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2023-07-29 08:35:11

The Industrial Revolution first started in Great Britain and eventually progressed to the United States in the early 19th


century. It was first created to raise people"s standard of living. Before the revolution, the majority of Americans lived on


farmland, small town, or villages where there was little manufacturing. A farmer usually also was able to make shoes, and


the women spent their days making soap and candles, or spinning yarn or making clothing. The manufacturing that did take


place was in homes or rural areas and it was done by hand. Some products made in the home (including clothing, furniture,


tools, cloth, hardware, jewelry, leather, silverware, and weapons) were even exchanged for food. But, people lived in fear

工具,布料,硬件,首饰,皮子,银器 [餐具,叉子,刀子之类的],和武器)甚至用来交换食物。但是

that the crops they grew might fail, as many of them already suffered from malnutrition. In addition, diseases and epidemics


were unfortunately common. In the late 1700"s, the first sign of a revolution occured when the steam engine was developed.

非常不幸地很常见。在晚1700, 改革的最先的标志是当蒸汽引擎被发展了。

It introduced the concept of companies and factories being able to create goods using machinery, as opposed to a family


working together at home. One of the purposes of the industrial Revolution was to have more goods produced at a lower


cost. An immediate change included the production of goods; what was produced, as well as where and how, its cost, and


efficiency. The Industrial Revolution was beginning to turn an agricultural economy into one with machines and manufacturing.


The Industrial Revolution was growing rapidly into the U.S. during the early 19th century. Private investors and financial


buildings (such as banks) were needed to provide money to the people who wanted to start a business. This money would


allow further industrialization to take place. The purpose of it was to lessen the risks of losing money to the individual


investors. This was especially crucial because the new machinery that was needed was expensive. Capital was first


introduced as companies combined together their money as “joint stock companies”, and soon after corporations were


formally developed. The advantage to this was the most an investor could lose is the amount that they put in; as opposed to


losing more money than one initially started with.







The Industrial Revolution first started in Great Britain and eventually progressed to the United States in the early 19th century. It was first created to raise people"s standard of living. Before the revolution, the majority of Americans lived on farmland, small towns, or villages, where there was little manufacturing. A farmer usually also was able to make shoes, and the women spent their days making soap and candies, or spinning yarn or making clothing. The manufacturing that did take place was in homes or rural areas and it was done by hand. Some products made in the home (including clothing, furniture, tools, cloth, hardware, jewelry, leather, silverware, and weapons) were even exchanged for food. But, people lived in fear that the crops they grew might fail, as many of them already suffered from malnutrition. In addition, diseases and other epidemics were unfortunately common. In the late 1700"s, the first sign of a revolution occurred when the steam engine was developed. It introduced the concept of companies and factories being able to create goods using machinery, as opposed to a family working together at home. One of the purposes of the Industrial Revolution was to have more goods produced at a lower cost. An immediate change included the production of goods; what was produced, as well as where and how, its cost, and efficiency. The Industrial Revolution was beginning to turn an agricultural economy into one with machines and manufacturing.

The Industrial Revolution was growing rapidly in the United States during the early 19th century. Private investors and financial buildings (such as banks) were needed to provide money to the people who wanted to start a business. This money would allow further industrialization to take place. The purpose of it was to lessen the risks of losing money to the individual investors. This was especially crucial because the new machinery that was needed was expensive. Capital was first introduced as companies combined together their money as “joint stock companies.” and soon after corporations were formally developed. The advantage to this was the most an investor could lose is the amount that they put in; as opposed to losing more money than one initially started with.



去工业化(De-industrialization)是指制造业就业比重持续下降。去工业化现象最早始于美国,其制造业劳动力占总劳动者的比例,从1965年最高值的28%下降至1994年的16%。在日本,其制造业就业比重的最高值是 27%(1973年,比美国迟8年),而到1994年则下降到23%。在欧盟15个国家中,制造业就业比例的最高值是30%(1970年),到1994年则迅速地下降到20%。与此同时,发达国家服务业就业人数的比重均在上升。美国服务业中的就业人数占劳动者总数的比重,则从1960年的56%上升至 1994年的73%。从1960年开始,其他发达国家均出现类似现象。
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2023-07-28 10:34:044

进口替代工业化(import-substituting industrialization)

2023-07-28 10:34:191


化,约等于西方新近提出的“原始工业化”概念;但也有学者直接将早期工业化视为近代工业化,即以“工业革命”为其开端的社会结构变迁过程。笔者认为,从中国现代化历程的全过程来把握,中国的工业化进程大致可分为两大阶段:(1)早期工业化阶段,主要指1860年代至1949年的近代工业化,但往前可追溯到明清时期。(2)社会主义现代工业化阶段,主要指1949年以后新中国的工业化过程,这一过程至今仍在持续,但已开始步入“新型工业化”阶段。当然,这两个大的阶段又可细分为若干小的阶段,作具体研究时宜分别把握其阶段性特征。如此划分工业化阶段的好处,一是更符合中国自身历史实际,可将明清时期至今的历史作为一个整体来研究,避免因考虑“西方冲击”而割断中国历史的连续性;二是可分别探讨半殖民地半封建社会的“工业化”与社会主义条件下的工业化之间究竟有何本质区别与联系,以明确中国工业化道路的自身特点。同时,也有助于运用现代化理论,将中国早期工业化纳入早期现代化整体框架中进行研究。 由此,对中国早期工业化的研究,实际上应包括对两个相互衔接的历史过程的研究,即中国的原始工业化和近代工业化的研究。自20世纪70年代以来,西方学者普遍认为,工业化本身是一个漫长的历史演变过程,在以采用机器生产为标志的近代工业革命之前,还存在一个以乡村手工业的迅速发展为主要特点的原始工业化(Proto-industrialization)过程,这个过程可称之为“工业化之前的工业化”(Industrialization before Industrialization),正是原始工业化的发展为近代工业化奠定了坚实的基础。中国是否存在一个类似于西方的原始工业化阶段?过去对此甚少研究,基本上是将明清时期手工业的发展纳入“资本主义萌芽”的框架中来研究的。然而自20世纪80年代起,一些学者开始引入原始工业化理论来研究中国经济史,倾向于认为明清时期中国东南沿海地区实际上也经历了一个类似于西方的原始工业化过程。原始工业化概念的引入,使我们能在一定程度上突破“西方中心”论的干扰,从不同的视角来观察中国早期工业化的全过程,对中国近代工业化乃至全部现代化历程做出新的思考,得出一些新结论。综合诸家论说,就原始工业化与近代工业化的相关性而言,我们可以观察到中国早期工业化呈现出若干不同于西方工业化道路的特征。
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新兴工业化国家(英语:New Industrialization Country,缩写NIC、NICs)是指经济发展程度介于发达国家以及发展中国家之间,又称“新兴工业化国家”、“半工业化国家”,这一定名是在20世纪70年代末期的《经济合作发展组织报告书》里提出的。总的说来所谓新兴工业化国家是指具有一定资本主义基础的发展中国家在较短的历史时期内克服了社会经济的落后性并在工业化进程中一定程度上接近于发达国家水平的国家和地区。当时的新兴工业化国家如韩国,新加坡现都已被联合国归为发达国家,而当前的新兴工业化国家是指20世纪90年代涌现出的发展中经济体,例如亚洲的中国、印度、土耳其、伊朗;拉丁美洲的阿根廷和巴西;欧洲的俄罗斯等。
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2023-07-28 10:34:502


