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一首英文歌歌词:check it check it out A A A求歌名

2023-07-29 08:27:26

《Check it out》是美国著名饶舌创作歌手Nicki Minaj和Will.I.Am合作的一首歌曲。作为Nicki的Pink Friday第三支单曲打出。MV充满浓浓的韩国风韵! Nicki MinajNicki Minaj是一位创作型饶舌歌手。2009年正式加入Young Money公司。

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!

跟我一起跳 啊 一起跳
Everyboby A A
Everyboby A A

过去进行式 be+ving
现在完成式 S+have+pp
未来简单式 S+will+V

OneTwoFree were eating an apple
OneTwoFree have hoped to eat a mango
OneTwoFree will go to eat a bagel
We"re the world
We"re the fat bro

老师教得 教得 教得教得好
老师教得 教得 教得好好
Good morning baby
Good morning Good morning
What"s your name baby
My name is Baby
How are you baby
Fina Thank you baby
This is my mother baby
He is a teacher baby


《Check it out》


check it out 到底什么意思?

2023-07-28 09:52:042

check it out有什么意思,一共多少种?

check it out来看看 hip hop的check it out是说“听看看”的意思,就是说我要开始讲了,你们可要认真听噢。
2023-07-28 09:52:263

check it out什么意思?

时髦因为出自最近的RAP,大意可以理解为“听着吧!”直译的意思,“检查出来”“去看看”。而在RAP歌曲中歌手说“check it out ”意思可以理解为“我要开始了”。" CHECK IT OUT " 还有的意思:1、来看看;2、看过来;3、查出来;4、切克闹;5、请看看。扩展资料:RAP歌曲中常用英文:Hustle:拼命挣钱Hustler:原意耍诡计骗钱的人,说唱里面一般指混混Dope:屌、厉害、霸道、牛逼Swag:范儿、拽、酷炫、潮Nigga:黑鬼,只有黑人对黑人说意思是“朋友、哥们儿",你皮肤不是黑的,就别对他们说这个单词,带有侮辱性。Homie:哥们儿、兄弟伙、死血、叉叉裤兄弟Ghetto:贫民窟Gangster:匪帮、帮派分子。重庆人说的那些超社会的、天棒。Gang:帮派、团伙Motherfucker:TMD、MMP。黑人说话中带的脏话把子Keep Real:有字幕组翻译是“别装”,小编觉得是“做自己”更合适。保持真实,你是怎样一个人,说唱就该那样。Rap:说唱Battle:较量,决斗,比赛Freestyle:即兴,在说唱里当然是指即兴、不用背词的说唱。Cypher、MIC Pass:麦克风接力,指一群说唱歌手一人来一段自己的说唱。Diss:原意指侮辱,在说唱里面指一个说唱歌手用说唱攻击别人。Beef:矛盾,指说唱歌手间接的梁子(重庆话就是:接叶子、有恩怨)West Coast:指美国西海岸,文化中心是加利福尼亚州CaliforniaEast Coast:指美国东海岸,文化中心是纽约New York CitySouth Side:美国南部,芝加哥、迈阿密等Dirty:肮脏的、恶心的Nasty:肮脏的、令人不爽的Tattoo:纹身、刺青Mixtape:集锦、混音带Peace:和平、安好。黑人喜欢用“Peace”表达再见,有点“走好、一路顺风”的意思
2023-07-28 09:53:551

check it out的所有意思以及用法

2023-07-28 09:54:111

英语歌中经常有说唱说:check it out!是什么意思!

2023-07-28 09:54:212

check it out怎么翻译

2023-07-28 09:54:4310

check it out什么意思

2023-07-28 09:55:092


2023-07-28 09:55:185

check it与check it out有什么区别

前者只是单纯的检查 比如 叫你检查这个机器 check the machine 后者有全面检查核对以看是否有问题的意思 更深程度 I have checked out all the figures and found them to be correct. 我核对了所有数字,发现都正确.
2023-07-28 09:55:331

check it out 在rap里边什么意思.?

