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求助,华硕M9F 主板怎么关闭灯效

2023-07-29 06:58:15



到advanced(高级)-----Onboard devices configuration(内置设备设置)---里去关闭(Disabled)

①:Model Name LED lighting 音频(产品名称灯效标识灯)

Disabled/Still mode (常亮)/breathing呼吸模式

②:Supreme FX LED (SupremeFX 灯效灯)

Disabled/Still mode/breathing / Flowing

③:Audio Shielding LED(音频LED灯带)





shielding的意思是保护某人或某物(免遭危险、伤害或不快),给……加防护罩。一、读音及词组1、shielding的读音是英[u02c8u0283iu02d0ldu026au014b],美[u02c8u0283iu02d0ldu026au014b]。2、shielding是shield的过去分词,相关的词组有:(1)The Shield:盾牌,卫盾军团,盾牌行动,坚盾护甲。(2)Riot Shield:防暴盾,防暴盾牌。(3)face shield:面罩,护面罩,防护面罩,手持护面罩。二、例句1、The treaty banning mining here,shielding coveted reserves of iron ore,coal and chromium,comes up for review in 2048.禁止在这采矿,保护着令人垂涎的铁矿石、煤炭以及铬储量的协议将于2048年到期。2、She drew the curtains,shielding her eyes from the sun.她拉上窗帘,使眼睛免受阳光照射。3、There are some shielding problems with the power supply.动力供给方面还有些防护问题。
2023-07-28 05:49:251

emc screen/shielding 是什么意思

emc screen/shielding电磁屏蔽/屏蔽shielding[英][u0283i:ldu026au014b][美][u0283u026aldu026au014b]adj.防护的,屏蔽的; v.掩护( shield的现在分词 ); 庇护; 给…加防护罩; 例句:1.You can also upgrade your combat platform with better armor and regenerative shielding. 你也可以用可持续的屏障和保护物,更好地提升你的作战平台。2.Shielding buildings may soon become less expensive than that. 屏蔽建筑或许很快就变得没有那么昂贵
2023-07-28 05:49:441


盾构法(Shield Method)是暗挖法施工中的一种全机械化施工方法,它是将盾构机械在地中推进,通过盾构外壳和管片支承四周围岩防止发生往隧道内的坍塌,同时在开挖面前方用切削装置进行土体开挖,通过出土机械运出洞外,靠千斤顶在后部加压顶进,并拼装预制混凝土管片,形成隧道结构的一种机械化施工方法。
2023-07-28 05:49:552

屏蔽 英文怎么说?

2023-07-28 05:50:235


Self-sealing Bag 论文里面用的
2023-07-28 05:51:014


该研究涉及载人的使命集中于建立一个轨道太空站火星周围。comparisonto direct-landing场景中具有的优势,列举了必要的技术进行了阐述。禁止轨道空间站的污染的,从这颗红色行星和房子6名宇航员在1100路程提供三个火星加压模块:二人将保持在一个低火星预定轨道更进一步的人类任务,并且我们的第三模块作为地球返回车辆核模热推进系统的使用也为电力生产。一种先进的环境控制及生命维持系统,必要的辐射屏蔽、人为因素和船员的选择标准进行了研究。描述的部分可重用的火星着陆模块允许最高可能的灵活性的选择降落的情景。整个使命预算在该领域的质量、电力和成本已被估计。
2023-07-28 05:51:093


今天小编给大家带来的是一位玩家分享的《辐射4》动力装甲改装详细解析,这位玩家是从E3演示视频中得到的结论哦,快跟小编一起来看看吧!从E3演示视频中可以看出动力装甲部分总共有六大部分,分为头部,躯干,左臂,右臂,左腿,右腿等可以改装,在一级菜单中可以选择不同型号的各个部分进行组装,如T45,T60,X-01等主要型号,选择完主要型号后可以进入下级菜单,选择每种主要型号的改型,如T60b什么的。在这个界面可以对主要型号进行更改,我们可以看到各种改型应该是自定义的,可以自定义出T45a,乃至到T45z什么的。在确定了改型名称后就可以对各部分进行修改,包括主体护甲,胳膊,腿。在内的五个部分似乎只能更改涂装和安装一个功能模块在这张图片中可以看出在No Material Mod中可以替代为Atom Cat Paint 原子猫涂装Military Paint 军用涂装Vault-Tec Paint 避难所科技涂装Lead Plating 领导者涂装Explosive Shielding 爆炸防护等选项,一开始没注意到Explosive Shielding以为只能选择涂装,误导了大家
2023-07-28 05:51:182

shielding effect[屏蔽效应]在元素周期表上是如何变化的,就是从左到右从上到下的增减变化

2023-07-28 05:51:371


2023-07-28 05:52:311

如何解决电磁干扰(EMI / RFI)/射频干扰

2023-07-28 05:52:423


2023-07-28 05:53:482

宇航服 Space Suit

阅读提示:宇航服是保护宇航员在太空不受低温,射线等的侵害并提供人类生存所需的氧气的保护服。美国的宇航服价值大约在100万美元。宇航服一般分两种:舱内宇航服和舱外宇航服。舱内宇航服 舱内宇航服是宇航员在载人航天器座舱内使用的,一般是在发射时和返回地球时穿用,一旦座舱发生气体泄漏和气压突然变低时,舱内宇航服迅速充气,起保护宇航员的作用。舱外宇航服 舱外宇航服是宇航员出航活动,进行太空漫步时使用。舱外宇航服的结构非常复杂,它具有加压、充气、防御宇航射线和微陨星袭击的作用,它里面有有通信系统、还有生命保障系统。 Space suit A space suit is a complex system of garments and equipment and environmental systems designed to keep a person alive and comfortable in the harsh environment of outer space. This applies to extra-vehicular activity outside spacecraft orbiting Earth and has applied to walking, and riding the Lunar Rover, on the Moon. Some of these requirements also apply to pressure suits worn by people such as high-altitude fighter pilots who may fly so high that breathing pure oxygen at surrounding pressure would not provide enough oxygen for them to function: see hypoxia. Spacesuit requirements Several things are needed for the spacesuit to function properly in space. It must provide: a stable internal pressure. This can be less than earth"s atmosphere, as there is usually no need for the spacesuit to carry nitrogen. breathable oxygen. Usually a rebreather is used along with a supply of fresh oxygen. temperature regulation. Heat can only be lost in space by thermal radiation, or conduction with objects in physical contact with the space suit. Since heat is lost very slowly by radiation, a space suit almost always has only a cooling system and heavy insulation on the hands and possibly feet. electromagnetic radiation shielding. micrometeoroid protection. mobility. a communication system. means to recharge and discharge gases and liquids. means to maneuver, dock, release, and tether on space craft. Theories of Spacesuit Design A space suit should allow its user natural and unencumbered movement. The only way this is possible is for the space suit to maintain a constant volume no matter what position the wearer is in. This is because mechanical work is needed to change the volume of a constant pressure system. If moving an arm or hand causes a change in the volume of the space suit, then the astronaut has to do extra work every time he bends that joint, and he has to maintain a force to keep the joint bent. Even if this force is very small, it can be seriously fatiguing to constantly fight against your suit. It also makes delicate movements very difficult. All space suit designs try to minimize or eliminate this problem. The most common solution is to form the suit out of multiple layers. The bladder layer is a rubbery, airtight layer much like a balloon. The restraint layer goes outside the bladder, and provides a specific shape for the suit. Since the bladder layer is larger than the restraint layer, the restraint takes all of the stresses caused by the pressure of the suit. Since the bladder is not under pressure, it will not "pop" like a balloon, even if punctured. The restraint layer is shaped in such a way that bending a joint will cause pockets of fabric, called gores, to open up on the outside of the joint. This makes up for the volume lost on the inside of the joint, and keeps the suit at a constant volume. However, once the gores are opened all the way, the joint cannot be bent anymore without a considerable amount of work. In some Russian spacesuits strips of cloth were wrapped tightly round the spaceman"s arms and legs outside the spacesuit to stop the spacesuit from ballooning when in space. There are three theoretical approaches: Hard-shell suits are usually made of metal or composite materials. While they resemble suits of armor, they are also designed to maintain a constant volume. However they tend to be difficult to move, as they rely on bearings instead of bellows over the joins, and often end up in odd positions that must be manipulated to regain mobility. Mixed suits have hard-shell parts and fabric parts. NASA"s Extravehicular Mobility Unit uses a hard-shell torso and fabric limbs. Skintight suits, or mechanical counterpressure suits, use a heavy elastic body stocking to compress the body. The head is encompassed in a pressurized helmet, but the rest of the body is pressurized only by the elastic effect of the suit. This eliminates the constant volume problem, and reduces the possibility of a space suit depressurization. However, these suits are very difficult to put on and face problems with providing a constant pressure everywhere. Most proposals use the body"s natural sweat to keep cool. See space activity suit for more information. One inconvenience with some spacesuits is the head being fixed facing forwards and being unable to turn to look sideways: astronauts call this effect "alligator head". Contributing technologies Related preceding technologies include the gas mask used in WWII, the oxygen mask used by pilots of high flying bombers in WWII, the high altitude or vacuum suit required by pilots of the Lockheed U-2 and SR-71 Blackbird, the diving suit, rebreather, scuba diving gear and many others. The development of the spheroidal dome helmet was key in balancing the need for field of view, pressure compensation, and low weight. Spacesuit models of historical significance High altitude suits Evgeniy Chertanovskiy created his full-pressure suit or high-altitude skafander in 1931. Wiley Post experimented with a number of hard-shell designs for record-breaking flights Russian suit models SK-1, the space suit of Yuri Gagarin, first man in space orbits Earth Berkut, the space suit of Alexey Leonov, the cosmonaut who made first spacewalk. the Yastreb space suit for extra-vehicular activity the Orlan suits for extra-vehicular activity the Sokol suits worn by Soyuz crew members during lift-off and re-entry the Strizh space suit developed for pilots of Buran space shuttle Mercury high-altitude/vacuum suit Gemini spacewalk suits Apollo lunar surface suits Skylab Advance Crew Escape System Pressure Suit on the Space Shuttle Emerging technologies Hard shell Space activity suit Spacesuits in fiction Fiction authors have been trying to design spacesuits since the beginning of space fiction, as far as there was need to describe them in their stories. Most of them are flexible pressure suits, but usually not as bulky as in real spacesuits. Design was influenced by the real old-type Siebe Gorman Standard diving dress, including sometimes such features as side windows on the helmet. In H.G. Wells"s The First men in the Moon (publ. 1901) Standard Diving Dresses are fitted with a big backpack cylinder each and used as spacesuits. Many fictional spacesuits have two big backpack cylinders as their only life-support gear, as if the wearer breathes out to space like in ordinary sport open-circuit scuba. In the well-known Dan Dare series which started in April 1950 in the `Eagle" comic, the usual Spacefleet spacesuit has no backpack, and a corselet like in Standard Diving Dress. Comic-strip space story authors often do not know about the effects of internal pressure inflating the spacesuit in space, but draw the spacesuit in space hanging in folds like a boilersuit: that can often be seen in the Dan Dare stories. Skintight spacesuits (skinsuits) appear in the original Buck Rogers comics. The Buck Rogers scenario has become familiar enough to cause expressions such as "Buck Rogers outfit" for real protective suits that look somewhat like spacesuits. Skinsuits are more common in modern science fiction. On the other end of the spectrum one can find the ideas of heavy powered armor. Robert Heinlein"s novel Have Space Suit, Will Travel draws on his experience designing pressure suits during World War II. It is possible that fictional spacesuit design influenced real spacesuit design somewhat, at least in getting real spacesuits to use a hard helmet and not a soft pressurized hood. Alien spacesuits in the Gerry Anderson UFO series are filled with a breathable liquid to resist acceleration stresses. After NASA started, fictional spacesuits often followed real spacesuit design, in such features as having a large rectangular backpack.
2023-07-28 05:54:061


