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2023-07-29 08:41:40
TAG: 英语 朋友


He has many stamps from different countries, he often and friends share the joy of the stamp collecting





He has many stamps from different countries, he often and friends share the joy of the stamp collecting.


楼上是用软件翻译的 不通 以下是我自己翻译的:

He has many stamps from different countries,he often shares the happness of collecting stamps with friends.


he has lots of stamps from different countries,he often share the joy of the stamps collecting with his friends.


he has lots of stamps



tmassp组成单词可以是stamps。意思:n. 邮票,印章,奖税,标记,跺脚,特征。stamp的复数。造句:‘Mum says you might let me have some of your stamps." ‘Does she now?"“妈妈说你最好给我一些你的邮票。”“哦?她说过吗?”
2023-07-28 10:54:302


s dan mu p s
2023-07-28 10:55:301


独一无二的欧洲邮票表(STAMPS WATCH)STAMPS表 (STAMPS WATCH) 是全球唯一的,仅有5mm厚,造型像邮票的手表--两块可独立撕开,既可佩戴,更可粘贴。自诞生以来,STAMPS表一直就是欧洲时尚界的宠儿,是各大时尚杂志竞相刊登的对象。2001年STAMPS表的字符和信号两款手表更荣获欧洲革新设计大奖之红点奖,同年,阿拉的70年代款式被选为法兰克福产品展的设计论坛作品。2005年,全球35个以上的国家和地区你都可以看到STAMPS表。
2023-07-28 10:55:381


2023-07-28 10:55:573


climb the mountain爬山 collect stamps集邮 play football踢足球 play chess下棋 listen to music听音乐 fly a kite 放风筝
2023-07-28 10:56:161


2023-07-28 10:56:282

填上一个适合的单词组成词组1.【 】stamps 2.[ ]chess 3.[ ]a mountain 4.[

collect stamps play chess climb a mountain
2023-07-28 10:57:175


2023-07-28 10:57:341


应该都是所有格的问题吧1.some of his stamps2.我倒说不准~就像a friend of mine 一样~好像是应该用所有格吧……
2023-07-28 10:57:445

I haven‘t got stamps和I don’t have got stamps有什么区别

haven t和don t have的区别!don"t have仅仅表示没有haven"t可以表示没有,也可能是完成时态的否定形式1)don"t have是动词have的否定形式,have作为拥有"解。2)haven"t一般是动词完成时否定,后面加动词的原形,haven"t done sth.haven"t也作‘没有"解释,同(1),属于比较正式、文绉的说法。They don"t have any children. (= They haven"t got any children)【haven"t例句】1、We haven"t corresponded for a long time.我们好久没有通信了。2、I haven"t used my French for years and have forgotten almost all of it.我的法语丢了好几年了,都忘得差不多了。3、I hope I haven"t spoken out of turn.希望我没有多嘴。4、I haven"t been invited.我没有被邀请。5、They haven"t given us accurate information. We"ve been screwed他们没有提供准确的消息。我们被骗了。6、I"m so annoyed with her that I haven"t been near her for a week.我很生她的气,有一个星期没见她了。【don"t have例句】1、I don" t have to talk to anybody!我不需要和任何人商量!2、You don" t have to knock just walk in.你不必敲门–进来就是了.3、There"s plenty of time; we don" t have to rush.时间还多着呢,我们不用急。4、I haven"t touched food for a whole day.我已经一整天没吃东西了。5、I haven" t checked in at the hotel yet.我还没有在旅馆办理登记手续。
2023-07-28 10:58:032

l have a great deal of stamps的错误在哪

deal--numbera (good)number of 和a great deal of 在意思上相同,但用法不一样。a number of 后面只能跟可数名词的复数形式,而a great deal of 后面只能跟不可数名词。例如:A number of accidents always occur on rainy days.雨天常常有许多事故发生。A number of books are missing from the library.图书馆的一些书不见了。I spent a great deal of my time on this work.我在这项工作上花了不少时间。另外,a great deal of 也可说成a good deal of。 例如:She spends a good deal of money on clothes every year. 她每年在衣服上花了不少钱。除了 a number of 之外,也可以用a large/good number of 或(large) numbers of 来表示数量众多,意思为“大量的,众多的”例如:Numbers of people came from all parts of the country to see the exhibition.许多人从国内来参观这个展览。
2023-07-28 10:58:205


2023-07-28 10:59:467

Tom will show us his stamps at the weekend 中的show要不要加s?为什么?

