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so that in case 区别 RT

2023-07-29 07:38:25

so that 是 以便 的意思

in case 是 以防 的意思

we had a meal in case that we got hungry.为了防止不好的结果.

she wears a red jacket so that i can see her.为了达到某种效果.



in case中文是什么意思

2023-07-28 07:28:374

in case的中文意思

2023-07-28 07:28:459

IN CASE是什么意思?

If it happens that; if.如果发生;如果As a precaution:以防万一:took along an umbrella, just in case.随身带一把伞,以防万一
2023-07-28 07:29:023

in case的用法

1、用作连词,表示条件,其意为如果、万一。2、用作连词,表示目的,其意为以防、免得。3、起副词作用,其意为以防万一。4、in case 可以引导的状语从句,通常可以根据具体情况使用语境所需要的任何时态。 扩展资料 例句:In case you should need any help, here"s my number.万一你需要帮助的.话,这是我的电话号码。I"ll stay around in case you need me.我就待在这儿,也许你用得着我。Take some spare clothes in case you get wet.多带几件衣服,以备身上弄湿了好穿。
2023-07-28 07:29:081

in case什么意思?

in case英 [in keis] 美 [u026an kes] 假使; 免得; 以防; 也许In case of difficulty, just call on me. 如有困难,找我好了。
2023-07-28 07:29:174

in case 引导什么从句

in case作短语连词,能引导状语从句。就其词义和语法来分,可引导两种从句。in case引导目的状语从句作“以免,以备,以防”等解释,引导条件状语从句作“如果,万一”等解释。 扩展资料   例句:   You hang around here in case he comes, and I"ll go on ahead.   你在这附近等着以防万一他来了,我继续往前走。   You probably won"t need to call—but take my number, just in case.   你很可能无需打电话,不过还是记下我的电话号码吧,以防万一。   I have also taken out a life insurance policy on him just in case.   我也给他买了一份人寿保险以防万一。   She had had the foresight to prepare herself financially in case of an accident.   她有先见之明,经济上作了准备以防万一发生事故。
2023-07-28 07:29:231

in case用法总结

in case用法总结如下:用作连词,表示条件,其意为如果、万一。用作连词,表示目的,其意为以防、免得。起副词作用,其意为以防万一。in case 可以引导的状语从句,通常可以根据具体情况使用语境所需要的任何时态。in case作短语连词,能引导状语从句。就其词义和语法职能来分,可引导两种从句。in case/just in case引导目的状语从句作“以免,以备,以防”等解。如:He takes a torch in case it gets dark before he returns.他带了手电筒,以备天黑以后回家之用。Please remind me of it again tomorrow in case I forget..请你明天再提醒我一下,免得我忘记。in case接条件从句,意为“如果、万一”。如:In case we fail,we won"t lose heart. 万一我们失败,我们决不会失去信心。Take a hat with you in case the sun is very hot. 倘若太阳很利害你就把帽子戴上。In case he arrives before I get back,please ask him to wait.万一我回来前他先到了,请叫他等我。in case引出的条件从句所表示的意义是"预防某种情况的出现"如果从句说的是一股的假设或条件,则要用if。请比较:I"ll tell him about the matter if I meet him.(不用in case)Take an umbrella in case it rains.(不用if)
2023-07-28 07:29:451

“in case”后接句子的时态是什么?

这个得根据语境来判断,多用一般现在时。【解释】in case 的意思可以理解为“条件下,前提下”,多用一般现在时,是否要使用虚拟语气,要看说话人提出的条件是真是假。如果条件是已经发生过的与事实相同,或者在将来发生的可能性大,我们认为就是“真的”,不用虚拟语气。如果提出的条件是与已经发生的事实相反,或者在将来基本不可能发生,我们认为是“假的”,就要使用虚拟语气了。上下文应该会有语境提示,用来分辨真假,或者通过主从句的配合也可以判断。【例句】I"ve bought some sandwiches we get hungry.【翻译】饿的时候我买了一些三明治。【例句】I bought my key just in case you forgot yours.【翻译】我带了钥匙,以防万一你忘了你的钥匙。
2023-07-28 07:30:091

