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跪求excel中的crystal ball模拟插件的下载地址

2023-07-29 08:00:38
* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!
Crystal.Ball.Professional.v7.2.2.rar 40多M,自己下一个吧。*.cn/f/5656741.html



  水晶球是用天然水晶柱加工而成的,加工制造过程不易。一个球的诞生须耗掉比它体重多出4-6倍的材料,而且在磨圆时,风险很大,往往容易迸裂而前功尽弃。那么你知道水晶球用英语怎么说吗?接下来跟着我来学习一下吧。   水晶球的英语说法1:   crystal ball   水晶球的英语说法2:   Slickball   水晶球的相关表达:   神圣水晶球 Sefirot Crystal   梦幻水晶球 Magic crystal ball   水晶球杂耍 Contact Juggling   水晶球的英语例句:   1. Without a crystal ball, it"s impossible to say where we"ll be next year.   不用水晶球预卜未来,我们说不准明年处境如何呀。   2. Analyses of economic indicators represent the forecaster"s " crystal ball ".   经济指标的分析,象征着预测者用以占卜的 “ 水晶球 ”.   3. The fortune teller read his fate in the crystal ball.   算命先生从水晶球中预知了他的命运.   4. The magic is inside you. There ain"t no crystal ball.   天下没有未卜先知的水晶球. 奇迹在你心里.   5. The witch said that her crystal ball could predict the future.   女巫说她的水晶球可以预测未来.   6. But anything that makes the crystal ball less cloudy is welcome.   但是任何能使水晶球更清晰的事都是受欢迎的.   7. In The Depth Of Home, Find The Crystal Ball To Happiness.   在家的深处, 发现幸福的水晶球.   8. After selecting your crystal ball - take it home and clean it.   你挑选水晶球之后 - 把它带回家和把它清洁干净.   9. The trophy handed over was a crystal globe on five fragile feet.   颁给获奖者的奖品是一个底部由五只细足支撑着的水晶球.   10. The new ball will drop from a new taller mast.   新的水晶球会从新的更高的柱子上下落.   11. The crystal ball can reflect various colors of light from the sun.   这个水晶球在阳光下可以反射出七彩的光芒.   12. A seer gazes intently into a crystal ball before him.   一位先知专注地凝视着他面前的水晶球.   13. The lamp - crystal gave him the shadow of a looming giant.   灯一样的水晶球把他的影子照成一个隐现的巨人.   14. But I looked in my crystal ball yesterday and you are not!   可我昨天看了看我的水晶球,你可不是这么回事!   15. Fortunately, Mr McCain"s crystal ball foretold all of these events.   哈,幸运啊! 老麦的那个魔法水晶球,全知全能地预测到了全部事件.
2023-07-28 08:38:261

Crystal Ball详细资料大全

Crystal Ball 原名为Garcia Marquez,以设计师所养的法国斗牛犬Hippie 跟Beach 做为经典logo,因此也常被叫做斗牛犬包包,狗头包。 基本介绍 外文名 :Crystal Ball 特点 :超大容量以及可防水 LOGO :日文片假名的クリスタルボール 设计者 :社长夫人 品牌故事,品牌历史,品牌鉴别,其他信息, 品牌故事 Crystal Ball 狗头包最大的特点是实用的超大容量以及可防水和双面使用的胶袋材质。 Crystal Ball 同系列包包因为图案设计加上布料制作的规律性,每个包包的裁片都是依当时制作的工序搭配而成的,乍看每个包包的花色相似,但细看之下才会发现每个包包都有其独特的排列方式! Crystal Ball Crystal Ball 主要LOGO是日文片假名的クリスタルボール,也就是水晶球的意思,但是因为大部分的包包设计上都有波士顿梗犬的图案,所以大家都还是以狗头包来通称。 Garcia Marquez Gauche 品牌原有狗头和梅花两个系列,狗头系列即为一波士顿梗犬的头像,梅花系列即为扑克牌上常见的黑色梅花,也称做2 avril (法文4月2日的意思)。 品牌历史 近年来在日本时尚圈造成话题的Garcia Marquez 狗头包,其品牌起源来自一块库存布料。从年轻时就在服装百货业界活跃的社长夫人,凭借著对于流行与艺术的敏锐触感于1999年创立第一家二手服饰店。从欧洲采购回来的二手设计师服饰再加上独立企划的商品,在当时Select Shop 尚未充斥的日本街头非常受到瞩目。 经过了一年多的二手服饰店经营,正当在烦恼印花大衣布料的库存问题时突发奇想地将防水印花布料设计成一个手提包Garcia 第一个包包于2000年俨然而生。 2001年Garcia Marquez 设计出Hippie与2avril系列,并于2005年与石田一成合作新品牌。 Crystal Ball 本来已是库存的布料在社长夫人的设计巧思下焕然一新成为当红热卖商品,短短三个月之内就卖出近千个包款,于是社长提议利用柏金包的设计概念将款式固定开发新的图样,用充满艺术与流行感的视觉效果吸引顾客果真成为各家品牌争相模彷的销售手法。 2007年9月起Garcia Marquez 正式将品牌名称更改为Crystal Ball,同时,Garcia Marquez 在Crystal Ball的基础上创建了另外一个品牌mimo,与Crystal Ball的狗头略有差异,价位也低了很多,把Crystal Ball的风格发扬光大,使更多的消费者接触到这个品牌,开创了Garcia Marquez 狗头包家族。 mimo风格 品牌鉴别 Crystal ball 斗牛犬包包真假分辨大法: 透明塑胶覆膜:光泽度亮又滑且厚度够厚。 蕾丝滚边:为密集的弧形半圆。 电镀金属LOGO牌:应为狗狗LOGO+大写MADE IN JAPAN,梅花LOGO+小写made in Japan,目前已推出第三种电镀金属LOGO牌,字型为日文的クリスタルボール。 电镀金属铆钉:精致小颗且为活动铆钉,大部分的假包则是大颗又非活动式,几乎是一体成型的假铆钉。 Crystal Ball 图案:正货不会有狗狗+梅花,也不会有官方网址或品牌名拼错的情形。 五金扣具:正货狗勾头大,铁环粗且电镀光泽佳,扣子上仅印狗头或梅花,假包多为印品牌全名且色泽偏暗。  内里:假包内里布料常见用银色与金色狗狗版。 mimo女包 塑胶内袋:假包的内袋几为不透明,包边缝制的蕾丝材质也显粗糙。 内里真皮标示:正货不会有狗狗+梅花的标示法,正货会另外有商品系列的编码。 特别说明: crystal ball 还有一个妹妹品牌:mimo. 他们两个的狗头有点不同。 这个牌子和crystal ball 风格上有点类似,但不是冒牌货呀。 mimo的包包也很可爱,鉴别方法跟crystal ball 一样。 其他信息 Crystal Ball 品牌档案: 国家:日本 创建年代:1999年 品牌原名:Garcia Marquez Gauche Crystal Ball 品牌暱称:斗牛犬包包、狗头包 产品类别:女装、配饰、包包、手袋 2. 风险评估软体 Crystal Ball 是Microsoft Excel的增益工具,采用Monte Carol仿真功能协助您分析风险与不确定模型。功能包含敏感度分析、相关性分析、tornado分析、精确控制及历史数据的分配。
2023-07-28 08:38:391

crystal ball是什么意思呢?

2023-07-28 08:38:505

基音乐团 crystal ball歌词的翻译?

2023-07-28 08:39:082

crystalball 怎么做蒙特卡洛

crystalball 怎么做蒙特卡洛:一、建立公式Y=F(X1,X2,…)如下是产品的外观图及结构设计图,要分析产品的厚度,首先要建立转换方程,Y=F(X1,X2,…),即最终决定产品厚度的是由哪些X组成。得到:Y(厚度)=X1+X2+…+X8 (X1,X2…分别代表八个部件的厚度)二、建立各部件的分布各部件的分布来源于供应的数据,这就要求我们对供应应提出相应的质量要求,就是相关部件的厚度及分布。三、在Crystal Ball工具中建模把上表的数据输入到Crystal Ball工具中,再设置模拟的次数,如100000次,这就相当于根据你设置的分布,随机生成100000个部件的样本,然后统计总长度的分布。希望对你有帮助
2023-07-28 08:39:171

crystal ball怎么进行蒙特卡洛分析

Crystal Ball为Microsoft Excel插件。它使用蒙特卡罗(Monte Carlo)模拟技术进行概率风险分析。您可以在Microsoft Excel环境下建立模型,描述输入变量与输出变量以及定义它们之间的函数关系,通过Crystal Ball指定输入变量的概率分布以及变量间的相关关系,然后通过Crystal Ball进行蒙特卡罗随机模拟抽样,Microsoft Excel会根据建立的逻辑关系和模型对输出变量进行再计算,最后得到输出变量(您所感兴趣的结果)的概率分布。
2023-07-28 08:39:261

求助,谁会用Crystal ball水晶球做不确定性分析和敏感性分析

Oracle Crystal Ball是基于电子数据表的领先应用产品,旨在进行预测建模、预测、模拟和优化。该产品可深入洞察将影响风险的关键因素。借助Crystal Ball,能够制定恰当的战术决策以实现其目标,并在即使最不确定的市场条件下获得竞争优势。</ol>
2023-07-28 08:39:351


2023-07-28 08:39:431

excel里面有没有什么 crystal ball 到哪可以下载啊不知道是不是这个
2023-07-28 08:39:521

crystal ball pink歌词翻译

Drinking wine and thinking bliss, is on the other side of this 安福和享乐,也许在这里的另外一边I just need a compass and a willing accomplice我只需要一个罗盘和一位愿意和我一起的帮凶 All my doubts that fill my head are skidding up and down again我脑中的所有疑问都在忐忑不安着Up and down and round again, down and up and round again. 又上又下,又上又下Oh, I"ve had my chances and I"ve taken them all.嗯,我已经有过了我的机会,我也全部接受了 Just to end up right back here on the floor. 只不过去结束这一切然后回到这里To end up right back here in on the floor.去结束这一切然后回到这里 Pennies in a well, a million dollars in the fountain of a hotel.身上满满的硬币,这里有上万的钱在这旅馆前的许愿池里 Fortune teller that says maybe you will go to hell.预言师告诉我,也许你会去地狱 But I"m not scared at all...hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm 但是..我并不害怕,一点也不The cracks in the crystal, the cracks in the crystal ball.那水晶球上的裂痕,水晶球上的裂痕 Sometimes you think everything is wrapped inside a diamond ring 有时候你以为所有恋爱都只装在那一枚小小的钻石戒指里而已Love just needs a witness and a little forgivness 爱只需要一样纪念和一点点的原谅And a halo of patience and a less sporadic pace and 一个耐心的性格和一步偶然,以及I"m learning to be brave in my beautiful mistakes.我正在学习如何在我那些美丽的错误中变得坚强 Oh I"ve felt that fire and I"ve been burned嗯,我已经体验过那些火焰,我也被燃烧过 But I wouldn"t trade the pain for what I"ve learned 但是我不会把我所学到的东西和我以前的那些痛苦做交换I wouldn"t trade the pain for what I"ve learned. 不,我不会Pennies in a well, a million dollars in the fountain of a hotel.满满的硬币,在这旅馆前的许愿池里有成千上万的美元 Fortune teller that says maybe you will go to hell.预言师告诉我我也许会去地狱 But I"m not scared at all...hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm但是我一点也不害怕... Of the cracks in the crystal, the cracks in the crystal ball.一点也不害怕,这水晶球上的裂缝 Irony, irony, this hate and love, hate and love讽刺,真是讽刺,这恨与爱,这恨与爱 What it does to me, what it"s done to me.它对我做什么,它对我做了些什么 What is done...done 它对我已经做过的事情..已经做过了Pennies in a well, a million dollars in the fountain of a hotel.满口袋的硬币,无数在这阳光下闪闪发光,静静躺在池底的硬币们 Broken mirrors and a black cats cold stare, 破碎的镜子和一只黑猫冷冷的凝视Walk under ladders on my way to hell, I"ll meet you there.从通往地狱的梯子上一路走下来,我会在那遇见你吗? But I"m not scared at all, hmm...I"m not scared at all.但是我一点也不害怕,是的,我一点也不 Bout the cracks in the crystal, the cracks in the crystal ball.关于那些水晶球上的裂缝...水晶球上的裂缝
2023-07-28 08:40:123


2023-07-28 08:40:191

为什么每次启动crystal ball软件时,总是显示错误此实现不是windows平台fips验证加

解决方案如下:在window中打开功能里输入regedit,回车打开注册器。然后进入如下路径中 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlLsaFipsAlgorithmPolicy 将 enable设置为0 即可。 注意要用管理员权限。
2023-07-28 08:40:261

英文翻译:He who lives by the crystal ball soon learns to eat ground glass.