from the very first, when you began to feel foolish about that man,
2023-07-28 11:00:043

collecting stamps是什么意思

2023-07-28 11:01:354


问题一:集邮票英文怎么写 1.stamp collecting; philately colle搐t stamps; to treasure up stamps 问题二:邮票的英语怎么说 20分 stamp,邮票,也可作图章、印记之意。 collect the stamps收集邮票 It"s his hobby to collect the stamps.他爱好收集邮票。 问题三:邮票的英文怎么写 stamp 问题四:收集邮票 用英语怎么说 collect stamps 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*) 有不会的可以再问我:) 问题五:邮票英语怎么说 邮票:stamp/postage stamp 短语 纪念邮票memorative Stamp;memorative stamps 普通邮票Regular Stamp;ordinary stamps;regularstamps;Definitive stamps 贴邮票Stick a Stamp;put the stamp;stick on the stamp 超级邮票Super Stamp 邮票实验postage stamp experiment 电子邮票mail Stamp;stamp;Electric Stamp 某种邮票a certain kind of stamp 邮票面值face value of a postage stamp 例句: 我寄这封信得买多少钱的邮票? How much do I need for this letter? 我只是想在我的收藏中增加一些中国邮票。 I just want to add some Chinese stamps to my collection. 他不久就渐渐地被某些国家的邮票所吸引。 He soon developed an affinity for certain stamps and countries 问题六:收集邮票,用英语怎么说? collect stamps 问题七:收集邮票的英语怎么读? 集邮 [词典] philately stamp collecting;
2023-07-28 11:02:061

ilike collecting stamps中stamps为什么用复数?

在英语中,名词可以分为可数名词和不可数名词,例如book, stamp等词都是可数名词,而water,milk等都是不可数名词。可数名词在使用中,要么是单数,前面要注意加冠词a,an,the或者代词进行修饰,要么就得用复数形式。I like collecting stamps.我喜欢集邮,肯定不会集一张邮票,而是很多张,对吗?所以邮票stamp要用复数形式,在单词后加“s”。
2023-07-28 11:02:141


2023-07-28 11:02:242


runningstampshertaking hisdoes nancy like playing volleyballnancy likes this big stampdavid doesn"t like playing basketball?划线 i am not a student
2023-07-28 11:02:368

2023-07-28 11:02:521


- -||好的 注:不懂得就别瞎回答!!!
2023-07-28 11:03:193


2023-07-28 11:03:293

some stamps are very valuable

1.What can students learn from stamps? 答:They can also learn about their country and foreign countries from stamps. 2.Why are the 12 Animal Stamps interesting? 答:There is one stamp for each year so it takes 12 year to collect all the stamps. 3.What is "the Penny Black"? 答:“The Penny Black" is the first stamp in the world. 4.Why do a lot of people want to collect "the Penny Black"? 答:Because it"s very valuable.
2023-07-28 11:03:381


My hobby is collecting stamps. My father collects stamps too. l"ve been collecting stamps for five years. l have about 20 pieces of stamps. l think it"s very interesting to collect stamps. l have many stamps of various countries . They"re very beautiful. l like collecting stamp.
2023-07-28 11:03:463

Do you need stamps? Stamps换成stamp可否?

不能哦,要么就a stamp ,要不就stamps邮票是可数名词。
2023-07-28 11:03:531


hao chang a 1 你知道19实际最不寻常的建筑么?可能是水晶宫。他们在海得公园用铁和玻璃建成的水晶宫,是为1851年的展览用的。水晶宫和世界其他建筑不一样,它是这个时期最大的建筑之一,大量的货物在此展览。
2023-07-28 11:04:054


九、完成下列对话,毎空一词。Su Hai:Mum,where are sports shoes?Mum:I think __it"s__ under your table.Su Hai:No,they"re not _there__.Where are they? I can"t find __it___.Mun:Don"t _make__ noise. Let me __help__ you.Let"s __go__ to the study.Oh,they"re behind the big box.Su Hai:___thanks_,Mum. But __where"s_ my coat?Mum:Well,it __is__ on the chair just now.It"s in the sitting room now.Su Hai:Oh,__yes__ it is.Goodbye,Mum!十、句型转换,毎空一词。1.Lin Tao"s Walkman is (in front of the computer).(对划线部分提问)__Where_ ___is_ Lin Tao"s Walkman?2.My parents aren"t at home now.(用last night改写)My parents __weren ___ ___not__ at home last night.3.Open the door,please.(改为否定祈使句)___Don"t__ ___open_ the door,please.4.I can look after the watch for you.(改为一般疑问句)___Can__ you look after the watch for __me___ ?十一、按要求改写句子。1.They often visit the farm ___on_ Sunday.2.We (picked oranges) on the farm.(对划线部分提问)__What __ did you ___do_ on the farm?3.Liu Tao"s grandfather showed us his stamps.(改为同义词)Liu Tao"s grandfatther __showed__ his stamps __to__ us .4.They had a good time last weekend.(改为一般疑问句)__Did__ they _have___ a good time last weekend?十二、用所给动词的正确形式填空。1.Gao Shan often __does_ (do) his homework on Saturday.2.I like __swimming__(swim).3.Listen!The bird __is singing_(sing) in the tree.4.Yesterday some boys ___walked_ (walk) in the mountains.5.Would you like __to pick__ (pick) apples.十三、连词成句。 to to want I the go(.)____I want to go to the is school today first of the (.)________Today is the first day of the school________________3.tasted many we oranges and them picked(.)___We picked many orangesand tasted them____________________________4.did weekend how your last spend you(?)__How did you spend your last weekend___________________________十四、完成对话,毎空一词。W—Wang Bing Y—Yang LingW:Yang Ling,what __did_ you do last Sunday?Y:I __helped__ Lin Tao"s grandparents with Lin Tao.W:___Where_ do they live?Y:They live in a small town near Nanjing.They were very __glad__ to see us.Lin Tao"s grandpa liked__collecting__stamps.He showed __us___lost of stamps.His grandma__gave__ us a nice lunch.We __liked__ the food very much.W:__Are___ you tired?Y:No.We___are__a really good time.W:Great.I"d like to visit them,too.十五、根据句意,完成所缺的单词。1.We eat mooncakes at ____ ____.2.People usually____ pumpkin ____ at Halloween.3.People visit their friends and relatives at ____ _____.4.New Year"s Day is on ___ ____.5.We can eat _____ eggs at Easter.我来帮他解答
2023-07-28 11:04:163

c0llecting StamPs是什么意思?