in case用于什么时态

  in case有假使;以防;也许等意思,那么你知道in case用于什么时态吗?下面是我为你整理的in case的时态的相关资料,希望大家喜欢!   in case的时态   原则上说,若主句为现在时态,则从句也用现在时态;主句为过去时态,从句也用过去时态。如:   I always keep candles in the house in case there is a power cut. 我家里常备有蜡烛,以防断电。   I wrote down her address in case I forgot it. 我记下了她的住址,免得忘了。   He wasnu2019t going to use his car in case somebody recognized it. 他不打算用自己的汽车,因为怕有人认出他的车。   有时从句也可用“should+动词原形”这样的虚拟语气(不管主句为现在时态还是过去时态)。如:   I donu2019t let him go out in this weather in case he should catch cold. 我不让他这种天气出去以防他会感冒。   Iu2019ve bought a chicken in case your friend should stay to lunch. 我买了一只鸡,免得你的朋友万一留下来吃午饭没菜。   注意,当主句为将来时态时,从句谓语不能用将来时态,而要用一般现在时表示将来意义。如:   Iu2019ll keep a seat for you in case you change your mind. 我给你留一个座位,以防你会改变主意。   in case的用法   in case   if 如果;若   *In case he arrives be fore I get back,please ask him to wait.如果 我回来前他就到了,请叫他等我。   *In case it rains,do not expect me. 如果天下雨,就不要指望我来了。   *in case of in the event of; as for要是;在u2026 时(候)In case of fire,the alarm bell.如遇火灾,即按警铃。   *In case of any difficulty,call me at once.如有任何困难,立即找 我。   *In case of illness, you must consult a doctor.假使有病,你必须请医 生诊治。   in case的例句   1. We have an auxiliary generator in case of power cuts.   我们有一台万一断电时使用的备用发电机。   2. In case you need something, please don"t hesitate to let me know.   如果你需要什么东西,请不客气地对我说。   3. It may rain you"d better take an umbrella (just) in case (it does).   可能下雨--你最好带把伞, 以防万一(下起来).   4. In case that he leaves, please inform me.   如果他离开, 请通知我。   5. In case of rain, they can"t go.   万一下雨,他们就不能去了。   6. In case (=If) I forget, please remind me.   万一我忘记,请提醒我。   7. Write the telephone number down in case you forget.   把电话号码写下来以免忘了。   8. The doctor asked us to call him during the night except in case of necessity.   医生吩咐我们,除非必须,否则不要在夜里叫他。
2023-07-28 07:30:161

in case 与in case that有什么区别?

in case作短语连词,能引导状语从句。 就其词义和语法职能来分,可引导两种从句。 其一:in case /just in case引导目的状语从句作“以免,以备,以防”等解。如: He takes a torch in case it gets dark before he returns. Please remind me of it again tomorrow in case I forget. 请你明天再提醒我一下,免得我忘记。 他带了手电筒,以备天黑以后回家之用。 其二:in case接条件从句,意为“如果、万一”。如: In case we fail,we won"t lose heart.万一我们失败,我们决不会失去信心。 Take a hat with you in case the sun is very hot. 倘若太阳很利害,你就把帽子戴上。 in case that是连词词组,后面要跟从句的,是条件状语从句。
2023-07-28 07:30:364

in case 从句

in case 可引导条件状语从句,其意为“如果”、“万一”。如:In case I forget, please remind me about it. 如果我忘了,请提醒我 也可以引导目的状语从句Take your coat in case it rains (should rain). 带着雨衣以防下雨。
2023-07-28 07:31:093

in case 什么情况下用虚拟语气?

2023-07-28 07:31:172

In case 的用法

in case + 从句1. 假使In case she comes back, let me know immediately.假使她回来了,立刻告诉我。2. 免得Take the raincoat in case it rains.带着雨衣,以防下雨。in case of + 名词1. 如果发生In case of fire, open this safety door.一旦发生火灾时,打开这扇安全门。
2023-07-28 07:31:503

