barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-29 09:55:50

1. Offer of a Place

This offer of a place is conditional on you obtaining the necessary Australian Student visa. Please refer to the offer and note any specific conditional attached to this offer.



2. Statement of Fees

This document sets out the fees payable and provides information regarding payment methods. If you wish to accept the Offer of a Place you must make payment as per the attached Statement of Fees, your Confirmation of Enrolment, Welfare Letter (if applicable) and Arrival Details Form will be issued.



3. International Student Program Application Agreement for Enrolment

This is a copy of the term and conditions for enrolment in the EQI international student program for your records. Prior to formally accepting the Offer of a Place, you and your parents should ensure that you have read and understood these terms and conditions as set out in the ‘Agreement for Enrolment" contained in this Application Form that you and your parents have agreed to comply with.



4. EQI Formalization of Enrolment-Refund Policy

This is Eli"s Refund Policy. This policy should be read in conjunction with the Agreement for Enrolment contained in the Queensland Government Schools Information Application Form that you and your parents have agreed to comply with. You and your parents should familiarize yourself with this policy and the Agreement for Enrolment prior to accepting this Offer of a Place or paying the Fees set out in the Statement of Fees.





这所提供的一个地方的条件是你获得必要的澳大利亚学生签证的. 请参阅提供和注意任何特定的条件附属于这个提议。





4。EQI Formalisation Enrolment-Refund的政策













2023-07-28 15:04:252


2023-07-28 15:04:352


2023-07-28 15:05:012

get familirar with 和get familiarized with一样吗

用法不一样.familiar with [形容词] : 精通…, 熟悉…, 和…相好Before you leave home for your world tour, you should be familiar with English. 在你离国周游世界之前, 你应该先通晓英文。familiarized 後须接 sb 或 oneself to familiarize sb with sth. 使某人熟悉某事物He tried to familiarize himself with the use of the new tool. 他努力熟悉新工具的使用。to familiarized oneself with sth. 使自己通晓某事You should familiarize yourself with its rules before you play the game. 你在玩这游戏前得熟悉它的规则。
2023-07-28 15:05:201


2023-07-28 15:05:292


2023-07-28 15:05:453


realize 领悟,了解,认识到实现;使成为事实【书】把(证券、产业等)变卖;(以变卖产业等)获(利);售得,卖得变卖产业为现钱 actualize 实现;实施 recognize 认出,识别;认识 The policeman recognized her as a pickpocket. 警察认出她是个小偷。 He looked at the envelope and recognized Jenny"s handwriting immediately. 他看了看信封,马上认出是珍妮的笔迹。 正式承认;认可,认定 Many countries recognized the new government. 许多国家承认了新政府。 承认(事实);认清 I recognized that I had made a mistake. 我认识到自己犯了一个错误。 赏识;表彰 The government recognized his outstanding service by giving him a medal. 政府为他颁赠勋章,以表彰他的卓著功绩。 招呼;理睬 He will not recognize me any longer. 他不愿再理睬我了。 (会议主席)准许...发言 You should wait till the chairman recognizes you. 你应该等到主席准许后才能发言。 【律】使具结
2023-07-28 15:05:532

英语熟悉某某事物是用短语"be familiarized with"吗?

be familliar with
2023-07-28 15:06:014

“熟练”作为动词, 英语是什么?

如果作为动词的话,应该是:masterbe skilled inbe proficient in
2023-07-28 15:06:126


2023-07-28 15:06:326


1和2是常用的用法,to是介词,后面跟名词或动名词.而根据牛津高级词典,accustom还有主动的意思,表示:To habituate, familiarize (a person or thing to (in, into, for, with obs.) something, or to do something). 因此3和4是这个用法下的被动形式,表示(在外部影响下)形成了习惯
2023-07-28 15:07:001


2023-07-28 15:07:196


1uff09Duff08processuff092uff09Duff08specializeduff093uff09Buff08pamphletuff094uff09Auff08intrigueuff095uff09Cuff08onuff096uff09Buff08disclosinguff097uff09Cuff08significantuff098uff09Duff08familiarizeuff099uff09Duff08intricteuff0910uff09Cuff08deduceduff0911uff09Duff08disregarduff0912uff09Cuff08as well asuff0913uff09Buff08crucialuff0914uff09Cuff08dodgeuff0915uff09Buff08lostuff0916uff09Auff08based onuff0917uff09Cuff08gadgetuff0918uff09Duff08purchaseuff0919uff09Buff08saiduff0920uff09Auff08failureuff09
2023-07-28 15:07:343


only two ways to improve read more(essays,novels, movies,newspapers,etc. )glossarywhat you have to do is to practise ,practise and practise!
2023-07-28 15:07:453


问题一:牛排3分熟,5分熟,7分熟,全熟,英语怎么说? 一分熟牛排(rare):牛排内部为血红色且内部各处保持一定温度,同时有生熟部分。 三分熟牛排(medium rare):大部分肉接受热量渗透传至中心,但还未产生大变化,切开后 上下两侧熟肉棕色,向中心处转为粉色再然后中心为鲜肉色,伴随刀切有血渗出。(新鲜牛肉和较厚牛排这种层次才会明显,对冷冻牛肉和薄肉排很难达到这种效果) 五分熟牛排(med定um):牛排内部为区域粉红可见且夹杂着熟肉的浅灰和综褐色,整个牛排温度口感均衡。 七分熟牛排(medium well):牛排内部主要为浅灰综褐色,夹杂着少量粉红色,质感偏厚重,有咀嚼感。 全熟牛排(well done):牛排通体为熟肉褐色,牛肉整体已经烹熟,口感厚重。 问题二:熟悉用英语怎么说 熟悉: be familiar with know well be acquainted with intimacy be up on 熟悉 : know sth. or *** . well; be familiar with; have an intimate knowledge of; at home: 例句: know the ins and outs of the matter; know the inside story of; be in the know; 熟悉内情familiarize oneself with one"s new job; 熟悉自己的处作 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!请记得采纳,谢谢!(*^__^*) 问题三:成熟的英文翻译? mature 问题四:牛排从1分熟到10分熟用英文怎么说 你的牛排要几分熟? 通常点牛排,或是在高级一点的餐厅点牛肉汉堡,服务生都会这样问你How do you like it cooked? 回答的方式也有几种:全熟是 well done,七分熟是medium well,五分熟是medium,四分熟是medium rare,三分熟是 rare。 那么,这些不同程度的牛排会是什么味道呢?没有吃过的人可能会觉得有点难想象。其实,摸摸自己头上的各部位就能知道你要的牛排煮出来会是什么样子了。well-done 就和头顶的感觉差不多, 硬梆梆的;medium well 就是额头,稍微有点弹性;medium 是鼻头,软软的; rare 就是下巴最柔软的部份。另外记得看烹饪节目的时候,有个老外教做牛排,五分熟的牛排摸起来的感觉就和摸手上虎口部位靠近骨头的肉的感觉差不多。大家再吃牛排的时候可以试一下。 问题五:牛排的 全熟 半生熟 7分熟 英文怎么说 全熟是 well done 七分熟是medium well 五分熟是medium
2023-07-28 15:07:531


Although many students dislike English, often feel confused about English learning, they still feel that it is necessary to learn English well.
2023-07-28 15:08:041

in order to make us familiarized with your products,we shall appreciate "your" giving us the detail

in order to make us familiarized with your products,we shall appreciate "your" giving us the details of them.为使我们熟悉贵公司的产品,我们很感激你们提供给我们产品的详情。这个your是修饰giving的,翻译后是我们感谢你们的提供(giving这里翻译为提供的),但是give是及物动词,它涉及到提供什么东西,提供给谁的问题,所以give后面是us the details of them。give后面只是说明的详细了一些。例句:We appreciate your helping us.我们对你们给予我们的帮助表示感谢。这个句子可能更好说明。
2023-07-28 15:08:161


