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2023-05-19 18:26:20
TAG: ab bl

It is advisable to do something.

It is advisable for sb. to do something.


用 for



明智的,可取的,适当的advisable, 英语 单词,形容词,作形容词时意为“明智的,可取的,适当的”。.外文名: advisable属性: 英语单词词性: 形容词短语搭配advisable e 可取的 ; 明智的 ; 适当的not advisable 不可取advisable deliverability 合理产量advisable measures 措施undoubtedly advisable 无疑是明智的advisable nutrition 合理营养Establishment Advisable 警告A advisable 明智的advisable a 明智的 ; 可取的双语例句However, it is not advisable that employers judge a person only by his/ her educational backgrounds.然而,雇主只靠他/她的教育背景来判断一个人是不可取的。From the development of practice and art, it is not advisable that application of computers can not replace the art by hand.从实践与艺术发展的规律而言,用电脑技术去取代基础课实践与动手能力的培养是不可取的。Yet since the major task of students is study, it is advisable that they should focus on the teachers and textbooks in class and anyone using his or her cell phones in class should be punished.然而,因为学生的主要任务是学习,是明智的,他们应该把重点放在老师和教科书在课上和任何使用他或她的手机在课堂上的人应该受到严惩。
2023-01-08 00:32:281


2023-01-08 00:32:373


advisable虚拟语气用法:在it is + adj.这样的句型中,当描述主语的表语形容词是 advisable,主语从句的谓语动词多用虚拟语气。如果是现在时,谓语动词用should/would+动词原形(should/would经常省略);如果是过去时,则用should/would+have done的形式。advisable读法 [ədˈvaɪzəb(ə)l]  美 [ədˈvaɪzəbl]adj. 明智的,可取的词汇搭配:not advisable 不可取it is advisable to do做……是有好处的would not be advisable 会不会是明智的吗词语用法:advisable表示“明智的”“可取的”,在句中常用作表语,也可用作定语或宾语补足语。在It is/was advisable that...和 advisable that...结构中,从句中的谓语动词要用虚拟式。
2023-01-08 00:32:561


2023-01-08 00:33:123

advise 和advisable有关系吗?

advise是词根,也是动词,表示建议;advised是过去分词,表示(被)提议、(被)劝告;也可以做形容词,表示明智的,经过考虑的He was advised to leave the country at once.It"s advised to book the train tickets early.advisable是词根+able转化来的形容词,表示明智的、可取的,能够劝告的。It"s advisable to book hotels or camp sites in advance because of the popularity of that region.英语中的词汇意思还是比较灵活的,常常由原意引申出不同的意思,根据不同的情境取义。扩展资料:例句:Before you purchase your plant, it is advisable that you decide on its ultimate location inyour home.在购买植物之前,我们建议你最好决定一下放在家中什么位置。advised是过去分词,表示(被)提议、(被)劝告;也可以做形容词,表示明智的,经过考虑的He was advised to leave the country at once.It's advised to book the train tickets early.advisable是词根+able转化来的形容词,表示明智的、可取的,能够劝告的。It's advisable to book hotels or camp sites in advance because of the popularity of that region.英语中的词汇意思还是比较灵活的,常常由原意引申出不同的意思,根据不同的情境取义。
2023-01-08 00:33:266


求采纳求采纳求采纳求采纳求采纳求采纳求采纳求采纳求采纳求采纳求采纳求采纳求采纳advisable /ədˈvaɪzəbəl/ CET4 TEM41.ADJ If you tell someone that it is advisable to do something, you are suggesting that they should do it, because it is sensible or is likely to achieve the result they want. 可取的例:Because of the popularity of the region, it is advisable to book hotels or camp sites in advance.鉴于该地区的受欢迎度,事先预订旅馆或露营地是可取的。sensible /ˈsɛnsɪbəl/ CET4 TEM41.ADJ Sensible actions or decisions are good because they are based on reasons rather than emotions. 明智的例:It might be sensible to get a lawyer.找个律师可能会是明智的。The sensible thing is to leave them alone.明智的做法是不理他们。2.ADV 明智地 sensibly例:He sensibly decided to lie low for a while.他明智地决定先躲避一段时间。3.ADJ Sensible people behave in a sensible way. 理智的例:She was a sensible girl and did not panic.她是个理智的女孩子,并没有惊慌失措。Oh come on, let"s be sensible about this.哦,得了吧,关于这事我们还是理智一点吧。4.ADJ Sensible shoes or clothes are practical and strong rather than fashionable and attractive. 实用耐穿的例:Wear loose clothing and sensible footwear.穿宽松的衣服和实用耐穿的鞋子。5.ADV 实用耐穿地 sensibly例:They were not sensibly dressed.他们穿得不实用。
2023-01-08 00:33:542