in case怎么用?求解答还有例句

in case 是用在句首
2023-07-28 07:32:004

in case有哪些用法

高考临近,小编为大家准备了些高考词汇及其用法和搭配,希望大家能从中获益!用法一、起副词作用,其意为以防万一。You had better carry some money in case. 你最好带些钱,以防万一。It may rain; youu2019d better take an umbrella in case. 可能下雨你最好带把伞,以防万一。用法二、起连词作用,用于引导条件状语从句和目的状语从句① 引导条件状语从句,意为假使如果。如:In case he comes, let me know. 如果他来的话,告诉我一声。In case theyu2019re late, we can always sit in the bar. 要是他们来晚了,我们总可以在酒吧里坐一坐。这类从句的谓语除通常使用陈述语气外,有时也可使用(should+)动词原形这样的虚拟语气。如:I bought the car at once in case he changed [should change] his mind. 我马上买下那辆汽车,以免他变卦。② 引导目的状语从句,意为以防免得。如:Be quiet in case you wake the baby. 轻点儿,别吵醒婴儿。
2023-07-28 07:32:091

in case 也有如果的意思,和if的用法一样吗?有何不同?

当二者的意思是“如果;假使”(表示条件)时,是一样的。附带 if 和 in case 的用法【if】连接词 conj. 1.(表示条件)如果He will come if you invite him. 如果你请他,他会来的。 2.(表示虚拟)假如,要是If I were you, I would never do that. 如果我是你,我决不做那件事。 3.(表示让步)即使We"ll go even if it rains. 即使下雨我们也要去。 4.是否I wonder if she is ill. 不知她是否病了。 5.(表示因果关系)每一次...的时候(总是会)If I feel any doubt, I inquire. 我一感到有疑问就随时询问。 名词 n. 1.条件;设想[C]There are too many ifs in his offer. 他的提议中条件太多了。 【in case】1.假使In case she comes back, let me know immediately. 假使她回来了,立刻告诉我。 In case (=If) I forget, please remind me. 万一我忘记,请提醒我。2.免得Take the raincoat in case it rains. 带着雨衣,以防下雨。Write the telephone number down in case you forget. 把电话号码写下来以免忘了。
2023-07-28 07:32:171


2023-07-28 07:32:273

in case 后面接不接虚拟语气?什么情况下用虚拟

in case相当于if,根据句子意思的不同,用真实语气或虚拟语气.如果表有客观依据的推断,用真实,FE:you"d better take the food in case you are hungry at night.如果只表对结果的一种假设而无具体依据,用虚拟,
2023-07-28 07:32:354

in case 引导什么从句

2023-07-28 07:32:432

in case 和 in order that 在用句中的区别

in case 是“以防万一”的意思,防止后面的事情发生.in order that是“为了”的意思,希望后面的事情发生.希望能帮到你,望采纳!
2023-07-28 07:33:032

英语in case和in ...case区别

in case万一
2023-07-28 07:33:102

in case 与if 都能引出条件从句, 请问它们有什么区别?

意思不同,in case是以防、万一,相当于for fear that,if是如果、是否
2023-07-28 07:33:192

假如的英语和in case的用法

such animal, such as a leech, that sucks blood 吸血的动物,例如蚂蟥for based on; for example, of theories and claims 基于;例如关于理论或者要求in case case of trouble call 911; I have money, just in case. 如果有什么困难的话,请拨打911;我带的钱仅是以防万一。
2023-07-28 07:33:293

in case 虚拟语气用法

当句子表示将来意义时,在in case后面既可以用一般现在时,也可以用should/might+动词原形这样的虚拟语气,should不能省略。in case 可以引导的状语从句,通常可以根据具体情况使用语境所需要的任何时态(常见的例外是,当从句表示将来意义时,通常用一般现在时表示将来意义)。 当句子表示将来意义时,在in case后面既可以用一般现在时,也可以用should/might+动词原形这样的虚拟语气。 事实上,should/might+动词原形这样的虚拟语气不仅可用来表示将来意义的一般现在时,也可用于已发生的情况或过去情况。 在for fear that,in case,lest引导的从句中,若用虚拟语气时,从句谓语为:should+do。should不能省略。 She examined the door again for fear that a thief should come in. 她又把门检查了一遍,以防盗贼的进入。 He started out earlier lest he should be late. 他早早地就出发了以防迟到。
2023-07-28 07:34:011