Check out最常用于酒店付款退房。如: I am going to check out tomorrow. 我明天退房。 但是还有一个很常用的口语,尤其在黑人的说唱歌(rap)里经常可以听得到。 Check it out:来、瞧这个、听我说,等等多种含义。 Yo,yo,check it out。。。可以翻成:“嘿,听我细细道来!”
2023-07-28 09:55:411

摇滚或rap中经常说的“Yoyo, check it out”到底是什么意思?

2023-07-28 09:55:491

求几句 Rap 口语 比如yo yo ,check it out,yeah之类的

we will we will luckyshike it ma ma shike it wo xing wo showshit shut up
2023-07-28 09:56:005

许多流行音乐中的check it out是什么意思?

2023-07-28 09:56:152

Check It Out Rap 歌词

歌曲名:Check It Out Rap歌手:M.C. Ranks专辑:Twice My Age Showcase 91Nicki Minaj - Check It Out (Ft. Will.I.Am)Step up in the party like my name was Mr. TAll these hating naggers ain"t got nothing on me.Honestly I gotta stay as fly as I can beIf you lick and roll it you get super OGhoneys always rush me cause I"m fly, fly, flyDummies they can"t touch me cause I"m floating sky highI stay nigga-rific you don"t need to ask whyYou just gotta see with your eyesI can"t believe itIt"s so amazingThis club is heatingThis party"s blazin"I can"t believe it this beat it bangingI can"t believe it(I can"t believe it)Hey check it outCheck it out (x10)Yeah yeah I"m feeling it nowCheck it out (x3)Step up in the party like my name was bad b-tchAll these haters mad because I"m so establishedThey know I"m a beast yeah I"m a f-cking savageHaters you can kill yourselfIn my space shuttle and I"m not coming downI"m stereo and she"s just so monotoneSometimes it just me and all my bottles all aloneI ain"t coming back this timeI can"t believe itIt"s so amazingThis club is heatingThis party"s blazin"I can"t believe it this beat it bangingI can"t believe it(I can"t believe it)Hey check it outCheck it out (x10)Yeah yeah I"m feeling it nowCheck it out (x3)It got me in the club, in the club, just rocking like thisThe DunDunThe sun doneYep, the sun doneCame up, but we still up in dungeonThe DunDunYep, in LondonCompetition, why yes I would love someMad cause I"m getting money in abundanceMan I can"t even count all of these hundredsDuffle bag every time I go to SunTrustI leave the rest just to collect interestI mean interestExclamation... just for emphasisI just pop up on these hoes on some pimple sh*tWe just had to kill itWe on the radio hotter than a skilletWe in the club making party people hollaMoney in the bank we be getting top dollarI"m a big baller,You a little smallerStep up to my level, you need to grow a little tallerI"m shot callerGet up off my collarYou a ChihuahuaI"m a RottweilerI can"t believe it, it"s so amazing.I can"t believe it, this beat is banging.I can"t believe it, it"s so amazing.I can"t believe it, I can"t believe i-it.(Hey) Check It Out (x10)Check It Out (x3)Nicki Minaj - Check It Out (Ft. Will.I.Am)
2023-07-28 09:56:341

check it out是什么意思?

checksthout经常出现在口语中,可以表示不同的意思,check这个动词的基本解释是“检查、核对”,所以checksthout就可以表示查验一下某事看是否属实或正确等等;此外,当你看到什么有趣的事情想和别人分享时,也可以用这个表示法,例如:  Imadeaphonecalltocheckouthisaddress.  Ihearaboutawebsitethatsoundsinteresting,Icheckitout.  Hey,checkoutthatcar!ps.常看美剧的话,应该经常碰得到这个口语,生活中也蛮有用的,你弄到什么很炫的东东估计会吓人一跳的就可以跟人说:Checkitout!Isitnice?
2023-07-28 09:56:4313

英文歌曲中常听到“check it out”是什么意思哦?

