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2023-07-29 09:52:45
TAG: 英文



Rebecca never wears jewelry.


珠光宝气则是 be richly bejewelled or

2.the splendor of jewels







【英文】be richly bejewelled



【发 音】zhū guāng bǎo qì

【释 义】 珠、宝:指首饰;光、气:指闪耀的光彩。形容妇女服饰华贵富丽,闪耀着珍宝的光色。

【出 处】 清·漱六山房《九尾龟》:“簪饰虽是不多几件,而珠光宝气,晔晔照人。”

【用 法】 联合式;作宾语;形容穿戴华丽

【示 例】 这光芒要是只在字和词,那就象古墓里的贵妇人似的,满身都是~了。(鲁迅《准风月谈·难得糊涂》)

【近义词】 珠围翠绕、花枝招展、花团锦簇

【反义词】 质朴无华、荆钗布裙

【英文】be richly bejewelled


珠宝 [zhū bǎo]


(n) jewels and other precious stones; pearls



珠宝店:Jewelry Shop|jeweler"s|Lee Hwa




珠光宝气:Breakfast at Tiffany"s|Whatever You Want

珠光宝气:The Gem of Life


珠宝 jewels

Pearls and treasures have their prices, but friendship is priceless.

珠宝有价, 友情无价


resplendent with jewels; bedecked with jewels




Beside him sat a rich lady glittering with jewels



1. 金银财宝,财富[U]

It is said that the pirates buried their treasure on this island.


2. 贵重物品[C]


Mr. bling-bling




glittering with ..










glittering stars是什么意思

glittering stars闪亮的星星望采纳,谢谢
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光晕效应(glittering generality),又叫美化,是西方常用的七种宣传策略之一。即把某种观点(或人物、事物)与一个美好的词联系起来,使人未经验证而接受、赞许某人观点、某人、某事物。这种情况在我们的生活中经常出现,例如“有路必有丰田车”这句广告词,把丰田牌小汽车与四通八达的概念联系起来,以后人们买车就想到丰田车。“IBM誉满地球”也是一样,把美好的概念与IBM公司联系起来到处说,时间长了,人们就会不经检验,自然而然认同这种观念。常见的系列策略主要有以下几种。(1)形式系列策略。它是在一定时期的系列宣传措施中,以相同的形式出现。如广告设计形式,推广措施的方法,文艺的体裁都保持前后一致,只是变更其宣传内容。(2)功效系列策略。它是以连续的系列宣传送从不同的角度、本同的侧面逐步介绍和深入强调产品(或劳务)功能的一种置传策略。(3)主题系列策略。它是根据不同时期的经营目标或不周市场的需求特点、心理偏好,突出不同宣传主题的一种策略。以上内容参考:百度百科—宣传策略,百度百科—光晕效应
2023-07-28 14:52:211

“心里藏着小星星,生活就会亮晶晶~”晚安 翻译成英文是什么?

There are little stars in my heart, life will be brightu3002/Life will shineu3002
2023-07-28 14:52:514

glittering generalities什么意思

glittering generalities粉饰例句:1.Along with glittering modern stadiums, china has diverse infrastructure projects throughout the developing world. 在建设闪亮的现代化体育场的同时,中国在整个发展中世界建设各种基础设施项目。2.Be dazzled by glittering church domes, wide boulevards and glamourous nightlife. 基辅教堂的金顶熠熠生辉,道路宽阔,夜生活丰富多彩。
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Pearl of the Orient
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晶jīng 中文解释 - 英文翻译 晶的中文解释 以下结果由汉典提供词典解释 部首笔画部首:日 部外笔画:8 总笔画:12五笔86:JJJF 五笔98:JJJF 仓颉:AAA笔顺编号:251125112511 四角号码:60660 Unicode:CJK 统一汉字 U+6676基本字义1. 〔结~〕a.物质从液态或气态形成晶体;b.喻珍贵的成果,如“这部作品是他多年研究的~~”。 2. 形容光亮:~莹。~亮。~明。亮~~。详细字义〈形〉1. (会意。甲骨文字形,从三日,表示光亮之意。本义:光亮,明亮) 2. 同本义 [brilliant;glittering]晶,精光也。——《说文》。徐灏曰:“晶即星之象形文。”天高日晶。——欧阳修《秋声赋》 3. 又如:晶天(清澈明亮的天空);晶沁(亮光透入);晶英(光亮;闪亮);晶波(闪亮的水波) 4. 同“精” [clear]。如:晶灵(精灵) 5. 清明;晴朗 [clear and bright;fine;sunny]八月凉风天气晶,万里无云河汉明。——宋之问《明河篇》 6. 又如:晶莹;晶天(澄澈明亮的天空)〈名〉1. 晶体 [crystal]。如:液晶;结晶;水晶 2. 水晶的简称 [rock crystal;crystal]。如:茶晶;墨晶;晶印(水晶印章);晶帘(水晶帘子) 3. 日,太阳 [sun]。如:晶辉(光辉) 4. 指月亮 [moon]。如:晶饼(指月亮);晶轮(指月亮);晶盘(指月亮);晶蟾(指明月)常用词组1. 晶格 jīnggé[lattice] 晶体点阵 2. 晶光 jīngguāng(1) [glittering light]∶发光;闪亮晶光夺目晶光闪亮 (2) [look;expression]∶喻指神采 3. 晶晶 jīngjīng[bright] 明亮晶晶然如镜之新开。——明· 袁宏道《满井游记》日光晶晶。 4. 晶亮 jīngliàng[bright; shining] 晶莹明亮晶亮的泪珠 5. 晶明 jīngmíng[bright; shining] 明亮耀眼草叶上闪动着晶明的露珠 6. 晶体 jīngtǐ[crystal] 原子、离子或分子按一定的空间结构排列而组成的固体,具有规则的外形。如:石英、云母 7. 晶莹 jīngyíng[sparkling and crystal-clear] 明亮澄澈晶莹的露珠 8. 晶状体 jīngzhuàngtǐ[lens,crystalline lens] 眼球的一部分,形状和作用跟凸透镜相似,受睫状肌的调节而改变凸度,能使不同距离的物体的清晰影像投射在视网膜上;也叫“水晶体” 隐藏更多释义 以下结果由HttpCN提供字形结构汉字首尾分解:日日 汉字部件分解:日日笔顺编号:251125112511笔顺读写:竖折横横竖折横横竖折横横 晶的英文翻译 以下结果由译典通提供词典解释 1. quartz or rock crystal2. glittering
2023-07-28 14:54:041

一道四级英语语法题 求解释

首先,句子的意思为:到处都不见光。而光是看见这个动作的承受者,而承受着做主语了,因此用的是被动语态。另外前面是there be 表示有的结构,后面的动词要么用doing要么用to do,这里表示用途,用to do另外后面的were glittering和there is 没有关系。后面的部分的主语是 dim stars,昏暗的星星
2023-07-28 14:54:122


妙蛙花:米亚雷市(ミアレシティ,Lumiose City)中跟博士领取的状况下法桐博士给予 没有领取此只神奇宝贝则可在米亚雷市的Vernal Avenue Stone Emporium(百货公司)买到。 喷火龙X:米亚雷市(ミアレシティ,Lumiose City)中跟博士领取的状况下法桐博士给予(X版) 没有领取此只神奇宝贝则可在米亚雷市的Vernal Avenue Stone Emporium(百货公司)买到(X版)。 喷火龙Y:米亚雷市(ミアレシティ,Lumiose City)中跟博士领取的状况下法桐博士给予(Y版) 没有领取此只神奇宝贝则可在米亚雷市市的Vernal Avenue Stone Emporium(百货公司)买到(Y版)。 水箭龟:米亚雷市(ミアレシティ,Lumiose City)中跟博士领取的状况下法桐博士给予 没有领取此只神奇宝贝则可在米亚雷市的Vernal Avenue Stone Emporium(百货公司)买到。 胡地:反映洞窟(Reflecting Cave) B3F─破关后 。 耿鬼:薰衣市(クノエシティ,Laverre City)─有人赠送 。 袋龙:闪耀洞窟(Glittering Cave)─破关后。 大甲:白檀森林(ハクダンの森,Santalune Forest)─破关后(X版)。 暴鲤龙:连理镇(レンリタウン,Couriway Town)─破关后。 化石翼龙:石苔镇(セキタイタウン,Ambrette Town)─有人赠送 。 超梦X:神奇宝贝村的不明洞窟 。 超梦Y:神奇宝贝村的不明洞窟。 电龙:蔚蓝湾(Azure Bay)─有人赠送。 巨钳螳螂:冰霜洞穴(Frozen Cavern)的暴雪王的后面─破关后 。 赫拉克罗斯:白檀森林(ハクダンの森,Santalune Forest)─破关后(Y版)。 黑鲁加:16号道路─破关后(Y版)。 班吉拉:X限定,打败四天王和巨人后进入二周目,去中心城市找博士,乘地铁来到小岛,中间建筑对战胜利一场后去上方找对手,胜利后去有紫色大石头地方找博士,然后每天20-21点可在各地获得各种MEGA石,巨大甲龙的在海边攀岩道馆里,进去就往右走再往上爬就能看见。火焰鸡:配信活动。 莎奈朵:米亚雷市(ミアレシティ,Lumiose City)南方的咖啡馆中,冠军愿意用带有沙奈朵Mega石的拉鲁拉丝跟你的任何一只神奇宝贝交换。打倒四天王后的事件。大嘴娃:枯木镇(コボクタウン,Camphrier Town)的休波努城堡(Shabboneau Castle)。 波士可多拉:Y限定,ショウヨウシティジム会馆第一个训练远附近,要求时间是20-21点之间调查周围。 恰雷姆:薰衣市(クノエシティ,Laverre City)─破关后。 雷电兽:16号道路─破关后(X版)。 诅咒娃娃:空虚之室(Cave of Emptiness)─破关。 阿勃梭鲁:奇南市(キナンシティ,Kiloude City)─破关─有人赠送。 烈咬陆鲨:冠军之路─破关后。 路卡利欧:精通塔(Tower of Mastery)获得路卡利欧后(剧情)。 暴雪王:冰霜洞穴(Frozen Cavern)─有人赠送 ※从爆炎队(フレア团)救出暴雪王后与暴雪王交谈获得。
2023-07-28 14:54:236


