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跪求美少女战士5部,星光三剑客唱的《SEARCH FOR YOUR LOVE》歌词的谐音

2023-07-29 09:41:06

Search for Your LOVE...

kimi wa itsumo kagayaiteta

egao hitotsu chiisana hoshi

taisetsu ni shiteta yo (eien no Starlight)

ano hi boku wa mamorenakute

kuyashinamida koraeta dake

itami ga nokoru yo (wasurenaide Sweet heart)

Search for Your LOVE sora no suishou

Search for Your LOVE nakanaidekure

Search for Your LOVE hontou wa

dakishimetai no sa

kimi no kaori zutto (sagashiteru)

boku no koe yo todoke (aishiteru)

ima doko ni iru no (Moonlight Princess)

boku no purinsesu

kotaete Answer for me imasugu Answer for me

kotaete Answer for me yasashiku Answer for me

tooi yozora kakenuketeku

nagareboshi ni negau yo ima

aitai to sasayaku (tsutaete yo Starlight)

toki ga sugite otona ni naru

boku wa yatto kizuita no sa

tarinai kakera ni (soba ni ite Sweet heart)

Search for Your LOVE gin no unabara

Search for Your LOVE fune wa tadayou

Search for Your LOVE kuruoshisa ni


kimi no kaori zutto (sagashiteru)

boku no koe yo todoke (aishiteru)

ima doko ni iru no (Moonlight Princess)

* boku no purinsesu

kotaete Answer for me imasugu Answer for me

kotaete Answer for me yasashiku Answer for me



不知道是指对于某种事物不清楚和不理解,和知道的意思相反。 例:我不知道工人体育馆在哪里。 人对于世间万物不能全部理解,所以人说得最多的话就是不知道。所谓不知道主要是:1.不谓通晓天地之道,深明人世之理。 2.不认识道路。 3.不晓得,谓对事物不有所了解﹑认识。 4.公文用语。犹知悉。多见于诏令。 [编辑本段]英语 不知道 in the dark 相关词组【口】(我)不知道(为什么) dunno 不知道的; 未知的; 陌生的; 默默无闻的 unknown 【古】不知道的;陌生的 uncouth = don " t know 不知道 dk 不知道的;没发觉的 unknowing 不知道的,未发觉的 unconscious 没有意识到的;不知道的 insensible 不知道的 ignorant 不知道的;未察觉到的 unaware 不知道;不明白 have no notion of 我不知道! Search me! 不知道...确切的数目 lose count of (我)不知道 dunno 不知道的;不认识的;不熟悉的 unacquainted 未意识到地;不知道地 unconsciously 不知道;未发觉 unconscious of
2023-07-28 14:03:231

英语的、我走了、别再找我、 怎么说

I"ve gone and do not to contact me from now on !!
2023-07-28 14:03:345


网页链接英语四级常用词组,归纳详细, 易于学习复习。考英语专业四级必备。
2023-07-28 14:04:043


1. 英语作文不知道怎么写 英语写作是语言应用的一个重要方面,也是语言能力测定的重要手段,衡量写作水平的标准便是看其是否能用学过的语言材料,语法知识等用文字的形式来表达描述。 书面语言表达一般分为三个过程:思维、组织、表达。先是思维,把要写的东西在脑中思考,这往往是个别的,孤立的一些素材,很凌乱琐碎;因此要对此进行组织,把这些思维作出整理,使其条理、系统化,但这还是较粗糙的,可能还有一些用词不当或语言错误;最后才是表达,把组织过的材料仔细推敲,确实无问题了再落笔成文。在撰写时要注意主谓语一致,时态呼应,用词贴切等,这就是写作。上述的三个过程,最难的就是第三个过程,这需要我们有较好的语法知识,掌握一定数量的句型,习惯用语,熟练的写作技巧,这样才能写出通顺生动的文章来。总之,要提高英语写作水平,需要两方面的训练:一是语言基础方面的训练,要有扎实的造句、翻译等基本功,即用词法、句法等知识造出正确无误的句子;二是写作知识和能力方面的训练以掌握写作方面的基本方法和技巧。那么,究竟怎样才能写好作文呢? 阅读优秀范文 首先要搞好阅读。阅读是写作的基础,在阅读方面下的功夫越深,驾驭语言的能力也就越强。所以要写好英语先要读好英语,在语言学习方面狠下苦功,教科书要读透,因为教科书中的文章都是一些很好的范文,文笔流畅,语言规范,精彩的一些课文段落要背诵。再就是要进行大量课外阅读,并记住一些好文章的篇章结构。 加强练词造句训练 其次,要加强练词造句的训练。词句对作文相当于造房的材料,无好材料就造不出好房子。平时在学习阅读时要注意收集积累,把好的词语、短语、句型做好笔记。平时在练习中的错误也要做好记录,再对照正确句子,使地道的英语句子如同条件反射,落笔就对。 2. 首先,把以前错了的反复多看,真正弄懂,因为知识点总是那些啊。要有信心。 其次,翻译不够,说明词汇掌握不充分,尤其是一些固定搭配,这要靠平时多记忆。还有可能是基本的语法没弄懂,应多多请教同学或老师。 第三,作文的话,最见效的是先多被几篇范文,然后模仿。同时别忽略课本上的内容哦,选的都是经典。 我妹妹也初三,英语中等,现在要想尽量拿分的话,就要注重攻克自己的弱项。针对上述你说的问题,一一进行查漏补缺最重要。 加油哦 3. “我不知道”的英文怎么写 I don"t konw. I don"t have a clue./I haven"t a clue. It beats me". I have no idea. I haven"t the faintest idea. How should I know? Search me. 1.I don"t know.=I do not konw.一般都是用的这个语句,它几乎适用于各种语境,英语对话,作文都可以用它。但是,对话一直用这个会让人感觉过于死板, 可以用其他的短语。 2.英语不同的语境用的短语也可以不同,可以根据语境翻译。 e.g. "When do you have to submit this essay?" "Dunno. I can"t remember." 例句:“你什么时候要交论文?”“不知道,不记得了。” 3.I don"t have a clue./I haven"t a clue.两个句子为不同时态的回答。与I don"t konw.相似,不带有语气色彩。 e.g. "Would you by any chance know where St James"s Street is?" "I haven"t a clue. Sorry." 例句:“你知道圣詹姆斯大街在哪儿吗?” “不好意思,不太清楚。” e.g. "What time does the film start?" "I have no idea. Why don"t you call the cinema?" 例句:“电影什么时候开始?” “不清楚,你为什么不打电话问电影院呢?” 4.It beats me.回答相对随意,不含贬义色彩。 e.g. "Why did he do such a stupid thing?" "It beats me." 例句:“他怎么会做这种蠢事?” “不知道啊” e.g. "What time does the film start?" "I have no idea. Why don"t you call the cinema?" 例句:“电影什么时候开始?” “不清楚,你为什么不打电话问电影院呢?” e.g. "Could somebody please explain how this happened?" "I haven"t the faintest idea." 5.也有语气相对不好,不耐烦的短语。可用反问的语句。 例句:“有没有人能解释一下这是怎么回事?” “我也不知道。” e.g. "Who left this mess on the table?" "How should I know? I"ve only just e home." 例句:“谁把桌子弄得一团乱?” “我怎么知道,我才刚到家。” e.g. "Why didn"t he ask you for the keys?" "Search me. I"m not a mind reader." 例句:“为什么他不问你要钥匙呢?” “不知道,我又不会读心术。”
2023-07-28 14:04:411


