从句用should+动词原形,should可以省略. She suggested / advised that the class meeting (should) not be held on Saturday. 她建议班会不要在星期六举行. We suggested / advised that he (should) go and make an apology to his teacher. 我们建议他去向老师道歉. 4) advise 可接动词不定式复合宾语I advised him to give up the foolish idea. = I suggested his / him giving up the foolish idea. 我建议他放弃那愚蠢的念头.(suggest在口语里可接动名词的复合宾语). 接不定式不用suggest和advise 二、 有"提出"的意思.如: He suggested a different plan to his boss. 他向老板提出了一个不同的计划. Xiao Wang suggested a way to solve the problem. 小王提出了一个解决这个问题的办法. 三、 有"暗示、表明"的意思.其主语往往是事物,而不是人. 1)接名词或动名词作宾语. The simple house suggested a modest income. 这座简朴的房子表明(房主的)收入并不高. Her pale face suggested bad health. 她脸色苍白,看来身体不好. The thought of summer suggests swimming. 一想到夏天就使人们联想到游泳. 2)接宾语从句,从句用陈述语气.如: The decision suggested that he might bring his family. 这个决定表明他可以把家属带来. The expression on his face suggested that he was very angry. 他脸上的表情表明他很生气. 四、 在主语从句It is suggested that... 及名词suggestion 后面表示具体建议的表语从句、同位语从句都应用should+动词原形,should可以省略.如: It was suggested that we (should) give a performance at the party. 人们建议我们在晚会上表演节目. His suggestion was that the debts (should) be paid off first. 他的建议是先把债务还清. The doctors made a suggestion that the new hospital (should) not be set up on the hill. 医生们建议不要把新医院建在山上.
2023-01-08 01:00:541

advise to do 还是advise doing?

2023-01-08 01:01:031


adviced的过去式advice [əd"vais] n.1. 劝告;忠告2. 意见,建议,指点3. [通常用复数](尤指来自远方的)报道;消息,情报,报告4. 【商业】通知(书)
2023-01-08 01:01:092


2023-01-08 01:01:172


这里的advise 加了d 只是说明这是一个过去式,这个建议不是你现在提出的,是以前提出的 另外advise doing sth 后面要根动名词 你如果不用过去式,用动词原形,语法没错,意思就是你现在提建议
2023-01-08 01:01:301


2023-01-08 01:01:364


advisevt.1. 劝告,忠告We advised her that she (should) wait.我们劝她等。We advised him against acting in haste.我们劝他不要匆忙行事。2. 当...的顾问[W][(+on)]3. 通知,告知[(+of)][O5][O6]Please advise us of any change in your plan.你们的计划倘有变更,请告诉我们。4. 建议采取vi.1. 劝告,忠告I advised against their doing it.我劝他们不要做这件事。2. 当顾问[W]3. 建议4. 【美】商量He advised with his partners before making the decision.他在作出决定前曾与合伙人商量过。
2023-01-08 01:01:531

advise to do 还是advise doing?

2023-01-08 01:01:592

关于advise的语法都写出来,准确性... 例如: advise do sth.

do 很简单啊 主要用于一般疑问句 比如一个疑问句有be动词的It is my cat.改为一般疑问句是Is it your cat?当没有be动词时要加个助动词do例如I like apples改:DO you like apple? do就好比把be动词替换了(没有be动词的情况下)当有三单形式时助动词要加个es 形容词也要加S例如: He likes apples.改:Does he like apples?
2023-01-08 01:02:113


advise与suggest 都可作“建议”讲,二者用法有同有异. (1) 相同点 都可表示建议做某事,advise与suggest后面都可接名词/动名词/ that从句(should加动词原形,should可以省略).例如: 他建议(我们)再等一会儿. He advised/ suggested waiting a bit longer. He advised/ suggested (our) waiting a bit longer. He advised/ suggested that we (should) wait a bit longer. 上面的第三句可转化为: It was suggested that we (should) wait a bit longer. What he suggested was that we (should) wait a bit longer. His suggestion was that we (should) wait a bit longer. (2)不同点 ①advise后可以直接跟人称代词作宾语,如:advise do sth.; advise sb.against (doing) sth.; advise sb.on/ about sth.; 而suggest后一般用suggest to sb that …形式.如:他建议我们改天再来. [正]He advised us to come another day. [误]He suggested us to come another day. [误]He suggested us that we come another day. ②suggest还有“暗示、表明、指出(一个事实)”的意思.此时从句中用陈述语气,不用虚拟语气.如: Her expression suggested pleasure.她面露喜色. His silence could only suggest disapproval.他的沉默只能暗示反对.
2023-01-08 01:02:271