2023-07-28 09:57:083

check it out是什么意思

check it out检查完善;切克闹;来看看例句1.Check it out and let us know what you think.检查出来,让我们知道你在想什么。2.maybe you can come check it out with me.也许你可以过来和我一起看看。3.Anyway, check it out for yourself. You might even find a new direction in life because of it.总之,自己上去看看吧。你甚至可能会因此找到人生的新方向。4.It"s like the cynical editor who tells the cub reporter, "If your mother says she loves you, check it out. "就像愤世嫉俗的编辑对初出茅庐的记者说:“如果你妈妈说她爱你,那就去确认一下吧。”5.Wait a moment, let me check it out for you. It"s 200085.等一下,我帮你查一下。是200085。
2023-07-28 09:57:161

check it out 是什么意思?

2023-07-28 09:57:277

check it与check it out有什么区别

前者是比如 检测某种设备 探查某情况后者是比如 回家找找什么事情的相关资料 上网搜索 查书等等
2023-07-28 09:58:105

是yo yo check now还是check it out什么意思

check it out 主要意思有: 来看看;看过来;查出来
2023-07-28 09:58:265

check it out有什么意思,一共多少种?

2023-07-28 09:58:542

check now 和 check it out的区别

2023-07-28 09:59:034

yo yo check now与check it out是什么意思?

在音乐里yo yo check now基本无实意大意就是high起来check it out主要意思有: 来看看;看过来;查出来骂人的意思药=YO药=YO切克=CHECK IT闹=OUT总的说,药药切克闹就是YO YO CHECK IT OUT的音译。意思为:现在听听看,也可以理解为“要开始了,可要认真听哦”的意思。 同时新兴起网络词语也有:药药药、康姆昂北鼻够、来死狗、盖塔奥、黑喂狗、闹太套等等~
2023-07-28 09:59:111

有人知道有一首英文歌歌词有好多Check It Out?

2023-07-28 09:59:202

check it out和have a look 有什么区别

check it out是比较口语化的表达,不适宜用在正式的文章里面;而have a look则是口语和书面都可以用的
2023-07-28 09:59:303

check out it等于check it out 是不是所有动副短语都可以这样拆开用?

只能说:check it out,不能说:check out it如果是“Vt + 副词”结构加宾语的话,则宾语如果是名词或名词短语时,该宾语可以放在动词和副词中间,也可以放在副词之后。如:pick up the purse = pick the purse up但如果宾语是代词时,则宾语只能放在动词和副词中间。如只能说:pick it up,不能说pick up it“Vi + 介词“之后不会直接加副词,一般会先加宾语,当然后面再加副词也是可以的,但那已经不能算是动词短语的固定搭配了。如:I slept on the grass quietly.
2023-07-28 09:59:381

check it out什么意思?

check it out: 主要意思有:来看看;看过来;查出来;核实;讨论。在说唱里面是“听看看”的意思,就是说我要开始讲了,你们可要认真听噢。例句:Good idea. Let"s check it out.好主意,我们来查一查。Harold: OK. Thanks. I"ll check it out.哈洛德:好。谢谢。我会去问看看。Give me the key, and I"ll check it out.给我车钥匙。我检查一下。Look, I"ll call down there and check it out.这样吧,我会打电话给那里的人核实。扩展资料:check it与check it out的区别:前者只是单纯的检查 比如 :check the machine叫你检查这个机器。后者有全面检查核对以看是否有问题的意思 更深程度。I have checked out all the figures and found them to be correct.我核对了所有数字,发现都正确.参考资料:check it out_百度翻译
2023-07-28 09:59:571

check it out什么意思?

check it out: 主要意思有:来看看;看过来;查出来;核实;讨论。在说唱里面是“听看看”的意思,就是说我要开始讲了,你们可要认真听噢。例句:Good idea. Let"s check it out.好主意,我们来查一查。Harold: OK. Thanks. I"ll check it out.哈洛德:好。谢谢。我会去问看看。Give me the key, and I"ll check it out.给我车钥匙。我检查一下。Look, I"ll call down there and check it out.这样吧,我会打电话给那里的人核实。扩展资料:check it与check it out的区别:前者只是单纯的检查 比如 :check the machine叫你检查这个机器。后者有全面检查核对以看是否有问题的意思 更深程度。I have checked out all the figures and found them to be correct.我核对了所有数字,发现都正确.参考资料:check it out_百度翻译
2023-07-28 10:00:101

" CHECK IT OUT " 到底是啥意思啊? 好象挺时髦的!