1. I"m in Sydney, Australia2. I get on in Sydney, in the centre of Australia, Alice Compton to get off3. The sun is shining brightly4. During the day, I sit and look out of the window, sometimes and the other passengers to talk to, the stars like glittering like diamond5. What traffic tools can be in orbit
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2023-07-28 14:56:015


1).In the Still of the Night I descry bright moonlight in front of my bed. I suspect it to be hoary frost on the floor. I watch the bright moon, as I tilt back my head. I yearn, while stooping, for my homeland more. 2).A Tranquil Night Abed, I see a silver light, I wonder if it"s frost aground. Looking up, I find the moon bright; Bowing, in homesickness I"m drowned. 3).In the Quiet Night So bright a gleam on the foot of my bed--- Could there have been a frost already? Lifting my head to look, I found that it was moonlight. Sinking back again, I thought suddenly of home. (Tr. Witter Bynner) 4). Night Thoughts I wake, and moonbeams play around my bed, Glittering like hoar-frost to my wandering eyes; Up towards the glorious moon I raise my head, Then lay me down---and thoughts of home arise. ( Tr. Herbert A. Giles)
2023-07-28 14:56:315


图片参考:/sitemon/images/060815/topmenu_over_06 图片参考:tvcity/drama/glittering_days/songbook/framed/2506 以下为《东方之珠》国语版歌词: 《东方之珠》(国语版) 东方之珠 是追求愿望的明珠 是快乐的梦 让你全力的追 万灯不灭 千杯不醉 悲欢和离合 缘了缘还聚 I love this Pearl 爱她美丽的光和亮 是甜蜜的梦 终让有情人成眷侣 拥抱你臂膀 牵着我的手 让每天热情不褪 月在笑 快乐的节奏 动人的时候 噢噢 温柔的感受 荡漾的潮流 前事不回首 往前走 来来去去的 离离合合的 永在心里头 东方之珠 实现你愿望的明珠 是你我的爱 让每个人醉在梦里 不管风和雨 牵着我的手 愿永远芳华万缕 *** *** *** *** *** 另外,以下为《东方之珠》粤语版歌词(本人自行逐个字打的,不是复制网页): 《东方之珠》(粤语版) (typed & previous wered by leonlee_g) 东方之珠 寻找你愿望美梦处 梦充满快乐 让你尽情逐追 灯火辉煌 星光传世 缘尽却再生 散落仍能聚 I love this Pearl 夜色映知音爱在渗 谈一世的爱 让有情人伴着到老 双拥双互望 手牵手随旁 让每天情感没褪 月满天 舞动千分侨 唱咏百分娇 噢噢 听着我的笑 风雨知多少 往事随风流 不转头 来来 *** 去 有序有转偏 不般我承受 东方之珠 实践你愿望美梦处 是衷心的爱 让我前行尽力发奋 曾荆棘沿途 手牵手同行 愿永久留芳万缕 *** *** *** *** *** 《东方之珠》(国语版)片段欣赏:tvcity/drama/glittering_days/song/themesong_300k.asx 《白云天》片段欣赏: tvcity/drama/glittering_days/song/song_300k.asx 以上片段由TVB提供。 参考: Television Broadcasts Limited / TVB Weekly / My Previous Answer 汪明荃 - 东方之珠 作曲︰周启生、周欣乐、刘帝文 填词︰刘帝文、邝志伟 主唱︰汪明荃 东方之珠  是追求愿望的明珠 是快乐的梦  让你全力的追 万灯不灭  千杯不醉 悲欢和离合  缘了缘还聚 I Love This Pearl  爱她美丽的光和亮 是甜蜜的梦  终让有情人成眷侣 拥抱你臂膀  牵着我的手  让每天热情不褪 月在笑  快乐的节奏  动人的时候 噢噢  温柔的感受  荡漾的潮流 前事不回首  往前走 来来去去的  离离合合的  永在心里头 东方之珠  实现你愿望的明珠 是你我的爱  让每个人醉在梦里 不管风和雨  牵着我的手  愿永远芳华万缕  愿永远芳华万缕 东方之珠歌词(国语个首) 东方之珠  是追求愿望的明珠 是快乐的梦  让你全力的追 万灯不灭  千杯不醉 悲欢和离合  缘了缘还聚 I Love This Pearl  爱她美丽的光和亮 是甜蜜的梦  终让有情人成眷侣 拥抱你臂膀  牵着我的手  让每天热情不褪 月在笑  快乐的节奏  动人的时候 噢噢  温柔的感受  荡漾的潮流 前事不回首  往前走 来来去去的  离离合合的  永在心里头 东方之珠  实现你愿望的明珠 是你我的爱  让每个人醉在梦里 不管风和雨  牵着我的手  愿永远芳华万缕  愿永远芳华万缕
2023-07-28 14:56:461


1 文体对等不同文体的作品有着各自独特的语言特点,面对不同文体的作品,译者要自动“切换”至不同的“翻译模式”。即译员在着手翻译作品之前,首先要定位源语文本的文体,从而确定目的语文本的文体,即达到源语文本的文体和目的语文本的文体对等。此外,不同语言背景下的文学作品,其承载的文化因素也各不相同。优秀的译者在翻译文学作品时,会充分考虑如何处理不同语言背景下的文化差异。既然存在差异,源语文本中的文化因素就不可能完全传达或体现在目的语文本中,译者能做的是尽量减少译文中的文化缺失。在翻译前,首先通读源语文本,将文章定位为文学类作品。相应地,种瓜得瓜,译文也一定是文学类作品。这就意味着我们在翻译时要注意,要以“文绉绉”的口吻去措辞、译句、谋篇,而非口语化的表达,无论在形式还是内容上都打上文学的“烙印”。2 篇章对等篇章对等又叫语篇对等。在进行语篇分析时,不仅单分析语言本身,还要看语言是怎样在特定语境中体现意义和功能。语篇对等包含三个层面:上下文语境、情景语境和文化语境。上下文语境指语言不是孤立存在的,要在上下文的特定语境下确定其特殊的内涵。其语义单位和语义成分要在上下文分析的基础上,确定语义的翻译转换。例:Often, as his letters show, his powers of expression overflowed the bounds of the medium which he mastered.从字面意思来分析原文,得出的译文是“通常,正如他信中显示的,他的表达力超过了他所掌握的媒介的界限”。但是根据上下文语境分析,“the medium which he mastered”实际上指的是钢琴,而非其他表达媒介或工具。从下文得知他抒怀的方式不止弹琴这种方式,他的写作能力也非常好。因此根据上下文语境分析,深挖出了原文的深层涵义。经过对译文的转化和润色后,得出的译文是“只要读一下他的信件就不难发现,贝多芬不仅只会借曲抒怀。”由此可见,上下文语境对翻译的帮助和制约作用。情景语境是指在特定的语境下,根据语境中交际的人际关系和内容来确定语言现象中的语言的确切涵义,从而判断译文的选词。例:Once, when walking through the streets of Weimar, Beethoven and Goethe became aware that the Imperial family, accompanied by a glittering cavalcade of courtiers, was approaching them.这段话描写的是贝多芬和歌德走在威玛街上偶遇到“accompanied by a glittering cavalcade of courtiers”的皇室人员,这里的“glittering”和“cavalcade”基本呈现出了街上列队整齐、臣伴左右的景象。根据当时的情景,我们不难想象得到当时庄严肃穆的盛况。因此,根据当时情景“accompanied”应翻译为簇拥,而非伴随、陪伴,因为簇拥一词更能再现当时的情景。因此译文应为“一次贝多芬和哥德走在威玛的街上,见到一队皇家人马在众大臣的簇拥下走来”。文化语境指语言运用的社会文化背景、历史传统文化及社会心理等。翻译的内容不仅仅是不同语言符号的转换,而且不同语言符号承载着不同的文化内涵。翻译中,尤其是文学翻译不可避免地与文化有着千丝万缕的联系。谈到翻译中的源语文化和目的语文化,就涉及到翻译时是以目标语或译文读者为归宿,采取归化策略,还是让读者向作者靠拢,采用异化策略。就本文而言,笔者更倾向于前者。例:Men who possess great character as well as genius have always been sure of their worth to the world.这句直译为:拥有伟大人格和天才智慧的人总坚信他们对世界的价值。这种译法显然是可取的,毫无诟病。但是在文学翻译中要获得精彩的译文的话,不只是传达原文的直观意思。能把原文的含义用目标语读者所习惯的表达方式,或目标语习惯的俗语或诗句来传达原文的内容,就能变成更加地道的本国语言。译文如果意译为:“拥有伟大人格和天才智慧的人总坚信天生我材必有用”,则更能深入目标语的文化习惯。3 句法对等英汉翻译中如果句句皆能达到对等的话,那全文的也就相对做到了文体对等和篇章对等。例:there would have remained the life-story of a man whose character was supreme in resistance of evil, and in defiance of the blows of fate.译文:他的一生仍然光辉灿烂,他不向邪恶妥协、不向厄运低头的人格魅力也已可圈可点。原文为“in the resistance of evil, and in defiance of the blows of fate译文为“不向邪恶妥协、不向厄运低头”,笔者认为这已经做到了句法对等,原文和译文句式形成了对仗。但是汉英语言在句法上存在很大差异,例如,汉语没有关系代词,这就意味着在英汉翻译时,需要考虑定语从句的次序和组合。在英汉互译的过程中,句法重组也是翻译的一大难题。例:Perhaps it was this last trivial circumstance that set off the fiery spark of indignation in Beethoven, who under ordinary conditions would have acted just as one of the crowd.原句中将“circumstance”的定语后置,同时贝多芬的定语也后置了,直接逐字逐句的翻译的话,显然不符合汉语句法结构。汉语中定语在核心词前面。在翻译中遇到后置定语的句子,就需要重新调整句子,这时就不能做到源语文本和目标语文本的完全对等了。根据汉语句法结构语言顺序重组之后,译文为:通常情况下,贝多芬本也会随规从俗,但可能正是这微不足道的插曲最终让贝多芬忍无可忍。4 词汇对等两种语言间,没有哪两个词的意义是完全对等。例如汉语中的“饺子”和英语的“dumpling”的所指等值吗?根据英语国家的饮食文化可知,他们的餐桌上是没有在做法和用料上和饺子一样的食物,所以实际上“饺子”和“dumpling”是不对等的两种食物,在意义上也是不等值的。所以在翻译中遇到不同语言间存在的文字空缺的,译者通常会采用加注、解释的方法。5 结束语根据以上分析可知,没有绝对的功能对等,只有相对的对等。奈达的功能对等理论在翻译过程有一定的指导作用,但并不是放之四海而皆准的“万能钥匙”。在翻译实践中要具体问题具体分析,不能为了对等而“生拉硬拽”的翻译,失去原文应有的风姿。尤其在文学翻译中,勉强的对等会造成译文读者对原文美感的缺失。所以,对于功能对等理论,我们应该做到的是能对等则对等,不能对等则灵活翻译。
2023-07-28 14:56:561


