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2023-07-29 08:18:47

1. MyFavouriteFood为题写一篇作文,要求不少于80个词,急

My Favourite Food

I eat many kinds of fruits. They are pears, watermelons, apples, bananas, grapes, strawberries and so on. But I like grapes best. There are green grapes, red grapes and purple grapes. They all look beautiful. Grapes taste very nice . They are sweet and a little sour, They are good for our health . So grapes are my favourite fruit.





2. 英语作文my Farourite Food and

my favourite food is banana, this is a monly eaten fruit, banana is also can be called the fruit of wise. It contains vitamins and minerals that are essential for bodythey, therefore people love this fruit and they are now grown in more than 100 countries in the world. as u all know, bananas e in a variety of sizes and colors when ripe, including yellow, purple, and red. Bananas can be eaten raw though some varieties are generally cooked first. cooked banana seems to play a very important role in patisserie ingredience.cooked banana usually can be acpanied with pancakes and honey soonly being a very tasty and special breakfast, also banana can be a desirt dish by it self with just simply add them into the burned sugar.。

3. 以my favourite food写一篇作文

第一篇 My Favorite Food I like many different kinds of food, eggs is my favorite kind. Eggs contain a lot of essential nutrients needed by the human body, and it"s monly found in almost any part of the world. Eggs are oval shaped spheres with a light brown color depending on the egg.Eggs is the basic ingredient to many dishes, like omelet and french toast. You can easily get eggs at any supermarkets, and they are sold for a very cheap price too. After the eggs are acquired, it is best to crack it open into a pan or plate and stir it evenly. If the egg is to be pan fried, then just crack the egg into the boiling pan, and remember to flip sides. Eggs contain lots of nutrients and is a very good source of energy. Soldiers used to carry eggs to the frontline as their food. Egg is my favorite kind of food.第二篇There are many foods in the food realm.Potato is my favourite food. Most of us like potatoes,because they are delicious.I"m no exception.Scientists tell us that they are good for our health,that"s why I like patatoes. Potatoes are the well-known vegetables in the world.They are usually cooked with meat.Oh!That sounds good. Hurry!Hurry!Let"s taste the potatoes.Eat more potatoes,and you will bee stronger。

4. 英语作文my Farourite Food and

my favourite food is banana, this is a monly eaten fruit, banana is also can be called the fruit of wise. It contains vitamins and minerals that are essential for bodythey, therefore people love this fruit and they are now grown in more than 100 countries in the world. as u all know, bananas e in a variety of sizes and colors when ripe, including yellow, purple, and red. Bananas can be eaten raw though some varieties are generally cooked first. cooked banana seems to play a very important role in patisserie ingredience.cooked banana usually can be acpanied with pancakes and honey soonly being a very tasty and special breakfast, also banana can be a desirt dish by it self with just simply add them into the burned sugar。



绿色食品是指在无污染的条件下种植、养殖,施有机肥料,不用高毒性、高残留农药,在标准环境、生产技术、卫生标准下加工生产,经权威机构认定并使用专门标识的安全、优质、营养类的农产品以及相关产品。绿色食品包括农林、畜禽、水产、饮品和其他产品五大类共 57 个小类,覆盖农产品及加工食品 1000 多个品种。
2023-07-28 09:33:3914


2023-07-28 09:35:422


初二年级英语作文:绿色食品 Green Food Nowadays people pay great attention to the healthy diet they want to keep healthy and can do a lot of things. Green food has bee more and more people"s choice in the market all kinds of green food have emerged. The reasons for the popularity of green food are various first greed food is healthier than the ordinary food the quality is highly certificated so the green food is also safe. Unlike the vegetable which is polluted by the medicine farmers use green food is free from pollution. Second the green food is more nutritious the nutritious elements in the food are balanced and less lost so green food remain good nutrition. Green food is good for our health. 绿色食品 如今,人们很注重健康饮食,他们想要保持健康,才能做很多的事情。绿色食品成为越来越多人的选择,在超市里,出现了各种各样的绿色食品。绿色食品受欢迎的原因是多样的,第一,绿色食品比普通食品健康,质量是经过了高度的验证,所以绿色食品也很安全。不像蔬菜,被农民使用的`药水污染,绿色食品是不受污染的。第二,绿色食品更加的有营养,食物里面的营养成分均衡,较少失掉,所以绿色食品能保持很好的营养。绿色食品对我们的健康有好处。
2023-07-28 09:35:491


2023-07-28 09:35:594


百度上面找到的green foodComposition writer of the second grade of primary school: Hu YouhuaAdults often say that the living conditions are good now. They don"t worry about food or clothes. They live a happy life. But now children are very early development, fat, middle-aged and elderly people are easy to diabetes, hypertension and other diseases.Because now eat meat, vegetables, fruits and other foods are mixed with some harmful things. So everyone will choose some green food to buy and eat at ease. My mother said that pumpkin rattan, sweet potato rattan, shepherd"s purse and Malan head are all green food, and corn, sweet potato and other corn grains are also green food. Green food is a kind of food that does not harm people"s health. Green means health.绿色食品小学二年级作文 作者:胡幼华 大人们常说现在的生活条件好了,不愁吃,不愁穿,日子过得很幸福。但是现在的孩子都很早发育,发胖,中老年人都容易的糖尿病,高血压等疾病。因为现在吃的肉、菜、瓜果类食品都掺了一些对身体有害的东西。所以大家都会选些绿色食品买回家放心的吃。 妈妈说像南瓜藤、地瓜藤、荠菜、马兰头都是绿色食品,还有玉米、地瓜等玉谷杂粮也都是绿色食品。绿色食品是对人的身体没有危害的食品,绿色是健康的意思。
2023-07-28 09:36:342


如今“绿色食品”备受消费者青睐,但许多人对它的内涵并不十分清楚。到底什么样的食品才算是绿色食品?怎样识别?一些食品包装上贴有绿色食品、有机食品、无公害农产品的标志,它们有什么不同? 今天,我们就来谈谈这些问题。 什么是绿色食品 绿色食品是指遵循可持续发展原则,按照特定生产方式生产,经专门机构认定,许可使用绿色食品标志,无污染的安全、优质、营养类食品。 有机农产品是指根据有机农业原则和有机农产品生产、加工标准生产的,经过有机农产品颁证组织颁发证书的一切农产品。有机农业是一种完全不用人工合成的化肥、农药和饲料添加剂的生产体系。AA级绿色食品与有机食品遵守相同的原则和标准,二者不存在任何差别。 无公害农产品是指产地环境、生产过程和产品质量符合国家有关标准和规范的要求,经认证合格获得认证证书,并允许使用无公害农产品标志的、未经加工或初加工的食用农产品。 绿色食品标志和无公害农产品标志的使用期均为3年。 绿色食品分类 A级绿色食品:指在生态环境质量符合规定标准的产地,生产过程中允许限量使用限定的化学合成物质,按特定的生产操作规程生产、加工,产品质量及包装物经质量监督部门检测,检查符合特定标准。 AA级绿色食品(有机食品) :指在生态环境质量符合规定标准的产地,生产过程中不使用任何有害化学合成物质,按特定的生产操作规程生产加工,产品质量及包装经检测,检查符合特定标准。 天然食品并不是绿色食品:生长在天然环境中的食品同样可能受到污染,同时天然植物、动物本身也会产生一些有害的物质,被人食用可患疾病,甚至危及生命。 怎样识别出绿色食品? 可以通过“三位一体”的产品外包装识别绿色食品。 “三位一体”是指:图形商标、文字商标、绿色食品标志许可使用产品编号同时使用在一个包装产品上。图形商标由三部分构成,即上方的太阳、下方的叶片和蓓蕾,图形为正圆形;文字商标是指:“绿色食品”中文文字、“Green Food”英文文字。 消费者还可以在绿色食品网站(上,输入产品的名称、注册商标或标志编号进行查询,辨别真伪。 中国绿色食品认证产品已近万种 我国从1989年开始“绿色食品”认证, 到2006年上半年,全国绿色食品生产企业总数已达3695家,认证产品总数达到9728个。 认证资格较乱 绿色食品能放心吃吗 随着人们对生活质量要求的逐步提高,代表天然、健康的“绿色”逐渐成为一个深入人心的概念,在食品卫生领域尤其如此。老百姓在超市、商场里购买农产品和其他食品时,经常都会有意挑选印着“绿色食品”标志的产品。这样做,图的就是一个“放心”。 但是,前段时间,有报道称市场上发现有假“绿色蔬菜”,这在全国引起极大关注。一家媒体甚至认为这是“欺骗和愚弄”———“绿色”真的不绿了吗? “绿色食品”问题在哪? 一、超期服役。“绿色食品”必须3年一签,也就是说,这个标志的使用资格只有3年,时间一到,必须重新审批。 二、倒卖资格。获准使用“绿色食品”标志的厂家把使用权交给没有获得资格的厂家,以此获利。 三、使用过度。陈博士认为,这是最多的一种现象。比如批准某公司的50种产品可以打上“绿色食品”,但该厂家却在所有产品上都打出绿色标志 。 产生问题的原因 监管不力和企业诚信不足是主因。要规范“绿色食品”的认证,就要在企业内部建立质量控制体系,做到从播种到出厂每一步都有文档记录可查,而不是“老等着人拿鞭子抽”。
2023-07-28 09:36:531