2023-07-28 10:00:269

check it out是什么意思?

check it out: 主要意思有:来看看;看过来;查出来;核实;讨论。在说唱里面是“听看看”的意思,就是说我要开始讲了,你们可要认真听噢。例句:Good idea. Let"s check it out.好主意,我们来查一查。Harold: OK. Thanks. I"ll check it out.哈洛德:好。谢谢。我会去问看看。Give me the key, and I"ll check it out.给我车钥匙。我检查一下。Look, I"ll call down there and check it out.这样吧,我会打电话给那里的人核实。扩展资料:check it与check it out的区别:前者只是单纯的检查 比如 :check the machine叫你检查这个机器。后者有全面检查核对以看是否有问题的意思 更深程度。I have checked out all the figures and found them to be correct.我核对了所有数字,发现都正确.参考资料:check it out_百度翻译
2023-07-28 10:02:011

check it out什么意思?

“check it out ”是网络词语“切克闹”。来源于RAP ,在RAP 里面是“听看看的意思”,可以理解为“我要开始了,你们都注意奥!”" CHECK IT OUT " 还有的意思:1、来看看。2、看过来。3、查出来。4、切克闹。5、请看看。扩展资料:rap里常用的单词1、check this out这是说唱歌曲中会出现的一句话,有“快看这个;瞧瞧这个”的意思。多出现在说完这句话后,继续接着说唱,表示说唱者有重要讯息要和听众们说,吸引听众注意,引起听众思考等。事实上,这句话也在日常口语中使用,比如:当你有某些觉得很酷的事情想要和别人分享,你可以说“Check this out.”或者是“Check it out.”,来吸引对方注意,展开接下去的对话。2、dissdiss(另一拼法:dis)是美语口语或俚语词汇,多做动词,有“对…无礼;侮辱;贬低”等意思。常用于口语中,多表示(言语上的)不尊重或轻蔑。对于diss的来源,多数人认为这个词是disrespect(不尊重)或disparage(蔑视)的简称,“diss track”的创作目的主要是对某人或某团体表示蔑视或进行侮辱,在嘻哈圈内尤为流行。3、 gangstagangsta是名词,表示“黑帮;歹徒成员;黑帮说唱”,在说唱中,除了gangsta这个词,gang,crew,hoodlum等词也可以表示“帮派分子”的意思。黑帮说唱(gangsta rap)是属于嘻哈音乐的一种,通常来说,其主题和歌词强调黑帮的生活方式。4、juicejuice作名词时,可表示“(水果)汁;果汁;电源”等;作动词时,可表示“从…榨汁;给…供电;给…加油”等。在嘻哈说唱中,juice也常被使用,翻译可以结合具体的歌曲意境进行解读,如Chance The Rapper在Juice这首歌中,唱到“I got the juice.”,被翻译为“我的生活多汁多彩”。5、drop the beat在嘻哈说唱中,一般是和DJ说“drop the beat”,字面意思是“放下唱片上的指针,节拍开始”,表示说让DJ可以开始播放和制造音乐等。beat和rhythm常被混淆,它们表示的是不同的意思,beat表示“节拍”,指的是音乐方面,可分为强节拍或弱节拍;而rhythm表示“节奏”,除了与音乐相关,也多常用于舞蹈、运动等方面。
2023-07-28 10:03:001

check it out什么意思?