collecting stamps释义:集邮双语例句1.She has been collecting stamps since she was a child.她从小起就一直在集邮。2.He occupied himself in collecting stamps.他忙于集邮。3.Collecting stamps is a good fad.集邮是一种好的业余消遣。
2023-07-28 11:04:371


Mary has an interesting hobby. She collects stamps. She has a lot of stamps. She _ likes__1__stamps with pictures of animals and birds on them. In collecting these, she _learns__2__ the names of animals and birds. She also borrows _books__3___ on animals and birds from the library. She learns many things _about__4___them from these. Sometimes, Mary has stamps of the _same__5__ kind. She gives them to her friends. They then give her stamps _in_return___6___.Mary __writes__7__ to her friends in different countries. She sends them stamps of her country. In return, they send her stamps of their countries. Mary"s father _also__8__ gives her stamps. He brings _them_9__home from his office for her. Many of Mary"s friends collect coins and __others_10__collect matchboxes. But, all of them say that Mary"s collection is the most interesting of all.所以答案为: 1.a 2.b 3.d 4.c 5.d 6.a 7.a 8.b 9.b 10.c注意一下:本文英文单词出现较多的打印错误,所以纠正了一下,在选项中也有如:第二题的d.应该是spell 第七题的a应该是writes,望以后多加留意。
2023-07-28 11:04:473


2023-07-28 11:05:111

用括号中词的适当形式填空 ( )1. He is interested in ( )(swim). 2. They enjoy( )(collect)stamps. 3.

1.swimming 2.collecting 3.listening 4.singing;dancing 5.playing 6.climbing 7.acting CBBCB(相信我,答案绝对正确!)
2023-07-28 11:05:194