落地产业化industrialization of XX grounding XX 为 定语可以增加的定语举例:industrialization of scientific project grounding 科技项目落地产业化industrialization of grounding for fruits of scientific research 科研成果落地产业化
2023-07-28 10:34:582

How does industrialization and urbanization lead

三种用法所表达的意思不同。1、用 does, 需要在 industrialization and urbanization 前加定冠词 the, 把它视作一项改革措施, 意思是 “工业化和城镇化这项措施如何导致社会改革” 2、用 do 则把工业化和城镇化看作是两种不同的改革措施, 意思是 “工业化和城镇化两种措施如何导致社会改革”。lead to social reform? 3、用 did 表示工业化和城镇化是过去实行的改革措施, 虽然语法正确, 但与事实不符。
2023-07-28 10:35:051

Import Substitution Industrialization是什么意思

Import Substitution Industrialization进口替代产业化双语例句1The incipient industrial sector and the transportation system were directly transformed into productivity in the period of import substitution industrialization.初创的工业部门和交通体系在进口替代工业化时期直接转化为生产力。2Until the 1980s, industrial policies had a more protectionist nature and were applied either according to import substitution industrialization or export-led growth models.1980年代之前,产业政策的保护主义性质比较大,而且不是根据进口品替代性工业化
2023-07-28 10:35:261


The urbanization and the industrialization constantly sped up.
2023-07-28 10:35:344


前面是when引导的一个时间状语从句,后面是主句,主句中主语就是the book and ~谓语 appeared 后面attacking ~ 伴随状语属于非谓语动词结构
2023-07-28 10:35:512


1、If i don"t stick to it is useless.2、Pollution is usually and economic development in the accelerated industrialization process, pollution has become a serious social problems.
2023-07-28 10:35:594


Question 1 The author may argue in the text that ______.[A] some European countries underwent industrialization over almost a century [B] it would take a developing country about 10 years to undergo industrialization [C] the process of industrialization in today"s developing nations is acceleratingQuestion 2 Please translate the sentences into Chinese. In the early industrialized countries of Europe, the process of industrialization — with all the far-reaching changes in social patterns that followed — was spread传播 over nearly a century, whereas nowadays a developing nation may undergo the same process in a decade or so.在欧洲早期的工业化国家,工业化进程—在随之而来的社会模式中具有所有深远的改变— 被传播了接近一个世纪 被演变长达一个多世纪,而如今一个发展中国家也许(只)要经历十年左右同样的过程。↓ 在先期实现工业化的欧洲国家中,其工业化进程以及随之而来的各种深刻的社会结构变革,演变过程长达大约一个多世纪;而今一个发展中国家在10年左右就可能完成这个过程。 All this has the effect of building up unusual pressures and tensions within the community and consequently presents呈现,提出 serious problems for the governments concerned. 所有这些在社会中导致了不同寻常的压力和紧张,因此呈现给相关政府严重的问题。↓ 所有这一切额外地增加了社会内部的压力和紧张关系,因而也给有关的政府提出了许多严峻的挑战。 逐句解读↓第一句 [1] In the early industrialized countries of Europe the process of industrialization—with all the far-reaching changes in social patterns that followed—was spread over nearly a century, [2] whereas nowadays a developing nation may undergo the same process in a decade or so. 句子结构 分句[1]与分句[2]为whereas连接的并列句 [1](S+V) 状(地点):In the early industrialized countries of Europe 在先期实现工业化的欧洲国家中 主:the process of industrialization 其工业化进程 插(状,伴随):—with all the far-reaching changes in social patterns (that followed)(定从)— 以及随之而来的各种深刻的社会结构变革 谓: was spread 传播(演变) 状(时间):over nearly a century大约一个多世纪 译文:在先期实现工业化的欧洲国家中,其工业化进程以及随之而来的各种深刻的社会结构变革,演变过程长达大约一个多世纪 [2](S+V+O) 连:whereas 而 状(时间):nowadays 当今 主:a developing nation 一个发展中国家 谓:may undergo 可以经历(完成) 宾:the same process 这个(同样的)过程 状(时间):in a decade or so 在十年左右 译文:而今一个发展中国家在10年左右就可能完成这个过程 本句译文 在先期实现工业化的欧洲国家中,其工业化进程以及随之而来的各种深刻的社会结构变革,演变过程长达大约一个多世纪;而今一个发展中国家在10年左右就可能完成这个过程。第二句 All this has the effect of building up unusual pressures and tensions within the community and consequently presents serious problems for the governments concerned. 句子结构 主:All this 所有这一切 谓1:has 有 宾1:the effect 作用 定1:of building up unusual pressures and tensions within the community (额外地)增加了社会内部的压力和紧张关系 连:and consequently 因而 谓2: presents 提出 宾2:serious problems 严峻的挑战 状2:for the governments concerned 给有关的政府 本句译文 所有这一切额外地增加了社会内部的压力和紧张关系,因而也给有关的政府提出了许多严峻的挑战。
2023-07-28 10:36:181