advisable 明智的 可取的,be advisable to do sth(做某事是可取的,明智的)这里的可取的意思是别人建议可以你做这件事,这样可以取得你想要的结果。做....是可取的。eg:Early booking is advisable。提前订票是可取的,是明智的。available的意思是可用的,有空的,有效的。I‘m available this afternoon, 我今天下午有空。The room is availble now .这个房间现在可以用。英文解释:if sth you want or need is available , it means you can find it or abtain it. (如果什么东西是available的,那么你就可以用它,即可取的。所以,两个词的侧重意思是相差很大的,不能光从字面意思去理解。hope this can help
2023-01-08 00:34:021


advisable 英[ədˈvaɪzəbl] 美[ædˈvaɪzəbəl] adj. 明智的; 可取的; 适当的; 能劝告的
2023-01-08 00:34:082


可取的英文是desirable、advisable、recommendable、expedient。参考例句:1、Not to smoke is advisable .不抽烟可取。2、It is deemed advisable.这认为是可取的.3、The handsome markup to 95 could be worthless, since nobody would be paying it to the cartel.这种大幅度提价到95美元是不可取的,因为没有人会付给卡特尔这样高的价格。4、Not possible,permissible or desirable不可能;不可以;不可取5、I consider his suggestion as advisable .我认为他的建议是可取的。6、The investment returns a profit.那笔投资可取得利润。7、Yes. I think your suggestion is acceptable .对。我认为您的建议是可取的。
2023-01-08 00:34:161

it"s more advisable怎么用

Therefore, in my opinion, it"s more advisable.翻译:因此,在我看来,这是更明智的。英 [ədˈvaɪzəbl]   美 [ədˈvaɪzəbl]。advisable表示“明智的”“可取的”,在句中常用作表语,也可用作定语或宾语补足语。在It is/was advisable that...和 advisable that...结构中,从句中的谓语动词要用虚拟式。相关词组:an advisable choice 明智的选择。highly advisable 非常可取的。undoubtedly advisable 无疑是明智的。usually advisable 通常是可取的。seem advisable 似乎可取。
2023-01-08 00:34:341


适当的 appropriateproperadvisableopportunesuitableappropriate [??"pr??uprieit, ??"pr??upri??t] adj. 适当的vt. 占用;拨出proper ["pr??p??] adj. 适当的;本身的;特有的;正派的adv. [方言]完全地advisable [??d"vaiz??bl] adj. 明智的,可取的,适当的opportune ["??p??tju:n, ,??p??"tju:n] adj. 适当的;恰好的;合时宜的suitable ["sju:t??bl] adj. 适当的;相配的 网络释义 -适当的: appropriate;in place;Giusto;decent
2023-01-08 00:34:486


It is advisable to do something. It is advisable for do something.
2023-01-08 00:35:181

词源题:wise与下面哪个单词是同源词?A.tight C.advisable

同源词:  本是同一语源,后来分化成若干意义相关而不完全相同的词。音义相关,由同一语源孳生的词或词素。如"背"和"负"。同源词有两个方面的定义:1.词根相同的词。2.同音异义,通形同音异义,或者通形异义的词。所以选B wine wise adj. 充满智慧的; 明智的; 英明的; 明察善断的; 高明的; 有判断力的;A.tight   adj.    牢固的; 紧的; 不松动的; 难解开的; 紧身的; 紧贴的; 严密的; 严格的; 严厉的; 拉紧的; 装紧的; 显得紧张的; 疼痛的,不适的,憋气的; 亲密的; 急转的; 势均力敌的; 小气的; 喝醉; 不漏…的;  v.    喝酒; 请…喝酒;    n.    葡萄酒; (用植物或除葡萄以外的水果酿制的)酒,果酒; 紫红色; 深红色;    C. advisable  adj.    明智的; 明智; 可取;    
2023-01-08 00:35:241

为什么“it advisable that ... ” 就用从句虚拟语气 啊?

在 It is +引起虚拟的形容词或过去分词+that...结构中,that 引导的主语从句中的谓语动词应为(should )+动词原形。这类形容词有:appropriate,advisable,desireable,important,necessary等等,过去分词有desired, requested,required,demanded 等等。
2023-01-08 00:35:301

求助 I don"t think it advisable_______.