shóu (用于口语)shú(用于书面语,有时用于口语)熟,形声。从火,从孰(shú),孰亦声。“孰”意为“享用肉丸”。“火”指“烹饪”。“孰”与“火”联合起来表示“烧煮肉丸”。本义:把食物烹煮到可口。扩展资料:基本字义1. 食物烧煮到可吃的程度:饭~了。2. 植物的果实或种子长成,又特指庄稼可收割或有收成:成~。瓜~蒂落。3. 程度深:~睡。~思(经久而周密地思考)。深思~虑。4. 做某种工作时间长了,精通而有经验:~练。娴~。~习。~能生巧。5. 习惯,常见,知道清楚:~人。~悉。~记(强记)。轻车~路。6. 经过加工炼制的:~铁。~皮子。~石膏。详细字义动词1. (形声。字从火,从孰( shú),孰亦声。“孰 [1] ”意为“享用肉丸”。“火”指“烧煮”。“火”与“孰”联合起来表示“烧煮肉丸以享用”。本义:把食物烹煮到可口。说明:“孰”字不从火,是指享用自然成熟的新鲜的(圆形)瓜果。加上“火”字符表示“从各个角度烧煮食物使之全面熟透”,这里的“丸”指“球”,意思是“全面”、“各个角度”)2. 同本义 [cooked]熟治万物。——《礼记·礼运》 。疏:“谓烹煮。”宰夫胹熊蹯不熟。——《左传·宣公二年》3. 又如:熟末(指煮得烂熟的食物);熟切店(卖熟肉的店铺);熟水(开水);熟献(指烹熟的上献祭品)4. 谷物、水果或微生物等成熟 [harvest]秋,大熟,未收。——《书·金滕》五谷熟而民人育。——《孟子·滕文公上》瓜熟蒂落。——张君房《云笈七签》稻有七月熟者,有八九月熟者,有十月熟者谓之晚稻。——宋· 沈括《梦溪笔谈》5. 又如:早熟;熟岁(谷熟之岁);熟颗(指成熟的粮食颗粒)6.成熟 [ripen]夫仁,亦在乎熟之而已矣。——《孟子·告子上》功成业熟也何难。——庐肇《成名后作》7. 熟悉 [familiarize;have intimate knowledge of]胡不谋之人心以熟吾道?——柳宗元《断刑论下》无他,但手熟尔。——宋· 欧阳修《归田录》8. 又如:熟娴(即“娴熟”。熟练);熟嘴(油嘴;贫嘴);纯熟(很熟练);熟精(熟悉精通);熟会(熟练);熟溜(熟练貌);熟口(娴于唱曲的人)〈形词〉1. 经过加工或处理过的 [wrought]。如:熟麻(煮熟的麻);熟药(经过加工炮制的药材);熟衣(煮炼过的丝制品制成的衣服);熟纸(经过煮捶或涂蜡的纸);熟货(用原料加工制成的物品);熟肚(怀孕或生育过的妇女);熟粪(沤熟的粪肥)2. 有收成;丰收 [bumper]天之道出阳为煖以生之,出阴为清以成之,是故非薰也不能有育,非薰也不能有熟,岁之精也。——汉· 董仲舒《春秋繁露·煖燠孰多》3. 又如:熟年(丰年);熟岁(丰年);熟荣(丰收)4. 熟悉 [familiar]此论不可不熟。——《吕氏春秋·重已》。注:“犹知也。”而敬亭耳剽口熟,从委巷活套中来者,无不与 宁南意合。—— 清· 黄宗羲《柳敬亭传》5. 又如:熟口(熟悉演唱的人);熟间(熟悉的行业);熟精(熟悉精通);熟脚(熟悉情况的人);熟落(熟悉);熟会(熟悉);熟晓(十分了解);熟滑(熟悉);熟分(熟悉;相熟);熟狎(过分亲昵、随便);熟不讲礼(熟人不必计较礼数)6. 土壤经过多年耕耘,已适于作物生长的 [cultirated]。如:熟土;熟地;熟田7. 精审,仔细 [carefully]凡闻言必熟论,其于人必验之以理。——《吕氏春秋·察传》愿大王熟察,少加怜焉。——汉· 邹阳《狱中上梁王书》8. 又如:熟念(反覆斟酌,仔细考虑);熟视(细看);熟味(仔细体会);熟筹(仔细筹划);熟算(深入细致地谋划);熟寻(仔细探索);熟议(仔细计议);熟耕(精耕);熟计(周密地谋划)9. 表示程度深 [deeply]守门卒方熟寐,尽杀之。——《资治通鉴·唐纪》10. 又如:熟卧(熟睡);熟寐(熟睡);熟寝(熟睡);醉熟(沉醉);熟暑(酷暑);熟红(深红)〈量词〉1. 在一年内农田作物成熟的次数 [crop]。如:两熟2. 结果、开花或生出其他产品的活动或事实 [bearing]。如:一年三熟3. 另见 shóu通假古文中,“熟”通“孰”。如杜甫《垂老别》诗:“熟知是死别,且复伤其寒。” 句中熟即孰意。——黄现璠《古书解读初探》
2023-07-28 15:08:392


2023-07-28 15:09:043

大神们帮忙汉译英 手动翻译,别用翻译软件,能看出来的。就算用了也帮我改改 我们都想要健康,

2023-07-28 15:09:142

You have a played very happy in Paris语法对吗?

2023-07-28 15:09:233


问题一:熟悉用英语怎么说 熟悉: be familiar with know well be acquainted with intimacy be up on 熟悉 : know sth. or *** . well; be familiar with; have an intimate knowledge of; at home: 例句: know the ins and outs of the matter; know the inside story of; be in the know; 熟悉内情familiarize oneself with one"s new job; 熟悉自己的处作 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!请记得采纳,谢谢!(*^__^*) 问题二:熟悉用英文怎么说 be familiar with 问题三:熟悉用英语怎么说 s激.be familiar with sth. sth. be familiar to *** . 问题四:对什么很熟悉用英语怎么讲 be familiar with 问题五:英文“ 熟悉环境 ”怎么说 be familiar with the places 注: be familiar with 英 [bi: f??milj? wie] 美 [bi f??m?lj? w?e] v. 熟悉; 认识; [例句]He does not seem to be familiar with research which might have strengthened his own arguments.. 他对那些本可以为他的观点提供佐证的研究似乎并不熟悉。 问题六:“请熟悉附件内容” 英文怎么说? Please be familiar with attachments 问题七:对......来说很熟悉 用英语怎么说 sth looks familiar to *** / familiar to e.g.: he is familiar with me.他和我很熟悉. this question is familiar to me. 这个问题(对我来说)好像好熟悉.
2023-07-28 15:09:531

英语熟悉某某事物是用短语"be familiarized with"吗?

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 英语熟悉某某事物是用短语"be familiarized with"吗? 解析: 熟悉某某事物 be familiar with sth be up on sthknow sth well acquaintance sth
2023-07-28 15:10:001


你自己的英文:yourselfyourself造句1、Familiarize yourself with them so you can choose which options best fit your needs.请熟悉这些选项,以便选择最适合您要求的选项。2、Picture yourself on a merry-go-round that is spinning dangerously fast.想像你处在转得极快的旋转木马上。3、Obsess yourself with all the things that might happen in the future.沉浸于未来可能发生的事情。4、"So angry I almost hematemesis:" people look for yourself and see!气得我差点吐血:“你自己去找人看吧!”5、Be forgiving with yourself and move on.原谅你自己,然后继续前进。6、You read the books and you found yourself all alone.你已经读了些书,发现自己完全孤独了。7、Give yourself some quiet time with a book or music.给自己一点安静的时间,看看书或是听听音乐。8、To chastise yourself for making a "mistake" is to waste valuable time and energy.为自己曾犯过的错误惩罚自己是在浪费宝贵的时间和经历。9、Don"t allow yourself to rationalize going back to bed. Just force yourself to go out of the room.不要允许自己再回到床上,强制自己走出房间。10、Don"t let yourself be cowed down by his threat to make it public.不要被他要公开此事的威胁吓倒。11、Don"t impose yourself on people who don"t like you.不要硬缠着不喜欢你的人。12、"you ought to be ashamed of yourself for using such wicked words!“你说了这样恶毒的话,应该为自己感到羞耻!”13、Pull yourself together, do you want to show the white feather in front of your family?振作起来,难道你要在家人面前显示胆怯吗?14、Familiarize yourself with your child"s learning style.要熟知自己与孩子的学习风格。15、How can you, so young, compare yourself to Herakles?你这么年轻怎么能和赫拉克勒斯相比?16、But remember to follow the Oxford rules so you don"t inadvertently get yourself in trouble.但是记住要遵守“牛津定律”才不会给自己惹来不必要的麻烦。17、Lie to yourself and those around you.对自己和身边的人撒谎。18、One of the really fun outcomes of career planning is picturing yourself in the future.一个非常有趣的职业生涯规划的结果是想象自己的未来。19、But all the while, you keep leaving yourself behind.但是,你一直把自己留在身后。
2023-07-28 15:10:101