Landing industrialization
2023-07-28 10:36:293

【SAT CR】一道sat阅读题@@

2023-07-28 10:36:362


2023-07-28 10:36:462

我们如何节约用水 英语作文

2023-07-28 10:36:563

哪位高手能把下面这段话翻译成英文 谢谢了

(请勿对比软件翻译结果,回答记录和采纳率就是证明)Through the industrical construction for about 60 years after the foundation of PRC, the western region of China has developed with a certain industrical foundation and formed a modern industrical system with certain production technology and production capacity. While generally speaking, yet it"s still undeniable that the industricalization level of western regions lags behind the western areas and even behind the national arverage level. Industricalization process of western regions not only involves and closely related to the economy development of that area, but also is a significant strategic action of China to coordinate the balancing development of regional economies of China. In front of this double requirement and pressure, local goverments are facing to the important issue of fasten the procedures of western industrical development especially those modern industries.(欢迎交流指正)
2023-07-28 10:37:303


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2023-07-28 10:38:063


2023-07-28 10:38:131


机器大工业在公民经济中发展并取得优势地位的过程。它推动整个国民经济的技术改造,使生产日益社会化,工人阶级队伍不断扩大,城市迅速发展。有社会主义工业化和资本主义工业化,它们的目的、道路和方法各不相同。工业化通常被定义为工业(特别是其中的制造业)或第二产业产值(或收入)在国民生产总值(或国民收入)中比重不断上升的过程,以及工业就业人数在总就业人数中比重不断上升的过程。工业发展是工业化的显著特征之一,但工业化并不能狭隘地仅仅理解为工业发展。因为工业化是现代化的核心内容,是传统农业社会向现代工业社会转变的过程。在这一过程中,工业发展绝不是孤立进行的,而总是与农业现代化和服务业发展相辅相成的,总是以贸易的发展、市场范围的扩大和产权交易制度的完善等为依托的。在工业化进程中,主要表现为工业生产量的快速增长,新兴部门大量出现,高新技术广泛应用,劳动生产率大幅提高,城镇化水平和国民消费层次全面提升。 国际上衡量工业化程度,主要经济指标有四项:一是人均生产总值,人均GDP达到1000美元为初期阶段,人均3000美元为中期,人均5000美元为后期;二是工业化率,即工业增加值占全部生产总值的比重。工业化率达到20%-40%,为正在工业化初期,40%-60%为半工业化国家,60%以上为工业化国家;三是三次产业结构和就业结构,一般工业化初期,三次产业结构为12.7:37.8:49.5;就业结构为15.9:36.8:47.3;四是城市化率,即为城镇常住人口占总人口的比重,一般工业化初期为37%以上,工业化国家则达到65%以上。现在我国还提出新型工业化的概念。所谓新型工业化,就是坚持以信息化带动工业化,以工业化促进信息化,就是科技含量高、经济效益好、资源消耗低、环境污染少、人力资源优势得到充分发挥的工业化道路。与传统的工业化相比,新型工业化有三个突出的特点: 第一,以信息化带动的、能够实现跨越式发展的工业化。以科技进步和创新为动力,注重科技进步和劳动者素质的提高,在激烈的市场竞争中以质优价廉的商品争取更大的市场份额。第二,能够增强可持续发展能力的工业化。要强调生态建设和环境保护,强调处理好经济发展与人口、资源、环境之间的关系,降低资源消耗,减少环境污染,提供强大的技术支撑,从而大大增强我国的可持续发展能力和经济后劲。 第三,能够充分发挥人力资源优势的工业化。工业化指一个国家和地区国民经济中,工业生产活动取得主导地位的发展过程。工业化最初只是一种自发的社会现象,始于18世纪60年代的英国。这种以大规模机器生产为特征的工业生产活动向原有的生产方式和狭小的地方市场提出挑战,老的生产方式已无法满足日益增长的市场容量的需求。同时,资本积累和科学技术的发展又为工业化的产生奠定了基础。工业化是一个相当长的发展过程。其初期,一些先行的工业化国家为实现人口自由流动和提供充足、廉价的劳动力,迫切要求打破原有的社会劳动组织系统。为此花费约100年时间。20世纪以来,特别是在第二次世界大战后,工业化成为世界各国经济发展的目标。工业生产的空间活动范围在工业化不同发展阶段具有较明显的趋向性。初期时,工业生产活动往往局限在一定的地域范围内(点状分布),随交通条件的改善而呈线或带状向外扩散。最终达到一个国家或地区相对的均衡分布状态。工业化的发展,对人类社会的进步既有积极作用,也有消极影响。伴随大规模工业化而产生的日益严重的大气、海洋和陆地水体等环境污染,大量土地被占用,水土流失和沙漠化加剧等,对社会、自然、生态造成巨大破坏,甚至危及人类自身生存,迫使各国对工业化的发展进行某种限制和改造。 农业产业化( Agriculture Industrialization)是以市场为导向,以经济效益为中心,以主导产业、产品为重点,优化组合各种生产要素,实行区域化布局、专业化生产、规模化建设、系列化加工、社会化服务、企业化管理,形成种养加、产供销、贸工农、农工商、农科教一体化经营体系,使农业走上自我发展,自我积累、自我约束、自我调节的良性发展轨道的现代化经营方式和产业组织形式。它的实质上是指对传统农业进行技术改造,推动农业科技进步的过程。这种经营模式从整体上推进传统农业向现代农业的转变,是加速农业现代化的有效途径。   农业产业化的基本思路是:确定主导产业,实行区域布局,依靠龙头带动,发展规模经营,实行市场牵龙头,龙头带动基地,基地连农户的产业组织形式。它的基本类型主要有:市场连接型、龙头企业带动型、农科教结合型、专业协会带动型。  农业产业化的基本特征主要有面向国内外大市场,立足本地优势,依靠科技的进步,形成规模经营。实行专业化分工,贸工农、产供销密切配合,充分发挥“龙头”企业开拓市场、引导生产深化加工、配套服务功能的作用,并且采取现代企业的管理方式。  它的目的之一是使农民真正得利。实行产加销一体化,使农民不仅获得生产环节的效益,而且能分享加工、流通环节的利润,从而使农民富裕起来。实行农业产业化还会使土地产出率和农产品转化为商品率得到最大限度的提高,农业科技贡献率得到较大幅度的提高,农产品的生产与市场流通有效地结合起来,以“龙头”企业来内联千家万户,外联两个市场,从而引导、带动、辐射农业产业化的发展,并且建设一批主导产品、“龙头企业”、服务组织、商品基地。
2023-07-28 10:38:291