Getting the Casket and Returning the Pearl 买椟还珠
2023-07-28 14:57:442


glitter[英][u02c8glu026atu0259(r)][美][u02c8ɡlu026atu025a]vi.闪烁,闪耀; 华丽夺目,炫耀; n.灿烂的光辉; 闪烁; (表面的)诱惑力; 吸引力; 第三人称单数:glitters过去分词:glittered现在进行时:glittering过去式:glittered以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Use markers, glitter and construction paper to decorate the tube. 用书签,一些闪光的小东西和美术纸装饰管子。
2023-07-28 14:58:021


光晕效应又称晕轮效应晕轮效应(英文The Halo Effect),又称“光环效应”,属于心理学范畴,晕轮效应指人们对他人的认知判断首先是根据个人的好恶得出的,然后再从这个判断推论出认知对象的其他品质的现象。如果认知对象被标明是"好"的,他就会被"好"的光圈笼罩着,并被赋予一切好的品质;如果认知对象被标明是"坏"的,他就会被"坏"的光圈笼罩着,他所有的品质都会被认为是坏的这种强烈知觉的品质或特点,就象月亮形式的光环一样,向周围弥漫、扩散,从而掩盖了其它品质或特点所以就形象地称之为光环效应。有时候晕轮效应会对人际关系产生积极效应,比如你对人诚恳,那么即便你能力较差,别人对你也会非常信任,因为对方只看见你的诚恳。最典型的例子,就是当我们看到某个明星在媒体上爆出一些丑闻时总是很惊讶,而事实上我们心中这个明星的形象根本就是她在银幕或媒体上展现给我们的那圈“月晕”,它真实地人格我们是不得而知的,仅仅是推断的。
2023-07-28 14:58:144


FriendshipisaDiamondFriendshipisadiamondburiedintheearth;atreasureofgreatworth.Butfirstitmustbeminedthenfacetedandshined.Ittakespickandshovelandstrain,encompassingtimeandenduringpain,untilitsgraceisseen;aglitteringgiftoflovethat"ssharedbetweenwethree:FirstGod,andyou,thenme.    中文翻译:友情是钻石友情是一枚埋在泥土里的钻石;是一笔巨额的财富。不过起初它一定被埋在泥土里,后经雕琢继而发出耀眼的光芒。它经历千锤百炼,经受着时间的考验,直到有一天它的美丽被发现;爱是件闪光的礼物我们三人共同分享:上帝,你和我。
2023-07-28 14:58:371


2023-07-28 14:58:441

请帮忙,想一些「英文形容词」来形容「香港」,愈多愈好,Thank you!

charming 迷人的 可爱的 attractive 有吸引力的 使人愉快的 引起兴趣的 impressive 给人深印象的 fascinating 吸引人的 迷人的 sophisticated 高度发展的 energetic 充满活力的 glittering 有魅力的 吸引人的 stunning 非常美丽的 worriedly dirty *** all convenient 我谂左甘多ja crowded *** all beautiful Dirty(air) noisy crowd many people.... 想不到,只想到几个。(沉默中)
2023-07-28 14:58:511


晶jīng 中文解释 - 英文翻译 晶的中文解释 以下结果由汉典提供词典解释 部首笔画部首:日 部外笔画:8 总笔画:12五笔86:JJJF 五笔98:JJJF 仓颉:AAA笔顺编号:251125112511 四角号码:60660 Unicode:CJK 统一汉字 U+6676基本字义1. 〔结~〕a.物质从液态或气态形成晶体;b.喻珍贵的成果,如“这部作品是他多年研究的~~”。 2. 形容光亮:~莹。~亮。~明。亮~~。详细字义〈形〉1. (会意。甲骨文字形,从三日,表示光亮之意。本义:光亮,明亮) 2. 同本义 [brilliant;glittering]晶,精光也。——《说文》。徐灏曰:“晶即星之象形文。”天高日晶。——欧阳修《秋声赋》 3. 又如:晶天(清澈明亮的天空);晶沁(亮光透入);晶英(光亮;闪亮);晶波(闪亮的水波) 4. 同“精” [clear]。如:晶灵(精灵) 5. 清明;晴朗 [clear and bright;fine;sunny]八月凉风天气晶,万里无云河汉明。——宋之问《明河篇》 6. 又如:晶莹;晶天(澄澈明亮的天空)〈名〉1. 晶体 [crystal]。如:液晶;结晶;水晶 2. 水晶的简称 [rock crystal;crystal]。如:茶晶;墨晶;晶印(水晶印章);晶帘(水晶帘子) 3. 日,太阳 [sun]。如:晶辉(光辉) 4. 指月亮 [moon]。如:晶饼(指月亮);晶轮(指月亮);晶盘(指月亮);晶蟾(指明月)常用词组1. 晶格 jīnggé[lattice] 晶体点阵 2. 晶光 jīngguāng(1) [glittering light]∶发光;闪亮晶光夺目晶光闪亮 (2) [look;expression]∶喻指神采 3. 晶晶 jīngjīng[bright] 明亮晶晶然如镜之新开。——明· 袁宏道《满井游记》日光晶晶。 4. 晶亮 jīngliàng[bright; shining] 晶莹明亮晶亮的泪珠 5. 晶明 jīngmíng[bright; shining] 明亮耀眼草叶上闪动着晶明的露珠 6. 晶体 jīngtǐ[crystal] 原子、离子或分子按一定的空间结构排列而组成的固体,具有规则的外形。如:石英、云母 7. 晶莹 jīngyíng[sparkling and crystal-clear] 明亮澄澈晶莹的露珠 8. 晶状体 jīngzhuàngtǐ[lens,crystalline lens] 眼球的一部分,形状和作用跟凸透镜相似,受睫状肌的调节而改变凸度,能使不同距离的物体的清晰影像投射在视网膜上;也叫“水晶体” 隐藏更多释义 以下结果由HttpCN提供字形结构汉字首尾分解:日日 汉字部件分解:日日笔顺编号:251125112511笔顺读写:竖折横横竖折横横竖折横横 晶的英文翻译 以下结果由译典通提供词典解释 1. quartz or rock crystal2. glittering
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妙蛙花:米亚雷市(ミアレシティ,Lumiose City)中跟博士领取的状况下法桐博士给予 没有领取此只神奇宝贝则可在米亚雷市的Vernal Avenue Stone Emporium(百货公司)买到。 喷火龙X:米亚雷市(ミアレシティ,Lumiose City)中跟博士领取的状况下法桐博士给予(X版) 没有领取此只神奇宝贝则可在米亚雷市的Vernal Avenue Stone Emporium(百货公司)买到(X版)。 喷火龙Y:米亚雷市(ミアレシティ,Lumiose City)中跟博士领取的状况下法桐博士给予(Y版) 没有领取此只神奇宝贝则可在米亚雷市市的Vernal Avenue Stone Emporium(百货公司)买到(Y版)。 水箭龟:米亚雷市(ミアレシティ,Lumiose City)中跟博士领取的状况下法桐博士给予 没有领取此只神奇宝贝则可在米亚雷市的Vernal Avenue Stone Emporium(百货公司)买到。 胡地:反映洞窟(Reflecting Cave) B3F─破关后 。 耿鬼:薰衣市(クノエシティ,Laverre City)─有人赠送 。 袋龙:闪耀洞窟(Glittering Cave)─破关后。 大甲:白檀森林(ハクダンの森,Santalune Forest)─破关后(X版)。 暴鲤龙:连理镇(レンリタウン,Couriway Town)─破关后。 化石翼龙:石苔镇(セキタイタウン,Ambrette Town)─有人赠送 。 超梦X:神奇宝贝村的不明洞窟 。 超梦Y:神奇宝贝村的不明洞窟。 电龙:蔚蓝湾(Azure Bay)─有人赠送。 巨钳螳螂:冰霜洞穴(Frozen Cavern)的暴雪王的后面─破关后 。 赫拉克罗斯:白檀森林(ハクダンの森,Santalune Forest)─破关后(Y版)。 黑鲁加:16号道路─破关后(Y版)。 班吉拉:X限定,打败四天王和巨人后进入二周目,去中心城市找博士,乘地铁来到小岛,中间建筑对战胜利一场后去上方找对手,胜利后去有紫色大石头地方找博士,然后每天20-21点可在各地获得各种MEGA石,巨大甲龙的在海边攀岩道馆里,进去就往右走再往上爬就能看见。火焰鸡:配信活动。 莎奈朵:米亚雷市(ミアレシティ,Lumiose City)南方的咖啡馆中,冠军愿意用带有沙奈朵Mega石的拉鲁拉丝跟你的任何一只神奇宝贝交换。打倒四天王后的事件。大嘴娃:枯木镇(コボクタウン,Camphrier Town)的休波努城堡(Shabboneau Castle)。 波士可多拉:Y限定,ショウヨウシティジム会馆第一个训练远附近,要求时间是20-21点之间调查周围。 恰雷姆:薰衣市(クノエシティ,Laverre City)─破关后。 雷电兽:16号道路─破关后(X版)。 诅咒娃娃:空虚之室(Cave of Emptiness)─破关。 阿勃梭鲁:奇南市(キナンシティ,Kiloude City)─破关─有人赠送。 烈咬陆鲨:冠军之路─破关后。 路卡利欧:精通塔(Tower of Mastery)获得路卡利欧后(剧情)。 暴雪王:冰霜洞穴(Frozen Cavern)─有人赠送 ※从爆炎队(フレア团)救出暴雪王后与暴雪王交谈获得。
2023-07-28 14:59:086