启动类型改为禁用。1、在win7桌面点击“开始菜单”图标,随后选择“控制面板”进入。2、将“查看方式"改为“类别”后选择“程序”进入。3、打开的界面中选择“打开或关闭windows功能”。4、4.在弹出的窗口中取消勾选“windows search”复选框,在弹出的提示窗口中点击是进行接下来的操作,最后点击确定即可。MicrosoftEdge(简称ME浏览器)是由微软开发的基于Chromium开源项目及其他开源软件的网页浏览器。2015年4月30日,微软在旧金山举行的Build2015开发者大会上宣布,其最新操作系统——Windows10内置代号为“ProjectSpartan”的新浏览器被正式命名为“MicrosoftEdge”,其内置于Windows10版本中。
2023-07-28 14:05:031


2023-07-28 14:05:134


BRYAN ADAMS - (Everything I Do) I Do It For You 可以去听一下,看是不是 刚在一威信频台 每晚睡前音乐 那搜的,听着还可以,旋律我喜欢,要不是这首你也可到这去找找,歌曲也是很多的。以下部分歌词:What you mean to meSearch your heart - search your soulAnd when you find me there you"ll search no moreDon"t tell me it"s not worth tryin" forYou can"t tell me it"s not worth dyin" for
2023-07-28 14:05:211


2023-07-28 14:05:315


2023-07-28 14:05:562

-the search engine just gave me some brief introductions英语选择

2023-07-28 14:07:003


Five hundred miles。21gun
2023-07-28 14:07:106

求一张欧美图,是一个女生坐在窗边,看着窗外 很有意境

2023-07-28 14:07:391

Sreach for you love的日语歌词(全平假名)

(Search for your love)(Search for your love)きみはいつも 辉(かがや)いていた笑颜(えがお)ひとつ ちいさな星(ほし)大切(たいせつ)にしてたよ(永远(えいえん)の Starlight)あの日(ひ)ぼくは 守(まも)れなくて悔(くや)し涙(なみだ) 堪(こら)えただけ痛(いた)みが残(もこ)るよ(忘(わす)れない Sweet heart)Search for your love 宇宙(うちゅう)の水晶(すいしょう)Search for your love 泣(な)かないでくれSearch for your love 本当(ほんとう)は抱(だ)きしめたいのさきみの香(かお)りずっと(さがしてる)ぼくの声(こえ)よ届(とど)け(あいしてる)いまどこにいるの(Moonlight Princess)ぼくのプリンセス答(こた)えて(Answer for me)今(いま)すぐ(Answer for me)答(こた)えて(Answer for me)优(やさ)しく(Answer for me)(Search for your love)(Search for your love)(Search for your love)(Search for your love)远(とお)い夜空(よぞら) 駆(か)け抜(ぬ)けてく流(なが)れ星(ぼし)に 愿(ねが)うよいま会(あ)いたいとささやく(伝(つた)えてよ Starlight)时(とき)がすぎて 大人(おとな)になるぼくはやっと 気(き)づいたのさ足(た)りないかけらに(そばにいて Sweet heart)Search for your love 银(ぎん)の海原(うなばら)Search for your love 船(ふね)は漂(ただよ)うSearch for your love 狂(くる)おしさに流(なが)されてゆくきみの香(かお)りずっと(さがしてる)ぼくの声(こえ)よ届(とど)け(あいしてる)いまどこにいるの(Moonlight Princess)ぼくのプリンセス答(こた)えて(Answer for me)今(いま)すぐ(Answer for me)答(こた)えて(Answer for me)优(やさ)しく(Answer for me)
2023-07-28 14:09:122

Pass me?用中文怎么翻译?翻译得最好是好一点!有用阿谢谢了

有“递给我”的意思。如:Please pass me somesalt.Here you are!
2023-07-28 14:09:215

一首英文歌 女声开头用吉他弹奏 高潮部分 哇啊啊啊啊 i can you just 什么 me 还有 do~~~~~~什么的

呃 还能想起来多点么
2023-07-28 14:09:375


2023-07-28 14:09:533

touch Me什么意思?

2023-07-28 14:10:028


crush on you试听下载
2023-07-28 14:10:202

一首英文歌里歌词是you have to me to me接着是好多啦啦啦的的是什么歌

Somebody To Love - Leighton MeesterParis, France to MichiganLondon town and through BerlinI can"t believe this place I"m inEverywhere and back againPorcelain and China dollsGive me one, I seen "em allGot my back against the wallWonder where I"ll be tomorrow?But wait, now how long could this take?It"s hard to find a mate when you"re gone before he wakesThey say it"s hard to achieveBut can"t a girl believe?Is there somebody who still believes in love?I know you"re out thereThere"s got to be somebody, I search around the worldBut I can"t seem to find somebody to loveBaby girl, there you atLooking at me like a putty catWondering where that thing is atWondering where your ring is atNobody ever did it quite like thisNobody ever did it quite like youDo your hair, I bought you shoesWe can hit the town like superstars doYou want love?Then let me show you loveGive me the key to your heartI can give you what you wantWhen you"re waiting aroundAnd you"re lookin" for someoneI"ma turn you right to the way to a womanIs there somebody who still believes in love?I know you"re out thereThere"s got to be somebody, I search around the worldBut I can"t seem to find somebody to loveIs there somebody who still believes in love?I know you"re out thereThere"s got to be somebody, I search around the worldBut I can"t seem to find somebody to loveJe t"adore, je t"adoreMake a move, do the thingTurn around, strike a poseJe t"adore, je t"adoreMake a move, do the thingTurn around, strike a poseOoh, I like itOoh, I need itOoh, I want itHey, heyI know it"s hard to achieveBut can"t a girl believe?Is there somebody who still believes in love?I know you"re out thereThere"s got to be somebody, I search around the worldBut I can"t seem to find somebody to loveIs there somebody who still believes in love?I know you"re out thereThere"s got to be somebody, I search around the worldBut I can"t seem to find somebody to loveYou say hello, I say goodbyeSomebody to loveYou say hello, I say goodbyeSomebody to loveAlright, somebody to loveOh babe, somebody to loveAlright, somebody to love
2023-07-28 14:10:391