时髦因为出自最近的RAP,大意可以理解为“听着吧!”直译的意思,“检查出来”“去看看”。而在RAP歌曲中歌手说“check it out ”意思可以理解为“我要开始了”。" CHECK IT OUT " 还有的意思:1、来看看;2、看过来;3、查出来;4、切克闹;5、请看看。扩展资料:RAP歌曲中常用英文:Hustle:拼命挣钱Hustler:原意耍诡计骗钱的人,说唱里面一般指混混Dope:屌、厉害、霸道、牛逼Swag:范儿、拽、酷炫、潮Nigga:黑鬼,只有黑人对黑人说意思是“朋友、哥们儿",你皮肤不是黑的,就别对他们说这个单词,带有侮辱性。Homie:哥们儿、兄弟伙、死血、叉叉裤兄弟Ghetto:贫民窟Gangster:匪帮、帮派分子。重庆人说的那些超社会的、天棒。Gang:帮派、团伙Motherfucker:TMD、MMP。黑人说话中带的脏话把子Keep Real:有字幕组翻译是“别装”,小编觉得是“做自己”更合适。保持真实,你是怎样一个人,说唱就该那样。Rap:说唱Battle:较量,决斗,比赛Freestyle:即兴,在说唱里当然是指即兴、不用背词的说唱。Cypher、MIC Pass:麦克风接力,指一群说唱歌手一人来一段自己的说唱。Diss:原意指侮辱,在说唱里面指一个说唱歌手用说唱攻击别人。Beef:矛盾,指说唱歌手间接的梁子(重庆话就是:接叶子、有恩怨)West Coast:指美国西海岸,文化中心是加利福尼亚州CaliforniaEast Coast:指美国东海岸,文化中心是纽约New York CitySouth Side:美国南部,芝加哥、迈阿密等Dirty:肮脏的、恶心的Nasty:肮脏的、令人不爽的Tattoo:纹身、刺青Mixtape:集锦、混音带Peace:和平、安好。黑人喜欢用“Peace”表达再见,有点“走好、一路顺风”的意思
2023-07-28 10:05:341

checkit out是什么意思

“check it out ”是网络词语“切克闹”。来源于RAP ,在RAP 里面是“听看看的意思”,可以理解为“我要开始了,你们都注意奥!”" CHECK IT OUT " 还有的意思:1、来看看。2、看过来。3、查出来。4、切克闹。5、请看看。扩展资料:rap里常用的单词1、check this out这是说唱歌曲中会出现的一句话,有“快看这个;瞧瞧这个”的意思。多出现在说完这句话后,继续接着说唱,表示说唱者有重要讯息要和听众们说,吸引听众注意,引起听众思考等。事实上,这句话也在日常口语中使用,比如:当你有某些觉得很酷的事情想要和别人分享,你可以说“Check this out.”或者是“Check it out.”,来吸引对方注意,展开接下去的对话。2、dissdiss(另一拼法:dis)是美语口语或俚语词汇,多做动词,有“对…无礼;侮辱;贬低”等意思。常用于口语中,多表示(言语上的)不尊重或轻蔑。对于diss的来源,多数人认为这个词是disrespect(不尊重)或disparage(蔑视)的简称,“diss track”的创作目的主要是对某人或某团体表示蔑视或进行侮辱,在嘻哈圈内尤为流行。3、 gangstagangsta是名词,表示“黑帮;歹徒成员;黑帮说唱”,在说唱中,除了gangsta这个词,gang,crew,hoodlum等词也可以表示“帮派分子”的意思。黑帮说唱(gangsta rap)是属于嘻哈音乐的一种,通常来说,其主题和歌词强调黑帮的生活方式。4、juicejuice作名词时,可表示“(水果)汁;果汁;电源”等;作动词时,可表示“从…榨汁;给…供电;给…加油”等。在嘻哈说唱中,juice也常被使用,翻译可以结合具体的歌曲意境进行解读,如Chance The Rapper在Juice这首歌中,唱到“I got the juice.”,被翻译为“我的生活多汁多彩”。5、drop the beat在嘻哈说唱中,一般是和DJ说“drop the beat”,字面意思是“放下唱片上的指针,节拍开始”,表示说让DJ可以开始播放和制造音乐等。beat和rhythm常被混淆,它们表示的是不同的意思,beat表示“节拍”,指的是音乐方面,可分为强节拍或弱节拍;而rhythm表示“节奏”,除了与音乐相关,也多常用于舞蹈、运动等方面。
2023-07-28 10:05:501