Green food China"s pollution-free safety, quality, nutrition products collectively. Similar foods in other countries known as organic food and ecological food, natural food. May 1990, the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture official provided the names of green food, standards and logo. The standard requirements: ① product or products the origin of raw materials must meet the ecological environment of green food standards. ② crop cultivation, animal husbandry, aquaculture and food processing must comply with green food production practices. ③ green food products must meet the quality and hygiene standards. ④ product labels must be consistent with China"s Ministry of Agriculture"s "green food logo design standards manual" in the relevant provisions. Green Food is a sign for the green circular logo, as the sun at the top, bottom and leaves for Beilei, signs for the protection of the implied meaning. Concept Green food is produced by a specific mode of production, by country and the specialized agencies finds that permits the use of green food signs of pollution-free, pollution-free, safe, high quality, nutrition-food. In many countries, green food and share many similar names and name, such as "eco-food", "food" and "blue angel food", "health food" and "Organic Agriculture food." As in the international community, for the protection of the environment and associated undertakings already accustomed to as a "green" message, therefore, in order to highlight such foods produced in a good ecological environment and strict processing procedures, in China, known as Unity "Green Food." Green food means that the pollution-free under the conditions of cultivation, breeding, organic fertilizer material, not highly toxic, high pesticide residues in the standard environment, production technology, product processing under the health standards, the authority finds that the use of special logo and the security, High-quality, nutritional food category collectively. Green food by the conditions: 1. Products or sources of raw materials, products must meet the ecological environment of green food quality standards; 2. Crop cultivation, animal husbandry, aquaculture and food processing must comply with green food production practices; 3. Green food products must meet the standards; 4. Product packaging, storage and transportation of green food packaging must meet the storage standards. Green food standards Green food standards issued by the Ministry of Agriculture on the recommendation of the agriculture industry standards (NY / T), is the green food production enterprises must comply with the implementation of standards. Green Food Standards divided into two technical levels, AA grade green food standards and A-level green food standards. Green food standards "from the land to the table," the entire process as the core concept of quality control, by the following four components: Environmental standards for green food production, "green food production environment technical conditions" (NY / T 391) Technical standards for green food production Green food product standards Green food packaging, storage transport standards The emergence of Green Food After the Second World War, Europe and the United States and Japan and other developed countries in the industrial modernization on the basis of modernization of agriculture has achieved. This respect greatly enriched the food supply in these countries, on the other hand there is also a serious problem, that is, with an endless stream of agricultural chemicals, a lot of input to the farmland, causing harmful chemicals in the soil and water biological In enrichment, and through the food chain to crops and livestock and poultry entering the body, leading to food contamination and ultimately harm human health. Thus, excessive reliance on chemical fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture (also called "oil agriculture"), the environment, resources and human health hazards, and that such hazards are hidden, cumulative and long-term characteristics. 1962, the U.S. President"s Leiqieerka to East Lansing, Michigan City, to eradicate the beetle Elm hurt by the measures taken as an example, the disclosure of the pesticide DDT against other biological circumstances. DDT spraying the city with a large number of trees, leaves in autumn fall on the ground, worms eat the leaves, the earth Huichun know more after the birds eat worms, a week after the city"s more to know almost all the dead birds. Ms. Card"s "Silent Spring" wrote: "The world suffered extensive pollution Zhichong drugs, chemicals have penetrated for the survival of all living things in water, infiltrated into the soil and plants on the cloth into a harmful film… … Has on the human body have a serious hazard. Addition, the aftermath of the terrible scourge, may be a few years can not be found, and may even have an impact on the genetic, several generations are not aware of. ""s Card, no doubt the thesis Sounded the alarm to the whole world. In the early 1970s, the United States expanded to Europe and Japan to limit excessive chemical substances in order to protect the ecological environment and improve the food security of the "organic agriculture" affected the thinking of many countries. Some countries have begun to adopt economic measures and legal means to encourage and support national development and pollution-free food production. Since 1992 the United Nations, held in Rio de Janeiro Conference on Environment and Development, many countries proceed from agriculture, and actively explore the model of sustainable agricultural development in order to reduce the oil resources of agriculture to the environment and the serious pressure. Europe, the United States, Japan and Australia and other developed countries and some developing countries have accelerated the study of ecological agriculture. In this international context, China decided to develop non-polluting, safe, high-quality nutritious foods, and will they be known as the "green food." Green Food grading standards Green food in the approval process in the declaration of distinction between Class A and AA grade green approval. AA grade green approval means the ecological environment quality to the required standard of origin, production process of non-use of any harmful chemical substances, according to a specific production practices production, processing, packaging and product quality through testing, inspection to meet specific standards and The specialized agencies found that the license approval AA grade green logo products. AA grade green food in the production process does not use any harmful chemical synthetic material. A-level green food means the quality of the ecological environment in line with the provisions of origin, the production process to allow limited use of synthetic chemical substances defined by a specific production practices production, processing, packaging and product quality through testing, check with specific signs and The specialized agency finds that the permission to use the A-level signs of green food products. A level of green food in the production process to allow limited use of the limited material and chemical synthesis. Green food products packaging, decorating, the value of green food packaging labels, decorations should follow the "green food logo design standards manual", received the green signs ownership units, signs should be used for green food products both within and outside of the packaging. "Manual" to sign the standard green food graphics, standard fonts, graphics and fonts of norms, standards-color, advertising and terminology used in food packaging serialization of the standard graphics, numbering plan made stringent requirements, and cited the examples of applications. How to identify where consumers of green food green food products must be packaged (1], "one of the four-level green food", that is, sign graphics, "green food" literature, reference and security labels. (2] AA grade Green Food Logo color is white and marked with green standards for fonts, and the A-level green food base for the green signs marked with the standard font is white. (3] "Product Code" after or are being written on the bottom "by the China Green Food Green Food Development Center permission to use signs "for its English standards for the" Certified Chinese Creen Food Product ". (4] green food packaging labels should be in line with the state," GM food labelling standards "GB7718-94. Standards in food labelling requirements must be Marking the following areas: food name list of ingredients; fine solids content and content producers, who sell the name and address; date marks (production date, shelf life and storage guidelines]; quality (Quality Rating] ; Product standards; special tagging content. Logo is a green food by the China Green Food Development Center in State Administration for Industry and Commerce Trademark Office officially registered the quality certification marks. Green Food signs three-part composition, that is, at the top of the sun, the bottom of the blade and center Beilei. Logo for the radio is aimed to protect. The graphics painted a beautiful sun shining under the harmonious life, to tell people from the green food is pure, good ecological environment pollution-free food safety, people can bring about vigorous vitality. Green Food signs also remind people to protect the environment, by improving the relationship between people and the environment, create a new harmony of nature. Green food as a symbol of a particular product quality certification mark, the exclusive right to use its trademark by the "People"s Republic of China Trademark Law" to protect.
2023-07-28 09:37:041

green food 英语作文

Green food, or food that is not contaminated by chemical fertilizers, pesticides and other chemical substances, is gaining wide acceptance. As a matter of fact, in big cities, there is always a big rush for green food during festivals. One reason for the popularity of green food is that today people are more and more health-conscious. They are very concerned with diseases related to contaminated food.It is much more expensive but they will still buy green food. In addition, green food is usually produced by the use of the latest agricultural technology, so it is more tasty and nourishing than ordinary food. Last but not the least, now Chinese people are much better off than before, and they can afford this kind of food for health and for diversity as well. If I have a choice I"ll also choose green food because green food has so much advantages as I mentioned above.Personally, I think green food is symbolic. On the one hand, it shows the quality of life has been greatly improved. On the other hand, it mirrors a worrying problem-food contamination. People are so interested in so-called green food just because farmers have used too much harmful chemical fertilizer to improve the yield of crops. So, it"s time for us to change the way of farming for the sake of people"s health.
2023-07-28 09:37:112

到底什么是绿色食品 如何辨别绿色食品“身份证”

绿色食品和有机食品、无公害食品、普通食品有何区别? 绿色食品、有机食品、无公害食品最显著的区别是技术等级标准不同,有机食品的技术标准要求最高,绿色食品次之。严格来讲,无公害食品应当是普通食品都应当达到的一种基本要求。省农业厅相关工作人员告诉记者,绿色食品是我国提出的一个概念,其容许使用农药、化肥等,但必须按照绿色食品生产技术操作规程进行。而有机食品在种植、生产、加工过程中不允许使用任何农药、化肥、食品添加剂和防腐剂、抗生素等化学物质。 专家解析绿色食品的“身份证” 记者了解到,通过农业部绿色食品认证的产品,产品包装上会在显眼位置标出绿色食品的标志。这些绿色产品,农业部有专门机构对其进行前期的审核和后期的追踪。 省农业厅相关工作人员表示:在购买绿色食品时消费者应读懂绿色食品的“身份证”,读懂包装上的绿色食品标志。绿色食品标志有四种形式,包括图形、中文“绿色食品”、英文“Greenfood”以及中英文与图形组合等。图形由三部分组成,上方是广阔田野上初升的太阳,中心是蓓蕾,下方是植物伸展的叶片。 根据新规,所有绿色食品标志都要求贴在产品的显眼位置,上面需注明企业信息码,消费者可登录中国绿色食品网进行查询。现行的绿色食品标志企业信息码由12位组成,前6位代表“地区代码”,中间2位代表“获证年份”,后4位代表“当年获证企业序号”.绿色食品标志后有12位的信息码,消费者在购买时,尤其看准中间两位的“获证年份”,若超出3年,说明该产品认证已过期。
2023-07-28 09:37:211