金银细软用英语怎么说 金银细软英语翻译?

金银细软的英语是”mullmull”,还网络中常译为”kid finished cambric”,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到39个与金银细软相关的翻译和例句。1. Lonicera japonic and afforestation in mines2. For the last time, get your things.3. Treasure Town has a certain je ne sais quoi.4. Treasure island"s got a map.5. You done robbed my pocket, you done robbed my pocket of silver and gold, boy, of silver and gold.译文:金银财宝呀, 金银财宝, 全被你掠夺呀, 全被你掠夺。 。6. For him, color means matching his stockings and breeches!7. Why"s the Rat back in Treasure Town?8. Mountains of gold and silver were heaped from floor to ceiling.9. u266bi disdain all glittering goldu266a10. t looks like they"ll fight again.11. Enwrought with golden and silver light.12. Yeah, with his luggage and toothbrush.13. On saddles of silver and gold自考/成考有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚当地自考/成考政策,点击底部咨询官网老师,免费领取复习资料:
2023-07-28 15:00:251


  专心于这个词的英语短语在高中的时候,考试出现的尤其多。下面是我给大家整理的专心于英语短语,供大家参阅!   专心于英语短语   be absorbed in   专心于的英语例句   1. His mind kept branching off into the contemplation of silly things.   他总不能专心于正题而尽想着愚蠢的事情.   2. They are absorbed in the experiment.   他们专心于实验.   3. He bent his mind to his business.   他专心于他的业务.   4. You should concentrate on your work.   你应该专心于你的工作.   5. She is devoted to her studies.   她专心于她的学习.   6. He is quite wrap ped up in studies.   他专心于研究.   7. He can"t keep his mind on his studies.   他不能专心于他的学习.   8. He is bound up in the study of nuclear physics.   他专心于研究核物理.   9. You should fix your attention on what you are doing.   你应该专心于你所从事的工作.   10. Apply your mind to your work.   专心于你的工作.   11. She is wrapped up in her studies.   她专心于学习.   12. He has concentrated on his work this year.   今年以来,他专心于自己的工作.   13. You should concentrate your attention on your work.   你应该专心于工作.   14. He"s intent on his work.   他正专心于工作.   15. You must devote your attention to your work.   你必须专心于工作.   be absorbed in的双语例句   1. The beauty of it is not to be absorbed in a hurry.   其中的妙处不是轻易所能领会的.   2. The humor of it is not to be absorbed in a hurry.   其中的幽默不是一下子能领会的.   3. Undoubtedly, children be most likely be absorbed in study not in fantasy.   无疑孩子们将更可能将他们的精力注入到学习而不是幻想中.   4. The humor in Hawthorn"s writing is not be absorbed in a hurry.   霍桑作品中的幽默不是一下子能领会的.   5. Be absorbed in the and plastic industry part and production.   专注于化学橡塑工业产品研发生产!   6. The distracted reader can"t be absorbed in the abstract extract.   心神纷乱之读者无法专心于抽象之节录.   7. He pretends to be absorbed in listening.   他假装在专心听讲.   8. Should not be absorbed in recommending oneself simply.   不要一味地只顾推荐自己.   9. Myth 5 : The more thick the better sleep mask deposition be absorbed in one night.   误区 5: 睡眠面膜敷得越厚越好,可以在一晚上吸收.   10. Be absorbed in the past 18 years , we have built a glittering brand in our field.   十八年的专注, 我们铸就一个闪亮品牌.   11. A person should abandon distracting thoughts and be absorbed in stepping well in his life course.   一个人应当摈弃各种杂念,全神贯注的走自己的路.   12. The young people are be absorbed in the internet and to forget to do other things.   中翻英.未成年人容易沉迷于网络而忘记去做其他事.   13. Give me a green land and a soft carpet that I can be absorbed in books.   给我一片绿草地,一张柔软羊毛毯,让我啜饮书香.   14. Most of the newcomers will be absorbed in a metropolis of up to 5 m people.   重要都市将吸收大部分的新移民,使自身人口规模达五百万.   15. Most of the newcomers be absorbed in a metropolis of up to 5 m people.   5百万人以上的大都市将吸收大部分的新移民.   
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1)在寂静的黑夜。 余descry明亮的月光在我的床的前面。 我怀疑它是在地板上白头霜。 我看的明月,我回到我的头倾斜。 本人渴望,而弯腰,为我的祖国多。 2)。甲宁静夜 拉布,我看到一个银色光, 我不知道它的霜冻搁浅。 抬起头来,我觉得月亮明亮; 鞠躬,在思乡我淹死。 3)。在宁静的夜晚 因此,光明就在我的床脚一线--- 可能有霜冻了? 解除我的头一看,我发现这是月光。 下沉回来了,我突然想起了家。 4)。夜的思考 我醒来,和月光在我的床上玩, 金光闪闪像灰白色霜我游荡的眼睛; 截至光荣月亮对我提出我的头, 然后躺下---和家庭的想法产生。 5)。在一个宁静的夜晚 我看到我的沙发前的月光, 并想知道如果没有当地霜冻。 我昂起头,并期待在山上中午时, 我鞠躬我的头,虽然我的遥远的家。 6)。月亮发光无处不在 在我的沙发上看到的月亮那么亮 我认为灰白色霜从晚上下降。 在她的脸我清楚解除眼睛凝视: 然后隐藏他们充满了青年的美好回忆。 7)。夜的思考 在我的床前面的月光很光明。 我不知道,可在地板上霜? 我列出了我的头,看看整个中午,耀眼的月亮。 本人将我的头,和昔日家庭的想法。 8)。思考一宁静夜 横过的床 我看的月光投出线索 如此明亮,所以感冒了,所以身体虚弱, 这是一个闪烁着空间 如同灰白色关于我的梦想保证金霜冻。 我提出我的头, - 精彩的月亮喔: 然后,我的头下垂, 和汇到你的梦想- 我父亲的土地,是你! 9)。怀旧 在我的卧室的地板上泼白色。白霜? 我提出我的眼睛了月球,同中午。 由于过去长期的场景浮现在脑海,我的眼睛落在白再次飞溅, 回国我心痛
2023-07-28 15:01:011