开头曲:《月光传说》对不起,不能直接地表白.只好在梦中诉说.思路通畅,念头一下子呈现眼前,我想马上见到你.像哭似的月光,不能通电话的月光,然而纯真的感情,如何是好?心像万花筒变换不定.在月光的指引下,几度重逢,数着银座的熠熠灯光,占卜着爱的方向.在相同的地球发生了,不可思议的浪漫传奇.再一次两人一起度周末,希望神赐给我幸福的结局.现在,过去,未来,都被你迷祝邂逅时的情景令人怀念,忘不了你的眼神,从几千万颗星中,找到了你.偶然也会转化为机遇,我喜欢这样的生活方式.在奇迹般的十字路口,几度重逢,数着银座熠熠生辉的灯光,占卜着爱的方向,在同一国度发生的,不可思议的浪漫传奇.《肩越しに金星 》作词/武内直子作曲/小幡英之编曲/秋叶原健介歌/爱野美奈子(小松彩夏)飞身到天边为这世界一战红日在夜空天际出现抛出救生圈雾里舞我的剑邪道外魔星际飞闪你你你快跪下看我引弓千里箭你你你快跪下勿要我放出了魔毯你你你快跪下勿要我手握天血剑你你你快跪下狂风扫落雷电美少女转身变已变成战士以爱凝聚力量救世人跳出生天身体套光圈合上两眼都见明亮像佛光天际初现虽诡计多端但美少女一变邪道外魔都企一边星星降下的黎明歌:火野丽(北川景子)打开窗户 眺望夜空看那千万颗星星的诞生和陨落见那树枝摇摆 想静心倾听却只有那吹过的风真的好想靠着你温暖的胸膛等待黎明可却只有我一人独自前行一个人活下去的坚强 最初是你给我的只要有笑容一切都能实现流星划过黑暗 如果可以实现愿望那我唯一的心愿就是 请摘下开启我心扉的钥匙高楼的间隙中 渗出银色的月光可以稍稍流泪吧时光流逝 伤痕却没有愈合但我仍在等待黎明的到来不知何时 好想融入那温暖的场所想踏入那布满冷冷露珠的街道一个人活下去的坚强 如果能和谁分享定会拥有美好的回忆吧月亮在空中散发着光辉 是在引导着迷失的梦吗?我睡不着 让所有的星星照耀我吧真的好想靠着你温暖的胸膛等待黎明可却只有我一人独自前行一个人活下去的坚强 是你那时给我的只要有笑容一切都能实现流星划过黑暗 如果可以实现愿望那我唯一的心愿就是 请摘下开启我心扉的钥匙《sailor stars 》(第5部主题曲)谁愿与我静听sailor smile期望有你和应sailor wing要摘到星星 寻求明亮方向做记认云雾里每秒幻化sailor eye凝聚了友爱密码sailor stars远望这天空繁星中让诺言递送即使分隔也感应愿闯进我生命同寻觅纯真暖意共认证一双眼睛此刻心底又涌现擦破那漆黑天空的光线就像你对我说不可放松旅程暗里有你照亮我影夜里朗月正高升静默里给我照亮美景面对挫败也不惊愿拥有着那无穷信心加拼劲谁愿与我静听sailor smile期望有你和应sailor wing振着翅高飞 银河横越终到达次地云雾里每秒幻化sailor moon凝聚了友爱密码sailor stars快乐似这歌 繁星里在伴随着我《Heart Moving》———R片尾曲 演唱:高松美砂绘梦中我们两人在一起被星空拥抱做朋友的时候浑然不觉无拘无束谈天说地然而一瞬之间,开始特别在意唯一的你想要自己变得更美丽坠入爱河,有些东西会改变闭上双眼,感觉你温暖的怀抱,心中如小鹿乱跳想告诉你,永远这样回家的路上不想在大家面前跟你说再见于是洒脱地挥挥手告别想让你看到更迷人的我在梦中,我们两个人 月比谁都亲近想送给那时的你我的深深爱恋总觉得明天会有美好的事发生坠入爱河,一切都变得不一样闭上双眼,感觉你温暖的怀抱,心中如小鹿乱跳好想告诉你,永远这样风也天空也一定(最后星光ED)消失于人群之中向着背面挥手直至昨天为止 彷佛是谎话一样笑得眼泪也流出来合上手凝望你的话不论何时(你的)气味(也微微地)令人心坎悸动曾也任性过 也打过无聊的交不知道 有时候将会不能再见面那一天 追上去了打开一切的情绪的话风也 天空也仍然只包围着二人想到明天的事心情较为向前看了一定(不论何地)也(轻微地)延续着沿着路走去吧月只有一个人了系上一个想见你的晚上一句说话 现在已传递不了那一天 拥抱着了不要忘记幸福变得非常 喜欢你盼能做回那时候的自己那一天 梦到了月光水不要忘记你的眼眸:风也 天空也一定替我令悲伤消散タキシ—ドu2022ミラ—ジュ (《燕尾服的幻影》)———S插曲在一轮弯月的怀抱中,将星星的耳环摘下 怎么办心里,心里一片慌张即使烟花变成了繁星,即使恋爱的热情渐渐消我求你,不要停止 KISS就算盗走了 VELUDO 的香味这颗心,在银河中,产生了恋情深夜如同斗篷,张开将天空染成彩虹的颜色更加,更加爱你燕尾服的幻影燕尾服的幻影停止吧,呼呼的风,静静地幻想着空荡荡的感觉怎样去做,心里,心里十分难过即使眼泪化成繁星,即使我化做青烟我求你,不要停止 KISS想被 VELUDO 的视线包围这颗心,在银河中,立下盟誓在烟花的海洋中,温柔地将我拥抱永远,永远都不要消失燕尾服的幻影燕尾服的幻影乙女のボリシ— (《少女战略》) R片尾曲无论遇到什么困难都决不气馁是的,这就是可爱少女战略什么时候为了那个真正相遇相知的人抬起头幸福地投入他的怀抱隐隐作痛的心中开始有爱的感觉没有什么可以惧怕心怦怦跳是因为怀有远大梦想所以凛然傲立今后还会遇到许多更困难的挑战那一定是我们振翅高飞的美好机遇大家的执着就是一种美丽鼓起信心克服困难沉睡不可知的力量不知何时已涨满全身做一个理想的自己努力向前虽然偶尔会流泪可是依然凛凛傲立三束光的《Search for your love》:Search for your love.....Search for your love,You are always shining,Your smile is like a tiny shooting star.I cherish it very much. (everlasting starlight)That day I couldn"t protect you,I can only hold my remorseful tears,What was left was pain (don"t forget me sweetheart)Search for your love, crystal of the universeSearch for your love, don"t cry for meSearch for your love, the truth isI love to hold you tightly.I"ve always been looking for your sweet scent,to convey my voice. (I love you)Where have you gone? (Moonlight Princess)Our PrincessAnswer me right away (Answer for me)Anwer me gently (Answer for me)Passing through the remote night sky,I"m making a wish infront of a shooting star.I tell myself I want to see you, (please convey my message starlight)Time flies by quickly, I"ve grown up.Finally I feel memories are not enough.(please stand by my side sweetheart)Search for your love, the silver seedSearch for your love, the boat is floatingSearch for your love, intrepidlyI was swept away by the current.I"ve always been looking for your sweet scent,to convey my voice. (I love you)Where are you now? (Moonlight Princess)Our PrincessAnswer me right away (Answer for me)Anwer me gently (Answer for me)Answer me right away (Answer for me)Anwer me gently (Answer for me)Answer me right away (Answer for me)Anwer me gently (Answer for me).....PS:个人很喜欢三束光,所以把她们的英文版也放上来了~LZ不要介意啊~(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……《Kiss Bang》小松彩夏摆出抱歉的表情因为见不到你而难过似乎连你走路的样子都快忘了不见你的夜晚你会和谁在一起呢?Kiss Kiss为了爱情真的好想见到你不让我的泪水流出因为在心中还是温暖的All Right这份爱除了微笑还有苦涩穿越痛苦 坚持到底还想唱出你的一切我可以变得温暖仅此而已我相信I"ll be here有一天会和谁有一个美好的Kiss心中会激动不已I can try if I want toI can try like a happy night就是想 在你身边这份爱除了微笑还有苦涩穿越痛苦 坚持到底还想唱出你的一切我可以变得温暖仅此而已我相信I"ll be hereAll Right
2023-07-28 14:10:491


WSearch“划词搜索”是一个由Visual C++工具编写的广告程序。“划词搜索”变种b运行后,在%WinDir%System32文件夹下释放出deskipn.dll文件。病毒名称:Adware.WSearch.b中 文 名:“划词搜索”变种b病毒长度:可变病毒类型:广告程序危害等级:影响平台:Win 9X/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003建议用360或其他杀毒软件进行查杀彻底删除这个文件。
2023-07-28 14:11:171

歌剧魅影 think of me哪里下载?

2023-07-28 14:11:263


2023-07-28 14:11:352

一首英文歌曲开头就是to look my eyes,这首英文歌曲的名字是什么?