2023-01-08 00:35:352

highly advisable

2023-01-08 00:35:431

it is advisable that是什么意思

it is advisable that这是明智的,双语对照例句:1.Before you purchase your plant, it is advisable that you decide on its ultimate location inyour home. 在购买植物之前,我们建议你最好决定一下放在家中什么位置。如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-01-08 00:35:491

. It is advisable that she ______for Madrid as so

选 Ait is suggested/advised/advisable /demanded/ordered that 类主语从句,当表示建议、请求、命令、要求等含义时,主语从句的时态要用 should 加动词原形,而should 可省略,这里A 是省略了should,就剩下了leave. 语法叫 BE型虚拟式。
2023-01-08 00:35:551

一道虚拟语气题,请大家帮帮忙啊。 答案是A,我不知道为什么选A,请详细分析下,谢谢呀。

因为形容词advisable是表示建议。这种表示建议、命令的动词以及衍生的形容词或者过去分词,决定了从句要用虚拟语气比如It was suggested that she (should) join the party.这里的suggested过去分词表示建议,决定了要用虚拟语气再比如it was advisable that he (should) think deeply before acting.形容词advisable表示建议,决定了要用虚拟语气。
2023-01-08 00:36:011

it is advisable that the message___sent at once

这是虚拟语气。it is advisable that 从句要用虚拟语气,should +动词原形。这里省去了should。
2023-01-08 00:36:104


advisable-in-the-interest-of-justice光明正大, 明智。
2023-01-08 00:36:241

i donot think it advisable

要考的 it is advisable 后面是 that 从句 一般是‘虚拟语气" 所以 ...advisable that Tom should be sent to do... 虚拟语气中 should 常被省略 所以是 ...that Tom be sent to do ... 答案是 C
2023-01-08 00:36:291

总是搞不清楚, sense变形容词是sensible advise变形容词是advisable

它们是不同的后缀 形容词后缀有很多名词变形容词: 1.名词后加-y, 如: luck→lucky, cloud→cloudy; wind→windy; rain→rainy; sun→sunny, snow→snowy noise-noisy health→healthy 2.在名词后加-ly, 如: friend→friendly love→lovely day→daily 3.方位名词加-ern,如: east→eastern west→western south→southern north→northern
2023-01-08 00:36:351

英语语法it is advisable to当中的to是介词还是动词

it is advisable for sb. to do sth. 某人做某事是合理的/明德的。其中的to 是动词不定式的标志。不是介词。
2023-01-08 00:36:401


1、通过99宿舍网找回准考证号。2、推算法推出英语四级准考证号。前5位是学校代码,第6位是学校的校区代码。3、可以通过进入自己的学校网站。一般院校都会有自己的官网,可以通过进入自己的学校网站,来查询自己的成绩,学校会核对成绩,将成绩输入到自己的官网,你可以在那里寻找自己的成绩。四六级英语要求掌握单词advisable,词性为名词,意思是明智的,可取的。ADJ-GRADED可取的;明智的;适当的If you tell someone that it is advisable to do something, you are suggesting that they should do it, because it is sensible or is likely to achieve the result they want.Because of the popularity of the region, it is advisable to book hotels or camp sites in advance...鉴于该地区很受人们青睐,最好提前预订旅馆或宿营地。 It is generally not advisable for expectant mothers to travel by air after the 28th week of pregnancy.怀孕28周以后的准妈妈一般不宜乘坐飞机出行。
2023-01-08 00:36:461


这两个词的意思区别很大:delectable = Greatly pleasing; delightful。Highly enjoyable, esp pleasing to the taste; delightful。让人高兴,喜悦的;尤其指味觉上获得令人愉快的感觉。desirable = Worth doing or achieving; advisable;Arousing desire。令人满意,值得拥有,主要强调的是“值得”,或者是引起对某事的“欲望”。如果要说两个词的联系,某件事或某个是事物,首先让人满意,高兴(delectable),然后就激发了希望拥有的欲望(desirable)。前‘因"而后‘果"。
2023-01-08 00:36:541

明智的 英文怎么说?