求一篇以“green food”为题的英语作文100词左右

Today what a lot of people look forwards to eating is green food which is produced without being polluted,such as some fruit and vegetable. So healthy is it that it"s very popular among humanbeings.Dangerous food environment taken into consideration,green food exsists not only as a kind of delicious dish but also as a lifestyle making people feel they are safe. It"s green food that lets people attain a good health condition.If a person want to both feel good and look good,green food is a must. Green food is to us what water is to fish.Let"s enjoy it.(我觉得应该题目中还有别的要求吧,同学是不是没有写出来,如果题目中没有别的要求的话,以上的作文应该是符合你的要求的,每一句都用了特殊句式,且非谓语动词,倒装等等高分元素贯穿全文,最后一段有很棒的句式,希望对你有帮助,如果字数不够,还请多多包涵,以上是100多字)
2023-07-28 09:37:311

英语作文:green food

There are many different kinds of food in the world, such as fruits, vegetables, meats, grains, and so on. But different kinds of food have different function to your health, for example, fruits are nourished with Vitamin, which is very important to your nerve system. Vegetables are rich of micro elements, which is necessary for your blood circulation. Meats have fat, which can store extra energy when you need them. Grains have glutarcose, which is important to provide you enough energy. So you have to get used to a good habit of diet. I like eat meat, such as mutton, beef, chicken, pork, roasted duck, and so on, but I donu2019t like fish. And I also like eat fruits, apple, bananas, pear, grape, water melon. I donu2019t like eat vegetables, but sometimes I eat cucumber, potatoes, pumpkin and tomatoes. I also like sweet food and cool drink, but when I was four years old, I had a bad toothache, the doctor told me not to eat so much sweet food. What kind of food do you like most?Some people have a hobby of food. For example, sometimes children like nattered food. When I was a little girl in the kid garden, I like eat Western fast food, but after a period of time, my parent found I was thin and small, then they adjusted my diet, and I grew higher and higher. For some old people, they like eat soft food, because their teeth are loose. But it is necessary to eat some vegetables which can provide fiber and calcium for them. A cup of beer might do your health good, but for those people who like drink more and be drunk often, it will hurt their stomach and liver. And the time and frequency you eat food are also very important for your health. Normally there are three meals a day. A lot of people donu2019t have breakfast, because they think it does not matter to have breakfast. If you donu2019t have breakfast for a long period of time, you might have a stomachache. Some people eat a lot before they go to bed, they find that they get fatter and fatter. All these are bad habit of life that do harm to your health. Cooking foods is very important in our life. As we know, there are different kinds of cooks in China, such as Chuan food, Lu food, Yue food, Xiang food, Benban food, and so on. I like Xiang food most, because my father is from Hunan, My grandmother cook Xiang food for us when I was a little girl. But now I donu2019t like too hot food. My mother likes Chuan food, because she goes on business to Chengdu more often. What dishes do you like?The safe of food are attracting more and more attention of the society. With the increase of the environment pollution, some foods are poisonous. If we ate poisonous food, we might omit. So our government is taking action to protecting the food safe. When we buy food, green food is our favorite. What your opinion on the food safe?
2023-07-28 09:37:401


下面的这篇文章是我GOOGLE来的,题目为:should people go for the green food?很切题,你可以参考!===================================================There are many different kinds of food in the world, such as fruits, vegetables, meats, grains, and so on. But different kinds of food have different function to your health, for example, fruits are nourished with Vitamin, which is very important to your nerve system. Vegetables are rich of micro elements, which is necessary for your blood circulation. Meats have fat, which can store extra energy when you need them. Grains have glutarcose, which is important to provide you enough energy. So you have to get used to a good habit of diet. I like eat meat, such as mutton, beef, chicken, pork, roasted duck, and so on, but I don"t like fish. And I also like eat fruits, apple, bananas, pear, grape, water melon. I don"t like eat vegetables, but sometimes I eat cucumber, potatoes, pumpkin and tomatoes. I also like sweet food and cool drink, but when I was four years old, I had a bad toothache, the doctor told me not to eat so much sweet food. What kind of food do you like most?Some people have a hobby of food. For example, sometimes children like nattered food. When I was a little girl in the kid garden, I like eat Western fast food, but after a period of time, my parent found I was thin and small, then they adjusted my diet, and I grew higher and higher. For some old people, they like eat soft food, because their teeth are loose. But it is necessary to eat some vegetables which can provide fiber and calcium for them. A cup of beer might do your health good, but for those people who like drink more and be drunk often, it will hurt their stomach and liver. And the time and frequency you eat food are also very important for your health. Normally there are three meals a day. A lot of people don"t have breakfast, because they think it does not matter to have breakfast. If you don"t have breakfast for a long period of time, you might have a stomachache. Some people eat a lot before they go to bed, they find that they get fatter and fatter. All these are bad habit of life that do harm to your health. Cooking foods is very important in our life. As we know, there are different kinds of cooks in China, such as Chuan food, Lu food, Yue food, Xiang food, Benban food, and so on. I like Xiang food most, because my father is from Hunan, My grandmother cook Xiang food for us when I was a little girl. But now I don"t like too hot food. My mother likes Chuan food, because she goes on business to Chengdu more often. What dishes do you like?The safe of food are attracting more and more attention of the society. With the increase of the environment pollution, some foods are poisonous. If we ate poisonous food, we might omit. So our government is taking action to protecting the food safe. When we buy food, green food is our favorite. What your opinion on the food safe?
2023-07-28 09:38:011


2023-07-28 09:38:111

making green food choices make做什么

2023-07-28 09:38:191

高中生英语作文带翻译:健康饮食Healthy Diet

What is healthy diet? To the most people, healthy diet means more green foods, no junk foods. The green food is those pollution-free, high quality and nutrient food, including the organic vegetables and meats, fruits, eggs and so on. The meals of healthy diet should be cooked with fewer salt and oil. And the junk food is those low nutrition, high calorie, processed food with much salt or oil, such as the fries, fried chickens, salted eggs and so on. These foods will cause one get weight and increase the risk of many diseases. We should keep a healthy diet, abandon the junk food to keep ourselves healthy. 什么是健康饮食?对于大多数人来说,健康饮食就意味着多吃绿色食品,不要吃垃圾食品。绿色食品就是那些无污染、高品质和营养的食物,包括有机蔬菜和肉类、水果、鸡蛋等等。健康饮食的膳食应该用更少的盐和油制作。而垃圾食品是指那些低营养、高热量、再加工的高盐重油食品,例如薯条、炸鸡和咸蛋等等。这些食品会导致一个人发胖,并增加疾病的风险。为了保持健康,我们应该保持健康饮食,抛弃垃圾食品。
2023-07-28 09:38:261