2023-07-28 10:38:524


何谓早期工业化?学术界有不同的看法。有的学者认为,“早期工业化”指的是近代工业化之前的工业化,约等于西方新近提出的“原始工业化”概念;但也有学者直接将早期工业化视为近代工业化,即以“工业革命”为其开端的社会结构变迁过程。笔者认为,从中国现代化历程的全过程来把握,中国的工业化进程大致可分为两大阶段:(1)早期工业化阶段,主要指1860年代至1949年的近代工业化,但往前可追溯到明清时期。(2)社会主义现代工业化阶段,主要指1949年以后新中国的工业化过程,这一过程至今仍在持续,但已开始步入“新型工业化”阶段。当然,这两个大的阶段又可细分为若干小的阶段,作具体研究时宜分别把握其阶段性特征。如此划分工业化阶段的好处,一是更符合中国自身历史实际,可将明清时期至今的历史作为一个整体来研究,避免因考虑“西方冲击”而割断中国历史的连续性;二是可分别探讨半殖民地半封建社会的“工业化”与社会主义条件下的工业化之间究竟有何本质区别与联系,以明确中国工业化道路的自身特点。同时,也有助于运用现代化理论,将中国早期工业化纳入早期现代化整体框架中进行研究。 由此,对中国早期工业化的研究,实际上应包括对两个相互衔接的历史过程的研究,即中国的原始工业化和近代工业化的研究。自20世纪70年代以来,西方学者普遍认为,工业化本身是一个漫长的历史演变过程,在以采用机器生产为标志的近代工业革命之前,还存在一个以乡村手工业的迅速发展为主要特点的原始工业化(Proto-industrialization)过程,这个过程可称之为“工业化之前的工业化”(Industrialization before Industrialization),正是原始工业化的发展为近代工业化奠定了坚实的基础。中国是否存在一个类似于西方的原始工业化阶段?过去对此甚少研究,基本上是将明清时期手工业的发展纳入“资本主义萌芽”的框架中来研究的。然而自20世纪80年代起,一些学者开始引入原始工业化理论来研究中国经济史,倾向于认为明清时期中国东南沿海地区实际上也经历了一个类似于西方的原始工业化过程。原始工业化概念的引入,使我们能在一定程度上突破“西方中心”论的干扰,从不同的视角来观察中国早期工业化的全过程,对中国近代工业化乃至全部现代化历程做出新的思考,得出一些新结论。综合诸家论说,就原始工业化与近代工业化的相关性而言,我们可以观察到中国早期工业化呈现出若干不同于西方工业化道路的特征。 首先,和西方近代工业化与原始工业化是一个连续的过程不同,中国的原始工业化与近代工业化之间是非连续性的,后者不是前者的自然过渡。尽管明清时期中国一些地方已有由分工和专业化推动的原始工业化现象,但还仅仅处于初步发展阶段,不可能像欧洲那样自下而上的、自发地导向近代工业化。中国近代工业和近代资本主义的产生基本上是外来的、移植的,是西方资本主义入侵中国的结果,与过去手工业的发展没有必然的内在联系,不存在一个明显的、源于内部因素的“工业革命”。其显著特征是运用国家政权的力量自上而下地推动近代工业化进程。这在洋务运动时期和清末推行的“新政”中均有明显的体现。而由此造成的直接后果之一,便是国家垄断资本在整体实力上远远大于民间资本,民间经济缺乏相应的实力与活力,社会中介组织发育程度甚低。 其次,由于原始工业化的区域有限,时间断裂,近代工业化以外发型的非自然模式为主导,这就造成中国近代工业主要分布在沿江、沿海的口岸地区,地区分布很不合理。有限的工业与落后的农业长期并存,使中国经济发展具有明显的二元经济特征。在这种二元经济结构中,农业占有绝对的优势,农村像汪洋大海般包围着城市,城市化程度极其有限。这就使中国的工业化基本可界定为“农业国的工业化”。也就是说,中国的工业化必须处理好传统农业经济与现代工业经济的关系,必须关注乡村社会经济的变动,走一条传统与现代相结合的道路。其中的关键是要充分利用和发挥我国传统小农经济的积极因素,使小农经济和大工业优势互补,从而推动小农经济自身的转型,走一条土洋结合、城乡互动、工农业协调发展的“中国式工业近代化”之路。 小农经济能与工业经济相互补充,主要在于中国以小农经济为基石的农村经济中,实际包含着持续若干世纪的农业、商业和手工业的高度结合(尽管这种结合因地区差异而程度不一)。正是在这种高度结合中隐藏着中国近代工业化道路的秘密及其特征,使之区别于西方国家的近代工业化。例如,西方的工业化通常是现代大机器工业排挤手工业的过程,但在中国由于农村手工业有着雄厚的基础,又有大量廉价劳动力的人力资源优势,因此近代机器工业与手工业往往可以并存、互补,在一定阶段,甚至可以出现近代机器工业激活、带动农村手工业蓬勃发展的“类原始工业化”现象。有的学者将此归结为“二元工业化道路”。又如,西方工业化通常是城市征服、吞并农村的过程,但在中国由于存在非常庞大的农村人口,因此,大中城市的发展不一定能带动农村的发展,而最有可能的是处于城乡结合部的乡镇工业带动整个农村的发展,乡村工业化直接促进乡村城市化,小城镇起着举足轻重的作用。这一切,都需要我们从中国历史实际出发,重新思考中国工业化道路的独特性。尤其要处理好原始工业化与近代工业化、早期工业化与社会主义工业化、一般工业化与新型工业化如何互为基础、合理衔接的问题,从而找到一条真正适合中国国情的工业现代化之路。
2023-07-28 10:39:041


Technology has revolutionized the world we live in, changing the way we communicate, work, and live our lives. With constant advancements in technology, we are witnessing a tremendous change in the way we perceive things.The prevalence of technology in our everyday lives is undeniable. We now use technology to communicate, entertain, and even manage our health. We rely on devices such as mobile phones, tablets, and laptops for nearly everything we do.Moreover, technology has made our lives more comfortable and convenient. With the introduction of inventions such as the internet, we can now access information from almost anywhere in the world instantly. Online shopping has also made the task of purchasing goods easier and more convenient.Technology has also had significant impacts on industries such as healthcare and education. In these industries, technology has enabled more accurate diagnoses, facilitated remote learning, and streamlined communication between patients and healthcare providers.Furthermore, technology has also enabled a more sustainable future, creating cleaner and more efficient energy sources such as solar and wind power. Through technological advancements, we can reduce our carbon footprint and help save the planet.In conclusion, technology has undeniably had a significant impact on our world, enabling us to achieve things we never thought possible. As we continue to innovate and develop new technologies, we will undoubtedly usher in a new era where the possibilities are endless.
2023-07-28 10:39:272