2023-07-28 08:40:3810

求Crystal ball 11121 32bits的注册码~ 各位大侠帮帮忙,论文急救呀。。

2023-07-28 08:41:061

Crystal Ball 安装了,但点击Crystal Ball 图标进入EXCEL后,启动的EXCEL中却没有 Crystal Ball,

最佳答案: INTER就是问题多 卸载重装。 不行做系统。嘿嘿。 我都是这样,貌似修复不好,。
2023-07-28 08:41:161

跪求excel中的crystal ball模拟插件的下载地址

Crystal.Ball.Professional.v7.2.2.rar 40多M,自己下一个吧。
2023-07-28 08:41:371


What color do you want? It"s red and white.
2023-07-28 08:41:4610

crystal ball 7运行问题

2023-07-28 08:42:101

翻译: A sparkling crystal ball appears on the roof of 1 times square

你好! A sparkling crystal ball appears on the roof of 1 times square一个闪闪发光的水晶球出现在时报广场1号楼的屋顶
2023-07-28 08:42:171

Excel 新人求助,vba模型的蒙特卡洛模拟及crystal ball软件应用

只需要产生符合分布的自变量Xi,然后分别调用模型观察结果。Excel里,=NORMINV(RAND(),分布中间值,标准偏差),可以产生正态分布的随机数,样本足够大就可以了。那个Crystal Ball的,完全没看懂。。。
2023-07-28 08:42:241

typa girl歌词?

typagirl歌词如下:Typa girl that"ll make you wanna dream.Typa girl that came straight off of the screen.Typa girl you wanna ice up make me freeze.Typa girl you wanna wife up sign the pree.I bring money to the table.Not your dinner.Both my body and my bank account.Good figure.Thinking about me but there"s nothing to consider.If I let you in my circle you a winner.Didn"t know that you were cold.‘Til you felt my fire.Heaven"s gate just opened up.Hearing choirs.If you saying something else.You a liar.‘Cause I"m that girl that drive you crazy.But you can"t leave me alone.Got you thinking maybe.I went supernatural.Put you under spells or.Look into a crystal ball.I"m not like these other girls at all.I"m the typa girl that make you forget that you got a type.Type that make you love me when the only thing you done is like.LisaLisa(u0e25u0e25u0e34u0e29u0e32 u0e21u0e42u0e19u0e1au0e32u0e25、Lalisa Manoban、ub77cub9acuc0ac ub9c8ub178ubc18),1997年3月27日出生于泰国武里南府,在韩国发展的泰国流行乐女歌手、舞者,女子演唱组合BLACKPINK成员。2016年,成为BLACKPINK的成员从而正式出道,并随组合发行首张单曲专辑《SQUARE ONE》 。11月1日,随组合发行第二张单曲专辑《SQUARE TWO》 。12月,随组合在Mnet亚洲音乐大奖获得Best of Next、最佳MV奖两个奖项。
2023-07-28 08:42:311


Introduction; Playing Card Terms; Trick Break; Think Stop; One Way Backs; One Way Faces; Special Cards (Gimmicked); Special Cards (Ungimmicked); Gimmicked Card Stickers; Jumbo Gimmicked Cards Technical Terms; A Block; Cutting the Deck; Center Cut; Scarne Cut; Multiple Cuts; Pivot Cut; Swivel Cut; Shuffling the Deck; Overhand Shuffle; Hindu Shuffle; Asian Shuffle; Strip Shuffle; Rifle Shuffle; In the Hands Rifle Shuffle; Squaring the Deck; Dealing; FD Reverses the Order; FU (Stud) Maintains the Order; Group Deal; Necktie Deal; A Set Up (Stack); The Break; The Step; The Jog; Spreading the Deck; To Dribble the Cards; Palming a Card; The Control; The Crimp; The Force; The Multiple Lift; The Switch; The Change; The Color Change The Glide; The Standard Glide; As a Change; As a Control; As a Force (2 methods) The Push Up Touch; The Side Glide (2 methods); As a Glimpse; As a Multiple Force The Break; Little Finger Break; Under the Top Card (2 methods); Above the Bottom Card (2 methods) Multiple Buckle; Pull Down (or Buckle) Force; A Break from a Spread; Above Selection (to top); Below Selection (to bottom); The Riffle Touch; The Dingle Dent; The Cardini Spring; Thumb Break; Erdnase Break What To Do With A Break; Double Cut Control to the Top; Double Cut Control to the Bottom; Multiple Double Cut Control; "X" Card(s) Between Each Controlled Card; Double Cut Stacking the Deck; Triple Cut Control to the Top; Triple Cut Control to the Bottom; Control to a Sm.Number from the Top; Control to a Sm. Number from the Bottom The Step; from a Break to a Step; Put Down and Pick Up the Deck; From a Step to a Break The Jog; Out Jog; In Jog; Side Jog; Out Jog Cull; Duplex Cull (Steranko); Break Above Jog; Break Below Jog; Injog Double Cut (Steranko); Injog Double Cut Glimpse (Sternako); Injog Riffle Shuffle Control; Diagonal Push Through (Steranko); Injog Jerry Andrus Method; The Push Through (Steranko); The Thumb Jog (Steranko); The Automatic Jog #1</P> <P><BR>5、Daryl"s Encyclopedia of Card Sleights - Volume 2 </P> <P>这是Daryl关于纸牌魔术手法的百科全书第二辑,讲解了如下手法<BR>Introduction; The Jog (Continued from Vol 1)-Automatic Jog #2; Automatic Jog #3; The Natural Jog; The Dribble Control; The Simon Card Control; Daryl"s First Card Contro; The Automatic Jog Control (Paul LePaul); The Dribble Touch (Daryl) The Crimp; Bottom Card Crimp; Single Card Bridge; One Hand Bottom Crimp (Arthur Buckley); Acethetics Crimp (Daryl); The Regular Crimp; The Bridge Location; Several Methods for Creating the Bridge The Overhand Shuffle; Overhand Shuffle Technique; Running Cards; Milking the Deck; The Double Milk; Overhand Shuffle Controls; Overhand Shuffle with Injog; Trick Break; The Clock Trick; Top Stock Control; Bottom Stock Control; The Back & Forth Shuffle Trick Break; Magician Fooler; The Divided Deck Shuffles; The Ireland Shuffle; The Cyclic Order; The Greek Shuffle (the Weave); The Charlier Shuffle (cyclic control); False Overhand Shuffles; G.W. Hunter Shuffle; The Optical Shuffle; The Charlier Shuffle (full deck control) The Hindu Shuffle; Standard Technique; Top Stock Control; Bottom Stock Control; Full Deck Control The Strip Shuffle;(Running Cuts); Standard Technique; Top Stock Control (2 methods); Bottom Stock Control; Full Deck Control False Cuts; Raul Posini False Cut; Frank Thompson False Cut; Daryl"s Crazy Cut; Optical False Cut; Retention of Vision Cut; The False Swing Cut.</P> <P>6、Daryl"s Encyclopedia of Card Sleights - Volume 3 <BR>同上<BR>Introduction; False Cuts; Slydini; Oops!; Slip Cut; 1, 2, 3 False Cut; Erdnase 3 Packet False Table Cut; Up the Ladder Cut; Versatile 3 Packet Up the Ladder Riffle Shuffle; In the Air; Waterfall/Cascade Finish; Jerry Andrus Spring Shuffle; Spring Riffle; Jack Merlin Shuffle; Shuffle Sides; Table Riffle Shuffle; Closed Riffle Shuffle; Open Riffle Shuffle; Controlling Cards with the Riffle Shuffle; Maintaining the Top & Bottom Card; In the Hand Riffle Shuffle Glimpse; Erdnase Touch; Maintain Divided Deck; Triumph Shuffle (Dai Vernon); Push Through Shuffle The Glimpse/Peek; Hindu Shuffle Glimpse; Bubble Peek; Thumb Count; Phantom Peek; During Table Riffle Shuffle; Bottom Card Buckle Peek; X-Ray Vision (Arthur Buckley); A New Glimpse; Step Peek Trick Break; Whispering Queens; Fan Peek (Arthur Buckley) The Key Card; Trick Break Gray"s Speller; Methods of Using the Key; Card on Top of Deck; Dai Vernon"s Method for the Key Card; A Miracle Discovery; Explanation of Gray"s Speller; Methods of Using Key Card on Bottom of Deck; Cirrus Card Trick; The Sliding Key Card.</P> <P>7、Daryl"s Encyclopedia of Card Sleights - Volume 4 <BR>同上<BR>Locator Cards; The Crimp; Oops! (3 variations); "Stranger" Locator Card; Pencil Dotted Card; Short Card; Narrow Card; Concave Short Card; Corner Short Card (2 variations); The Tuned Deck (Burling Hull); Broken Corner (Ted Annemann); Thick Card (5 variations); Coin Impression Card (2 variations); Different Shades (3 variations); Punched Card; Long Card; Old Card in New Deck (2 variations); Slick & Rough Cards; Different Finishes Forcing; The Double Count Force; The 10 to 20 Force; The Cross Cut Force (Max Holden); The Cut Deeper Force (Ed Balducci); Marlo Subtlety; The So Simple Force (Lin Searles); The Handkerchief Force (Jean Hugard); The Hindu Shuffle Force; Tour de Force (Alex Elmsley); The Trevor Lewis Force; The Goldin Force; Charlier Cut Force (Daryl"s variation); LePaul Bluff Pass; The Backslip (3 variations); Riffle Force The Class Force Single Card Controls; The Kelly Bottom Placement; The Tilt (Illusion of Depth) (Dai Vernon); The Tilt Finesse; The Tilt Bit (Lin Searles); The Bold Tilt to the Top; The Tilt to the Bottom; Convincing Tilt (Daryl); A Flourish and a Pass (Paul LePaul); The Spread Pass Delay (Harry Lorayne); The Hofzinser Spread Control; The Sliding Key Card; As a Control; As a Farce; As a Cull; The Convincing Control (Ed Marlo); The Versatile Card Control (Frank Simon) Multiple Card Controls; The Multiple Shift (Dai Vernon); Carmen D"Amico Touch.</P> <P>8、Daryl"s Card Revelations Vol 1-5</P> <P>含五套教学——魔术师中的世界冠军和非凡的手法艺术家Daryl(达里)带给你展示观众之前选择的牌的最好的方法。<BR>140种不同的方法把你的纸牌表演的结局推向极致。Daryl(达里)广范地逐字研究过数以百计的魔术书籍、杂志、演讲稿来找出并带给你最好的可以利用的纸牌展示方法。<BR>这里有数目巨大多种多样的魔术杰作,从简单的到更有技术上的挑战的, 而且每个都被一步一步地在细节上精彩地讲解。你将会对这些中的很多能被立刻添加在你的演出节目中而感到吃惊。</P> <P>第一辑包括如下内容:<BR>Chicago Opener; Happy Birthday Card; Himber"s Name Cards; Boston"s Card Stab; Poker Voice/Lie Detector; Circus Card Trick; Skullocation; Moving Pencil; Secret Mathematician; Face Up Locator; Psychological Force; Card At Selected Number; Spectator Stop; Simple Mind Reading; Business Card Prophecy; Rub-A-Dub-Dub; Rising Aces; 21 Force; Pivot Revelation #1; Long Distance Spinner; Knock Out; Throw Down Change; Gag Sandwich. </P> <P>第二辑包括如下内容:Sandwich #3; Spectator Makes A Sandwich; Two Card Stab; Biddled Across; Fan See Card; Rosini Surprise Stab; Open Sesame; Zombie Card Rise; Bullet Trick; Dunbury Delusion; Two Cards in the Eyeglasses; "Say It Over And Over In Your Mind"; No Palm Card Through Handkerchief; The Nose Knows; Kick Back Card; Discovery; Pop Out Move; Spectator Finds the Aces; Nothing to Do; "The Question Is"; Fortune Telling Fish; The Australian Sixes; Card in the Card Box ; Spelling a Card; Whispering Queen; The End Stab; Homing Card; The Fingerprint Card Trick; Center Pivot Out; Double Pivot Out; The Psychic Stop.</P> <P>第三辑包括如下内容:Tip-Over Change; The 3 1/2 of Clubs; Triumph; Card Detected by Pulse Beat; Any Number Down; Double Count; Card Stab Through Newspaper; The Magic Thrust; Card Penetration and Change; A "Sense of Touch" Discovery; Cocktail Cards; Card in the Hat; An Impromptu Rising Card Effect; "I"m Sitting On It!"; Ashes on the Arm; Red Tape; Card Caught In Midair; Cut the Cards; Chosen Card Up Sleeve; Through the Table; Plunger Discovery; Crystal Ball; Magnetic Knife; The Gun Trick; Hit the Deck; Process of Elimination; Simple Reverse; Slide Revelation; Spell It; Spring Card Revelation; Popover Move; Gymnastic Aces; Flip Up Card; Flip Up Card Surprise!; Big Card or Little Card; Self-Cutting Deck.<BR>第四辑包括如下内容:New Era Card Through Handkerchief; A Direct Stab; Pivot Revelation Method #2; Fillip; Righting a Wrong; Dual Discovery; Riffle Shuffle Flip Over; Clap; Heavyweight Flip Over Card; The Card Through the Magazine; Card Between Plates; Card on the Forehead; The Controlled Cut; The Geiger Counter Card Trick; My First Gun; The Revolver Card; Quadruple Pivot Out; TV Aces; Best Card in Pocket; Lazy Man"s Card to Pocket; The "Easy" Card to Pocket; The Card and Cigarette Case; Card on Seat; Kangaroo Card; Any Number Up; Sandwich #1; Klip-Kard; It"s In The Book; Selected Card from Spectator"s Pocket; Card in the Eyeglasses; Mindreading with Any Assistant; Direct Card To Pocket; Sandwich #2; The X-Ray Knife; Card in the Mouth; Rising Cards from Envelope.</P> <P>第五辑包括如下内容:Burnt Card; Card Under the Tablecloth; Cross Cut Force; Cut Deeper Force; Hindu Shuffle Force; U Find Your Card; Card Finds Card; Throw Through Change; Slop Shuffle; Riding the Aces; Bewilderment; Double Discovery; A New Top Card Production; One Hand Discovery; Find Five Cards; Coin Cut; Almost A Transposition; Card In The Envelope.</P> <P>9、Daryl Does the Full Monte</P> <P>介绍:这是一部叫你做三牌交换的教学,从纸牌的准备到表演的地点再到丰富的百科全书式的手法,十分详细。<BR>To convey the value of the information you are about to learn, we can do no better than to quote the infamous S.W. Erdnase from his classic book, The Expert at the Card Table-"But there is not a single card feat in the whole calendar that will give as good returns for the amount of practice required, or that will mystify as greatly, or cause as much amusement, or bear so much repetition, as this little game; and for these reasons we believe it worth of unstinted effort to master it thoroughly." <BR>You will be expertly taught this amazing effect by none other than Daryl-the World Champion Magician"s Magician. Daryl is one of the finest teachers of magic in the world today. He takes you through step-by-step instructions for many different 3-Card Monte sequences and, if you need any further convincing of the astonishing reaction this effect gets, you are also treated to Daryl"s live performances of two of the more famous routines. This video is both
2023-07-28 08:42:561