可以的,比如:we are advised to swim.我们被建议游泳
2023-01-08 01:02:402


过去式 advised;过去分词 advised;现在分词 advising;
2023-01-08 01:02:512


advisor的动词形式是advise,它既可以作为及物动词,也可以作为不及物动词,是建议的意思advisor的中文翻译是顾问音标:英[ədˈvaɪzə]美[ædˈvaɪzər]n.顾问;提供意见者短语搭配:1、financial advisor财务顾问;财务咨询机构2、investment advisor投资顾问;理财顾问3、academic advisor学业导师;学术指导;学习顾问例句:1、He was extremely protective of his role as advisor.他极力保护自己的顾问角色。2、My advisor suggested economics and accounting, but I am not really sure.我的导师建议我学经济和会计,但我还真不能确定。3、Listen to a conversation between a student and the faculty advisor of the campus newspaper .听一段一名学生和校园报指导老师之间的对话。同义词:n.顾问;指导教师;劝告者don / consultant / counselor同词根:n.advisory报告,公告v.advise建议
2023-01-08 01:02:5911

英语verification was advised怎么翻译?

英语:verifIcation was advised怎么翻译?翻译成中文:建议进行验证。
2023-01-08 01:03:3813

advised caution 怎么翻译呢?

advised caution意思: 深思熟虑的注意事项(告诫)Advised caution in choosing a school.建议审慎选择学校。Some of you wanted to move very quickly. Others advised caution.你们当中有些人希望我们雷厉风行,有些人则建议我们谨慎行事。
2023-01-08 01:04:261

i am advised to....是怎么构成的。。advised是形容词吗?

2023-01-08 01:04:3212

advise sb doing sth是什么句型

advise是动词,可以表示建议,通常为及物动词。advise后面不能直接跟不定式,但可接不定式的复合结构。当advise后接不定式复合结构时要被动语态形式。1. advise doing sth 建议做某事。如:He advised leaving early. 他建议早点动身。I advise waiting till proper time. 我建议等到适当时机。注:不能直接后跟不定式作宾语。所以不能说:* He advised to leave early.2. advise sb to do sth 建议某人做某事。如:He advised me to buy a computer. 他建议我买台电脑。The doctor advised me to take a complete rest. 医生建议我完全休息。注:以上意思也可用后接从句的形式表达(注意从句用 should+v. 这样的虚拟语气)。如上面第一句也可说成:He advised that I (should) buy a computer.
2023-01-08 01:05:132

advise 与suggest 的用法区别

2023-01-08 01:05:332


had 表完成
2023-01-08 01:05:414

advise to do和advise doing有什么区别

2023-01-08 01:05:554


2023-01-08 01:06:081


advice与suggestion都是名词,两者的最大区别在advice是不可数名词,表示“一条建议”用a piece of advice,而suggestion则是可数名词,表示“一条建议”用a suggestion。 1.advise和suggest均为“建议”时 advise sb to do(不定式作宾补) advise+sth./doing(动名词作宾语) advise/suggest +that sb.(should)+do(虚拟语气) suggest+sth./doing(动名词作宾语) 例如: He advised me to buy a computer.(他建议我买一台电脑) He advised/suggested buying a computer.(他建议买一台电脑) He advised/suggested that I (should) buy a computer.(他建议我买一台电脑) I advised/suggested that he buy a computer.(我建议他买一台电脑) 2.suggest意思为“表明,暗示”,后面的宾语从句用陈述语气。 例如:His pale face suggests that he is ill. 3.advice不可数,suggestion则是可数名词。 例如:He gave me a good piece of advice yesterday.(他昨天给了我一个很好的建议) The teacher made some useful suggestions at the meeting.(老师在会上提了几条有益的建议) I went there on your suggestion.(我是根据你的提议去那里的。) 注意:千万不能够用suggest to do,必须用suggest doing。
2023-01-08 01:06:161

please advise和please be advised分别是什么意思

主动和被动关系。advise sb to do sth sb be advised to do sth/that
2023-01-08 01:06:227

advise … to和 advise… on怎样区分

advise sb on sth 就某事给予某人忠告advise sb to do sth 建议某人做某事
2023-01-08 01:06:504

advice doing与advice todo的区别?