Address , seal , and stamp the love letter 信封上写好地址,密封好之后 贴上邮票 。 Please stick the stamp on the front of the envelope 请在信封正面 贴上邮票 。 He addressed the envelope and stuck a stamp on 他在信封上写好了地址,然后 贴上邮票 。 She attached a stamp to the envelope and mailed it 她在信封上 贴上邮票 然后寄了出去。 You must put a stamp on the envelope before you post it 寄信以前,你必须在信封上 贴上邮票 。 Just stick on a stamp and post it 贴上邮票 发掉就行了。 Pdf no postage is needed ; or (毋须 贴上邮票 ) ;或 Each appcation should be acpanied by a stamped addressed envelope 每份申请书均须附回邮信封, 贴上邮票 ,写好地址 Each appcation should be acpanied by a stamped addressed envelope 每份申请书均须附回邮信封, 贴上邮票 ,写好地址 Don " t forget to stick a stamp on an envelope before you put it into the mail - box 把信投进信箱前别忘了在信封上 贴上邮票 。 These christmas greeting cards are environmentally friendly in that they obviate the need for postage stamps and envelopes 这些圣诞贺卡毋须 贴上邮票 或附加信封,符合环保原则。 The o postage prepaid postcards can be sent via air mail without the need to affix an additional stamp 香港邮政署长蒋任宏表示,这两款邮资已付明信片可作空邮投寄而无须 贴上邮票 。 He hands her a package , stamped and addressed . gives them a pleasant smile . turns and strolls from the bank 他递给出纳一个写好地址和 贴上邮票 的包裹,送出一个愉快的微笑,转身走出银行。 If you wish to be notified of the receipt of your entry , please enclose a self - addressed , stamped postcard 如果您想在我们收到您的作品后给您确认,请随附一个写上收信人地址, 贴上邮票 的明信片。"prestige souvenir cover to memorate hong kong s participation in the 2004 olympic games"issued by sf & ochk , pre - affixed with a stamp sheetlet 由体协暨奥委会发行,并预先 贴上邮票 小型张的珍贵纪念封 He " s a scatter brain in the office ; he often forgets to post the letters and when he does he usually forgets to put stamps on them 他办事时经常丢三拉四,不是经常忘记寄信,就是寄信时又常常忘记 贴上邮票 。 Would it not be a paying investment to put stamps on the huge pile of manuscripts under the table and start them on their travels again 若是把他堆积在桌子底下的那一大堆稿件全部 贴上邮票 ,重新打发出去旅行,会不会得到什么回报呢? Please send your pleted order form to “ hongkong post philatec bureau , freepost no . 53 hong kong ” ( postage stamp is not required for local mail ) 请将填妥之表格以简?回邮53号寄回香港邮政集邮组(在本港投递毋须 贴上邮票 ) 。 There is no need to affix a stamp or using an envelope as they can be folded and sealed at edges . this provides more space for writing messages and ensures privacy 心意卡毋须 贴上邮票 或附加信封,其边沿可接合黏贴,有足够的书写空间之馀亦可保障私稳。 Later on he pawned his watch , and still later his wheel , reducing the amount available for food by putting stamps on all his manuscripts and sending them out 然后他当掉了手表,接著是自行车,给所有的稿子都 贴上邮票 ,寄了出去,这又减少了所能到手的伙食费。 Put it all down on that piece of paper . let yourself know where you are right now . and take that piece of paper and put it in the envelope , put your name and your address on that envelope , put a stamp on it , in fact if you dont have a stamp on it , dont worry about it 给自己写一封信,告诉自己,现在的境况有多糟糕,统统写下来让自己知道,你现在的境况,把这封信放进信封,在信封上写下你的 名字 和地址, 贴上邮票 如果你没有邮票,别担心,我会为你贴邮票,把信寄给我,我不会拆阅,但我会保存这封信一年。 At a ceremony held at the 150 years of water supply carnival , tamar basin , mr . allan chiang , j . p . , acting postmaster general and mr . h . b . philpson , j . p . , director of water suppes marked the launch of the new stamps by sticking blow - up stamps onto a blow - up first day cover and cancelng the stamp with a blow - up postmark 香港供水一百五十年嘉年华会在添马舰举行。在场内举行的"香港供水一百五十年"特别邮票发行仪式上,署理香港邮政署长蒋任宏先生与水务署署长傅立新先生一同主礼,在大型首日封上 贴上邮票 和盖印。 You may use the green return - envelope ( please note that a postage stamp is required ) to send your pleted return by post , or drop it in the mail - box located next to the escalators on the gf of the revenue tower at no . 5 gloucester road , wan chai , hong kong . alternatively you may file your tax return by electronic means if you meet the criteria 你可把填妥的个别人士报税表放在绿色信封内经邮局寄回本局(请注意:你必须 贴上邮票 ) ;或把它放进位于香港湾仔告士打道5号税务大楼地下扶手电梯旁的本局大收信箱。 A guide to the expo with detailed information on sts of booth holders , petitive exhibits , court of honour items , and philatec products , souvenir items , daily events and the floor plan . blank pages are reserved for obtaining stamp designers autographs , affixing stamps and to collectcollecting memorative postmarks and cachets . the selng price is hk $ 20 each 特刊详列参展商、竞赛展品、荣誉展馆展品、各类邮品、纪念品、博览会日程和场地平面图等资料,还预留空白页,方便入场人士请邮票设计师签名留念、 贴上邮票 ,又或收集纪念印等等,各适其适。 Please send ( 1 ) pleted entry form ; ( 2 ) entry fee ( crossed cheque payable to “ hong kong amateur athletic association ltd . ” and ( 3 ) stamped and self - addressed envelop to : “ mtr hong kong race walking 2005 ” coordinator , room 2015 , sports house , 1 stadium path , so kon po , causeway bay , hong kong 请将( 1 )填妥之报名表、 ( 2 )报名费?支票抬头香港业馀田径总会有限公司? 、及( 3 )已 贴上邮票 之回邮信封,寄回或交回香港铜锣湾扫杆埔大球场径1号体育大楼2015室香港业馀田径总会地铁竞步赛2005负责人。 推荐阅读: 梁晓声巧妙应对英国记者 梦见打领带_周公解梦梦到打领带是什么意思_做梦梦见打领带好不好 做事要寻找成功的秘诀:小职员阿基勃特的故事 道家法术奇妙道士竟是酒桶 【程罗】的意思是什么?【程罗】是什么意思? 上一篇: 《明史·吴桂芳传》全文翻译 下一篇: 捕风捉影的故事,捕风捉影的故事
2023-07-28 11:05:351