SURAN的 step step
2023-07-28 14:11:515


灵云乐队 forever
2023-07-28 14:12:0610


Nothingstake,nothingdraw.不顶千里浪,哪来万斤鱼。Nothingisasgoodasitseemsbeforehand.期待比现实更美好。Nothingisgivensofreelyasadvice.劝人最容易。Nothingissocertainastheunexpected.天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福。Nothingseek,nothingfind.无所求则无所获。Alittleofeverythingisnothinginthemain.每事浅尝辄止,事事都告无成。Agreatshipasksdeepwaters.大船要走深水。(蛟龙要在海中游。)ThebestphysiciansareDr.Diet,Dr.Quiet,andDr.Merryman.节食博士、精心博士、快乐博士,三人都是最好的医生。Hethatoncedeceivesiseversuspected.骗人一次,受疑一世。Emptywagonsrattleloudest.空车响声大。Nothingsobadbutmightbeablessing.塞翁失马,焉知非福。 Outofsight,outofmind.久别情日疏. Nevergiveup,nevergivein.永不放弃,永不言败. Factsspeaklouderthanwords.事实胜于雄辩. Romewas"tbuiltinaday.冰冻三尺,非一日之寒. Arollingstonegathersnomoss.滚石不生草. Practicemakesferfact. Hewholaughslastlaughsbest.谁笑在最后,谁笑得最好. Patiencewearsoutstones.滴水穿石. Pridegoesbefourafail.骄必败. Onegoodturndeservesanother.好心有好报. Oneswallowdoesnotmakeasummer.一燕不成夏. Lookbefouryouleap.三思而后行. Whatmustbe,mustbe.要发生的事总要发生. Wellbeginishalfdone./ Agoodbeginningis ahalfofsuccessa 良好的开端等于成功的一半. Unitedwestand,dividedwefall.合则立,分则败.16.Wherethereissmokethere"sfire.无风不起浪. Timeisoftheessence.一寸光阴一寸金. Tomorrownevercomes.不要依赖明天. Tastesdiffer.人各有所好. Thetablesareturned.局势扭转. Searchme.我不明白. Nothingtoit.容易极了. Toerrishuman.人无完人. Moneytalks.金钱万能. Amissisasgoodasamile.差之毫厘,谬以千里. Manproposes,Goddisposes.谋事在人,成事在天. Loveisblind.情人眼里出西施./爱情是盲目的. Liveandletlive.待人宽容如待己. Inwinethereistruth.酒后吐真言. Likefather,likeson.有其父,必有其子.Wastenot,wantnot.俭以防匮。 Fromsavingcomeshaving.富有来自节俭。Apennysavedisapennygained.省一文是一文。Frugalityisanestatealone.节俭本身就是一宗财产。Manyalittlemakesamickle.积少便成多。Smallgainsbringgreatwealth.积小利,成巨富。Successbelongstothepersevering.胜利属于坚忍不拔的人。Stepbysteptheladderisascended.登梯需要逐级登。Adversityleadstoprosperity.困苦通向昌盛。Liveandlearn.活到老,学到老。
2023-07-28 14:12:462

谁有search for you love的歌词?

Search For You Love歌手:Three Lights 专辑:Sailormoon Star Search for your loveSearch for your lovekimi wa itsumo kagayaitetaegao hitotsu chiisa na hoshitaisetsu ni shite tayo(eien no Starlight)anohi bokuwa mamorenakutekuyashi namida koraeta dakeitamiga nokoruyo(wasurenai Sweet heart)Search for your lovesora no suishouSearch for your lovenakanaidekureSearch for your lovehontou wadakishimetai nosakimino kaori zutto(sagashiteru)bokunokoeyo todoke(aishiteru)imadokoni iruno(Moonlight Princess)boku no purincecukotaete Answer for meimasugu Answer for mekotaete Answer for meyasashiku Answer for metooiyosora kakenuketekunagareboshininega uyoimaaitaito sasayaku(tsutaeteyo Starlight)tokiga sugiteotona ni naruboku wa yattokizu itanosatarinai kakerani(sobaniite Sweet heart)Search for your lovegin nounabaraSearch for your lovefune wa tadayouSearch for your lovekuru oshisa ninagasarete yukukimino kaori zutto(sagashiteru)bokuno koeyo todoke(aishiteru)ima dokoni iruno(Moonlight Princess)bokuno PURINSESUkotaete(Answer for me)ima sugu(Answer for me)kotaete(Answer for me)yasashiku(Answer for me)kotaete(Answer for me)imasugu(Answer for me)kotaete(Answer for me)yasashiku(Answer for me)kotaete(Answer for me)imasugu(Answer for me)
2023-07-28 14:12:542

美少女战士 search for your love里日文歌词的罗马音打在每句话的空格里

手打很辛苦的,那个……きみはいつも かがやいてたkimi ha itsumo kagayaite taえがおひとつ ちいさなほしegao hitotsu chiisana hoshiたいせつにしてたよ (えいえんのStarlight)taisetsu ni shite ta yo (eien no Starlight)あのひぼくは まもれなくてano hi boku ha mamore nakuteくやしなみだ こらえただけkuyashi namida koraeta dakeいたみがのこるよ (わすれないSweet heart)itami ga nokoru yo (wasurenai Sweet heart)Search for you LOVE そらのすいしょうSearch for you LOVE sora no suishouSearch for you LOVE なかないでくれSearch for you LOVE nakanaide kureSearch for you LOVE ほんとうは だきしめたいのさSearch for you LOVE hontou ha dakishime tai no saきみのかおりずっと (さがしてる)kimi no kaori zutto (sagashite ru)ぼくのこえよとどけ (あいしてる)boku no koeyo todoke (aishite ru)いまどこにいるの (Moonlight Princess)ima dokoni iruno (Monnlight Princess)ぼくのプリンセスboku no purinsesuこたえて Answer for me いますぐ Answer for mekotaete Answer for me imasugu Answer for meこたえて Answer for me やさしく Answer for mekotaete Answer for me yasashiku Answer for meSearch for you LOVE…Search for you LOVE…Search for you LOVE…Search for you LOVE…とおいよぞら かけぬけてくtooi yozora kakenukete kuながれぼしに ねがうよいまnagareboshi ni negauyo imaあいたいとささやく (つたえてよStarlight)aitai to sasayaku (tsutaete yo Starlight)ときがすぎて おとなになるtoki ga sugite otona ni naruぼくはやっと きづいたのさboku ha yatto kiduita no saたりないかけらに (そばにいてSweet heart)tarinai kakera ni (soba ni ite Sweet heart)Search for you LOVE ぎんのうなばらSearch for you LOVE kin no unabaraSearch for you LOVE ふねはただようSearch for you LOVE fune ha tadayouSearch for you LOVE くるおしさに ながされてゆくSearch for you LOVE kuruoshisa ni nagasarete yukuきみのかおりずっと (さがしてる)kimi no kaori zutto (sagashite ru)ぼくのこえよとどけ (あいしてる)boku no koeyo todoke (aishite ru)いまどこにいるの (Moonlight Princess)ima doko ni iru no (Moonlight Princess)ぼくのプリンセスboku no purinsesuこたえて Answer for me いますぐ Answer for mekotaete Answer for me imasugu Answer for meこたえて Answer for me やさしく Answer for mekotaete Answer for me yasashiku Answer for meこたえて Answer for me いますぐ Answer for mekotaete Answer for me imasugu Answer for meこたえて Answer for me やさしく Answer for mekotaete Answer for me yasashiku Answer for meこたえて Answer for me いますぐ Answer for mekotaete Answer for me imasugu Answer for meこたえて Answer for me やさしく Answer for mekotaete Answer for me yasashiku Answer for me
2023-07-28 14:13:031