Check It Out 歌词

歌曲名:Check It Out歌手:Nicki Minaj&Will.i.am专辑:Pink FridayCheck It OutNicki Minaj、Will.I.AmStep up in the party like my name was bad bitchAll these haters mad because I"m so establishedThey know I"m a beast yeah I"m a fucking savageHaters you can kill yourselfIn my space shuttle and I"m not coming downI"m stereo and she"s just so monotoneSometimes it just me and all my bottles all aloneI ain"t coming back this timeI can"t believe itIt"s so amazingThis club is heatingThis party"s blazin"I can"t believe it this beat it bangingI can"t believe it(I can"t believe it)Hey Check it outCheck It OutCheck It OutCheck It OutCheck It OutCheck It OutCheck It OutCheck It OutCheck It OutCheck It OutYeah yeah I"m feeling it nowCheck It OutCheck It OutCheck It OutStep up in the party like my name was Mr. TAll these hating naggers ain"t got nothing on me.Honestly I gotta stay as fly as I can beIf you lick and roll it you get super OGHoneys always rush me cause I"m fly, fly, flyDummies they can"t touch me cause I"m floating sky highI stay nigga-rific you don"t need to ask whyYou just gotta see with your eyesI can"t believe itIt"s so amazingThis club is heatingThis party"s blazin"I can"t believe it this beat it bangingI can"t believe it(I can"t believe it)Hey Check it outCheck It OutCheck It OutCheck It OutCheck It OutCheck It OutCheck It OutCheck It OutCheck It OutCheck It OutYeah yeah I"m feeling it nowCheck It OutCheck It OutCheck It OutCheck this mother-fuckr OUT!It got me in the club, in the club, just rocking like thisOh, ohThe DunDunThe sun doneYep, the sun doneCame up, but we still up in dungeonThe DunDunYep, in LondonCompetition, why yes I would love someHow the fuck they get mad cause they run done.Mad cause I"m getting money in abundanceMan I can"t even count all of these hundredsDuffle bag every time I go to SunTrustI leave the rest just to collect interestI mean interestFuck my nemesisExclamation... just for emphasisAnd I don"t sympathize, cause you a simple bitchI just pop up on these hoes on some pimple shitAnd put the iron to your face you old wrinkled bitchWe just had to kill itWe on the radio hotter than a skilletWe in the club making party people hollaMoney in the bank we be getting top dollarI"m a big baller,You a little smallerStep up to my level, you need to grow a little tallerI"m shot callerGet up off my collarYou a ChihuahuaI"m a RottweilerI can"t believe it, it"s so amazing.I can"t believe it, this beat is banging.I can"t believe it, it"s so amazing.I can"t believe it, I can"t believe it.(Hey) Check It OutCheck It OutCheck It OutCheck It OutCheck It OutCheck It OutCheck It OutCheck It OutCheck It OutCheck It OutYeah yeah I"m feeling it nowCheck It OutCheck It OutCheck It Out
2023-07-28 10:06:441

check it out是什么意思

2023-07-28 10:06:536


2023-07-28 10:08:103

摇滚或rap中经常说到的“Yoyo, check it out”到底是什么意思?

2023-07-28 10:08:471

check out的含义 除了有检查、核实的意思,还有什么意思?

Check out最常用于酒店付款退房.如: I am going to check out tomorrow.我明天退房. 但是还有一个很常用的口语,尤其在黑人的说唱歌里经常可以听得到. Check it out:来、瞧这个、听我说,等等多种含义. Yo,yo,check it out.可以翻成:“嘿,听我细细到来.”
2023-07-28 10:08:541

check it out什么意思?

1、“check it out”中文翻译为“过来看”。2、在rap里面就是“听看看”的意思,就好象说我要开始讲了哦,你们要认真听,就说check it out。扩展资料:check it与check it out区别:check it只是单纯的检查。比如:叫你检查这个机器。 check the machine。check it out有全面检查核对以看是否有问题的意思,更深程度。比如:我核对了所有数字,发现都正确。I have checked out all the figures and found them to be correct。
2023-07-28 10:09:191

check it out什么意思

2023-07-28 10:09:3610

check it out是什么意思?

2023-07-28 10:10:179

checkit out什么意思啊?

check it out 意思是:调查此事、查证此事、核实此事,把它(从图书馆)借出去;此外,非正式英语还可以表示观察。
2023-07-28 10:10:351

check it out什么意思?