1. 求关于天空的有哲理的英文短句 1. Don"t let one cloud obliterate the whole sky. 2. The sky is that beautiful old parchment in which the sun and the moon keep their diary 3. The sky is the daily bread of the eyes. 4. We all live under the same sky, but we don"t all have the same horizon. 2. 关于天空的英文格言 The sky is not less blue because the blind man does not see it. 天不会因瞎子看不见而减其蓝色。 Rain comes after sunshine, and after a dark cloud, a clear sky. 晴日之后有雨水,乌云过去见青天。 Red sky at night, shepherd"s delight; Red sky in the morning, shephered"s warning. 傍晚天红,牧羊人高兴;早晨天红,牧羊人当心。 If the sky falls,we shall catch larks. 天垮了正好抓云雀;不要杞人忧天。 3. 描写星空的英文句子有哪些 描写星空的英文句子有:The cloudless sky was jewelled with myriads of glittering stars,意思是无云的晴空镶嵌着无数颗闪烁的星星。 描写星空的句子其他如下: 1 On a clear night,the sky appears to be filled with stars. 在晴朗的夜晚,天空中布满了恒星。 2 the twinkling of a starry sky。 星空的闪耀。 3 Here,the dusk is sudden,the night silent,the panoply of stars immense and brilliant. 这里的黄昏很突然,夜很静,璀璨的星空彷佛没有尽头。 4 Stars are brilliant in the clear night sky. 星星在晴朗的夜空闪亮。 5 Clouds hid the stars. 云层遮住了星星。 参考资料 星空.图片[引用时间2018-1-15] 4. 描写星空的英文句子 the twinkling of a starry sky 星空的闪耀 Here, the dusk is sudden, the night silent, the panoply of stars immense and brilliant. 这里的黄昏很突然,夜很静,璀璨的星空彷佛没有尽头。 The cloudless sky was jewelled with myriads of glittering stars. 无云的晴空镶嵌着无数颗闪烁的星星。 On a clear night, the sky appears to be filled with stars. 在晴朗的夜晚,天空中布满了恒星。
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Thoughts On A tranquil NightBefore my bedThere is bright moonlightso that it seems Like frost on the groundLift my head I wach the bright moon,Lowering my headI dream that I"m home(Tre.Arthur cooper)
2023-07-28 15:01:574


我栽培花木,我推想, 因为我必须。 它会是无法忍受的必须通过一不种植用篱笆围住一天数时代栽培花木。 也有特定的酬劳,而且这些一定是什么每年转我的思想向所有的那工作。 相当像一个菜圃一样的美丽有少数视力在太阳下闪耀, 所有的露湿而且在早晨以绿色的十二个色度在七灿烂。更为可爱, 事实上, 超过排的热狗。 在思想的一些口袋,甚至可能有的趋向将这视觉换成一个个人的安心所有的这健康的生长,这一个整齐而且插入生活一定不知何故反映自己的精神的相似的运动。 没有一个花园到直到和植物我不知道哪四月是为
2023-07-28 15:02:141