  search for your love  Search for Your LOVE…  きみはいつも かがやいてた  笑颜ひとつ ちいさな星  大切にしてたよ (永远のStarlight)  あの日ぼくは 守れなくて  くやし涙 こらえただけ Search for Your LOVE 宇宙の水晶  Search for Your LOVE なかないでくれ  Search for Your LOVE ほんとうは  だきしめたいのさ  きみの香りずっと (さがしてる)  ぼくの声よとどけ (あいしてる)  いまどこにいるの (Moonlight Princess)  ぼくのプリンセス  こたえて Answer for me いますぐ Answer for me  こたえて Answer for me やさしく Answer for me  とおい夜空 かけぬけてく  流れ星に 愿うよいま  あいたいとささやく (つたえてよStarlight)  时がすぎて おとなになる  ぼくはやっと 気づいたのさ  たりないかけらに (そばにいてSweet heart)  Search for Your LOVE 银の海原  Search for Your LOVE 船はただよう  Search for Your LOVE くるおしさに  流されてゆく  きみの香りずっと (さがしてる)  ぼくの声よとどけ (あいしてる)  いまどこにいるの (Moonlight Princess)  *ぼくのプリンセス  こたえて Answer for me いますぐ Answer for me  こたえて Answer for me やさしく Answer for me  *Repeat  Nagareboshi e  Search for Your LOVE...  kimi wa itsumo kagayaiteta  egao hitotsu chiisana hoshi  taisetsu ni shiteta yo (eien no Starlight)  ano hi boku wa mamorenakute  kuyashinamida koraeta dake  itami ga nokoru yo (wasurenaide Sweet heart)  Search for Your LOVE sora no suishou  Search for Your LOVE nakanaidekure  Search for Your LOVE hontou wa  dakishimetai no sa  kimi no kaori zutto (sagashiteru)  boku no koe yo todoke (aishiteru)  ima doko ni iru no (Moonlight Princess)  boku no purinsesu  kotaete Answer for me imasugu Answer for me  kotaete Answer for me yasashiku Answer for me  tooi yozora kakenuketeku  nagareboshi ni negau yo ima  aitai to sasayaku (tsutaete yo Starlight)  toki ga sugite otona ni naru  boku wa yatto kizuita no sa  tarinai kakera ni (soba ni ite Sweet heart)  Search for Your LOVE gin no unabara  Search for Your LOVE fune wa tadayou  Search for Your LOVE kuruoshisa ni  nagasareteyuku  kimi no kaori zutto (sagashiteru)  boku no koe yo todoke (aishiteru)  ima doko ni iru no (Moonlight Princess)  * boku no purinsesu  kotaete Answer for me imasugu Answer for me  kotaete Answer for me yasashiku Answer for me  *Repeat  朝流星而去  寻找你的爱。。。。  寻找你的爱 。。。。  你总是闪烁着  你的微笑就如同一个小星星  让我珍爱无比  那一天我无法保护你  只能流着懊悔的泪  留下的只有痛楚(我总忘不了你 甜心)  寻找你的爱,宇宙的水晶  寻找你的爱,别为我哭泣  寻找你的爱,真的真的  好想紧紧拥抱你  我总是在追寻着你的甜香  以传达我的声音(我爱你)  你现在在哪儿?(月光公主啊)  我们的公主  立刻回答我吧(回答我吧)  轻柔地回答我吧(回答我吧)  立刻回答我吧(回答我吧)  ====================================  银河中身份悬殊的单恋(星野单曲)  Ginga Ichi Mibun Chigai na Kataomoi  银河一身分违いな片想い  Kagayaku shiroi sekai no naka ni  辉く白い世界の中に  Tsubasa wo hirogeta kimi ga iru  翼をひろげた君がいる  Demo sono tsubasa wa kuroku omoku  でもその翼は黒く重く  Unmei ni kimi wa oshitsubusaresou  运命に君は押しつぶされそう  *Tasuketai, sukuitai, ore ni dekiru nara  たすけたい, 救いたい, オレにできるなら  Inochi sae nagedashite, kimi no tame ni...  命さえ投げ出して,君のために  Fuan no toki, tsurai toki, ore ga tsuite iru  不安な时, つらい时, オレがついている  Itsumo misete ite kure, kimi no egao  いつも见せていてくれ, 君の笑颜  Seiya no ore ga kanjiru, fushigi na kimochi  星野のオレが感じる, 不思议な気持ち  Faitaa no ore ga kanjiru, shimeikan to wa chigatta...  ファイターのオレが感じる, 使命感とは违った  Kitto, ginga ichi mibun chigai na kataomoi da ne  きっと, 银河一身分违いな片想いだね  Kuuru na akai sekai no naka ni  クールな赤い世界の中に  Kanpeki na senshi, ore ga iru  完璧な戦士、オレがいる  Demo sono mae ni kimi wa araware  でもその前に君は现れ  Totsuzen haato wa harisakesou da ze  突然ハートは张り裂けそうだぜ  Akogare wa, tada hitori ore no purinsesu  憧れは, ただ一人, オレのプリンセス  Hakai sae okoranakya, heiwa na hibi...  破坏さえ起こらなきゃ平和な日々  Nagarete kita, taiyoukei, kimi mo purinsesu  流れてきた太阳系, 君もプリンセス  Aru hi miserareta, kimi no egao  ある日魅せられた, 君の笑颜  Seiya no ore ga kanjiru, fushigi na kimochi  星野のオレが感じる, 不思议な気持ち  Faitaa no ore ga kanjiru, shimeikan to wa chigatta...  ファイターのオレが感じる, 使命感とは违った  Kitto, ginga ichi mibun chigai na kataomoi da ne  きっと, 银河一身分违いな片想いだね  Hoshizora wo tsukinuke, ginga wo kirisaki  星空を突き拔け, 银河を斩り裂き  Mirai wo kimeru tatakai  未来を决める戦い  Ima wa sukoshi de mo  今は少しでも  Kimi no kioku no katasumi ni irareru you ni  君の记忆の片隅にいられるように  Kami furimidashi dance dance dance  发ふりみだしdance dance dance  Tasuketai, sukuitai, ore ni dekiru nara  たすけたい, 救いたい, オレにできるなら  Inochi sae nagedashite, kimi no tame ni...  命さえ投げ出して,君のために  Fuan no toki, tsurai toki, ore ga tsuite iru  不安な时, つらい时, オレがついている  Itsumo misete ite kure, kimi no egao  いつも见せていてくれ, 君の笑颜  Seiya no ore ga kanjiru, fushigi na kimochi  星野のオレが感じる, 不思议な気持ち  Faitaa no ore ga kanjiru, shimeikan to wa chigatta...  ファイターのオレが感じる, 使命感とは违った  Kitto, ginga ichi mibun chigai na kataomoi da ne  きっと, 银河一身分违いな片想いだね  银河中身份悬殊的单恋  在光辉雪白的世界中  是展开了翅膀的你  但是那双翅膀黑暗沉重  彷佛你被命运压得喘不过气  想帮助你 想拯救你 要是我做得到的话  连性命也可付上 只要是为了你...  不安之时 痛苦之时 我都会在旁  一直让我看见吧 你的笑容  作为星野的我感受到 不可思议的情感  作为Fighter的我感受到 异于使命感...  这一定是全银河最不符合身分的单恋呢  在冷酷的血红世界中  是完美的战士 我  但是你出现了  突然我的心似要裂开  所憧憬的 只有一人 我的公主  无可避免被破坏的和平日子...  流落到这太阳系 你也是公主  有一天被吸引住了 你的笑容  作为星野的我感受到 不可思议的情感  作为Fighter的我感受到 异于使命感...  这一定是全银河最不符合身分的单恋呢  穿越星空 斩裂银河  决定未来的战争  现在至少  愿我能存在于你的记忆一角  发丝乱舞 dance dance dance  想帮助你 想拯救你 要是我做得到的话  连性命也可付上 只要是为了你...  不安之时 痛苦之时 我都会在旁  一直让我看见吧 你的笑容  作为星野的我感受到 不可思议的情感  作为Fighter的我感受到 异于使命感...  这一定是全银河最不符合身分的单恋呢  =====================================  月光传说 ムーンライト伝说  ゴメンね素直じゃなくて  梦の中なら云える  思考回路はショート寸前  今すぐ会いたいよ  泣きたくなるような moonlight  电话も出来ない midnight  だって纯情 どうしよう  ハートは万华镜  月の光に导かれ  何度も 巡り会う  星座の瞬き数え  占う恋の行方  同じ地球に生まれたの  ミラクルu30fbロマンス  も一度 ふたりで weekend  神さま かなえて happy-end  现在u30fb过去u30fb未来も  あなたに首いったて  出会ったときの懐かしい  まなざし忘れない  几千万の星から  あなたを见つけられる  偶然もチャンスに换える  生き方が好きよ  不思议な奇迹クロスして  何度も 巡り会う  星座の瞬き数え  占う恋の行方  同じ地球に生まれたの  ミラクルu30fbロマンス  信じているの  ミラクルu30fbロマンス  不懂日语还可以看下面的译音!  Gomen ne sunao ja nakute  Yume no naka nara ieru  Shikou kairo wa shotto sunzen  Ima sugu aitai yo  Nakitaku naru you-na Moonlight  Denwa mo dekinai Midnight  Datte junjou dou shiyou  Hatto wa mangekyou  Tsuki no hikari ni michibikare  Nandomo meguri-au  Seiza no matataki kazoe  uranau koi no yukue  Onaji kuni ni umareta no  mirakuru romansu  Mo ichido futari de Weekend  Kami-sama kanaete Happy-end  Genzai kako mirai mo  Anata ni kubittake  Deatta toki no natsukashii  Manazashi wasurenai  Ikusenman no hoshi kara  anata o mitsukerareru  Guuzen mo chansu ni kaeru  ikikata ga suki yo  Fushigi-na kiseki kurosu-shite  Nandomo meguri-au  Seiza no matataki kazoe  uranau koi no yukue  Onaji kuni ni umareta no  mirakuru romansu  Shinjite-iru no  mirakuru romansu  抱歉 口是心非的我  只敢在梦中向你坦白  头脑差点就要短路  好想马上见到你  在婉若哭泣的月光之下  在电话前徘徊到深夜  纯情的我该如何是好  心儿好似万花筒  依循月光的指引  一次次与你相遇  细数闪烁的星辰  占卜恋爱的结果  我们生在同一国度  不可思议的罗曼史  好想再一次与你共渡周末  神啊 请赐予我完美的结局  无论过去 现在 或将来  我只为你而痴狂  深深怀念初次的相逢  难以忘却你的目光  满天繁星之中  有幸与你相遇  把握偶然 创造机遇  喜欢这样的生活方式  奇迹为我在此汇聚  命中注定你我的缘分  细数闪烁的星辰  占卜恋爱的结果  我们生在同一国度  不可思议的罗曼史  心中始终坚信  不可思议的罗曼史
2023-07-28 14:13:101