in case的用法及句型

关于in case的用法及句型,请参考如下:in case作短语连词,能引导状语从句。就其词义和语法职能来分,可引导两种从句。其一:in case/just in case引导目的状语从句作“以免,以备,以防”等解。如:He takes a torch in case it gets dark before he returns.他带了手电筒,以备天黑以后回家之用。Please remind me of it again tomorrow in case I forget..请你明天再提醒我一下,免得我忘记。其二:in case接条件从句,意为“如果、万一”。如:In case we fail,we won"t lose heart. 万一我们失败,我们决不会失去信心。Take a hat with you in case the sun is very hot. 倘若太阳很利害你就把帽子戴上。In case he arrives before I get back,please ask him to wait.万一我回来前他先到了,请叫他等我。注意:in case引出的条件从句所表示的意义是"预防某种情况的出现"如果从句说的是一股的假设或条件,则要用if。请比较:I"ll tell him about the matter if I meet him.(不用in case)Take an umbrella in case it rains.(不用if)
2023-07-28 07:34:511

in case 引导什么从句

in case作短语连词,能引导状语从句。就其词义和语法来分,可引导两种从句。in case引导目的状语从句作“以免,以备,以防”等解释,引导条件状语从句作“如果,万一”等解释。in case万一,是连词,引导条件状语从句。也就是说in case后面是一个完整的句子。Take a hat with you in case the sun is very hot.倘若太阳很利害,你就把帽子戴上。in case of的of是介词,介词后面只能带名词性质的词,比如名词、代词等。意思和in case差不多,万一的意思。In case of rain they can"t go.万一下雨,他们就不能去了。 in the case of,就......来说、关于。意思跟上面两个不一样了。一般表示转而提及另一件事情。比如In the case of woman,they have more difficulty in their job。就女性来说,她们在工作中会遇到更多的困难。 in case用法例句 1.We have an auxiliary generator in case of power cuts. 我们有一台万一断电时使用的备用发电机。 2.In case you need something,please don"t hesitate to let me know. 如果你需要什么东西,请不客气地对我说。 3.It may rain you"d better take an umbrella(just)in case(it does). 可能下雨,你最好带把伞,以防万一(下起来)。 4.In case that he leaves,please inform me. 如果他离开,请通知我。 5.In case of rain,they can"t go. 万一下雨,他们就不能去了。
2023-07-28 07:35:121

in case都可以引导什么状语从句

in case 用来引领条件状语从句
2023-07-28 07:35:192

in case引导什么从句

inu2002case作短语连词,能引导状语从句。就其词义和语法职能来分,可引导两种从句。in case引导目的状语从句作“以免,以备,以防”等解释,引导条件状语从句作“如果,万一”等解释。inu2002case作副词性短语,常置于句末,表示事先准备或预防的措施,作“以防万一”解。 case引导目的状语从句 (1)He takes a torch in case it gets dark before he returns. 他带了手电筒,以备天黑以后回家之用。 (2)I decided to stay at home just in case my friends came round. 我决定留在家里,以防朋友们不期而至。 (3)I"ll make some sandwiches in case you feel hungry on the journey. 我会做些三明治,免得你在旅途中饿着。 case引导条件状语从句 (1)In case we fail,we won"t lose heart. 万一我们失败,我们决不会失去信心。 (2)Add more coal in case the weather is cold. 如果天气冷,就添些煤吧。 (3)In case you get home before I do,could you start preparing dinner? 如果你在我之前到家,你能不能动手做饭?
2023-07-28 07:35:431

in case 和in case of 什么意思`什么区别

2023-07-28 07:35:534

in case ,in any case,in no case 的区别用法!

in case 1.假使 In case she comes back,let me know immediately. 假使她回来了,立刻告诉我. 2.免得 Take the raincoat in case it rains. 带着雨衣,以防下雨. in any case 1.无论如何 In any case,book the tickets first. 无论如何先把票订好. in no case 无论如何不,决不 In no case should the temperature of the store room be over 20℃. 储藏室的温度决不可高于20℃. In no case have I noticed that he left early. 我根本没有注意到他早退了
2023-07-28 07:36:092

2023-07-28 07:36:281

“in case ”和 “in case of” 的区别是什么?