QJ/GD 是什么标准

2023-07-28 11:04:562


2023-07-28 11:04:571


解决方法:1、在桌面右键点击计算机-----管理-------设备管理器2、在窗口黄色叹号的逗MTP设备地上点右键----更新驱动------浏览计算机以查找驱动---------从计算机的设备驱动程序列表中选择3、把显示兼容硬件前面的勾取消,然后随便选一些(不能选MTP设备),点下一步,一直到完成有逗硬件无法启动地的提示4、重复上面的步骤,直到逗显示兼容硬件地窗口。但这次不要把勾取消。在下面框框显示有两个MTP设备,先试第一个。不行的话,重复第一跟第二步试第二个。好了以后,在设备管理器里应该可以看到手机的型号,安装驱动完成。Media Transfer Protocol,媒体传输协议,是基于PTP(Picture Transfer Protocol)协议的扩展,主要用于传输媒体文件,其中有价值的应用就是同步DRM文件的license。在电脑端打开下载到的Odin软件,odin软件会识别手机 识别成功后会在ID:COM处显示黄色。选择软件中的 PDA 找到您下载好的ROOT+CWM线刷包(.tar的那个)然后点打开。选择start(开始)开始后如过电脑端Odin读条一半卡住,始终不动,请将数据线插入电脑主机后面的插孔上或者更换数据线即可。
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华东理工大学不是985,没有985排名。1、华东理工大学(East China University of Science and Technology),简称华理(ECUST),坐落于上海市,是中华人民共和国教育部直属的一所学科设置涵盖11个学科门类的全国重点大学,位列国家“双一流”、“211工程”、“985工程优势学科创新平台”,入选国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目、高等学校创新能力提升计划、高等学校学科创新引智计划、基础学科拔尖学生培养计划2.0、双万计划、卓越工程师教育培养计划。2、入选新工科研究与实践项目、国家大学生创新性实验计划、国家级大学生创新创业训练计划、全国深化创新创业教育改革示范高校、中国政府奖学金来华留学生接收院校,为全国16所工科重点大学科技工作研讨会、高水平行业特色大学优质资源共享联盟成员。办学实力:1、华东理工大学原名华东化工学院,1952年由交通大学、震旦大学、大同大学、东吴大学、江南大学等校化工系组建而成,1956年被定为全国首批招收研究生的学校之一;1960年被确定为教育部直属的全国重点大学,1993年改名华东理工大学;1996年成为国家“211工程”重点建设高校。2、截至2023年1月,学校有徐汇、奉贤和金山三个校区,占地面积2532亩,各类建筑总面积95万平方米,馆藏图书353万册;设有17个学院,开设本科招生专业72个;有博士后科研流动站14个、一级学科博士学位授权点18个、博士专业学位授权点5个、一级学科硕士学位授权点31个、硕士专业学位授权点17个;有在校全日制学生2.9万余人,其中,本科生16764人,教职员工约3000余人。
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2023-07-28 11:05:121

give out 和give off有什么区别

give out 1.分发; 散发 2.公布; 宣布 3.耗尽; 用完 4.停止起作用 5.停止运行;停止运转 give off 发出; 放出; 散发出; 放射出
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give away ,give off,give out ,give in to分别是什么意思? fee, charge, fare, cost 有什么区别?