Ten, nine,eight, seven, six, five, four, five, four, three, two, oneu2026 Blast off! A rocketshot into space, leaving a fiery tail in its wake. The astronaut inside wasready to explore the unknown reaches of space. But wait! Who was the astronautinside - it"s me!So luckyand proud to be there inside the rocket, I was here ready to realize mine andmy union"s dream. After being trained for years,I was sure enough that I wouldmake the history. Looking outside the window, I saw the clouds flying aroundme, and the blue of the sky was clearer and clearer.after some minutes,I couldfeel the rocket was rushing out of the atmosphere. Long before I was able toappreciate the beautiful view of the space, I was busy checking the equipmentsand machines, replying the calls from the space agency. I"ve heard of how magnificent the space is like, butstill got shocked when seeing it by my own eyes. That was really wonderful!!!Meanwhile,I could fell that I"ve out of the earth"s gravity. Through being tied on therocket, the freedom of once be so "untouchable" was so distinct. Likea baby, I couldn"t express how exciting how curious I was to explore theterritory that human had never discovered. Knowing this was a really longjourney, I speed up the rocket and aim the mysterious outer space. I wisheverything would be alright and human can live a happier life with mycontribution.See youall. With the sincere greeting from the space, the ambitionand composure, wishing my heart would go on with you, across the light yearsbetween us, to the human"s planetu2026u2026
2023-07-28 08:43:243


在《以撒的结合:重生》有很多有趣的小道具,其中有水晶球,很多小伙伴得到了水晶球,但不知道怎么用,这里我就介绍一下水晶球作用和效果,下面就来看看水晶球的详细介绍吧。 主动物品道具 英文名称:Crystal Ball 中文名称:水晶球 充能时间:6 效果:显示地图(包括普通隐藏房间),同时给予一颗蓝心或者随机塔罗牌。
2023-07-28 08:43:311

Thnks Fr Th Mmrs的英文歌词翻译

I `m gonna make it bend and break (it sent you to me without wings)我要让你心悦诚服(诚心诚意的)Say a prayer,but let the good times roll祈祷好时光能继续来过In case God doesn`t show (let the good times roll,let the good times roll)万一上帝没有闪现(让这好时光降临,让这好时光再次降临)And I want these words to make things right.希望由衷之言能让事情顺心如意But it`s the wrongs that makes the words come to life但是有时候让这些话语充满生活中却是个错误Who does he think he is?他以为他是谁?If that`s the worst you`ve got, better put your finger back to the keys.如果那是你得到的最糟糕的结果,你最好把你的手收回One night and one more time再来一个夜晚 再尝试更多一次Thanks for the memroies感谢那些回忆Even though they weren`t so great即使它们并不完美He tastes like you only sweeter它的滋味很像你,只是更甜美一些One night and one more time再来一个夜晚 再尝试更多一次Thanks for the memroies感谢那些回忆Thanks for the memroies感谢那些回忆啊See,he tastes like you only sweeter看,它的滋味很像你,只是更甜美一些Ohhhhhh哦~~~~~~Been looking forward to the future诚心的期待着未来But my eyesight is going bad但是我的视力正在逐渐衰老退化in this crystal ball在这个水晶球里,It`s always cloudy except for (except for)它总是布满乌云密布,(除了)When you look into the past(look into the past)除了回顾过去之外One night stand. (One night stand, off!)站了一夜。(站了整整一夜)One night and one more time再来一个夜晚 再尝试更多一次Thanks for the memroies感谢那些回忆Even though they weren`t so great即使它们并不完美He tastes like you only sweeter它的滋味很像你,只是更甜美一些One night yeah one more time再来一个夜晚,也~~~ ,再尝试更多一次Thanks for the memroies感谢那些回忆Thanks for the memroies感谢那些回忆啊See,he tastes like you only sweeter看,它的滋味很像你,只是更甜美一些Ohhhh哦~~~(they say)I only think in the form of crunching numbers他们说我只会用计算数字的方式来思考In hotel rooms, collecting page-six lovers在旅馆包间里收集情人的信息Get me out of my mind and Gets you out of those clothes让我疯狂的为你宽衣解带I `m a liner away我不在状态From getting you into the mood.(wa-ooooohhh)无法让你充满兴致(哇-哦~~~~)One night and one more time再来一个夜晚 再尝试更多一次Thanks for the memroies感谢那些回忆Even though they weren`t so great即使它们并不完美He tastes like you only sweeter它的滋味很像你,只是更甜美一些One night and one more time再来一个夜晚 再尝试更多一次Thanks for the memroies感谢那些回忆Thanks for the memroies感谢那些回忆啊See,he tastes like you only sweeter看,它的滋味很像你,只是更甜美一些One night and one more time(one more night, one more time)再来一个夜晚 再尝试更多一次(再来一晚,再来一次)Thanks for the memroies感谢那些回忆Even though they weren`t so great(even though they weren"t so great)即使它们并不完美(它们并不完美)He tastes like you only sweeter它的滋味很像你,只是更甜美一些One night and one more time(one more night, one more time)再来一个夜晚 再尝试更多一次(再来一晚,再来一次)Thanks for the memroies(for the memories)感谢那些回忆(为了那些记忆)Thanks for the memroies(for the memories)感谢那些回忆啊(为了那些记忆)See he tastes like you only sweeter看,它的滋味很像你,只是更甜美一些Fin
2023-07-28 08:43:451


在一个乡村集市上,我决定去拜访一个算命别林斯基夫人给算卦的. 我进了她的帐棚,她告诉我坐下来当我给她一些钱,她看着一个水晶球,说你们的关系来看你. 她将于今天傍晚到达,并打算呆几天她会对你说话,她会带你离开这个地方,那都是. 一旦我出去,我完全忘记了,因为我的妻子急忙别林斯基夫人给算卦朝我。“你藏到哪里去了?”上海黄金交易所的不耐烦地问你的妹妹oill呆在这儿,在不到一小时的时间,我们得去车站接她。我们都已经晚了当她走了,我跟她出去。
2023-07-28 08:43:554


vivi上面一些牌子一般都没有很大牌,就像国内一些modaochiry 这些品牌一样的档次!
2023-07-28 08:44:052


李玟Coco只有一任老公。2003年李玟和Bruce Rockowitz在一场聚会上一见钟情,第一次见面,乐裕民的幽默已经令她很开心。恋爱期间,李玟把人生重心放在了男友身上,每周三、四固定飞香港陪伴男友。不会下厨的她,还专程为男友及女儿学习烹饪。2011年10月28日与利丰集团执行总裁Bruce Rockowitz在香港携手步入婚礼堂。10月27日和28日连续两天在港举行主题为"Crystal Ball”豪华婚礼,珍妮佛洛佩兹、美国男歌手Bruno Mars等艺人也到场祝贺。乐裕民:加拿大籍人,目前为利丰主席兼9间公司董事,曾与“小超人”李泽楷是好拍档,在台北开设瑜伽中心,保守估计身家逾亿。Bruce拥有不少物业,包括市值近五千万港币的Horizon Drive三层高级别墅,还有两辆代步的奔驰SL500和宝马X5四驱车等,是个不折不扣的超级富豪。
2023-07-28 08:44:121