  在学习、工作乃至生活中,大家总少不了接触作文吧,作文是一种言语活动,具有高度的综合性和创造性。那么问题来了,到底应如何写一篇优秀的作文呢?下面是我帮大家整理的健康饮食的英语作文及翻译选篇,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。    1、A healthy diet   A healthy diet can provide the necessary energy for us, so to keep us fit. But it is not very easy to make your diet always healthy.   In my view, people need to spend time on thinking about how to eat every meal. One of the principles is that we should not eat too much or too less. The other is that the junk food should be thrown away. For example, vegetable, fruits which contain high vitamin, and low fat meat, such as chicken , fish are good choices. Food like french fries, hamburger, and other high-fat and low protein food should be avoided.   People can look up the calorie of each kind of food online and arrange their meals in a very healthy way.   健康的饮食可以为我们提供必要的能量,所以我们保持健康,但它不是很容易使你的饮食健康。   在我看来,人们需要花时间在思考如何吃每顿饭。的一个原则是,我们不应该吃过多或过少。另一个是垃圾食品应该扔掉。例如,蔬菜,水果含有高维生素,低脂肪肉类,如鸡、鱼是好的选择。食物像炸薯条,汉堡包,和其他高脂肪和低蛋白的食物应该避免。   人们可以在线查找各类食物的卡路里和安排他们的饮食非常健康的方式。    2、A Healthy Diet   It is known that the experiences we have in childhood relating to consumption of food affect our perspective on food consumption in later life.   From this, we are able to determine ourselves our limits of how much we will eat, as well as foods we will not eat - which can develop into eating disorders, such as anorexia or bulimia This is also true with how we perceive the sizes of the meals or amounts of food we consume daily; people have different interpretations of small and large meals based on upbringing.   众所周知,我们在童年经历有关消费的食物影响我们对食品消费的看法。   由此,我们能够确定自己的极限我们将吃多少,以及我们不会吃的食物——可发展成饮食失调,如厌食症或暴食症也是如此我们如何感知食物的大小或我们每天消耗大量的食物;小型和大型餐的人有不同的解释基于教养。    3、A Healthy Diet   In my opinion, a healthy diet should consist of mainly meat and some healthy vegetable that does not have a high amount of starch.   Meat can provide the protein, fat, and essential amino acids that our body needs to function properly. Vegetables can provide different kinds of vitamins and minerals to help improve our immune system.   We should avoid grain because it is high in carbohydrate and if you continue a diet that is high in grain, you can develop diabetes. Fruit on the other hand contains high amount of fructose which can cause insulin spike, and all the vitamins you find in fruit can also be found in vegetable.   在我看来,健康的饮食应该包括的主要肉类和一些健康的蔬菜,没有大量的淀粉。   肉可以提供蛋白质,脂肪和必需氨基酸,我们的身体需要正常运作。蔬菜可以提供不同种类的维生素和矿物质,以帮助改善我们的免疫系统。   我们应该避免粮食,因为它富含碳水化合物,如果你继续的饮食富含谷物,您可以开发糖尿病。另一方面水果含有大量的果糖会导致胰岛素飙升,和你找到的.所有维生素在蔬菜水果也可以找到。    4、A Healthy Diet   Everyone has his favorite food.I think eating healthy food is important for you .   someone likes fast food. I think it`s bad for you.You should eat a lot of vegetable ,and drink some milk.It`s good fou you health.   someone is a vegetarian.they eat vegetable and fruit every day, they think it`s good for health, but I think it`s also fine to eat some meat or fish .   People who eat a balanced diet should be healthier than those who only eat biscuits and hamburgers,shouldn`t they?I prefer to only eat healthy food,and I think I`m a vegetarian.   每个人都有他最喜欢的食物,我认为吃健康的食物是很重要的。   有人喜欢快餐。我认为这是对你有害。你应该吃大量的蔬菜,喝一些牛奶。它喝醉的你的健康有好处。   人是一个素食者。他们每天吃蔬菜和水果,他们认为这对健康有好处,但我认为这也可以吃一些肉或鱼。   吃平衡饮食的人应该比只吃饼干和汉堡的人健康,不应该吗?我更喜欢只吃健康的食物,我认为我是一个素食者。    5、A Healthy Diet   As we all knows that Health is far more important than wealth.A healthy diet is very important to us all.But now it is difficult for us to keep a healthy diet.So what can we do something for our health?   We must ensure that good health enables us to enjoy our life and achieve what we hope for in our daily life. On the contrary, poor health leads to nothing.There are some advises that we can achieve for our health.Firstly, it is very important for us to take more fruits and vegetables because they provide vitamins, and we have to keep a balanced diet. So we should avoid food with lots of sugar and fat which is rich in sugar and fat. Secondly, wed better exercise every day to make our bodies strong. Besides, we have to avoid too much work pressure. Finally, we have to get rid of those bad habits that damage our health, such as drinking and smoking.   Generally speaking, if we stick to the advice given above, we will lead a healthy life.   我们都知道健康比财富更重要。健康的饮食对我们所有人来说都是非常重要的。但现在我们很难以保持健康的饮食。那么我们可以做一些对我们的健康吗?   我们必须确保良好的健康使我们能够享受我们的生活,实现我们的希望在我们的日常生活中。相反,健康状况不佳会导致什么。有一些建议,我们可以实现对我们的健康。首先,这对我们来说是非常重要的采取更多的水果和蔬菜,因为他们提供维生素,我们必须保持均衡的饮食。所以我们应该避免的食物有大量的糖和脂肪富含糖和脂肪。其次,我们最好每天锻炼使我们的身体强壮。此外,我们必须避免太多的工作压力。最后,我们必须摆脱这些坏习惯,损害我们的健康,如饮酒和吸烟。   一般来说,如果我们坚持上面给出的建议,我们会过上健康的生活。    6、Healthy Diet   Nowadays, there is a growing focus on health care. People are pursuing a healthy lifestyle. A healthy diet is one of the most important parts of it.   As the saying goes, bread is the staff of life, eating healthily and deliciously is the goal we pursue. From my point of view, in order to build healthy eating habits, we should eat more vegetables and less fat and sugar. Vegetable is the best source of s vitamin, because vegetables are rich in vitamins. Among them, vitamin C and vitamin A are the most important.   Too much fat and sugar can lead to obesity, which is harmful to health. Besides, eating more fruits and drinking more water is of great help.   现在,人们越来越注重养生,人们在都追求健康的生活方式,其中健康饮食就是很重要的一个方面。   俗话说,民以食为天,吃得美味又健康是我们所追求的目标。我认为,为了养成健康的饮食习惯,我们应该多吃蔬菜,少摄入脂肪和糖分。蔬菜是维生素的最佳来源,其中以维生素A和维生素C最为重要。   过多的脂肪和糖分会导致肥胖,这有害于健康。此外,还应多吃水果多喝水,这都对健康有很大帮助。    7、Healthy Diet   What is healthy diet? To the most people, healthy diet means more green foods, no junk foods.   The green food is those pollution-free, high quality and nutrient food, including the organic vegetables and meats, fruits, eggs and so on. The meals of healthy diet should be cooked with fewer salt and oil. And the junk food is those low nutrition, high calorie, processed food with much salt or oil, such as the fries, fried chickens, salted eggs and so on. These foods will cause one get weight and increase the risk of many diseases.   We should keep a healthy diet, abandon the junk food to keep ourselves healthy.   什么是健康饮食?对于大多数人来说,健康饮食就意味着多吃绿色食品,不要吃垃圾食品。   绿色食品就是那些无污染、高品质和营养的食物,包括有机蔬菜和肉类、水果、鸡蛋等等。健康饮食的膳食应该用更少的盐和油制作。而垃圾食品是指那些低营养、高热量、再加工的高盐重油食品。
2023-07-28 09:38:351


绿色食品标志使用证书有效期为三年。绿色食品(Green food)标志由由三部分构成:图形上方的太阳、下方的叶片和中间的蓓蕾,中国绿色食品标志含义象征自然生态。标志图形为正圆形,意为保护、安全。颜色为绿色,象征着生命、农业、环保。AA级绿色食品标志与字体为绿色,底色为白色;A级绿色食品标志与字体为白色,底色为绿色。整个图形描绘了一幅明媚阳光照耀下的和谐生机,告诉人们绿色食品是出自纯净、良好生态环境的安全、无污染食品,能给人们带来蓬勃的生命力。绿色食品标志还提醒人们要保护环境和防止污染,通过改善人与环境的关系,创造自然界新的和谐。 在此期间,绿色食品生产企业须接受中心、绿办或中心委托的监测机构对其产品进行抽检及年检,并履行“绿色食品标志使用协议”。 一、购买食品的时候要查看有效证件。 大家在购买食品的时候一定会看它的保质期,生产日期如果说过期的时候大家肯定是不会购买的,如果说发现有商家出售过期视频,那么就可以进行相关的投诉,并且要求他进行相对应的补偿。因为只要是食品,它出售就一定会有绿色食品标志,商家对于食品是有一个治疗保证的,如果说他没有这个保证,那么他就违反了相对应的法律法规。 二、使用证书过期需要提前三个月重新申请。 什么东西都是有保质期的,而这个绿色食品的标志,同样也是在三年的时间过去之后就需要重新申请手续办理。不过不是在发现他过期了之后就进行办理,需要提前三个月就要重新申请了。如果说它的证明没有下来,那么对于这些食品是没有办法进行出售的。如果发现了在没有标志的情况下它要进行出售,那么同样可以进行相对应的维权。
2023-07-28 09:38:451


2023-07-28 09:39:081

at the party ,we have green food and drinks,we ha

2023-07-28 09:39:161


绿色食品为什么受人青睐呢 这要从环境污染说起。环境污染问题是困扰全人类的重大问题,它使人类生存受到了威胁。因为人的食物结构中,大多数食物来自田野里的农作物和禽肉鱼蛋等,如果动植物的生长环境受到污染,它们的体内就会积累起有害物质,这样,人吃了这些作物或用禽畜加工成的食品,就会中毒,影响人的健康。工业污水是重要的污染源。例如制造染料,农药,灯炮,电池,开关的工厂,它们排出的废水中通常含有汞,这些废水流入到江河里,使生长在河里的鱼儿体内含有了许多的汞。人吃了这种鱼,汞便在人体内慢慢积累起来,这就是汞中毒。久而久之,汞中毒的病人会出现口齿不清,手脚麻木,耳聋眼瞎,精神失常等病状,甚至会死亡。农药也是重要的污染源之一。据统计,现在常用的400多种农药中,就有140多种农药含有毒性很大的有机氯。……人稍有疏忽,吃了用这些作物做成的食品,轻者会出现头昏,呕吐,呼吸困难等症状,重者还会丧命。丙如果人长期慢性中毒,就会得白血病,胃癌等不治之症……现在,因食物被污染而引起的中毒现象屡屡发生,人类的食源已亮起了红灯。随着生活水平的提高,人们对食物的要求也越来越高。"入口"的东西既要美味,又要有营养,卫生,无任何污染。因此,不含有害物质残留的绿色食品便成为人们渴望的食品,绿色食品的开发和生产也因此成为农业生产和食品加工的必然趋势。绿色食品犹如绿色的春潮,正快速涌进我们的生活。绿色食品的标志由三部分构成:太阳,叶片和蓓蕾。AA级绿色食品标志与字体为绿色,底色为白色,A级绿色食品标志与字体为白色,底色为绿色。绿色食品标志是指“绿色食品”、“Green Food”、绿色食品标志图形及这三者相互组合等四种形式,注册在以食品为主的共九大类食品上,并扩展到肥料等绿色食品相关类产品上。绿色食品标志作为一种产品质量证明商标,其商标专用权受《中华人民共和国商标法》保护。绿色食品与普通食品相比有以下三个显着特点:1.强调产品出自良好生态环境;2.对产品实行“从土地到餐桌”全程质量控制;3.对产品依法实行统一的标志与管理。绿色食品所具备的条件:1.产品或产品原料产地必须符合绿色食品生态环境质量标准;2.农作物种植、畜禽饲养、水产养殖及食品加工必须符合绿色食品生产操作规程;3.产品必须符合绿色食品标准;4.产品的包装、贮运必须符合绿色食品包装贮运标准。食品检测选择河南质佳,加v:henan-zjcj
2023-07-28 09:39:251