2023-07-28 05:54:162


Because child care that there are fundamental differences in outlook, so that the two countries in the way the child"s education are also very different. China generally reflected in the following points:1. Life acting on their behalf. Chinese parents, especially parents of one child, the child"s basic necessities in life acting on their behalf, let the child dip the edge household work. This arranged lateral aspects of the child involved, the vertical extension of the child grown up. Incidentally, even the parents pick students, secondary school students but also parents, do the laundry, even the parents escort Freshmen.2. Overprotection on the social. Many parents fear their children suffer, or to bad, so limiting their contact with the outside world, once a child with a dispute between the children or classmates or unpleasant things to shield his own children, most parents to blame the other child.3. Economic laissez-faire. Many parents their children"s demands obedience, responsive, and even financial difficulties of families, parents have to tighten their belts to save money to meet the needs of their children. Many students have mobile phones, digital cameras, MP3 and other high-end consumer products, This is tantamount to encourage extravagance and wastefulness in their habits.4. Learning is too harsh. And life, economy, social life compared with the connivance of parents on children"s learning is very high, even to a demanding level. Throughout the ages, examination-oriented education has always been a deep yoke of the Chinese parents thinking, leading to parents of their children"s grades and ability to obtain higher education as the only criterion for their children to become useful. When a child is born with talent after the standard requirements, educate their children. [3] in peacetime, the children have finished their assignments after the teacher let children do a set of simultaneous exercises in order to consolidate. Confused child exhausted, once the child to live up to their expectations,Nazhi incurred through beats a solution to this "恨铁不成钢" in anger.The United States tempered parents of a child capable of living independently from the perspective of the child"s upbringing to take hands-off rather than a laissez-faire approach. The so-called hands-off, that is, from the child was born, parents try to give them self-training opportunities and conditions to enable them to fully exercise a variety of environments. In addition to the safety of the child care parents, and other living things, such as play, learning all the children to choose. If an early age so that they have stored personal clothing, toys and school supplies in place so that he clean up housekeeping, layout of their own small world, the parents never arranged for the children, at most the side to remind the staff.[4] The so-called non-laissez-faire, the general is reflected in three aspects: first, rather than hard-Jiao. Special emphasis on fostering children"s parents suffer the spirit. Second, the Kar-foo instead of extravagance. Many American families, children"s pocket money, there are stringent requirements and regulations. The basic principle is: on a regular basis for the issue, the amount under the child"s age and family income, the actual situation. Third, the strict teaching instead of bare. Westerners will never sit by and let the child"s shortcomings and mistakes, much less shielding, but those who try to teach their children themselves know our mistakes and error correction. In addition, most American parents, their children"s learning does not exert too much pressure. Their view is: the child of knowledge of interestKnowledge will naturally be eager to learn, why they should be forced to do this do not want to do things? Strong bending forward to do, it will hurt the child"s feelings and personality. People"s interests, hobbies and talents already different, the children for what to do on what to do, let children choose their own path in life to go. The success of family education should be the parents to take time to spend with their children an equal manner to communicate, exchange of ideas and behavior of children the proper way to give full recognition to help kids grow up respecting and encouraging.请采纳。
2023-07-28 05:56:213

electron shielding是什么意思

2023-07-28 05:56:422


2023-07-28 05:56:502


2023-07-28 05:57:251

cable shield中文翻译

Laminated metal plastic foil for telemunication cable shielding 通信电缆屏蔽用金属塑料复合箔 Earthing technology of electrical equipment and cable shield for naval ship 舰船电气设备和电缆屏蔽接地工艺 Cable sheath , cable shield 电缆线套 Numerical simulation of the hemp induced current in cable shielding near ground 高空电磁脉冲作用下地面电缆屏蔽层感应电流的数值模拟 Standard specification for aluminum , aluminum alloy and aluminum - clad steel cable shielding stock 铝铝合金和铝包层钢电缆屏蔽材料标准规范 Standard specification for copper , copper - alloy , copper - clad bronze , copper - clad stainless steel , and copper - clad alloy steel sheet and strip for electrical cable shielding 电缆护套用铜铜合金包铜青铜和包铜不銹钢薄板和带材标准规范 Main apppcation range : apppcable to lead wires of every kind of electronic parts , such as capacitor and resistor . electrical wire , cable conductor ( single or stranded cable ) ; and every kind of cable shielding material 主要应用范围:适用于各种电子零件之引线,如电容器,电阻器等;电线、电缆导体(单支或绞线) ;以及各种电缆屏蔽编织用材。
2023-07-28 05:58:051