  好久之前玩过的,记不得了,可能有你没找到的路吧  转载一篇攻略,看看或许有帮助  很好玩的角色扮演游戏,整个游戏有三个角色依次发展剧情章节,由于游戏是英文版的,且显示字体都比较小游戏比较长,所以先把第一章的角色Ronin的攻略写出来。  一开始进入游戏后有三个角色的选择,这时候只有第三个Ronin是可以选择的,其他两个都尚未解锁,选择进入后,再让你选择角色的guardian保卫者,保卫者分别是:  ①Hestia,火属性能力的显示者,Attacker攻击者,攻击系。  ②Ran,水属性能力的显示者,Healer用自然力的医疗者,辅助系。  ③Pyorghin,地属性能力的显示者,间于攻击和医疗,两者都可以学。  选择两个你喜欢的保卫精灵,然后正式进入游戏。  开始那段对话都是剧情的介绍,直接按右键skip跳过,然后出现在自己的房间。走出房间,附近都是Villager村民,从他们身上可以获得一些有帮助的信息,不过用处不大,向左走,直接来到最左面靠上那间房间。  里面是library图书馆,进去后和lesley对话领取任务,如果看不懂任务内容就直接按skip跳过,任务内容如下:从village chief村长那里找一本他要的书,然后拿过去给他。  接完任务后得到一张小纸条,上面写着他要的书的名称,不用去管他,出了图书馆之后往右走,来到图书馆和自己家当中的那扇门,进去后找到village chief村长。得到Lesley他要的书。  然后别急着去交任务,在village chief村长这接下第一个游戏的「主线任务」:去北部沙漠寻找失踪的Reah。  接了任务出了村长屋,再回到最左边的图书馆,把那个借书任务交了之后得到500Gold金币(以下金币单位皆用简称G代替)和一双Boots靴子。右键打开状态栏,切换到第二个Item物品栏,Equip装备Boots靴子代替现在的Cloth shoes布鞋。  然后出了门之后,往上(北)走先别急着去沙漠,来到上面的武器店,和最左边的有个男人叫Nicolas对话,再接取一个任务:Test考验--去沙漠打五头狼并搜集五个狼怪wolves掉落的Dragon"s tooth龙牙交给他。任务完成后可以学到一个新技能。  领完任务出门,往右再往上,过图之后进入沙漠。  这里先介绍一下一些基本信息和建议的加点法,右键打开menu菜单之后,第一栏status是个人属性,属性下面第四个是copacity point可供个人自由分配的属性点。当你每次升级的时候就可以在这里自由的加点。  因为有很多友友问到,所以这里先写一下属性点的加法(只是个人建议,仅供参考)加点栏里从上到下分别是:  ⒈Power力量,直接影响人物的攻击力大小  ⒉HP生命,就是血的多少。  ⒊Agility,敏捷,攻击的命中率及躲避率。  ⒋Will,Mp最大值和Mp回复速度~  因为Ronin是双手十字剑近战攻击型战士,所以建议把重点加力量和敏捷,HP我加到6就没有加了,如果你觉得太少可以适当再增加1~2点,别超过10,Will我加到10,敏捷加到30,剩下全加力量。  往右第二栏Item是物品背包栏,第三栏Equipment是装备栏,第四栏Guardion是守护者的选择,也就是说你刚进入游戏时选择的两个属性的守护者的使用可以在这里切换,在这个栏按5之后选择recall a guardion就是确认切换,下面那个show/register a skill是设置和查看该守护者的技能状态栏,在这个技能状态栏里你可以在Key 1和Key 3这两个快捷键的设置设置机能的快捷键。再往右第五栏是Quest任务栏,察看当前接下的未完成的任务。最右面那个System是系统,按第一个save保存当前游戏进度。  进入沙漠之后看到沙漠北端躺着要寻找的Reah,不过走到她那里之前先打沙漠上的怪物,一开始打几个Dusts小细菌把级升高点后,到3,4级左右就可以用快捷键1里的Fireball火球术秒杀3级的狼,顺便完成那个收集5个Dragon"s tooth龙牙的任务,龙牙是从狼身上掉的,不过掉的几率很小,打的时候要耐心点。个人觉得中部门前定时刷新的那只狼爆出龙牙的几率大一点。  等终于打满5个龙牙之后,这时你也差不多7,8极了,现在可以走到gound空地上失踪的那个朋友Reah的身边和她对话。直接按Skip跳过一串对话之后你们回到了你的小屋,由村长照看她并接到了第二个「主线任务」:Temples of fire调查火之神庙。  然后走出自己的屋子,去武器店把龙牙任务Test给交了,系统提示你学会Combo skill,也就是组合技。他后面和你说的一串话都是在告诉你怎么使用这个技能,其实这个技能在任务栏里你找不它,但是连续攻击时会自动使用。  这时加上任务完成得到的经验你也差不多9,10级左右了。先把基本属性里面的第二个到9级就可以用的技能Roga,设置成快捷键3,roga技能有点类似战士的狂暴技能,能在短时间内大幅度提高攻击力。  然后回到沙漠,找到当中那扇门,然后进去就是Temples of fire火之神庙。  进去之后黑漆漆的一片,在这里要小心,一开始遇到的Lava岩浆怪他们不像沙漠上的怪随时可见的,他们会从黑漆漆的地图中当你走到他们附近时冷不丁的再冒出来。  岩浆怪是7级的,打起来倒不费事。  边打边朝上走,上面有两个口子,走右面那个,然后进入溶洞一层level 1,进去后再绕到左边那个口子,进入后可以看到一个宝箱。打开后得到crast of light光之徽章,用于打开第二层的门。  然后回到第一层正厅,上面还是有两个通道,走左边那个,进去后看到一个红色徽章样的标志,把刚刚得到的crast of light光之徽章放进去后,成功进入第二层。  进入后可以看到地上躺着一个人,不像village村民,也不像guard保卫者,从他身上搜到一把broken keyⅠ 损坏的钥匙1,然后继续往上进入第二层正厅。  先去第二层正厅的左下通道,里面看到一个箱子,过去之后得到一个Combination List合成法宝的材料提示,然后回到正厅,再去右上角的那扇门,在最里面的箱子里得到broken keyⅡ 损坏的钥匙2。  再回到正厅,去右上角那扇门,进去后走到最里面,把broken keyⅠ 损坏的钥匙1和broken keyⅡ 损坏的钥匙2合在一起用于打开箱子的门,打开箱子之后得到the key of the temple of fire最终进入打火老怪那层门的钥匙。  得到钥匙后出来回到正厅,这时候差不多18级了,用得到的the key of the temple of fire神之火庙的钥匙打开进入第三层的门。  进去之后看到一个躺在地上的死人,和他对话后得知里面那扇门里的是Boss老怪了。进去前存个档,检查一下身上最好带10~15瓶小血瓶,这时身上的装备是攻57的双手剑,因为ronin是使用双手剑的,所以就别浪费钱买盾了,防10的衣服,要是你有钱换双鞋子也行,不过我这样的已经足够打boss了。  打赢boss之后被自动传送到火之神庙的入口。然后从沙漠走回村子之后发现村里人全死了,自动传送到村长家里,得知骑士团的人把村子弄成这样的,直接skip跳过对话,然后走出村长家,回到自己家。发现Reah又不见了,这时系统会自动让你完成火之神庙的任务,得到2000经验。并自动接了「主线任务」missing reah再去寻找失踪的Reah。  出了自己家,再去村长家。把火之神庙里的事情告诉他之后,接另外个任务:letter of the village chief:帮村长送信到Locus的小旅馆的馆长那里请求援助。  还有一个「主线任务」:去把火之神庙里的事情去告诉一个高地位的Refiner炼制者。  出了村长家去左边的图书馆,再接到一个任务:帮lesley从solum图书馆找另外一本他需要的书。  接了任务之后走出村子,穿过沙漠来到左上的一块沙地,在穿过它之后到达Locus村庄。  在中间的一座屋子门口找到guard卫士,把necolas给你的recommendation推荐信给他,他说他可以教你十字军守卫,但是你必须帮他完成一个任务,然后得到任务:investigation调查locus村庄旁边湖边最近新来的陌生人。  然后到左边中间那座屋子Inn(小旅馆),进去后看到Master,走过去和他对话,得知Reah在小旅馆的楼上,并把村长教你带过去的信给他,完成后得到任务经验。  得知reah在楼上后,从右面上楼,看到三间屋子,第一间和第三间的房门是锁住的。来到第二间房门前,觉得不对头,进去之后看到三个Traitor叛徒,灭了他们后在他们房间里的床上搜到order of crusader十字军的命令,得到任务经验,得到「主线任务」:准备去水之神庙调查。  从左上的出口走出locus,来到locus lake右边这张地图,在最右上角的一个小箱子里面找到Crast of rebellions革命徽章。  拿到这个东西之后回locus村庄找到solum图书馆门口的guard卫士,交investigation这个任务之后学会3 combo三连击,并得到guard卫士的recommendation推荐信。  然后从村庄左上的口子再出去后,再绕到左上,到了locus lake这张地图,绕过河,把渡船的士兵弄死之后就可以看到水之神殿了,不过水神殿门口有一堆水精灵,先把他们打死。  进入水神殿之后,先到左边拿一把simple key简单的钥匙,再到右边那一块blue brick兰砖头,把blue brick兰砖头插入到中间的柱子那里之后会开通两条路,到右边下面那条的箱子里再拿一块blue brick兰砖头,然后再把blue brick兰砖头插入到中间的柱子后,左边的两条路再开启。到左边上面那条路中再找到第三块兰砖头,再回到中间柱子那里插进去,三块兰砖头齐了之后出现一个钥匙孔,把前面找到的simple key简单的钥匙插进去,开启第二层。  进入第二层之后先和躺在地上的死人对话,然后左边有三个并排的柱子,柱子上有开关,开关从左到右的顺序是:下,上,下。(注:put up是上,put down是下)。  这样子的顺序调好之后你就进入下面的楼梯,顺序错了楼梯也可以进,不过会进入错层,错层里有很强的水怪(35级的)和蛇(28级的)两种,一旦进错之后可以尽量躲避水怪的攻击,从左下的楼梯再出来回到第二层的柱子这。正确的层数里也是水怪,但是进入第三层的入口在右上角。  进入正确的第三层之后面就是打boss了,这里的boss比火馆的难打很多,第二次的时候要特别注意在右边上下跑,然后过了boss之后可以去第三个土之神庙了,土之神庙的boss也是在第三层,比水怪好打很多,也要注意上下跑,赢了之后去遗忘殿。(按0察看小地图)  之后的属性试联会用传送把之前三个boss都打一遍~然后Ronin就通关啦~  附(部分物品合成表):  1>Hp Stone= root + platinum  生命石=植物根茎+白金  2>Orb of sleep = wind stone + crystal of water  沉睡之球=风之石+水之水晶  3>Orb of death = cold iron + crystal of the earth + wine  死亡之球=冷铁+地之水晶+红酒
2023-07-28 08:44:301