一、绿色食品的含义,绿色食品标志的意义绿色食物的“绿色”一词,表现了其所象征的产品从农副产品的栽培、饲养到食物加工,直至投放市场的全过程实行环境保护和回绝污染的理念,而并非描绘食物的实践颜色。绿色食物象征是由绿色食物开展基地在国家工商行政管理总局商标局注册的质量证实商标,受国家商标法的保护。食物出产公司在其产品包装上运用绿色食物象征有必要经我国绿色食物开展基地同意,不然归于商标侵权行为。绿色食物象征有四种方式,包含图形、中文“绿色食物”、英文“Green Food”、以及中英文与图形组合等。图形由三部分构成,即上方是宽广田野上初升的太阳,基地是蓓蕾,下方是植物扩展的叶片。全部图形表达明丽阳光下的调和活力,提示大家保护环境,发明人与自然的调和联系。绿色食物象征是商标设计的模范,不只图形简捷、美观、简单记忆,并且意义丰富深入,一起图形不管扩大还是减小都很明晰,便于识别,以表现证实商标应有的效果。2. 绿色食品标志商标首要,一般商标的注册人可所以需求运用该商标的自然人、公司,或许别的安排;而证实商标的注册人有必要是关于所证实的产品或许服务的质量及其特色具有检查和监督才能的安排。个人不得注册证实商标。其次,商标主管机关在检查一般商标请求人的主体资格时,只检查其是否实在合法,并不检查其才能;而关于绿色食物象征等证实商标请求人主体资格的实在与合法性、以及其是否具有相应的检查和监督才能,却要进行严厉的检查。再者,一般商标的注册人注册商标主要是本身运用;而证实商标的注册人本身不得运用该商标,并且不得以该证实商标作为牟利的运营手段。再次,一般商标的注册人能够自由选择被答应运用商标的目标,答应别人运用其商标,也能够自立回绝别人运用该商标;而证实商标的运用条件是清晰揭露的,有关公司能够自愿向证实商标注册人提出运用该证实商标的请求,关于未到达证实商标运用条件的公司,证实商标注册人当然不能允许其运用该商标,关于到达并符合该证实商标运用条件并与注册人履行规则手续的,证实商标注册人不得回绝其运用。
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   Green Food   Nowadays, people pay great attention to the healthy diet, they want to keep healthy and can do a lot of things. Green food has become more and more people"s choice, in the market, all kinds of green food have emerged. The reasons for the popularity of green food are various, first, greed food is healthier than the ordinary food, the quality is highly certificated, so the green food is also safe. Unlike the vegetable, which is polluted by the medicine farmers use, green food is free from pollution. Second, the green food is more nutritious, the nutritious elements in the food are balanced and less lost, so green food remain good nutrition. Green food is good for our health.    绿色食品   如今,人们很注重健康饮食,他们想要保持健康,才能做很多的事情。绿色食品成为越来越多人的选择,在超市里,出现了各种各样的绿色食品。绿色食品受欢迎的"原因是多样的,第一,绿色食品比普通食品健康,质量是经过了高度的验证,所以绿色食品也很安全。不像蔬菜,被农民使用的药水污染,绿色食品是不受污染的。第二,绿色食品更加的有营养,食物里面的营养成分均衡,较少失掉,所以绿色食品能保持很好的营养。绿色食品对我们的健康有好处。
2023-07-28 09:40:191

绿色食品 说明文

如今“绿色食品”备受消费者青睐,但许多人对它的内涵并不十分清楚。到底什么样的食品才算是绿色食品?怎样识别?一些食品包装上贴有绿色食品、有机食品、无公害农产品的标志,它们有什么不同? 今天,我们就来谈谈这些问题。什么是绿色食品 绿色食品是指遵循可持续发展原则,按照特定生产方式生产,经专门机构认定,许可使用绿色食品标志,无污染的安全、优质、营养类食品。有机农产品是指根据有机农业原则和有机农产品生产、加工标准生产的,经过有机农产品颁证组织颁发证书的一切农产品。有机农业是一种完全不用人工合成的化肥、农药和饲料添加剂的生产体系。AA级绿色食品与有机食品遵守相同的原则和标准,二者不存在任何差别。无公害农产品是指产地环境、生产过程和产品质量符合国家有关标准和规范的要求,经认证合格获得认证证书,并允许使用无公害农产品标志的、未经加工或初加工的食用农产品。 ★ 绿色食品标志和无公害农产品标志的使用期均为3年。绿色食品分类A级绿色食品:指在生态环境质量符合规定标准的产地,生产过程中允许限量使用限定的化学合成物质,按特定的生产操作规程生产、加工,产品质量及包装物经质量监督部门检测,检查符合特定标准。AA级绿色食品(有机食品) :指在生态环境质量符合规定标准的产地,生产过程中不使用任何有害化学合成物质,按特定的生产操作规程生产加工,产品质量及包装经检测,检查符合特定标准。 天然食品并不是绿色食品:生长在天然环境中的食品同样可能受到污染,同时天然植物、动物本身也会产生一些有害的物质,被人食用可患疾病,甚至危及生命。怎样识别出绿色食品▲ 可以通过“三位一体”的产品外包装识别绿色食品。 “三位一体”是指:图形商标、文字商标、绿色食品标志许可使用产品编号同时使用在一个包装产品上。图形商标由三部分构成,即上方的太阳、下方的叶片和蓓蕾,图形为正圆形;文字商标是指:“绿色食品”中文文字、“Green Food”英文文字。 ▲ 消费者还可以在绿色食品网站(上,输入产品的名称、注册商标或标志编号进行查询,辨别真伪。 中国绿色食品认证产品已近万种 我国从1989年开始“绿色食品”认证, 到2006年上半年,全国绿色食品生产企业总数已达3695家,认证产品总数达到9728个。 认证资格较乱 绿色食品能放心吃吗随着人们对生活质量要求的逐步提高,代表天然、健康的“绿色”逐渐成为一个深入人心的概念,在食品卫生领域尤其如此。老百姓在超市、商场里购买农产品和其他食品时,经常都会有意挑选印着“绿色食品”标志的产品。这样做,图的就是一个“放心”。但是,前段时间,有报道称市场上发现有假“绿色蔬菜”,这在全国引起极大关注。一家媒体甚至认为这是“欺骗和愚弄”———“绿色”真的不绿了吗?“绿色食品”问题在哪 一、超期服役。“绿色食品”必须3年一签,也就是说,这个标志的使用资格只有3年,时间一到,必须重新审批。二、倒卖资格。获准使用“绿色食品”标志的厂家把使用权交给没有获得资格的厂家,以此获利。 三、使用过度。陈博士认为,这是最多的一种现象。比如批准某公司的50种产品可以打上“绿色食品”,但该厂家却在所有产品上都打出绿色标志 。产生问题的原因监管不力和企业诚信不足是主因。要规范“绿色食品”的认证,就要在企业内部建立质量控制体系,做到从播种到出厂每一步都有文档记录可查,而不是“老等着人拿鞭子抽”。参考资料:
2023-07-28 09:40:251

求一篇以“green food”为题的英语作文

There are many different kinds of food in the world, such as fruits, vegetables, meats, grains, and so on. But different kinds of food have different function to your health, for example, fruits are nourished with Vitamin, which is very important to your nerve system. Vegetables are rich of micro elements, which is necessary for your blood circulation. Meats have fat, which can store extra energy when you need them. Grains have glutarcose, which is important to provide you enough energy. So you have to get used to a good habit of diet. I like eat meat, such as mutton, beef, chicken, pork, roasted duck, and so on, but I don"t like fish. And I also like eat fruits, apple, bananas, pear, grape, water melon. I don"t like eat vegetables, but sometimes I eat cucumber, potatoes, pumpkin and tomatoes. I also like sweet food and cool drink, but when I was four years old, I had a bad toothache, the doctor told me not to eat so much sweet food. What kind of food do you like most?Some people have a hobby of food. For example, sometimes children like nattered food. When I was a little girl in the kid garden, I like eat Western fast food, but after a period of time, my parent found I was thin and small, then they adjusted my diet, and I grew higher and higher. For some old people, they like eat soft food, because their teeth are loose. But it is necessary to eat some vegetables which can provide fiber and calcium for them. A cup of beer might do your health good, but for those people who like drink more and be drunk often, it will hurt their stomach and liver. And the time and frequency you eat food are also very important for your health. Normally there are three meals a day. A lot of people don"t have breakfast, because they think it does not matter to have breakfast. If you don"t have breakfast for a long period of time, you might have a stomachache. Some people eat a lot before they go to bed, they find that they get fatter and fatter. All these are bad habit of life that do harm to your health. Cooking foods is very important in our life. As we know, there are different kinds of cooks in China, such as Chuan food, Lu food, Yue food, Xiang food, Benban food, and so on. I like Xiang food most, because my father is from Hunan, My grandmother cook Xiang food for us when I was a little girl. But now I don"t like too hot food. My mother likes Chuan food, because she goes on business to Chengdu more often. What dishes do you like?The safe of food are attracting more and more attention of the society. With the increase of the environment pollution, some foods are poisonous. If we ate poisonous food, we might omit. So our government is taking action to protecting the food safe. When we buy food, green food is our favorite. What your opinion on the food safe?
2023-07-28 09:40:365


Nowadays, people pay great attention to the healthy diet, they want to keep healthy and can do a lot of things. Green food has become more and more people"s choice, in the market, all kinds of green food have emerged. The reasons for the popularity of green food are various, first, green food is healthier than the ordinary food, the quality is highly certificated, so the green food is also safe. Unlike the vegetable, which is polluted by the medicine farmers use, green food is free from pollution. Second, the green food is more nutritious, the nutritious elements in the food are balanced and less lost, so green food remain good nutrition. Green food is good for our health.  如今,人们很注重健康饮食,他们想要保持健康,才能做很多的事情。绿色食品成为越来越多人的选择,在超市里,出现了各种各样的绿色食品。绿色食品受欢迎的原因是多样的,第一,绿色食品比普通食品更健康,质量经过了高度的验证,所以绿色食品也很安全。不像蔬菜,被农民使用的药水污染,绿色食品是不受污染的。第二,绿色食品更加的有营养,食物里面的营养成分均衡,较少流失,所以绿色食品能保持很好的营养。绿色食品对我们的健康有好处。八年级上册英语课文本第101页第六单sectionB1C1D翻译
2023-07-28 09:40:551

green food is now becoming more and more popular, do you know why?