2023-01-08 00:37:015


reasonable的意思是:合理的,通情达理的,公平适度的。英 ["riːznəbl]    美 ["riːznəbl]    例句:The management took all reasonable safety precautions.翻译:管理部门采取了一切合理的安全措施。短语:reasonable person 讲道理的人近义词advisable 英 [əd"vaɪzəbl]   美 [əd"vaɪzəbl]    adj. 明智的,可取的例句:It is advisable to be forearmed.翻译:预作准备是明智的。短语:undoubtedly advisable 无疑是明智的
2023-01-08 00:37:351


advisable[英][ədˈvaɪzəbl][美][ædˈvaɪzəbəl]adj.明智的; 可取的; 能劝告的; 适当的; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Effective use of body language is advisable. However don"t want to overdo it. 有效地使用肢体语言是明智之选,但是不要做得太过。
2023-01-08 00:38:031

关于“明智的”sensible,advisable 有何区别?

sensible:(人)理智,有判断力的 advisable:(方法等)明智,可取的,
2023-01-08 00:38:111


2023-01-08 00:38:183

关于“明智的”sensible, advisable 有何区别?

前者理智 后者明智
2023-01-08 00:38:303

sensible, advisable区别?

2023-01-08 00:38:423


2023-01-08 00:38:541

词源题:wise与下面哪个单词是同源词?A.tight C.advisable

C, advisable
2023-01-08 00:38:591

Therefore, in my opinion, it"s more advisable...

Therefore, in my opinion, it"s more advisable...因此,在我看来,这更合理
2023-01-08 00:39:062

it is advisable for you to learn english well

t"s important for you to learn english well(改为同义句) You __should_ _learn__english well.
2023-01-08 00:39:141


2023-01-08 00:39:192

i deem it advisable to buy property now 为什么it后面

deem it advisable 是谓语+宾语+宾语补足语得形式。it是形式主语,真正的主语是to buy property now
2023-01-08 00:39:322

it is advisable that the working mother

是一种be型虚拟式用于表示命令,决定,建议等词语后的that分句中,用原型advisable是课接受的列如it is necessary that he come back without delay.
2023-01-08 00:39:401


abominable adaptable affable agreeable amenable amiable amicable arable available charitable commendable considerable creditable culpable deplorable despicable dispensable durable enviable equitable formidable hospitable impeccable implacable inconceivable indefatigable indomitable inflammable innumerable inscrutable interminable invaluable invariable irreconcilable irreproachable irrevocable irritable laudable liable malleable palatable palpable permeable personable pliable portable remarkable sociable tenable tolerable tractable venerable vulnerable 补充: adorable advisable applicable appreciable approachable conceivable delectable desirable disagreeable disreputable equable estimable exceptionable execrable expendable explicable finable flammable friable immutable impalpable impenetrable impermeable imperturbable imponderable impregnable impressionable inalienable inconsolable incontestable incurable indescribable indispensable indubitable ineffable ineffaceable ineluctable inexorable inexpiable inexplicable inextricable inimitable insufferable insuperable interchangeable intractable inviolable invulnerable irreparable justifiable knowledgeable lamentable livable maneuvrable negotiable nonflammable objectionable parable perishable potable predictable presumable redoubtable remediable reparable reputable revocable sable table terminable unconscionable undesirable unflappable unimpeachable viable
2023-01-08 00:39:501


c. flat 经常去河边捡些平整的石头投到河面上,看他们像燕子一样点水。c. made 他分不清那个是真正的赞扬那个是出去迎合他为目的的奉承。D in a five-year 他们想在五年内使在落后教育条件下学习的学生也享受到有创造力的,丰富的教育。c would seem 过去六年来航空技术的变化,19世纪初即使最前沿的科学家严重是完全不可能的。B be assigned 或 shuld be assigned 我觉得他不应该被推荐担任这个工作,因为他在这方面毫无经验。
2023-01-08 00:39:577

I don"t think it advisable that Tom be assigned to the job since he has no experience.

2023-01-08 00:40:293


2023-01-08 00:40:4110


abominable adaptable affable agreeable amenable amiable amicable arable available charitable commendable considerable creditable culpable deplorable despicable dispensable durable enviable equitable formidable hospitable impeccable implacable inconceivable indefatigable indomitable inflammable innumerable inscrutable interminable invaluable invariable irreconcilable irreproachable irrevocable irritable laudable liable malleable palatable palpable permeable personable pliable portable remarkable sociable tenable tolerable tractable venerable vulnerableadorableadvisableapplicableappreciableapproachableconceivabledelectabledesirabledisagreeabledisreputableequableestimableexceptionableexecrableexpendableexplicablefinableflammablefriableimmutableimpalpableimpenetrableimpermeableimperturbableimponderableimpregnableimpressionableinalienableinconsolableincontestableincurableindescribableindispensableindubitableineffableineffaceableineluctableinexorableinexpiableinexplicableinextricableinimitableinsufferableinsuperableinterchangeableintractableinviolableinvulnerableirreparablejustifiableknowledgeablelamentablelivablemaneuvrablenegotiablenonflammableobjectionableparableperishablepotablepredictablepresumableredoubtableremediablereparablereputablerevocableterminableunconscionableundesirableunflappableunimpeachableviable
2023-01-08 00:41:216

I don"t think it advisable that Tom ___to the job since he has no experience.