  在日常的学习、工作、生活中,大家都尝试过写作文吧,作文是人们以书面形式表情达意的言语活动。怎么写作文才能避免踩雷呢?下面是我精心整理的简单英语作文(通用15篇),希望能够帮助到大家。   简单英语作文1   In order to see the sunset , I got everything ready before 5in the afternoon . Then I went to the East Hill.   At that time , the sun was already in the west but it was still shining . Its light was so bright that I couldn t even open my eyes . When I arrived at the East Hill , the light became a bit yellow . After a short while , it was completely golden , then red . The sun nearly set . It was like a big red ball . The cloud around it was also painted red . Little by little the cloud covered more and more of the sun . At last it disappeared behind the cloud . It was dark and I hurried back .   日落   为了看日落,我在下午5点前把一切都准备好了。然后我去了东山。   那时,太阳已经在西方,但它依然闪耀。它的光是如此明亮,我无法睁开我的眼睛。当我到达东山的时候,阳光已经变得有点黄。过了一会儿,就变成了金黄色,然后红色。太阳快落山了。它就像一个大红色的球。它周围的云也被涂成红色。通过点云覆盖了越来越多的小太阳。最后它消失在云层后面。天黑了,我赶紧回来。   简单英语作文2   The sunset is very beautiful and lovely. Its scene is as wonderful as a sunrise but it is even more beautiful to watch it in the country than in the city.   When the sun begins to set behind the mountains, its long rays light up the green fields. The clouds in the sky also begin to glow with a golden light, and the mountains are really colourful.   When the sun begins to set behind the mountain, it looks like a red ball. Its light fills the sky and changes the colour of the clouds from gold to red. When the sun is gone altogether behind the mountain, the clouds turn grey and the mountains become black.   Then you cannot help admiring the wonder of nature.   日落是非常美丽和可爱。它的场景就像一个美好的日出一样完美,但它在乡村比城市更是美丽的观赏。   当太阳开始落在山上,其长期光照亮了绿色的田野。天空中的云彩也开始发出金色的光芒,山真的是丰富多彩的。   当太阳开始落在山上,它看起来像一个红色的球。它的光充满天空,从金色变成云彩的颜色为红色。当太阳完全落山,云把灰色和山区变黑。   你不得不佩服大自然的奇迹。   简单英语作文3   It was a sunny day. We decided to have a picnic outside the city. In the morning, we took an early bus to Nanhui. It was quite a colorful world. There were green trees, orange leaves,red peach blossoms. At noon, we reached the place, we sat by the river bank and took out a lot of things, such as bread, orange juice, apples, cakes, eggs and so on.But all of a sudden, it began to rain. Unluckily there was no shelter nearby. We had to take a bus to go back home in a hurry.   What an unforgettable picnic it was!   这是一个阳光灿烂的日子。我们决定在城市外面野餐。在早上,我们乘早班车到南汇。这是一个相当丰富多彩的世界。有绿色的树,橙色的树叶,红色的桃花。中午,我们到达的地方,我们坐在河边,拿出了很多东西,如面包,橙汁,苹果,蛋糕,鸡蛋等。但突然,它开始下雨了。但不幸的是没有住所附近。我们不得不乘公共汽车回家匆匆忙忙。   那是一次难忘的野餐!   简单英语作文4   I seem to recall best a journey we made by tram one winter night.   We were going to visit my Granny at Westoe, and I was very excited, because an evening excursion was something quite unheard of for me. It had been raining; the gas lamps lit the gleaming pavements and cobbles with a doubled radiance. The shaking tram wires were sending down showers of white raindrops. Everything in the ram seemed fresh and glittering. The breezy windows sparkled with long zigzags of rain and the passing street lamp flared gorgeously through the panels of blue and yellow and ruby glass. Outside, it was cold and windy, and we could feel the gale buffeting against the side of the tram, making it sway and lurch ore than usual, and throwing the passengers of song, and the fresh, clean, cold sea-wind was blowing right through the upper deck. Above, a high half-moon seemed to be skidding along on its back through piles of black, white-lined rags. It was a wild night, with a sense of magic in the offing. The people in the tram did not like ordinary mortals; a kind of exhilarating gaiety had seized them,anditseseememed to lighten their bodies and illuminate their faces. At times I was sure we were really flying.   我似乎很清楚记得在一个冬天的夜晚乘电缆车去旅程的事。   我们是去参观在韦斯图我的奶奶,我很兴奋,因为一个晚上游览是我闻所未闻的。一直下雨;煤气灯亮闪闪发亮的.鹅卵石路面,加倍光彩。电缆车振动下发白色雨滴阵雨。在RAM中的一切似乎新鲜和闪闪发光的。凉风习习的窗户,通过蓝色和黄色和红玻璃面板的雨水,通过路灯爆发华丽的漫长曲折闪闪发光。外面,天很冷,风,我们可以感觉到风抖振对有轨电车的一侧,使它摆动和倾斜矿比平常,并把乘客的歌曲,和新鲜的,干净的,寒冷的海风吹到上层甲板。以上,高半个月亮似乎打滑沿背上成堆的黑色,白色衬里的衣服。这是一个疯狂的夜晚,在海面上的魔法。在有轨电车的人并没有像普通人一样;一种令人振奋的欢乐已经抓住他们,减轻他们的身体和照亮他们的脸。有时,我确信我们是真正的飞行。   简单英语作文5   I like to read novels. It enriches my world and broadens my vision. Most novels are about how little child grows up. Often they will go through a lot of difficulties and conquer their fears. Finally, they return their homes and become a brave person. These stories tell me to get over my weakness so that I can be a brave girl.   我喜欢看小说。它丰富了我的世界,开阔了我的视野。大多数的小说都是关于小孩是如何成长的。他们常常会经历很多困难并且克服了自己的恐惧。最后,他们返回家园,成为一个勇敢的人。这些故事告诉我要克服自己的缺点,这样我才可以成为勇敢的女孩。   简单英语作文6   When I was very small, I could see many birds flying in the sky when I looked at the sky, but as I grow up and move to the city, I find less birds in the sky.   It is because the environment has been polluted and many birds are dying. We can do small things to protect the environment, so that the animals can live with us.   在我很小的时候,每当我仰望天空的时候,我都可以看到许多鸟在天上飞,但是当我长大后,搬到了城市,我几乎没见过有鸟儿在天空中飞。因为环境被污染了,许多鸟面临死亡。我们要做些小事来保护环境,让动物能和我们共存。   简单英语作文7   The lunar New Year is coming,I am very happy.On this winter holiday,I went to visit my grandparents with my parents.   My grandmother is very zeal.Our dinner is very delicious.After the dinner,the people gave me money in red envelopes.I am very happy in this family with my grandparents.   Sometimes,we go to climb the mountains.The mountain is very high.Look!There is a clean river near the mountain.And there are some beautiful flowers,grass and big trees.Some trees are orange trees,the others are banana trees.Oh,I am very tired but interesting.   I am very happy on this holiday because I like The lunar New Year very much.What about you?   简单英语作文8   The The lunar New Year is our most solemn and most grand festival in China. Each family has been busy with a morning — — a spring festival couplet, a lantern hanging, a house cleaning, the preparation for the night dinner, all busy. My family is no exception.   Father and mother got up early to prepare for the The lunar New Year. When I saw the big table, I couldnt help but the water. Chicken, duck, goose, meat, make me hungry all hook up. I hurried to ask my mother when I could eat the dinner. But the mother laughed and said, "“ and the firecrackers!" Look, youre in a hurry! ” I was embarrassed to laugh.   At the time of the dinner, my father and mother were happy to talk about his family. I could not understand it. I can only eat at one side. After dinner, our family went to play in the street together. The number of fireworks in the sky is not too many, even the car can only stop in remote places. Mother said: “ is this the people who see people, people squeeze people? ” I dont think so on the side. I looked at the flying fireworks with great relish.   We went to Lenin park to see the lantern. This is really a sea of people, but there are countless lights. The lantern here is a great variety of things. I picked up a flower lantern, which contained a plastic lotus flower, which contained a lamp. The four sides of the room embroidered dragon and the idiom of dragon, and I bought it at once.   There were more than a dozen minutes for the cannon away, and more and more people in the park. Father jokingly said: “ just go under the attic watch it here squashed. ” I and my mother laughed and said how could it be possible? But the weather, the sky began to fine drizzling rain but it could not withstand, peoples footsteps, many people still see salute.   When its time to put a gun, the park is more crowded. I stayed at the sight of such a beautiful cannon. I kept my eyes on the cannon, and even my father and mother called me, I didnt know. I have been intoxicated by the cannon in the sky at this moment.   The The lunar New Year is the grand and grand festival in China, and it is also my favorite festival every year.   简单英语作文9   Autumn road is very quiet, very quiet. I walk on the path is blocked in the shade of the trees, the waves with the coolness of autumn wind blowing, though it was very cold, but how is cold but lonely heart. Looking back, to see that it was a shade of the campus, in the hearts of the emergence of a trace of sadness. For six years, the time flies so that we are unprepared. From a carefree pupil, has become this now to the junior high school graduates. Open although simple but preserved intact classmates, let that faces familiar face printed into the eye, like, disgusted, but now, only a touch of sadness and memories of the infinite. Looking at the familiar and unfamiliar words, looking at that although mature but according to show puerile words, I can not help but to emerge the slightest nostalgia. Looking at the phone number of a long string, I know, this is our friendship between the permanent continuous bridge.   To the teaching building, looked at the house the sixth grade class three. Opened the door, the introduction of the eye is still the row of desks, came to the window, is still the beautiful campus, as if back to the past. The only missing is the noise of the students, and the sound of the chalk on the blackboard.   Walking in the shade of the path, the back, the corner of the mouth across a trace of miss......   深秋的道路很寂静,很沉默。我漫步在被树荫遮挡的小路上,一阵阵带着凉意的秋风吹来,虽冷,却怎也冷不过心里的寂寥。回过头,看了看那被树荫所遮挡的校园,心中涌现丝丝的难过。六年了,时光的飞逝让我们措手不及。从一个无忧无虑的小学生,变成了这如今走向初中的毕业者。   翻开虽简易但却保存完好的同学录,让那一张张熟悉的脸印入眼帘,有喜欢过的,有讨厌过的,但现在,只剩下淡淡的悲伤和无限的回忆。看着那一行行熟悉而陌生的赠言,看着那虽成熟但却依显稚嫩的话语,我不禁涌现丝丝怀念。望着那一串串长长的电话号码,我知道,这是我们友谊之间那永不断的桥梁。   来到教学楼,望着那六年级三班的门牌。推开门,引入眼帘的依旧是那一排排课桌,来到窗边,依旧是那美丽的校园,好像回到了从前。唯一缺少的,是同学们之间的喧闹,和粉笔划过黑板的响声。   走在被树荫遮挡的小路上,回过头,嘴角划过一丝怀念的笑……   简单英语作文10   My parents have presented some requirements for me since I was very small. They ask me to be polite, helpful and diligent. I keep their words all the time. Sometimes when I have argument with others, I won"t fight. In order to make myself to be a better girl, I study hard. Thanks to my parents" education, I am an excellent person.   我父母在我非常小的时候就对我提出了一些要求。他们要求我要有礼貌,助人为乐,勤奋努力。我一直记住他们的话。有时候我与他人有争执,我也不会打架。为了使自己成为一个更好的人,我努力学习。感谢我父母的教育让我成为一个优秀的人。   简单英语作文11   I dont want to leave school, because my old school life was full of fun and I had many good friends in my old school.   我不想毕业,因为我的校园生活丰富多彩,我在学校有很多好朋友。   We used to share our lunch together. We used to play ball games together. We often did some surveys during the holiday. All of my teachers and schoolmates are very friendly and helpful. Now I have to leave school, I hope I will keep in touch with them and my new school life will be more enjoyable.   简单英语作文12   There are four people in my family, my brother is very naughty, my mother is very love to buy things, my father likes to help people, often forget to eat. My brother is very naughty, but often very sensible, my mother is very eccentric, my brother is not moved to cry, my mother heard, said: "you dare to bully him, I killed you." My father often beat me, only in the home of my grandma hurt me, I really good pain ah!   我的家庭有四口人,弟弟很调皮,妈妈很爱买东西,爸爸喜欢帮助人,经常忘了吃饭。弟弟很调皮,但经常也很懂事,我的妈妈很偏心,我的弟弟动不动就哭,妈妈听见了,说:“你再敢欺负他,我打死你。”爸爸也经常打我,只有在家乡的奶奶疼我,我真是好苦啊!   简单英语作文13   My good friend is XX.She"s a girl(or boy).She is my classmate.   Mei is tall and thin.She has two big eyes and long hair.She likes listening to music and reading books.Sometimes we listen to music together.She likes summer.Because she can swim in the summer holiday.She likes pink and white.She is in Class Four,Grade Six with me.She usually goes to school by motor cycle.Sometimes she goes to school on foot.We often go shopping together on the weekend.   We will be good friends forever.   我的好朋友   我的好朋友是XX。她是一个女孩(或男孩)。她是我的同学。   梅是又高又瘦。她有一双大眼睛和长长的头发。她喜欢听音乐和看书。有时我们一起听音乐。她喜欢夏天。因为她可以在暑假游泳。她喜欢粉红色和白色的。她在四班,六年级的我。她通常是骑摩托车上学。有时她步行上学。我们经常在周末一起去购物。   我们永远是好朋友。   简单英语作文14   A RAVEN saw a Swan and desired to secure for himself the same beautiful plumage. Supposing that the Swans splendid white color arose from his washing in the water in which he swam, the Raven left the altars in the neighborhood where he picked up his living, and took up residence in the lakes and pools. But cleansing his feathers as often as he would, he could not change their color, while through want of food he perished.   Change of habit cannot alter Nature.   简单英语作文15   I have a dream that I am always young. Then I will have enough energy to do everything whenever I want. Moreover, I dont have to worry about the old age during which I even cant take care of myself. I know that my dream will not come true. However, I think it is lucky that I am young now. So I will treasure my time, enjoy my life and try my best to do everything well.   我有一个梦想就是我永远年轻,然后我就会有足够的精力去做我想做的事情,而且,我就不会因年老无法照顾自己而忧虑。我知道我的梦想不会实现。然而,我非常幸运,现在我很年轻。   因此,我一定要珍惜青春好时光,享受生活,并且尽最大努力把每一件事情做好。
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用英语介绍四川自贡小三绝之一的龚扇 可以包括其制作过程及意义等