1、“check it out”中文翻译为“过来看”。2、在rap里面就是“听看看”的意思,就好象说我要开始讲了哦,你们要认真听,就说check it out。扩展资料:check it与check it out区别:check it只是单纯的检查。比如:叫你检查这个机器。 check the machine。check it out有全面检查核对以看是否有问题的意思,更深程度。比如:我核对了所有数字,发现都正确。I have checked out all the figures and found them to be correct。
2023-07-28 10:10:491

checkit out什么意思啊?

2023-07-28 10:11:182

checkit out的中文翻译是什么意思?

1、“check it out”中文翻译为“过来看”。2、在rap里面就是“听看看”的意思,就好象说我要开始讲了哦,你们要认真听,就说check it out。扩展资料:check it与check it out区别:check it只是单纯的检查。比如:叫你检查这个机器。 check the machine。check it out有全面检查核对以看是否有问题的意思,更深程度。比如:我核对了所有数字,发现都正确。I have checked out all the figures and found them to be correct。
2023-07-28 10:13:101

check it

一般来说rap音乐中都会加入这句话 其实可以说已经被用滥了特别是在中国那些所谓的嘻哈音乐中,但是事实上,check it out本来是hip hop音乐当中一个有意义的句子,意思就是要让你"听清楚了,以下我要说的东西"
2023-07-28 10:13:511

Ch-Check It Out (Just Blaze Remix) () 歌词

歌曲名:Ch-Check It Out (Just Blaze Remix) ()歌手:Beastie Boys专辑:Ch-Check It Out (Just Blaze Remix)All you trekkies and tv addictsDon"t mean to dissDon"t mean to bring staticAll you klingons in da fuckin" houseGrab your backstreet friend and get loudBlowin" doors off hingesI"ll grab you with the pinchersAnd no i didn"t retireI"ll snatch you upWith the needle nose pliersLike mutual of omahaGot the ill boatYou"ve never seen beforeGliding in the gladesAnd like lorne greeneYou know i get paidLike caprese and with the basilNot goofy like darren or hazelI"m a mother fucking nick at night withClassics rerunning that you know all rightNow remain calm no alarmCause my farm ain"t fatSo what"s up with thatI"ve got friends and family that i respectWhen i think i"m too goodThey put me in checkSo believe when i say i"m no better than youExcept when i rapSo i guess it ain"t trueLike that y"all and you just don"t stopGuaranteed to make your body rockCheck-ch-check-check-check-ch-check it outWhat-wha-what-what-what"s it all aboutWork-wa-work-work-work-wa-work it outLet"s turn this motherfuckin" party outSaid, "doc what"s the conditionI"m a man that"s on a mission"Said, "son, you"d better listenStuck in your assIs an electrician"Like a scientistMmmm when i"m applying thisMethod of controlling my mindLike einstein and the rappin" duke combinedHey baby bubba now what the dealI didn"t know you go for that mass appealSome call it salugiSome hot potatoI stole your mic and you won"t see it laterCause i work magic like a magicianI add up like a mathematicianI"m a bank cashierEngineerI wear cotton but i don"t wear sheerShazam and abracadabraIn the whip i"m gonna cruise past yaYo money, don"t chump yourselfPut that shit back on the shelfLight rays blazin"You"re out of phaseAnd my crews amazin"We"re working on the record yoSo stay patientCheck-ch-check-check-check-ch-check it outWhat-wha-what-what-what"s it all aboutWork-wa-work-work-work-wa-work it outLet"s turn this motherfuckin" party outNow, i go by the name of the king adrockI don"t wear a cup nor a jockI bring the shit that"s beyond bizarreLike miss piggyWho moiI am the one with the clientele.You say, "adrock, you rock so well"I"ve got class like pink champaleMca grab the mic before the mic goes staleDon"t test meThey can"t arrest meI"ll fake right cross-over and shoot leftyYou look upset, yo calm downYou look like cable guy dunked off of your crownI flow like smoke out a chimneyYou never been meYou wanna rap but what you"re making ain"t hip hop bGet your clothes right out the dryerPut armor all up on your tireSport that fresh attireTonight we goin" out set the town on fireSet the town ablazeGonna stun and amazeReady to throw a crazeMake your granny shake her headAnd say, "those were the days"Check-ch-check-check-check-ch-check it outWhat-wha-what-what-what"s it all aboutWork-wa-work-work-work-wa-work it outLet"s turn this motherfuckin" party out
2023-07-28 10:14:251