Management of agricultural industrialization, the nature of the market economy the main form of agricultural interests of diverse communities, and to contract as the link for "benefit-sharing, risk sharing," the interests of the joint mechanism, developed from the production, processing and selling Agricultural Integration. Leading enterprises and farmers is the most direct community of interest. Leading enterprises to grow, is to adjust agricultural and rural economic structure, promote agricultural industrialization operation, build modern agriculture, the only way to increase peasant incomes has the benefit of farmers producing standardized, high-quality agricultural products, high yield, high efficiency; are conducive to rural Sheng Yu labor force to achieve specialization, the degree of organization of farmers, against market risk, increase revenue. In the agricultural industrialization process, the interests of the joint mechanism is to determine the success of industrial management of the key factors. Development of agricultural industrialization fundamental purpose is to raise the level of modern agriculture, by industrial processing of agricultural products in value-added, farmers engaged in agricultural production greater gains. In practice, establish interest has been the linking mechanism for governments, enterprises, markets, farmers, such as multi game Jiaodian: How Bao Zhang multi-interests, so that enterprises and other economic organizations and farmers Jianli become closer sound of interests, enjoy the industry of the common operating results. Interests of the association mechanism is the theme of the economy in the interests of mutual respect between the contact relationship between the interaction constraints and regulatory functions, it can be divided into interests of both the creation and distribution of benefits, the composition includes four aspects: the distribution of benefits system , safeguards the interests, the interests and the interests of the restraint mechanism regulating mechanism. From the theory of agricultural industrialization, agricultural industrialization and the actual cause of industrialization throughout the course of business in connection with the interests of the way, combined with Zhengzhou status of industrial management of agriculture, benefits linked with the main form of Zhengzhou City in promoting agriculture industrialization process, enterprises and other economic organizations and farmers association problems, to study the establishment and perfection of the agricultural industrialization in the interests of the association"s strategy and give advice. Links of interest to further improve the mechanism to support growth strategies, including agricultural leading enterprises, vigorously develop rural cooperative economic organizations, establish and perfect the mechanism of regulatory constraints, the system so as to strengthen the measures. Link the interests of industrial management of agriculture can be attributed to the connotation of mechanisms: organizational system in industrial management arrangements, to various types of organizations relying on carrier, through industrial system "non-market arrangements" and combine market forces outside the system, enable the participants to the main body of the system inputs (labor, capital, products, knowledge, technology) and property rights in which they are admitted, to get acceptable returns and benefits of one kind of economic interests of the relationship. Promote agricultural industrialization from the practice of, establish and improve mechanisms for the interests of industrialized operation of agriculture, can not do without administrative intervention and macro-control. Therefore, farmers should focus safeguard the interests of the core to create a level playing field, from reality, flexible options, and study a range of participation, guidance and support policies and measures, coordination between different stakeholders. Interests through the innovative link mechanism, updating the interests of agriculture-related enterprises and the concept of farmers, government support to implement sound policies to promote industrialization of agriculture means more closely link the interests, to promote agricultural industrialization, Zhengzhou City, the healthy development of a significant increase in farmers income
2023-07-28 10:39:342

翻译 有点难度啊

Global climate change and its adverse effect is human issues of common concern. Since the industrial revolution, human activities, especially in the developed countries in the process of industrialization, energy resources, increase in atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases, cause global climate nearly 50 years to warming as the main feature of the significant changes of global natural ecological system, and has obvious effects on human society, the survival and development of the serious challenge.
2023-07-28 10:39:458

international trade 的英文简介

International trade is the exchange of goods and services across international boundaries or territories. In most countries, it represents a significant share of GDP. While international trade has been present throughout much of history (see Silk Road, Amber Road), its economic, social, and political importance has been on the rise in recent centuries. Industrialization, advanced transportation, globalization, multinational corporations, and outsourcing are all having a major impact. Increasing international trade is the primary meaning of "globalization".International trade is also a branch of economics, which, together with international finance, forms the larger branch of international economics.International trade theorySeveral different models have been proposed to predict patterns of trade and to analyze the effects of trade policies such as tariffs.Ricardian modelThe Ricardian model focuses on comparative advantage and is perhaps the most important concept in international trade theory. In a Ricardian model, countries specialize in producing what they produce best. Unlike other models, the Ricardian framework predicts that countries will fully specialize instead of producing a broad array of goods. Also, the Ricardian model does not directly consider factor endowments, such as the relative amounts of labor and capital within a country. Heckscher-Ohlin modelThe Heckscher-Ohlin model was produced as an alternative to the Ricardian model of basic comparative advantage. Despite its greater complexity it did not prove much more accurate in its predictions. However from a theoretical point of view it did provide an elegant solution by incorporating the neoclassical price mechanism into international trade theory.The theory argues that the pattern of international trade is determined by differences in factor endowments. It predicts that countries will export those goods that make intensive use of locally abundant factors and will import goods that make intensive use of factors that are locally scarce. Empirical problems with the H-O model, known as the Leontief paradox, were exposed in empirical tests by Wassily Leontief who found that the United States tended to export labor intensive goods despite having a capital abundance.Regulation of international tradeTraditionally trade was regulated through bilateral treaties between two nations. For centuries under the belief in Mercantilism most nations had high tariffs and many restrictions on international trade. In the 19th century, especially in Britain, a belief in free trade became paramount and this view has dominated thinking among western nations for most of the time since then. In the years since the Second World War, multilateral treaties like the GATT and World Trade Organization have attempted to create a globally regulated trade structure.Free trade is usually most strongly supported by the most economically powerful nations in the world, though they often engage in selective protectionism for those industries which are politically important domestically, such as the protective tariffs applied to agriculture and textiles by the United States and Europe. The Netherlands and the United Kingdom were both strong advocates of free trade when they were economically dominant, today the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and Japan are its greatest proponents. However, many other countries (such as India, China and Russia) are increasingly becoming advocates of free trade as they become more economically powerful themselves. As tariff levels fall there is also an increasing willingness to negotiate non tariff measures, including foreign direct investment, procurement and trade facilitation. The latter looks at the transaction cost associated with meeting trade and customs procedures.Traditionally agricultural interests are usually in favour of free trade while manufacturing sectors often support protectionism. This has changed somewhat in recent years, however. In fact, agricultural lobbies, particularly in the United States, Europe and Japan, are chiefly responsible for particular rules in the major international trade treaties which allow for more protectionist measures in agriculture than for most other goods and services.During recessions there is often strong domestic pressure to increase tariffs to protect domestic industries. This occurred around the world during the Great Depression leading to a collapse in world trade that many believe seriously deepened the depression.The regulation of international trade is done through the World Trade Organization at the global level, and through several other regional arrangements such as MERCOSUR in South America, NAFTA between the United States, Canada and Mexico, and the European Union between 27 independent states. The 2005 Buenos Aires talks on the planned establishment of the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) failed largely due to opposition from the populations of Latin American nations. Similar agreements such as the MAI (Multilateral Agreement on Investment) have also failed in recent years.
2023-07-28 10:40:111