Fan is also called zigong fan, is the han nationality traditional arts and crafts treasures, and one of a fan of shu.Sichuan zigong bamboo fan, glittering and translucent and bright, just like Wan silk, renowned Chinese and foreign.By folk artists Gong Yuzhang has more than hundred years of history, is one of zigong city famous small quiet, had spread to the fan Gong Shi family fifth-generation successor.Fan is always is famous for its thin like a cicada, so once hailed as the "cicada fan".Sector just a few money, a young fan is the sichuan specialty sinocalamus affinis, with no bamboo flower heart, no black and yellow stripes, moderate bamboo qualitative old nun is advisable.Fine bamboo filament, such as hair, thin like a cicada, pervious to light development.Fan"s process bamboo weaving fan, a peach shape, about 25 cm in diameter, sectoral quality as thin as silk, soft as silk twill, smooth as a mirror.Make fan handle with ivory teeth or bones, decorated with silk "fringe", exquisitely carved.Positive light to see, sector now white, birds and flowers glimmered characters;To the left side, decorative pattern cyan, now white leaves;To the right, the pattern is white, leaf green, the more rare is tapping fan handle, pleasing to the ear drum, a ponder unceasingly.This fan can save at least one hundred years.龚扇又称自贡龚扇,是汉族传统工艺美术珍品,蜀中名扇之一。四川自贡竹编扇,晶莹光亮,宛如纨绢,驰名中外。由民间艺术家龚玉璋创制至今已逾百多年历史,是自贡著名的小三绝之一,目前龚扇的制作已经传至龚氏家族第五代传人。龚扇一向以薄似蝉翼著称,所以又曾被赞为“蝉翼扇”。扇面仅几钱重,龚扇采用四川特产的一年青慈竹,以无竹花心,无黑黄斑纹,竹质老嫩适中者为宜。竹丝细如发丝,薄似蝉翼,能透光显影。龚扇是工艺竹编扇,呈桃形,直径约25厘米,扇面质薄如绢,柔似绸绫,光滑如镜。用象牙或牙骨做扇柄,饰以丝制“流苏”,玲珑剔透。正面对光看,扇面现白色,花鸟人物忽隐忽现;向左侧视,花纹闪青色,树叶现白色;向右侧视,花纹现白色,树叶闪青色,更为难得的是轻叩扇柄,有悦耳鼓声,令人玩味不已。这样的扇子至少能保存百年。
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华兹华斯《咏水仙》咏水仙 THE DAFFODILS 华兹华斯著 顾子欣译   我好似一朵孤独的流云,  I wandered lonely as a cloud高高地飘游在山谷之上。  That floats on high over vales and hills,突然我看到一大片鲜花,  When all at once I saw a crowd, 是金色的水仙遍地开放。   A host, of golden daffodils,它们开在湖畔,开在树下,  Beside the lake, beneath the trees,它们随风嬉舞,随风飘荡。  Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.它们密集如银河的星星,   Continuous as the stars that shine 像群星在闪烁一片晶莹;   And twinkle on the Milky Way,它们沿着海湾向前伸展,   They stretched in never-ending line 通往远方仿佛无穷无尽;   Along the margin of a bay;一眼看去就有千朵万朵, Ten thousand saw I at a glance万花摇首舞得多么高兴。 Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.粼粼湖波也在近旁欢跳,   The waves beside them danced, but they 却不如这水仙舞得轻俏;   Out-did the sparkling waves in glee;诗人遇见这快乐的旅伴,   A Poet could not but be gay 又怎能不感到欢欣雀跃!   In such a jocund company!我久久凝视——却未领悟    I gazed-and gazed-but little thought这景象所给我的精神至宝。  What wealth the show to me had brought.后来多少次我郁郁独卧,   For oft, when on my couch I lie 感到百无聊赖心灵空漠;   In vacant or in pensive mood,这景象便在脑海中闪现,   They flash upon that inward eye 多少次安慰过我的寂寞;   Which is the bliss of solitude;我的心又随水仙跳起舞来,  And then my heart with pleasure fills,我的心又重新充满了欢乐。  And dances with the daffodils.              W.WORDSWORTH威廉61华兹华斯 William Wordsworth(1770~1850)英国著名的“湖畔”诗人,英国浪漫主义诗歌的奠基者。出生在英格兰西北部的湖区,1791年毕业于剑桥大学。曾参与法国大革命活动,但革命后的混乱景象使诗人的心灵大为受伤。1799年,与骚赛、柯勒律治等人回到家乡,时常吟诗,求乐于山水之间。1798年和柯勒律治共同出版了《抒情歌谣集》,一举成名。1813年,成为政府官员,诗情逐渐枯竭。晚年被授予“桂冠诗人”的称号。一生创作甚富,作品除上面提的外,还有《丁登寺》、《孤独的收割人》、《致杜鹃》等。
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描写夏天的英语作文带翻译   描写夏天的英语作文带翻译,不同的体裁也能写出文采和风格,有些事情在作文中很难表达出来,经常写作文能够提升我们的写作水平,写好作文并非全靠套路,一起来看看描写夏天的英语作文带翻译的范文吧。   描写夏天的英语作文带翻译1   Summer morning, the sun rises from the east, glittering and translucent get rid of the dew fell on the green leaves. Big rooster jacking it on "big red", perked up its colorful tail, shouted "oh oh oh oh oh, the room, I was lying in bed fast asleep!   Arrived at noon, the sun rises from the east to day is the central, lazily in the tree for a stretch, the green leaves on it, the grass out from the ground, in the sun, and fell asleep, a pond, lotus smiled, pink petals out, is to meet with Mr. Xia dance! Streams and sometimes wide, sometimes narrow, sometimes slow, sometimes nasty, stream is always transform tone. The fish free swimming in the river, as if it saw beautiful Xia Jing, forgotten, slowly sink to the bottom. The frog "quack quack" to call, as if to say: "hot! Hot!" The puppy tongue lolling7), is using the saliva to quench it! See "see see" of call. Along the way, heat in animals. I wish to give them a cold bath, let them cool!   Summer night, the sun has set. Perfect to the moon in the succession. People came to the shade under a tree. The sky hongxia, the evening breeze, overhead homing birds are their friends. The shade, an old man holding a fan, a young woman holding a big watermelon. Many animals sing sweet songs, like a concert. Firefly is juicers, lit up the moving stage. Bird chirp sing, dancing dog, cicadas sing a song let people feast for the eyes, the cricket on the platform also play the piano. The pond, is the frog prince and princess carp dance! Its very busy.   They go to bed, in the month as well as quiet night, katydid then sing the song, "weave weave weave" the song is really nice, excel a lullaby, let those people a hard day, youll enter sweet dreams.   Ah! Summer is the most special in the four seasons. Unusually, I like the beautiful summer.   夏日的清晨,太阳公公从东边升起来了,晶莹剔透的露珠落在了碧绿的树叶上。大公鸡顶起它头上的“大红花”,竖起它五颜六色的尾巴,“喔喔喔喔喔”地叫起来,屋子里,我正躺在床上呼呼大睡呢!   中午到了,太阳公公从东边升到了天的正中央,大树懒洋洋地伸了一个懒腰,把它碧绿的嫩叶舒展开来,小草从地里探出头来,晒着太阳,又睡着了,池塘里,荷花露出了笑脸,粉红色的花瓣展开来,正迎着夏风翩翩起舞呢!溪水时而宽,时而窄,时而缓,时而急,溪声也时时变换调子。河里的小鱼自由自在游来游去,仿佛它看见了美丽的夏景,忘记了游动,渐渐的沉到水底。青蛙“呱呱呱”的叫,好像在说:“好热呀!好热呀!”小狗耷拉着舌头,正在用唾液给它解渴呢!知了“知了知了”的`叫。一路上,动物都热得不行了。真希望给它们泼一个冷水澡,让它们凉快呢!   夏日的晚上,太阳已经落下了。无瑕的月亮来接班了。人们都来到树下乘凉了。天边的红霞,向晚的微风,头上飞过归巢的鸟儿都是它们的好友。树荫下,一位老爷爷拿着扇子,一个年轻的妇女捧着一个大西瓜。很多动物唱出了悦耳动听的歌,就像一个演唱会。萤火虫就是灯光师,照亮了整人舞台。小鸟叽叽喳喳地唱起了歌,小狗跳起了舞,知了吟唱的歌让人赏心悦目,蟋蟀也在平台上弹钢琴。池塘里,青蛙王子正在和鲤鱼公主跳舞呢!真是热闹非凡。   他们睡觉了,在月明人静的夜里,纺织娘便唱起了歌,“织织织”那歌声真好听,赛过催眠曲,让那些辛苦一天的人们,甜甜蜜蜜的进入香甜的梦乡。   啊!夏天真是四个季节里最特别的。非同凡响的,我喜欢那美丽的夏天。   描写夏天的英语作文带翻译2   The summer is coming.I like summer very much.In summer days,I can do a lot of things,such as swimming,eating ice cream,drinking cold water.Besides,the summer holiday is my favorite time.I don"t have to go to school in holidays,so I can play with my friends.I can travel with my parents,too.I want to go many places,such as Beijing,Shanghai,Xiamen and so on.This is why I love summer.   夏天就要来了。我非常喜欢夏天。在夏天,我可以做很多事情,比如游泳,吃冰淇淋,喝冷水。此外,暑假是我最喜欢的时间。在假期我没有去学校,所以我可以和我的朋友玩。我也可以和父母旅行。我想去很多地方,比如北京,上海,厦门等。这就是我喜欢夏天的原因。   描写夏天的英语作文带翻译3   I love summer very much. In summer, its hot, and sometimes its rainy. People wear T-shirts, shorts and sunglasses. Girls love to wear dresses and skirts.   I love swimming in summer. So I always go swimming with my parents in the sea. Sometimes, I like to play basketball on the playground with my friends if its not very hot.   My favourite food in summer is ice-cream. Its very cold and sweet. Its delicious for me in summer.   Wow, summer is really my favourite season!   我爱夏天非常多。在夏季,天气热,有时它的雨季。人们穿T恤,短裤和墨镜。女孩喜欢穿衣服和裙子。   我喜欢游泳,夏天。所以我一直跟我的父母在海中游泳。有时候,我喜欢与我的朋友们在操场打篮球,如果它是不是很热。   我最喜欢的食物,夏季是冰淇淋。这是非常冷的和甜。它的美味,我在夏天。   哇,夏天真的是我最喜欢的季节!
2023-07-28 15:04:051


2023-07-28 14:57:082

请问谁有MOCCA的I remember的钢琴谱以及吉他谱~

徘徊于那被你否认的真相与悔改,每一次为了彻底逃避的告别都是一个错误 另外一首也有I remember 不过是在中间 Lying From You When I pretend Everything
2023-07-28 14:57:151

“in your eyes the sky is different blue”是哪首英文歌曲里的歌词?