advise doing 和 advise sb. to do 最大的区别在于:advise 后接动词作宾语时,要用动名词doing;但若其后接的动词前已经有宾语,动词用作宾语补足语时,则要用不定式 to do。1、advise doing中间不能有宾语,advise sb. doing sth. 这种表达方式是错误的。
2023-01-08 01:07:0915

advise sb to do与suggest sb to do的区别,谢谢,在线等

suggest doing sth
2023-01-08 01:08:023


2023-01-08 01:01:342


2023-01-08 01:01:3515


移动 双语对照
2023-01-08 01:01:383


2023-01-08 01:01:408


是 运筹帷幄.
2023-01-08 01:01:436

丹麦麻豆 肖恩 霍夫

  Shaun Haugh姓名:Shaun Haugh  生日:1985年6月13日  国籍:美国(法裔)  家乡:宾西法尼亚州  职业:模特  入行经历:外出旅游时被发现.  身高:185CM  上身:76CM  鞋码:12  发色:深棕色  眼睛:蓝色  经纪公司:Red  好友: Mathias Lauridsen 、Theodora Richards 、Jesper Lund 、Danny Beauchamp、Vincent Lacrocq  Height: 6" 1" (185cm)  Waist: 30" (76cm)  Shoes: 12  Hair: Dark Brown  Eyes: Blue  Status: Single  Orientation: Straight  Hometown: grove shitty Body type: 6" 1" / Body builder  Ethnicity: White / Caucasian  Zodiac Sign: Gemini  Occupation: Rock Star  Income: $250,000 and Higher  Friends:Mathias Lauridsen 、Theodora Richards 、Jesper Lund 、 Danny Beauchamp、Vincent Lacrocq介绍:  Shaun Haugh 有着迪奥·桀骜 (Dior Homme)那“吸血鬼”的迷人气质。Shaun Haugh的蓝眼睛和凸出的肉感嘴唇,有种“邪恶”的美丽,纯洁略带忧郁的男孩气质,让人过目难忘。 Shaun Haugh是外出旅游时被模特公司发现而踏上模特之路的。2005年6月,Shaun Haugh首次亮相巴黎男装周为迪奥·桀骜 (Dior Homme) 06春夏系列走秀,之后Shaun Haugh 渐渐受到关注并登上《L"UOMO Vogue》、《i-D》、《GQ》等时尚杂志,迅速走红。  走秀记录  Spring/Summer 2006 (2)  Aquascutum  Dior Homme  Autumn/Witner 2006/2007 (27)  Adam+Eve  Antonio Marras  Cloak  DKNY  Dries Van NotenGaspard Yurkievich  Gieves  Hermes  Hussein Chalayan  Karl Lagerfeld Kenzo  Lanvin  Louis Vuitton  Marc by Marc Jacobs  Menichetti  Mihara Yasuhiro  Miu Miu  Narciso Rodriguez  Number (N)ine  Prada  Thom Browne  Trovata  Woo Young Mi YSL  Spring/Summer 2007 (11)  Antonio Marras  Dormeuil  Dries Van Noten  Fendi  Gaspard Yurkievich  Gieves  Gucci  J Lindeberg  Prada  Romain Kremer  YSL  目前签约经纪公司5家,分别为  纽约:Red Model Management  米兰:Why Not Model Management  伦敦:FM Agency  巴黎:Success Models  我也很喜欢他  汉堡:m4 models  还有他好像不是丹麦的吧 据说是 美国(法裔)
2023-01-08 01:01:481


2023-01-08 01:01:491

move什么意思 英文move什么意思

1、move的基本意思是“动”,可指人体姿势的改变,更多的是指人〔物〕位置的移动,引申还可表示“(使)动摇,(使)醒悟”“(使)感动”等,强调某种起促动作用的动因,外界影响或内在动机。作此解时,可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词,作及物动词时接名词、代词作宾语,也可接以动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语,意为“促使(某人)做某事”。 2、例句:The child watched, enthralled by the bright moving images. 这孩子看着那明亮的移动的影像,被迷住了。
2023-01-08 01:01:541