give outv.分发, 发出(气味、热等), 发表, 用尽, 精疲力竭give offv.发出(蒸汽、光等),长出(枝、杈等)give inv.投降, 屈服, 让步, 交上, 宣布give awayv.送掉, 分发, 放弃, 泄露, 出卖, 让步, 陷下举例:i am going to give out all the candies to the little kids.我将会把所有的糖果都分发给小孩。the sun is giving off a lot of heat.太阳发出热量。i give in after ten times of failure. 十次失败以后,我放弃了。i gave away all my old clothes to the poor children.我把我所有的旧衣服都给了家里穷的孩子。charge 收费,费用,此词可泛指与人们方便,舒适等有关的任何服务或事情所收取的费用 例句 The charges for electricity and gas will be increased next year.电费和煤气费明年将要上提 the charge for admission 入场费 It is such a small matter that i do not care to make any charge.那么小一件事情,我不愿收任何费用 fee 费用,此词指给医生,律师等专业服务的付费,或某组织成员必须定期交付的会费 例:membership fee会费/party(league)membership fee党(团)费/the fee for a haircut理发费/the fee for repairing修理费 With free health care,one needn"t pay a doctor"s fee himself.有了免费医疗,人们无须自己支付医生的费用 charge,fee 是同义词.(还有一个也是它们的同义词:fare费用) fare,指(乘车,乘船,乘计程车等)旅途费用 例句: It takes much more money now to travel around as the fares have all gone up.现在各处旅行花费的钱多多了,因为各项车船费全涨价了
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MCITP是什么 MCITP认证就是微软IT专家认证的简称,也是属于微软全新认证体系的中级证书,需要考生首先通过一项或多项MCTS认证,侧重于特定的工作角色包括设计、项目管理、运营管理以及规划等,需重新认证以保持有效。 报考MCITP的基础条件 资格:需要考生首先通过一项或多项MCTS认证 学历:报考MCITP不限制考生的文凭,任何人都可以报考 能力:基本的计算机应用能力,微软公司建议考生相应的软件使用和技术应用的经验 考取MCITP可以获得什么 方向:项目管理、运营管理 职位:技术支持工程师、系统分析员、网络分析员、技术顾问 能力:具备成功从事设计、项目管理、运营管理以及规划等工作所需的综合技能,根据工作岗位的不同而有所差异 薪水:平均年薪2~6万人民币
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解决办法:1.在“我的电脑”右击,选择“属性”,然后“设备管理器”。可以看见:MTP USB设备上有个黄色三角形2.选中“MTP USB 设备”右击,“更新驱动程序”->“浏览计算机以查找驱动程序软件”->“从计算机的设备驱动程序列表中选择”这里如果是有问题的话会有一个“UBS 大容量存储”的驱动程序,选择这个,安装就行了3、MTP USB设备安装失败 未能成功安装设备驱动程序终极解决方法环境介绍:电脑系统win7(32位) 已安装摩托罗拉手机驱动5.4版本(其他版本应该也行,不行的话去摩托罗拉官网下载5.4最新驱动)手机型号:摩托罗拉defy mb525(MIUI2.3.7系统)备注:其他电脑操作系统和不同型号手机可参考此方法,找到相应设置项即可。解决方法:1.我的电脑——右键单击——管理——设别管理器,在便携设备下有黄色三角号提示,即是纠结的MTP USB设备安装不成功的展示。2.对手机进行设置(这是关键步骤),(备注:以MIUI手机操作系统为例,其他手机操作系统需将USB绑定服务开启即可)。选择设置——系统——共享手机网络——USB绑定,将该选项设置为“开”,这是会发现如图所示变化,在设备管理器面板中没有了便携设备选项及黄色三角号提醒,如图所示:(但桌面右下角的黄色三角警示还在)3.在完成以上步骤后,用手机打开WIFI并登录无线WLAN,手机打开网页检验连接是否正常,若正常则如下图所示,黄色三角号警示消失,问题解决;若以上步骤没有解决问题,请先连接WIFI并登录WLAN之后,再按步骤操作。4.完成以上步骤并解决问题后,选择电脑桌面 网络——右键单击——属性,如下图所示:此时不仅手机能上网,而且电脑也能正常连接网络,正常上网。(我的体验是连接数据不稳定,时不时的要手机重新登陆WIFI,才有数据传输,可能是高校WLAN的问题,在家网速快的可以尝试一下)5.通过这个问题的解决,我才知道原来MTP USB设备安装 失败,未能成功安装设备驱动程序的原因是手机里面没有启用该设备服务。MTP USB设备是与手机里的共享手机网络中“USB绑定”服务相关联的,是电脑用来使用手机WIFI网络连接进行上网的工具。
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  华东理工大学考研难度如何?华东理工大学是教育部直属的全国重点大学,也是211院校。华东理工的化工专业实力强势,在全国也是数二数三的,考研难度还是比较大的。  一、考研难度分析  1、华东理工大学是教育部直属的全国重点大学,也是211院校。学校的前身是华东化工学院,因此华东理工的化工专业实力强势,在全国也是数二数三的存在。化学工程和化学工艺这两个二级学科也是国家重点学科,毕业出来就业也很好。  2、华东理工的控制科学与工程也是国家重点学科,专业的考研难度还是比较大的,录取分数也比较高,建议有实力的考生报考。  3、信息与通信工程和电子与通信工程这两个专业也是很多同学会选择报考的,这两个专业考研难度比较低,推荐报考。  4、计算机的两个专业,难度也是有的,不过不大,算是211院校的正常水平。  5、生物化工这个专业也是华东理工的重点学科,微生物学的招生人数比较少。生物化学与分子生物学的招生人数还是算可以,录取分数也不算高,推荐报考。  7、华东理工的材料学是国家重点学科,材料科学与工程分数比较高,难度也比较大,材料工程的考研难度则比它小一点,这两个专业的招生人数都是比较多的。  8、环境科学与工程和环境工程这两个专业,学硕的难度要远远大于专硕,试题也会比专硕大,因此性价比比较高的是专硕。  二、学校简介  华东理工大学,简称华理,坐落于上海市,是中华人民共和国教育部直属的一所全国重点大学,位列国家“双一流”、“211工程”、“985工程优势学科创新平台”。学校设有17个学院,学科设置涵盖理、工、农、医、经、管、文、法、艺术、哲学、教育等11个学科门类。现有本科招生专业72个(其中,中外合作办学专业7个,第二学士学位专业1个);一级学科硕士学位授权点31个,硕士专业学位授权点17个;一级学科博士学位授权点18个,博士专业学位授权点5个;博士后科研流动站14个。  考研政策不清晰?同等学力在职申硕有困惑?院校专业不好选?点击底部官网,有专业老师为你答疑解惑,211/985名校研究生硕士/博士开放网申报名中:
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中文:我的梦想是在海边买一座房子。有门有窗,也有宽大的床,随着簌簌的海风卷起的是悠然而起的白色窗帘;我的梦想是在法国或瑞士或加拿大的一个角落里有围绕我房子的一大片绿地,绿地后也许就是一片茂密的化不开的原始森林;冬天积雪皑皑,我们可以滑雪;秋天红叶荏苒我们可以欣赏;潺潺的流水沿着平原汩汩流淌,荡漾着夕阳金色的闪光;我的梦想啊,就是找一个生活气息浓厚的老公可以依偎,在冬天的夜里披着毛毯,守着壁炉,听他静静的读诗;我的梦想啊,就是有个活泼的小调皮盘绕膝头没事的时候缠着我出去散步,还要讲故事;我的梦想就是看到年过花甲的父母亲守着一堆儿女是那眼角里透出的温馨的喜悦;我的梦想便是走遍 大江南北海内外看罢八方风光;我的梦想便是仗剑走天涯,侠肝义胆挺立江湖; 我的梦想好多啊,如果不是你来提醒我我都差点把它遗忘在某个角落。为了美化我的门与窗,为了睡在我的宽大舒适的床,为了人前得体美丽的衣装,为了实现我的这些卑微美丽的梦想,我想该努力了;我必须以自己的勤劳填补业余的空隙 我想做一名山区教师 寒风里,孩子们穿着凉鞋奔跑;午餐时间,孩子们蹲在泥地上吃饭,一盆咸菜和一盆青菜汤就是考试期间的“营养午餐”;一间教室仅靠一个灯泡照明,宿舍地上,几条薄棉被就是地铺;看见新书,孩子们伸出黑乎乎的小手,小心翼翼,生怕弄脏了雪白的书页······这就是我们协和双语学校的家长用镜头记录下的“云南省双江县滚岗完小学”的第一眼辛酸。看着照片上孩子们纯真的笑脸和明亮的眼神,我真想快快长大,成为一名山区教师,帮助他们走出大山,建设大山。 我要让孩子们有一个良好的学习环境,要让他们有一间可以遮风挡雨的食堂,天天都能吃上美味佳肴;我要给他们一个温暖舒适的宿舍,天天晚上都能沉浸在甜美的梦中;我要看到他们在图书馆里“贪婪”地汲取知识;我要听到朗朗的读书声飞出窗明几净的教室······ 我会传授我所有的知识。语文课上,我教会孩子们用优美、抒情的语句描绘祖国的山河大地;数学课上,我教会他们思考方法,让他们有机会参加“奥林匹克数学竞赛”;我还要教会孩子们用英语讲述大山的美,描绘家乡的未来…… 最后,我要成为孩子们最贴心的朋友。他们和我在课余时间嬉戏,我和他们一起玩“贴膏药”、“老鹰捉小鸡”、“老车夫拉农车”等游戏。我会跟孩子们聊聊他们的心事,他们的梦想和成长的烦恼…… 多少次在梦里,我的眼前浮现孩子们那美丽的笑容和期盼的神情。为了实现我的愿望,从现在起我一定努力学习,打好基础,让我的羽翼变得硬朗、丰满,最终以优异的成绩走出校园,走进大山,走进孩子们的心田。 每个人都有梦想,它是人人所向往的。没有梦想的人的人生将是空虚的,人生没有梦想就如飞机失去航标,船只失去灯塔,终将被社会所淘汰。但梦想总是随着思想的前进而改变的。碌碌无为是庸人所为,奋发图强是智者之举。 小学时,我有一个梦想。我希望每天都不要有很多的家庭作业要做。玩耍的时间一点点被剥夺,而我们一天中的三分之一被禁锢在教室,很多时间在学习。 上初中的时候,我有一个梦想,我希望自己能成为一名尖子生;回到家能受到家人的表扬;在学校能受到老师们的肯定;在同学之间能有鹤立鸡群的表现。之后,我学会了奋斗。 忙忙碌碌一天加上晚自习后放学回家,真是又困又累,吃夜宵都没有味道。这样的日子很单调,也许有时候想念许多小学同学,有时候赶着上课还是一双朦胧的睡眼。讨厌死板的校服装,从不穿着它到处走。星期六、星期天的时间真的很短,孩子脾气真想犯,慢慢懂了做人的辛苦和梦想真是太难,还好我会努力,看每一个人都在为了生活而起早赶晚,把握自己不再松散。 今天,我有一个梦想,我希望自己能考上一所中意的高中。我为着梦想,`每一天都苦苦寻找着充实自己的辅导书与练习卷,为着光明的未来而努力。 梦想像一粒种子,种在“心”的土壤里,尽管它很小,却可以生根开花,假如没有梦想,就像生活在荒凉的戈壁,冷冷清清,没有活力。试问,我们在座的同学们,谁又愿意过那种行尸走肉的日子呢?我相信我不会,你们大家都不会。 有了梦想,也就有了追求,有了奋斗的目标,有了梦想,就有了动力。梦想,是一架高高的桥梁,不管最终是否能到达彼岸,拥有梦想,并去追求它,这已经是一种成功,一种荣耀。在追求梦想这个过程中,我们是在成长。 它会催人前进,也许在实现梦想的道路中,会遇到无数的挫折和困难,但没关系,跌倒了自己爬起来,为自己的梦想而前进,毕竟前途不仅靠运气,也靠自己创造出来。 