2023-07-28 05:58:141


2023-07-28 05:59:321

利拉德阿迪达斯广告词 第一句是像国王一样思考

2023-07-28 05:59:593


1, 导体和电介质的静电特性;2,导体和电介质内外的电场分布图像;3,静电场的能量.1,按导电能力划分,大致可将物体分为两类:导体:导电能力极强的物体绝缘体或电介质:导电能力极弱或者不导电的物体2,金属导体的电结构特点:具有大量的自由电子.当导体不带电,也不受外电场的作用时,导体内的大量自由电子和晶体格点阵的正电荷相互中和,导体呈电中性状态.§9-1 静电场中的导体(Conductors in Electrostatic Field) 静电感应现象:在导体内部存在电场时,自由电子受电场力作用作定向运动,从而引起导体内部正负电荷的的重新分布,结果使导体一端带正电荷,一端带负电荷.这就是静电感应,分布在导体上的电荷便是感应电荷.1.导体的静电平衡状态 (electrostaticequilibrium): 指导体内部和表面都没有电荷作宏观的定向运动的状态.(E :感应电荷q 产生的电场) 2. 静电平衡条件(electrostatic equilibrium condition) : 导体内部电场强度处处为零这也是静电平衡问题的出发点3,导体静电平衡时的特点 场强特点:电势特点:导体是等势体;导体表面是等势面.电荷分布特点:电荷只分布在导体表面上,导体表面附近的场强 与该表面的电荷面密度成正比,方向垂直于表面:对孤立导体,表面各处的面电荷密度和该处表面的曲率有关.一般而言,曲率大处,面电荷密度大.这一结论对孤立导体和处于外电场中的任意导体均适用§9-2 空腔导体内外的静电场导体空腔内无带电体不论导体空腔是自身带电还是处在外电场中,在静电平衡条件下,腔的内表面上处处没有电荷,电荷只能分布在腔的外表面上,腔内空间各点的电场强度处处为零.空腔导体外面的空间总有电场存在,电场分布由腔外表面的电荷分布和其它带电体的分布共同决定.PO总之,对导体空腔内无带电体当导体处在外电场中时,空腔导体外的带电体,只会影响空腔导体外表面上的电荷分布,并改变空腔导体外的电场分布.这些电荷重新分布的结果,最终是使导体内部及空腔内部的场强为零.PQO导体空腔内有带电体导体空腔内的空间有带电体时,设电量为q,在静电平衡条件下,腔的内,外表面上分别出现电荷量为-q和q的感应电荷.若导体空腔原来带电量为q0,则腔外表面上的带电量为q0+q.腔内空间场强值由腔内带电体和腔内表面上的电荷分布决定,与腔外表面及腔外其它带电体的电荷分布无关.腔外空间的电场由腔内带电体和外加电场在外表面产生的感应电荷共同确定.PqQO§9-2 空腔导体内外的静电场导体空腔内的电场导体空腔内的空间无带电体时,不论腔外是否有带电体(附加电场),在静电平衡条件下,腔的内表面上处处没有电荷,电荷只能分布在腔的外表面上,腔内空间各点的电场强度处处为零.PQ导体空腔内的空间有带电体时,设电量为q,在静电平衡条件下,腔的内,外表面上分别出现电荷量为-q和q的感应电荷.若导体空腔原来带电量为q0,则腔外表面上的带电量为q0+q.腔内空间场强值由腔内带电体的电荷量,位置和腔内表面的形状决定.PqQ导体空腔外的电场当腔外无附加电场时,腔内带电体将在腔外表面感应出与带电体等量同号电荷,这些感应电荷在腔外空间激发电场.当腔外有附加电场时,(1)腔内无电荷,受附加电场影响,腔外表面产生感应电荷,腔外附加电场会重新分布.(2)腔内有电荷,腔外表面上的电荷由腔内带电体和腔外附加电场产生的两种感应电荷共同确定,它们共同在腔外空间激发电场.总之,只要有附加电场存在,无论腔内有无带电体,腔外表面上的感应电荷都会影响该附加电场的分布.静电屏蔽(Electrostatic Shielding) 在静电平衡条件下:空腔导体外面的带电体不会影响空腔内部的电场分布,即空腔导体可保护腔内空间的电场不受腔外带电体的影响;接地空腔导体,空腔内的带电体对腔外的物体不会产生影响.即接地空腔导体可保护腔外空间的电场不受腔内带电体的影响,以上两种现象称为静电屏蔽. 静电屏蔽的讨论静电屏蔽的物理实质使导体在电场作用下,导体中的自由电子重新分布,使导体上出现感应电荷,而感应电荷产生的场与其他源电荷产生的场在一特定区域内合场强为零,从而使处在该区域内的物体不受电场作用.导体的静电屏蔽作用是自然界存在两类电荷与导体中存在大量自由电子的结果.从静电屏蔽的最后结果看,因为导体内部场强为零,电场线都终止在导体表面上,犹如电场线不能穿透金属导体,但这里的电场线代表所有电荷共同产生的电场.§9-3 电容器(capacitor)的电容(capacity) 孤立导体的电容 孤立导体的电容定义为:导体带电量与导体电势的比:物理意义:使导体升高单位电势所需的电荷量.1,电容是导体的客观性质,电容反映了该导体在给定电势的条件下储存电量能力的大小,C 越大,说明在相同的电势下储存的电量越多. 2,电容仅由导体的形状,大小和周围电介质决定,与导体是否带电及带电多少无关.国际单位:法拉(F=C/V) 1F=106 F=1012pF电容的单位 国际单位:F法拉(1F=1C/V)F是一个很大的单位,电容为1F的孤立导体球的半径约为9×109m.地球的半径为6.4 × 106m,把地球看作是球形导体时,电容为:通常取微法( F ),皮法(pF)作为电容的单位1F=106 F=1012pF非孤立导体的电容 此时带电导体的电势不仅与自己所带的电荷有关,且与周围导体的形状,位置及其带电状况带电体都有关系.即非孤立导体的电势与其电荷量不成正比.采用静电屏蔽的原理来消除其他导体的影响(参见P95例题9-2)球A在球B的影响下电势发生了变化,但两球的电势差恒保持不变因此 ,即导体A,B之间的电势差仅与导体A的电量成正比,与导体B周围的其他带电体或导体无关.电容器的电容 导体A和导体B之间的电势差仅与导体A的电量成正比,与导体B周围的其他带电体或导体无关,将这种由导体A和导体B构成的一对导体系称为电容器.两个导体分别称为极板,两极板上分别带等量异号的电荷.电容器的电容定义为:C取决于两极板的大小,形状,相对位置和极板间电介质的电容率.电容的大小反映了当电容器两极板间存在一定电势差时,极板上贮存电量的多少.常见的真空电容器:平行板电容器,球形电容器,圆柱形电容器.1,平行板电容器 dABS由两块平行放置的金属板组成,极板面积S足够大,板间距离d足够小,即:忽略边缘效应后,两板间的场强,电势差分别为:故平行板电容器的电容为:2,球形电容器 由两个同心金属球壳组成.在两球壳之间,具有球心对称的电场分布,其中P点的场强为两球壳间的电势差为:ABRARBP球形电容器的电容为:3,圆柱形电容器 由两个同轴金属圆柱筒组成.在两圆柱面之间电场具有轴对称性,其中P点的场强为两圆柱面之间的电势差为:圆柱形电容器的电容为:ABRARBLP计算电容的步骤设qEUABC电介质电容器电容器的电容还和两极板间所充的电介质有关.实验证明,充有电介质的电容器可增大好多倍.设真空电容为C0,充满电介质时的电容为C.对孤立导体dABS例如对平行板电容器dABS成品电容器的指标:例如电容耐压值电容器的串并联串联:各电容器极板上的电量的绝对值都相等并联:各电容器两极板间的电压都相等§9- 4 电介质(dielectric)及其极化(polarization) 电介质 ——绝缘介质 1.电介质内没有可以自由移动的电荷,在电场作用下,电介质中的电荷只能在原子范围内移动. 2.分子电矩Pm 等效电偶极子(模型) 在一级近似下,可以把原子或分子看作一个电偶极子,即原子或分子的正负电"中心"相对错开.并用电偶极矩(电矩)描写原子或分子的电效应,称为分子电矩 : pm = qmLm +-qLClHPCOOH105°HP1P2P=P1+ P2P1OCOP2P=P1+P2=0几种分子的电偶极矩电介质的极化 (polarization) 电介质的极化:在外电场的作用下,电介质上(体内和表面)可出现极化电荷的现象.极化电荷——不能离开电介质,也不能在电介质内自由移动.根据等效电偶极子模型,电介质分子可分为有极分子和无极分子两类 电介质极化的微观机制: 1.有极分子的极化 (1) 有极分子(polar molecule) :正常情况下,内部电荷分布不对称, 正负电"中心"已错开,有固有电矩pm. 有极分子:如HCl , H2O,CO 等. (2)无外电场时: 每个分子 pm ≠ 0 ,由于热运动,各pm 分取向混乱 ,小体积 ΔV(宏观小,微观大,内有大量分子)内 ∑pm= 0 .(3)有外电场时:各pm向电场方向取向(由于热运动,取向并非完全一致) ,ΔV 内 ∑ pm ≠ 0 ,且外电场越强 | ∑ pm | 越大, 这种极化称取向极化(orientation polarization) 2.无极分子的极化 (1)无极分子(non-polar molecule) :正常情况下电荷分布对称,正负电"中心"重合,无固有电矩. 无极分子:如He, H2, N2, O2,CO2等. . (2)无外电场时: 每个分子无固有电矩 ΔV 内分子固有电矩的矢量和当然为零 (3)有外电场时:正负电"中心"产生相对位移, pm ≠ 0 这里pm称感生电矩(induced electricmoment) ΔV 内∑ pm ≠ 0 且外电场越强 | ∑ pm | 越大,这种极化称为位移极化 (displacement polarization) 两类电介质极化的微观过程虽然不同,当宏观结果却是相同的,即:1,在电介质的两个相对表面上出现异号的极化电荷;2,在电介质内部有沿电场方向的电偶极矩.因此在讨论电介质的极化现象时,就不再分两类来讨论.极化电介质的微观模型:可见把已经极化的电介质看作是大量电偶极子的集合,每个电偶极子具有一定的电矩,即分子电矩Pm,各分子电矩在不同程度上沿电场方向排列.电极化强度(electric polarization) 1.电极化强度 (矢量)为描写电介质极化的强弱,引入电极化强度 . 定义:单位体积内分子电矩的矢量和P 是位置的函数(点函数),各点P的大小和方向均相同,电介质极化是均匀极化,否则是 非均匀极化.单位: C/m2. 综上,对有极,无极分子都有: 无外电场时, P = 0 有外电场时, P ≠ 0 ,电场越强 | P | 越大 物理上的无限小量2.电极化强度和场强的关系 电介质的极化是电场和介质分子相互作用的过程,外电场引起介质的极化,而电介质极化后出现的极化电荷也要激发电场,并改变电场的分布,重新分布的电场反过来再影响电介质的极化,直到静电平衡,电介质便处于一定的极化状态.由实验,对各向同性电介质,当电介质中电场E不太强时,有:比例系数 e电极化率(polarizability),决定于电介质性质.场强E:是电介质中某点的场强(包括该点的外电场以及电介质上所有电荷在该点产生的电场). 上述极化关系称各向同性线性电介质的线性极化极化电荷电介质极化后,在电介质体内及表面上可以出现极化电荷 (又称束缚电荷 bound charge).电介质均匀极化(或均匀电介质被极化)时,只在介质表面出现极化电荷,称为极化面电荷 ;电介质非均匀极化(非均匀电介质被极化)时,在电介质表面和内部均出现极化电荷,称为极化体电荷和极化面电荷.3.电极化强度与极化电荷面密度的关系 对于均匀电介质,其极化电荷只集中在表面层里,或在两种不同的介面层里.PenLdSL+ ds- ds§9- 5 电介质中的静电场空间中任一点的场强是自由电荷(激发外电场的原有电荷系)和极化电荷所激发场强的矢量和:结果使得电介质外部空间,某些区域的合场强增强,某些区域减弱;在电介质中,自由电荷电场合极化电荷的电场总是相反的,故合场强和外场强相比显著地被削弱.(电介质中的场强实质上是指在物理无限小体积内真实场强的平均值.)定量计算电介质内部场强被削弱的情况:EE0E dAB+ 0- 0+ - S自由电荷场强的大小:极化电荷场强的大小:合场强的大小:EE0E dAB+ 0- 0+ - S两极板间的电势差:两极板间充满电介质后的电容:已知所以B- 0EE0E dA+ 0+ - S代入得到极化电荷面密度合极板上自由电荷面密度的关系:§9- 6 有电介质时的高斯定理 电位移(electric displacement) (1)有电介质时,静电场的环路定理仍然成立E是所有电荷(自由电荷和极化电荷)激发电场的合场强(2)电介质中的高斯定理设法将 q 从式中消去E = E0+E P, 为了求E,引入描述电场的辅助矢量:电位移矢量D,从方程的形式上消去极化电荷及与极化电荷有关的E 和P,从而使E的计算大为简化.EPS1S2+ 0- + - 0因为 P = ,考察:所以移项整理得:将式中 定义为电位移D于是,有电介质时的高斯定理为:通过电介质中任意闭合曲面的电位移通量等于该闭合面所包围的自由电荷的代数和 对电位移D的几点讨论:1. 对 D 的理解 (1)D 只和自由电荷有关吗 D 的高斯定理说明 D 在闭合面上的通量只和自由电荷有关,这不等于说 D 只和自由电荷有关. 由 ,也说明 D 既和自由电荷又和束缚电荷有关(E 是空间所有电荷共同产生的). P-q +q q例如:EP由q,-q ,+q 共同激发,而DP= 0EP,显然也与极化电荷有关.注:只有在各向同性线性均匀电介质充满整个电场空间或每种均匀电介质的分界面都是等势面的条件下,电位移D才只与自由电荷有关.(2)电位移线 类似于电场线(E 线),在电场中也可以画出电位移线(D 线);由于闭合面的电位移通量等于被包围的自由电荷,所以D 线发自正自由电荷止于负自由电荷. 引入电位移线和电位移通量,形象描述电位移D电位移线:类似与电场线,线上每一点的切线方向表示该点的电位移方向.电位移通量:规定在垂直于电位移线的单位面积上通过的电位移线数目等于该点的电位移D的通量.2. D,E,P 的关系 (1)一般关系:普遍成立:对于各向同性电介质和各向异性电介质都适用.所谓各向同性电介质,是指沿电介质各个方向的电学性质都相同.例如,外电场沿不同方向时,电介质的极化状态都相同,即极化程度都相同,极化方向均沿外电场方向.真空中:P=0,(2)对各向同性电介质(且场强不太大时) 因 代入上式, 引入:相对介电常量 (相对电容率) r (relative permittivity)介电常量(电容率) ( permittivity) P可写作 (3)当各向同性线性均匀电介质充满整个电场时,由D的高斯定理及 有: 有电介质时电场的计算(及相关计算)【方法(延伸到求 V,C )】: 例题:带电 Q 的均匀带电导体球外有一同心的均匀电介质球壳(er 及各半径如图),求 (1) 电介质内外的电场; (2) 导体球的电势; (3) 电介质表面的束缚电荷. 解 :(1)场强分布 求 D:取高斯面如图由 经对称性分析erPPS1S2R1R2erPPS1S2R1R2同理求E:同理erPPS1S2R1R2(2)求导体球的电势(3)电介质表面的束缚电荷 求 P: erPPS1S2R1R2求σ,q: 外表面 内表面 此题所给系统也可看作三层均匀带电球面.由均匀带电球面内,外的场强结果,用场强叠加原理可得, 介质内 q 内的场强抵消了Q的部分场强. 介质外 q 内, q 外的场强相互抵消. erR1R2Q§9- 8 电荷间的相互作用能 静电场的能量点电荷间的相互作用能首先回忆:a,电势的引入b,电荷从A点移到B点,电场力所作的功为静电势能是场源与处在场中的电荷之间的相互作用势能.q2q1(a)q1aq2(b)q1aq2b(c)移动q1的过程中,外力作功为零移动q2的过程中,电场力作功:外力克服电场力作负功:V = 0根据功能原理,外力所作的功等于这两个点电荷系统所具有的相互作用能量(电势能).上式可以改写成:对三个点电荷形成的系统建立这个电荷系统时,外力克服电场力作的总功:推广到n个点电荷形成的系统,此系统所具有的相互作用能量(电势能)为:注意:式中 Vi 表示在给定的点电荷系中,除第 i 个点电荷之外的所有电荷在第个 i 点电荷所在处激发的电势.电荷连续分布时的静电能和 为电荷的体密度和面密度, 为所有电荷在体积元dV和面积元dS所在处激发的电势.注意:式中包含每一个带电体自身各部分电荷之间的相互作用能(固有能),称为静电能.与点电荷之间的相互作用能有区别.静电体系的静电能 :静电体系处于某状态的电势能称静电势能或静电能.它包括体系内各带电体的固有能能和带电体间的相互作用能. 相互作用能: 将静电体系内的各带电体从所在位置,在保持各自电荷分布不变的情况下,把它们移至彼此相距无穷远,它们间的静电力所做的功,称作静电体系在原来状态的相互作用能. 例2,电荷Q均匀分布在半径为R的球体内,求它的静电能.解:设球体的电荷是从无穷远处(电势为零处)一点一点移来,一层一层地从里到外逐渐分布而成,当移来的电荷为q时,半径为r,(电荷密度不变)这时,球面上的电势是再从无穷远处移来dq,放到半径为r的球面上,外力反抗q的电场力所要作的功为Vdq,于是静电能的增量为因为所以代入积分便得例1:平行板电容器的的静电能例2,电荷Q均匀分布在半径为R的球体内,求它的静电能.解:设球体的电荷是从无穷远处(电势为零处)一点一点移来,一层一层地从里到外逐渐分布而成,当移来的电荷为q时,半径为r,(电荷密度不变)这时,球面上的电势是静电场的能量以平行板电容器为例,说明静电场具有能量,即带电系统的静电能,此能量分布(贮藏)在电场所在的整个空间.静电场的能量静电场的能量密度(energy density of electric field) (单位:J/m3)上式普遍适用任一带电系统整个电场中贮存的总能量为静电场的能量任一带电系统整个电场中贮存的总能量为说明:(1)上述结果虽由平板电容器导出,它对所有情况下电场的能量计算都可用. (2)电能究竟"储存于有电场的空间"中,还是"储存于电荷所在处",在静电场中很难分清哪个说法正确.但在变化电磁场中,可以证明,电能储存于有电场的空间中的说法是正确的.
2023-07-28 06:00:101