身高 高度
2023-01-08 01:01:254


move的意思n. 移动;步骤;迁居;动作vt. 推动;使移动;使 ... 感动;提议vi. 移动;搬家;采取行动一、读音:英 [muːv],美 [muːv]二、不同形式:过去式: moved 过去分词: moved 现在分词: moving 第三人称单数: moves三、词汇搭配用作动词 (v.)~+名词move a step 移动一步move an army 调动军队move an engine 开动引擎move heaven and earth 尽最大努力move house 搬家move one"s hand 使手动move one"s head 使头动move one"s lips 使嘴唇动move the capital 把首都从…迁到…move the furniture 搬家具扩展资料词语用法v. (动词)move的基本意思是“动”,可指人体姿势的改变,更多的是指人〔物〕位置的移动,引申还可表示“(使)动摇,(使)醒悟”“(使)感动”等,强调某种起促动作用的动因,外界影响或内在动机。作此解时,可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词,作及物动词时接名词、代词作宾语,也可接以动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语,意为“…促使(某人)做某事”。move还可表示“(在会议上正式地)提议,要求”,此时其后常接that从句,从句中谓语动词可用虚拟语气,且常省略should。move用作不及物动词也有“动”的含义,有时还可以用于表示抽象意义的“前进,活动,生活”等,还可表示“骚动”“蠢蠢欲动”。move的现在进行时可表示按计划、安排或打算将要发生的动作,这时常与将来的时间状语连用,或有特定的上下文。move在美式英语中用作不及物动词时,还可表示“搬家”,相当于英式英语的成语move house。
2023-01-08 01:01:241


答;妙语连珠、  伶牙俐齿、  结结巴巴、  对答如流、  出口成章、  能说会道、  喋喋不休、  低声细语、  娓娓而谈、  巧舌如簧、  滔滔不绝
2023-01-08 01:01:242