英文:My dream is to buy a house at the seaside. Door window, also have broad sea bed, along with the rustle up is carefree and the white curtain, My dream is in France or Switzerland or Canada in a corner of the house have surrounded me a large green, green is perhaps a lush after a primitive forests. Winter snow gypsies, we can ski, We can enjoy the maple autumn stile, Rippling stream flowed down glide plain, rippling the sunset shining gold, My dream is to look for a living, strong, can the husband in winter night wore blanket, keeping the fireplace, listen to him quietly poets, My dream is a lively little naughty knee fine when coiled bugging me to go out for a walk, stories, My dream is to see NianGuoHuaJia parents kept a heap of children is the corner in the joy of sweet, My dream is throughout China and look directions scenery, My dream is the sword go by, XiaGanYiDan river rear, I dream a lot, if you had not come close to remind me that I have forgotten it in a corner. To beautify my door and window, to sleep in my bed, the broad and comfortable in front of the beautiful clothes, appropriate to realize my dream of beautiful these humble, I think this effort, I must take their diligence to fill the gap. Spare I want to be a famous mountains area teachers The children wear sandals, run, Lunch time, children squat in the mud, and one a pickle basin during the examination of the green soup for lunch nutrition; "" A classroom only on a light bulb, dormitory, lighting the quilt is a thin coating, See book, the children out of the dark hands, careful, afraid dirty pages, snow-white, Robert DE, this is our, parents of xiehe bilingual school with a record of the lens in yunnan province "double jiang county after rolling hillock elementary at first glance. The children looked at pictures of pure bright smiling face and eyes, I really want to grow up quickly and become a famous mountains area teachers, help them out of the mountains, dashan. I want to let children have a good learning environment, let them have a dining room, can shield everyday can eat delicacies, I want to give them a warm and comfortable dorm, and every night is immersed in a sweet dream could, I want to see them in the library "greedy" to learn knowledge, I want to hear of the DouShuSheng fly out of a window, the classroom clean, Robert DE · · I"ll teach me all the knowledge. In Chinese, I teach children with beautiful, lyrical statements of the motherland; sunvo depicting Math, I teach their thinking methods, let them have the opportunity to participate in "maths Olympic", I also teach kids about the beauty of mountains in English, the future home... Finally, I want to become the most intimate friends children. They play and I do in their spare time, I play with them "plasters", "the eagle catches chicken", "the old car driver pulled farmers", etc. I"ll talk with children of their thoughts, their dreams and growing pains... How many times in my dream, my eyes children that beautiful smile and facial expression. In order to realize my desire, from now on, I must study hard, laying a solid foundation, let me become hale, plump wings, with excellent performance of the campus, the mountain, into the children"s heart. Everyone has a dream, it is everybody yearning. The man without a dream of the life will be empty, without losing dreams as aircraft navigation ships, lose lighthouse, will be eliminated by society. But the dream always thought of as before and change. Nowhere is that of a schemer and striving for is wise. When elementary school, I had a dream. I hope every day is not a lot of homework to do. Play a little time, and we were deprived of one of the three day in the classroom, imprisoned in a lot of time learning. Top junior high school of time, I have a dream, I hope I can be a head, By his family back home to praise, By teachers in the school can sure, The students can have the standout performances. Later, I learned to struggle. Busy day and night, after coming home from school on a trapped and tired, eat supper didn"t taste. This day is very dull, maybe sometimes miss many elementary school students, sometimes driving lessons or a pair of hazy sleepy. Hate school clothes, rigid never wore it everywhere. On Saturday, Sunday, the time really short temper really want to make children, slowly understand human toil and dream is too difficult, I try to see everyone, from early in life and later, he is no longer hold out. Today, I have a dream, I hope you can enter a favorite high school. My dream, "for every day of his struggle to find a full practice, coach book and strive for a bright future. Dream is like a seed in the "heart", and the soil, although it is very small, but can not dream bloomed, if, like living in the gobi, desolate, without courty vigor. Ask the students, we all who would lead the hum of the day? I believe I will, you won"t. Have a dream, it is a goal, a dream, there is power. Dream is a tall bridge, no matter whether can reach the shore and eventually have dreams, and pursue it, this is a kind of success, a kind of glory. In this process, the pursuit of dreams, we are growing. It will urge people forward, perhaps in the dreams of the road, will meet many difficulties and setbacks, but it doesn"t matter, fell himself up, for his dream and, after all, is not luck future by himself created.如果多了可以自己删掉一些嘛!
2023-07-28 11:04:481