2023-07-28 06:00:181


您好:Matters needing attention when lightning occurs  1. 切勿接触天线、水管、铁丝网、金属门窗、建筑物外墙等带电设备或其他类似金属装置。不要收晒衣绳或铁丝上的衣服。不要从事栅栏、电话或输电线、管道或建筑钢材等安装工作。切勿处理开口容器盛载的易燃物品。1 do not touch the antenna, pipe, wire, metal doors and windows, the external walls of buildings and other equipment charged metal or other similar device. Don"t accept a clothesline or wire. Do not engage in the fence, telephone or power lines, pipelines or construction of steel and other installation work. Do not handle open containers for storage of flammable liquids.  2. 不要或减少使用电话和手提电话。不宜停留在铁栅栏、金属晒衣绳、架空金属体以及铁轨附近。切勿站立于山顶、楼顶上或接近导电性高的物体。不宜进入和靠近无防雷设施的建筑物、车库、车棚、临时棚屋、岗亭等低矮建筑。2 don"t or reduce the use of telephone and mobile phone. Should not remain in the iron fence, metal clothesline, overhead tracks near the metal body and. Do not stand on the top of the hill, on or near the high conductive objects. Not to enter and near without lightning protection facilities building, garage, carport, temporary huts, boxes and other low rise buildings.  3. 切勿游泳或从事其他水上运动或活动。不宜停留在游泳池、湖泊、海滨、水田等地和小船上。不宜进行室外球类运动。在空旷场地不宜打伞。不宜把锄头、铁锹、羽毛球拍、钓鱼杆、高尔夫球杆等扛在肩上。3 do not swim or engage in other water sports or activities. Should not remain in the swimming pool, beach, lake, paddy field, and the boat. Not suitable for outdoor sports. In the open space should not hold up an umbrella. Not a hoe, shovel, badminton rackets, fishing rod, golf clubs and other on the shoulders.  4. 当感觉到身体有电荷时,如头发竖起,或者皮肤有显著颤动感时,要明白自己可能就要受到电击,应立刻倒在地上,等雷电过后,呼叫别人救护。4 feel physically charge, such as hair, or significant skin flu fibrillation, understand that you may have received an electric shock, should immediately fell to the ground, such as thunder and lightning after the ambulance call others.  5. 雷雨天气应该留在室内,关好门窗;在野外无法躲入有防雷设施的建筑物内时,要将手表、眼镜等金属物品摘掉,千万不要在离电源、大树和电杆较近的地方避雨;5 the thunderstorm weather should stay indoors, shut the doors and windows; in the wild can not have mine duoru facilities within the building, to watch, glasses and other metal items removed, not from the power supply, the tree and pole is close to shelter from the rain;  6. 尽量降低身体的高度,以减少直接雷击的危险,双脚要尽量靠近,与地面接触越小愈好,以减少“跨步电压”。野外最好的防护场所是洞穴、沟渠、峡谷或高大树丛下面的林间空地;6 as far as possible to reduce the height of the body, to reduce the risk of a direct lightning stroke, the feet should be as close as possible to the smaller, the better contact with the ground, in order to reduce the "step voltage". The field the best protection place is the cave, ditches, canyon or tall trees below the glade;  7. 不宜使用无防雷措施或防雷措施不足的电视、音响等电器。不要靠近打开的门窗、金属管道。要拔掉电器用具插头,关上电器和天然气开关。切忌使用电吹风、电动剃须刀等。不宜使用水龙头。7 is the use of lightning protection lightning protection measures are inadequate TV, stereo and other electrical appliances. The doors and windows, metal pipes do not close the open. To unplug the appliance plug, electrical and natural gas off the switch. Avoid the use of hair dryers, electric shavers. Not to use the taps.  8. 不宜骑马、骑自行车、驾驶摩托车和敝蓬拖拉机。汽车往往是极好的避雷设施,因有屏蔽作用。即使闪电击中汽车,也不会伤人。8 not on horseback, riding a bicycle, motorcycle and convertible tractor. The car is often the lightning protection facilities excellent, due to shielding effect. Even if the lightning hit the car, it would not hurt.  单位应该怎样进行雷电灾害防范The unit should be how to prevent lightning disasters  1. 单位应定期由有资质的专业防雷检测机构检测防雷设施,评估防雷设施是否符合国家规范要求;1 units should regularly by qualified professional testing organizations mine detection of lightning protection, lightning protection facilities to assess compliance with the requirements of national standard;  2. 单位应设立防范雷电灾害责任人负责防雷安全工作,建立各项防雷安全工作规范,建立各项防雷设施的定期检测制度。雷雨后要进行安全检查,做好设施的日常维护工作。如雷雨过后,应检查安装在电话程控交换机、电脑等电器设备电源和信号线上的过压保护器有无损坏,发现损坏时应及时更换;2 units should be set up to prevent lightning disaster responsible person shall be responsible for the work of mine safety, establish the mine work safety norms, the regular establishment of the mine detection system facilities. After the thunderstorm to carry out safety inspection, do the day-to-day maintenance of facilities. If after the thunderstorm, should check the installation of overvoltage protector in power supply electrical equipment telephone program-controlled switches, computer and signal line is damaged, found damaged should be replaced promptly;  3. 建设单位在防雷设施的设计和建设时,应根据地质、土壤、气象、环境、被保护物的特点以及雷电活动规律等因素综合考虑,采用安全可靠、技术先进、经济合理的设计施工方式; construction units in the mine design and construction facilities, should according to the geology, soil, weather, environment, protection factors of material characteristics and rules of lightning activity and other factors, the use of safe and reliable, advanced technology, reasonable design and construction method;  4. 应采用技术和质量均符合国家标准的防雷设备、器件、器材,避免使用非标准防雷产品和器件;4 lightning protection equipment, devices, equipment using the technology and quality are in line with national standards, to avoid the use of non-standard lightning protection products and devices;  5. 新增加建设和新增加安装设备应同时对防雷系统进行重新设计和建设,如重新铺设电脑网络线、室外天线的移位和加高等都应该重新设计和建设防雷设施;5 new building and new equipment should be installed at the same time to re design and construction of lightning protection system, such as the re laying of computer network line shift, outdoor antenna and higher should re design and construction of mine facilities;  .6. 雷灾发生时应及时向有关部门上报情况,以便及时处理,避免再次遭受雷击。.6. lightning occurs should be timely to the relevant departments to report, so that timely treatment, avoid to suffer lightning strike希望对您的学习有帮助【满意请采纳】O(∩_∩)O谢谢欢迎追问O(∩_∩)O谢谢祝学习进步~
2023-07-28 06:00:471