求美少女战士第五部中插曲《search for you love》的中文译音

Nagareboshi he—Search for your love Search for your love..... 寻找你的爱 Search for your love 寻找你的爱 Kimi ha itsumo kagayai te ta 你总是闪耀着光辉 egao hitotsu chiisana hoshi 你的笑容好似一颗小星星 taisetsu ni shite ta yo (eien no starlight) 我多么珍惜它啊 (永远的Starlight) ano hiboku ha mamore nakute 那一天我无法保护你 kuyashi namida kora e ta dake 我只能守着我那掘强的泪水 ita mi ga noku ru yo (wasurenai sweetheart) 我仍然感到痛苦 (我不会忘记你的sweetheart) Search for your love, sora no suishou 寻找你的爱 天堂里的水晶 Search for your love, nakanai de kure 寻找你的爱 请别哭泣 Search for your love, hontou ha, 寻找你的爱 事实上我 dakishimetai no sa 想要将你拥抱在怀里 Kimi no kaori zu tsu to (sagashiteru) 你的气味 是我一直 (在寻找的) boku no koe yo todoke (aishiteru) 你可以听到我的声音吗 (我爱你) ima doko ni iruno (moonlight princess) 你现在在哪里 (月光公主) boku no princess 我的公主 kotaete, Answer for me 回答我 Imasugu, Answer for me 就是现在 Kotaete, Answer for me 回答我 Yasashiku, Answer for me 温柔地 To oiyo sora kakenuketeku 从遥远的夜空中传来 nagareboshi ni nega uyoima 我向流星祈祷 aitai to sasayaku 我低声诉说我想见你 (tsutae teyo starlight) (请告诉她吧,星光) toki ga sugite otona ni naru 在时光穿越中我长大了 boku no yatsuto kizu ita no sa 我终于了解了一切 tarinai kakera ni 这一点点还不够 (sobaniite sweetheart) Serach for your love, ginga unabara 寻找你的爱 Search for your love, furehata da you 寻找你的爱 Search for your love, kuru o shisani 寻找你的爱 nagasarete yuku Kimi no kaori zu tsu to (sagashiteru) 你的气味 是我一直 (在寻找的) boku no koe yo todoke (aishiteru) 你可以听到我的声音吗 (我爱你) ima doko ni iruno (moonlight princess) 你现在在哪里 (月光公主) boku no princess 我的公主 kotaete, Answer for me 请回答我, Imasugu, Answer for me 就现在 Kotaete, Answer for me 请回答我 Yasashiku, Answer for me 温柔地 Kotaete, Answer for me 请回答我 Imasugu, Answer for me 就现在 Kotaete, Answer for me 请回答我 Yasashiku, Answer for me 温柔地
2023-07-28 14:13:181

谁有 hi me go to。

2023-07-28 14:13:341

got me one的中文歌词

never had one always wanted one good man just like every girl around the world wants a good man so we hold on cos we know hes out there taking so long but i know hes out there seems like every man i talk to me dont know nothing bout nothing i dont mind being from the streets but he gotta treat me like something but now its algood everythings algood i finally got me one found the special one thought i"d never find search my whole life for someone who needs me as much as i need them & someone who treats me as good as i treat them so im gone keep this one im telling you he loves me he loves me ohh finally got me one i be fussing i be trippin"on this good man but then i catch myself cos i know he is a good man he dont boss much but he boss up when he got to i dont cost much but he when he got to yeaahh now everytime my girls talk to me i dont gotta worry bout nothing i dont mind him beign from the streets cos he only treat me like something & its so good it feels so good everythings all good i finally got me one (finally done got me one) found that special one (oh so special) thought id never find(ohh) search my whole life for (for) someone who needs me (needs me yeah) as much as i need them (need them) & someone who treats me as good as i treat them so im gone keep this one (this one) im telling you he loves me he loves me ohh so now i (i) wont (wont) have to search no more ( i aint gonna search anymore) baby cos he (he yeah) is everything im looking for you know how to love me you know how to lay it down everytime i need it its a celebration deep appreciation oh let me tell you its so good ohhhhi finally got me one found that special one (got me one, got me one, got me one) thought id never find (id never find) search my whole life for (search my whole life for yeaah,yeahh, yeahhh) someone who needs me as much as i need them & someone who treasts me as good as i treat them so im gone keep this one (im gonna keep this one) im telling you he loves me (loves me) he loves me ohh (ohh) finally got me one (got me one yeahh)
2023-07-28 14:13:411