“check it out ”是网络词语“切克闹”。来源于RAP ,在RAP 里面是“听看看的意思”,可以理解为“我要开始了,你们都注意奥!”" CHECK IT OUT " 还有的意思:1、来看看。2、看过来。3、查出来。4、切克闹。5、请看看。扩展资料:rap里常用的单词1、check this out这是说唱歌曲中会出现的一句话,有“快看这个;瞧瞧这个”的意思。多出现在说完这句话后,继续接着说唱,表示说唱者有重要讯息要和听众们说,吸引听众注意,引起听众思考等。事实上,这句话也在日常口语中使用,比如:当你有某些觉得很酷的事情想要和别人分享,你可以说“Check this out.”或者是“Check it out.”,来吸引对方注意,展开接下去的对话。2、dissdiss(另一拼法:dis)是美语口语或俚语词汇,多做动词,有“对…无礼;侮辱;贬低”等意思。常用于口语中,多表示(言语上的)不尊重或轻蔑。对于diss的来源,多数人认为这个词是disrespect(不尊重)或disparage(蔑视)的简称,“diss track”的创作目的主要是对某人或某团体表示蔑视或进行侮辱,在嘻哈圈内尤为流行。3、 gangstagangsta是名词,表示“黑帮;歹徒成员;黑帮说唱”,在说唱中,除了gangsta这个词,gang,crew,hoodlum等词也可以表示“帮派分子”的意思。黑帮说唱(gangsta rap)是属于嘻哈音乐的一种,通常来说,其主题和歌词强调黑帮的生活方式。4、juicejuice作名词时,可表示“(水果)汁;果汁;电源”等;作动词时,可表示“从…榨汁;给…供电;给…加油”等。在嘻哈说唱中,juice也常被使用,翻译可以结合具体的歌曲意境进行解读,如Chance The Rapper在Juice这首歌中,唱到“I got the juice.”,被翻译为“我的生活多汁多彩”。5、drop the beat在嘻哈说唱中,一般是和DJ说“drop the beat”,字面意思是“放下唱片上的指针,节拍开始”,表示说让DJ可以开始播放和制造音乐等。beat和rhythm常被混淆,它们表示的是不同的意思,beat表示“节拍”,指的是音乐方面,可分为强节拍或弱节拍;而rhythm表示“节奏”,除了与音乐相关,也多常用于舞蹈、运动等方面。
2023-07-28 10:14:331

check it out的中文翻译是什么?

1、“check it out”中文翻译为“过来看”。2、在rap里面就是“听看看”的意思,就好象说我要开始讲了哦,你们要认真听,就说check it out。扩展资料:check it与check it out区别:check it只是单纯的检查。比如:叫你检查这个机器。 check the machine。check it out有全面检查核对以看是否有问题的意思,更深程度。比如:我核对了所有数字,发现都正确。I have checked out all the figures and found them to be correct。
2023-07-28 10:14:471

英语歌中经常有说唱说:check it out!是什么意思!

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 英语歌中经常有说唱说:check it out!是什么意思! 解析: 在rap里面就是“听看看”的意思,就好象说我要开始讲了哦,你们要认真听,就说check it out。 还有比如说你有什么东西要给别人看,你就可以说check it out 。 check out 还有从旅馆里面退宿的情况,与此想对应的是check in(登记入住) . 看一看,瞧一瞧,观察一下,听。。反正跟感觉有关系的都可以用。以情况而定。 听音乐:check out my new music. check my music out. 吃东西:check out my lunch today. Good food! 看就不说了。 摸:check out this sculpture. Feels good to touch it.
2023-07-28 10:15:021