1.化学变化伴随的现象( 发光、发热、吸热、颜色变化,物质状态变化等 )2.物理性质主要包括( 颜色,气味, 密度,熔沸点,溶解性,导电性,导热性,延展性,硬度等 )3.气体的物理性质比较关注( 颜色,气味,溶解性, )、( 密度 , 沸点 )4.物质的性质( 决定 )物质的用途,物质的用途( 反映 )物质的性质5.物质的性质( 决定 )物质的保存方法,物质的保存方法( 反映 )物质的性质.
2023-07-28 06:01:0815


Be a king in your mind but do the work of a servant With a purpose on a mission get to what you deserve It"s worth to be on straight and narrow instead of swervingIgnore the dream killers and doubters ‘cause they ain"t perfect -Dame,still a lot of doubters out there, what do you wanna tell them? -Thank you for the motivation.
2023-07-28 06:01:332


The increasing popularity of the Internet, browse the Internet access not only to increase data transmission capacity, the network was the possibility of increased attacks, but also because of the open Internet, network security the way there have been fundamental changes in security issues more complicated . The traditional emphasis on a unified and centralized network security management and control can be taken by encryption, authentication, access control, audit logs, as well as many other technical means, and the implementation of their communications by the two sides together; because the Internet is an open global network , The complex structure of the network, the security ways. Internet security technologies involved in traditional network security technology and distributed network security technology, and is mainly used to resolve how to use the Internet for communications security, while protecting the internal network from external attacks. Under such circumstances, the firewall technology came into being. Firewall technology based on the precautionary approach and the focus is divided into many different types, but the whole package can be divided into the filter, application-level gateway and proxy servers, such as several types. 1. Packet-filtering firewall Packet filter (Packet Filtering) technology in the network layer packets to choose, the choice is based on the system set up to filter logic, known as Access Control List (Access Control Table). By examining the flow of data in each packet source address, destination address, port number used, such as the status of the agreement, or a combination of them to determine whether to allow the packets through. Packet filtering firewall logic simple, cheap, easy to install and use, network performance and transparency, it is usually installed on the router. Router is the internal network and Internet connection are essential equipment in the existing network firewall to increase this kind of almost do not need any additional costs. Packet filtering firewall there are two drawbacks: First, once the illegal visit to a breakthrough firewall can be host of software and configuration vulnerabilities to attack; Second, the packet source address, destination address, as well as the IP port number in the packet Head, is likely to be counterfeit or eavesdropping. Packet filtering or packet filtering is a common, cheap and effective means of security. The reason why GM, as it is not targeted at any specific network services to take special treatment; was cheap, since most routers offer packet filtering; was effective because it can to a large extent to meet the Safety requirements. According to the information derived from IP, TCP or UDP header. Packet filtering is not the merits of changes to the client and host applications, as it work in the network layer and transport layer, has nothing to do with the application layer. But its weakness is obvious: It is the only judge to filter network layer and transport layer of the limited information, a variety of safety requirements and therefore can not be fully satisfied; in many filters, the number of filter rules is limited, and with the The increase in the number of rules, the performance will be greatly affected; due to the lack of context-related information, can not effectively filter such as UDP, RPC for a class of the agreement; In addition, most of the filters in the lack of audit and alarm mechanisms, and management and user interface Poor; the security requirements of high-quality managers, the establishment of safety rules, it is important to the agreement itself and its various applications in the role of a more profound understanding. As a result, the filter is usually used in conjunction with gateway and application of common components of a firewall system. 2. Application-level gateway firewall Application-level Gateway (Application Level Gateways) in the network application layer protocol on the establishment of filtering and forwarding functions. Its application-specific network services agreement specified the use of the data filtering logic and filtering, packets of the necessary analysis of registration and statistics, the formation of the report. The actual application is usually installed in the gateway dedicated system workstations. Packet filtering and application gateway firewall have a common characteristic is that they rely on only a specific logic to determine whether or not allowed through the packet. Once the logic meet, both within and outside the firewall computer system to establish direct contacts, the external firewall may direct the user to understand the firewall"s internal network structure and operation of the state, which is conducive to the implementation of unauthorized access and attacks. 3. Firewall-agency services Agency services (Proxy Service), also known as link-level gateway or TCP channel (Circuit Level Gateways or TCP Tunnels), it was also attributable to a class of application-level gateway. It is for packet filtering and application gateway technology shortcomings and the introduction of firewall technology, characterized by a firewall across all network communication link is divided into two sections. Computer systems inside and outside the firewall between the application layer of the "link", by the termination of the two proxy server on the "link" to achieve internal and external computer Web links can only reach the proxy server, which has played an isolated computer systems inside and outside the firewall. In addition, the agency services in the past also the packet analysis, the registration form of the report, at the same time when the attack was discovered signs will alert to the network administrator, and retain traces of the attack. Application-based firewall is the agent intranet and extranet isolation, surveillance and isolation plays an application layer traffic. At the same time, often combined into the filter. It"s the work of the OSI model at the highest level, holds the applications can be used in all of the information security decision-making. 4. Composite firewall As a result of higher security requirements, often based on packet filtering method and application of agent-based approach, so as to form a complex firewall products. This is usually combined with the following two programs. Shielding host firewall architecture: the structure, or router packet filtering firewall connected with the Internet and at the same time a bastion of machines are installed on the internal network through a router or a packet filtering firewall filtering rules set up so that the fortress Machine on the Internet become the other nodes can only reach the nodes, which ensured that the internal network from unauthorized users outside of the attack. Subnet mask firewall architecture: a fortress on a sub-machine network, the formation of the demilitarized zone, division of the two sub-filtering routers on the network at both ends so that the subnet and the Internet and internal networks Separation. Subnet mask in the firewall architecture, the bastion host and packet filtering routers together form the basis for the safety of a firewall as a whole.
2023-07-28 06:01:461