in case万一.是连词,引导条件状语从句.也就是说in case后面是一个完整的句子 Take a hat with you in case the sun is very hot.倘若太阳很利害,你就把帽子戴上.in case of的of是介词,介词后面只能带名词性质的词,比如名词、代词等.意思和in case差不多,万一的意思 In case of rain they can"t go.万一下雨,他们就不能去了.in the case of,就...来说,关于.意思跟上面两个不一样了.一般表示转而提及另一件事情.比如 In the case of woman,they have more difficulty in their job.就女性来说,她们在工作中会遇到更多的困难 1.We have an auxiliary generator in case of power cuts.我们有一台万一断电时使用的备用发电机.2.In case you need something,please don"t hesitate to let me know.如果你需要什么东西,请不客气地对我说.3.It may rain you"d better take an umbrella (just) in case (it does).可能下雨--你最好带把伞,以防万一(下起来).4.In case that he leaves,please inform me.如果他离开,请通知我.5.In case of rain,they can"t go.万一下雨,他们就不能去了.6.In case (=If) I forget,please remind me.万一我忘记,请提醒我.7.Write the telephone number down in case you forget.把电话号码写下来以免忘了.8.The doctor asked us to call him during the night except in case of necessity.医生吩咐我们,除非必须,否则不要在夜里叫他.简单来说,in case+从句 in case of+名词性质的词
2023-07-28 07:36:373

in case 和 in case of 的区别

莘莘你怎么干这么诡异的事啊把BAIDU上的答案贴给你in case万一。是连词,引导条件状语从句。也就是说in case后面是一个完整的句子 Take a hat with you in case the sun is very hot. 倘若太阳很利害,你就把帽子戴上。 in case of的of是介词,介词后面只能带名词性质的词,比如名词、代词等。意思和in case差不多,万一的意思 In case of rain they can"t go. 万一下雨,他们就不能去了。 in the case of,就...来说, 关于。意思跟上面两个不一样了。一般表示转而提及另一件事情。比如 In the case of woman,they have more difficulty in their job。就女性来说,她们在工作中会遇到更多的困难 1. We have an auxiliary generator in case of power cuts. 我们有一台万一断电时使用的备用发电机。 2. In case you need something, please don"t hesitate to let me know. 如果你需要什么东西,请不客气地对我说。 3. It may rain you"d better take an umbrella (just) in case (it does). 可能下雨--你最好带把伞, 以防万一(下起来). 4. In case that he leaves, please inform me. 如果他离开, 请通知我。 5. In case of rain, they can"t go. 万一下雨,他们就不能去了。 6. In case (=If) I forget, please remind me. 万一我忘记,请提醒我。 7. Write the telephone number down in case you forget. 把电话号码写下来以免忘了。 8. The doctor asked us to call him during the night except in case of necessity. 医生吩咐我们,除非必须,否则不要在夜里叫他。简单来说,in case+从句 in case of+名词性质的词
2023-07-28 07:37:242

in case和in case of的区别是什么?

一、用法不同。1、in case意思是万一,是连词,引导条件状语从句,也就是说in case后面是一个完整的句子,例如:Write the telephone number down in case you forget.把电话号码写下来以免忘了。2、in case of的of是介词,介词后面只能带名词性质的词,比如名词、代词等。意思和in case差不多,万一的意思,例如:In case of emergency, break the glass and press the button.遇到紧急情况时,击碎玻璃罩并摁下按钮。二、读音不同。1、in case的英式读法是[u026an keu026as];美式读法是[u026an keu026as]。2、in case of的英式读法是[u026an keu026as u0259v];美式读法是[u026an keu026as u0259v]。三、例句不同。1、in case ofIn case of fire, ring the alarm bell.如遇失火,请按警铃。2、in caseThey watched him closely in case he should escape.他们严密监视他,惟恐他会逃脱。四、一词多义不同。1、in case除了万一,以防;如果的意思,还有在盒子里的意思。2、in case of意思只有防备;假如;如果发生。
2023-07-28 07:37:311

IF和In case有什么不一样啊|???