oneselfto前面可以加很多,比如:absent oneself from 缺席avail oneself of 利用accustom oneself to 热心于adapt oneself to 适应于addict oneself in 沉溺于address oneself to 着手amuse oneself with (by) 以……自娱apply oneself to 致力于bethink oneself of 考虑bend oneself to 热衷于break oneself of 去掉……习惯charge oneself with 承担conceal oneself 藏身concern oneself with 关心;忙于confine oneself to 局限于content oneself 满足curl oneself up 卷曲着身子deliver oneself of 说出devote oneself to 致力于distinguish oneself by 因……而出名dress oneself in 穿着engage oneself in 从事于engage oneself to 同……订婚enjoy oneself 过得愉快excuse oneself 辩解exert oneself 努力familiarize oneself with 精通flatter oneself 自认为free oneself of 摆脱give oneself to 热衷于help oneself to 随意吃indulge oneself in 沉迷于lose oneself in 入迷occupy oneself with 从事oppose oneself to 反对perfect oneself in 使自己精通(或非常了解)prepare oneself for 准备present oneself at 出席pride oneself on 以……自豪remove oneself from 离开resign oneself to 听任revenge oneself on 报复rid oneself to 除去seat oneself in (on) 就座throw oneself to 投身于
2023-07-28 15:10:301

“请熟悉附件内容” 英文怎么说?

Please be familiar with attachments
2023-07-28 15:11:012


说明书、小册子或活页目录可以这样说:instruction 英[in04str05k0605n] 美[01n04str05k0605n] 1.使用说明书, 操作指南 brochure 英[04br05u06u05] 美[bro040603r] 1.(旅行)小册子 2.(某地、某旅馆等的)情况介绍手册,小册子,说 明书 3.(印成小册子的)论文index 英[04indeks] 美[0401n05d07ks] 1.索引 2.卡片索引;文献索引,题目索引;拇指索引
2023-07-28 15:12:051

英语 深刻理解,熟练掌握,一般掌握,怎么说?

A deep understanding of the operation of the database and familiarize themselves with analysis tools, in general have relevant industry knowledge
2023-07-28 15:12:164


提高听数字正确率的话~建议自己多读多听就可以了,这个很简单~~至于加快阅读速度的方法,我今天刚好看到一篇文章~应该是外国人写的,觉得很好~~由于字数限制,先上一部分。。。你先看看吧,如果你想看全文,就给我一个你的邮箱~《很专业耐心看完这篇文章的人英语阅读速度将会大幅度提升!!! 来源: 林关亮的日志》 As our eyes move across the page they make a series of jerky movements. Whenever they come to rest on a word that is called a fixation. Most people fixate once on each word across a line of print. In order to make our speed increase we must take in more words with each fixation, rather than make our eyes move faster.1. Try to avoid focusing on every word, but rather look at groups of 2 to 3 words. For instance, this sentence could be grouped in this manner: for instance / this sentence / could be grouped / in this manner "2. Work on vocabulary improvement. Familiarize yourself with new words so you don"t get stuck on them when you read them again.3. Read more! 15 minutes a day of reading an average size novel equals 18 books a year at an average reading speed!4.Determine your purpose before reading. If you only need main ideas, then allow yourself to skim the material. Don"t feel you must read very word.5.Spend a few minutes a day reading at a faster than comfortable rate (about 2 to 3 times faster than your normal speed). Use your hand or an index card to guide your eyes down the page. Then time yourself reading a few pages at your normal speed. You"ll find that often your normal reading speed will increase after your skimming practice.6. If you have poor concentration when reading, practice reading for only 5 - 10 minutes at a time and gradually increase this time.7.There are several books on increasing reading speed available in most bookstores. If you are serious about increasing your rate you may want to work systematically through one of these booksSUGGESTIONS FOR IMPROVING READING SPEEDImprovement of Reading RateIt is safe to say that almost anyone can double his speed of reading while maintaining equal or even higher comprehension. In other words, anyone can improve the speed with which he gets what he wants from his reading.The average college student reads between 250 and 350 words per minute on fiction and non-technical materials. A "good" reading speed is around 500 to 700 words per minute, but some people can read a thousand words per minute or even faster on these materials. What makes the difference? There are three main factors involved in improving reading speed: (1) the desire to improve, (2) the willingness to try new techniques and (3) the motivation to practice. :Learning to read rapidly and well presupposes that you have the necessary vocabulary and comprehension skills. When you have advanced on the reading comprehension materials to a level at which you can understand college-level materials, you will be ready to speed reading practice in earnest.
2023-07-28 15:12:241


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2023-07-28 15:13:331


我们的记录显示您尚未履行早期关于公司通过电子邮件罢了。我们要求你熟悉这些材料在回顾和承认每年的基础。  我们公司合规包括法律和道德责任符合所有适用的法律、法规、规章、政策、指示和程序的所有国家中球和它的附属公司和成员操作。    请花几分钟现在要参观:2011每年年度合规通过改变您的状态为“接受”的链接在上面提到的,你会意识到你的理解,而且符合信息包含在这些文件。谢谢
2023-07-28 15:13:413

英语 根据照片中的问题写出一段话

2023-07-28 15:13:482


问题一:我的校园经历 英文怎么翻译 my experiences in the campus 问题二:在学校生活中,我经历了许多比赛怎样用英语说、 In school life, I have experienced many petitions. 在学校生活中,我经历了许多比赛 问题三:校园英文怎么写 校园 [xiào yuán] 基本翻译 campus schoolyard 网络释义 校园:campus|campus n.|schoolyard 问题四:校内实践经历在英文简历里用英语怎么说就是比如担任 校内实践经历在的英文翻译_百度翻译 校内实践经历在 School practice experience experience_百度翻译 experience 英[?k?sp??ri?ns] 美[?k?sp?ri?ns] n. 经验,体验; 经历,阅历; vt. 感受; 亲身参与,亲身经历; 发现; [例句]He has also had managerial experience on every level 问题五:校园生活用英语怎么说 school life 问题六:在准备英文简历,一下的校园经历请帮我用英文翻译出来,不要机翻,语言简洁,谢谢 2010--2012年:校勤工助学部,干事 2010--2012: Served as an secretary/assistant in the Work-study Department of the University ●协助部长组织贫困生资格评选,及助学金资料整理及评选名单,有一定的整理能力,进一步熟悉了Word、Excel办公软件。 Assisting the Director in organizing the appraisal and selection of poor students eligible for grant-in-aids, and in sorting out the data for grant-in-aids and list of students for appraisal, in which I improved my ability in sorting out data and further familiarized myself with office software as Word, Excel etc. ●帮助指导员发放助学金,培养了谨慎细心的工作态度。 Assisting theinstructor/supervisor in dispensing thegrant-in-aids, which cultivated my prudence and carefulness in work. ●共参与两届勤工助学晚会的幕后工作,均获得校优秀组织奖,锻炼了组织能力和团队沟通合作能力。 Taking part in backstage work for two sessions of work-study evening parties and won both the outstanding organization awards of the university, which enhanced my ability in organization and team work and munication. 2008--2010年:校编辑部,文字及板块编辑 2008--2010: Served as text and block editor in the editorial department of the University ●整理学生稿件,筛选优秀的符合刊物主题的文章加以审核,锻炼了文字整理和鉴赏能力。 Sorting out students" submissions, selecting and reviewing excellent articles which correspond to the topic of the publication, which enhanced my ability in wording and literary appreciation. ●参与校月刊和校报的编写及文字排版,具有一定的文学底蕴和写作、编排能力。 Taking part in pilation and text layout of the university magazine and newspaper, which strengthened my literary aptitude and ability in writing and piling. ●协助部长组织征文活动,提高了组织和协作能力。 Assisting the Dir......>> 问题七:让校园充满绿色用英文怎么说 Make the campus green 问题八:“我在XX学校读书”用英语怎么说? 当然是at了,在大地名前用in,在小地名前一般用at,当然也有特殊情况了。如果school前面有形容词或者做前置定语的名词时就要用要用in,二者有时可以互换,但必须是I 海tudy atu30fbu30fbu30fbschool。
2023-07-28 15:14:101