氢的核磁共振谱提供了三类极其有用的信息:化学位移、偶合常数、积分曲线。应用这些信 息,可以推测质子在碳胳上的位置。根据前面讨论的基本原理,在某一照射频率下,只能在某一磁感应强度下发生核磁共振。例如:照射频率为60 MHz,磁感应强度是 14.092 Gs(14.092×10^-4 T),100 MHz—23.486 Gs(23.486×10^-4 T),200 MHz—46.973 Gs(46.973×10^-4 T)。600 MHz—140.920 Gs(140.920×10^-4 T)。但实验证明:当1H在分子中所处化学环境(化学环境是指1H的核外电子以及与1H 邻近的其它原子核的核外电子的运动情况)不同时,即使在相同照射频率下,也将在不同的共振磁场下显示吸收峰。下图是乙酸乙酯的核磁共振图谱,图谱表明:乙酸乙酯中的8个氢,由 于分别处在a,b,c三种不同的化学环境中,因此在三个不同的共振磁场下显示吸收峰。同种核由于在分子中的化学环境不同而在不同共振磁感应强度下显示吸收峰,这称为化学位移(chemical shift)。 化学位移是怎样产生的?分子中磁性核不是完全裸露的,质子被价电子包围着。这些电子 在外界磁场的作用下发生循环的流动,会产生一个感应的磁场,感应磁场应与外界磁场相反(楞次定律),所以,质子实际上感受到的有效磁感应强度应是外磁场感应强度减去感应磁场强度。即B有效=B0(1-σ)=B0-B0σ=B0-B感应外电子对核产生的这作用称为屏蔽效应(shielding effect),也叫抗磁屏蔽效应(diamagnetic effect)。称为屏蔽常数(shielding constant)。与屏蔽较少的质子比较,屏蔽多的质子对外磁场感受较少,将在较高的外磁场B0作用下才能发生共振吸收。由于磁力线是闭合的,因此感应磁 场在某些区域与外磁场的方向一致,处于这些区域的质子实际上感受到的有效磁场应是外磁场B0加上感应磁场B感应。这种作用称为去屏蔽效应(deshielding effect)。也称为顺磁去屏蔽效应(paramagnetic effect)。受去屏蔽效应影响的质子在较低外磁场B0作用下就能发生共振吸收。综上所述:质子发生核磁共振实际上应满足:ν射=γB有效/2π因在相同频率电磁辐射波的照射下,不同化学环境的质子受的屏蔽效应各不相同,因此它们发生 核磁共振所需的外磁场B0也各不相同,即发生了化学位移。对1H化学位移产生主要影响的是局部屏蔽效应和远程屏蔽效应。核外成键电子的电子云 密度对该核产生的屏蔽作用称为局部屏蔽效应。分子中其它原子和基团的核外电子对所研究的 原子核产生的屏蔽作用称为远程屏蔽效应。远程屏蔽效应是各向异性的。 化学位移的差别约为百万分之十,要精确测定其数值十分困难。现采用相对数值表示法,即选用一个标准物质,以该标准物的共振吸收峰所处位置为零点,其它吸收峰的化学位移值根据这 些吸收峰的位置与零点的距离来确定。最常用的标准物质是四甲基硅(CH3)4Si简称TMS。选TMS为标准物是因为:TMS中的四个甲基对称分布,因此所有氢都处在相 同的化学环境中,它们只有一个锐利的吸收峰。另外,TMS的屏蔽效应很高,共振吸收在高场出现,而且吸收峰的位置处在一般有机物中的质子不发生吸收的区域内。现规定化学位移用δ来 表示,四甲基硅吸收峰的δ值为零,其峰右边的δ值为负,左边的δ值为正。测定时,可把标准物与样品放在一起配成溶液,这称为内标准法。也可将标准物用毛细管封闭后放人样品溶液中进 行测定,这称为外标准法。此外,还可以利用溶剂峰来确定待测样品各个峰的化学位移。由于感应磁场与外磁场的B0成正比,所以屏蔽作用引起的化学位移也与外加磁场B0成正 比。在实际测定工作中,为了避免因采用不同磁感应强度的核磁共振仪而引起化学位移的变化,δ一般都应用相对值来表示,其定义为δ=(ν样-ν标)/ν仪×10^6 ④在式④中,ν样和ν标分别代表样品和标准化合物的共振频率,ν仪为操作仪器选用的频率。多数有机物的质子信号发生在0~10处,零是高场,10是低场。 需注意也有一些质子的信号是在小于0的地方出现的。如安扭烯的环内的质子,受到其外芳环磁各向异性的影响,甚至可以达到-2.99。此外,在不同兆数的仪器中,化学位移的值是相同的。 化学位移取决于核外电子云密度,因此影响电子云密度的各种因素都对化学位移有影响,影 响最大的是电负性和各向异性效应。 ⑴电负性(诱导效应)电负性对化学位移的影响可概述为:电负性大的原子(或基团)吸电子能力强,1H核附近的吸电子基团使质子峰向低场移(左移),给电子基闭使质子峰向高场移(右移)。这是因为吸电子基团降低了氢核周围的电子云密度,屏蔽效应也就随之降低,所以质子的化学位 移向低场移动。给电子基团增加了氢核周围的电子云密度,屏蔽效应也就随之增加,所以质子的 化学位移向高场移动。下面是一些实例。实例一: 电负性 C 2.6 N 3.0 O 3.5 δ C—CH3(0.77~1.88) N—CH3(2.12~3.10) O—CH3(3.24~4.02) 实例二: 电负性 Cl 3.1 Br 2.9 I 2.6 δ CH3—Cl(3.05)CH2—Cl2(5.30)CH—Cl3(7.27) CH3—Br(2.68) CH3—I(2.16) 电负性对化学位移的影响是通过化学键起作用的,它产生的屏蔽效应属于局部屏蔽效应。⑵各向异性效应当分子中某些基团的电子云排布不呈球形对称时,它对邻近的1H核产 生一个各向异性的磁场,从而使某些空间位置上的核受屏蔽,而另一些空间位置上的核去屏蔽, 这一现象称为各向异性效应(anisotropic effect)。除电负性和各向异性的影响外,氢键、溶剂效应、van der Waals效应也对化学位移有影响。氢键对羟基质子化学位移的影响与氢键的强弱及氢键的电子给予体的性质有关,在大多数情况 下,氢键产生去屏蔽效应,使1H的δ值移向低场。有时同一种样品使用不同的溶剂也会使化学位移值发生变化,这称为溶剂效应。活泼氢的溶剂效应比较明显。当取代基与共振核之间的距离小于van der Waals半径时,取代基周围的电子云与共振核周围的电子云就互相排 斥,结果使共振核周围的电子云密度降低,使质子受到的屏蔽效应明显下降,质子峰向低场移动,这称为van der Waals效应。氢键的影响、溶剂效应、van der Waals效应在剖析NMR图谱时很有用。 (3)共轭效应苯环上的氢若被推电子基取代,由于P-π共轭,使苯环电子云密度增大,质子峰向高场位移。而当有拉电子取代基则反之。对于双键等体系也有类似的效果。
2023-07-28 06:02:081


2023-07-28 06:02:232


2023-07-28 06:02:313


  奥术  Arcane Shielding (Tier 4) now decreases the mana lost per point of damage taken when Mana Shield is active by 17/33%. (Previously was 10/20%)  奥术护盾(第4层)现在降低法力护盾在吸收每点伤害时所需要的魔法值17/33%(原来是10/20%).  Improved Counterspell (Tier 4) now has a 100% chance to silence the target for 2/4 secs. (Previously was a 50/100% chance to silence the target for 4 secs.)  强化法术反制(第4层)现在有100%的几率使目标沉默2/4秒.  Torment the Weak (Tier 4) is a new 3 point talent. It increases damage done to slowed targets by 2/4/6%.  欺压现在是一个需要3点点满的新天赋,增加对减速目标的伤害2/4/6%.  Incanter"s Absorption moved to Tier 7.  吸收符咒被上移到第7层.  Spell Power moved to Tier 10.  法术能量被移至第10层  火焰  Impact (Tier 3) has been changed to give your damaging spells a 4/7/10% chance to stun the target for 2 secs. (Previously was a 5 point talent 2/4/6/8/10% and only worked on fire spells)  冲击(第3层)的效果被更改为使你所有伤害性法术都拥有4/7/10%的几率使目标昏迷2秒.  Molten Shields (Tier 4) now includes both Fire Ward and Frost Ward, and now increases chance to reflect the incoming spell by 15/30%. (Previously only worked on Fire Ward and was 10/20%)  熔岩盾(第4层)现在可以同时作用于火焰结界和冰霜结界,同时冰/火结界有15/30%的几率反射相应的法术.  Fiery Payback (Tier 8 ) changed to include all damage, and now increases the cooldown of pyroblast by 2.5/5 secs when below 35% health. (Previously only worked on physical and fire damage, and did not increase cooldown time)  火焰反馈(第8层)被修改为在血量低于35%的时候可以降低所有的伤害20%,并增加炎爆术的Cooldown2.5/5秒(这个cd也只是只在35%血量以下时候起效).  Firestarter (Tier 9) is now a 2 point talent and was changed to 50/100% chance to make your next Flamestrike instant cast. (Previously was 15/30/45% and a 3 point talent)  火焰起源(第9层)现在是一个2点的天赋并可以使你在释放冲击波和龙息术之后有50/100%的几率使你的下个烈焰风暴瞬发.  Burnout (Tier 10) has been increased to 10/20/30/40/50% critical damage bonus to all fire spells. (Previously 5/10/15/20/25%)  烧尽(第10层)的效果被提升至10/20/30/40/50%.  Living Bomb (Tier 11) has been completely changed and now the target becomes a Living Bomb, taking 612 Fire damage over 12 seconds. After 12 seconds or when the spell is dispelled, the target explodes dealing 306 Fire damage to all enemies within 10 yards and knocking all targets up in the air. This spell can only affect one target at a time.  活体炸弹(第11层)的效果被完全改变,现在这个法术的作用方式是使目标变为活体炸弹,在12秒内受到612点火焰伤害.在12秒后或者活体炸弹被驱散,目标将会爆炸,对周围目标造成306点火焰伤害并使其被炸飞到空中.这个魔法效果在同一时间只能作用于一个目标.  冰霜  Frost Warding (Tier 1) has been changed and now increases the armor and resistances given by your Frost Armor and Ice Armor spells by 25/50%. In addition, gives your Frost Ward and Fire Ward a 15/30% chance to negate the warded damage spell and restore mana equal to the damage caused. (Previously was 15/30% increase to resistances)  冰霜障壁(第1层)的工作方式被改变,这个天赋现在的效果为增加冰甲术和霜甲术提供的抗性和护甲25/50%.同时,给予你的冰霜结界和火焰结界以15/30%的几率忽略吸收的伤害并使你获得相当与被忽略伤害相等的魔法值.  Improved Frost Nova (Tier 2) has been replaced with Ice Floes (Was Tier 6) and reduces the cooldown of your Frost Nova, Cone of Cold, Ice Block and Icy Veins spells by 7/14/20%.  强化冰霜新星(第2层)被浮冰天赋取代,降低你的冰霜新星,冰锥,寒冰屏障和冰冷血脉的冷却7/14/20%.  Arctic Reach (Tier 4) now includes the spell Deep Freeze.  极寒延伸(第4层)现在可以作用于深结.  Frost Channeling (Tier 4) now reduces the mana cost of all spells by 4/7/10%. (Previously only affected frost spells and was 5/10/15%)  冰霜导能现在可以降低你所有法术的法力消耗4/7/10%。  Cold as Ice (Tier 6) is a 2 point talent and replaces Ice Floes. It reduces the cooldown of your Cold Snap, Ice Barrier, Deep Freeze and Summon Water Elemental spells by 10/20%. Requires Cold Snap.  冰冷(第6层)现在是一个2点的天赋并取代了浮冰.降低你的急速冷却,寒冰护体,深结和召唤水元素法术10/20%.需要急速冷却天赋作为前置.  Winter"s Chill (Tier 6) is now a 3 point talent and gives your frost spells a 33/66/100% chance to apply the winter"s chill effect. The winter"s chill effect now increases Arcane, Fire, and Frost spell damage by 2%. Stacks up to 5 times.  深冬之寒(第6层)现在是一个3点的天赋,给予你的冰霜法术33/66/100%的几率使你获得深冬之寒的效果.该效果可以增加目标受到的奥术,火焰,冰霜法术的伤害2%,可叠加5次.  Shattered Barrier (Tier 7) now gives your Ice Barrier spell a 50/100% chance to freeze all enemies within 10 yds for 8 seconds when it is destroyed. Requires Ice Barrier.  破碎之盾(第7层)现在可以给予你的寒冰护体50/100%的几率在被打破的时候将8码内的目标冻结8S.需要寒冰护体作为前置天赋.  Empowered Frostbolt (Tier 8 ) changed to a 2 point talent and now increases the damage of your Frostbolt spell by an amount equal to 5/10% of your spell power and increases the critical strike chance by an additional 2/4%.  强化寒冰箭(第8层)被修改为2点天赋,增加你寒冰箭法术相当与你法术能量数值10%的伤害,同时,你的寒冰箭的暴击几率增加2/4%.  Fingers of Frost (Tier 8 ) now works on 2 frost spells. (Previously only affected the first one)  寒冰之指(第8层)现在可以作用于2个冰霜法术  Improved Water Elemental (Tier 9) changed to restore mana to all party or raid members an amount equal to 1/2/3% of their total mana every 5 secs. (Previously health was restored)  强化水元素(第9层)的效果被修改,使你的水元素可以为你的团队成员每5秒恢复相当于法力值上限1/2/3%的魔法值.  Deep Freeze (Tier 11) is now Instant Cast. (Previously had a 1.5sec cast time)  深结(第11层)现在变为瞬发法术.
2023-07-28 06:02:451