Crystal Ball 歌词

歌曲名:Crystal Ball歌手:Styx专辑:Come Sail Away: The Styx AnthologyPink - Crystal BallDrinking wine and thinking bliss, is on the other side of thisI just need a compass and a willing accompliceAll my doubts that fill my head are skidding up and down againUp and down and round again, down and up and round again.Oh, I"ve had my chances and I"ve taken them all.Just to end up right back here on the floor.To end up right back here in on the floor.Pennies in a well, a million dollars in the fountain of a hotel.Fortune teller that says maybe you will go to hell.But I"m not scared at all...hmm hmm hmm hmm hmmThe cracks in the crystal, the cracks in the crystal ball.Sometimes you think everything is wrapped inside a diamond ringLove just needs a witness and a little forgivnessAnd a halo of patience and a less sporadic pace andI"m learning to be brave in my beautiful mistakes.Oh I"ve felt that fire and I"ve been burnedBut I wouldn"t trade the pain for what I"ve learnedI wouldn"t trade the pain for what I"ve learned.Pennies in a well, a million dollars in the fountain of a hotel.Fortune teller that says maybe you will go to hell.But I"m not scared at all...hmm hmm hmm hmm hmmOf the cracks in the crystal, the cracks in the crystal ball.Irony, irony, this hate and love, hate and loveWhat it does to me, what it"s done to me.What is done...donePennies in a well, a million dollars in the fountain of a hotel.Broken mirrors and a black cats cold stare,Walk under ladders on my way to hell, I"ll meet you there.But I"m not scared at all, hmm...I"m not scared at all.Bout the cracks in the crystal, the cracks in the crystal ball.
2023-07-28 08:44:491

Crystal Ball 歌词

歌曲名:Crystal Ball歌手:Yngwie Malmsteen专辑:Yngwie Malmsteen - Live In LeningradCrystal BallKeaneUnder The Iron SeaCrystal BallKeaneUnder The Iron Sea12th June, 2006Who is the man I seeWhere I"m supposed to beI lost my heartI buried it too deepUnder the iron seaOh crystal ball, crystal ball save us allTell me life is beautifulMirror, mirror on the wallLines ever more unclearNot sure I"m even hereThe more I look the more I think that I"mStarting to disappearOh crystal ball, crystal ball save us allTell me life is beautifulMirror, mirror on the wallOh crystal ball hear my songI"m fading outEverything I know is wrongSo put me where I belongI don"t know where I amAnd I don"t really careI look myself in the eyeThere"s no one thereI fall upon the earthI call upon the airBut all I get is the same old vacant stareOh crystal ball, crystal ball save us allTell me life is beautifulMirror, mirror on the wallOh crystal ball hear my songI"m fading outEverything I know is wrongSo put me where I belong
2023-07-28 08:44:561

Crystal Ball 歌词

歌曲名:Crystal Ball歌手:Uriah Heep专辑:The Magician"S BirthdayPink - Crystal BallDrinking wine and thinking bliss, is on the other side of thisI just need a compass and a willing accompliceAll my doubts that fill my head are skidding up and down againUp and down and round again, down and up and round again.Oh, I"ve had my chances and I"ve taken them all.Just to end up right back here on the floor.To end up right back here in on the floor.Pennies in a well, a million dollars in the fountain of a hotel.Fortune teller that says maybe you will go to hell.But I"m not scared at all...hmm hmm hmm hmm hmmThe cracks in the crystal, the cracks in the crystal ball.Sometimes you think everything is wrapped inside a diamond ringLove just needs a witness and a little forgivnessAnd a halo of patience and a less sporadic pace andI"m learning to be brave in my beautiful mistakes.Oh I"ve felt that fire and I"ve been burnedBut I wouldn"t trade the pain for what I"ve learnedI wouldn"t trade the pain for what I"ve learned.Pennies in a well, a million dollars in the fountain of a hotel.Fortune teller that says maybe you will go to hell.But I"m not scared at all...hmm hmm hmm hmm hmmOf the cracks in the crystal, the cracks in the crystal ball.Irony, irony, this hate and love, hate and loveWhat it does to me, what it"s done to me.What is done...donePennies in a well, a million dollars in the fountain of a hotel.Broken mirrors and a black cats cold stare,Walk under ladders on my way to hell, I"ll meet you there.But I"m not scared at all, hmm...I"m not scared at all.Bout the cracks in the crystal, the cracks in the crystal ball.
2023-07-28 08:45:031

Crystal Ball 歌词

歌曲名:Crystal Ball歌手:Peter Tosh专辑:The Centenary CollectionCrystal BallKeaneUnder The Iron SeaCrystal BallKeaneUnder The Iron Sea12th June, 2006Who is the man I seeWhere I"m supposed to beI lost my heartI buried it too deepUnder the iron seaOh crystal ball, crystal ball save us allTell me life is beautifulMirror, mirror on the wallLines ever more unclearNot sure I"m even hereThe more I look the more I think that I"mStarting to disappearOh crystal ball, crystal ball save us allTell me life is beautifulMirror, mirror on the wallOh crystal ball hear my songI"m fading outEverything I know is wrongSo put me where I belongI don"t know where I amAnd I don"t really careI look myself in the eyeThere"s no one thereI fall upon the earthI call upon the airBut all I get is the same old vacant stareOh crystal ball, crystal ball save us allTell me life is beautifulMirror, mirror on the wallOh crystal ball hear my songI"m fading outEverything I know is wrongSo put me where I belong
2023-07-28 08:45:101

crystal ball 支持win10么

Oracle Crystal Ball是基于电子数据表的领先应用产品,旨在进行预测建模、预测、模拟和优化。该产品可深入洞察将影响企业风险的关键因素。 借助Crystal Ball,能够制定恰当的战术决策以实现其目标,并在即使最不确定的市场条件下获得竞争优势。
2023-07-28 08:45:181


2023-07-28 08:45:252

seven color crystal ball是什么东西?

seven color crystal ball 七 彩 水晶 球水晶应该没有毒的!
2023-07-28 08:45:351

crystal ball在excel哪里

不知道是不是这个 ..
2023-07-28 08:45:542

Shelby Lynne的《Woebegone》 歌词

歌曲名:Woebegone歌手:Shelby Lynne专辑:Revelation RoadShelby lynne - WoebegoneWoebegone, woebegoneLord I"ve suffered way too long.Lord I"ve suffered way too long.Did I cause me all this painShould I have left things aloneDo I pay for my mistakesDo I see me like beforeI should have seen it comingThe crystal ball says it allWhen I wake up to see me cryingWoebegone, woebegoneI should drive off of the roadI"m in a war I cannot winI can"t explain the worth of cryin"I thought I had thicker skinI should have seen it comingThe crystal ball tells it allWhen I wake up to see me cryingWoebegone, woebegone, woebegoneI should have seen it comingThe crystal ball tells it allWhen I wake up to see me cryingWoebegone, woebegone, woebegoneWoebegone, woebegone
2023-07-28 08:46:011

All Nite Madness 歌词

歌曲名:All Nite Madness歌手:Mousse T专辑:All Nite MadnessGive me the sense to wonderTo wonder if Im freeGive me a sense of wonderTo know I can be meGive me the strength to hold my head upSpit back in their faceDont need no key to unlock this doorGonna break down the wallsBreak out of this bad placeCan I play with madness - the prophet stared at his crystal ballCan I play with madness - theres no vision there at allCan I play with madness - the prophet looked and he laughed at meCan I play with madness - he said youre blind too blind to seeI screamed aloud to the old manI said dont lie dont say you dont knowI say youll pay for your mischiefIn this world or the nextOh and then he fixed me with a freezing glanceAnd the hell fires raged in his eyesHe said do you want to know the truth son- Ill tell you the truthYour souls gonna burn in the lake of fireCan I play with madness - the prophet stared at his crystal ballCan I play with madness - theres no vision there at allCan I play with madness - the prophet looked and he laughed at meCan I play with madness - he said youre blind too blind to seeCan I play with madness - the prophet stared at his crystal ballCan I play with madness - theres no vision there at allCan I play with madness - the prophet looked and he laughed at me
2023-07-28 08:46:191


2023-07-28 08:46:293

Thnks fr th Mmrs 歌词

歌曲名:Thnks fr th Mmrs歌手:Fall Out Boy专辑:Infinity on HighThnks Fr Th MmrsFall Out BoyInfinity On HighI"m gonna make it bend and break(It sent you to me without wait)Say a prayer but let the good times rollIn case god doesn"t show(Let the good times rollLet the good times roll)And I want these words to make things rightBut it"s for wrongs that make the words come to lifeWho does he think he is?If that"s the worst you got,better put your fingers back to the keysOne night and one more timeThanks for the memoriesEven though they weren"t so greatHe tastes like youOnly sweeterOne night, yeah, one more timeThanks for the memoriesThanks for the memoriesSee, he tastes like youOnly sweeterBeen looking forward to the futureBut my eyesight is going badAnd this crystal ballIt"s always cloudyExcept for when you look into the pastOne night stand (One night stand)One night and one more timeThanks for the memoriesEven though they weren"t so greatHe tastes like youOnly sweeterOne night, yeah, one more timeThanks for the memoriesThanks for the memoriesSee, he tastes like youOnly sweeterThey say"I only think in the form of crunching numbersIn hotel roomsCollecting paycheck lovers"Get me out of my mindGet you out of those clothesI"m a letter awayFrom getting you into the moodWhoaOne night and one more timeThanks for the memoriesEven though they weren"t so greatHe tastes like youOnly sweeterOne night, yeah, one more timeThanks for the memoriesThanks for the memoriesSee, he tastes like youOnly sweeterOne more night and one more timeThanks for the memoriesEven though they weren"t so greatHe tastes like youOnly sweeterOne night, yeah, one more timeThanks for the memories(For the memories)Thanks for the memories(For the memories)See, he tastes like youOnly sweeter18475929
2023-07-28 08:46:361