请帮我用英文翻译一下 万分感谢

I am a responsible worker. I am strict with myself and emphasize on sanitation. I am able to work and communicate with my colleagues harmony.I am good in costing control. I can make a dish without exceed budget. I hope can get favoured by my colleagues and customers and recognition by my superior too.I can cooperate well. I have experiences in manage the flows of canteen, hotel, and big organizations. 还不够好,希望还有其他人帮助你。
2023-07-28 15:14:182


nonfiction翻译中文为:纪实文学。纪实文学是一种迅速反映客观真实的现实生活的新兴文学样式,亦称“报告小说”,是报告文学化的小说,也是小说化的报告文学。它以真人真事为基础,可以有一定的虚构性,但对虚构还有一定的限制。nonfiction双语例句1、He would recommend nonfiction tomes to his parents.他会推荐非小说书籍给他的父母。2、Or read some educational nonfiction before bed instead of my go-to novels or mysteries?或是在睡前看些有教育性的非小说类图书,而不是看口水书或推理小说?3、Novels and many nonfiction books are semantically simple.小说和许多纪实类书籍在代码的语义上很简单。4、Modern fiction and nonfiction texts familiarize students with idiomatic french.现代小说和散文文本熟悉的学生成语法语。5、Scan the nonfiction or self-help bestseller lists and you "ll see a plethora of titles aimed at boosting women "s chances for romantic success.扫一眼那些写实文学或者自自救式的畅销作品目录,你就会看到很多旨在增加妇女获得爱情几率的标题。
2023-07-28 15:14:281

求翻译课程描述~~ 课程名称:电力电子技术

这个真心不太好翻,主要是中英文不太好对,我又不懂。。。但素,还是做到了~~ -----------------Course Description:This course familiarizes the students with basic power switch technology and associated electronic circuits. In this course power electronic circuits and switching devices such as power transistors, and their applications in AC/DC, DC/DC, DC/AC and AC/AC converters as well as switching power supplies are studied. .Students are expected to analyze, model, and predict the performance of basic power converter configuration, and to explain the power electronics topologies and to design proper switching circuitsCourse main content:u2022 Power Semiconductor Devicesu2022 AC to DC (rectifier) u2022 DC/AC Inverteru2022 DC/DC Converteru2022 AC/AC Voltage controller u2022 switch mode power converters, motor drives & their control
2023-07-28 15:14:531


2023-07-28 15:15:135


语言是人类传递信息和表情达意的工具。为了在听话者和说话者之间建立起一座更 顺畅的交流的桥梁,为了建立良好的个人形象,为了避免交流中尴尬或冲突的出现,人们要 使用礼貌用语。英语中一些常见的单词,如:thanks,hello,hi,sorry等,均属于最简单 的礼貌用语。交谈时对方因感冒而打喷嚏,对方会说:"Excuse me",而你会说:"God bles s you!"。来到商店,售货员会礼貌地问一句:"Can I help you, please?"。这些都是语言 礼貌原则的体现。 人们表达礼貌的方式多种多样,比如:1. I thought you were needing me, Mr. Singer.(用过去时表示礼貌); 2. May I come in, please?(用情态动词表示礼貌); 3. Every piece of luggage has to be examined through.(用被动式表示礼貌);等等。 本文主要谈的内容是关于英语中选择合适的语言来表达礼貌的问题。 如果谈论一个坐轮椅的人(在汉语中我们说残疾人,而不是残废人),我们说a challenged person,而不是a disabled person。形容老年人用senior people, 不要 用old people。也就是说,在英语使用过程中,应该尽量避免暗含性别、种族、身体、年龄 等偏见或歧视的语言。如: 例句一:Ms. Edward is a very large woman and moves around with difficulty but sh e sparkles with intelligence and wit.。 在当代,如果人们因为种族或宗教原因对别人 表示不敬,就会被看作是“政治上的错误(politically incorrect)”,但是对体态丰满者 的不敬和偏见却并不是这样。上句话中的but一词暗示了说话者的偏见,即:肥胖者通常是笨 拙和愚蠢的。这明显是一种对他人的冒犯,所以这句话可以改为:Ms. Edward, a very lar ge woman who moves around with difficulty, sparkles with intelligence and wit.。 例句二:Her study looks at some of the special challenges faced by deaf people w ho are married to normal partners.。使用normal作为与残疾人相对的词来形容健全的人 ,实际上暗示身有残疾的人abnormal。我们虽然可以说normal/abnormal hearing, vision ,body movement,etc.,但是normal和abnormal形容人则不甚合适。 这句话可以改为:He r study looks at some of the special challenges faced by deaf people who are mar ried to hearing partners.。 例句三:The islanders are a friendly and cheerful people, with a natural gift f or music and dance that their Western visitors may well envy.。。每一个民族和文化 都倾向于给别的文化定型(如:parsimonious Dutch,hot-blooded Italians,dour Swiss ,conservative Canadians,等等),就算不考虑其中的偏见成分,这种定型没有看到构成 整体的每个个体的特点。friendly and cheerful 实际上走向了种族主义的对立极端---过 分的讨好。natural gift则太强调先天因素,暗含对后天努力的否定,对个体具体表现的忽 视。可以改为:Visitors to the island are made to feel welcome, and are urged to take in some of the many music and dance performances that are a strong part of the local culture.。 例句四:The rowdiest of the patrons were hauled off in the paddy wagon, and the rest soon dispersed.。现在我们肯定不会说“That"s awfully white of you”或者“Don "t try to jew me down”之类的暗含种族主义的言论,但是我们很少有人知道paddy在这里 暗含对爱尔兰人的贬义。这类的例子还有:gyp(to swindle or cheat, from gypsy),I ndian giver(to give only to take back),还有welsh或welch(break a promise or r efuse to pay a debt)。英国人把梅毒叫作the French pox,而法国人则称之为the Engli sh pox。这句话可以改为:The rowdiest of the patrons were hauled off in the polic e van, and the rest soon dispersed.。 还有一类礼貌涉及性别问题,这也是本文将要特别谈到的问题。英语语言趋向于把 男性作为标准:绝大部分词根是男性(阳性),而女性(阴性)则需要加词缀具体说明。对 于力图避免这类歧视的人来说,英语中挑战性的部分是人称代词。从传统语法角度来讲 ,使用he或him来指代未明性别者是可以的,但是现在越来越多的人把这看作是性别歧视。可 是英语中本来是没有一个代词专指代男性和女性集合中的任何一个的(有人发明了“shim” ,不过似乎没有得到大众的认可),所以为了避免性别歧视,人们只好写作he/she,s/he或 把they用作一个单数代词。he/she或s/he写起来或听起来很不顺,而they作单数又不符合语 法,人们这么写或这么说只是为了显示自己不会使用阳性代词来指代所有的人(包括女性) 。当然在口语中,象"Someone left this fan letter for you, but they didn"t sign it "这样的句子听起来是很自然的,也不会产生歧义,但是在书面语中语法规则要严格得多,所 以they一般只指第三人称复数。如下面一句话就很不合适,并容易产生歧义: Response to the new version of the program has been favorable; one custome r, for example, said that they doubled their productivity within the first three weeks.。 另外,不定代词each,every,anybody等本身是单数,所以按语法规定不能于they结 合,所以下面两句话都是语法错误的: Each student must hand in their own lab report. Every guest was given a name tag when they arrived. 同时,我们也可以用he or she(him or her;his or hers),不过要注意一点:尽 量避免在一句话中重复使用he or she,否则就会显得很邋遢。 当谈话涉及到的对象不止是一个人时,用复数人称代词指代就显得更加简洁准确。比 如: We asked each participant to speak openly about his feelings. We asked all participants to speak openly about their feelings.(更好) 某些情况下,我们还可以用one来代替he(one有时也可以用来代替第一、二人称)。 使用one时,通常说话者和听话者属于相同的集团,或者有着相同的特点,共同的利益。因此 ,从某种意义上说,one传达了“you or I”的意思。比如:As a writer, one could work it into a book addressing other writers.( Is one making oneself clear?)。再比如 在一篇以phisicians为对象的文章中,与其说:Clinical judgment involves the phisici an making use of his experience, as well as his knowledge of the particular pati ent.,不如说:Clinical judgment involves making use of one"s experience, as well as one"s knowledge of the particular patient。不过要注意一点:one也不可以过度使 用,否则显得“stuffy”。 在某些可以和读者进行直接交流的文体中,比如在手册、说明书中,我们可以使用yo u来代替第三人称。如: The reader should familiarize himself with these terms before proceeding. Familiarize yourself with these terms before proceeding.(更好) 为了完全避免性别歧视,我们可以使用被动语态。比如与其说:The advantage to m aking surgeon responsible for acquiring the research data is that he often acqui res it in any case for clinical purposes.,不如说:The advantage to making surge on responsible for acquiring the research data is that this information is often required in any case for clinical purposes.。但是有时使用被动语态会使句子显得笨 拙,或产生歧义,所以被动语态要慎重使用。 最后,我们还可以在主动句中避免使用代词,一般情况下,这也是最简便的方式。比 如: A psychiatrist may ethically obtain research data from his patients, but h is main objective must remain that of attending to their needs. A psychiatrist may ethically obtain research data from patients, but must n ot lose sight of the main objective of attending to their needs.(更好) The bashful writer is reluctant to come right out and state his position f irmly. The bashful writer is reluctant to come right out and state a firm positio n.(更好) 有时不用代词很难准确的表情达意,这时应该优先考虑表意的准确性。 英语礼貌用语表达涉及到人们日常生活的方方面面,是一个庞大复杂的系统,本文只 就其中的一两点问题进行了比较肤浅的探讨。为了更加深入的了解英语礼貌用语表达,我们 必须深入的了解整个的英语文化,它的历史,并在具体的语言实践中去认识和掌握它。
2023-07-28 15:15:271