sb的英文:somebodysomebody造句1、recover something or somebody that appeared to be lost.重新获得曾丢失过的某物或某人。2、It is impossible to impose our wishes on somebody else.把我们的意愿强加给别人是不可能的。3、Police believe that somebody is shielding the killer.警方认为有人把 * 凶手窝藏了起来。4、In my work or daily life when I meet somebody who is trashy talking I know that is a junk.在我的日常工作或生活中,当我遇到某些人说些没有价值的东西,我就认为他是垃圾。5、Would you recommend it to somebody else?你是否向其他人推荐这门课?6、Then somebody else would raise his hand and say, "Proust."然后又一个人举手说:“普鲁斯特7、When somebody comes for treatment I always ask them if they are on any medication.有人来治疗时,我总是会问他们是否在服药。8、The fact that there"ll be a lot of money made by somebody doesn"t bother me really.有很多人会赚到很多钱,但我真的不眼红。9、So the more eggs somebody eats, the less cholesterol our body produces.因此某个人吃的鸡蛋越是多,体内产出的胆固醇则越少。10、They couldn"t believe that somebody could dictate that.他们完全不相信有人能口述出这样的篇章。11、I could hear somebody hammering next door.我能听到隔壁有人在锤打东西。12、Actually I do know somebody who once gets bite by a dog while he is jogging实际上我确实知道有个人在慢跑时曾经被狗咬过。13、I will make arrangements for somebody to meet you at the station.我要安排一个人去火车站接你。14、She is moody and gets depressed easily, especially when somebody cheats her.她情绪化,很容易郁闷,尤其是被欺骗时。15、Somebody said, "Shen Cheng is a man of absolute uprightness. ""有人说:“申枨是个个性刚直的人。”16、do or give something to somebody in return.给某人做某事或给予东西作为报答。17、We need somebody to market our products (to retailers, in Germany, etc).我们需要有人为我们(向零售商、 在德国等)推销产品.18、When I went and had my baby at the hospital I had somebody helping me learn how to breastfeed.当我前往宝宝所在的医院时已经有人帮助我学习如何进行母乳喂养。
2023-07-28 06:02:531


2023-07-28 06:03:164


2023-07-28 06:04:213


pkq_kitty 这位恬不知耻的怎么又来了。。。。机译的‘典范"
2023-07-28 06:04:316


世界动物日,请放下“屠刀”,听听动物们的哭诉,你能否承诺,能否行动,爱及生灵,尊重生命,给予它们一个生存的权利,让我们一起去保护动物,善待动物,让人与动物和谐发展!一起来看看英语演讲保护动物五篇,欢迎查阅! 英语演讲保护动物1 一说到动物,人们就想捕回去杀死吃它们的肉和刮下它们的皮毛来赚钱,可是人类万万没有想到的是由于乱捕滥杀等对待动物,使得动物的种类一天天减少,而有的动物已经到达“濒临灭绝”据新闻报道:野生东北虎在我国不足500只、而非洲象仅有约47至69万只、长江江豚不到1500头、而东部美洲狮已经灭绝、白令海牛也已经灭绝、也使生物圈和食物链遭到严重破坏,这都是人类在地球上一一所犯下的罪行,我们要保护这些美丽的生灵、保护生物圈、保护食物链。 为了保护动物;国家在各个地区建立动物园;除此之外,在一些地区还建立自然保护区和自然风景区;另外还在各省各地区设有省级林业局和市级林业局;还有在森林设有森林派出所;国家在动物界设有国家几级动物的级别;国家还分别颁布和颁发了保护动物的法律和文件。 如果人类一错再错下去的话,那么这个人类赖以生存的家园就会毁于人类手中。 我们和动物一样都要生活,如果我们把地球上的动物全部杀死,最终伤害了我们自我。 我们是动物的朋友,动物也是我们的朋友,是生存在赖以生存的朋友。 我们要保护动物,让它们给我们造福,保护动物是我们的职责,保护动物刻不容缓。 我 总结 出一条一荣一耻:“以保护动物为荣,以捕杀动物为耻”。 When it es to animals, people just want to go back to kill to eat their meat and scraping their fur to make money, but never thought of human is because the treatment of animals, such as disorderly turn reduces day by day the kinds of animals, and some animals have arrived "endangered" according to news reports: wild Siberian tigers in China less than 500 only, and only about 47 to 690000 African elephants, the Yangtze finless porpoise is less than 1500 head, while the eastern cougar extinct, bering sea cows also extinct, also make the biosphere and suffered severe damage to the food chain, which are human crimes mitted in the earth, we need to protect these beautiful creatures, to protect the biosphere, protect the food chain。 In order to protect the animals; Countries in the region to build the zoo; In addition, in some areas also establish nature reserves and scenic spots。 Also has the provincial forestry bureau and the municipal forestry administration in provincial regions; And in the forest with police station; Countries with the level of national grade a few animals in the animal kingdom; Separately promulgated and issued by the state laws to protect animals and files。 If human repeat one"s mistakes, then the home to the survival of humans will be destroyed by human hands。 We have to live like animals, if we kill all the animals on the earth, eventually hurt ourselves。 We is a friend of animals, animals are our friends, is a friend of survival in survival。 We want to protect animals, let them give us the benefit, it"s our duty to protect animals, so it is urgent to protect the animals。 I e to the conclusion that a rong shame: "in order to protect the animals, ashamed of killing animals"。 英语演讲保护动物2 Animals are our best friends。 But there are many bad things about them。 So we should try our best to protect animals。 First, let us know the status of the animal。 Now, animals are facing very great danger。 For example, there are many kinds of animals will die out。 And there are many people eat precious and wild animals。 They are nasty。 As students, we should stop this behavior and protect animals。 Then, let us know we should how to protect animals。 We should protect they habitat。 If you see other people mindlessly trample animal homes, nicely remind them of the damage they"re causing。 We can not also eat some wild animals。 We should ask other people to protect them, too。 Let we protect animals together! 英语演讲保护动物3 一个周日的午时,我漫不经心地调着电视频道。突然,惨不忍睹的一幕进入我的视线:一个农民模样的人正拿着一根铁棍敲打什么,原先是一群屠夫正在屠杀一头不怎样大的小猪。 我亲眼目睹了这一切。发现猪的命运竟是这么悲惨!难道这是命运安排好的吗?还是猪前世的好吃懒惰造成的?我发现“人”竟是那么狠心。自我养了这么长时光的猪,竟然狠心杀掉它。哎,我发现此刻自我竟是那么的悲痛,那么的悲痛,那么的迷惘,那么的无奈。大自然中还有很多比这更悲惨的事情正在发生,或许这就是命运,这就是在成长中不可避免的一次考试。 不是常说动物是人类的朋友吗?不是常说善待动物,保护地球的吗?可能这只是针对那些稀有的动物罢了!那些几乎将近灭亡的动物罢了!猪在世界的某个国家,某个城市,某个城镇,某个村庄,甚至某家某户都能够见到。猪是很多,多到不值得善待?猪也是有生命的,和人类一样,它也明白痛,也有感情,也懂得悲痛。善待动物吧!把动物当成自我朋友,对它们付出一点爱吧! 动物是人类的朋友,同人类一样,都是地球的子民。让我们伸出双手,去保护,去帮忙那些需要帮忙的人类的朋友吧! One Sunday afternoon, I casually adjust the TV channel。 All of a sudden, disastrous scene into my line of sight: a peasant who was holding a piece of iron hammer, turned out to be a butcher is a not how big head of pig slaughter。 I saw all this。 Found that pig"s fate was so miserable! Is this fate arranged? Or pigs caused by past delicious lazy? I found the "people" are so cruel。 Oneself have so long pig, cruel to kill it。 Ah, I found that at the moment I was so sad, so sad, so lost, so helpless。 In nature there are many more miserable than this things are happening, perhaps this is fate, it is inevitable in the growing of a test。 Not often say that animals are friends of human beings? Not often say that people for the ethical treatment of animals, protect the earth? Maybe this is just for those rare animals! Those animals that almost nearly perish! Pigs in a country of the world, one city, a town, a village, or even a home, a person can see。 Pigs are a lot of, is not worth to treat? Pig also is to have life, and human beings, it also know pain, also have feelings, also know how sad。 People for the ethical treatment of animals! The animals as their friends, for they give a little love! Animals are friends of human beings, like humans, are the people of the earth。 Let us hands reach out, to protect, to help those who need help human friends! 英语演讲保护动物4 提议人们已经意识到这个问题,缺乏对濒危物种的保护,动物和植物,但如你所见,他们把小应对这个问题。尽管通用性和错综复杂的仪器,我要研读一些最引人注目的,并供给备选方案。 的主要原因之一,导致人民保护动物,是政府没有函数以及一个 教育 家,人民行动起来保护野生动物,导致的后果,人们不明白他们的职责,防止动物危险,和特定的知识,保护他们。什么是同样重要的是,上头提到的原因是媒体不贴合我们满意通知紧急的质量crutial在唤起人们的意识保证动物的安全。 尽管严重的问题,仍然能够采取 措施 导致深刻的改善。持有的基金不足在一些发展中国家,发达国家或国际组织应当承担更大的负担,拓宽他们为了使能够保护动物。同时,教育的方式告诉人们动物怀有应当关注,从而导致人们的伪装的更好的认识我们的地球的最可爱的动物。 It is suggested that people have been aware of the issue--lack of preservation for endangered spieces, animals and plants, but as you see , they placed little efforts to cope with the problem。despite the versatility and intricacy of instruments , I would pore over some of the most striking ones and offer alternatives afterwards。 One of the major reasons , causing people"s inocence of protecting animals, is that the government did not function well as an educator, arosing people"s initiative in shielding wild animals, which led to the consequence that people do not know their responsibility to prevent animals from dangers, and specific knowledge in guarding them。 what is equally important as the reason mentioned above is that media did not meet our satisfaction to inform the mass of the emergency which is crutial in arousing people"s conciousness to keep animals safe。 In spite of the serious problem, measure leading to profound improvement still can be taken。 owning to the fact that funds are insufficient in some developing countries, developed countries or international organizations should shoulder more burden -- finacing them in order to capacitate them to acpolish the protection of animals。 at the same time, education in telling people the way to make animals harboured ought to be focused on, thus resulting in people"s better awareness in the camouflage of our planet"s cutest creatures。 英语演讲保护动物5 Children, you grabbed the small tadpoles right, you must know that tadpole grew up to become small frog, the frog can eat insects, so the frog is our human"s good friends. We should protect it, not hurt it. But some hotels are also sold the frog meat? Once, dad and his friends took me to dinner. A waiter said: "you see, this is we store the launch of new specials, stir flogs ball". "Chicken is what ah?" I curiously ask, "chicken is the frog." The waiter said, with a smile. I was very angry, because they hurt our good friends-frog! Another thing, he makes a big inspiration. One day, when I finish school, saw a man at the school gate at little chicks must sell, and I will have mercy on them. Because the little chicks must first came to this world, away from the mother, away from the mother love and mother warm embrace, and this is what they faced starved to death, the risk of freezing to death. At that time I thought: we humans are so happy! When you see here, did you see to protect our human friends-animals! 英语演讲保护动物五篇相关 文章 : ★ 保护动物的演讲稿英语5篇 ★ 保护动物演讲稿5篇 ★ 关于保护动物的英语演讲稿2篇 ★ ted保护动物演讲稿5篇 ★ 保护动物英语演讲5分钟 ★ 关于保护动物的英语作文3篇 ★ 保护动物英语作文范文3篇 ★ 保护动物的英语作文精选5篇 ★ 保护动物的三分钟演讲稿 保护野生动物的演讲稿5篇 ★ 保护动物英语演讲3分钟
2023-07-28 06:04:471