This Side Of Paradise 歌词

歌曲名:This Side Of Paradise歌手:Bryan Adams专辑:Room ServiceThis Side Of ParadiseBryan adamasI′m ridin′ in the back seat - nine years oldStarin′ out the window countin′ the highway polesAnd then I get to thinkin′ - that it don′t seem realI′m flyin′ through the universe in a ′69 oldsmobileAnd I wanna know what they′re not tellin′And I don′t wanna hear no liesI just want something to believe inAh - it′s a lonely lonely road I′m onThis side of paradiseI′m ridin′ in the back seat - black limousineStarin′ out the window at a funeral sceneAnd then I get to thinkin′ - and it don′t seem rightI′m sittin′ here safe and sound and someone I love is gone tonightI wanna know what they′re not tellin′And I don′t wanna hear no liesI just want something to believe inAh - it′s a lonely, lonely road we′re onThis side of paradiseThere ain′t no crystal ballthere ain′t no santa clausThere ain′t no fairy talesThere ain′t no streets of goldThere ain′t no chosen fewya it′s just me and youAnd that′s all we got ya...that′s all we got to hold on toYa this side of paradiseI remember bein′ a little boy in the backseatnine years oldAlways askin′ questions - never did what I was toldAnd then I get to thinkin′ like I always doWe wander ′round in the darkness but every now and thenA little light shines throughI want to know what they′re not tellingI don′t wanna hear no liesI just want something to believe inAhit′s a lonely lonely road we′re onThis side of paradise
2023-07-28 08:46:431


typagirl歌词如下:Typa girl that"ll make you wanna dream.Typa girl that came straight off of the screen.Typa girl you wanna ice up make me freeze.Typa girl you wanna wife up sign the pree.I bring money to the table.Not your dinner.Both my body and my bank account.Good figure.Thinking about me but there"s nothing to consider.If I let you in my circle you a winner.Didn"t know that you were cold.‘Til you felt my fire.Heaven"s gate just opened up.Hearing choirs.If you saying something else.You a liar.‘Cause I"m that girl that drive you crazy.But you can"t leave me alone.Got you thinking maybe.I went supernatural.Put you under spells or.Look into a crystal ball.I"m not like these other girls at all.I"m the typa girl that make you forget that you got a type.Type that make you love me when the only thing you done is like.LisaLisa(u0e25u0e25u0e34u0e29u0e32 u0e21u0e42u0e19u0e1au0e32u0e25、Lalisa Manoban、ub77cub9acuc0ac ub9c8ub178ubc18),1997年3月27日出生于泰国武里南府,在韩国发展的泰国流行乐女歌手、舞者,女子演唱组合BLACKPINK成员。2016年,成为BLACKPINK的成员从而正式出道,并随组合发行首张单曲专辑《SQUARE ONE》 。11月1日,随组合发行第二张单曲专辑《SQUARE TWO》 。12月,随组合在Mnet亚洲音乐大奖获得Best of Next、最佳MV奖两个奖项。
2023-07-28 08:46:511


2023-07-28 08:47:071

ball making中文翻译

The weight of the ball makes the trampopne sink in the middle 球的重量将使蹦床中部下陷。 Everyone says fish - balls makes good money 人说做鱼蛋很赚钱的 Ball making petal machine 瓣式作球机 In the year of 1870 , a sort of ball made of feather and wood as well as a bat woven with strings were invented 1870年,出现了用羽毛软木做的球和穿弦的球拍。 In the year of 1870 , a sort of ball made of feather and wood as well as a bat woven with strings were invented 如果留心你会发现现在的羽毛球场地和网球场地非常相似。 Basically , they are balls made from glutinous rice flour , stuffed with any number of things and cooked in a soup 基本上,元宵是由糯米包各种馅,然后放在汤里面煮成的。 Inner eye ball makes the pupil look 3 - dimensional and serves a critical role to determine the ideal eye color 里层眼球使得瞳孔看起来更像三维物体,而且在决定理想的眼睛颜色时起著很关键的作用。 Can " t help not to notice these goof balls ! they remind me of " mad balls , " those rubber balls made into goofy faces and characters when i was a kid 引人注意的鬼脸球!让我想起了小时侯玩的做成鬼脸和人物形象的橡胶”躲避球” 。 To choose a team to participate in air hockey league ! lead your team to get the best results mouse control . loaded ball makes the ball move 来选择一个队伍来参加空气曲棍球联赛吧,带领你的队伍拿到最佳的成绩鼠标控制,装球使得球移动 Introduction : to choose a team to participate in air hockey league ! lead your team to get the best results mouse control . loaded ball makes the ball move 来选择一个队伍来参加空气曲棍球联赛吧,带领你的队伍拿到最佳的成绩鼠标控制,装球使得球移动 Thankfully , these quickly became a thing of the past and were replaced before the second world war by pghter crystalpte balls made from the crushed shin bones of cows 谢天谢地,这很快就成为了历史,在第二次世界大战之前,更为轻便的微晶球取而代之,它们由碾碎的母牛胫骨制成。 Furthermore , the article calculated cycpc times when the inner and outer circles of bearing 6202 meet and the failure frequency when the inner and outer circles and steel balls make simplex deficiency 本文计算了6202轴承内外圈接触循环次数和内外圈、钢球产生单一缺陷时的故障频率的大小。 Abstract : the structure and the properties of the grinding ball made of the posite cast iron have been researched in this paper . the result indicates that added trace boron and a proper quantity copper to this kind of posite cast iron can increase its quench - hardening abipty , and raise its hardness and impact toughness 文摘:研究了一种复合铸铁磨球的组织和性能,结果表明,化学成分和淬火工艺对这种复合铸铁磨球的组织和性能有很大影响,微量的硼和适量的铜可以明显地提高磨球的淬透性,经过余热淬火得到贝氏体或马氏体基体组织,从而提高磨球的硬度和冲击韧性。
2023-07-28 08:47:221