请问谁有eye on me 的中英歌词

Whenever sang my songsOn the stage,on my ownWhenever said my wordsWhishing they would be heardI saw you smiling at meWas it real or just my fantasyYou"d always be there in the cornerOf this tiny little barMy last night here for youSame old songs,just once moreMy last night here with You ?Maybe yes,maybe noI kind of liked it you"re your wayHow you shyly placed your eyes on meOh,did you ever know ?That I had mine on youDarling,so there you areWith that look on your faceAs if you"re never hurtAs if you"re never downShall I be the one for youWho pinches you softly but sureIf frown is shown thenI will know that you are no dreamerSo let me come to youClose as I wanted to beClose enough for meTo feel your heart beating fastAnd stay there as I whisperHow I loved your peaceful eyes on meDid you ever knowThat I had mine on youDailing,so share with meYour love if you have enoughYour tears if you"re holding backOr pain if that"s what it isHow can I let you knowI"m more than the dress and the voiceJust reach me out thenYou will know that you"re not dreamingDarling,so there you areWith that look on your faceAs if you"re never hurtAs if you"re never downShall I be the one for youWho pinches you softly but sureIf frown is shown thenI will know that you are no dreamer每每引吭高歌总是孤独的站在台上每每默默低吟总是希望有人聆听我看见你正在对我微笑是真还是幻 你却总是站在角落那边在这个小小的酒吧里昨夜此地为你守候再次重复着那些老歌昨夜此地与你相依已经不能确定真假我不禁喜欢上了你这样羞涩地看着我哦,你知道吗?我也正在偷偷的看着你啊亲爱的,你在这里脸上带着那种神情好像你从未受伤好像你从未低落我可以成为你所爱的一个吗?你可知道,是谁那么坚定又温柔的抓紧你如果那时你的眉头微微一皱我就会知道你并不是一个只会做梦的人所以,让我靠近你紧紧的靠近牢牢的靠近去感觉你加速的心跳声停留在那里,轻声地告诉你我好想好想你平静的看着我你知道吗?我也会在这时偷偷的看着你啊亲爱的,请与我分享你绵绵无尽的爱你抑制住的泪水和你的伤楚我怎么才能让你知道我的内在远胜于外表 请赶快抓紧我你会知道你并不在梦境中啊
2023-07-28 14:14:034

Not Me Not I Delta Goodrem 中文翻译,中文,中文.最好中英文对照./

You mixed me up for someone 你把我和某种人混淆 Who"d fall apart without you 你以为没有你我会崩溃 Yeah you broke my heart for the first time 是的,你第一次伤害了我的心 But I"ll get over that too 但我也会把那忘怀 It"s hard to find the reasons 很难找出原因 Who can see the rhyme?谁能看到道理? I guess that we where seasons out of time 我想我们不合时宜 I guess you didn"t know me 我想你并不了解我 If you think love is blind 如果你认为爱情是盲目的 That I wouldn"t see the flaws between the lines 那我不会看见我们之间的裂缝 Surprised that I caught you out 惊奇的是我总是碰巧发觉你有问题 On every single time that you lied 当你每一次撒谎的时候 Did you think that every time I see you I would cry 你以为每次我看见你我会哭 No not me,not I,not I,no not me,not I 不. The story goes on without you 没有你故事仍将继续 And there"s got to be another ending 而且将会有另一个结局 But yeah you broke my heart it won"t be the last time 但你伤害我的心不会是最后一次 But I"ll get over them too 但我也会把它们忘怀 As a new door opens we close the ones behind 正如打开一扇门的同时,我们关上身后的那扇 And if you search your soul I know you"ll find 如果你寻找你的心,我知道你会找到 You never really knew me 因为你从未真正了解我 If you think love is blind 如果你认为爱情是盲目的 That I wouldn"t see the flaws between the lines 那我不会看见我们之间的裂缝 Surprised that I caught you out 惊奇的是我总是碰巧发觉你有问题 On every single time that you lied 当你每一次撒谎的时候 Did you think that every time I see you I would cry 你以为每次我看见你我会哭 No not me,not I,not I,not I,not I 不. All you said to me 所有你对我所说的 All you promised me 所有你对承诺的 All the mystery never did believe 所有的美好事物从未值得相信 No I never cry no I never not me not I 不,我从不哭,不,我从不, If you think love is blind 如果你认为爱情是盲目的 That I wouldn"t see the flaws between the lines 那我不会看见我们之间的裂缝 Surprised that I caught you out 惊奇的是我总是碰巧发觉你有问题 On every single time that you lied 当你每一次撒谎的时候 Did you think that every time I see you I would cry No not I,I won"t cry 难道你以为每次我看见你我会哭?不,我不哭 No not me,not I,not I 不.
2023-07-28 14:14:101


换机子 不用修l
2023-07-28 14:14:183

求Dima Bilan唱的那首《believe me》的下载地址

2023-07-28 14:14:252


i;m yoursgravity-cool play 版本也可以,embrace版本都很好oceans deep*-----sons of day 版本out of nothing--embrace beautiful onesdrawn from memorylimp bizkit - behind blue eyesI Knew I Loved YouTruly Madly Deeply-SavageGarden my oceanGravity-Coldplayoceansdeep-sons of dayDON"T WORRY BE HAPPYi"ve never been to me(女生哼唱版)DesperadDown by the Salley GardensListen To Your Heart-DHTdrawn from memory
2023-07-28 14:14:437

the pain I cause,itmakes me laugh 是哪的歌词?

BOOMKAT - THE WRECKONINGI came I saw I kick some assThe pain I cause it makes me laugh"Cause the way I do my thing is strangeI just inject myself into your veins, yeahCan"t run can"t hide There"s no way outThe sun will rise and it"s aboutTime for the wreckoningTime time for this girl to singDamn if I thought that you would change And my life would stay the sameAnd when you don"t even care about meYou know, you don"t give a damnWell things will come and things will goAnd one thing I know for sure is thatYou don"t give a damn about meAnd so, I"m walking out the door (oh yeah um)Can"t move can"t breathe it"s gettin darkThe beast has come to steal your heartSo you better practice your screamWell you may not live your dreamsThings will come and things will goAnd one thing I know for sure is thatYou don"t give a damn about meAnd so, I"m walking out the door.The wreckoningThe wreckoningThe wreckoningOh, it"s timeThe wreckoningThe wreckoningThe wreckoningOh, it"s timeDamn if I thought that you would change And my life would stay the sameAnd when you don"t even care about meYou know, you don"t give a damnThings will come and things will goAnd one thing I know for sure is thatYou don"t give a damn about meAnd so, I"m walking out the door.The wreckoningThe wreckoningThe wreckoningOh, it"s timeThe wreckoningThe wreckoningThe wreckoningyou dont give a damnAnd I"m running from my problemsI got my funny face painted onAnd then I"ll think of what you said to meAnd then I"ll think of what you did to meI"ll think of you and probably laughAnd then I"ll think of you and probably laughAnd then I"ll think of you and probably laughAnd then I"ll think of you and probably laugh!You"re the one I"m running fromDamn if I thought that you would change And my life would stay the sameAnd when you don"t even care about meYa know, you don"t give a damnWell things will come and things will goAnd one thing I know for sure is thatYou don"t give a damn about meAnd so, I"m walking out the door.The wreckoningThe wreckoning The wreckoningOh, it"s timeThe wreckoningThe wreckoningThe wreckoningOh, it"s time
2023-07-28 14:14:571