2023-07-28 07:37:561

in case 和 in case of 的区别

  in case 万一,是连词,引导条件状语从句。也就是说in case后面是一个完整的句子。  Take a hat with you in case the sun is very hot.   倘若太阳很利害,你就把帽子戴上。  in case of的of 是介词,介词后面只能带名词性质的词,比如名词、代词等。意思和in case差不多,万一的意思。  In case of rain they can"t go.  万一下雨,他们就不能去了。
2023-07-28 07:38:062

in case后接句子的时态是什么,又或者说是看语境?

in case=If it happens that; if.意为“假使;免得,以防(万一)”.In case引导的从句可以用陈述语气,也可用虚拟语气,虚拟形式为should+动词原形
2023-07-28 07:38:152

in case 和 if 有什么区别

in case 假使In case he comes, let me know.如果他来的话, 告诉我一声。免得, 以防Be quiet in case you wake the baby.轻点儿, 别吵醒婴儿。也许, 说不定Take your skates in case you decide to go skating.把溜冰鞋带去, 说不定你们要溜冰呢。if [if]conj.如果, 假如If only I had gone by taxi.假若我是乘计程车去的就好了。是否I will see if he wants to talk to you.我去了解一下他是否想和你谈话。即使, 虽然We will go even if it rains.即使下雨, 我们也要去。无论何时She glares at me if I go near her desk.我一走近她的办公桌, 她就瞪我。n.不确定的事, 无把握的事If he wins—and it"s a big if—he"ll be the first Chinese to win for fifty years.假使他赢了——是否能赢还是一大疑问——他将是五十年来的第一个获胜的中国人。 爱词霸百科词典 if conj. 如果, 是否, 无论何时, 假设, 即使n. 条件【计】 DOS批处理命令:根据所测试的条件决定是否执行另一条命令interj.用于感叹句,表示一个愿望. 相关资料conj. 1. (表示条件)如果 He will come if you invite him. 如果你请他,他会来的。 2. (表示虚拟)假如,要是 If I were you, I would never do that. 如果我是你,我决不做那件事。 3. (表示让步)即使 We"ll go even if it rains. 即使下雨我们也要去。 4. 是否 I wonder if she is ill. 不知她是否病了。 5. (表示因果关系)每一次...的时候(总是会) If I feel any doubt, I inquire. 我一感到有疑问就随时询问。 n. 1. 条件;设想[C] There are too many ifs in his offer. 他的提议中条件太多了
2023-07-28 07:38:241

in case 引导目的状语从句 ,后要用should or might 吗?

不用,只是表达一个“目的”。例如:Wear more clothes in case get cold.
2023-07-28 07:38:383

in case 两个造句,求高手看下对不对

第一个应该不能用IN CASE, 应该用UNLESS.Unless the police notice more. they will not suspect us第二句是对的,但是后半句的时态有点不顺。In case we get suspected, we shall not come back to the murder;s spot anymore.
2023-07-28 07:38:462

IF和In case有什么不一样啊|???

2023-07-28 07:38:531

关于 虚拟语气in case

2023-07-28 07:39:031

in case 什么情况下用虚拟语气?

in case后面可以接虚拟语气,意思是‘以免"之类的。要不要用虚拟语气得判断叙述的事件是不是与过去的事实相反,或者还未发生的并且可能不会发生的。例句:Take umbrella or raincoat in case it should rain.
2023-07-28 07:39:121

关于 虚拟语气in case

2023-07-28 07:39:323

in case 引导目的状语从句和条件状语从句的区别

in case作短语连词,引导目的状语从句作“以免,以备,以防”作条件状语从句,一般位于句首表示“假使、如果”
2023-07-28 07:39:401

in case造句.希望造简单一点,例注意独有一排 .谢谢,请快一点.?

假使 In case he es,let me know. 如果他来的话,告诉我一声. 免得,以防 Be quiet in case you wake the baby. 轻点儿,别吵醒婴儿 也许,说不定 Take your skates in case you decide to go skating. 把溜冰鞋带去,说不定你们要溜冰呢.,3,1.假使 In case she es back, let me know immediately. 假使她回来了,立刻告诉我。 2.免得 Take the raincoat in case it rains. 带着雨衣,以防下雨。,1,
2023-07-28 07:40:011

关于lest, for fear that, in case的用法

2023-07-28 07:40:107

in case 与in case that有什么区别?

2023-07-28 07:40:332

in case 与for fear that 的区别,请详细解释

2023-07-28 07:40:413

lest 和 in case

2023-07-28 07:40:502