2023-07-28 11:04:471

hand out和give out的区别和用法是山东?

hand out和give out的区别为:指代不同、语法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代不同1、hand out:分发。2、give out:释放。二、语法不同1、hand out:基本意思是“分散,分发,分类”,指将某物分成数份并配给适当的人或单位,也可指将其均衡地分散在某一地区。2、give out:基本意思是“释放,放开”,指把人或动物从某种束缚或痛苦中解放出来,使之继续自由活动,用作及物动词。三、侧重点不同1、hand out:侧重于有目标的。2、give out:侧重于不确定目标的。
2023-07-28 11:04:461


2023-07-28 11:04:461


2023-07-28 11:04:436

give out等于什么?

2023-07-28 11:04:392


如果你指的是化工方面的MTP、MTO,它们的含义如下:(1)MTO:是指以煤基或天然气基合成的甲醇为原料,借助类似催化裂化装置的流化床反应形式,主要生产乙烯工艺技术;MTO的产品是乙烯、丙烯和少量的正丁烯,MTO的裂解反应器是流化床,催化剂是SAPO-34。(2)MTP:是指以煤基或天然气基合成的甲醇为原料,借助类似催化裂化装置的流化床反应形式,主要生产丙烯的工艺技术。MTP的产品是丙烯、石脑油、LPG(LPG 指常温下加压(约1兆帕左右)而液化的石油气,主要成分是碳三及碳四烃类)和很少量的乙烯。MTP的裂解反应器是固定床,催化剂是ZSM-5。(3)区别与联系:①原料都是甲醇,两者都产生大量的水;②两者的催化剂、催化裂化装置、主要生产的产品不一样。
2023-07-28 11:04:381