Pull Me Under 歌词

歌曲名:Pull Me Under歌手:matt cardle专辑:Letters (Limited Edition 2CD)Matt Cardle - Pull Me UnderTruth, daresGirls for which I never really caredAffairs to forgetA search for ends that never really metIf I could only find this feelingAnd find a love beyond this dreamIt"s never been so clear thatI need someone to pull me underI need someone, I start to wonderWill I ever stop skipping like a stoneMy heart keeps skipping like a stoneOn the calmest river keep onAnd I"ll never break the surface"Till it feels like homeTruth, dares, lust, affairsGirls for which I never caredSuccess, deceit, lies, defeatMaking ends that never meetI"ve been found, lost, paid the costA skipping stone that gathered mossTrying to keep my heart above the waterIf I could only find this feelingAnd find a love beyond this dreamIt"s never been so clear thatI need someone to pull me underI need someone, I start to wonderWill I ever stop skipping like a stoneMy heart keeps skipping like a stoneOn the calmest river keep onAnd I"ll never break the surface"Till it feels like homeTill it feels like homeI need someone to pull me underI need someone, I start to wonderWill I ever stop skipping like a stoneMy heart keeps skipping like a stoneOn the calmest river keep onAnd I"ll never break the surface"Till it feels like home
2023-07-28 14:15:161

寻:《Everything I Do》歌词中文翻译

Everything I do I do it for you(一切为你中文歌词)注视我的眼睛你会看见,你对我有多么重要探问你的内心探问你的灵魂并且当你发现有我的时候你不用再去寻觅不要告诉我那不值得你尝试不要告诉我那不值得你一生相依你知道那是真的我所做的一切,都是为了你直视你的内心你会发现那里没有东西隐藏接纳我,接纳我的一生我愿意给你我的所有我愿意奉献我的一切不要告诉我,那不值得你为之努力我已深陷其中无法自拔你知道那都是真的我所做的一切,都是为了你没有别的爱像你的爱一样没有人能给我更多的爱我无处可去除非是你在的地方永远都是如此无论何时无论何地噢!不要告诉我那不值得你尝试我已深陷其中无法自拔我愿为你努力,奋斗一生为你赴汤蹈火包括我的生命你知道它是真的我所做的一切,都是为你
2023-07-28 14:15:243

哪位大侠帮助翻译下brandy的《everything i do》歌词?谢谢谢谢!

案】Everything I do(I do it for you) 一切为你演唱:Bryan Adams 布莱恩.亚当斯歌词,翻译Look into my eyes看著我的眼睛You will see what you mean to me你就会瞭解你对我的意义Search your heart, search your soul探索你的内心,探索你的灵魂And when you find me there当你找到我的时候You"ll search no more你就不需再寻寻觅觅Don"t tell me it"s not worth trying for别说那不值得尝试看看You can"t tell me it"s not worth dying for别说那不值得拚命寻求You know it"s truee你知道那是真的Everything I do, I do it for you所有我做的都是为了你Look into your heart探索你的内心You will find the...
2023-07-28 14:15:382


我的爱普生打印机ME33提示有异物,红灯和绿灯每过一秒同时闪烁,但我又没发现异物。我该怎么办?NUK。 2162----------------se4pu 。MZI看MM就上非常好的
2023-07-28 14:15:527

莫文蔚的The Way You Make Me Feel的国语版

2023-07-28 14:16:062

this is me 钢琴伴奏简谱或钢琴谱

2023-07-28 14:16:153

excuse me ,but I want to use your computer to search for information.的答语

2023-07-28 14:16:231

翻译If someone says to you: “give me five”, do not search your pocket to get five yuan!

如果有人对你说:“给我五”,不要搜索你的口袋里得到五元! (有道翻译)不谢(好吧,看起来像是一句俗语,解释不好说啊,也许有高手知道,很显然我不是)
2023-07-28 14:16:322

If someone says to you: “ Give me five”, do not search your pocket to get five yuan! It will ma.

小题1:B小题2:B小题3:C小题4:A小题5:C 试题分析:试题分析:这篇短文主要介绍了美国一条重要的交际用语give me five,文中介绍了它的含义及由来。小题1:根据短文第三段描述,可知这是一个庆祝胜利的手势,故选B。小题2:根据第二段根据图片提示,可知此处指的是孩子们互击双手。故选B。小题3:根据People do it when they meet for the first time or something happy happens.描述,可知选C。小题4:根据最后一段This gesture may come from the old Roman gesture of raising the right arm for the king.描述,可知选A。小题5:根据This showed that the person raising his arm did not have a sword ( 剑 ) in his hand.描述,可知选C。点评:本文浅显易懂,层次分明,学生很容易把握文章中心内容。阅读中注意把握短文给出的一切关键信息,如本文中的图片就是解答最后一小题的关键依据。答题中注意带着问题阅读短文,一般就能顺利找出答题依据。对于不能直接找到根据的问题注意联系上下文,根据短文中心总结出正确答案。
2023-07-28 14:16:401

Search Your Heart 歌词

歌曲名:Search Your Heart歌手:Steve Forbert专辑:Rock While I Can Rock: The Geffen RecordingsPete Yorn & Scarlett Johansson - Search Your HeartAnd you search your heartAnd you search your heartAnd you search your heartAnd you search your heartI just wanna tell youI don"t know whyIf you find the answerI"ll be insideArranging timeYou won"t find another dummy wait for youSo don"t hate the one who lives for youDon"t blame him for your troubleAnd you search your heartAnd you search your heartI don"t need the answerI just don"t knowIf you"d find it one dayI know that your strength is goneAnd you are shatteredDon"t hate me for I live for you (live for you)Don"t make me do things you won"t doDon"t blame me for your troubleOnce you knowOnce you"re over the top of the hillYour whole life ain"t no supermarket storeAnd you know thisAnd it showsAnd it showsYeah yeah yeah yehaSo don"t blame the boy who is there for youDon"t make him do things you won"t doDon"t blame him for your troubleDon"t hate him for your troubleDon"t blame him for your oohAnd you search your heartAnd you search your heartAnd you search your...
2023-07-28 14:16:482

search for you的歌词

Jordon Omley – Search For You (My Story)I"m a story without wordsA melody that"s never heardI"m a masterpiece, no body seesUntil you finish meAnd I"m an empty ring of goldWithout a precious stone to holdAnd when I find youI"m gonna make you mineCause girl I know thatOnce upon a time is all ill ever be without youCause you"re the words to my storyA song written for mePlaying somewhere, somewhereYou"re the words to my storyThe only one for meAnd you"re out there, out thereIll search for you, search for you, search for youI really miss you everydayThough ive never seen your faceBut I"m sure that I would recognizeThe kiss just by its tasteAnd if it takes me all my lifeI"ll be looking day and nightAnd when I find you, I"m gonna make you mineCause girl I know thatOnce a upon a time is all I"ll ever be without youCause you"re the words to my storyA song written for mePlaying somewhere, somewhereYou"re the words to my storyThe only one for meAnd you"re out there, out thereIll search for you, search for you, search for youIll search for you, search for you, search for youDon"t wanna live my life in this boxYou got the key and I know you can unlockI won"t curse, there"s no way I will stopTill I find, till I find youCause you"re the words to my storyA song written for mePlaying somewhere, somewhereYou"re the words to my storyThe only one for meAnd you"re out there, out thereIll search for you, search for you, search for youIll search for you, search for you, search for youIll search for you, search for you, search for you 看看是不是这个?
2023-07-28 14:17:081

Please give me five minutes to s? the map. I think I can find the place 首字母填空s开头的

您看 search 行不行?
2023-07-28 14:17:175