火山碎屑岩中主要物质成分是火山碎屑物(tephra),还可含一定数量的正常沉积物或熔岩物质,熔岩物质多数情况下作为胶结物。(一)火山碎屑物类型及特点火山碎屑物是指由于火山爆发所产生的各种碎屑物质,主要来自地下熔融的岩浆或已经固结的熔岩,由于火山爆发而被粉碎或破碎成的各种岩屑、晶屑和玻屑。有时也可混入火山通道两侧、上覆或基底围岩的碎屑,带有内生成因的特点。另一方面,火山碎屑物被喷出后,在水盆地或空气中搬运、沉积或沉降,又具有沉积形成的特点。一般情况下,火山碎屑物含量>50%,有时由于混入一些正常的沉积物或熔岩,而出现一系列的过渡岩石类型。由于火山碎屑物是组成火山碎屑岩的主要成分,因此,在研究火山碎屑岩的岩性特征及其分类之前,首先要了解火山碎屑物的类型及特征。从物理性质来看,火山碎屑物可以分为刚性、半塑性和塑性三种(表5-1)。按火山碎屑物内部组分结构特征,可分为岩屑(岩石碎屑)、晶屑(晶体碎屑)和玻屑(火山玻璃碎屑)。它们是由地下深处富含挥发份的熔浆上升至地表浅处,由于压力的骤然降低、体积膨胀发生爆炸而形成的。因此,熔浆团块常被炸裂成各种奇特的形状,这也是火山碎屑物的一个重要特征。1.岩屑(detritus)(1)刚性岩屑(rigid detritus):包括粒径>2 mm的火山岩块(集块)、火山角砾和<2 mm的岩屑(表5-1,5-2),它是火山基底和火山通道的围岩,包括先形成的熔岩,经火山爆发破碎而成大小不一的棱角状碎块。它们破裂时已经是固结的刚性体,堆积成岩时亦为刚性状态。外形上具有弧形炸裂面的棱角状、次棱角状或不规则状多边形,有少数岩屑见有边缘被深部熔浆熔蚀的现象。一般内部保留各自岩石的结构(照片5-27,28)。凝固程度已凝固半凝固未凝固火山碎屑物刚性半塑性塑性岩屑早先已经固结的熔岩(包括各种玻璃熔岩)以及火山通道围岩和火山基底岩石碎屑。主要为棱角状,有少数边部已被熔蚀岩浆团块喷出时呈可塑状态,在飞行过程中,往往形成各种形态的火山弹,堆积时多半已固结,多数不再变形岩浆团块喷出时呈可塑状态,堆积时仍炽热尚未凝固,可被压扁拉长,形成透镜状、条带状、火焰状,有时其内部还含斑晶、气孔、杏仁等晶屑多数是岩浆在地下早形成的晶体,少数为已固结的岩石中的晶体;火山喷发时,被带出并伴随破碎成棱角状。由于喷出时骤然冷却,大多数发育裂纹,有些还见熔蚀港湾状玻屑黏性大的岩浆喷出时,迅速冷却成可塑的多孔玻璃,气体从气孔中迅速溢出,炸碎成浮岩状、凹面棱角状、撕裂状。也有火山泪、火山毛等,堆积时一般不变形黏度大的岩浆喷出时,冷却成多孔玻璃,并炸碎成玻屑,堆积时呈炽热可塑状态,边缘圆化,常被压扁、拉长,一般<2mm,称为塑性玻屑*火焰石:来自意大利文“fiamme”,意为火焰,形容火山碎屑成火焰状。粒度范围/mm刚性半塑性塑性>64火山集块(岩块)火山弹火焰石*2~64火山角砾火山砾塑性岩屑0.05~2火山砂(岩屑、晶屑)粗火山灰(玻屑)粗塑性玻屑<0.05细火山灰(火山尘)(2)半塑性岩屑(half plastic detritus):是一种未完全固结的熔岩团块,成分以基性—中性为主。其粒径较大,一般>2 mm。它们喷出至空中时,经冷却而形成。其形状有纺锤形、梨形和椭球形等。由于迅速冷却,边部常具有一层薄的玻璃壳,气孔构造发育。气孔在边部个体小,数量多;在中间则个体大,数量小。由于喷出过程中在空中停留和旋转,其表面常发育旋转纹。可分为火山弹(粒径>64 mm,多分布于火山口附近)(照片1-25,26)和火山砾(粒径2-64 mm)。(3)塑性岩屑(plastic detritus):又称浆屑,由于熔浆的黏度较大,在气体作用下喷出时,喷出物喷发的高度不大,降落在近地表条件下形成了塑性岩屑。这种炽热的塑性熔浆团块经过撕裂、溅落和压扁拉长后,可以呈现各种形态,如条带状(照片5-7,8)、透镜状(照片5-6,33)、火焰状(常称为火焰石fiamme,照片5-8,40,46)、枝杈状和饼状(照片5-9)等,两端(或一端)常见撕裂状。颜色多样,有白色、肉红色、暗紫色和黑色等。塑性岩屑内部常见斑晶(照片5-8,38,41,42)、气孔和杏仁及流纹构造等。在正交偏光镜下,可见到各种脱玻化现象,如梳状脱玻结构、球粒脱玻结构等。2.晶屑(crystal fragment)晶屑多数来源于岩浆中早期析出的斑晶。在熔浆喷发过程中,从熔浆半凝固状态中脱离出来并崩裂破碎而成,少数晶屑是火山基底或火山管道中的结晶体崩碎成的捕虏晶碎块。常见的晶屑是石英、碱性长石、斜长石,其次是黑云母、角闪石和辉石、绿帘石等。晶屑一般大小不一,与斑晶不同的是外形不规则,往往破碎不全,常呈棱角状、次棱角状,裂纹发育,多数晶屑可见原来的部分晶形(照片5-1,21)。石英晶屑一般表面干净,纵横交错的不规则裂纹发育,多呈尖棱角状,常见多边形、三角形和弧形断面,其边缘往往被熔蚀成港湾状和穿孔状(照片5-23)。长石晶屑虽然也呈棱角状,但一般常见部分晶形(柱面或底面),甚至有时保留完整的板状形态(照片5-31),由于长石解理完全,易沿解理裂开,其断面呈阶梯状、参差状,沿解理或裂纹可见晶屑被熔蚀成破碎状和蜂窝状现象。黑云母和角闪石晶屑有时可见特征的暗化边,当黑云母不见暗化边时颜色一般较深。作为晶屑黑云母常见弯曲(照片5-42)、扭折和断裂现象,而角闪石一般为棱角状、碎屑状,有时见部分晶形(柱状、底面)。3.玻屑(vitric fragment)根据玻屑的物理性质,将其分为半塑性和塑性两种类型,半塑性一般称之为玻屑,而塑性者则称之为塑性玻屑。(1)玻屑:是富含挥发分的熔浆,在火山喷发时,由于迅速冷凝所形成的、内部充满气体或液体的火山玻璃急剧膨胀,使之炸裂、破碎而成。因此,玻屑往往保持气孔壁的弧面形态,呈弧面棱角状(多角)、弓状、鸡骨状、海绵骨针状、镰刀状及楔形等各种形态(照片5-1~4),有的玻屑还可见气泡(浮石,照片5-1左),通常粒度在0.1~0.01 mm之间,很少超过2 mm。(2)塑性玻屑(plastic hyaline fragment):在火山爆发形成的炽热火山灰流中,玻屑在处于未完全固结的过热状态下,堆积压紧和熔结而成。因此塑性玻屑具有拉长、压扁和两端分叉的塑性变形特征,棱角常被熔蚀变圆滑,已不具玻屑(刚性)的弧面棱角状,其形态为拉长的透镜状、肠状(照片5-29,39)、豆荚状、蚯蚓状(照片5-5,30)和丝纹状(照片5-32,39)。它们紧密熔结在一起且定向排列。当塑性玻屑遇刚性岩屑和晶屑时,显示被压弯、变薄和变窄的现象,构成假流动构造。另一种为撕裂状玻屑,外形扁平,边缘参差不齐,内部具有类似流纹的平行细线理,这是熔浆在塑性状态下被拉断而成的,粒径长的可达几个毫米至几个厘米。在实际工作中,塑性玻屑和塑性岩屑常被混淆,但塑性玻屑粒度一般小于塑性岩屑;其次是塑性岩屑内部有时可见斑晶、气孔和杏仁体等,而塑性玻屑内部没有。二者间往往呈连续过渡关系。火山碎屑物按粒度和自然形态可分为火山集块(volcanic agglomerate)、火山角砾(volcanic rubble)、火山砾(lapilli)、火山弹(bomb)、火山砂(volcanic sand)、火山灰(ash)和火山尘等,其粒度界限目前还没有一个统一的规定。表5-2为我国制定的火山碎屑物粒度范围(国标)和主要类型,表5-3为孙善平(2001)对火山碎屑物的分类。粒度mm同源异源塑性半塑性刚性异源刚性>64浆屑、塑变岩屑火山弹火山岩块异源火山岩块2~64浆屑、塑变岩屑火山砾火山角砾异源火山角砾27~2塑变玻屑火山灰火山砂异源火山砂<27火山尘火山尘火山尘异源火山尘(二)火山碎屑岩的结构构造1.火山碎屑岩的结构首先根据火山碎屑物的组成,可分为火山碎屑结构、碎屑熔岩结构、熔结结构和沉火山碎屑结构(表5-4)。火山碎屑结构主要由刚性的品屑、岩屑等各种火山熔岩碎屑所组成;碎屑熔岩结构由火山碎屑(以刚性为主)和熔岩所组成:熔结结构主要由各种塑性变形的火山碎屑所组成;沉火山碎屑结构由火山碎屑和陆源碎屑所组成。再根据火山碎屑物的粒度,可分为集块结构(>64 mm)、火山角砾结构(64~2 mm)、凝灰结构(2~0.05 mm)及火山尘结构(<0.05 mm)。其中火山尘结构(又名尘屑结构)只能在扫描电镜下才能观测,且通常作为较粗粒(凝灰级及其以上粒级)碎屑颗粒之间的填隙物,故在一般情况下,不对其做详细的描述。粒度/mm火山碎屑物类型碎屑熔岩结构火山碎屑结构熔结结构沉火山碎屑结构>64火山集块集块熔岩结构集块结构熔结集块结构沉集块结构64~2火山角砾角砾熔岩结构火山角砾结构熔结角砾结构沉角砾结构2~0.05火山灰凝灰熔岩结构凝灰结构(火山尘结构)熔结凝灰结构沉凝灰结构集块结构(Volcanic agglomerate texture)主要由火山集块所组成(约占火山碎屑总量的1/2以上,至少>1/3),其填隙物以火山灰为主;若填隙物以熔岩为主,则为集块熔岩结构,若以塑性、半塑性火山集块为主,则为熔结集块结构;若出现较多的陆源碎屑岩集块(其含量<火山集块含量),则属于沉集块结构。火山角砾结构(Volcanic breccias texture)主要由刚性火山角砾所组成(约占火山碎屑总量的1/2以上,至少>1/3),填隙物以火山灰为主;其填隙物以熔岩为主(一般占岩石总体积的10%以上)的,可定为角砾熔岩结构;若其火山角砾以塑变玻屑和(或)塑变岩屑为主,可定为熔结角砾结构;若其火山角砾以塑变玻屑和(或)塑变岩屑为主,可定为熔结角砾结构;若出现较多的外生沉积物(陆源)角砾级碎屑(其含量<火山角砾含量),可定为沉火山角砾结构。凝灰结构(tuffaceous texture)主要由凝灰级刚性火山碎屑(约占火山碎屑总量的1/2以上,至少>1/3)和火山尘填隙物所组成;其填隙物以熔岩为主(一般占岩石总体积的10%以上)的,属于凝灰熔岩结构,若其火山碎屑以塑变玻屑和(或)塑变岩屑为主体,则属于熔结凝灰结构。其特点在于塑性、半塑性玻屑、岩屑被压扁拉长而呈平行排列的条纹状透镜体状、火焰状等,类似于流状分布,其间常混入有刚性的晶屑和岩屑等(照片5-39.40)。熔结凝灰结构同溶结角砾结构,熔结集块结构一样,都是在火山碎屑流堆积过程中所形成的特征结构。凝灰结构中,出现较多的砂-粉砂质陆源碎屑物(其含量<凝灰级火山碎屑含量),属于沉凝灰结构;若陆源碎屑物含量>火山碎屑含量的,属于凝灰质砂-粉砂状结构,则应归于沉积岩的结构类型。上述集块熔岩结构、角砾熔岩结构和凝灰熔岩结构都是火山碎屑熔岩类的特征结构。除上述外,当不同粒径的火山碎屑同时出现时,则以前少后多的顺序予以复合型结构名称,如火山角砾凝灰结构,熔结凝灰角砾结构等。2.火山碎屑岩的构造火山碎屑岩由各种火山碎屑堆积、压结或胶结而形成,故其构造更接近于沉积构造,如层状、似层状和韵律构造等。除了常见的块状构造外,还有假流纹构造和火山泥球构造等特征构造。假流纹构造(pseudo fluxion structure)为火山碎屑流堆积所特有的,也是熔结火山碎屑岩的特征构造。其特点是由塑性玻屑和塑性岩屑在堆积过程中经压扁拉长而呈定向排列,类似于熔岩中的流纹构造。但是,它不是岩浆流动所形成的纹理,是塑性火山碎屑变形所致,故称假流纹构造。与流纹构造的主要区别在于其形态和产状:塑变碎屑多呈不规则的条纹状、透镜状或焰舌状,其宽窄不一,延伸短而不连续;两端呈撕裂状或燕尾状;常夹有棱角状刚性晶屑(而不是完整的斑晶)及岩屑;遇到刚性碎屑时被压弯或压入;常见晶屑的长轴方向与塑变碎屑的拉长方向垂直或相交(照片5-29);在流纹构造中常见的气孔和杏仁在假流纹构造中很少见到。火山泥球构造(volcanic mud ball structure)指在凝灰岩层或沉凝灰岩层顶部出现的球状构造,多呈球状、椭球状或扁豆状,其中心多为晶屑或岩屑等火山灰、火山尘及塑变玻屑等凝灰质成分,有时混有陆源碎屑或硅质凝胶等。球体断面可见由不同粒度或不同颜色所组成的同心纹层。球体直径变化大,小的<1 mm,大的可达几厘米至十几厘米。多见于大陆火山喷发及水下堆积形成的火山碎屑岩中。层理构造和粒序构造 火山碎屑物在空中或水中被搬运时,多呈沙纹、沙波或床沙形体,同正常沉积物的堆积机理一样,可形成水平层理、斜层理或交错层理等层状构造,但在空落火山碎屑物堆积中则很少见到。与沉积岩层理不同的是,常发育自下而上由细变粗的逆粒序构造,尤其是在火山碎屑流堆积和部分火山基浪堆积相的岩石中较常见。在火山基浪堆积过程中,常见有其指相特征的爬升层理(照片5-16)和增生火山砾构造等[见(三)节(3)部分]。(三)火山碎屑物(岩)的堆积相在第一章第四节的“火山爆发相”(第15页)中提到其喷出的火山碎屑物的4种堆积形式,据此可将火山碎屑堆积物(岩)的堆积相分为火山喷发空落堆积相、火山碎屑流堆积相、火山基浪堆积相和火山泥流堆积相。(1)火山喷发空落堆积(airfall deposit)相为从火山口喷向空中的所有产物,包括岩浆喷发物、同源岩浆早期的熔岩碎屑和围岩碎屑等的堆积。火山爆发时,由大量火山碎屑和气体所组成的喷发柱靠其冲击力向天空升腾和扩散,其中火山弹、火山岩块和角砾等较粗较重的碎屑被火山抛出后,因自身重力而很快地坠落下来,与火山口流出的熔岩一起形成火山锥(除熔岩外,火山集块岩、火山角砾岩和碎屑熔岩为其特征);而火山灰和火山尘等凝灰质碎屑因其轻而细小多被裹携在悬浮状的喷发云流中,由优势风带到很远的地方,当其流动能量变小时,依其重力和沉降速率先后降落下来,形成以凝灰岩为主的火山碎屑席。火山喷发空落堆积相中发育有面状平行层理和递变层理,远离火山口其磨圆度变好,分选性多为中等—较好,堆积物的厚度和碎屑的平均粒径随远离火山口而逐渐变小(Fisher and Schmincke,1984)。基性和中基性岩浆的空落堆积物多形成以火山渣为主的火山渣锥、以凝灰岩为主的火山碎屑岩席或以熔岩为主的熔岩流;而中酸性的火山空落堆积物多形成浮岩状空落堆积物,常伴随形成大型复式火山。空落堆积物分布的几何形状和粒度取决于火山喷发柱高度和大气中优势风方向。空落堆积物分布广,覆盖其喷发云湍流经过的所有地形,可谓铺天盖地,这种广域性为其重要的鉴别标志(刘祥和向天元,1997;Fisher and Schmincke,1984)。(2)火山碎屑流堆积(pyroclastic flow deposites)相,为炽热的携带极速膨胀气体的火山碎屑流(碎屑密度流)沿地表流动过程中形成的堆积。火山碎屑多以火山灰和角砾为主,有时出现火山岩块和浮岩等;塑性玻屑和塑性岩屑及炭化木为其指相物质。熔结凝灰岩和熔结角砾岩(及熔结集块岩)为其代表性岩石。其碎屑多具塑性,分选差,单层厚度较大(常见有>1 m),递变层理发育,具块状构造和假流纹构造。常见有许多流单位(一个流单位指单一碎屑流沉积)的叠加。火山碎屑流堆积相包括由熔岩穹丘垮塌而形成的块灰流(block and ash flows)和由火山喷发柱垮塌而形成的浮岩流(pumice flows)及灰流(ash flows)。块灰流堆积为粗大的同源岩屑和细小的凝灰质基质的混合体,其规模比较小。浮岩流则规模较大,多以塑性岩屑和塑性玻屑为主,含晶屑(长石和石英及云母)、次圆—圆状的火山岩块(多为中酸性熔岩碎块为主)和角砾等;分选差,假流纹构造发育;在许多流单位中可见有粗大的浮岩碎屑流具逆递变层理,而较细的碎屑流多具正递变层理。灰流则以凝灰级为主(>50%)的碎屑流为特征。钙碱性的中酸性岩浆或偏碱性成分的火山喷发柱的垮塌还可能形成大规模的火山渣流(scoria flows)堆积。其特点是大量火山砾和火山集块同火山灰流一起形成未分选的、受地形控制的更大规模的碎屑流堆积(刘祥和向天元,1997)。当火山碎屑流堆积同薄层状浮岩和火山灰堆积一同产出时,可定为火山碎屑浪(pyroclastic surges)堆积。其特点是常发育有面状层理、低角度交错层理和微弱波状层理,比伴生的碎屑流沉积粒度更细、分选更好、富晶屑和岩屑(刘祥和向天元,1997)。火山碎屑浪沉积出现在流单位的底部时,称为底浪(ground surges),是火山碎屑流的前驱,位于流的前面;可由垂直喷发边部的垮塌或由碎屑流前部带进来的气体流动所成;若碎屑浪出现在流单位的顶部时,称为灰云浪(ash cloud surges),它是碎屑流上驮气体和火山灰中湍流状低密度流所致。Fisher和Schmincke(1984)认为灰云浪起源于碎屑流顶部的淘洗作用或者湍流过程中粗粒同细粒之间的分离作用。(3)火山基浪堆积相(base-surge sedimentary facies),为蒸气岩浆喷发所特有的产物。炽热的岩浆在上升过程中遇到水(多为近地表沉积物中水体或地表水)发生爆炸,所产生的基浪流由火山喷发柱呈放射状向外扩散;凝结的水蒸气作为火山基浪的一部分,与其中的火山碎屑颗粒相混合,并支撑和稀释了基浪中的火山碎屑(刘祥和向天元,1997)。基浪流本身是湍流,所谓“火山碎屑密度流”,随流动能量的衰减而成普通的沉积重力流(Fisher,1990)。火山灰和火山砾等碎屑裹携在其湍流中以悬浮形式被搬运,它依赖于剪切应力和沉积速率的平衡,最终在牵引流的作用下以基底载荷的形式运移而堆积下来(Dellino and La Volpe,2000)。也有人将基浪堆积物称为水成火山碎屑。基浪堆积物多为以火山灰和角砾为主的火山碎屑,后期可叠加有空落火山渣和火山灰等;另有少量来自下伏岩石的碎屑。其成分多为基性—中酸性熔岩碎屑;晶屑以斜长石为主,碱性长石、石英和云母也较常见,偶见橄榄石和辉石等晶屑;在基性岩浆的蒸气喷发的基浪堆积物中可见有二辉橄榄岩等深源包体。基浪堆积相中碎屑颗粒多呈次圆—次棱角状,分选中等—较差(或较好);单层厚度薄,多为毫米—厘米级,很少超过几十厘米(~1m);其沉积韵律和多旋回堆积序列普遍发育。基浪堆积相的底界面多为较平直的剪切面,堆积相内部发育有大量(大型)低角度板状层理和交错层理、波状层理、似沙丘构造(照片5-11)、槽泊构造(照片5-2)、冲蚀凹槽(照片5-13)和V型弹陷坑(照片5-14)等典型构造(徐德兵等2005)。这里应该强调的是基浪堆积相的指相标志:增生火山砾(accretionary lapilli)和爬升层理(cross bedding)。增生火山砾(照片5-15)为同心圆球体,直径多为2~5mm,圈层构造发育,可逐层剥离。这是由蒸气岩浆爆发产生的细小碎屑颗粒在基浪流的携带下向远离火山口的方向运动,期间其表面粘结了微粒状火山灰和尘土等,并在滚动过程中形成圆形圈层;离火口越远圈层越多,增生火山砾也就越大(Richard et al.1983)。爬升层理(照片5-16)是在基浪流沿火山口内壁向外爬升时,其迎流面坡度陡而背流面较为平缓,有一明显的转折端;当基浪碎屑物沿其爬升到一定程度时,可形成趋于平缓的爬升层理(孙谦等,2006)。V型坑由岩浆抛射到空中的火山弹、火山岩块和火山砾等坠落在尚未固结或半固结的基浪堆积物上所形成,常在同一层面上连续分布。这是蒸气岩浆喷发与随后发生的正常岩浆交替作用的结果,它表明该处为近火山口相。中国许多第四纪玄武质火山区常常交替出现岩浆喷发与蒸气岩浆喷发,较完整的剖面多由基浪堆积物、细粒火山灰、火山角砾岩、集块岩与火山弹组成,显示了火山活动的复杂性。(4)火山泥流(lahars)堆积相,由火山成因的各种碎屑和水的混合体,呈流动的“混凝土”状沿河谷和低地运移过程中所形成。火山泥流一般粘度低,近火山口附近流速较大;在其流动过程中还剥蚀和产刮下伏的松软物质,将其裹携到泥流中,当其能量耗减或受地形影响等因素的作用下堆积下来。火山泥流所携带的碎屑物的成分在离火山口较近的部位可以是单一岩性的,但其他部位常常是非单一性的;其粒级变化很大,泥质—巨粒均可见;远离火山口其粒级越来越变小;火山泥流中固体碎屑物的含量可占20%~60%(按体积,按重量可达80%)。火山泥流堆积相中的岩性在火山口附近以正常火山碎屑岩为主,远离火山口时,逐渐向火山碎屑沉积岩过渡,多以沉凝灰岩和凝灰质砂岩、粉砂岩为主。泥流堆积相的分选性较差,在粗碎屑岩的堆积中常见有不太发育的递变层理。火山泥流堆积相的形成过程中,水是必不可少的。当火山喷发穿过积雪和火山口湖,或大雨中的火山喷发时,或者火山碎屑流汇入河流或经过冰雪地区等,都可以引发火山泥流;或者与火山喷发有关或火山喷发的间歇期因地震等突发事件导致火山湖等水区破裂而急速排水等都可能造成火山泥流及其堆积物的形成。(四)成岩方式及成岩作用后期变化1.火山碎屑岩的成岩方式火山碎屑岩的成岩方式有自己的独特性。当火山碎屑岩向熔岩过渡时,火山碎屑物主要被熔浆胶结;当其向沉积岩过渡时,火山碎屑物则以沉积物质和火山灰次生变化产物的胶结作用为主;而正常的普通火山碎屑岩一般以压实固结作用为主,少部分由火山灰次生产物或化学胶结物的胶结为辅;当岩石主要由塑性火山碎屑物质组成时,其成岩方式则以熔结或焊接作用为主。2.成岩作用后期变化在火山碎屑岩形成过程中,由于火山碎屑物中有大量的准稳定物质,极易发生交代和蚀变作用。因此在成岩作用后期,它们往往发生各种变化,其中常见脱玻化作用和交代蚀变作用等。(1)脱玻化作用(devitrification):脱玻化作用是指火山碎屑岩中的玻屑(刚性和塑性)、塑性岩屑以及火山灰等玻璃质,由非晶质向晶质转化的过程。脱玻化初期,它们只显示出微弱的光性,继而形成隐晶质结构、霏细结构和出现微晶长石和石英。塑性、半塑性玻屑一般常见的脱玻结构有隐晶质(照片5-3)、霏细和梳状(照片5-4)脱玻结构。塑性岩屑的脱玻类型较多,常见的有梳状(脊状)脱玻结构(pectiniform devitrified texture)表现为纤维状隐晶质矿物或细小的微晶,长方向垂直塑性岩屑边部生长呈梳状形态(照片5-6,7);羽状或毛发状脱玻结构(plumose or hairlike devitrified texture)即隐晶质或微晶矿物呈羽状或毛发状排列;霏细脱玻结构(felsitic devitrified texture)脱玻化程度低,由细纤维、粒径<0.02 mm的极细小颗粒、少量玻璃质组成(照片5-6);球粒脱玻结构(spherulitic devitrified texture)由纤维球粒组成,球粒具十字消光(照片5-8);镶嵌脱玻结构(mosaic devitrified texture)脱玻化程度较高,长石、石英微晶彼此镶嵌接触,它们往往分布于塑性岩屑中心(照片5-7,9)。以上脱玻结构可以单独产出,也可几种脱玻现象同时在一个塑性岩屑中出现(照片5-6,7,9)。一般情况下,塑性岩屑内部脱玻化程度比边部高一些,如经常可以见到塑性岩屑的边部为梳状脱玻现象,而中心为镶嵌脱玻结构(照片5-7)。也有的边部为梳状和球粒状,中心为镶嵌脱玻结构(照片5-9)。同一剖面上,中部比顶部的脱玻化程度强。随着脱玻化作用的加强,火山碎屑的外形逐渐模糊,晶屑还可能形成同质异象变体(如透长石转变为低温钾长石)。(2)交代蚀变作用(replacment alteration):火山喷发晚期及随后的喷气和热液,对火山碎屑物质往往进行交代蚀变作用。作用的结果是发生次生石英岩化、泥化和沸石化及碳酸盐化等。沸石化几乎是火山碎屑岩所特有的交代蚀变产物,与其共生的有粘土矿物、硅质矿物、绿泥石等。沸石富集可构成矿产。另外,在交代蚀变过程中可使许多微量元素富集成矿,如镓、铅、锡、锌、钍和铀等。因此,在研究中应该给予足够的重视。
2023-07-28 08:47:321