"All regions of the world and the history of development, there are some common basic law, but also a separate one from their own characteristics. Britain was among the first to start the process of industrialization and capitalist countries. For the first time the Industrial Revolution first took place in the United Kingdom; in 1850, the United Kingdom In the world industrial output value accounted for 39% of world trade accounted for 21 percent, ranking first in a monopoly; during the First World War, the United Kingdom"s economic strength has been a severe blow to the British possession of 250 years of hegemony lost at sea; the second After World War, the United Kingdom"s economic power has been seriously weakened the market to further reduce the colony. "
2023-07-28 10:40:183


The Industrial Revolution began in England in the early 18th century for the following reasons: 1. England had experienced all of the forerunners of industrialization in the previous century: an agricultural revolution, cottage industry, and an expanded commercial revolution. These developments had built surplus capital and an infrastructure (shipping, banking, insurance, joint stock companies). 2. England already had a handcraft textile industry using wool, but with the availability of cotton from overseas markets as an alternative raw material. 3. The scientific revolution in England prepared the way for new inventions to be applied to industry. 4. A spreading shortage of wood (used for energy, for shipbuilding and construction) stimulated a search for alternatives. 5. England was rich in supplies of coal for energy and iron for construction. 6. England had a long, irregular coastline with many rivers and natural harbors which provided easy transportation by water to many areas. 7. England"s population grew rapidly in the 18th century, providing a labor force for industry.
2023-07-28 10:40:262