List of dog fighting breeds(斗狗种类列表)如果中文名字翻译有错误,请大家帮忙指正. Dogs that can fight... (可以用于打斗的犬类) First Class(第一等) - American Pit Bull Terrier(美国比特) (True Bred Fighting Dog)(此犬是完全用于打斗的犬) - Tosa Inu (土佐)(True Bred Fighting Dog) (此犬是用于打斗的犬) Dogs that have GREAT potential to be First Class?(最有潜力成为第一等斗犬的狗?) Between First Class and Second Class (在第一等和第二等之间的犬种) - Dogo Argentino(阿根廷杜高) (Hunting Dog(狩猎犬) w/ Extraordinary Fighting Capabilities(不寻常的打斗能力) - Presa Canario(加纳利) (True Bred Fighting Dog)(用于打斗的狗) Dogs that have little or no chance of beating the First Class...(很少机会或无法与第一等抗衡的狗) Second Class(第二等) - American Bandogge(美国班道戈獒) (APBT/Neo cross) (Guardian(看护犬) w/ fighting capabilities(有打斗能力)) - English Bull Terrier(英国牛斗) (True Bred Fighting Dog) (用于打斗的犬类) - American Staffordshire Terrier(美国斯塔福) (Show Dog(展示犬)/True Bred Fighting Dog)(用于打斗的犬) - American Bulldog(美国牛斗) (Hunting Dog(狩猎犬)/Bull Baiting(斗牛)/The Foundation For Most Of The True Bred Fighting Dogs)(用语打斗的犬) - Bully Kutta( 巴几司坦酷达)(True Bred Fighting Dog) (用于打斗的犬) - Fila Brasileiro(巴西非勒) (Hunting Dog(狩猎犬) w/ Fighting Capabilities)(有打斗能力) - Gul Dong(古更??不确定,知道请告之) (Gull Terr) (True Bred Fighting Dog(用于打斗的犬)) - Indian Bull Terrier(印度牛斗更) (True Bred Fighting Dog) (用语打斗的犬) Dogs that have GREAT potential to be Second Class?(最有潜力成为第二等的犬?) Between Second Class and Third Class(在第二等和第三等之间的犬) - Neapolitan Mastiff (纽波利顿獒)(Guard Dog) (看护犬) - Mallorquin Bulldog (Ca De Bou) (马洛昆斗牛)(Guard Dog/Fighting Dog)(看护/打斗) Dogs that have little or no chance of beating the Second Class...(有很小可能或者无法打败第二等的犬) Third Class(第三等) - Caucasian Ovtcharka(俄罗斯高加索) (Sheepdog(牧羊) w/ Extraordinary Fighting capabilities(不寻常的打斗能力)) - Cane Corso Italiano( 卡斯罗)(Hunting Dog/Guardian Dog) (狩猎/看护) - Spanish Bulldog(西班牙牛斗), and Spanish Alano (西班牙阿来诺)(could be 2 breeds, or could be 1) (可以划分为2类犬,或一类) - Dogue De Bordeaux(波尔多) (Guardian Dog/Fighting Dog) (看护/打斗) - Guatemalan Bull Terrier(瓜地麻拉牛斗) (Guardian Dog)(看护犬) - Staffordshire Bull Terrier (斯塔福牛斗)(True Bred Fight Dog)(纯打斗犬) - Akita Inu(日本秋田) (Fighting Dog/Guardian Dog/Hunting Dog) (打斗/看护/狩猎) Dogs that have GREAT potential to be Third Class?(最有潜力成为第三等的犬?) Between Third Class and Fourth Class (在第三等和第四等之间) - Bullmastiff (斗牛獒)(Guard Dog)(看护犬) - Alaskan Malamute阿拉斯加犬) (Work Dog w/ Fighting Instincts) (工作犬/有打架的天性) And finally dogs that have no chance or little of beating the third class, but can still hold their own...(最后是一些无法与第三等犬抗衡的犬,但是至少可以自卫) The fourth class (第四等) - German Shepherd(德国黑背) (Sheepdog(牧羊犬) w/ extraordinary protection capabilities)(不寻常的保护能力) - Doberman Pinscher(德国杜宾犬) (Guardian Dog w/ extraordinary protection capabilities) (看护犬/不寻常的看护能力) - Rottweiler (罗威纳犬)(Guardian Dog w/ extraordinary protection capabilities) (看护犬/不寻常的保护能力) - Shar Pei(沙皮) (Guardian Dog/Fighting Dog)(看护犬/打斗犬) - Wolf Hybrids(狼狗) (Extraordinary Fighting/Protection Instinct) (不寻常的打斗能力/保护天性) - Tibetan Mastiff,(藏獒) ( including the Boerboel and others(包括南非獒等)) (Guardian Dogs (看护犬)w/ Extraordinary Size ToAid Them If They Were To Fight) (如果参与打斗,他们的体积将是最有利的先天条件)
2023-01-08 01:01:236


hight [hait] a.[古,诗]被称为…的
2023-01-08 01:01:191


描写人物语言的词语有:妙语连珠、伶牙俐齿、结结巴巴、对答如流、出口成章、能说会道。1、妙语连珠,汉语成语,拼音是miào yǔ lián zhū,意思是巧妙风趣的话一个接一个。出自《次韵答子由》。2、伶牙俐齿,汉语成语,拼音是líng yá lì chǐ,意思是形容人机灵,很会说话。出自元·吴昌龄《张天师》。3、结结巴巴,汉语成语,拼音是jiē jiē bā bā,指由于兴奋或口吃带有不大连贯或间歇性重复声音的说话。也比喻凑合,勉强。出自老舍《骆驼祥子》。4、对答如流,汉语成语,拼音是duì dá rú liú,意思指回答问话像流水一样快。形容口才好,反应快。出自《北史·李孝伯传》。5、出口成章,汉语成语,拼音是chū kǒu chéng zhāng,意思是话说出来就是一篇文章,形容文思敏捷,口才好。出自《诗经·小雅·都人士》。
2023-01-08 01:01:181


move的意思是移动。英 [muːv]   美 [muːv]    n. 移动,步骤,迁居,动作vt. 推动,使移动,使......感动,提议vi. 移动,搬家,采取行动例句:This move is now in preparation.翻译:这一步骤,目前正在准备中。短语:move one"s hand 使手动近义词advance 英 [əd"vɑːns]   美 [əd"væns]    n. 前进,进展,预付金v. 前进,预付,增长,推进adj. 预先的,提前的例句:There have been great progresses in medicine in the past decade.翻译:在过去十年里,医学取得了巨大的进步。短语:advance an idea 提出一个主意
2023-01-08 01:01:131


2023-01-08 01:01:093