  我们用英语给合作伙伴写询价信时,各个段落要怎么写?有什么句型可以使用?   英语询价信写作方法   A Letter of Enquiry (询价信)   一般询价信写四或五段,   1) Source of information   2) Reason for Enquiry   3) Asking for price, list, and catalogue   4) Giving references   5) Further Business   英语询价信写作模板:Opening Sentences   We were given your name by....   You have been recommended to us by....   Your articles have been recommended to us by....   ...has been kind enough to give us your address.   As we have learned from...,your are manufactures of ....   We saw your ad in the current issue of....   We have heard that you have put a new ...on the market.   We visited your stand at the ...exhibition.   We refer to your special offer of....   We have seen your ad in ...and we are interested in....   Your firm has been recommended to us by ....,with whom we have done business for many years.   英语询价信写作模板:Reasons for Enquiry   We are a subsidiary of....   We are a ..-kpany based in....   We are interested in....   We need /are in the market for....   We have received many enquiries from our customers for....   Our stocks of ...are running low.   We would like to expand our range of....   We have a considerable demand here for....   英语询价信写作模板: Further Business   If the goods come up to our expectations, we would expect to be place regular order.   If the samples meet with our approval we intend to place substantial orders.   If your prices are competitive and your goods up to standard, we shall order on a regular basis.   If you can let us have a competitive quotation, we trust business will result.   英语询价信写作模板: Giving References   Information about our company can be got from...   For information about our company please refer to/contact....   Should you wish to make any enquiries about us, please write to ....   We shall be pleased to provide the usual trade references.   Please let us know your terms of business.   Please let us know if you can supply from stack.   Please offer quantities which can be supplied from stock.   Will you please let us have a list of items imported by you.   In order to make us familiarized with your products, we shall appreciated your giving us the technical details of them.   英语询价信写作模板: Asking for Price   I should be grateful if you send me....   Please send your current/latest catalogue/price list/brochure.   We would like you to send us some samples/patterns.   Please send us full details about your products.   Please quote your prices for these articles/goods/products.   Kindly quote us your lowest prices for....   Please quote your best/most competitive/lowest price.   Please quote your price gross/net/FOB(离岸价).   We would like to know if you are prepared to grant discounts.   We are desirous of having your lowest price for....   Please let us know the minimum quantity for a trial/order.   We should appreciate further details/information about your....   We shall be glad to receive an offer from you on....   Please send further details/information abut your....   Please include information about packing and shipping.   We should like to know your earliest date of delivery.   What would be your earliest delivery date?   Please let us know on what term you can give us some discount.   Will you let us know what discount you give for large quantities.
2023-07-28 15:15:341

What do you do before swimming?

Before swimming, there are several things you can do to prepare yourself:Change into appropriate swimwear: Put on your swimsuit or swim trunks to ensure you are dressed appropriately for swimming.Apply sunscreen: Protect your skin from harmful UV rays by applying waterproof sunscreen to exposed skin, even on cloudy days.Warm up: Perform some light stretching or warm-up exercises to loosen up your muscles and prevent injuries.Hydrate: Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated before, during, and after swimming.Check the water conditions: Make sure the swimming pool or body of water is safe and suitable for swimming, such as checking the water temperature, depth, and any posted signs or warnings.Follow safety rules: Familiarize yourself with any safety rules or guidelines, such as swimming in designated areas, swimming with a buddy, or following lifeguard instructions.Learn swimming skills: If you are not a confident swimmer, consider taking swimming lessons or practicing basic swimming skills to ensure your safety in the water.Remember, safety should always be a priority when swimming, so take necessary precautions and follow any rules or guidelines to ensure a safe and enjoyable swimming experience.
2023-07-28 15:15:411