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2023-07-28 09:41:043


受人青睐的绿色食品当你去超级市场采购时,你是否注意到,有些奶粉、茶叶、咖啡、果脯、饮料等的包装袋(盒)上都印有同样的图案——太阳底下的两片绿叶轻托着一枚绿芽,这就是“绿色食品”的标识图案,这些食品就是大名鼎鼎的“绿色食品”。你也许会感到奇怪,绿色食品不就是那些绿色的蔬菜、水果吗?怎么连奶粉、饮料之类也成了绿色食品?其实,绿色食品是指安全、营养、无污染类食品。那绿色食品的标识图案告诉我们,绿色食品出自纯净、无污染的环境,能给我们带来勃勃的生命力。绿色食品为什么受人青睐呢?这要从环境污染说起。环境污染问题是困扰全人类的重大问题,它使人类生存受到了威胁。因为人的食物结构中,大多数食物来自田野里的农作物和禽肉鱼蛋等,如果动植物的生长环境受到污染,它们的体内就会积累起有害物质,这样,人吃了这些作物或用禽畜加工成的食品,就会中毒,影响人的健康。工业污水是重要的污染源。例如制造染料、农药、灯泡、电池、开关的工厂,它们排出的废水中通常含有汞,这些废水流入到江河里,使生长在河里的鱼儿体内含有了许多的汞。人吃了这种鱼,汞便在人体内慢慢积累起来,这就是汞中毒。久而久之,汞中毒的病人会出现口齿不清、手脚麻木、耳聋眼瞎、精神失常等症状,甚至会死亡。农药也是重要的污染源之一。 据统计,现在常用的400多种农药中,就有140多种农药含有毒性很大的有机氯。 人稍有疏忽,吃了用这些作物做成的食品,轻者会出现头昏、呕吐、呼吸困难等症状,重者还会丧命。 如果人长期慢性中毒,就会得白血病、胃癌等不治之症…… 现在,因食物被污染而引起的中毒现象屡屡发生,人类的食源已亮起了红灯。随着生活水平的提高,人们对食物的要求也越来越高。“入口”的东西既要美味,又要有营养、卫生、无任何污染。因此,不含有害物质残留的绿色食品便成为人们渴望的食品,绿色食品的开发和生产也因此成为农业生产和食品加工的必然趋势。绿色食品犹如绿色的春潮,正快速涌进我们的生活。绿色食品的涵盖面十分广泛,它包括地里种的、水中游的等多种多样的食品,如餐桌上的粮食、蔬菜、鱼肉、鸡蛋、水果以及油、茶、酒、调味品等。绿色食品的生产要有严格的操作规程,如作物要在没有污染的地方进行栽培,以保护作物不受污染;禽畜的饲料中,不准含有对人体有害的激素添加剂;制罐头、饮料的工厂中,使用的工艺设备必须无铅、锌等污染。绿色食品不但有利于人的健康,而且有利于提高人的素质。绿色食品标识已成为我国食品走向国际市场的通行证,在出口创汇中立下了汗马功劳。绿色食品带来的“绿色事业”是利国利民,造福子孙后代的事业。评论(2)|已赞3
2023-07-28 09:41:143


a :A good understanding of categories of healthy foods is of critical importance for our body welfares。b:would you please giving me some guidelines?a:well,first of all let us talk about meat。 Recent years,many physicians had been recommending people to eat more fishes because comparising with beef and pork they contained less saturated fat acid (harmful)and more unsaturated one(healthy)(气死我,你真财迷,才给打赏5分)b:Oh my God,I love fishes!So i don"t have to worry about this。whatelse, what i like best is fruits。Any further suggestions?a:According to some investigations,apple banana and orange are very good source of healthy supplement for body,You"d better stick to it ,taking some everyday!b:This is great! For sure ,i will get more of these! a:what is more!Better getting more organic vegetables and other green foods。b:Thank you very much for the introductions and knowledges on healthy food!A:you are welcomed!你值得拥有!
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2023-07-28 09:41:462