ball 球 请采纳 谢谢
2023-07-28 08:48:157

Crystal Ball (2003 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Crystal Ball (2003 Digital Remaster)歌手:Anne Shelton专辑:The Best Of Anne SheltonCrystal BallKeaneUnder The Iron SeaCrystal BallKeaneUnder The Iron Sea12th June, 2006Who is the man I seeWhere I"m supposed to beI lost my heartI buried it too deepUnder the iron seaOh crystal ball, crystal ball save us allTell me life is beautifulMirror, mirror on the wallLines ever more unclearNot sure I"m even hereThe more I look the more I think that I"mStarting to disappearOh crystal ball, crystal ball save us allTell me life is beautifulMirror, mirror on the wallOh crystal ball hear my songI"m fading outEverything I know is wrongSo put me where I belongI don"t know where I amAnd I don"t really careI look myself in the eyeThere"s no one thereI fall upon the earthI call upon the airBut all I get is the same old vacant stareOh crystal ball, crystal ball save us allTell me life is beautifulMirror, mirror on the wallOh crystal ball hear my songI"m fading outEverything I know is wrongSo put me where I belong
2023-07-28 08:48:391


2023-07-28 08:48:473

Crystal Baller [Explicit Version] 歌词

歌曲名:Crystal Baller [Explicit Version]歌手:Third Eye Blind专辑:Out Of The VeinCrystal BallKeaneUnder The Iron SeaCrystal BallKeaneUnder The Iron Sea12th June, 2006Who is the man I seeWhere I"m supposed to beI lost my heartI buried it too deepUnder the iron seaOh crystal ball, crystal ball save us allTell me life is beautifulMirror, mirror on the wallLines ever more unclearNot sure I"m even hereThe more I look the more I think that I"mStarting to disappearOh crystal ball, crystal ball save us allTell me life is beautifulMirror, mirror on the wallOh crystal ball hear my songI"m fading outEverything I know is wrongSo put me where I belongI don"t know where I amAnd I don"t really careI look myself in the eyeThere"s no one thereI fall upon the earthI call upon the airBut all I get is the same old vacant stareOh crystal ball, crystal ball save us allTell me life is beautifulMirror, mirror on the wallOh crystal ball hear my songI"m fading outEverything I know is wrongSo put me where I belong
2023-07-28 08:48:551