Bon Jovi - Thank you for loving meIt"s hard for me to say the thingsI want to say sometimesThere"s no one here but you and meAnd that broken old street lightLock the doorsWe"ll leave the world outsideAll I"ve got to give to youAre these five words when IChorus:Thank you for loving meFor being my eyesWhen I couldn"t seeFor parting my lipsWhen I couldn"t breatheThank you for loving meThank you for loving meI never knew I had a dreamUntil that dream was youWhen I look into your eyesThe sky"s a different blueCross my heartI wear no disguiseIf I tried, you"d make believeThat you believed my liesChorus:Thank you for loving meFor being my eyesWhen I couldn"t seeFor parting my lipsWhen I couldn"t breatheThank you for loving meYou pick me up when I fall downYou ring the bell before they count me outIf I was drowning you would part the seaAnd risk your own life to rescue meSoloLock the doorsWe"ll leave the world outsideAll I"ve got to give to youAre these five words when IChorus:Thank you for loving meFor being my eyesWhen I couldn"t seeYou parted my lipsWhen I couldn"t breatheThank you for loving meWhen I couldn"t flyOh, you gave me wingsYou parted my lipsWhen I couldn"t breatheThank you for loving me
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2023-07-28 14:57:214

杨丞琳和罗志祥的In Your Eyes歌词应该怎么唱(对唱)有重叠!!!

你问我 你眼中 我看到甚麽 我回答 隐形眼镜 还有一个 帅到翻的我 我问你 你眼中 你爱我甚麽 你总是 钓我胃口 故作神秘 爱说不说 男生都这样爱耍坏 行为举止 挑战我的忍耐 女生才是 有够奇怪 心里永远 那麽多Why In Your Eyes 发现一种东西叫爱 因为爱 所以我存在 In Your Eyes 看见生活多麽精彩 看着你 我神眼离不开 早被你打败 其实你悄悄变成 我的最爱 My Love Is For You 吃醋 撒娇 生气 耍赖 是你的专利 让你来 疼我 爱我 让我 喂我 这些小事情 让你来 只要 让我(你)愉快 就算耍冷 下不了台 我全都愿意 都是因为爱 我问你 你眼中 透漏些甚麽 你笑着 保持沉默 让我期待 你的承诺 男生都这样爱耍坏 行为举止 挑战我的忍耐 女生才是 有够奇怪 心里永远 那麽多Why In Your Eyes 发现一种东西叫爱 因为爱 所以我存在 In Your Eyes 看见生活多麽精彩 看着你 我神眼离不开 早被你打败 其实你悄悄变成 我的最爱 My Love Is For You 请闭上眼睛 坏蛋你想做甚麽 哪有做甚麽 你的小计谋 才不可能骗到我 oh 你的眼睛 也累了该休息一下 就让我趁这个机会 靠近你 吻你一下 In Your Eyes 发现一种东西叫爱 因为爱 所以我们存在 In Your Eyes 看见生活多麽精彩 因为有你 才会精彩 看着你 我神眼离不开 早被你打败 其实你悄悄变成 我的最爱 My Love Is For You
2023-07-28 14:57:282


防溺水手抄报简单 防溺水手抄报简单,让孩子在这种活动中回归书本,手抄报的步骤和方法都不难,黑板报常常能给人一种耳目一新的感觉,关于这个主题还有很大的发展空间,看到防溺水手抄报简单,你还没有心动吗? 防溺水手抄报简单1 牢记防溺水措施”六不准” 1、不准私自下水游泳; 2、不准擅自与他人结伴游泳; 3、不准在无家长或老师带队的情况下游泳; 4、不准到不熟悉的水域游泳; 5、不准到无安全设施、无救护人员的水域游泳; 6、不准不会水性的学生擅自下水施救。 防溺水手抄报简单2 如何预防? 家长或看护人,决不能将儿童单独留在浴缸、浴盆或开放的.水源边。家长与儿童的距离要伸手可及,专心看管,不能疏忽。以下8个要点,家长们要牢记! 儿童溺水防护8要点: 1、 不要私自下水游泳,家长时刻看护。 2、 坚持让孩子穿高质量的浮身物。 3、 要求孩子下水前活动身体,避免出现抽筋等现象。 4、 在水中不要喂孩子吃东西,有可能被呛住。 5、 教育孩子不在水中互相嬉闹,防止呛水窒息。 6、 教孩子学习游泳,并学习心肺复苏等技能。 7、 不到不熟悉、无安全设施、无救援人员的水域游泳。 8、 不熟悉水性、水下情况不明时,不要擅自下水施救。 如何辨别? 溺水者的营救黄金时间是事发30秒。如能及时发现溺水迹象,生命或可挽回!如何辨别儿童溺水者?牢记这7种迹象。 7种迹象辨别溺水者: 1、 溺水者的嘴会没入水中再浮出水面,没有时间呼救。 2、 溺水儿童手臂可能前伸,但无法划水向救援者移动。 3、 溺水者在水中是直立的,挣扎20-60秒之后下沉。 4、 溺水者眼神呆滞,无法专注或闭上眼睛。 5、 溺水儿童的头可能前倾,头在水中,嘴巴在水面。 6、 看起来不像溺水,只是在发呆,但如果对询问没有反应,就需要立即施出援手。 7、 小孩子戏水会发出很多声音,一旦安静无声要警醒。
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2023-07-28 14:57:041

love in your eyes是那首歌的歌词

歌曲:love in your eyes歌手:soraya 专辑:on nights like this
2023-07-28 14:57:023


“恋人”译成“sweetheart”和“beloved one”比较好。至于“爱人”,如果是爱人:lover sweetheart, lover beloved one, lover, partner, ,
2023-07-28 14:56:562


可翻译为:[in your eyes]在你眸中 in your eyes the desire.你双眸中那份盼望 let me feel that i loved you.让我似曾爱过你 and i live in a feeling .以这种感觉一直生活着 as if i"m in love with you ,oh my darling.仿似同你相恋般一样,是吗,我心爱的 Ah my dear you own my heart.心爱的你是属于我一个人的 my desire increases when you"re next to me.当靠近我时,那份盼望预发萌生 everything show in me.我所表现出的一切 from a long time i wana tell you.老早就想诉你 that i love you oh my soul.从灵魂中深爱着你 your more precious than my eyes.比我双眸中任何事物更珍贵 loved and i"ve found.爱过且发觉过 In your love all i"ve been wishing for .一直静待你那份情 i"m yours i missed you.诉说着我只属于你、想念你的那份情 your heart called me and i went with him .当我同他漫步之时,似觉君情召唤着 i loved.爱过了 in your love oh my life .生命中爱过你 i"m yours.也曾属于你 in your love,oh my dear,all i wished for .心爱的,我所许的所有心愿 your heart called out to my heart.即为同你心连心 It called me and went in you"re breeze.任凭狂风也要共相伴.
2023-07-28 14:56:541

In Your Eyes 歌词

In Your Eyes作词:崔惟楷 作曲:Jeon、Jon Gyu演唱:罗志祥、杨丞琳你问我你眼中我看到甚么我回答 隐形眼镜 还有一个 帅到翻的我我问你 你眼中 你爱我甚么你总是 钓我胃口 故作神秘 爱说不说男生都这样爱耍坏行为举止 挑战我的忍耐女生才是 有够奇怪心里永远 那么多坏In Your Eyes 发现一种东西叫爱因为爱 所以我存在In Your Eyes 看见生活多么精彩看着你 我神眼离不开 早被你打败其实你悄悄变成 我的最爱My Love Is For You吃醋 撒娇 生气 耍赖 是你的专利 让你来疼我 爱我 让我 喂我 这些小事情 让你来只要 让我(你)愉快 就算耍冷 下不了台我全都愿意 都是因为爱我问你 你眼中 透漏些甚么你笑着 保持沉默 让我期待 你的承诺男生都这样爱耍坏行为举止 挑战我的忍耐女生才是 有够奇怪心里永远 那么多坏In Your Eyes 发现一种东西叫爱因为爱 所以我存在In Your Eyes 看见生活多么精彩看着你 我神眼离不开 早被你打败其实你悄悄变成 我的最爱My Love Is For You请闭上眼睛 坏蛋你想做甚么哪有做甚么你的小计谋 才不可能骗到我oh 你的眼睛 也累了该休息一下就让我趁这个机会 靠近你 吻你一下In Your Eyes 发现一种东西叫爱因为爱 所以我们存在In Your Eyes 看见生活多么精彩因为有你 才会精彩看着你 我神眼离不开 早被你打败其实你悄悄变成 我的最爱My Love Is For You
2023-07-28 14:56:471


两者有相同意思。 partner 解析: n.配偶;性伴侣;合伙人;搭档;同伴;舞伴 vt.(在跳舞、游戏等中)结成伙伴,做搭档,配对 spouse解析: n.配偶 vt.和…结婚 两者有相同意思。 扩展资料   The political opinions of spouses correlate more closely than their heights   配偶之间政治观点上的相似度要大于他们身高的.相似程度。   Many of us have failed as a spouse or parent.   我们中间有许多人都不是好配偶或好父母。   Things to look for in a potential spouse.   一个潜在配偶身上我们应该寻找的东西。   Partners of employees are invited as a matter of form.   按惯例,雇员的配偶受到了邀请。   The offer does not extend to employees" partners.   这项优惠不包括雇员的伴侣。
2023-07-28 14:56:461