  高新区即为高新技术产业开发区,指中国改革开放后新建立的发展高新技术的产业开发区。那么,你知道高新区的英语怎么说吗?现在跟我一起学习关于高新区的英语知识吧。   高新区的英文释义   high and new technology industrial development zone   高新区的英文例句   高新区是外资的聚集地。   The High-tech Zone is an attractive place for foreign investment. shangnanhua.   这表明,相当一批高新技术企业利用高新区提供的区域性优化的良好环境,实现了高速成长。   The statistics eloquently demonstrate that a large number of high-techenterprises have achieved rapid growth by utilizing the good environment ofSTIPs.   科技部将举办国家级科技园区主任论坛,推进高新区取得更大发展;   Our Ministry will hold the national level Science and Technology Industrial ParkDirectors" Forum to promote the swift development of the high-tech zones.   2008年,54个国家高新区工业增加值增长18.6%。   The value-added of the 54 national new and high technology development zonesrose 18.6% in 2008.   在高新区内建设的专案,由高新区组织认定并兑现用地和财政扶持政策。   For the projects established in High-tech Zone, the government of High-tech Zone will organize to confirm the projects and provide the land and give the financesupport.   而目前在我国的高新区管理中将这些因素看作是孤立的,缺少将各要素纳入统一的整合管理。   Now these factors is regard as isolated in the management of national high-tech zone and need to be bring into the integrated management.   资料表明,国家高新区在其发展过程中普遍存在功能异化与偏离的现象。   It shows that there are function variation and deviation in the development of different high-tech zones.   在高新区一家超市的盒装月饼销售专区,记者发现,这里的价位大多在80元到120元之间,200元以上的高档月饼数量不多。   In the supermarket located in Hefei high-tech zone, our reporter found the pricesfor the packaged cakes are between 80 yuan to 120 yuan, very few of them are priced over 200 yuan.   为消除这些影响,对高新区企业活动进行有效的管理和控制,就需要对各要素进行整合管理。   In order to eliminate these influences, control enterprise"s action effectively,integrated management of national high-tech zone is needed.   最后,本文还简单分析了高新区建设发展带来的城市社会空间的矛盾与冲突。   Finally, the social conflicts between urban space and Hi-Tech industriesdevelopment zone was *** yzed.   我国高新区发展进入“二次创业”阶段。   Chinas high-tech development zone is entering the "second venture"stage.   最后根据制度结构分析的理论,横向比较上海、北京、深圳和西安高新区的制度结构。   At last, the author studies and pares the institutional structure in Beijing,Shanghai, Shenzhen and Xi"an Hi-tech Industrial Zone.   自高新区成立以来,各项经济指标年均增长均在25%以上。   Since the establishment of Hi-tech Zone, its economy grew over 25%.   高新技术的发展基地——高新区的发展也面临新的机遇和挑战。   The new and high tech industry development zones, the development base ofnew and high technology, face new opportunity and challenge.   成都高新区将大规模引进投资专案。   High-tech zone to introduce large projects.   继而提出建立自主创新体系以推进高新区“二次创业”的举措。   Then, it puts forward the measure of advance hi-tech zone "SecondDevelopment" through establishing independent innovation system.   本次现状用地招拍挂出让试点工作在历下、市中、槐荫、天桥、历城、长清区及高新区范围内进行。   Dr. film to the present status of land sold in the calendar of the pilot project, thecity, Huaiyin, flyovers , calendar City, long - and high-tech zones within the district.   本文指出了我国高新区产业丛集发展过程中存在的问题,并针对所存在的问题提出了对策。   The present paper points out some problems arising in the development of theenterprise groups in the hi-tech park and suggests some countermeasures tocope with those problems.    *** 设租、政策性租金的存在,是过去10年高新区高速发展的动力所在。   The existence of the policy rent is the motive of the past 10 years high speeddevelopment for the H&T zones.   所以,在这样的形势下,我国53个国家级高新区都把创新作为了首要任务,为把高新区建成创新型园区而努力奋斗著。   Therefore, under such circumstance, 53 national high-tech zones of our countrytake innovation as the most important task and strive for construction from high-tech zones to innovation-type park.   其次,对高新区制度结构进行层次性分析。   Secondly, *** yzing the hierarchies of the institutional structure of Hi-tech Industrial Zone.   成都高新区-TCL集团股份有限公司投资协议正式签约。   The investment agreement between Chengdu High-tech District and TCL GroupShareholding Co. Ltd. Was officially signed.   负责高新区的全面工作。   In charge of overall work of High-tech Zone.   高新区的英语句子带翻译   因此,为了实现既定的战略目标,我们必须制定促进高新区发展的各项措施。   So in order to realize the fixed strategy goal , we must choose the strategy ofdevelopment of Hi-tech Industrial Zone, which is suited to the condition of China.   本文以西安高新区人力资源为研究主题,从理论探索、实证研究和对策分析三个方面进行研究。   The paper *** yses Human Resources in Xi"an Development Zone for High-techIndustries from three aspects: theory exploration, positive research and strategydesign.   在此基础上提出了高新区发展的五元互动理论,进一步发展了该理论体系,以期为我国高科技园区进一步发展提供理论帮助。   To prompt the system and give a help for advanced development of high and new technology industrial zone , it puts forward a interaction theory of five factors creatively.   襄樊市主要由三个区组成:襄城区,樊城区和高新区。   Xiangfan is mainly posed of three districts, namely, Xiangcheng, Fancheng, and High-tech Zone.   最后分析南宁高新区自主创新体系的建设问题。   Finally, it *** yses the issue of building independent innovation system of The Hi-Tech Zone of Nanning.   成都高新区将大规模引进投资专案。   High-tech zone to introduce large projects.   高新区成为吸引和培养中国高新技术产业化人才的重要基地   Important Bases for Attracting and Fostering Talents for the Industrialization of China"s New and High Technologies   摘要辽宁高新区的建立及其所产生的规模效应和扩散效应,促进了地区经济的飞速发展,但是在其建设和发展的过程中也遇到了一些“瓶颈问题”。   Scale and diffusion effects generated by the establishment of high-tech areas in Liaoning Province accelerate its regional economic development, but "bottleneck" problems arose during their development processes.   产业,是科技城的发展之本,也是绵阳高新区的发展之本。   The industry is the source of the Science& Technology City as well as the Mianyang Hi-Tech Industrial Park.   高新区是一种独特的区域经济,呈现阶段性的突出特征和规律。   As a unique regional economy, science park has the stage characteristics and laws.   本专案由合肥高新区科技实业发展公司负责建设。   This project is constructed by the High-tech Development pany of the High-tech Park.   国家高新区功能演化与发展对策研究&以南京高新区为例   Study on the function evolution and Development Countermeasures of Nanjing High-tech Zone   中国高新区主导产业选择指标体系研究   Study on Index System of Choice Leading Industries of High-tech Zone   高新区成为改造和提升传统产业的辐射源   Radiation Sources in Transforming and Upgrading Traditional Industries   公司位于西安市高新区,享有便捷的交通运输条件。   Located in Xi"an High-tech Zone, we enjoy convenient transportation conditions.   大庆高新区现代生产 *** 业丛集发展研究   Study on the Development of Modern Producer Services Cluster of Daqing Hi-tech Zone   天津滨海高新区科学园区+技术园区的构建   Construction of Tianjin Binhai New Area into a "Science Park and Technology Park"   我国高新区自主创新的产业丛集模式   On Industrial Colony Pattern of Independent Innovation in Our Country High and New Zone 1.成都高新区创业有什么政策 2. 3.浦东新区英语怎么说 4.苏州高新区社保查询 5.推送用英语怎么说
2023-07-28 10:40:451

In the early industrializedu3002u3002u3002u3002u3002

译文:在欧洲早期工业化国家中,工业化进程经历了近一个世纪。结构分析:In the early industrialized countries of Europe the process of industrialization was spread over a nearly a century.整句中间省略了一个标点符号,加标点后的原句为:In the early industrialized countries of Europe, the process of industrialization was spread over a nearly a century. 句形很简单,在西方人的习惯中,如果句首和句尾主语类似时,会把中间的标点省去,国人在阅读此类文章时,自觉加上标点,全文意思即一览无余。
2023-07-28 10:40:547

题目: In modern _______ areas, sociocultural change is happening at an accerated rate. A: industr

选Aindustrial area工业地带In modern industrial areas, sociocultural change is happening at an accerated rate. 在现代工业地域里,社会和文化正以很快的速度变化着。
2023-07-28 10:41:211


2023-07-28 10:42:024


I grew up in the city, from a well-fed glut of life, watching the film until 2012, after the situation for human cut deeply imprinted on my mind couldn"t forget.Once the earth mother left us abundant energy that we complacent, earth"s energy in exhaustible. But since the 19th century, people are constantly accelerating the pace of urbanization and industrialization, we survive earth environmental deterioration, melting glaciers, sandstorm year after year, frequent extreme weather, rare species. Let the whole Chinese nation cry for the north and south of drought, southwest of snow storm, the temperature, wenchuan earthquake, the boat yushu and mudslides, make our grief curve. Volcanic eruptions of Iceland, let whole Europe strongly in the thick dust grains shrouded in France, the great writer Hugo had warned us: "mother nature is good, also cold butcher." QianLiZhiDi KuiYuYiXue, there is only one earth, provides a fracture of any will bring irreversible disaster.We can also endless plundering earth resources? We will leave for our offspring of survival environment? We can do to reduce the damage to natural? From the Kyoto protocol to the Copenhagen conference, people have been trying to find the answer. You may be in "environmental protection" 2 words, but not strange that we might not familiar with "low carbon life" the four words. Actually, "low carbon" is all around us, "low carbon life (-), few dust is a process, is refers to minimize routine life when consumed energy, reducing carbon dioxide emissions. Figuratively speaking is the earth "fever", we will give her fever "." 呵呵
2023-07-28 10:42:116