2023-07-28 09:41:573


绿色食品是经专门机构认证、许可使用绿色食品标志的无污染的安全、优质、营养类食品。分A级和AA级,A级指在生态环境质量符合规定标准的产地,生产过程中允许限量使用限定的化学合成物质,按特定的生产操作规程生产、加工,产品质量及包装经检测、检查符合特定标准,并经专门机构认定,许可使用A级绿色食品标志的产品。AA级绿色食品指在生态环境质量符合规定标准的产地,生产过程中不使用任何有害化学合成物质,按特定的生产操作规程生产、加工,产品质量及包装经检测、检查符合特定标准,并经专门机构认定,许可使用AA级绿色食品标志的产品。 当你去超级市场采购时,你是否注意到,有些奶粉,茶叶,咖啡,果脯,饮料等的包装袋(盒)上都印有同样的图案——太阳底下的两片绿叶轻托着一枚绿芽,这就是"绿色食品"的标识图案,这些食品就是大名鼎鼎的"绿色食品".你也许会感到奇怪,绿色食品不就是那些绿色的蔬菜,水果吗 怎么连奶粉,饮料之类也成了绿色食品 其实,绿色食品是指安全,营养,无污染类食品.那绿色食品的标识图案告诉我们,绿色食品出自纯净,无污染的环境,能给我们带来勃勃的生命力.绿色食品为什么受人青睐呢 这要从环境污染说起.环境污染问题是困扰全人类的重大问题,它使人类生存受到了威胁.因为人的食物结构中,大多数食物来自田野里的农作物和禽肉鱼蛋等,如果动植物的生长环境受到污染,它们的体内就会积累起有害物质,这样,人吃了这些作物或用禽畜加工成的食品,就会中毒,影响人的健康.工业污水是重要的污染源.例如制造染料,农药,灯炮,电池,开关的工厂,它们排出的废水中通常含有汞,这些废水流入到江河里,使生长在河里的鱼儿体内含有了许多的汞.人吃了这种鱼,汞便在人体内慢慢积累起来,这就是汞中毒.久而久之,汞中毒的病人会出现口齿不清,手脚麻木,耳聋眼瞎,精神失常等病状,甚至会死亡.农药也是重要的污染源之一.据统计,现在常用的400多种农药中,就有140多种农药含有毒性很大的有机氯.……人稍有疏忽,吃了用这些作物做成的食品,轻者会出现头昏,呕吐,呼吸困难等症状,重者还会丧命.丙如果人长期慢性中毒,就会得白血病,胃癌等不治之症……现在,因食物被污染而引起的中毒现象屡屡发生,人类的食源已亮起了红灯.随着生活水平的提高,人们对食物的要求也越来越高."入口"的东西既要美味,又要有营养,卫生,无任何污染.因此,不含有害物质残留的绿色食品便成为人们渴望的食品,绿色食品的开发和生产也因此成为农业生产和食品加工的必然趋势.绿色食品犹如绿色的春潮,正快速涌进我们的生活. 绿色食品的标志由三部分构成:太阳,叶片和蓓蕾。AA级绿色食品标志与字体为绿色,底色为白色,A级绿色食品标志与字体为白色,底色为绿色。绿色食品标志是指“绿色食品”、“Green Food”、绿色食品标志图形及这三者相互组合等四种形式,注册在以食品为主的共九大类食品上,并扩展到肥料等绿色食品相关类产品上。绿色食品标志作为一种产品质量证明商标,其商标专用权受《中华人民共和国商标法》保护。 绿色食品与普通食品相比有以下三个显著特点: 1.强调产品出自良好生态环境; 2.对产品实行“从土地到餐桌”全程质量控制; 3.对产品依法实行统一的标志与管理。 绿色食品所具备的条件: 1.产品或产品原料产地必须符合绿色食品生态环境质量标准; 2.农作物种植、畜禽饲养、水产养殖及食品加工必须符合绿色食品生产操作规程; 3.产品必须符合绿色食品标准; 4.产品的包装、贮运必须符合绿色食品包装贮运标准。假如你是一位“身怀六甲”的女士,要想生一个健康聪慧的孩子,那么请务必亲近绿色蔬果。因为绿色蔬果中含有丰富的叶酸,而叶酸已被英美等国优生学家证实为防止胎儿神经管畸形(如无脑、脊柱分裂等)的“灵丹”之一。同时,大量的叶酸还是心脏的新杀手——同型半胱氨酸的“克星”,可有效地清除血液中过多的同型半胱氨酸而起到保护心脏的作用。此外,绿色蔬菜也是享有“生命元素”称号的钙元素的最佳来源,其蕴藏量较通常认为的含钙“富矿”牛奶还要多,故吃“绿”被营养学家视为最好的补钙途径。绿色食品的涵盖面十分广泛,它包括地里种的,水中游的等多种多样的食品,如餐桌上的粮食,蔬菜,鱼肉,鸡蛋,水果以及油,茶,酒,调味品等.绿色食品的生产要有严格的操作规程,如作物要在没有污染的地方进行栽培,以保护作物不受污染;禽畜的饲料中,不准含有对人体有害的激素添加剂;制罐头,饮料的工厂中,使用的工艺设备必须无铅,锌等污染.绿色食品标识已成为我国食品走向国际市场的通行证,在出口创汇中立下了汗马功劳.绿色食品带来"绿色事业"是利国利民,造福子孙后代的事业.绿色食品标准是绿色食品认证和管理的依据和基础,是整个绿色食品事业的重要技术支撑,它是全体从事绿色食品工作的同志们长期经验总结和智慧结晶。 绿色食品标准是应用科学技术原理,结合绿色食品生产实践,借鉴国内外相关标准所制定的,在绿色食品生产中必须遵循,在绿色食品质量认证时必须依据的技术性文件。 绿色食品标准绿色食品标准是由农业部发布的推荐性农业行业标准(NY/T),是绿色食品生产企业必须遵照执行的标准。 绿色食品标准分为两个技术等级,即AA级绿色食品标准和A级绿色食品标准。 绿色食品标准以“从土地到餐桌”全程质量控制理念为核心,由以下四个部分构成: 绿色食品产地环境标准,即《绿色食品 产地环境技术条件》(NY/T 391) 绿色食品生产技术标准 绿色食品产品标准 绿色食品包装、贮藏运输标准绿色食品的产生第二次世界大战以后,欧美和日本等发达国家在工业现代化的基础上,先后实现了农业现代化。这一方面大大地丰富了这些国家的食品供应,另一方面也出现了严重的问题,就是随着农用化学物质源源不断地、大量地向农田中输入,造成有害化学物质通过土壤和水体在生物体内富集,并且通过食物链进入到农作物和畜禽体内,导致食物污染,最终损害人体健康。可见,过度依赖化学肥料和农药的农业(也叫做“石油农业”),会对环境、资源以及人体健康构成危害,并且这种危害具有隐蔽性、累积性和长期性的特点。1962年,美国的雷切尔·卡逊女士以密歇根州东兰辛市为消灭伤害榆树的甲虫所采取的措施为例,披露了杀虫剂DDT危害其他生物的种种情况。该市大量用DDT喷洒树木,树叶在秋天落在地上,蠕虫吃了树叶,大地回春后知更鸟吃了蠕虫,一周后全市的知更鸟几乎全部死亡。卡逊女士在《寂静的春天》一书中写道:“全世界广泛遭受治虫药物的污染,化学药品已经侵入万物赖以生存的水中,渗入土壤,并且在植物上布成一层有害的薄膜……已经对人体产生严重的危害。除此之外,还有可怕的后遗祸患,可能几年内无法查出,甚至可能对遗传有影响,几个世代都无法察觉。”卡逊女士的论断无疑给全世界敲响了警钟。20世纪70年代初,由美国扩展到欧洲和日本的旨在限制化学物质过量投入以保护生态环境和提高食品安全性的“有机农业”思潮影响了许多国家。一些国家开始采取经济措施和法律手段,鼓励、支持本国无污染食品的开发和生产。自1992年联合国在里约热内卢召开的环境与发展大会后,许多国家从农业着手,积极探索农业可持续发展的模式,以减缓石油农业给环境和资源造成的严重压力。欧洲、美国、日本和澳大利亚等发达国家和一些发展中国家纷纷加快了生态农业的研究。在这种国际背景下,我国决定开发无污染、安全、优质的营养食品,并且将它们定名为“绿色食品”。绿色食品在我国的产生有其必然性:第一,我国是一个人均资源短缺的国家。我国作为一个发展中的国家,决不能沿袭以牺牲环境和损耗资源为代价的发展经济的老路,必须把经济和社会发展建立在环境和资源可持续发展的基础上,特别是要建立和发展确保农业和食品工业可持续发展的生产方式,而开发绿色食品正可以推动这种生产方式的建立。第二,进入20世纪90年代以来,我国城乡人民整体生活水平开始由温饱水平向小康水平过渡,环境保护意识和对食品无污染的需求越来越高,以无污染、安全、优质和营养丰富为内涵的绿色食品正好可以满足城乡人民生活水平转型的需求。第三,随着改革开放的深入发展,我国的农产品及其加工品必然要更多地走向国际市场,参与国际竞争。绿色食品的推出,有利于加强我国农产品及其加工品在国际市场上的竞争力。
2023-07-28 09:42:071

green camp 中文怎么写?

绿色营地 或是 绿色壁垒
2023-07-28 09:42:171

English food 有哪些?Chinese food 有哪些?要正宗的 ,每个写十个

2023-07-28 09:42:301


如 :坦克 (tank) ,苏打 (soda),黑客(hacker),沙发(sofa),咖啡(coffee),马达(motor),麦克风(mi crophone), 克隆(clone),吉普车(jeep),马拉松((marathon)、快餐(fast food )、绿色食品(green food)、热线(hot line)、超市(supermarket)、泡沫经济 (bubble economy)、连锁店(chain shop)、冷战(cold war)、贸易战(trade war)、基因(gene)、阿司匹林(aspirin)、乌托邦(Utopia)、吗啡(morphine)、吉他(guitar)、民主(democracy)、盘尼西林(penicillin)、黑马(dark horse)等等。、
2023-07-28 09:42:391

The Chinese______ is regarded as a healthy one which contains a lot of fruit and green vegetables

2023-07-28 09:42:488

求助:是My favorite food is green beans. 还是My favorite food are green beans

1楼说的对。 这里的is表示一种,一个种类。
2023-07-28 09:43:044

We saw howuff08uff09leaves can make food for a plant.

选择C,green说明:We saw how green leaves can make food for a plant.我们看到绿叶如何为植物做食物。此题考察生物学中绿叶的光合作用。
2023-07-28 09:43:241

小学二年级作文150字:my favourite food

作文标题: my favourite food 关 键 词: 小学二年级 150字 字 数: 150字作文 本文适合: 小学二年级 作文来源: 本作文是关于小学二年级150字的作文,题目为:《my favourite food》,欢迎大家踊跃投稿。 My is a like for food the girl . I am a good buy . Tofu is good food .It"s my favourite food . It"s healthy and yummy . Green beans is a healthy too ,but"s green beans me no like for .chicken is tasty . I like chicken . Hamburger is very yummy ,but"s hamburger is no healthy .I have to eat tanto hamburger .   Let"s chant  The apples are sweet .  The potatoes are salty .  The grapes are sour .  The fish is fresh .  Thry "re tasty and yummy ,  And healthy for me !!
2023-07-28 09:43:321


Spring is a wonderful season. As the weather warms up, nature comes to life with blooming flowers and green trees. The air is fresh, and the birds sing joyfully. People enjoy outdoor activities like picnics, hiking, and sports. Spring is a time of renewal, and it brings a feeling of hope and optimism for the future. We should cherish this beautiful season and appreciate the wonders of nature.
2023-07-28 09:43:411

Chinese food 都有哪些

rice dumplingnoodles beijing ducksteamed bun porridgesoup meatball
2023-07-28 09:43:523

一份关于各国饮食文化的英语手抄报,题目为Food Culture,求资料

hinese food cultureFamous for its abundance and exquisite, Chinese food culture has occupied an important part in the nation"s
2023-07-28 09:44:102

帮忙写个英语作文my favorite food 初二水平谢谢(60词以上)

Technology, especially my mother a good cook, there are many of the dishes I like to eat. Of these, my favorite dishes to eat the fish is braised. Today, her mother burned to eat my favorite braised fish. I witnessed the mother fish fish washing process. Mother first ready material: carp, onions, ginger, garlic, sugar, soy sauce, coriander, rice wine, salt, cooking oil and green pepper. These materials are ready, my mother began to wash the fish. She saw a knife to scale, and then remove the fish gills, and fish bubble remain in the belly, to puncture the bubble of fish, the fish maw with black all the debris removed, cleaned the fish, fish evenly in a few designated marks I can spare. Mother heated the pot, when smoking pot when the oil poured into a little, let the pot coated with a layer of oil, then add a small amount of cooking oil, fry after a good wash pot Add the fish and then release into some rice wine, so you can remove the fish smell, adding a teaspoon of sugar, a small amount of soy sauce. fish can be a color, then start adding cold water, let the fish submerged in water, adding green onions, ginger, garlic, pepper and salt, and then after the fire to boil, to low heat, boil 40 minutes, adding parsley, Finally, a pot of tasty braised fish cooking in her mother under the care of. Smell this fragrance, I salivate. I quickly pick up the chopsticks, a small dip at juice, ah, how good you and incense and soft and slippery, so together with color, flavor and taste a whole food ah!
2023-07-28 09:44:292

初一英语!回答好的最后还会再给50财富!能回答多少都可以,最好是全部回答好!Mrs.Green has lots of m

(1)ACFE(2)eyes actor put singer differently (3)healthy ways straight do put
2023-07-28 09:44:386