如何提高理解英语文章隐含的意思 ◤19日932011年2011-7-19 1:33:542011-7-19 1:33:5419日认真研读近几年高考阅读理解题,我们不难发现其共同特点:文章都是五篇,其所选材料的题材、体裁多样,均取材于英文原版书籍,语言地道、内容新颖,文化意味浓厚;其试题设计均重语篇理解,与以前的高考试题相比,命题者很明显加大了阅读理解试题的考查强度。一 近几年高考英语阅读理解测试新动向:⒈ 阅读的词汇量增加,越来越强调提高阅读速度近年来,高考五篇文章的阅读总词量一直保持着递增的趋势,这就意味着考生在有限的时间内完成这样的阅读量,必须提高阅读速度。⒉ 文章的生词量增多文章的生词量增多,主要表现在由构词法产生的新词和教学大纲不作要求的生词增多。这就导致阅读材料文字难度增大,考生往往要反复几遍才能读懂。再加之材料行文表达使用比较正式的语言,结构复杂的长句及省略和插入语等较复杂的语言现象在文章中随处可见。这不仅减慢了阅读速度,而且也影响了根据文章内容去进行推理和判断。⒊ 选材面宽,贴近生活,保持原汁原味近几年的高考阅读文章选材更贴近生活实际、更富有时代气息,题材新颖,包括故事、传记、人物、传说、生活常识、社会文化、天文、史地、科普知识、政治、经济及名人逸事等。体裁也不一,有记叙文、说明文、议论文、应用文等。而且文章多是属于原汁原味的文章,其中文章习语用得较多,涉及英美人的文化生活习惯。⒋ 深层理解及推理判断型题持续增加一篇文章围绕一个中心,或者是某一话题展开,文中绝大部分的篇幅都围绕这个主题来说明它,反映它。弄清细节,获取信息是正确把握主旨中心的前提。在以往的高考试题中,往往掌握文中细节的直接理解在试题中所占比例较大。但在近些年的高考试题中已明显减少,而推理、判断、综合类试题大大增加了。要求考生能从字里行间理解文章的深层含义,即作者的态度、意图、倾向等,而且能把握全篇的文脉,即句与句、段与段之间的关系,并且能据此进行合乎逻辑的推理和判断。二 高考对考生的阅读理解能力的要求:⒈ 掌握所读材料的主旨大意,以及用以说明主旨大意的材料和细节。⒉ 既理解具体的事实,也理解抽象的概念。⒊ 既理解字面的意思,也理解深层含义,包括作者的态度、意图等。⒋ 既理解某句、某段的意义,也理解全篇的逻辑关系,并据此进行推理和判断。⒌ 既能根据材料所提供的信息,也能结合中学生应有的常识去正确判断生词和短语的含义。三 近几年高考阅读的主要考点:高考阅读题通常分为两大类:客观性理解试题,即考查短文大意的试题,事实细节描述题,短文、句子、短语、单词意义理解题;主观性试题,即通过阅读文章,对文章的中心思想、立意主旨、作者观点、态度等有更深入的理解。一般说来,高考阅读理解对考生的测试角度表现在以下几个方面:⒈ 猜测词义。这类题要求考生能根据上下文正确理解灵活多变的词义。在做这类题时,应对上下文中已知部分进行逻辑上的推理,必要时还要进行语法分析,尤其是词与词之间的关系,有时还要依据常识和经验进行猜测。⒉ 理解主旨大意。一篇文章通常是围绕着一个中心思想展开的。阅读时,我们不可忽视短文中开头和结尾的段落或句子的含义。因为它们往往是文章中心的概括和总结。对于没有明显主题句的文章段落要根据文段中所陈述的事实或提供的线索加以概括总结,从而判断出四个选项中哪一个为最佳选择,说明了文章的中心。⒊ 推理判断。这类题要求考生能通过文章表面文字信息去推测文章隐含的意思,要求考生对文章的情节发展,以及作者的态度、意图等做出合乎逻辑的推理和判断。⒋ 对文章的细节理解。⒌ 数据推算。四 提高阅读理解能力的具体办法:⒈ 注意扩大词汇量。阅读是理解和吸收书面信息的能力。应该说,词汇量越大,掌握的词汇越多,阅读的基础就越好。所以我们要采取多种手段并尽可能快地扩大自己的词汇量。另外,阅读各种题材、体裁的文章的同时也会迅速地扩大我们的词汇量。⒉ 掌握一定的英语文化背景知识。研究和实践表面,背景知识在阅读过程中起着很重要的作用。阅读时若缺乏相关的背景知识,阅读就会很困难;反之,若具有相关的背景知识,阅读就会变得简单。比如,遇到物理、化学方面的文章,理科的学生读起来要比文科的学生省力。同样,文科的学生在历史、政治等方面占有一定的优势。可见,学生的背景知识越丰富,阅读理解题做得就越好。特定的文化产生了各具特色的语言背景。把英语作为外语来学习的学生除具备一定的英美历史和语言文学知识外,还要了解和熟悉一些讲英语的国家的生活习惯、文化背景、风土人情与生活方式等,为提高阅读质量打下基础。 ⒊ 掌握构词法。应掌握一些构词方法,如词缀法、转换法、合词法、逆成法及缩略法等。另外在词汇复习过程中,不仅要注意词汇的表面含义,而且要注意到词汇背后所蕴含的社会历史、文字艺术等语言文化知识。因为词义反映了一定的客观世界和社会实践,它们还随社会文化、民族习惯、语言环境、社会发展等因素而变化。⒋ 改掉不良的阅读习惯。在英语阅读过程中,有一些不良的阅读习惯必须改掉。如:用手指、笔、尺子等指着单词进行阅读,这样会影响阅读速度,还容易忽略了文章所反映的信息内容;"声读"也是一种不良的阅读习惯,有关专家研究发现,一个人的默读速度是他声读速度的两倍。"声读"不仅影响了阅读速度,更不利于理解文章所表达的信息。⒌ 选材广泛,体裁多样。选材时,注意做到题材广泛、体裁多样,要面广,内容要丰富。它们主要包括新闻、电讯、书信、评论、广告、幽默故事、人物传记、科普常识、史地资料、旅游杂记、风土人情等。⒍ 培养逻辑推理能力。阅读一篇短文时,准确地认知文章所表达的信息,只是阅读的初步要求。把握上下文的逻辑关系,领会文中的有关暗示,推敲其特定的内涵,洞察其深层意义,推断作者的"言外之意",则是阅读的高层次的要求。一般来说,作者不可能把他所要表达的全部思想和内容都体现在字面的意思上,很多内容是需要在阅读时通过思考、推理才能正确理解的。逻辑推理就是指在阅读时,根据自己已有的各方面知识以及篇章上下文所出现的某些信息,推导判断出隐含在文章中但没有表达出来的意思。逻辑推理能力是提高阅读能力的一种必不可少的基本技能。在做逻辑推理判断时,不能脱离文章的主旨,凭空想象,一定要言之有理,言之有据。如:"…One day, Merlin received an invitation to attend a fancy dress ball. He was very pleased and a little excited. As the day of the party came near, Merlin began to think how to make a grand entrance at the party. He had an idea. He thought he would get a lot of attention if he could skate into the room. Merlin tried different ways to make himself roll. Finally, he decided to put two wheels under each shoe. These were the first roller skates.… "问题:Merlin put wheels under his shoes in order to ______.A. impress the party guestsB. arrive at the party soonerC. test his inventionD. show his skill in walking on wheels.该题要求透过表面的文字信息去推测文章的隐含意义。我们可以从"Merlin began to think how to make a grand entrance at the party."和"He thought he would get a lot of attention if he could skate into the room."中看出,Merlin把滚轮置于鞋下,用滚轴溜冰的方式进入晚会厅,其目的是为了给参加晚会的人留下深刻的印象,所以答案为A.⒎ 注意抓文章的中心思想。文章的中心思想是全篇文章的核心。它体现作者的基本观点、态度和意图。作者是通过多种手段告诉我们文章中心思想的。一般来说,含有中心思想的"主题句"会出现在文首,也就是说,作者先在篇章的开头就点出中心,然后再作进一步的扩展和论说。如:Every city and town must have water. The people in a town need water to drink. They need water for other uses, too. They use water for bathing and for washing things.这段文字中的第一句就是主题句,后面是对它的扩展。有时候,作者为说明或论证一个较难理解的观点,也可能先举例说明,然后再提出自己的观点,也就是说,把主题句放在文尾。有时,主题句既不在文首,也不在文尾,而是在文章的中间,或者是隐含在篇章中,需要通过阅读,自己总结出来。在平时阅读时,应有意地在这方面加以训练。⒏ 养成快读的习惯。阅读能力一般指阅读速度和理解能力两个方面。在快读中,不要把眼睛和注意力放在某一个词或短语上,而是按意群整体把握文章意思,把注意力放在题目所涉及的重点细节和信息上。要运用略读、扫读、跳读等技巧快速阅读,搜寻关键词、主题句,捕捉时空、顺序、情节、人物、观点,并且理清文章脉络,把握语篇实质。⒐ 培养猜词能力。阅读短文过程中,有时会遇到似熟非熟的单词,这类词往往一词多义,在句子中难以辨别与理解。在平时读训练时,尽量不要去查字典,可以通过上下文、上下句、句子结构等猜出所表示的词义来。至于有些与题目无关的生词,如:表示人名、地名的词,只须知道其所表示的范围,不必翻译出来。掌握一些猜测生词词义的方法,对排除阅读中某些生词的干扰,降低生词率,提高阅读速度和理解能力是必不可少的。培养猜词的技巧可从以下几方面进行:⑴根据构词法来猜测生词词义:应熟练掌握三种常见的构词法:转换、派生和合成。高考中属于这几种类型的生词是不会注出中文意思的,所以掌握构词法能使阅读化难为易,丰富词汇,从而达到一定的阅读理解程度。如:familiar(形容词) 熟悉的,familiarity(名词) 熟悉,familiarize(动词) 使熟悉,unfamiliar (形容词)不熟悉的,unfamiliarly(副词) 不熟悉地。⑵ 根据普通常识来猜测生词词义:如:The Olympic games were to be completed in good spirit. The idea was to participate and not to win….根据常识,可以判断 participate 有"参与"的意思。因为奥运会提倡良好的比赛精神,其宗旨是参与,而不是论输赢。⑶ 利用上下文提供的同义词来猜测生词的词义:如:Influenza is sometimes called flu or a bad cold. 根据上下文可以猜出:influenza是bad cold的同义词,意为:流感。⑷ 根据上下文提供的反义词来猜测词义:如:Most dentists" office are drab places, but Emilion"s new office is a bright and dreadful place.根据上下文可以猜出,drab是cheerful或 bright的反义词,意为:死气沉沉的,阴暗的。⑸ 根据语法结构、标点符号等猜测生词的词义:如:①The scientists who study insects are called entomologists. 根据定语从句提供的线索可以猜出entomologists意为:昆虫学家。②Suddenly they became the parents of quintuplets, four girls and a boy.根据逗号后的解释可以猜出quintuplets意为:五胞胎。⑹ 根据上下文具体的语境猜测生词的含义:如:The influence of TV on the life of the people is incalculable: it can influence their thoughts and their way of life. It can also add to their store of knowledge. Educational TV stations offer teaching in various subjects. Some hospitals use TV for medical students to get close-up views of operations. 通过这段话的描述,我们知道电视对人们的生活影响很大,所以我们猜测incalculable的意思为"大的,不可计算的"。⒑ 掌握科学的阅读理解题的解题方法:首先,迅速阅读理解的问题。通过阅读问题,可以大致推断文章的大意,从而为尽快了解文章的内容做好了准备,增强了在将来读文章时的针对性,突出了重点,提高了做题效率。这种方法特别适用于图形表格类题材的理解。读问题时,最好能判断哪些问题与文章存在直接关系即可在文章中直接找出答案,哪些需要推理,哪些需要做结论等。这一步骤的目的主要就是要让自己知道应该找什么。其次,快速阅读全文。带着问题,尽量快速地阅读完整个文章,如果遇到了与某问题相关的材料,就用铅笔划出来,并写上题号,然后继续往下阅读。阅读中如果遇到了不懂的句子,不要停下来去深思熟虑。这一步骤的目的是对文章的内容结构有一个总体的了解,知道一些重点词、事实或有关材料在文中的位置。第三,重读问题。重新阅读问题,理解问题,并与文中相关的材料相对照。此时,每次要阅读一个问题,并弄懂问题。如果读了问题后,能在原文中找到相关的材料,就要重读一次相关材料,并可依此作出选择。这一步骤的目的就是将较容易的问题选择完,以便能更集中精力解决较难的问题。第四,重新阅读全文。这是第二次也是最后一次阅读全文,应带着问题(尤其是还未解决的问题)一字不漏地读完全文。这次阅读与第二步骤的阅读不同,因为此时已对文章有了总体的理解,所以这遍阅读将会注意到文章中的一些细微之处,将有助于解答难题。最后,再次阅读尚未解决的问题。对于仍未解决的问题,此时应再次认真理解并依照对文章的更透彻的理解,做出最终的选择。五 典型试题剖析:①America is growing older. Fifty years ago, only 4 out of every 100 people in the United States were 65 or older. Today, 10 out of every 100 Americans are over 65. The aging of the population will affect American society in many ways----education, medicine, and business. Quietly, the graying of American has made us a very different society----one in which people have a quite different idea of what kind of behavior is suitable at various ages.A person"s age no longer tells you anything about his/ her social position, marriage or health. There"s no longer a particular year in which one goes to school or goes to work or gets married or starts a family. The social clock that kept us on time and told us when to go to school, get a job, or stop working isn"t as strong as it used to be. It doesn"t surprise us to hear of a 29-year-old university president of a 35-year-old grandmother, or a 70-year-old man who has become a father for the first time. Public ideas are changing.Many people say, "I am much younger than my mother - or my father - was at my age." No one says "Act your age" any more. We"ve stopped looking with surprise at older people who act in youthful ways.1. It can be learnt from the text that the aging of the population in America _______.A has made people feel youngerB has changed people"s social positionC has changed people"s understanding of ageD has slowed down the country"s social development.分析:这是考查主旨大意的深层理解题。文章第一段最后一句"…people have a quite different idea of what kind of behavior is suitable at various ages"点明了主题。文章后两段也是围绕着这一主题展开叙述的:人口老龄化给社会,特别是给人们对年龄问题的理解带来了变化。所以C项是正确答案。2. The underlined word "one" refers to ________.A a society B America C a place D population分析:这是词义理解题。one代替的是上文中提到的一个名词。是指different society,而不是指不同社会,所以,A项为正确答案。3. "Act your age" means people should _________.A be active when they are oldB do the right thing at the right ageC show respect for their parents young or oldD take more physical exercise suitable to their age分析:这也是词义理解题。"Act your age" 是第一段最后一句所提到的an idea of what kind of behavior is suitable at various ages(在不同的年龄,什么样的行为是合适的),也就是B项所表示的:the right thing at the right age.此处的right就是suitable的意思。所以正确答案是B。4. If a 25-year-old man becomes general manager of a big firm, the writer of the text would most probably consider it ________.A normal B wonderful C unbelievable D unreasonable分析:这是推理判断题。要求推测作者的态度。第二段最后两句话与最后一句话都反映了作者的态度。由于人们对年龄问题的看法发生了变化,25岁的年轻人成为一家大公司的经理,已不再是稀罕事。所以正确答案为A.②At 9:00 Dick Spivak"s bank telephoned and said his payment was late. " The check is in the post," Dick replied quickly. At 11:45 Dick left for a 12:00 meeting across town. Arriving late, he explained that traffic had been bad. That evening, Dick"s girlfriend wore a new dress. He hated it. " It looks just great on you," he said.Three lies in one day! Yet Dick Spivak is just an ordinary man. Each time, he told himself that sometimes the truth caused too many problems. Most of us tell much the same white lies, harmless untruths that help to save trouble. How often do we tell white lies? It depends in part on our age, education, and even where we live. According to one U.S. study, women are more truthful than men, and honesty increases as we get older.While most people use little white lies to make life easier, the majority of Americans care about honesty in both public and personal life. They say that people today are less honest than they were ten years ago. Although it is believed that things are getting worse, lying seems to be an age-old human problem. The French philosopher Vauvenarges, writing in the eighteenth century, touched on the truth when he wrote, " All men are born truthful and die liars."1. When the writer says " Dick Spivak is just an ordinary man", he means ________.A it is common that people tell white liesB Dick could do nothing about bad trafficC it is common that people delay their paymentD Dick found it hard to deal with everyday problems分析:这道题属于推理判断的深层理解题。作者一方面明确指出Dick一天之内说了三次谎话,另一方面又不加掩饰地指出Dick只是个普通人而已。仅从文字表面就可以推出作者对于Dick的所谓谎话的真实态度或理解的程度,更何况作者下面对这类谎言做了相对明确的论述,这样,只能确定答案A,其他选项所表达的内容仅仅是针对个别问题的。2. According to the text, most Americans _________.A hate white liesB believe white lies C value honestyD consider others dishonest分析:这是一道细节理解题。该题涉及美国人对诚实与说谎的看法或态度的评价问题,回答该问题的关键是认真读短文,第三段中第一句比较清楚地说明了美国人对在公共生活和个人生活方面的诚实的重视。后面又通过目前与过去对比说明了他们的态度。所以正确答案为C。 3. Vauvenarges" remark suggests that ________.A lying is an age-old human problemB dishonesty increases as people get olderC people were dishonest in the eighteenth centuryD it is social conditions that make people tell lies分析:这是一道推理判断的深层理解题。题目意为:"Vauvenarges"评论表明了…"。应从第三段最后一句话" All men are born truthful and die liars."在文章中加以分析判断,方能得出正确结论。B项具有干扰性,因为它表达这样一个含义,即"不诚实随着年龄的增长而增长"。但从整段的理解中,特别是作者引用该哲学家的结论的环境,D项是最佳答案
2023-07-28 15:15:511