Since the 21st century, has been following network bubble economy being disillusioned, once the network literature website livelihood free network resource did not exist, profit causes large quantities of literature website to go out of business in abundance unbalancedly. Facing calms down gradually network economy, reasonable realizes the network literature industrial production to become the question which the network literature survives and develops must face. This article from the network dissemination"s study angle, is born until now industrial production attempt example through the research network literature, the analysis network literature industrial production pattern and the market value, and aims at some questions which the current this industry exists to propose the solution method, thus carries on a summary to network novel industrial production development until now course, the lessons learned and puts forward the proposal. 这个对哦!
2023-07-28 10:42:2716


science and technology 科学与技术; 例句: Science and technology are No.1 productive forces. 科学技术是第一生产力。 扩展资料   China has made great progress in both science and technology.   中国在科学和技术方面都取得了巨大的进步。   We must achieve modernization of science and technology, otherwise we will lag behind other nations.   我们必须实现科学技术的现代化,否则我们就会落后于其他国家。   Science and technology would cure all the ills of humanity, leading to lives of fulfilment and opportunity for all.   科学和技术能治愈人类的所有弊病,为所有人带来充满成就感和可能性的`生活。   In a world struggling with rapid industrialization, science and technology seemed to offer solutions to almost every problem.   在一个挣扎于迅速工业化的世界,科学技术似乎为几乎所有问题提供了解决办法。
2023-07-28 10:42:491


  对于雅思考试的词汇,同学们备考得怎么样了呢?接下来就和一起来看看雅思词汇中有哪些高频率使用的词汇?    homemade=自制的,word=词,homemade word=自己人的暗语   (只有家人、好友才懂的词)比如A: Sorry I didn't understand that, what did you say?=不好意思我不懂你的意思,你刚刚说啥来着?B: Oh, sorry, it was a homemade word.=抱歉,那是我们的暗语。 book=书,hangover=宿醉。book hangover=阅读后遗症(读完一本书还沉浸在书里的状态出不来,觉得现实好飘渺~)造句:I have a really bad book hangover today, I could hardly concentrate at work.=我今天得了严重的阅读后遗症,根本没办法安心工作。    self=自己,selfie=自拍   (能看到举着相机的手,要么摆出自己最美的角度、要么故意不看镜头的那种)造句:Many people like posting selfies of themselves on Weibo.=很多人喜欢在微博上发自己的自拍照。    雅思考试中其他易混词汇还有:   contend 奋斗;斗争 content 内容; 满足的 context 上下文 contest 竞争;比赛   principal 校长;主要的 principle 原则   implicit 含蓄的 explicit 明白的   dessert 甜食 desert 沙漠 v. 放弃 dissert 写论文   pat 轻拍 tap 轻打 slap 掌击 rap 敲;打    动物类   animal rights 动物权利   clinical research 临床研究   medical research 医学研究   origin of species 物种起源   alternative method 替代的方法   biological diversity 生物多样性   natural balance 自然平衡   equilibrium of ecosystem 生态平衡   endangered animals 濒危动物   diversity of species 物种多样性   dominant species 优势物种   right to live 生存权   life-threatening diseases 危及生命的疾病   scientific gains 科学成果   computer simulation 电脑模拟   medical technology 医疗技术   an ever-lasting theme 一个永恒的主题    社会类   tertiary industry 第三产业   traffic congestion 交通拥挤   water scarcity 水短缺   the environmental pollution 环境污染   over-industrialization 过度工业化   over-crowdedness 过度拥挤   wealth distribution 财富分配   social instability 社会动荡   urban construction 城市建设   population explosion 人口激增   a rising crime rate 犯罪率上升   drain of energy and resources 能源和资源消耗   a rapid pace of life 快节奏生活   stress-related illnesses 与压力有关的疾病   high cost of living 高额生活费用   pastoral life 田园生活   class polarization 阶级两极分化   social welfare 社会福利   urban sprawl 城市扩张   convenient transportation means 便捷的交通工具   better medical services 更好的医疗服务   pressure of modern life in city 城市生活压力   melting pot 熔炉
2023-07-28 10:43:021


Protecting the environment is more important then development of economy.上海灵格风英语
2023-07-28 10:43:135


2023-07-28 10:41:123


2023-07-28 10:41:141


2023-07-28 10:41:1615


http:// 免得被百度删了 kickass. 免得被百度删了 to/中间没有空格,这是个国外的种子网站,基本什么电影都有。搜索的时候输 Karnak咖啡馆的外文名字就能找得到了
2023-07-28 10:41:211


2023-07-28 10:41:242


The people have faith, the nation has hope, the country has power.人民有信仰,民族有希望,国家有力量。实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦,物质财富要极大丰富,精神财富也要极大丰富。我们要继续锲而不舍、一以贯之抓好社会主义精神文明建设,为全国各族人民不断前进提供坚强的思想保证、强大的精神力量、丰润的道德滋养。2020年2月28日下午在京会见第四届全国文明城市、文明村镇、文明单位和未成年人思想道德建设工作先进代表,并发表重要讲话。扩展资料英语的翻译方法:1、自主翻译法:一个一个词进行翻译,最后再练词练成句子,合理化且通顺翻译。2、猜词法翻译:在翻译一个句子时,经常遇见有不懂意思的单词,那么就先跳过这个词,讲其余的内容进行合理化且通顺翻译,最后根据其他已翻译出的内容猜测出不知道意思的单词的意思。3、字典翻译法:只查个别单词的内容,只去查查不知道单词的意思,再进行自主翻译和猜词翻译法。
2023-07-28 10:41:062

What is your name 对不对 说明原因

2023-07-28 10:41:0613


2023-07-28 10:41:041


2023-07-28 10:41:021

what is your name 语法

what主 is 谓 your name宾正常句子成分 主语+谓语+宾语 what为特殊疑问词 还有where when who which why how 抄录: where:哪里   when:什么时候 (回答用At... On...等)   which:哪一个,哪个   what :什么   who :谁 ( 回答用He is... She is... They are...等)   whom: 谁(宾格)   whose:谁的 (回答用It is.. These/Those are等)   why: 为什么 (回答用Because)   How怎么样   How many多少数量 How long多长(可用于时间)How big多大   How much多少钱价格 How often多少次 How heavy多重 How far多远路程    记法:特殊疑问词的开头一般是Wh,How. 例句   How many children are there in there classroom?   Where is my blue shirt?   What are your favourite animals?   What is it?   How oid are you?
2023-07-28 10:40:571