Plain Noodle Soup, Han wheaten food. Also known as smooth or noodle soup, refers to a kind of any dish without burdening and only soup noodles, common in Jiangsu and Zhejiang area China. Cook the noodles are generally not regulated, which must be fine or coarse as wide surface can be used. The origin of the name Plain Noodle Soup in lunar calendar in October nickname "small spring". According to legend, the price is very one bowl, so called Plain Noodle Soup reputation. That is because the egg and egg garlic bolt, representing the sun, garlic bolt represents spring, so as Plain Noodle Soup.Plain Noodle Soup English translation of Plain Noodles, also known as "soup noodle soup or smooth, smooth", Tang Qing delicious, light and refreshing. Yangzhou is a major characteristic of the. The folk custom called the lunar calendar in October for the spring, Shanghai metaphor to ten for the spring. The surface of each bowl before the sale of ten paper money, it said Plain Noodle Soup. Kaiyang oil and soy sauce and dried shrimps onion noodles. To boil fragrant scallion and one dried shrimps (Shanghai called Yang), and cooked noodles mixed with food. Noodles tough waxy smooth, dried shrimps, soft and delicious, scallion fragrant overflowing after.1945 years, Town God"s Temple has a surname Chen vendors use in home daily methods boiled onion oil, used for noodles. Onion flavor out of the ordinary, very popular, spread so far. Now the snacks characteristics lakeside snack shop.In Taiwan, traditional Plain Noodle Soup will add some chopped green onion and pork. But in the seventy years, pork prices, the Plain Noodle Soup in Chinese cabbage and bean sprouts instead of pork, or to the meat smell of urine. Some people like to eat Plain Noodle Soup plus Marinated Egg, but the need for additional NT $5 or more.
2023-07-28 09:44:572


colour的读法:美 [u02c8ku028clu0259r];英 [u02c8ku028clu0259(r)]。1、释义vt. 把…涂颜色,粉饰;歪曲;使脸红vi. 变色n. 颜色;风格;气色,面色;外貌2、词义辨析colour:普通用词,含义笼统。可指人工的着色,也可指天然的着色。dye:多指使用染料改变物体的颜色,如染织品或头发等。stain:多指用化学或其它方法使物体着色。paint:指为装饰等目的而把油漆或涂料等物涂于物体表面。colour的例句:1、The results indicated that the product obtained was a fine health food featured by unique flavour, light green colour and rich nutrients.实验结果表明,产品风味独特,色泽嫩绿,营养丰富,是一种新型的优良保健饮品。2、In Cairo young women match the colour of their veils with that of their tunics, handbags, make-up and shoes.在开罗,年轻女性依其外衣、手包、化妆与鞋子搭配不同颜色的面纱。3、Tess, with a curiously stealthy yet courageous movement, and with a still rising colour, unfastened her frock and began suckling the child.苔丝脸上的红晕越来越红,她用悄悄的但是大胆的动作解开上衣的扣子,开始喂孩子吃奶。
2023-07-28 09:45:231

关于How do you cook your favorite food的英语作文

My favorite food is chilli chicken.Method:1. Cut onion, tomato into small pieces. Add ginger, garlic and make paste.2. Cut thin slices of green chilli.3. Mix red chilli powder, salt, turmeric powder, yogurt, 1 tbsp. soya sauce, 1 tbsp cornflour and 2 tbsp oil. Marinate the chicken with this mixture for half an hour.4. Then apply onion-tomato paste to the chicken and again marinate for half an hour.5. Heat oil in a pan. Add green chillis, white pepper powder and black pepper powder and fry for 30 secs.6. Add chicken marinade and fry until half cooked. Stir ocassionally.7. Mix rest of the cornflour and soya sauce in water and add to the chicken. Add little water (about 2-3 cups) to make thick gravy and bring it to boil.8. Cover and cook for 8-10 mins on low flame. keep a constant watch.Garnish with green chilli on the sides and sprinkle chopped green coriander all over the chicken. Serve hot.
2023-07-28 09:46:221

帮忙翻译几句中译英 要求语法正确

1 I am trying to write a story in English2 Mr Wang is talking with Mr Green on the phone3 The students are having a dancing party in the Student Center 4 I am preparing food for the picnic5 They are having a sports meet on the playground6 Lily is singing and dancing gladly7 The sheep is drinking water by the river
2023-07-28 09:46:304


  在生活、工作和学习中,大家都不可避免地会接触到作文吧,作文是从内部言语向外部言语的过渡,即从经过压缩的简要的、自己能明白的语言,向开展的、具有规范语法结构的、能为他人所理解的外部语言形式的转化。作文的注意事项有许多,你确定会写吗?下面是我帮大家整理的初二英语作文5篇,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。 初二英语作文 篇1   How time flys! A new year is coming with winter holiday. We each have a plan for the New Year.   So as a senior student, I must make a new year plan for my studying.   At the begining of the year,I have some empty time. Now I have make a detail plan for myself. As followings : At first ,I make a strict time for myself and make efforts to carry out. Secondly everying morning, I should reading English for an hour,because my memery is well in morning.Aslo a clock is ready for myself reminding the time . Thirdly, I should take care of other subjects. Doing more maths erexise and reading a few letarace .   Father looking for a part-time job to exercise. mother learn a musical instrument, and learn to do more delicious food.SuoNiNa eat less junk food, SuoNiNa and the teacher have more exchange 初二英语作文 篇2    Green Food   Nowadays, people pay great attention to the healthy diet, they want to keep healthy and can do a lot of things. Green food has become more and more people"s choice, in the market, all kinds of green food have emerged. The reasons for the popularity of green food are various, first, greed food is healthier than the ordinary food, the quality is highly certificated, so the green food is also safe. Unlike the vegetable, which is polluted by the medicine farmers use, green food is free from pollution. Second, the green food is more nutritious, the nutritious elements in the food are balanced and less lost, so green food remain good nutrition. Green food is good for our health.    绿色食品   如今,人们很注重健康饮食,他们想要保持健康,才能做很多的事情。绿色食品成为越来越多人的选择,在超市里,出现了各种各样的绿色食品。绿色食品受欢迎的原因是多样的,第一,绿色食品比普通食品健康,质量是经过了高度的验证,所以绿色食品也很安全。不像蔬菜,被农民使用的药水污染,绿色食品是不受污染的。第二,绿色食品更加的有营养,食物里面的营养成分均衡,较少失掉,所以绿色食品能保持很好的营养。绿色食品对我们的健康有好处。 初二英语作文 篇3   Everyone has a lot of dreams. Some people want to be rich, others want to be famous. I have a lot of dreams, too. When I was a young boy, I dreamed of becoming a scientist in future. However, I knew clearly that I could not succeed without efforts. So I studied hard in the middle school .In order to attain my goal .   Everyone has his own dream. In my mind, I think that having a dream means that we have a goal, and then we will do our best to come true it.   My dream is to become a successful doctor, helping those sick people and saving their lives. i know it is difficult to be a good doctor , but I will never give up and i will try my best to keep everyone health .When I have money in the future , I will help the poor sick people of our country. I want to let them have an opportunity to treatments for their illnesses without having to pay much or just enjoy them free. 初二英语作文 篇4   What animal do you like best ?Is it elephant ?Or tiger ?But my favorite animal is   monkey . Because they have the yellow skin,a big mouth ,a small nose,and two big eyes .They   climb trees quickly ,and they can pick bananas or apples .I think they are very lovely and   interesting!So I hope you to like them ,too .   什么动物你最喜欢?它是大象还是老虎吗,但我最喜欢的动物是猴子。因为他们的黄皮肤,一大口,小鼻子,两个大眼睛。他们爬树很快,他们可以选择香蕉或苹果。   我认为他们是很可爱,又有趣!因此,我希望你喜欢他们,也。译文:你最喜欢什么动物?它是大象?或者老虎?但是我最喜欢猴子。因为它们有着黄色的皮毛,一张大嘴,一个小鼻子和两只大耳朵。它们爬树是迅速的,它们还可以摘香蕉或苹果。我认为它们非常可爱,有趣。所以,我希望你们也喜欢它们。 初二英语作文 篇5   Work and play do not contradict each other; in fact, they complement each other。 As the saying goes, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy。" A life burdened with work leads you nowhere, for you would get tired and bored with your daily routine work。 On the other hand, proper recreation will relieve the tension and discomfort of our monotonous life because it offers you various ways to let out your pent—up emotions。   What I usually do to relax after school is jogging and seeing movies。 Usually I don"t spare time for exercise, but I value the physical education class at school。 Jogging several rounds in the field certainly relieves the day"s pressure。 On weekends, I"ll catch the morning movie for my visual enjoyment。 I feel revived and energetic for another week"s work—load。   工作与娱乐并不互相冲突,事实上,它们之间的关系还相辅相成。有句格言说:整日工作而没有休闲娱乐,会令人变得沉闷乏味。」被工作重担压得喘不过气来的"生活,将使你一事无成,因为你将对一成不变的例行公事感到厌烦。由另一方面来说,适度的娱乐活动能提供各种管道,来渲泄你被压抑的情绪,减轻单调生活中的紧张与不悦。   放学之后,我最常做的休闲活动,便是慢跑与看电影。通常我并不特地拨出时间来做运动,但是我很重视学校的体育课。在操场上慢跑几圈,无疑地可以减轻一天的压力。在周末时,我都去看早场电影,享受视觉飨宴。如此一来,我将有如再生般的充沛活力,去面对下一星期的工作量。
2023-07-28 09:46:391