2023-01-08 00:41:567

it is advisable for you to wait for me who send t

2023-01-08 00:42:212


2023-01-08 00:42:302


物业管理英语专门词汇汇编Unit One1. property management 物业管理2. close friend 密友3. hit subject 热门话题4. trade 行业5. commercial building 商业大厦6. residential building 住宅楼7. sports and recreation centre 康乐中心8. first-class hotel 一流宾馆9. first-class ticket 头等票10. efficient 高效的11. bonds and stocks 债券和股票12. personal property 动产13. multi-functional facility 多功能设施14. cash 现金15. term 术语;话16. shopping center 购物中心Unit Two1. hotel lobby 宾馆大厅2. check in 登记入住3. check out 退房;结账4. standard room 标准房5. superior room 高级房6. deluxe room 豪华房7. registration card 登记卡8. credit card 信用卡9. receipt 收据10. luggage 行李11. starred hotels 星级酒店12. business scope 业务范围13. real estate agency 房地产代理14. commercial trade 商业贸易15. management personnel 管理人才16. top 16 十六强17. image 形象18. customer priority 顾客第一Unit Three1. advanced 先进的;高级的2. skyscraper 摩天大楼3. water supply 供水4. power supply 供电5. lighting 照明6. air-conditioning 空调7. elevator(lift) 电梯8. escalator 自动扶梯9. cleaning facilities 清洁设施10. recreational facilities 娱乐设施11. transport facility 运输设施12. fire-fighting equipment 消防设施13. communication facility 通信设施14. outline 列举15. tip 建议;提示16. security 安全17. blackmail 讹诈18. kidnap 绑架19. community 社区20. bus line 公共汽车线路21. cheque 支票22. neighborhood 邻里Unit Four1. residential estate 住宅小区2. carpark 停车场3. covered stadium 室内体育馆4. body-building 健身5. private houses 私人住房6. water tower 水塔7. gas company 煤气公司8. swimming pool 游泳池9. badminton field 羽毛球场10. public utilities/services 公用设施11. design 设计12. construction 建造13. earlier involvement 前期参与14. smooth operation 正常运转15. resident 居民16. operating charges 管理经费17. funds 资金18. benefit 好处19. housekeeper 管家20. measure 衡量Unit Five1. procedure 手续2. (in)convenience (不)方便3. superintendent 保安4. management office 管理处5. expert 专家6. (microwave) cooker (微波)炉7. handle procedures 办手续8. handbook 手册9. client 客户10. electrical appliances (家用)电器11. counsel 咨询12. maintenance 维修Unit Six1. clerk 职员2. deadline 最后期限3. rent an apartment 租房子4. accommodation 住宿5. sign an agreement 签合同6. fix rates 定价7. stipulation/regulation 规定8. factor 因素9. notice 通知10. accounting office 会计处11. deadline 最后期限12. sign a contract 签合同13. sign an agreement 签协议14. lease 租约15. end a lease 终止租约16. renew a lease 续约17. provisions 条款18. redecoration 重新装修19. hidden charges 隐藏收费20. advisable 明智的Unit Seven1. handle a complaint 处理投诉2. tenant 租户3. famous brand 名牌4. faucet 水龙头5. leak 漏(水/气)6. repairman 修理工7. competitor 竞争对手8. regular customer 常客;回头客Unit Eight1. section 部,区2. supermarket 超市3. sales clerk 售货员4. recommend 推荐5. purchase 购买6. discount 折扣7. fixed price 定价8. on the installment plan 分期付款9. down payment 定金10. spread out dues 分摊费用11. pack 装(进袋/盒子)12. shopping car 购物推车13. checkout counter 结账处14. total cost 总费用Unit Nine1. ball room 舞厅2. tennis court 网球场3. snooker 桌球4. sauna room 桑拿室5. massage room 按摩室6. golf course 高尔夫球场7. vacancy 空缺8. physical education 体育Unit Twelve1. owners" committee 业主委员会
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把It is advisable that加入后连词成句

it is advised that you should not drink too much before sleepingit is advised that the manager should sign the contract with the british companyit is advised that we should not take the children on the long trip
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