在艾伦先生? ?学校类别,所有的学生必须? ?结婚吗? ? 。然而,婚礼是不是真正的,但仿制品。这些仪式一些? Ctimes变得如此嘈杂的噱drowns出的声音? ?部长? ? 。即使是两名学生结婚往往开始悄悄地笑。 教师,李鹏飞认为,婚姻是一个困难和严重的企业。他希望年轻人了解,有许多变化,必须在结婚后。他认为,有必要对这些心理和资金的调整应被理解的人结婚之前。 李鹏飞不? ?吨只介绍他的学生所面临的主要问题,如婚姻生病或失业。他还让他们知道他们的实际问题,将面临每天。他希望年轻人了解所有的困难和麻烦,可以扔的婚姻崩溃的边缘,他甚至熟悉他的学生的问题离婚和离婚的事实,即男子必须支付子女抚养费钱的儿童和有时每月支付一些钱,以他们的妻子。 它一直紧张的一些学生看到的问题,一对夫妇经常面临。直到他们采取了当然,他们并没有感到多少担心的问题, 3月, riage 。但是,对学生和家长认为,李鹏飞? ?课程是有价值的,并支持端口的过程公开。他们的发言和信 支持一流,使学校更加坚定地认为,它?问提供必要的过程了。
2023-07-28 15:16:299


1,Ist, this article explained the modern literature advancement at least, although is not very exhaustive. 2, makes an important decision every time, they must obey department head"s opinion. 3, because invests improper, his property is unable to say for certain very much entire. 4, all staff should be vigilant the fire insurance. 5, he is such a person, thought that correct firmly guards, no matter will bring any loss for oneself. 6 he in the international game the highest prize, this had proven that he has music aspect rare talent. 7, this poor area"s farmer goes all out to work wants to depend on the land maintenance livelihood. 8, he says very much beats around the bush, we familiarize his true intention with difficulty. 9, the dim light of night is boundless, he the one person alone continues in the jungle to proceed, feels one nameless fear at heart. 10, the local manager Project Hope"s department hence has collected to approximately 2,000,000 Yuan donations.
2023-07-28 15:16:455