哥 一年给你推荐一部 你也得给个98分啊
2023-07-28 06:04:572


2023-07-28 06:05:073

大家推荐一款山地车避震前叉 200元左右的 我的车是08款ATX660红色

2023-07-28 05:59:413

我的电脑每次关机时都会出现“RUNDLL”正在运行 请问是什么问题? 具体怎样解决。在此先谢过了。

2023-07-28 05:59:414

_________ one you choose, I am sure you will enjoy it.

【答案】:D【答案】D【译文】我相信无论你挑选哪一个,你都会喜欢的。【考点】让步状语从句【解析】由whichever引导,表示“无论哪个”,其作用相当于no matter which。因为后面接有one,因而不能用whatever,故选D。
2023-07-28 05:59:451


2023-07-28 05:59:502

迪卡侬 6.3 山地车

你好 迪卡侬 6.3 山地车用的是“SR suntour 100 mm XCR可锁APRO FD弹簧/油压前叉”,是SR suntour 三托为迪卡侬代工的,所以外貌没有SR suntour 的贴纸,价格在400元左右
2023-07-28 05:59:501


watching the world cup
2023-07-28 05:59:553


《斯卡布罗集市》歌词和中文翻译Are you going to Scarborough Fair:您正要去斯卡布罗集市吗?Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme.欧芹,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香Remember me to one who lives there.代我向那儿的一位姑娘问好She once was a true love of mine.她曾经是我的爱人Tell her to make me a cambric shirt:叫她替我做件麻布衣衫(On the side of a hill in the deep forest green.)(绿林深处山冈旁)Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme;欧芹,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香(Tracing of sparrow on the snow-crested brown.)(在白雪封顶的褐色山上追逐雀儿)Without no seams nor needle work,上面不用缝口,也不用针线(Blankets and bedclothes the child of the mountain.)(大山是山之子的地毯和床单)Then she"ll be a true love of mine.她就会是我真正的爱人(Sleeps unaware of the clarion call.)(熟睡中不觉号角声声呼唤)Tell her to find me an acre of land:叫她替我找一块地(On the side of a hill a sprinkling of leaves.)(从小山旁几片小草叶上)Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme.欧芹,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香(Washes the grave with silvery tears.)(滴下的银色泪珠冲刷着坟茔)Between the salt water and the sea strands,就在咸水和大海之间(A soldier cleans and polishes a gun.)(士兵擦拭着他的枪)Then she"ll be a true love of mine.她就会是我真正的爱人Tell her to reap it with a sickle of leather:叫她用一把皮镰收割(War bellows blazing in scarlet battalions.)(战火轰隆,猩红的枪弹在狂呼)Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme.欧芹,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香(Generals order their soldiers to kill.)(将军们命令麾下的士兵冲杀)And gather it all in a bunch of heather,将收割的石楠扎成一束(And to fight for a cause they"ve long ago forgotten.)(为一个早已遗忘的理由而战)Then she"ll be a true love of mine.她就会是我真正的爱人Are you going to Scarborough Fair:您正要去斯卡布罗集市吗?Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme.欧芹,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香Remember me to one who lives there.代我向那儿的一位姑娘问好She once was a true love of mine.她曾经是我的爱人。拓展资料:《斯卡布罗集市》原是一首古老的英国民歌,其起源可一直追溯到中世纪。它曾被英国民歌之父麦考选进他编辑的一本介绍英国民歌的书中。后来英国民歌手马汀·卡西(Martin Carthy)在原歌的基础上加进了自己的再创造,把它变成了一首爱情歌曲。西蒙在英国师从卡西那里学会了这首歌。他又再创造性地把自己写的一首反战歌曲《山坡上》(The Side Of A Hill)作为副歌和这首歌混在一起。
2023-07-28 05:59:391

enjoy能加to do (动词不定式)吗

enjoy常用作及物动词,意思是“喜欢” 、“乐于” 、“享受……的乐趣” . 现将其用法简述如下: 一、 enjoy后接名词或代词. They are enjoying their dinner. 他们在津津有味地吃饭. Do you enjoy the film? 你喜欢这部电影吗? Alice doesn"t enjoy it. 爱丽斯不喜欢它. 二、 enjoy后面可接动词的-ing形式. I enjoy listening to light music. 我喜欢听轻音乐. Do you enjoy reading? 你喜欢读书吗? He doesn"t enjoy singing. 他不喜欢唱歌. Many students enjoy asking questions in English. 许多学生喜欢用英语问问题. 三、 enjoy后面可接反身代词(oneself),构成固定搭配enjoy oneself,意为“过得愉快、玩得高兴” ,相当于have a good time. — Did you enjoy yourself at the party? 你在聚会时玩得高兴吗? — I enjoyed myself very much at the party. 我在聚会时玩得真开心. 1.enjoy后接动词时必须接动词的 -ing形式,不能接动词原形或动词不定式(to do). 他喜欢踢足球. [误] He enjoys play football. [误] He enjoys to play football. [正] He enjoys playing football. 2.enjoy后只能接表示褒义的词组. 他母亲身体不健康. [误] His mother enjoys very poor health. [正] His mother doesn"t enjoy good health.
2023-07-28 05:59:381


2023-07-28 05:59:334


dance的英语读音是[dɑu02d0ns]。一、释义1、动词:跳舞;跳(某种)舞;以跳舞表示;跳舞跳得……;跳跃,雀跃;(使)上下摆动,(使)轻快地移动;(某物)摆动,摇晃。2、名词:跳舞,舞蹈;舞步;舞蹈(艺术);舞会;舞曲;跳跃,跳动,摇晃,闪动。3、形容词:舞的,舞蹈的;用于舞蹈的。二、例句1、He"s still learning how to dance.他仍在学怎样跳舞。2、There was music and dancing till two in the morning.音乐和舞蹈一直持续到凌晨两点。3、Find a partner and practise these new dance steps.找个舞伴来练习这些新舞步。4、He dances to the finish line and still cracks the world record?他真的是跳跃着跑到终点线而且还是打破了世界纪录?
2023-07-28 05:59:311


2023-07-28 05:59:241


2023-07-28 05:59:201