2023-07-28 15:17:121

用英文解释英语单词explored,ancient,prosperous,storeys,beneath,fragments,remains 快点

Explore: travel in or through (an unfamiliar country or area) in order to learn about or familiarize oneself with it.Ancient: belonging to the very distant past and no longer in existence.Prosperous: successful in material terms; flourishing financially.Storey: floor, levelBeneath: extending or directly underneath, typically with close contact.;at a lower level or layer than.Fragment: a small part broken or separated off something.Remains: the parts left over after other parts have been removed, used, or destroyed.资料来源:字典
2023-07-28 15:17:311


2023-07-28 15:17:592


帮忙写一下英语作文 As the way of munication develops, there are many ways can be choosed from, which includes by phone and by letter. While telephone enables you to municate instantly to someone else and that you can hear the voice of the other person, its shortages are that what you municate can"t be recorded, which is sometimes annoying. And by writing letters you can have an extensive munication to the other person and you can think carefully during your munication.But by writing letters, it is sometimes longer to municate. So I would like to suggest that both of the ways should be taken aording to the situation. 前面那句开头我就不写了额 The most useful way to keep in good health is to eat more fruit and vegetables.We should eat them four or five times a week.They can provide us with the Vitamin(维生素) which we really need.Of course,we should also eat some tofu products everyday.It"s also good for us.To do something good to protect your stomach,you should drink some milk and yogurt ice a day.It"s neessary to do some exercise everyday.The more exercise we do,the stronger we will be . If you take the advice above,I think the health is ing to you I think I have a fantastic day. In the morning, I visited my grandparents. I helped my grandmother clean the room. Tired but very happy. After that, I told some jokes to make my grandparents laugh. In the afternoon. I went fishing with my grandpa. It was really interesting. At the end of the day, I cooked dinner for my grandparents. My last day off was very busy. But I was really happy! Today is my day off, and also my last day off. While after today, i wont going to have any day off until i s my job. hehe. so, after decided (actually, not decided also, is they pick the destination) ok ok, i know you all want to shopping, so just let"s go shopping. We went to Tanger Outlet today. Is really a great place, because you can find a lot of cheap and beautiful stuff over here. For those shopping crazy, you can e over here. Let me tell you something about my last day off. It was OK. Although it is Saturday, I didn"t sleep late because I have to go back to school in the morning. My teacher told me I should practice the morning exercise. The weather was really cold. The wind blew strongly. It was terrible. In the afternoon, I went to the library with my friends. I read lots of books. After that, I went to the KFC to eat some food. It was delicious. Finally, tired but happy, I went home by bus. It was an interesting day. Touri *** in China has greatly expanded over the last few decades. The emergence of a newly rich middle class and an easing of restrictions on movement by the Chinese authorities are both fueling this travel boom. China has bee one of the world"s most-watched and hottest outbound tourist markets. The world is on the cusp of a sustained Chinese outbound touri *** boom. China is the world"s fourth largest country for inbound touri *** . The number of overseas tourists was 55 million in 2007. Foreign exchange ine was 41.9 billion U.S. dollars, the world"s fifth largest in 2007. The number of domestic tourists totaled 1.61 billion, with a total ine of 777.1 billion yuan. Aording to the WTO, in 2020, China will bee the largest tourist country and the fourth largest for overseas travel. In terms of total outbound travel spending, China is currently ranked fifth and is expected to be the fastest growing in the world from 2006 to 2015, jumping into the number o slot for total travel spending by 2015. 原创200字 第一自然段概括中心 第二自然段描写学校生活的不便 第三自然段描写日常生活的烦恼 第四自然段总结 Many who chose to study abroad was aiming for the various of opportunities that was awaiting. However, most of them overlooked some factors that may plicates their pursuit of suessfulness. First of all, most (if not all) students who go abroad do not have a solid munication skill in the foreign language for that country; they have to undertake many difficulties before they can familiarize themselves with that new environment. For examples, they cannot understand anything the teachers or the students say; they cannot learn as well or receive good grades; they cannot express their feelings when they are feeling down; they cannot even ask for directions when they are lost in the campus. Not only students will undergo many pressures in school, they will undergo pressure in daily life as well. Usually, students who go aboard are on their own. They will spend most of their time in solitude, without parents nor much friends to seek help from, and try to struggle through everything by themselves. Therefore, studying abroad is not as fascinating as it may always seem. When you hear the acplishments of a particular students who went abroad, please also remember the difficulties they have came through. 英语作文,帮忙写一下 Today was Chinese Tree Planting Day. At eight o"clock all the pupils of our class started for Baiyun Hill by bus. Miss White and Mr Chen were with us.At about nine we began to plant trees.First we dug holes. Then we put the young trees into the holes and filled the holes with earth.Yongxian,Mike and Miss White carried water for the new trees.Ja,Ben,Sally and Mr Chen helped them water the trees. We were very happy when we finished the work. All of us hope the trees will grow well. 英语作文主要有三段,首段写中心,中间写结构,尾段画龙点睛。 范文一篇,自己修改一下吧(*^__^*) Dear Xiao He, Thank you ever so much for having invited me for the tour of Yunnan, your home province. I had a fantastic time with you and your family. Your great hospitality will be unfettable throughout my life. When I think of those geous places of scenic beauty you showed me around, I couldn"t be more delighted. And the pineapple pie Grandma prepared for me is out of this world. I had never had so delicious food! Indeed, I am still missing your snug log-cabin, *** all and cozy, which was turned into my dream house in fairy land those nights. Would you e to Harbin, my home town, some time this summer vacation Harbin, a beautiful place frequently referred to as Oriental Paris, offers a picture of another kind. I can assure you another pleasant tour. My family and I cannot wait to see you here. Yours, Li Ming 英语作文帮忙写一下!(^_^) Last weekend,I saw some monkeys in the zoo.I like them very much.They are very interesting and very clever.There are an old monkey in the tree.Many other monkeys like to follow it.Sometimes they climbed up the tree ,and sometimes they play in the ground.But they look very happy.Oh,sometimes they talk to each other.Oh,look.they are play games there.They are like the children.I like the monkeys.they"re my good friends. 急!帮忙写一下英语作文 应你的要求,改了下。 Weather Can Effect Our Mood Our mood is not only controled by ourselves as we think but also effected by the things around us.Weather is one of thoses things which could effect or even decide our mood.A sunny day always bring a man a bright state.A cloudy and dark sky can make people feel sad sometimes.There are man who like rains,they enjoy walking in the rain.And children feel really excited when the world turns whole white,snow brought them a lot of happiness.Also to the lovers walking in the snow is a romantic thing. Well thoses proves that weather do effect our mood. 翻译:我们的情绪不仅是我们想象的那样仅仅被自己所控制,他同时也被我们身边的事物所左右。天气就是那些能影响甚至决定我们情绪的事物之一。阳光明媚一天总是带给人一种敞亮的心境。而多云的阴天有时使人感到难过。有人很喜欢下雨,他们陶醉于走在雨中的感觉。在整个世界变成白色的时候孩子们总是很激动,雪给他们带来了许多快乐。同样对于情侣而言,在雪中漫步是在浪漫不过了。 这些都说明了天气对人的情绪有影响。 希望对你有帮助。
2023-07-28 15:18:081

How do you take care of your body (i.e. fitness, nutrition, etc.) 作文题,大家尽情发挥~

I amd a health conscious person and take care of my body in many ways. Firstly, i am cautious about having a healthy diet, with balanced nutritions.There is a saying that "you are what you eat". Thus i do believe that a healthy lifestyle starts with a healthy diet. What is being consumed is very important.I make sure that i follow the food pyramid and do not consume too much fats or junk food, and take in sufficient vitamins and mutritions by eating sufficient amount of fruits and vegetables. This is one way which i take care of my body.I also do regular excercises, not only for weight control, but at the same time, to keep fit and healthy so that i will be safe from illnesses like heart diseases. By excercising regularly,apart from keeping fit, i am also able to study more efficiently, due to the endorphines produced which stimulates brain functions. Frequent and regular aerobic exercise has also been shown to help prevent or treat serious and life-threatening chronic conditions such as high blood pressure, obesity, heart disease.There are many other factors which contributes to how i take care f my body but the above mentioned are two main ways which helps to keep my body fit and strong.O.O楼上的你太神了吧
2023-07-28 15:18:162


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